/8flags/ - 8flags

8moe's funposting capital: /ck/, /k/, /vr/, /an/, /mu/, /u/, /mlp/, /fast/

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/8flags/ meta Anonymous 08/12/2024 (Mon) 20:48:50 No. 262
welcome to >>>/8flags/ this board is a hybrid of /ck/, /k/, /vr/, /an/, /mu/, /u/, /mlp/, /fast/
This board is a hybrid of /ck/, /k/, /vr/, /an/, /mu/, /u/, /mlp/, /fast/ Topics /ck/ - cooking & food related /k/ - weapons & guns /vr/ - retro games, 7th generation latest /an/ - animal threads or posts about animals /mu/ - music: any music-related threads /u/ - yuri: for posting anime girls & yuri (lesbians) /mlp/ - my little pony /fast/ - anything sonic the hedgehog You can post a thread related to these topics or make a hybrid thread or combination of these topics. Mark out in your OP any hybrid: like /vr/ + /mu/ or /u/ + /an/ + /fast/
What is /8flags/? >A hybrid board for /ck/ foodies, /k/ommandos, /vr/ retro gamers, /an/ animal lovers, /mu/ songbirds, /u/ dykes, /mlp/ bronies, /fast/ Chris Chan with Grace-chan the party princess! What is the idea of this board? The idea is to combine the smaller boards on 8moe into a larger community, whereby by crossposting on the same board /8flags/ everyone from each community will benefit from numbers & activity. The chaotic hybridization of these different boards will hopefully lead to interesting interactions. remember: this is not a /b/. post in appropriate threads & stay on topic. What is on topic? /ck/ - cooking & food related /k/ - weapons & guns /vr/ - retro games, 7th generation latest /an/ - animal threads or posts about animals /mu/ - music: any music-related threads /u/ - yuri: for posting anime girls & yuri (lesbians) /mlp/ - my little pony /fast/ - anything sonic the hedgehog As a general rule, crossposting is allowed except for threads where crossposting doesn't work you can sorta randompost if it is tangentially related to the 8 topics for example, /mlp/ bronies & /u/ dykeposters can random post with mlp-related stuff in their OP or /an/ animalposting. & certain threads will have quality control in terms of staying on topic: like sometimes /fast/ threads are strictly for sonic-related content or crossposting is allowed if it mentions sonic & is from one of the 8 communities. don't want to be too rulecucked, but obviously no /k/-tier military marches in a /fast/-/mu/ sonic thread intentionally made for sonic music. unless the thread is explicitly a hybrid thread in OP & states /fast/ + /k/, then it is permitted. ... Some threads are middle grounds where any of the 8flags topics can interact & crosspost, but generals (unless it is a hybrid general like /fast/ + /k/ or /k/ + /an/ hunting general or even a /k/ + /an/ + /mlp/ hunting general) -- the generals will have quality control.
Our board is in SETTLER MODE How should we survive as settlers of a new board? A board from scratch? A place uninhabited and outlandish, a cold frontier? ... PIONEER SURVIVAL GUIDE 1st, >Post in generals & find a way to be pre-occupied with low social interaction until new migrants come here. By dumping in a general occasionally, it gives a spark of activity once in a while and keeps everyone else motivated. 2nd, >Make a circle to meet with other 8flaggets; consider adopt for yourselves a new identity with this board. 3rd, >Assist in bringing more friends to our land. 4th, >Ponder a new board culture and names to call each other and words for things: we have /ck/, /k/, /vr/, /an/, /mu/, /u/, /mlp/, /fast/ all in one space: the potential must be there. 6th, >Contribute flags and banners. 7th, >Keep our board in a side tab while browsing other boards 8th, >read the /8flags/ meta occasionally to hear from our Glorious Leader to inspire you. Contribute to my guide if you will. This the proper mentality to live here in /8flags/ for the time being. I am determined. At least for a couple weeks to try.
I started the board all by myself. There was no migration: Do not view the emptiness of our board as a ghost town But rather it is an open and peaceful plains: an open canvas to paint. Think of yourselves as pioneers & settlers starting the foundations of a new civilization.
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If you want to post in our /mu/ generals or post /an/ animal videos, here's a tool: Youtube to MP4 conversion tools: 1. https://en.y2mate.is/v78/youtube-to-mp4.html 2. https://ytmp3.plus/mp4/ ... If your files are too big: https://www.videosmaller.com/ Go here & set Scale (reduce) video width: To Scale to 720 width this way you can find music videos and share them in mp4 format and contribute to /mu/.
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I need to get more posters for this board. With the new meta thread and an adequate number of threads, this should be a good start. I am planning another shilling campaign soon.
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/8flags/ sponsors >>>/u/ Go there for more /u/ yuri girl-on-girl centric stuff.
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Do we have any resident posters here yet?
>>289 I did dump a lot of flags the other day. Does that count?
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>>303 That counts for something, lad.
Hello, I'm just here to let you know that there is an idiot who wants to carry out a raid. Maybe nothing will happen but they kicked him out of the board/hisparefugio and now he appeared here evading the ban that the Bos surely put on him. >>453 This is the post in question.
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>>466 We'll do something about that idiot, don't you worry.
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It is surprising people still browse /8flags/. Maybe there is still hope for this place.
its 9/1
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It's sleepy time.
it's 9/11
+2 brony threads today!

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