/abdl/ - Adult Baby - Diaper Lover

For Lovers of Diapers and Ageplay!

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cyoa with ABDL/AR Themes Baby 05/28/2021 (Fri) 11:21:12 No. 3628
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The Age Regression RP Framework General Rule #1: You cannot use points to offset the effects of points. No beating up rivals with super strength; they likely have it too. If your skin is invulnerable, they'll just spank you harder. You can use your abilities to stay out of trouble, but not, in most cases, to get out of it. The point of this framework is simple: Origin stories don't matter. Genre doesn't matter. You start off at zero points. If you want power, you must suffer for it, one way or another. Enjoy. Attributes Strength/Endurance -2: You are so physically frail that you are disabled. You cannot stand up under your own weight nor lift anything heavier than a pencil or phone in one hand, and if you ever fall from any height, you're going to break your hip like an old woman. Take this in addition to disability-related Conditions. (+35) -1: You're a scrawny, weak child. You hunch under the weight of your bookbag. You bruise easily, too. (+20) 0: You're an average unathletic kid. (0) 1: You're an average athletic kid, or maybe you're just a strongfat. Either way. average school bullies don't mess with you. (-15) 2: You're about as strong as an average adult - and you still have a child's weight! You can arm-wrestle your teacher and come out even. Punches (and spanks) don't really hurt that much anymore, so your caretaker(s) may have to get creative... (-35) 3: Forget the regular teacher- you can arm wrestle your gym coach and win handily, because you are a bit stronger than an adult bodybuilder! You can tip over cars handily. Nothing short of an aluminum bat swung at your face will leave much of a mark. (-60) 4: Ever seen the cover of Action Comics #1? Yeah, that's about your limit. A 9mm might leave a bruise. (-100) Agility/Reflexes -2: Whatever the name of your condition is, your nerves don't work properly. You need heavy assistance to walk or hold anything. Take this in addition to disability-related Conditions. (+30) -1: You are completely uncoordinated, your reflexes are shit, and you can't run very fast. Hope you like the training wheels on your bike, because they're staying there. (+15) 0: Just plain average. (0) 1: Let's put it this way- you get picked early on for dodgeball. Good at video games. (-15) 2: You run a five-minute mile on your worst day, and you can likely win video game tournaments of any kind. (-35) 3: Faster than Usain Bolt. Two-minute mile. Superhuman reaction time to match. (-60) 4: It turns out that you don't actually need to be faster than bullets; you just have to be quicker than the finger that fires them. Which you are. You can run down the interstate and keep up with traffic. (If you want to keep doing that, put points in Strength/Endurance.) (-100) Intelligence -2: You can't even take -2 on this one. There's nobody home, just a drooling sack of meat. Terri Schiavo tier. -1: You're retarded. You can neither learn effectively nor use any adult memories properly. You take the short bus to class and may have additional learning disabilities (see Conditions) (+35) 0: You're an average kid, center of the bell curve. Depending on your attitude, this is either tolerable or still really stupid. (0) 1: You're a smart kid. Academic subjects are generally not a real problem for you, and your caretaker(s) may wish to place you in an advanced learning institution because of it. (-15) 2: Child prodigy. Perhaps a virtuoso, perhaps a future researcher. You're gonna go far, kid. (-40) 3: Beyond Einstein, beyond Hawking. Prodigy in any subject you want, including things like nanotechnological engineering and/or advanced magic. Ever heard of an "Erdos number"? They'll have a YOU number before long. (-80) 4: World-changing genius, almost a singularitan AI in your own right (depending on setting, you might have an actual computer brain). Similar to Dexter's Lab only not foolhardy. Lex Luthor at his most brilliant. Given time and resources, you can invent futuristic technology (or highly advanced magic, if that's your setting - or both!) all by yourself. Probably too smart to be playable without shattering whatever RP you're in. (-150) Adulthood -2: Literally a blank slate, no memories at all. Brain of a newborn baby. You can build a character with this but don't actually try to play one. (+40) -1: You don't remember anything of your adult life at all, although you retain enough basic skills to pass as a kid of the age you look like. It would be very, very easy for your caretaker(s) to say that they've always taken care of you, and you'd believe it. While you get points for this, it might be more of a blessing than a curse. (+15) 0: You remember that you were an adult, and you remember some things about your adult life, but you have the mind of a child. (0) 1: You remember considerably more about your adult life. You could drive a car if they let you take the test. (-10) 2: Adult in a child's body, straight-up. While you spend points for this, it might be more of a curse than a blessing. (-20) 3: Your adult self and child self are fully integrated, and you grasp related social situations intuitively, able to switch attitudes and personalities fluidly. If you have extremely disciplinarian parents, you might need this one just to deal with them... (-30) Conditions Diapers (Here we go, what you've all been waiting for!) 1: You wet the bed a little. Maybe not every night, but you need protection. Hope your sleepover friends are understanding. During the day, you're fine. (+5) 2: No control of bladder at night, and problems during the day. When you gotta go, you gotta go. Pull-ups recommended. (+10) 3: No control of bladder nor bowel at night. No control of bladder during the day, but you can usually stop yourself from having a bowel movement in your pants. (+15)
[Expand Post]4: Absolutely no control at all. Constant dribbling, and you're probably wearing thick, chemically treated diapers to hide the smell. (+20) 5: You cannot control when you hold nor loose it. You might hold it in without knowing it all day, then completely flood your diapers- bladder and bowel!- at any moment! Therefore, your diapers are very thick to prevent leaks. Everyone will know, no matter what you're wearing. Aww. Poor baby. (+25) Pacifier 1: Maybe you grind your teeth at night, or maybe you just need it for comfort. Either way, you suckle on a pacifier at night. Awww. You're cute like that, really. (+5) 2: It's tough to not suck your thumb at school, but you can manage it. You're way happier with a pacifier, though. (+15) 3: You need to be suckling on something all the time, and your pacifier is probably strapped to your chest. The only time you take it out is to eat or drink. Your teachers understand. Well, probably. (+25) Crybaby 1: No matter how smart you are or how much you remember of your adult life, you just can't stop yourself from sniffling when bad stuff happens. Those aren't tears, really! You just need to blow your nose! (+10) 2: Getting a grade one letter lower than you'd hoped might cause sniffling. Got a splinter? Misplaced your Switch for more than a couple of minutes? That stuff will have you crying in your mom's arms. (+20) 3: You sniffle when you get your feelings hurt at the smallest insult. You cry when you lose a game (it might hurt a little less if it's your best friend, though). Anything more than that and you throw a full-blown tantrum, and what's worse, all your enemies know it (although they might not want to provoke you if you have super strength or something like that). (+30)
Autism 1: You're bad with people. You forget names and faces easily, fail to grasp social cues, and generally act like an aspie. You know it's a problem, though, and your best friends understand you. (+10) 2: You find your fantasies comforting and hate facing the outside world in general. People are generally a mystery to you, although you might still have friends you can (barely) relate to. (+25) 3: Chris-chan tier. You cannot relate to people at all. You cannot have friends (bought with points or otherwise). You have serious problems discerning fantasy from reality. God help you, or, if you're taking this to buy superpowers, God help the world. (+40) Eyes -3: Whether your eyes are technologically or magically enhanced, you can read a book from across a football field. (-40) -2: You are eagle eyed, able to easily see small objects at long range. (If you want to take this and also get points for needing glasses for close-in work, you can.) (-20) -1: Your vision is very good, and you tend to spot things others don't. (-5) 1: Presbyopia or myopia, either way, you need glasses or contacts, although you can mostly get by without them. Too bad they can't do laser surgery on kids. (+5) 2: You've got a pretty heavy prescription. +-8 diopters or worse. (+10) 3: Not only is your prescription hideous, you also have a host of other problems that make your vision seriously bad even with corrective gear. You'll be sitting at the front of the class, and your books will be large print. (+30) 4: You are blind. Actually, completely, irrevocably, unfixably blind. (+70) Ears -3: Dogs have nothing on you. Whether it's your parents whispering in their car while you're at home or the movie in the other theater next door, you will hear it. This is a double-edged sword, as your ears are quite sensitive, and you often hear too much to make sense out of everything. Never attend a rock concert! (-30) -2: Your sister in the next room might think her headphones are just for her, but you clearly hear her boyfriend talking to her anyway. (Out-and-out blackmail is normally ill-advised, but perhaps you can keep her secrets if she keeps yours...) (-20) -1: You have notably good hearing and tend to hear things others don't. (-5) 1: Your hearing sucks. You can probably get by without one, but it's a good thing they make such small hearing aids these days. Hopefully you or your caretaker(s) can afford one. (+5) 2: Your hearing really sucks. You'll need that hearing aid if you don't want people shouting at you. (+10) 3: Not only do you need a hearing aid, you cannot hear a lot of high or low frequencies at all, and you need to listen carefully to hear anything. In a noisy room? Forget it. (+25) 4: Let's hope your friends can learn ASL. (+40) Additional (Non-tiered) You're immune to all disease, from the common cold to the tender mercies of Corona-chan. (-25) You stutter, and more so when you're stressed. (+5) What kind of asshole put the "s" sound in the word "lisp"? Because that's what you do. Don't combine this with stuttering, or you'll be close to unintelligible. (+5) Despite your Agility score, you're just not very good with your fingers. Your handwriting is bad, you suffer at using devices, your typing sucks. You can probably throw a baseball okay, though. (+15) No matter how tough you are physically, your skin is very sensitive to pain. Taking this and Crybaby will make for some very interesting times. (+10) You have seasonal allergies. A few weeks out of the year, you're either on powerful antihistamines or you're suffering horribly. (+5) You have food allergies. Eating the wrong thing can kill you. (+5) For whatever reason, you simply cannot walk at all. If you have high Agility you might simply not have legs. (+25) For whatever reason, your arms (and wrists, and fingers) simply don't work. (+40) You either babble unintelligibly or are completely mute. (+15)
Superpowers (Of course the cheapest they get is 50 points! What were you expecting?! Also note that these refer to superpowers that most people don't have; if your RP is in birdman land or Gensokyo, for example, you can get them for free if everybody else has them.) Flight 1: You can naturally glide on air currents, although you can't take off from flat ground unless it's particularly windy. Your commute home from school may involve jumping off the roof. Don't try to carry anything heavier than an average bookbag, though. (-50) 2: Those wings on your back? Yeah, you're actually Mommy's little angel (or, perhaps, demon). Good Agility helps. Strength might help to carry things/friends. (-90) 3: No need for wings. Gravity just works on you the way you want it to (or not at all). Depending on how your powers work, you'll need Intelligence or Strength to carry things/friends with you. (-120) Telekinesis 1: Throw rocks at bullies with the power of your mind. Most of them will hit (your fine control is not that great). (-60) 2: Throw bullies at rocks with the power of your mind, and all of them will hit. Or just give them invisible wedgies, because your fine control is that great. (-100) 3: Do you want to lockpick that safe with your mind, or do you just want to rip it open? Your choice. (-150) Obfuscation 1: You just tend to go unnoticed whenever you want. It won't get you into a well-guarded area, but it might let you sneak home after dark and tell your mom you've been home for a while. (-50) 2: Dogs likely won't bark at you if you don't want them to. Most security cameras generally just don't pick you up. You blend in unless someone is actively looking for you- and even then, they probably won't find you. (-80) 3: Actual, full-bore invisibility, unhearability, unsmellability. Motion detectors, laser tripwires, dogs all fail. Specialized things like pressure plates might still work. (-110) Teleportation 1: You have a recall point (probably your home) that you can get to instantly, once every day, so there's no excuse for you not being home on time, is there? If your friends are willing to hug you, they can come too. (-70) 2: If you've been there before, you can be there again. Five times a day. (-135) 3: You know what? Fine. You're a fucking Jumper. Given how much this costs, your caretakers are probably viciously insane psychopaths (and can still. somehow, punish you), you probably have multiple people who hate you (and can still hurt you), and you're probably a drooling, uncoordinated weakling permanently in diapers, but hey, you can teleport anywhere you want, as often as you want. (-200) Regeneration 1: Even if you lost your legs, they'll grow back like new in a month, tops. (-50) 2: Make that a week. (-65) 3: WOAH! MAN, I THOUGHT THE MARVEL UNIVERSE WAS WEIRD! HOW DID I GET INTO THIS AGE REGRESSION RP?! LET ME OUT! (-80) Energy Emission 1: "Dude. It's so cool that you can start a fire like that. Can you charge my laptop?" (-50) 2: "Dude! THAT is how you light a campfire! All at once!" (-90) 3: "DUDE! That's a REAL lightning bolt! I was twenty feet away, I hope my phone still works!" (-130) Telepathy 1: You have to take tests without any other students sitting next to you, because otherwise you'll just pluck their surface-level answer choices out of their heads. (-50) 2: You have to take tests without the teacher in the room, because otherwise you'll just pluck the mostly buried relevant knowledge out of her head. (-80) 3. "Help me out, I totally forgot the name of this obscure chemical I learned about last year!" "You mean this?" "How'd you know?" "You knew. You just forgot you knew." (-120)
Lifestyle Family Wealth -2: You and your caretaker(s), if any, are literally homeless and you're straight out of a Charles Dickens novel. Child Protective Services will not save you. This is probably going to conflict with other options on this list. (+20) -1: Maybe your parents move frequently between cheap apartments, maybe you're in a government barracks, or maybe you just live in the shitty part of town (although this might be good for a budding superhero). You're likely to share space with siblings and possibly parents. Basically, your living accomodations suck balls. (+10) 0: You have your own room and some of your own stuff, whether that's plush toys or last generation's video games. (0) 1: You have your own spacious room and access to considerably better stuff. FAO Schwarz, a decent video card, whatever. (-10) 2: Congratulations; you're officially rich. Or your caretaker(s) are, anyway. Enjoy opulence. (-25) 3: Your family has access to resources that don't exist for lesser mortals; you can ask your AI to make you something, your uncle owns the toy company, your dad really is the lead designer at Nintendo, whatever. Money is its own superpower. Just ask Batman. (-50) Personal Wealth (Assuming caretakers exist) -1: You are not allowed to have any personal belongings. What you are allowed to use actually belongs to your caretakers (depending on who they are, this might not be as bad as it sounds). (+10) 0: Your parents sometimes buy you stuff, for Christmas, your birthday (which may have the same number of candles every year...), whatever. You don't have a lot of things that you own. (0) 1: Your parents give you a nice allowance. That decent computer isn't shared; you picked it out yourself and it sits in your room. (-10) 2: However much your life might suck in other ways, you have your own really high-end stuff to play with- assuming your family can afford it. (-20) 3: You have nearly total access to your family's wealth, resources, and power. You may even be required to regularly make use of this ability as part of your education. Use it, but don't abuse it too much, or it'll be taken away! (-30)
School No school: As a rejuvenated adult, you don't necessarily need to go to school. (0) Homeschool: Your parents teach you at home. Difficulty: From 1 to 4, depending on the caretaker and your intelligence. The smarter you are, the more demanding it'll be, or it's not really school, is it? (0) Retard School: Either special classes or a retard school for retards because you're retarded, you retard. Must have Intelligence of -1. Difficulty: 0. Your caretaker(s) won't care about your "grades" (the ones that would care wouldn't adopt some retard like you). (0) Daycare: It's like school, only they don't pretend to teach you anything. No matter how smart you are, you and all your friends will be treated just like little kids, all day every day. Admit it, this is exactly what you wanted, isn't it? (+10) Ordinary School: Whether it's entirely for rejuvenated adults or mostly for ordinary kids, it's elementary school just the way you remember it. Min/max Intelligence: 0/2. Smarter kids go to different places. Difficulty: 1. (+5) Rejuvenated School: This one is just for rejuvenated adults who (mostly) act like adults. The subject matter is tougher, although it's run more like a college than an elementary school. You can and will get flunked out if you screw up, but in general, it's nicer to be there because everyone understands what's going on. Min Intelligence 0, min Adulthood 2. Difficulty: 2. (-5) Extraordinary School (Chuck Xavier's House of Weirdoes): You're not the only one who got incredible abilities from being rejuvenated. Min Intelligence of 0, but at least one of Str/Agi/Int must be 3 OR you must have a defined Superpower. Difficulty: 2. It's an enjoyable place to be. (-10) Military School: This may or may not be an actual boarding school and is not likely to be run by the actual military, but either way, it's seriously tough. Min/max Intelligence: 0/2. Difficulty: 3. (+10) Extraordinary Military School: This one actually is run by the government, and not the Department of Education, either. If you're super smart, they will demand that you use it. Requirements: Same as Extraordinary School. This is not an enjoyable place to be. [Hope you're ready to RP some serious shit. Seriously, you don't want this.] Difficulty: 4. (+20) How to Get Points From Punishment (Warning: Math. Slow down. Don't freak out. You can do it.) Strictness tiers have Strictness Points, not regular points. Punishment tiers have Punishment Points, not regular points. Each Strictness routine may be assigned punishments worth up to twice the strictness tier (not strictness points, tier) in punishment points. (Each Strictness may only have a maximum of two punishments.) Then, multiply strictness points times punishment points times the caretaker multiplier to get the final number of points. Yes, this does mean that if you are severely punished by a complete sadist for getting a B in a hellish military school, you can earn a whopping 120 points just from that. You are still being severely punished by a complete sadist for getting a B in a hellish military school. Don't game the system too much, or nobody will want to play with you. Note that only things that you can realistically violate are punishable. For example, if you find rejuvenated school super easy (Int 2, secret telepathy), it's cheesy to max out punishments on Tier 3 Grades.
Strictness Routine 0: You have no curfew, dinner time, etc; your caretaker(s) actively help you stay out of trouble for being out late. (0) 1: You're a kid. Be home before 9, honey, or expect punishment when you get home. (1) 2: Start your homework as soon as you get home, be home for dinner, and be in bed by 8:30, but you've still got the weekends and holidays mostly to yourself. (2) 3: You can never get more than a few hours to yourself, because you have to be attending church, doing some regular activity with your parents, whatever. (4) 4: Your life is on a rigid schedule. You have effectively no self-determination over your life. Your caretaker(s) bathe you, feed you meals of their choosing, and put you to bed. Naptime may or may not be involved. You have specified times to do homework, engage in hobbies, play games, etc. If your friends want to come over or if you have a project to do, it goes on the schedule. Small violations result in big punishments. (6) Meddlesomeness 0: Your parents respect you as a (former) adult, and no matter how strict your routine might be, there are times at which they leave you alone to play and be with friends. (0) 1: You can expect your parents to ask how you're doing, check up on you, tell you to call them at certain times if you're out and about, etc. Usual kid stuff. (1) 2: Your parents pretty much know where you are and what you're doing at all times, although they're generally nice enough not to get involved. If you're doing something they don't know about, expect punishment. (2) 3: Your parents are monitoring your activities and are involved in your social life. Even if you're a superhero, Mom will ask, or find out, what you've been doing all day, who you've been hanging out with, how many bad guys you caught, et cetera. In front of your friends, too. Be honest and don't complain, or it's punishment time. (3) 4: You have no privacy at all. A caretaker or other adult is always watching you through technological or magical means, regularly offering (probably unwanted) help, meddling in your social life constantly, possibly following you in person wherever you go, you name it. Helicopter to the max. Don't say you don't want it or try (or appear to try) to get away from it, or your parents will be offended and you'll be punished. (6) Clothes 0: You have your choice of whatever clothes you want. Depending on wealth, you can be more or less guaranteed to be the most awesome-looking kid in your peer group if you so choose. (0) 1: It's hard to find the clothes you really want, or maybe your parents won't let you wear them, but you look like an average kid. Buy anything else, particularly if it makes you look too adult, and your parents won't like it. (1) 2: God, why did your caretaker pick this stuff? It's hard to find anything in your closet that isn't too childish, ill-fitting, or just plain lame. You look like a dork no matter what. Try to wear anything else and you'll be punished for not appreciating your parents. (2) 3: Not only are your clothes childish and embarrassing, your caretaker dresses you in them, and you're basically guaranteed to look like a total retard. Your parents will be very displeased if you wear anything else or if your clothes are even slightly damaged, too. (3) 4: Your caretaker dresses you in clothes that you didn't even think existed. Be prepared for cute dresses, Fauntleroy outfits, pink ribbons, and lots of bows, even if you're a boy - especially if you're a boy. Can you fly? Be prepared for everyone on the ground to get a good look at your cute ruffled diapers, sweetie! If your clothes are ever soiled, expect punishment. (5) 5: Except for gym class or some other pre-approved activity, your super-cute clothes interfere with your movement. Your caretaker will dress you in thick mittens, slippery booties, awkward heels, waddle diapers, a very conservative dress for a proper young lady with a tight underskirt and that doesn't let you raise your arms much, anything in that category. If you have powers of any kind, you'll probably also have something to turn them off most of the time, even if everybody else in your world can use them freely. Get used to it, sissy, and you better not ever get your clothes dirty or even out of place! (7)
School (These values are modified by your school's difficulty.) 0: Your parents are not strict in the slightest about your grades. They might even help you cheat. More likely, you don't go to school. (0) 1: If you're failing school, expect punishment. (1 x Difficulty) 2: Your parents make sure you're doing your homework, attend PTA meetings, and generally make sure you're getting decent grades. (1.5 x Difficulty, round up) 3: If your GPA isn't at least 3, you will get punished. (2 x Difficulty, round up) 4: "You got a B?! B is for BUM!" Additionally, your parents are extremely involved with the school and expect you to participate in difficult extracurricular activities. (Hope you bought lots of Intelligence, kiddo.) (2.5 x Difficulty, round up) Behavior 0: Your parents understand that you're an adult in a kid's body and don't care if you use bad words, etc. Yeah, this is the 0-point level, but still, don't get really excessive about it. (0) 1: You're a kid, so some talkback, naughtiness, etc is expected. Step out of line too far, though, and it's punishment time. (1) 2: Your parents are strict about this. The occasional light swear may be permitted, but you can't ever get extremely angry or say anything obscene, or you'll be punished. (2) 3: You're expected to act and talk like a dutiful, obedient child at all times. No bad words, and you cannot even say anything truly mean to anyone, regardless of circumstances. Expect to say "sir" and "ma'am" a lot. You wish to be a superhero from the comic books? Granted! Your speech is now tightly regulated by the Comics Code Authority. (4) 4: Your caretaker(s) require you to talk and act in a very affected, specific way that makes you stand out among your friends. You may have to talk with a lisp, curtsey to guests, act completely subservient to anyone older than you, or engage in some other demeaning, childish ritual that they think makes you look cute. (6) Chores 0: Other than schoolwork, you are not expected to do any work of any kind. Yay! (0) 1: Make your own bed, clean your own room, maybe do the dishes once in a while, usual kid stuff. (1) 2: Set the table, do the laundry, do the dishes and put them away, "oh and can you help me with..." Expect interruptions of personal time. (3) 3: You are the family servant. Your caretaker(s) and other family members don't do housework anymore. That's why they have you. Better not mess up! Combined with a rigid schedule, you are likely to be forced into no-win situations. (5) 4: You are everybody's slave. Your caretaker(s) can (and will) hire you out and possibly keep the money. Maybe you'll even have to clean your worst enemy's room for him while he watches. (7)
Punishments Diapers (It's what you're here for, so let's just get it out of the way first, shall we? Note that thinner diapers than the ones you usually wear aren't a punishment.) [Not that they're really a punishment for you, are they?] 1: You're forced into diapers at home for a few days. You're not expected to wear them to school. (0.5) 2: You're forced into diapers for a few days, and you ARE expected to wear them to school, and they DO crinkle. You're not expected to use them, though. (1) 3: You're forced into diapers for a week, and you WILL use them. (2) 4: Two weeks, and they're extra thick and show through your clothes. Hope you like waddling down the halls, sweetie. (If you're always dressed like this, that's a stricture, not a punishment.) (3) 5: A month, and when you're at home, you're forced into giant, super-thick diapers that you can barely even move in. You may need to be potty-retrained after this. You can still invite your friends over to play, though. (4) Lecture 1: A good old-fashioned, humilating, hour-long lecture. (0.5) Mouthsoaping 1: It's humiliating and tastes bad, but at least it's mercifully brief. (0.5) Spanking 1: A mercifully brief but painful spanking (with whatever causes you pain). Just the one. (0.5) 2: An unmercifully prolonged spanking that will leave you aching for hours. Prepare to cry a lot. (1) 3: Repeated, scheduled sessions of unmercifully prolonged spankings every day for a week. (2) 4: Spanked in the morning. Spanked when you come home from school. Spanked before bed. Unmerciful. For a week. (3) 5: Just plain beaten on a semi-regular basis for a month. No permanent damage, and not in the face. (If you regenerate, and your parents know it, however...) (5) Grounding 1: No computer or video games for three days. You and your friends can find something else to do. (0.5) 2: No computer, TV, video games, or time with friends for three days. Don't complain or it'll only get longer. (1) 3: For a week, and you also have to write "I will be a good child" fifty times every day. In cursive. (2) 4: Go stand in the corner, and stay there. This is what you'll be doing every day once your homework's done until it's time to go to bed. For two weeks. Better hope you actually have school, kid. (4) 5: For a month. Oh, don't be sad, sweetie. Your friends can come over and talk to you, you're just not allowed to look at or say anything to them. Actually, anybody can come over and see you. Especially all those nice kids you called your "enemies". (6) Public Humiliation 1: You are put in a harness and walked around the block carrying a sign saying "I am a naughty child". Hopefully nobody with a grudge sees you or this is going straight on Instragram (or, worse, 8kun). (1) 2: Six blocks, and naked except for a diaper. (1.5) 3: Paraded around town in a stroller and wearing the most ridiculous thing your caretaker(s) can find. Every day for a week. (2.5) 4: This is how you go to school for two weeks: Wearing the frilliest things your caretaker(s) can find, including a bonnet, mittens, and a diaper-revealing dress, you are sat in a carseat, and the car is parked three blocks away from the school. Then your carseat is put into your stroller and you are walked, slowly, to the school entrance, just as all the other kids arrive. Your caretaker answers all questions for you (in the most possibly humiliating ways), as you can't spit your pacifier out. If you don't attend school, don't worry- your caretaker(s) will think of something. (4) 5: There is no 5 for this one. Everyone's gotten too used to it. Rape You know what? I'm not even writing this one. Make it up yourself, you sicko.
Caretakers (One main caretaker per punishment. Select up to two main caretakers in total.) Uncaring Bureaucrat: It's not that he doesn't care, it's... okay, he doesn't care. It's his job to take care of you, though, but that's all he does. Your routines and punishments are likely to be directives that he follows, and he doesn't like his job very much. Pretend that you're going along with everything, don't make waves, don't make his job harder than it has to be, and you'll be fine. (0) (0.4x Multiplier) Uncaring Parent: Well, let's look on the bright side: Alcoholic Loser Dad probably won't notice if you have a hidden stash of unapproved clothes he doesn't know about. The downsides, however, ought to be obvious. He will be capricious, very angry at you for small childish things (if you took the wrong Conditions, you're in for a ride), and generally an asshole. "DID I HEAR YOU SAY ASSHOLE?! OVER MY KNEE, BOY!!!" You don't want to be at home a lot with this guy. (+10) (0.6x Multiplier) Caring Parent: A kind and loving Mommy or Daddy who will hug you, tuck you in, kiss you goodnight, and spank you if you're bad (although they're probably just human and can be worked around sometimes). It's best to have two of these, really, although they might demand different things... (-8) (0.7x Multiplier) Mentor: If you're Superkid (or magic kid), you probably get Superdad (or magic dad). The downside is that this parent is very strict. The bright side is that this parent understands you, has things in common with you, and genuinely loves you. (-10) (.9x Multiplier) Apotheotic Entity: Whether it's a godlike AI, an actual sephirotic angel, or any other superhuman force, this thing is determined to take care of you. And it does so, very well; it knows what you need, child, and gives it to you freely. It has utterly limitless patience, goes out of its way to protect you from harm, and administers punishment fairly and to the letter. It is likely to always be watching (no Meddlesomeness stricture, as you cannot escape it) and might have odd strictnesses and punishments; you will understand what it wants but probably not why it wants it. You cannot select any enemy or situation that would actually be able to hurt you. (-20) (1x Multiplier) Caring Dysfunctional Parent: This person actually does care about you but has mental problems. Expect the unexpected- random punishment and apology ("I am so sorry I hurt you") is the normal way of things. Worse than Uncaring Parent in that it's much, much harder to get by day to day. (+15) (1.2x Multiplier) Complete Sadist: Parent, caretaker, dormitory supervisor, legal guardian - it doesn't really matter what he calls himself, does it? This person wants to hurt you and will do so given a good reason - or no reason at all, really. [Since by the rules you're not allowed to just kill him with a power or something, you probably shouldn't pick this.] (+20) (1.5x Multiplier) Telepathic Sadist: Mommy knows where you are. Mommy knows what you're thinking. Punishment is how Mommy shows that she loves you. You better love Mommy back, or she'll just have to show you more of her love. No, you can't go to school, because then you'd be away from Mommy. No, your friends can't come over, Mommy doesn't know them. [Don't pick this unless it's your fetish or something. Seriously.] (+25) (1.8x Multiplier)
Sub-caretakers (Pick up to three.) Loving Older Sibling: Cares about you, although might not have a lot of time for you. Might be assigned to take care of you and generally won't tattle on you unless you do something really stupid (a winning combination). (-10) Neutral Older Sibling: Just stay out of his way, okay? He's busy with older-kid stuff and has no time for your rejuvenated-adult shenanigans. Might be assigned to take care of you and will tattle if he sees anything amiss, but isn't going out of his way to find it. (0) Hating Older Sibling: Extremely annoyed that some rejuvenated brat has gotten into his house and is looking for revenge. Might engage in a little bit of humiliation and blackmail [but that's what you're here for, isn't it?] (+10) Babysitter: Maybe she thinks you're a real kid, or maybe she knows better. Anyway, she has a job to do, so you better just do what you're told, you little brat. (+5) Family Servant: Robot maids, elegant butlers, and men-at-arms in the service of Her Majesty Your Mother the Queen all fall into this category. They will probably have a soft spot for you and are likely to be very kind to a little angel. They are also very loyal to your caretaker(s). Being bratty to them might or might not get you what you want in the short term. (-5) [If you have NO caretakers and just want a servant, make that -10.] Friends/Enemies (Non-identical twin siblings can be Neutral, costing no points, as long as they are equally likely to help you as get you in trouble. RP, after all, is free.) Good Identical Twin: A completely identical twin (same abilities, same conditions) who goes through the same strictures, punishments, and everything else that you do. No matter what, the two of you are never far apart. Your parents are likely to dress you in matching clothes, but it's worth it. (-20) Evil Identical Twin: (Maximum of one. Two would actually kill you.) A completely identical twin, except that he suffers fewer conditions and fewer punishments, is the favorite of the family, and hates you a lot. This is your nemesis, and his favorite source of fun is finding ways to hurt you. [Another "don't get this, seriously, unless it's your fetish"] (+25 + 0.2x (Total Strictness x Punishment)) Good Fraternal Twin: The same age as you. The two of you care for each other quite a lot and tend to complement each other; he might be fast where you are strong, she might be cautious where you are gung-ho, et cetera. (-15) Evil Fraternal Twin: (Either one of these or an Evil Identical Twin. Again, two would actually kill you.) The same age as you, shares nothing in common with you, greatly favored by your caretaker(s), and hates you. A lot. [Don't do it! Seriously!] (+20 + 0.15x (Total Strictness x Punishment)) Good Little Sibling: Very nice to you and will not tattle unless you do something mean specifically to him (don't, you spent points getting him after all). Is probably an actual child, though, and can be expected to behave like one. Considers himself your sidekick, whether or not you actually have powers. Can be annoying, of course. (-5) Evil Little Sibling: (Maximum of three, and three will be raw hell.) 100% brat. Tattles all the time, whether you did anything wrong or not! On the bright side, your caretaker(s) will probably ignore his shenanigans after the first couple of times. Easy to distract and does not actually hate you, although it's hard to tell sometimes. (+5) Best Friend: Every kid's dream. Shares your interests, cares about you, may have similar Conditions, complements you well. Similar to a Good Fraternal Twin, except he doesn't live with you (but might want to). (-10) Worst Enemy: (Maximum of one. There can only ever be one.) You don't know what it is, but this kid loves picking on you to the exclusion of all others. (Is it the lisping? The crying? The diapers, maybe?) Harasses you at school. May even attempt to get you in trouble at home. Will attack your friends as well. (+10) Friend: An actual friend, someone you invite to your parties and play games with from time to time. (Acquaintances are free.) Probably won't help you with serious stuff unless you make it worth her while. (-3) Enemy (maximum of three): Bullies, jerks, general dickwads. They're not serious about it, and it never goes past social settings like school. (+3) Final Notes Remember, this is a CYOA, a blueprint for RP. You can probably metagame the hell out of it if you really want to (or just pile on punishments if that's your thing). For some insane reason, I've been up all night writing this madness just to get it out of my head. I have no idea what will happen if you actually run an RP with it.
Blue Moon Inn Mother's Blessings
>>3638 Damn, haven't seen this one in years. I wonder if anyone has made anymore builds with it.
>>3658 No, I (the one who posted it) am the only one who's ever done so. In retrospect, it's not just complicated, it's way too tough. I wanted to make a system that was really hard to game, but that's just meant that no one actually wants to play with it. So, two adjustments: You start with a full 50 points. Punishment benefits are doubled.
>>3658 >>3731 I actually have an idle scenario concocted from the original rules. While it is generally stingy with points, there were a couple areas that were easy to gouge for extras (as mentioned by the text itself). It's probably more difficult if you're aiming for powers that are of practical use. The sheer variety is rather interesting, at least when compared to normal CYOAs with genre-limited choices. I did ultimately end up with some weird results, but some of the post-hoc rationalizations were interesting.
>>3731 I never played it because I thought it was just a text version of an existing CYOA. I also would never use a CYOA as an RP framework. But hey, if it will make you feel better I'll do a build. >Name: An Actual Infant >Basically an attempt to simulate being "locked in" as a 1 year old baby of a rich family -2 Strength (+35), -2 Agility (+30), -1 Intelligence (+35), Adult In Child's Body (-20) No control (+20), always paci (+25), tantrums (+30), Chris-chan autism (+40), myopia (+5), notably good hearing (-5) Babble (+15), can't walk (+25), food allergies (+5), sensitive to pain (+10), bad fingers (+15) Rich family (-25), no personal belongings (+10) Homeschool (0) Strictness Total: 15 Life on a rigid schedule (6), No privacy at all (6), Childish clothes (3), No school (0), No behavior requirements (0), No chores (0) Punishment total: 1 Light grounding and small spanking Caring Mommy (-8) 0.7 x 15 = +10.5 (rounding down to 10) Babysitter +5 Bureaucrat daddy (0) 51 family servants (-255) Leftover points: 2
Don't quite know what possessed me to make this, but if you're going to get babied you might as well make it esoteric I suppose. Build: “Childhood's End, but cringe-worthy” Attributes: Strength: -1 Intelligence: +1 Adulthood: 0 Conditions: Diapers: 4 Pacifier: 1 Crybaby: 1 Powers: Telepathy Lifestyle: Family Wealth: 0 Personal Wealth: 0 School: Ordinary School Strictures: Routine:2 Behavior: 2 Clothes: 1 Punishments: Diapers: 5 Grounding: 2 Public Humiliation: 1 Caretakers: Apotheotic Entity (Supernatural Being “Angel”) Family Servant (Psionic Robot)
Ah, I remember a modification I'd made to the original: In lieu of punishment, it might be impossible to disobey some strictures. I forgot what multiplier I gave it, let's just say 2. Let's try on the more reasonable mode (+50) and see what we can come up with. You're still not sure if you should have accepted the Guardian's (-20) deal. It turned you into an actual magical girl, and not the secret kind, either. You know you were an adult at some point, but tossing all that away was the price of the deal (+15). The thick diapers (+20) you constantly wear under your magical girl dresses would be humiliating... if anyone dared to try. They all know who and what you are. You go to school (+5), and you know for a fact that the Guardian is manipulating that school's administration and teachers, making it a much better place... well, for certain values of better. If you perform anything under your best - and it knows what that is - you can expect a series of long, strong spankings (2.5 x 2 x 2 = 10) directly on your magically sensitive skin (+10). You have to talk like a magical girl should, politely and respectfully, even to the villains you must fight (6 x 2 x 2 = 24). Everything you wear becomes a magical girl version of itself (5 x 2 x 2 = 20). And it's watching you, it's always with you, and breaking the (fortunately not totalitarian) routine it's set for you is simply impossible (2 x 2 x 2 = 8). This includes taking care of your own house; the Guardian is non-physical and you're the only human resident. (splitting the difference, 2 x 2 x 2 = 8) (Subtotal: 150!) The upsides to all this? Your agility is great (-15). Your intelligence is boosted (-15). Your eyes (-5) and ears (-5) are far better than they were when you were an adult. The Guardian has consulted with you on what you'd like to have in your home (-10). Your best friend (-10) is also a magical girl, and she comes over to play regularly. Your worst memory? Oh man. That one's a doozy. See... the Guardian sometimes jumps in when it's hero time, forcing you to do things you'd really rather not do. This one wasn't like the weird, almost performative battles you get into sometimes, where the vague remnants of your adulthood are telling you that someone with a gun would just settle it quickly (but somehow that just never happens). No, this one... this one was a little more real, for lack of a better term. You were walking home alone, as you do, your magical dress fluttering and your diaper crinkling. A man pulled up next to you, and apparently he didn't recognize you or thought you were just a cosplayer or something. You KNEW this guy was a dangerous pedophile. Everything about him screamed 'this man is a dangerous pedophile'. So it was to your utter surprise when the Guardian started giving you direct orders: Accept his offer. "Thank you very much for giving me a ride, sir!" Pretend not to notice he's not taking you home. "I just need to stop in my house real quick, oh hey, do you want some candy?" Graciously accept. "I would love some candy! Thank you, sir!" Of course, once you were inside the door, he grabbed your arm and reached for a pair of handcuffs, and you were absolutely relieved when the command finally came: Kill him. Your Love Beam (-90) blew out the other side of his skull, spraying the walls with wet brain matter. You'd always known it could do something like that, that the directed energy you were throwing around was actually dangerous if you let it be, but you'd never actually done a thing like that, never seen it done. It was... unwholesome. But then again, so was he. Of course, like a good little magical girl, you pulled out your magic phone and called the cops, who found answers to their questions about what had happened to three other girls before the killer pedo had made his fatal mistake, and one of them drove you home. (Detain you? A chosen of a Guardian? Hahaha no.)
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Here's some others I have. The first is pretty meh but the second could be good if you find you're more into a "punishment" idea. I have some others that are tangentially related or have a handful of options related to abdl but theyre nothing groundbreaking. Youthful Magic was always my favorite, wish that person made more. Havent payed attention to CYAOs till recently so I never saw Omorashi Curse or the Framework before, both look cool
>>4274 Rolling
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great these CYOA, love it, are there any more? can we revive this little thread? I try to relaunch it with this file
>>3628 bump, i love CYOA stuff
>>3628 Teen +1 constant +7 incontinent +4 Extra thick +1 babble +2 Constant paci +2 cute face +1 Cute clothes +1 VDL +1 Unknowing +1 No self change +1 Powder smell+1 Stuffy+1 baby food only +2 Bottle +1 no self feed +1 Cuddle slut +1 Kawaii +1 Total: 30 Powers Diaper rash immunity -1 Unaging -1 Gender flip -1 Honest wage -1 Supplies -1 Sexy diapers -1 Differnt path -1 Physique -1 regress -2 Stronk -1 Puppy dog eyes -1 untraining -2 Comfy -1 Peekaboo-1 Fantasy look -1 A baby world -13
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>>7495 damn, i probably could have afforded the VDL and no self feeding, plus geting the unaging and immunity stuff as well lol. I mostly picked my choices out of the idea that I don't really need to work (why I chose the wage and income options, with the unlimited supplies), and have a nice gf and partner to basically be my "mommy", for the most part.
>>7491 It's probably too late, but this is my thing written down and updated: Young adult +1 Inctontinent piss +2 Urgent bowels +1 Extra thick +1 Pacifier +1 Cute face +1 Cute clothes +1 VDL +1 No self change +1 Stuffy +1 Bottle/breast milk +1 Crybaby +1 Cuddleslut +1 Kawaii +1 = 24 free points! diaper rash immunity -1 unaging -1 Gender flip -1 Wealth -1 Honest wage -1 Supplies -1 Twoo wuv -1 Makeover -1 24-16=8 points remaining!
There used to be a lot more of these that I had saved till my harddrive failed with no backups. I remember there being an attempt of making our own. Anyone have the julay stuff saved?
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>>7627 Didn't see Page 1/7, so I found it
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>>7635 Found page 7 for you - no diaper content though
Tahnks you/merci
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Anyone in a creative mood for designing our own? Any particular theme? Something autistic based off the Tarrant Thread or Grace themed?
>>8494 I'd be down for helping a bit with one, especially if it's somehow Tarrant or Grace-themed, but I'm not sure how much of a help I can be when it comes to designing the board or getting pictures for it
>>8520 Need to gather a lot of pictures of Grace for starters. Maybe of Aurelia and Integralist as well. Anyone got an archive?
>>8685 Here's basically every Integralist that exists: https://16chan.xyz/fascist/res/9197.html I don't really know how this whole thing works but I could always make edits and stuff.
>>8693 Thats pretty neat. Just wondering what happened to all the existing board-tan edits though?
>>8716 Most of them are in here >>80
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So tossing around an idea for a Grace abdl themed cyoa. How about an escape from Graces dungeons? Have to escape or not from Graces Dungeons while having encounters with the Ara Patrols and other characters who may aid or hinder you?
>>9010 dont know graces dungeon, care to explain?
>>9010 I love the idea of an ABDL escape/adventure CYOA. Any idea how you'd build it?
>>4274 rollingggg
>>9278 Only thing I can think of is a sort of DnD style mini campaign where you have several choices are rolling opportunities that determine your fate. Just means there would need to be several paths thought out and some artwork ninja'ing
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Found one last cyoa based around designing a caregiver and your life with them. It's more focused on the sexual side of things but there are some reasonable roleplay options later on. Think I might try my hand at making one but don't count on me actually delivering anytime soon. Been looking at some higher quality cyoa setups and I think there's a gap to fill. Probably will frame it around an isekai scenario and just steal ideas and art. Not sure I have the gallery built up for it so it might end up half complete and we can fill that up together if I'm lazy
>>10746 I saw this one on r/nsfwcyoa about a week ago. The reasons I didn't bother saving it or posting it here is because I've never really found any of Dragon Jak's CYOAs to be interesting and this one weirdly has ABDL only implied, it's just a somewhat generic mommydom CYOA. There are no images or direct references to ABDL and only one reference to physical regression. Apparently that's because Dragon Jack doesn't do anything involving diapers because of the wetting and messing part. Also there only being a couple references to any kind of actual regression because of Reddit not liking anything even remotely to do with loli and shota which, apart from Patreon, is the only place he posts.
>>10747 Thought it might be something like that. Definitely didn't strike me as something they were into, more what the commissioner wanted. Reddit's always been a bad place to grab from since theyre so restrictive but I don't really go put in the effort to find anything else unless it's from a creator I like. Either way, we're pretty starved for abdl stuff and I don't see that changing soon
Here's a decently horny one with some good diaper and humiliation options. I think I found this on the old 8chan board before it got 86'd. Incase it puts them all in the wrong order, it's meant to be read like this: Blue>Purple>Gray>Pink>Red>Green>Orange
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>>10746 Looks interesting, a sham there isn't any outright mentions or options for ABDL shit
>>10835 >>10836 Surely there's something missing. Isn't it supposed to come with something like picking the room and amenities and stuff, as well as starting points?
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I'm making an interactive CYOA with stats and dice rolls and shit. Basically you take in a foster kid and lead them towards C/TBDL hell or C/TBDL heaven. 5 pages, covering twelve months of time Each month has six-ish rule options that your child responds to based on their class It's nowhere close to done, but I've finished the bones Generous anons with design talent, do you have suggestions for the following? * Colors for background, infobox, hovered choices, and disabled/selected choices * Fonts for the different elements (headers, intro text, choice descriptions) * General design for the letterhead, section headers, and sidebar I'd appreciate it Anything must be doable in CSS but if you just mock it, that's great too Here is the actual HTML, scripts, css etc of the first page Make sure to read the README because you need to set a browser flag in Firefox for webdev (Until it's finished and I stop loading in the content dynamically) https://mega.nz/file/IHtBWTjb#Gm07GcQYcJNrcebwtw2cq4MZRU-DKsIP_5xJv20K-v4
>>14085 The CYOA I didn't know I wanted. Godspeed.
>>14085 This looks amazing. Would anyone be willing to give some idiot-proof instructions on how to set the flag in Firefox?
>>14085 This is really cool anon! I'm not a graphic designer, but I can give you some game design tips. Accompany Stats with symbols (which is looks like you're planning on with the (heart) and (lighting) in the stat descriptions), then going forward, just use the symbols. Consider in addition to the number read outs having bars for the stats. It seems to me that we're juggling pride and resistance here, so a visual representation of "How close to accidently breaking them" will mean more to me than a number. This might be tricky to do with out including a big text dump that no one wants to read - but having descriptions for the stats before the choices you make that effect the stats (like your kid, their personality, and their friends) For the secondary stats, have a stat name header, followed by the bullet points that describe the stat in question, followed the table. It took me a minute to figure out what the bullet points were describing. >>14102 I don't use firefox, but here's how to do it in chrome browsers in windows: >Close all windows of the browser you wish to use. >Find the browser's.exe installation location. You can do this by: <opening the start menu, right clicking on chrome and selecting "go to file location" to open up the start menu short cut folder, then right clicking on the browser's short cut in that folder and again selecting "go to file location" to open the location of the .exe <right clicking on the desktop short cut and selecting "go to file location" >Once you're at the .exe's file location, shift right click in the folder and select "Open powershell window here. >Run in powershell '.\(browser name).exe --allow-file-access-from-files' >Open index.html in the new browser window that just opened.
>>14102 Type about:config into your URL bar Search "security.fileuri.strict_origin_policy" in the bar that appears Switch it from "true" to "false" Basically this setting allows the javascript within an HTML file on your computer to read local text files When I actually release this that won't be necessary I might end up hosting it on GitHub pages but they'd probably delete it when some karen reports it You can do what other anon says, too, if you'd prefer >>14103 Thanks, yeah I gotta use some <span>'s to highlight the text and add icons there Should be pretty easy to find icons like that, don't need help there I might add a bar graph representation using <canvas> at the very end if I still have the motivation. Otherwise I'll just have hover-text that shows the thresholds Agreed on the last two points
>>14085 This shit is righteous, anon. I wish you the best of luck on this project and hope you post it here often. >* Colors for background, infobox, hovered choices, and disabled/selected choices Not a graphic designer, but I find the green/black foreground/background combo a bit tough on the eyes, and you may want to try more neutral bg color. Other than that, the graphics are more than functional.
>>14085 This seems really cool, but I haven't been able to go to first day. >I tried both Firefox and Chrome >I followed instructions for both - the about:config method for firefox and the powershell method for Chrome >I did pick an age, gender, and background No matter what I do, I can't get started.
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>>14245 > This seems really cool, but I haven't been able to go to first day. Yeah, that was intended. I posted only a fragment here to get help with design. You'll get to play it when it's done I haven't translated the text to JSON files to render it yet, anyway. I've just finished writing the engine now... ///You can visit the site here now:\\\ http://qyori.gitgud.site/square_one_cyoa/ Probably done by August? The git repo is here in case any better programmers wants to yell at my Javascript https://gitgud.io/qyori/square_one_cyoa
>>14251 Ah, sorry for misunderstanding. You really went all out on the design, I respect it. I don't know dick about Javascript sadly but I'll definitely be following to see how it develops. I think it already looks great visually.
>>14251 Just wanted to say I have been checking in on this project both on your repo commits and the website regularly and it is looking absolutely insanely good. The amount of polish is incredible, even including little UI sound effects. Very excited to see the next week of development.
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>>14506 Thanks for the interest. I'm pretty close to feature complete Javascript/game elements-wise, but I'm not going to upload months after September until the game is in playable state. Don't expect anything too interesting in the repo ETA continues to be sometime in August
>>14542 fuck man I just checked your game. It's very good, though a little too complex for me to understand. I feel like I have to grab a notebook and start doing math. BTW I would love if you could add mind control references, maybe in the form of punishments.
>>14251 Oh wow what a tease, I was so engrossed with it until I reached the end. What a blue balling. If my art was any good I'd love to make pictures for your game, I always wanted to take part in a game project.
>>14542 So fun to get to choose parent gender too now! Man, I think this system would be fun to play from the other side, too -- pick a character and get random punishments and policies. But that would be a huge time commitment on your part, so it's unfair to ask that kind of thing. Maybe I can pull myself up by my bootstraps and make it as a fan mod since you're open source.
>>14860 I'm having a hard enough time balacing the trust economy as it is lol. The game is basically done now minus art but I find it doesn't feel free and breezy like a typical CYOA. The numbers are so important you end up thinking "Can I afford -4 Resistance or wait until Pride decreases more?" rather than "Should I dress Caleb in shortalls or pink dresses?" Probably I'm going to have to perform surgery on the stat design >I think this system would be fun to play from the other side, too I think most players will be self-inserting into the role of the kid. That said, I don't think actually playing as the kid is a good idea. Diaper story protagonists have so little agency it's hard to make their life into a game.
>>14866 A lot of CYOAs have a "casual mode" and a "hard mode". You could keep the challenging numbers and just add an easy mode button that reduces all the resistance and pride penalties. >implying the TBDL personality type isn't the easy mode as it is
>>14866 Does is actually have the diaper usage/wearing regarding the adoptee?
>>14888 Yea it takes awhile though
>>14890 Good. A suggestion you your number problem, would extending the game for one year help.
>>14891 That presents a content problem for him, he clearly wants to make each month unique and have events for each one, so it just adds on a lot more work
>>14866 I'm a caregiver and I'm loving the game because it's from the point of view from a caregiver, i always wanted that.
>>14898 so... do you like... caring for cute and adorable littles? asking for a friend...
>>14903 are you a girl (female)?
>>14898 Also into this as a caregiver. CYOAs are relatively suited to that where games often aren't. Little-focused stuff can be fun but is usually best framed as a bargain to setup rather than a storyline you play out
Well, August is here. I am hoping to hear about updates from that new CYOA.
>>15068 Holy poop babs, "sometime in August" lol My "Must Finish" `todo.md` is one important UI feature, seven more punishments, four or five "Girly" tagged choices, export card on game end, 20 more pieces of art, and actually implementing Betty and Derek It's coming. When it does, it will interest and amuse you for... oh, a half hour? Listen to mommy when she tells you not to hype up future game releases
>>15077 Don't pretend like you don't like the attention. You've been checking in on this (very slow, no new content) thread daily. Sure you don't want to overblow expectations, but there's so little to talk about in terms of CYOAs right now that the last several posts were people chatting about hooking up. Until someone else announces a new CYOA, may as well talk about the only news the CYOA world has had for maybe years.
>>15077 >amuse you for... oh, a half hour? you underestimate how starved i am for quality interactive jerk off content. im also constantly checking if that shit ass 3dcg game "please change my diaper" is updating, but i think the maker of that one offed themself or something
How important is good formatting/art choice to a fun CYOA? I am really bad with that kind of thing, do you think people would be interested if I made a CYOA that was just text?
>>15400 Text only isn't bad, but pictures can add immersion (my preference is no real people). Are you intending it to be a typical scroll sheet or an interactive one?
>>15403 Just a normal sheet, I can't do any of that HTML stuff. Still, that post above about how there is no CYOA content was right. I can't really make anything good, but I can make SOMETHING. Maybe if people step up and contribute it will breathe some new life into this thread.
>>15406 The lack of greater creative content regarding this fetish is rather cross the board. CYOA's have is as an feature instead of a core concept, games are mostly RPGMaker titles that lost relevancy give or take 8 years ago and are gaining steam again due to dedicated developers, and ASMR only has a handful of people taking up the challenge (Mostly caregiver, rarely little. I'd be interested in seeing them be more creative like standard ASMR VA's). But by all means, go for it. Get a concept, put good detail in the circumstance/choices, and have fun with it.
>>15400 While it is the least important element, a professional look still helps. Undoubtedly people would still be interested because of the absolute drought of content.
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>>15400 Make a template of programmer art like this, but actually fill in the text with what your CYOA would be. It maybe rough, but if you post something like that here, anons here will suggest pictures to fill in the image boxes, design for actual layout, etc. etc. After enough passes, we'll get some complete OC.
>>15435 >>15419 >>15416 See all that ugly misalignment with the text and boxes though? That's the trouble. I can throw some images from my harddrive on a white canvas but it's ugly. I think Microsoft Publisher can automatically pop things into alignment for you though which is nice if I can figure it out
>>15440 That was thrown together in all of 5 minutes. realigning things isn't super hard. You could also pirate Adobe illustrator, which has a similar function, and would probably be better suited to image editing (hence it having like layers and all).
I used Publisher to write two pages of CYOA today. I am expecting it to be about 16 pages when done. Therefore, I predict it will be done in four days (I expect to pick up speed as I go now that I have the general idea). Plus, we'll be halfway through August so that other guy's CYOA will probably be nearly done by that time. Maybe all of this work will inspire someone else to throw together something. I feel like based on replies there are at least 4 regulars who watch this thread. So, maybe everyone reading this message should try something.
Today I wrote 3 more pages, for a total of 5. I'm still on track. The pages aren't as long as you'd think in publisher, though. I mean, look at those long pics in the OP and compare them with the length of an average page. I will have to consolidate them into probably 4 finished images once I'm done. I don't think what I'm making will be what anyone expects, so I hope people enjoy it. Anyone else out there working away?
Today I wrote 3 pages, for a total of 8. Halfway there, but the thread is very quiet.
>>15604 For what it's worth, I'm very interested and CYOAs are one of my favorite genres / things, while often fairly rarely made (esp. for diapers). I just wasn't checking this site as often as I used to as it seemed to be slowing down, plus I was doing a lot of (non fetish) writing. But yeah, super interested and I'll try and be active at least here (lol).
>>15604 I check pretty frequently, but i've been a long time lurker. I'm interested, but i typically just lurk. This is my first ever post.
>>15616 >>15638 Ah, it's nice to see there are people still checking in at least. That will give me the energy to keep pushing on.
Hey bros, just finished writing my first CYOA, just need to find 60 images for it now. Hope to have it done in a few days
>>15683 >>15691 Hell yeah. Though don't rush, just take your time and enjoy it.
>>15534 I've been wanting to make one for a while, but I don't even know where to even begin, don't have a theme/setting/scenario that works.
>>15730 Just make one. Don't even worry about that stuff. Create a fast one so that you have accomplished it. It's like how every game starts with a tutorial. Don't worry about having an amazing setting or theme or idea. Throw something together!
Publisher guy here I forgot to bring my laptop charger with me while traveling so it will be a bit longer than expected. Hope to post on the weekend when I get home though!
>>15808 Square one publisher or the ambitious new blood?
>>15824 Call him "Square One Guy" or "html guy" or even the name he posted with, cyori/qyori I'm the "trying my first CYOA using Microsoft publisher" guy, who is not either of these 2 guys >>15691 >>15730 So we potentially have FOUR CYOAs in the works, which is fantastic
>>15838 Most are listed as Baby. Bit a gueswork there. How far along are you?
I used this website https://intcyoacreator.onrender.com/ The final image ended up as 30 megabytes, I went back and compressed every image to 40% quality, and it only went down to 28. What gives?
>>15871 Does anyone know how to compress the final image on this site? I got the project file down to 6 mb now but the final image is still 28 mb, and I can't compress the final image too much or else the text becomes unreadable
>>15876 Just download it and open it in paint.net, then resize the picture while maintaining aspect ratio until it's small enough to post. Or you can upload it to an external site like mega, uguu.se, or catbox.moe
>>15876 >>15884 His suggestions are good, but I would also suggest considering to chop up the image into 2 or 3 parts. This is totally normal for a CYOA! Just look at the OP.
>>15886 This'd be the way. If for some reason it really doesn't work as multiple images, an external site works fine too
>>14251 Just wanted to drop by and say this looks great - trying not to over-hype as per >>15077, but still checking back every other day or thereabouts with fingers crossed for updates.
>>15903 >Hasn't made a post or git update in >2 weeks Ghosted
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>>15691 Okay here it is. Hope it isn't too autistic. I limited most choices to only 3 options to keep it simple. I want to do a similar concept but more fleshed out eventually.
>>15915 It's great! Good job anon! Thanks for your hard work!
>>15913 Possibly, but I live in hope
>>15915 Some constructive notes >In question 2, you left the default row text on >Some things feel a bit redundant. For example, Transition in Q1 is basically the same as Feminization in Q17 if you are male >I think you could have some meta rewards at the end, for example, if you don't like any of the core classes you can design your own course for 5 points Overall I think you did a good first CYOA!
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>>15943 >>In question 2, you left the default row text on oh shit, here's a quick fix
>>15915 Look, I did a build: >Q1: Unchanged (0 points - Gender TF isn't my thing) >Q2: With Teacher (2 points) >Q3: Student (0 Points) >Q4: Genuine Need (0 Points - I'm thinking legally required, but not for any punishment. Just sweeping new laws forcing certain people to) >Q5: Regression (2 points) >Q6: Girly (2 points) >Q7: Baby clothes (1 point) >Q8: All of em' (0 points) >Q9: Elementary School Style (1 Point) >Q10: Mean (2 Points - can I have extra mean please?) >Q11: No (1 Point) >Q12: Teacher (2 Points) >Q13: Baby Food (2 Points) >Q14: Set Times (0 Points - Orgasm seems tempting, but it feels like it would be more embarassing to mess 5 minutes after "designated changing time" and have to wait until the end of the day for a change) >Q15: Spanking, and Enema (1 Point - I assume I get the highest point value of the two?) >Q16: Long Diaper (1 Point) >Q17: Pacified, FEminization (1 Point) >Q18: Preschool, English (2 Points - Am I still allowed to pick multiple options here?) >Q19: Home Ec. (2 Points) >Q20: Chearleading (1 Point) Total Points: 23 = 4 rewards Rewards: Play Ground, Theme Park, Island, Mommy
Pretty similar to above Anon, let's compare 1-3: 3 >Unchanged >With Teacher >Aide 4-7: 3 >Genuine >Regression >Neutral >Baby 8-11: 4 >Just You >Elementary >Caring >No 12-15: 3 >Teacher >Breastmilk >Set Times >Spanking 16-20: 3 >Long Diaper >Pacified >Preschool >Home Ec >Swim Total: 16 >Mommy, Diaper of Youth, Pocket Dimension Going deep on that supernatural reward stuff at the end. With mommy's help, maybe I can turn this ABDL CYOA into an AR one.
>>15915 This anon again, I started writing a 2nd cyoa, this one is shorter and more focused on the DL side of things than the AB. Before that though I plan on making a slightly updated version of this image, won't have any new options just fix some errors, clarify some stuff people were confused on, maybe find replacements for some images I didn't like (btw does anyone have any art involving people writing on diapers?), and add some new modes of sorts. This will all be slow though since college starts up again next week
>>15915 Alright, lets see here. 1-5: 7 Pts Transition Dorm Teacher's Aid Punishment Regression 6-10: 6 Pts Girly Baby Clothes Hierarchy College Style Caring 11-15: 6 Pts No Teacher Breast Milk Orgasm Enema 16-20: 4 Pts. Layering Feminization History Home Ec. Swim Team Total Points for Rewards: 23 Pts. Rewards: Mommy Pocket Dimension Playground Royalty I liked this one, it was really fun~ though I do think some sections like the classes that are available to take don't make as much sense as like...'Layered' options. For example, In stead of like English being worth 2 points but History is worth 1, maybe have both equal one point but you can take multiple? Or make the rule be like "Here is a list of possible classes you can take. You need to take at least four, everything is worth 1 point except 'Preschool and Phys Ed which are worth 0 and can count as two classes each". And then have a list of options. Just my two cents for if you make another in the future. Good job on this one though~
>>15942 I kinda saw this coming >Very ambitious project with huge amount of upfront work >Posting every day until he suddenly stops replying It's the classic "last 10% takes as much effort as the first 90%" situation. He definitely burned out before he could finish. It had potential but maybe too much potential honestly - too much feature creep and as a result failed. I mean look at >>15915 It's basic but it got done. It's not revolutionizing CYOAs but it got across the finish line and that's what counts.
>>16008 It's a real shame - even just clicking through the gitgud archive, there's like, 7 in-game months worth of content which has already been written up but just not implemented. A lot of the hard work has already been done.
>>16008 >>16023 The up side to that anon using a source control like gitgud, is that someone here could just fork the project and complete it for him.
>>16008 Everybody's doomsaying square one anon, I figured they were just waiting to push the complete version at once. It's still August after all. That said we haven't heard anything from them so it's a definite possibility. >>15915 >>15945 I like it! The Regression option was smart, I think there's a pretty good storyline with the right combinations there, will see what I can come up with. Also feel like there could be some more varied rewards, I ended up with ~25 points so it felt like I had more than I really wanted there with some of the rewards overlapping. Gave me some good ideas for the CYOA I'm messing with too. Overall a great result for such a quick turnaround
>>3639 Season: Winter patron: maid-entretainer Patron: svana Traits: -maid: Gossip, etiquete training -entretainer: fine arts -misc. townhouse, Memento:calm bell (calm emotions) Mother's blessings: blessing of youth blessing of knowledge blessing of fantasy
>>16072 As mentioned in >>16008, I live in hope. That said, my assumption is that they'd have been working directly on gitgud (and thus we'd see updates to the files even if they weren't implemented in the demo yet) rather than working offline and making sporadic updates. The last update to the project on gitgud was 3 weeks ago. It's entirely possible that they *are* just working offline, not checking this thread, and waiting to upload at 23:59 on August 31st. My fingers are crossed that this is the case, and I'd be very happy if Qyori were to pop up and prove the 'doomsayers' wrong. But if that doesn't happen, then as per >16047 it's nice that they put the square one project in an accessible source and with written DWTFYW permission, so that it can be carried on by others.
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>>15915 >>15979 okay here's the version 2. Here's what's different >added a "bonus point" option that you can add on to at least one of the options for each question (so I could add in more fetishes and give more reason to pick the lesser point value options) >added some new "modes" you can select at the beginning (try the dice mode it's fun) >changed a few images >edited text mostly to fix grammar or attempt to make things more clear, but also to change a handful of options Nothing too major. Anyway I don't plan on adding anything else to this >>15983 thanks
>>16612 Gender (students/teachers are both sexes, changing height to 5 ft if that falls under "appearance"): Transition Living Accommodation: Dorm +Obsessed Role: Student Reason for Diapers: Punishment Diaper Type: Regression Diaper Pattern: Girly Uniform: Schoolgirl Uniform +Upskirting Diaper Frequency: Hierarchy Schedule Style: College +Open Campus Your Primary Teacher: Caring Diapered Teachers: No Transportation: Walking +Waddle Lunch: Normal Food Changing Conditions: Set Times +Luck, Orgasm (assuming OR rather than AND, otherwise just Set Times +Luck) Daily Punishment: Spanking +Helpers Academic Punishment: Personal Use Permanent Punishment: Feminization Core Course: Preschool +Only You, English Elective: Physical Ed Extracurricular: Swim Team, Cheer Leaders +Team Player 25 points Mommy Diaper of Youth Pocket Dimension Playground Royalty Notes: >somewhat tempting to use a nonsense height for laughs for radical transformation, like 100 ft or something >royalty reward totally destroys any incentive to use the $1000 for each unused point thing >playground reward refers to a "beach" reward that doesn't exist, should be "island" instead
>>16089 Okay, I'm calling it, we're a week past Qyori's self-imposed deadline and there are no updates on GitGud, so the "Square One" thing is dead. I've got very little competence with coding, so I'm not even going to pretend to try and take it over, but I've extracted all the already-written content - they'd written 7 in-game months of choices already (just not properly coded in) so you can see where it was heading. Should make for interesting reading at least.
>>16666 Very cool anon, thanks for extracting what was posted. Also the publisher project isn't dead it just got stalled. I got occupied with adding rolling as a mechanic and... well things just kind of blew out of control in terms of scope. I honestly don't even want to put a date on when I'll finish because I started over from scratch and don't even feel close to what I want to do, but at least some OC is coming.
>>16689 So how much can be expected to have changed from the established demo in terms of design and playability?
>>16697 You misunderstand, I'm not continuing that guy's work. I have a little coding skill but not in the language he's using. I was a different guy saying I was working on a CYOA last month in Publisher. I doubt anyone will finish Qyori's CYOA unless he decides to come back.
>>16703 My mistake.
>>16704 No worries. But I am excited to say that talking about it again really hit me with a burst of inspiration and I made a lot of progress. Like the other guy who made a CYOA recently, I'm going to post in 2 parts. The first one will just be the choices and you can customize as you like, then later I'm going to add a game mode. The game mode will be a little more ambitious but I think separating that out into a later release will keep me on track to actually fucking post content instead of getting out of control like last time and shelving it. This new one is oriented around AR though, so it may not be a good fit for people who are just into DL stuff.
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Also, just to prove I really mean business this time about finishing, here's proof that I have over 40 options already completed!
>>16797 Sweet, theirs not nearly enough abdl cyoas!
>>16793 Wait so are you Qyori/the original guy or are you a completely new guy?
>>16827 Not completely new, I was posting about using publisher before. I wanted to make something that was too much before, I got so wrapped up in the dice rolls and meters and systems and story that it spiraled out of control up at >>15458 and then I never finished or posted more about it. I'm not doing that this time. Today I didn't add many more options but instead I worked on formatting. I mentioned in my last post that this CYOA has to do with AR. The thing I find very interesting about AR stories is that they provoke a question: how will the regressed individual be treated? Like an adult? Like an infant? Somewhere in between? The first version of the CYOA will simply present you with the choices - I'm expecting to land somewhere around 70 to 80 when done - and you can customize as you please. After that, I will spend some additional time making a "game" version which allows you to simulate loss of privileges over time. This version is inspired by the Qyori game.
>>16830 Sounds good, can't wait to see the final product.
>>16849 I'm getting close, I counted just now 59 completed options that you can mix and match as you please. If there is interest, tomorrow I will post the intro as a teaser.
>>16851 yes, very interested!
>>16877 Since I had some time now, here's the header: Story >It's not an age regression virus. Because it's not a virus at all. It's an adaptation. An autoimmune response that hijacks apoptosis, causing the body to degenerate. Doctors describe the prognosis as potentially including "musculoskeletal atrophy, incontinence, weight loss, dementia, and an exaggeration of neotenous features". Culture is more blunt: some people who get cancer turn into babies. Affecting almost 1% of the population, it's a big enough deal that doctors are aware of it, politicians have tried to legislate it, and lawyers are definitely sinking their teeth into a new market for contract law. And that's what your story is about. >Every victim of this disorder has a unique end point. Some just lose an inch of height. Others experience full physical mental effects, becoming indistinguishable from an infant. That's where contracts come in with a solution. You are here to broker a contract with your future care giver - someone you trust. Maybe a mother, sister, or spouse. It's a statement of how you expect to be treated - down to the very smallest of details. Once it's inked, that's the life you'll be living until, hopefully some day, your body starts to grow again. Rules >This is the "Sandbox Mode". Pick any number of options from all available rows. You can combine options where logical (e.g.: carried in arms and stroller might just mean both are available for getting around), but where two policies are obviously in conflict, the more restrictive (usually further right) option trumps. (e.g.: fully liquid diet by definition cannot be combined with pureed baby food). >Options are either called "policies", "training", or "treatments". Policies are ground rules that the caregiver will respect (it is understood that the care-receiver may attempt to break contract due to dementia... which is what the permitted punishment options are for). Policies are by far the most common and cover everything from what food the regressed will eat to whether it's permissible for the carer to carry a diaper bag. Training and treatments are one-time programs to alter something about the care-receiver's mind or body respectively - usually to make caring for them more manageable. Today I reached 81 options. Overwhelmingly the tenor of these options is "realistic". I included just a few extreme options that can be ignored but might appeal to subfetishists. Art is all over the place stylistically but I didn't use any furry art, clearly explicit art, or visible scat.
>>16882 This is basically everything I could want in a cyoa, all the other abdl cyoa's are lacking in 1 or more aspect. Really looking forward to seeing the final product!
>>16894 It's very encouraging to hear that! I am glad someone is looking forward to it. If I didn't lose count, I believe I have reached 118 options. Maybe this is getting too detailed at a certain point! Haha...
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Another teaser, this time a pic of my progress. As you can see, it is currently extremely ugly. Everything is misaligned and haphazardly arranged, no background, the intro text isn't up at the top, and options are literally spilling off into the off-page editing zone. But if you look past that ugliness, it is extremely information dense. More than a hundred images and multi-sentence descriptions of each option.
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Looking a little cleaner now. This is a preview of page 1. There are 3 pages currently at 164 options. I feel quite close to release. You'll probably notice I had to split some of the old categories into new ones. Some lists just spilled out too much.
>>17010 nice, I seriously can't wait.
>>17010 >I feel quite close to release getting hyped
>>16612 >transition >oyo + babysitter >student >you like them >diaper >girly >baby clothes >all of them >highschool style >caring >yes + matching >waddle >chocolate milk >set times >face sitting >layering + waste not >pacified + 1 >History >PE >swim team 19 points <mommy <diaper of youth
>>17010 glaring at you rn
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>>17317 Still coming, still getting bigger by the day. Getting too big is the problem though. As you may have noticed, my current design only allows for 9 options per row. That is getting to be a little cramped under my current listing. I have a solution (it's the same solution I said above) - split the row into new rows that get more specific. Except even those want to split. Maybe I'm getting too detailed. Let me give you an example. I started out with "Food". But now that has broken down into >Food preparation - make your own food? banned from using heating elements? help mommy cook? strictly barred from any cooking? >Food - relating to what you will actually eat - normal menu, kid's meals, toddler faire, puree from cans, fully liquid diet of milk/formula, breastmilk? >Seating conditions - a proper seat at the table, highchair, lapseat, sippycups, bottle (hold for self), bib >Feeding - feed self, spoonfed, bottlefed, breastfed, + 4 specific breastfeeding modifier policies And that's JUST feeding. I stopped counting at 200 options, I have no idea how many there are now. It's coming. This hasn't been ghosted, not yet anyway.
>>17344 godspeed anon
>>17344 You know, you can just make some rows 2 lines. They don't all have to be a single whole category. Also more is better honestly, especially if there's either points to spend on pricey rewards or tons of negative points you have to overcome (or both, though I'm a particular fan of the latter). I'd say just focus on getting it done though, in the context that I like the sound of that level of detail so far, so perhaps do just about that much for other things. With the experience you've gotten now, you can always make a 2nd cyoa, or a v2.0 or expansions for the original, so the big thing is to try to get something out that is coherent. Also, you're now inspiring me to wanna start making a cyoa too rather than just giving armchair advice, so good job on that, lmao.
>>17347 Yes, the plan was that the v1.0 is just going to be the options but no costs or anything. Categories, pictures, descriptions. Full sandbox, choose whatever you want. It's more of a storytelling device than anything. There are in fact so many options that in Sandbox I don't even suggest making a full list of all your policies. Instead, I ask the player. V2 will formally gamify it. I already have hints in the descriptions of some of the options about how this will work, but the plan is basically that you will pick a caretaker to start with and then roll a chart to determine what their demands are. Then negotiation to see what you end up with! Once that's done I may also add a narrative feature for changing rights over time, which can be very fun.
Chugging along in content. I split up some more rows and did reorganizing, plus moved a lot of options on from the work zone. I'm missing a few pictures for options that are kind of... complicated to express with imagery, so that may take some time to find, but I am hoping to get v1 done soonish, by which I mean maybe next Thursday or Friday.
>>17457 woohoo
Friday isn't over yet but I got sick yesterday and it really dampened my progress. I didn't want to leave without an update though. I think as a compromise, I will simply post whatever I have on Monday no matter what, even if it's not done. This might mean only posting the first 3 pages instead of all of it, though. I definitely won't have the caregiver options done, that will just have to be in v1.5.
(18.64 MB 5937x9375 Policy 1.png)

I didn't even get close to finishing. This is maybe... 80% done. There's so much quality assurance that isn't even close. Alignments are inconsistent. 40 or 50 options didn't get done in time. But I wanted to post something. This is the 2 month anniversary of my first ambition to try something.
(20.18 MB 5937x9375 Policy 2.png)

>>17880 To be honest, if I were you, I probably wouldn't have believed anything was going to show up today. 2/4
(15.37 MB 5937x9375 Policy 3.png)

>>17881 The history of our board is written in unfulfilled promises and half-remembered dreams of content. 3/4
(13.29 MB 5937x9375 Policy 4.png)

Oh, I forgot to mention... one way of playing this Sandbox Mode -- instead of making a post with 40 options, you can try this: >Imagine your caretaker - you might have a real person or fictional character to base them on, but get a good grasp on their personality >Now pick 3 things you really want in the contract >Pick 6 things they want based on their personality, but you don't (you can also pick these by diceroll) >Give them full concession on 3 things and come up with compromises on the other 3 things. This is more or less a preview of how the game version will play. It will also have a lot of tags and costs for the options though, like a traditional CYOA.
>>17881 >>17880 >>17882 >>17883 >>17884 holy shit, you actually delivered. Nice work anon! Can't wait to read through this tonight.
>>17881 Oh shit, art I was gifted by a friend is in this one. It's no biggie, I'm not going to chimp out, it's just funny to see
>>17906 Of course. This CYOA (like most) wholesale steals art from loads of artists. You could make a compelling case to call the entire genre of CYOAs "collage art". Anyone who has spent much time on /abdl/ will probably recognize a ton of artists in those images.
>>17910 Of course! Again, I don't mind. At one point on the OG 8chan I stole a diapered e-girl's selfie to write a caption and she had a literal meltdown seeing it, which I only came to realize was all about the caption I had made years after it had happened.
>>17911 So, which is it? I have a couple of guesses... Also incidentally, this version has some non-cosmetic issues with it. For example, the text is completely wrong on the Casino Policy under Vices and Mirror Policy appears twice (it shouldn't appear under Misc Mouth at all). These will be fixed for 1.0 No build posts?
>>17924 Wrote a build on notepad earlier today! Also, I'm still art guy, so I'd love to hear you guess which piece it is Alright, I'm going to structure this post going section by section, with a brief explanation, especially if I pick things that aren't thought to be mutually exclusive. Here goes Outerwear: Childish Wardrobe policy, Jaybird policy Pretty self-explanatory. Childish clothes while out and about or at daycare, but Mommy keeps the house warm enough that there's no need for clothes when we're home. Dressing: Dress policy Underwear: Disposable policy Alternative diapers: Decoration policy, Swim diaper policy Potty: Chart policy, Mock training policy, Supervisory policy I'm picking untraining policy in the next row, so this is more to add a cute (and hot) little ritual during my diaper training, before we can drop the act and she can throw out my potty and chart entirely. Use: Untraining policy, Reflex training I like the other policies, but I kinda want to be diaper trained 'au naturale'. If there was like a "bigger/more frequent accidents" policy in this row, I'd pick it, but I'd mostly pick it for frequency. Holding it all in and letting it out doesn't seem that hot to me. Diaper checking: Verbal check policy, routine check policy For maximum cuteness, Mommy will be employing a "trust, but verify" policy for my diaper checks. She'll ask verbally first on a routine basis, but no matter what I say, she'll check me physically too, especially if she can already smell me and knows the answer. Diaper changing: Passive change policy, public toilet policy, outsourced changed policy Again, self-explanatory. I'll need to be changed in daycare and out in public, obviously! Changing process: Extended diaper bag policy Food: Puree policy, Reverse weaning policy I'm thinking an 80-20 ratio of breastmilk to pureed foods. Maybe a jar for dinner, or lunch, and then breastmilk for other snacks and meals. Feeding: High chair policy, lap policy, feeding policy, bottle feed policy, and in and out training High chair for the puree, and then Mommy's lap for everything else, and bottle feeding when I'm in daycare, or when Mommy's decided to pump. In and out training is clearly just hot, the thought of pooping in a high chair mid-meal and still being expected to finish my jar of baby food and feed from Mommy's breasts is hot hot hot to me. Breastfeeding: Breastfeeding policy, nursing blanket policy, fullness policy, lactic narcolepsy treatment, induction treatment Fullness policy is cute because I like the lack of control, like my suckling instincts are just for Mommy's convenience, even though it means more full diapers for her. I'd like lactic narcolepsy to be a bit more of a 'milk drunk' when I'm not expected to fall asleep. In a dark, quiet room I'll fall asleep during a feeding, but at the park or in a brightly-lit playroom, I won't. Public movement: Cruising policy, grounding treatment, de-coordination treatment
[Expand Post]Cruising policy and grounding treatment would happen pretty much immediately, but after my diaper training is done, I'd go through the de-coordination treatment. Home movement: Gate policy, Walker policy Transport: All of them Basically at the discretion of mommy, each transport option has its situation. A carseat, obviously, is mandatory, but I'd like one of the infant rear-facing ones with toys that dangle. Strollers are for long days out, like to a clothing store for Mommy's outfits, or to the park. The carry policy will come into effect when it's babes in arms get free, or for short things, like crossing the grocery store parking lot before being ploppde in the seat of a shopping cart, or around the house, to cribs and changing tables, etc. Forward and reverse carriers are interchangable, and I think it'd be hot if I was switched from forward to reverse facing at Mommy's convenience, either to get me to sleep with my face in her chest, or just so she can keep an eye on my expressions. Sleeping: Crib policy, bassinet policy, master bed policy Directly connected to how bad of a night I'm having getting to and staying asleep. Sleep Misc: Early bedtime policy, nap policy, heavy sleeper treatment Eight PM to eight AM, with a two hour nap at around one every day. Daily activities: Old interest treatment, fridge art policy Fridge art policy is hot when combined with de-coordination treatment. Mommy will guide my hand to make symbols in crayon that I can't read or understand, cooing as I ignorantly draw out my unconditional love and gratitude to her. Even if I don't know what I'm writing, my subconscious does. Enrollments: Physical Therapy Policy. This one is just hot! Especially with de-coordination treatment, since it won't start with walking, but from like... laying on my back and wriggling. Hot! Social: Equality policy, drop off policy Misc. Mouth: All of them None are mutually exclusive, and all are hot! I think mirror being in here is probably a typo, though Speaking: Seen, not heard policy, devocaliztion treatment Body: Haircut policy, wet noodle treatment, baby fat treatment, rump treatment Mind: Everything but brat treatment and imagination training. Soft discipline: Gratuitous affection policy Hard Discipline: hard pass Childproofing: Childproofing policy, weak grip treatment, swaddle policy Swaddling only in the bassinet and when I'm in bed with Mommy Care: Sink bath policy Identity: Everything but big sister policy Hypnosis treatment first, and then publicity and party policy after. It's so hot to think about my Mommy calling everyone up and going "Hey! I know you haven't heard from anon for the last six months or so, but he's been regressed, and now he's just adorable! Party starts at three after he wakes up from his nap!" Legal: Dependence policy, Adoption policy, Minor policy, Attorney policy If my wife is now my Mommy, it'd be hot if our marriage wasn't annulled, in my opinion. Lewd: Assisted relief policy, plush paraphilia treatment, libido treatment (light) Maybe one orgasm a day, or maybe two, that's pretty much it. Chastity: Reprioritize training, Third wheel policy Even if I am married to Mommy, it'd be cute and hot to have her date around. Work: NEET policy (?) If mommy still has to work (ideally part time), ideally I'll be sent to daycare, both for therapy and to mill about with the general baby population. Money/Shopping Grocery policy, brand policy Overall, a really hot CYOA! Kudos to the dude that made this!
>>17927 > I'd love to hear you guess which piece it is You replied to #2, which makes me think it's in #2. That leaves 69 options. If it was a personal gift, my gut says not a huge artist or really old art. I'm also ruling out some of the non-abdl art that I used. Since it's gift art, I'm guessing it's art featuring a male baby OC character (though there's a lot of that). Therefore, I guess "Swim Lesson Policy". And thanks for the compliment. It's nice to see people talking content again.
>>17930 Nnnnope! It's actually "Educational toy policy", it was a gift from a roleplayer featuring a momdom character I play as. Good guess, though
>>17931 Well thanks for giving your thoughts on each tier. Actually, I enjoyed hearing your mental process and I am definitely including some more alternate options in the full release version based on your feedback. For example, I think I'll do an alternate for keeping marriage intact. Some of your takes on combining different treatments are great, really what I was going for was to let people find way to make combinations just like that. It's a way of telling your own story. It's a cute piece of art. Actually I would have never guessed that because iirc it's from a 2-part set.
>>17932 Ayup, I think the other piece was free, or something. I'm glad you liked my interpretation of your post! I've tried and failed to make a CYOA before, so I really admire you following through like this, and doing so to such an extensive degree. Best of luck continuing with this!
>>17933 I thought that having some new content might stir up posts, which in turn would give me more ideas for additions. I got a few from yours, but it will be nice to see if we have a few more anons speak up and tell us what stories emerge from their contracts. Yours is a nice one. It sounds like your mommy just wants a real, genuine baby - and that you're in no position to argue. You like the process of the descent, but the part that excites you the most is the ultimate helplessness of reaching the bottom. And of course, your relationship is purely loving and not coercive. You won't need any discipline because you have already fully agreed to reshape your mind and body for her. Physically incapable of getting into trouble, and mentally unwilling to rebel in the slightest. The highlights of your day are when you can latch on. Everything is right in the world when you're quietly cuddled up against momma's chest.
(1.07 MB 1196x806 zprev.png)

>>15915 This guy again, started making something new. Basically your part of a relationship or harem with overwatch girls. Each female overwatch character (except maybe orisa) has a moderately long description of how they'll act in diapers, how they'll treat you as a caretaker, and one of their abilities somehow retooled to be diaper related. Then some basic options and extras after you form your harem. The 4 newest characters have no diaper art yet, so I'll probably just have to use generic sexy r34 images for them. Hope to get this done in a month or two
>>17943 Sounds fun. CYOA thread is the last bastion of OC on this board so keep it alive!
>>17932 Basically, yes! Become a real baby, and then heighten my needs so I maybe become a little bit more needy when it comes to movement and diaper changes. It's like, being cherished for me. I do like a little bit of lewdness and sexuality, though, but 95-99% of the time, I'm really just looking to be treated like a real baby. I should have (or could have) gone into more detail about my selections for lewdness and chastity. Basically, I want my ability for lewdness to remain intact, either out of mercy from the disease, or by Mommy's request. Plush and Diaper paraphilias will be trained, and the reprioritize training will be mostly centered around the lower half (vagina, butt, hips). I'll drool at her breasts, half lustful hunger, half literal hunger, but she'll find it cute! Something like "Hey honey, bounce in your diaper while I dangle my breasts in front of your face, doesn't that sound fun?"
>>17950 I think the other fun part of it is that you have opted for both devocalization and decoordination. When you're first being trained down into diapers, you'll have the luxury of expressing yourself somewhat with your hands. But then... no more. You really will be just a little baby until you learn to use those hands again. Same with libido treatment and assisted relief. You have no way of expressing when you're pent up and need mommy... but maybe sometimes when she's changing you, she notices. Or she does as you say and teases you, then it's up to her whether or not she brings you to satisfaction. You certainly can't do it. When all of your former friends and coworkers come to your rebirthday party, they'll all be looking down on you - on mommy's lap - with different feelings based on their memories of you. But combined with your fresh eye treatment, you wouldn't recognize any of them even if you could control your helpless little body. Your fear treatment makes all of these strange giants scary, and you poop yourself in fear as they gather around and you wish only for mommy to hide your face away under the nursing blanket. She talks over you and laughs, chatting about how adorably dependent you have become while you desperately wait for a diaper change. "Anon's old computer? Oh yes, might as well give it away, his little hands can't handle the keys anymore. Just give me the hard drive. I think it might be fun to go through with him on my lap. I'll put a mirror next to the screen and he can compare who he was to who he is! I know his little mind is still in there, after all."
>>17956 Oooh, some teasing? This is quite nice. To be honest, I'm envisioning myself being much more of a blank slate once it comes party time. Fear training is a lot more about scary people on the TV, or the dark in my nursery, or being alone in a wide space (think the park or the grocery store) without Mommy. At home, even if there are a lot of strangers, I'll be easy to make giggle. I'm imagining myself mostly just sitting in my high chair, Mommy darting around the house entertaining guests. With diaperphilia, I'll be far from wanting or begging for a change, really. I'll just poop my pampers in the high chair while whoever is watching giggles and coos. People who don't notice yet will smell the stink, but when they expect me to cry or get upset, I'll just giggle and bang my uncoordinated hands on my high chair tray, until Mommy decides that I've been in full pants long enough and grants me a change. Then, it's just a matter of time before I do it again, this time in my high chair again, or sitting on her lap as she entertains guests.
>>17880 Love it. The amount of choices, art, and descriptions are great so far. The feedback I would give is regarding the general layout. Though maybe thats what you meant by alignments inconsistent. I needed two separate levels of zoom on my browser for the introduction and then the choices, and to read the choices' text I had to be fully zoomed in and sidescrolling which is not convenient. I would separate the choices to more rows and make the whole page more narrow, increasing the relative size of the text. So the content is excellent, but the reading experience atm is not optimal. If that is what you meant earlier then sorry! I really like this project and look forward to the final version!
>>17992 Yeah, I do understand the reading experience isn't great. Part of the problem is that it's so much text. Every description is actually fairly long. An average entry is 50 words, meaning in total to read every option you are actually looking at somewhere around 10,000 words of writing. In perspective, that's like 200 pages of double-spaced writing. Figuring out how to get the sizing right has been a little bit burdensome. It also means that the file size is so large it could never be shared on halfchan (8chan offers much higher upload limits). Best way to show your support is to post a build, since it gives me ideas and keeps interest alive.
Where did you find this image for the CYOA? I haven't seen it in years and couldn't find it when I did look. I only found a result on Saucenao with the thumbnail but no working link.
>>18014 Deleted AR art from Normaldeviants deviantart.
>>18015 >>18014 Probably worth mentioning that a lot of pictures I did minor cleanup like cropping, removing speech bubbles, smoothing out colors in some cases, etc.
I loved the CYOA in progress and want to encourage more so... here's a build for someone with a tiny little age~ Outerwear: First place where the CYOA assumes a boy rather than girl, which would prefer to be changed, but Cross/loli for lots of cute baby girl clothes Dressing: Dress Policy, with Locked Sleeper at night (Mommy should be making clothing choices, the locked sleeper will be redundant but I'm more than happy for that) Underwear: Disposable policy (would choose regardless but will be made necessary later) Alt. Diapers: Decoration (for cuteness); Swim Diaper (needed if spend any time with floaties in the summer); Hyper (love that aesthetic) Potty: Bathroom Key (will be unnecessary but it's the right attitude to take) Use: I love a lot of these; I'll go with Numbness because it gives the results I want and it renders the rest redundant, but can imagine the other options being fun Diaper Checking: Routine Check Diaper Changing: Restrictive (Not actually fussy but better safe than sorry); Public Toilet and Outsourced (necessary for outings and daycare); Tape (diapers shouldn't be baby's business) Changing Process: Odor (obvious reasons); Powder; Warmer; Suppository; Extended Diaper Bag Page 2: Food: Reverse Weaning - will take breastfeeding below which will replace all dietary needs Feeding: Lap; In and Out training sounds fun and humiliating Breastfeeding: Breastfeeding (obvs); Public Feeding; Fullness (For the helplessness of it being totally on Mama's schedule); Lactic Narcolepsy (I would prefer this toned down slightly so it e.g. puts to sleep if tired at all but otherwise makes me a bit dopey or something so I'm not constantly asleep, but love the idea and the control given up); Induction Public Movement: Grounding and De-coordination (love these; the former is a bit redundant but the vertigo and clinginess sounds cute) Home Movement: Extended Playpen; Bouncer (make sure to be safe and secure all the time) Transport: Car Seat and Stroller (would like rear-facing); Carry (when over shorter distances); Reverse Carrier (love this position, love this description and the art chosen); Restraint Sleep: Crib or Bassinet (I like the look of a crib, but the message of a bassinet so torn) Sleep Misc: Early Bedtime and Nap (essential for babies); Heavy Sleeper (feels very helpless to wake up somewhere other than where you fell asleep cause you slept through being moved/changed/etc) Daily Activities: Old interests (very useful) Social: Last Among Equals; would like playdates and daycare time but not as enforced as these options Page 3: Misc. Mouth: Burp, Mouthing, Thumb, Oral Fixation (love these and descriptions) Speaking: Devocalisation (to babble only) plus Hush (love helplessness in communication and being treated as a tiny, tiny baby Body: Haircut (perhaps, don't like losing my hair but Mommy needs the control); Wet Noodle Mind: Laughter (adorable); Cling (adorable); Fear; Sweetie; Emotion; Imagination Page 4: Identity:Like the principle of Big Sister but not with my own kids; equally Hypnosis is a big kink but not mindwipe/identity loss, so pass; Do take Condescension, Looming, Publicity, and Party Legal: Adoption, Minor, Attorney (although don't like that it essentially renders the rest of the CYOA meaningless in theory); Pediatrics Chastity: I would prefer an option to just turn off libido entirely as babies shouldn't do that, and this again assumes male, but... for that effect go for Reprioritise and Castration; Also Third Wheel into Daddy Work: NEET (babs don't work) Money/Shopping: No allowance desired but Grocery/Changing Room sound fun Basically a very helpless less-than-a-year-old bab who Mommy gets to keep that way and dote on Thanks for the CYOA, and apart from the comment about a few lines presuming male and excluding girls playing, would just second that it's not super readable, although there is a lot here so not quite sure the best fix. Will let you know if I come up with one. Looking forward to the last bits!
>>18037 Thanks for posting your feedback. I think I will definitely have to add a Family Unit row to add some more family structure options based on the thoughts so far. I might also do some more levels of other things like hypnosis. I noticed you skipped the entire bottom half of page 3 though (4 rows). Yes, the one thing that I figured someone would eventually object to is that it is male-centric. That's just because I have to write what I know - writing good, humiliating descriptions requires some self insertion. While I don't have every kink on the chart, I really like the bulk of them. This isn't to say I discourage you from playing if you aren't male though - after all, I really encourage you to interpret different combinations and rules differently. Like you and the last guy both interpreted lactic narcolepsy to be more mild, which is quite acceptable (and even good feedback).
>>18046 You're quite right, I don't know how I failed to copy that bit over! I skipped rows like Vices on purpose, that was just an oversight, so for completion: Soft Disc.: Gratuitous Affection, Timeout, Punitive Naptime Hard Disc.: No thanks... with sweetie training this should never come up, especially with my limited physical abilities! Childproofing: Childproofing, Mitten, Weak Grip (Mitten and Weak Grip are redundant, but I love both, and the aesthetics of mittens) Swaddle for any time in Bassinet Care: Sink Bath (or maybe Baby Bath? Those little tubs you put inside a big tub to not waste water); Enema The reminders one prompts the thought of a treatment to make it impossible to read? Maybe more broadly reducing eyesight so things get blurry beyond a few feet to reduce the scope of baby's world
Okay so here's another take on the CYOA-in-progress. So I also did just a bit of tweaking with the prompt. I thought to myself, what if in this world of adult degeneration, you didn't have a loved one to go to? No family or significant others you would trust to care for you when you've been put into a much more vulnerable state. I figured, well, the government would probably set up like an office for this kind of thing and from there offer like adoption services too. I also figured that this office would also be the place that enforces the treatments and therapy, like a Planned Parenthood kind of deal. In the office, they would match people who have been diagnosed with 'Degen' with caregivers that are looking to adopt new members into their families. This is based on blood tests done to guesstimate how small the afflicted will regress to as well as temperament and personality. In this instance as well, contracts are to be filled out by both parties though the caregiver fills out what they are looking for most; like circling 'must haves', noting 'nice to haves', and crossing out 'not alloweds'. Everything else is fair game for the afflicted to add to the contract and sign. From then on, they submit themselves to the office for all therapies and treatments and then transported to the person looking to take over their care. In this case, our subject, Dean Cameron, has been matched with an older Japanese woman, Yoko Kusakabe based on his tests showing high estrogen levels in his body, a rather level head, and his Degen Stage leaving him at around 2-3 years old once done shrinking. Yoko's already a mother of two daughters, one in college and the other in high school. She's looking to have another daughter since she's having a bit of 'Empty Nest Syndrome' with her kids mostly out of the house. She's willing to be matched to Dean but as per the requests in the contract, he'll be adopted and changed to be Yoko's new daughter Hanako. Here's how I saw the contract ending up. I've also noted who chose what on the form. Outerwear: Cross, loli & Hand Me Down Policies; Chosen by Yoko. Childish Wardrobe Policy; Chosen by Hanako. (Scaled Wardrobe was crossed off but Yoko is sure to have plenty of hand me downs from her other daughters. Hanako's trying to preserve some form of gender neutrality with the childish wardrobe.) Dressing: Dress Policy; Chosen by Yoko. Underwear: Disposable Policy; Chosen by Yoko. Alternative Diapers: Cloth, Airing, Decoration, & Swim Policies; Chosen by Yoko. (I figure since Japanese households usually switch back and forth between disposables and cloth, Yoko would do the same though would have plenty of spare cloth covers and inserts) Potty: Mock Training Policy and Dance Training; Chosen by Yoko. (Just to reinforce how small and helpless Hanako should be.) Use: Untraining Policy and Reflex Training; Chosen by Yoko. Diaper Checking: Routine Check & Betrayal Policies; Chosen by Yoko. Verbal Policy; Chosen by Hanako. (Hanako is trying to cling to some form of autonomy but that'll be a little hard given the circumstances I'll go into later) Diaper Changing: Passive Change, Public Toilet, Outsourced, & Tape Policies; Chosen by Yoko. (Self-Changed was crossed out. Hanako shouldn't be worrying about how her diaper is handled in the first place, she's too little now.) Changing Process: Powder, Warmer, Suppository, & Extended Diaper Bag Policies; Chosen by Yoko. (I know it doesn't say it in the description but I'm also envisioning the diaper bag having extra clothes too. I figured a doting mother would do something like keep an extra dress or onesie on hand just in case.) Food: Children’s Menu Policy; Chosen by Yoko. Sous Chef Policy; Chosen by Hanako. (Hanako as Dean would've loved to cook in his own time. Getting it all taken away but given the chance to do something to help with making food would be a mood booster.) Feeding: High Chair, Lap, & Bottle Feed Policies and In and Out Therapy; Chosen by Yoko. Finger Food Policy; Chosen by Hanako. (Given Hanako's physical age, Yoko would probably switch between soft foods and liquids for nutrition. Though that being said, she would still want to breast feed from time to time.) Breast Feeding: Breastfeeding & Public Feeding Policies and Lactic Narcolepsy Treatment; Chosen by Yoko. Public Movement: Cruising Policy; Chosen by Hanako. (Escort was crossed off but Yoko left this one up to Hanako) Home Movement: Basic Playpen, Walker, & Bouncer Exercise Policies; Chosen by Yoko. Transport: Car Seat, Carry, & Reverse Carrier Policies; Chosen by Yoko. Sleep: Crib Policy; Chosen by Yoko. Misc. Sleep: Early Bedtime & Nap Policies; Chosen by Yoko. Heavy Sleeper Treatment; Chosen by Hanako. (Hanako's thought process here is that at least she'll sleep through changes and the like whenever she's tired.) Daily Activities: Educational Toy & Fridge Art Policies; Chosen by Yoko. Mobile Device Policy; Chosen by Hanako. (I'm leaning hard on the thought that Hanako is forgetting that there'll be nothing but baby games on a tablet once she gets it but maybe there'll be coloring apps on there too.) Enrollments: Tiny Dancer Policy; Chosen by Yoko. (Toddler ballet would be fun and cute for someone who just got put in this position, Yoko thinks to herself.) Social: Equality, Drop Off, and Peer Bully Policies; Chosen by Yoko. (Little Helper is off the board. But I've thought about the peer bully being less of like just a mean spirited jerk but more of a like...super tsundere peer that would be at the daycare that Hanako gets dropped off at when Yoko needs some alone time. This would also pair with the 'Puppy Love' policy I put below.) Mouth: Burp & Bib Policies and Thumb Training; Chosen by Yoko. Speaking: Babytalk, Pacifier, & Hush Policies; Chosen by Yoko. (Okay so the Babytalk thing here is what I want to go into. Maybe, instead of just induced babytalk, Hanako had to learn language all over again. Being sent to a Japanese family, she wouldn't know the language anyway, only have a few basic words ingrained. Mama, Papa, Oneechan for big sister. Stuff like that. As she 'grows', she'll learn a new language.) Body: Haircut Policy and Baby Fat & Wet Noodle Treatments; Chosen by Yoko. Mind: Laughter & Fresh Eye Treatments and Sweetie Training; Chosen by Yoko. Soft Discipline: Gratuitous Affection & Time Out Policies; Chosen by Yoko. (Yoko's an overly doting mother, she wouldn't do too much physical discipline.) Hard Discipline: Public Punishment; Chosen by Yoko. Childproofing: Weak Grip Treatment; Chosen by Hanako. (This one was left up to Hanako surprisingly.) Care: Group Bath, Shower, & Big Reminders Policies; Chosen by Yoko. Identity: Big Sister, Condescension, & Party Policies; Chosen by Yoko. Eye to Eye Policy; Chosen by Hanako. (Again, the Eye To Eye is so that Hanako doesn't feel too powerless. Big Sister is changed to Hanako's new older sisters.) Legal: Adoption, Naming, Minor, & Pediatrics Policies; Chosen by Yoko. Vice: (I feel like Yoko wouldn't allow this.) Lewdness: Puppy Love Treatment; Chosen by Yoko. (see above) Chastity: Reprioritize Training and Daddy Policy; Chosen by Yoko. (Yoko's still married after all.) Work: (Yoko wouldn't want her baby working so NEET works too but this I left blank.) Money/Shopping: Grocery, Brand, & Changing Room Policies; Chosen by Yoko.
[Expand Post] All in all, I loved your CYOA. It was super fun. It got my brain working on a story prompt which is always a sign of my enjoyment. I've already gotten plenty of a story done here thanks to you, maybe I'll post it somewhere some day. I'd love to credit you though I'm not sure how to. For constructive feedback, I get that you self insert yourself so writing somethings from a female perspective would be a bit difficult so I won't fault you there but I do think somethings need to be reorganized a bit. Also, instead of making 4 huge files maybe do 5 and cut some of the dead space off the bottom
>>18052 > thought of a treatment to make it impossible to read? Maybe more broadly reducing eyesight so things get blurry beyond a few feet to reduce the scope of baby's world Ah, these are both very interesting ideas. I think I could probably make a whole row out of sense-related things.
>>18053 This is a cool submission and very in-line with what I originally imagined, with it being a negotiation between parties! I also liked some of your takes. The idea of being placed into a foreign language family is so good that it should really be included as an option. I hope little Dean, I mean Hanako, knows what she is getting into! I think it will be interesting to see how she adapts to her new reality with your story. Hard to say what will be more fun -- struggling with the limitations her mommy gave her, or realizing the extent of her own choices like Weak Grip and the parental protection on her tablet. So frustrating, but with her Sweetie Training, she'll find it hard to do much about it other than suck furiously on her thumb or pacifier! Yes, the deadspace is not going to be there on the final version, it's mostly because that room is open for new rows. I am trying to keep thematically related things together, like Vice and Lewd, Misc Mouth and Speaking, Use+Checks+Changes, etc. Until it gets closer to completion, there are going to be gaps, unfortunately.
cool as a project, you have already done a gigantic job. and there can't be a line with disabilities to choose from (Perhaps our illness and the fact that we become children again gives us a handicap like a completely paralyzed limb, eyes that don't work well or neuroatypia.) and is you couldn't set up a sissyfication if we're a boy?
>>18100 Yes, someone suggested some eye-related treatments that I have definitely written down on my list of ideas. I am not sure exactly what you meant with the sissification though. I included a few options related to it like Cross Policy, loli Policy, Decoration Policy (which could be sissy diapers), Ballet Policy, Hair Policy (which could be long girly hair), etc. Did you have something else in mind?
indeed, we can make a Sissy in Sandbox mod, maybe put a specific signage for it. and a feminization / and masculinization option
(1001.62 KB 1760x2960 curse cyoa.png)

>>17943 I decided I wanted to make this first instead. It's loosely halloween themed so I figured now would be a good time to finish it. It's short and definitely more on the DL side of things than the AB side.
Did that anon ever keep working in his new one or what?
>>18610 This was pretty fun, a bit barebones, but I don't exactly know how you'd expand on a bingo.
>>17880 thread has been quiet lately so here is at least part of my build! might finish writing it fully a bit later :3 love the abundance and descriptions of options!! Outerwear: loli policy, Costume policy, Mommy's little sissy princess deserves just the cutest and most adorable combinations of cute dresses and adorable animal onesies, etc. Dressing: Dress policy, dresses and many layers are way too complicated and tiring, Locked sleeper policy too with the cutest girly sleepers Underwear: Disposable policy, multi-diaper policy, sometimes the changes dont happen as often as they should so its good to be prepared. Alternative Diapers: Decoration policy, hyper policy, as before its good to be prepared with added bulk, and with any noticeable part of an outfit they should be cute too and fit the clothes worn. Combination of hyper+multi should lead to considerable size, but not enough to overshadow the rest of the outfit. +Bonus Swim diaper policy is a given as said for any swimming outings. Potty: Mock training policy, not that we'll likely ever get to a point where the training would be put in use, but it doesnt hurt to practice when an opportunity arises. The princess has a throne so she should warm it sometimes! Use: Numbness treatment, reflex training, with this combination there's little chance of even noticing myself what happened, but Mommy will understand the clear tell. Diaper checking: Routine check policy, verbal check policy, combination leads to a Trust, but Verify policy. Diaper changing: Passive change policy, Tape policy, Public toilet policy, Mommy is there to take care of me so its best to leave this stuff to her and let her decide when the time comes. Changing process: Odor policy, Powder policy, Suppository policy, Warmer policy, Extended Diaper Bag policy, boy that is quite a few. The pleasant baby powder smell should make life for everyone easier, especially considering the regular suppository use to maintain bowel health and motility at a maximum, warm wipes are part of any well-equipped diaper bag and mandatory for the prissy princess.
>>19179 Nice to see another build posted, they help keep us alive!
is there any news for this CYOA ?
>>20773 No, no news - I don't want to disappear without explanation, but it just seemed like there wasn't a lot of interest. Only three people did the whole thing (3.25 if you count the latest build). I enjoyed making it and it's close enough to done to leave me satisfied. You know, when you make something on the web it's for one of three reasons: to make money, to get personal enjoyment, or to make other people happy. This is free, I have enjoyed the process as much as I needed, and there aren't a lot of people left who like elaborate CYOAs. Right now I've moved on to messing with the chatbot AI stuff which feels in many ways like the future. I'm trying to get the most out of it before character.ai decides they want to monetize! I've really been able to train the AI to respond to my exact niche tastes.
>>20785 I will say, I think you had a really good idea and made an overall good framework for a cyoa, it's just that cyoa part's not there. There's not much of a game with hard rules that let you build up or work down from points, and so it kinda feels hard to make a post in response. Either it's making a list of all the cute and lewd things you'd like, or it's making a list of like 5 things when it feels like that's then neglecting so much of the cyoa. I'd really love to see you make a version of rules with more conventional points -- or, given how that can be pretty simple and maybe you wanna go away from being too samey to other stuff, perhaps you can think of some other system? But some system of hard rules that lets you work to or away from something would be really cool and probably get a lot more popularity and activity. Also any other goes you have at the genre would be cool too, you're definitely pretty good at this so it feels like a waste to just give up on it for too long. Also, regardless of your response to the above, just curious, how long would you say it took you to make? I don't mean in the sense that one could just check the time between announcing the cyoa and finishing it, but like, just actual productive time ignoring all the time in-between. Just asking while dwelling on the idea of making some cyoas myself.
>>20785 Dude I'm gonna be real a lot more than two or more dudes went through that But who the fuck would bother to type it all up instead of just cranking their hog. I for one thought it was great and it's lame you won't be finishing it
>>20833 I have to agree I’m also someone who really enjoyed it, but I didn’t have anything new to say about it and I never like talking about the things I make with CYOA’s Overall, I think there are probably way more people that actually used the CYOA than you think Give yourself a bit more credit
>>20822 That's fair. I actually do have an idea for a gamified system. Although I have not worked on the CYOA for months and it is unlikely to be done before the New Year, since there looks like there is still interest here I will start cooking on it. >>20833 >>20840 >who would bother to type Well of course, for the same reason that I wrote it originally! When you write your reply post you're contributing to the thread and keeping CYOAs alive. Players are what fuel creation to keep happening.
>>20856 I also really enjoy your stuff. Just never posted for whatever reason, but I do really like what you do, plus OW ladies do it for me for some reason.
>>20856 I'm the same as >>20857 I mostly lurk but I was really hyped for your idea for a OW cyoa so I could have cyoa to make fapfuel for mommy dommy Ashe and livingInfinite style ego filled/pamper filling brat stuff in the same cyoa. so it's sad to hear the lack of feedback is leading to lack of interest and hope you finish it at some point. (also does not help that OW has Buff mommy Zeus Junkerqueen now)
>>17880 My headcannon is that this is the type of form that a prospective amazon from the Diapered Dimension would fill out when adopting a little. In this case, we got caught by the amazons and have begun indoctrination at one of their adoption centers. An amazon couple filled out the forms like so: These all ensure that babies are kept safe and secure. It's not their job to determine what's best for them, it's OURS. Our babies need to wear diapers, and we need them to look and behave like babies. Just because they have a bit more faculties than a proper baby doesn't give them any excuse to not behave as a baby should. We just need to... help... them move into their new role. >Childish Wardrobe, Cross Policy >Locked (clothing) Policy, Restrictive Change Policy, Extended Diaper Bag Policy >Cloth Diaper Policy >Numbness Treatment >Routine Check Policy Until the baby's physical dependence is fully established and engrained, we need to ensure they are exposed ONLY to the conditions of their desired end-state. They'll eventually be relegated to pre-crawler status, so just get them used to the never ending love and care that they'll receive once they're where we want them! >Breastfeeding Policy, Fullness Policy >De-coordination Treatment >Stroller Policy, Restraint Policy >Bassinet Policy, Nap Policy >Mentorship Policy Our babies will have some behaviors induced via suggestion during their limited TV time. We also foster mental and physical dependence with these items. >Oral Fixation Training, Bib Policy >Devocalization Treatment, Pacifier Policy >Wet Noodle Treatment >Cling Treatment, Punitive Naptime Policy, Gratuitous Affection Policy >Mitten Policy, Swaddle Policy >Sink Bath Policy These last items help mommies and daddies with how to interact with their new babies. They also provide a bit more incentive for babies to behave! >Looming Policy, Condescension Policy >Adoption Policy >Libido Treatment, Assisted Relief Policy, Reprioritize Treatment
>>20903 You're the first one to pick cloth policy! Clearly the diaper dimension is more eco friendly than ours.
>>20785 Usually just lurk and enjoy on my own since I assume no one cares. Since you did the work I'm happy to post my choices and thought process, though. I'm mostly DL but enjoy loss of control/helplessness/humiliation for context. My caregiver would be a SO (intentionally nebulous) that knew about my kinks before this happened to me. I really like your creativity - many options caught me by surprise and got my imagination going. >Outerwear: No Pants Policy, Costume Policy, Cross Policy, Uniform Policy She can choose between any of these at her whim; they're not location-specific. >Dressing: Dress Policy, Locked Sleeper Policy Treating locked sleeper policy here more like a locking clothes policy rather than specifically sleepers, so it doesn't invalidate the Outerwear choices. Essentially it all boils down to "she gets to choose what I wear and I can't change it." >Underwear: Night Policy, Disposable Policy Disposable diapers, with extra thick ones at night -- likely a common choice on this board. >Alternative Diapers: Decoration Policy, Swim Diaper Policy, Sympathy Policy Viewing this as a modifier of the above, so that my diapers are decorated/patterned. The economic side of it is interesting but doesn't seem to come into play much in Sandbox mode. For sympathy policy, I'd want this to be fully at her discretion. My libido isn't gone from choices I make later and (surprise, surprise) I enjoy the thought of her in diapers. The description doesn't really match this use of the policy, though. >Potty: Chart Policy, Mock Training Policy, Dance Training, Bathroom Key Policy These are all in conjunction with untraining policy below, so they're more humiliating status reinforcement than anything else. >Use: Untraining Policy, Stimulus Training, Big Mess Treatment, Reflex Training, Heavy Use Policy All of these together create a scenario in my head where she'd choose when I have a messy diaper (via stimulus), and it'd be very obvious what's happening (reflex). Big mess treatment would give her flexibility on that, and Heavy use would give her flexibility on changing my wet diapers as well. It'd be cool to see some kind of rash resistance treatment somewhere. >Diaper Checking: Verbal Check Policy, Routine Check Policy, App Policy Verbal is mostly for teasing or status reinforcement, with routine as the main way of checking. App policy is for when we're not together. Request policy is intentionally left out. >Diaper Changing: Restrictive Change Policy, Tape Policy This goes hand-in-hand with how I treat locked sleeper policy above, and some options later. >Changing Process: Odor Policy, Powder Policy, Warmer Policy, Suppository Policy, Extended Diaper Bag Policy This is all pretty self-explanatory; the whole shebang, minus standing changes. Minimal independence. >Food: Sous Chef Policy, Children's Menu Policy Children's menu policy here primarily for if we were at a restaurant. Food is too fun to give up for the other options. >Feeding: High Chair Policy, Sippy Policy, In and Out Training In and out training is quite fun to think about. If she hadn't made me mess the prior day with stimulus training, this would come into effect at breakfast. >Breastfeeding: Lactic Nacolepsy Treatment Breastfeeding isn't my thing. It's your last sentence in this treatment saying it's an "off" button and the inclusion of cow's milk and formula that made me choose this. >Public Movement: Escort Policy, Leash Policy Her choice based in the situation. Otherwise, pretty self-explanatory. >Home Movement: Little Wanderer Policy, Gate Policy, Bouncer Exercise Policy I like gate policy since it could be extremely restrictive or not restrictive at all, and I think it works well with little wanderer. In my head, the bouncer is both for exercise and for times she doesn't want me mobile. >Transport: Car Seat Policy, Stroller Policy, Reverse Carrier Policy Along with the escort and leash policies I chose above, it seems like all the bases are covered. She can choose whichever feels best at the time. >Sleep: Crib Policy Most apt with my other choices, and the most restrictive. >Sleep Misc.: Bedtime Policy, Nap Policy, Heavy Sleeper Treatment It feels like lactic narcolepsy treatment from the breastfeeding category should be in this one instead. I'm envisioning that in conjunction with the bedtime and nap. >Daily Activities: Good Loser Training This one's creative! Sounds like fun. I think I'd choose all this category if they didn't have exclusions e.g. "any entertainment you are given" and "you'll always find yourself." >Enrollments: Physical Therapy Policy A big ol' no thanks to religious education. >Social: Equality Policy, Last Among Equals Policy, Playmate Policy, Mentorship Policy A mentor that becomes a higher-status playmate of mine down the road? Sign me up. >Misc. Mouth: Mirror Policy, Oral Fixation Training Give her all the control! >Speaking: Pacifier Policy; Seen, Not Heard Policy
[Expand Post]Again, give her all the control! >Body: Belly Treatment, Wet Noodle Treatment, Rump Treatment Belly treatment is just so that my mess doesn't smell. It makes me consider removing big mess treatment from before. Wet noodle is for the helplessness. Rump treatment caught me by surprise but has certainly made its way into my fantasies. >Mind: Laughter Treatment, Fresh Eye Treatment, Sweetie Training, Brat Treatment The first three sound fun for everyone involved. Brat treatment is just for some independence! >Soft Discipline: Gratuitous Affection Policy, Scold Policy, Aftercare Policy, Punitive Naptime Policy Self-explanatory. >Hard Discipline: Spanking Policy, Punitive Delays Policy, Punitive Demotion Policy First two are self-explanatory. Punitive demotions refers to policies, so it still avoids unchosen permanent treatments. >Childproofing: Weak Grip Treatment, Strait Policy Weak grip seems like mittens but better. Strait policy is there in case she wants to remind me how dependent I am on her, not an all the time thing. >Care: Shower Policy, Little Reminder Policy All self-explanatory. Enemas aren't needed with my other choices. >Identity: Mirror Policy, Come to Mommy Policy, Condescension Policy Reminders of my status are often parts of my fantasy. Condescension I'm interpreting to apply to everyone except those in my household. >Legal: Adoption Policy, Naming Policy, Attorney Policy, Pediatrics Policy Dependence isn't chosen is because it precludes working from home (taken later). Similarly, minor isn't taken so I can work. >Vice: Double Jeopary Policy I think leash policy here is supposed to be gambling, since leash is a dupe and this image is gambling-related. Soma in conjunction with disappearance is an interesting option to think about. >Lewdness: Plush Paraphilia Treatment, Libido Treatment, Diaperphilic Treatment Libido and diaperphilic treatments are taken here to offset castration treatment below. Assisted relief and plush paraphilia seem like they'd interact in some very fun ways with my other choices. >Chastity: Chastity Policy, Castration Treatment, Third Wheel Policy Chastity is a major kink of mine, so the idea of her having the key and having the plush paraphilia / diaperphilic treatments (and double jeopardy in case I try to masturbate without permission) sounds heavenly. Castration treatment is for the femininity and reduced aggression, with the libido impact offset by my other treatments. Reprioritize is not chosen because I still want her to be attractive to me as well. I'm not imagining growing again, rather remaining stuck with all my choices, hence third wheel policy. >Work: Remote Worker Policy Gotta help with the bills, and have something to keep my brain challenged. >Money/Shopping: Allowance Policy, Grocery Policy, Brand Policy, Changing Room Policy Allowance paid from my remote work and mostly to buy gifts/very minor stuff, and the other policies here reinforcing my overall stat
>>16612 What's the source for the cowgirl image used in page 3, top row, Long Diaper? I like it a lot but can't place the artist.
(1.01 MB 1754x2480 A Good Cub.png)

(1.29 MB 2550x1650 Baby Training.png)

(1.28 MB 1754x2480 Toddler Time.png)

Something I've been working on
>>20929 > since I assume no one cares I definitely read all the stuff people post. It helps motivate for finishing the CYOA and provide ideas for other additional options.
>>21007 Can make build latet but nicely done series.
>>20856 sweet. I wound up being super busy with RL shit and this was pretty nice news to return to. >>20833 This, btw, is a way more concise and frankly better way of phrasing one part of what I was saying in the post above it. Lots of people no doubt looked at it and liked it, but it's such a long thing to end up typing up and has little gamification, so most ppl just jerkin their weenor won't bother. >>20903 I really like this perspective/approach.
Found a CYOA that while not themed around diapers, does have a tab of options surrounding diapers. Not perfect, but someone here could probably get off to it. Though, it also has a lot of other really depraved options, so fair warning https://thatguywholikesfood.neocities.org/cyoas/%20NewChambers%20CYOA/
>>21292 Honestly I often prefer non-ABDL CYOAs that have diaper/incontinence options but this one is way too involved for me.
>>21292 >open link >get greeted by giant arceus dick >not interested in furfag shit >clicks decline offer >aceus floods the next picture with cum ngl made me chuckle
https://hsnbrg689.neocities.org/ A reasonably cute omo cyoa, not explicitly abdl focused (in fact gives points for banning diapers) but you can extrapolate. 4 endings to look for. Kinda hate how these are moving to neocities sites without static image versions, even if it allows for a couple fun tricks
>>21007 Love these - more roleplay than CYOA but wow, that last one in particular
Hey there anons. I'm a regular from the main cyoa threads and am quite happy to see this one here in this sub. Gonna share the names of some cyoas from there which also have some minor diaper/incontinence options or something ageplay/mommy related in case anyone is interested. Witch & Apprentice - Diaper options for clothing, options for regression, spanking and etc punishments, rewards, ability to design either witch or apprentice along yourself, making it easy to set up a neat scenario in it. Same author as the AR one at OP Age Regression Virus - Very simple and with nothing explicit but an AR sim nonetheless Mommy Domme - A design your own mommy, with options to take a more abdl approach later but nothing really explicit Diapered Fate - A likely abandoned thing based on Fate. Unfinished but somewhat interesting Dream Scholarship/Paperwork Error - Generic be the girl thing with some diaper/incontinence options Involuntary Commitment/A Necessary Prescription - Medical institutionalistion cyoas with options for diapers and bondage stuff as well potentially turning your brain into mush Maid - A very masochist focused maid cyoa with an option for diapers as well as some bathroom shenanigans Build a Prison Bitch/Build a Sissy Cuckold/NTR life - Setting is ntr focused but has some diaper, regression and mommy options in it The Town's Faggot - Abuse and humiliation focused but with some pee related options The Joy of Creation/Trigger Girl/Puppy Project/Nanobot Trial/Tickle Slave (and some others I cant recall rn) - build a partner/little and give them a weak bladder Corrupted/Looking for a Group/Starship Captain/Princess/Captured by A Plant - Weak bladder as a "drawback" and a few companions that could be good mommies/daddies Ara Ara/Milf hunter - Mommy stuff Your Very Own Submissive - Build a sub with some little options. Has a dom dlc as well Feminization - Mother and Knight options are regression focused Ganymede Island - Be the loli/shota with your own personal island, incontinence options and ability to design a family A Nice Date (aka loli date) - be/build a loli with customizable relations plus some peeplay Nabokov - Pick a loli, with one having a weak bladder and another liking enemas Royal Academy - Be a principal and raise a loli, with some minor stuff in there Superloli - short design a loli with two diaper options Daughteru - short loli thing with a bedwetting event Plus other stuff like going to school again, building a pocket dimension, general lewd adventure stuff, companion builder/pickers and etc that one can rp or interpret things a certain way to add an ABDL bend but those are more tangential and interpretative so I'm not gonna add them here.
Diaper CYOA You're sitting in your room one night, coming off the high of masturbation, when a fairy sees your plight and decides to help. Upon appearing to you, she explains her offer, and produces a magic piece of parchment and a quill pen. The requirements? Just fill out the paper, put it under your pillow and go to sleep, and everything will change when you wake up tomorrow morning. What do you choose? **Section 1: World** Choose one and only one option, elaborating on the scenarios in non-gamebreaking ways is encouraged. -The regular world Sure, it's boring, but why not choose the devil you know? If you choose this option, you'll wake up tomorrow in the same-old, same-old world. Doing so you'd probably be a nice guy as you wouldn't be imposing your sick fetishes on anyone else, which is probably nice. -Age regression world For some reason or another, humans have developed age regression, this of course means that one can revert themselves or another person to a earlier state in life. There are a multitude of reasons for doing this, of course, for example, pleasure, avoiding a debilitating illness later in life, or simply if someone wants a second chance. If you pick this option, changing your age is not permanent and immortality or life extending perks are redundant. -Mental regression world Well you can't be age regressed in this world at least, but somehow people can induce a form of mental retardation, reverting one's mind back to a childlike mental state, or revert someone's mind back to infancy. This can be reversible or irreversible to your tastes, or people could even be able to mature in their mental state like their bodies mature, a sort of "mind age" if you will. Conveniently, this world's people don't really frown upon seeing an adult diapered and babied up in public, but they'd probably raise some eyebrows if that person wasn't with someone who was mature looking, and if you tried this charade and you tried to maintain the facade in private with a person, they would probably notice that it's an act. This would carry the same stigma as being an ABDL does today. So in this world you can live a lie, but you could also go native if you so desired. -Normalized world Whether everyone wears diapers, some people wear diapers or barely anyone wears diapers is up to you, but in this world people don't really have a negative stigma towards people that just choose to wear diapers. Acting like a baby when you're an adult is still stigmatized, but otherwise public places are accommodating, diapers themselves are cheap, and while some might think it kind of a turn off, people generally won't give you shit if you choose to wear diapers here. Having a diaper fetish isn't all that weird either, as people equate it to having a panty fetish or a stocking fetish. A little kinky, but nothing serious at all. The amount of people who think diapers are a turn on is greatly increased to make it more common, but the number of people who are AB will remain about the same. -Toddler world In this world, everyone's maturity levels and continence levels are taken down a notch, a big notch. While the nuts and bolts of the world function as normal, as in the power still is on and the trains run on time, everyone is inherently much more immature. "Potties", or toilets as they are more maturely called in this world, are used by somewhere between only one-fifth and one-tenth of the population, and the rest are wearing various forms of training pants and diapers. Clothes as well are more babyish and people in general speak, write and go about their days as overgrown toddlers would. Wearing anything but childish clothes is considered strange, and you'd probably have to spend a week in the mall to find any outfit that pushes past the jewish level of style. Diaper fetishes are considered funny or silly at the worst, and open acts of sex and masturbation aren't really all that stigmatized as overgrown toddlers will, again, find it funny at the worst. Due to the childishness of the people living in this world as well, war is pretty much abolished and the worst crimes you'll see are for things like theft. Think "Demolition Man" level of non-violent world. -Infant world In this world, all but the most elite of global elites are kept in diapers and babied by gigantic nanny-bots. People essentially are treated like infants from square one in life, starting out with a life-sized robot and a life-sized dwelling as a child and eventually graduating up to "adult" housing with a giantess nanny-bot and a giant apartment. The nannies have complete control over their charges, and play matchmaker more often than not, joining up with another nanny, undressing their charges, plopping them down in a playpen together and looking the other way. There's obviously no stigma against wearing babyish clothing and a diaper here, but if you're caught without a nanny, you'll be assigned one and housing. -X-archy Whichever gender you choose are now the rulers and guardians of the opposite sex. This means that the opposite sex are treated like babies and toddlers for their entire lives. Guardianship of these people transfers from their parents to their spouse, and their entire lives they're meant to stay at home and look pretty, only going out under the watchful eye of their guardian or a trusted friend or relative. Being banned from schools, the submissive sex is ditzy, immature and deferential while the dominant sex is well... dominant. --Your sex is dominant (X points) --Your sex is subservient (X points) (Note: you cannot take littles as companions that are of the dominant sex when you choose this scenario.) -Size world This world is populated by two different species of human, normal people, who of course, are still of normal size, and amazons, tall, muscular beings. While the two different types of people generally live in harmony, amazons typically view normal everyday humans as being kind of helpless and have a parental view of them. While this isn't a problem in homogeneous parts of the world, in big cosmopolitan cities this can lead to some chafing. It doesn't help that most of the big cities are literally big for normal people, as almost everything is built for amazon use. To add insult to injury, police forces are also amazonian, as normal police wouldn't be able to arrest amazonian criminals. While this scenario doesn't always necessarily end in diapers, you're more than likely to be picked up in public if you look like you need some help. Good luck finding a job in the city too, as you really can't reach anything. Public transport will be a hassle too, driving will be unthinkable and finding housing in "your size" will probably be near impossible, not even considering the extra costs. Coincidentally, Amazons in late toddlerhood are about the same size as a normal adult... --You are an amazon (X points) --You stay the same (X points) **Section 2: You!** Now we're on the you section, where you can change pretty much every aspect of your body. *Section A: appearance. Height: -Dwarf -Short -Average -Tall -Giant Age: -Infant/Toddler (Must take at least one caretaker) -Young Child (Must take at least one caretaker) -Tween (Must take at least one caretaker) -Teenager (Must take at least one caretaker) -Young Adult -Adult
[Expand Post] Gender: -Female -Male -Other Body: -Skinny -Average -Plump -Athletic Face: -Girly -Genderless -Boyish Chest: -Flat -Small -Average -Buxom Bottom: -Flat -Tight -Average -Peach -Badonkadonk
>>22125 *Section B: Traits In this section feel free to define your character, specifically traits that could be useful (or detrimental!) in a world of diapers and babyings. Rate your continence: -0 being totally pottytrained, 5 being completely and uncontrollably incontinent. (+X points for each number higher than 0)(age:baby/toddler cannot go lower than 3 on this trait, age:young child cannot go lower than 2) --Bedwetting starts happening rarely automatically at a continence rating of 2, getting more common at night at higher ratings, but those who are lower in the rating can take the trait for (+X points) --Messy accidents start happening automatically at a continence rating of 3, but those who are lower in the ratings (except those with a rating of zero) can take the trait for (+X points) Rate your maturity: -0 being completely adult acting, 5 being beyond childish and in the realm of infancy. (+X points for each number higher than 0)(age:baby/toddler cannot go lower than 3 on this trait, all other ages that require a caretaker cannot go lower than 2) Rate your intelligence: -0 being how intelligent you are now, 5 being a completely ignorant of pretty much ever, -X points if you want to upgrade your 0 score to become a genius. Rate your charisma: -0 being silver-tounged and glib, 5 being awkward and unconvincing (+X points for each number higher than 0) *Section C: Clothing When you choose these options, you wake up with what you've picked on and a significant amount of it in your closet wherever you live now. All your other clothes will disappear Diapers (choose one, or choose one and choose a higher tier as nighttime wear for half it's bonus points): These are obviously not the permanent diapers that you'll be wearing, but generally you'll gravitate towards whatever you choose. -No diapers (Cannot be taken with age:baby/toddler) -Pull-ups -Baby-sized diapers -Adult diapers (Cannot be taken by age:young child or below) -Adult baby diapers (Cannot be taken by age:young child or below) Clothing proper (Options with a second point cost next to the first one incur that point cost when taken alone): -Naked Haha, very original... no seriously you need to live in this world pick some clothes out. -General clothing If you're a boy, you'll get shirts and pants, if you're a girl you'll get tops, pants, skirts and maybe a dress or two -Formal wear Suits for the boys, dresses for the girls, need I say more? -Babyish wardrobe Rompers, sailor outfits, onesies galore! -Winter clothes For you who live in colder climes -Lingerie Sexy underwear for those who want to spice it up in the bedroom. Comes with no bottoms if no diapers is not selected under diapers. -Crossdressing clothes Plenty of girlish outfits for the discerning sissy to-be Extra Clothes -Shoes Shoes galore! From booties to boots to high heels to flip flops.
[Expand Post]-Swim clothes I mean, I guess if you want to swim this stuff is something you can get, comes with swim diapers in your size. -Jewelry (Cannot be taken by age:baby/toddler) Mostly just earrings and necklaces and stuff, can't be sold. -Hats Various headwear, comes with a bonnet if you're really into that kind of baby aesthetic -Babyish accessories plenty of beads for pigtails, maybe a bow or two and generally other babyish additions to complete the look
>>22126 *Section D: Dwelling House: -A basement It's a basement, and not even a particularly big or spacious one. You're practically living in a cellar. No add-ons for you! -Your house Obviously, your house costs nothing, but as punishment for picking your house, you can't pick any add-ons to make it better. -Small Apartment Good luck bringing people into this place, let alone living. Luckily the rent is cheap. Only 1 add-on can be made to the small apartment. -Cabin in the woods A nice secluded cabin in the woods, perfect for if you picked a horrible dystopia for a scenario, or if you want to just have it be you and your companions. Only 2 add-ons can be made to the cabin. -Nicer Apartment Going up in the world I see? The nicer apartment is the daddy of the small apartment, and actually has a dedicated bedroom, kitchen, living room area and the like. Plus, it's got a great location near the center of any major city you want! Allows for 2 add-ons. -McMansion This place is pretty big, and comes in your standard American suburb. Expect some pretty friendly neighbors and having to hop in your car and drive at least half an hour for anything useful. Allows for 4 add-ons. -Penthouse An apartment spanning an entire floor of some of the most prime real estate in the heart of any major city. Allows for 3 add-ons. -Actual Mansion -A gigantic house in the country somewhere, with spacious grounds and places to explore. Allows for infinite add-ons and all add-ons are X points less. Your room: -...Your room Another boring choice, but hey, if you're comfortable with it, go ahead. -A shittier version of your room For those that are points-hungry. Comes with nothing in it but an overhead light, a single window, a twin bed with nothing but a fitted sheet, a bedsheet and a small pillow and a single chest of drawers for all of your clothes. -Standard bedroom Joe Schmoe bedroom over here. Queen bed, plenty of storage space and a closet. -Girlish room Your standard young girl's room. Covered in pink, with a spacious walk in closet for clothes. Can be combined with nursery. -Nursery (Must take if baby/toddler) A baby's room. Comes with a crib in you or your little's size, a rocking chair for your caretaker, a changing table, stuffed animals and a chest of drawers for the little one's clothes. -Luxury bedroom Gigantic bed along with tons of space for all sorts of activities. Can be combined with nursery. Additional rooms for companions can be purchased for half the written points cost. Slotless add-ons: These add-ons don't count towards the amount of add-ons in your house. -Baby furniture Your house becomes replete with all sorts of baby furniture including highchairs, walkers and playpens. -Media system It's a DVD and Blu Ray player with pretty much every movie and TV show you can find on it. Add-ons: -Home cinema Doesn't come with any movies, but it's a room with a kickin' sound system and an awesome screen. -Gaming room
[Expand Post]Comes with gaming stuff, but you have to pick and stick with a theme, like classic arcade cabinets or NES-generation consoles. -Kitchen You actually get a kitchen! You'll have to drive somewhere to get food. If you pick this add-on with a dwelling that already has a kitchen, it is upgraded and automatically stocked with everything you might need to make delicious food. -Playroom (cheaper if age is baby/toddler) A room with all the things a little boy or girl might need to keep one's self busy while the adults run the household. -Additional bedroom A standard bedroom for your companion -Nursery A nursery for a companion more on the little side of the spectrum.
>>22127 Companions: Companions are generally divided into caregivers and dependents, however there might be some companions that are either neutral or flexible, and can be convinced to maybe switch roles. Companions have their own lodging close to yours unless otherwise noted, but they can live with you if you have a spare room for them. -Candy 25-Caretaker Candy is a young, up-and coming professional in the hedge fund business. Even though she's seen amazing success in business, her biological clock is starting to tick. What she decided she needs is a "baby with benefits". If you pick her, expect to be mostly on your own during the week, but over the weekends she transforms into a loving mommy ready to care for you. She does have a stern streak, mostly because of her tough attitude at work, but she just wants her own, living breathing baby doll. --Must pick at least one secondary caregiver if age under tween. --Double points for infantile accessories in the accessories section -Sally 18-Dependent Sally will swear to you with a hundred pinkie promises that she used to wear big girl pants! But when you ask her when that was, or what happened that landed her up in diapers, she'll pause for a minute and not return a straight answer. Truth is, the poor girl pissed someone off, someone powerful, and that made her end up in the state she's in now. She's lucid enough to know something's wrong when she absentmindedly fills her diapers, but there isn't enough adult left upstairs for her to realize what's wrong. Either way, she's a cute fussy girl either as a playmate or a charge. -Cassandra 30-Caretaker You're not really sure why Cassandra needs a roommate, but here she is anyway. You're not really sure where she got her money from, but she stays at home with you without working a single day at a real job. What you DO know, is that Cassandra LOVES to take care of you and take on responsibility. That's a great thing if you're into that, but if you're not, have fun trying to fight Cassandra every step on the way as she slowly embeds herself in every aspect of your life. At the end of the day, you're Cassandra's little man or girl, and she'll start treating you as such, whether you like it or not. -TeeVee ??-??? TeeVee is the nickname you've given to the newest feature on your smart TV. You can't really place what it is exactly, but it seems to be some kind of avatar that can talk to you. It can take the form of any fictional character, but the catch is that fictional character is always thickly diapered. Also, the programming on your TV has become pretty weird. Even the matureish shows are a little more simple, colorful, and kid friendly, and also the moral of most of the episodes is how great it is to be wearing a diaper. Huh.... Must be the wind. --Must have a TV -Molly 1 (17)-Dependent Isn't she cute? The rehabilitation police picked her up from a Walmart just this morning. Security caught the new little one scarfing down a candy bar on aisle twelve with no proof of purchase. Before security could take her to the back to chew her out and call her parents to pick her up, a unit swung by and offered to take anyone causing trouble off the store's hands. Within an hour this one was snoozing right alongside the other subjects in their cribs on the rehab police bus. The station tried to call her house to tell her parents to come pick her up, as well as swinging by a store and picking up some diapers, but nobody answered. They were probably on vacation or something, but internal protocol means that she's now regarded as an orphan, which mean's she's free to a good home, hopefully one that will keep her from making the same bad decisions she made when she grew up for the first time. --Must have a nursery -UNIT_MOTHER ??-Caretaker UNIT_MOTHER ID: Isabelle is the first model the government contracted Apple to design as a fully functional humanoid domestic robot. Isabelle is a highly advanced robot, capable of doing almost anything a human can. How it came to be obtained by you is a mystery, but all you need to know is that it's kind of on the fritz. It's not a problem if you're an accommodating human being, but if you're not... well... How do I put this? The robot will periodically glitch out and forcefully mother you. This is beyond its regular suite of chores and duties it has to maintain your house, instead it will coddle and dote on you until it stops malfunctioning. -Max 20- Dependent Max decided to move in with you right after he had his third regression attack. That one lasted twelve hours, and at that point he realized he couldn't live alone anymore. See, Max has a problem where he will sometimes, without warning, mentally regress to a drooling toddler for several hours. This doesn't happen every day, but it happens enough where Max wears diapers constantly as a precaution and has to have someone around to take care of him in case this happens. Other than that, Max is a skinny NEET that loves to play video games and wear cute clothes. He'll help around the house when he can, but keep an eye on him in case he makes a mess all of a sudden. --Must have a spare room for this companion. -Gabby 24- Dependent Gabby is your standard AB girl. She loves to wear diapers, wear cute clothes and lounge around in a fully loaded nursery. She'll mainly keep to herself as a roommate, but you do have a chance of being her significant other. However, that might sound great from the start, but if you have any desire to be babyish yourself you might want to think again. If you do become Gabby's lover, she'll expect you to help her enact her fantasy, which means being her total and complete caretaker. She'll stop cleaning up after herself, changing her own diaper, doing her share of the housework and cooking her own meals, expecting you to take care of it as her daddy or mommy. This might be fun for you, but you'll have to sacrifice a lot of your diaper time to make this relationship work. -Cricket 18- Caretaker Cricket is a real cutie, but she would tan your bear bottom glowing cherry red if she ever heard you saying that. She's mommy, and she loves punishing naughty boys. Her definition of a naughty boy is conveniently very fluid, everything from wetting your diaper to not wetting it enough, to not finishing your food or not listening to her is grounds for being a naughty boy and deserving punishment. Every once and a while though, you notice a chink in Cricket's dommy persona, suggesting she could be swaddled up in diapers herself given enough convincing. Of course, this isn't possible without some help...
>>22124 While the list is appreciated why not drop links for them too?
>>22147 I was searching for these in my saved builds rather than searching in the net or anything and not all of them are completely relevant to the thread so I didnt bother to search for them. Most are pretty easy to find by just googling the title + cyoa tho and I'm happy to share here any ones that anons cant find.
>>17880 Outerwear: -Scaled Wardrobe Policy (Occasional) -Childish Wardrobe Policy (Main) -Costume Policy (Occasional) -Cross Policy (Rare) -Uniform Policy (Occasional) Dressing: -Self-Dress Policy (Main) -Dress Policy (Occasional) Underwear: -Pullup Policy (Daytime) -Diapers as Needed Policy (Rare) -Disposable Policy (Occasional) Alternative Diapers: -Cloth Policy (Nighttime) -Airing Policy -Swim Diaper Policy -Sympathy Policy (Rare) Potty: -Toilet Policy (Main Focus) -Little Potty Policy (Backup) -Chart Policy Use: -Stimulus Training -Reflex Training Diaper Checking: -Request Policy (Main) -Verbal Check Policy (Occasional) -Routine Check Policy (Occasional) Diaper Changing: -Self-Change Policy (Rare) -Active Change Policy (Common) -Public Toilet Policy (Occasional) Changing Process: -Odor Policy (Moderate) -Powder Policy -Diaper Bag Policy Food: -Heating Element Policy Feeding: -High Chair Policy -Sippy Policy -Bottle Hold Policy Breastfeeding: -Breastfeeding Policy (Occasional) -Public Feeding Policy -Lactic Narcolepsy Treatment
[Expand Post]-Induction Treatment Public Movement: -Escort Policy Home Movement: -Little Wanderer Policy -Basic Playpen Policy (Occasional) Transport: -Car Seat Policy -Carry Policy Sleep: -Bed Policy Sleep Misc: -Bedtime Policy -Nap Policy Daily Activities: -Good Loser Training -Mobile Device Policy -Old Interests Treatment Enrollments: -Physical Therapy Policy -Swim Lesson Policy Social: -Little Helper Policy -Equality Policy -Mentorship Policy Misc Mouth: -Burp Policy -Bib Policy (Occasional) -Oral Fixation Training Speaking: -Pacifier Policy Body: -Haircut Policy -Baby Fat Treatment -Lift Policy -Rump Treatment Mind: -Laughter Treatment -Imagination Training Soft Discipline: -Gratuitous Affection Policy -Ignore Policy -Time Out Policy Hard Discipline: -Spanking Policy -Public Punishment Policy -Punitive Delays Policy -Punitive Demotion Policy Childproofing: -Childproofing Policy (Minor) -Mitten Policy (Rare) Care: -Group Bath Policy -Shower Policy -Little Reminder Policy Identity: -Mirror Policy -Big Sister Policy (Mommy's Biological Child) -Eye to Eye Policy Legal: -Dependence Policy -Adoption Policy -Pediatrics Policy Vice: -Alcohol Policy (Rare) Lewness: -Assisted Relief Policy -Personal Relief Policy -Puppy Love Treatment Chastity:None Work:None Money/Shopping: -Allowance Policy -Changing Room Policy Pretty good anon. I really liked it. Hope you're able to complete it eventually.
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>>22394 There weren't all that many options I wanted so I ended with "stranger" tier without even trying to. That probably says more about how boring I am more than the quality of the CYOA =Body= -1 - Female -2 - Feminine -3 - Age change -1 - Smooth (7 Points) Genitals -1 - Appearance -2 - Virgin (3 Points) Other Physical -2 - Slow Aging +1 - Incontinence (1 Point) Mind +1 - Age Regression -1 - Good Dreams -1 - Charisma (1 Point) Skills -3 - Animal Whispering -3 - Dance (6 Points) Housing -6 - House -1 - Solarium -2 - Playground -1 - Large Yard -1 - Library -1 - Dungeon -1 - Playroom (13 Points) House Options -1 - Solar Panels (1 Point) Vehicles -0 - Bicycle -1 - Electric Car
[Expand Post](1 Point) Employment +5 - New Identity (+5 Points) Possessions -3 - Personal Android +1 - Thing your aunt gave your -1 - Something else (stuffed animals) (3 points) Companions +5 - Biological Parents -2 - Biological siblings -1 - Pet (+2 Points) Companion Traits *Parents* -10 Protective *Sibling 1* -1 - Twin *Sibling 2* +1 - Unstable (10 Points) Total spent: 39 points
I had an idea to make a short "choose your own bedwetting accident" thing with options like type of accident, cause, who's nearby, possible punishment, protection, a drawback/perk section and a few endings you can pick more than one if you qualify for them ("fluke" if you put some effort into stopping it, "payback" if your cause is someone elses fault and you're able to find out about it, "true companions" if you get friends with the same issue", "ABDL lifestyle" if your cause is intentional and you pick diapers, "only the beginning" if your situation only gets worse, etc) but I sadly lost my original files and havent been able to recreate it fully. Would likely not be able to actually make it since I suck at graphic design but I'm still saddened by the loss.
>>14251 >6 months since the last update I wonder what happened to him? I hope he's alive.
>>22976 Yeah. Shame about the project too, was a pretty interesting concept, and the text files that you can extract from the github show that it was a lot further on than the demo suggests
I'm currently working on a big ABDL CYOA that I hope will be the best ever made so far (not that there are many anyways). The script is mostly done, and I am working on the drawings and graphics that will go with it. I doubt it will be complete before a few months tho, since it's pretty long and there is still a lot to do (the written script is 12 pages long already, and I will probably keep adding more). Since I want it to be very well done, it would be great if any of you had enough experience with CYOAs to give me some advices on how to balance the costs/rewards system (currently you get x number of points for your choices and you can convert them in y number of rewards, so like Youthful Magic but less straightforward). I could also help some tips on how to make it interactive like those on neocities, so any resources to learn that too would be great. The main fetish is diapers of course, and the whole structure revolves around encouraging humiliation and shame, so it will also have a lot of that. I will consider adding more watersports/omorashi elements to it, but it won't step too far from the diaper stuff, so don't expect extra weird kinks, which I will focus on in a later CYOA . It's not incredibly heavy on the AB stuff, but it has many babyish elements of course. My current concern is encouraging the player to make choices like you were actually forced to commit to them irl, and avoid the "I take every bad choice possible then spend everything to make my life great" effect. That's why the balancing is a bit unfair at the moment, but that makes it even more fun to me. I felt like a heavily diaper focused CYOA was missing, so I am making one and I promise it will be finished eventually, possibly before mid summer. If you wanna help me make this CYOA really good, I would love to hear your suggestions, but keep in mind what I said so far. I will keep you updated every month or so if you care about it. Here's what will help me: -Tips on balancing the "score"/"points" system (you get points by making bad choices and then you can spend them on good stuff); -Tips on fetishes/elements of fetishes you would like to see involved; -Just general hype for this would motivate me to keep going. It's my first big ABDL project and my first CYOA too, so it might not be perfect, but I plan on making many of these!
>>24206 >the written script is 12 pages long already, and I will probably keep adding more The best CYOAs feed you just enough details to get your brain working and let your imagination do the rest. It's a careful balance but be careful to not go overboard over explaining shit.
I don't think I am overexplaining, but I like to add a good level of detail to what I do. The script is that long because you have many choices and many categories to choose from. The CYOA is also heavily focused on humiliation, so there is also a good amount of teasing for the choices the player makes.
>>24215 sounds excellent. dont have experience with that stuff unfortunately but the humiliation and shame aspect sounds very exciting! cant wait!
>>24217 I am glad you are excited, I can't wait either. This will be my debut project in the abdl scene as an artist, I really hope it turns out to be good. I will keep you updated, maybe weekly or monthly
Prison of Flesh has a lot of content for giving up bladder/bowel control and clothing choices for point generation. https://chronicleward.neocities.org/ You've Been Cursed has a number of options for losing maturity, physical and mental capacity, and being treated like a child. https://bigfluffygoldfish.neocities.org/
>>24206 training potties.
>>24247 There are quite a few options including potties, I think you won't be disappointed!
>>24206 Looking forward to it, as for balancing the system: -Making some perks or drawbacks be mutually exclusive with other options, is a good way to balance things and avoiding contradictions. -In a similar vain making some choices require you to take certain choices is also a good thing to keep in mind. As for kinks, it'd be nice to see some mommy kink stuff, or just caregiver stuff in general to appeal to both sides.
>>24255 Yep some options have those conditions already, I think I learnt that from other CYOAs. Do you have any tips to balance the point system? Like, choosing how many points do you get from bad choices and how many do you need to buy good stuff? Also, for the mommy/daddy thing, I still haven't thought of a detailed caretaking system, there is just an option to get you a caregiver, but there is not a building system to actually choose each and every personality trait. It might be a good addition tho, I will consider it.
>>24256 so do take in to account i haven't made a CYOA before, so i'm mainly just thinking of CYOA's i liked and recommending what i think they well. as for how many points choices give or cost, well a lot of the CYOA's i think back on that were good used multiples of 5 for their point systems. For example: a perk might cost 30 points, so if i wanted to get that perk i'd need to take 2 drawbacks that cost 15 points or 1 drawback that cost 10 points and another drawback that cost 20 points, or 6 drawbacks that cost 5 points each. I hope that this helps you, and sorry if it doesn't, either way i'm looking forward to your cyoa!
>>16612 >>17943 >>18610 Also I hope the guy who was making that overwatch cyoa is still around & at it! I honestly would love to see way more ABDL cyoa's out there!
>>24267 This helps quite a lot actually, I will keep it in mind and review the point system, thanks!
>>24246 these are great, especially the first ones pee related options. could use some more diapers but is still fun
>>24206 Love to hear it, I think the most important advice I can offer is to not take water over your head. A smaller CYOA finished is better than the most expansive one left abandoned. As for an interactive version, I'd recommend that only as side project afterwards. They tend to be finicky, and an image set can be shared around, saved locally, or on a hundred different platforms, while an interactive one is pretty much isolated to one site. It's extra work for no real gain, many would argue an overall loss. X points for choices leading to Y rewards is a good method. Simple and easy to understand.
>>24326 >>24326 Gotcha. Don't worry, the project won't be abandoned no matter what. If I find myself unable to complete all of it, I'll just make it smaller. The only problem is I will have to draw each and every icon all by myself, since I don't want to use others' drawings. That's why the project will take a while. I've been working on it for 4 months now, but it might take another 3 or 4, given the lenght of the project. At the moment I am polishing the script and completed about 1/5of the icons. Thanks for the tips btw!
>>24268 I wrote all the descriptions and all but it was too cringey so I didn't bother putting it together. I'll probably make something again eventually though
>>24600 Apologies if this comes off as overdramatic. Probably at least half of sexual art/writing on the net is cringe to someone in some way. Someone will be disgusted by it. That is the nature of porn. It may be best kept behind closed doors, but even normalfags experience disgust with porn and sex and weird things they are into. If YJD, Arukan, and Croc can shamelessly post what many of us consider consider cringe as fuck and bottom of the barrel then whatever you make as a CYOA will certainly be better. You post, some will complain, but it will be enjoyed by others. You try to do well Anon, my brother, without demanding too much (like some Patreon fags for example) and people will enjoy it. I know there's a lot of stuff out there people dislike, but even if it's porn or you think it's cringe, you are better than you think you are. This applies even more for a niche fetish on an anonymous image board. I know many of us of niche fetishists are starved for conent in any case. Someone will appreciate it, anon. Perhaps keep it anonymous, as fetishes can affect your real life if discovered by normalfags, but you are better than the normalfags. You are an ANON and that makes you infinitely better than them. By definition an ANON does not give a fuck if his work is good or bad. He makes it for the passion of the work and the enjoyment of others, good or ill. Did the greats among us ABDLs like Long_Rifle or PieceOfSoap give a shit about their work being cringe? Perhaps, but they still made their things and we enjoy them, and they are gods among us because of it. I know this is a porn board, but you are still better than you think are.
>>24206 OP here. The script is 95% done for good. I added a nice interesting set of choices that I believe are quite unique, but I won't spoil the surprise for you. As for the drawings, they will take quite a while, but I will do my best to complete everything by July, so that it's playable, then I will probably slowly refine what is missing, if anything is missing, releasing an updated version after a while. That's all for now, any tips or additions are always welcome!
>>24612 any plans on putting it out before the drawings are done? just as an alpha test for feedback?
>>24620 I think I could do that, I am only worried about people stealing it and claiming it as theirs. Still, I will probably speed up things and put placeholder sketches while I finish everything. I am glad to inform you that I started editing on Photoshop and experimenting with the layouts. I am having some troubles deciding on stuff like color palettes and graphic elements, but I will get there.
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Feminization Adventure
>>24215 I have no tips, only want to say that the author teasing players for their choice, either in character or otherwise, is very sex and I very much look forward to the sex.
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Interactive CYOA that includes diapers/regression among many other fetishes: https://slutlife.web.app/
>>25611 that was surprisingly fun
(882.69 KB 1280x7804 MommyDomme CYOA_2.jpg)

Missed this page
https://60746.neocities.org/ an interactive magical girl cyoa with ageplay elements
>basic option with 2 choices has 371 words of text this is gonna take longer than I thought
I cant view any of the files anymore it just says I need an "Extreme" account and I cant for the life of me figure out how I get that. I have been able to view these before.
>>26173 Every file works for me, do you have a virus?
That happens when you on the archive just erase "archive." From the browser search.
>>25959 Ganbatte anon
St. Gloriana's School for Girls https://www.dropbox.com/s/f748b15tdpji6h8/St.%20Gloriana%27s%20School%20for%20Girls%20Update.pdf?dl=0 Not really in it but this cyoa has you being turned into a girl and going to some multiversal strict boarding school to learn shit and one of the courses is being sent back to kindergarten (and if you fail it then even further) as well as options to define the teachera harshness and other customizations to the world.
>>26705 Author deleted it from the link for some reason so here
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more RYOA than CYOA, but I still like these ones from faproulette I'm pretty sure they're made by dpr800900, that guy who also made the Haunted Mansion 1 and 2 games
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>>26728 >>26729 The formatting on all of these is horrible.
I was wondering if I am uniquely weird or if anyone else feels like this. Please tell me what you think. When it's a CYOA I'll read every option, even if it's mostly unrelated to my fetish. For example, I enjoyed >>26705 even though there was just a tiny bit about fetishes I like (spanking, diapers, grade demotion). And that was 62 pages without images! Meanwhile some of these RYOAs are loaded with my fetishes and have pictures. They also have a decent game system where you loop until you get free, yet they don't hold my interest. Thoughts?
>>26895 I think, as with anything else, it's a case of quality over quantity. I mean, looking at the ones that I enjoy, they tend to have lots of detail in the write-up, coherency between sections, and ideally a logical flow or even a timeline (off the top of my head, I really liked the AR in >>3628, the To Square One thing >>14251 while it lasted, and Serene Serendipity >>7635 even that has zero direct ABDL content in it). I guess, I can always supply or dial up the ABDL/fetish content with my imagination, but the immersion and engagement has to be there first
>>16666 Speaking of To Square One, would there be any interest in a remake attempt? (I'm not Qyori, I'm the guy who extracted the text options after it got abandoned). I think, if I simplify some things (like the points system) then I could code the rest of it (probably not very flashy, but still some interactive), but I'm less of a creative type, so if anyone's got suggestions for more rules, events, images etc., then that would be appreciated.
>>27106 Interested of course but why don't you make a proof of concept where you rebuild creation+month 1 like qyori did to start? That will show you have the chops
>>27128 Fair enough. Give me a couple days, and I'll mock something up properly for the starting character-gen sequence, but here's the first tile (done a little more interactively than the original CYOA) by way of proof-of-concept. (This website doesn't like .html files, so I've uploaded it as a .txt - obviously, if you want to do more than inspect my code, you'll need to change the file extension back to html. It *should* work on any browser on a pc, not sure how it looks on mobile.)
>>27106 This is from the top of my head here: Points- I think being rewarded for how the little is treated should stay and somehow keep punishment events. Regression- Ensure diaper usage makes it into the game by way of plot consistent manipulation or punishment. Time- Depending on game content added, don't he afraid to extend the months in game.
>>27200 Thanks for the suggestions! --- re: points, I've been playing around with cutting the original point system down from 4 attributes to 2 - a stat for how much they like/trust you, and a self-concept stat for how mature/independent they see themselves. The idea being that if trust gets too low, or independence too high, you won't be able to get them to follow more 'little' rules. Punishments will remain part of that, but again, it will probably be a little simplified - I'm thinking they'll be an option that lowers both stats (so makes them less independent/more obedient, but also makes them like/trust you less). Qyori themselves said it was getting too hard to balance with 4 stats, and it started to become more about balancing the numbers than playing the game (see >>14866), so I feel like that reworking the points system would have been a logical move anyway had they carried on. --- re: regression/diapers, this will absolutely be in there. While they only ever published the first month of choices, there was already a further 6 months of written content done which saw the foster kid start to bedwet, get goodnites, start to have daytime accidents, start to wear goodnites/pullups all the time *just in case*... so while actual diapers might be a late addition based on that pacing (maybe month 7 or 8), they'll definitely be in there. Given that the opening premise is that you've got to regress them some level, but it's up to you as to how far to go with it, I want to have ending pages where you've regressed them to a baby/toddler/preschool level/little kid/etc., with variations on those based on whether or not they trust you (IE a 'good' and 'bad' version.) --- re: time, I like the idea of 12 months being the timeframe, but, depending on how the writing process goes, what I might do is add more events in between the months (Qyori had one per month and stuck to it quite strictly - I might do two or three, where I think it makes sense). As you may have seen from the first tile mock-up I uploaded at >>27154, while I'm not as good with my coding as Qyori was, I'm offsetting that by writing more descriptively. I'm hoping, by the end, that it'll run almost like a CYOA story rather than a traditional scrollsheet. --- As a general process update, I'm currently mapping out the different choices, and I want to get them all down from start to finish as a first task. Most of the story strands were started in the Qyori original, but not all (they mentioned a sissy route on several occasions which isn't in the notes, so that'll need doing from scratch...) Once I've got everything written out as a story map, I'll go through and implement the points systems, add variables to react to choices (like changing 'he' to 'she' if the kid is a girl, 'mom/my' to 'dad/dy' if you're a guy, etc.), and other 'code' bits. Then finally images and formatting stuff. I've not got a time frame I'm working to, but as a heads-up, I'm not going to speed through this at any pace, because I don't want to burn out or for it to feel like a job (already got one of those to go to, thanks!) I intend to upload some in-progress things to get feedback and ideas as I go, though, so expect a few updates.
>>27206 >Qyori themselves said it was getting too hard to balance with 4 stats, and it started to become more about balancing the numbers than playing the game Don't get too hung up on balancing. It'll be easier to figure out to balance it when you have a couple of people actually playing it and testing things.
>>27206 >>27154 Good work, nice to see the progress rolling in. This may seem like a cop-out, but aren't you already in a thread that's a treasure-trove for images and rules? I mean nearly every CYOA here is about rules, right? The most explicitly rules-oriented is probably the policy CYOA up here: >>17880 These can be translated into rules pretty simply, e.g.: rules about what underwear is allowed, rules for diaper changes, etc The only drawback I would say is that most of these CYOAs are good material for the "end" of yours. They give you plenty of ideas about how to treat a fully regressed baby, but your CYOA is more of an on-the-way-down slow burn. For any rule, remember that you can create less and more extreme versions of it and scale up/down from there. For example, take something like restricted media viewing. You can start out with "no explicit material like music with parental warnings or porn", then "no R rated movies", "no PG or PG-13 movies without parental guidance", "no scary movies after 5pm", "incentivized to watch cartoons", "restricted to baby only channels", etc
Update 2: most of basic character creation is written in now (your name and gender, their gender, age group, and background - still need to add in a section to choose their name). I've also added a footer that should display the core stats/details, and changed the name selection to a form-fillable thing (I'm gonna do that with their name, too, so you're not constrained to choosing from a list or it being a random gen thing). If an Anon or two wouldn't mind checking that the buttons all work etc., that would be appreciated (same as before, download and change to .html and it *should* work.) Once I know this section all works alright I'll get on putting month 1 in... --- --- --- >>27211 Fair point. I think it's nerves on my part - I'm almost learning this as I go (I know *a bit* of html, and how to use Twine *a bit*, but e.g., I just spent an hour working out how to do the footer section and name form). At any rate, my plan is to get the options/choices all written in and connected properly before I worry too much about points and values, so I'll probably come back to this seriously in, like, a month's time (watch this space!) --- --- --- >>27219 this is true, good point.
...and because I stayed up too late last night faffing around with things... Update 3: All of initial character creation is done now (your name and gender, their gender, age, background, and name). I've also implemented some bugfixes, a system screen to explain the rules/mechanics, and a beta/draft of the first month, which includes selectors for the kid's hobbies/interests, the first set of rules, a nickname setting form (for the "embarrassing nickname" rule), a choice of two friends, and a short event for deciding whether they're allowed to hang out with them after school. NB that the points system isn't integrated yet so selecting options in September won't change pride/trust - current options can, however, change some text in proceeding pages (like, if they've got the delinquent background, they'll be in a worse mood if you say no to them). Also, no pictures yet - though this will change in the future, for now I'm focussing on making sure the options all link together properly. (Same as always, download and change to .html if you want to play, and if you spot any bugs or think of anything you want me to consider adding/changing, all feedback is appreciated!)
Witch and Apprentice (by Bluejay) https://imgchest.com/p/ne7bwj3j753 DL project https://imgur.com/a/P0rnlEM Blue Moon inn https://imgchest.com/p/ne7bvadk453 Diaper university https://www.reddit.com/r/nsfwcyoa/comments/1093gf9/diaper_university_by_upickhour2622_not_oc/ I don't know if there is another Thread with these ones, but if not there are.
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>>27321 Well done, Anon. You're making good progress and I eagerly await moar updates. While this is by no means an urgent criticism, you may benefit from moving the stats widget to the left/right of the screen rather than below, for easier viewing. I'm not sure if Harlowe has an easy way to do that, but it would definitely make the ui more readable. Best of luck.
>>27334 Thanks! re:stats, I can move them to the sidebar reasonably easily (see attached), and I agree that it does look a lot nicer being consistently in the same spot rather than free-floating at the bottom. However, when I put them in the sidebar rather than as a footer, I can't seem to get it to dynamically update them - that is, it only locks in changes to the variables after you've made a choice on the following page (for some reason). While this isn't really a problem for user-defined tags like names etc., I'm imagining it might make things a bit weird when I come to implement the points system later. I don't know. I'll keep tinkering with it to see if there's a way to force it to update on clicks
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>>27352 I see what you mean. I definitely prefer having your info on the sidebar, but it appears to only be updating after the page following your choice. Having the Twee file would be helpful, but of course sharing it is up to you. I'm no Twine expert, and even then I know more about sugarcube than Harlowe, but it makes me wonder if there's a function you can use to hook into the stats live. See this thread for an example of what I mean (it's probably not exactly what you need): https://twinery.org/questions/881/a-way-to-have-a-text-box-on-the-page-rather-than-an-input-box?show=881
>>27369 Thanks, that was useful. There is actually a (live:) function in Harlowe, but I don't like it because it freezes out user input whenever its 'tick' happens to reset (so if it's trying to update every second, it might also block user interaction once per second if you time your clicks poorly). After some messing about, I've implemented a satisfactory fix, whereby I just have to include a bit of code (replacing and redisplaying the sidebar stat-block) after every decision that should change the numbers. So it's not the prettiest when you look at the html, but it works, and it's a definite improvement on the frontend for the sake of a few copy/pastes. (This inexplicably also had the side-effect of making the back button disappear, so I've also made my own blunt fix to that, too...) All this will suffice until I can find a more elegant solution that doesn't mess with the UI like (live:) does. --- --- --- --- --- Anyway, now that's fixed, I've started to implement the first misbehavior/punishment sequence. I'll stick another update out once I've written in at least the start of October - which, at the rate I'm going, should be early next week. I may also try and get the points system done for everything up to that, so I can essentially release a fully-playable demo covering the first month or two.
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>>27380 You got this. I would advise you to take it at a comfortable pace. Do whatever you require to avoid burnout, so you don't end up like Qyori. Don't try to hit a schedule for anyone here, especially since nobody's paying you for this.
To Square One Redux - Update 4 Character creation, September (rules, events, punishments), and October (rules, events) are fully implemented, apart from accompanying images. I've also added an initial draft of the points system, and a placeholder for the October punishments. As the game goes on and new rules are added, I want new punishment options to appear that tie in with said rules, so there's at least one extra to add to October. --- --- A quick note on points: currently, I've written it so that you're not explicitly told what the options cost/give in terms of points, but there are usually clues in the text and logical interactions with previous choices (if they're a delinquent, they'll probably react more harshly to restrictive rules; if your 14 year old is friends with certain other kids, they'll be less opposed to going trick-or-treating at Halloween even if they feel "too old for this"; etc.) Personally, I like the added mystery of not knowing the consequences of your choices before you make them (makes it feel more like a text adventure/game than a traditional scoresheet CYOA), but if enough people would prefer to have the costs/points more directly up-front, let me know - if there's interest, I might try making it an optional toggle. Point values are not final, but are there mainly to test that the system is working. Values will probably change in future versions. --- --- This will likely be the last version update for a couple of weeks, as I want to implement all the already-written content before putting anything else out. --- --- (Same as always, download and change to .html if you want to play, and if you spot any bugs or think of anything you want me to consider adding/changing, all feedback is appreciated!)
>>27580 Just as a suggestion put some things like a pleasing punishment like doing things that depends on trust and/or obedience, they will feel better doing over time like a pacifier that for start will make the kid misbehaving more but over time using will have the opposite effect and some kind of action that you can do to regress them more like turning them afraid of dark and want to sleep together, or even induce them to watch younger focussed programs.
>>27580 Hey, looking good! I noticed a couple bugs and typos but I know you're working on it.
>>27580 This is pretty great so far, I didn't expect to be into it at all since it's not really my thing, but this is quality stuff
>>27601 Thanks! I've got a few ideas of rules that start off as negatives but become positive later on, but I've not done much with the punishments yet. I've started to add in a few rule-specific punishments that get 'unlocked' by certain choices (like timeouts being a logical regression of grounding, etc.) but I'll give it some thought. >>27620 Glad you like it! I'm focussing on bugs etc., for the moment, but I will do a thorough proof-read before the final version (as one example, I've already caught myself switching between UK and US/Int'l English in places, so I clearly need to decide whether it's "behavior" or "behaviour") >>27667 Thanks, happy to hear it! I'm really eager to take suggestions (at this point I'm not making this just for me, really), so if there's anything I could add as a rule, event, or punishment, which would be more your thing (and wouldn't be too atonal for the scenario) I'd be happy to consider adding it in somewhere. --- --- --- --- --- As I start to integrate images, I'm not going to be able to just keep posting the raw file here, so I'm going to need to find somewhere else to host the file for download, though obviously I would like to keep it anonymous as possible. Does anyone know any good solutions for free filehosting (I did just think about making a dummy Google account and using Google Drive, but I think they need phone numbers now)
>>27756 > https://anonfiles.com its the best place
>>27756 Rule/Punishment Ideas: -Requiring the little to ask permission to go -Underwear checks before permission is granted -Must be supervised while going (to ensure efficient time usage) -Must use a training potty/potty seat -Must be wiped by adult
>>27756 >so if there's anything I could add as a rule, event, or punishment, which would be more your thing Nah, it's the whole premise as such, this will never really be the CYOA for me
Just wanted to give a quick update. I'm still working away at this (written and implemented November and December now), but progress has been a little slower. One of my housemates has lost their job recently, and for various reasons I'm not comfortable working on this when they're knocking around the house.
>>27770 And thanks, I'll take a look
As a side-note, the Thanksgiving stuff was an absolute pain to get working (too many dependencies for different options) but it's really hit the balance I'm trying to get between CYOA and interactive story. I'm going to try (home situation notwithstanding) to push out an update in the next week.
>>28248 Looking forward to it
>>28248 We wait patiently. If you want contributions in terms of writing you can post some things you need written and random anons could pastebin contributions for you. Then you can touch it up as needed. Just be sure to say how to format things that change like if the child's name is %CHILDNAME% or something to make it work in the program.
>>28248 To Square One Redux - Update 5 https://anonfiles.com/2cz5n574z1/TSO_rar Okay, I'm hoping I've done the AnonFiles thing right. Should have (by way of ChangeLog) - November choices, Thanksgiving, November punishment, December choices, Christmas, New Year all implemented and mostly finished (December punishments is a placeholder, barring the new 'Spanking' option, and one of the Christmas choices needs the options rewriting, but other than that...) - Images implemented in some places (director, little age/background choices, some events and punishments. I'm aware that punish_spank doesn't have an image yet, but didn't want to hold up an update for it.) To do for next update, probably September: - Points adjustments for new options. - Fix/finish december punishments and christmas - Implement January/February (including a friend's birthday/sleepover event, which should be interesting...) - Continue bugfixing, image integration etc.
>>28593 Love the new update and anonfiles worked like charm. Thanks for your work!
>>28593 Looking good anon, I'm enjoying the updates. With how close to a tipping point things left off in December, I am expecting the really fun stuff will show up in Jan/Feb.
>>28611 Yes, there are some quite significant rules coming up in Jan/Feb, and combined with some of the events, things can/will escalate quite dramatically up towards month 12 now
>>28627 Really looking forward to it. Also, I know you were worried about balance and such, but frankly I wouldn't worry about it. I think right now the game is pretty easy but I am glad each update I can more or less get back to where I was in a very predictable manner.
>>28593 Honestly this cyoa is pretty garbage, the fact that you you cant be the little is pretty shit.
>>28662 I also appreciate anyone being creative to make content for our circles, but I hate the idea of doing it to others, especially of the age groups in the game... Doesn't help when onlookers already assume we're P*D*S Way more fun to have it done to myself, or you being the one changed. I don't see many of us being CGs and most of us are littles / abdls.
>>28664 Make a separate thread for moral pandering to normalfags. If you're so spoiled you can't imagine yourself, or your character, in place of unnamed kid in this game - take a break from flapping.
>>28680 You shouldn't have to imagine an alternate media to make the thing you are consuming not pedophilic It should just not be pedophilic It's literally a "groom an adopted child" simulator
>>28593 anyone got a mirror? anonfiles ia dead as shit
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>>28684 This.
Seconding the request for a mirror. anonfiles.com has been down for almost two days which means it's likely dead. It looks like the new domain is anonfile.net
>>28684 For normies - diapers and ABDL are as "child coded" and "pedophilic" as "groom a virtual child simulator" is to you. In the end - body count stays at 0, and everything is an ageplay fantasy story. If you really want to discuss this - make a separate thread about how ABDL is unethical, diapers abuse children, and users here are hitler. And stop scaring away the only people on this hole that actually do something.
>>28736 You're jumping through logic loops to justify it. It doesn't need to be a second topic, it's literally "groom kid" haha abdl kink.
>>28737 Well then go protest on loli and shota threads too. And on age regression one, while you're at it. Don't forget to stay consistent and ban all depictions of excessive gore. Abusive relationships too, can't have virtual lovers hurt each other. Guns, blood, drugs, swearing, sex scenes. Anything that isn't suitable for a 5 year old. This game is a piece of digital media that harms no-one. If you're so worried for a non-existent virtual child, you should bust into a mansion of your local mayor - they usually have a couple of real ones tied up in their basement.
>>28684 100% this. >>28736 LOL somebody hurt.
Can you faggots just shut the fuck up and quit shitting up the thread?
>>28664 tbh I'm assuming most people are self-inserting as the little. Qyori discussed this exact issue in the original version (scroll up, can't remember which number) but the TL;DR is that diaper story protagonists have so little agency it's hard to make their life into a game (which, at the end of the day, is about making choices). I've tried to address this in the written content (in that when it comes to discussing the little, it's evocative rather than descriptive, as would befit a self-insert), but I appreciate it won't be everyone's thing - and that's okay. As to the assumptions issue, I appreciate that for some people the age range sets off too many precautionary red flags, but to emphasize, there is zero sexual content in this game, and will be zero sexual content in this game, for the exact reason that it is explicitly not a "groom an adopted child simulator" (as another commenter put it so eloquently!)
>>28748 okay, but the mirror?
Love it when the creator of something completely misses all the important posts to reply to a few anons having a shit-flinging contest. anonfiles is down which means the latest version can't be downloaded
>>28812 I'm sure the fucker will get it to us. I'd guess based on his post frequency that he doesn't check daily. AFAIK Anonfiles being truly kill wasn't official until today. Worst case, he can just upload it here again.
>>28593 link's dead, anyone got a copy?
>>28983 Creator took it down because they couldn't accept any form of feedback.
>>28992 Anonfiles is dead, and the guy working on it had expressed concern about hosting. Feel free to suggest him an alternative. If you read his posts he also clarifies that he wasn't looking to update again until September. Also, >they couldn't accept any form of feedback The only discussion I see besides people asking for a re-up is tourists moralfagging about the sexualization of non-real children. None of that is useful at all, and moralfagging on a Nepalese diaper shitting forum with loli/shota threads should honestly be bannable anyways.
>>28994 The rest of us dont care about RPing adopting a little shit, and are just here for the diaper and diaper accessories.
>>29009 Then talk about that instead of bitching about it.
Could someone please just reupload the damn thing already?
>>27580 Just played this. Was fun. Enjoyed seeing how the choices played out. Can't wait until the next part
>>29188 https://gofile.io/d/2iTRVp will prolly die soon so get while its hot
>>29366 You have my gratitude.
>>29366 someone's going to anon heaven
hey what happened with the game "to square one", is the September update still planned?
>>29838 That project is cursed, any man who touches it falls ill and dies
damn thats a shame, there were some pretty consistent updates the past few months and the game was interesting too :(
>>29865 i still live (i am 29366 i see the file went down so i am reuploading it) https://gofile.io/d/B7uk4S one day the September update will come one day i think the og updaterannonbaby may be busy besides real life stuff can always interfere
thanks for the update dude! No worries on when the update will come I understand things can get in the way :)
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>>29912 we will see, last creator in this thread went full retard and had a tantrum over some minor criticism. seems they have dropped the project now.
>>30020 You keep saying that, but all they replied with was >>28748 which seems more measured than everyone else in the thread. CYOA is in a bit of a drought. I've been thinking of trying my hand at one, but none of the scenarios I've written really work for the format. Not really what I'm used to. Might give up trying to do anything original and just make knockoff diaper hogwarts, at risk of being too similar to the other anon's work. Have thought about an isekai but that tends to spiral out of scope quickly. What's everyone looking for in a CYOA? I'm more of a cg so I don't have a perfect grasp on what ABs want done to them, and I tend to lean a little too much on the humiliation aspect for some.
>>30036 Why not take the CG perspective? At least you'd be in a comfort zone to start?
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Found this a while ago. Don't think it was ever finished though
>>30866 Sauce?
>>29912 Any update or is this project dead??
>>31095 Sadly the creator got hurt feelings over criticism and abandoned the project, a real shame.
>>31096 the updates for awhile were really consistent and the progress was looking godspeed for what you usually see with ABDL content, definitely a real shame ;(
>>31096 Stop spreading baseless accusations you fucking nigger. >>31102 >>31095 Ignore that anon. He's full of shit.
>>29912 seems as though link died again i am not the creator just curating the file so newbies can enjoy and biggers can replace in case they loose it :P https://gofile.io/d/Dxey6b i choose to believe updater-san will return one day / some other volunteer to the plate... that or >>31096 could do the work come on get snapping
>>31135 It's a cursed project. Everyone connected to it vanishes without a trace. I'd respect it if they simply said, "It got too hard, my life is too busy, I will release my half-finished code and someone else can try" - but they don't do that. They outright vanish without a trace.
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>>31095 >>31096 >>31102 >>31125 >>31135 >>31221 Wow, its like you faggots already had this same conversation verbatim.
>>31223 Yeah, so what? Every chan has the same conversations over and over. If this thread is up 2 years from now we'll still be talking about creators ghosting their project plans. In fact, if you go all the way back to the very first posts about to square one, you'll find some cynical posts predicting abandonment!
>>31223 first time to the internet buddy?
I got back to working on one of my CYOAs from earlier this year and man I forgot how much of a beast it is. I only plan to have 40 or so total choices but they each take like 20 minutes to write/
For some reason I got on some feverish pace and wrote 3000 words of an mlp diaper cyoa tonight
>>32787 Nice, do share it when you feel its in a playable state >>31242 Ganbatte anon. Take your time but please do release it here eventually.
>>31242 Would you be willing to share a WIP?
>>32787 okay I finished the first draft, now just have to proofread, possibly find more fitting images for a handful of the options, and export to an image. Not too long, around 40 options in total. Hope to have it done in a week or so
>>32865 Very nice. Glad to see this thread receiving some attention. Looking forward to your cyoa anon.
>>32787 >>32865 Awesome, looking forward to it!
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>>32865 >>32787 okay here it is. I was going to get around to finally finishing this CYOA >>31242 on my time off but just randomly got the idea for this one. Somewhat short (most of this was done in 2 days), but I liked the whole system where instead of points you have to assign each character to one option, think it'd be fun to try with casts of other things (I considered making the same CYOA but with Persona characters instead of this). Also sorry for any lore violations or whatever it's been a while since I watched this show. And 2 or 3 of the images aren't diaper related because I couldn't find anything that was relevant to the option and not drawn by a retarded child Will probably make a version 2 in a week or so to fix whatever mistakes I didn't catch and also attempt to chop it up and compress it into a 4chan postable size. I also put some random name in the corner since I found some random plebbitor being credited for my previous CYOA >>16612 Not sure when I'll have time to work on more Also my hard mode build (with the extra options I'd take on normal mode in parentheses) >Type: Pegasus >Mommy: Fluttershy >Sister: Twilight (Pinkie) >Element: Pinkie >Diaper: Rainbow (Twilight, Rarity) >5. Chore: Applejack (Twilight, Pinkie, Rarity) >6. Punishment: Rarity (Twilight, Pinkie, Fluttershy) >Alicorn: (Luna)
>>33173 Nice one!
>>33173 Nice, here's a build >Type: Unicorn >Mommy: Rarity >Sister: Rainbow Dash >Element: Magic >Diaper: Apple >Chore: Cleaning Service >Punishment: Mud Time >Blessing: Luna Additional options from Blessing I take >Punishment: Quality Assurance >Chore: Modeling I suppose that also allows for another Rarity choice in any category, so: >Element: Generosity Overall pretty nice, but a few issues I had personally is that you're forced to pick a sister, which isn't quite my cup of tea. Another is a bit of inconsistency, Rarity as mommy is grossed out by diapers and don't want to change them, but in Quality Assurance Rarity changes diapers repeatedly with magic, no biggie. If there's more content, I think Punishment and Chores could be expanded the best, I don't see a reason one pony can't offer multiple options if you still want to keep it to the mane6
>>33173 MLP: Diapers are Magic >Type: Earth Pony For the double diaper filling. >Mommy: Rarity For the longer time between changes. >Sister: Applejack For her love of being dirty. >Element: Rainbow Dash - Loyalty Applejack would be a good diapered mom too. >Diaper: Pinkie Pie - Balloon Diaper Massive messy diapers sign me up. >Chore: Twilight - Test Subject Stongest echnated baby power testing sounds right up mine and Applejacks street. >Punishment: Fluttershy - Empathy Punishment Refuse to change her, oh no, me and Applejack stay messy longer. >Blessing: Princess Cadence - Rarity (Sister, Element, Chore, Punishment) Diapered Messy Mommy is good, Being "nice" to Applejack, Messy diaper modeling sounds fun, and Rarity's punishment sounds like fun. Fun CYOA. I've basically maxed messiness. Me and Applejack would have some poopy fun time.
>>33173 Pretty good Anon. Thanks for the OC
>>33173 My knowledge of MLP is pretty small but this was very cute so I enjoyed it a bunch. Pony Type >Unicorn Mommy(s) >Pinkie Pie >Fluttershy Teasing and excitable mommy for diaper shenanigans and cozy and kind mommy for comfy Sister(s) >Twilight Sparkle >Applejack >Rainbow Dash >Rarity Feels like a pretty fun and hot combo of sisters that interact well with each others kinks Element of Harmony >Magic Diaper: >Heavy Duty Pull-Up Chore >Taste Tester Punishment >Empathy Punishment Blessing >Princess Twilight Was gonna pick just Pinkie Pie as mommy and Rainbow Dash as sister but this option is pretty cool Whats your previous cyoa btw?
>>33264 >Whats your previous cyoa btw? this one >>16612
>>33266 Nice, I quite like it as well. Many thanks for the OC(s) Snow Anon and I do hope to see more of your stuff whenever you have time to make more.
https://hsnbrg689.neocities.org/blackmail/cyoa new abdl/omorashi interactive cyoa
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>>34222 JPG format
>>34234 Lady, my family already hates me, my friends already know, my neighbors are either too blitzed out on fent to care or already treat me like a pariah, and nobody involved in Section 8 or SSDI is even allowed to care. Go ahead and tell everyone.
>>34234 One of the endings is missing. In the interactive there are eight endings. In the jpg there are seven.
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>>27580 I still have hope that this will be continued
It actually did have so much potential. I remember asking for an update months back and hearing it was still being worked on then no update since..rip ;(
>>35462 Shit happens, anon. We can only be thankful for what we got. I hope the anon working on it is fine. This CYOA/game has thus far killed every man who has tried to work on it, but I might pick it up at some point if the work schedule permits. If I do, I won't do it in Twine, though.
If you do I pray you survive the curse we need trailblazers such as yourself man
>>35485 With all due respect to them, I think previous devs ran into an issue where the game concept doesn't really mesh with Twine's "user friendly" promise. Twine is meant for mostly linear stories where you have "yes/no" type decisions, and it uses a gay retarded subset of Javascript to script more complex things. If you look at (successful) Twine projects like Degrees of Lewdity, the developer has basically ripped out the guts and turned it into the Ship of Theseus to account for the game's mechanics. That's not feasible for a project this small. Obviously 2Square1 is not that complex, but turning the CYOA options plus all the rules and optional friends into events is nontrivial for someone who lacks development experience. I write backend code for industrial computers, so ironically my issue making it would be figuring out how to display text and images to the user.
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Not strictly abdl but the just released Gifts for the Hero has plenty of babyish options and a Baby class by the end if you pick enough of them
>>36507 this was great. it was updated in the /trash/ cyoa thread to require just 3 core picks for a class. of course had to go for the baby picks. i assumed the +5 is cumulative, not that it really mattered in the end! Body redesign -15 -> cute femboy Romantic appeal -15 Danger warning -15 Prophetic hints -20 Squirrel servants -25 -90 Tiara of Maria +2, core PRINCESS, extra ballet, magicgirl (prefer princessly tiara to the bonnet, the power is better too imo) Mana teat +2, core BABY Bell of obedience +2, core pet, extra music Shimmering dress +2 core maid, PRINCESS, extra BABY Angel sleeves +2, extra ballet Princess Gloves +2 core PRINCESS, extra magic Weightless tutu +2 core ballet, extra BABY Diaper of protection +2, core BABY, i choose to get rid of urination ;3c Pandora's socks +2, extra BABY Cutie Shoes +2, core BABY Ring of the Heart +3 Heroine's ribbon +2, extra cheerleader Charitous earrings +2, core magic girl, extra maid, PRINCESS 3 BAB + 3 3 PRINCESS + 1 Baby +10 Princess +10 45 Aum left Marked :(
>>36525 im dumb i did not read the instructions properly at all and was way too excited to be in way too much debt. Texta would probably not have corrected me. i end up with 25 aum debt initially, and easily end up with a positive balance of +20ish extra.
>>36507 I enjoyed it, not much to say other than I'd take the baby stuff of course.
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>>36507 Got a pretty good build both game wise and fun wise. My basic strategy that would cover all the build's drawbacks would be to find one good party member, make her my girlfriend, and totally devote myself to supporting her. I'll post the full build below but here's a write up of how it'd work in practice. Might be cringe but i find it hot >be me, overly feminine trap cheerleader wearing just a diaper, cheerleading boots, a crop top, and some accessories like a tiara >suddenly feel urge to mess, bunny tail plug starts to wriggle (through some magic logistics the tail part of the plug is outside of my diaper) >all the girls in the party know what that means and tease me >mean (in the way friends are mean to each other) girl in the party removes the tail and tells me to poop myself >I feel compelled to obey her. gf doesn't try to stop her because she knows I like it >sigil on front of my diaper starts to glow from arousal >the party teases me further, which causes it to glow even harder >Try to tell them to fuck off but instead I say some cutesier alternative >suddenly an enemy ambushes us, need to put on the rest of my uniform for combat, >pull short shorts up over my diaper, they don't cover it at all >put on my lipstick and pom poms >girlfriend gives my full diaper a spank to remove my debuff >I'm only able to use a baton as a weapon, so hide in backlines >pull out the megaphone, yell a spell into it, and then do a cheer routine to buff my girlfriend >all the cheers are compelled to become overly flirtatious >randomly my cock starts vibrating, between that and the full diaper it's hard to focus on the routine >manage to land the final cartwheel. I cum in my diaper at the same time >gf receives the buff and wins the battle for us >gf asks if I want changed >mean girl in the party tell me not to, and I feel compelled to say no The build >head - Tiara of Maria (girly mannerisms) - +2 >face - Aphrodite's Lipstick (forced to flirt with people you find attractive) - +2 >neck - Eve's choker (girly voice/cutesy speak)- +2 >torso - Competence Cropper (bimbo speak) - +2 >hands - Cheerful Poms - (cheer to use spells) - +2 >arms - Maiden sleever - (only use weapons themed to your class) - +3 >hips - Fairy Shorts - (need to be slapped on the ass at start of battle, was very hard to choose between this and the skirt) - +2 >underwear - Diaper (become urinary incontinent, I choose to ignore the benefit and just remain bowel continent) - +2 >Ass - Tingling stone (random vibrations on genitals) + Chimera's tail (animal tail, I choose bunny, I assume this will somehow go through the diaper I guess) , +4 >Legs- Garter's of servitude (aroused by submission and degredation) +3 >Feet - Hom's boots (very weak fighting solo) + 2 >Other - Heroine's Ribbon (party member is the hero instead of me), RIng of the heart (nurturing spirit guide), succubus sigil (pubic tattoo that shows arousal, I'll assume it can somehow be visible on my diaper) + 5 >Class - Cheerleader (can cast buffs for free using megaphone) + 10 >Total 41, enough for 9 gifts >Gifts - all except return policy, event playback, language learner. For the body transform playing as a trap I wish that either the class system wasn't so strict or you could take multiple things where logical, I wanted to take more baby options (bloomers, dress) but for all the ones I wanted I was locked to something else. Maybe I'll play again as a no class build or a baby build. Best CYOA I played in a while though
>>36642 Nice build >I wish that either the class system wasn't so strict Tim released a 1.1 version with the only change being that you only need 3 core clothes to get a class, making it easier to multi-class. He's going to release a 2.0 version with 2 more classes and a bunch of new items somewhat soon so I'll post it here whenever it gets released. >you could take multiple things where logical This I'm fairly sure wont get changed but one can always home-rule/sartre it and play it the way you think works best
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Gifts for the Hero update is here https://imgchest.com/p/6eyr2oxwl7p Balance Changes >Rare Carver and Squirrel Servants have been buffed to be more practical >Various buffs to Equipment's Aum payout in general >You can now take two pieces of Equipment for the same slot, but the payout for the second will be 1 Aum (you can still take as much Other gear as you want) >Many pieces of Equipment have gained new compatibility with Classes, or had their current compatibilities shifted >Nameless Uniform changed to Guided Uniform, and effect has been altered >Sweet Release is now counted as Underwear >Chimera's Tail can now be turned into a real tail if you take a Class change it's associated with >Classes no longer require any Extras to be taken; instead, every Class now has an ability that improves based on how many Extras were chosen >Excess Aums can be traded for Gold and/or Level Ups at the CYOA's conclusion New Choices >2 new Head items: Focus Spectacles and Purity's Guard >2 new Mouth items: Tooth Cage and Serpent's Tongue >2 new Neck items: Cosmic Ribbon and Floral Bib >2 new Hip items: Morax's Gate and Fake Demon Wings >1 new Underwear item: The Solitary >2 new Leg items: Bountiful Sea and Treasure Band >2 new Foot items: Omniterior 4 and Concubine Heels >5 new Other items: Tragedic Pair, Empress Corset, Nameless Tag, Mark of the Hunt, and Tentacle Seed >2 new Classes: Student and Bride >New Section: Class Combos
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>>36845 My build >Body Redesign >Danger Warning >Prophetic Hints >Rare Carver >Language Learn >Cleansing Sleep >Squirrel Servants >Memory Keeper >Variaband >Focus Spectacles >Mana Teat >Bell of Obedience >Guided Uniform >Cursed Armband >Mascot's Mitts >Skirt of the Imaginary >Bloomers of Purity >Diaper of Protection >Chimera's Tail >Charity & Respect >Cutie Shoes >Tragedic Pair >Ring of the Heart >Pet >Baby >Student >Kindergartner >Use the remaining 29 points on 1000g and 28 lvls Gonna try to make a speed based build with the mitts, using hit and run tactics to do some crits and drawing attention from enemies while party mates do some damage, avoiding the most I can to use skills and try to rely on the base stats I got from the starting levels and using the boons from student to try and recoup any losses I get in xp or levels. Made a pic of my build just for fun
Not really a cyoa but I thought this was cute
>>36845 >>37292 Someone made an interactive version of this recently. https://pwq71151.neocities.org/Gifts%20for%20the%20Hero%20Interactive/
>>37432 Not too fond of interactives and this one in particular the redditor changed a bunch of stuff from the original just cuz
>>37427 Anymore similar to this?
>>37436 This one is the closest one from the same author (https://something-misremembered.tumblr.com/) but faproulette has some similar-ish stuff
>>37435 Nah, this one's a straight port. The edited one was done by someone else. This is the edited one: https://aearara.neocities.org/Gift_for_Hero_Cyoa/
Not directly abdl, but includes incontinence and abdl options. https://valmar.neocities.org/cyoas/messedupwaifu/
>>37821 Fun but relatively few options for our narrow appeal >>37818 Cute but nothing particularly ABDL and 10 isn't anywhere near diaper age.
>>37859 I liked them. Regression/ageplay cyoas are thin on the ground, so you have to take what's on offer. A lot of bog standard be the girl cyoas have options to become babyish, incompetent, incontinent, wear kids clothes etc. This scratches the same itch even if they don't go as far as diapers. https://nonamondnar.neocities.org/
>>37860 I wouldn't go as far as to say they don't belong here but I thought I would reply to them with my thoughts to let people know what they're getting into.
Does anyone have the older cyoas that was in this thread before? Like the school one and such?
>>38625 Which ones do you mean? Link to their former posts or gib their names and I'll see if I can help
>>38625 you mean this one? Or is there some other school one I'm not aware of >>15915
>>38640 Exactly that one thank you!
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Not abdl proper but the setting and some options are close enough https://retrospectiveinsomnia.neocities.org/
Inanimate TF isn't my cup of tea, but the guy who did the An Early Punishment and Freaky Blackmailer CYOAs recently released Become a Girl's Diapers. https://hsnbrg689.neocities.org/home
>>17943 Restarted this, making decent progress on it. Only problem that some characters, especially the newer ones, don't have much diaper art that isn't deviantart autism. But nobody tags shit right these days so I could be missing stuff, so would be appreciated if anyone happens to have decent diaper art (or something that'd make a decent fill-in in lieu of it) of: Moira, echo(or her as a duplicate?), Sojourn, JQ, Illari, Venture, or Juno. Probably will just end up needing to use general sexy images for most of them
>>39342 Firstly glad to hear you're working on it again. Otherwise i don't think there is much abdl art of newer Overwatch characters, at least none by the bigger artist that i can think of. The only other thing i've got is an old Moira piece by theowlcan.
>>39342 Making really good progress got all the text done just gotta fill in images and proofread. But I am rlly busy the next 2 weeks so may or may not be a while still
>>39484 Awesome! We're watching with great interest :)
for the overwatch cyoa, Soap did one of Juno in a recent stream
>>39484 still working on it when I have time just slowed down a lot since I've been busy lately >>40280 tysm

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