/abdl/ - Adult Baby - Diaper Lover

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ABDL Stories Thread Baby 08/07/2020 (Fri) 04:44:01 No. 798
Since there wasn’t one already, I figured it would be noce to have a place to post all of your favorite diaper related stories. Post whatever you like for others to enjoy. For me, my two favorite stories are both by Talentlessa. That kind of story -https://pastebin.com/jtqXLhXU Chasing Idols -https://pastebin.com/4ZBun1yB
Someone has made an easily browsable archive of many writing.com interactive stories (the actual site requires a paid membership to browse it practically). There are many diaper-related stories. Some chapters suck, some chapters are good. https://ackater.github.io/writing.com-archival/#/ Some that are worth taking a look at are: Changes, Stepmother, Diapers; Humiliation; Exposure: Galore!, Truth or Dare, Three's a Crowd, A Month in Diapers and Other Humiliation, Bullied Girls.
>>5157 Nice find!
>>5157 >Had a look >Has an actual way to search Fucking christ how has this been so hard to ask for?
https://archiveofourown.org/works/31259435 Consensual TGAR, something of a slow burn.
I write AB eBooks. https://jodiedelight.com/ Book Editions are coming.
>>5565 Nice try, Croc. You still need an editor.
>>5573 That's your opinion. And you're entitled to it. I'm not here to cause drama. I won't spam the thread. But I will post whenever I have released a new story.
I only like stories about children being willingly diapered because I feel like anything else has an implicit or explicit theme of neglect or abuse. Most people who want to wear diapers, started wanting to wear them when they were very young, so it just stands to reason that diaper fantasies should involve children being diapered.
>>5616 Please don't. We all hate you so, so much.
>>5669 The more reason for me to give the love back.
https://www.furaffinity.net/user/yordleanon/ Might not be everyone's cup of tea, but I do like some of this guy's stories. Not many people writing about shortstacks, let alone diapered ones
>>5708 I agree with >>5669. Everyone hate you and your stories are shit. You already spammed every stories thread on 8kun, please leave this place, it's our last safe heaven.
Who are some writers available for commission? I want to pay someone to write a pokemon story.
In case any of the anons here have never read The Trying Policy. It's a story about a girl who tells her mom about wanting to try wearing diapers 24/7. https://diaperstoryarchive.wordpress.com/2013/07/28/the-trying-policy/
>>5819 This started out interesting then got boring fast. Almost like the author ran out of ideas but just kept writing anyway. Still nice find anon.
>>5711 Regarding 8Kun - or 8Chan as it was. I posted my links back in late-2017 and in 2018. I haven't done any spamming since then. And I don't tend to. Of course you hate me and my stories. I've survived since 2017. And your hate just makes me work harder. So thank you x
Anyone remember a story I think it was called the Nannybots Revenge on Wattpad? Story about Nannybots taking over in the day of the stroller. It was a good read but I can't seem to locate it anymore.
Does anyone have litteraly any of Elibean's stories? I never got to read them before they were Mandela effected to another dimension, and the dead sea scroll version of "Danielle and the Great Big Do-over" at https://www.tapatalk.com/groups/foxtalestimes/danielle-and-the-great-big-do-over-by-elibean-t34.html as well as the descriptions and titles of these stories make them sound so enticing.
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Bumping cause I have had an urge to hunt for decent abdl stories again but the problem is a lot of them don't really have tags for what is in them. Some are also as exciting as watching paint dry or start off good then waffle on for about a dozen chapters where absolutely nothing of note happens. Like a never ending story where people just keep piling on manure to pad it out.
>>8493 Doesn't Archive Of Our Own have comprehensive tagging? Granted, I haven't really looked through it much myself for diaper stories. If I ever get off my lazy ass and starting writing again, I'll probably sign up there to post stories since pastebin has some kind of sexual content filter now.
>>8503 AO3's tagging system has always had issues that make it difficult to find what you're looking for a lot of the time. A lot of the issues are just the result of reluctance to implement too much moderation or limits on the tagging system. Attempts have been made to fix parts of it over the years, but there's still a lot of it just being a mess of an overly complicated system with non-standardized, improperly aliased, or useless tags along with the usual of works not being tagged correctly in the first place. As an example, the admin only bothered to limit the number of tags to 75 in 2021 after issues caused by a fanfic that had thousands of separate tags.
Maybe someone knows what story I'm talking about but it goes something like this >Young boy develops bladder problem from running sports >Boy keeps going anyway starts wetting bed >Mom forces him into diapers and forces him to stop running >Gets depressed >Gets baby sitter >Babysitter exposes him to age play >Dresses him like a baby >Eventually has sex with him Don't remember the name but I think I first saw it on daily diapers story time section
Kinda just a general request, but does anyone have any stories where the general theme is the main character gets caught and lies about needing diapers and winds up needing them by the end of the story after wearing too long? Always a favorite trope of mine. Thanks in advance!
>>8525 After an accident a girl wakes up in a hospital and decides to pretend to be regressed for ABDL reasons: http://www.foxtalestimes.com/Stories/Committed/committed.htm Involves a girl pretending to be incontinent to indulge her fetish publicly: https://www.dailydiapers.com/board/index.php?/topic/77914-the-irony-of-pretending/&do=findComment&comment=1898831 I was unable to find it and can't remember the title, but I recall another story with a similar premise that involved a girl who fakes a mental breakdown to be involuntarily committed for fetish reasons. It had diaper elements, but also focused on stuff like bondage and straitjackets as well IIRC.
>>8540 These are pretty good. Got anymore?
different anon here Do you like these types of stories? It's about a women cursed to feel good whenever she wears diapers or cleans up. Here is another one from the same writer that someone leaked on AO3. >https://archiveofourown.org/series/1479392 The first story on AO3 is the only way to read it, as it was removed from amazon This one is about a college program for stressed out girls. They get a headband that suppresses difficult thoughts and movement. During this time they are being treated like a baby. How control is taken away here is something I love. Making you feel so good and soft you can't think anymore. I enjoy lesbian stuff without wetting or messing. But this is very hard to find sadly.
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>>8573 >amazon stories There seems to be a large number of those going around these days. Really money in creating diaper smut on amazon?
>>8540 these both were great. Thank you! If anyone else has anything else in this same theme would be awesome.
>>8596 Smut in general does well. As long as you can pass certain threshold in readability. Quality is not nearly as important as quantity. There seem to be quite a lot of people making their money writing a bunch of low quality smut.
Does anyone have a recommendation for a good mistaken identity type story? don't care about genders reasonably short read time, 30mins-1hour
Trying to find a story I read a while back. Boy has an accident in front of a girl, she takes him back to her house, her mom acts like it's normal, he ends up in girls clothes and diapers. That's about all I can remember of it though.
All Bondagepup abdl sadism stories. https://inkbunny.net/gallery/Bondagepup/
Anyone know of any stories like what's described in pic related? There's plenty of stories involving kidnapping and forced regression and ABDL stories with horror themes, but I've never really seen anything with this idea of an ABDL yandere caregiver that genuinely loves her Little, but she's absolutely deranged and psychotic so is very willing to use stuff like kidnapping, confinement, gaslighting, stockholm syndrome, and sexual conditioning to get her Little to love her back and enjoy being her Little. The description even compares the concept to an ABDL version of Misery.
'm looking for a specific diaper story. I don't remember the name of it, but it went something like this: 16-17 year old Girl gets taken to a facility by her mom before being handed over to a nurse who takes her into a back room to give her an enema before diapering her. Girl is able to sneak back home before being greeted by her mom who reveals that she wants a 2 year old daughter again and decided to just forcefully regress her daughter instead. Daughter is then sedated by an orderlie from behind before being carted back to the facility. When she wakes up, she is given maintenance spankings for running away. She is then put into 7 diapers and placed into a crib for nap time. When she awakes, she finds that she soils herself and is then given more maintenance spankings. Mom then picks her up and allows her daughter to sleep in a clean diaper but must be put back into the soiled dirty diaper for when she goes back to the following day for more regression. Does anyone know what story I'm talking about or if it even existed?
Any tweenage focused diaper stories?
>>10372 Closest I can think of is Not That Kind of Accident on ARArchive
>>9505 Sounds hot. If I didn't suck at writing I'd try out making one based on that.
>>10358 attachment related, or at least as close as i know of
>>8596 I've been writing AB eBooks since 2017. Check out my official website - jodiedelight.com
>>10458 Reminds of the old school stories with all the keks and cringe to go with it. Got anything similar anon?
>>10372 Here's two stories involving twelve year olds. Also if anyone had any stories that they liked from abdlstoryforum now would be the time to save them since the site owner is allowing story removals upon the author's request. https://forums.abdlstoryforum.info/t/comfort-and-security-by-zeke-wfixed-formatting/8667/1 https://forums.abdlstoryforum.info/t/a-weekend-for-babysitting-complete-on-11-19-2014/8239
Trying to find a particular story that I read one time a year or so ago, and I haven't been able to find it at all since. It was about a school that had normal students and ABDL students, each coexisting as normal classmates would, but the littles had their own nursery, would get diaper changes between classes, etc. Story followed an ABDL who got paired with a normal girl for a school project, and he had to invite her over to his house for them to finish it. She gets to see him in his diapers, he has a messy accident in front of her, and the story ends with them becoming bf/gf and her changing his messy diaper if i remember correctly. Would love to cum buckets to this if anyone knows which one I'm talking about.
there was a very old story from DailyDiapers forum called "just leave it up to her" which basically started with a guy fully brainwashed and trained into being a baby and then the story started recalling how he had gotten to that point, basically conditioning him to renouncing any sort of sexual pleasure and visualizing his girlfriend as a partner and simply as mommy. ALSO there was a really great Age Regression story in ararchive that involved a guy that regressed every time he got horny, and his girlfriend ends up enjoying it and teasing him to force him to regress. He ends up cumming inside of her and actually becoming her baby inside her womb. I cant recall the name of that one.
>>10660 I think you're looking for "That Kind of Story", located at https://pastebin.com/jtqXLhXU
Anyone got that one story about a woman who rents a house thats boobytrapped? She moves in and gets forced to be a baby by the woman who owns the home. Its called Lucy or Linda or something like that. Any forced diaper slave stories would be good
>>10682 I think the story you're talking about is this: http://www.evil-dolly.com/assets/the-baby.pdf The main character is named Lisa and involves her being trapped in a house and babied by some dominatrix woman. Word of warning most probably don't want to browse the rest of the site, it's back from the early 00s when weird personal web pages were more common. There's really little actual ABDL content on the site anyway. It's mostly weird BDSM, body modification, and TF stuff.
I was thinking about writing a diaper story about the vtuber Rosemi(and her friends), but I don't know if anybody would know who those people are. The way Rosemi calls Nina "mom" is so cute.
>>10695 big fan of putting selen in Diapers, so if you include that I'll read
>>10702 I don't think I've seen much content from Selen. She's mostly a sweaty gamer, isn't she?
I really felt in love with this story, it is basically about these 2 teenage male friends, maybe even less than that, just acquaintances who one day are magically teleported to an alternate reality where everybody perceives them as a mother and her toddler daughter. They both still have their original male bodies, but everyone treat and see them as females, so they have to act and dress the part. As far as the rest of the world goes, no one else notices anything out of the ordinary and when they look and them just see their male bodies and think they are seeing a female one. To make things even more interesting, as far the teenage who ends up in the life/role of the toddler, Jon, reality is also shifted to make him as weak as an actual toddler, there is also some law of physics alterations, that take him as lightweight as a toddler, so he basically is moved and carried it out as a real one and none one else, despite his friend-turned-mother, can understand what he is saying, everyone else just hear baby nonsense when he speaks. He is trapped. Biff on the other hand now have to get used with being not only an full blown adult, but a woman and a mother as hell. The story is from Belchest, all the credits go to him and his wonderfully beautiful story, and is it being written on fictionbranches. I took the liberty to organize all the chapters into a single page and fix some misspelling mistake: Full story until here: https://web.archive.org/web/20220408093402/https://paste.ee/r/GUBgf Belchest profile: https://fictionbranches.net/fb/user/belchest
I'm looking for a specific diaper story. I don't remember the name of it, but it went something like this: 16-17 year old Girl gets taken to a facility by her mom before being handed over to a nurse who takes her into a back room to give her an enema before diapering her. Girl is able to sneak back home before being greeted by her mom who reveals that she wants a 2 year old daughter again and decided to just forcefully regress her daughter instead. Daughter is then sedated by an orderlie from behind before being carted back to the facility. When she wakes up, she is given maintenance spankings for running away. She is then put into around 7 diapers and placed into a crib for nap time. When she awakes, she finds that she soils herself and is then given more maintenance spankings. Mom then picks her up and allows her daughter to sleep in a clean diaper but must be put back into the soiled dirty diaper for when she goes back to the following day for more regression. Does anyone know what story I'm talking about or if it even existed?
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Here's a short story I wrote about a diaper wearing little girl with telepathic abilities exposing herself to a pedophile and watching her mother suck his dick while she psychically experiences both of their perspectives. Sorry if that description sounds like a clusterfuck.
>>12155 I really enjoyed that. Any more stories?
>>12156 I also have this story that I wrote a long time ago. https://pastebin.com/KCbxa9ML
Any stories with wearing someone else's diaper or wearing a used one? Also, any good blow out stories?
>>11186 I wanna know this too!
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Here's another short story that takes place in a setting where it's considered okay to wear diapers and also succubi exist. This was going to be a teacher x student story, but the backstory blurb kept going and became the story, resulting in this diapered little boy x diapered little succubus story.
>>11186 I'm pretty sure you can find that story here, it matches the parts you mentioned about the facility and setup - https://dailydiapers.com/content/stories/409.html
That story of WBDaddy's, The Panda's Ashes, I know it's a remake of an earlier story he did but I can't find it. Anyone know what I'm talking about?
Do you guys prefer these stories to have normal sexual acts in them ( blowjobs, sex ext..)or do you like it better when it's only ADBL stuff and maybe other fetishes mixed in like sissy or bondage?
I have been looking for a specific story i read years ago(in french, but saw a translated version later) Where a girl, about 15 ish, wears and uses diaper for fun. No AB content, just DL. She just wears and uses them, and a bit of kinkyness on top. Otherwise, any story with charactera over 8 who wear/use diaper, but whitout humiliation or AB play. it's a bit hard to find those.
looking for a story by personalias called The Program, it was on cushypen a few years ago
Any recommendations for good 'babysitter babied' type stories?
Another short one. Just a basic scenario of a mixed-grade classroom full of diapered students with a succubus teacher who tends to their sexual needs when asked.
I'm a huge fan of the whole "adult mistaken for being a baby" troupe figured I'd post a few places to find some decent stories of it here. https://www.deviantart.com/rockstarlydia/gallery http://unfairlifeofashlie.blogspot.com/ This one is more about Amazon's but still has some good ones. https://www.deviantart.com/liljoenubio/gallery
Anyone remember a story where a guy oversleeps for school wearing a pink diaper or something, and his friend comes up to wake him up and sees what he's wearing?
Does anyone have any or know of any Homestuck ABDL stories?
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This is the first time I've made a story. I hope I did a good, or even OK job. I did my best with the self editing and I'm sorry if any grammar is incorrect. This story is about a guy in his 20s who signs up for work at a university paying more than they should, for a vague job he can't talk about. The MC learns more about himself than he thought he would. I did my best to not be too plot heavy and keep the plot around AB/DL as much as I could. Let me know if I'm dogshit at this or not and what I can do better. I might type up another one sometime soon, but I don't know yet.
>>13906 I'll read it if you do proper indentation or keepma line between paragraphs. Can't do the wall of text.
>>13907 I'll work on that when I can over the week.
I don't know if this premise might seem cliché to many here and there is a possibility that someone else at some point has already written it, but it's worth mentioning in case someone here doesn't know what to write with the theme of this thread, as such the premise that I propose is that in the alternate lines that exists in the game bioshock could be raised where a elizabeth is subjected to an intensive therapy of mental and intellectual regression of age so that Comstock can control at will the powers of elizabeth and thus at once use such power so to go to cabar with buker and other variants of this
>>13906 >>13907 Hopefully I cleaned it up now. I'm sorry about that. It's been a while since I had to use proper writing techniques. I'll try and do a better job of that in the future if I write again. If I fucked something up again then sorry about that too.
anyone know any stories similar to Princess Pottypants or Lil Miss Sierra? Where humiliation is a big factor?
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>family always buys obscene amounts of bananas from store >Usually 3 or so go bad and have to be thrown out >Start getting into the habit of taking these brown bananas >Microwave them and shove them into my diaper. >The browner and Squishier the better >Parents thank me for eating the bananas so none go to waste >Mfw they're thanking me for having hot banana mess in my diaper I can squish around till I cum
Looking for a story by Personalias called The Program, cant find it anywhere
>>14268 Just wait until you associate the smell of banana with diaper humping and you get a boner at beakfast.
Hey all! Just figured Id ask here if anyone remembers a particular diaper dimension story I can no longer find and wanted to reread. Basically an injured vet voluntarily gets himself adopted. I thought it was on abdlstoryforum under the title "too good to be true" or "second chances". Still looking through my bookmarks & history but Im a chronic tab hoarder so its taking a while, any help would be appreciated!
I don't usually love PrincessPottypants but Birthday Wishes really hits the spot. It's in the "Spoiled Brat gets a Monkey's Paw" genre. Tags: Female, Altered Reality, Magic, Wetting, Messing, Mental AR
>>14185 Well, it's broken into paragraphs, ish. You should either indent every paragraph or keep a lime between them. You have standard beginner writing problems - run-on sentences, incomplete sentences, dialogue with no marker as to who is speaking, commas in wrong places etc. These things are the boring part of writing but they are what make it easy to read. Every time you mess these up, I'm jarred out of the story. Few will enjoy reading if you don't clean this up - I consider this writing around USA 10th grade level, which isn't saying much because our schools suck. As for the content, I wish the premise was a little more believable because the first couple of scenes themselves were super hot. Love the gaslighting idea and I even like the execution - perhaps you could make it more drawn out, subtle, and descriptive. The premise needs so background - the pffer is way to good to be true - why did the MC get this opportunity and not someone else? If it's part of the plot, don't give it away but foreshadow it, give us clues that something is awry. If you haven't determined that, you need to figure out why MC is getting this special deal and rewrite with that in mind. those are my first impressions.
>>14687 I admit I'm not a very good writer and a worse editor. I wanted to at least give it a go and see if I could do it. > dialogue with no marker as to who is speaking I've seen " ___, said" not used many times in books and been told it's not needed. Was that bad advice? >why did the MC get this opportunity and not someone else? If it's part of the plot, don't give it away but foreshadow it, give us clues that something is awry. It's part of the plot, but I understand if it was too annoying to keep reading with the state it's in right now. I'll do what I can to improve. Not that it's an excuse, but I know I've had learning disabilities growing up, so I'm sure that's affected it too. I've worked blue collar my whole life so it's never been a skill I needed much past high school, not that you asked or have a reason to give a shit. Thank you for at least looking at it a second time even if it's still a mess, and I'm happy some of my ideas are alright.
Turns out LittleMatt emerged after 10 years to finish "The Error". It's great... https://d.abdlstories.club/t/littlematts-the-error-final-chapter-posted-6212022 12yo~ son of a scientist moves to a town where middle-schoolers inexplicably study grad school level maths, logic, and physics. All facets of daily life like bus routes, locker codes, etc reflect this level of intelligence and require advance skills to navigate. The protagonist slowly demotes to a grade that matches his capabilities. >his other stuff is pretty good too >The Error was the only one he ever finished though https://diaperstoryarchive.wordpress.com/2012/07/17/christmas-and-the-magic-pjs/
Caught the bug to write a story. Its pretty short so let me know what you think. I'm open to requests too
>>14763 Keep writing. Everyone starts off mediocre. I loved some of the scenes, the grammar just pulls me out of it. Proof read it at least once (write it, give it a day or two, then re-read it and fix errors) you don't have to have "said" everytime but it has to be clear who is speaking at a glance so, if it's not clear, use it.
I would like a story in which after giving birth and taking care of a baby for a while, a mother has the "brilliant" idea that to get closer to the baby, she must become a baby, so she decides to dress up like one, play/act like one, and also be taken care of by a daddy (her husband)
>>15051 Thanks for sharing that, it was super cute and wholesome, and I want to be that little boy. I had read Christmas and the Magic PJs which was nice too, but I had forgotten that it went nowhere and stopped. >>15283 Your writing is pretty good as far as I can tell. I don't have any requests, but it would be neat to see you keep going.
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Here is some Sarah's stories from DiaperedXtreme: https://mega.nz/folder/EPZ1hSDb#wdWbuzb8KAO8qOTBlIO7WQ Also I'm trying to find a story: main character is a woman, she was abducted by Amazon Aliens and she got her body customized by the new parents to look more childish, but her mother soon got tired about a toddler and she was just interested in breastfeeding then the woman end like a newborn.
Kinda off topic, but would any writers be interested in story prompts?
>>16410 Yah hit me with em. No promises of anything ever getting finished but i desperately need the practice.
>>16395 This drawing is so cute.
>>16395 I believe you're talking about Jenny's Adoption. Here it is. https://www.dailydiapers.com/board/index.php?/topic/71085-jennys-adoption/&
There's one I'm thinking of that I can't find online. It's about a young adult guy who is left alone by his mom for the night. He get's padded up and dressed like a sissy and goes for a joyride in the family car only to be stopped by a cop. The cop sees what he's wearing and forces oral until he cums downs the sissy's throat. Anyone know of this?
>>16632 That would be A Sissy Gets More Than He Bargained For.
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Does anyone knows any good mental regression story?
>>12725 Nurserystuck was a thing by an artist/writer called "Terribad" but they've seemingly vanished from the face of the planet. ZeeRageMan used to work with an artist by the name of CeeCeeButt before he ran her off the fucking net...
Did anyone save a story from wattpad called "eri's unpotty training" by any chance, it got deleted recently
>>16652 thanks
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I need help finding a story. Was originally posted on Deviantart, but due to how bad the search function has gotten on that website I can't find it anymore (for real though, how has this gone on for so long without fixes?). I have no idea if it's still there, or if its been deleted. The story was called "Unfinished Training" or something to that nature, and it involved a Girl working at a retail store. The HR woman there tells the girl she has unfinished employee training to do, and when the girl does it, it slowly regresses her mentally until she's basically a baby again. The HR woman even breastfeeds her at the end of the story. If anyone has the link or a copy of this story, I'd greatly appreciate it. Also, in order to contribute, here's some links to some stories I've enjoyed for a while now: Motherly Instinct - Lesbian Couple, Dom and Sub themes, due to the influence of cupid, one girl slowly gets more and more childish with the other becoming more like a mother. Breastfeeding at the end. https://www.deviantart.com/mamafaeberrie/art/Motherly-Instict-Female-ABDL-Diaper-Adult-Theme-811491215 Regressing Renee - Lesbian Couple, girl gets a magic stuffed animal that slowly mentally regresses her, until she's like a toddler again, with girlfriend taking care of her. Breastfeeding at the end as well. https://www.deviantart.com/findsounddragon/art/Regressing-Renee-650088780 Accidents - Lesbian Couple, girl starts breastfeeding on her girlfriend, only to end up wetting herself. Girl gets into diapers from there. https://www.deviantart.com/findsounddragon/art/Accidents-628425058 Like Any Other Day - Short story about a girl going through her day in a world where women wear and use diapers like it's normal. Has a small hypermess section at the end, so be warned. https://www.deviantart.com/greatlordg/art/Like-Any-Other-Day-702298107 Happiness is in the Heart - A little more serious story. Girl with drug addiction ends up in a rehab facility that treats its patients with diapers and special drugged milk that makes them lose their continence. Girl meets another girl there who's really into it, and eventually they get together. Happy ending, and overall pretty enjoyable, despite the seemingly dark themes. NOTE: As of the time of this post, I couldn't load into the website, so I'm posting a wayback link to it. https://web.archive.org/web/20190519111322/https://www.asstr.org/~DS/happyheart.html
>>17267 You're a lifesaver, thanks!
A story has gotten in my head, thinking pov of a fetish haver who moves and in her new school there is this openly infantile peer, Bebe or Bibi, who is functionally another teenager, but everyone accepts that she was born a baby and raised a baby, does her reports in crayon but they are highschool quality, needs to be told to remove her pacifier for speech/debate, and once someone else tells her that Bebe needs a change, no qualms raising her hand to say "Teacher, I'm poopy." And get sent to the nurse. It's this bewildering situation for main character, who seems to be the only one with reservations about Bebe, but since everyone treats Bebe like a nonchalant fact of life, no teasing, bereavement, etc, main character wants to see more of her life. Then maybe some drawbacks start to make themselves apparent. Like pediatrician visits require rectal thermometers, electrolysis treatments, overbearing mother/parents, have the main character think twice about "living the dream". Just wondering if this has been done before and my thousands of hours of erotica trawling just filed this away and now I got the itch again. Something akin to "That kind of story", etc.
>>17499 The irony is that for something so wish-fulfilling, it is rarely done (at least without it being forced, humiliating or with giantess)
>>17589 No matter the story, conflict must exist, so the pov is this fetish haver, seeing their dream, but not living it, first it would be this bafflement, jealousy, the reader, being of similar predilection, going along with the "I wish that was me", as first it's highlights, the diapers, the bottles, seemingly perfect fantasy, then as reader goes from stranger to friend, the downsides, no driving, inability to have anything with honey, 100% lack of romantic partners, not because it's she's weirdo into diapers but because dating a baby is silly, etc. So monkey paw/grass is greener, what are the trade offs, kind of thing.
Does anyone have a story about a boy hypnotised by his girlfriend's friend, using a pacifier? I wrote up a detailed description when I was trying to find it a year ago, at https://www.dailydiapers.com/board/index.php?/topic/52743-official-looking-for-a-story-thread/&page=52#comment-1931234 I still haven't found it and I still can't get it out of my head.
>>19083 The story name is "Leave it all up to her". Part of it was available on archive.org but I've not been able to find all of it
Warning, the following contains shota diaper fagotry. >year is 2050. >anyone can plug their brain into the matrix and experience anything >log in for the evening. Create my avatar. >smol blonde diaper boy in pajamas >search through available play partners and decide to go with an AI partner tonight. >last time played with another persons avatar. >she was a babysitter and we played house together including diaper changes and heavy petting. >tonight i get the ai to appear as a dark haired boy who wets the bed too but only wears pullups because diapers are for babies. >ai boy stands over me, taller by aImost a full head. >I gulp and feel up his goodnite. >still dry >he grins at me and gropes my diaper through my footy pjs. >we both laugh and run off to play some videogames before things get too serious. >after several cyber-hours playing games I finally decide to wet my diaper. >ai boy and I start rough housing and I sit on his chest and let go. >my hot pee swells up the similated diaper and squishes my little penis >ai boy reaches between my legs and rubs my diaper. >instant boner. >he rolls me onto the carpet and pins me. >with one hand he holds my arms above my head while he continues jacking me off with diaper rubs. >I moan loudly but but it sounds like a Democrat supporting squeak. >ai boy smiles at me and stops, kisses me on forehead. >i blush hard and my boy hole starts to crave attention. >some nights I pretend not to know whats happening, pretend to fool around without knowing why it feels so good. >not tonight. >the ai boy says i look cute, asks me if I've ever fooled around before. >i nod yes. >he picks me up and lays me on the bed with my bum at the edge. >my heart pounds as I lay with feet up watching him take off his shirt and pants. >he stands there in his soaked goodnite, massive erection threatening to pop out. >nearly jizz myself immediately. >he opens the but flap on my footy pajamas and pops the crotch snaps of my onesie underneath. >my heart is pounding >he pulls out his massive cock from the wasteband of his goodnite >he lifts up my legs with one hand and reaches through my bum flap to undo one of my diaper tapes. >still holding my legs he uses his right hand to push aside the seat of my diaper.  >he guided his cock into my tight boy hole. >barely stifle a scream. >need a moment to take it all in. I reopen my eyes to see him staring down at me. Smiling. >ai boy makes me feel that rare kind of unconditional love, the kind that nobody who knew my secret desires ever could. >i prop up my feet on his shoulders and he puts his hands on either side of my tummy. >he starts to thrust in and out. >I cry out for real this time. >Hes pounding my boy hole now >Im moaning now, can barely hear it over the sound of our diapers crinkling together and his panting. >the pressure on my prostate is unreal. His cock fills me up over and over again.
[Expand Post]>my small dick still covered by my diaper is rock hard and quivering, draining precum like a faucet. >cant take it anymore. >the tingling and pressure from my bum and prostate spreads to my cock and then rolls out like waves of electricity through my body. >i groan in ectasy as my dick starts throbbing and spilling my watery boy semen like a hose. >my diaper is trying its best to contain the mess. >right after my dick finishes pumping his explodes, filling my bum his thick cum. >he keeps thrusting to make sure it all gets pumped into me. >my bum and genitals are so sensitive that each thrust nearly makes me pass out from a sensory overload. >eventually he stops and with his dick still buried in me he leans in for a kiss on the forehead and tousles my hair > I blush deeply. >he pulls out and I immediately miss the pressure and wholeness. >he tapes me back up but some of my jizz has leaked out of my waistband. >Gets me clean jammies and changes my diaper. >he wipes me up cleans all the jizz. >gives my little dick a little suck before taping me up. He dresses me in my nice fluffy camo pattern footed sleeper. >I sit on the edge of the bed and watch as he uses the baby wipes on himself and slips on a new pair of goodnites. >in just the goodnites he sita on the bed next to me and pulls me into a big hug. >we crawl into bed together and he spoons me to sleep while rubbing my back. >wake up in the real world, its only been 2 real minutes. I disconnect and get ready for bed. >my wife is in bed already waiting for me. >i go to bed knowing that my wife and kids rely on me and tomorrow is just another day to grind and support them. >I love my family and its best they dont know that secretly this confident family man just wants to be a diaper shota. Im not sorry. If its bad its bad. Im really horny and this is basically a selfsert fap story. I really need VR in my life.
>>19212 In hindsight there are a couple pretty funny autocorrect issues in this.
>>19115 >Leave it all up to her I can't find it on archive.org. Would you mind sharing the link?
>>19212 Diamonds, anon. Nice job. Please do more when you have the time.
Here's another very short story. A succubus mother helps her succubus daughter find some tasty treats while trick-or-treating. The diaper involvement ended up being a lot less than I was planning.
Figured someone here would maybe remember what I'm thinking of, I'm looking for a story. I believe it was by princesspottypants and is a diaper dimension story. It had to do with Christmas. A little who was formerly an Amazon's tutor is at the Amazon's family's house for the holiday, and when she opens her present it's a diaper. Afterwards she gets diapered and the Amazon becomes her mommy. It's a one-off story. If anyone has a link that'd be great... I was looking through princesspottypants' website for a while but couldn't find it. Remember reading it a couple years ago.
>>19873 That's Ausdpr's "A Christmas Tale". Apparently it was inspired by the attached image from Hofbondage. https://ararchive.com/chapter/3321
>>19884 You're the fuckin' man! Thanks a lot. Guess I was looking in the wrong place.
https://mellowsadistic2.tumblr.com/post/699481608580907008/the-succubus I don't normally like a lot of this guys stories. they're too, I don't know what the right word for it is, pulpy i guess? however this one really hit some themes I love
>>19115 Do you have the content / link? I'd love to have it. Thanks already for the name.
Hi, Im looking for a story, it was about a dude that hypnotized his girlfriend to regress everytime she says "i can", but she does not believe that he actually managed to hypnotize her and doesnt remember what he told her to do, it wasn't too long and she ends up regressing all the way to not being able to talk, it also had some messing towards the end, someone knows it?
Anyone remember any old diaper story sites from 1999-2005 that works with https://archive.org/?
two possible drawbacks to this series: furry and need an account to view upsides: decently well written, not short https://inkbunny.net/submissionsviewall.php?rid=ca45db49cb&mode=pool&pool_id=57262&page=1&orderby=pool_order&random=no&success=
>>20623 Sissy Becky
Is there any decent role reversal stories? Like a kid diapering their babysitter? Or lil sister looking after her older bratty sister.
Any story recommendations where a girl gets humiliated but learns she gets really turned on by it?
>>20641 Second. Also would like to request stories where character gets mistaken by people for a toddler / child.
>>21617 >Also would like to request stories where character gets mistaken by people for a toddler / child. You've described every Elibean story, but she ghosted the internet about four years ago now. (Lily the liar. Danielle and the Great Big Do-over. Liar liar. Always a flower girl.) Remember to save shit you like, kids.
>>21621 It's also the premise of a lot of Daring Diane stories. The difference, I think, is that Diane's stories are where someone with a small frame gets a makeover and is treated like a kid until they start being actually mistaken for one. L̶o̶o̶k̶s̶ ̶l̶i̶k̶e̶ ̶s̶h̶e̶'̶s̶ ̶m̶o̶s̶t̶l̶y̶ ̶g̶o̶n̶e̶ ̶f̶r̶o̶m̶ ̶t̶h̶e̶ ̶n̶e̶t̶ ̶t̶o̶o̶ ̶e̶x̶c̶e̶p̶t̶ ̶a̶ ̶f̶e̶w̶ ̶p̶a̶i̶d̶ ̶e̶b̶o̶o̶k̶s̶ ̶t̶h̶a̶t̶ ̶a̶r̶e̶ ̶s̶t̶i̶l̶l̶ ̶o̶n̶ ̶a̶m̶a̶z̶o̶n. Nevermind, I wasn't able to get to her website to load but as I was writing this it started working now. She just hasn't updated in almost 5 years, sadly. https://daring-diane.blogspot.com/
>>21624 I'm enjoying one of these stories because i love the genre a lot but it's written so woodenly, look at this; >Stacey turned and closed the door as she left. The baby monitor was on. So, she would hear any noise from the room. In addition, earlier in the day Stacey had set up her old nanny-cams to record the interaction in the nursery. The unit was noise and motion activated. It was hooked to her computer. She had the entire interaction on her computer from multiple cameras in the room. She had put the units in to monitor babysitters when her own children were younger. Quite literally sounds like an AI wrote it
>>21621 >>21624 Damn, sucks I missed those stories. Those artist are exactly what I'm looking for. I've already read the majority of the unfair misadventures of ashlie, diaperd13 's stories and a few other Halloween mishap stories so many times they've lost their luster.
>>21621 Somebody once posted a (now dead) link to the saved Ellibean stories, so they are floating around out there. Would do just about anything to find them again.
>>21645 I get what you mean. I'm by no means a great or even good writer, but I try to make it lively.
Looking for a story about two sisters stuck in a store during a tempest. The youngest one find diapers and wear it,and both end up playing in diapers. Ring a bell to anyone?
>>22490 Pretty sure this is it. No clue on the author, though. Saved it forever ago and forgot about it until seeing your post.
>>22491 This is it,thanks man.
>>798 All right, I'm looking for a story called just Baby Girl. It's by an author from Germany, and it's about a teenage ABDL who finds out her friends are also ABDL. Really old story, one of the first I ever read.
hey, I'm looking for a way to get these stories for free but can't find them on any pirated ebook site can anybaby help https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0753GGY98?ref_=dbs_p_mng_rwt_ser_shvlr&storeType=ebooks
>>23203 I think I got them somewhere. I'll try to look for you. The first two are available on ao3 at least https://archiveofourown.org/series/1479392 In the meantime could you recommend a story similar to the first two? female only ABDL stories that don't contain piss and or messing are very hard to find. I really liked the forced regression in the first one
>>19459 >>19212 Well. I started. I decided to go a little less straight up horny and play out something darker. The premise of an older kid regressing to diapers due to a trauma has always fascinated me, as I suspect some of my own diaper fascinations stem from trauma when I was very young. I'm not saying I was molested or anything nor did I have any parents die like in my story. I just felt that being something a little extreme would allow things to move quicker. Right now I just have the setup written. A 6 year old being cared for by his 20 year old brother after their single mom dies in an accident. Of course the boy will regress to 24/7 diaper usage. I really want to get the 20 year old in diapers too but I'm not sure how yet. In any case I'm incorporating some of my own experiences with stress, trauma, coping mechanisms and mental health in general, recontextualized for diapers of course. I'm flat out gonna admit that the older brother is adult me trying to cope with mental health while caring for another as I have had to deal with this in real life. The boy is more or less modeled on the diaper fascinated childhood I wish I had, minus the losing his mom part. I might be crazy but I really hope that writing out my fantasies and incorporating some real world experiences will actually help me IRL. Also for the record, while both characters will have sexual exploration that fits their age and maturity I specifically will not have incestuous content for a lot of reasons. https://pastebin.com/GUtEREMa
>>23352 evangelion levels of reflection, speaking of eva does anyone have any misato x asuka diaper stuff?
>>23353 Lol I do love that original ending. I do not consider myself a writer. Im just hoping I make something I can jack off too in the end that helps me deal with some shit.
Hey Anons, I have been writing this Doki Doki Literature Club fic for a minute now, and I posted the last version on another chan, but I have since added a lot to it. It's pretty long, and it includes diapers and their use, ABDL themes, and some light mental regression. This is my first diaper story, but so far reception has been good. Let me know what you think. Here's the link: controlc (dot) com/d4ff526a
>>23353 Pizza Bagle has a whole comic of Asuka blackmailing Misato. Only a few pages so far but really cute. https://kemono.party/patreon/user/12388520
>>23804 Love it. You should try posting it somewhere where we can keep track of updates/other new stories if you can, would love to read more
>>23805 i'm calling it now; this comic will take literally 2 years to get to the good stuff and then be forgotten about
Just wrote another thing real quick. Used a bit of AI to help when I didn't know what to do next. It was Saturday night and I was out at the club. I had been feeling down about myself lately and had decided to just take a night for myself and maybe find a guy to hook up with. I spent a little while moving around the club, drinking and dancing on my own a bit before seeing a guy that looked pretty hot sitting alone at the bar. He had black hair, dark brown eyes, and cute freckles. I felt attracted to him immediately, he looked hot in his tight shirt and jeans. It would be a good score for me to get him out of his pants if I could just work up the courage to get him to feel me up under my skirt. "Hey" I said. "Here with your girlfriend?" He laughed. "No, not at all." He smiled as he looked me up and down. "Just enjoying my drink." I smiled and casually laid one of my hands on his thigh. Being so forward with my hand was a risk but his bdy language softened up and he put his hand on mine in return. "Yeah, I'm here alone too. I don't normally come to places like this on account of my disability." I blushed. “Oh? That's too bad. What kind of disability is that if I may ask?” he asked. “Oh, well maybe I could show you..." My heart was pounding as I took his hand in mine and placed it just below the hem of my skirt on my thigh. He took the invitation and slowly started moving his hand up my thigh, feeling me up. He never took his eyes off mine and smiled at me in a way that made my vulva swell with arousal and wetness. I scooched a little closer on my stool and started breathing heavily and began moaning softly. The music was playing slow but loud so nobody else could hear our words or my whimpering. When his hand was completely inside my skirt, I felt his fingers brush against my diaper. He looked confused at first but after a couple more rubs against my diapered crotch a look of understanding crossed his face and he grabbed at the squishy wet padding more aggressively making me shudder. After a couple of moments he pulled his hand back and went to his drink. After taking another sip he said "how long have you had your disability?" I looked down at the ground, embarrassed. I was worried that he thought I was some sort of freak. "Oh... Um... I guess about ten years...?" he shook his head. “I am so sorry.” He looked at me again and smiled. "Does your disability prevent you from dancing?" He said, while gesturing at the dance floor. Holy shit. A boy just asked me to dance. I gulped hard and tried to remain calm. No boy in high school ever wanted anything to do with me. I was treated like a disgusting freak, but this handsome guy with his beautiful eyes and toned muscles wanted to dance and had already felt me up a bit. After a pause that felt like forever I smiled. "I'd love to dance!" I said, taking both his hands and pulling him towards the dance floor. He laughed, then got onto the dance floor. We started swaying to the beat and I put my arms around his neck, putting my chin on his shoulder. I like the slower songs. I definitely preferred a slower, more sensual dance. Not that I had had many such dances. This guy was a good dancer, or if he was an average one I didn't care. His hands on me made me feel safe. Before long we were sneaking in some ass grabbing and grinding. After I grabbed his ass the first time he helped himself to a handful of my diapered booty. Then he gave it a little squeeze causing me to moan and put my face into his shoulder. He moved us off the dance floor and we found a quiet spot beside it. He leaned in and whispered huskily in my ear. "Little girl, did you wet your diaper?" I blushed hard and had no words. I buried my face even harder and nodded. "Maybe we should find somewhere private to check your diaper" The way he said it, it was like a command, not a question. We went through the club all the way to the back where the smaller side bathrooms were. It was an old converted building and these bathrooms were tiny and had basically only two stalls. He went into the men's one to make sure it was empty and as soon as we were both inside he locked the door. He looked at me with those eyes again and my diaper got a little bit wetter. Without any further prompts I lifted my skirt and showed off my soaking wet diaper. My heart was pounding like crazy. I had never been this turned on in my life. I wasn't a virgin but all of my high school sex-capades had ended in either disappointment, or humiliation, or both. This was it. This was hopefully going to be the first time a guy saw me in my wet diaper and wanted to fuck me anyway. My face flamed redder than ever, my embarrassment merging with arousal. He smiled sweetly at me, leaned his forehead against mine and ran his cool fingertips across my face and through my hair before kissing me lightly. I kissed him back with everything I had, hoping he wouldn't pull away. He didn't. Instead I felt my lips being opened and I heard my breath catch in anticipation as I felt a tongue slip past my teeth. My heart was pounding and I couldn't stop myself from gripping tightly onto his shirt. I felt his cock getting hard as his crotch ground up against me. My heart skipped several beats and I pushed myself a little further into his embrace, moaning softly. Then he pushed himself forward, pressing into me harder, rubbing himself against me. After a couple of seconds he stopped grinding on me. He put one hand on my shoulder and snaked his other hand down to my skirt and started to sneak under the waistband. He felt around my diaper for a couple seconds before pulling the top back a bit and shoving his hand down inside. The feeling of his hand in between my soaking pussy and my soaking diaper was second only to the feeling of his fingers exploring my labia lips. "Wow, this little girl really does need a new diaper." He grinned wickedly.
>>24149 Cont. His fingers were now rubbing and stroking my pussy in a slow rhythm, making me groan and squirm slightly, wanting him more. I managed to stop moaning for a second and I said in practically a whimper. "please fuck me" He pulled his hand out and brought my face up to meet his. He pressed his erection against me and I could feel it hard and full, throbbing against my crotch. I gasped. "You're gonna have to tell me what you want to be fucked by" He smirked. God I was loving his domineering attitude. The boys I was with before were either scared and meek or mean and judgemental about my disability. I calmed myself and tried to look him dead in the eye "I want you to fuck me with your big, fat, cock, please." He smiled and said "good girl, such good manners." He quickly spun me around and bent me over with my hands against the wall. I spread my legs and leaned forward as much as I could while holding myself up. He lifted up my skirt and started massaging all over my diaper. "My spare diaper is in my car, so you can just undo one of the tapes and fuck me without taking this one off" I wasn't sure if that was even feasible but I couldn't walk around the club leaking everywhere. He continued massaging my pussy through the diaper for a few minutes before investigating the tapes. He pulled the bottom right one free and started pulling the diaper to the side. It took a few moments to bunch up the diaper and expose my pussy but it worked. He stood back and I heard the buckle on his belt come undone. I closed my eyes and waited in anticipation. When his penis was brushing against my opening a wave of hot, wet feeling rushed over my pussy, my throat tightened and I moaned loudly. My whole body trembled with excitement. My pussy throbbed and ached. My legs shook. I wanted him inside me! I opened my eyes and looked at him as I felt his cock start to push its way inside me. His cock was huge, thicker and longer than I expected. It felt warm and soft and it stretched me a lot. As soon as I felt myself go tight around it he pushed the rest of his dick into me. "Aaaaaaahhhh! Ohhh... ohh!" I moaned with pleasure. God it felt so good to be securely wrapped in my wet diaper and also filled up completely. This was amazing, it was better than any fantasy. He let his hands wander around my diapered ass, my back and even reached up and cupped my breasts through my shirt as he started pounding into me. The bathroom was awash with the sound of my constant moaning, his grunting and the diaper crinkling. I think at one point someone banged on the door and yelled something but they must have left because before long all I could hear again was the sounds of our lust. When I came it was hard, fast and intense. Every stroke caused more pressure inside me. With every second he would thrust even deeper and harder within me until I felt myself coming apart. It took maybe three or four more pumps before he came too. He cried out loudly and I could feel his hot sperm pumping out and filling me up. He kept on slamming into me milking every bit of jizz out into my diapered pussy. After another minute he was completely out of steam and starting to get soft so he slid out. I stood up and turned around with my diaper hanging loose. He stood there panting and sweaty as he watched me. I reached down to my pussy and got some of his jizz on my fingers for a quick taste. As I licked my fingers clean he gulped hard and his cock twitched. I re-positioned my diaper and I taped it up. "Fuck..." He muttered as he put his cock away and zipped his pants up. He walked over to me and gave me a deep kiss and a light slap on my diapered behind. I blushed furiously. He chuckled and pulled me against him. I hugged him tight. "That was amazing, I wasn't expecting this night to go so well. My diaper is still wet though, so I should get going and change before I leak all over." As I broke away from him and made for the door he said "Hey, I'm sure you were just looking for a quick hookup, but I would like to get to know you better." I smiled softly and looked deep into his beautiful blue eyes. I wasn't sure what to think. I didn't know if I wanted a boyfriend, but I would love to get fucked like that again. I was torn because I just wanted to explore sex in a no strings attached way and freely explore my desires, but maybe I'd be passing up a real keeper. "I'm not sure, I was just looking for a hookup. I don't know if I'm ready for a relationship." "Well, let me give you my number. Maybe when you need some action again, call me." He pulled a pen and an old receipt from his pocket and scribbled out his number. As he handed it to me he definitely looked disappointed. I took it and gave him a smile before heading out. I almost couldn't believe how well that had gone. This was it, I finally had been able to overcome my self consciousness and just own being a sexy diapered college girl. I was so proud of myself. When I got outside the cool night touched my face and I realized just how in need of a change I was. Walking in it now was a chore and it seemed like the rough sex had really done some damage to it. I got to my car and one of the tapes gave out. Shit, I thought to myself. I stood by my car thinking about what to do next. I really should change before driving home but changing alone in the backseat in the middle of a city at night seemed crazy and dangerous. After thinking for a couple more seconds I quickly pulled out my phone and sent a text "Hey I'm in the parking lot. I need to have my diaper changed but its scary out here at night and I would feel safer with you here to help. My name is Sarah by the way" Almost immediately the response came. "Be right there". Looks like this evening wasn't quite over yet.
>>12171 Bumping this plz! Any recommendations would be amazing. So rare to find any of this subject matter.
To anyone in need of a prompt: MaturID (maturity), in a near/further future setting where AI does all labor and people pursue recreation/enlightenment, not a single monolithic AI leading to grey goo, but several thousand meant for different functions to the point it's like every object has a djinn/house spirit, people have universal basic income, persue education at different rates/levels, traditional milestones do not exist, no age to get a licence when a car drives itself, you might graduate school at 14 or 27, depending on personal focus, but to have access to potentially addictive products/services (alcohol, recreational drugs, gambling, mmo), or certain kinds of content (horror, pornography, slashers), a person's MaturID is evaluated and set. Something (solar flare, quantum disturbance, polarity inversion event, technobabble) has caused Main Character's MaturID to be set to infant levels. And is dealing with getting babied by everything (all AIs) and everyone (friends, family, neighbors), as others don't want to have their MaturID debited for behaving inappropriately towards a baby, even if Main Character is yadda yadda years old, as "they will mature in their own time and way." I could see versions where it's very robotic nursery, others where MC is now in the custody of a friend/family member and even if the Caregiver agrees something is wrong in the system, to avoid anything happening to their MaturID still have to infantalize the MC, and then for MC's sex drive, it could be argued that the smart objects around them could inhibit or encourage sexual activity.
>>23203 While we're requesting stories from amazon, does anyone have a free copy of this one? https://www.amazon.com/Clares-Naughty-Girl-lesbian-Mistress/dp/1090367023
Heres my story prompt I'm writing down just to get the idea out of my head really; Modern day witch needs a familiar but the traditional options (imps, goblins, owls etc.) aren't exactly practical in the modern age so she turns you into a cherub but non magical people just see you as a regular toddler so the witch can go about her business as an unassuming mommy and baby
>>24641 >>Taking a crack at this Samantha was in a hurry, the connecting busline fell behind and if the next stop was on time it would require a sprint. If Ethan hadn't spent so long on the project design elements, she could have had the client presentation buttoned up, but no, and now it falls on the project manager to pick up the slack. She impatiently waited for the throng of people to get off at this stop. She hurried across the connecting platform, clipping the shoulder of an elderly woman in her rush. The elderly woman looked on as the random woman ignored her. She looked down in her hand, random threads and a few hairs rested in the ancient wrinkled palm. She clutched them tightly. Theresa couldn't help but smile as she walked, doddering, to an alley. Passing the dumpsters, air vents, and tessellated bricks, she exited to an inexplicable meadow somehow in the middle of the city, with a simple hut. Catching her breath, Samantha took a minute to control her breathing and settle her heart rate, as she waited at the elevator banks. Doors opened, herself and 5 others got on, several floors were signaled, Samantha's was on the 23rd floor and would be the last stop. One by one people left to different offices. Once alone, Samantha straightened her blazer, smoothed out her pants, and prepared to confidently stride out to the offices of Demir Consulting Services. That was what she was prepared for, instead the doors slid open to reveal a rustic lodge, maybe a cottage, it was bewilderingly surreal. Swept up in the pavlovian response of leaving on your floor, Samantha entered the foreign space. Thoughts catching up to her, she spun around, only to be facing a log cabin wall. "Welcome my dear, that wall won't tell you anything, why not introduce yourself?" Asked some woman behind her. Turning, Samantha was faced with a beautiful woman, buxom and confident, though wearing clothes that looked out of a regency drama, high collar, petticoats layered up. "Um, how, where am I? I have a client conference and not much time-" Samantha stammered as she attempted to ground herself. A bemused laugh came from the woman, back of a hand covering the mouth. "Oh Samantha, you're no longer on that project. You've been promoted by the blessings of the Mother, Maiden, and Crone. Now your position will be demanding but the benefits are as boundless as the weave." "Promoted? Wait, I never said my name. Who-what are you?" "Now you're asking the right questions, here, I have tea brewing in the kitchen." The strange woman said, offering her hand to Samantha, who took it for lack of an alternative. The kitchen had a giant brick hearth, a low fire heating a tea kettle set on the lip. Plant boxes lined various shelves, bottles of bizarre materials dotted throughout. Samantha was led to a simple table with bench seating. "Ok. Do my right questions get answers?" Samantha asked, assured that she was having a stress-induced breakdown. Two cups were put down, the woman started pouring tea. "I am Theresa, practitioner of the Arts, and normally a seeker of the Esoteric. My access has been restricted, but that is where you come in. I was tracing the forward path and you were there." "What path? I've been running between buses. This is a big city, hundreds are in everyone's path?" Samantha asked incredulous. Theresa, the woman now having a name, pulled out a shawl, gauzy, and drew it across her head. The buxom lady of britishire duchy or some fantastical crap, changed before Samantha's eyes to be the elderly lady she clipped at the connecting terminal. "Simple representational magic, shroud of sight to the Untouched. Your life lines drew you in the forward path, the help I need." The crone explain, drawing the shawl back to look proper and hale again. Samantha's jaw dropped. How did this woman change shape? She took the teacup to sip, some way to ground herself. "Now for your part of the forward path, superstition has been evaporating, the spirits that could normally be contracted have become scarce, sick, a shadow of what was. You will become my familiar. Enjoy boundless youth and the hospitality of my home and care. Your services will be rewarded three fold as the path teaches." "What are you even talking about?" Samantha asked, voice suddenly small. Looking down the teacup was massive. Her business suit was swallowing her in folds. Fighting her way out, panties were tangled around her ankles. A feeling of pins and needles shot up her back and spine. Now she stood among a pile of her clothes, wet feathery wings flapping erratically. "Excellent, I was worried that potion would be too weak to show your form." Theresa said nonchalant, bringing to undo the many ties around her bodice. "What the fuck?" Samantha asked, wings now flapping themselves dry. "What mushrooms or acid or whatever did you drug me with!?" "No drugs, a tincture of wolfsbane to shed the transformation. This is your truest self as Touched. Now your journey as my aid can begin after our connection is sealed." Theresa explained, heaving bust freed from the many layers.
[Expand Post]Samantha was dumbfounded. She was at most a foot tall. How could she be a project manager now? What tailor could make wing accommodating shirts and blazers? And to top it off she was now drooling. Samantha couldn't stop herself from crawling up on the table to be close to this woman, this witch. Even as Samantha's reached out to suckle on the heavy breast Theresa was holding up, Theresa raised her arm up higher, lifting the breast up to reveal a third nipple on the base of her right ribcage. Without direction or word, Samantha latched onto the witch's teat, understanding now accompanying the rich cream, Samantha was now a bound familiar, and she was going to use all the skills in her tool box to serve her mistress Teresa in this new cherubic form. She couldn't stop herself purring in pleasure as Theresa pet the light blond curly hair the newly formed cherub now sported. >>All backstory, the sitcom and orgasms will come later.
>>24575 I actually quite like this concept, I've been think about in the future if medical tech advances so much that people literally live x10 as long would normal milestones be delayed x10 as well so a 30 year would basically be seen as a 3 year old. But I like your idea more, it's a lot more believable and natural feeling
>>24672 >After posting the prompt I've been tooling about with the concept, similar to witch story I think I'm going too hard in the paint with backstory and not just going to "wearing diapers now the adult baby did many cums". Annabeth's digital assistant took a photo to keep handy, from her clutch, like many others, she pulled out a stylus. On holographic easels people were going through the process of distilling the nude man to render. Everyone had different styles and effects, some looking like pencil sketching, charcoal line work, oils, acrylics, one was even using their stylus as a knife to shape a hunk of material into something more 3d and statuesque. Annabeth was using pencil with plans to move to water colors. The instructor was giving space for a while before coming to consult with each student on their process and goals. That was when Annabeth heard the feedback, a brief noisy fuzz crackling in her ears before alerts were popping up on her overlay. The nude man was suddenly pixelated out, the photo reference deleted. Content not suitable for her MaturID was being filtered. >This is from pages 7 and 8, next the art instructor gets the MC out of the adult space to be where it's more appropriate. Haven't decided to have it be AI caretaker or rope a meatbag in yet.
Story prompt; Astronaut sent to test a new type of space hotel however the experience slowly babys them through either coincidence (it's merely coincidence that our new zero-g juice bottles just happen to look identical to baby bottles) or accidents (hmm it seems the zero-g toilet is malfunctioning, you'll just have to use the astronaut absorbent briefs) The whole thing can either be genuine coincidence and accident or can be more malicious as like a social experiment or something
I'm trying to find the stories of a guy named pawy, two stories he made are "The little swimmers did it" and "Double diapers" and I would like to know if there's more like those
Any recommendations for AIs that can write?
>>24793 Actually yes. Take a look at the comprehensive list of AI models here. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1JUFgv-iwQKBzTxgCXVXObbj6jqKrvRuzoVEFwZr2LCU/edit#gid=2042770628 The top contains local models (usually Llama finetunes / LORAs, since their training means they're far better than any of the previous open source models on their weight class - 13B beats the original GPT-3 175B in LLM benchmarks), which you can run via a user interface for LLMs such as Kobold (my favorite), Oobabooga, Tavern, or SillyTavern. These are not services, so you'll need to host them on your own machine. System specs for RAM (for 4bit CPP/CPU versions) and VRAM (for 4bit GPU versions) are: 7B: 6 GB 13B: 12 GB 30B: 24 GB 65B: 48 GB If you have a shitty computer, or don't want to fuck with the installation process, there's a pretty braindead notebook somebody linked on the Mongolian basketweaving board you can use to run models up to 13B on a free Colab in Kobold: https://pastebin.com/yjGweF5k You'll need a link to the model repo on Huggingface, but try the int4-gptq-groupsize128-safetensors models on this page: https://huggingface.co/camelids It'll give you access to some storytelling style models that are pretty fucking amazing. For instruct style models, the SuperCOT models linked there are also pretty solid
>>24801 Btw, the pastebin above should be saved as an ipynb, then from there, you should import that into a Google Colab. The free Google Colab gives you a 15 GB GPU by default, so you can use that to run a 13B model
>>24801 How do I run them?
>>24805 Save the pastebin text as an ipynb, open up Google colab, upload the ipynb file, add huggingface link where it tells you to, profit
God damn improve musical podcast infecting me with this story nugget. ABDL: THE MUSICAL The orchestra was tuning as the theater started to fill with those in attendance for the show, the rustle of plastic and sucking cheeks of people dressed in fancy dresses adding to the din of warm up. The house was packed, anyone who was anyone was eager to witness this work of mass popularity. I stowedby diaper bag under my seat and reviewed the playbill, the pamphlet was delightfully light on words, it was mostly pictures of the performers, each blurb done in their favorite color and paired with that person's favorite toy. The expected childhood stuffed animal, rattles either grasping base or part of a scrunchie, and the occasional vibrator. Music started to swell as the curtains opened. A woman, brown curls pinned up, skin done up to a pale alabaster, if you didn't have opera glasses, the nude color "insert" socks would be invisible, otherwise only wearing a thick diaper, just plain white with exaggerated yellow tapes. The main character, named "Little Girl." "Where do I belong? How could I fit in? I am an adult but not quite within! I giggle at shapes - get calm when I color, but I own my day, don't feel the need for a mother-" She started to sing, slow but rising, swaying to the melody of the opening number. "I don't need help getting dressed, why must I hide my breast? I need and use my diapers I adore, but don't want to submit to a dominate paramour!" Sounding like a classic Diaper Lover, but finding only mommies or daddies as she navigates this world, the opening number hit it's crescendo. Set pieces were rolled in, flats done up to big letter blocks stacked haphazard. A woman in a big pink bonnet and matching socks coming out of the wing with a teddy bear the same size as her, a flat done up to be a stroller pushed onstage by a woman in heels, breasts pushed up to her chin, wearing a green blouse and open business jacket, her diaper a solid green to match her top, thick framed glasses filled her face in ringlets to each side. Walking behind the flat, a man stood, onesie decorated in simple dinosaur shapes in a rainbow of colors. " Little Girl, how are you today?" Asked the mature presenting woman, Mommy. "Good Morning Mommy, just fine." "Why don't you come to me and let me check that behind?" "Ugh!" Little Girl pouted but crossed the stage to present her bottom, Mommy groping the diaper and Little Girl's breast, as the man moved the stroller to be stage right with the teddy bear holding woman. The lights dimmed on the diaper check as attention was put on the two adult babies. "That Little Girl is weird, so vary odd and queer, how could she be mad, with her diaper checked right here?" Started the teddy bear holding woman. "Mommy knows best, I adore her above the rest, she keeps me fed, safe, and clean! Look at my new onesie, she got it special just for me, it has dinos going 'roar', I don't need to think, I play the whole day long, why does Little Girl seem to want MORE?" belted out the man in the stroller. "When you think about the world, all the pressures are so scary, Daddy gave me this teddy, a great big friend to hug who is super soft and hairy." Sang the woman in the bonnet. "Bigs are just the best, making sure we get our rest." They sang in unison. "Walk no more, kick up your feet and relax, my stroller is great, cradling my thickly padded ass!" "A friend forever, one that's like no other, always here for me when I'm feeling bother." "Comfort, care, a strong guiding light, mommies and daddies, every adult baby's grand delight!" They sang out in unison. The lights went back to filling the stage, Mommy gave two satisfying swats to Little Girl's bottom, satisfied she clean to usher her away. "Play nice every baby, I love you my padded Prince, Mommy will be at work, play nice. All of you." Mommy called out, the line pointedly directed at Little Girl. "Good morning Princess, what a big ol' bear, lovely bonnet, you have holding in your hair!" "Thank you much, Little Girl, want to hug him, and give a twirl?" Princess offered. "No thanks, that is fine for you, but slobbered on stuffed animals are something I don't use." "Little Girl, what are you trying to say? We're here at daycare, is there nothing you will play?" Sang Prince.
[Expand Post]"There's a time for play, to go be a baby all the way, but not right now, not for me, I have these feelings eating up at me!" At this point my phone started to buzz, digging it out of my diaper bag, a message from Leslie, "Ba ba time, enjoy the show but stay hydrated, kisses little one." I rolled my eyes as if my girlfriend could see me. Like miss mush tush never got caught up watching a production. Still I was too well behaved of a baby to not listen. Out of the insulated pocket I got out my baba with her chilled breast milk as I listen to Little Girl lament about not wanting to be just a submissive baby. That there has to be a place where she could be an adult, not tied down to stroller or forced to be in footie pajamas, where diapers were great on their own, and toys weren't foisted upon her. Where a diaper loving lover could love her without an exchange of power.
(162.14 KB watamote.txt)

Looking for other parts of this story. The pastebin links in the file are all deleted.
Anyone have and good recommendations for stories about gamer girls who wear diapers and use them to avoid having to leave their game? DA is a chore to browse now, and Google isn't much help either. Best I've gotten so far is one about D.va from Overwatch, but it just barely fits the bill. https://www.deviantart.com/silver-writing-desk/art/Gamer-Fuel-797703141 Appreciate any one's recommendation.
There was an old story I read more than 10 years ago when I started looking for abdl online but I can't find it. I remember just one scene when the girl poops her diaper and then put it backwards so she can feel her poop on her front, she then squirts from an orgasm (or something like this). Any clue?
>>24672 Still plugging away at it as I bounce from concept to concept, I accidentally wrote a joke and now feel like I need help punching it up. Annabeth is physically standing the the art instructor, who contacted emergency services because this adult-in-body but baby in MaturID is clearly lost. In the augmented reality space, AB's digital assistant is now in Avatar mode, a setting for children to better understand the UI of smart devices and give a point of contact that is easier to interact with, as it mirrors just asking an adult a question. Emergency Services arrive, I thought maybe a droid should be partnered, a supercomputer that can access databases and process information faster than the meatbag, with some system override features like forcing smart fabric to be "frozen" in place to allow descalation. Autonomous Rescue Aid, so the ARA patrol is now a thing, the not-cop should also have a refence/joke title, bearing in mind that this is more of a social worker than a police unit, as this is a bright idyllic future. Possibly Emergency Response Organization Servant, EROS, maybe Bureau of D-, Services and Management, BDSM, just missing a good D word, Data-analysis?
Does anyone have a backup of Baby Bounty Hunter by greatlordg? The first story was here: https://www.deviantart.com/greatlordg/art/Baby-Bounty-Hunter-Chapter-1-645930298 I only just now found out about the story and never had a chance to archive it. There were at least 7 parts according to an older story thread. The stories were based on this picture. The original post from the story thread asking for it said: "Anyone have links to this story? I lost it and can’t find it again. It features Samus putting on a diaper and not being able to take it off then she gets kidnapped by aliens and forced to mess her diaper repeatedly to provide manure for the Aliens. It was on deviantart I think, and it had 7? Parts. It featured heavy hypermessing"
>>24672 Finished what amounts to part one, just a lot of establishing the setting, but for length will just drop a link. https://www.deviantart.com/taringapok/art/Fussy-Against-the-Machines-962313518
>>25219 >>24672 Not that I've heard back from you, but part 2 is up and it goes beyond set up, it starts the emotional arch the protag and actually gets into diaper usage and exploring the repercussions of the MaturID reset. https://www.deviantart.com/taringapok/art/Fussy-Against-the-Machines-part-2-962822165
>>25390 Not the OP but figured I'd mentioned that I enjoyed reading your story. Interesting that the diaper apparently can absorb the mess directly, means that you don't actually need to change it until whatever that process is runs out.
>>25538 >have to register AND make a post to be able to read stories because "we're a community uwu" fuck right off with that shit
>>25602 Also the PG-13 and nothing intended to arouse the reader rule. Ayfkm. I used to like ABDL Story Forums (now abdlstories.club) but they've tanked since their heyday and recently nuked their interface to shit after the old BO died.
>>25604 >Also the PG-13 and nothing intended to arouse the reader rule. Ayfkm. wtf? >we don't want fetish in our fetish
https://www.deviantart.com/ajonesindy/art/A-programmer-s-mistake-742978549 This story, but instead of boring BDSM slavery story, it should be ABDL slavery. So many possibilities. Plot could be used for an interesting video game setting as well, I think.
>>25576 Thanks, given waste is 70-75% water, I figured why not have the remainder be absorbed. I do plan to have her find the limit, but my pacing makes a sloth look like a derby winner, as I'm trying to be mindful of "what does this feel, how is the reaction, what is the character doing in the moment" when I could easily go into autistic levels of world building and stream of consciousness "if x then y must and z would need to..." After the initial burst I was talking to my fiancee about it, less for input and more for rubber ducking, she pat my cheek as I rambled and said, "good thing you're cute, just go to bed".
>>9365 >>12709 >>21617 >>21621 >>21624 Any new stories that fit this genre or other artists someone knows of?
>>25627 >Any new stories that fit this genre or other artists someone knows of? It's a long shot, because google translate remains shit for Japanese, but Kaori is still pumping out stories in 2023 with M2 illustrating them. (Two new ones + two finished since the last time she was mentioned on this board.) The topic is always a young adult/high school senior going undercover as a young child. hXXp://www.kit.hi-ho.ne.jp/aloerina/kaorine/stories/newsk/mokuji_n.htm Also, there's Chijoku An who you may have run across for his Femdom ageplay doujin, but he does pure text stories as well. Male protags only though... hXXp://kjs2.sakura.ne.jp/novel.html
>>25630 Oooo sounds awesome, thanks kind anon.
>>25219 >>25390 I read it and I like it so far I enjoyed the worldbuilding, it's something I really like seeing in smut for some reason. I also liked how the AIs actually seem like they're genuinely trying to help, and how Annabeth is mature enough (heh) to realize this.
>>25630 I can't believe M2 is even still making art. Do they have like a repository of their new stuff on like a Pixiv account that I'm not aware of? Or like a site where they upload their stuff to at all? I would love to see what they've been putting out in the last few years since I last heard anything about them.
>>25659 Well AB already grew up with all that stuff, as a functional adult she knows the purposes. She just somehow got her MaturID reset, so system permissions were taken away. The robits think they are caring for an infant. With Ms. Boo at least saving her from being adopted by friend/family/orphanage, as the story themes are not man vs man but more man vs self. Saying that though, as the reset has no cause other than "lol woman is baby now, she go frrt in a diaper", my original conceit was some one in a billion error, but recently I was wondering if some hacker might have been involved. Maybe someone is enjoying the reality TV show of AB the AB, or a group of someones, or were trying to hack their own and one error in a script of thousands of lines caused bad targeting, or it was purposely targeted and they want to adopt AB. But voluntarily living the AB fet lifestyle wouldn't be difficult, instead of "tea, earl grey, hot" there is nothing stopping you from going "breast milk, warm, caramel flavor" and endlessly wear/use diapers, just expect some robit therapy to start interfering if it seems like you stop functioning as a healthy social creature. Likewise you can step into a 3D hologram of Planet of the Maternal Giantesses and play baby in endless generated ABDL content, like the potty training video, so a hack attack would be about the kind of person that has gone off the deep end and is in it for the power over another human in the post scarcity world.
>>25662 >Maybe someone is enjoying the reality TV show of AB the AB I think it would be really hot if a hacker caused it so she could spy on Annabeth for fetish reasons, but when she tried doing it again to another victim she messed up and accidentally did it to herself, ending up in the same predicament as Annabeth. The AI then realizes that it now has two individuals on hand with adult bodies and newborn minds, so it brings them together for playdates, reasoning that the two of them can help each other fulfill their social needs without messing up the development of real newborns. Also I just wanna say that the blanket being alive enough to hand her bottles is super cute.
>>25711 Well I'm just cribbing Genie and Carpet, but if Genie wasn't physical. Hack attack plotting set back >first attack goes great, either random or targeted, thousands of self-improving AI's are duped. >She do again but bad? I guess it could be that the defense matrix patched out the exploit and bounced it back, I could see it as a spin off, but not doesn't add to the arc in this story. >Uh-oh, adult is called baby >Adult resists >Uh-oh some of it sticking >??? >Ends with her adult again but with fet?
Are there any older users here who have the Diaper Pail Fraternity stories and novelettes? I know that the site was often really fucking creepy, but they had some gems buried in the filth that I would really love to read. This one for example: >In Training. >AB D FGH J M R W >Billie's new wife puts him in "Training Pants" to >help him keep his outside pants dry. A trip to the >Doctor's office determines that his problem is >caused by a regressive nerve system condition. >Diapers are utilized when his training pants >prove inadequate. His wife finds the diaperings >are a sexual turn-on, so she trains him to >depend on her for all his care. She is soon >joined by her sister. Billy becomes addicted to >all the aspects of baby life, and finds that being >cared for by two mommies makes him a very >happy big baby.
>>25576 Part 5, what I've nicknamed the sad one, has dropped, features a day with no diaper changes and her first successful orgasm. Next part will feature a tearful acceptance of Nanny and a way overdue change.
>>25833 Great story so far. One of my fav scenarios.
Fussy Against the Machines is now going on the back burner after 6 parts. Now that there is a sample of sample of writing tied specifically to me, not just the short green texts I've smattered around the board and it's iterations, if anyone has prompts they want to see fleshed out in my style, on my schedule as it's my free time, go ahead and suggest them, if it's a big block of asks, do the tl:dr here and elaborate further in my deviant dms.
>>25929 Rereading the thread, I forgot a prompt I had tossed out earlier, >>17499, anyone can feel free to tell me to stop spamming up the thread, don't want to be known as a pest like the Jodie shill. At least I'm not behind a paywall. https://www.deviantart.com/taringapok/art/Otherside-of-the-Crib-964501078
>>25945 No, you're quite fine. Actually I stopped by today to tell you I saw the strangest thing... it seems like someone else on DeviantArt is trying to repost your story on their website for views? With search engine optimization and "sponsors". I was surprised because it's half a fucking month old. https://www.deviantart.com/newdiaperarchive/art/New-Diaper-Archive-Diaper-Story-The-Machines-964773616
>>25999 They actually reached out on three occasions asking for permission to host it. Once part 6 dropped and I was tired of that story, I said they could host it. On their site they have my link to each chapter, and as you never know when a platform will delete all your shit, I saw it as a back up. Not thrilled to not be linked on their deviant page, but I'm sure a dm will correct that.
>>26001 It is a good story, I enjoy your writing, so I am not surprised that they want to host it. It just... raised an eyebrow. In any case, I'm glad you're "in control" as it were. Helplessness is better as a fantasy than a reality.
>>25929 > if anyone has prompts they want to see fleshed out No one has given you any prompt ideas after 3 days? Well I'll share one of mine. >A witch lives in the woods with her apprentice, who is an older teen like 16-18. She can be strict and belittling despite her apprentice's age, still punishing her with spankings, corner time, etc. and even once threatening her with diapers over a bed wetting incident >Witch is getting over though and decides to make a potion to reverse her aging >Through a mishap it results in too much age reversal and now her apprentice turns the tables on her If it were me writing I'd probably write it as age regression or shrunken woman to explain why she's now at the mercy of the apprentice, but it's magic so you can come up with whatever excuse you want.
>>26025 Have a green text prequel! >Be an apprentice >Family is proud, oh you'll learn the esoterica and prognostication, you'll be sought after in all the realms >Currently standing outside all night with two buckets of water to have "charged" in the moonlight >Been holding them for 4 hours now, apparently if they touch the ground it will discharge all the lunar essence collected. >But hey at least I'm being refueled! >My witch has her damn raven baby birding me >Look at me now mom and dad, your prodigal child eating bird vomit, naked, in the moonlight! Cut to a poker table of older women "And then I said they would discharge!" >Cackles, cackles, cackles "Next time they'll twice before giving me frog eggs when I call for newt eyes, it's not like you can't see the color difference when you under light the jar!" Cut to an exhausted apprentice, coated in sweat, hauling water buckets, feet clearly splattered in shit and mud. >Exhalted Teacher, the task is done! "Good, refill Raven's bird bath, use the other to wash yourself, you need to go to market, dismissed. >Golly gee mom and dad, what a FUCKING great career.
>>26025 Someday I'll master brevity without sacrificing detail. https://www.deviantart.com/taringapok/art/Atypical-Apprenticeship-964924898 A portrait of a history of humiliation, couldn't help myself from starting Azerai in a diaper, just so when the other shoe drops she can really luxuriate in the stolen adulthood, and really apply the three fold rule on Thalia.
>>26048 Wow, you wrote that fast! And it turned out great. You have a talent! I actually liked all the little details, it has character. You know, your imagined world is a lot different from mine, so that actually makes it better. If I just wanted to hear my own thoughts echoed back at me, I'd use character.ai. There are a lot of little vignettes sprinkled in there that I appreciated, even simple stuff like the way Azerai's breasts smooshed onto the lid of the trunk. And I like how ready for a comeuppance Thalia is, makes you appreciate the power play more. Keep up the good work! Any time you want more prompts just ask and I'll try to come up with something (although I'm sure there are other anons around here who might have ideas too). You know getting some real OC around this place again would really get posters to come back.
>>26052 TL:DR, glad you like it, this has been fun. Ballooning blogpost because of hype: It helps that most of my job is handled by a macro, cubicle in a corner with no visibility, so a lot of free time on my phone. It's also a nice ego stroke to have watchers collecting, even if the notifications are a bit ominous "anon is watching you" x5. I've just consumed so many different stories of various quality, I don't want to have long in the tooth narratives like personalias where the smut seems ancillary, but more enjoyable than just "Woman noticed she was in a diaper, suddenly she did a poop, look how big a baby she is!", I can't bring myself to write mismatched tenses, but you get the idea. I want to write things that are different, unique, a subversion of expectations. Sure role reversal isn't treading new ground, but it's not just pov of the witch coming out of a hazy brain fog asking what happened and the assistant glibly bragging, plainly saying how witch fucked up. How many cuckold captions tell but don't show? Azerai should be getting rooted for, the revenge savored. I've only known her for a day but her life has been rough and the story gives a highlight reel crammed in one day, despite it all she has aspirations and maybe because of Thalia, earned perseverance. FAtM could have been just another mechanical nursery, unthinking environment punishing curiosity or a lazy wrong place/wrong time, I adore >>25659 picking up how the programs put in place to be helpful, were still trying to be helpful, still Annabeth's biggest fans, they weren't just bland and doing their job bad, Annabeth's internal conflict drove the story, not just marysue yelling at gloves to stop as she unlearns decades of conditioning to be an instant pants filler as a conveyor belt rolls. Otherside is an attempt to show >>17589 that a giwtwm, wish fulfillment story doesn't have to have the tropes they sited. Alice does have some shades of shame/humiliation, and one could argue the situation was forced on her, but she's just the fish out of water not understanding the rules around what amounts to a manic pixie dream girl, as they Odd Couple learn from each other. I'm throwing in some very sitcom "I'm not ready for kids" scenarios sprinkled with "oh I lust for this, but I mustn't" forbidden love. Whether I will stop using A/B names, or in Lillian's case LG, as a perpetual wink wink nudge nudge to ABDL remains to be seen. If I were to go back and clean up my PiD stories, I don't think I could stop myself from using Richard the Second just to have lil' dicky or dick jr. deal with not measuring up. Puns and references just help me stay motivated, there is a reason in FAtM, drawing so much from Star Trek, the future toilet AI is named Wesley. That got away from me, might be too navel gazy for just writing smut, just riding out these feelings of passion before real life tamps it down as per usual with schedule conflicts and bad news. Until then, my inner toddler is going to babble to anyone that accidently made eye contact how cool being in diapers is.
>>26060 Whatever keeps your motivation up. Looking forward to seeing where things develop. Although I will say I don't think it's subversive (or shouldn't be anyway) to just write well. Not being derivative or using good grammar are just fundamentally how stories should be presented (even when they aren't always).
>>25929 hmm, how about... >nothing special guy comes home and is surprised to find a tiny sparkling fairy in his room >fairy tells him that he is the long lost heir of a magical fairytale kingdom, sent into hiding in the mundane world by the queen, his real mother, to keep him safe from an invasion by the neighboring dark evil queen >it's safe now though so he can come back and join his real mother in ruling the kingdom >go through magical glowing portal to this new realm >the realm has some odd cultural differences. Namely: the heir to the throne must be diapered and babied, to keep them humble and stop their ego from ballooning. Also every royal dresses themselves femininely for some reason. Pants are just not a thing that exists in the wardrobe in the royal castle. He can't avoid this, tradition is a very serious thing here. >MC is of course very embarrassed to be put in a dress and big poofy diaper, especially when he has to appear on the balcony to greet his people >but when he goes out there the people below don't laugh at him, they just cheer at their beloved prince returning. MC realizes that in this realm, it is completely normal and expected of him to dress like this, even if he himself thinks he looks ridiculous >who knows, he might even start enjoying it as he goes through his royal duties, getting educated by his tutors, navigating courtly politics, training with his cute knight bodyguard, touring the realm in his carriage, learning magic, and generally preparing himself for the throne. >unless of course the dark queen invades again and kidnaps him. Who knows what might happen to a soft little baby boy like him when when he finds himself bound and gagged at her feet. this got a little long, feel free to pick and choose anything here you think is interesting, or just disregard it entirely if you don't like it
>>26081 Part 2 dropped, I think this will just be 3 parts, unless the spirit moves me. >>26091 You seem to have an entire outline, a very particular plan and intent, why not flesh it out?
>>26093 Nice. Yeah, I didn't expect it to run very long. If you're going to keep taking prompts, obviously it would grow impossible to juggle them unless they have and ending. I also think that stories with a satisfying ending are better than those that peter out anyway.
Thought I'd pop back in to say - fun part 2! I finally got a chance to sit down and read it today. I'm excited. Regressed and role reversed, plus rendered captive by the crib. And it sounds like the good witch will have many years to learn her new place, given the inability to use any magic under your system.
>>26117 It was written for you, so glad to hear it, part 3 is up, and I am a liar, I have only begun to serve Thalia deserved comeuppance.
>>10458 Anyone have any Nanny Chloe ebooks to share? Some of her shorts on kemono are fairly damn kinky and good. https://kemono.party/patreon/user/25471388 I'm looking for "Diaper Punished by the Sadistic Nanny" specifically. Any torrent ebook collections around?
>>26121 All in all it was a great story. Loved all the little things that I wouldn't have thought to communicate, but I enjoy otherwise. For example, "entrapment" (being buckled into a crib, highchair, carseat, or changing table), gentle humiliation (like having to ask for a diaper change), etc. I don't know if you're into AR but you write it well! Looking forward to whatever you decide to write next. I saw there's an update to otherside but it seems like you enjoy alternating two active stories at once.
>>26147 It's very much a "hmmm, the next beat is..." And switching gears just to let it breathe, and reread it to see what makes sense to do next. Otherside has a lot more hot/cold as Alice sees/does more. Currently living a fap fiction. Two days ago I chanced a fart, pinched quick and hurried to the 3rd floor restroom, texting my fiancee to please deliver clean undies. Yesterday I was running to the bathroom, went home for lunch to wear a megamax with just the bottom tapes to allow pull up action. So for the bingo card, we got wearing at work, unsure about ability, and female caregiver coming to the rescue. If I was writing it, might make adulthood revokable and finish with the MC happily showing off their bottom.
>>26151 Sounds nice, I'd never have the courage to wear at work even though I have a nice arrangement with my wife at home. Looks like you already have some inspo if no-one else posts a prompt.
*beep* *beep* *beep* Aurora slunk a hand out from under the covers to hunt for her phone as the alarm went off. The wood bars weren't being helpful as she blindly groped for the side table. What did she even set an alarm for? Not in school, no job, she didn't think there was any family commitment. *beep* *beep* *beep* "Ugh, chu win. Meanie phone." Aurora groaned as she peeled the covers off and sat up. Brown hair plastered to a drool covered cheek. Reaching past her pacifier to rub the sleep from her eyes. More cognizant, she picked a better set of bars to reach her phone, dismissing the offensive alarm, unplugging the charger and checking her notifications. Facebook, insta, some junk email, weather. Why had she set an alarm? Better ask someone who would know. Opening texts, she selected Mommy🩷🩷. "Alarm? Why?" "For the news, whole office is on break to watch the news." "I wanted news?" "Ha ha, shocked me too. See you at lunch." Aurora sulked, normally she would wake up for Mommy's lunch time, her breakfast. She shifted to sit up, eye level with top of the crib rail. Bringing her knees up to her chest, she got comfortable to keep browsing on her phone. Resting the base against the swollen padding of her overnight diaper. She opened her browser to just look for generic news. -Sponsored Article: Huggies, get a look at new Hugegies! -Blending a Crumble? Top tips for desserts! -Plans for highway widening meets backlash. -Signal decoded, what SETI deciphered from the stars. -Sponsored Article: Victoria's Newest Secret! Diaper covers perfect for date night! -Factory fire has lanes locked inbound. The Signal! Aurora shot up to her knees, pulling at the crib rail latches. It dropped, she jumped up, onesie helping hold up the weight of her sodden diaper as she raced out to the living room. Frantic for the remote, repeatedly pressing the power button, counterproductively. The screen lit up, pressing all the things to get to live TV, Aurora had wanted to see what the message was that hit the skies nearly six months ago. The message boards had lit up, conspiracy theories flew wildly. Knowing would feel so much better than not knowing. Since the signal, Aurora had been feeling so displaced. The short hair, the thin underwear, all the pants that were apparently hers. It was a very confusing time across the world. Thankfully Mommy was around to help Aurora set her life straight. A woman with glasses took the podium, a hundred microphones in her face. A hush fell over the reporters in the crowd. "It has taken some time, and a fair amount of woman hours, we have worked tirelessly to decipher the first, sustained, repeating, signal received from a people that are not our own. I want to thank our collaboraters from around the globe, as we find that the universe is both immeasurably big, and now, so very small. It is with humility that I stand here, to announce our first message from beyond our galactic system." Aurora leaned forward, enraptured. The nervous energy had her lift in her seat a bit. Taking a breath, she tried to relax. A hot mass spread across her bottom. Aurora sat back down to concentrate on the news. "'Everything is normal.' To know our neighbors reached out, to tell us their status, is reassuring. Now that we have gone through the process, as they taught us to talk in math, and built understanding, we are consulting with-" Aurora stopped listening, getting up to pace, all the questions, uncertainty, she was able to breathe as a knot in her stomach she didn't know she carried came undone. It would still be an hour before Mommy came home, there wasn't much time. She dashed back to her room to snatch a teddy bear, a unicorn in the shape of a ball, and a Barbie, to come to the kitchenette table. "I showd hab bwingded awl of chu owt, smawt peepo, peepo wike Mommy, saided ebyfing ish nomo." Aurora lisped around her pacifier to her council of friends. Picking up the teddy bear, "Yesh, dish ish good news, I am gwad to heaw it." Running to the unicorn, she made it bounce, "But it didn' say anyfing, what is nomo?" "Wike, we is nomo. Dey is saying we is wike dem." Assured Barbie, rocking side to side.
[Expand Post] Aurora sat back down, taking her paci out to rest on the table. "With how weird everything has been, it's just nice to hear, 'Everything is normal.' George, you were in a box in the outside closet." She said to the bear, "I don't know why you were you were trapped there, in a box that Mommy said said 'Misk from Mom and Dad'." "What even is a Dad?" Said George the Bear. "I know! It was gobbledygook. And Princess Glitterhoof. Mommy found you on our doorstep with all my diapers, you were my maiden in shining armor. Now I wake up in a clean bed!" "And I bring more every week!" Answered Princess Glitterhoof. Her fiefdoms in Nurseryland remained ever loyal delivering the big boxes Mommy brought in. "Are they going to come visit? We are neighbors after all." Said Barbie. Aurora sat back down. "Well I dunno. That's something the smart grown-ups have to figure out. Abies like me? I need to get Mommy's lunch made." Pretend time stopped as her phone chimed. "On my way. Boobs feel heavy. Hope you're hungry, 😚" "I talked with my aminals, I didn't make lunch yet!" "Got the rest of the day off, your mouth has a job." Aurora giggled, an Aby working, so silly. Still, after milkies she was going to be stuck doing licky licky for Mommy. Her nipples were hard just picturing those thighs around her ears.
An upcoming portion of Otherside, just curious about readability and cuteness of the situation. Context: It's dinner time in the mess hall. Someone called Alice out for treating Lillian like the baby she is. Alice is spoon-feeding Lillian and doing the "here comes the airplane" bit.alice starts with 219 requesting permission from the tower to land. Passage: The flight control tower was very active. After 219 landed, charlie alpha 6 needed to divert, flight 2678 needed to drop off baggage that hadn't been claimed, the zoo had a special order of unicorns, then unicorn feed, then unicorn blankets because they had gotten cold waiting for dinner. Then hoof and horn files. Okay, Alice got a little hung up improvising airplanes and reasons to land the brown mush into Lillian's mouth. The bowl was still scraped clean. End of passage, obviously I don't want to narrate each breathe, eye lid flutter, and swallow, but does this read as a MDLG wholesome and cute spoon feeding?
>>26180 Called out as NOT* treating Lillian like a baby
>>26091 Where is this story? I can't be writing everything, even if it's just a pastebin. I'm stuck on Otherside, it's a shower scene, got a scrap that's about being 'evaluated' and a guy dealing with being assigned as a feminine baby, but anything more than a paragraph makes me drop it. There is the witch familiar prompt, but moving from the transformation just has me asking questions about why the witch needs to interface with the Untouched world. Damn my need for internal logic.
>>26093 >>26229 I'm sorry I don't expect you to pick it up at all, it's just an idea I'm throwing into the void I really suck at committing to actually writing stuff, and even if I did there would be other stories I'd write first. As I said, feel free to take anything you like or just ignore it completely. Good work on your own stories, though.
>>26280 As I need a distraction, here is what I positing as the seed: Ashton let the thin door slam behind him, kicking shoes in random directions. Here in this shitty one bedroom he could take refuge from his dull life. Opening the fridge, he pulled out a beer with a Spanish label, discount special of the corner store. Two feet away he collapsed on his recliner, half the fabric was torn away, free from a nice dumpster. He let his body relax the accumulated tension he bore, warehouse picker for a company that promises everything in the world being only an hour away. It just paid him bottom dollar to be the hands doing it. Kicking up his feet, he unlocked his phone, resuming a let's play series with a crew of guys with the sense of humor as 12 year olds. Sipping his beer, taking some solace from the squaler that was his interminably mediocre life. Straight D student, fired from more jobs than he has fingers and toes to count on, and he was only 19. From the grimey little painted shut window his "living room" shared with his "kitchen", errant gunshots, barking dogs, and crying children crept in, all sounds he learned to tune out long ago, red and blue flashing lights were expected, but not the bubblegum pink causing screen glare. Ashton looked over at it, it was moving, hitting into the dirty pane of glass, bobbing up and down to seemingly to either get at the sill or break in. He got up to go look, dumbfounded by the apparition. It was moving intelligently. It wanted to be in. What the fuck was this thing? Getting a metal spatula, Ashton wedged it in, cracking the layers of paint that the landlord lazily layered tenet after tenet. Pounding the handle as best he could to get leverage. He bent the handle as he pushed up on the glass, the window creaking loudly. The pink light zipped in, a flurry of activity, into his room, up to the front door, over his head, before descending to his eye level. She was maybe 4 inches tall, decked out in armor, vizor up as she looked left and right. "My liege, I understand not what I witness, but it is imperative that we return to our realm at once, the veil has been lifted and all changelings are welcomed, most of all you, my sworn prince!" She said, fist over her heart. It would have been an intense thing to say if she didn't fit in Ashton's hand. "Uh...yeah? Take me the change realm, I guess?" Ashton stammered, not sure if he encountered a needle on the bus home. That was when she spun in tight circles around him, a tingle running from foot to top of head, a dazzling brilliance forcing his eyes closed. A sensation of vertigo striking Ashton as he looked away.
>>26229 > I can't be writing everything, even if it's just a pastebin. NTA but I'll write something short, if nothing else than to bump the thread and show my support. I wouldn't expect it any sooner than Friday though, and probably more likely Saturday.
I'm starting to write a new story, and I figure I can share the first bit of it. It's basically a classic "bad boy gets diaper punishment" story, but I plan to include a lot more extreme punishment ideas, especially involving messy diapers. Also, I wanted to try writing something in first person. It's a bit different and I think it works better for describing the main character's emotions and thoughts during humiliating moments. Most of this here is a set up for what's to come, but there's still plenty of embarrassment and humiliation if you want to read it and give feedback, that would be nice. It would at least let me know if I should continue writing the majority of it.
Okay, more for fairyland sissy anon https://pastebin.com/yVbbfNGc Not on the DA as it is a bit rough and meandering, got stuck in the bathhouse so Gidgit hasn't hasn't come in yet to start the feminizing.
>>26400 Incredible! Can't wait for more!
Otherside got heavy, so did a SoL one-shot that might branch into a setting for comfy vignettes. https://www.deviantart.com/taringapok/art/What-Are-We-966672512
Anyone got "one rainy monday" story? It used to be on pastebin but got scrubed out. Or stories where it is normal to wear and use diapers?
Something something smut, MDLB, borderline shota. "Will those reports be ready by the end of the day?" Asked a man in a button up shirt and black slacks, seeing him loom over the half wall of my cubicle had my skin crawling. To look at anything else, I turned, and there was a seemingly endless series of paper stacks, starting orderly but more mountainous and chaotic as the desk stretched on. I was in a cold sweat as I returned to see that man, standing grotesquely on two feet. I had to say something, anything, to get this horrid beast away. "M-m-mommy says r-reading isn't for good baby boys?" "Mommy this, mommy that, grow the fuck up. You aren't in pampers anymore princess." The man sneered before leaving. I relaxed into the office chair, letting the tension out that I was holding in my tummy, looking down, it's like I was looking at an alien. These black pants were on, but they didn't have snaps on the crotch and there wasn't any distention from padding. With trembling, hair coated, hands, I tugged on this metal plate, and instead of plastic, there was more thin cotton fabric! I stood up, shocked, if I didn't have my diaper on, that would mean I wasn't Mommy's good baby boy, was I going to lose princess points if I did a messy? I quickly dropped to my hands and knees to crawl as fast as I could to find Mommy. The hall stretched on, signs for men's restrooms were plated next to all the doors, at first there were only a few of them, but rows of men, not a single hair bow on any of them, were cackling in deep repulsive laughter. There were no women, I tried calling out for Mommy but my voice died in my throat. "Honey Bunny? It's 4 in the morning, the boy monitor is going nuts..." Said a groggy voice, as the lights were raised a little bit. I'm in my crib, Mommy is in her nightgown, I sit up and pat myself. Cotton onesie with unicorns and rainbows on, my paci dangling from the clip, I have my bag mittens and matching booties laced up to make them useless. I catch my breath as I start feeling normal. "Bad ni ni dream where I am yucky." I start to explain as Mommy unlatches the crib rail. Like most women she's easily twice my height, she picks me up to hold, cradled in her arms. "There there, my pretty princess could never be yucky, even a stinky butt looks cute on you. What happened?" She asked, sitting down our rocking chair. How was I so lucky to have Mommy as my mommy? "I was inna office and this boy, but up on two leggies, he was sayin I is not a pincess, and had a webbort to do..." I said, tearing up. She shifted me to be on her shoulder, patting my back, "Webbort?" "It sounded real bad. Webbort, wepport, ripour?" "Report?" She asked, an edge of concern around it. I nodded. "Oh baby, must have heard me talking with my girlfriends about month end re-port coming up. Those are grown up woman things, nothing for a baby boy as precious as you to worry about." She said, hugging me tightly, petting my long hair, "I think you'll be in Mommy's bed tonight, okay? Let's get your jam-jams on." She said before popping my pacifier in my mouth. Oh I instantly felt better as Mommy got up to take me to the changing table. She buckled me in tight as she went to dig in the drawers under me. Now I was being treated like a husband. Soon I would be tightly buckled into my swaddle suit, since I wasn't going to be in a crib with the safety rails, unable to move an inch, and tucked in Mommy's big bed like I was her teddy bear. Soon she was back up. "And to not encourage any more wiggles..." She said, unsnapping my onesie, pulling the tapes on my diaper. With equal parts shame and excitement, I looked down. There was the reason I couldn't grow up like a girl or read like a girl. The 11 inch siphon of blood that boys had that girl's didn't. Even with my below average one, the fire hose that didn't stop dripping, at least the pretty diapers my mother and Mommy kept me in made sure it stayed out of sight most of the time. But Mommy was getting her warming lotion to grasp it firmly. "It woke up really fast, let's hope it, and us, can go back to sleep just as fast." She said, rubbing up and down. Not that I was really understanding her at this point. I was going full boy brain, pleasure pushing out all cognizance. I just babbled around my binky, feet kicking slightly. I don't know if I took a shamefully long time, lost in my fog, but I started coming back to my senses as I was sat up and the buckles were clicking in place behind me. Mommy had me held to her bosom as we left my nursery to go be in her room. It was like it was my birthday, the air smelled deeply of her, and I was trapped in a full body hug of her unending love. She got in bed and had me laid out on her tummy, ear right over her heartbeat. "Goodnight my little princess, no more thoughts, those are for Mommies to have so my baby boy doesn't get those icky wrinkles." She said, petting my head. If I had a dream, I didn't remember it as Mommy got up. Holding me in her lap, she pulled her nightgown off. "Feeling better princess? How lucky, you get breakfast in bed today." She said with that big bright smile that always assured me everything was fine. She took my paci and held me up to her nipple. I latched on and enjoyed milk straight from the source, no silly boy bottles.
>>26669 I got you fam. Wayback Machine managed to save a copy of it. Here it is: https://web.archive.org/web/20221010120809/https://pastebin.com/7rAAd9ih Seconding good story recommendations for stories about diaper use being a normal every day thing. Can't get enough of that. Got a few good ones here as well. "Like Any Other Day" - I posted this one a while back, but the guy deleted his account. Thankfully I saved a copy of it. Story is about a girl going through her day in a world where women wear and use diapers like it's normal. Has a small hypermess section at the end, so be warned. https://mega.nz/file/b3Y3AISR#thp73VlcsWZrVMpyhPqpzlzBDCAICSy9Ff-96VHU0Dg Nano's Enchantment - Fairly classic story by this point, but not yet posted here. Story is about a girl who accidently crosses over into an alternate reality where wearing diapers is normal. Some fun stuff involving her friends too, namely going back to her original world and helping one of them get into diapers. https://www.dailydiapers.com/board/index.php?/topic/69881-nanos-enchantment/ Trading Spaces - Similar to the previous story, only this time the girl ends up in the alternate world by messing around with a world builder game. She sets potty training in the game to none, and the fun begins from there. https://www.dailydiapers.com/board/index.php?/topic/918-trading-spaces/
A selfish bump, but I want to see activity and get more prompts. The start of of what I am calling Earth,-345, or Earth-CGL. https://www.deviantart.com/taringapok/art/What-Are-We-966672512 It has five vignettes. Otherside has an update, and I'm half through the next bite which I was surprised to have more medical content when I thought there would be a tea party. I also wrote up a reality alteration story https://www.deviantart.com/taringapok/art/Easily-Distinguishable-967775359 Which touches on a few things but is distinct from E-345 and Otherside. Let me know if there are more untapped spaces that need some content.
does anyone remember the story where this guy oversleeps for school, and his friend who is a girl walks into his house to wake him up and sees him sleeping in a pink diaper
This might be a longshot, but does anyone happen to have the stories published on Patreon by Mellow Sadistic? They put their Patreon into paused mode and there's some stories of theirs that aren't published elsewhere that I'd like to read.
>>26881 Kemono goes back to early March https://kemono.party/patreon/user/55326114
>>26890 Unfortunately I wanted to read the latest update to his New World Order story, which was published in April.
>>26400 any update?
>>27003 Not yet, I've barely written half of the next chapter. It's not my plan to put out incremental updates, but I might depending on how long it gets or if there is a specific part that I want to share.
(33.40 KB Second Steps.txt)

Hey all. Writing a new story. Pastebin isn't letting me uploaad it, so I'll guess I'll just go anon. I plan on continuing in at some point in the future. Content warnings are physical age regression and some sexual content. Things are starting tame for now, but if you give it a read, you can imagine what's in store for the future Feel free to pass along criticism, comments, denouncements that I'm a weird fuck, or prompts. I'm in a huge physical AR kick, so any ideas about that would be pretty nice.
>>27016 My brother, you'll always have at least one reader (me) when you're writing physical AR. I'll check it out and give you feedback later, but congrats on finishing some OC.
>>27016 Fun read, I enjoyed it! I think referencing ARarchive is probably a little... antiquated, given that it has been firmly a dead ghost town since Heideigger did that abortive migration 5 fucking years ago. Unless there's some new archive I haven't heard about?
>>27030 ARarchive is still active and has new stories on it, but it's mostly mirrored stuff. I picked it because nostalgia and because it's still the most popular story hosting website that is primarily dedicated to AR. I appreciate you saying that you enjoyed it! >>27019 It's nowhere near finished, but I'll get there eventually, hopefully
>>27016 That's pretty cute so far. I'm curious, are you ABAlex?
>>27038 > it's still the most popular story hosting website that is primarily dedicated to AR Isn't that a travesty? I mean we don't even have an 8chan board, not that we could probably support one. I'm not dissatisfied with /abdl/ because no one has ever turned up their nose at us. We have a decent AR thread, there's plenty of room for physical AR in the CYOA thread and stories threads, etc. But we really are this niche of a niche of a niche and I reserve the right to impotently whine like a baby about it.
>>27039 Nope! I haven't really publicly posted a story in a couple years, but "Technology" gets passed around a bit on here, which is something I wrote. >>27040 Eh, I think more people are into it than you might think, especially on the art kind of things. I think the kink's in a good spot, but I mostly just roleplay online when I'm in a mood to write these days
Just passed 100 watchers, Fussy Against the Machine, Otherside of the Crib, Atypical Apprenticeship, the cutesy Earth-345, that one reality shift Easily Distinguishable. And it's awesome seeing more stories posted here! I'm not done with Otherside, but I like having a side project to reset my mindset, open call for prompts strange and different.
>>27041 > I mostly just roleplay online when I'm in a mood to write these days I fully understand. The truth is that chat gpt has completely destroyed my motivation to write public stories. The AI that I use doesn't seem to mind physical regression or babying at all so I have spent way too much time interfacing with AI.
>>27016 Finally read it, so darn cute. If I had a complaint, it would be the use of real world media properties, idk why but generic knock offs, spoofs, and parody just hit a sweet spot for me. Licensed properties go in and out of fashion, sure Sesame Street would be a solid reference for any generation, but Bluey and Paw Patrol are recent, Blue's Clues is apparently old, along with Bear in the Big Blue House, but Poppy Court, Your Miniature Equine, and Ape in the Purple Apartment, side step that, sound funny to those not in the know, trigger nostalgia for those in it, and of course, the curse of late stage capitalism, stops platforms from serving copywrite strikes and deletions. In terms of Age Regression, this story does fantastic after, but doesn't really establish a before, on my read Alex was tired at 6 pm and it was harped on. And as someone who I know went to ARarchive and saw all the bojay, that middle bit could have been explored. You said there was orientation, that first day could have started with a loss of a foot of height, luxuriating in lack of joint pain or muscle soreness Alex wasn't aware of, and then dawning realization as he watches the newbie video or hears the apparent returner's experiences, coupled with meeting the Mommy, and realizing just how small he is getting in relation to her after having a point of reference. And to explain the reduction, idk, he just poops out the extra mass, it's way easier to just skip it, and I still enjoyed it very much as that ride to the house is very very good, but seems like the easy way out to just go *bippity boppity babity* and it's resolved. Is Alex a baby for the whole month, or is he going to be rapidly growing the whole time? If the tech exists, why are they catering to fetishists when Bezos, Elon and a Rothschild or two, would pay enough to keep it secret, though I suppose "guinea pig" would be one angle to take for market testing, but to have returning visitors and people as awesomely trained as Mommy seems a bit of a stretch. I only have these questions because your story was compelling, I did enjoy it, and like anything I enjoy, I looked it over and thought about it critically, like if I were to recommend it to others, how would I give the elevator pitch, is it internally consistent, does it have something to say. Take this for what it's worth, good job.
Requesting any noncon/dubcon sissy stories where the woman doesn't do it to punish, humiliate or torment the guy but just because she thinks is really cute or sees the guy as like a dolly to play with and the guy isn't really into but wants to make her happy
>>27066 Glad you like it! The reason why I included so many real world media properties is simple: I have a fetish for them and so I include them a lot. Having everything meant for babies be essentially a billboard is fun for me, especially since Alex used to be an adult. It also just makes it easier to write. No need to describe exactly how a knock-off character looks if I can just name a 'real' one. Yeah, not establishing things before is kind of a weak point for me. I write some stories with a large amount of exposition and establishing situations, but most of the time I kinda figure that people want to just read the smut Alex is going to be a baby for a month, yeah. I haven't really thought about the why and how of the report yet, but if I do want to steer the story into a more plot-direction, I'll definitely be exploring that. Since he's a 'semi-well-known fetish writer', I'm sure they'd be pretty interested in showing him around. Behind the scenes, if you will.
>>25189 Update: I found the beginnings of a few of the chapters using Yandex Web Cache. The previews for some of them were in some of the pages that Yandex cached. Baby Bounty Hunter Chapter 1 WARNING: This story contains ABDL themes. Read at your own discretion. Perhaps I should explain why I'm like this. Why I've changed as much as I have. Why you'll always find me wearing (and almost always messing) a huge diaper, and loving it. Why my job as a bounty hunter has taken a back seat to fulfilling my 'personal desires.' Allow me to introduce myself; my name is Samus Aran, and I am widely regarded as the most feared bounty hunter in the galaxy. I've been regarded as a stone-cold heroine who's saved countless lives and ended countless more, as well as a mercenary willing to do virtually anything for the Baby Bounty Hunter Chapter 3 WARNING: This story contains ABDL themes. Read at your own discretion. I strolled out of the gym wearing the pieces of my zero suit and my now soaking wet diaper dangling from my thighs, it's drenched form swaying and sloshing with every step I took. My stomach let out a few audible grumbles and I made my way to the kitchen, eager for some food, not just to curb my hunger, but so it would be made into a very sizable amount of feces, which would then be dumped into my diaper. Not since my infancy had I ever left any fecal waste in a diaper, or any waste for that matter. That changed when I first soaked my diaper Baby Bounty Hunter Chapter 4 WARNING: This story contains ABDL themes. View at your own discretion. I felt my eyes slowly creak open, and saw a small ray of sunlight coming into the room. I was still in the gym, still at that machine, still sitting in my putrid full diaper. The smell was nothing short of repugnant, but strangely enjoyable in a way. The feeling of a full diaper in and of itself was pretty enjoyable, for me anyway. A small smirk slithered across my face, and I slowly shook my ass from side to side, grinding it against the seat of the machine, feeling my own filth squishing and squelching against my rear. I leg out a pleasures Baby Bounty Hunter Chapter 9 WARNING: This story contains ABDL themes and content. Read at your own discretion. I pondered what I had just witnessed for what felt like hours. I thought on my purpose here as well, squirming in discomfort at the very prospect of Teykun's plan, and at the messy state that my diaper was currently in. I was literally being farmed for my shit, along with many others, all for the sake of some agricultural experiment. I'd find the whole idea of mass-producing feces to grow food and help a famine to be quite ingenious, had I not been the one being made to do the mass-producing. The calmness with which Daru explained
Does anyone have, or know where to find, It's a mad, mad, mad, mad world! pt. 5? It's the story that starts with a guy almost dying in an accident and meeting a djinn who grants his wish to keep living, but he gets sent to a world where it's considered normal for boys to go back into diapers, so his mom and his two best girl friends convince him to start wearing diapers again and then they live happily ever after. It was on pastebin.com/u/GoodTimes but the first and fifth part got taken down when they banned explicit sexual content, and I could find the first using the wayback machine but the fifth I have no idea where to look for. Any help would be greatly appreciated!
What's a chan without a little bit of shit posting. https://www.deviantart.com/taringapok/art/Actual-MommyDom-Mila-Kunis-974087494 Latest little one off that's just a spoof, enjoy the other "serious" stories.
>>28170 made me coom
Anyone have the old story from foxtalestimes that was something like Kari's Halloween or such. Was a digimon abdl fanfic where several of the characters wear diapers and Mimi diapers Kari and gets her a babyish costume after seeing some new store at the mall that caters to abdl.
Another obnoxious bump of self-promotion for my writings. https://www.deviantart.com/taringapok/art/FetLife-in-Femworld-975773160 CW: ABDL, BDSM, lactation, humiliation, promiscuity, bimbo, Amazon, sex workers, pregnancy, incest, BBW, kitchen sink kink, female only. This was written almost entirely by my dick, which made it awkward when I added bits at work. Baby wipes double nicely for screen cleaning if you're out of alcohol wipes. Mushroom stamp central. If I ever do an all-male fetworld, definitely replacing fingerprint readers with stamp sensors.
>>27073 Not really noncon, but there's A Bet To Lose by SweetJacqueline (sp?) on Archive of our own. No humilation, but pretty hot story. Wish they finished it.
Check out this one, I am the writer, it includes a goth girl, diapers and milkers. https://www.deviantart.com/dingusargon/art/Goth-milk-ABDL-971025439
I'm trying to remember the name of some stories from a long time ago. Like 10 years that I think might have been 404'd from the internet. On was about a kid sent to stay with his aunt in like, New Mexico or something. He finds out his cousin has a nursery and he starts wetting the bed to wear diapers too. it had three parts iirc but I only ever found 2. Another was about a kid who was forced to keep his diapers dry to be able to stop waering them. Decides on his last day he actually likes it and wets them on purpose. Dont remember much from this one. Last one is about a kid whose mom is some kind of shrink/babysitter that takes care of kids in diapers. Kid sneaks out some diapers and onesies but gets caught. Anyone think these sound familiar?
>>28633 very nice, please do more
>>28776 Site was blocked by my isp, worked with a vpn.
looking for an older story where a woman meets a guy on an abdl site, goes by train to visit him for mutual baby play. His wife finds them playing, punishes them, then sends her home with a paci glued to her mouth.
https://www.tumblr.com/peculiartastes/727007202541535232/mom-held-a-binky-out-just-a-few-inches-from?source=share Do yall like it? looking for any critiques or comments or if yall wanna see more
Had a weird dream, getting up I fleshed it out a bit, however I'm unsure of where to host this story as it might violate some DA guidelines around amputation if I carry it out to it's furthest extreme. Working Title: Status Synopsis: Dystopian setting where the divide between mega wealthy and barely surviving is a vast gap. The underlying philosophies is that the mega rich can employ hundreds of people to do things for them, so they do the least amount of physical labor. The poor deal with being treated in a very slave/drone like manner. Example: a member of the babied bourgeois have a team of people serving their needs, getting dressed in complicated clothes with thousands of ribbon ties and layers/pieces, no zippers or buttons, and the less ties that are accessible by their own hand, the better. They don't live "on the clock", when they want something it is catered to whenever and wherever. Peckish? (As they would never need to wait to be fully hungry) they are hand fed on the spot, now this could be as simple as being bottle fed, or having a wet nurse, a more extreme/elaborate display may be to have a fully created gastronomic work of art that it would be someone else's job to chew and baby-bird it them, throwing away anything left over after a snack. To our sensibilities gross, but also literally taking food from that person's mouth. Obviously they relieve themselves on the spot, I'm of two minds about this, either it's the thickest, softest, diapers that could handle a lot to minimize interruptions to their day-to-day, or very thin, so that their staff have to be obsessively attentive to not have leaks. Obviously anything befouled is incinerated, the cost of replacement docked from the fired worker. Other people do their walking, so strollers, adult sized baby bjorns, palanquins, etc. Going even further to demonstrate how little they physically need to do, the removal of limbs is the extreme 'logical' conclusion, quad amputees clearly have the money and power to only need speak a want and be placated. Pushed-around proletariat: As most of this hellscape is automated, the cushy jobs are out of reach unless you go to school to be a hand-or-foot. Taking on massive debt to just be near the elite, otherwise you are On-The-Clock, maintained by neural implant. While not really employed, you are on a shift, the pod you rest in is booked for the next shift's occupant, meals take place in 15 minute windows to have bland nutritional paste, recycled water, dispensed at the minimums of functionality. Then it's consumption time, where you experience some corp's products, either ai-generated programming, the use of sport equipment at rental fees, product reviews and surveys, medical testing, recreational drugs, socially gathering, whatever your shift is assigned. Likewise, toilet facilities are booked "at capacity", miss your window, either persevere until the next one, or deal with your only outfit, utilitarian jumpsuit without undergarments, getting stained and ruined until the next clothing allotment. You own nothing, so your next sleep shift could be at any pod. Hand-and-foot: while being debtor slaves, these care and hospitality trained people do enjoy a certain quality of life as they become assets on some mega Elite's balance sheet. Nice beds, what we recognize as food, being around luxury. While not living fully On-The-Clock, never the less they hover around their owner in shifts, their clocks synchronized so any restroom break is covered, they wear pull ups as their nicer clothes (whatever the owner fancies) need to stay fresh and clean, they have longer windows to get to a toilet, but most of it is taken up by commute, as the bourgeois would never want to see such a chamber. They feed, change, and ambulate for the owner, assisting the owner with all facets of life. As paternity/maternity leave does not exist, they have the option to either be fixed, or wear chastity devices. Of course if the owner wants to fuck, and the hand/foot is capable of reproduction, that need is catered, a woman will just need to expect at a later date to go to a medical services facility, have the fetus moved to an artificial womb, and report back to work the next day, their naturally induced lactation now a service the owner expects. Elites and reproduction: This is all over the place. An elite wants to get off, any hand-or-foot performs the increasingly elaborate performances as the elite directs, could be just a blow job at the changing table, an elite strapped to a hand-and-foot taking any hole they feel like. Courtship between elites: could have a sort of relay, elite with h/f, h/f to h/f, to then finish with courted elite, the two quads managed by many wranglers to actually fuck, or both elites have a stand-in, whose genetic material is replaced with their own, if trying to produce an heir, or just to watch as others physically stimulate them. Some like seeing a child carried to full term, others are fine with artificial carrying. Unlike people On-The-Clock, they aren't on a schedule for a minimum amount of turnover, nor have a cap on children produced, if they want each orgasm to lead to life, they can, the brood would just need to play politics and wheel/deal to ensure they get to go full quad and who gets casts down to h/f, forced to suffer the humiliation of walking, waste retention and elimination, using their hands to get food to their own mouth to then work on chewing. But if something happens to the quad sibling, more than likely a drug overdose, after the disposal of the h/f (going to shift, not death), they could get amputated and be pampered. Now I could write two versions, one with full amputation, and a more ToS friendly one where it's more about how atrophied the limbs are. Is this anything? I wouldn't want this world bible to go to waste so anyone can feel free to use it fill out any story they want to write.
Need help finding a story that I can't find anymore due to Deviantart's terrible search engine. It was a 3 part series based heavily on Coraline. Basically a girl finds a door in her house that takes her to another world similar to her own, where she gets found and doted on by a giant mother, who doesn't want her to leave. Some important story stuff was that the diapers she wore were enchanted to make her less mentally capable of resisting, and when she eventually does go home, gets put in a diaper that makes her a bedwetter, essentially forcing her to return to the other mother to avoid embarrassing herself with her real family. I was stupid and didn't save a link to this story, and now I can't find it or the author anymore. Thanks Deviantart. Great website redesign. Really nailed it.
Felt like making this, feel free to comment if you enjoyed/hated it. Made partially with AI assistance, but I had to do a lot of manual work to make it good. Based on alteredstate's pottyscore picture: https://kemono.party/patreon/user/4241225/post/87963025 Stage One: Potty Trained (PottyScore > 9.5) "Diapers? I haven't worn them for over a decade, and I'm proud of it!" -Alice, 18. PottyScore 9.9 A girl with a PottyScore over 9.5 can safely be called Potty Trained. However, with our help, you can start the process of bringing your daughter's score down and reintroducing her to diapers. These first steps are always the hardest. We recommend our patented diuretic medication. After a couple accidents you tell her to handle the cleanup unless she begins wearing the diapers you'll provide, and she'll start wearing soon enough. Stage Two: Partial Control (PottyScore 5.0-9.5) "Just because my mom put me back in Huggies doesn't mean I need them now!" -Jess, 22. PottyScore 8.7 A girl with a PottyScore of around 8.5 is characterized by her unawareness. She is inattentive to her growing familiarity with going to the potty in her pants. She will have already secretly experimented with using her diapers out of convenience, rather than desperation at least once. If she was to return to panties again you could expect occasional distraction accidents caused by the absent-minded relaxation of her bladder. "They're nice for long car rides I guess and they're kinda comfortable, but it feels wrong to using them regularly." -Megan, 20. PottyScore 7.3 A girl with a PottyScore of about 7.5 has become fully accustomed to being able to go whenever she needs to, but still feels a desire to use the toilet for the majority of her urination and all bowel movements. However, her control is beginning to slip. Without diapers, she would have frequent accidents due to forgetting or not wanting to stop what she is doing to run to the bathroom. This is the first stage in which diaper checks begin to become necessary as she starts peeing her diaper without immediately demanding to be changed. Preventing leaks at this stage is crucial since if she loses confidence in her diapers, she will likely be able to halt her decline into full time diaper usage. "I don't really need them, but y'know, accidents happen..." -Katie, 16. PottyScore 6.5 A girl with a PottyScore of approximately 6.5 is when it becomes undeniable, even to herself, that she is no longer fully capable of controlling her bladder. She is likely a full bedwetter at this point, but may still be unaware of just how frequently it occurs. True messy accidents are still unlikely, but many girls will begin to experience a greatly increased urgency to their bowels releases. They often feel like they must go right then and there, regardless of where they are or whether they are alone. Some of these girls will start experimenting with diaper defecation, while others will continue to resist by developing a habit of frequent trips to the restroom. If this happens to your daughter, don't worry! This is only temporary. Soon, she will find herself having more accidents than she does controlled releases. It is too late for her to prevent this from happening. Diapers are now an absolute necessity, and she has begun to accept this fact. "Sure, I know I wet myself sometimes... but the messes were all just because it was getting uncomfortable, if I really needed to I'm sure I could've made it to the bathroom on time." -Lisa, 14. PottyScore 5.1 As your daughter's PottyScore approaches 5.0, she will begin to have regular messy accidents. She will still have full awareness of her bowels, giving her the illusion of control, but she will find herself with less and less time between feeling the need to poop and it becoming so urgent that she finds it easier to simply let loose wherever she is standing. At this point, wetting herself has become so natural that she will sometimes urinate without any conscious awareness of it. Her body will automatically react to the sensations of pressure building up inside her bladder. This can sometimes cause a great deal of panic if she realizes this fact. Your job here is to make sure she knows that it isn't anything to get upset about, and that you'll take care of everything. Stage Three: Complete Diaper Dependence (PottyScore < 5) "I could still make it to the bathroom, but why bother trying? I'm wearing a diaper anyway, it's so much easier to just do it here." -Bethany, 18. PottyScore 4.4 PottyScores below the 5.0 barrier are when the girl will stop fighting against her own bodily functions altogether. She will give up completely on attempting to hold off until she can get to a toilet, even when one is nearby. She will also give up on attempts to avoid messy accidents. While she may continue to insist that she's simply choosing to use her diaper because it's convenient, the complete lack of interest in using the toilet will tell you otherwise. Diaper checks may begin finding messy accidents, as pooping becomes something regular rather than an emergency situation that demands a diaper change within minutes. "What do you mean my diaper's dirty again?" -Cassie, 16. PottyScore 3.0 Your daughter will have long become accustomed to finding herself wet without knowing when it happened. With a PottyScore under 3.5, she will begin to find herself in a similar situation for messy accidents as well. She will poop herself and then forget entirely about it until you find the results during her next diaper check. Don't celebrate too early, though. After her first experience with not realizing she has messed, she will likely start paying more attention to her bowel movements, causing a delay in further progress. This is normal, and generally will last between two weeks and three months. After that point, however, she will have become tired of wasting her time and energy keeping track of things she cannot control. She will finally realize that she should just focus on enjoying life instead of constantly stressing about every little thing when you'll always be there to handle it. "I don't understand why some people think it's such a big deal that I wear diapers. It's a private matter between me and my parents. Why shouldn't I be wearing them?" -Rachael, 17. PottyScore 2.4 At roughly 2.5 PottyScore, your daughter will have reached the final stage of accepting her diaper dependence. She will have realized that she is never going to be able to escape diapers, and therefore decided to embrace them. Diapers are now a part of who she is, and she accepts that. She will have stopped pretending that she is "just waiting for the day [she] gets better at holding it". Instead, she will have come to terms with the reality that she will never be able to control her body enough to ever truly leave diapers behind. She will have accepted that she is destined to spend most of her adult years wearing diapers. However, the process is not yet complete. While she'll wet or mess without thinking twice, she'll still often be able to recognize that she's going while she's actually doing it. Some girls will stabilize at this level, and that's totally normal. Others, however, will continue dropping further.
[Expand Post] "Sorry Mommy, I didn't mean to pee on you. It just sort of slipped out." -Amanda, 14. PottyScore 1.2 Your daughter has officially entered the final phase of diaper dependency as she finally nears a perfect 1.0 PottyScore. She will have lost all ability to notice her own bodily processes. She will pee or poop without warning, even while in the middle of a diaper change. While it might be awkward the first few times, eventually she will be able to understand that it's just another part of her life that she can't control. Your role now is to keep reminding her that she's safe and loved, and that you'll be there for her whenever she needs you, no matter what
>>29559 This is honestly very good, though personally i'm much more into subtle regression and mummy/daughter relationship bits of alteredstates work. Would it be possible for you to give a tech-idiot comprehensable summery of how you used ai? What program/site , what kind of prompts ect?
>>29582 I used the original LLaMa base model with the "Default" mode of https://github.com/oobabooga/text-generation-webui/ I also tried using LLaMa 2 but it seemed a lot worse at staying in an ABDL context Since my computer is mid the best model I can run at reasonable a speed is the 4-bit 7B one which is quite stupid. It's still good enough to be useful as an idea and wording generator. Base model prompting is very different to the chat models most websites offer. A base model attempts to continue the text you give it. I started with the original image's 8.7 text as the prompt. I started the "potty trained" paragraph by adding about the first half of the quote. When done, I moved it to the top of the prompt, then continued with each paragraph in order. For each paragraph I would let it start generating. If it wrote nonsense or went on a path I didn't like, I would copy and often edit the parts of the generated text I liked and had it continue from there. If there wasn't anything useful I'd add or change a couple word in the prompt and then checked how it continued from them, repeat. If I had a good idea I'd just write that in immediately, but if I didn't know exactly what words I wanted I'd let the AI go and watched it generate the text. Sometimes it worked and I could take a couple sentences, sometimes it failed in a way that helped me figure out what I actually wanted and I could type that in manually, sometimes I had to just change the prompt around and try again. After that was a manual editing pass. A better AI could've helped but the 7B AI is too stupid for that. Overall: A very different process from normal writing aside from the final editing step but still a lot of work. I hope this was useful, spent way too long typing it all up, and all without any AI assistance.
Doing another call out into the void to see if anyone has any Elibean stories. I'm a bit bummed that they were before my time. I'm betting they're stored in the Wayback Machine somewhere, but all my searches to that end have come up empty. Sigh.
>>22446 >>29694 The reason the links are dead is because Elibean (or her parents) paid to have everything online purged. Her last story was about a girl who was the child of a senator and it was too good, I believe someone found out she was a daughter of a congressperson and she got doxxed and they erased everything because, well, who wants that shit in the press. They were proactive and quick about it and I lost my version of Lily the Liar in a hardrive crash, so sorry I can't provide. Lily the Liar started off so good and meandered into meh. Elibean was so good at starting a premise and writing regression, but she was no good at ending stories, and it showed.
>>29696 I am intrigued, any more details?
>>29696 >good at starting a premise and writing regression, but she was no good at ending stories, and it showed. this is like 9/10 of authors and comic illustrators lol
>>28639 New Mexico one sounds familiar but IDK the name. Sorry anon
>>29700 This is a memory from 10ish years ago, because again it all got scrubbed. So her very last story that was in progress was about a punk girl who's dad was a senator and she was living in the house with college kids and got taken in by one of them. They thought she was, like, 12 or so when she was 18 and a college-drop out herself. Pull-ups, accidents, regression, etc. The character was studying creative writing and wanted to be an author but was lost. Except it was really detailed in the punk culture the MC came from, very emotionally deep about how MC felt as a child of a senator and trying to be punk, but how all her friends didn't truly accept her because, despite living on nothing, it was just one call to daddy to be whisked back home in a limo. It just seemed deeply autobiographical, because it was so much more raw than her previous stories. She was releasing it on Patreon and had a decent following, making a few hundred a month. Anyway, overnight everything was gone. Lily the Liar was out there for a little bit but they had to scrub it from the ABDLStoryforum after they threatened a lawsuit and it turned out they had problems with their TOS. The ABDLStoryforum didn't directly say which author came in with the lawyers, but there was only one author's worked after they mentioned the problems - Elibean's. The ABDLStoryForum itself is another whole bag of drama. The founder, Kita Sparkles a/k/a Victoria Nicole, was an ancient leader of the community and contributed a lot. He let some mods in, the mods took over and pushed him out and then started begging for money constantly and a bunch of old-time ABs fell for it. When I found out what happened, like two years after the events (I thought Kita had just stepped away from the community for awhile) I stopped writing stories because it left a bad taste in my mouth.
>>29715 >>29716 >>29504 While we're on the topic of old stories i rember one about a homeless girl that gets adopted by a giantess and treated like a baby. Sound familiar to anyone
>>29716 Now I wonder which author you are. Because the perspective on that retelling is so very close to my own that I can only assume we must have crossed paths. WB? Real shame about what happened there. Site had real potential. Squandered.
>>29504 I honest to god think this story must have been deleted in the last few weeks or so. I can't find it anywhere. Fuck I hate how easy it is for stuff to disappear nowadays.
>>29504 >>29761 I did some looking & wasn't able to find it, but what it sounds like to me was a Longrifle(or someone on one of those AR sites) story; about a girl that gets AR'd and babied through some magic-mirror spirit bullshit, returns to normal, drags her friend into it, they both get babied but only the MC escapes. I seem to remember it having some kinda horror shit like characters teeth falling out or something like that too. Maybe we're talking two separate things but they seemed almost one-for-one plotwise. Again though I can't seem to find it either through LR or either of the AR sites.
I was watching Star Trek the other day (the episode with Grilka) and I had a cursed idea; klingon warrior woman put it super embarrassingly girly pink clothes and diapers Anyone know of any Star Trek stories?
>>29749 Naw but me and WB used to comment on each other's work and such. He was more prolific than me, for sure. If you can guess who I was i'll admit it, I wasn't one of the main authors but I ran wrote a couple of stories that are still remembered. It would be nice to have another critical board, but where the critique is useful and not filled with idiots who can't put a sentence together. A lot of the guys went paywall, I just dropped out. I'm actually working on a book right now with ABDL content, about 35000 words in, so 1/3 done, but it needs a lot of editing.
>>29504 Perhaps you will have better luck by using a real search engine and using site:deviantart.com. Do you remember if it was formatted like P3, Part 3, or Ch. 3 by any chance?
>>29764 I'm guessing that's not the one, since on DA it's split into 4 parts. Sad because the story OP asked about sounds nice.
>>29774 >WB Damn, anon. Hearing that made me go back and I was shocked to learn not only that WB's posts are missing from abdlstoryforum, but that he seems to have removed some or all of his stories from DD. I have an idea or two as to who you might be, but without comparing WB's threads I couldn't be sure. It's really sad, as it feels to me like the giants in this niche are disappearing one at a time or going paywall-only. Even if there are still a ton of people producing stories, it feels like the community element/discussion is at an all time low thanks to cyberbalkanization. In total, it makes me wish I'd engaged and posted more of my writing as a young'un, back when these places were at peak. I dropped some extremely lengthy chapters on both DD and abdlstoryforum, but I was an idiot and misinterpreted a lack of feedback as a sign that I should stop.
>>29765 Nah, but I appreciate ya trying to help me. >>29780 I've tried site:deviantart as well, with little luck. I believe it was Ch.3, but I've typed in specific phrases I KNEW were in the story and got nothing. For example, "the diapers were enchanted". Wish I remembered the title... it was something like "through the door" or something to that nature (there's a story on DA called through the crawlspace but that isn't it)
>>29812 I'm guessing it doesn't exist anymore. Google indexes all works on DA, so as far as I know doing exact matches should show up. What's more damning is that "diapers are enchanted" gives results when "diapers were enchanted" does not. Most likely the account was deactivated.
>>29810 Lack of feedback is not a sign that you should stop but one of two things: 1) slow period on forum. there were whole months that all of us would be busy. if popular story chapters are hitting a couple times a week, it's a good time to post your story because we'd notice it. 2) you story is so overdone and mediocre there's nothing to say- but that's not to say stop writing, just think of a more interesting hook, do something different. I would give more feedback to a horribly excuted but interesting premise than an worn-out premise that was grammatically sound writing. ABDLStoryforum lost my best story and the only back up copy that might is on an old computer that is missing a .dll file so it won't start windows. I need to rip that drive before it dies... been five years since i got that computer to boot.
Im so bummed that TG and diapers are so rarely written. Ive come across a total of less than a dozen in my life, half of which are also AR and TG. Some are good. But its a fairly specific criteria.
>>29821 What would TG even be in writing at this point? There's tons of stories with cross-dressing and diapers, and being mistaken for the other gender, autogynephlia and whatnot. Is that not what you want? Are you not enterained?
>>29823 Not CG or mistaken gender but transformation itself, science fiction or by magic or unexplained. Basically boy becomes genetically female, female then becomes baby girl. Its a double whammy of not only dealing with a different body, but the humiliation of adding diapers and baby treatment as well.
>>29829 That would be cool. I don't know how it'd be. I wrote mainly contemporary stuff with no magic / fantastic elements so that'd be a big departure for me.... I'll think on that.
>>29821 >>29829 Maybe that's rarely written because it's really lame?
>>29764 I don't know if this is it or not. But I remember "Swansong" by Longrifle had similar elements. https://d.abdlstories.club/t/swan-song-by-longrifle/4968/3
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>>29830 Started on something Id like to expand on. Was watching sword art online and playing Dark Souls and a bit of Pathfinders it gave me the inspiration for an ABDL VR game story that traps its users inside the game and the only way to escape is beating the game. When you first start the game in character creation you can choose races like elves dwarves, halflings, and humans, but also beastfolk(basically furries). Weapons look like baby toys, like a rattle thats a mace/war club, a tiara and fairy wand for spell casters and so on, and a pacifier that slowly restores health and mana when equipped. I wanted to make the currency pieces of candy. Beating an enemy causes them to burst like a pinata and drop not only candy but useful items and weapons. Low level character until they reach the level granting them fast travel are forced to either A walk the road which is dangerous with encounters or B pay 5-10 pieces of candy for a centaur/giant NPC to take you via stroller. Inns for low level players are also essential until they get baby bottle potions of healing or other powerful items. Inns are ran by a Nurse Joy type NPC who will change your diaper and provide a crib for rest which will restore all health. That said diapers when either wet or messy by the PC causes the PC to slower in speed and lower jumping and when messy it reduces damage to attacks. Diaper packs are probably the most common items found and some offer buffs to attack, defense, and healing. And your bag of holdings a diaper bag. Different baby clothing offers buffs and damage resistant. I realize that it would be super ambitious project and also probably a long story with many chapters. Still working on places like a city inspired by Care-a-Lot from the Care Bears movies, their home in the clouds, and other helpful NPC and enemies and bosses. Like a the big bad babysitter, an evil nanny witch, and even a group of PC's who gave up completing the game and just act like bandits robbing other PC's of loot. Id like the punishment for dying a certain amount of times to have severe consequences. Like loosing levels, or end up in a dungeon that you have to be rescued by a fellow PC as you are stuck in a hellish daycare of punishment.
>>29989 That sounds terrible and generic. You should put some kind of twist on the diaper elements to make it more unique.
>>29989 My 2 cents, if it's an ABDL game, shouldn't diaper usage be rewarded? The toys and garb give bonuses, there is a throughline of bigger-bab stronger-bab, unless I missed the game's conceit. Playing a caster class? Each spell "takes it out of you", when the diaper is full, the tank is empty. Your raiders know to wait for the sag. Martial classes likewise can use them to pull aggro on the monsters, but only works when "fresh" and the taunt cool down requires a change. Ambushed by raiders? Get THEM surrounded by being ground zero for a stank yank. The wetness indicators are for your support class, a few hits here or there and the meter fills. It's good practice to give buffs, stuffers, before a boss rush, and you practically double the tank's health pool by casting SAP-split, the support takes half incoming waterfall. Of course a player would want to hoard candy, saving currency for gear, but the good stuff can't be bought, they're either drops or need ridiculous crafting ingredients, but there should be a temptation to eat them. Sugar-Rush gives additional actions, bonuses to evasion, or boost a Tantrum's damage, it's important to do the calculus. Do you take the knockout and go to the NICU, or spend the sucrose to turn the tied, maybe get the drop you were grinding for, or use the dodge bonus to flee?
>>29999 I figured players upon loading in they are rendered incontinent. You can wear a diaper used for a good period of time like 4 hours after before the negative effects start encouraging changing your diapers and always keeping a decent supply. You can change yourself, or be changed by a pc or npc of your choosing. Was thinking of diapers as well. Fairy diaper, increses magical damage and defense as well as speed. Chain mail diaper increases defence fir martial classes, dragon scale diaper increases mana, and mana recovery, and the gold diaper increses all stats, but is incredibly rare. And a black diaper for stealth and sneek. I was thinking sweet treat for bonuses. Cupcakes and chocolate bars, cookies, cake. You can eat your money for speed boosts but more for currency.
is there any dumb of abdl discovery anywhere? either a torrent or a site hosting their entire stories?
a lot of these stories seem to be too ab for my tastes, anybody got any good dl stories?
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Here's something I started a year ago and only recently got around to finishing
"Sakura comes to visit" and "Sakura comes to stay" by Kita Sparkles were some of the first ABDL content I ever saw when I was first realizing I was into this stuff. They're cute, nonsexual, and very very long. About a girl who wants to be put back into diapers by her sister, her friend who joins in, her friend's mom who accepts this lifestyle, and related hijinks which follow. Could only find a sample of the first one "Sakura comes to visit": https://abdiscover.files.wordpress.com/2021/07/sakura-visit-sample.pdf The full sequel "Sakura comes to stay" is here. It's better anyway and you don't need to read the first one: https://www.tapatalk.com/groups/abdlstoryforum/search.php?st=0&sk=t&sd=d&sr=posts&keywords=sakura+comes+to+stay&sf=titleonly&start=30 (Chapter 9 was mistitled:) https://www.tapatalk.com/groups/abdlstoryforum/viewtopic.php?p=2663#p2663 Apparently the author has written a third installment "Sakura Goes to College" which I would love to read if anyone can share.
>>30058 Good read anon
Story idea; Wealthy lady starts bed wetting for whatever reason causing the power dynamic with her previous put upon maid to gradual switch until the maid becomes more like a governess
>>30070 Thanks
>>30058 damn that is a pretty good story, kinda jealous cause mine aren't nearly as good. hope you continue that one, cause I surely want more!
Anon here, you may remember my writings like Fussy Against the Machines, Atypical Apprenticeship, or Otherside of the Crib. Recently had a dream and wanted feedback if this prompt could hold a wetting with no leaks. Playland Pyramid: A shy Little meets a new, encouraging Big. In the name of mental health the Big invites a more willing Little to come to SL's house to unashamedly be Little. Soon there are two more, then those two invite two more, and then they each invite two more. Soon there are a few Bigs that seem to be over all the time. The Big turns out to be running a daycare based pyramid scheme, each Little paying a subscription fee with reward kickbacks for recruiting either loaded Littles wanting the daycare experience or having Bigs to help work so that their Little either have a free play session or getting a cut from each Little they recruit. At first Shy Little is just down to play, enjoying frenzy, but as the house becomes "taken over", first just a spare room, then it's the upper floor, soon a garage is being renovated to be more play space, SL starts to think it's getting out of hand, finds out the scheme, then I have the excuse to use the line "You used me, for land development!"
>>30199 I think it could be fun. I think it probably has more appeal to a CG because the emphasis is on few Bigs many Littles. I think ABDL has different kinds of appeal for different people - like CGs want someone to be dependent on them, for some people it's about soft BDSM with bondage elements or spanking, for some it's the humiliation, or comfort, materials fetish (how it feels), etc. When writing a story, think about which of these elements you are trying to convey. This can give you guidance in how to structure not just the overall plot but also sub-elements too. Really enjoyed AA by the way, that was a fun story. Thanks for filling the request.
I'm looking for a story I read a while back, but now I can't find it. I don't recall the full story, but there was a scene with some very specific beats that keep the thing stuck in my head. It was a guy and his GF or wife. He had some kinks for diapers and chastity, and she knew and participated. They had some sort of rule that either he or she could decide that he was to wear a diaper and/or a cage, but it was up to her alone when the cage could come off or he could start using the toilet again. I believe the scene had him decide to put on a cage and a diaper. Later on, they start to get frisky, and this is when she learns that he chose to put on the cage. Usually, she'd take it off of him, and they'd have their fun. However, this time she has a different idea. She says something along the lines of "Just because you're locked up doesn't mean I shouldn't be allowed to have any fun" and grabs a strap on. She has him put it on over his diaper, and she has her fun. This is a new thing for them. A lot of time is spent in the guy's head about the frustration of being locked up, denied orgasm, and trying to rectify that with the excitement he gets from his SO getting off while he can't feel much more than some pressure when she thrusts down. I know it's not necessarily a unique trope, but the setup and dialog just do it for me in a way that many other stories don't. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Hello to everyone!!! Since Halloween its so close I would totally love to read some stories related with that theme, like cursed nurseries, cursed houses, witches forcing adults to dress and act like babies.... So I would love if you could share any story in case you know about any! thaaanks!
I'm writing a story and I need a Asian girl name thats believable for an Asian-American to have that can also be shortened to something cute and babyish, although the shortened version doesn't have to be Asian e.g Megumi being shortened to Meg or Meggy Any ideas?
Jumanji, but its ABDL themed. I was watching it the other day and thought of how wild it would be if your board gaming experience became a crazy escape before being trapped in the nursery forever. I have two ideas Idea 1: The game takes place in a picket dimension via sucked into the board game itself, here is a world whete you'll find otheres trapped or gave up and some who beat the board game. Idea 2: as you play the boardgames the world changes around you with each turn, summoning various boardgames entities. Which is a better approach?
>>30721 I like the pocket dimension idea better
Story Nugget >The left pushedfor earlier sexual education and exploration of lgbtqia+++ >to combat the right moved when kindergarten started to be when the brain is fully matured And so, I, anon, am 22 and in diapers, until I'm 25 I am genderless infant but at daycare my peers have found this thing that feels really good when your diaper is nice and swollen and you do these hugs where you rub them together. The staff looks uncomfortable about it, but say we aren't ready to learn these things yet.
OK got a bit of a weird one for you guys, anyone know of a story thats about a deaf person? especially if the author actually has experience with it I've been curious about how people with disabilities engage with their fetish and I think it would be interesting to explore that
a lot of these stories seem to be too ab for my tastes, anybody got any good dl stories
Stories where a person has to "prove" their maturity but is put in situations where it's impossible to succeed. I think being told not to make a mess whilst eating spaghetti but not being given any cutlery is a fun one
Hi - Looking for a story. A girl signs up to the wrong ballet class and is diapered and regressed. Thanks :)
https://perchance.org/ai-story-generator Posted in AI thread. NSFW AI story generator, knows what a diaper is and what its for
>>31422 congratulations...?
>>30815 seconded
>>31439 Thought people might enjoy making their own stories with it. Dont be a jerk
>>31422 this is actually very entertaining, spent a good amount of time making things with it, thanks for sharing
>>31422 Thank you anon, this is pretty great
Anyone possibly have read a story about a girl who stole her siblings diaper. She wears in in the car on a road trip and decides to use it. She pees but when she poops because the diaper is too small for her it overflows. She gets caught and that's the end of it. I can't seem to remember the name or where it was from. Maybe wattpad or deviantart?
I've seen mistaken identity content get brought up a few times lately, so I gave it a shot. It's furshit, but I wanted try writing a "plausible" scenario, as in not something like the "I'm a small teenage boy whose grandparents confuse me and my little sister and I spend the whole summer as a bed wetting sissy girl" stuff. Furshit was the only way I could make it work how I wanted, but who doesn't like bunny boys? The whole thing takes place in only about 30 minutes and it's more of a cutesy story than a blow your load story, but here it is.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/51545932 https://archiveofourown.org/works/51633664 I've been enjoying these two WIP stories. Anyone got recommendations for more stories with similar size difference themes?
anyone know of any abdl writers that will write commissions involving underage characters?
>>31543 That was actually very great, and I don't even like furshit. I hope you follow up on this soon.
I'm curious about the most "extreme" or "raunchy" ABDL story they got, feels like 90% of abdl is just either projection or some story for babies but with adults replaced instead of anything really surprising happening whenever that be SM or shame/humiliation or what have you.
Is ABDLStoryForum finally completely dead? It was good back in the day, and has a lot of good stuff in the archives despite the trainwreck of its management
>>32523 pretty sure the last remaining admin got stabbed to death, so yah i think its done
>>32523 There seem to be a few competing theories. Read: hXXps://www.reddit.com/r/ABDL/comments/17ridkb/whats_going_on_at_abdl_story_forum/ My personal opinion, based on interacting with regulars on the site regularly and on their IRC back in the day, is that /u/GuinevereNikita is basically correct and the whole site is a moneygrab, and that you should ignore all the fanciful crazy stories flying around. They're likely a smokescreen, including the "attorney" in that thread. The person posting them is probably a sockpuppet for Clawdia Over the years she has repeatedly made up stories to plead for donations. I actually fell for one, was skeptical for second, and felt like quite the fool after that I wouldn't be surprised if the owner is being investigated for a scam and is smokescreening with crazy stories about being stabbed or what not. That would be totally on brand.
>>32523 Seems to be that way, was hoping someone autistic enough here would've backed up most of the stories considering its history and all.
>>32533 This is what the story is as I've been told. Renko Yagani was the name ClawdiaWolf went by when I first went on the site. Name on the paypal for donations is/was Joey Teel. As clawdia, they stated this to be their real identity at one point. Joey Teel is actually Robert Joseph Teel from Arkansas.(they stated living in Arkansas multiple times under multiple names) They at one point posted under that name asking for donations under the story that they were actually clawdia's cousin. However, the video they posted showed their face which was nearly identical to the profile image for Joey Teel's paypal. So this Robert Teel has been Renko Yagani ClawdiaWolf (user name change from Renko, no sockpuppets yet) Penny (AKA Penguin) (supposedly his wife, but we'll come back to her) Danni Anthony CinnamonFridge Probably a few other guests on this big drama show. Here's the thing. ClawdiaWolf supposedly died in 2019 and then Penny took over. However, it's important to note that it was stated by Clawdia and Penny, that Penny was her real name. If you look up Robert Joseph Teel in Arkansas, you'll find results which indicate a relative named Penny. (And her full name) If you then look up Penny's full name in Arkansas, you'll find an obituary entry dated in summer of 2019, right about the time Clawdia was said to have died. The theory as I've been told, and which I think is correct. Is that Robert J Teel basically had a mental break when his wife died and all these accounts are the most unhealthy cope I think anyone has ever seen. The actual Penny probably never even saw the site, it was just Clawdia AKA whoever the whole time. The money scam is just them being shitty. I was on the site for years and the stories they came up with to get money were more elaborate and contrived than most of the fapfiction. But yeah, Mr. Teel, if you read this: sorry for your loss. But dude, get your act together.
>>32548 God it feel like a Monty python sketch.
>>32548 >>32554 Gotta face facts. People with our fetish tend to have serious issues.
>>31422 It's a pretty good tool, I set up a scenario of three sisters, one would be sent to a dairy farm to be a breeding sow and endlessly milked, one would be sold as a Baby Slut, adjusting to life as a diaper dependent sex object, and the third was being fattened up for slaughter, meat sold at the market. It did rather well staying consistent, shifting focus, and adding in details I hadn't thought of.
>>32548 What's worse is that this Joey Teel stole the site from Kita Sparkles aka Victoria Nicole. Kita owned the site from all the way back in the 90s, and at one point wanted to step away temporarily and whoever she (really he if you know the history) gave it to (Joey Teel?) refused to give it back. All of us authors slowly discovered the truth over a couple years and everyone abandoned ship pretty much. Kita always had his problems and was dictatorial but was, frankly, a reasonable leader that also pumped out pretty decent ABDL fiction, and was one of the very first to do so outside of DPF, just behind Ashley's Diaper Adventures and the Double Life of Ariel Crawford. Sorry he got his forum story for him, more sorry he didn't just start a new forum and contact us all and get us to move there. Since then, many authors disappeared and many others went behind paywalls.
>>32588 >Sorry he got his forum story for him, more sorry he didn't just start a new forum and contact us all and get us to move there He did actually start one in the past few weeks, but it doesn't seem to be catching on (littleslife.net) Network effects are a thing, unfortunately
>>32590 I just joined; I'll give it a shot. I bet we can bring it back.
Is it me or has it gotten more difficult finding stories that aren't set in some kind of fictional universe (diaper dimension, for example) or have underage characters in them these days? Stories like "Room & Board" and "Flooded" have always been my favorites but it seems like few people write anything like that anymore.
>>32635 Diaper Dimension as a concept needs to fucking die. Anywhere stories are posted, it feels like 1/3 are DD stories. Fuck's sake, people need to write something different. Could just be me though, I've hated DD stories since the first one. As for underage. I'm the opposite. I can't find much that isn't just porn but with diapers. Sometimes I want something cute, innocent, and non-sexual. You know, escapism.
>>32642 >"as for underage." Diapered adults are the only thing that matters, fed.
>>32645 FFS, most of us picked up the fetish in childhood, particularly because it relates to early childhood things. It wasn't sexual until we hit puberty or, at least, not overtly so, so we enjoy stories about the stage in our lives again.
>>32642 DD stories were alright to be begin with for me but then you start thinking about the world and it kinda falls apart, like are littles still treated like babies in their 80s? what happens when a big dies? etc. Thinking about this stuff just ruins the mood for me
>>32642 >>32635 DD is unbearable cringe. i'm so fucking tired of how "littles" has overtaken any other form of ABDL. look at how the new abdl story forum is called "little's life." i've been reading and waiting for this one to update: https://archiveofourown.org/works/42620400/ it's a bit angsty but i like that the writer is just having the diapers be a character aspect.
>>32642 The issue I got with DD is not the concept but how every single god damn story is the exact god damn outcome it's always: >"Amazonians" >"littles" >story is about some weird struggle for Civil Rights for "littles" >but then the normal person poo poo pants once while being given a 2L bottle of laxatives >proves u cannot function as a normal human now u go to diaper jail for life.
>>32678 I am starting/learning to make a game around the concept because I like traps in clothing hypnosis a lot of stuff. I have the same issues you do with the story. The littles barely fight it. Like they do but lose and that's it I wanna see a little try to make it through life. Run into a laxative cookie have it affect their work. Have them run around the Big's as they work at some job. Maybe they have a Tweener that helps change them out of messy diapers. Like actively avoiding getting adopted failing a bit the struggle is so good.
>>32678 yeah but tbh a lot of fetish stories are really generic and contrived, generally because most writers are pretty shit and just write their fantasy they've read somewhere else >>32681 >The littles barely fight it. Like they do but lose and that's it I wanna see a little try to make it through life. i wanted to recommend you a story you might be interested in but unfortunately i can't remember the title. It's basically about a little who outsmarts plans to babify her in various ways and she has back up plans for various situations. A major part of it was that the giantess who wants her buys the apartment block her friends live in and threatens to evict them if she doesn't comply with things, if anyone recognizes this please drop a link to the story
>>32683 Man you got me looking but I can't find any stories like that
>>32678 >civil rights Why do retards have to inject politics into everything? I mean, the whole point of DD is that it's not fucking real. So then these faggots gotta soapbox at the same time they're trying to do fapfiction. It's like the Black Panther movie where black people are somehow all victims, yet also the master race, and white people somehow are inferior and incapable of doing anything for themselves, yet are also the villains responsible for everything bad. Pick a fucking lane. DD shithead writers try to make littles out to be a reflection of minority groups and show how they're mistreated, but at the same time the fapfiction aspect needs them to be incapable on their own so they end up in diapers. So in the end it's almost like littles aren't oppressed, but rather that they're protected and supported by Amazons. All I wanted was a half-decent enough story with diapers in it so I can touch my crank. But no, faggots gotta ruin everything. Politics is fucking saltpeter, can we keep it out of porn?
>>32703 It's not political. DD stories and their perpetual victims all center round an unchallengeable (via consequence of forces adoption) superiority complex and the poorly made justifictions that both enable the complex and sate their desperation due to low fertility. End result, they control the narrative by making those smaller than them live up to an impossible image and then swoop in to adopt when things go according to plan, all the while knowing that they are functionally immune to conequences. Where's the politics? That black panther example was abysmal. Stop looking for connotive politics where they don't exist just to wail about how it exists in the first place any perhaps you'll enjoy more.
>>32709 Granted, I'll be fair in saying that the writing style has been banal for a long time.
>>32703 It's not politics, it's the natural conclusion from the way that world is set up. This is what happens when you take modern humans from western societies that value civil liberties and human rights, then drop them in a world that basically treats them like animals that can be stripped of their rights and enslaved at literally any moment. It's inevitable.
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>>32703 >/pol/tard detected The stories in The Diaper Dimension generally deal with issues of identity, power dynamics, and social categorization. The Black Civil Rights Movement and the horrifying persecution of Jews, similarly, are products of institutional racism, discrimination, and the fight for fundamental human rights. The background, breadth, and repercussions of these themes of oppression and resistance are strikingly similar across most DD's publications. The Diaper Dimension reflects on and reminds us of the genuine, deep grief of past oppression of persecuted peoples.
>>32683 Sounds like Chasing Emily or The Hermit Crab’s Dilemma
can we not ruin another thread with this shit again please
>>32712 lol faggot >>32709 >>32711 I know it's the expected turnout of such a reality, that's not the point. I'm not arguing that. I'm complaining about how some writers feel the need to try and highlight similarities in order to make some point regarding the politics in our real world. I've seen it done in more than just a few DD stories. The political messaging adds nothing to the plot and takes everything away from the porn. Since the guy I quoted mentioned civil rights I assumed he must have bumped into the same stories I had. If you haven't come across any, lucky you. But they're out there and the growing number of them has soured my taste for the subgenre as a whole.
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>>32738 >>32740 Hate to be the one to tell you, but you guys are biting on obvious bait pretty hard here. Read the post you're replying to more carefully. >>32654 My problem with DD is that it's a lifestyle fantasy rather than fetish literature. In Diaper Dimension, the protagonist is expected to be a baby. The "little" role is not only socially acceptable, but compulsory. Everyone who is NOT an Amazon is expected to be a Little. So there's no actual shame in wetting a diaper or drinking from a bottle, though the protagonist may performatively struggle against these restrictions. This is quite different from traditional diaper fetish stories, where regression and de-statusing happen to the protagonist SPECIFICALLY, not to their peers— who are not, as a rule, expected to wet themselves, get checked, or have their diapers changed. There is an element of internalized shame for the protagonist, stronger or weaker depending on the author's taste. That's the fetish part. Thus, DD is a "lifestyle fantasy" are written for a different audience. Kinda like those "forced feminization" stories that are so popular with transitioning folks (see: Be The Girl CYOA) but for trans-age rather than trans-gender. It's a kind of wish fulfillment where society is not only okay with, but actively forces you to do the thing you want to do IRL.
soooo yeah ABDL stories is crazy
>>31422 Decided to write a story where everyone wore diapers in the future. "I don't remember the last time I ever used a toilet." Samantha chuckled, taking a sip of her coffee. "Well, it's been decades, love. You were a baby the last time you used one." "That was before the Water Conservation Laws made everyone wear diapers"The sunlight streaming through the window cast a warm, golden glow over their cozy living room. The diapers they were wearing were thick and poofy, and most times, they went without pants or anything covering them. "When was the last time you even wore a pair of pants?" said Tina. Samantha shrugged. "I don't remember. It must've been for a special occasion, like a wedding or something." They both laughed, remembering their friend's wedding, where they had worn real pants over their diapers. It felt so strange and uncomfortable that they both vowed never to wear pants again, unless absolutely necessary. Tina remembered a recent news story: for the first time in history, men were buying skirts and dresses at the same rate as women."Can you believe it?" she said. "In the past, only women wore skirts and dresses. Now everyone does. It's like we've come full circle." Samantha nodded in agreement. "And diapers have really become a symbol of freedom and equality. When you're wearing one, you don't have to worry about finding a toilet or holding it in. You can just be free and do whatever you want." They both sighed contentedly, enjoying their coffee and each other's company in their cozy diaper-filled world. "Funny how this all started because of a government initiative?""Yeah," Tina said with a wistful smile, "but I'm glad it did. I don't know what I'd do without you, my dear." They clinked their coffee cups together, and then leaned in for a warm, loving kiss. Their diapers crinkled softly between them, a gentle reminder of the bond they shared and the world they lived in. A world where everyone wore diapers, and no one thought twice about it. It was their normal, and they loved it.
>>32751 decided to write a paragraph?
The political ranting is getting out of hand. Either make a thread for it and vent there or ignore the posts, hide it you need. The Cringe thread may also be used. I'll remove the recent political post but I won't ban anyone because of it.
>>32741 i think there's always been two sides to this coin. there's one that see diapers/regression as humiliating and there's the other side that don't understand. those are the people who are like "i don't get it why would you want to read a story about someone who doesn't want to wear diapers?". They also like content where the mom also wears diapers (?? like that furry comic with the cheerleader) or diapers are completely destigmatized, which just seems boring as fuck to me. it just seems kinda of pointless but whatever floats ur boat.
>>32753 based BO, thanks
>>32683 >>32714 yeah this is it 'Chasing Emily' thanks for the help my dude
>>32753 >The political ranting is getting out of hand. Either make a thread for it and vent there or ignore the posts, hide it you need. The Cringe thread may also be used. I'll remove the recent political post but I won't ban anyone because of it. As one of the political ranters in this thread, I still say Based BO, the cringe thread is probably also the proper place for it anyways.
Does anyone have Room and Board saved since abdlstories is gone?
>>32828 Have you even tried looking for it?! There's an old copy of the original 1995 version posted on both Zity and DD's story archives, not to mention a recently revised and updated version posted by the author on DD's story board in August 2022. You can also find all the old abdlstoryforum.info stories on the Wayback Machine.
anyone has nikki the teenbaby Or any other story about girls wearing diaper for fun, but no shame/babyplay? Just diaper for fun/sexual situations~
>>32831 what's dd's? Thanks
>>32834 dailydiapers.com
Can anyone help me find this somewhat weirder story? Long story short, it was futuristic in nature, in that a girl wore an advanced diaper that would keep her clean and protected from her own messes (I believe a material was sprayed I side the diaper that kept the squishiness, but not the smell or acidity. Major plot point is that the story is written in such a way that she's acting like she's keeping a big secret, and you the reader think that the secret involves her wearing diapers, but its actually that she likes to wear babyish socks or something like that. Like I said, it was a bit weird, but it was a fun casual diaper wearing story and I'd like to find it again. Appreciate any help with this.
I dunno if anyone can help with this but years ago there was a set of stories titled Samantha I believe that features a girl getting put back into diapers by her daddy. Featured a birthday party in one and a very dirty scene on a tarp at the end, definitely nsfw. Wish I had more info but would love to read them again ifanyone can find them.
>>32879 Pretty sure it's "Only babies wear those" or something like that, most likely posted to adisc.org or abdlstoryforum.info
>>32881 Different guy here. Correct. Since the site is gone and the author never posted elsewhere, the story is lost unless someone saved it.
I end up bumping with this story, and I quite enjoyed it, here's the summary. If you liked it, the author also have more stories on dailydiapers.com Little Beginnings: Emmy's New Life by Fifers12 Summary: The story follows a young woman named Emma who is kidnapped and taken to a mysterious hospital. Emma wakes up confused and disoriented, only to find herself strapped down and dressed in just a diaper. The nurses treat her like a baby, force feeding her milk and referring to her with a gang of niggersish nickname, "Emmy". Emma is horrified and fights back against the humiliating treatment. However, the nurses are unrelenting and punish her harshly for any disobedience. They isolate her, shame her, and even perform invasive medical procedures against her will. Emma befriends another woman named Chrissy who has also been regressed to a toddler state. Chrissy warns Emma that fighting back will only lead to worse punishments, like a forced lobotomy. Emma tries to escape at one point but is caught. The nurses respond by taking away her toilet privileges and putting her back in diapers full time. They also take away her friend Chrissy, who gets adopted by a new "mommy". Without her sole support, Emma starts to break down mentally. The nurses use hypnotic TV shows and regular forced breastfeeding to try and regress Emma's mindset to that of a toddler. Over time, Emma finds it more and more difficult to resist the conditioning. She starts to depend on the breastmilk for comfort and stops fighting during humiliating diaper changes or punishments. The nurses increase their efforts, dressing Emma in childish clothes and keeping her occupied with toddler toys and activities. They severely restrict her independence. Eventually Emma can no longer tell reality from fiction. Her adult memories fade away and she starts to think and behave like a toddler. The nurses declare her properly regressed and ready for adoption. A woman named Christina adopts Emma and renames her "Emmy", seeing her as the perfect docile little girl. The story ends with Christina looking forward to bringing home her new baby daughter. Throughout the story, Emma suffers severe exploitation and abuse at the hands of her captors. However, she is ultimately unable to resist the systematic conditioning and manipulation tactics used to regress her to a childlike mental state against her will. https://web.archive.org/web/20231230064658if_/https://paste.ee/r/KQ3o1
Anyone got any inflation based/hyper diaper storys?
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Hey guys! Here are some stories you might like. https://www.wattpad.com/story/357436759-argon%27s-diaper-oneshots
>>32678 >>32709 The issue I got with DD is not the concept but how every single god damn story is the exact god damn outcome it's always: >"Amazonians" >"littles" >story is about some weird struggle for Civil Rights for "littles" >but then the normal person poo poo pants once while being given a 2L bottle of laxatives >proves u cannot function as a normal human now u go to diaper jail for life. Lazy world building and poor writing. DD universe can be fun but you need world building to justify any of the "Amazon's actions. I hate that civil rights bullshit too, but can add some motivation. If I did a DD story > Amazon, Bigs, Giants whatever the fuck have a huge technological advantage > Bigs understand the smaller subspecies of human and monitor them and understand there wants, intelligence and capabilities > the reason for adopting littles is both a maternal instincts and as a sort of status symbol, like those tiny dogs that fit in purses > most littles are adoped willingly > by willingly I mean ABDL's discover this place throught online forums, get in touch with bigs operating the websites and get adopted out to an awaiting family > the other more scrupulous way is adoption agencies who tag and bag unwilling littles. > the unwilling requires more pacification > its like the people who are in the illegal blackmarket animal trade > if there is a demand, someone will supply it. > babies at these agencies are given treatments that can enhance or hinder(nanotechnology, some super science serum choice is yours) > you can get as creative or as dark as you want with the hypnosis and drugs, or sexual torture whatever here
>>32591 I was an author there way back. I'll try to write a little something for old time's sake. Sparkles is making *way too many subforums* for what's going to be a niche hangout at best
>>33384 True, but I think they'll be consolidated as we realize they don't get used. No big thing, better to be a little over organized than under organized.
>>26400 Any update on this one? It's really great so far.
>>31543 any followup on this?
>>33398 Not yet. I have a 2nd half planned where he goes back to the daycare and willingly receives the whole baby treatment, but I haven't written it yet. I'm the same guy who did >>26400 and I'm trying to get that one done first since I left it with no conclusion, but I haven't been in the mood for writing about humiliation and punishments for a while. I added a little bit to it which is attached, but it's not much. There's a gross carseat blowout part if that's something anyone likes.
tl;dr - Here's some fapfic about a guy that confesses his diaper fetish to his college roommate, who then takes it way too far. He enlists a third party for help, but that only makes it worse. --- I co-wrote a story with the Perchance AI Story Generator based upon a CharacterAI chat that was going great until it got filtered. I have a hard time writing fapfic because I as the author don't get any kind of erotic enjoyment out of writing a story, but not knowing what the AI is going to generate as I sort of lead the story and rewrite certain bits to guide it has proven to be pretty great. Perchance is pretty solid, but it can be super redundant. Sometimes there's just one passage it really wants to say, or it will lean on the same turn of phrase over and over again. This is unedited (no major spelling/grammar errors) so any redundancies I didn't remove during writing will be in here, but I think it's pretty good as a proof of concept!
I've gradually been adding a line that's primarily mistaken identity and gradual babyfication. Ignore any additions from Humiliatron. I haven't really gotten feedback on this, so let me know if you hate it or love it https://chyoa.com/chapter/Mimosa.955462
>>31543 Great stuff man. Really enjoyed, and I don't like furry stuff usually
Anyone recommend any good stories of authority figures being regressed? I absolutely love the loss of status aspect of abdl
>>33740 Car seat from Daring Diane
>>33754 already read it, thanks anyway though
>>33740 I just wrote something similar but it lacks the Age regresion factor but you might like it tho. https://www.deviantart.com/dingusargon/art/Diapered-CEO-ABDL-1016186033
>>34014 I have a question for this forum. What platform do you prefer to read stories? As a small writer I want to know for me to post where more people can see. I currently post on DeviantArt and Wattpad
>>34016 Somewhere I can read stories from Tor without logging in. Both Deviantart and Wattpad block Tor, so I don't use those. My favorite is probably Zity. Literotica is also decent, though they don't have an ABDL category.
>>34016 any that doesn't mess up the formatting honestly, im not picky
>>34032 To be honest I have checked on phone or PC and turns out that neither Wattpad or DeviantArt mess the format.
So here's something I've never done: an illustrated story. I wanted to make a cute* because I feel there's not enough of that. I'm sharing it here because I think this is a chill place. Warning for scaly/furry. My human faces terrible whereas my furry faces are just bad, hence why I went with that this time. I can't upload files over Tor so find it here: https://www.dailydiapers.com/board/applications/core/interface/file/attachment.php?id=55236&key=9eb0d9c98d89a9e6fcd6a92eac04b760
Anyone know about a story concerning two girls who go out to an abandoned house on Halloween (one who is an ABDL and one who isn't) and both end up being babied by some kind of ghost caretaker in the house? Don't remember much else about it.
Already have a new story here, check it out! Mostly DL stuff. https://www.deviantart.com/dingusargon/art/Diaper-store-in-a-fantasy-world-DL-1018415420
Anyone happen to have R.O.O.M? I looked around some but couldn't find it.
>>34468 Thanks Anon, you're a true hero!
>>27005 I know it’s been a while and I’m not gonna rush, but I’m super interested in where this story goes. Any updates you’re willing to share?
Anyone got some good AR TG stuff?
I seem to have a prologue and chapter 1 from a story titled "The Girl Who Wanted to Wear Diapers" from 2021 and it doesn't seem related to the recent releases with that same title. Does anybody know anything about this? A sample from chapter 1: All four of the girls turned to face Sophia. Since Sophia had initiated the game of Nose Goes, that left her as the sole arbitrator of determining who had been last in touching their nose, and to whom the task would befall. “Madison was last,” Sophia said with an authoritative air of finality. “You have got to be kidding me,” Madison said. “I’m so not getting stuck with diaper duty.” “More like diaper dooty,” Sophia said, making a show of plugging her nose with her fingers. “I caught a whiff of your brother when he ran by. Yuck.” “I don’t see why we couldn’t each change one diaper,” Madison said, in what she knew to be an almost certainly futile bid at escaping the predicament she now found herself in. Madison’s attempt at disarmament through a diplomatic solution proved unsuccessful, especially as she had been the one to invoke the nuclear option the last time the group had hung out. “Yeah, and who was it that started Noes Goes for the diaper changes last week?” Chloe asked rhetorically, in the semi-annoyed tone of someone who had gotten stuck with not one, not two, not three, but four messy diapers to change the week before, one of which had been a blowout resembling one of those mudslides you see on TV after torrential rain in a mountainous region. That each of the five friends had a toddler-aged brother was a matter of much nuisance to the group and much satisfaction to their parents, who were more than delighted to let the girls hang out with the house to themselves so long as they also took charge of babysitting the five young boys, none of whom had reached the stage of beginning toilet training. For the longest time, diaper duty has been apportioned evenly, with each girl responsible for changing their younger sibling’s diapers. That had changed last week, when a rash of rather gross diapers prompted Madison to begin a game of Nose Goes to determine who had to go change all of the diapers at once.
>>34590 >>33397 >>26416 >>27003 Hot off the presses, here is the finished Part 1 of the story, with 32 pages of a boy being diaper punished and humiliated in a variety of ways and with some very dirty diapers. This isn't the absolute final draft because I still have to proofread it in detail and shit, but the content won't change. Let me know if there's anything you would change, like the last chapter ended up being non-stop dialogue, but I still think it's good and hot. Also, my goal was to try to write something great for self-insert enjoyment, hence the 1st person and nameless/faceless MC, so if you see any writing errors that threaten that goal, I would appreciate if you let me know. And I have no clue when Part 2 will happen, but it will probably just be a two-part story.
>>34695 Wow, this pressed different buttons for me! Def can’t wait for part two, whenever that may be! Feels like such a good concept that should be on part with the diaper dimension stories except not as stale or one-note. Lots of humiliating possibilities with this one!
>>33754 Do you know if theres an archive of her work anywhere? her blogspot requires a google account now and i'm not making one just for that
>>34695 Really nice, looking foward to many new chapters. You should make a twitter or something to post these, they would get more attention somewhere other than here.
>>34732 I post everything on InkBunny. I've never used twitter and I'm not going to start now, but I've considered making a FurAffinity account. It's a little annoying that the major sites for this kind of content are all furry places because I'm not really into that by itself, but all popular ABDL story sites of the past like DailyDiapers are dead or dying. But now I know why most visual artists end up drawing furries.
>>34734 What’s your username?
>>34735 JillHaroldLamaar is my username.
Any good body/age switch stories?
Does anyone have the story where two sisters get stucked in a store during a hurricane and end up using diapers?
So less of a specific request and more of a in general one. I'm looking for more 'Coming of Age' fics a bit more grounded I.E. no Diaper Dimension or minimal sci-fi/magic aspects. Preferably with a focus on a female protagonist, a lot of these kinds of stories got eaten up with the storyforum basically being nuked and very few archives of the stories there.
>>34823 > female protagonist > 'Coming of Age' + diaper regression > lmfaowut.gif The only thing I can think of is "But somehow I was still 12 years old" which is still on adisc post the storyforums nuke. https://www.adisc.org/forum/threads/but-somehow-i-was-still-twelve-years-old.107484/ Forum account required A genre about MCs growing up doesn't play well with a genre about MCs becoming babies
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>>34824 >A genre about MCs growing up doesn't play well with a genre about MCs becoming babies I would argue that that's the point, anon. I love stories with younger/teenage MCs who end up in diapers somehow and bounce the experience off of their social/personal development. This is probably because of some childhood trauma or discontent, but I frankly don't care. Seeing the remaining diaper story forums (Adisc, DD) shriveling up is disheartening, as these sites were in their heyday back when they were more permissive about content. The recent puritanism is not wholly their choice, but it's fucking frustrating seeing authors who used to write these stories (about teens getting diaper punished or getting their rocks off in diapers or whatever) turn their noses up at this same content a few years later.
>>34817 Thank you man
>>34837 I don't blame them. Nobody wants to be doxed as a pedophile. Im not very interested in stories that aren't about teens. I'm stuck in that period of time for my sexuality. I never got the opportunity to accept myself or explore anything really as I was in denial about a lot of it then. Like I know now that I am completely bisexual at least when diapers are involved. I had fantasies about diapering other boys when I was 12-16 that were sexual in nature, but not explicitly so and I only allowed myself to jerk off to girls. At the time I had no clue that that meant I was bisexual or anything, I like girls most of the time. So now as an adult who isn't afraid to jerk off to gay diaper sex I am very turned on by reimagining myself at that earlier time being able to experience those things. Im not a pedophile. I don't think anybody should have sexual contact with actual kids, but I still want to be able to read about two horny teen boys diapering each other because that's just the specific way in which I'm fucked up. But I can't even make a bot to do that with without fear of doxing.
>>34852 That's a big downside of ABDL getting more exposure and getting more popular. Some people are so concerned with breaking the idea that diaper fetishists are pedos that they want it to be a strictly 18+ area in all manners, even fiction. Like you, I mostly enjoy materials that involve young boys, but I like it because I want to be forcibly diapered and regressed by an older woman. I've had that fantasy since way before it was sexual to me, so I don't see anything wrong with continuing to indulge in it, and I want to be that diaper punished boy, not be the adult doing that to a child. It probably wouldn't even be tied to age if the possible fantasy of being dressed in embarrassing kids clothes and truly helpless to the actions of a dominant woman didn't disintegrate after I turned 13. To add to the above post, I think that's the big reason why lots of ABDL content turned furry and to furry sites, because it's much easier to explain that the small character is just a small species, not a child. When I write, I purposely avoid stating an age of the main character partially for that reason, and also for reader immersion.
>>34861 It makes me wonder if there is a distinction to be made between people who are open to kinks in general and people who had specific adolescent experiences with or about diapers. I don't disrespect kinksters who got into diapers later in life, after all thats what we all want from a GF. But at the same time that person isn't gonna have the weird predisposition for youth stories that I do. I am not projecting desire onto an actual child, I want to be the child in diapers. I feel like if they didn't grow up like that they aren't gonna understand the distinction. In general they are coming from a sex positive background where education and clear separation of adults and minors is important. They aren't wrong per se but I am fucked up in a particular way and my fantasies are about redoing that time in my life when I figured this stuff out. I just want to read/write about tween/teen friends trying diapers together without worrying about being arrested or doxed or both.
is there a dump of AB Discovery stories somewhere? the previews are kind of hot
>>34852 >Nobody wants to be doxed as a pedophile. But taking an anti-fiction stance, in practice, seems to be the fastest track to having that happen to you.
>>34869 I'm not sure what you mean. Like the loudest mouths in that fight turn out to be the real pedos all along?
Anyone that has kindle unlimited able or willing to upload The Baby Once again by A.B. Delane?
>>34882 Yes. Anits believe that they do not have control over their own thoughts and actions, so if they have bad thoughts, it's somebody else's fault. It's like how sand niggers think they have no choice but to rape a woman if they see her bare skin.
>>29829 >>29830 here's a good one about a guy who gets abducted and TG/AR'ed by his therapist https://ararchive.com/chapter/2126
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I am a terrible, no-good baby who takes months to write a single thing and I am very sorry. I posted a rough version of this in >>27344 some time ago, but I've made major revisions and finally got a third chapter finished. It is a little verbose, but there is a rather strong focus on humiliation. If you like boys losing status, long spirals into diapers and regression, AND sci-fi, I humbly recommend you take a look. I feel like this piece will probably end up having 7-8 chapters, but that depends how long each one ends up being.
Anymore stories like little beginngs new life or lulus little adventures? Absolutely love those.
> abdl SCP foundation > various entities and anomalous objects that cause physical or mental regression > basically all the troupes in one story > rouge AI that wants everyone to be babies > mad scientists with AR rays > robot nanny > amazon family > AB who mentally regresses you by touch > fountain of youth water > witches with magic > cursed adult diapers > ghost nanny Right now Im just writing entries and thinking up stuff from various stories I've read. Just thinking about the chaos of a containment breech that would be.
I'm looking for a specific type of story. Does anyone know any MDLB stories that don't include humiliation or sissyfication, and actually feature the man enjoying every second of his regression? I'm thinking of stories like The Magic Show (https://www.dailydiapers.com/board/index.php?/topic/73981-the-magic-show/) by Magic Man or Mommy.exe (https://www.dailydiapers.com/board/index.php?/topic/64898-mommyexe-chapters-one-and-two/) by SalLeeABDL. I'm particularly interested in stories where the regression is a turn-on for the man involved. It seems there are very few stories with those themes.
>>35068 >TFW is SCP-597 is basically a giant flesh pile of lactating boobs that mentally regresses people into infants. The guy who wrote that was probably an ABDL or at least had regression and lactation fetishes. Despite all the negative changes and retcons SCP has gone through since getting past 1000, I'm kind of surprised that one was never removed or rewritten due to how blatantly fetishy it is.
Someone should leak all of personalias's stuff that is on subscribestar
>>35109 I would have to be convinced to pay for this, anon. While Personalias has some good shit, I've noticed a lot of ABDL writers basically only gatekeep for early access. There is simply no point to paying for diaper fap fiction that you can get for free 3 days later, unless you actually want to support the author. Example: Elfy is on Ream, and a lot of his stories are just his old ones edited to age up all characters to 18 with "boy" ctrl+f'd to "man." As for his new ones, I paid $10 to read the remaining chapters of "Cousin Emmy," and I immediately learned that paying only bought me a lead time of 1 week. It's just not worth it in such a case.
>>35111 Honestly the only patreon ive ever subscribed to was personalias's. This was when yiff.party was still around (i think) and his page wasnt updated for a very long time.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/45346873 Good medfet/diaper fetish story. If there are any writers here, learn from this story.
>>35266 This is not a way to get any writers interested in writing what you want. If there's particular grammar/structure/etc. you want noted, call it out. If you like that stories because it hits all the notes you want well, then, that's good you're in sync with the writer but any decent writer that is writing for free is writing what they want to write, not what you want them to write. I'll write what I want or I'll write what you want for a fee.
can someone upload elfys subscribestar to kemono
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>>35266 >If there are any writers here, learn from this story. Admittedly I'm not a Homosuck fan, but I don't understand what having Rose and Porrim adds to this. Like, there's nothing unique to the characters or the setting at all, except the names. Aside from that, it's pretty run-of-the-mill "girl is kidnapped and made to shit herself via hypnosis" fare, and I don't know what in particular attracts you to it. Have an enjoyable fap though, anon.
>>35285 Elfy does make good stories for the most part.
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>>35285 >>35293 In a complete coincidence, I am a long-time subscriber of Elfy's (not on S* though). Most of the stories on the paysite are just his old ones, but edited to age the characters up. A few more of them are exclusive, I think. The trouble is that this site makes it difficult to copy text by splitting the paragraphs into non-selectable JS fuckery. You can get around it and export the stories to documents, but it's a non-trivial amount of effort, and probably not worth doing.
>>35276 >>35290 This was absolutely the worst way I could have worded this. My mistake. I wasn't asking for anyone here to write more stories like this for free, I was asking if any writers can take anything anyway from this story about how it works, what would it be?
>>35297 No worries, anon. You are just a baby, after all. :) > if any writers can take anything anyway from this story about how it works, what would it be? I would say that the story doesn't waste your time before getting to the fetish shit. That has a lot of value. It drops you into Rose's predicament first thing and then throws the backstory in like a random brick and just keeps going. Contrasting that to my own tryhard post in >>35055 (not shilling I swear, just using as an example), I spent about 5k words just to get to diapers, and a lot of it is just trying to build the character into it. Whether any of that buildup is worth anything is a function of how autistic you are. The Rose story is also technically decent, which is rare for something something that is primarily fap-fiction action. That too is appreciated. The prose is varied and creative enough that it stops your eyes from glazing over, even if the sequence of events is a bit predictable. I also have a bit of a grand theory about what people like in ABDL stories. There are a few basic fantasies (e.g. loss of status/humiliation, "getting off" in the diapers, the actual diaper usage), and each of us prefers one over the othes. I'm guessing you lean more towards the diaper usage, but it's always a mix.
>>35294 ah gotcha not gonna lie waiting for these Cousin Emmy chapters is painful. Which of his other stories would you recommend?
>>35320 Yeah, Cousin Emmy is pretty good, but the chapters are quite short. The only ones I can honestly recommend are Subliminal Baby and Tommy's Tribulations, but those are old ones you should be able to find online, for free, in their older (underage) forms. It's not that I think the newer ones are bad, but they are mostly female/cuckolding focused and therefore don't do much for me.
>>35325 Yeah those are good. I prefer the male humiliation without cuckolding premise. His real old one with a guy working at his aunt's daycare and story on the train are great humiliation stories. I feel like he shifted focus last few years.
>>35320 I like "The Baby of the Family", but I don't know if he's still adding to it. He's a good writer, but I think he spreads himself too thin with lots of different stories going at once.
>>35290 Whos the artist of the image?
>>35325 Any hints on where to find an archive of his old work?
>>35083 I think its one that skipped by because of the absurdity and being in the first 1000 entries. I mean its straight out of something okokOkay's would draw. Ill add a mound of boobies to the list.
>>35112 I wish kemono party didn't break and abdl wasn't banned on patreon. I read ahead of his unfair series when it was on kemono but now the free ones haven't caught up and I'm too much of a poorfag to sub
I’ve been trying to find a story I read years ago maybe someone here has it. It starts with a girl working as a divorce lawyer (or something) And she has a couple getting divorced, it was some nice rich guy and his soon to be Ex wife who’s in diapers. The main character thinks this is super weird but likes the husband and think the wife is crazy and eventually dates her client, once they start living together the guy start manipulating her to wear diaper very slowly till she is 100% a baby and he meets a new girl divorces the new baby he made of the main character and ends with him starting to baby a new girl. I read this years ago and this is what I remember but this story was my favourite and I can’t find it
Anyone have any Nanny chloe stuff? They have a little on kemono.party and I'm really interested in the therapist one.
>>35745 It sounds like it could be "Some things just sneak up on you" though I don't think I've seen that story finished. Hopefully this is what you were searching for. I'm looking for a story. The details I remember are: A woman takes a babysitting job and the baby turns out to be an adult woman who appears like a baby to everyone else. The woman is led to believe the mother is a witch, who is keeping all of the baby's adult attributes in small stones. Plot twist that the baby is the witch and the mother is an obedient familiar. The witch then causes the woman to throw up small stones of all her adult attributes, just like the ones the witch used to regress herself.
I am looking for a story about two sisters. The older sister babies the younger one for a while and then is caught, the parents then baby the older sister and she ends up getting it worse than she did to the younger sister. i know the younger sister lies to make the worst of the older sister
>>35881 That would be "Interview with the Baby" by personalias. Would also like any links to story that have a similar vibe to this. Mainly trapped in a reality, shrunken down if possible. https://www.deviantart.com/personalias/art/Interview-with-The-Baby-Part-1-693893562 Also looking for a story I think I saw on the subreddit r/ABDLstories but not sure. Main plot was about magic diapers found on a shop shelf, wearing them regressed you to the age the number was on the diaper. Going potty on the toilet reverses the effects. I think the end was the shop burning down, but they gathered the burnt wood and made a new shelf and that kept the magic alive. Sorry I can't remember anything else from the story.
Does there exist an imageboard-equivalent for literature? Specifically a place where readers can post/collect stories and tag them appropriately. I haven't been able to find such a site before. Plenty of sites have tags (ao3, Doc's Lab) but they're added by authors, not readers. It seems like such a simple thing, it would be strange if it hasn't been done before.
>>35886 >Does there exist an imageboard-equivalent for literature? Not afaik. The closest you will get is AO3, which is a mixed bag. A lot of the fan favorite authors (Personalias, Elfy, etc.) have gone to paysites like SubscribeStar, Ream, etc. Quick aside: FUCK Ream. I subscribed to Elfy there to read the new chapters of Cousin Emmy, and for that $10/mo patronage you get a chapter a week early, of maybe 1500 words' length. And when I decided to unsubscribe, Ream suspends your access immediately. The subscription period is not honored. Fuckers.
"You Know What They Do To Girls Like Us In Brighter Days?" "near future dystopia where the age of majority has been raised to 28 for girls and regressive behavioral therapy has become popular to help girls adjust to these new laws. The world this story is set in is very strongly inspired by/based on the world building of Alteredstates" it's been pretty slow burn so far but it's good IMO https://www.omorashi.org/topic/96615-you-know-what-they-do-to-girls-like-us-in-brighter-days/
>>28556 This here is one of my favorite stories. Is the author even active anyhwere?
Hi, I hope someone can help me. I am searching for a story I was reading on wattpad, but it have been deleted. It was about a teen girl that was punished and switvhed to a special class in her school were all the students there wear diaper. Most of them use the diaper during class, and they can go to the back of the classroom to be able to take a shower and have a change. The teacher would help with the sexual relief of some of the students. And the girl, the main character found it strange until she start using her diaper. Thank you for your help. T
>>8279 >>21621 >>29716 >>29694 >>29696 I have a copy of Lily the Liar. Formatting might be a bit rough. Let me know if you need anything else. My archive is from 2017, so a bit dated...
Does anyone have the complete story "stumbling blocks" by steadynoon?
>>36036 Wow, seriously awesome. It's like internet archeology. Since you offered, I remember hearing about a story called "Always the Flower Girl"? Does that exist/do you happen to have it too?
>>36039 I don't have the full version, but I have a decent chunk of it
>>36069 Here you go. It seems to be a short story.
>>36079 Last request. Do you have "Daniel and the Great Big Do-over"? I don't know if it was ever finished. There is an unfinished version floating around.
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>>36082 Not more than the three chapters already out there. There was more posted, but only to adisc.org, where it was lost in a purge event. To quote Elibean: > Coincidentally, this version ended at the same place in the story when the old FTT forum closed. But I continued it on Adisc at the time, and I know there were chapters after this where Danielle writes a letter to the pull-ups girl, serves a detention, spends a weekend afternoon at her babysitter's voluntarily, and more. I was editing each chapter as I posted it here, and then, frustrated, I started working on other story ideas instead (one of which became Lily obvs). And a user by the name of LittleAcorn replied not much later: > I knew my digital pack rat tendencies would come in handy some day. PM sent :). Picture is the avatar of said user. In case you reach out and get a full/more complete copy from him, please post it here too.
>>36076 Hey thanks! Hoping the author posts it back up in full again one day. I know they reposted their other works up on omorashi and said stumbling blocks is next.
>>34695 This is fantastic. Went on inkbunny and enjoyed your work. Hope to see more.
There was a story from years ago with a little girl by the name of Sam or Samantha I think she gets regressed, has a birthday party, and ends up having a very messy diaper with her friend. If anyone has this I would really appreciate it. I think there were two or three parts titles Samantha-1 through 3. Pampers were mentioned a lot, and the daddy was encouraging in a really adorable way. Any help is greatly appreciated
Anyone got anything from Annette benefice? Other than the rigel regression which is one of my all time favories?
>>34695 It was a great story, and I can't wait for part 2. It would be fun if they got badges like real scouts but baby themed or something. Like, for example, getting a badge for becoming completely incontinent.
>>36036 >>36076 >>36079 Thank you anon. By this point I was sure no one had anything of hers anymore
>>31543 >>33398 Here is the next part of A Happy Accident. The bunny protagonist goes back to the daycare for a night of laughs, tears, and hugs. I still need to do the final proofreading, but this is how the story will stay. I'll probably do a part three to this eventually. >>36138 >>36392 I'm happy you like it, I plan to work on the second half to The Bunny Scouts now, but I couldn't tell you how long that will take. I can tell you that will involve a ton of intense humiliation though. And that's an accurate prediction with the badges. I want to have embarrassing little ceremonies where the boys are given merit badges for things like wetting the bed so many times in a row, spitting up on themselves after meals, or blowing out their diapers.
>>36457 I'm thrilled to see any new works of yours! Thank you for making them.
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>>36457 I can't into digital art, but I wanted to try making a bunny scout logo to at least be a thumbnail for the story. It looks like ass, but I was curious if anyone here might be able to give advice on how to improve it or clean it up a bit. I don't have a drawing tablet, so I don't know if it can get better than that for a paint drawing. I should probably just stick to writing, but if anyone else wants to mess around with it, I was aiming for a simple drawing that could theoretically be a patch. >>36466 No prob, I'm glad that people enjoy them. I started writing just to put my fantasies into a cohesive story, so it's nice that others can indulge in them too.
story idea; pediatrician wants to connect with her patients better so she starts watching cartoons for research purposes and starts to like them. she keeps trying and enjoying new things until shes basically in full littlespace maybe she could be stressed or overworked or maybe she had pushy parents and was too busy studying to have a childhood idk just idea i wanted to write down to get it out of my head
>>36269 You have a working link to The Rigel Regression? I can't seem to find anything.
>>36524 Not gonna lie, this idea is amazing! I will try to write a story based on that.
>>36672 I have it on my Kindle store from a while back. I'd be willing to upload it if there's an easy way to. It's definitely one of the best stories out there.
>>36706 If you figure that out and still have kindle unlimited anyway you could post The Baby Once Again by AB Delane. Would be extremely appreciated.
>>36722 Yea but in my opinion it's not very good. But eh to each their own. If I figure out how I don't mind sharing both though.
>>36729 Awesome, thank you!
>>36722 I think A B DeLane is MinnesotaWriter from DailyDiapers. Either him or one of them. I know I saw that name mentioned there. Corny play on the acronym. Would make sense if it's the same guy anyway. Lol. Everything that dude writes is like two steps away from being great. Like, mechanically it's amazing, and it's interesting subjects that are so rarely done well, but it's like it was written by AI or something, there's no no character, no "soul", for lack of a better term; all his shit is so completely disinteresting and bland. Maybe it's just me. Idk lol
Is there a story about a baby that it's completely or very against getting babied at first but as the story progresses gets more and more into it until he/she becomes a perfect little angel for mommy? And I don't mean a 180° turn at some point, but rather slowly accommodating and enjoying being a baby.
I'd really like more diaper cuckquean stories in general if anyone is up for it
>>36869 Funny,because I find most of his stories enjoyable. Not fappable,but enjoyable. I can see why you’re thinking this way though.
>>36869 Yeah. I believe that's them. The themes used does tickle my fancy and I do enjoy a slow burn. Way too many stories that rush everything. If you have any similar stories, feel free to share.
>>36869 I also enjoy them, though like >>36877 mentioned not really in the fap sense. They are very slow going though. I'd also recommend Mee which has some similar vibes imo. Sheltered is one of my favorites.
Anyone got Regressed and Diapered by My Therapist by Nanny Chloe? Sounds like it might check off some boxes.
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Stupid fucking baby dropping by again to post something. This one came to me a few days ago after watching the Fallout TV show. I know it wasn't the best, but the whole Vault-Tec "repopulate the Earth" theme kind of merged in my head with a (now lost) ABDLstoryforum story called "Baby Care Duty," and it led to this. This is about 5k words, generally tame, and not very well edited. It's got a diaper change, though. I'll try and bang out a little more this weekend.
Looking for Jenny's Adventures, a series of purportedly real but probably fake blogposts from a DL claiming to be a babysitter for bedwetters, another anon posted it as a series of html files in a folder of stories but the link's down.
Does anyone have the I'm assuming now deleted wattpad story of a boy and his sister going to summer camp where there's a mix up and he's accidentally registered as a girl with the toddler group? Not usually into sissy stuff but I enjoyed the start of it and regression.
does anyone have Tara's Perfect Summer
>>37021 Easiest place looks like here: https://www.tapatalk.com/groups/abdlstoryforum/tara-s-perfect-summer-part-one-t872.html That's part 1. You can find the other parts by just searching for "tara" on the site.
Does anyone know of any stories that take place over a long period of time, like literal decades? I have this idea of two people meeting as kids and getting into diapers when playing house but not really understanding why they like diapers or their feelings for each other until they meet again as adults
succubus wants to fulfil a man's ultimate desire, unfortunately for her his desire is to have a completely helpless and obedient diaper girl who loves being humiliated. she hates it but she needs his arousal for sustenance so she has to keep humiliating herself
>>36960 Hello babs. I have written some more chapters of the story I posted above. I've been posting them on AO3 since it's much easier to keep track that way: https://archiveofourown.org/works/55957087/
does anyone have wet american fall by allerted apparently there's a completed version of it?
Okay, I've seen this thread work miracles finding old stories, hoping someone remembers this one I've been looking for forever: Story about a guy who lives with his mom and starts wearing diapers because he's a journalist who's writing an article about them. His mom starts changing him, eventually she starts to enjoy babying her son again. I specifically remember the vivid descriptions of the messing scenes. Anyone?
>>37300 To zero and back by pamperdk
Looking for a story, may have been on adblstoryforum before it closed (again). >Main character is a boy >Very religious mother, father is away on business trip >She calls the priest to educate her son, and the priest spanks him and convinces her to force him into diapers (bit iffy on that, can't recall it too well) >eventually it results in the main character being sent to a bible camp in diapers >when he comes back he's almost fully regressed >think it might have been incomplete, one of the last posts involved his old friends finding out about his changes The tapatalk search function hasn't been very helpful.
Stumbled across this gem on Ao3 called "Sallas" by Elfking. 40 chapters long, really well-written. Kind of like an ABDL version of Handmaid's Tale. Main character forced by dystopian government against her will to wear/ use diapers, pacifier, babyish clothes. Highly recommend! https://archiveofourown.org/works/41622207?view_full_work=true
"Mother please, I'm a grown woman, nearly 40, I'm the CEO of a Fortune 500 company for Christ's sake!" "Language young lady! I don't care if you're the President, you'll always be my little girl and that means you're never too old for a spanking. Is that understood?" "Um yes mommy, sorry mommy, I'll be good..."
Need some help tracking down a story. It was set in the future, and diaper wearing was perfectly normal. It starred a girl wearing a special, self cleaning diaper and hanging out with her boyfriend. The big draw of the story was that she was acting like she was hiding something from her boyfriend. The story is set up to make you think its her diaper, but in the end its revealed that she's hiding that she likes to wear socks (which I guess was weird for the setting). Other things I remember are that the diaper could seal in smells and messes so cleanup was easy, and that the land itself had an artificialness to it, specifically the grass (which I believe was tied into the fact that she like to wear socks, since they were seen as unnecessary? I think?). Appreciate any help with this. Here's a fun story I found in the meantime of a pair of twins dressing up as each other for Halloween, but one of the twins is an adult baby: https://www.dailydiapers.com/board/index.php?/topic/70648-twins-a-halloween-tale-complete-103019/
Hi, I am Argon, a writer on deviantart and recently opened requests, check it out! https://www.deviantart.com/dingusargon/art/Requests-are-open-1063413737
If anyone has any annette benefice stories that would be great. For some reason it's saying all her stuff is scrubbed. Or any slow burn regression story recommendations would be nice.

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