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Projects You're Working On Anonymous 04/26/2020 (Sun) 20:14:57 No. 186 >>421 >>11110 >>20272 >>20296
Post your shit, get advice, talk about and possibly improve your own shitty OC creations. You gain nothing from posting here or you'll get a couple decent ideas, who knows but nothing will happen unless you're willing to leave your comfort zone. Previous Thread: https://archive.is/0RwC2
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What do you do when you have an idea but someone else beats you to the punch in putting it out there? For example I had this idea for years (since I was in middle school) about my version of King Ghidorah being an eldritch god worshipped by the Xiliens. He would be this nihilistic monster that existed before the universe was created and lived in the black void. Once the universe and life was created he wants to destroy it to return to that void. That and in my version his body could be killed but he would just reincarnate into another physical form making him harder to kill. I thought this was cool since in most Godzilla movies Ghidorah is bossed around by aliens and never in control of himself proper so it would be a cool inversion. Then the anime trilogy comes along and makes Ghidorah and eldritch god from another universe and he looks like 3 giant noodles. I feel unsure on whether I should continue this version of Ghidorah since the anime trilogy already did it. Though my design did have differences from the anime trilogy. My design was based more on Kaiser Ghidorah from Godzilla Final Wars and I gave him worm like mouths to make him more alien looking. The point I'm trying to make is how do you deal when someone beats you to the punch on putting out the same idea? Even if you already had this idea to begin with on your own? Also apologies for the bad art. I did this when I was in middle school and want to improve upon it and refine it.
>>335 But Anon you need to remember the anime was shit and as long as your version is better with one or two differences people won't mind.
>>335 There's dozens of versions of every Godzilla kaiju. Go nuts creating yours. >>339 The anime trilogy was good. People are just mad they didn't get the fights they hoped to see.
>>341 People wanted Godzilla the series, not some weird cgi crap. Heck the American Godzilla cartoon was more faithful than whatever that cgi mess was.
>>339 >>341 Thanks guys that means a lot.
>>367 Any time.
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>>186 (OP) My project is loosely /co/ related and more of a /tech/ thing. In anticipation of summer i bought some cheap small computers with designs on reducing heat and noise as I shitpost, I realized that one of them had a 2.9GHz i3 processor, this despite the small size (7x7x2.5in), it's low noise output and low heat output. It works great as a shitpost machine but I was also thinking of moving my the 2TB HDD and server software I use to stream to the PS3 from the medium sized moderate noise and heat tower to this little book sized thing. The Unit only cost about 65 dollars and so far testing it seems to stream 1080 shit to the PS3 no problem so I really just need to get my ass in gear and swap a 1TB drive out of an enclosure I have an old 1TB drive in with the 2TB drive with all the shit on it already. My only concerns are the following lack of low heat and noise computers for my room and the fact that the 2TB drive uses NTFS. I've already ordered one or two more of these M73 USFFs which will arrive in a couple weeks and the 2TB transfer shouldn't be too hard if I have to change the file system, I've got space on other drives I can shuffle it around yet. tl;dr I'm moving my video server from my PS3 to a smaller quieter lower heat machine.
>>421 FOR For my PS3
>>421 Sounds like a neat little project but why do you need a computer solely for shitposting?
>>427 I need a computer for shitposting that doesn't produce a lot of heat so that I don't turn my room into an oven. Summer is almost upon us.
>>427 Oh and this weekend I learned of a new horrorshow, apparently Shingled Magnetic Recording is a thing and nobody lists it, so you have to put in a ton of work to find a CMR drive since I realized I ordered a 3.5" drive by mistake. Hours of work to find a decent drive at a low price. https://www.synology.com/en-us/knowledgebase/DSM/tutorial/Storage/PMR_SMR_hard_disk_drives
>>537 Good job on the find, worst case scenario would be at the mercy of ebay.
>>539 Apparently Segate wolf all use CMR not SMR, so that's good, but it's still an extra layer of work having to google models to make sure they are CMR and not SMR
>>542 >Segate Oh you poor soul.
>>335 I know that feeling. I had some ideas for characters since I was a kid, but in last few years two videogames used very similar characters. In your case I would just ignore the anime version and keep working as it would not exist. It is different visually, and the premise does not sound exactly identical. Besides, >>341 is right about all the derivatives and alternative versions of kaiju from Godzilla universe.
>>546 >implying I'm probably going Toshiba.
>>555 Wise choice.
>>557 damn right
>>554 Except the part where he said the anime was good, it wasn't.
>>546 What's wrong with seagate drives?
>>573 some of em do have some issues, I haven't BOUGHT one in years
>>573 All drives are hit and miss, but for many people seagate are miss more often than others. I had one Seagate drive and it was the only one I ever owned to fail within three years. Everything else I owned lasted for close to a decade before it was replaced because bigger drives were available at good prices. I work in IT related field and did server installs, rebuilds, and damage assessment. Based on what I have seen, Seagate and Intel ones were the most failure prone. However, Seagate seem to be the most common too, so that might have skewed the data. Intels were pretty rare, but ones I have seen were shit and I can't recall a single person ever recommending an Intel drive. WD used to have a good reputation in addition to being a good price for the storage and reliability, but the recent SMR thing ruined it.
>>573 They're crap and never last.
>>577 >SMR thing What happened?
>>591 https://arstechnica.com/gadgets/2020/04/caveat-emptor-smr-disks-are-being-submarined-into-unexpected-channels/ Recently it was discovered that Western Digital slipped Shingled Magnetic Recording tech into most of their HDDs (anything below 8TB apparently) without disclosing it. Which has a lot of folks pissed because some of those drives were marketed for network assisted storage usage, and SMR HDDs have write issues that make continuous writing to them a bitch.
>>625 So is there a specific hard drive year people should be looking out for to buy?
>>625 Still better than what seagate offers.
>>633 >year I think more a model. You see a nice priced drive and if it doesn't state CMR or SMR you do a google search to find out which it is, PMR could be either so ignore it. Really adds to the time screening drives for purchase if it's not listed.
>>633 oh yeah, in some cases some drives USED to use CMR and now use SMR, extra bullshit.
>>651 >>652 Thanks
>>625 This may be a little off topic, but my old 2tb WD Green hdd is finally dying and Ive been looking for a replacement hdd. Mind giving me some recommendations?
>>865 Use this as a reference on what not to get, if you care about CMR/SMR. Pay attention to the model numbers
>>869 All the WD Blue on Amazon I find are just SMR.
>>870 cheap shit is cheap, more news at 11.
>>421 Got this thing set up last weekend, working good so far. Video plays through the PS3 even at 1080 and it doesn't make much noise, should work great once I use it on a real hot day.
>>944 Great to hear.
>>950 yeah now I just need to get some MURRICAN cartoons to watch that aren't terrible Young Justice Season 3 was tolerable
So...Ummm...I did some stuff for the cop lady comic (the first pic from OP). Anyone interested?
>>1196 Yeah go nuts.
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>>1199 Right. I'll start by spamming all the cover ideas. Do not that these are mostly sketches and some are variations tho I did want to try and go in different directions
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>>1210 >>1209 >>1208 >>1207 >>1206 >>1205 >>1204 >>1203 So I know most of these don't really fit for a comic book cover, but I wanted to push myself and explore different ideas. I'll make additional variations on some of these which I consider most fitting, but right now I'm working on cleaning up actual comic pages. Any thoughts on these? Fav or trash ones in particular?
>>1211 To help narrow it down these are the ones that caught my eye the most. 3, 6, 7, 8, 12, 17, 21, 22, 27, 31, 33, 35, 38, and 40.
>>1211 >>1214 Out of these ones 4, 8, 28, 33, 34, 35, and 38 are personally quite appealing maybe 6 as well if given a little polish

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>>1221 >>1214 thanks for feedback. Additional mood shots for the project
>>1691 Everything is looking really good.
>>1691 Not bad Anon not bad.
>>1691 looks like Film Noir in the homeworld universe and I love it.
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>>1691 Fucking love the utilitarian look, modern Jony Ive inspired scifi bullshit pisses me off
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>>1203 >>1204 >>1205 >>1206 >>1207 >>1208 >>1209 >>1210 If I was browsing a book store, I think cover 8 would be the one I would get interest me the most. A lot of these look more like chapter 2 covers, if you catch my drift.
>>1691 Mind explaining the plot for those who just got here.
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>>1799 Alright so I'll recap from previous thread. It started as a world building/concept art practice. It's about a sci-fi authoritarian cop lady. I was able to push it as class assignment (I'm an art student) so initially it was arranged as concept art portfolio and that was last year. However, this year my professor gave me thumbsup to turn it into a proper comic (or at least a chapter), So I further developed it. I kinda like it and if it turns out well, I might actually work it into a longer, proper comic because the story is pretty straightforward. >World setting: The idea itself revolves around a city on a colony planet that was once tucked under a dome while the planet was slowly terraformed. But once the planet's atmosphere has been stabilized, the dome shields were deactivated and dome walls were slowly converted into an industrial belt and stripped off to an extent while the city extended much beyond the original wall. The inner dome area (Ground Zero - G0) stagnated while the rest of the city and the planet developed, leaving it behind with a rising socio-economic crisis.The wall is a central feature of the city, always visible and marking a clear separation of the older part, now a ghetto and the newer, larger parts of the city. The story picks during the peak of the G0 crisis and with the huge spike in crime the system's government enabled Enforcer units. Enforcers unlike the regular police force outside of G0 possess a privilege to be exempt from many legal restrictions and therefore enjoy more freedom to assess, react and prosecute without the strict and complicated procedures of the common law. Most Enforcers embrace this and commit to stretching the limits of the law, being on the edge between an officer of peace and a vigilante. >The main characters: Main character is Sergeant Astrid "Triddy" Thomason, an older, experienced officer. As any other Enforcer, she is mostly limited to the Ground Zero ( G0 - zone inside walls of the original colony Dome), once a symbol of protection and triumph of humanity on a new planet, now an overcrowded ghetto filled with old buildings, tight streets and decadent infrastructure, caged in by the very shield dome wall that was there to protect it from once-hostile planet. Sadly, working over thirty years in the ghetto has taken it’s toll on officer Astrid. She has become neurotic, cynic, ill-tempered and even hostile to the everyday otherwise peaceful man. She and many other Enforcers share a reputation of being brutes, spreading fear through extreme violence rather than propper application of law. 2nd major character is her partner Cabbage (Carl Brisby Aligreen). An off-world immigrant ex-military grunt who finds the Enforcer life a perfect gray zone between not being sent into the interstellar slaughter and just enough adrenaline and small urban warfare to remind him of the pleasant joys of army life. >Their relationship: Officer Cabbage is just fine with her superior Astrid being in charge and barking orders to commit various degrees of power abuse, from simple unprovoked beatdowns to shootouts resembling extrajudicial executions, touching a very thin line of gross human rights violations. Sgt. Thomason, while usually working alone, was forced by her superiors to pick a partner due to her tiny size and no physical body augmentations (she is very fragile even though she has outlived her previous 7 partners). She chose Cabbage as he doesn't look as the type to die from a few gunshot wounds, be prone to panic, or express criticism on straying away from textbook protocol. The points of the story is to illustrate and hopefully show a very gray moral code and M.O. needed for police officers to work efficiently in high crime/poverty area, inspired by police forces in my own country and how it worked in ghettos and american police behavior. >>1693 >>1709 >>1784 It's actually more clean, it's just the particular ghetto they're in that's so rugged and run down. >>1796 Thx for feedback >>1783 Ding-ding-ding! Homeworld aesthetics are my primary inspiration.
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>>1906 So that's about it. I'll finish the selected chapter as described in the Issue_1_idea.jpg and hopefully hunt for some funding to do the whole thing some time later. Thoughts?
>>1907 Cool stuff. Definitely something I want to see more of
>>1907 You should be working an esteemed publisher but sadly those dont exist anymore.
>>1806 These legit make me smile Remind me of better times, when you woulf see stuff like this everywhere, when creatives had ambition.
>>1806 >Ding-ding-ding! Homeworld aesthetics are my primary inspiration. you got good taste anon
>>1691 How long did it take you to reach this level of quality?
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Is manga okay? I've been working on a comic off and on since 2014 or so as a joint project. Here's a preview of some pages from the current chapter. I do most everything traditionally for speed purposes but I tend to edit and fix things after they're scanned in (like that non inked panel, that was intended to be redone) It's got 5 total chapters so far, but I started work on a redraft that fixes writing and resolution errors. >Setting It's set in the south and Lousiana especially, in a post epidemic scenario which was the tipping point for an economic dive, causing widespread rioting, looting and violence. There's a low quality of life and in a lot of urban environments emergency services are either nil or hard to come by. To add insult to injury, there was a string of particularly gruesome murders and people disappearing without an obvious culprit, leading to the creation of an urban legend the "Mississippi Mauler" Like usual, most people don't believe in monsters. But they tend to be found and acknowledged in many fringe circles, such as gangs and homeless camps in spite of the ignorance of the general populace. >Characters Rilind Lichfield is a zombie who functions as a roaming street doctor, healing the homeless with his magical threads and limited surgical knowledge. Considering his shady nature and his rare appearence, he's become something of a local legend. When a group of hobos involve him in their dispute, he finds out that a nearby building is hiding a vampire who used to be their live in protection and he's sent to "take care of it". There he finds Aven, a strigoi. He gives her a hand wrapping her burns, and everything is as it seems except for one thing, a magic seal on her neck that contains a well known company logo. The story begins when a local gang hires a professional psychic, Manny (William Emmanuel Grey), to search for the culprit behind the mugging of their drug dealers through a false transaction. Everything goes as planned until Manny notices the culprit's interesting tattoo. Originally just a look out for his partner, he decides to pursue the monster himself that sets the story's events in motion. Unlike cop comic anon, i'm not actually all that great an innovator. Promo pieces aren't exactly my specialty, so I don't have many- though I would love help getting ideas on a new cover myself considering my redraft, as well as feedback on my redraft.
>>2170 Its not manga unless it comes directly from Japan.
>>2170 Pretty cool anon. Do you have any more work to show?
>>2170 The art style looks familiar, were you a drawfriend in the past?
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>>2195 This is the last page I finished, and the sketches for the final page for this chapter. I haven't got many examples of the setting at this point in time, but this is kind of a peek of it. They're crops from chapter 1. I did a poor job showcasing worldbuilding when I first put this together and the beginning took place almost entirely indoors. However the redraft is updated to do more to show the state of things rather than tell, and I think it serves it much better than before. Readers made huge misconceptions (for example, thinking it was post apocalyptic when I would like to think dystopian is more right) So I tried to use that to think of what I could do to clear up those misconceptions. Instead of a slideshow with narration, we see an image from the past and police refusing to stop for crime in broad daylight, the kinds of businesses open/closed, etc. etc. >>2205 I've been around for a long time, but I rarely take requests. Some of my posts ended up in interesting places.
>>2242 You should, your style is nice.
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I ain't working on this shit don't give people false hope.
>>1905 Badger didn't look like a "what up girl" kind of guy. RIP. >>2242 Is it alright if I reupload your artwork to Ourobooru? If yes, is there any name you'd like to be called?
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>>2260 That's fine, you can just call me Omi. Here's a small portrait of the third main character, Manny, the "professional psychic" from chapter 1. At the time it was written, the originals were pretty directionless, and he especially was intended to be a one off. But I got good ideas for his personality as he grew on me and eventually an entire arc. His design take inspiration from people like Will Keith. Imagine if you had a room full of retards and one of them could count past 5. So he's stuffed with himself because he has a leg up on "mundanes", and has a very narrow opinion on what makes a good hunter. Kinetic abilities are his sole focus even though he has very basic kinesis at best. He does however have extraordinary remote viewing skills, but he refuses to acknowledge it because it's not cool or interesting enough. So he's somewhat delusional. Those delusions have taken him down somewhat of a destructive path including destroying friendships, lying to family, working with a dangerous outlaw, and lying to his peers for clout. The main idea behind him is giving reality to a person who refuses to acknowledge it.
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quick update - Didn't do a lot of stuff. I've got bogged down by other assignments and work. >>1919 I think there are still enough of those to find. But most good comics go straight to crowfunding, since publishers take a hug cut. >>2074 Depends on the starting point. If you start from scratch and work hard and get good support/education, you can reach my level in just about...6-8 years I think? >>2170 Don't forget to add the reading arrow on page 1 when you're posting online. Depending on your skill not all readers can't figure it out, especially if you're combining manga style with western reading. Designing covers is not that hard. Only thing you need to do is to separate symbols representing the core point of the story or the characters. After you've done that, the rest is easy - just making it look good.
>>2305 Protip on mechanical gun design: the gun the mook has in his hands feeds from the top and right, which is the worst position possible you can feed from. Feeding from the top straight has no upsides, and feeding from the side only makes sense if youre feeding from the left, otherwise reloading becomes a bitch and a half. Basically if you want a gun design to scream "cheapshit" at the reader, put the mag well on the left side horisontally, that way it evokes enough "cheap shit" associations in the reader without going full retard. If you want to evoke a high tec feel instead, use inline, helical tube or straight mags.
>>2305 I have a general disclaimer and tend to write it in descriptions, that is as much as I can do to be right behind banging readers over the head with it. Drawings are easy to produce, comics are difficult to produce, but you need magic to produce a readerbase. Unfortunately being good and being well known are distinctly different things as i've come to know. The upside of publishers was that they could do the work of getting your shit out there but the pay off is that if you're not successful, you'll be working for peanuts. The issue with self publishing is finding the crowd that will actually invest themselves in your project. That's not to say its impossible but a tough road for sure. Networking and being a businessman are skills you have to tack onto your list when negating a publisher but attractive work always helps. People will also fawn over anything with color.
>>2310 I'm aware of that. I made the rifle specific on purpose so the reader can more easily visually track the characters appearing. If every character had a similar rifle, I might add to confusion, especially with a pilot chapter like this, where you don't have much character introduction. >>2316 >you need magic to produce a readerbase. I disagree, comics as with any other product has a market and a target audience. If you narrow down the audience and tailor it to their needs, you will find the readerbase very easily. Same goes for comics with color. Yeah they can look nice, but depending on your audience, they don't need to. Black and white is fine as it is. I personally thing self-publishing a comic is a way to go these days, since the industry is dying down and major names want to force you into a failing outdated shape.
>>2511 I don't disagree in the slightest. The issue is finding effective means of advertising online. Twitter seems to work fine for a lot of artists but I struggle to think of anything beyond that since the main service for comic advertising blew out 2 or so years ago. I prefer it over mirroring to a webcomic site, and you're not likely to find success if you don't cater to the demographics usually found visiting them. Those kinds of sites also have a reputation of not treating artists fairly aside from certain kinds of comics getting much more promotion and attention over others.
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>>2305 >6-8 years I am full of regrets now.
>>2511 I get that theres a creative decision behind it but consider the following: seeing retarded shit like that is ALWAYS suspension breaking. You already got the angled and blocky vs rounded and ergonomic thing going, at this point you are sacrificing suspension of disbelief for readability by making the gun look non-functional.
>>2316 >>2518 Growing a following that will do some marketing for you is not that difficult if you have patience and persistence. You need accounts on social media and frequently post fanart of what's popular. Your following will grow given enough time if you are any good. Still, you might get lucky even without it. There are nobodies who manage to crowdfund their comics despite lack of following. As far as social media goes, twitter is not the only one. There are also artstation, deviantart, instagram, and reddit. >>2557 Best day to start something was years ago, second best is today. Most drawfags started out as kids and learned by trial and error. That's a very slow process. You can speed it up with deliberate and persistent learning and practice. Guy in this video got some results in about six months, but to be fair had years of 3D modeling in blender possibly giving him a bit of a head start. https://invidio.us/watch?v=vM39qhXle4g
>>2518 >blew out years ago Which site was that?
>>2637 I assume he is talking about project wonderful
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>>2248 Regardless, please continue drawing thick female bodies. The world thanks you and so do I
What do you do if you don't know how to draw nor you have someone to draw your scripts for you?
>>2567 Would I absolutely need art class/art teacher or would online tutorials suffice?
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>>2827 Ultimately it depends on how consistent you are in putting in effort. If you can hold yourself accountable and draw consistently (ideally daily), follow instructions, evaluate your art, follow books or tutorials, can be slef-critical, and are not afraid of people online critiquing your stuff you do not need a teacher. Benefits of a good teacher is that you get feedback in real time, teacher can spot errors that you might not and that might be difficult to spot for people on the internet (posture, way you hold your pencil, etc.), and it's someone else besides you to hold you accountable and ensuring at least some consistency. However, it costs money and you still need to draw outside of classes to make progress. You just trade money for a bit faster progress. Pandemic might complicate things too, and bad teacher is a waste of time and money. Most drawfags you see on the internet learn vast majority of what they know without teachers as far as I know. It's just practice supplemented by books and tutorials. Only art instruction they tend to have are school art teachers in grades grades 1-12. Keep in mind that school art teachers tend to vary in quality a lot and have to split their time between 10 to 40 students per hour. >>2674 Find someone to draw them, or learn how to draw. Worst case scenario, you could use 3D models, but it is very difficult to make things look good for comic book format even if you sculpt your own stuff. You should try drawing your scripts either way, just so you get an understanding on how artist will look at things and how everything flow together once it's translated into visual format. Draw stick figures if you have to. Remember that ONE started One Punch Man with child like drawing skills.
I've been illustrating some simple recipes. These are recipes I make when I'm alone. The cook is a monster who came to the human world and her name is Carol (Carolina).
>>2833 I guess I'll start drawing a story and try to improve it eventually. Maybe eventually show it to some artist if possible.
>>2835 I like these.
>>2835 I want to hug her and thank her for the food
>>2838 >>2846 Thank you. Have a few more. I wish I could hug her too.
>>2847 >>2835 My only complaint is that the measurements are largely nonexistent.
>>2863 *Though it's less a complaint and more a nitpick.
>>2863 >>2864 That's a good concern, though since I don't use precise measurements myself I wouldn't really know. In the later recipes, I tried to add some proportions, such as a simple syrup (see the attached amaretto ersatz recipe) but it also depends on one's taste.
>>2900 At least its a unique style.
>>2835 >>2847 >>2900 I do like the monster cook idea, having her terrifying humans with her presence but leaving them satisfied. I'm kind of torn about suggesting this idea cos I like her wholesome at heart but if you were to ever make a book or whatnot she could state at the outset she's looking to visit Earth to feed up humans so her species can come and eat us all, maybe she could have a change of heart by the end though.
>>7074 >maybe she could have a change of heart by the end though. I'd rather a serialized thing that has that premises that comes back to that point often early on but then seems to completely drop it then pull it back out right at the end and just have them shrug, about it because its what they were here for anyway.
>>7130 That sounds like a rather lame ending.
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Can I make a thread about a comic I write? I figured I'd ask before putting it on >>>/fur/. I doubt that fandom even knows or cares about this story much since I don't cater to anybody but myself. I'm sure I posted some of it in the old 8chan before.
>>7163 For now keep it here.
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Alright. Wow, I first posted this on its primary host over 8 years ago so this project is like a decade in the making. I know it's not much to look at for the earlier chapters, after all I'm not the art guy. I will focus on pages first. They are also available on the main webpage and the Webtoons mirror.
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Jesus christ in heaven
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That's all the pages up to Chapter 8. Chapter 9 is a Patreon exclusive until Chapter 10 gets posted. I've also published three light novels which acts as a prequel to the series. Right now, I'm writing an audio script (another prequel) which doesn't have an ETA yet. I would like to get more chapters in print and continue the remake effort of the beginning parts at some point in the future.
>>7214 Well, that was something.
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Hey, you're that guy the Gamergate thread a while back. Cool to see you're still grooving. >>7192 Holy jump in quality Batman. Were chapter 4 and 5 done by the same artist? About how many artists have worked on this project?
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>>7232 >still grooving Comic pages are going on hiatus as I work on the aforementioned stuff, and getting my shit together in general thanks to this Covid-slump. >how many artists Just the pages? I'd say around 8. With a slow paced story like mine, artists come and go (as does their wrists). A limited budget plus a limited pool of draftsmen who can into animal people semi-correctly is a challenge. I had a great artist for 5, 6 and part of 7. Still keep a good relationship with them hence why I was able to have them do the art of my 3rd light novel and make promos every now and then. Thanks for saving my memes.
>>7233 >>7232 Did anyone outside of 8chan ever find out you come here?
>>1204 Cover 8, it clashes against most book covers and stands out, sleek black and dirty red as opposed to the art house minimalist /landscape shots of most books. Faces also catch more eyes, your eye is drawn to a face. Cover 9 doesn’t work as well because the overlap makes the cover indistinct from a distance.
>>7253 Not yet as far as I know. I'm weak at advertising. I don't even use tags in my auto Twitter posts. Besides, I don't want to bring any undue terrible users in this site. The forums of my webcomic host are full of hard left-leaning snowflakes. Seriously, I got banned there for half a year for posting a goddamn smug anime gif. So I don't engage with them anymore, just lurk to laugh at them being scared of their own shadows.
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>>7310 >got banned there for half a year for posting a goddamn smug anime gif Sounds totally worth it.
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Happy Thanksgiving everybody. Remember, TRUMP WON
>>7233 >pool of draftsmen who can into animal people semi-correctly is a challenge Just be careful and avoid the ones who do excessive amounts of smut.
>>7310 >The forums of my webcomic host are full of hard left-leaning snowflakes. Which hellhole is that?
>>7762 basically all of them lmao
>>7310 Don't forget to archive anything funny to share the salt mine.
>>7769 That sounds like an accomplishment.
Wow. This thread went dead right after I posted my stuff. Anyway, I want to share my thoughts more. This thread is nice and tucked away so this is comfortable. I originally did not want to make another comic chapter so soon but here I am getting started. Mainly because I did not want to end my story on a sad note due to the previous chapter. What I'm saying is, it's not that I'm done with my comic. More like, I want to focus on finally promoting it and merchandising after working on it for so long. It's hardly a stretch to say I truly believe in what I got produced up to this point, especially after factoring in that my absent drawing skills. Being an idea guy never stopped me from putting my dreams onto paper. I've read my share of how-to books, from Stan Lee to Scott McCloud which helped. Turns out I'm not getting any younger though & life is starting to ask things from me. I hope I'm able to help inspire creators to not give up despite their limitations. This ongoing Covid bullshit has robbed me of visiting public places with air-conditioning that gets my creative juices flowing. I'm also feeling more confident now that my comic's backstory is all laid out thanks to the novelette + audio drama being released. Back then, I had this anxiety that people would think my story is thinly-veiled fetish content. And it did get mistaken for R-rated content once. It would have been easy to make it as such too and be done with it, given some of its elements. However, my goal is different. I want to give it a chance to make it big some day with a broader audience even though it's tailored to my particular tastes. My job is to figure out how to make it work somehow. Still need to get my shit together. I have to stop being lazy.
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>>186 (OP) <Projects You're Working On >Want to make a tactics game similar to Shining Force. >can't draw for shit >learned RPGMaker basics >I don't think I can make the game I want in it >Don't want to start learning another program right now, especially when I've barely scratched the surface with RPGMaker, in which I enjoy working >Okay, change of plans, make an RPG for now starring various cartoon characters I've invented over the years >can't draw for shit >mfw I'm almost tempted to make Questionable Malcontent: The Video Game and release it for free to you heathens, but I'm afraid Jeph will find me, drug my water supply, and rape me
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>>11110 GET!
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>>7171 >page 1 Nope.
Learning Flash to convert a few Super Deepthroat mods to be compatible with the moreclothing mod as well as hopefully adding in multiple color layers for the outfits.
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>>11407 >Learning Flash
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Anyone know anything about page sizes and the like for making doujinshi? I looked around but it's mostly related to professional stuff, and I'm getting conflicted advice. Thanks.
>>11110 Just make a pixelshit :^)just make sure to study actual bit-era aesthetics/technical aspects game in godot. There are video tutorials on jewtub. >>11430 Are you serious? Besides the fact that flash can be fun (presumably), history is important, among other reasons I can't think of off the top of my head.
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>>335 >For example I had this idea for years (since I was in middle school) about my version of King Ghidorah being an eldritch god worshipped by the Xiliens. He would be this nihilistic monster that existed before the universe was created and lived in the black void. Once the universe and life was created he wants to destroy it to return to that void. That and in my version his body could be killed but he would just reincarnate into another physical form making him harder to kill. I thought this was cool since in most Godzilla movies Ghidorah is bossed around by aliens and never in control of himself proper so it would be a cool inversion. Dude, you got so fucked on that one. >The point I'm trying to make is how do you deal when someone beats you to the punch on putting out the same idea? Even if you already had this idea to begin with on your own? I had something similar happen. What you do is acknowledge that you should have worked harder to get it out there or else accept that there was no way you could have made it happen. Sometimes great ideas happen all over the place at once, but only the driven and the connected can make it happen. If it makes you feel any better, though, I thought their "Thinkin' With Portals Ghidorah" was pretty lame and definitely anticlimactic after making us wait months for the next chapter after the big reveal. As badly as the American studios treat the kaiju, even THEIR version was better than the anime. So, here's my advice. Do an expy that's similar but different enough, and then make something amazing with him.
>>13956 >godot Whut? >just make sure to study actual bit-era aesthetics I was there. I actually own the original Shining Force 1 and 2 from back in the day. And I can convert stuff to pixel-look, but I can't draw the originals.
Whoa, this place still exists.,, Btw guys I finished my cop comic pilot chapter and I'm slowly working on a whole 120 page issue.
>>14162 >Whoa, this place still exists Its been a wild ride but its great you got the chapter done.
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Guy who posted the furry hero comic earlier here. The latest comic chapter is now done going up on Webtoons. I'm taking feedback, if anyone's got any, for the next chapter and stuff moving forward.
>>20164 Mind storytiming?
>>20164 My first instinct was to direct you to the /loomis/ comic thread for more usable critique, but you're not the actual artist, so I have no idea if that would be of help. I read the chapter: Maximum comic this time around, with all the dynamic dialogue, acrobatic action and cutting continue to be's. I hope that wasn't too much Against my better judgment (read: furfags), I've found the story so far to be pretty engaging. A genderbend furry superhero comic that doesn't suck. What's more, Those three aspects are to it's advantage! I mean what the hell! Also I admire your dedication. I hope you find an artist you can stick with.
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>>186 (OP) >Projects You're Working On Me. It's not going well
>>20272 do tell
>>20164 >>20267 Oh right, feedback. The chapter felt very standard in terms of plot and pacing. That's not a critique, it does what it's supposed to. It felt like it was only a matter of time before a villain gave a real gut punch to the hero, along with hints on the plot to raise stakes and intrigue. At first I thought chapter 9 was a slight departure in terms of style, but skipping through older pages, the paneling and dialogue aren't really different, just the art (it's been a year since I've read it, it's actually more enjoyable than I remember. That truly is bewildering to me). How much input do you give your artists, like do you set the panels and lay the scene?
>>186 (OP) I am working on getting better at drawing and writing. Eventually I hope to make a cheesecake comic with good art and decent story.
>>20273 >do tell I won't, because no one will be interested, but the tl;dr is I believed a lot of the lies we're told as kids, and now I'm struggling to find a purpose in life.
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>>20297 Off-topic but here: Study history; immerse yourself in the past, in the epics and such, and make sure not to pay heed to pseud faggots propagating myths like nobles were all profligates like them, or any faggot who is clearly inserting modern contexts where they do not belong, like retards asserting that Charlemagne the Great was a shabbos goy race-traitor because he let Jews in his empire and killed a bunch of pagan Saxons (also, be reverent; taking things seriously gives back meaning in life, ignore the slang-filled, tryhard attempts at being funny you find on imageboards, as not only are plebs not what you should go to to find information, but they never source their shit). Lastly, Pepe (twitch frog) and Wojak (fucking everywhere) are long past their due date, please try to avoid posting them, thanks.
>>11430 >he doesn't want ZONE 2.0: 8chan Edition
>>20318 Will there finally be a Toph animation?
>>20319 didn't he do one of her sucking off aang?
>>1919 Just pretend the older cop is a Dyke and any current publisher will go for it. >woman in charge >black immigrant submissive to orders >cops are bad and borderline criminals but not the stronk Wyman >evil of humanity and society making poor people criminals yes i know that's not the story anon. I'm saying for current years+8 comic publisher that's Gold and ticking all the boxes. Make the main villain a blue eyes white rich guy and you will find a deal in a monththen when the money bag is in the bank make the story you want to make
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>>20706 >ticking all the woke boxes I'll be honest, it did click to me some time ago. I think it will be a beautiful bait.
>>20709 I look forward to seeing your final vision anon
>>20709 Those sketches are pretty good.
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>>20709 >those faces I immediately want to know everything about them.
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Non-artist here with something I slapped together in Gacha. There is no animation, it's just a timed slideshow with music. Enjoy.
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>>20714 >>20715 >>20735 Okay so here's the pilot chapter. There is a list of issues with it. Font size, speech bubble style and placement on some pages, outdated concepts..etc.. Anyway I wanted to do a big reveal this year but sadly, This went slower than expected. The 140 page comic turned into a 200+ page comic so some things will have to wait. I hope you guys find the pilot chapter at least somewhat fun. It was meant more as a proof of skill for future hype/patreon/whatever publisher is willing.
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>>20750 >>20751 >>20752 Holy shit, the page order got fucked. Read the page number my dudes before reading. Also 08-09A is the one i chose (there are two versions)
>>20753 That was a hell of a ride. I liked it. > Also 08-09A is the one i chose (there are two versions) That's a damn good panel you're rejecting in B, but I agree that A looks better as a page and is easier to read and tell what happened. I think that Steve Jobs said something along the lines that you know your product is good when you're cutting good features in favor of better ones. The cut scene could go in promo art. Here are a few quick spelling checks: Sargeant - Should be Sergeant unless it's spelled that way in the future or where you're from, or you're emphasizing how this is pronounced by the character page 5: "Propper hard" -> Proper
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>>20753 I'm happy you posted it, but you shouldn't give that gold away for free, fren. A few sample pages would do. You should contact one of the Comicsgate guys (except that pie-fucking cunt, Van Sciver) and see if they can help you get that published
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>>20778 I'm glad you like it >Rejecting 08-09B It's also because the next spread (10-11) also features similar perspective panel, so I didn't want to make it repetitive. >spelling checks Thanks. The whole chapter was rushed so there are a lot of hickups, but I am keeping a list. And before I present this properly to the world, I'll hopefully fix all of those. >>20799 >You shouldn't give it for free. Well...the whole issue will be about 200 pages so I why not a sample chapter? I think showing few pages here and there is too little, because you can't see a full dialogue or an action scene. I also think this will make me look dedicated to the viewers/potential backers so why not, and on top of that, I still need to improve and get better and a couple of pages don't get you much of useful critique on long term projects such as these. >publisher One battle at a time. First I need to produce a precise draft so I can find out the printing/shipping costs. What do you think about the art execution/quality guys?
>>20837 >ell...the whole issue will be about 200 pages so I why not a sample chapter? My bad. I thought that was all of it. >What do you think about the art execution/quality guys? Beats the fuck out of most of Marvel. It's clean, well-shaded, and very expressive. If you pretended to transition, you'd have a job with the Big Two in seconds.
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>>20751 >>20752 >>20753 >>20837 This is some really great stuff anon, I wish you the best and hope you make it big.
>>20837 >What do you think about the art execution/quality guys? Purely on this basis, you have a good fundamental sense of how to write and even display it properly. You've made the comic readable and I would say moderately beautiful. I'm a bit hesitant on your understanding of a chapter as far as storytelling goes. Apparently this is part of 200 pages, and instead of chapters it's just meant to be binged all once. Good enough. If however this was a weekly release you'd have to write it differently. Most importantly, I can feel intimations of wanting to read more. Not a very strong one, but you did at least come off as intriguing. That's incredibly important for the first 20 chapters, so that's very good in fact.
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>>20844 >you'd have a job with the Big Two in seconds. I'd rather not have anything related to the Big Two >>21225 Thanks, I'm working on it >>21232 I don't think I explained properly, I am aiming for about 200 pages comic split into 9 chapters that I would be published in a single book (think Weatherman). The pilot chapter up there is one of the 9 chapters modified and shortened as to not give out any spoilers. The idea is while I'm doing it, I'll probably open a patreon or something like that so I would release it to potential backers digitally on a chapter basis but once it's finished, I want to put all chapters in a single issue and print it as originally planned with probably 3 different variants.(basic/deluxe/backer editions) >20 chapters Hell no man, I'm not the type to aim for the moon like that. The plan is to finish the issue and see how it goes and gather critiques and feedback. I could continue the story but I'd rather make one short but good story rather than bog myself down with a very long term project. I think long term shit is doom of every aspiring comic artist.
>>21244 >I am aiming for about 200 pages comic split into 9 chapters that I would be published in a single book (think Weatherman). Ah, my mistake. I thought that was a full length chapter and just did the math 20 x 10 for a 10 chapter comic book. My mistake. >The idea is while I'm doing it, I'll probably open a patreon or something like that so I would release it to potential backers digitally on a chapter basis but once it's finished, I want to put all chapters in a single issue and print it as originally planned with probably 3 different variants.(basic/deluxe/backer editions) Fair enough >20 chapters Ahaha, I meant to type 20 pages. Sorry for the miscommunication. Didn't mean to propose project creep.
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>>20747 > Non-artist here with something I slapped together in Gacha. I fucked around with another version of Gacha and made character cards for the Smash parody that I've been writing. The team managers are OCs. Just about everyone else is a expy/ripoff of somebody. Some are more obvious than others. They make for a good set of different personalities that play off of one another. Before you ask what's so "Important!", that message is telling kids not to put real life personal information on the internet.
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>>21334 Wow, that was so bad that it killed the creative thread. So, I'll do it again. AUTISM HO! The story is a Smash Brothers parody where there's a tournament of fighters from different worlds. They make friends, make enemies, go back and forth between each others' worlds and face different threats together. Getting a team prepared for the tournament is an adventure in itself. Maybe some day I'll do something with the story other than let it sit on my HD while I make models in a kid's dollmaking program that won't let me call Dick by his name. So, what have you been working on?
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>>21334 >>21833 >killed the thread Dunno about others but you didn't draw it and I usually comment on drawing and technical stuff. >what have you been working on? I keep grinding my comic and drawing some D&D stuff too
>>21841 Ever thought about doing some draw requests?
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>>22276 Hell no. I used to do but two reasons I don't. 1) I barely have any time 2) This place became cancer when it comes to drawthreads from 2017 or so. Most requests are some lewd depraved shit of some characters from new shows my old ass doesn't watch.
>>22294 Im pretty sure the /v/ threads are in a slightly better situation but yeah the spammed porn requests are a problem. They used to be deleted in the /co/ thread here but with barely any drawfags around I guess they stopped caring.
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>>22299 >but yeah the spammed porn requests are a problem. It's the nature of the beast, though. If the artists went to reddit, instead, they'd get tons of demands for trans furries in diapers.
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>>22299 /v/ has it's speed and population but I find the slower pace here on /co/ much better. Also people tend to have a more interesting conversations imho >>22301 Why the fuck does someone choose reddit over a chan is beyond me.
>>22303 More people I guess, other than that maybe it's less chaotic but the caveat being a more retarded culture revolving around upvotes and namefags.
>>21841 I like how expressive those characters are. Their personalities leap off the paper at you.
>>22303 >>22306 Reddit is also more free with the asspats. On chan sites, you're as likely to be called a faggot as given a compliment, so people with fragile egos prefer Reddit due to the more hugbox nature.
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>>22328 >>22306 Disgusting. If my comic becomes popular I'll probably pay someone to manage all the cancer media (instatard, twatter and plebbid). >>22325 Glad you like it.
>>22387 >all the cancer media It sucks there's no way to advertise without them.
>>22928 I don't think they're necessary, but perhaps attracting some pro-cop normies or simpler comic enthusiasts is not a bad thing. Also people on those sites are very ADD and consumerist so that's always a good thing for any starting project in my opinion.
>>22945 Negative side would be the scum that try to co-op shit coming along. You'd have an equally good chance launching a indiegogo and buying ads. >simpler comic enthusiasts Kinda reminds me about that drama involving the indie comic Kamen America. Where certain figure heads started dunking on the comic, calling it sailor moon pedo bait, just because it got popular.
>>22945 It's not necessary unless you want to make money out of it(enough to spend full time doing it that is). Taking George Alexopolous as an example of a guy going the indie route, it takes a lot of fucking funding if you want to do physical.
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>>22972 >Negative side would be the scum that try to co-op shit coming along I'm making a cop comic. I suspect BLM will try to nuke me as soon as another dark skinned junkie with a criminal background gets mowed down on camera >>22975 tbh advertising is the easy part. Doing the comic is the hardest.
>>22980 >tbh advertising is the easy part. Doing the comic is the hardest. If you say so.
>>22980 > I'm making a cop comic. I suspect BLM will try to nuke me as soon as another dark skinned junkie with a criminal background gets mowed down on camera You're already expecting it, so give no shits and make your cop comic. If you get kicked off a service, I think Vox Day will take refugees.
>>22980 Do you have any idea where you're going to host it?
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>>22986 I mean what could go wrong? Just throw money at it and screen the people you're getting for advertising for any woke red flags and you're gucci. >>22993 Who or what is Vox Day? >>23131 As for the actual pages while I work on it, I'll probably be primarily releasing it digitally on patreon with some teasers or maybe spoiler-free pages being posted on my portfolios or social media. Any additional content (promos, phone/desktop wallpapers, posters, soundtracks, 3D models and concept art) will either be posted on my portfolios, social media or backer only patreon/crowdfunding thing for a few months or until the whole issue is completely finished and printed as a whole. It will probably take me a year or two to finish the comic once I make the big reveal and start pushing for funding, so actual physical publishing is wayyyy out there and I'm not planning for it because I'm working to move to US or at least initiate the immigration process and that trip is a very important life decision for me and a lot of things can happen if it works out.
>>23183 >Who or what is Vox Day Some washed up eceleb who has a habit of getting spergy.
>>23183 >Who or what is Vox Day? He runs Castalia House publishing and Arkhaven Comics. He positioned himself as an alternative publisher after Marvel was taken over by Huma Abedin's family and DC seemed to go the same way. https://archive.fo/ZwVgV
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Practicing more environments to get a better feel for the comic >>23376 Why go for him and not...Dark Horse?
>>23478 Looking great.
>>23478 >Why go for him and not...Dark Horse? In the context of >>22980 he's the guy known for not giving a shit if BLM complains. Dark Horse probably has a much better distribution network since they've been around longer with a higher profile.
>>22980 BLM will not give a single shit about you unless you. A. Make your entire comic about killing niggers B. Become so successful that people who live to be offended start digging through your shit I don't know how much you believe your own hype, but the fact no one outside this board knows about your comic tells me this is the least of your worries. >>23183 >I mean what could go wrong? It's not about what can go wrong. It's about how much needs to go right. Yes, worst case scenario you burn a pile of money and nothing happens. However, if your actual goal is getting people to notice your work, than you do in fact have a big problem because the field you are entering is A. completely saturated and B. done cheaper and faster by foreigners. I'm not saying give up, but you are underestimating the amount of work that goes into pushing your shit around. Advertising isn't hard, successfully advertising is one of the most hellacious fields on this earth.
>>23478 What's the lore behind "The Ridge"?
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>>23483 thanks >>23486 What is Dark Horse's stance on BLM woke bullshit? >>23489 >the fact no one outside this board knows about your comic That's because I haven't even started to present or promote the project anywhere >how much needs to go right >A - Completely saturated market I strongly disagree with this. I don't see any procop comics beside Punisher which was severely cucked and Judge Dredd which is very over-the-top and ancient. Blm and similar woke organizations have been shutting down any and all pro-police media. I believe the ruin left by woke media gives me a nice window to fit in with my comic. >B - Cheapter and Faster foreigners Cheapter means nothing to me because I'm the guy doing everything. As for speed...well...you'll be paying to see quality and you'll have to be patient for it. If someone wants to look at cheap fast trash then enjoy your newest issue of capeshit. I also fail to see any quality sci-fi/cyberpunk setting comic besides few one-shot titles from famous comic book artists (tokyo ghost by Sean Murphy for example). If they were able to achieve success, why shouldn't I? >>23593 >The Ridge The Ridge is a collective term for the area on and near the narrow, elevated residental belts (East and West Belt on the map) that act as a clear border between the northern, populated "city" of Ground Zero and Agrozone. As the Dome City 01 expanded beyond it's original dome walls and Agrozone lost it's intended purpose (farmlands that feed the city), there were various building projects started in the Ridge with the idea to expand the residental areas of Ground Zero further south and slowly convert the Agrozone into a purely residental land. It should be visually distinct from the rest of Ground Zero because it is very open and wide. It was designed to be a place for upper-middle class but when economic disaster hit the planet and the middle class was trashed, all of the construction inside the Ridge stopped, so the whole area is semi-vacated with lots of empty buildings and streets stopped in various stages of construction. Gangs, streets artists or simply kids with a lot of free time come to Ridge to trash, live in or simply paint the abandoned homes and apartments. The people that actually live in the Ridge are usually perceived to be of higher wealth/class than the rest of Ground Zero population, but in practice, they are almost the same with the rest. That doesn't stop others from shitting on the people living in the Ridge as "having it easy". It was inspired by chinese ghost cities - huge constructions projects meant to blow up GDP and move populations from the villages into the cities that failed and now you have these epic, abandoned wastelands
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>>23654 >If they were able to achieve success, why shouldn't I? You've got this weird fucking chip on shoulder. At no point am I telling you that you would fail. That has not and never has been my point at anytime. The point is that it is possible to fail, and even likely, so don't get your knickers in a twist if your first attempt fails. I am telling you not to underestimate how difficult something can be. Go be brave, go make your fortune, but if it was as piss easy as you seem to think it is, why isn't everyone else doing it? Do you have that much of a fucking ego you think you're the only one with a god damn brain between his shoulders? You're a drop in the fucking bucket. Again, that doesn't mean don't fucking try, it means be aware that things are fucking difficult and don't underestimate them before they fucking blindside you as you sit there stewing in your own fucking frustration that "the market just doesn't understand me or my work". God fucking damn.
>>23654 >I don't see any procop comics beside Punisher which was severely cucked and Judge Dredd which is very over-the-top and ancient. Pretty sure that was applied to the entirety of comics, not to the "pro-cop" sub genre. (If such a thing even exists.)
Your work is very good. As for monetization, I would look into gumroad. Many people sell their stuff through there, not only comics but also software plugins, tutorials, and more. Comixology used to be a good option but Amazon fucked it up and are supposedly going to fix at some point in the future. >>23654 >What is Dark Horse's stance on BLM woke bullshit? Complicated. Their health insurance did not cover tranny meds and surgeries until their arm was twisted due to social media backlash. As to the things they publish, it's all over the place. On one hand they publish cheesecake books like Empowered and "problematic" manga like Berserk and Gantz. On the other, they did put out "Spell on Wheels" by Kate Leth and "Inconegro." If there is enough heat on them, they will probably fold. Other than that, they are one of the publishers that are willing to take a risk. They got Karen Berger working for them too after she was ousted out of Vertigo for not towing corporate line. Another thing with Dark Horse is that they were recently bought by Embracer. I am not sure if that interfered with their submission process. >>23183 >I'm not planning for it because I'm working to move to US or at least initiate the immigration process and that trip is a very important life decision for me and a lot of things can happen if it works out. If you are planning to make living as an artist, you might be better off staying where you are. Unless you land a gig at Pixar or become a staff artist at a good film or game studio your pay will probably not be too good. >>22993 >Vox Day I would consider that a last resort, if literally every single platform and publisher will black list you, and your only choices will be VoxDay and other internet spergs.
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>>23702 >You've got this weird fucking chip on shoulder >mfw I believe you're presenting things wayyy more complicated than what they actually are. I don't think it's my ego, I'm just downplaying it based on my previous publishing experience and talk with successful comic artists, writers and publishers and art professors. >if it was as piss easy as you seem to think it is, why isn't everyone else doing it? I think the comic industry is failing because artists have become bad, slow and lazy. I don't think I'm anything special but every time I'm looking for a freelance job, I see tons and tons of comic book writers and publishers looking for artists with good pay and failing to get them because todays generation of artists are hardfucked by ADD to work on extensive, repetitive projects such as comic books. >Do you have that much of a fucking ego you think you're the only one with a god damn brain between his shoulders? I teach art as well as do freelance work and when you talk to a couple of senior professors and they show you a steady downward spiral in quality in the works of art students over the last 30 and more years you start to question how the industry is still standing as it is. I'm not afraid of failure, I just think it's very easy to succeed as a comic book artist these days because the standards have fallen so hard. And even if I fail, I still made my own comic by myself and for myself which wasn't corrupted by any third party. It's a huge passion project that just happens to have a potential to bring more money in and I don't care much if it financially fails as long as it's good (to me at least). >>23718 >Gumroad How is it different compared to Patreon or Kickstarter? >Comixology I...would rather not. >Dark Horse info Good to know, thanks. To me, Dark Horse were always the guys publishing everything and anything and they have a name. I would definitely try to publish through them first, but we'll see what they look like once I get there in 2-3 years. >living as artist in US No, no. I'm preparing for a high school art teacher career. I'm close to getting a combined degree (art and teaching art) and I already have 7 years of experience teaching high schoolers. I met a couple of actual mutts working in high schools so they gave me extensive info on what it is, how it works, how much it pays how to approach it properly (and that includes horror stories from minority ghetto schools). I'll try to get into a red state, hopefully in a small city/town where life expenses don't cost you an arm and your firstborn child.
>>23725 >How is it different compared to Patreon or Kickstarter? It's a small scale marketplace. Your run your own page, can charge per single comic (vs recurring subscription like Patreon does), and they take a much smaller cuts. $0.30 per transaction, and they scale down from 9% to 2.9% the more money you earn through the platform. I have seen people working with blender selling plugins and tutorials through both there and through patreon, so both options are viable, even at the same time. >No, no. I'm preparing for a high school art teacher career. I'm close to getting a combined degree (art and teaching art) and I already have 7 years of experience teaching high schoolers. I met a couple of actual mutts working in high schools so they gave me extensive info on what it is, how it works, how much it pays how to approach it properly (and that includes horror stories from minority ghetto schools). I'll try to get into a red state, hopefully in a small city/town where life expenses don't cost you an arm and your firstborn child. That's better. From my limited understanding, well-off suburbs and private schools pay best. Most states get their funding off of property taxes, so more expensive houses = better salary and facilities. Money-wise, ideal situation would be to work in an affluent suburb and living in a small town within a driving distance. That's based on my time in high school, but that was about a decade ago. Things might have changed since then. I am sure people you are working with have more info that's more up to date. Your skills will let you make money on the side if needed of course, and that's a big plus. >DarkHorse Another benefit of working with them is that they are one of the big fours in American comics. That means they are better with paying on time than other smaller publishers focusing on creator owned books, and seem to offer more help than Image does. >I think the comic industry is failing because artists have become bad, slow and lazy. I don't think I'm anything special but every time I'm looking for a freelance job, I see tons and tons of comic book writers and publishers looking for artists with good pay and failing to get them because todays generation of artists are hardfucked by ADD to work on extensive, repetitive projects such as comic books. There is a lot of truth to the shitty artists being at fault. Anyone competent is scooped up by industries that need people for storyboarding and concept art - mainly Hollywood, advertising, and video games. Other parts of the problem are bad writers. Scripts will be bad and sometimes late. Both problems hinder you quite a bit, even if you are a great artist. This is a non issue if you are a sole creator of course. Lastly, advertising is an issue too. Good comics by good writer-artists like Stokoe and Warren do not sell as well as I think they should because getting the word out is not that easy in my opinion. I haven't tried myself, so I have no first-hand experience. Your work does stand out and is of very high quality, so you will definitely have an easier time than an average artist. It's wide appeal will help a lot too. I am a drawfag myself (not nearly as good as you) and have been thinking of turning my ideas into comics or animation. Question of how to get people to see my work has been haunting me, since getting any attention is a challenge. I have zero connections, and a thought of making a twitter account makes me ill. That's why even though comics are my preferred medium I am leaning towards 3D animation. People seem to be more starved for animated content and there is less competition.
>>23725 >I believe you're presenting things wayyy more complicated than what they actually are. I don't think it's my ego, I'm just downplaying it based on my previous publishing experience and talk with successful comic artists, writers and publishers and art professors. Where are you talking to successful artists, writers and publishers?
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>>23728 >Gumroad Thx for info. I'll look into it. Seems like a good combo with Patreon. >well-off suburbs and private schools pay best. Actually it varies HEAVILY. Every state has it's own policy. For example - You can have states that penalize schools that usually produce bad student (like ghetto schools with affirmative action) and then there are states that put a lot of money into ghetto education and provide huge salaries to incentivize making the lowest classes learn, making them very lucrative and well sought positions if you can stand working with ghetto trash. >writers suck too I agree. There are also tons of ideafags everywhere that think they have the most original 250 IQ idea for a thing ever and try to scam you to work for sawdust for them. >I have been thinking of turning my ideas into comics or animation Less thinking more doing. Keep your projects short and small until you can figure out the exact style you want a have a sense of how much time it takes you to do things. >Question of how to get people to see my work has been haunting me Just don't be afraid to start a conversation, even with celebrities in your field. You'd be amazed with how much feedback you can get from pros in the industry and alternative spheres which brings me to... >>23730 >Where are you talking to successful artists, writers and publishers? Everywhere. Online connections, Conventions, Academies/institutions. Real life friends in the industry, Boomer comic artists and publishers. Most of the people I know are entrenched in European comic industry (mostly French and Italian) but I know a couple of guys that used to work for big Two and Dark Horse. Anyways, IRL connections are almost always better than online ones in my opinion. Especially with the old guard - the boomers are holding most of the industry and publishing power and they like to see you and handshake you first before talking.
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>>2835 I'm glad to see the thread still exist. Two goddamn years after, I'm still working on these on and off. I think I'll stop at a hundred and then start thinking of a serialized story. >>7074 >>7130 I really like these ideas. I have remained unclear about the reaction humans have towards her, except for people already close to her. The possibilities are still very open.
>>23994 I remember you, you were on the /v/ drawthreads making monster titties with peculiar heads I like you
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>>23994 Anon.. Are you drawing that stuff in MSpaint?
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>>24000 Yes.
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>>24001 While I appreciate your style, why do you torture yourself like that? Do you know there are more advanced painting programs that are free or cost barely anything?
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>>24038 I appreciate its simplicity and the fact that it opens near instantly on my toaster. I use other painting programs to do actual paintings.
>>24001 Very nice work, I love the style.

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I learned that the epub format for e-readers exists and 8chan lets you upload it, so have some story to go along with these character cards >>21833 Also, a pdf for anyone who would rather have that format. I've thought of turning this story into a comic but I can't draw, and it's too long. If I hired anyone their hand would fall off halfway through one chapter. I wouldn't wish that on anyone. It could also work as live action TV but the fx budget would be through the roof.
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>>24169 I didn't read anything and jumped straight to the end. I appreciate the honesty but why?
>>24169 >maybe anons like pdf instead No. Good God no. I fucking hate pdf. And every asshole who uploads a pdf should be shot in the dick and left to bleed out in a ditch. With fire ants. Fucking pdf sucks the absolute most ass. Can't format it into readability unless your using a fucking tablet the same dimensions as the goddamn book it was scanned from. And what kind of cunt uploads a 100-300 mb file for a fucking book when a epub or mobi will clock in at 1mb on almost any fucking book. Fuck pdf so goddamn hard. I swear if I find one more badly scanned piece of shit pdf file of a book I actually want I'm gonna freak the fuck out.
>>24265 >And what kind of cunt uploads a 100-300 mb file for a fucking book when a epub or mobi will clock in at 1mb on almost any fucking book. Will epub and mobi clock that small if the entire thing is just a collection of scanned pages? >inb4 Why the fuck would you scan the pages? Because not all books have been meticulously transcribed.
>>24268 No. I'm guessing it doesn't even have pictures in the file. Just straight text. Hence the massive file size difference. And the vast majority of books have. I would accept a pdf all the way up to 2010. But come the fuck on already.
What's a good site to upload comics? One for regular action comics, hopefully with no ads, easy to navigate and organized and one for my loli doujins.
>>26041 Everybody seems to aim for either Tapas or Webtoons. Though I know of one or two webcomics that upload to MangaDex, a site geared towards scanalations. >loli doujins. Outside of Pixiv and the land of the Panda (exhentai), very few places seem keen on hosting porn, loli or not.
>>26073 Maybe I will have to host my own site. Thanks though.
>>23774 >Less thinking more doing. Keep your projects short and small until you can figure out the exact style you want a have a sense of how much time it takes you to do things. Ain't that the truth. I just have to come up with a bunch of small scale projects. I am in a typical beginner trap of having a big ideas and thinking I am not good enough yet to draw a comic. I need to get out of that hole and either come up with some short, few panel comics to begin with. That or break my current ideas into small, self-contained episodes of four panel strips. >>26073 Thanks, that's a very good video. >>26041 >>26073 >>26078 Self-hosted site is the way to go for the most freedom, but keep in mind that if your comic is too edgy google might not show your site in the results. Even oglaf is getting that treatment. Just something to keep in mind. Publishing a censored version of your comic on mainstream platforms and uncensored one on another is one way to get around that.
>>24199 > I didn't read anything and jumped straight to the end. I appreciate the honesty but why? Autism, giving credit where it's due, keeping track of the references so I don't forget, and for readers to pat themselves on the back for recognizing the references. >>24265 > And what kind of cunt uploads a 100-300 mb file for a fucking book when a epub or mobi will clock in at 1mb on almost any fucking book. That's Google's interns scanning the book as jpeg pictures of its pages and going on to the next book since that is faster than converting it to text and then manually checking over the text to make sure it is accurate. We should be grateful that it is in an electronic format at all, and hopefully someone who cares about the book and has the technical know-how will be able to create a smaller version.
>>2170 Hey bud, what size paper you using, because I use A4 right now and it fucking hurts like a motherfucker, I over work hard, and put in more information and panels than I want.
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Fired up OpenToonz for the first time. Looks like I've got to do a bit of reading about proper workflow in animation and watch a few tutorials.
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>>26360 Alright, I think I have the basics of the basics down. Criticism is welcome.
>>26219 By the fraying of the pencil lines I'd say A4, yes. For me, inking is a pain in the ass because it's hard to get the line width right and have smooth, clear strokes. How much better are inking pens like micron pens compared to traditional feather pens?
>>26363 The bouncing is pretty good, the flash at the beginning is a nice touch. After that, I'll be overly critical. Sorry. At the start where the ball is misshapen and moving slowly to the left, there is a black arc on it. It looks like the ball is squeezing through a hole, but it took me some time to figure that out. It should be easier to tell what's going on. So the drawing is not conveying what it is supposed to be. The ball shaking after that is possibly the worst drawn part of the animation. The frames are messy non-circles that are not misformed to show a physical effect, but simply misformed. This can imply chaotic behavior, but here it just looks messy. The ball shakes and deforms while it hovers in place. This is not as messy as the last part, but it's still messy. When the ball hits the the right wall there is a frame where it shaped like a half-oval. It is supposed to be distorted from hitting the wall, but it looks off to me. Just after that, the ball is drawn straight horizontally for a frame. It should be at the angle that it is coming off the wall. Make these two frames look like they lead from one into the other and it will look better. It looks like it hits some object in midair that is invisible and bounces off of that. If that is intended, great. You can add the object to the next version of the animation.
>>26367 Anon you're reddit spacing again.
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>>26363 >animated png
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>>26435 chad format
>>26586 It's just animated GIF grafted onto PNG. By Mozilla.
>>26364 Inking is ironically less of a pain in the ass than using pencil, I think I might need to buy graphite sticks instead because I have found chalk unironically puts less stress on my hand.
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>>26364 >>26599 It heavily depends on the paper, ink and the pen. You can have a nice paper, but shitty ink that fucks your strokes or makes your pen grip too hard and wobble. Don't always blame yourself for that. Watercolour and inking are one of the few mediums there the tools greatly impact the work
>>421 I've purchased like 8 of these fucking things now. I've long since replaced the m73 with an m700q or something running at over 3ghz with kodi and a Rii k25 remote (ignore the j25) and an older Ubuntu instead of the PS3. I also bought a couple of these little computers with win10 on them for my mom and little brother at less than 100USD a pop, she wanted a new computer for streaming and internet shit with a budget of 800 so this was good. So far as a media box this has been a vast improvement with few issues. The remote is comfortable and the IR cloning feature for some buttons allows me to sit at the couch, turn on the TV it's hooked to and immediately start cruising the media box as it only sleeps video after a time of inactivity. Advantages over the PS3 Streaming Solution: >don't have to wait for buffering when I want to go forward or back on a video >can run schedueld youtube-dl scripts to rip youtube channels for most recent vids on a nightly basis for shit like itsagundam, clownfish and Mandalore Gaming and jsut watch them on my couch with a remote and without ads or buffering >other shit Issues I have run into: >Ubuntu had to roll back to an older version because newer versions do not support my hardware properly any more >Kodi because Ubuntu is an older version I have had to manually update Kodi installers instead of just using the ez app manager >some formats On occasion for reasons I don't understand running 2-5 episodes of a certain file format will freeze up the box and require me to manually restart it, it's behind the TV so only the inconvenience of getting up and walking to the tv to hold a power button and then press it again. I think it was related to MKV loosely. Setup has turned out pretty sweet for cheap
>>34194 oh and it can run stuff off externals no problem, it's like cruising old Netflix or something like that with a remote
>>34194 fuck I'm stupid some times
>>26383 >making a space between arguments is reddit spacing Are you fucking dense? That's just a grammatically flow structure
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>>34201 >That's just a grammatically flow structure It is mostly considered reddit spacing unless you're writing a poem. Do you have a problem reading lines of text properly? Anyone here still doing personal projects?
Basically, alien girl with "the Thing"-like powers who pirates anime and thinks humans are like that and comes to Earth. Wacky adventures ensues
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>>34375 >You can tell if someone is the Thing or not by noticing if they're wearing Japanese schoolgirl clothes Brilliant!
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>>34376 Probably could have changed the cover in hindsight, but that was like a few years back

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