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/co/ related Pain Thread 2: The Starfox Cometh Anonymous 10/25/2021 (Mon) 16:59:52 No. 18884
Another miscellaneous thread for all things /co/ related that make you cringe, groan, or furious.
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>>18884 Speaking of the Eternals, is anyone else sick and tired of seeing this kid's monkey-face leering out of the ads? Also, it's a tranny, but for the life of me, I can't find any definitive proof of which way it's going. I'm pretty sure it's a boy pretending to be a girl, but things are so fucked up these days, I'm not sure I can rely on that because the little fuck could be one of the "fluids" that switch back and forth. Man, fuck the day Kevin Feige got to bury his dick in Cheese Larson's flat ass. It ruined everything.
>>18886 Her name is Lia McHugh and apparently she's just an ugly woman.
https://web.archive.org/web/20211024095353/https://www.npr.org/2021/10/11/1044002955/superman-son-comes-out-queer-dc-comics >Announced weeks ago You guys are slacking I've seen more negative feedback to this on twitter than I have on here. I even managed to hear a angry rant from my friend about how comics have gone to shit and if people wanted Yoai art they'd read actual boy love manga not superhero comics where sexuality just randomly change for media attention. Well that and how they managed to make both a Robin gay and Superboy Gay within a small time frame yet they missed the mark of making his Damien Wayne and Jonathan Kent OTP canon, but thats beside the point
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https://web.archive.org/web/20211024095353/https://www.npr.org/2021/10/11/1044002955/superman-son-comes-out-queer-dc-comics >Announced weeks ago You guys are slacking I've seen more negative feedback to this on twitter than I have on here. I even managed to hear a angry rant from my friend about how comics have gone to shit and if people wanted Yoai art they'd read actual boy love manga not superhero comics where sexuality just randomly change for media attention. Well that and how they managed to make both a Robin gay and Superboy Gay within a small time frame yet they missed the mark of making his Damien Wayne and Jonathan Kent OTP canon, but thats beside the point
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>>18896 Meh who cares they were always going to do this it was only a matter of time. I bet in a couple years if DC is still making comics all the main heroes are going to be homos.
>>18896 honestly most of the reactions on twitter I saw where mostly neutral. Everybody just went "of course they did" and then bitched about how they stopped reading the character once he was aged up.
>>18896 I am more surprise that they haven't started shoving Bestiality and Pedophilia yeah. I guess they have to make them all gay first. But I have stopped buying and reading comics, so I could have just miss it. I was more Surprised by that crappy Starfire daughter, than gay Superman son.
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>>18886 >Speaking of the Eternals, is anyone else sick and tired of seeing this kid's monkey-face leering out of the ads? Well, it is October and almost Halloween. Though whenever they ever decide to remake A Christmas Story, they should cast this... kid as a gender fluid Scut Farkus. They's face is more menacing. >>18896 The whole mess only shows how picky and never satisfied the alphabet community is. But the thing this is - they cannot rub this shit into the faces of people which are no longer there. So, the queer washing game must cease. Because there's no longer a benefit to spite.
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>>18886 >Speaking of the Eternals, is anyone else sick and tired of seeing this kid's monkey-face leering out of the ads? Well, it is October and almost Halloween. Though, whenever they ever decide to remake A Christmas Story, they should cast this... kid as a gender fluid Scut Farkus. They's face is more menacing. >>18896 The whole mess only shows how picky and never satisfied the alphabet community is. But the thing is - they cannot rub this shit into the faces of people which are no longer there. So, the queer washing game must cease. Because there's no longer a benefit to spite.
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>>18902 It goes beyond rubbing it in your face. It's about the symbolism. Superman represents Truth, Justice, and The American Way. Now he's ditched The American Way in exchange for cock. And they could only do it by pretending a different, recent character is Superman, when the real Superman is off doing other things, but they don't care much, because the point is they can now say Superman is gay. It's a stupid "victory," but that's what they want. They want to erode this character with massive symbolic significance. That's why they came after superheroes in general. Well that and comic books are a weakened industry that was already on its deathbed. But they do not seek to build, they seek to destroy. It's not that they want Superman to be gay, it's that they want Superman as he actually is, as the physical embodiment of Truth, Justice, and The American Way, to no longer exist in the public consciousness.
>>18896 >>18903 At this point why bother being mad? Big two capeshit was always jew propaganda from the beginning with cool ideas that were all stolen from somewhere else.
>>18896 Jon didn't deserve this
>>18904 Why get mad when any classical IP gets characters raped? People grew up with this shit anon, it doesn't make it not hurt to see them reduced to this.
>>18906 No the pain is still there but I don't let it get to me the same way any more. Hollywood doesn't understand the appeal of capeshit characters while their own comic companies are dead set on doing anything but write good cohesive stories. So why bother using all the energy being upset when I can just move onto other things that aren't hopeless mediums?
>>18904 >beginning with cool ideas that were all stolen from somewhere else. That's only true for some capeshit. Are you that one guy who insists superman is a rip-off of john carter despite superman putting an obvious unique spin on it with the "alien get's transported too earth and becomes a hero" instead of the "earthman get's transported to another world" shit that John Carter did?
>>18908 No Superman is a rip off of Gladiator.

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>>18909 Don't forget Doc Savage.
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>>18904 That's not the point. The characters have cultural significance, and that's all that matters. They are symbols, and that's why they are targets. When they tarnish Superman, they are very consciously doing it so as to tarnish America and the other things he represents. It doesn't matter that he's a ripoff of Gladiator, because Hugo Danner does not have the same cultural significance, however big an injustice that may be. I also question if Superman was jew propaganda when his early stories were mostly about fighting mobsters, and even his original nemesis, The Ultra-Humanite, had the big scheme of taking over the cab driver's union because he knew it was a great entry into organized crime. Also also, comics Superman didn't actually fight in World War II. There were covers where it happened, but they were unrelated to the stories inside, where he didn't fight for a variety of reasons, such as being too excited when he took the eye exam, and accidentally looking through the wall and reading the eye chart in the next room, making the doctor think Clark Kent was as blind as a bat. Also Hitler had the Spear of Destiny and used its reality warping powers to keep American superheroes mostly out of the war, but that was a much later retcon. He did fight fifth columnists, though, so I guess I can't say his stories were completely divorced from World War II propaganda, but overall I'd say that while he and most other characters who are still popular today were used for propaganda, it wasn't why they were created or the way they were primarily used even at the time. Not to say there were no characters that were more like that, like Captain America and his many variants/ripoffs, but they are not the majority of characters people care about today, or even at the time.
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>>18909 >>18913 The original version of Superman still is notably different from gladiator (and Doc Savage) to the point were calling him a rip-off of either is disingenuous and uncharitable. An alien who escapes a doomed planet and leads a double life as a reporter and a costumed vigilante, vs a guy who got experimented on by his father and then goes on to live mostly un-eventful life until he dies via lighting strike on top of a mountain while asking got what to do next is already a stark difference in comparison to gladiator. The power-set is arguably more of a rip-off as OG superman even had similar scientific explanations with comparison to ants and grasshoppers, but Superman and Hugo Danner are still largely different storywise. At best they rip-offed the powerset, which was mildly common amongst pulpshit in the first place when something became popular(see the dozens of Doc Strange pastiche’s such as the one’s listed here: https://thepulp.net/pulpsuperfan/2013/04/11/early-pulp-pastiches-of-doc-savage/ .
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>>18914 Calm down, Doomcock. Capeshit archetype characters are not household icons. Kids only know them through toys & cartoons. Most people only know them now in the modern day from movies. They're not that important. Unlike Japanese heroes that are cultural icons that've actually had immense impact in their country. >>18915 That's because he's also an amalgamation of "jewish" biblical figures like Moses & Samson.
>>18916 >Unlike Japanese heroes that are cultural icons that've actually had immense impact in their country. Hey look, the autist that used to spam "READ MANGA" all over the place is back, didnt the jannie told you to kill yourself or something?
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>>18917 Capeshit characters only had relevance in actual societal culture in WW2. Because they were propaganda tools. Not because they were amazing well written stories that could timelessly last through the ages. There's no cultural significance to characters who never change, age, die forever, even just stay consistent.
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>>18915 Note that after Action Comics #1 (and its expanded reprint in Superman #1), the fact that Superman was an alien didn't come up again for years. It became important later, but Siegel and Shuster clearly didn't think it was a particularly important element at first. It was a cool origin story, but they didn't care about actually doing anything with it. >>18916 >Calm down, Doomcock. Capeshit archetype characters are not household icons. Kids only know them through toys & cartoons. Most people only know them now in the modern day from movies. They're not that important. Superman is one of the most influential and iconic characters of the 20th century, and as a character from a more story-focused medium than something like Mickey Mouse or Super Mario, he is loaded with a lot of symbolic significance beyond the symbolism of corporate tyranny, which all of these characters also represent. Not only does he represent America, but he represents heroism as an abstract concept. And don't think that SJWs don't realize this. Ten years ago, before they took over the industry, they were writing articles about how the very concept of heroism is evil patriarchy white supremacist doubleplusungood wrongthink. This is how they think. And to a degree they're correct. Erode a culture's icons and stop reminding them of their ideals and they may slowly begin to forget those ideals. It's one frontier in a wide ranging war. >Unlike Japanese heroes that are cultural icons that've actually had immense impact in their country. Oh, I was giving you too much credit. You're just a weeb that believes in some sort of Japanese exceptionalism. If you said Japshit was equal, I'd agree (except for how America has had a much stronger history cultural export, even if that is changing). But to act like Kamen Rider is high art and Superman isn't is ridiculous. Both are important. I'd say the same about both of the countries' range of superheroes and other similar characters. But I would argue that Superman in particular has more cultural symbolic significance than the rest. It doesn't matter that the average person today doesn't even know Superman as a character, and just sees him as a symbol that represents "generic hero guy." If anything, it proves my point further. His significance as a character that people actually want to read stories about has diminished drastically in the last several decades, bit his significance as a symbol that people recognize, and recognize the symbolism of, has remained much longer. It is also diminishing, but much more slowly. >>18918 How do you explain their resurgence in the late '50s/early '60s and sustained high sales until the '90s, when the comics were then subsequently replaced with extremely well selling films? Their popularity over the last 60+ years is not relevance? >There's no cultural significance to characters who never change, age, die forever, even just stay consistent. Not only are you continuing to miss the point of how a character's cultural significance is almost entirely separate from their continuity, but you also just said... >There's no cultural significance to characters who never change, ... even just stay consistent. >change >stay consistent You understand these things contradict each other, right?
>>18919 The resurgence is from children. Got little else to do but read for fun. But that's the thing. Being popular among kids doesn't equate to societal culture importance. If it did, companies wouldn't get away with ruining characters like Superman or Captain America. Who you claim are so important to american culture. The fact of the matter is the average person has never even read a comic. If they did, they'd hate them because they realize how incomprehensible they are.
>>18918 >Capeshit characters only had relevance in actual societal culture in WW2. Because they were propaganda tools. Not because they were amazing well written stories that could timelessly last through the ages. There's no cultural significance to characters who never change, age, die forever, even just stay consistent. <completely ignores the post Holy shit, it is the same faggot! How come you havent killed yourself yet?
>>18921 You have no argument.
Seriously kid just kill yourself.
>>18920 >The resurgence is from children. And the initial popularity shortly before and during World War II? >Being popular among kids doesn't equate to societal culture importance. I'd argue it's largely the opposite. Hook 'em while they're young. That's when you can best instill ideas in them. And while some kids' material is forgettable, and sometimes kids get hooked on fads they later look back on in regret, clearly capeshit as a whole wasn't that, since many people did grow up to understand the deeper significance of these characters, and then make movies out of them, which have largely appealed to adults. Those people also grew up to go and write the comics, and make them more geared toward adults over time, until for the last few decades they've been incomprehensible to children. And this started very early. The entire reason DC's multiverse exists is because kids who grew up in the '30s and '40s still cared about the characters once they were adults in the '50s and '60s and got rebooted. It was always more than just kids, and we have confirmation of that by the '50s and '60s. >If it did, companies wouldn't get away with ruining characters like Superman or Captain America. People like you let them do it. You act like it isn't important because you don't value the symbolism. And in a way that's understandable. But SJWs do value symbolism, even if they're bad at both understanding and creating it. They do target it, and they do destroy it, and then years later people like you look back in anger at how the things you liked were destroyed, and people who liked it, likely normal people, are left with one less thing they like, one less thing to keep them from being demoralized. You completely allow them to destroy elements of the culture, and then wonder why they make inroads in the culture war. >The fact of the matter is the average person has never even read a comic. I keep repeating that this doesn't matter. The average person probably doesn't even know that Superman is an alien. But they know that he is a hero. They know that he is THE hero. He probably isn't their favorite, but he is the archetype. I'm pretty sure that Captain Marvel is really the one that solidified this archetype in the public consciousness, but his legal troubles and disappearance from the public eye for decades allowed Superman to take most of that cultural capital wholesale. The fact that Superman is arguably "the first superhero" also helps. The fact that he also represents Truth, Justice, and The American Way, and that normalfags also recognize that he symbolizes those things, three other things SJWs hate, only makes him an even bigger target. They are not attacking Clark Kent or Kal-El or an alien from Krypton, they are attacking heroism itself, including the sub-categories of Truth, Justice, and The American way. That is their actual goal, and ten years ago they were screeching as much. And now that they're doing it you think it's ridiculous to acknowledge that they're doing it. >If they did, they'd hate them because they realize how incomprehensible they are. If they read the comics, they'd recognize that it's not even Superman that they made gay. The SJWs understand nobody reads comics, and they understand that it doesn't matter. What matters is they get to say that Superman sucks dick and doesn't believe in The American Way. The fact that normalfags don't read it means that the normalfags won't know any better, but the idea will be planted in their minds, and erode that symbol, and hopefully, as far as the SJWs are concerned, the things those symbols represent. And if you don't think that constantly being told that The American Way isn't good won't actually implant that idea into people, even if only stupid and weak willed ones, then you are the stupid one. And it applies just as much to Heroism, Truth, and Justice, even if those take slightly more convincing. But look around and seriously say that nobody is being convinced of this. Many are resisting, but not all. The culture war is multifaceted, and destroying a symbol of these things like Superman is is one of their methods of attack. To act like it's not, or that it's not of even some importance, is supremely naive or arrogant. >>18922 Literally no you.
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>>18924 First of all, you obviously didn't read the majority of the post, and did not even attempt to address most of it. You are clearly only addressing the first line, which was only addressing a single very specific one of your points. Secondly, if you can explain to me how Superman fighting The Ultra-Humanite to stop him from turning the Metropolis Taxicab Union into a racketeering operation somehow was an attempt to get Americans into World War II, please do so. That was the majority of his stories not just before World War II, but also during and after. Until he started fighting mad scientists and aliens more often. Also, one memorable story from before World War II was very anti-war, if you want to say it's any sort of propaganda. The one where Superman grabs two leaders from warring nations and forces them to bareknuckle box each other to death (or admit that war is bad) instead of making their people fight by proxy. Reminder that Superman was invented before World War II.
>>18916 >Capeshit archetype characters are not household icons. Anon, please. Capeshit has been shit for years, if not decades. But everybody and their mother recognizes them. Their are people who've never read a superman comic or even seen his many cartoons and movies, yet still got absolutely assblasted about the recent changes made to him in the comics. Capeshit may have frequently been propaganda but most of their most memorable shit is the non-propagandic parts. >That's because he's also an amalgamation of "jewish" biblical figures like Moses & Samson. Yes and? He still wasn't a rip-off. >Capeshit characters only had relevance in actual societal culture in WW2. LOL, it was about as culturally relevant as most genre fiction (i.e. read by specific subset of people who formed a subculture around it and referenced alot in additional genre fiction by other nerds.) The only difference between Sentaishit in terms of cultural impact is that Sentai arrived too late to be used as propaganda in WW2 in Japan. I await your detailed reply on how Sentaishit is culturally relevant to the modern japanese aside from being liked by a specific subset of otaku and a big multimedia franchise. Superman at least has shit that get’s him jerked off by semiotician which is largely absent in writings about sentaishit, but hey I don’t know Japanese so maybe I’m wrong. Not like you know Japanese either you damn weaboo. >>18916 >Being popular among kids doesn't equate to societal culture importance. Who do you think the target audience for Tokunatsu is? Apart from some edgier derivative’s meant to appeal to older fans, the target audience for Kamen rider and most other sentaishit is children. Do you even watch sentaishit? The only point you have is all sentaishit has endings, but that’s kind of a moot point only capeshit comics and the recent cinematic universe movies don’t end, all other big two capeshit media does(see batman Arkham trilogy and the numerous capeshit cartoons such as the Timmverse). > Again. Propaganda tools. That was the only time comics were culturally significant. Because they were the inspiring brainwashing tools to get americans to wanna fight the war we had no reason to join. You’re not even reading the replies you get huh? You don’t address any point brought up and reply far too quickly. One good thing about that faggot frank is he recognizes fags like you. Here’s the last (you) you’re going to get from me you queer. Capeshit was popular long before WW2 and remained popular long after it ended. Next time learn to argue instead of responding with non-sequitur’s you faggot.
>>18926 I have little words to give you when you ignore my points or outright say the average person not knowing comics doesn't matter in this discussion about comics having cultural significance. The best point I can give now to summarize this is that movies are what give the general public their perception of these characters. Not the comics. This also has nothing to do with cultural significance. Pop culture is not societal culture. It's not even close to the same impact as historical myths. >>18927 Yes. Through movies. People don't read comics. It's a niche interest post WW2. Only becoming more niche as time went on. Cartoons like the Batman Animated Series have influenced the average person more than any of the comics in the main line of stories.
>>18928 >I have little words to give you when you ignore my points or outright say the average person not knowing comics doesn't matter in this discussion about comics having cultural significance. First of all, you accusing others of ignoring your points, especially others who specifically quote your points and write paragraphs of response, is hilarious. Secondly, the discussion is not about comics, it's about characters. I have explicitly stated as much and explained why many times. You could argue against this point if you wanted, but you don't, you ignore it. >The best point I can give now to summarize this is that movies are what give the general public their perception of these characters. Not the comics. This also has nothing to do with cultural significance. Exactly my point. It doesn't matter how they know the character. It matters that they do. They recognize the characters and what they represent. Sometimes more vaguely than others. But people recognize very clearly what superheroes overall represent, and especially Superman. >Pop culture is not societal culture. It's not even close to the same impact as historical myths. Yet you use Kamen Rider as an example of what I'm talking about, while saying that Superman and other western superheroes are not examples. Your argument would hold more water if you didn't do that. But I wouldn't agree anyway, because I'd argue both are culturally and symbolically significant. They may be newer and not have had as much historical influence, but they have had influence in the time they've been around, and they have held and still hold influence in the minds of the people, which is what I'm actually discussing. >Yes. Through movies. People don't read comics... Cartoons like the Batman Animated Series have influenced the average person more than any of the comics in the main line of stories. Again, completely irrelevant to the point. If anything, it proves our point and disproves yours. The characters exist outside their stories. That's why, despite Batman from the comics technically being a different character than Batman from The Animated Series, everyone can recognize that they are both Batman. Batman is a wider symbol and archetype that people recognize in both forms, and others. The intricacies of his continuity don't matter. What matters is what people think he is and what he represents. He's a guy who dresses as a bat and saves people. He's a guy who goes out of his way and uses his (relatively) human resources to try to stop people from getting hurt. It's simple, but it's valuable. We take the message that it's good to help people for granted, but we shouldn't. Far too many people don't care about it. >It's a niche interest post WW2. Only becoming more niche as time went on. Again, objectively incorrect, given their sales from the late '50s through the mid '90s, (and since you mention children, by the '90s the audience was very much adult, not that that matters). But again, it doesn't matter what medium the characters use to reach the people. The point is the characters recognize the characters and the characters represent things. They represent heroism, and that is not a concept we should take for granted. It's hard to believe, but it's a concept many people disdain. And they used to openly write about their disdain for it, until they got in control and were able to actually take action in destroying it.
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>>18928 >The best point I can give now to summarize this is that movies are what give the general public their perception of these characters. Not the comics. This also has nothing to do with cultural significance. Pop culture is not societal culture. It's not even close to the same impact as historical myths. You're conflating a bunch of shit together. Many capeshit fags make comparison to mythshit and I agree it's bullshit. However, Pop culture is still quite influential in that a lot of people either use it as example (i.e. the billions of time A.I. researchers have made a comparison to terminators and Asimov Stories amongst others.) or because everyone knows of it and can be used in metaphors (see the millions of people who make superman comparisons such as bodybuilders). No pop culture shit is as influential as mythshit, but pop culture has long overtaken the influence of whatever high art it is contemporary with since at least the days of dime novels and the advent of the internet means pop culture never gets largely forgotten like it did in the past. Most genre fiction fandoms have an entire subculture around them that allow their fandoms to continue into perpetuity. >Yes. Through movies. People don't read comics. It's a niche interest post WW2. Only becoming more niche as time went on. Cartoons like the Batman Animated Series have influenced the average person more than any of the comics in the main line of stories. Your point? No one argued that comics weren't irrelevant in the current year, only that superman was a cultural icon, and it was a shame to see faggots use him in such a way, which quickly got clarified as long moving past the comics by the other anon you were arguing with here: >>18914 <That's not the point. The characters have cultural significance, and that's all that matters. They are symbols, and that's why they are targets. When they tarnish Superman, they are very consciously doing it so as to tarnish America and the other things he represents. While I simply argued he wasn't a rip-off of gladiator here: >>18915 Reading Comprehension isn't your strong point, is it? Maybe you should stop watching so much sentai, it's clearly rotting your brain. :^)
>>18930 But pop culture is not societal culture.
>>18931 First of all, he didn't argue it was. Second of all, it is.
>>18932 No it's really not. If it was, people, average every day people, would give a shit about (in this instance) comics. They'd want to see media based on them portray characters accurately. They'd be as outraged about drastic changes or stupid writing as an anon here. But they aren't. Because, for the hundredth time, they do not read comics. The whole point I've been trying to make from the start is comic books have no cultural significance post WW2. No that does not extend to cartoons or movies. That's not culture. Pop culture funko pops is not culture.
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>>>18931 <this specfic subset of culture isn't societal culture. Neither is mythshit in the current year and the past several decades to the average joe. What relevance do you think Hercules and Zeus have to John Doe who returns home from his 9 to 5 job to go to bed after he puts his kid to sleep and fucks his wife? Do you think ancient Myth has a notable influence on the modern man, asides from the glut of pop culture entertainment that pulls from it like God of War or capeshit? Pop culture isn't societal culture but has had a clear and often demonstratable influences on it by forming subcultures that interact with society at large. > If it was, people, average every day people, would give a shit about (in this instance) comics. The Average every day person isn't some monolithic entity you dumb nigger, despite how many people on this site would like to believe they are. Plenty of Normalniggers have been bitching about fag superman since it dropped, many of them never touched a comic but still bitched about it. There are entire news articles on websites like Breibart and CNN reporting and taking stances on this vary issue because Superman's still big enough to make headline news. My own Mother started talking about it because she saw a headline about it, and she's never read a comicbook and never will, but she knows enough about superman via cultural osmosis to want to comment on it. My university classmates commented on it, despite never reading a comic book but because they were familiar with capeshit, they wanted to comment on it. What is your definition of "average everyday people, and while we're at it what is your definition of "societal culture" where appraently things that thousands, if not millions, can comment on but apparently not count? Does every person in the world need to comment on capeshit comics for it to be considered part of this abstract “societal culture” you keep bringing up in your non-sequitar filled shitposts? >They'd want to see media based on them portray characters accurately. and the normalniggers who bitched about Snydershit because they were fans of shit like Donner Superman and the cartoons growing up and felt it was too edgy, and the glut or normalniggers who are currently bitching in news article comment sections don't count why? >The whole point I've been trying to make from the start is comic books have no cultural significance post WW2. No that does not extend to cartoons or movies. That's not culture. Pop culture funko pops is not culture. <it doesn’t count because I said so What do you think a subculture is nigger? Do you think the thousands of children and manchildren decked out in capeshit merch and spending hours arguing about capeshit media is somehow outside culture because it's doesn't reflect obviously through every element of culture (if at all) or it represents shit that disgusts you as it does me? What culture relevance does Kamen Rider and Super Sentai have to do with the average Modern Japanese person (or even to the average Japanese man when it first became a popular genre)? I've asked multiple times at this point and you've yet to provide an example because you can't. Sentaishit, like it's western capeshit counterpart, is only relevant to a specific subculture within its nation and the world at large. It has no relevance to society at large, but you bet your ass if it had drastic changes like it's western capeshit counterpart every jap and their mother would comment on it because they have an at least passing familiarity with it do to the popularity. Learn2Read&Argue and familiarize yourself with basic ass cultural theory you dumb nigger.
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>>18933 >They'd want to see media based on them portray characters accurately. They do. That's why they care even in changes in the comics that are not accurate to the character. The character is not defined by what's in the books, it's defined by what's in the minds of the public. They know Superman isn't gay, and that's why they care when SJWs say he is, even though they're only saying it in an irrelevant dead medium. >They'd be as outraged about drastic changes or stupid writing as an anon here. Saying that the average person doesn't get as enthusiastic about things as people on a website specifically for enthusiasts of those things, and that therefore that means those things are not part of their culture, is ridiculous and nonsensical. >Because, for the hundredth time, they do not read comics. Why are you acting like anyone said they did? Why are you ignoring, for the hundredth time, that it's the characters that matter and not the method that is used to deliver them to the public? >The whole point I've been trying to make from the start is comic books have no cultural significance post WW2. And that's wrong for two reasons, the first of which is that this discussion has nothing to do with the books, it has to do with the characters. The second reason is that, since you bring up the books, you highlight that you have no actual historical knowledge of the subject, since your timeframe for when they became culturally irrelevant is off by half a century. >Pop culture funko pops is not culture. Unfortunately it is. Nobody said "culture" had to be good things or things you like. It doesn't have to be particularly deep or meaningful, though certainly much can be read into funkopops and why people buy them. Pop culture is more culture than unpopular culture, simply because more people are actually aware of it and participating with it. Some SJW piece of shit that wins a ton of awards isn't "culture" just because it isn't pop culture. And guess what? A lot of the things you think of as high culture are just things that appealed to the predecessors of those people, who sat around and circlejerked in their insular communities over the same few pieces and themes and styles that nobody else actually liked or cared about, but since those people controlled academia or media or were simply rich, they could keep pushing it for decades or centuries until news about it filtered down to the proles, who are frequently afraid to admit that the emperor has no clothes, and when they do, they are just dismissed as stupid or uncultured by the circlejerking proto-SJWs that are probably also in the exact same position of also not wanting to admit the emperor has no clothes. Everything is culture, not just the things you or anyone else says. And thank goodness, because otherwise, the kids shows (which are actually all just glorified toy commercials) that you praise would also not be culture, since they aren't exactly seen as high art anywhere, including their own country. But they are culture, and they do have value. They have meaning to the kids who buy their toys and the developmentally stunted adults who buy the more expensive merch that kids can't afford. And the same applies to their western equivalents. Especially the ones that predate them and influenced them.
So I'm curious, what amazing attributes have been attributed to Marvel's Gay Niggers from Outer Space? Will it cure cancer? Will it literally end the hate for fags and queers all over the world(but not china/middle east because we'd still like to release the movie there) with how stunning and brave it is? Will it be hyped up as CRUSHING non-existent box office records and then completely forgotten within a weekend like Black Widow and Ching Chong was?
>>18942 I know you're a newfag and all but at least archive your shit before shilling.
>>19153 Man I miss when anime was obscure. Not that I can complain since I only got into the jojo manga after the first two parts got adapted to anime. But I still wish it's popularity peaked in the west at part 2 anime adaption levels, it's western fanbase has been in steady decline since the anime adaptions from what I've seen.
>>19154 I'm convinced Big Bang Theory was part of a Machiavellian jew plot to pre-emptively dilute Jap media and its niche discussion by exposing normalfags to it in the same year they flooded the internet via Iphones.
>>19157 did big bang theory even have any weebshit? I vaguely recalll they did a tentacle porn joke.
>>19159 There was also a pun about "anime" sounding like "Annie May".
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>>18903 >>18914 That's why, "Symbols are for the symbol-minded." Symbolism does more harm than good and is the reason why we can never have nice things. I.E. Battle Flag of the CSA. Symbolism is the reason why they continue to with this "capture the flag" nonsense. And think they're achieving something by defacing them. But Superman is not being tarnish. He's just being queer-washed as a quick cash grab and also for those LGBT brownie points, which isn't working. Because all theses companies and celebrities have over done it.
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>>19203 Symbolism will exist regardless of if intentional or not. Any thing in a work of art will take on symbolism due to the context in which it exists. That symbolism may be so thin it exists only in the mind of one particular idiot, but in the case of something like Superman, he would have taken on connotations of representing heroism as a concept even if nobody ever intended that. His history simply makes it happen. It's the nature of his character and history. And thus SJWs cannot allow him to exist.
>>19203 Never worked to begin with. Who knew people don't like taking established characters & making them minorities for no reason?
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3D Buzz lightyear film announced.
>>19204 >Symbolism will exist regardless of if intentional or not. That's true. But you also have to take into consideration how politically neutral persons view things. As they mostly view Superman and such characters as awesome superheroes. Whereas a person seeking a crutch and/or mold for their image and ideology is after just that. >Any thing in a work of art will take on symbolism due to the context in which it exists. That's also true. However, the original meanings of a given symbol can get swept away by a sea of mishmash context. Examples, the swastika, the "Ok" hand gesture, the finger, skull and cross bones, the rainbow, and many others. > . And thus SJWs cannot allow him to exist. (1.) The mind of an SJW is an absolute weird one. (2.) They always contradict themselves by either word of mouth and/or their actions. (3.) Their research is always Wikipedia and hearsay. (4.) "I only started watching Steven's Universe because I was channel surfing and saw women characters kiss!" (5.) "Batwoman is garbage because she fails to represent body equality." "Batwoman's breasts are just way too big." "Batwoman should be black." "The new black Batwoman paints black women in a poor shade." (6.) Fuck what an SJW thinks. >That symbolism may be so thin it exists only in the mind of one particular idiot, but in the case of something like Superman, he would have taken on connotations of representing heroism as a concept even if nobody ever intended that. His history simply makes it happen. It's the nature of his character and history My only two cents about this is - most of the modern audience cannot digest what Superman was/meant during pre and post WWII. Not solely on account of SJWs. But on account that the "American Way" has changed a lot since then. Baseball used to be a sacred American past time. Now look at it. >>19234 I blame that Snagglepuss comic.
>>19244 There's nothing wrong with this in theory, the character was always part of a show within a show and the cartoon never covered his origin, but knowing modern Disney/Pixar they're going to fuck it up.
>>19203 I feel like if I were to start trying to unravel what exactly you are using the term "symbolism" to describe then I wouldn't get a wink of sleep tonight. At best I can say there's a difference between symbols being ascribed meaning and propoganda where the meaning was decided before the piece of art was even made. Though you did make me come to the humorous observation of how the LGBT flag seems to be almost a mockery of Biblical myth concerning the flood. Like, those who wave it are taunting god for the act of promising not to flood the earth again because of people like them.
Star Trek Prodigy came out with it's first episode. One of the characters is a Medusan. A race of telepathic energy beings. One only appeared once in the original series. Wherein Kirk refers to it as a male ambassador of his species. Meanwhile Prodigy....
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>>19430 >Let's dig up the most obscure races in universe. >Just to push progressive shit.
>>19287 >As they mostly view Superman and such characters as awesome superheroes. Whereas a person seeking a crutch and/or mold for their image and ideology is after just that. They don't need to be seeking. People absorb messages subconsciously. They might not realize the ideals they're absorbing, but they are. And frequently it's because those ideals are simply taken for granted. Of course truth and justice and the american way are good things. They can't even imagine that someone would seek to subvert that. Good has difficulty comprehending evil. >However, the original meanings of a given symbol can get swept away by a sea of mishmash context. Precisely what SJWs are deliberately trying to do. >most of the modern audience cannot digest what Superman was/meant during pre and post WWII. Not solely on account of SJWs. But on account that the "American Way" has changed a lot since then. "The American Way" wasn't even part of the slogan originally, it was "Truth, Justice, and Freedom." "The American Way" is freedom. And even if you don't get that concept, which is a concept so deeply ingrained in American culture that I think they understand it but unconsciously because they take it for granted, the other thing that SJWs don't like is that the slogan tangles up The American Way with Truth and Justice. It associates The American Way with things regular people understand to be inherently good, and SJWs can't have that. And they don't even like Truth and Justice either, and once they finish destroying The American Way, they'll continue their assault on Truth and Justice, which they are already attacking quite emphatically, even if they haven't made as strong inroads in those regards yet. >>19342 >Though you did make me come to the humorous observation of how the LGBT flag seems to be almost a mockery of Biblical myth concerning the flood. Like, those who wave it are taunting god for the act of promising not to flood the earth again because of people like them. This is an excellent point. And anyone who has ever taken a liberal arts class at a university will know that this is exactly how SJWs think, and this is exactly the type of thing they would do on purpose. The rank and file useful idiots might not realize it, but trace things back far enough and this is surely what the original articles advocating for this shit were thinking. >>19430 Reminder that everything in nu-Star Trek is legally required to be 40% different from the original continuity, including parts that take place in the "prime timeline." Here we see an example of something that is explicitly different from real Star Trek, which is the only thing people will ever go back to watch ten years from now. If anything, all Nu-Trek is doing is making it more difficult to put up with some of the proto-SJW shit in Berman Trek, like Voyager. Original Series is the only one truly safe from this shit. I hesitate to recommend even TNG to new people now. Also most episodes of all incarnations of Star Trek are meh anyway. I really would just recommend like ten episodes from The Original Series, and then the original series movies. Maybe that one episode of The Animated Series where Spock goes back in time to his own childhood.
>>19244 You got to post the trailer. This is a pain thread you got to give enough info to cause pain. https://web.archive.org/web/20211029214601/https://ew.com/movies/chris-evans-pixar-lightyear-trailer/ >"'Set in the world of Toy Story' is kind of weird. Another way to get at it, it's a straightforward sci-fi action film about the Buzz Lightyear character," MacLane, who co-directed Finding Dory and multiple Toy Story shorts for Pixar, tells EW over Zoom. "In the Toy Story universe, it would be like a movie that maybe Andy would have seen, that would have made him want a Buzz Lightyear figure." >"The movie doesn't end and then you see Andy eating popcorn," the filmmaker clarifies. "This is its own thing… This is standalone. It's the Buzz Lightyear movie. It's that character but as the space ranger, not as the toy."
>>19449 This shouldn't be hard to explain considering they did a movie and tv show of this 20 years ago and little children could understand it just fine.
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>>19449 >Buzz Lightyear the last straight white guy from earth escapes Would watch it.
>>19449 Why would Andy, a kid with a Super Nintendo, be watching a movie with modern Dreamworks-tier CGI? If anything, this would be the shitty reboot of Buzz Lightyear that Andy would hate, and Bonnie would pretend to like while not actually going to watch the movie.
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>>19452 Well, time to watch the old cartoon.
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>>18905 >Jon didn't deserve this WE didn't deserve this.
>At best I can say there's a difference between symbols being ascribed meaning and propoganda where the meaning was decided before the piece of art was even made. Generic rainbow flag vs. LGBT Pride flag. >>19430 Oh they'll now do the same with the Shard race in Star wars. >>19448 >Of course truth and justice and the american way are good things. They can't even imagine that someone would seek to subvert that. Well, I've learned to just let such people have the road. So they can crash and hopefully be able to walk away in learning something. Because there's no getting across to a person that has been taught America: slavery, slavery, hate, and corruption. > And even if you don't get that concept, which is a concept so deeply ingrained in American culture that I think they understand it but unconsciously because they take it for granted You're discussing people that damn America, its heritage, and its people in one breath. Then proudly desecrate its flag while saying they have a right to do so as a American citizens in another. Again. I just let the maniacs have the road. To keep my job, I must give them a reason for their madness, even when there is none. Though every side pretty much agreed that Superman was made bisexually gay for the money.
>>19461 Wouldn't mind going to infinity and beyond with her.
>>19430 Of course the ironic thing is that that species is supposed to be completely inhuman, and this just adds another inhuman aspect to them. They are asexual or hermaphroditic or whatever, but humans aren't. They could do the same stuff with a snail, but it would only highlight how different snails are from humans, which have distinct sexes with distinct chromosomes and distinct genitals and other sexually dimorphic features.
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>>20197 What a cunt. It's not the Nemesis knockoff's fault the crap she has listed on Etsy isn't selling.
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Marvel not putting a self deprecating sequence for comic book elements challenge! Impossible!
>>20217 Looks dumb but I wanna cum in the yellow & green girl.
>>20217 I HATE THE GHIBLI FACE. I HATE THE GHIBLI FACE. I HATE THE GHIBLI FACE. Fuck Luca for turning this character design style 3D, looks like hot fucking trash.
>>20217 Vague period allegories aside this doesn't look like it will be anything good. Might be as far as base structure goes, but I feel like they're going to flop the execution.
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>>20217 This is gonna flop just like Onward did.
>>20220 How dare you equate cal-arts to Ghibli.
>>20217 Before the Disney logo showed up, I thought it was something from Illumination, but no, it's legit Mouseshit. The whole movie looks cheap as all hell.
>>20224 Luca directors directly emulated Ghibli style to make it, and I see the same damn faces being used here. I guess I can be more specific and say that 3D ghibli-face is garbage, but this doesn't preclude my paranoid pet-theory that all potatoe cal arts faces are just (attempting and failing) to replicate Chihiro's face from Spirited Away.
>>20227 >I guess I can be more specific and say that 3D ghibli-face is garbage, but this doesn't preclude my paranoid pet-theory that all potatoe cal arts faces are just (attempting and failing) to replicate Chihiro's face from Spirited Away. <Decided to pull up some images and I think you're onto something, HOWEVER have come to the wrong conclusion. It does look like they're "inspired" by Ghibli, but they're only paying homage to it in design, not art style. It's still the garbage CalArts style. Just look at attached vid for an example. And, while I gave Luca shit when I say the trailer for it, THIS new film actually looks WORSE. Luca, at least, looks along the lines of a European children's comic like Tintin, Spirou & Fantasio, and Lucky Luke.
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>>20217 Getting some Aardman vibes, here.
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>>20217 >"Our family has always had a mystical connection to red pandas msfw
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>>20224 I watched most of Ghibli movies last years and honestly I got sick of their character design very quickly. The mouths are specially tedious, all the characters looks like frogs.
>>20197 But he has a sexual emergency!
>>20223 What is wrong with plastic?
>>20244 The last good Ghibli film was Castle in the Sky.
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>>20217 >>20225 The film takes place in Toronto, Canada, and yet it looks as bland as any other city that I've seen. What would make the setting stand out amongst other cities (besides the CN Tower)? >>20237 The difference with that and Aardman's designs is that Aardman's looks goofier and mostly exaggerated, which fits the film's comedic tones well. Meanwhile, Pixar's has some detailed features like the eyes and mouth that look out of place with the other simplified parts, especially the head and hands. It doesn't help that the trailer isn't cute nor funny.
>>20261 Nothing. Toronto is just New York but without all the stuff.
>>20261 Has a Pixar film ever been cute?
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>>20263 Yes.
>>20230 >That video It's not that bad, the animation is fluid. What really catches my attention is that eventhough they animated it traditionally it looks animated using rigid models; in other words, although they put effort in it they managed to make it look cheap. >>20261 Speaking of Aardman, I checked the original Wallace and Gromit short films and what really surprised me is that The Wrong Trousers, A Close Shave and A Matter of Loaf and Death are closer to the decetive genre with Gromit investigating the case of the shortfilm and have tones of dark comedy like when the loaf woman fucking dies. Last year in the Annecys Nick Park mentioned in an interview that he doesn't see himself as an animator but rather a film maker who happens to shoot filsm using claymation, which is really odd considering the amount of effort that claymation requires compared to other animation methods and that he is easily one of the most influenctial claymation film makers in history.
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>>20263 >Has a Pixar film ever been cute?
>>20197 The cringe-worthy line aside, holy shit those FX are abysmal. What Marvel shitpile is this from anyway?
You know, Young Justice really fell apart once they brought it back & made it more "adult". First you get a muslim non-binary mother box, then gay Aqualad, gay Impulse, non-binary martians, & now Barbara became Oracle in this universe because Orphan slashed her back trying to kill Joker. Which I call total bullshit on. Batman make scifi supersuits but they aren't cut proof? What kind of useless bullshit armor is this?!
>>20533 >Batman make scifi supersuits but they aren't cut proof Japanese blade that was folded ten thousand times can cut through nano fiber, like butter :^)
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>>20533 >You know, Young Justice really fell apart once they brought it back & made it more "adult". Young Justice fails and falls the longer it goes on because it refuses to learn from it's early aughts betters just as say the 2003 TMNT, Avatar or the earnest joy of say The Brave and the Bold or the old DCAU. And most of the blame can be firmly left at the hands of Greg ''Super Spoopy Smooth Brained" Weisman and his endless array of stupid "Xanatos Gambits" that were vaguely fun in small does back in the Gargoyle days. But in Young Justice, he's trying to over plot the villians in a way that makes it not fun, and even the soap opera relationship stuff just doesn't click in the same way that say old Leigon of Superhero comics would. I'd also add making Vandal Savage the supreme villian is kinda lame from a DC universe standpoint when you know you just fucking have Mordru or just Darkseid taking on that role as super gonzo space wizard or space Gods running million year wars against all of the cosmos. But no we're going with a big braino Savage who can outwit everybody and cuck every capes wife in front of your eyes. Because the whole "The Light" stuff just gets boring and just renders the victories meaningless with misery porn for the relationships. Resorting to shitty pozz is what any bad writer does when they won't admit they've got no fucking plan for their heroes to win with honest to fucking god joyous moments with proper beat downs on the villains. As the pozz is just slathered there to cover up bad characterization and plotting.
>>20237 >Getting some Aardman vibes, here. You've only been born in the early 2000's haven't you kid? That has got to be the only reason for a take that ignorant of the art of animation.
>>20561 >You've only been born in the early 2000's haven't you kid? No, thank God. >That has got to be the only reason for a take that ignorant of the art of animation. I'll ignore the possibility that this is just bait and ask you how I'm displaying ignorance of the art of animation in this situation? First of all, my comment wasn't based on animation but rather DESIGN. Look at the eyes, mouth, and teeth. It's pretty obvious that there is at least a LITTLE influence on the designers' part based on Aardman stuff. One or more of them probably grew up watching Wallace & Grommit or Shaun the Sheep or whatever. Secondly, that's a hell of a lot to assume about a guy from a comment making what is blatantly a favorable comparison. Now, you can say "I don't see it" and that's fine, I'll agree to disagree. However, that reply read more like a Pixar/Disney employee who is mad as hell that I didn't verbally suck their little Chinese girl's dick, and that's what I find really weird. What kind of stakes do you have in whether or not something reminds me of something else?
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From the creators of "that movie about food swearing and having sex" and HBO, THIS WINTER prepare for "Santa Claus and other Christmas icons swearing and possibly having sex": https://yewtu.be/watch?v=aEx_CBxNrXY
>>20651 >oy vey, how dare more goys believe in Santa Claus, rather than the Shoah or our vaxines >oy vey, Santa has always been a white cis male, it's time to change this I'd rather watch Eight Crazy Nights with Adam Sandler
>>20654 Christmas stream when?
>>20661 On Christmastime, obviously.
South Park has a another special out. Not worth watching.
>>20651 The comments about elves are a gold mine.
>>20687 What retard "believes" in a vaccine? What is this dogshit? where's the COMEDY
>>20687 the elf cries out as he strikes you.
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>>20651 Am I the only one who thinks that the plot is just a repeat of Arthur Christmas?
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>>20687 >Sarah Silverman, confirmed jew and VOCAL Christmas hater >Seth Rogan, confirmed jew and VOCAL Christmas hater I fucking hate (((HBO))). Those comments are fire, though.
>>20691 Yes. A totally different sort of plot.
>>20691 Haven't seen that movie, but from comparing the trailers, all I can say is that one is a degenerate, "adult" "comedy", about destroying traditions(Santa has always been white) for the sake of modernity, whereas the other is a wholesome, family-friendly movie, about upholding traditions and not disregarding them for the sake of modern technology, as well as the importance of family(Santa Claus is a family-run business) and passing the torch to the newest member of the family. Looking at that trailer, I think I might actually watch it.
>>20691 No, because Arthur Christmas's elves weren't trying to dethrone the claus family and replace the snowman with mudman.
>>20696 You should, the whole thing is about balance, letting go and getting the right guy for the job.
>>20696 It's a modern classic. Real shame it bombed when it came out, I think it's one of Aardman's best. >>20691 Only in the concept of Santa being reluctant to retiring, other than that there's no real comparison.
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>>20701 I'd likely see it earlier if it weren't for such a lazy title.
>>20651 >>20687 I just remembered a couple of films that this reminded me of. Revenge of the Nerds >Similarity: The "outcasts" of society seek to bring down the ruling class <Differences: They're seeking to dethrone the ruling class so that they can stop being bullied, and beat the bullies at their own game The Bee Movie >Similarities: Your average "working class" character dethrones the "ruling class" for them being so unfair towards the workers <Differences: Said average character that he destroyed a function society, realizes that everyone provides a service and that's nothing to be ashamed of, denounces his previous actions, and finds a better way forward for everyone to benefit Monsters University >Similarities: The "top dogs" are incompetent idiots, and the losers will never succeed <Differences: Practice and desire isn't enough to achieve some dreams as you need to have talent, but that doesn't mean that you cannot still provide support or achieve your dreams in other avenues. Zootopia >Similarities: A diversity hire is seeking to make a difference by competing and participating in a world dominated by a certain class of people <Differences: Said diversity hire realizes that making the grade doesn't earn her respect or solve all problems, and that her "shattering the glass ceiling" views caused more division than previously existed.
>>20651 >>20687 This abomination oozes with borderline physically palpable spite. It's almost impressive.
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>>20701 >It's a modern classic. Seconded. Very well acted and while everyone did a great job, my favorite was Bill Nighy's insane and cheeky 1940s grandfather Santa. Holy shit. It came out in 2011. How the hell is that 10 years old, already?
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>>20687 Am I the only one who thinks this jewess bitch looks like the Count on HRT?
>>20690 >Orcs were being compared to niggers <Now it's the elves I was expecting goblins, they'd fit better. >>20721 She does sound like a retard.
>>20722 No orcs are niggers, but elves are being compared to jews. Keep it straight.
>>20696 (Me) I just saw the movie, and it was actually really, really good, well animated, with lots of movement, camera-work and effects, especially as their second feature length CGI movie. The characters were either lovable, or in case of Steve, you could sympathize with his frustrations, and understand their actions. Gramps was probably my favorite character, and would like to watch a movie all about him and the Christmas from 1941. I was wrong when I speculated that the movie was about "upholding traditions and not disregarding them for the sake of modern technology", it's more about balance as >>20699 in that you have to adapt to the changing time, but never forget about the spirit of the season, otherwise you get McDonalds CEO delivering presents to Unit 0K78GJ98. It's also about Ego, and how it affects the 3 Santas, one wanting a return to the old times to show everyone how it's done, one doesn't want to relinquish his role, because he likes the attention he gets, and one wants to be Santa and is frustrated that his father never appreciates him, and pass him the torch. I don't usually laugh at these types of movies anymore grumpy old adult and all that, yet this movie actually made me laugh, especially with the scenes with old Santa, like when he said he used to smack "wakers" with a sock of sand and put some whisky on their lips to make the forget about seeing Santa, or how he almost started WW3, because he flew during the Cuban Missile Crisis. Surprisingly it touched me right in the feels, when Eve got blown up, holy shit, did not expect to tear up at something like that, but I did, and I am not ashamed of admitting it. All in all, I highly recommend it to any anon on this board. Merry Christmas!
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>>20729 >killed by hispanic Hillary Clinton Not like this! NOT LIKE THIS!
>>20716 They wish it could be on par with Revenge of the Nerds, Porky's, or Animal House. But with this movie, the whole gimmick is to bring down traditionalism through Rosie the Riveter logic. With lots of swearing and sexual themes along the way.
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>>20721 >Am I the only one who thinks this jewess bitch looks like the Count on HRT? <The Cunt
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>>20691 Am I the only one who thinks the plot of Arthur Christmas is just a repeat of The Santa Claus Brothers? I never even watched Arthur Christmas, but people here are giving me the impression it's about Santa having three sons that each want to take over when he retires, so they compete somehow. That's the exact same plot. Only it doesn't have the hilarious and underrated Harland Williams. Also, is the title of Arthur Christmas supposed to rhyme with "Father Christmas" in some very specific accent? Because that title completely fucked the movie's chances at the box office.
>>20721 One immigrant Two immigrants Three immigrants Four immigrants Five immigrants
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>>20729 I'm glad you watched and liked.
>>20729 That sounds pretty good actually... Fuck it I'm watching this tonight.
>>20762 It was good. Really enjoyed the film. Thanks to everyone for talking about it for several days.
>>20757 It's more about three generations of Santas all with their own ideas of what Christams is and what being Santa means, you should definitely give it a try. >>20764 Glad you enjoyed it.
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>>20729 Okay, this got a laugh out of me. >End up in Trelew, Mexico. That's kinda smart, actually. There is a Trelew in Argentina though. He made the same mistake. Hah. Yeah, it's pretty good for a Christmas movie. Dunno how I've never seen this one yet.
>>20767 Note that Sarah Smith, who co-directed this also worked on Ron's Gone Wrong, which has just been released.
>>20722 Santa Inc has elves in it, not goblins, because it's based on santa. Santa has elves.
>>20768 So far very meh. The music sucks. And what was this joke here? >3 month wait? What is this czarist russia? Anon did you recommend a movie written by communists?
>>20774 I didn't say it was any good, just that it had been recently released.
New Sonic trailer dropped. Featuring Knuckles.
>>20974 It reminds me a lot of the Sonic X cartoon.
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>>20974 calling it now, shadow will make a cameo
>>20979 Maybe Metal Sonic would show up, considering Eggman has a stran of Sonic's quill.
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>>20974 If it weren't for the already shut down MPC Vancouver, this wouldn't exist due to the horrifying initial design. It also was one of the few films that succeeded before Corona-chan spooked theaters.
>>20687 I thought (((Seth Rogen))) would get blacklisted from doing animation after it came to light how poorly he treated the Sausage Party staff.
>>20982 Isn't he also working on an animated TMNT movie as well?
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>>20982 I thought that was just for the animation company Nitrogen Studios, not Point Grey (Rogen's studio).
>>20982 He is part of the tribe and the cult. Alec Baldwin is a murderer and they still treat him like the victim. You can do anything if you're one of them. Except actually make them money. So if they want to waste their money on this shit nobody will watch, let them.
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>>20974 Not gonna lie, I'm prepared to give the theaters money for this one. The last one was fun and seeing Carrey give up and return to the Ace Ventura era was great. Just a fun, dumb popcorn movie, suitable for the whole family. The fact that it absolutely slaughtered Whoreley Quim and the Birds of Ghey in the box office only added to my enjoyment of it. Didn't I hear the Rock was going to be Knuckles at some point? >>20979 >calling it now, shadow will make a cameo They're probably saving him for Sonic 3. Or maybe in the stinger there will be some scene with Robotnik opening up a cloning chamber or whatever. >>20982 >I thought (((Seth Rogen))) would get blacklisted from He's a jew with connections. He keeps getting movies despite the fact that he's a wretched piece of excrement. In fact, knowing the kazars, it's probably BECAUSE he's a wretched piece of excrement. He'll keep on trucking, just like Sarah Silverfish and Amy Tumor and all the (((rest))) >>20984 >Isn't he also working on an animated TMNT movie as well? God forbid. >>21055 >He is part of the tribe and the cult. Alec Baldwin is a murderer and they still treat him like the victim. You can do anything if you're one of them. So much this. Juicy Smollet will serve maybe three months in a minimum security facility for rich people and will probably write a book about his "ordeal" when he gets out. They made Mel Gibson eat shit for more than a decade for naming the jew, but Juicy will be welcomed with open arms because he's a pickle-sniffer.
>>20980 Since Knuckles will obviously become a good guy by the end, hopefully Metal Sonic shows up so that the final fight ups the ante compared to the first movie. It would be lame to have all three heroes just fight Robotnik again. Shadow would work for his own movie. He has enough story that he should have substantial time dedicated to it. Metal sonic can be thrown in with just a bit of foreshadowing that robotnik is replicating Sonics power. The other thing they could do is hint at Chaos throughout the movie and then he gets freed at the end right around the time when knuckles turns good. Having the thing with him slowly powering up for the whole story sounds like too much to ask, and they probably would rather focus whole movies on other characters like shadow. But mixing chaos in as the climax of the knuckles story could work. Then again, if they gave a shit about respecting the characters or story we wouldnt have James Marsden playing Chris Thorndyke and Sonic being an other dimensional alien.
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>>21068 >He has enough story You absolute monster.
>>21068 >Then again, if they gave a shit about respecting the characters or story we wouldnt have James Marsden playing Chris Thorndyke and Sonic being an other dimensional alien. Yeah, well, here's the problem: they want Jim Carrey as REAL Robotnik, not just voicing him. To have Sanic running around Mobius requires a full 3D film, which is costly and time-consuming. So they do a few planetary sequences and then jump to Earth to save money and time. Also, Marsden's character made it a buddy movie, and people love complete strangers becoming the best of friends (see Venom 1; why do you think the symbiote talks so much?). From a Hollywood point of view, it makes perfect sense. From a fan point of view, well, it really depends on the fan. I'm sure Chrischan was using it to power his rage-erection while he was raping his mom.
>>21071 The Japanese materials always had sonic running around in a realistic world. From as early as Waku Waku Sonic Patrolcar, he was in cities. Obviously everyone knows about him running around in a city in Adventure, and San Francisco in Adventure 2 and a few other games. They could have done the same here. A world where these cartoonish characters exist. He doesnt need to be from another dimension. A magic unexplored island maybe. That's what the games did. The story doesnt need to revolve around him being a lonely fish out of water. That's the exact opposite of his character. Seeing Sonic depressed about not having friends is fucking stupid. He's just generic shonen hero. He makes friends effortlessly and nothing ever bothers him (except maybe a couple really climactic moments) because he is eternally carefree and optimistic. But I suppose after seeing how badly Hollywood fucked up Dragon Ball, I shouldnt have expected any better here. And of course Sonic is already a buddy story since Sonic 2 since he already hangs around Tails all the time. Tails also has the type of personality where he could be introduced as a guy who already lives in the city. Again, you dont need to explain it any more than the games do. Just have some random cartoon extras, and Tails is the only important one. I heard people saying they just didnt want to animate more than one cartoon main character, but I doubt that was the primary reason. Like the awful original design, it's because these people are so brain dead they have never seen a cartoon before and think people cant suspend disbelief for cartoon elements unless they're explained in autistic detail and mixed in with generic Hollywood shit. The same people who thought the ninja turtles needed to be aliens even though there were already successful live action movies that just did the comic story. Even though Sonic is already one of the most successful properties in the world, they think their Hollywood garbage is above all that, and inherently better, so in order for people to like it, they have to make it more like generic hollywood trash. And no matter how many times they see that more faithful or at least more respectful means more successful, their arrogance never allows them to learn.
>>21073 >He doesnt need to be from another dimension. A magic unexplored island maybe. That's what the games did. The story doesnt need to revolve around him being a lonely fish out of water. Fair enough. I never played anything other than the original side-scrollers, which were definitely a world apart from ours (unless there are panoramic vistas with checkered stunt tunnels in Yellowstone I haven't heard about). I tend to think in terms of the old Sega games and not the stuff that came after.
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If anyone's interested in /co/ related WINS, it looks like IDW won't be able to make Transformers gay for much longer. Looks like Hasbro is tired of being embarrassed by Fags Vissagio and Aubrey Shitterson and the rest of the degenerate freaks.
>>21079 >I never played anything other than the original side-scrollers, which were definitely a world apart from ours (unless there are panoramic vistas with checkered stunt tunnels in Yellowstone I haven't heard about). I tend to think in terms of the old Sega games and not the stuff that came after. The idea the developers always seemed to have was just that the games happened in ancient ruins and unexplored lands, and even the earliest spinoff materials, such as commercials and arcade games, had Sonic also going to cities like he did in later games. They never explained it because it's a cartoon. They don't need to explain why Felix the Cat isn't a realistic cat, even though he walks around a world of humans. Some people are just cartoon characters. You don't need to explain it further. The more you try, the dumber it's going to seem. But what bugs me more is that they changed his personality significantly, so as to tie it in with his new origin story. In doing so, I think they missed a large part of the appeal of the character. He's not cool when he's depressed about having to hide in the shadows. That whole thing never needed to happen. But then it's such a central aspect of the story that to change it means you're essentially changing the entire story and all of the central character arcs. But they're the ones who changed them first. If I was trying to compromise with Hollywood, I guess what I would have tried to propose is first of all to just allow a world where some people are cartoon characters. Then instead of Sonic being the depressed guy who wants friends, replace that with Tails, who is also replacing Chris or whatever his name is as the "everyman" character. He can live in the city and have a normal life and everything. It's not what the games do, but if we absolutely need that character, Tails could sort of fill the role and still be Tails. Then he finds notices clues that Sonic has left around the city or the world, and manages to actually catch up to him and get wrapped up in an adventure with him. Maybe Tails is already aware of Robotnik because they're both scientists, but Tails is a low level guy way below Robotnik's rank or whatever. That would add some tension and room for character development as his adventures with Sonic teach him to believe in himself, culminating with when he helps Sonic beat this guy he saw as way beyond his level. I know this sounds like stupid fanfiction, but my point is you could have done a lot of the stuff the movie did without being so fucking stupid and seeming so ashamed of what the movie was based on. They could have had the realistic setting and the everyman character being part of a buddy duo with Sonic, with Jim Carrey starting as a more "realistic" Robotnik and slowly becoming a more crazy guy. But they thought nobody would go to see a Sonic movie for characters like Sonic and Tails, or even Robotnik. And Jim Carrey wasn't a big enough star to carry it either. No, they needed the power of James Marsden, playing a regular (hollywood sexy) guy that the audience of a Sonic the Hedgehog movie could relate to. Because obviously that's a central element of what made this multi-billion dollar franchise worthy of adapting in the first place. But at least it was better than 90% of the Sonic comics that have ever existed.
>>21073 >But I suppose after seeing how badly Hollywood fucked up Dragon Ball, I shouldnt have expected any better here. Wasn't the a result of the DB:Evo writers realizing that the story was Journey to the West, and reqrite everything to differentiate from the then-recent JTTW film? >>21088 >But at least it was better than 90% of the Sonic comics that have ever existed. I actually liked the Archie comics, when Penders wasn't involved. Also, much of you described can be boiled down to: <Why didn't they just do a similar concept to the Sonic OVA that was made back in the 90's?
>>21090 ArchieSonic post-Peders was Flynn making an admirable effort to polish a turd. And polish it he did. Until it shined. But it was still a turd. He managed to do a couple stories by the end where things were finally fixed enough that he wasn't dragged down by what came before, and the IDW comics are more of that, but that's why I said 90% and not 100%. >Why didn't they just do a similar concept to the Sonic OVA that was made back in the 90's? Well that isn't a "realistic" world either, even though it's cool. Though the world of the OVA is very different from the games, the characters act like the characters, and I do think that is the most important thing. I'd like the world to be similar as well, but the characters are even more important. If it was 100% up to me, what I'd really do is something a lot closer to a straight adaptation of Sonic 3 & Knuckles, only throw in Tails meeting Sonic, and a lot of the story would be characters figuring out the legends of the chaos emeralds like Indiana Jones or something. But fine, Hollywood would never do that. Okay. Do Robotnik's origin story like they did, but swap James Marsden for Tails and if anyone has to have angst, make it Tails and not Sonic. Sonic should never be angsty. There are plenty of other characters in the series that can fill that niche, and if Sonic is gonna have a buddy, of course it has to be Tails. Also the thing with Sonic knowing he has magic powers and trying to protect them is stupid. Just give him a Chaos Emerald or something. Maybe there can be a reveal where other characters think he is fast because of the Emerald, but then he loses it and turns out to be fast anyway. The power was inside him all along. That's the climax of plenty of movies. If you want generic, there it is. Robotnik can be like "what are you?" And Sonic can be like "Just a guy who loves adventure" or something else like that. Some non-answer that works because he's too cool and doesn't give a fuck about answering you. Maybe he doesn't even care himself. He's too cool to care about anything, even himself.
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It's not like we never had an entire cartoon anime, in which Sonic came from a different dimension and partnered with a human, while his friends and enemies slowly came from his world to our word before. I am sure a lot of people on this board saw at least some episodes of this show, on whatever local cartoon channel it got dubbed.
What's the deal with Ken Penders? I have (regrettably?) never followed the Sonic Comic threads back in the old 8ch. Also, >>21100 Check those sweet dub-dubs.
>>20974 Still amazes me how they let Colleen reprise her role for the movie. Generally they'll get one of those young pop-tart starlets to do it like with Lola Bunny. >>21055 >>21058 It's more a mafia than it is a cult. Gays and Jews are automatically made men. Whereas someone like Baldwin has to earn the graces of the select elite. He was a pudgy dicklicker when he called his daughter a pig. Now he's a gentle teddy bear.
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>>21110 >What's the deal with Ken Penders? Short version is that he was a failed writer that Archie hired on back in the 90's, and he was attached to the Sonic comics. Eventually, with how successful the comics became, Archie made a spin-off comic about Knuckles that lasted for a few years, and Penders was given full control of it. Where the issue arrises is what happened later as Penders had been wanting to write his own science-fantasy story and use the Knuckles comic as a way to tell that. So the story started getting really autstic stories about Angel Island essentailly being the lost city of Atlantis, Knuckles had a girlfriend, and so on and so on. Where things REALLY came to a head was when the guy started DRAWING the comics himself, and it cannot be understated that it is some of the worst material that was ever produced in the comic. No surprise that the comic was eventually cancelled and Knuckle's stories was rolled back into the main story for the Sonic comics, with Penders re-assaigned to handle that. However, Pender didn't learn his lesson and started ruining the Sonic comic with an entire arc about Evil Antoinne cucking Sonic with Sally, Sonic cucking Tails with Fionna, and it was just a mess to say the least. Then a Sega staff member got ahold of issue 155, and immediately got Archie on the horn to ask what the Hell they were doing. Several months later, Penders was removed from the company . But, that wasn't the last you had heard from him. Two years later, in 2008, EA and Sega collaborated to make Sonic Chronicles: The Dark Brotherhood, a RPG for the DS, in the Sonic universe, developed by Bioware. Over the next several years, Penders sued Archie, Sega, and EA because he claimed to own the ideas of the swatbots, the Echidna civilization, and even to the point of stating that he own Knuckles himself. To put it simply, he won none of the cases, however he didn't lose either. The court eventually reached the conclusion that Penders had no case as the "statue of limitations" had expired in regards to the game and would not be reignited unless they were to develop a follow-up in regards to the story's content (So, EA was in the clear). And, all the original characters created by Sega belonged to Sega because the Sonic series is their property. However, the case against Archie reached a settlement because Archie lost the original "Work for hire" contract that Penders signed, so he was able to assert that he owned the characters and concepts he created for the licensed comic as he claims that was a line the original contract (Sort of akin to the contracts Image was doing back inthe 90's). In order to prevent any future issue, Archie come to the bright idea of rebooting the comic to remove all of the offending characters so that they would never have to deal with Penders ever again. This resulted in the Sonic Unleashed story arc that begin in issue 252. However, it all turned out to be a waste as, a couple years later, Archie decided that they wanted nothing to do with Sonic, and let their contract for the comic lapse, ending everything on a cliffhanger with no resolution. And, Sega's response was state that any further media, going forward, has to be approved by Sega themselves before it can be published, with almost zero exceptions. As for Penders, he's stumbled down the hole of CWC teir autism. He boasted about how he's going to remake the Knuckles story "Except with blackjack and hookers" as The Lara-Su Chronicles, however that's gone nowhere except as a PoC website with a book that's "soon" to be released. He attempted to file another lawsuit back in 2015 over God knows what, but that never came to fruition. OH, and he's suppose to be writing a book about his legal battle against EA, Sega, and Archie.
>>21100 Yeah but I complain about that show too. Sonic games have enough autism all on their own, without adaptations needing to add new shit that has nothing to do with the games.
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>>21121 I mean, not every OC from Sonic X was bad.
>>21124 Vanilla first appeared in Sonic Advance 2.
>>21113 I believe there are a few non-echidna characters he received ownership of as well. But, yeah... Penders is an autistic jackass. Supposedly Sega can't even make their own Echidna characters because of it.
>>21126 Sega would almost surely win if they bothered to contest things, since even Sega, known for their legendary incompetence, is a million times more competent than Archie. But since Penders isn't actually doing anything with the characters, and Sega is barely doing anything with Knuckles, let alone deep lore shit about the tribe that fought his ancestors, they probably don't see it as worth it. Sonic Chronicles was a massive failure and is only known for its legendarily bad music. It was also basically the last Sonic game to have any sort of significant story, so Sega just doesn't care enough to do anything. But obviously if Penders ever actually tried to publish anything with characters that are just "Pink Knuckles" and other things like that, he would get sued. Also Penders promises that Knuckles himself will still be in the story, but he will call him a different name or something. Like how Marvel technically used Godzilla a couple times after they lost the license, by mutating him into a different looking form and calling him a different name. However, due to the bad blood between Penders and Sega, and due to Penders being much less artful and much more on the nose with it, he would definitely get sued.
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>>21110 >What's the deal with Ken Penders? Short answer: A version of Chrischan who's slightly higher on the spectrum.
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Supposed No Way Home leaks. Also Daredevil is now part of the MCU. That's at least confirmed real. Though that's already spoiled with Kingpin being in the Hawkeye show. Not that anyone's watching that.
>>21169 It's fine I guess. I'm just kinda sick of cape stuff in general.
>>21171 So our the normalfag audiences. Every capeshit movie up till this one has been a flop. Even the streaming shows have flopped. This will only make money because it's Spider-man.
>>21169 I don't really care. So they got Maguire back, big fucking whoop if I wanted to see him as Spiderman again I'd just go watch Spiderman again instead of watching him play third fiddle in a movie I doubt is actually any good in a bloated franchise that should have died with the first Avengers movie.
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>>21169 Why does Maguire look so fucked up? Why couldn't they give him a haircut at least sort of reminiscent of the one he had in the movies, so he looks like the same guy and not like an AIDS patient? Is it even him, or some other actor and we're just supposed to pretend it's him? Anyway he and Dafoe as the Green Goblin are the only things that give me any interest in this movie, but they don't make me wanna watch it, they just make me mad that they're bringing them back only to put them in a shitty movie. While MCU Spidey is tolerable in the Avengers movies, his solo movies have sucked almost as much as Garfield's movies sucked. I don't expect this one to be any better. Bring back Doctor Octopus and undo his character development and self sacrifice from the end of his movie. So it's not really him, it's just a different guy that looks similar. I'm sure 90% of the movie will still be The Pathetic Spider-Boy being a knockoff Iron Man and hanging around with a bunch of mutt SJW approved OCs given the names of classic characters. Then out of the other 10%, at least half will be Garfield, whose movies sucked anyway. And seeing characters from the movies I did like dug up and put in this for the remaining 5% is not a good reason for me to watch.
>>21176 He's 46, anon.
>>21178 Holy shit, this is a whole new level. It's bad on so many levels. Make sure this gets spread around to more normalfags so they don't waste their time with this shit.
>>21179 No amount of spoilers will make them not see it. Plus trying to post these kinds of vids publicly on twitter will get you DMCA'd.
>>21180 I would never bother to make a twitter account for any reason, but I'll be telling plenty of people IRL that the movie literally has Andrew Garfield Spider-Man apologize to Electro for being white. You think normalfags don't care, but when it's actually pointed out to them, they do.
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>>21178 Poor people are just as helped as white people.
>>21182 >he has people to talk to irl Anon you are the normalfags!
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>>21178 >"I thought you were black because you selflessly helped people." >"I'm sorry!" "I'm guessing you don't actually know a lot of black people, because your fellow subhumans have done more damage to the United States in the last year than any three natural disasters. Also, you niggered that role away from a white man, so shut the fuck up."
>>21176 What happened to Maguire's career? Did he get his shit fucked up?
>>21203 >>21183 >>21180 >>21178 As pathetic and funny as it is, they've said this only, because someone could reference Miles Morales
>>21211 Becoming famous by playing a superhero is a good way to ensure you don't get any other big roles once you lose that one that made you famous.
>>21216 Plenty of actors can end up in this trap, Mark Hamill could barely find any work after Star Wars, because everyone saw him as Luke Skywalker, instead of the character he was trying to play, survived thanks to voice over animation. Keanu Reaves also had this problem after the Matrix movies, and only recently managed to jump start his career. Even with sitcoms, I remember the actor playing Al Bundy in Married with Children, couldn't find work as an actor, since everyone saw him as Al Bundy. The Harry Potter cast also had this problem, and had to do other stuff that wasn't acting. I guess fame is a double edged sword.
>>21218 Don't forget Adam West and Batman.
>>21219 I wanted to give examples that weren't actors becoming famous by playing super heroes. I guess William Shatner also got stuck in this trap, though he did get all sorts of acting gigs, besides Star Trek, they were minor roles. Not sure exactly how Johnny Depp, managed to avoid it, I guess people really liked Jack Sparrow, and wanted "Jack Sparrow" in all of their movies.
>>21221 William Shatner was TJ Hooker and Denny Crane (one of the main characters on Boston Legal). While neither is as big as Star Trek, both were very successful shows. Johnny Depp was incredibly famous for well over a decade before he played Jack Sparrow. He didn't become famous that way. If anything you could ask why he didn't get typecast as Edward Scissorhands, but that wouldn't quite work either since he was already on 21 Jump Street and in movies like A Nightmare on Elm Street (though slasher movies rarely make someone's career).
>>21221 >I guess William Shatner also got stuck in this trap, though he did get all sorts of acting gigs Oh man, I found a movie with him in it that's amazing. He's rabble-rousing against forced de-segregation and his character rants about puppet-master jews and Hard-R niggers like a kid on his 5th day of /pol/. You haven't lived until you watch Captain Kirk seduce a married woman and an underaged girl, while driving guys in Klan sheets from house to house to burn crosses. Shatner being a jew, himself, adds an extra layer of surrealism to the whole thing. The Intruder (1962)
No Way Home is really just a better One More Day. The identity reveal and the Multiverse bullshit just serve as an impetus for a solution that deprives Peter of his friends and any safety net and just happens to set up Strange's next film.
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>>21221 >Not sure exactly how Johnny Depp, managed to avoid it, I guess people really liked Jack Sparrow, and wanted "Jack Sparrow" in all of their movies. You miserable little zoomer ass-bandit. He's been box office and/or critical gold for decades.
>>21178 This dialogue is so fucking forced. I understand we needed to sneak in a "Black Spiderman" reference somewhere to promote Miles (because into the Spiderverse is coming) but Jesus Fucking Christ what a horried way of going about it, so fucking stupid.
>>21211 He still gets movies. He was in a prominent role in The Great Gatsby and is slated to be in another movie in 2022. I think the dudes just chill about how much he wants to be in movies. >>21218 I see where you're coming from, but I don't think it's the full story. Most actors that get "stuck" like that just tend to have limited range.
>>21211 >What happened to Maguire's career? I think being revealed as "Player X" made a lot of people realize how truly evil he is.
>>21273 >Player X What's that?
>>21284 Molly's Game. It's widely believe that the unnamed celebrity player, "Player X," is Tobey Maguire. Player X, in the movie, is played by Michael Cera, and Cera openly admits to playing cards in order to trap players into owing him forever to ruin their lives.
>>21285 I can't find the clip where he admits destroying a man's life for shiggles, but here's the next best clip.
>>21261 I really liked him in Bram Stoker's Dracula.
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I hate everything about the new The Batman movie. Especially the costume designs. Catwoman & her stupid dyke hair is the worst of the bunch because she's the only one without some leather headgear. Despite y'know being fucking Catwoman!
>>21582 >fucking Catwoman! Never happened, Bruce Gayne is too busy jerking off to furry bat porn to do so.
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>>18896 >superman >He got a date with the Health Inspector.
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>>21688 >>21689 >outrage over a story released in March, from a Superman anthology that stopped back in August. Talk about being late to the party. John Ridley using an old World's Finest story to give Superman PTSD is curious, but it's certainly not worth attention 9 months after the fact
>>21727 Next you'll say no one can talk about all the reasons they stopped reading comics because all the issues are years old.
>>21727 I don't think they went as far as to imply Superman was sodomized in that older comic.
>>21730 It's not the use of old continuity that's a problem. That's something fans tend to like. It's not the rape that's a problem. Batman's been raped at least three times off the top of my head, and two of them were gay. Once when he was molested as a child in Batman: Gothic, another time by a Sid Vicious stand-in in Batman: Fortunate Son, and again when Damian's conception with Talia al Ghul in Batman: Son of the Demon was altered to be rape by Talia, presumably one of the changes caused by Parallax in Zero Hour. No, the problem here is the pathetic attempt at a political message, and an anti-American one at that, despite the story basically being the exact opposite of that. That the writer had to shoehorn his shit in this way is pathetic and ridiculous.
>>21732 Well... in the technical sense, Superman could easily "Brock Samson" someone's dick off and/or kill them with his Kryptonian ass, if need be. But idiots such as the writer feel the need to push that "They can be physically by lesser beings" shit with their insert political messages.
>>21732 You know, maybe your post here should be the long one and the post in the GG thread should be the short one.
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>>21737 I cannot control where the autism takes me. The specific wording of the conversation there lead to more autism. If the conversation was the same here, I'd have copy/pasted at least parts of the previous post, or been autistic enough to just write the same ideas again. But somehow it's not as appropriate here. This post brought up old continuity, for example, which made me want to talk about that. My post here gets more into the nuance of comics history and continuity. My post there was purely about rape. Also, posts on this board are more likely to get deleted for saying things the BO doesn't like. As much as people complain about that on /v/ I've never experienced it there, but have experienced it multiple times here. This is the only board I've ever been banned on despite being on cuckchannel since 2005 and 8chan since 2014. I've learned to not invest so much autism into posts on this board. They aren't as safe. But okay, fuck it, I'll copy/paste the relevant part here. Superman was already sexually tortured in previous stories, like one time when Darkseid kidnapped Superman and Big Barda, the wife of Darkseid's adopted son, Mister Miracle, and forced them to make a sex tape together so he could show it to Mister Miracle and break his spirit. There is also Maxima, whose entire motivation is that she really, really wants to rape Superman. But later everyone accepts her as a hero instead of a villain and she switches to wanting to rape Captain Marvel instead, which is hilarious because she thinks she's just a rapist, and doesn't realize that Captain Marvel is actually a little boy, which makes her also a child molester. Honestly anyone who isn't a filthy casual knows that there have been way too many characters that have been raped in comic books, and most of them are male. Nightwing gets raped all the time because he's just too sexy. One time Raven "accidentally" raped him because he was so sexy that she wanted him so bad she subconsciously used her powers to control his mind and make them fuck, and then Starfire called him a slut and broke up with him. I mean he is a slut for how he's always two-timing Starfire and Batgirl/Oracle, but that's a different case. Another time a girl named Devon Grayson was watching Batman: The Animated Series and thought Nightwing was sexy. Oh yeah, Grayson isn't her real name, she changed it to his name because she's nuts. Anyway she decided to literally call DC Comics on the phone and ask for a job, and since she had a vagina, she gets anything she wants, including this job. So she got the job writing Nightwing and introduced a new character who took the title of The Tarantula (there already was a previous one but of course she just replaced it). This new Tarantula was openly an author-avatar, and she then had her rape Nightwing. When the internet confronted her on it, because it was the early 2000s and the internet wasn't as cucked yet, she claimed it wasn't rape, it was just "non-consentual sex." DC also has a character called Bueno Excellente who "fights crime with the power of perversion," which means he rapes people to make them stop committing crimes. He is incredibly powerful. One time he ran into Lobo, a Superman-tier threat, who is also notably sometimes a good guy, and raped him as a way to get him to stop coming back to Earth. It didn't work forever but it got him to leave at least for a while. Another time, for some reason, he drugged and raped Green Lantern Kyle Rayner. Because of this, Kyle is afraid of Gotham City. Batman just calls him a bitch and tells him to deal with it. Nightwing's been raped way more often after all. Oh yeah, and there's that story where they said Batman was molested by a priest when he was a kid. I think it turned out to be part of some satanic ritual or something, I forget. Also, Batman's son, Damian Wayne, is the product of the time Talia al Ghul raped him. Another time, in 2011's Catwoman #1, Catwoman's narration/flashbacks say she rapes Batman semi-regularly, that he says no and fights back, but not hard enough, which means in her view that it isn't real rape. Also sometimes they imply The Joker raped Robin II, Jason Todd, shortly before killing him, not because he's gay, but because he wanted to scar him for life. I could keep going on and on, even if I just limited it to DC. But I'll stop, except I just want to mention one hilarious instance from Marvel, which is that one of several times The Hulk has been raped includes a time Banner, frequently a homeless man, tried to stay at the YMCA and got buttraped by a bunch of homos. Later, Marvel would retcon this particular one though, as being a story made up by an alien fangirl of the Hulk. Of course it would take a girl to dream up the story where The Hulk gets buttraped at the YMCA (well except I'm pretty sure it was actually written by a guy trying to be more serious like the Hulk TV show was, before they realized it was stupid and retconned it). And that retcon was from the early '80s, so they predicted internet culture, or were just very aware of fans from cons and letters pages. Hulk has also been raped by alien queens and stuff though and that's all still canon.
>>21738 That was funny when Batman told Green Lantern(Rayner) to shut up about getting muh dicked by Bueno Excellente.
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This was back in 2013. If you read an x-men comic nowdays there's no where near the level of nuance. The x-men are eugenic assholes now but they're the good guys. Not to mention their so called resurrection . Charles is sending people to their deaths, creating clones of them who think they're the originals, and then sending the clones to die to ad infinitum I know that's not related to the current conversation but I felt like pointing this out..
>>21746 Has anyone even kept up with current X-men to know if this clone shit has been addressed? Because it'd make for some really fucked up storytelling with all of them realizing they're just soulless clone copies.
>>21738 >Bueno Excellente <The only words he has ever said were "Bueno" and "Excellente" This isn't a character, this is a running gag.
>>21752 It can be both. Some characters have a very specific niche, and that's fine. We wouldn't want him to get ruined like Squirrel Girl, who was also originally just a running gag. >>21746 One of the sad things about the industry dying is that these characters will likely die forever in these states. Given enough time, a good writer would come along and fix things, and weave everything into a grander tapestry that makes even these low points seem like at least they were used for something good in the end. But that is unlikely now. These companies will probably get shut down in the next few years, and the story of the X-Men will ultimately be one about the heroes becoming everything they ever hated, and truly being corrupted to evil. But no writer that is good enough to realize and make something out of that will be allowed to execute it in a satisfying way. It will just be boring and unreadable, just as it has been for years. It will just continue to give a whole new meaning to the idea of the banality of evil.
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>>21751 All this SJW shit could be used as a springboard for good stories. Imagine if they actually acknowledged that Carol Danvers became a villain, and started questioning how someone who really was one of the greatest heroes could become such a monster. Imagine if Carol Danvers was actually treated as the big bad for the whole Marvel Universe. She could be an amazing villain after all the terrible things she's done, and her legitimate history as a hero would make it even better. It would be much better than when Hal Jordan became Parallax because it wouldn't be sudden. Her transition was at least a little slower, and the stories kept treating her as a hero for a long time, so it would be effective when they point out that all those things were actually horrible. Imagine if they had the nu-Champions realize they had been used as Danvers' brownshirts and child soldiers in her murderous totalitarian regime, and had to come to terms with the horrible things they did, and how the world now rightly dislikes and fears them. But perhaps it's not entirely their own fault, because they were child soldiers. But they know in their hearts they cannot just absolve themselves of the responsibility, and even if some others don't blame them, they blame themselves. Now they need to redeem themselves, not just in the eyes of the public, but so that they can hope to live with the horrible things they have done. Imagine if the X-Men actually dealt with the fact that they not only became The Brotherhood, but became worse than Magneto ever was. To be fair though, I don't even know how they'd do this one anymore since they already wasted the premise of their own younger selves meeting them, because that would have been the time to make them see how far they've strayed from their ideals. I guess they'd have to point out that they even corrupted their own younger selves. The X-Men are now so evil even a self-sacrificing death wouldn't be enough for them, it would have to be a self-sacrificing complete erasure from reality, like what happened to the Post-Crisis/Pre-Zero Hour Pocket Universe Superboy from the Legion of Superheroes. They've become so terrible they even ruined their own past selves, so death isn't enough, they need to have never existed. But that's too blackpilled, so maybe that would only be one solution they set themselves upon after realizing how badly they've fucked up. But then as they work toward it, at the last minute, someone comes up with a better solution, which I guess would just be tireless efforts to redeem themselves. They know they never will redeem themselves, but they must try anyway, because anything else would just be running away from their crimes. But to get more to your actual point... >Has anyone even kept up with current X-men to know if this clone shit has been addressed? There was an issue of Iron Man where he acknowledged that he wasn't even the real Tony Stark because Carol Danvers killed the real one. They then continued to say Tony was the bad guy and Carol was right to kill him. I don't know if the X-Men have ever acknowledged the clone stuff they've been doing though.
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>>21746 You wanna talk modern X-Men? Take a look at this. X-Men #4, January 2020. Pic 4 and 5 in particular as Magneto (on their side) goes full kike. >You've shown us the way with your quiet weapons of finance and your silent wars of influence. I've seen what you do here. Leverage people with debt. Make them pay to be healthy and whole. Make them pay to become educated. Make them pay you interest so they can have a place to live. Then when you own them, you control them. I have seen what you do. And now we will do the same...but better. Better versions of a better life. Better drugs for a longer, healthier existence. And then we will take the money—the outrageous sums of money you will give us because it also means more wealth for you—and we will invest it. We will buy your banks. We will buy your schools. We will buy your media. We will buy your politicians. And then, when we have bought all the rest, we will buy you—because you have taught us that everything has a price. And we are happy to pay. Then, when we have this influence—we will use it. We will make sure that the wrong sort of people—and you know who—no longer have economic power. We will not allow them inside our institutions, because it's important that they do not have anywhere to peddle their dangerous, outdated ideas. And that is how it will end. Like a fire with no oxygen. Yes, of course, there will still be people who fear and hate us...they just simply won't be able to do anything about it any longer. So as I said... There will be no war.
>>21762 Why in God's name was this post deleted?
>>21763 That was me by accident, I thought I made a mistake with the name of the site (Gab, could've sworn it was Gabbai), but I was wrong. I'm a bit autistic about details.
>>21764 Well I've documented your failure for the world to see, faggot.
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>>21765 This is what I get for thinking the board was dead enough at the hour to do a quick edit. But I'll put it back up so this isn't a derail. >We will buy your banks. We will buy your schools. We will buy your media. We will buy your politicians. And then, when we have bought all the rest, we will buy you—because you have taught us that everything has a price. And we are happy to pay. Then, when we have this influence—we will use it. We will make sure that the wrong sort of people—and you know who—no longer have economic power. We will not allow them inside our institutions, because it's important that they do not have anywhere to peddle their dangerous, outdated ideas I don't know what's worse; these leftist writer fucks feeling so secure in their position of gatekeeping power that they openly flaunt the playbook that got them on top of the world (even though it was (((someone else))) who did it and they're just stooges working in their propaganda farm), or the fact they portray this ideological chokeholding censorship and double-dealing jewry as a heroic thing to block "dangerous ideas" against a protected oppressed class without a hint of irony or concern to the idea that soft-exiling people with "the wrong ideas" could easily lead to selfish corruption by the gatekeeper. It's so absolutely sickening it burns me up. The worst part is no-one on the side of sanity will take the warning because we as a society are pretty much conditioned to ignore the existence of banks and the potential of how they can strangle wrongthinkers unless actively put in their crosshairs. Like that Andrew Torba guy who got lacklisted by pretty much every American bank for the crime of making a Christian-Boomer's version of Twitter (Gab).
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>>21752 It works when it's done right. >>21753 >>21760 The mainstream industry messed up when it started granting power to the wrong people and retconning its iconic characters for the wrong reasons. It royally screwed itself over when it began allowing their products(capeshit) to be meld with politics; personal and current world. The constant virtue signaling was the pebble that tripped the already limping horse. But they didn't give a damn. They had to show people that probably would struggle to read a comic that they were apart of the movement, for profit. And now they're struggling to keep from tanking further.
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>>21769 Fully agreed, but there's enough lardasses with money propping up the skeleton (but decreasing over time thankfully). All american comics of any mid to large franchise are just a trademark holding vehicle. Anything printed is the equivalent of the 1994 "lost" Fantastic Four film: an excuse to hold on to the rights so that your index fund can grow a percentage point for another year.
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>>21769 >Faith
>>21775 No, it's worse than that. That Fantastic Four movie suffered from time and budget constraints. Movies are expensive. Comics aren't. They could hire good creators for the same price as the awful ones they have. Maybe not the big famous ones, but there are plenty of eager fans out there, instead of the people they hired, only eager to destroy a genre and medium they see as representing the ridiculous conspiracy theory known as "the patriarchy." Now, Captain Marvel does continue being published to hold on to the rights (the trademark in particular), but there is no reason it needs to be so bad, except that it is bad on purpose because the industry has been taken over by people who hate it and seek only to destroy it. So no, this is all much worse than the Roger Corman Fantastic Four movie, which at least has an excuse.
>>21787 >there are plenty of eager fans out there Wasn't that part of the problem with certain manchild fanboys like Geoff Johns the Cereal Lord sneaking into the industry and promptly tug-of-warring with each other over the toys when they wank the favorites they grew up with?
>>21789 While I do think that lead to problems (over-reliance on continuity leading to things being incomprehensible for new readers), I love most of Johns's work, and I don't think you're trying to imply that he and the era when he was writing more and had more control is somehow anywhere near as bad as what we have now.
>>21769 >EVIL Heroes Looks chuckle-worthy at the very least, with dup getting btfo and all. A storytime could be enjoyable.
>>20197 Writers need to be killed, actor needs to not have work, CGI fags need so be skinned.
>>20721 >>20759 3 million 4 million 5 million 6 gorillion?!
>>21790 > I don't think you're trying to imply that he and the era when he was writing more and had more control is somehow anywhere near as bad as what we have now. Definitely not. I'll take guys who are autistic but earnest like the Wolverine fanboys of old than the busybodies who are only there to use characters like Superman as their platforms for boring idpol bullshit that you must love else you're a bigot or destroy the characters trying (because they know that standalone diversity characters pretty much never catch-on save for rarities like Spider-Nig or Ms. Muslim). I've just heard it often mentioned that these sorts of "superfan" writers were part of the reason SJW types were able to get a foothold anyway; making shit so complex that "fresh start" nukes like New 52 and Secret Wars 3 were in play at the same time the leftist shit was taking the West by storm. Not to mention the idea of letting them in as part of the "making capeshit more mature so it's not embarrassing to be an adult fan" insecurity. But maybe it's two different problems I'm conflating.
>>21808 >implying Ms. Muslim "took off" with audiences at all Just because she has been pushed hard, even in a video game, doesn't mean audiences like her. That game was a disaster, and the main character being some Affirmative Action cunt that you're forced to like, instead of the actual characters from the biggest film franchise of all time, probably had a lot to do with that. >I've just heard it often mentioned that these sorts of "superfan" writers were part of the reason SJW types were able to get a foothold anyway; making shit so complex that "fresh start" nukes like New 52 and Secret Wars 3 were in play at the same time the leftist shit was taking the West by storm. Not to mention the idea of letting them in as part of the "making capeshit more mature so it's not embarrassing to be an adult fan" insecurity. Maybe, but these things have all been building since the '60s at least. As soon as DC invented the Multiverse so neckbeards in 1963 could say Jay Garrick was still canon, the nerdiness and autism has been steadily increasing. And frankly, that's a big part about what I love about capeshit comics. But it's been building for over 50 years, and yeah, at a certain point it went too far (I'd argue the late '80s), but I could hardly blame the people who happened to be at the wheel when the SJWs happened to invade. I mean sort of, yeah, but they were at the wheel of an industry that was already practically dead for many reasons, most of which were business and not art related. Of course it was easy to take over. Ooh, you took over an industry that reaches 100,000 people on a good month, if you're lucky. Good job. Of course they did it purely for the symbolic value. But it hardly matters. "Canon" isn't truly passed down by editorial. The real canon is in our hearts. It's in the minds of the people who remember. And nobody will remember these stories except to make fun of the clickbait. People will always know that Superman stands for Truth, Justice, and The American Way, and if you tell them DC made Superman gay, they might not articulate it, but they know that that isn't the real Superman. And I don't mean it's not Clark Kent. I mean it isn't the character that exists as part of our wider culture. Superman does not live on the page, he lives in our heats.
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>>21809 >Ms. Muslim <not "Muz Marvel"
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>>21806 >CGI fags need so be skinned. You can't blame the drones in modelling suite sector 7G. They just do what they're told to do. >"Why do they want us to make a bouncing ape that looks like it escaped from a burn ward?" >"Kid, just make the ape, take their money, and buy enough booze to try and forget today ever happened."
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Leaked look at Thor's Love & Thunder look. I like it. Shame it's the MCU & lumped in with Jane Thorster.
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>>21812 The realization on Scout's face is what sells it for me. >>21834 >Jane Thorster Oh, that's gonna be bad.
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>>21844 Also Valkween. I guarantee there will be lesbian jokes with Jane.
>>20217 >>20223 >>20225 >This is gonna flop just like Onward did. Good news, Turning Red is official dead. https://archive.is/5u2Sd
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>>21237 > until you watch Captain Kirk seduce a married woman and an underaged girl, while driving guys in Klan sheets from house to house to burn crosses. Any webms?
>>21854 I tried but the best scene I could find was something like 20mb. However... I found the entire movie for free on jewtube if you want to see it. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5KUuTJW269M
>>21834 They had a reasonable helmet in the first film and didn't use it.
>>21856 It's not like it even obscured his face either. Just a case of being embarrassed to make a comic book movie. But it's okay now because Jane Thorster wears a helmet. That means they're no longer silly. Well unless a MAN wears one!
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>>21867 The thought of Natalie Portman looking exactly like Natalie Portman in Thor armor makes my oatmeal hit the wall
>>21775 >>21787 Had they been going for a live-action syndicated series and used the movie as a made-for-TV movie pilot. As a show, it would have probably have gotten half to a whole season, if it were good. Because pretty much all the networks were out to have their Xena, Hercules, and Lois and Clark. Which was the reason behind that 1998 Nick Fury... thing. >> 21805 It's odd with the obvious message. But it makes for good toilet and/or mandatory lock down reading.
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The multiverse was a mistake. It's bad enough mainline comics can't get to a damn point with linear storytelling but now we get endless alternate realities on top of that that just leads to really stupid reimaginings of existing characters. Why even call it the Gwen-verse when they renamed her Ghost Spider? Inconsistency thy name is Marvel!
>>22158 What the fuck? Are they seriously trying to milk Spiderverse still with a Gwen-verse where Gwen is everyone? Venomverse wasn't enough? >Why even call it the Gwen-verse when they renamed her Ghost Spider? Well, to be fair to them, the majority of people still know her primarily as Spider-Gwen, and was known in her original world as Spider-Girl. Ghost-Spider was just to have an in-universe descriptor when they (predictably) brought her into the mainline where there was already a Spider-Girl.
>>22199 The premise of the mini series involves Ghost Spider teaming up with Thor Gwen against Captain America Gwen. So yes. Spider-verse nonsense.
>>22158 The multiverse was fine for decades. SJWs were a mistake.
>>22203 It was always going to be a mess the longer it went on. Also Frank is a faggot.
>>22158 >Gwenverine You'd think this faggot would be able to move on from his crush on Heather Antos, but NOOOOOOOOOO...
>>22259 I'm sure that faggot who posted himself spread eagle showing off his hairy asshole on twitter will totally get the jewdyke this time.
>>22259 >third pic I'm getting real tired on these hacks putting in their blatant self inserts, this is coming from a guy that really enjoyed the original run of Gwenpool too.
>>22272 >this is coming from a guy that really enjoyed the original run of Gwenpool too. Okay, I need to know: what in the hell was so charming about that series? Because Spider-Gwen, Gwenpool, Gwenverine, and probably Captain Gwenmerica just seem cancerous as hell to me. What is so epic about mashing Spidey's dead ex into other heroes? And why Gwen Stacy? Are there no other exes we can use? Is it not time for Wyatt Wingfoot to become the next She-Hulk?
>>22338 >Gwen Stacy Isn't she just some rando literally named "Gwen Poole" and that's the punchline for the whole series? I remember an actual Deadpool comic where he's talking down to her and says something like "I bet 90% of the people reading this think you're supposed to be Gwen Stacy" or something to that effect.
>>22343 Correct. I recall she's a a cosplayer from are reality who got isekaied into the marvel universe.
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>>22343 >Isn't she just some rando literally named "Gwen Poole" and that's the punchline for the whole series? Right. She has nothing to do with the Antos Gwen Stacy in the slightest.
>>22338 >And why Gwen Stacy? It's because of "women in refrigerators." Despite the name, nobody cares about Alex DeWitt, but Gwen Stacy is the prime example of a character that dies and then serves as motivation for the hero. Feminists say this is sexist against women, even though it happens more often to male characters, like Uncle Ben, Pa Kent, and Jason Todd, but we'll just ignore that. They also ignore that the reason they are even more aware of instances of female characters is because women get automatic sympathy, so their deaths are more effective because the readers are expected to care more, and the fact that the feminists pick the term "women in refrigerators" and not "Uncles and bullets," "Adoptive fathers and heart attacks," or "Robins and crowbars" is precisely because they do have more sympathy for women and care more when they are the ones used as a plot device. So if they were correct that the trope existed, which they are not, then it would be sexist against men in favor of women, just like they are. But there is no pleasing them anyway, so even though their bigoted myopia makes them see a trend that isn't there, and the trend actually aligns with their values, they still get mad anyway. So since they're mad they have to subvert it. They think they're sticking it to the ridiculous conspiracy theory they call "the patriarchy" by taking and ruining one of the most effective plot elements in long running comic book history, that being Gwen's death. They have to show that she's actually a stryng, yndypyndynt wymyn that don't need no m*n. And they all think it's so fucking "funny," because SJWs don't understand what comedy, or art in general, actually is. They don't believe it exists. They are told the personal is political, that everything has a message. Sure, you can interpret a message in anything. But they take it so far that they do not even attempt to actually make art, because if everything has a message, they take that to mean that nothing is art and everything is propaganda. Or rather, they would phrase it as there not being propaganda, because everything is art. As you've probably noticed in your interactions with them, subtlety and nuance are not their strong suits. So they don't laugh at their "comedy," they clap at it, because they don't seek humor, they seek reinforcement. So they all pretend to laugh and love shit like Gwenpool and the rest, but they don't actually get enjoyment from the art, because it was never made with the art in mind. It was made to be propaganda, and they simply enjoy seeing propaganda with which they agree. >>22343 That wouldn't really matter. She is still effectively a multiversal doppelganger. In the Ultimate Universe Doctor Doom isn't Victor von Doom, but Victor van Damme. They're still the same guy. Ultraman is still a version of Superman even though he has a different name, origin, and source of power. Superwoman is Lois Lane but she is also still Wonder Woman. Gwenpool is still a version of Gwen even if her specific story is different, partially because she's really a takeoff of Spider-Gwen more directly than the actual Gwen Stacy. And that doesn't just have importance in-universe, it has importance to the authors, because they still feel they are fundamentally sticking to the evil "patriarchy" that would date have anything negative happen to a fictional female (the same as happens to many fictional males, but we'll ignore that).

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>>22369 Brittany. Murphy. Is. Dead. You can't make the show without Luanne. Even worse: Kathy. Najimy. Is. Still. Alive. They SHOULDN'T make a show with Peggy
>>22351 >It's because of "women in refrigerators." Gail Simone should have been aborted in the 199th trimester.
>>22375 Luanne was already not the most important character. Perhaps she began as one, and she was funny through the whole series, but I could imagine the series without her. That said, it is admittedly one of many possible pitfalls that could happen.
>>22369 I really wish they wouldn't, the show ended at a good place.
>>22376 That still is too late. Her damage should have been contained in the first.
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You're getting woke Batgirl & you're gonna like it goyim. https://archive.md/ZwnKL
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>>22537 Don't care either way, it's empty virtue signalling and I won't watch it.
>>22540 No one will. But twitter feminists will act like it's the greatest thing ever. Just like anything starring a woman.
>>22541 And WB gets one step closer to being sold to an even more pathetic buyer. Reminder that AT&T sold them after only a few years, and the buyer was the fucking Discovery Channel.
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>>22537 The only reason why that character exists in the first place is due to the backlash surrounding Daggertype 2.0, which was funny.
>>22548 Anon, the tranny came way before Daggertype.
>>22550 Yeah... but didn't they start pushing the character more afterwards?
>>22553 I don't know. I never kept up with Batgirl comics unless there was Cassandra Cain.
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>>22570 >Cassandra Cain. Good tastes.
>>22575 One of those few good ideas with extending the bat family. Shame she's stuck with DC.
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>>22582 We'll probably never going to see a proper adaption of the character either thanks to the Birds of Prey film.
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>>22586 Why would Hollywood make actual accurate capeshit adaptations?
>>22570 Well, Cassie did have a lot more going for her than Barb. But certain writers and fans really love Babs. >>22597 Whenever it has to bail itself out. Even DC was trying to take SJWs favorite clown away at one point. Then they started writing articles about "straight-washing" and yadda yadda.
>>22619 Yeah a little too late for that. Especially isn't the case when you look at something like The Batman still being a dramatically hard different take on the comics.
>>22619 Barbara Gordon is "classic" Batgirl. It's easier to use her because you don't need to explain that there are previous Batgirls in order to give her story its standard level of meaning. It's the same reason they brought back Hal Jordan and Barry Allen.
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>unapologetically horny
>>23323 Every new Pixar film that gets released over the years just keeps looking more horrendous than the last.
Pain you say?!
>>23326 That's nothing compared to the black lives matter propaganda in the show along with the gay rat teacher.
>>23323 >unapologetically horny What the hell does that even mean? Especially in the contest of a Disney kids movie? >>23327 They made Muffy and Buster gay too.
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>>23328 >What the hell does that even mean? You remember how previous Disney films portrayed sexy, or respectively stacked, female characters who were NOT horny? Turning Red is the reverse of that.
>>23329 >3rd image Anon...
>>23330 Would you?
>>23332 I... I don't wanna touch the cow...
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>>23335 For your crimes, I'm making you aware of Soft Serve. The mutant that poops ice cream. https://archive.md/c3BhF
>>23336 the perfect girl the perfect rimjob
>>23337 Anon no
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>>23339 The creator apparently retconned it that she doesn't physically convert food to ice cream but rather her body is a portal to the ice cream dimension. That only slightly makes it better. Though he could be joking. https://archive.md/zPUgc https://archive.md/FLnMU
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>>23340 That doesn't make this shit any better! How does a doujin about living literal shit manage to be less gay than American comics?
>>23341 At least the doujin is honest about what it is.
>>23340 >ice cream dimension How does that work? How does the ice cream not spoil? Is the ice cream of reverse chirality?
>>23343 Probably the same way Cyclops' eye lazers work. His eyes are portals to a lazer dimension.
>>23340 The creators retconning something this funny is a perfect example of modern big two capeshit writers failings.
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>>23340 >>23336 One hour in paint.net
>>23345 >he thinks it's a joke C'mon anon. Don't be naive.
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>>23336 >>23340 If it came from her tits, that would appeal to the male fantasy!
>>23348 Squeezing ice cream out of her teenage tits is still bizarre. Just less gross.
>>23349 >teen >not a milf Disgust would only be found from the editors, but only because it's sexist. Then again, that kind of character would be better off in a silly ecchi or hentai.
>>23351 X-men comics practically are porn with how much Wolverine alone sleeps around.
>>23354 Not graphic enough. Scott has two secret brothers and two clone ex wifes. It's a soap opera
>>23378 Much more apt. And just like soap operas, it never fucking ends & just keeps getting worse the longer it goes on. Only "advantage" is that no one ages.
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Less pain & more just annoying but have a clip from The Batman. Featuring iconic cottonmouth whisper talk. Y'know what? Have another too.
>>23396 Its going to be a a boring 3 hours.
>>23438 I have no doubt. The worst thing a movie can be is boring & this movie can't even make the theme sound exciting. https://yewtu.be/watch?v=Cwcinb2OxUo
>>23443 I enjoyed the Apes trilogy but it seems like he's trying to pack a six episode mini series in a three hour film.
>>23444 Not even an interesting story for a mini series either. The plot seems like it's more about Penguin than Riddler despite Riddler being the more marketed character. With both being completely drained of their likable ridiculous natures.
>>24002 Is she SUPPOSE to be a lardass in the comics?
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>>24003 No! That's the thing. She's skinny in the comics. They made her fat for no real reason.
>>24004 >They made her fat for no real reason Something about ticking a box for fat acceptance or some random body image issue I'd assume.
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I also hate what they did to Moon Knight. Made him look like a stupid mummy when he's just a guy in a normal suit. At least he's a fucking jew so it doesn't hurt as much as fucking up Batman. >>24007 Probably.
>>24002 Is that a fucking refugee caravan at 1:22.
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>>24008 There's only one Moon Knight in my heart.
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>>24010 >moon kkknight
>>24008 Should I expect anything from this? Something a little bit different like Punisher and Daredevil?
>>24334 If by different you mean trying way too hard to be gritty instead of trying to be comic accurate at all then yes. https://yewtu.be/watch?v=ZtxO9NQHGiY
>>24335 I read a bit of all the versions around the ages and don't find anything like the series.
>>24336 Exactly. This feels more like a spy thriller than Moon Knight.
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>>24338 I'm curious of how much potential Marc actually have.
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>>24340 If Bushman is in it at all it'll be a flashback & I doubt he'll have the tattooed face if any paint at all. Marc probably won't even be jewish despite how much they'd tried pushing that as being important for his character in recent comics.
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>>24342 I don't know how important its the "edge" and insanity in Moon Knight (at least in the modern versions), mental issues are going to be a big part in the coming series, Marc is going to be just a sad guy instead of a mad man.
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>>24345 Yeah him being jewish (ethnically but lapsed religiously) really does not matter. What made Moon Knight interesting was the psychological issues along with the supernatural fuckery plaguing him. There's some bits of Khonshu in the trailers but other supernatural elements are pretty sparse. I don't like them making Moon Knight a mummy though. The costume can be magical but keep it simple.
Encanto won best animated at the oscars. Still the Disney award.
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The Morbius post credits scene leak is true. Vulture just shows up in a new suit, somehow, to ask Morbius to join in. For some reason.
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In other news, Marvel hates christianity. Jesus is now a mutant. Even though God & heaven is supposed to be canon to the marvel comic multiverse.
>>24484 Isn't that Dc where the bible is canon somewhat? I thought Marvel's version was much weirder and was only vaguely Christian. The one above all if I'm not mistaken?
>>24516 Yes God is more canon in DC's multiverse than Marvel where it's God but more vague Christian rather than straight up. Still both obviously don't commit enough to it since it would be "offensive" or some other half assed excuse to say just one religion is correct.
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>>24516 Christianity is canon to both, but is a bit more important in DC due to more magic based characters, especially ones with direct religious connections, like The Spectre. Also Cain hosted his own anthology series for years (House of Secrets or one of those similar ones). And then there is all the deep lore where Vandal Savage is actually Cain. But then it's not like every aspect of the bible is canon, just broad strokes, because Vandal Savage is the inspiration for Cain as one of the first humans and the first murderer, and Immortal Man is Abel (who it turns out got better and became immortal after), and the Angel of Death from Exodus was actually going rogue when he killed all of the firstborn of Egypt, so he was fired and replaced with The Spectre, and then went on to become the supervillain Eclipso. Also The Phantom Stranger has like five different origins and they are all entirely contradictory but also all seem to be canon at the same time, and several of them directly include Jesus, such as one origin that says The Phantom Stranger is The Wandering Jew, and another that says he is Judas, trying to atone for his sins. Also, the reason the Justice Society and All-Star Squadron couldn't just kill Hitler was because he had The Spear of Destiny, which Longinus used to kill Jesus, and therefore had reality warping abilities. Marvel has Ghost Rider, but few other major characters that I know that are directly involved with both magic and ancient stuff, aside from Thor and related characters. Of course Marvel and DC both have Norse and Greek and Egyptian gods too, and they both just kind of fold those into christian mythology since they want every mythology story to work at the same time. Marvel calls their ultimate God The One Above All, and DC calls their ultimate God The Presence, but they're both the same thing, being shown in various weird forms at different times, but with the implication being that they are the Christian God. Just so happens that to the Fantastic Four, the Christian God looks like Jack Kirby.
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Comic books are shit. Fuck comic books. Fuck capeshit comic book movies. Fuck these companies.
>>24484 Funny how they keep trying make out that cloning is resurrection simply because they download an edited copy of the information from the original's brain into said clone. Imagine if you made two of these clones at the same time, which one is the resurrection? The answer is neither, because as any child can figure out; a replication is not the same entity as the original no matter how close a replication it is.
>>24533 They'll likely never address that obvious flaw in logic. Because it'll mean all the original characters are actually all long dead.
>>24537 Wouldn't that be an actually cool plotline? As all the clones, alternate universe replacements, reincarnated, etc. characters all have a psychotic break at the same moment and proceed to go nuts; with factions splitting between the clones seeking to "out perform" the original, clones becoming suicidal and preventing any future resurrection, clones seeking to destroy the universe as death and destruction has no permanence which their own existence proves, and the "hero" faction who tries to stop the chaos because they know that the "original" character would never want this or because they have a responsibility just by their very existence and the title they have been given.
>>24541 Maybe in the hands of smarter writers that could work. Still it would be a shocking storyline that would get people talking for controversial points at least. Not to say anyone would buy it or read it but it'd be easy marketing regardless.
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>>24541 Does anyone here remember ReBoot? Maybe my favorite cartoon ever. This question is the crux of the final story arc which was never finished, but at least this question did get resolution. In Season 3, the kid character gets aged up, but then later they accidentally make a copy of him from earlier in his life, when he was still a kid, so they can have their cake and eat it too, with both versions of the character. Then in Season 4 a copy of another character appears, or rather, makes us realize the guy we thought was the original, and followed as the protagonist who changed significantly from his "classic" version, was actually a copy all along (not unlike Spider-Man's second Clone Saga, now that I think about it). So they start wondering what it means to be a copy. Should the young clone of the original try to grow up to be like the original, or should he deliberately try to avoid being like him? Is the copy who is changed just some sort of deformed abomination, or is the original who has not developed just a more boring version who missed out on all the relationship building that his copy had in his stead? The kid accepts himself as his own person, who needs to develop on his own path, separate from the guy he is a copy of. The deformed copy of the protagonist turns out to be the original after all, and the classic version that came back was the bad guy in disguise. But at least the kid's storyline does actually give a conclusion to this philosophical conundrum. It also always bugged me that Little Enzo's backup file that the System Restore brought back was from all the way before his birthday in Season 1. There is an episode in Season 2 where The User does an Update, and I guess it makes sense that the System Restore would be from before then, but it still feels weird to erase all his development even from before he aged up. He should have had his post-birthday shirt so we could at least assume that he remembered everything that happened before he met AndrAIa, which is when the ongoing story arc really begins. Or you could say it was one episode earlier, with the introduction of the Web Creature in Painted Windows, but there is no artistic reason Little Enzo shouldn't remember that, since it's not like that changed his character in a way like meeting AndrAIa or any of the Web World Wars stuff did. Actually, it would probably make for some good drama if Little Enzo did remember Little AndrAIa, but she didn't get backed up and restored with him. It would be really cool if he actually remembered everything up until he became a Guardian Cadet, or even until very shortly before he lost that Mortal Kombat game. But I guess that much development would defeat the point of bringing back the "classic" version, maybe. Anyway, to bring it back to the topic of the thread, just remember the ReBoot webcomic. But don't remember The Guardian Code, because that's too awful to remember, even in this thread.
>>24548 I do but I never finished the series I'd love to rewatch it in decent quality instead of mediocre TV rips. I'm unsure what the quality on /co/'s version is but I'd still like to sit down & binge it sometime.
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Is batman teaming up with esports fags better or worse than turning him gay?
>>24703 No better than Punisher featuring Eminem traced over or The Flash & Green Lantern teaming up with Colonel Sanders.
>>24704 >>24703 Definitely better than we they collabed with Jared from subway. Unless one of the e-sports guys also get outed as pedophiles
>>24706 >Unless one of the e-sports guys also get outed as pedophiles It's only a matter of time.
>>24706 >>24707 With how often game companies can ousted for sexual harassment allegations, it'd be pretty appropriate for their shills to follow suit. What do these faggots even play? Never heard of them till this comic.
>>24704 >The Flash & Green Lantern teaming up with Colonel Sanders. This would have been fine if it was at least a burger chain. >>24706 It's not like Batman doesn't also like to hang out with little kids, and replace them with new kids once they get too old.
>>24730 Ronald McDonald & running doesn't mix. While Burger King would be too scary. So yeah it should've been Wendy's with Wally West Flash cosplaying as Wendy.
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>>24731 Just have Hal get the Orange Lantern, so in order to save his friend from eating all the hamburgers at this particular Wendy's location, and killing himself with his gluttony, Barry has to eat all the hamburgers at super speed, but this makes him fat. In order to help his uncle, Barry disguises himself as Wendy in an attempt to convince Hal to not engorge himself on burgers. Maybe he could try something else instead, like one of Wendy's delicious salad options? This results in Hal lashing out, convinced that Wendy/Wally is just trying to keep all the hamburgers for herself. A fight ensues, right in the Wendy's restaurant, but then they're saved by the arrival of the real Wendy, who offers Hal their new menu item (but not a hamburger. Maybe some sort of chicken or salad or something), which fulfills his appetite and saves the day. Also, Ronald McDonald and running does mix. He was the star of several great platforming video games back in the day. And many of his restaurants feature jungle gyms and other "athletic equipment."
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>>24732 I don't think a jungle gym really counts as exercise compared to running cardio. I do like your premise though.
>>24704 >The Flash & Green Lantern teaming up with Colonel Sanders. But those comics were actually good to the point they were arguably some of the best DC comics of the era. The one with the Justice League's mechanic (who is conveniently using some new powered multitool that sponsored the issue) having to do Die Hard when the HQ is invaded while the league is away is also pretty good but I have no idea where to find it now.
>>24765 >But those comics were actually good to the point they were arguably some of the best DC comics of the era. And that's so very very sad.
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>>24703 It's whatever. Flavor of the year bullshit like having a rockband show up or Batman having a live professional wrestling match. Esports fags are popular, deal with it.
>>24771 >Esports fags are popular, deal with it. Are they, though? Everyone knows KISS and Colonel Sanders. Nobody knows these fags outside of a tiny niche audience. To bet on that tiny niche audience crossing over with the tiny niche audience of comics is dumb.
>>24772 And comic audiences with a small niche even before the woke times. Now they're astronomically insignificant. The odds of them also knowing about or caring for some e-sports twitch streamers are so slim. It's insane how they think this would help either group.
>>24772 I think Esports fans outnumber comic fans at this point, which makes it a viable strategy.
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>>24791 But do e-sports fags really buy or even read comics?
>>24770 Yes. The 4 ad comics, Gwen Poole and maybe early Flintstones are the only real classics to come from the big two in the last decade.
>>24791 No, because thinking that something this stupid will actually win over a new audience is ridiculous. If movie and video game tie ins don't win over any audience, this certainly won't. >>24810 >Gwenpool No. Not even the one run you think is good is good. You have bad taste. Flintstones was great though.
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>>24811 >>24810 Gwenpool's Gurihiru comic is okay. I guess. Sure it has some okay commentary on comics in the end but it didn't change comics nor, the character is anything but unique, & it features Miles Morales with Whor as guest characters. The Flintstones comic is a mixed bag.
>>24815 I had to stop reading Gwenpool because of the constant switching to absolute trash tier deviantartists every other issue. Why the fuck do they think they can get away with that shit?
>>24816 It's one of the things I never liked about comics. Constantly changing artists. It's only a benefit when the first artist is shit but that shouldn't be the case to begin with. There's just no standards anymore.
>>24817 I've always wondered why that occurs in the first place. I can understand ongoing series and animation cycling between one or two leads due to the amount of work required, but why does it seem like Western comic change around artists almost every year? And, it isn't a recent change either as I remember series in the Aughts never keeping the same artists.
>>24816 >>24817 >>24818 >Why the fuck do they think they can get away with that shit? Same reason Greg Land and Mike Deodato are still working: deadlines. The quality of Gurihiru's art doesn't mean shit if the duo can't hand shit in on time since they do work for other clientele, so of course shittier artists had to fill in for them on several issues.
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>>24815 The Gurihiru comic is the only one worth reading, the sequel comic basically undid all her progress plus was bad in it's own right.
>>24819 Then maybe stop making shit a weekly thing. People want actual stories. Not serialized comics pretending to be more than they are for arcs that don't matter & don't change anything for good. It's so simple but big two capeshit are just stuck in their old ways that stopped working even before the 2000s. >>24820 No surprise there.
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Marvel brought the 90s cartoon X-men back..... just to retread the current bullshit mainline X-men are going through with their fake resurrection bullshit.
>>25038 Hold up a fucking second! I know absolutely nothing about the X-Men comics, but did they just unironically make their own Israel? Where a mutant can be a child molesting murderous cannibal to the rest of the world, yet face zero consequences when they retreat to their "homeland"?
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>>25039 Yes.
>>25038 what was the point? It's the same story with a different art style, oh wait that's comics anyway.
>>25041 Right? What's the point of serialized comics if nothing changes & it's just the same stories in a loop?
>>25042 If that were true, then the X-Men '92 comic would be retreading the same stories from the X-Men '92 show, which would be a lot better. If modern comics were just retreading the same stories forever, we wouldn't be getting current year shit, we'd be getting shit from the past, and literally any era of past material would be better than what we're getting now.
>>25054 See anon you're thinking TV. This is comics. So comics gotta retread comic stories. Whereas TV surprisingly actually adapts stories but keeps going forward with a narrative. As for current year shit, that always existed in some form. It just got worse as the times changed. Remember, comics were made by jews to sell war bonds. They were never havens of american values or entertainment.
>>25055 >See anon you're thinking TV. This is comics. So comics gotta retread comic stories. >literally one post earlier... >>25054 >If modern comics were just retreading the same stories forever, we wouldn't be getting current year shit, we'd be getting shit from the past, and literally any era of past material would be better than what we're getting now. Learn to read, retard. I wish comics just retreaded old stories more. I'd much rather read old stories over again, instead of reading new shit, since the new shit is so bad. In fact, that's what people have been doing. Sales for old stuff is up while sales for new stuff has tunneled down to the center of the earth. If new stuff was retreading old stuff, it would be relatively great. Also, if comics had always been retreads, you wouldn't see differences across eras. Yet few would be able to argue stuff from the '30s and '40s is the same as stuff from the '60s and '70s, or the '80s and '90s. >Remember, comics were made by jews to sell war bonds. Do you argue they were playing 5D chess and planning that far in advance? Because Superman was around for a few years before you started getting covers where he went to war (and in the stories, he still didn't). And of course comic books were around before Superman. New Fun Comics #1, the first comic book made of original content, is from like 1932, and was full of comedies and westerns. Made to sell war bonds? Or were they planning for stuff they were going to enact nearly a decade later? How about the earlier comic books that were collections of comic strips? Was Mickey Mouse just a plant so he could switch to propaganda years later? Or comic strips themselves? Were Mutt and Jeff trying to sell War Bonds? Was The Yellow Kid trying to stir up enthusiasm and provoke the Spanish-American War? Oh wait...
>>25055 > Remember, comics were made by jews to sell war bonds. <Comics never exist prior to the 1940's You keep repeating this lie, and get BTFOed every single time.
>>25058 Okay. To be specific. BIG TWO CAPESHIT comics were made to sell war bonds & act as propaganda for WW2. That better? >>25057 Except that's exactly what they're doing anything. Same shit new coat of paint. Another multiversal crisis event. Another Gotham decimated story line. Another Superman loses his powers story line. Another vampire story line. Another zombie story line. More gay pandering. More deaths that will be reversed. How is it you can't comprehend this is a never ending loop?
>>25059 Don't know how that anything ended up in there.
>>25059 >BIG TWO CAPESHIT comics were made to sell war bonds <DC comics started in 1934 under the name National Allied Publications, all started by a WWI veteran who made a living writing pulps <Marvel started in 1939 under the name Timely Publications, which was an comic offshoot of the Lithuanian owner's Western pulp magazine Again, where do Kikes and war bonds factor into this?
>>25065 When they made Superman & Captain America. One explicitly based on biblical/hebrew figures stolen by jews. Then the other a literal call to arms for america to fight the nazis.
>>25066 You do realize you're admitting that you have no argument, right? That neither of the two comics publishers were created with political or Jewish aspirations in mind. That's also beside the fact that Superman IN A FUCKING SHORT STORY IN 1933: https://infogalactic.com/info/The_Reign_of_the_Superman Also, the Archir, actually created the first "patriotically mind" superhero, with none of the creators being Jewish: https://infogalactic.com/info/Shield_(Archie_Comics)
>>25068 I mean they were both founded & built up by jews. With all the well known characters made by jews. The idea that big two capeshit comics aren't jewish is ignoring history.
>>25071 >they were both founded & built up by jews Except, that isn't your argument. You're argument is that comic books were a Jewish invention made to sell WWII war bonds. However that falls apart when the first American comics were made in the 1840's thanks imports of Swiss comics by a French author: https://infogalactic.com/info/Histoire_de_M._Vieux_Bois Didn't adapt a magazine model until 1871: https://infogalactic.com/info/Puck_(magazine) With superheroes entering the format in 1902: https://infogalactic.com/info/Hugo_Hercules And took notes from novella masked crusaders: https://infogalactic.com/info/The_Scarlet_Pimpernel And, applied it to the medium in 1936: https://infogalactic.com/info/The_Phantom https://infogalactic.com/info/The_Clock_(comics) With the two companies all know and bemoan today having nothing to do with the war, Kikes, or selling bonds; one being the culmination of a pulp writer's work, and the other being an experiment for a magazine that was mostly know for Western stories. TL;DR, fuck off, and here's a short version of who started supers: https://archive.ph/n7Qux
>>25073 And that's why I switched to capeshit specifically because you're hung up on semantics.
Superman is great >but jews Don't care.
>>25074 >that's why I switched to capeshit Except your argument still falls flat as Supers predate even the First World War. John Carter, Zorro, fucking Hercules.
>>25076 John Carter isn't a superhero. Zorro is a pulp hero but not super. Hercules is a mythological hero. Not a superhero. Again we're talking about big two capeshit. >>25075 Too bad he's still a jewish invention combining Moses with Samson. Even worse the company that created him treats him like shit.
>>25059 >Okay. To be specific. BIG TWO CAPESHIT comics were made to sell war bonds & act as propaganda for WW2. That better? So Superman was invented as part of a 5D chess game so that several years later they could start putting ads for War Bonds on the covers? Because for the first several years of stories he just fought gangsters, and in bigger events, occasionally he fought people trying to start wars, like in Luthor's first appearance. he didn't start slapping Japs until nearly five years after his first appearance, when the US was actually at war. Captain America was not the first superhero, you know. >Except that's exactly what they're doing anything. Same shit new coat of paint. Another multiversal crisis event. Another Gotham decimated story line. Another Superman loses his powers story line. Another vampire story line. Another zombie story line. More gay pandering. More deaths that will be reversed. How is it you can't comprehend this is a never ending loop? All those things would be fine. Unfortunately now that's not what they're doing. They're just doing SJW propaganda. Also, all the things you're saying started at least 50 years after capeshit comics started. And how many times has Gotham been decimated? Not many. No Man's Land is the big one. How many vampire and zombie storylines? Not many outside of Marvel Zombies and stuff that actually has to do with Marvel's successful Dracula series.
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>>25091 Superman was created for jewish propaganda, yes. While Cap was created specifically for war propaganda. You haven't been paying attention to comics then because they're been doing all that on top of SJW pandering. Gotham has been destroyed multiple times by Joker, The Dark Knights, & even Riddler. Got your multiversal crisis event with Death Metal. Got vampires with DC vs. Vampires & zombies with DCeased & Task Force Z. Got your Superman loses his powers like all the time.
>>25077 >Hercules is a mythological hero. Not a superhero.
>>25094 Your point? He was a greek myth first & foremost. Not a corporate owned IP.
>>25077 >John Carter isn't a superhero <Superhuman strength <Can jump tall buildings in a single bound <Has psychic powers <Is the most physically power person on the planet (Mars) Sounds like a super to me.
>>25094 Mythological heroes were the predecessors to super heroes. Look at Achilles, invulnerable except for a very specific weakness.
>>25099 Yeah but he's not a superhero. That's like saying Conan was a superhero. They're just warriors. Barbarians. >>25100 Okay Doomcock.
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The Superhero genre originated from The Shadow pulps, so The Shadow is technically the first superhero.
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>>24346 >The costume can be magical but keep it simple. I like the pseudo batsuit more, but the magical also exist.
>>25102 It gets tricky if you go down that line of thinking.
>>25102 Depends on how you define a "superhero". Is it just being a vigilante? Being a specialist? Having special equipment? Having extraordinary abilities? Wearing a costume? Hading your face? Being created by Jews? What?
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>>25092 >Gotham has been destroyed multiple times by Joker, The Dark Knights, & even Riddler. Riots and shit aren't the same as destroying the city. >Got your multiversal crisis event with Death Metal. Oh, that came out before 1985? Because I said they started in the '80s. I didn't say they didn't do too many today. Though I should point out it's a DC thing and not really a Marvel thing. >Got vampires with DC vs. Vampires & zombies with DCeased & Task Force Z. Aren't these non-canon alt universe things for casuals? I'm pretty sure nobody cares or reads them. Well nobody cares about or reads comics in general. But even moreso for these. >Got your Superman loses his powers like all the time. Yeah I never argued against this one. This happens fairly often. Though your pic there is from like seven years ago. I'd also be okay with all that shit so long as it wasn't SJW. I was okay with it in the past, when it wasn't SJW.
>>25119 Anon are you retarded? Joker gassed the city. The Dark Knights literally transformed it with villains taking over districts. Riddler turned the city into a fucking jungle. Death Metal came out in 2020 & ended last year! People give more of a shit about out of mainline stories than they do mainline.
>>25135 >Death Metal came out in 2020 & ended last year! Oh, I didn't realize 2020 and 2021 were both before 1985. Fuck this fucked up timeline bullshit. It's been real confusing ever since the New 52.
>>25137 Anon we're talking about shit that comics are still doing. Again, comics are on a loop of doing the same shit over & over again.
>>25103 He had to build the bird suit out of armor & artifacts he had lying around. Sure it had magical properties but it was still physical. Then the pseudo batsuit was quite literally a bootleg Dark Knight suit.
>>25138 So do soap operas but no one is forcing you to watch that.
>>25140 Yes but that doesn't excuse the argument I'm making.
>DC Pride 2022 Will Out Green Arrow Connor Hawke As Asexual I swear they're just randomly throwing darts at a board at this point. https://archive.ph/WYrFX
>>25253 Comic companies will do everything but write good consistent comics with a story & point.
>>25253 >straight as an arrow
>>25138 Your problem is that you keep saying "comics" and not "modern comics." This lead to the argument that many of your complaints are modern, with one example not happening before 1985. You ignored that bit and then tried to state examples of that thing from recently, missing the point. And you'd say others would be missing the point by pointing to older comics. But no, because the problem is you aren't saying "modern comics," you're just saying "comics." Or sometimes you'll specify big 2 capeshit. But nobody on this board is going to sit here and defend modern comics. We probably hate them more than anybody. Do you just have the same arguments over and over again because you don't read posts fully and think that people here, of all places, are defending modern comics? They aren't. But you keep saying your complaints as if they apply to older comics as well, and they don't. And if you read them, you'd know that. But you're a casual and don't read comics, just like you don't read the posts you're replying to. >>25253 They brought Connor Hawke back? Who cares? He hasn't been relevant in over 20 years, and even then, he was never a particularly interesting character or even a good idea in the first place. Green Arrow has a much more interesting son in Speedy. But of course yet again they're just using this character because he is the son of the hero, and then giving him the hero's name even though we all know it is no more real than when Jimmy Olsen dresses up as Superman. Oh, Green Arrow's rape baby doesn't have a sex drive? I'm pretty sure Batman doesn't either (he just fucks in the name of justice when required), but nobody gives a shit. >>25256 They'll do everything including going out of business.
>>25299 I say comics because it's easier than just saying big two all the time. Even if I did you'd still be uppity because I don't specify 'modern' comics from them. Truth is I don't like big two comics period. Old or new. Sure the old ones are a lot better up till the end of the 80s then declined sharply from there. Thing is all the problems that plague their comics as a medium were still true then as they are today. No progression, no permanence, no consistency, no plan, no end goal, & repeating the same stories forever.
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Another year another Pixar film that makes me yearn for the time when Pixar made good films.
>>25253 >Asexual lgbtqp+ niggerdry is the new "x is DEAD" or "x was RAPED"
>>25253 >nobody gives a shit about superfag, even the most rancid tumblrinas >nobody gives a shit about that gay couple with Nancy Pelosi in the eternals >fujos and gays interpret riddler as a twinkish sadomasochist dork fanboy of emo batman the close relation between Batman and homoeroticism seems to be true.
>>25351 This may shock you but even the tumblrinas on twitter don't actually read comics.
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Capeshit movie designs are so fucking lazy. It's always overthinking a simple to translate to life design for the heroes & complete fucking laziness for the villains. How is this supposed to be the same character?!
>>25498 Why put in the money and effort for villains that'll bite it in their only film? Also, characters will be redesigned to account for actors that aren't big on heavy makeup, props, and CGI.
>>25499 Why spend the money getting a big name actor who'll show up & die in one film then?! Fuck their whims. They're gonna play a character that needs CGI then they better fucking suck it up. What the fuck does Bale have to his name besides shitty Dark Knight trilogy?! He has no room to make demands. I 100% guarantee it's just incompetent executive decisions.
>>25498 This guy is the wet dream of fedoras (ignoring any other background and character depth), wonder how edgy his lines are going to be.
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>>25501 Kind of is yeah. Cept all the "gods" are just powerful alien beings & he ironically becomes the very thing he hated. Pretty pathetic.
lol, meant to post this here.
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>>25104 Even trickier if you bring supervillains into the mix.
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>>25508 I have no fucking idea. Never heard of either. Not ditkos I can tell you that much. Also you are missing the more important questions. Like why does he wear the mask?
>>25509 To replace it with a metal thong.
>>25510 That sounds like It would be very painful. If I took the metal thong off. Would he die?
>>25511 No he'd fulfill his contract to get his face shown for 80% of the movie. For you.

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>Bobby Driscoll, the original voice actor for Peter Pan, was dropped by Disney when he was no longer considered "cute". After years of humiliation and drugs, he died homeless and alone. It took a year to identify his body >A middle aged Peter Pan (voiced by Will Arnett) will be a villain in ‘CHIP ‘N DALE RESUCE RANGERS’. This stings deeper than it should.
>>25574 That's way more fucked with that context now. Wow.
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>>25575 Apparently a leak from cuckchannel which is turning out true due to details from the trailer says it isn't Peter but it doesn't make the joke any less horrible.
>>25576 The fact that Mean Dean is specifically dressed as Peter Pan makes it seem like a direct jab. Though likely it was more intended to just make him a manchild. Still with the context of the real life voice actor's life, you can't help but see malice.

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>>25508 >Sony Pictures is so desperate for a Spidey-without-Spidey universe they're giving a movie to a side character that's only appeared in two issues of Peter David's Friendly Neighborhood run from 16 years ago Now I'm wondering what else they'll plunder from other Spider-Man comics
>>25577 Devil's advocate, I doubt there is anybody alive at Disney who even met the original VA for Peter Pan, to have a grudge against. It might actually be just a sad coincidence. For some reason, I feel like I posted this already.
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Captain Carter & black Captain Marvel are part of the MCU multiverse Illuminati. You know the guys who are supposed to be the smartest men in the main universe. >>25582 Hell of a coincidence then.
Nextwave on MCU when?
>>25585 Never. Elsa Bloodstone is planned for a Werewolf by Night special though.
>>25579 Maybe because a big part of the cast is white straight people to this day? I don't remember anyone aside of Miles and Silk, Miles is going to be a "big" thing and a "cute asian girl" with a literal instinctive need of mating with Peter its something don't allowed today.
>>25508 That's a cute outfit. Did his husband make it for him?
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>>25619 Even in a movie focusing on a black protagonist they gotta tar another white character.
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Confirmed Black Bolt & Mister Fantastic are in The Illuminati. That's not the shocking part. No the actual nice surprise is they're actually in full costume WITH COLOR! I can only imagine Sam Raimi pushed for that because we all know how MCU costumes are normally.
>>25647 That's a pleasant surprise but if the reddit leaks are any true, they wont survive long.
>>25649 Yeah I can at least confirm Reed gets turned into spaghetti. Black Bolt allegedly gets his voice thrown back at him.
>>25647 MCU turns characters into Robbie Rotten?
>>25654 Who'd you expect? Sportaflop?
>>25649 >true, they wont survive long. To be fair do you expect any of these "DUDE MULTIVERSE™" characters to survive at all? They're there for an audience pop.
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>>25662 What's surprising is they're making Wanda a villain.
>>25664 >they didn't even attempt to beef up Captain Carter God damnit she should have thighs capable of bursting your head like a watermelon, this sucks. Fuck you Marvel.
>>25666 They could've CGI'd her bigger yeah. They also could've made an actual Doctor Strange movie instead of Wanda has a mental breakdown over imaginary children but here we are.
This is just dumb.
>>25664 >>25666 >>25667 It explains why they haven't showed anything for the she-hulk show either. Its going to look like shit.
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>>25647 >>25654 I have this exact criticism about modern depictions of ninja. Thankfully Nioh and Sekiro corrected this trend to some degree.
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>>25680 Oh for sure. >>25682 I don't mind more armor but it's easy to overdesign a ninja. Especially from western developers. Could put the whole post 9 MK roster there really.
>>25684 Buy why?
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>>25664 More possible spoilers.
>>25697 Those are all very fake.
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Its looking like a shitshow. Excuse the cuckchannel cap
>>25702 You should be embarrassed you didn't even post a screenshot of the actual leaks. Besides the illuminati dying, they killed their universe's Strange on Titan when he faced Thanos. They built the statue in the trailer as a way to make him a martyr. Then there's Bruce Campbell removed as Baldur to play a pizza shop guy instead. He shows up again in the after credits with Clea.
>>25703 The leaks were up for weeks now, this is a summary from a review of the actual theatrical release.
>>25703 The leaks were out for weeks now, this is just a review summary of the theatrical release.
>>25703 The leaks were out for weeks now, this is just a review summary of the theatrical release.
>>25704 Not a very good one.
Wait, I'm a little confused. What movie are we talking about, the new Dr. Strange film? I thought that was still months away from release. Haven't heard word-one about it aside from the initial reveal trailer, and how the third Spidey film was a setup for it.
>>25708 It comes out this week, anon.
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Cam footage is already being leaked out. Most of it has been copyright claimed already but I managed to see a bit & snagged this. Black Bolt killed Strange on Titan because The Illuminati saw him as a threat to the multiverse or something. Wanda kills all The Illuminati. She blows up Black Bolt's head by just erasing his mouth, turned Reed to string cheese, & snapped Xavier's neck in his mind. Don't have footage of how Captain Carter & Captain Marvel die but they have an actual fight. Purely because girl power I guess. The after credits scene is Clea showing up to drag Strange off to another dumb adventure. Seems like there's hints they're going to do that Incursion shit from Hickman's Avengers.
>>25735 At least thats the end to the Carter fanfiction. But what an absolute waste of characters.
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>>25736 Absolutely. Black Bolt probably won't even have an official MCU debut since I don't know if that shit Inhumans show was even made canon. Hell Kamala Khan isn't an inhuman in the MCU so it's not like they're setting them up. They are officially bringing in The Fantastic Four though so having Reed die an agonizing death, even if it's a variant, in his first appearance doesn't exactly get me excited for that.
>>25737 >they just ripped off the Matrix Is stealing from better movies an improvement at this point?
>>25742 Not really. To be fair though a lot of movies ripped off The Matrix but that was when it was new & cool. With Black Bolt it's kind of just fucked up horror Raimi is more at home with. It's those little things that I'm divisive one. On one hand it's cheap & wasteful. But on the other is feels more like what Raimi would do than Disney playing it safe unless it's something woke.
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It's pretty fucking lame when you make you villain overpowered, the elite group of heroes job, & then just end it with a vague death for said death.
>>25735 >>25736 >>25737 >>25742 >>25756 >>25768 Just read through the plot on Kikpedia: Scarlet Witch unironically an heroes when Chavez shows her what her alternate universe children think of their mom. Who the Hell wrote this shit? That's like the ending to a literal parody of superhero films!
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>>25769 It's like everyone who worked on the MCU left after Endgame, the hangers on weren't rehired after corona and now all that are left are interns with cliftnotes and a 200 million budget. They're not even trying anymore.
>>25737 >alternate universe version of character is introduced before the main one alongside other characters that have never been introduced in universe >They all die This is the dumbest convoluted mess. The MCU has truly jumped the whale.
>>25772 >>25769 >>25773 I blame executives & producers honestly. This whole thing screams corporate demands rather than a creative vision by a director. They fired the first director because of "creative differences". Hollywood speak for "he didn't want to do what we told him" so they hired Raimi who was willing to sell his pride if it meant he could make another Evil Dead project. All he had to do was play yes man to Disney & Marvel studios.
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>How do we make rooftop traversal work? >Grappling hooks & gliding capes? >Nah too basic. Let's give Red Hood a magic SOUL double jump platform ability. >non-lethal rounds >piercing damage >no comic accurate skins >overdesigned original skins that can't translate to life & mod chips for combat stats
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>>25946 I know this a minor complaint at this point but I can't stand how more overdesigned all the Arkham games got as they went along. Not just the suits but the games themselves I don't know how to properly describe it but compare how that game looks compared to this screenshot from Arkham Asylum,
>>25966 Well Asylum was a lot smaller of a setting compared to City & Knight that offered chunks of then the whole City.
Is modern DC better than modern Marvel or are they both pretty bad? I haven't heard anything about DCs characters all switching genders and races like in Marvel
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>>25975 Both shit. Both make the same mistakes of forever running serial comics without a point or consistency. >I haven't heard anything about DCs characters all switching genders and races like in Marvel Look up Future State, Dark Crisis, & Multiversity Teen Justice.
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>>19449 >the enemy is zakus including char's custom one what did they mean by this?
>>25978 Pixar's black souls are bound by gravity.
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>>25966 While I'm a big sucker for armored batsuits and I really liked Arkham Knight's suit, I do agree it kind of went overboard in places. And again I do actually like pic related in Origins for embarrassing reasons.
>>25980 >And again I do actually like pic related in Origins for embarrassing reasons. Because you have a bara fetish?
>>25976 >doesn't complain about SJW shit, does complain about sequels You have bad priorities.
>>25982 Just because I don't vocalize my disgust doesn't mean it isn't there. Regardless of SJW shit though, the problems of comic books will still be numerous without them being political soapboxes.
>>25981 No, I like the mouth piece and the orange neon of the thermal elements.
>>25985 That's not very embarrassing.
She-Hulk on Disney+ now has a trailer. It looks awful. The acting is wooden & annoying. The CGI is fucking atrocious. The CW splurges more on their CGI characters than Disney. At least She-Hulk is still a whore.
>>26132 The Hulk with tits was too much even for Disney?
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>>26132 >they still make her Hulk-lite
>>26134 Probably realized it's not actually empowering to women to make them out to be roid rage muscle monsters. >>26135 No they'll make her better than Banner in every way because she's a woman. >the transformations are trigger by anger and fear <those are like the baseline of any woman just existing They even have a dig at Tony Stark in the trailer. Even though Jen's a rich lawyer & is gonna sleep around as much as Tony did.
>>26136 >empowering to women to make them out to be roid rage muscle monsters. Being raw power can't be a female fantasy? Or must be a more stylized form like Dark Phoenix?
>>26134 >No tits. >No muscles. >Almost flat ass. I know this bites into musclegirl, exotic skin and giantess fetishes but they picked the absolute flattest broad possible to play one of the raciest heroes out there. She-Hulk is the epitome of female beauty, muscular like the Hulk suggest but with the genetics of a pin-up model. To not even have the actress look muscular, oh that's the absolute worst. The stunt chick that will end up fighting in costume could be a better She-Hulk than this day time TV actress. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tatiana_Maslany
>>26139 Raw power yes but not a hulking monster with muscles bigger than a man.
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>>26144 >Velma >a nigger >IN AN ANIMATION Can't wait to see the excuse. I'm guessing something to do with a VA or something.
>>26145 Not even a nigger. A SEAmonkey. Even less of a percentage in America than niggers.
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>>26145 Required to get more points on their diversity tool
>>26144 Looks like fucking garbage
>>26144 Who's the orange haired lass? Is that Daphne? She's moderately cute.
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>>26147 who're you calling a retard?
>>26144 wtf they solve murder now ?
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>>26145 You tell me anon. Does this give you any hint as to why she's been raceswapped?
>>26141 >but they picked the absolute flattest broad possible to play one of the raciest heroes out there. In what moment sex-appeal was remotely important in Live action Marvel?
>>26152 >I'm the one that goes out of my way to treat characters different based on race >but you're the racists! Well at least we can rest easy knowing that this dumb cunt is going to cost the people who hired her even more money, with another massive bomb of a show.
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>>26153 When they were making a She-Hulk show? It matters to me. >>26144 Can you even call it "Velma" if it's a raceswap of Velma? She looks like her but that isn't her because of the obvious race angle. Do these people really think race-swapping like that will lead to virtue-signal points?
>>26155 Its self insert fan fiction at this point like nu-shera.
>>26132 Drinker was quick. The comments in the video also sound like >>26141 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D9O7kt7I384
>>26145 >>26155 They've been laying the groundwork to retroactively make Velma the non-white member of the gang for a short while now. Remember, she was turned Mexican in SCOOB.
>>26160 Wasn't there also an attempt to make her Asian?
>>26159 It's not a race to comment on this crap.
>>26144 Shit looks like Clone High, it's not even recognizable as Scooby Doo.
>>26163 That velma looks fuckable
>>26170 Every Velma looks fuckable.
>>26132 >The CGI is fucking atrocious people don't seemed to have mentioned that Professor Hulk looked pretty good. I suspect She-Hulk hasn't finished baking yet, in any case we'll see how much they touch her up in the final product.It would be weird to spend all your budget on a side character. Personally I think they should have tried the thing they did in gods of Egypt to size up the actor and give her a muscle suit. >>26135 She's always been "hulk-lite", that is to say, a large green supermodel. Her buffness varies from artist to artist but she was never really the caveman ogre like Bruce until modern pozz, which has recently been undone. You see, they went with the idea that Jennifer's hulk form was what she wished she was, beautiful and confident. While this may have resulted in the "hulk" name not being fitting for her, it also made her more than just a female version of Bruce. I think that's good considering marvel only made her because they wanted the rights to the name "she-hulk". With all that said, can you post a picture of the kind of body type you'd want her to have?
>>26144 >gore >murder >nudity >likely swearing >tone is completely different >titular character doesn't look the same So it bears nothing in common with Scooby Doo except one name. Who is this for? What was the point? They could have made something new; they already went 99% of the way there. Change the characters name and the color of her sweater and its a brand new IP. I can only surmise this was made out of spite.
>>26177 The creator. Vanity project. Likely couldn't get it off the ground unless she painted it in an existing IP coat of paint.
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You know in a better written film this would've been funny as hell, still kinda is but for different reasons. Also someone needs to make a new pain thread
>>26180 Gimme a minute.

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