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Anonymous 05/02/2022 (Mon) 08:40:35 No. 25658
What the hell is it with this series that attracts so many out of touch degenerate commie lowlifes?
Who cares? let's talk about the show, >what's your favorite season? >Favorite moment? >favorite character?
>>25660 Season 3 for me I think. Has Fish out of Water, one of the best eps and probably my favorite moment of Mr peanutbutter's strainers actually being used while being referenced all season. Favorite character is Wanda, she actively tries to save the relationship at the end of S2 before ending up in another coma. You could say it's more than Bojack deserves but someone who works like that to save a relationship is one in a million. Diane is boring, Caroline is just kinda there in the show and fuck todd. Backstabbing bastard shutting out Bojack from his birthday party when he just got out of rehab and knew he'd relapse. A real friend would have invited him in. Mr Peanutbutter is cool though, kinda weird he had nothing to do past S3 besides Governor and cucking.
It's based on California and has all kinds of hipsters faggots in it. The only good things about it is the good writing and some of the musical cues, because everything else is terrible.
>>25660 Im just glad they didnt go with the McFarlane art style.
>>25660 Season 2, they didnt make fake Daria too much of a cunt yet and they really were showing how much Bo is a bastard but without shitting on him universally Season 5 ep6(the one where he does the eulogy) its my favorite moment its an entire monolog episode, how he talks, how he self analyze himself, fuck even how he realizes that the mother was reading a sign rather then any other deep end mental gym he did for the ICU its all done in such a way that really got me close to him like never before Mt peanutbutter will always be king of this show, he is the opposite of Bo even with his flaws, he fucks up and cheers himself back up while Bo just drinks or do drugs away in his fuckup >>25658 Animal porn. And self loathing humor but they don't actually get why is funny and think is a reddit and mortimer type of humor while is a brake on the low level of humanity and jewood
>>25689 Having seen the first episode, the golden dog really is the brightest so far. How subverted is he written, and does he get better?
>>25699 Mister Peanut Butter ends up alone & cucked.
>>25658 Hipster SJW garbage attracts hipster SJW garbage. What else is new?
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>>25658 I know jack shit about this series even after seeing people gush about it but I really like this joke
So... Bojack went to prison in the end, right?
>>25758 Yes. After his near death experience, he's sentenced to prison for 14 months but is allowed a break a year later just to attend Princess Carolyn's wedding & after party.
>>25758 I still like to think the series ends with him still at acting school. Bojack actually teaching seems like something stable for him to do.
Favorite moment is probably still the drug trip from Downer Ending. No Love is a great choice of music (and it's actually what got me to watch this show). Best episode for me is The View from Halfway Down. Free Churro is a close contender, but they fucked it up with the joke at the end. I don’t know about the best season, the worst, however, was the latter half of the last season. After this, Breaking Bad and Game of Thrones I'm pretty sure that a show splitting the final season into two parts is a bad sign, because they inevitably try to cram to much into it and fuck up the pacing. Bojack in jail should have been a season in and of itself, or at the very least an episode. Also Charlie Witherspoon is the best character.
>>25779 >Worst Season >Any of the latter ones If anything Season 1 is the fucking worst, it has none of the Jewllywood psychological analyzing and just tries very hard to be funny and feel something for all these Californian subhumans.

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