Anime isnt the niche interest in the west that it once was. It is a very popular genre of entertainment these days. Aside from all the soapboxing and propaganda material baked into these shows, they also just come across like lesser versions of the series they were "inspired" by. And they expect us to celebrate their heartless knock off garbage.
More than anything else that may be what pisses me off most. For as disasterous as the consequences of regular show and adventure time's successes were for western animation, they were atleast new and somewhat ""innovative"" (im using that erm very losely) for the time. Nothing else upto that point looked like or told stories like those two shows did. But now that formula is long past its expiration date and all these retards can do is turn out cartoons that act like their personal ass-patting diaries.
Now we're at a point where none of these "creatives" have anything new to say at all. So they get these once in a lifetime opportunities to either produce their own shows or work with pre-existing established ip's, and rather than doing anything of genuine heart or quality with said opportunities, they deliver deviantart tier plagiarisms which propagandize their dime a dozen political manifestos instead of entertaining or truly innovating or actively deride the properties and existing fans of those series for rejecting their efforts. A decade has been wasted on their dogshit. They stalled all of society for garbage and remain surprised that children have turned their backs on their modern offerings for the likes of actual anime and old classics like the simpsons.
and after all that they expect us to sympathize with them, after they've spat in our faces, and after they've shot themselves in the foot. the wasted years are all that crosses my mind any time i see the likes of invinicble fight girl or the hundreds of dozens of shows just like it these days.