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Another Fucking Streaming Service Anonymous 02/26/2021 (Fri) 05:26:59 No. 9864 >>9871 >>9874 >>9879 >>9880 >>9919 >>10353 >>12958 >>13051 >>13053 >>13327 >>13419 >>13513 >>18484 >>19992 >>23181
As if the market wasn't saturated enough, Viacom has decided it wants a slice of the pie. Honestly who cares Because we're all going to pirate it, people are just here for the shows and what original content are they going to have? >A CGI Rugrats Reboot/Continuation >Beavis and Butt-Head getting another movie >Some crappy Nu-Star Trek show >The abomination of Kamp Koral And something involving Avatar even though Netflix already owns some of its production rights.
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>>9864 (OP) I just want to pirate Beavis and Butthead. >Star Trek's WoW knockoff Never cared >Rugrats reboot Is it really necessary? Considering half the cast is fucking dead. >Spongebob Dead horse got beat so many times it turned into mush, the whole thing looks like rejected cutscenes for Battle in Bikini.
>>9864 (OP) If that didn't have the Star Trek logo on it then I would have never guessed that it was suppose to be Star Trek.
>>9864 (OP) >Honestly who cares They are going to saturate the market and put in risk the actual decent animation studios that are left The Stark Trek one doesn't look that bad, I'm not into the show if I were I would give it a chance.
>>9864 (OP) Thank god for piracy
>>9879 > and put in risk the actual decent animation studios that are left How can they do that when all the decent studios still use 2D?
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I'll say one good thing about Prodigy: It recognizes it's a cartoon and thus has no obligation whatsoever to keep its cast to humans and humans with a small amount of makeup. I'm sure my praise will end there since only one of the main cast deviates from the human skeleton instead doing stuff like the N64 controller guy from STAS.
>>9864 (OP) Whatever. They can't ruin Star Trek anymore than it's already been.
Meh this one makes sense to have exist though, Viacom, Disney, and Turner have always been the big 3 of TV, after their various acquisitions at least. It makes sense they're moving online now. I don't think they realize that they won't be able to make as much money as before though, there were a thousand better ways to bring tv online, and streaming is one of the dumbest.
Half of the "popular" streaming exclusives aren't even worth pirating, and rebooting Rugrats was a stupid move. Same goes for that Ren and Stimpy reboot coming to Comedy Central, which problem won't last many seasons. Comedy Central always cancels its second best.
>Another Star Drek Why?
>>9882 If they end saturating the market then a lot of projects would have to be cancelled, of course this would mean a lot of garbage would be cleaned but it also means decent projects would be in danger too.
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The body language and appearance of the big alien in STP reminds me of someone... I swear, if him and the robot are just copies of Booster and XR.
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>Rugrats revival >Which likely means new Angelica rule 34 Her personality lends well to loli-dom, like she was a western version of Mitsuba Marui. And it needs to be off-model. Jesus Christ, it needs to be off-model. People who draw Rugrats rule 34 on-model are maniacs.
>>9984 >implying you will get anything other than crappy SFM porn with models identical to the ones from the new cartoon
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>>9984 >Getting off to jewish incestual orgies.
>>9984 >People who draw Rugrats rule 34 on-model are maniacs. You now remember all those poorly made on model, or worse, off model apart from the heads, pieces of hentai from 2002 made by Baby Boomers who pioneered the field but now look unaesthetic to look at.
>>9984 Why... do you want porn of her if you dont like how she looks? just search for an actual blonde loli with pigtails instead of cartoon trash.
>Beavis and Butt-Head getting another movie I are concern. It could do with being better than/on par with the original and I don't see that happening, I do see a lot of old ground getting retread and entirely too much Bungholio. Didn't they already try another series about 10 years ago that fizzled out? Also shouldn't they be about 45 by now? It's gonna be jarring.
>>10031 Yes, and I believe it was stated somewhere that the show was going on hiatus. Maybe Judge was looking for other networks for it at the time.
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>>9864 (OP) >Kamp Koral and The Late Night Show with Patrick are just the beginning >How does a popular show with a wide variety of characters hasn't gotten any spinoffs? >It's a mini-Marvel Universe, we should milk the shit out of it. Spongebob confirmed to be the Tetsuo of long lasting IP's. I miss when Nick was just copying Cartoon Network's ideas and making them shittier for a quick 5 seconds of relevance
>>9864 (OP) >Rugrats trailer <The women voicing the babies are now fossils <Whereas the cast voicing the adults are dead The only thing I remember about Rugrats was the "Not Spongebob IP"
>>9864 (OP) >Star Trek Prodigy >Left to right >A FUCKING DROID in order to take advantage of The Mandalorean. >Body positive heteroabnormative soyboy... Tellaxian? Is he one of Neelix's homeboys? >non-gender "they" >male-presenting female with smug face >A FUCKING YAPHIT in order to take advantage of The Orville >Body positive, probably female chunk of granite >NO HUMANS. >not one of them except MAYBE #2 is a recognizable Star Trek alien. There aren't enough knives in the world to stab into the faggots/dykes who came up with this pozload of a show.
>>9940 >2nd pic My headcanon is that his head was crafted from an uncooked Macaroni and Cheese noodle.
>>9864 (OP) >Babby Spongebob >STfw he's been suffering from Spongebob's autism since he was little
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>>13051 There's something about the characters that feels... generic? I don't know how to describe how I feel about it What's up with that?
>>13056 >There's something about the characters that feels... generic? <The comic relief <The smart guy <The leader <The hero <The pet <The shy one It's you basic formula for a kids show SINCE THE FUCKING 90'S.
>>13051 according to some "news" sites they will add a Janeway for some episode (probably the first one and thats it)
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>>13056 >There's something about the characters that feels... generic? Yeah, if you don't already know, the SJW types aren't very creative.
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>>13065 Ram Jamoram sounds like a pornstar name for a fist fetishist. What's the last pic? A more interesting character?
>>13068 >What's the last pic? A more interesting character? <he doesn't know Anon, I...
>>13068 >What's the last pic? A rock that's the best pilot in the galaxy.
>>13065 It's hilarious. They tossed out Legends and a good swath of the actually good comics to cannon this type of crap.
>>13076 Why, whatever do you mean? Kathy Kennedy herself said there were no books, no comics...
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>>13066 Nice.
>>13069 >The vessel known as... The Vessel. I think I'm actually more disgusted by that than I am by the rock. It's millennial irony at it's worst. >"Okay, so what's the name of Asexual Han Solo's starship?" >"Well, Kathy, Betty and I were talking in the bathroom and we think we have a winner." >"I'd rather hear Betty tell it, as she's African-American and a lesbian, whereas you're only white and bisexual." >"Fair enough. Betty?" >"Well, we wuz tinkin' and we thought it would be totes hilarious ta call da ship 'Da Vessel!" >"Well done, Betty!" >KKfw
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>>13069 >>13070 I'm speechless. A fucking rock, and it's named Geode, a type of rock. Let me guess, the rock's a jedi too?
>>13121 >Let me guess, the rock's a jedi too? My assumption is that the rock idea was taken from Yoda's speech in Empire when he's patiently explaining to Luke that the Force winds through everything, like the trees, the rocks, etc. What he meant was the energy flows through everything and that everything can be interacted with by using the Force that binds everything. I think some numb cunt took that to mean that ROCKS could use the Force, instead.
>>13078 Because the only thing that broad first saw in Star Wars was brand name profit. >>13121 Well, Sar Agorn was basically a force-sensitive green blob that could wield lightsabers. But a sentient lightsaber-wielding Jedi-ace-pilot rock is just stupid and really stupid. Whoever came up with this convoluted shit obviously getting high whilst listening to Ram Jam's Black Betty.
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>>13121 >read this comment >"oh it must be some sort of stone golem type deal, well, that's kind of weird by..." >it's a slab of stone >it's just a slab of stone I...
>>13121 >>13125 >>13170 >>13175 It's kind of a half assed version of something you would see from the silver age Green Lantern Corps. It's almost clever.
>>13177 If it were a golem-type creature, like the anon above you put it. It would have been much better suited to where they're trying to go with it. Geode is the perfect ironic name for such a creature. But a sentient rock slab that can somehow pilot a ship has nothing really going for it. Even if this Geode can float, fly, and offer the occasional sarcastic backtalk.
>>9880 >implying their service will have anything worth pirating >>9919 >They can't ruin Star Trek anymore than it's already been Don't say that, anon or they might take that as a challenge. >>13065 >>13069 It's like Star Trek and Star Wars are in a race to see which one can nosedive themselves into irrelevancy faster.
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>>9919 >They can't ruin Star Trek anymore than it's already been.
>>9864 (OP) >Despite the forced shitty CGI >Despite being based on popular franchises >Despite the references <There still won't a season finale to Jimmy Neutron
>>13327 According to John Davis, they plan to reboot Jimmy Neutron at some point. They're just waiting on the "right situation" to do it. I doubt they'll be bringing back the entire original cast whenever they do make that decision.
>>13331 Is Sheen still running around an alien planet or did they wrap that shitty spin-off up.
>>13078 That woman needs to be erased from the continuum once we get time travel sorted out.
>>13069 Ricky Gerviase's sweaty face is always unwelcome but that was genuinely the least effort I've ever seen put into anything. The bastardised timeline alone not stacking up with established shit means they're just gonna fill it with utter garbage written by children with sub sophomoric ideas.
>>13337 Oddly enough, that didn't get canned. I don't know how it ended though. I stopped watching after episode 5.
>>13362 >"Oh. A show based on Sheen. Lame. Well, at least it won't have the llama-fucker." >*alien llama-fucker shows up* >"DAMMIT!"
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>>13331 >reboot Eww. A reunion movie or mini series to give a proper ending would have been fine, but a reboot is just pointless. I'm sure Cindy would be a bitch who gets her way all the time instead of regularly being humbled by fate
>>13415 > I'm sure Cindy would be a bitch who gets her way all the time instead of regularly being humbled by fate What about that one time they went to the future where Jimmy turned into Cindy's henpecked husband?
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>>9919 They have such sights to show us.
>>13416 And the whole thing is treated as something the gang needs prevent from happening.
>>9864 (OP) >The funny shit from Spongebob are getting pulled because of its graphic and mature gags for current year Not only the show is on a life support device, but they're also shitting on Hillenburg's corpse to the point of burying him as a whole.
>>13393T >Hey kids! We know this show is supposed to be a spinoff. But here's an alien version Carl! Now, we're going to cancel Jimmy Neutron because of reasons! >>13415 Both Hey, Arnold! and Rocko's Modern Life had movie wrap-ups. They should do the same for Jimmy Neutron. All that reboot crap has run its course.
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>>9864 (OP) Don't you love it when Viacom manage to be more retarded than TimeWarner?
>>13513 >when I apply my forced narrative and agenda to [insert old thing] it's OBVIOUSLY always been about MEEEEE Also by god that looks ugly.

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>>13516 You have no idea man.
>>13518 Wasn't Tommy's father an inventor/engineer?
>>13520 He's still a toy maker they just make him play video games as a hobby.
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>>13523 My son is going to lose his fucking mind. I usually share the moves of the Enemy with him, but I don't think I'm going to tell him about this one. His inner 4-year-old would probably die. Oh fuck, I went looking for a pic of Steve Burns looking angry or disappointed or something and THIS shit came up. Fuck, I'm legitimately upset by this unrepentant faggotry pushed by Dickelodeon.
>>13523 Yeah, someone emailed me that insanity, and it pissed me off, as this kind of shit crosses so many lines. And having a reptrsentation of a Drag Queen of all things. >>13530 I'll give him his honesty about his depature from the show. But if he supports this bullshit, it marks him as what he is.
>>13518 >Lou as a numale redditor >Stu as a manchild who luvs science™ Let's not forget the butcher dyke who is in fact a dyke stereotype, they killed off Howard. >>13523 Looks like something out of South Park.
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>>13523 At one point I would have been so disgusted and angry I would have had to step away and calm myself down.But after seeing this a second time after my disgust I can't help but laugh. Cartoons have become a self-parody. it's like reality has collapsed in on itself and only thing left to do is laugh at all.
>>13549 >Let's not forget the butcher dyke who is in fact a dyke stereotype, they killed off Howard. That one was obvious.
>>13523 >>13526 >>13530 >>13536 >>13549 >>13550 >>13551 IT GETS WORSE!!!!!! Excuse the cuckchannel and twitter cap
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>>13523 Why did I watch it? >every line worse than the last >turning a biblical song structure into one about trannies Absolutely repulsive, at least it's thoroughly shit in terms of quality and the singer is garbage, can't even get the meter of the song right or rhyme anything so it all sounds awful too. >'Ace, Bi and Pan grown-ups you see' Pan meaning 'will fuck anything' cos your kid who can barely count to 10 needs to know that of course and whatever the fuck they want to think 'ACE' means I don't care and neither should any sane person child or otherwise. I want to see the floats with the kids with bleeding mutilated genitals and parents who think they're fucking insane cos if they were present they'd be taking up most of the 'big parade' I'm sure. While it is ugly and should be erased from existence at least shit like this remains completely ineffective, serves to highlight these freaks as freaks who're totally desperate to try and normalise their ugly self destruction and fail so hard at it every kid still knows who to rip the piss out of on sight.
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>>13580 There's truly no hope left children's media. It's all been indoctrined in SJW proproganda.
>>13582 >While it is ugly and should be erased from existence Hitler had the right frame of mind to keep the degenerate art preserved for all to see as a reminder of how degrading society can become.
>>13582 >turning a biblical song structure into one about trannies I didn't listen to it but what the fuck if true. There's no way they didn't intentionally do this to piss people off.
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>>13582 >of course and whatever the fuck they want to think 'ACE' means I don't care and neither should any sane person child or otherwise Pretty sure that one refers to Asexual (read: people who just have little sex drive and delude themselves into thinking they physically don't want it, I know this because Archie comics made Jughead into one). Sometimes they have "Aromantic" (meaning "willing to have a relationship but not have sex") in that bar too.
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>>13523 I used to look forward to having grandkids. Now I'm not so sure it's a good idea to encourage my kids to marry and breed and bring innocents into this disgusting fucking world.
>>13597 > Sometimes they have "Aromantic" (meaning "willing to have a relationship but not have sex") in that bar too. Shouldn't that be the other way around? These people have are illiterate.
>name parade after a deadly sin >not sure how Lust isn't lumped in with this brand of Pride >suddenly imagine parades for Gluttony and Sloth happening >realise looter gangs are Greed and Envy parades Shame there isn't a Wrath parade to wipe them all out. They can slap as many colourful rainbows as can be imagined over their stinking infested surgery scars and AIDS poz holes but they'll NEVER make themselves attractive. The fact that shit like this gets written off as harmless by retarded unthinking parents just cos its a cartoon is blinkered as can be. >>13597 I don't want to know their bullshit chatter anon, given the choice I'd put more effort into learning Esperanto, or how to talk to fucking chimps I'd get more sense out of them.
>>13523 I also notice they omit to say 'why' they're marching (which they aren't, they're on floats) it being because they're insane self mutilating faggots and dykes who're such social pariahs they have to glomp together with other unwanted groups of delusional malcontents filled with mutual hatred for one and other. Funny that they left that bit out.
>>13609 Perpetual victimhood has been with us for a long, long time. It used to be alms for the priesthood, then it was "for the poor". Now in this time of plenty it has branched out to include eunuchs, sodomites, niggers, and all women. I imagine in the future there will be one man who officially isn't a victim.
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>>13590 as far as I can tell, it's When Johnny Comes Marching Home Again, which--while not a biblical song--still utterly enrages me, so...mission accomplished, I guess
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>>13523 Here's the subhuman freak behind this song https://ytprivate.com/watch?v=JbU60p0QxFk
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>>13518 >>13549 I get that it's a reboot that takes place in modern times, so they have to make some character adjustments, but being an old conservative fuck was part of Grandpa Lou's character. Even if they did make him a boomer, they could have made him a Vietnam vet or something. I feel like this change was made out of contempt and the writers just not wanting "any of that kind of thinking" anywhere near the show so they made him more "likeable". It would be like if they did a King of the Hill reboot and made Cotton Hill a a peace loving hippie.
>>13620 Didn't know Tim & Eric were producing videos for the LGBTM community
>>13580 >Top scars The beaver got a fucking lobotomy? >>13597 >because Archie comics made Jughead into one Making the misogynistic dumb guy asexual? That's just so woke, like Battlefield adding nigger associates to the nazi party.
>>13625 >The beaver got a fucking lobotomy? The beaver has chest scars like it had tits that were removed? That's the "top surgery."
>>13626 >>13625 fucked up and put a question mark in place of a period.
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>>13597 >I know this because Archie comics made Jughead into one No, no. Jughead is just a closeted burgersexual. Hamburgers are what turns him on. And he likes em saucy. >>13621 >"any of that kind of thinking" anywhere near the show so they made him more "likeable" In other words, the Lou Pickles of the original didn't sit well with them. So they changed for their, and like-minded individuals, best interest.
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>>9864 (OP) >Viacom selling Spongebob NFT's. <As expected the corporation is selling something trendy while doing the opposite. >More shit Spongebob's spinoffs coming up, because it's (((our))) Marvel universe. They're rubbing their hands so much to the point of peeling off their (((fore)))skins.
>>9864 (OP) Now I see why they're rebooting Beavis and Butthead and Ren & Stimpy, god forbid if Viacom has to pay royalties to copyright music, the platform itself is an abandoned warehouse.
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>>13417 >filename
>>19992 Viacom is just run by your typical greedy bastards and cunts.
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>>9871 >Is it really necessary? Considering half the cast is fucking dead. Even more so considering there was a spin off series where they grew up. This is just an attempt profit off nostalgia.
>>20027 Duckman and Jackass are out of the question.
>>20504 >Jackass are out of the question.
>>20504 Jackass still has it's cult following. But Duckman is not for today's ''sophisticated audience."
>>20508 This and the second one, no signs of the show itself or the 1.5 hour special where they went through their own personal hell. >>20515 Not only that, but when it was re-aired on CC they cut most of the copyrighted songs.
>>20508 Still kinda funny Bam got kicked off set.
>>9864 (OP) >Beavis and Butt-Head getting another movie >Beavis and Butt-Head become boomers
>>23181 I cannot fucking stand this shit. Have people really never heard of Gen Xers or even fucking Millenials?
It just feels like they're just throwing things at a wall now
>>23199 for crying out loud, the last monster high thing was apparently in 2016, it's not even that old, how is it 'being introduced to a new generation?
>>23211 Anon, in six years time, the people who were in kindergarten are now middle schoolers, and the people who were middle schoolers are just about to leave high school. And, the people who are now in kindergarten where just born six years ago.
>>23212 Things can last a long time, it's just marketer's being faggots tossing shit around.
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>>23181 Be thankful at least they got Mike Judge back and witness if he comes out with a miracle.
>>23181 >>23186 so they become their "dads"
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>>23181 Let alone what a great timing, just when the stream is agonizing, they finally shit out Beavis and Butthead. Can't wait for the Ren & Stimpy one in like what? 3 more years?
>>34388 >Ren and Stimpy I know you're joking anon but I could see it happen. Would it be worse than Adult Party Cartoon?
>>34389 Adult Party Cartoon is great. But maybe you'll like the SJW version that comes out and is deliberately made to spite the original creator who made it good in the first place. Don't worry, I assure you, there will be no boobies this time.
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>>34400 >Adult Party Cartoon is great.
>>34402 Yeah I said it. The non-John K seasons are okay too, but if you like them more than the other seasons, you're a faggot.
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>>34389 >>34400 The problem is that John brought the gross and shock humor while Bob tried to dull it, that's what made the first two seasons special. >SJW version that comes out and is deliberately made to spite the original creator https://yewtu.be/watch?v=NZ6FZFega8k
Ironically, the Animaniacs reboot followed Ren & Stimpy's gross out humor, who they were trying to appeal? Pretty sure the tumblr kind prefers Joss Weadon mixed with Seinfeld's humor.

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