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(220.34 KB 1300x1000 A5nReOg.png)

Upskirt / Pantyshot Thread Anonymous 02/01/2021 (Mon) 17:02:58 Id: cebc70 No. 10427 >>10428 >>23212
A thread dedicated for cakes, revealing their cutely patterned surprise underneath their skirts and dresses. (Not to be confused with underclothes.) Fanarts are pretty much accepted the most more then actual screenshots.
(151.50 KB 795x900 69WS8G0.png)

(221.03 KB 1000x1000 5FGazWY.png)

(261.76 KB 1506x1289 UF0Awh4.png)

>>10427 (OP) I'll just kickstart here with these, have fun everyone!
Really hoping this thread takes off.
(Also not sure if this last one counts)
>>10435 >>10436 Nice finds dude! Got anymore to share? I can share back if needed
>>10445 Tons. Most times I actively seek it out, but sometimes ...happy accidents, y’know.
>>10451 Nah keep it up fam
I’m kinda picking based on the assumptions of: a) there has to be something underneath the skirt (so no raw pussy shots), b) no pics with just panties (those I have quite a few as well), and c) no full bottomless. Please correct me if I’m wrong so I can share accordingly from this point on.
This is all for right now. I’ve got more, but my internet is down and I only have so much on my phone I can use.
(544.51 KB 1438x2000 e9GWPU1.jpg)

(149.73 KB 620x877 V2Tmn7D.gif)

(365.69 KB 1000x1000 oO60DZx.png)

(76.02 KB 880x1464 bNt1nlk.jpg)

(703.32 KB 3544x1999 DsTFECN.png)

(1.27 MB 2315x1736 post-image-991275.png)

(483.48 KB 595x841 post-image-990815.jpeg)

(259.22 KB 1116x2048 post-image-20356270.jpeg)

(521.04 KB 1991x2105 post-image-21276905.jpeg)

>>23212 Huh, you have more of these obscure anime upskirts?
>>23212 >>23903 Speaking of obscure anime upskirts, does anyone know the name of this one hentai anime from the 80s or possibly very early 90s where this boy runs past and flips up the girl heroine's skirt? I think it was from a OVA or a short series.
>>23904 Are you certain it was a hentai? Sounds like typical Showa era anime antics. What else do you recall from it?
>>23903 Is there some sort of online gallery that shows off anime pantyshots?
>>23906 I only know of two, and they're both only as exhaustive as the autists that maintain them. Beefalotoons and Allthefallen. The former doesn't exactly have the most intuitive search engine and gallery organization to isolate just loli pantsu so the latter is where I got these from. Samples of much larger posts in a specific thread periodically updated. Not a true gallery in that regard. There USED to be a booru by the name of Toonundies that had a decent amount but got caught in the anti-loli/anti-shota purge.
>>23907 Link to the thread?
>>23913 Is it still fine to mass post these here to this thread?
>>23914 I suppose so, but this is the last I'll be posting for now. Maybe. As I said, there's A LOT more where these came from. As in, tens more from each series I shared (or 300+ in Yadamon's case). If you wish to join ATF and plunder screencaps from the thread I mentioned, be my guest.
>>23905 I'm pretty sure it was a hentai. I think the plot was something along the lines of the heroine was an adult that got her brain implanted into a little girl cyborg body. I could be mixing it up with a different one though. I remember there being a gif or a set of stills from the skirt flip being posted to /l/ or /a/ a long time ago. Like 15+ years ago long. I want to say that the girl had green or blue green hair but I may be very wrong about that.
Nothing from Ghost Stories? Seriously?
(298.13 KB 640x480 ghost_stories-14.png)

(357.55 KB 640x480 ghost_stories-11.png)

(258.68 KB 640x480 ghost_stories-07.png)

(291.29 KB 640x480 ghost_stories-04.png)

(249.19 KB 640x480 ghost_stories-02.png)

>>23925 >the heroine was an adult that got her brain implanted into a little girl cyborg body. Literally the only h-anime that comes to mind is Shoyonoido Mako-chan from the late 90s and even then, the heroine is a brunette in both incarnations. No sign whatsoever of a boy running around skirt flipping either. There's a few loli upskirts but not the kind you're recalling.
>>23930 Well that means that I've stitched together two or more separate H series together in my mind. Not entirely surprising. I'm not sure where the green hire inclination even came from. Thanks anyway.
>>23928 That’s more like that.
(139.65 KB 1366x768 IMG_8011 (1).jpg)

(149.23 KB 916x712 1650728877587.jpg)

(2.37 MB 1254x1771 18- My pet Monster.png)

>>23186 So that's where the heart panties came from for this piece.
(1.06 MB 2000x2000 91056266_p0.jpg)

(980.97 KB 1900x1900 91377645_p0.jpg)

(1.32 MB 1358x1920 85362351_p0.jpg)

(1.47 MB 2000x2000 90961042_p0.jpg)

>>23186 Realistic skirt physics. Amazing
>>23907 Toonundies was tame as shit, that's so retarded
(123.50 KB 650x868 1392280916515.jpg)

>>23907 Which episode is 3rd photo from in? (like this)
>>28004 how many does panty shot this anime got?
>>28015 Girls in anime that have been broadcast in Japan for 50 years are constantly showing us their panties. This is not a problem at all in Japan.
(127.88 KB 795x1209 westernlolipantsu1.jpg)

(266.24 KB 795x1209 westernlolipantsu2.jpg)

(273.44 KB 1230x800 westernlolipantsu3.jpg)

(317.38 KB 1242x800 westernlolipantsu4.jpg)

The Power Pack. Mavel's young super heroes. Someone at Marvel at that time obviously had a lolicon fetish.
>>28263 They always do. i wish we had more leaks like the rugrats one to see the things they hoard
>>28263 I’ve been hearing rumors that they’ve been trying to get a Power Pack movie/series for Disney+ for quite a while now, and I think that’s be awesome—so long as it’s based on either the 2005/08 reboot or the original 1984 series and not that hideous miniseries from 2000.
(48.40 KB 704x544 doraemon_shizuka-39732.jpg)

(46.36 KB 704x544 doraemon_s-33917.jpg)

(255.39 KB 832x624 Shizuka006.jpg)

(358.82 KB 832x1041 Shizuka013.jpg)

(339.39 KB 1020x720 Li8GVo3.jpg)

(325.36 KB 1020x720 oI2QrHt.jpg)

(21.94 KB 640x480 MffT4yP.jpg)

(3.71 MB 640x480 W0wp8V6.gif)

(3.80 MB 640x480 FR7LXpo.gif)

(186.13 KB 481x294 exx.png)

(1.10 MB 1049x771 panties.png)

(3.05 MB 517x279 1459989387277.gif)

(957.79 KB 462x260 FatalFrigidDinosaur-max-1mb.gif)

(3.25 MB 1216x684 v4hH2F5.gif)

(1.30 MB 500x274 1446382867512.gif)

(2.67 MB 632x426 J4OZzqI.gif)

(1.46 MB 1280x720 Mona the vampire panties.mp4)

More of mona's giant butt
(292.59 KB 1242x800 westernlolipantsu5.jpg)

(275.35 KB 1216x808 westernlolipantsu6.jpg)

(709.12 KB 1332x2048 RCO008.jpg)

(721.50 KB 1332x2048 RCO007.jpg)

(545.73 KB 1332x2048 RCO065.jpg)

>>28263 (pic 4 is dark, but there is indeed pantsu)
(706.77 KB 1332x2048 RCO038.jpg)

(669.66 KB 1290x2048 RCO019_w.jpg)

(428.46 KB 1024x1605 RCO014_1469629983.jpg)

(542.20 KB 1024x1586 power_pack_45_p05.jpg)

(187.63 KB 278x311 growupundershirt.png)

Any EUF art?
(2.36 MB 1920x1080 SSSS.png)

>>29753 what's the source on the left?
>>29783 The name is already on the file, anon.
(4.01 MB 1331x2000 02.png)

(4.15 MB 1331x2000 04.png)

(ignore the diaper picture) But my personal favourite EUF type fanart of Molly McGee.
(2.41 MB 4222x2480 100175759_p0.png)

(4.38 MB 2893x4092 81547842_p0.png)

Jill was a cute character. She had a cvery cute voice. Too bad there's not alot of fanart of her.
(79.66 KB 633x742 1633749255146.jpg)

(870.48 KB 1280x720 goat-27.png)

(1021.13 KB 1280x720 goat-3.png)

(878.54 KB 1280x720 goat-26.png)

How are you all doing everyone?
(2.04 MB 1920x1080 1677519396563340.png)

(121.87 KB 1280x720 1677519458891037.jpg)

(60.34 KB 576x432 Lisa_the_Beauty_Queen_52.jpg)

>>32083 Wait, isn't Goat an adult?

(268.03 KB 521x586 1682301129465255.jpg)

(18.14 KB 178x219 1682298301753131.jpg)

(105.65 KB 868x592 1682298050925822.jpg)

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(684.72 KB 1560x720 Screenshot_20230423-072656.png)

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(28.23 KB 573x438 1682290827448897.jpg)

(15.24 KB 310x348 untitled_by_ctk21_ddxrddg.jpg)

(220.96 KB 561x453 Inakappe Taishō Ep60-1.png)

(230.42 KB 562x459 Inakappe Taishō Ep60-2.png)

(39.61 KB 640x480 t20081230162015.jpg)

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(95.55 KB 900x675 1682953247932.jpg)

source please
>>34973 >>34682 >>34681 >>34680 Lot of vintage stuff lately.
(162.33 KB 640x480 gjmel9.jpg)

(146.41 KB 640x480 d7fnax.jpg)

(188.38 KB 640x480 nvkiuv.jpg)

(159.09 KB 640x480 j8zr9q.jpg)

(150.72 KB 640x480 ail556.jpg)

(88.56 KB 899x638 Nuiguru Mix - Volume 1.jpg)

(220.96 KB 561x453 Inakappe Taishōep60.png)

(230.42 KB 562x459 Inakappe Taishōep60-a.png)

(58.24 KB 640x477 1685906702737680.jpg)

(20.48 KB 649x473 1685906774239207.jpg)

(60.95 KB 720x532 UOHHHHHHHHHHHH.jpg)

(40.58 KB 606x236 lulu004.jpg)

(210.84 KB 1920x1080 1685812950753017.jpg)

(629.89 KB 1080x720 q8e1pgqkxdfj.00.10.06.png)

(617.16 KB 1080x720 q8e1pgqkxdfj.00.10.17.png)

(559.97 KB 1080x720 q8e1pgqkxdfj.00.19.11.png)

(458.55 KB 1080x720 q8e1pgqkxdfj.00.18.44.png)

(823.76 KB 1080x720 z2er1qaath68.00.04.47.png)

Mona the Vampire has a good amount of pantyshots.
50/50 Heroes Episode 3 Brother and Son
(189.27 KB 1352x1080 A Felicidade do Cebolinha.jpg)

(261.88 KB 1230x890 Magali.jpg)

(65.98 KB 500x800 DvnzLzzVsAAdrUO.jpg)

(181.54 KB 1920x1003 Obake no Q-Tarō Ep427.jpg)

>>37476 Thanks for bumping the thread with content, but got a source for this one?
>>35185 where is 3rd video from
(77.61 KB 960x720 Callista.webp)

The only girl from the episode and the whole kindergarten class. There are a few scenes of her with panty shots.
>>37508 And the Pantyshot scenes?
(287.48 KB 692x1125 1608532420263.jpg)

Here's something I found looking through the archives. It's Joy from the Superbook reboot.
(2.12 MB 2216x1600 06-07.png)

(3.40 MB 2345x1496 Shimmer & Shine.png)

>>37570 This one is ending next chapter. I wish Uran would go back to skeeter rabbit next. I miss it so much
(394.27 KB 1662x2048 IMG_20230826_221615.jpg)

>>37863 Source please.
(55.80 KB 727x541 Tpимпy в циpкe.jpg)

(548.29 KB 600x480 1709009314695610.webm)

(57.80 KB 712x540 841de0a5d744b87e.jpg)

(69.73 KB 712x540 7701357bc18d976f.jpg)

(397.60 KB 1680x945 randycunningham21a.jpg)

(303.98 KB 1277x720 candace panty shot.jpg)

(27.45 KB 640x368 1502746869094.jpg)

(21.00 KB 640x480 1455219302270.jpg)

>>44151 which episode is this ruby gloom from?
(1.36 MB 1056x792 1636212738045.png)

>>44185 Episode 31 - Hair(Less): The Musical - Part 1
(1.30 MB 648x486 1716982469834337.webm)

(25.78 KB 640x480 1716999064612737.jpg)

(55.09 KB 1024x768 Mimi panties.jpg)

(950.32 KB 1536x889 1716953087343732.jpg)

(1.02 MB 1536x888 1716952939738845.jpg)

(159.56 KB 632x472 1716931028198959.jpg)

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(62.16 KB 1024x770 1716938653472009.jpg)

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(602.03 KB 1920x1080 1716897733109830.png)

(1.67 MB 1920x1088 1716939497008416.png)

(3.95 MB 740x416 1716952196154747.gif)

>>44449 wow, this is the first cartoon i see with actual proper skirt physics, what show/movie is that from?
>>37861 What episode is this from?
(2.95 MB 2222x1890 Kangoo.png)

"I know there's already a superhero who fights crime in his underwear, Bob - I just don't want people to think I'm a copycat!"
(7.77 MB 952x712 Sexy o'sullivan.mp4)

I think it's technically a bikini, but it's obscene in the context.
(289.34 KB 987x1021 uxpkq6.png)

(1.39 MB 1920x1080 1722650472813203.png)

(192.12 KB 1761x1202 GT7iK7WWoAAru4C.png)

(1.24 MB 1382x936 Spats6.png)

(1.47 MB 1440x900 Slit.png)

(1.59 MB 1440x900 Lips.png)

(1.68 MB 1440x900 Butt.png)

Does spats count?
(789.82 KB 2048x1652 monica+96+(ed.+abril).jpg)

>>46916 What the fuck?
>>46979 First one is from an old Flash game named "Shoot Tha Moon"; second is from some old Monica's Gang animation.
(816.95 KB 1398x1002 TheOldSwitcharooms.png)

(433.17 KB 1920x1080 1729656517696387.jpg)

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(26.25 KB 472x360 bratz babys.jpg)

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(86.12 KB 550x1452 IMG_2190.webp)

(128.69 KB 1003x750 IMG_5951.jpeg)

(1009.70 KB 800x600 IMG_9247.png)

Requesting full naked please
(1.75 MB 480x368 giphy.gif)

(155.07 KB 486x460 Sari.png)

(49.30 KB 414x522 1729654336068487.jpg)

(1.49 MB 590x1656 Chico Bento 011.png)

(2.27 MB 1379x1737 Les Pipelettes Vol2.png)

(132.89 KB 953x710 1729656152895281.jpg)

(573.78 KB 954x717 1729656076905393.jpg)

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(17.90 KB 640x480 1729655548726550.jpg)

(1.34 MB 1019x736 Cebolinha (Globo) - 099.png)

(33.35 KB 540x360 Mona2.jpg)

(401.79 KB 641x479 1733323796859571.png)

(842.86 KB 2000x1125 Mona the Vampire Panty Shots.jpg)

(55.39 KB 869x628 1732904251490023.jpg)

(54.43 KB 592x726 Marie Kanker panty shot.jpg)

>>50716 This show has some nice pantyshots. The less detailed look weird though, like the girls are wearing diapers.
More Mona. It's impressive that even in cold weather they find a reason to show her panties
(49.37 KB 568x463 MAICHING000a.jpg)

(470.67 KB 667x514 45356235574.png)

>>52575 What show was this from??
>>52588 Ned’s Newt
(296.70 KB 1393x738 HeartofTheCity-14-1999.jpg)

(2.54 MB 1299x824 Turma da Mônica.png)

(354.96 KB 1633x731 ThePerishers_04_16_1968.jpg)

(158.17 KB 1813x588 Nancy_08_22_1989.jpg)

(208.89 KB 1645x534 Nancy_09-01-1988.jpg)

(187.14 KB 768x1024 IMG_5128.jpeg)

>>53467 Elmyra’s got the buns
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(60.30 KB 853x640 CcrOOgDUsAAvh_0.jpg)

Index Catalog Archive Top Reply 184

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