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TheFabian/Fabian Martinez Anonymous 06/05/2021 (Sat) 20:03:14 Id: 35e4b1 No. 14530 >>14531 >>14698
I was posting about this elsewhere but I'd rather leave it here since it pertains to a western artist. I was happily browsing some nice doujinshi when I stumbled upon this Colorium Comic 7 Chu♥Lip. This compilation doujin had one additional artist that for whatever reason wasn't tagged. Fabian Martinez (TheFabian). Thankfully, his old geocities page was linked at the end. I visited it and saw what was archived, which wasn't much but it gave me a good idea of what his work looked like at the time. Archives for his website go all the way until Geocities closed down back on 2009 https://web.archive.org/web/2009*/http://www.geocities.com/thefabian I don't think that having these interests that he had, particularly the photographers part made it a good idea to use his real name during the early days of the internet but it would probably be a lot worse today. I visited that website out of sheer curiosity, this (3rd pic) is what it looked like around the time his work was in that doujin. It looked that way up until about 2007, when it just leads you to a page that reads SOLD OUT, whatever that means. This is a relatively obscure doujin that to this day remains untranslated as far as i'm concerned. Not only that but his work wasn't even tagged which made it downright impossible to find for anyone without prior knowledge. To my surprise he is still active under the same name, however his art has a different look to it now which is not really my thing at all , see the last picture I attached, which shall remain spoilered. Here's his twitter account https://twitter.com/fabianbdart Doujin: https://hitomi.la/doujinshi/colorium-comic-7-chu%E2%99%A5lip-%E6%97%A5%E6%9C%AC%E8%AA%9E-1556995.html I can't find any of his old work on any booru site, help would be appreciated. His old geocities page mentions that he was working on some stuff at the time, particularly a doujin called "Busy Child" which doesn't seem to be available anywhere. I have already tried contacting him and am awaiting a reply, if he responds I will ask him about this.
>>14530 (OP) Here's some additional stuff from his site, a guestbook where one guy comments in Spanish that he was posting from a SEGA Dreamcast (!!!) That's just how old this is.
>>14530 (OP) Interesting relic of the past, thanks for bringing it to my attention. This is where all loli art is heading btw, obscurity and artists switching to drawing adults\sfw. All the more important to enjoy it while it lasts.

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