/delicious/ - Cake

It just tastes better.

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Anonymous 05/29/2020 (Fri) 06:44:43 Id: 687d2d No. 1459 >>1460 >>1474 >>6971
Why is this board hidden? Is there any more hidden boards?
>>1460 >newfag Bitch pls 8kunt only started unlisting boards after cripplefag sperged out, what is the reason of having unlisted boards here
>>1461 Fear?
>>1465 Fear of what?
>>1466 Of pedo crusaders moral fagging to the point they threaten to take down the site. When /delicious/ is public it eventually rises to the top 10 boards in posts per hour, allowing any one visiting the site to claim the website hosts CP. If /delicious/ is hidden, this helps lower the chances of people sperging out. It kind of sucks, we just finally got back to pre christchurch shooting posting speed and got a good portion of our original artists back on Julay before shit hit the fan. it may take longer to get back to those levels since the board is hidden but it's a necessity. As for other hidden boards, there's /tot/ but I can't find anything else like /shota/.
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>>1459 (OP) There are people bitching to domain providers and hosting services about drawings of little girls with few clothes. If you ask me, I think it's comfier this way
I think because the moralfags went full social justice crusade mode because they don't have anything better to do due to the quarantine so now they are using their spare time to "cancel" lolicon content wherever they can find it using the now standard SJW tactics. This is the age of the death of freedom of speech and eventually freedom of thought if they get their way. While us lolicon may be down we are not out but the future is uncertain.
>>1485 >>1470 All the big boorus host loli and tod this is stupid
>>1491 danbooru doesn't have it visible unless you pay, gelbooru is under attack right now (go check).
There's /tot/, /loli/, and /sm/. Go post some goodies, it's lonely there.
>>1532 tried tot, it ain't there
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>>1508 I thought Gelbooru pussied out and removed loli a long time ago. Haven't payed attention to Dan in forever. Did they just hide it behind a sign up or something? In any event, san, panda, and fallen seem fine. Licit is still there, though I've yet to try it. N works. Pah is still paying lip service far as I can tell. The fake twitter elephant is still operational. So plenty of loli outlets appear to be stable at the moment despite previous attempts at sabotage. Though I'm sure if this latest pearl clutching crusade against naughty pictures here and there goes well, some of those hosts will be spammed with complaints next. It never ends. Every provider has to pay lipservice to censoring harmless drawings in the name of morality policing it or be labeled. That's why it's hidden. Because it's so fucking easy to spook hosts for fear of the very appearance of impropriety. The vague and rarely enforced laws are just a smokescreen.
Gelbooru still has it up. It might be that you need an account to see it? Danbooru stuck their loli stuff behind a paywall, but Gelbooru and Chan.Sankakucomplex are still up. I think Chan.Sankaku might be running a potential pre-emptive tagging process because a lot of the images there are "awaiting moderator approval" and tagged "contentious content" which sounds like they're waiting for a C&D to hide them all. Rule34 honestly I have no idea what their rules are, and probably they don't either at this point, given the disparity between their content and their stated rules and their explicit enforcement actions.
>>1545 Paheal is an odd one alright. Big red text saying no loli, but I rarely have trouble finding anything that I know has been up on there. And this is after they went through the trouble of purging a bunch of tod (Lilo, Angelica, etc) only for it to come right back later. It's almost as if that big warning is to cover their own asses while trying not to have to enforce it. And Gel is sign up to see the good hidden stuff. Makes sense. Sad that's how it's gotta be but those are the ones that usually last. But if I were to sign up for something else now I think I'd try licit first.
It's me or Rule34 (Paheal) is erasing gradually several loli images? Or some people are requesting removal of some images or characters?
>>1545 >>1553 Yeah, have to have an account to see loli (have to untag it in your settings basically). Damn shame they removed a lot of toddlercon though it is starting to slip back onto the site.
>>1628 You are right, most of original Angelica stuff is gone. Also like half of the Cutie Mark Crusaders pics.
>>1535 If you pay attention to tag numbers, it's obvious gelbooru allows loli. Same with danbooru. IIRC, you have to pay to get access to loli on danbooru, but gelbooru only requires an account (could be wrong about dan, but I don't normally use it).
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>>1535 >Licit >N >Pah >The fake twitter elephant What sites are those, I never went past boorus and panda
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>>1628 >>1635 Olivia Mann stuff too
>>1628 I keep fucking telling people to stop recommending that site. Paheal has officially banned loli in 2015 after the EU and Russia threatened to ban them, reducing ad money. They also announced a purge, but never fully went through with it. They still keep deleting pics here and there. Wanna know why? The administration has been playing "don't ask dont tell" this whole time, like tumblr did way back, meaning that anything underage that isn't reported is conveniently overlooked by the mods. If something is reported tho, theyll delete it. All it takes is for one person to mass report them, and they're gone.
>>1852 This rule is not fully enforced. And besides, they still said that Loli/Shota is a gray area as of now, so Toddler is the only one getting nuked.
>>1853 Jesus fucking christ. They're deleting lolishota at random depending on who reports it. What more do you need to not trust a site? Stop being a fucking cuck god damn, backup your favorite characters, and never use that site again.
>>1843 to add to that, they also have deleted like half of the pics of Pippi Longstocking on paheal and some Connie Maheswaran pics too.
>>1535 >>1545 >>1649 You don't need an account on gelbooru. Anybody can go in the options section and check the show all content box. It's not stored on a user by user basis, so I guess it uses cookies. >>1553 I don't know how'd they'd manage. Paheal is mostly for western cartoons and media. Western cartoons are almost entirely for kids, so most of the characters are children. They'd have to get rid of maybe most of the posts to remove all underage content. "Aging up" is something artists only started doing a lot recently, so they'd have to go through a hell of a lot of ancient posts like those for Hermione.
At least Pixiv is safe for now..
>>1883 Minus the fact you have to censor private parts.
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>>1841 I'm not sure how openly I should share a list of potential targets, but for lolicit, Nhentai, Paheal and Baraag
Where can you be allowed to upload low quality pictures? pixiv is obviously not an option.
>>1886 >potential targets That sites are well know you just used a retarded way to call them
>>1890 Yes, of course they'd be very well known here. I figured anyone that already knew about them should be able to very easily get them from just that. But the person that asked that only knew about a few boorus and panda, so that should go to show there are going to be people passing through here with only surface knowledge. And given that this board needs to he hidden due to bullshit e-drama, maybe there's something to being a tiny bit careful about a bunch of direct name drops, when no one had even asked? It's barely code but I figured better than nothing.
Sankaku content looks gone all of a sudden. When entering my user email, a suggested email "disgusting@gmail.com" popped up... After logging in, Favorites decimated.
>>1861 >You don't need an account on gelbooru. Anybody can go in the options section and check the show all content box. It's not stored on a user by user basis, so I guess it uses cookies. Interesting point. https://gelbooru.com/index.php?page=account&s=options Kind of ironic that 'options' is a subset of the account page yet you can use it WITHOUT an account. IMO it would be fine if they limited it to accounts-only. Adding registration as an extra step of separation lessens the casual browsing stuff.
https://lolibooru.moe/ Is down for evryone? if it is someone knows why?
>>5459 Looks fine on my end
delicious is visible in a g**gle search, isn't that a bad thing?
This Loli fear nonsense is hypocritical and nonsensical for various reasons and everything I'm saying is absolutely verifiable and based off my YEARS of research and public court documents. 1) [Nonsensical] There hasn't been a single court case involving Loli in the US since 2013. Hell, since 2004, there have been 16 court cases (excluding arrest where charges were not filed/dropped/refused by the government) involving loli and 13 of those 16 happened before 2013. A chunk of those 16 cases, involved someone already on PROBATION for a sex crime who violated their parole by accessing pornography, or Loli in these cases. 2 of the cases that happened after 2013 happened under the final years of the Obama Administration and they were all appeals or parole violations. The one case under Trump was a Court Martial appeal by a servicemember who was relieved of duty for having Loli, and other charges in violation of the code of conduct. 2) [Nonsensical] There has NEVER been a US-based/America-owned website seized by the government, ever. Nor any legal cases ordering a website remove/police Loli content. Not one website owner or even admin has been targeted. Most Loli forums that existed since Bush is still here, some under a new name and EXHentai, Gelbooru, Danbooru and Sankaku Channel are also still alive and pumping out Loli. 3) [Hypocritical] EVERY anime/manga/hentai-focsed website that "cites" legal concerns regarding Loli content conveniently ignores that the very EXISTENCE of these websites dedicated to or willfully allowing copyrighted/trademarked content to be hosted are in direct violation of laws in most countries - it's called piracy. And piracy seems to have the attention of law enforcement more than Loli, even during the Bush era War On Obscenity. 4) [Nonsensical/Hypocritical] To add to my point in #1, the only law that has resulted in charges regarding Loli is US Obscenity Law, particularly the Miller Test requirement. And that pesky Obscenity Law isn't exclusively used against Loli. It technically applies to any and all pornography, particularly fictional/roleplay Rape, Incest, Beastiality, Pee/Scat, etc, all of which tend to be allowed by websites that allow adult content. And there have been cases of adult pornography being the target of the US Government and MANY cases involving prisoners and parolees having said adult porn facing additional charges of Obscenity. I don't know if these website owners are ignorant, selectively paranoid or lying to hide their bizzare morals where Loli(happy or rape) is bad but violent rape and animal screwing girls is fine, but someone needs a reality check along with advertisers.
>>5764 /delicious/ is pretty obscure, even within chan culture, there are still people who think the board went down for good when the original 8chan was shut down. you'd have to be pointed in the right direction to find this board.
>>5902 What about Europe? I am considering drawing nsfw loli/cake but I can't find any information if I'll get vanned or not if I do.
>>1461 protection. The current internet climate is too politically charged for a delicious board to exist in plain view and remain comfy and not get crusaded to hell. Its better this way
>>6111 Over the last decade, almost all of the countries in Western Europe have banned loli. The only country I can remember having actually defended it in court is spain. At the same time they ban 3dcg though, but its the best you get. The netherlands and denmark used to be pedo strongholds back in the day, which is why it was completely legal there until a few years ago. tl;dr Unless you live in spain, or I think austria or switzerland(not sure) and youre paranoid, youre fucked.
>>6200 >>6111 just dont do anything stupid and make sure you know how to set up plausible deniability protections.
>>6214 The idea alone that someone could get prosecuted for their drawings will deter 9 out of 10 artists from even bothering. This is just as much about feelz as it is about realz. People don't want to go through any trouble that makes them feel like criminals, they'd rather not do it at all. Sure, you have the exception here and there, but that's about it. Hell, if Fuchut, pretty much the biggest European based madlad out there is laying low because his country might, I repeat MIGHT, make loli illegal, lots of other Euro artists won't want to either. This isn't a blackpill, this is just a fact. People have been living in blissful ignorance about loli becoming a thing of the past on the net, at least with how prevalent it used to be.
The fundamental problem with human freedom is that there are far too many people who don't want (other) people to have freedoms. Stop Liking What I Don't Like is churched up as if it was somehow a prosocial attitude. As far as I can tell, there is no fixing that. It will end only when the last human is dead, which I hope happens as soon as possible.
>>6200 >>6251 Looks like I will be sticking with SFW loli then. Maybe in the next lifetime.
>>6254 Bro, it's not that deep.
I just can't believe we are forced to hide because of drawings alone. Fuck the karens.
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>>1459 (OP) >Why is this board hidden? Is a long story involving Russians, spergs from other sites and an a retarded hate for lolis, but in few words the Russian government told 8chan's CDN to force Acid (the admin of 8chan) to delete the loli boards or the entire CDN would be banned in Russia. Acid temporarily deleted the boards while trying to sort out things with the CDN but the Russians kept putting pressure on them until the CDN terminated all of Acid's accounts, sending all of 8chan to Tor. Eventually the site managed to go back to the clearnet, but as a preemptive measure (to avoid more short-term problems with the companies 8chan works with) the loli and shota boards were kept hidden on Tor. Luckily, there's a special site that is a Tor2web portal that allows you to access the hidden boards without Tor: redchannit.net (alt domain redchannit.org). Additionally, see >>>/v/107393, everything after >>>/site/1069 and >>>/site/1138 for full details. >Is there any more hidden boards? Yes. These boards can only be accessed through Tor or Redchannit: >>>/sm/ - https://redchannit.net/sm/ - Shotacon >>>/loli/ - https://redchannit.net/loli/ - Lolicon >>>/tot/ - https://redchannit.net/tot/ Toddlercon These boards are hidden, but can be accessed through the regular 8chan.moe domain: >>>/rule34/ - Rule 34 >>>/2dblacked/ - Blacked porn Regarding Gelbooru, Paheal and Sankaku: 1.- Gelbooru allows loli and shota, but you need to enable it in the settings (see pic related). Toddlercon is banned tho, since years ago the comment sections of toddler porn were abused by pedos who used them to share CP. 2.- The owner and admin of Paheal has been in a crusade against lolis for a while. He changed the rules to include loli/shota porn in the list of forbidden content and deletes entire artist and character tags that drew loli/shota porn. The rest of the staff are against purging loli and tend to ignore rulebreaking loli/shota content, hence why the purge isn't as notorious as it would. Other Rule 34 sites (like rule34.xxx) banned loli and shota porn as well. 3.- Yesterday Sankaku put all images under the extreme and contentious content tags (loli, shota and everything listed on https://chan.sankakucomplex.com/wiki/show?title=extreme_content) behind a paywall, forcing you to buy a Sankaku Plus account to view them. >>6111 UNREALISTIC loli porn is legal in Finland, Spain and Belgium. Other countries ban it but is rare for them to actually do something. Still, try not to get in trouble.
>>6971 >3.- Yesterday Sankaku put all images under the extreme and contentious content tags (loli, shota and everything listed on https://chan.sankakucomplex.com/wiki/show?title=extreme_content) behind a paywall, forcing you to buy a Sankaku Plus account to view them. Incorrect. No content requires Plus (yet), but certain content (currently only toddlercon) must be viewed through the beta site. Example: I'm a free account and I'm perfectly able to view bestiality and loli on the standard site.
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>>6971 >Yesterday Sankaku put all images under the extreme and contentious content tags (loli, shota and everything listed on https://chan.sankakucomplex.com/wiki/show?title=extreme_content) behind a paywall, forcing you to buy a Sankaku Plus account to view them. That's a shame. Except I've tried the Sanaku free account, and I could view toddlercon images there for free. (unless some jackass decides to hide them for good)
>>6971 Not paywall, only thing you must do is make a free account.
Just find a super depressed insecure artist and tell them to draw cake for you. Works for me... Basically get new content and all i have to do is say she draws good.
>>1491 You are stupid. Retarded idealist.
>>12892 You bumped this old thread for that?
Does the delisting have anything to do with the random 404 errors? Or am I the only one having the issue? >>12892 As a super depressed insecure artist I can confirm this works you son of a bitch you
>>12892 Cake is not for necrobumping
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Does anyone thinks have to lost the or and only having uberbooru? >>12892 Okey, the in this cake.

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