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Plushie Girlfriend Anonymous 06/30/2021 (Wed) 06:41:38 Id: 0b48aa No. 15081 >>15091
Any room for delicious plushes? I was thinking a thread where we can chat about how to make our own cunny plush dolls or modification of plush dolls. I don't think there was ever a thread like this before in /delicious/.
>>15081 (OP) Good lord, OP is based as fuck.
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I currently have 3 Hilda plushies and a Hilda figurine.
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>make a habit of collecting plushies with navels >after collecting all 4 of them, decide to move on to plushies that at least have a section of exposed stomach that can be sharpied >9/10 plushies have seems around the waist and stop at stitched on panties
I can already tell someone's coming up with patterns as we speak.
>>15109 As a fellow navel lover, I know that feel too.
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I can vouch for the MLP plushies. Seriously fuckable.
>>17507 Ah, Good times. Good time.

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