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Sorting Help Anonymous 10/14/2021 (Thu) 01:53:46 Id: 6dba92 No. 17993 >>25917 >>25936 >>26007 >>26163 >>33133
How do you guys sort your delicious collections? I need to know because I have a ton of (lewd) pics of all my favorites but it's all random and in various folders, not named properly, and some are even dupes. I told myself I would sort them but it only grew bigger as I kept putty it off.
How many files in total are you talking about? A thousand? A million? That kind of affects how you manage it.
Hydrus network. Tags, sorting, dedup. hydrusnetwork.github.io I use it for storage of loli and 3dpd images, gifs, and videos. It werks
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>>17996 Damn I wish I knew this was a thing. I'll look in to this myself in fact. As for how I was gonna sort my stuff, I thought of my own folder system that's pretty much basic as basic gets. Not sure how well it'll works for a huge collection other than it'll take forever to do. The hardest decision at least to me is whether to separate the artist from the main collection itself. Some artist do a ton of lewd fanart of multiple series and breaking those apart makes it harder to find. So I may make a new folder just for Rule34 Artists. This is why the Hydrus things sounds interesting to me. Hope the Linux ver. is 1 to 1 compared to the Windows ver. >>17995 Probably close to a million. I have maybe 10gb of it in my HD. Packed a few of my flash sticks to the brim.
I am hosting this: https://github.com/rr-/szurubooru Very useful with a pleasant UI
I just have a lolicon folder that's sorted by date and find specific images based on when I saved them in relation to other images. I don't think that would work if you're downloading batches though because then you'd have no idea where a specific image is in each batch. I'm picky though so I just manually save each image and it works for me.
I don't.
>>17999 (checked) >The hardest decision at least to me is whether to separate the artist from the main collection itself. Some artist do a ton of lewd fanart of multiple series and breaking those apart makes it harder to find. I put the artist's name in the filename to make searching their pics easier. Something like artist.actualfilename.jpg or artist-actualfilename.jpg if the OS throws a tantrum over the use of additional periods. >>18002 I like szurubooru's UI too, but the way it handles special symbols (like : ) is very strange, at least on the public sites I've seen.
>>17999 Checked, nice trips Hydrus is python and works on basically any modern os. It's the same on wangblowz and linooks. Imagine your bog-standard booru website like gel or danbooru, that's pretty much how the images are stored and how the tags work. There are more features too, like auto downloading and dedupe and shit.
>>18045 I dunno why my ID isn't the same, I'm also d43dcc, Aldo just for reference I have a combined 7 million images and videos between 2d and 3d, so it definitely works for big shit
by the artist name, its way easier.
I don't specificly sort it by "series" or "character". I sort it in in file types and years and by year i mean in which year i downloaded the files. For example "2012-Vids" or "2010-Gifs"
I've only started hoarding sincr 2014, but I do it manually because I don't trust programs to sort or download things. Over 20,000 images all downloaded manually. It's like a meditative hobby. I've recently started manually sorting them too. I sort by parent IP (cartoon network, nick, disney, etc. and parentless OCs by individual creators), then by show. I thought about sorting by artist but I really want all content relating to a single show to be in one place.
>>17993 (OP) Folders for each thing: Blowjobs Anal Vaginal Handjobs Horse(getting fucking by horses) Dog(getting fucking by dogs) Dildo(sexual toy) Rape BDSM SNUFF etc Also: Use FR - ToYcon to make custom icons for your folders so it would be easier for you find each folder when you just wanna select and drop your shit in order keep clean your deskopt.
I don't reallt soft it, I just the lewd pics in a private folder and the safe ones I jusst leave them in the downloads folder
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>folders i got terabytes of cunny, folders just dont cut it anymore.
>>25935 >>17993 (OP) "i'll sort it later" problem doesn't go away though.
>>25935 yeah I was going to say that doesn't Hydrus auto tag images as well? or was that unimplemented feature? Never used it before but getting to that point.
>>17993 (OP) I download everything what i like, videos, pics in different file types and comics and games.... And whenever 2000 anything is collected i separete it in folders according to their file types. And start over and over with ever 2000 piece :3
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>>17993 (OP) Just download artists using grabber and have the separated into folders by themselves, tags are able to be searched via metadata.
>>26163 what program are you using?
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>>17993 (OP) i don't do lewds lewd to me is like a kiss or somethings or a nude just dump it onto a USB to free up your computer toss usb in a drawer there are free online image sites you can use but a USB can't crash or be taken down

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