/delicious/ - Cake

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Vidya Loli/Cake Anonymous 03/27/2022 (Sun) 02:15:52 Id: a923fd No. 23655
A thread all about lolis and cakes from video games. Main characters, secondary characters, NPCs, whatever. As lost as it's lil' girls from games, bring 'em here.
Sorry if I'm bothering you with what I'm about to say, but there is already a thread dedicated to video game lolis. >>288
>>23656 Oh my. Honestly, I looked through the catalog to see if it was a repeat, and I didn't find that thread. I'm thinking whether or not I should delete this one and bump the other one, but also this one may be needed? I mean, regretably the other thread doesn't have a very recogniseable image as OP, nothing that screams "video game cakes and lolis" (probably why I didn't see it) and didn't seem to have much activity. Should I leave it here for now? See if it attracts more people? >Sorry if I'm bothering you Not at all. Of course, Quite the opposite, I thank you.
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>>23659 You have a good point, that thread has been inactive for quite some time and as the original creator of that thread I very much regret not reviving it (╥_╥) >Should I leave it here for now? I think so, as you said, "See if it attracts more people". I hope it doesn't end up in oblivion like the other one and I'll try to be more active in this thread, as I really like videogames (QwQ)

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>>23671 We could, and maybe should, also encourage the discussion of video games, to keep the thing lively and active. For example, why did they never develop a game all about Roll? I would have played the fuck out of a Roll game. Instead of that, Capcom managed poorly the IP and now it's pretty much dead.
>>23726 I love your idea, we could even talk about unknown games. >Why did they never develop a game all about Roll? That's what I wonder too, since she is one of the most known characters of the franchise. Even Tron Bonne had her own game, so why can't she have Roll too, they could give her her own armor like Megaman or use her abilities like the ones she has in Tatsunoko vs Capcom. And yes, Capcom mismanaged their IP among other of their games, although at least we had a Megaman 11, but I'm still kind of mad at them for not trying to pick up Megaman Legends 3, I definitely would have picked up that project.
So I'm into retro stuff and I have some good lolis Paula from EarthBound/Mother 2 (SNES, 1995) Pros: -Canonically 13 yo -Your average sweetie pie -PK Freeze!!! -High speed attack -Gets really powerful with Magic or Holy fry pan - defeats the final boss, a demonic alien nightmare fuel thing with praying - stays with you after you beat the game Cons: -Physically weak -Can't use psychic powers for heal. Attack or shield only -F*cking dies real quick -Pray can be a nightmare -Cannot play with her as main character -Gets f*cking kidnapped twice Some trivia, in the japanese version she cries a lot while in thr american version she is kinda rude
Relm Arrowny, Final Fantasy VI (SNES, 1995) Pros: -Canonically 10 yo -her sketches can attack -Controls enemies with a special item -High magic attibutes - Cons: -she is a brat Btw, there is a funny scene at the half of the game which many of you gonna find interesting
Definetly one of my favorites Maria Renard, Castlevania: Rondo of Blood (PC Engine CD, 1993) Castlevania: Dracula X Chronicles, a remake of the last game (PSP, 2007) Castlevania Judgement, a fighting game (Wii, 2008) Pros: -Canonically 12 years old, or 13 idk -a f*cking vampire hunter -actually playable -summons creatures from chinese cosmology -double jump!!! -attacks using doves, dragons, cats and an evil version of herself -crawls -she is fast Cons: -f*cking dies with two or three hits -you have to rescue her first to unlock her -CAN'T PLAY WITH HER ON THE SNES PORT -sadly, she aged Trivia: Character design on Judgement was made by the creator of Death Note. The original game is available on most modern systems and was included recently on Castlevania Advance Collection so check it out!
>>23815 paula is the best, roll-chan is right behind her
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>>24460 the poor thing...
New Scylla skin...HNNNNGGGG
>>23726 I mainly like Roll for the upskirts and pantyshots but yeah she is a cute.
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>>23816 >Canonically 10 yo I've never coomed to Relm before because this fact was unknown to me, I guess it's not too late
>>31350 >coomed Neck yourself, then read this. exhentai.org/g/1351735/ce54a4bb02/
Where's the Skyrim loli mods & how do I get them?
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>>31737 >how do I get them? You already know the answer anon.
>>31747 I already did that first step!
Posting Yumi in the New Year!
>>23726 Maybe they don't want people to find out what Roll's designer was into (hint: cute and funny). >>32550 >1 and 2 BEAUTIFUL
Any non-MMO, non-DD games where you can remove the equipment from a little girl character and make her run around in her pantsu? All I can think of is Sims series.
>>32560 Dragon's Dogma.
>>32561 >non-DD
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>>32562 Well golly-gee, Anon! How do you expect me to know what DD means? I'm not a mind reader!
>>32564 Made my day.
>>32564 How many matter in context of 2d girls and video games?
Are there any iconic lolis associated with the Sega Genesis? }
>>33144 Not iconic, but there is Simone, the little elf girl from Shining Force. You only see her in the opening menu - she's sort of like the games "host". She introduces the main story and says hello to you after you enter your name. There's very little art of her, or the other Shining Force girls in general.
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>>33144 Oh, right! How could I forget about Arle Nadja from Puyo Puyo and Madou Monogatari?
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>>33158 That is strange considering how good Shining Force was. The art was too cutesy, but the gameplay was more strategic and less repetative than it was in the other JRPGs of the era, like the more famous but agonizingly grindy Phantasy Star. Shining Force 2 had more loli than the first game did. Simone was there, but most of the played female characters were loli or pretty damn close to it, notably Mae who is fantastic if you happen to be into horse pussy.
>>33167 Puyo Puyo was arcade and later Saturn. I don't remember a Genesis version.
>>33191 Ah, but it did make it to the Mega Drive.
>>33144 somehow no one mentioned the one in a bunny suit the name is Nanahikari Rami from kelo flying squadron
>>33144 somehow no one mentioned the one in a bunny suit the name is Nanahikari Rami from kelo flying squadron
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Beloved fish princess. 24 years ago, eventually, my little kid brain realized she was bare ass, and my fate was sealed.
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New cunny just dropped: Mel T from Foamstars
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Happy Spooky Month!
>>38873 Whay a cutie!
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Island-ready Ashley from the upcoming WarioWare game.
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Ashley corrupted me
What would Spartan cake taste like? The only adult art of Calliope (Kratos' daughter) that seems to exist.
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New redhead on the scene! Lil from a recent game called Lil' Guardsman. A friend showed me the game. Loving it, so hoping for some fresh redhead cake from artists someday.
>>41217 Please put a spoiler on all extreme fetish content.
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This is Mimi from the point and click game "Dordogne". A screenshot of the game and a picture I drew of her. She needs more love!
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Albacore - Azur Lane
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Adeleine (Kirby 64)
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Paula from EarthBound/MOTHER 2
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Elie from Timelie. Another one that had no R34.
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Lilli from the edna and harvey series
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Velma, Diana, and Harleen based on artwork from Multiversus.
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Six is underrated
This little cutie is from an old Flash game called "Shoot Tha Moon", where you have to use a spitball to shoot cartoon-style NPCs who "moon" you (they mostly leave their underwear on, except for one curvaceous woman who shows off her bare butt [which is censored]). As you might have guessed, this little girl is one of the characters who "moon" you, and you have to shoot her with your spitball to earn points. I forget what she does if you hit her, though. You can easily find it on swfchan if you search for it, but only play it if you're curious.
>>23726 fuck, who made these roll sprites? i need more of that robot
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>>52035 That's Pepipopo. He posts here occasionally and also no the /v/ pixel art thread.
>>52882 Character names?
>>52930 redhead one is the main loli named angela and one of the levels take place on a beach https://www.newgrounds.com/art/view/eyeballtank/nortubel-6-redo green one is monica and she comes from a world full of toys and candy https://www.newgrounds.com/art/view/eyeballtank/redo-bonka-and-others vampire is named aliss and she comes from a world with an haunted house and hell levels https://www.newgrounds.com/art/view/eyeballtank/untotern-redo-and-more the other 2 are not in the game but will be in a sequel https://www.newgrounds.com/art/view/eyeballtank/heilga-and-loorhuleen the elf is called loorhuleen and the nazi one is called heilga
>>52883 Does he post elsewhere?
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>>53028 I'm pretty sure he has a baraag account. I'm not sure where his other places are. He recently had a problem with payment processors so he may be bouncing around atm.
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