/delicious/ - Cake

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The Lost Cake Zone Anonymous 05/19/2022 (Thu) 01:11:51 Id: e13390 No. 25206
Imagine if you will, a cake. A cake that is lost to time and memory, identifiable only through fragments. Rule 34 states "if it exists there's porn of it", so it only makes sense that there is barely any porn of media that barely exists. Meet Leslie McGroarty, from the animated short "The Itsy Bitsy Spider". A delicious little cake representative of the early 1990s. From 1993 to 1996 she had two seasons to delight viewers of the USA Network, with the short being addapted to a series. 26 episodes of which only a few remain, and none in good quality. The original short: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ygewUmvQ1go What remains of the series: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5prFCzXrD24 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=putIFWC4cLU https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LHcJSlNTf2k https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F0pvElX7VU8 Lost to time, lost to memory... almost. And she is just one example of a delightful character unfortunate enough to be part of lost media. Present other such characters if you're so kind. Because this is a thread for explorers, determined to peek behind the curtain of time and memory, and see what kind of cake can be found... in the Lost Cake Zone...
Holy shit I remember that short. Cute girl.
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Not so "lost" as we thought. There is a "little" rule 34 on it!
>>25233 Cripes almighty, so cute!
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>>25234 Very cute, but not exactly on-model. Don't get me wrong, I appreciate the hell out of it, but I just wish we had on-model lewds. In the original short at the end she rides her bicycle and I swear we're very close to see her pantsu. We do get a good look of her gorgeous long, skinny legs and the animation of her with the bicycle is very nice, and the design is kinda cuter in the original short, too. In my opinion at least. I wish we could have plenty of lewds, and I'm pretty sure we would if the show was more popular and not lost. But then, they would be mostly lewds based on the show and not so much in the short movie.
A short adapted from a simple Nursery rhyme....
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Sweet new art. Almost lewd, but not quite. Still, pretty nice.
cake + glasses is a win. Hope to see some nice edits of this cutie. Will try to dig it and why not try to provide some lewd content even if I'm not this good at drawing.
>>25511 Yes! Yes, please. Do draw lewds of lovely little Leslie. We seriously need more art of her.
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It begins!
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Drawing from different angles is my passion
>>25696 If she really goes commando like that, then the spider and other small creatures enjoy a delightful view often...
>>25704 That gives me some good idea
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>>25705 Yeah. I mean, the hamster down there is getting an eyeful anyway, even if she's wearing panties. But if she isn't, lucky rat!
>>25707 aren't you tired of having your posts deleted for trying to derail threads?
>>25534 cute >>25705 In those times of Gadgetgate, please don't make this delicious cake doing naughty things with a spider. Please.
>>25713 I focus on nudism, so don't feel worried
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>>25706 Didn't try drawing from a low angle but here is what I got POV: You are a hamster
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>>25713 I can't do such things because 1. I don't draw hardcore 2. Itsy Bitsy is too small
>>25721 I'll say it again: lucky spider and hamster!
Good hamster didn't went to met beaver
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Someone will have to do a good pic of her.
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>>27268 You mean like this?
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>>27460 >boobs Why? Other than that, neat! She's fucking the spider, that's good.
>>27478 Because, believe it or not, there are weirdos out there who like cute boobs, insane, right?
>>27546 >there are weirdos out there who like cute boobs, insane, right? Yes, insane. Breasts are literally for babies, why would you want them? There's nothing refined about those ugly things. It's fat, hanging there, stretching skin that would be otherwise beautiful, ruining the true aesthetic value of the female form, making the nipples look awful. If you're not a baby, you have no business finding breasts attractive. Nothing refined or special about liking them.
>>27548 Well, rules says nothing against boobs, so let it rip... I mean, let it be.
>>25206 Rule 1/34th... if there's porn of it, it exists. That's actually just a little beautiful.
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Some new episodes are being found. In terrible quality for now, but it's better than nothing.
>>42629 Praise Smeet!
I made this messy drawing of Leslie. I still need to practice, tbh
>>27460 In retrospective, I think cute boobs are neat
>>50482 Nice! Always great to see new art of obscures. Specially from lost media.

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