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Anonymous 01/14/2024 (Sun) 19:44:43 Id: bb5225 No. 41321 >>41331 >>41334
Why does people think that lolicon art and artist are problematic in the internet? Does they cannot differenciate between reality and fiction or is something else? I heared that their basic argument of why they despise those things is because loli/shotacon art its a representation of the artist's mind and that it also leads to real problematic people to think its normal to do it with real children when they see an art of it. Its like, they're not the main problem? I'm sure loli/shota artists doesn't want to be related to problematic people since they don't know them and doesn't want to end in big problems. This situation bugs me a lot.
>>41321 (OP) More often than not it's literally deflection from their own actual crimes & fetishes.
>>41321 (OP) It's been drilled into their heads that the idea of sex with minors is a terrible thing, especially now that news reports of minors being victims of sexual assault has reached the point of normalcy. Ergo, it is not surprising those who advocate against child abuse will go as far as banning any and all forms of loli/shota content regardless of the medium. EXCEPT Stephen King's IT, which the original novel DID depict a loli/shota sex scene. But because the adaptations omitted that, no one either knows or seems to mind the scene from the novel is still there, nor has there been any attempts to censor it. Right now, the only reason loli/shota art still exists is either because the laws in some countries still allow them to exist because said depictions aren't real, or they're only available underground. Companies like reddit or twitter are not bound by these and are free to decide for themselves what is and what is not allowed, and thus loli/shota is banned there. Artist Conoghi does frequently post his work on Twitter but under heavy censorship and redirects everyone who wants it uncensored on his Fanbox account. As far as I know, Paheal is the one of, if not the only remaining image hosting site that still posts loli/shota content. Others scrubbed it entirely from their catalog. If there are indeed other places to see/view loli/shota art, I'd like to know myself.

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