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French Cartoons Lolis Threads LesionaMacuri 05/11/2024 (Sat) 13:05:09 Id: cfab35 No. 43933
I Posting French Cartoons Girls Onlys
tracy from angelo rules
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Requesing jade pig by the minimighty kids please
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a thread made for me ;) 1. Mimi (Dordogne/Game) 2. Sophie/Penny (Inspecteur Gadget/Cartoon) 3. Wendy et Marine (Les Sisters/Comic) 4. Marine (Les Sisters/Comic) 5. Sophie Gadget (Inspecteur Gadget/Cartoon) 6. Ella (Ella, Oscar et Hoo/Cartoon) 7. Sophie Gadget (Inspecteur Gadget/Cartoon) 8. Caroline (Caroline et ses amis/Picture Book) 9. Mina (Lou!/Cartoon) 10. Wendy et Marine (Les Sisters/Comic)
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no idea why the rest wasn't with the previous post
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1. Sophie/Penny (Inspecteur Gadget/Cartoon) 2. Mouse (Droners/Cartoon) 3. Waha (Trolls de Troy/Comic) 4. Wendy et Marine (Les Sisters/Comic) 5. Marine et Nathalie (Les Sisters/Comic) 6. Wendy (Les Sisters/Comic) 7. Cindy (It's a Kind of Magic/Cartoon) 8. Evangelyne (Wakfu/Cartoon) 9. Sorceline (Sorceline/Comic) 10. Waha (Trolls de Troy/Comic) seems 5 pics is the limit...
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1. Wendy et Marine (Les Sisters/Comic) 2. Iris et Auriana (Lolirock/Cartoon) 3. Marine (Les Sisters/Comic) 4. Mouse (Droners/Cartoon) 5. Amalia (Wakfu/Cartoon)
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1. Mélusine (Mélusine/Comic) 2. Mélusine (Mélusine/Comic) 3. Mouse (Droners/Cartoon) 4. Lou (Lou!/Cartoon) 5. Elaine (Wakfu/Cartoon)
Ironic isn't it? Considering France has criminalized drawings for a while now. And France used to be so sexually liberated...
>>43997 they didn't banned drawings, they still have a lively nsfw comic scene and there are dozens of newly r-18+ publications every year... but you are right at one point... they made it illegal by penalty to draw or possess any kind of drawings or paintings involving underage characters in sexual situations (only exception is if they show artistic value) - which is pretty funny considering their neighbor country germany outright legalized lolicon (still under law for hardcore adult material)... never thought germany would be more tolerant...
>>44013 Which is retarded anyway. And yes, it is funny how Germany of all places knows that criminalizing lolicon does more harm than good. That and the United States, who once passed a law banning lolicon, but was struck down a couple years later.
I dunno if it's worth pointing out because maybe it has a dedicated thread that I missed because it's buried, but Code Lyoko is French yet not here.
>>44019 a lot is not here... my first try todo a french thread wasnt really much a hit, all i can do is post my art and stuff i like... also, not my art this time, but more french lolis: 1. Mina (Lou!) 2. Sasha (Long Way North) 3. Lisa (Flapacha) 4. Adele (Mortelle Adele) 5. Iris + Diane (Gus, le chavelier minus)

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