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Chibi Maruko-chan Anonymous 06/14/2024 (Fri) 04:30:12 Id: a8e1ab No. 44843
You know about this classic anime? It's loliful !
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I seen it discussed a lot lately, there's a thread going on on a certain board right now and in the/a/ board of that same IB has been having a lot of threads about it. The story behind it is interesting and dramatic, with the author being the victim of abuse, then dying, and recently the VA of the main character died also.
>>44845 which episode from
>>44848 first photo
>>44846 also which from on last photo?
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>>44848 I don't know what episodes they're from, but I know the last pic comes from the episode where this happens.
>>44851 ok thanks
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>>44846 >the author being the victim of abuse Shit, news to me. >then dying Considering its roots as an autobiographical manga, does it count as a zombie franchise if it continues even after the mangaka is dead? Currently watching the 1990 anime.
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>>44881 It's semi-autobiographical. She kinda took inspiration from certain events, but it's mostly fiction anyway.
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Need more art of Pusadi.

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