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(21.30 KB 739x1364 lisa simpsun pixel.png)

(17.93 KB 371x429 rolonga3.png)

(17.28 KB 371x429 rolonga.png)

Sprites N Pixels (Oekaki too) pepi 10/19/2020 (Mon) 23:30:24 No. 7159 >>7181
I know there's almost nothing on this style, but i have started doing pixels, doing some tests since last month, and i have some stuff i wanan show, can we have also some pixelated stuff, official or not? Some of these arent based on my own drawings, but i been turning them into sprites for training myself for something i have in my mind for next year. 1st is a picture of Lisa simpson based on an RDX input i found, i re-sprited it in pixel art form using the same colors as Lisa's sprite in the Arcade Game, the other is a conversion form one commission from Drew G. which i sprited painstakingly into a sega genesis format, including wider dimensions for being playes as a background image on a real genesis (the horizontal width is the same as the genesis resolution). I can also do capcom CPS style graphics, but those take me more. Oh and i can do sprite artwork conversions from simple things like sketch lineart. The roll one's are based on an artwork of mine i havent finished in full.
I hope to see more. These are great.
>>7168 Slowly i will make more of course.
(40.75 KB 640x400 Fairy_Dust Venus5.gif)

(3.65 KB 800x720 lasto_4.png)

(3.83 KB 800x720 lasto_3.png)

(3.04 KB 800x720 lasto_2.png)

(3.56 KB 800x720 lasto_1.png)

>>7159 (OP) Almost nothing on this style? There are loads of these lewd sprites. Just look at the pc-98 library. And a lot of Japanese eroge has sprites of these nature. Western games not so much though.
(25.12 KB 500x500 pixel2.png)

(14.47 KB 460x460 pixel3.png)

(14.52 KB 612x641 pixel4.png)

(94.37 KB 200x200 slime_gif.gif)

That retro pixelated style looks so awesome to me, I definitely wouldn't mind seeing more art.
Oh that reminds me, there was this game called Wario Ware for the DS; people could make their ownl mini games and share it with other DS owners online. People made tons of small lewd games ^_^
(7.76 KB 256x240 Illustration9.png)

(61.24 KB 640x480 Illustration9scanlines.png)

Been off for awhile, but i am dedicating most of the month to normal drawing, but i did this as sorta of a request.
>>7518 This looks awesome! Thank you for sharing your work
(32.82 KB 880x880 79972625_p5.gif)

(30.39 KB 880x880 79972625_p4.gif)

(32.63 KB 880x880 79972625_p2.gif)

(26.12 KB 880x880 79972625_p1.gif)

(4.23 KB 360x380 35523479_p0.png)

I've got some pixel art that I've collected over the years.
(2.20 KB 360x380 43369910_p0.png)

(9.14 KB 400x400 50214253_p0.png)

(15.69 KB 400x500 47298993_p0.png)

(14.21 KB 432x432 51254988_p0.gif)

(24.23 KB 640x480 pettanko park.png)

(14.62 KB 896x384 54493666_p0.gif)

(12.03 KB 576x480 53556229_p0.gif)

(254.47 KB 512x512 54502968_p0_master1200.jpg)

(249.46 KB 512x512 54502968_p1_master1200.jpg)

(15.45 KB 552x552 54852115_p0.gif)

(49.55 KB 250x290 46368504.jpg)

(9.26 KB 840x400 52250752_p0.gif)

(7.57 KB 400x640 56806492_p0.gif)

(9.94 KB 496x360 pc88 loli goddess.png)

(90.27 KB 1080x1920 loli1.png)

(104.00 KB 1080x1920 loli2.png)

(6.17 KB 640x400 67255890_p0.png)

(20.10 KB 640x840 70947168_p0.gif)

(67.31 KB 600x672 72651844_p0.gif)

(202.86 KB 796x800 27760687_p0.jpg)

(5.04 KB 640x640 63739120_p0.png)

(9.47 KB 480x576 1550548864.png)

(18.54 KB 576x832 65011025_p0.gif)

(4.03 KB 256x256 63426920_p0.png)

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(25.28 KB 1500x900 66051594_p0.png)

(19.86 KB 700x500 61174950_p0.png)

(15.52 KB 450x400 61174950_p1.png)

(25.23 KB 700x500 61174950_p2.png)

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(25.57 KB 600x500 69055495_p1.png)

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(17.74 KB 896x768 68609166_p0.gif)

(19.55 KB 900x900 faa8660db40dfcc6.png)

(14.63 KB 900x900 8353cbd295081106.png)

(22.33 KB 600x900 77391887_p0.png)

(9.27 KB 500x450 77391887_p1.png)

(9.14 KB 400x400 50214253_p0 (2).png)

(20.72 KB 920x740 77391887_p4.png)

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(368.83 KB 640x648 29484750_p0.jpg)

Here's an attempted repair of an image that was turned into .jpg. Someone else may be able to collor correct it or better yet find the original CG. I'm almost certain it's from a PC 98 NADIA game.
(74.10 KB 448x272 V6_060.gif)

(20.66 KB 448x272 V6_061.gif)

(37.13 KB 448x272 V6_062.gif)

(73.69 KB 448x272 V6_063.gif)

Wow that's a lot of sprites. Thank you for your contribution.
(4.57 KB 600x500 dfb054021b4caa13.png)

(4.24 KB 600x500 2d3d13e501ae270e.png)

(6.04 KB 800x400 50c8d29d8d38b429.png)

(6.25 KB 600x500 d817b9fab41941dc.png)

(5.45 KB 800x500 7e9ba37aa34ecda9.png)

>>9844 Found a few more since the other day.
(3.70 KB 500x500 ef89de0cda29a33e.png)

(3.67 KB 500x500 d50ec9c887112f87.png)

(6.36 KB 400x500 9136ae09cc89982d.png)

(3.08 KB 400x500 ee63a2fd4acdbee4.png)

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(6.21 KB 500x700 fe99cf7996e85f45.png)

(9.93 KB 800x600 3d2a6973dc60a15e.png)

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(10.11 KB 600x900 11463c3df3f503ec.png)

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(6.00 KB 600x700 b5d0359301696b5c.png)

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(6.41 KB 900x600 cbf62f8f2e2a1cd7.png)

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(8.14 KB 600x800 0e1a545ac46beb4a.png)

(5.38 KB 600x600 7481fbcf747882a0.png)

(45.46 KB 560x265 pc-98_01.jpg)

(46.55 KB 640x400 pc-98_02.gif)

(50.92 KB 640x400 Sexy_demons.png)

(380.74 KB 1440x1080 EzubcelUUAMQgEr.jfif)

(93.10 KB 1152x1197 rolla1aX3.png)

Inadvertently created these , thought they might fit here
(25.72 KB 900x1200 F09BPcbakAUqM8U.png)

(9.57 KB 400x500 FyONVBIacAEHg9T (1).png)

(20.59 KB 1000x900 F05YbA2agAEVeky.png)

(45.37 KB 1000x1080 FyAbp5caUAA7ypr.png)

Its time for some necromancy on this thread
Is pepi still active?
>>36821 >>36749 Bro, stop making bad edits of my works.
>>36842 Alright then.
(23.95 KB 640x800 F2HHEU3aYAE3c4k.png)

>>36842 Then you do it
(59.34 KB 1200x954 may01a.png)

(31.50 KB 1123x178 clean-chan.png)

(27.81 KB 600x322 clean_chan 6.png)

(14.96 KB 510x332 clean-chan 5.png)

(20.25 KB 328x500 clean-chan 3.png)

(20.53 KB 313x500 clean-chan 2.png)

Made an edit because I love these art, but I hate insulting nudity.

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