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Older Hentai Thread Anonymous 12/17/2020 (Thu) 06:25:54 Id: 3df62b No. 9108 >>9867
Post loli hentai from past decades, 70's/80's/90's preferred.
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>>9108 (OP) why does she look like Rem Lezar?
>>9867 Clearly she's not from outer space, but someplace even higher
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>>9813 Sauce on those first two?
Since drawings don't have an age, most of these are indistinguishable from....... you know.... ordinary women.
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>>13029 His big sis has a lot of gas... [promotional link removed]
Edited last time by shotakot on 04/19/2021 (Mon) 15:11:19.
Saw this thread had nearly fell off the board. Don't want us to forget the past. I've got several sections on LOAD for Golden age (80's,90's) and Silver Age (2000's) https://load.blogs.allthefallen.moe/ History of Lolicon (Golden Age) Golden Age Gallery (80’s) Golden Age Gallery (Early 90’s) Golden Age Gallery (Late 90’s) History of Lolicon (Silver + Modern) Anthologies Timeline (Golden Age) Anthologies Timeline (Silver Age)

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>>9867 >she look like Rem Lezar? I KNOW WHAT THAT IS!!! And yes! OP, brillant idea! Yes, we need a thread for appreciating old and classic cunny. >>9878 Wow! Are these cavemen kids? Now that's old! I didn't even know they made manga back then.
>>24802 Images/gifs are from: O-parts: Oman https://myanimelist.net/anime/9851/O-parts__Oman For those who are interested.
(29.07 MB 960x716 001 O-Parts OMAN.mp4)

>>24939 Yes, it's a very cool short made by only two people, over a period of four years. I didn't find a version with English subtitles, but I found one with Portuguese and Russian subs. I translated it to English from the Portuguese version, this won't be a perfect translation but I did my best. We should talk about this short, because it's really fascinating that only two guys made it. The authors are very cool guys. I've seen some of their manga, they are cute and hot and delightfuly 80s. Too bad they're untranslated. I divided the short into 30 second clips, please tell me if this works and the film is still easy to follow. And hey, if there are mistakes in the subs, (it's totally Brazil's fault and not mine) and also please tell me so I may correct them.
(29.15 MB 960x716 002 O-Parts OMAN.mp4)

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(25.71 MB 960x716 014 O-Parts OMAN.mp4)

>>24985 Fin. Did it work? Is the flow ruined not that I divided it?
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>>24986 appreciate you translating the short, sucks that I have to click on another one after a few moments, but otherwise it's fine
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>>9874 >someplace even higher What? like a tower? Or like a couple of towers?
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>>24990 >sucks that I have to click on another one after a few moments Yeah... sorry it had to be done like that. I can't believe that i couldn't find English subtitles. It was easy to make them myself, there's not a lot of dialogue anyway, but since I translated from Portuguese, there must be errors. So, here. This is the Japanese script, in case anyone wants to check, and maybe make better subs: 1983~87年制作オリジナルFILM\Nオーパーツ オーマン プロデュ-ス森野うさぎ 監督 あさりよしとお オーパーツ Oman ね、ね、聞いた?昨夜も出たんだって。 いやだ、本当? 寮の5階でね、今度は二年生。 ね、今月で四人目でしょう? いや、ねえ・・・なんでもロボットだった話を・・・ まさか! でも見た人がいるんだってよ! 嘘! 何かが校内にいるのはたしかなようね。 それもかなり強力な戦闘メーカ。 これはいよいよオーマンの出番だわ。 オーパー テクノロジー外骨格強化スーツ オーマン なに? 助けて! 出てもね。 助けて!
[Expand Post] だってさ・・・ 来た! 行くわよ。 どこだ? いや!~~~ どうしてあんなことしたのよ? あんた人の目を考えてるの?! だって・・・ だってお友達いていてかったんだもう!
>>24992 I am looking at that scan, and trying to imagine what the story justification is for lolis piloting mechs.
>>30666 (nevermind, scrolled up, found source) >>24972 I only found a very low res rip on Nyaa, and your clips are higher quality. Where did you find it?
>>30667 I don't know about him but I found it on a torrent at least ten years ago. I can check tomorrow to see what the resolution is.
>>30667 >I only found a very low res rip on Nyaa, and your clips are higher quality. Where did you find it? Gee, I wish I could remember... Let me check. Maybe I still have the file somewhere.
pregnant children
>>31414 Which is the ultimate missing the point. Up there with lolis with breasts.
>>31426 I can get behind preggy lolis, specially if they're in a sci-fi setting or a fantasy scenatio with magic and spells. It's not my favorite thing but I see the appeal. >Up there with lolis with breasts But I 100% agree there. Oppai loli is an abomination.

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