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/sthg/ - Sonic The Hedgehog General Anonymous 12/24/2020 (Thu) 21:55:59 No. 23507
Welcome to the Sonic General! Here we discuss all things Sonic! /sthg/ #40 - Noxious Holidays edition Stay in, stay safe!: https://www.who.int/emergencies/diseases/novel-coronavirus-2019/advice-for-public <Sonic News> >Netflix Announces Sonic 3D Animated Series and Subsequently Deletes Announcement: https://archive.is/e7bKf https://archive.is/rkoOd >Sonic Channel to Do Backgrounds, Multiple Characters, and Short Stories for Their 2021 calendars: http://sonic.sega.jp/SonicChannel/topics/special/coverstory/20201222_002400/ >Knuckles to Reportedly Have "a Relevant Role That Will Be Larger Than a Cameo" in Movie Sequel: https://archive.is/LhABR >Sonic and Tails R Fanmade Radio Drama Episode 5: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gRnRNyXV0Ns >IDW Working Out Plans With Sega for Sonic's 30th Anniversary Involving Whisper and Tangle: https://twitter.com/IDWSonicNews/status/1287139802572140544 >Whisper & Tangle Have Been Added to Sonic Forces Speed Battle: https://twitter.com/SEGAHARDlight/status/1280894518259310595 https://twitter.com/SEGAHARDlight/status/1284156383223586818 >Sonic Movie 2 Has Been Given a Release Date of 2022/04/22: http://archive.is/rVYPs <General Interest Links> >/fast/ Bunker: https://8kun.top/fast/ >General Link Compilation: https://pastebin.com/iu99Tb2s >/sthg/ booru: http://sthg.booru.org/ >/sthg/ cytube channel: https://cytu.be/r/sthg >IDW Sonic Comics: https://mega.nz/#F!65oBCaoQ!8lkn8JebzaZensDJbLxDeg Previous Zone: >>22340
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>>23507 MERRY CHRISTMAS /fast/ Hope those last two are OK for /fast/.
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>>23509 Merry Christmas anon and to all of the rest of you /fast/! Y'all buying anything Sonic related for yourself, family, or friends, for Christmas?
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I really need more Christmas Sonic pics. >>23510 >Y'all buying anything Sonic related for yourself, family, or friends, for Christmas? Well I'm considering getting Freedom Planet, which is sort of Sonic related.
>>23511 I hear it's good if you turn the voices off
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Merry Christmas /fast/, I hope you have a good time with your loved ones. >>23510 No, all my attempts at buying cool Sonic merch this year have been foiled. I hope the next year's better. >>23511 Have some more. >>23518 I haven't played it but I remember a gif showing the physics were rather off. I also remember all the shitstorms back in 4/sthg/ eons ago, lol.
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I recently bought the Adventure games, and I wonder if there's any notable Chao Garden mods for SA2B. Also, Merry Christmas, and pet your Chao!
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Nice reference. >>23523 >>23511 Make some webms when you play!
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>>23531 I like the fact that Eggman is going along with everything. He ain't happy but he's going to solider through regardless.
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I guess I'll finally get to know what Eggman Nega is about.
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Holy fucking shit this spring. I lost less lives figuring out the barrel than this. Fortunately the music is good at least. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1lPqdZBko4g
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Why do water levels get shit on so much but no one ever talks about rail levels? Water levels can be a bit slow and dull but the rails levels from SA2 through Heroes to Rush are all rage inducing without exception.
>>23539 Probably because rails themselves are a fun mechanic, but being slower and having to find air every minute or so isn't.
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>>23543 Marine is so fukkin cute and there's not near enough fanart of her. Not enough official art either as a matter of fact.
>>23544 I like Marine, but everyone hates her.
>>23544 It always bugged me how much Sticks looks like Marine. Almost like they're alt universe doppelgangers. But then Marine also seems like alt universe Tails. I guess Marine can be some sort of alt universe doppelganger of multiple characters at the same time. Other multiverse stuff like The Flash does that, like how Johnny Quick of Earth-Three is the doppelganger of Johnny Quick of Earth-Two, but also of Jay Garrick (The Flash) of Earth-Two. But, and I never thought I'd say this, I don't think the Sonic franchise is that autistic, though I wish it was. With DC Comics on its last legs, they should just team up with IDW and do a Sonic/Flash crossover already. Archie did crossovers with goddamn Spawn and X-Files, but not Flash? Come on. I suppose back then, maybe DC wasn't into the idea, even though they did plenty of crossovers with other companies back then. I would say that it could be possible that Sega would object to letting the smoldering ruins of DC Comics anywhere near their property, but then they let IDW get the license, and given how they've treated other licensed properties, creating Trannyformers: Homos In Disguise, and GI Joe: A Real American Hero (who tells Americans to shut up about 9/11 if they weren't in lower Manhattan when it happened), maybe Sega would be happy to have Sonic meet Flash, as long as was the black lesbian in a wheelchair version that they're putting out in January.
What would a Sonic mystery dungeon game be like?
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Some JP fag has been uploading videos of 20 year old feature phone games among them a ton of Sonic games. Some are actually pretty interesting. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC4mDs3-ER8v1BRm51g8apyQ/videos
>>23548 There were actually 3 webms in that post, I have no idea where the third one went.
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>>23549 Let's try mp4...
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Happy new year fags!
>>23552 Happy New Year my fellow sonicfag! What are your New Year's resolution(s)?
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>>23553 New year's resolutions are gay, but here >get off my ass and get a better job >get off my ass and play more sonic vidya and vidya in general >post on /fast/ more What about you?
>>23554 Neat >What about you? Just a few things >lose a few pounds >complete drawings I start >learn to do basic 3D or pixel art Keeping my goals reasonable
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>>23546 >It always bugged me how much Sticks looks like Marine Funnily enough now the newest IDW OC has the same hair style as them. Maybe Marine was the most powerful being in the Sonic universe after all. >With DC Comics on its last legs, they should just team up with IDW and do a Sonic/Flash crossover already Aren't those comics pozzed to hell and back? >I would say that it could be possible that Sega would object to letting the smoldering ruins of DC Comics anywhere near their property It feels like their strategy is to be promiscuous and get Sonic into every promotion they can so maybe they would after all, specially when it's about other properties that have so much exposure. >but then they let IDW get the license, and given how they've treated other licensed properties, creating Trannyformers: Homos In Disguise, and GI Joe: A Real American Hero (who tells Americans to shut up about 9/11 if they weren't in lower Manhattan when it happened), Thanks for reminding me that despite all the criticism about the comic it could always be much worse. I guess Sega is keeping a close eye on it now huh.
Sonic Rush's final boss feels completely random. There's no pattern to discern and hardly any way to get better at it, you can only tap the keys and hope for the best.
>>23558 Standard final boss or true final boss? I don't remember either being all that difficult when I played it in like '07 or '08.
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>>23559 Standard. I wanted to post a webm but it's difficult to make one that captures just how random all his attacks seem. I managed to capture what I mean for one of them, though. I have no idea how I'm supposed to consistently dodge this, and it's like this for every one of his attacks. Actually I just got an idea I could try the next time by watching my own video, but we'll see if it works. Eggman's laugh is really fucking irritating. Only thing that could make it worse is if he called me a faggot at the end of it. >true final boss That's funny as well, I was encouraged to try to go for the true final boss given that the special stages seem pretty accessible but then I tried one of the last special stages and fuck me, that's gonna be tough to do without the touchpad.
>>23560 I remember completely beating this game several years ago. The way to beat the special stages is to DRAG the stylus on the touch screen at all times, not tap it.
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>>23556 >Aren't those comics pozzed to hell and back? It's not literally every comic, it's actually a minority. But starting next wednesday, they're doing an event where, for two months, literally every character is replaced with a ridiculous SJW propaganda piece that all look like they're parodies. The Flash is literally a black lesbian in a wheelchair. It seemed like they were actually planning to do this for a longer time, but due to backlash, they changed it to only two months, after which they're going back to the regular characters, but severely scaling back the number of books they publish. They're going out of business any day now, and it was blatant suicide. Also, >that pic >Blaze doesn't react to Not-Marine grabbing her by the pussy >implying Real-Marine grabs her by the pussy all the time.
>>23561 I was dragging the "stylus" at all times except in the numbers minigame and when homing attacking the badnik. I'm emulating so there's no stylus and that makes things a lot more complicated. Seems just dragging the mouse does work for the numbers minigame but it makes more difficult figuring out where the pointer is since you just lose track of it. In any case the issue is how contrived the level layout is to navigate without an actual touch screen. Were you emulating too when you beat the game?
>>23565 No, I played it on an actual (3)DS.
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>>23563 >The Flash is literally a black lesbian in a wheelchair.
>>23563 >The Flash is literally a black lesbian in a wheelchair. That sounds like something that would have aired on Adult Swim back in the early to mid 2000s. All they need is to have Harvey Birdman as part of the cast.
>>23563 >The Flash is literally a black lesbian in a wheelchair What's next, wonder woman is a man from brooklyn?
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A few days ago some new prototypes for Sonic games were announced as recovered, including the earliest available build of SA2 and a playable Sonic 1 prototype that had the UFOs in Marble Zone and the balls in GHZ like in the early screenshots from the magazines promoting the game! Exciting stuff. https://archive.is/iPvfs
>>23570 Neat. Maybe one day that one Sonic 1 prototype will be found after all
>>23571 Which one?
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>>23572 The tokyo toy show prototype aka the holy grail of Sonic prototypes
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Together with the monthly Sonic Channel pictures there was an additional picture with remarks from the illustrator, but they were written in Japanese. Someone has now taken the time to translate them!
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So the upcoming cartoon won't be based on IDW Sonic thank god. Considering Ian's weird departure as IDW Sonic's main writer and the subsequent announcement of the Netflix show it makes me wonder if he's not going to end up writing for it. What would you think of a Sonic cartoon written by Ian?
>>23577 It would probably be pretty similar to the IDW comic, since he wrote all of that until very recently. I'd be fine with that, since the IDW comic is pretty good so far. But I doubt it. I fully expect Sonic Boom but with horrible Stephen Universe style in both visuals and writing.
>>23577 >What would you think of a Sonic cartoon written by Ian? I would be afraid he'd start foreshadowing for plot points seasons in advance without knowing if the show would even be getting more seasons.
>>23580 >I fully expect Sonic Boom but with horrible Stephen Universe style in both visuals and writing. I think Sega will probably watch it like a hawk like they do with the comic, so I think we'll see some of the same characterization issues and other patterns from it, but ultimately I don't feel they're going to be able to create something interesting due to lack of experience. Alternatively considering history the opposite is also quite possible, where they just sold the rights and covered their ears like they did with the movie and Sonic Boom. >>23581 But he didn't do that on IDW's run.
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Sonic has made it into Puyo Puyo Tetris 2!
>>23596 Neat! any other sega characters get in? still playing it in japanese when I get it
>we will never get a roster like this in any Sonic game
>>23600 Full of dumb OCs and nonsensical "teams"?
>>23600 >Team Resistance has that seiyuu's Forces oc nice
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>>23600 This looks like something that would come in one of those carts with 100 games except with slightly better presentation.
>>23600 >BOB If I wasn't on this board, I'd swear you were posting this sarcastically.
I just found a cleaner version of the "Formerly Lost" Stick Animation I posted in the previous thread: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IL8xI4IzBnc
Who else watched Korone stream Sanic 2 today?
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>>23599 The video shows there are several Sonic characters you can use as avatars but I'm not exactly sure what the difference is since I've never played puyo puyo >spoiler top taste, I play all my sanic in Japanese.
>>23608 Who is Korone?
>>23613 V-tuber who works for Hololive; she's the dog-girl with brown hair.
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>start playing Rivals >since it's been a while since I've played a Sonic game, set it to easy >still getting my ass handed to me and cannot grab the lead even if my life depended on it Is Rivals AI good or am I getting too slow ?
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>>23612 Shadow is not allowed to have any banter or otherwise interesting dialogue anymore. >>23616 I've never played Rivals but I got my ass kicked by Sonic Rush earlier. Getting beat by a Sonic game is humiliating as hell.
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Today I found out that a couple insane fans have been decompiling the source code of the Retro Engine from the Taxman games and have actually been really successful at it, to the point you can just recompile the Retro Engine for whatever platform you want and play the games on that platform, so you can compile the Sonic 1 and 2 Android games for PC and play them on your PC. I can't even imagine the amount of wizardry that must have gone into this. https://github.com/Rubberduckycooly/Sonic-1-2-2013-Decompilation https://github.com/Rubberduckycooly/Sonic-CD-11-Decompilation
>>23617 Isn't that because Sega implemented some draconian rules for character portrayals as a knee jerk to the Ken Penders situation, with rules like "Sonic can't wear clothing other than his shoes" and "Sonic cannot be depicted as sad."? Almost reminds me of the stupid "No hats on Goombas" rules at Nintendo.
>>23609 Disappointing that they both didn't get violently raped.
Hesse has been going on Retro and he's mentioned he's not involved in the upcoming Sonic show, among some more insight of his. <https://forums.sonicretro.org/index.php?threads/sonic-netflix-series.39810/page-6#post-975573 >FYI, to respond to an earlier comment I am not involved in this show. I've been in the loop about it but don't have the bandwidth to be a part of it right now. He also mentioned that Sega has been giving the franchise to the wrong people, which is true but a bit weird of him to say considering he's worked with some of those people. I just hope that's not the case with this for fucks sake, a proper Modern show is probably at the top of the list of things I want.
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>>23619 >"Sonic can't wear clothing other than his shoes" Clearly not, given Generations. >"Sonic cannot be depicted as sad."? Probably exaggerated, but given the cover with Sonic crying over getting cucked by Penders' OC, this is a reasonable restriction. >Almost reminds me of the stupid "No hats on Goombas" rules at Nintendo. What about Galaxy? People misinterpret a lot of this stuff. Partially through translation, probably, but also probably due to people taking things that were said off the cuff, or not with the official wording, and taking them too literally. >>23621 Why would you expect a modern cartoon to be good? Get ready for Thundercats Roar 2.
>>23623 >Why would you expect a modern cartoon to be good? Wasn't Sonic Boom supposedly decent?
>>23623 >Why would you expect a modern cartoon to be good? Get ready for Thundercats Roar 2. I can't wait to watch Sonic: Fast!.
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>>23623 >Why would you expect a modern cartoon to be good? Get ready for Thundercats Roar 2. I don't really expect it to be, I just wish it'd be.
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February wallpaper is here. I love it so much!
Does anyone happen to have that Archie crop with a Swatbot and a legend that said something like "this machine is designed to fuck your face"? I just can't find it in my folders, in my archives, or even in the booru.
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>>23619 No, Shadow had some great arcs post reboot if I remember correctly. If this comes from Sega (which I think it does) it's something newer. The rules were for the most part not that draconian though, but some things were dumb. >Sonic can't wear clothing other than his shoes I think you're confusing this with Sonic Boom where there was some drama because Big Red Button made some redesigns that wore pants and Sonic Team told them to fuck off, but I don't think it was an established rule otherwise. >"Sonic cannot be depicted as sad." The rule was more like Sonic couldn't cry his eyes out, not that he couldn't feel sad.
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When was the last time you've played Gens /fast/?
>>23631 Man, this makes me think of better times when it looked like the franchise was finally going nowhere but up. What a fool I was.
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>>23633 Oh, GREAT, site makes it look like my captcha didn't go through and then acted like it wouldn't let me post at all, only to let my post through but without the attached image.
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>>23633 To be fair Gens was the third game in a row that looked good so it's not that you're a lunatic for thinking things were going to be okay. Unfortunately the trend ended right there. At least in the mid 2000s to early 2010s games were coming up much more regularly so if something was shit it was easier to forget about it and move on to the next thing but now with 4 years in between each main game each flop hits so much harder. Honestly thinking back on the things that happened after Gens I'm not sure what to make of it. On one hand it feels like the rest of the decade was rather terrible. In terms of main games we've had Lost World, which was not great and for a few years was even a Wii exclusive, Rise of Lyric, which was a huge pile of dong and also Wii U exclusive, and only after that came Forces which was the first real multiplatform main game and is... divisive to say the least. But on the other hand there were some pretty memorable things. We got Mania first and foremost. The Boom cartoon was fun and helped keep people hooked. There were a few Sonic events, including the 25th anniversary party which was a lot of fun for lots of reasons. Considering Colors and Gens were also part of the last decade, was it that bad of a decade?
>>23631 Never played Gens but it is on my backlog list
>>23635 I don't know, I'd say this last decade was probably around the same as the previous, maybe even worse just due to having less overall in it. The 2000s may have given us '06 and a few other stinkers, but by and by the average quality of the games ranged from okay to pretty good, and there were a lot of games with decent variety and experimentation. The 2010s started out great (except for Free Riders), but game throughput significantly decreased, as you noted, and we not only got a few divisive games in the mix, but one arguably worse than than '06. Even with the good games, there were changes to the franchise in general people noted and weren't happy about, like the tone and quality of the writing. Mania was a bright star in an otherwise dark sky once it released (and not without controversy regarding the PC version delay and addition of Denuvo). And then it was the decade with the Penders lawsuit and its fallout, plus Archie canceling every Sonic related comic they were doing, and IDW is clearly making the most of what little Sega allows them to do. The 2020s have been off to a bad start, as well, given the lack of anything going on with the franchise besides the IDW comics, the movie, and the announcement of a Netflix show.
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>Just got banned on /sthg/ again Fuck I hate mods so goddamn much. How active is this site anyways?
>>23641 Decently, honestly. Its the biggest of the alt-chan's now unless you count 8kun's Qboomer infestation as real users.
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>>23642 Never fucked around with the 8chan shit really. Is this kinda viewed as the "main" site now? Or is it 8kun? Don't really wanna get tagged by glowies for going on 8kun, just wanna post about Sonic and chill.
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>>23637 Nigger what are you doing go play Gens. >>23638 >The 2000s may have given us '06 and a few other stinkers, but by and by the average quality of the games ranged from okay to pretty good Despite that the 2000s gave us a lot of lore and great music I wouldn't really say the games released then were in general very high quality video games, at least the ones that you think of when you think 2000s Sonic (SA2, Heroes, Shadow?) >Penders >Denuvo >Archie cancelled Yeah, I had forgotten about that. I wonder what's the reason they removed Denuvo from Forces but not from Mania. >yfw they attribute Mania still selling exclusively to the fact they didn't remove denuvo from it >The 2020s have been off to a bad start, as well, given the lack of anything going on with the franchise besides the IDW comics, the movie, and the announcement of a Netflix show. I think it's mixed. Considering that they have confirmed that they've started working on a new game, we've got comics, games, a show, and a movie coming our way. That's actually a lot of stuff when you think about it, what else could you want? However, obviously considering the state of entertainment in current year+7 it'd be foolish to assume just now that any of those will be great. At least we know what the comics are about, and the movie to an extent. >>23641 As active as you make it. >>23643 Yes, this is the main site.
>>23644 >as active as you make it. Is it against the rules on /sthg/ to shill for this site? I feel like most anons are getting pretty fucking sick and tired of the mods.
>>23644 >SA2 >not very high quality Disagree. I'd put Heroes on a comparable level at least to Lost World and Forces. Well above Lost World, actually.
>>23645 Back when the exodus took place they banned all discussion regarding #GG and 8chan, so even though that was 6+ years ago I would imagine if they reported you you'd still get banned. Additionally there's always the dilemma of whether it's good or not to attract halfchan fags here.
>>23647 >halfchan fags Better than no fags
>>23646 I found SA2 and Heroes to be a clusterfuck of half functional features and for the most part poor level design. Some levels were just outright frustrating. That didn't happen to me with either LW or Forces that I remember, but on the other hand those games were piss easy. SA2 and Heroes definitely had better writing, lore, and music though.
>>23648 Debatable. I'd rather have slow discussion than 70% shitposting.
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>>23644 But that's wrong. Mania's Denuvo was removed in 2019, while Forces still has it to this day.
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What's in the tubes?
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>>23652 I guess I got them mixed up. >>23653 Foxboy hate-paste obviously.
>>23648 >halfchan fags >Better than no fags NO. No it's not. We literally left to get away from them, and they only got worse since. If you like them, go and stay go. You'll be happier, we'll be happier. It would be better for everyone. >>23649 SA2 has the best level design in any 3D Sonic game, by a wide margin. Try going for A Ranks and you'll see how intricate it actually is. Heroes is mediocre but still better than Lost World. >>23653 Something related to the puppet, and he's gonna make evil versions of her or something.
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>>23655 >muh inter-chan rivalry Nigga you fled because the mods were gay as shit. That doesn't change the fact that the content here is as equally shit as the content there, just maybe with less pure shitposts only because of a lot less traffic.
>>23656 No, 4chan was horrible for years before 8chan became a viable alternative. Anyone who wasn't a faggot simply jumped at the first chance to find any viable alternative at all. Anyone who stayed even a moment later is a gigantic faggot and the reason why the quality of 8chan dropped immensely in the later months of 2014, and continued dropping after that. But it's still better than 4chan was since at least 2011.
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>>23656 >That doesn't change the fact that the content here is as equally shit as the content there >no era wars >no one incessantly bitching about comic characters >no attention-whoring namefags or tripfags >no drama over certain fan-artists >no autists from deviantart claiming they can actually shoot lightning from their fingertips and expecting anons to take them seriously Nah, I'd say this place is much better. There aren't anons that fly into a rage at someone's differing opinion. We don't have autists angry that Mania did well because it wasn't an Adventure-era callback. We don't have people insisting their headcanon is the true canon and everyone else is wrong. Instead, we have nice, civil discussion among people able to tolerate each others opinions, and a large part of that is because most of halfchan's community has stayed in halfchan.
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>>23653 Cell and Rule 63 Cell. He wanted Tails' DNA so they'd have two tails for double the absorbing. Presumably he'll also give them Knuckles' DNA so that they're tougher than leather, Sonic's DNA so that they can go fast and spout witty one-liners, and Amy's DNA so that they can produce weapons from thin air. Whether Rule 63 Cell was given Rouge's DNA (taken from her while she was hypnotized) is unknown since we can't see her figure clearly.
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>>23659 heheheHAHAHA YOU FOOL
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>>23655 >intricate They may be intricate but that didn't do much in terms of fun when I played it. In most cases after going through them one time I just didn't want to do it again, let alone replaying them endlessly to get an A rank. This didn't quite happen to me with SA1 however. >>23656 I like how you're trying to equate two things that you even admit yourself that are different by simply trying to disregard a key difference. >>23657 >Instead, we have nice, civil discussion among people able to tolerate each others opinions, and a large part of that is because most of halfchan's community has stayed in halfchan. webm related >>23659 >Presumably he'll also give them Knuckles' DNA so that they're tougher than leather, Sonic's DNA so that they can go fast and spout witty one-liners, and Amy's DNA so that they can produce weapons from thin air. I know you joke but considering the tricore thing he made previously I don't think you're too far off what it's really going to be.
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>>23662 Nice animation. You make it?
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>>23664 Afraid not unfortunately. I just post neat stuff I find.
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Uhhh guys Roger might have been let go. Lots of official accounts are taking it seriously so it seems it's legitimate. https://archive.is/daPKv
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>>23667 Step aside old man, there's a new VA in town.
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It was actually true after all. If they start replacing the cast with the faggots from the movie I'm going to be upset. Mandatory webms. >>23668 Could be worse. They could pick that other now female (male) eceleb that has also criticized Sonic and they've sent stuff to in the past.
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Just played through the Balan Wonderworld, that new game from Yuji Naka and Naoto Ohshima, demo today. I have no idea what the fuck is going on with that game. It feels, like, half done, and there's a bunch of stuff that just isn't explained. Maybe some of it is because it's a demo. As far as gameplay goes, it's stupidly simple. All four face buttons and both triggers all serve the same function: jump/costume ability. The shoulder buttons switch costumes, and that's it. That means if you have a costume that can, say, punch, that's all you can do. You can't jump without switching to a costume that jumps. Costumes also act as hits. If you get hit, your current costume is destroyed and you switch to another, and you can only hold up to three at a time. The platforming isn't all that exciting, because your character is slow as hell and actually slows down when jumping, except for with certain costumes. Then there's the little fuzzy bird things, called Tims. They kinda act like chao in that you feed them colored gems you collect in the levels. They all live in the hub world, the "Isle of Tims", and you seem to squeeze resources from them? It really isn't explained what anything does regarding Tims. There's objects in the hub that you can lead them into interacting with that makes a counter go up, and reaching certain milestones unlocks more objects in the hub that they can interact with, most of them parts of the "Tower o' Tims". You can only get so much in the demo before the counter just stops. Feeding them gems seems to change their color towards the color of the gem, but doesn't do anything else that I could tell. The levels are just weird, as well. They all seem to be based on a "story". You see the main character of that story throughout the levels, and sometimes they're just BIG for no explained reason. They just fade away if you get close to them. Same with all the animals(?) in the world. You can't interact with them, they just stay in place dancing for some reason. It's really fucking weird, they're all just around, dancing, and most of the costumes are based on them. Two of the levels had this "curving world" effect that's hard to put into words. It was less like the world was curving but more like the level was rising/falling to meet you. I'm really not sure what to think of the game. It doesn't seem good, and I really can't tell what it's going for. It felt like I was playing a fever dream or something. Can you tell what creature is definitely going to be getting porn?
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>>23670 >Just played through the Balan Wonderworld Oh yeah, I saw there was a demo available a few days ago, meant to post about that eventually. I just gave mp4 related a watch and it looks like it's made out of a mishmash of clips from like 4 different games and I have no clear idea of what it is about, kek. >It feels, like, half done Considering the makers that's oddly fitting. That gameplay you describe sounds super underwhelming, to the point I have no idea why they okayed it because there's no way that's not frustrating as hell. The graphics look super dated too, with the art style trying to look cool to compensate as much as possible. The Tims are obviously original characters though. >It felt like I was playing a fever dream or something. I hope the full game explains some more. The preview videos definitely made it look like it was going to be trippy, and I didn't ever expect that to work out flawlessly but it did look like things were going to eventually make a bit more sense and I hope they do because between the refined art style and all the mystery from the story and the characters the game got me curious. >spoiler Is it bad I was gonna comment on that before even reading your post? goat chick is CUTE.
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Also new Sonic Channel art just came in! >“ “Tighten here like this, and…” >Tails is busy maintaining the Tornado in the hangar of Tails Lab. Powder snow is blowing in, but this little cold doesn’t bother Tails who is absorbed in his mechanical hobby! >A Winter’s Greeting from Lost Hex! He looks so focused, it's cute.
>>23671 It's weird, because it definitely feels like something that should have more context given to you. But you get that one cutscene where the characters stumble onto Balan and he whisks them away to his Wonderworld, and then you're just dumped into the game. No explanation for the significance of the tims, even though they follow you around in levels and are responsible for unlocking the end goal. No reason given for why each world is based on some person's dreams and tragedy (which don't even get revealed until a short cutscene right before the boss). You don't know who the villain is (you only see them), what exactly they're doing, or why they're doing it. I only hope that all that stuff is in the full game and they simply cut it out of the demo. It's a shame the demo makes the game out to be so lackluster, because I really like some of the character designs, the imaginative world designs, and some of the music. But everything just feels empty and devoid of the life you'd expect to find in such a game. Everything feels like artificial decoration, and, given the utter simplicity of the controls, gives me the impression this is a game for just small children. Oh, and one thing I forgot to mention. Having demo save data apparently unlocks a special costume in the full game, but buying the game makes it impossible to play the demo, meaning you're screwed out of content if you buy the game before downloading and playing the demo.
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>>23674 >It's a shame the demo makes the game out to be so lackluster i was going to say just this, I hope it's just the demo that's the problem but looking at the big picture and taking into account the people behind them and their previous works (Sonic), it kind of makes sense a bit, doesn't it? I mean, it's some of the same flaws that the Sonic games have. Looking through their twitter I found pic related, which is again something that would fit in nicely in that list and that will probably raise some hell like it did with the Sonic games. Over here they do this kind of shit because they have trouble making enough content for the games so I imagine that's also going to be the case for Balan as well. It's just bizarre that they put themselves at the forefront of this only to ruin their image. It feels like a Todd Howard kind of trick where they only care about selling their thing and fuck everything else.
>>23675 I don't know, Yuji Naka's involvement with Sonic and other projects usually resulted in quite ambitious games, or at least ones with obviously a lot of effort and passion behind them. And Ohshima is mostly a character designer and artist. They aren't the ones behind a lot of the slumps modern Sonic games have. If I were to pin the blame on anyone, it would be the dev studio, Arzest, which has barely any significant games to its name, and the ones it does are more notorious than anything, like Yoshi's New Island. They've barely made anything that wasn't for mobile or portable platforms before, and most of they're projects seem cheaply made for the purpose of making a quick buck or keeping a franchise relevant in a dry period of games. And Balan Wonderworld feels exactly like a cheap game made to profit off of old, famous names.
Ken Pontac was on stream recently and talks a little about his time writing for Madworld (and reveals he often did it drunk with Tequila whilst listening to The Offspring) and the Sonic franchise. Basically says that the fans complaining about him and Warren have shot any chance for him to go to any Sonic related conventions or panels in the future. Points of interest: 44:00 1:04:00 1:07:00 https://youtube.com/watch?v=gGzkqv3tUR0 Him recalling his trips to Japan and his reaction to the "You Are A Pirate" song of Lazytown fame gripped me and made me want to listen to the rest of the video and be on the look out for any of his stories in the future, even if he dropped the ball in regards to the Sonic story writing outside the Eggman PA announcements from Colors. Also enjoy this leaked footage of the brand new Sonic anniversary game that is totally not a model swap made in the Balan Wonderworld demo.
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>>23679 Damn, modders work fast these days >says fans complaining about him and Warren have shot any chance for him to go to any Sonic related conventions or panels in the future Personally, image related sums up my feelings on that. But, I will say that it sucks for anyone who may have wanted to talk to them and Sonic events possibly being convenient for that
>>23676 >and reveals he often did it drunk with Tequila whilst listening to The Offspring As if we needed more confirmation that he was a hack that didn't give a damn. >Basically says that the fans complaining about him and Warren have shot any chance for him to go to any Sonic related conventions or panels in the future. I think this is something he had already mentioned before. I think he went even further a few years ago when someone contacted him to ask him a few questions about Generations and he replied that he didn't ever talk about his role in Sonic because those evil fans said meanie things about him. I remember the guy that contacted him posted the chat logs, I wish I had them to have a laugh. He'll probably revert his decision quickly when money starts to run out. >Basically says that the fans complaining about him and Warren have shot any chance for him to go to any Sonic related conventions or panels in the future. Unfortunately it took 10 years of fans complaining about him and Warren for them to be taken off the writing role. Speaking of that, TSS took the comment he made in the interview at about 48 minutes in ("it was a great run") as a reinforcement of what was previously implied a few years ago about Warren and him having stopped working as writers for Sonic (https://archive.is/Az9t6). >made me want to listen to the rest of the video and be on the look out for any of his stories in the future I think I'll try to make some webms later today about his retarded comments, if you find any other interesting parts post them and I'll cut them for easier distribution. >Also enjoy this leaked footage of the brand new Sonic anniversary game that is totally not a model swap made in the Balan Wonderworld demo. Kek, it was bound to happen. It's funny seeing Sonic looking like he's making such a huge effort to run and only managing to go so slow. >soundless webm
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>>23681 If I have time then I might give the whole thing a listen. Those chat logs sound intriguing. He had quite the portfolio before signing on with Sega and said that he might be signing on to some dream projects with a few friends of his soon, so who knows how he'll fare money wise. Sounds like he'll be fine unless things have a serious 180 turn in store for him. There's a blizzard in progress here, anyway Here's another vid of Sonic interacting with the not!chao Tims. Imagine if Sonic Team somehow bungles things even worse than Naka and Arzest currently are for the 30th anniversary. https://archive.vn/ov4TF Also, you forgot to quote my post
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>>23682 >He had quite the portfolio before signing on with Sega I only remember hearing he did Happy Tree Friends. I'm curious to see how the next thing he writes will look. Will it also be shit or will it actually redeem him? >Here's another vid of Sonic interacting with the not!chao Tims. >he throws them off the island >mfw Knuckles might have been more appropriate though. Anyone have the tells tupac what's good pic? Those things look rather generic and soulless. >Imagine if Sonic Team somehow bungles things even worse than Naka and Arzest currently are for the 30th anniversary. Please no. >Also, you forgot to quote my post Damn, I guess I'm retarded.
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IT'S kinda HAPPENING Netflix finally came forward and actually reannounced the new animated series. It's titled Sonic Prime, and it's gonna be a 3D series with 24 episodes premiering in 2022 and aiming at kid 6 to 11. https://archive.is/lNxgt >high-octane adventure where the face of a strange new multiverse rests in his gloved hand >sonic's adventure is about more than a race to save the universe, it's a journey of self discovery and redemption whatever that means. It sounds like it's gonna be more story focused than Boom and that the episodes are going to not be completely isolated one from another. At least they have so far avoided the common mistake of not making Sonic wear gloves. Also >sonic's adventure they're playing with fire. Pollock and Ian are having fun and being cheeky fucks.
>>23684 Can't wait
>>23685 We should have a bingo card for this shit.

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>>23684 >The 24-episode animated adventure for kids, families, and long-time fans draws upon the keystones of the brand and features the "Blue Blur" of video game fame in a high-octane adventure where the fate of a strange new multiverse rests in his gloved hands SO, they going to straighten out what actually is and is not canon with the Sonic games, and solve all the plot holes and cliffhangers that have littered every single piece of Sonic licensed media? Sounds like it has potenti-... >The series will be animated at WildBrain's Vancouver studio <What has been PRODUCED at WildBrain's Vancouver studio WELL, NEVER FUCKING MIND! Why don't they just make cartoons that adults are able to watch without feeling like you need a lobotomy to enjoy it, while making things simple enough that kids will understand it too?
>>23687 Yeah, when they did the first failed announcement they mentioned that the company that made that crap was involved. Usually the red flags start showing up later on, not on the same day. One can only hope Sega will not forfeit control of this like they did with Boom and the movie, but either way it sounds like this is going to be one hell of a ride. By the way, as this is set to release next year, and the movie is also set to release next year, what are the fucking chances this is related to the movie? Didn't the movie also have some sort of universe travel or some shit? Fuck. >spoiler Because that requires actual talent and nuance. When I read the target age of the show I was wondering why hasn't Sega attempted to cater to the grown up fans with something specific. I know that technically it's a kids franchise and it would be dumb to not create content for them as well to ensure a steady flow of new fans, but Sonic has cultivated a huge amount of fans that have grown up with the franchise and that have a lot of disposable income ready to throw at Sega and instead of taking advantage of that to any degree, they treat that demographic as if it were not even a second though when in theory it should be the most profitable. Usually they go >yeah yeah with this product we aim to capture audiences ages 0 to 10 and yeah totally legacy (?) fans too :^) like in this announcement and it's hypocritical as hell.
>>23688 >Because that requires actual talent and nuance. All they need to do is just hire some third-rate shounen writer, outline what they need to know and what they can and cannot do, and just let them go nuts with it. How did both the F-Zero and Bomberman anime understand almost two decades ago?
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>>23689 >two decades ago You're funny anon. 2 decades ago was basically a golden era of entertainment, with the creation of most video games worth a damn. Look where that ended up now. >>23690 Woke moments should almost go in the free space. Other than that and a few other squares this is a pretty crappy bingo card. Should have less specific stuff and more stuff like >Megaman Fully Charged-tier animation >leftist sperg writers >GREEN HILLS >butchered Shadow characterization >more failed announcements
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>>23692 With Roger and Colleen gone, Pollock is next on the chopping block. That is gonna be interesting.
>>23693 Maybe, maybe not. We'll find out sooner or later.
>Sonic Prime When I was looking up a picture for this joke, I found this guy has a bunch of these concept pictures of Sonic characters as transformers. It's not nearly extensive as that zombie weapon girls artist, but it's more than I would have expected.
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>>23697 What, you don't like hedgehogs that turn into cars?
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>>23698 This is getting very autistic very fast. Also happy hedgehog day fags.
Roger, Coleen (Tails), and Cindy (Amy) are gone. Eggman may or may not be gone as well.
>>23699 Here's the last of the official characters the guy did. All the rest are fan characters. As a transformers fan myself, I honestly think some of these transformation schemes are clever, like turning the hood of a car mode into a bag for the "robot" mode like Sally's got. Same with making Amy's hammer turn into a pair of wheels. Even actual transformers barely incorporate weapons into vehicle modes like that. It's just used for such a weird crossover idea.
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>>23700 I'm just hearing about Cindy. It feels like they're tearing the franchise apart. What the fuck is going on?
What if they're dropping voice actors because there won't be voice actors anymore? What if they took to Mania's critical success too hard and decided silent characters were the way to go?
>>23703 More likely this is just another purge to have the games and newer cartoons to gave the same voice actors
>>23703 As praised as Mania was I don't think it was as successful and profitable as to warrant this mess, plus I think it would be insane to maintain a franchise as big as Sonic is solely with gestures and no voice acting. The movie on the other hand did make a good margin and they were able to get away with literally whatever they wanted to do with the franchise including making the main character hideous so it makes sense to me that the push could come from that side. I don't think Carrey would be up to voice Eggman for an extended period of time so it would make sense to keep Pollock and ditch the rest of the cast which is what's happening. When you put it in perspective it's a bit frightening. Not even Boom went this far and they were shooting for the fucking moon with that. >>23704 What would be the problem with using the current VAs for the new show as well?
>>23705 >What would be the problem with using the current VAs for the new show as well? Locale? Schedule? Sega not giving a shit who dubs Sonic in English? All I know is this more or less happened with Sonic X so it's not surprising
>>23705 >Tfw you are a few days younger than Sonic 3 Here's to you Knux, you were treated so much better back then. Hard to believe I first played 3&K some 18 years ago and now I just finished a run with him in Sonic 3 Complete
>>23705 >What would be the problem with using the current VAs for the new show as well? Band confusion. Sonic shows have always done exceptionally well; Sonic SatAM was only canceled because of poor executive management and Sonic X got reruns for a good decade or so. Even Sonic Boom got higher ratings than most CN shows nowadays, and that was shown on Saturday mornings. Add to that the massive prevalence and success of the movie, as well as the new direction being taken similar to it and Sonic Prime, and it's not hard to see why Roger and co. don't cut it anymore.
>>23706 >Locale? Schedule? That's not really believable is it? >Sega not giving a shit who dubs Sonic in English? Yeah, that's probably a good part of it. >All I know is this more or less happened with Sonic X so it's not surprising Well, yeah, but back then voice acting was just starting in the franchise, so those VAs had been starring for like half the amount of time Roger has and only in like 2 games. Additionally VAs weren't as involved with fans and events as they are today, so it feels much more noteworthy. I hope we eventually get to know what the fuck happened if only to get mad at it. >>23707 >Hard to believe I first played 3&K some 18 years ago But 3&K was released 27 years ago. >>23708 >and it's not hard to see why Roger and co. don't cut it anymore. No, I still don't see it. What could brand confusion have to do with this? If they wanted to keep some part of the franchise separate they wouldn't fire the VAs of the current franchise, they would just hire new actors for the new products belonging to the new part of the franchise. If they wanted to use the same VAs then they would just use the ones that were already there. Getting rid of them just doesn't make sense to me for this argument. Besides, brand confusion is a meme. They said they were all serious about brand confusion with Boom and not only they didn't change the VAs back then (not even for that show even though they were very ambitious) but also they mixed Boom exclusive characters with the main cast when they saw fit, and they do exactly the same thing with the Classic part of the franchise. They just use brand confusion as an argument to do retarded arbitrary things. All these arguments about brand confusion stem from them being retarded managing the franchise.
>>23709 I know. My first experience playing it was through this online trial service by Sega in 2003 which made me buy the PC Collection and Mega Collection Plus ports a year or two later. I was around 10 then. Unsure if my first time ever playing a Sonic game was the SA2 demo as far back as 2000 in a Toys R Us or Sonic the Fighters sometime after that in 2001-2002. Feel old?
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>>23710 >Feel old? I still have some of my files that have timestamps from the early 2000s, so that'd be a hard yes. I didn't become a Sonic fan until relatively recently although I did play Sonic 1 during the 90s, but I was playing other games in the sweet early 2000s and it was glorious. Everything feels so distant, even things that happened 10 years ago let alone 20. Like fuck, The Ride will be 8 years old later this year. >Toys R Us Which is now defunct.
https://archive.vn/qgZA4 If there are any Generator Rex fans here, you might take solace that the new Sonic show will be more like that than whatever Pontaff made in the last decade.
>>23715 I don't remember hearing about that show before, what type of tone does it have and what kind of approach to storytelling does it take? I tried looking it up online but the sites I found don't really go into detail. The only interesting thing I found was that the target public was ages 12 to 15 which might be a bit more encouraging than the initial range given. I guess that the show not being that close to MMFC is good news as well.
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They're seemingly finally bringing the Sonic LEGO set that a fan designed a few years ago to life. I wonder how CWC will react to this. https://archive.is/QKuqb https://archive.is/BSgFd
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Well, Mike's still voicing Eggman in the games at least. It confuses me that he had to make the distinction. Either for some reason he didn't get approval to say he's voicing Eggman in the new series (yet for some reason thought he needed to clarify he was still voicing him in the games), or there's going to be this awkward split between series cast and games cast. Maybe Sega was retarded again and didn't negotiate the rights for the new series properly so the production companies can do whatever they want unchecked. Wouldn't be the first time.
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>>23718 Good to know he's still going to be around. Kinda miffed we can't have a voice cast stay forever like the japanese can with their games >>23719 cute Bumps!
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We're almost 3 months into the year and pretty much 4 months away from Sonic's actual 30th birthday and there's literally nothing on the horizon holy shit. There's more information about what's gonna happen a year after the 30th birthday than for the birthday itself.
>>23728 Hopefully that means Sega has learned to stop rushing things to meet arbitrary dates. Forces and Mania were a year late for the 25th anniversary. Now if only they had just a little more restraint and gave Forces even more time than that. But would you really want them to rush a game out for the anniversary, and possibly end up with something like the 15th anniversary? Sonic '06 was for the 15th anniversary. We're now approaching the 30th. There is as much time between Sonic '06 and now as there is between Sonic '06 and Sonic 1.
>>23729 You'd think we'd at least know something about any upcoming games, though. There's not rushing and then there's being completely silent. It gives the impression that they're less giving it the time it needs and more that it's going through development hell, which usually results in rushing out the final game anyway.
>>23729 >But would you really want them to rush a game out for the anniversary, and possibly end up with something like the 15th anniversary? That's a crappy false dichotomy, and under the same reasoning I could ask for them to rush a game like they did with Colors or Unleashed. They had plenty of time to make Forces and that didn't end up working in anyone's favor. Honestly, between rushing development to meet annual or maybe bi-annual deadlines and taking 4 or 5 years to make a game I'm not sure what I'd pick. The latter is probably the right path to take in order to actually make something worthwhile, but it's a chance with Sonic and honestly it was more fun when things were faster. >spoiler jesus fuck, someone needs to stop time. >started becoming a fan some time before gens >suddenly I've been a fan for about 2/3rds of the franchise's life >soon it'll be a full half >mfw
>>23731 Try being nearly as old as the franchise and being a fan since you were a toddler.
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>>23731 >soon I will be the same age as my favorite blue hedgehog after being a fan for nearly 5/6ths of my life Time sure does fly doesn't it
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>>23732 >>23733 I haven't been a fan for that long fortunately but I'm actually older than the franchise. How haven't you burned out after so long?
>>23731 Unleashed was rushed? Two years can be a reasonable amount of time. It certainly seemed to have a lot of polish. It's not just about how much time is spent, but how the time is spent. But either way, it can be rushed if it's not given time to be good. >>23732 I was only a few months old when Sonic 1 came out, but I was into video games for as long as I can remember, and Sonic 1 and 2 were some of the first video games I remember playing. Sonic & Knuckles is the first video game I remember getting brand new, and Sonic 3 was the first video game I remember wanting to get but having to wait until it was on sale or something. Then by the time it did Sonic & Knuckles was out and I figured the newer one must be better, so I got that instead (plus, to a three/four year old, those six months or whatever between releases felt like a long time). I don't know if I now think S&K is better than S3, but I missed out on S3&K until I was able to bring my game to my cousin's house and lock it on with his copy of Sonic 3. I thought it was just going to be like Knuckles in Sonic 2, but it was so much better. Also, Sonic 3 spoiled Super Sonic for me because I wasn't good enough to unlock him in Sonic 2 until after I already played Sonic 3. Every one of these terrible anniversaries serves to remind me of my own age, since my birthday is close to Sonic's. And like Sonic, I haven't had a really good one since I was ten.
>>23737 >Unleashed was rushed? Two years can be a reasonable amount of time. It certainly seemed to have a lot of polish. It's not just about how much time is spent, but how the time is spent. But either way, it can be rushed if it's not given time to be good. Yes, that was my point. I see lots of people arguing that 4 years of time between games is necessary and that if they don't have that kind of time the games would get rushed, or that Forces should have had more devtime, when there are good examples of games with much shorter devtimes and much better results. >Sonic 3 spoiled Super Sonic for me because I wasn't good enough to unlock him in Sonic 2 until after I already played Sonic 3. I think Sonic 3&K is the only classic game I actually bothered getting Super Sonic in. It's the only one where it's kind of fun instead of being rather bullshit. >Every one of these terrible anniversaries serves to remind me of my own age, since my birthday is close to Sonic's. And like Sonic, I haven't had a really good one since I was ten. Harsh. I get the feeling we're all the same.
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I was just checking the chronology of Sonic games and I found a quick table with the main titles and sales numbers and without going into detail about their accuracy it seems non first-party Sonic sales peaked with Sonic Heroes, which is also the best selling main game of the last 20+ years. How does this make you feel?
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The Sonic Channel story for March has just been released. I had the biggest stupid grin reading this. Cute couples get in free! I really hope the next game has a story worth a damn.
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>>23740 Also have 2 more Sonic Channel pics that celebrate different events (first one is cat day, second one escapes me).
>>23741 >second one escapes me I faintly recall Chinese New Year happening recently, maybe it's that?
>>23742 If they wanted to celebrate Chinese New Year, they should have had a picture of the other characters eating Rouge.
>>23743 >they should have had a picture of the other characters eating Rouge
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Roger gave an interview (webm related) and elaborated on his departure from voicing sega >I think my response would be “it’s just one of those things.” It’s a time in, you know, looking at the way things are being handled and the way that you are, and where you’re at, and what you kind of want to deal with, and do. And I found myself going, “I think it’s time. I think it’s time it’s kind of.. to do done.” He goes on to mention moving away from commiefornia which might have something to do with it but it sounds like there might have been more to it, plus it doesn't add up that the whole cast walked away within weeks. What are the chances Sega's doing something so legitimately awful that not even the VAs wanted to have anything to do with it? They stuck around for Boom so if this is the case it has to be bad. >>23742 Oh yeah, that's it. >>23743 Well, technically either them eating Rouge or Rouge eating them would be accurate.
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looking forward to the adventure remake?
>>23739 maybe they should've made better games.
>>23745 >What are the chances Sega's doing something so legitimately awful that not even the VAs wanted to have anything to do with it? Practically zero. Either they were fired/not re-hired, or Sega deliberately got them to quit by offering very low pay or something.
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>>23754 >adventure remake Ruin an adventure remake with retarded design choices, go >wisps instead of Chao. evolutions are in terms of the current wisp types (drill, saw, lightning, etc.) >levels are mostly 2d and short as fuck >spindash stops your character completely before launching and doesn't play nice with physics >tails' boss battle gets usurped by sonic. sonic saves the day and tails thanks him >most of the effort goes into making more big stages and refining his gameplay >omochao remains
>>23760 Omochao wasn't in Adventure, it was Tikal.
>>23761 I actually checked this before posting and it seems he actually was in SA1. >Omochao made his debut in Sonic Adventure and later its enhanced port, Sonic Adventure DX: Director's Cut. In this game, Omochao appears in the Chao Stadium by the door inside the Station Square Garden. He also appears during Chao Races. Here, several Omochao show which direction the Chao are to go. https://sonic.fandom.com/wiki/Omochao
>>23760 >Ruin an adventure remake with retarded design choices, go Video game remakes rarely change anything except audio and visuals. Gameplay changes are usually by accident. That said, since Sonic is now run by the American branch, apparently... >Tails' story, while still basically the same arc about gaining self-confidence, now that self-confidence is about gaining enough confidence to come out of the closet and finally confess his love for Sonic >Amy's story, while still basically the same arc about gaining self-confidence, is now about the self-confidence to realize that she doesn't need Sonic, or any other man. Also, instead of her modern makeover, her makeover at the beginning of the game is to shave the sides of her head and have a mohawk. SJWs and normalfaggots then defend this as being her "Classic" design. >Knuckles isn't allowed to rap unless he is explicitly black. But he can't be black because his ancestors were the bad guys. So now Chaos is evil and Pachacmac dindu nuffin. Or they just remove Knuckles' rap. >The big neon sign in Casinopolis, which in early versions was a sexy girl in a bunny outfit, is now a dude in a banana hammock. >The golden Sonic statue in Casinopolis is replaced with a statue of Amy. But to make sure you can't see her pantsu, if you look up from under the statue, you just see a black void. >Of course, the same applies to Amy's actual model. You get a nice view of a black void practically every time she does that flip jump. The camera is placed at a higher angle so that you can't see her pantsu in regular jumps. This decreases your view distance in a 3D platformer, but avoiding "male gaze" is more important. >Big the Cat and Froggy are explicitly gay lovers. To be fair, the lyrics of Big's theme song already lean pretty hard in this direction. >Due to being pink and being the mate of the blue Beta, Gamma is female. This was probably the case in the original, but now it's important, because when Amy originally calls her "Mr. Robot," Gamma then informs her that "she" is a transsexual robot, a female bird in a male robot body. Amy apologizes profusely, and calls Gamma "Ms. Robot" throughout the rest of the game. Gamma's inner conflict throughout the game is not just about freeing the inner soul from Eggman's control, but about freeing the inner woman from this vile masculine body. It's masculine because it was built for evil, just like the male body. >since Chaos is evil now, the relationship between Chaos and Tikal is portrayed as a hamfisted allegory for domestic abuse. >Eggman wants to take over the world so that he can eliminate the animals, which are a hamfisted allegory for black people (going along with the Knuckles thing). >Sonic continues being written with the same awful dialogue and lack of characterization seen in everything since Colors.
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>>23764 >her makeover at the beginning of the game is to shave the sides of her head and have a mohawk. >mfw >Gamma then informs her that "she" is a transsexual robot, a female bird in a male robot body This is golden.
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This is from an old Sonic community manager. >yfw sega tried to ban sonic art on fansites https://archive.is/GMPLW
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>>23771 It's good to see that someone at Sega has their head on straight.
>>23773 Not anymore, he quit a long time ago

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In case you forgot already, in just a few months Sonic will turn 30 and since Sega can't keep postponing the announcements they're (supposedly) going to kick off the announcement season in exactly two weeks at Wondercon's virtual event, with a panel named >IDW and SEGA Kick-off a Year-Long Celebration of Sonic the Hedgehog’s 30th Anniversary at WonderCon! which seems it's going to focus mostly on IDW's Sonic comic >The creative minds behind IDW’s blockbuster Sonic The Hedgehog comics break down Sonic’s 30th Anniversary in 2021. The team will announce details about the Sonic 30th Anniversary Comic Special with guest appearances by top-secret blockbuster talent who will be writing Sonic comics in 2021! You might recall that they've already announced they were going to be working on a special comic focused on their OCs so this is an event our local antiOCfag can't miss. Someone with recognition and acclaim sounds like an ill fit to be joining the writing team given the state of things and I hope they don't fuck everything up. Considering the lack of Sega higher ups (e.g. Gerscovich) I doubt it's gonna be a big deal in terms of anniversary news. Link won't archive because of javashit so have a screenshot. https://archive.is/zEc47
>>23777 Watch it be a fucking movie tie in.
>>23777 >modern comics >recognition and acclaim Tranny confirmed. Guess it's time to quit the Sonic Comics.
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bunny and robot and chao and frog
>>23779 >Guess it's time to quit the Sonic Comics Ian getting TDS didn't tip you off?
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>>23781 I was thinking the other day how funny (and sad) it was that some of the comic staff that were quite involved with /sthg/ back in the day and knowing full well the kind of views expressed and language used there have turned full on SJW, like ABT.
>>23777 The IDW staff mentioned an upcoming Classic mini-comic a long time ago, so that's most likely what it's gonna be. Makes sense to do it this year tbh, what with the 30th anniversary. >>23782 I think you're assuming they never not had those views. Also it bares little guesswork as to why that comic staff eventually left /sthg/ when the community stopped being people sharing their enthusiasm over the comic & became, well, every single community on 4chan.
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>>23783 >The IDW staff mentioned an upcoming Classic mini-comic a long time ago, so that's most likely what it's gonna be. Makes sense to do it this year tbh, what with the 30th anniversary. I'm not sure I fully remember that but it's possible. I do remember they've teased some Tangle & Whisper thing for the anniversary specifically however. Hopefully whatever it is is good. >I think you're assuming they never not had those view Well, yes, it'd be dumb to go into a community that makes jokes about niggers and fags if you do. It always felt a bit awkward, but it was kind of interesting.
>>23784 >I'm not sure I fully remember that but it's possible. I do remember they've teased some Tangle & Whisper thing for the anniversary specifically however. Hopefully whatever it is is good. I don't remember anything about a Tangle & Whisper deal, but I suppose they could always have a 2nd mini-series this year. Or hell, maybe that is the big surprise for 2021 & the Classic mini series will come out next year, either way we'll found out. >Well, yes, it'd be dumb to go into a community that makes jokes about niggers and fags if you do Ehh, as someone that finds edgy humor on chanboards cringy for the most part, there's still a lot to like about these kind of communities. Whether it's the fanart, genuine discussions that's unrelated to whatever sense of humor someone might have, or even the rare Sonic content that gets dug up, in the case of /fast/ or /sthg/
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>>23785 >chanboards
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>>23785 >I don't remember anything about a Tangle & Whisper deal It's actually in the OP >IDW Working Out Plans With Sega for Sonic's 30th Anniversary Involving Whisper and Tangle: https://twitter.com/IDWSonicNews/status/1287139802572140544 webm related is a cut of the relevant part. Additionally I found this other press release talking about a classic Sonic miniseries, so now I don't know, lol https://archive.is/Kv1n3 >CLASSIC SONIC COMIC BOOK MINISERIES — For Sonic’s 30th IDW Publishing will be releasing their first Classic Sonic adventure in a spectacular special! In addition, they will launch a new mini-series and continue publishing the wildly successful ongoing series in both the English and Spanish language. I was looking into the dates to check whether the press release came before of after the already published Tangle & Whisper miniseries and it turns out the miniseries is actually 2 years old already somehow. >as someone that finds edgy humor on chanboards cringy for the most part Whatever you do don't turn into a huge fag.
>>23787 The Classic thing was mentioned ages ago yeah, it's part of the reason why I think it's coming for the 30th. Would line up with whatever likely Classic game they'll try & pump out, too. >Whatever you do don't turn into a huge fag. I mean, I'm not gonna start flinging shit around over that kind of humor, if that's what you mean. It's just never really been my thing
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Mornin' /fast/! Y'all do anything interesting or Sonic related lately?
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>>23789 >Y'all do anything interesting or Sonic related lately? Being a lazy shit, just like Sonic.
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These are some sketches of the SA1 staff from an old magazine. Since you're such big fans you can surely recognize who's who, right? I can't
>>23794 >top left Naka >#2 Iizuka >#4 his name eludes me but I'm sure he was in charge of Mania Plus' Encore Mode level palettes
>>23794 Top left: Naka Yūji, producer for Sonic Adventure No. 1: Uekawa Yūji, character designer and one of the character motion designers for Sonic Adventure No. 2: Iizuka Takashi, director and one of the character game designers/field designers for Sonic Adventure No. 3: Katano Tetsu, the main programmer and one of the player character/lead field programmers No. 4: Hoshino Kazuyuki, art director and one of the lead field artists/enemy character designers for Sonic Adventure >>23795 Hoshino did help the art team find a fresh balance for the all the Zones' level palettes, but it was a joint effort.
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>>23796 Did you just read the moonrunes?
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>>23788 Well, the classic thing has been announced and it turns out it's a 112 pages graphic novel, coming out in October and featuring Mighty and Ray along with the classic cast and some other unannounced guests. >Celebrate Sonic the Hedgehog’s way past cool 30th birthday! The classic character comes to life in all-new adventures inspired by the original 2D games and he’s not alone! >Join Sonic the Hedgehog, Miles “Tails” Prower, Knuckles the Echidna, Amy Rose, Mighty the Armadillo, Ray the Flying Squirrel, and even more special guests as they travel through zones inspired by the seasons in search of Chaos Emeralds! It’s a hilarious and hectic race against the clock in “Seasons of Chaos” by longtime Sonic writer Ian Flynn! Plus bonus stories by some of Sonic the Hedgehog’s biggest fans and tons of bonus content celebrating the blue blur! >bonus stories by some of Sonic the Hedgehog’s biggest fans >mfw Hopefully this whole thing turns out better than Mega Drive. https://www.penguinrandomhouse.com/books/677320/sonic-the-hedgehog-30th-anniversary-celebration-the-deluxe-edition-by-ian-flynn/9781684058655
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Here's April's wallpaper and story featuring hog & croc. I actually really like this characterization of Vector, they really got me with that twist. Since they're going through different zones in Sonic's history what are the chances we're getting Generations 2 for the 30th anniversary?
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>>23808 It's a good chance it's either Mania 2, Generations 2, or maybe both. Whatever we get, I hope it's good. That said, were the Sonic Boom games the most recent Sonic games to not have nostalgia pandering?
>>23812 Every main series game has had some form of nostalgia pandering, all the way back to '06. Remember that '06 was "going back to the roots," with old school enemies like Crabmeat coming back, and Eggman being the main bad guy in Sonic's story, not to mention the name. It was marketed as a return to form. It didn't work, so Unleashed was marketed as going back to the roots by doing away with the non-Sonic characters and making significant parts of the game 2D. But then people still got mad and Sega figured it was because they didn't go far enough, so Colors had no story whatsoever, no alternate playstyles at all, and was mostly 2D (even though it played even less like the classic games than the 2D sections of Unleashed did). Colors got received well specifically by people who somehow thought it felt like the old games, so they made Generations. For some reason they didn't just do Generations 2, and instead made Lost World, which was basically Colors 2 but actually 3D, and doubled down on the checkerboards and small animals and other superficial things. Then of course Classic Sonic came back in Forces, and Mania is Mania. Note that I only went back as far as '06 because I wouldn't say Shadow was nostalgia pandering, but Heroes was trying to be, again with less story and a more vibrant world with lots of checkerboards and stuff. Adventure and Adventure 2 weren't "nostalgia pandering" just because they probably didn't think of the original games as being old enough to be separate. Adventure 1 is very much a continuation of the old games, just in 3D, and sees you go back to old locations, most obviously Icecap. Adventure 2 then continues on relatively logically from Adventure 1. It was only after that that they realized the "classic" games were separate from the current games they were making, and made deliberate efforts to pander to people who thought so (who were basically people who never knew what they were talking about in the first place).
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Well this looks interesting. https://mb.srb2.org/threads/1-2-srb2-persona-demo.29914/ >>23812 As sad as it is we really haven't gotten a lot of main games in the past decade. Previous one before Forces was Lost World in 2013, 8 years ago. >>23813 >Remember that '06 was "going back to the roots," with old school enemies like Crabmeat coming back, and Eggman being the main bad guy in Sonic's story Where do you draw the line between nostalgia pandering and natural elements of the Sonic universe that make sense to be recurring? It doesn't make sense to label something so small and simple like a badnik nostalgia pandering. Something similar happens with Colors and Unleashed, because even if you say that they were made in the spirit of 2D games and thus incorporated more 2D gameplay and less secondary characters, it's still far too detached from those games to evoke any real nostalgia. >vibrant worlds with lots of checkeboards is nostalgia pandering stop >people got mad at unleashed Although I feel the reaction to Unleashed was very excessive it often frustrates me that the fanbase became so mellow after it. Nowadays harsh criticism against Sega is not so widespread and you always have people defending their decisions even when they do something clearly dumb. Hell, some people still defend their current stance when they've been blabbering about quality for so many years while still being unable to deliver a good main game in a decade.
>>23814 >Where do you draw the line between nostalgia pandering and natural elements of the Sonic universe that make sense to be recurring? It doesn't make sense to label something so small and simple like a badnik nostalgia pandering. It's not just that the enemy appeared, it's that they marketed it as "going back to the roots." That's why it was called just "Sonic the Hedgehog." I remember when the game was announced, and for months all we knew was that name (which I think most people assumed was a placeholder) and the claim that it was going "back to the roots," with examples being the updated looks of classic enemies. Sonic '06, as hard as it is to believe for someone who wasn't there at the time, was marketed heavily on nostalgia and promising to "go back to the roots." The same goes for all the other games I listed. I don't think any of them aside from Mania did a very good job, but they all tried to market themselves as being like the "classic" games. Shadow the Hedgehog is the latest game that hasn't done that, and Heroes did it before that. >Unleashed It's my favorite Modern Sonic game. Every game after it has been worse. There I said it. Adventure Sonic is still best though.
Wondering if any of you cunts have read Don't Tell Mama. Been a pretty popular fanfic over on 8/2 /sthg/. Shit's crazy yo. https://archiveofourown.org/works/28572621/chapters/70024443
>>23816 so how much do they fuck in this
>>23817 A few times. It started out as just a smutfic. But it turns into unironically one of the best Sonic fanfics out there. The story and drama gets really fucking good.
>>23818 >But it turns into unironically one of the best Sonic fanfics out there. You realize that is a very, very low bar, right?
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Are you still playing Gens mods /sthg/? Holy shit Generations does not encode easily.
>>23820 truth be told I haven't been playing any video games lately, let alone Sonic games
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>>23821 >truth be told I haven't been playing any video games lately
>>23820 Once again an instance where a fanmod looks better than anything that Sega could have done.
>>23823 What do you mean? You do know Tropical Resort is from Colors don't you?
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This is a trailer for Spark the Electric Jester 2. I can't find the credits online but from memory there was like 1 guy behind it which was some crazy BR fag, so at most there was a very reduced team behind it. Considering the parallels between this game and the 3D Sonic games, it really peeves me that Sonic Team is allowed to play stupid this hard.
>>23826 It was LakeFeperd, the guy also behind Before the Sequel and After the Sequel fangames. I honestly found Spark 2 to be pretty disappointing, and I was a big fan of the first. The trailer makes it look better than it actually was, and I can only hope he learned not to repeat the same mistakes in the upcoming third game. Some of 2's updates apparently fixed some of my problems with it, so that's hopefully a good sign.
>>23827 I mean the running mechanics of 2 were great, although Fark was a bit too fast. The problem with Spark 2 was the combat system and boss battles. Stages and character movement were top notch though.
>>23827 I always forget that he was also the one behind Before and After the Sequel. He's got a pretty impressive resume. I've heard that people have their issues with the second game but it looks just like a 3D Sonic game maybe with a smaller scope and considering the difference in the development resources both have it's frustrating that Sonic Team has so much trouble making their games.
>>23828 I found the level design to be pretty lacking. Most levels felt like one big corridor, and their multiple paths were basically just different lanes on the same path. It didn't feel like a proper Sonic level where you could get different experiences depending on the path through you took. Overall I found the game to be half-baked. Spark was a game where one of the main selling points were all the different powers you could get, but the sequel barely has any. Fark doesn't even get his signature weapon from the first game. Everything about the presentation felt cheap and lackluster (especially that level end screen, holy shit, it's something I would expect from a cheap mobile game). And there was an awful lot of reuse of the first game's soundtrack. The story tried to be real serious but was really bad at it, I found it hard to care about any of the characters, and the ending twist was just dumb. The movement was great, and I didn't find the combat itself to be bad (just how pointless it was and how stupidly simple the bosses were), but the whole game felt like it needed a year or two of work more before release.
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As far as Sonic adjacent games go, I had a blast replaying NiGHTS this April Fool's Day with the Reala skin unlocked. It's a real shame what became of Balan Wonderworld for some of its bizarre design choices like leaving the story to a separate book, adhering to one button for jumping/all other action and redundant costumes with some less than stellar abilities. I also revisited Sonic Riders before then for its 15th anniversary. It's wild to think how much time has passed and its ad old as the franchise itself when it first came out. Anyone else planning on playing through the series until his birthday?
>>23831 Is Nights really any fun? It's always looked really awkward to me, like some sort of concept forced because of the whims of the devs rather than something made with it being fun in mind in the first place. I really ought to give it a play at some point. >Balan Wonderworld I kind of lost track of it after the demo released. I think the demo didn't do so well and I only remember negative comments about it but that's it. >Anyone else planning on playing through the series until his birthday? Wasn't planning on it, but that's a good idea. I haven't a clue what else to play after abandoning Rush.
>>23832 >Is Nights really any fun? It's pretty fun, as long as you don't go in expecting a platformer. Think controls like Ecco the Dolphin, but you're navigating obstacle courses in an attempt to collect enough blue balls to continue on with the level. It's a very arcadey experience with an emphasis on getting high scores.
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Uhhh, so there seem to be strong indications that Colors might be getting a remastered release soon https://archive.is/KEnJR >A project was allegedly completed under the codename Sonic Colours Remastered, according to a portfolio from a German voice production studio that surfaced online today. >The project was listed on the portfolio webpage of Berlin-based Iksample, who had a long history of localizing a number of Sonic the Hedgehog titles for the German audience, like Team Sonic Racing and Sonic Forces. >Meanwhile, listings for pre-orders of a “Sonic Colors Ultimate Limited Edition” have begun to appear on French retail outlet Sogamely, though it is unknown if it was published in error.
>>23834 Not surprising if true but I'll be a bit upset if this is the anniversary game
>>23835 I didn't consider that was a possibility. They surely wouldn't do something so stupid, r-right?
>>23835 I'll be more than a bit upset, considering we've been waiting over a year for any kind of news at all regarding what's coming next.
>>23836 Well this IS sonic team we're talking about.
>>23839 right, of course.
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You should have activated (((IncludeApp))) anon. All this shit happens because Sonic Team couldn't get your gameplay experience.
>>23841 I was going to make some crack about them paying $X to try to black box reverse engineer the Skinner box, but I can't find anything at all about IncludeApp online. It's like it was something Sega developed in-house and then never used for anything other than Sonic Generations.
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>>23842 >It's like it was something Sega developed in-house and then never used for anything other than Sonic Generations. It seems you might be right. I assumed it was just another spyware middleware but everything about it is so bare. No information online, there's no metadata whatsoever on the dll that comes with the game like you'd find on professional products (you know, product version, file description, copyright information, etc.), and the interface it exposes seems super simple, pic related. Judging by the interface and the strings in the library it seems they were just saving logs from the game into a SQL database and then sending them to a web service. Looking at the Generations executable it seems they were getting stuff ranging from code tracing logs to game stats such as badniks destroyed, stage clearing times, and number of rings acquired, along with the position where certain events happened such as boosting, spindashing, getting hurt, dying, etc.
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>>23833 The HD port is not a very demanding game so buy or pirate it and see for yourself. Aside from the cut 2Player mode and Sonic Into Dreams, which is reportedly janky, it's a blast and really feels like a passion project from the Team. It's no wonder why Iizuka really lit up at the suggestion of a NiGHTS sequel in an interview once and why he pushed so hard for Journey of Dreams to begin with. Also what >>23833 said >>23834 I'd be fine with this if they rehaul the controls and add more 3D sections. Make them more Generations/Unleashed DLC-esque and maybe some additional content/QoL improvements. Maybe import/reimagine the wisps, extra boss and missions from the DS version? I honestly wouldn't mind if they did that. It's either going to be like vid related: https://yewtu.be/watch?v=4LwwRrI-NY0 or this shameful port collection of the NInja Gaiden games: https://archive.ph/F5D3O
>>23844 >I'd be fine with this if they rehaul the controls and add more 3D sections. Make them more Generations/Unleashed DLC-esque and maybe some additional content/QoL improvements. Maybe import/reimagine the wisps, extra boss and missions from the DS version? I honestly wouldn't mind if they did that. If they were going to do a remaster of any game, it wouldn't have new stuff. That's the whole point of a remaster. "Remakes" sometimes have new stuff, but "remasters" are almost always just the same shit with a few new glitches. In some cases I'd say it might be possible that they'd at least add the DS version as well, but in this case, I wouldn't get my hopes up.
Honestly if we got a Colors remaster I'd be really frustrated that we got a port/remaster of a game everyone has been able to emulate for 10 years+ instead of a game that's still locked to a couple decade old consoles. Like fuck, I want to play the real Unleashed already. I swear the fucks are waiting until PS3 emulators are Dolphin levels of good before they release the god damn game on PC. >>23844 >extra boss and missions from the DS version That would be a neat addition. >>23845 >"remasters" are almost always just the same shit with a few new glitches
Got three day banned from /sthg/ again. Guess I'll shitpost here.
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>>23846 It's also on the 360 emulator Xenia along with NG2. Never had either 7th gen console? They're pretty cheap nowadays. Although to be fair, I never got around to getting a 3DS or Vita myself. Don't even have any 8th gen hardware >>23847 Is the person in the screencaps you by any chance?
>>23850 lol no. I got banned for posting Sonic crying while wearing a diaper and peeing in it while saying "uh oh stinky"....Long story.
>>23851 No wonder you got banned. Still, how did you find this place?
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>>23852 I've just known about it for awhile. Occasionally I'll pop in just to see what's happening, usually only focus on it when I get banned for being too autistic over on 2+2chan.
>>23853 You'll probably get banned if you post on any of the other boards here or on the webring because they despise anyone that still posts there after 2014 and have been on the look out for crossposters such as in this /v/'s meta thread.
>>23850 >It's also on the 360 emulator Xenia along with NG2 I know, I found out a few months ago and gave it a try, but it didn't run all too well on my computer, webm related. I think that was because of outdated software which prevented me from using some good speedup options using my GPU, but I don't really know how much of a difference that would have made. I'm gonna update later in the year and I'll try again, hopefully with the speedup from the update and with additional improvements in the emulator since the last try I'll be able to get it to run well. Looking forward to making some more webms then! >Never had either 7th gen console? Never was much of a console person. Last one I had was PS1 but didn't really give it much use. >pics I don't have the patience to read through worthless shit like that anymore. >>23851 pic related
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>>23855 Ayy >>23854 Don't worry, I got incognito mode turned on
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Holy fuck some madmen are making a fangame for PS5 and it actually looks good. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kKAOaeEy2TE
>>23857 Now if only there were people with PS5s to play it.
>>23854 You should get banned too for not helping with the newfag-hunt.
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>>23858 That's funny until you realize you want to play it but can't like me.
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>>23859 >muh secret club Literally lmaoing at your life right now flimflam.
>>23861 Fuck off you worthless piece of shit
>>23861 It's not about a "secret club," it's about the fact that any new people who are actually good will lurk long enough so that people won't be able to tell they're new. If we can tell you're new, you should be bullied until you either leave, or shut up until you learn to not show off what a newfag you are.
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I'm in the mood to play some 3D fangames. I don't want proof of concept empty space movement simulators like it was popular some time ago, I want something with actual content in it. Any ideas?
>>23865 Generation mods, SRB2, Spark 2.
>>23866 >Generation mods Any recommendations? I've already played the Unleashed Project.
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>>23865 SRB2, SRB2, SRB2. I cannot reiterate it enough. With the last big update, that game is utterly fantastic with the exception of the last zone, which isn't bad but clearly hasn't gotten its due facelift yet. And then there's all the custom maps and characters to play around with, as well.
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>>23868 Just played the first two zones of SRB2. Seems like a really fun game but goddamn is Sonic slippery and just accelerates out of nowhere, combined with the tight level design, it can be frustrating to play. Guess it's the unfortunate reality of 3d Sonic games; I think if the levels truly reflected Sonics speed that he has in SRB2, then they would be fucking massive. Also, do you play with keyboard and mouse or controller?
>>23869 I highly recommend keyboard. The game will eventually expect precision that's a lot easier with a mouse than it it with a stick. Even if you are already using keyboard, I honestly suggest binding jump to a mouse button (I use mouse 2). M2 used to be the default before they changed it in an update, and I find it's a lot easier to precisely time jumps if its on a separate hand from movement. I also rebind spindash to spacebar, but that's just a personal preference.
>>23869 >>23870 Oh yeah, and there's definitely a reason the game doesn't suggest Sonic for beginners. He has a bit of a learning curve, but boy can he go fast when you get good at him. If you're really having trouble with him, there's no shame plaything through as Tails or Knuckles. Keep in mind with the newest major update Tails lost his super form, though, so there's no real point to getting all the emeralds with him.
Sonic Says: "What is the meaning of life? What is the purpose of it all Tails?"
>>23872 >sonic after he learns how the 30th anniversary plays out
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>>23872 Life is a crucible. Will you be forged as steel, or melted as dross? When there's nothing left and it all seems hopeless, the choice to fight or flee is yours.
>>23874 Crucible for what Shadow? >"Look at me, look at how much I suffered through life!" The void: >
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>>23874 I need more edgy Sonic music in my life >>23875 >picture Next IDW storytime when?
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Sad boy.
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The SRB2 talk got me hankering for it again, so I decided to start playing through their autumn level design contest. One of the levels had all these little details and character cameos strewn about (you may recognize the art I've posted screens of one of the author's other map packs before). If you couldn't tell, it was a very Japan themed level.
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>>23878 And then it did this really neat thing where it transitions to an aquarium base.
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>>23879 Boy do I love watching my favorite cartoon in compressed jpg format.
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>ask for recommendations >people recommend SRB2 >haven't touched it yet >everyone else starts playing it instead >mfw >>23878 >One of the levels had all these little details and character cameos strewn about I think I remember seeing something about this before. Overall it looks colorful and nice. >>23879 >rice of lyric >mfw too
>>23875 You're living in a linear reality subject to entropy, on a planet with biodiversity that empirically could not have occurred through natural selection. The state propaganda explanation is "reality was nonlinear and then became linear for absolutely no reason whatsoever, and then aliens did things". You can swallow that if you want; personally, I think it doesn't hold water.
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I also ended up playing through the base story mode with the Metroid mod. It plays pretty well, the morph ball physics are especially fun. It even changes the atmosphere of some stages and replaces some boss stages with completely new, Metroid-themed ones. Fang gets a very raw end out of that deal. I also never realized that big clock tower was in Castle Eggman until now.
Eclipse the darkling is one of the best villain's in Sonic and should be brought back in IDW, change my mind.
>>23884 The Eclipse ark was fun but everything about Eclipse stank strongly of OC donut steel.
>>23885 How? In terms of characterization, he's almost the opposite of 'nothin personnel' tier.
>>23884 Nah, he brought back one of the worst aspects of Sonic lore/Shadow's backstory. He and the rest of the Black Arms need to be buried and forgotten.
>>23886 He's a very OP character with a design that looks inspired by Sonic character design but feels like it doesn't completely belong. Some of the interactions he had were also kind of awkward, but I think this might be just me being a faggot. In any case, I only read the ark when it was storytimed on 4/sthg/ (or was it The Ride?) years ago and I was never really completely into Archie Sonic so I might not have payed as much attention as I should have. We really should have gotten another Ride started at this point already to read everything again as it's been so long. Speaking of which, when did The Ride actually start exactly? I know when it ended but I don't have any memory of when it started or how many months of autism it was.
I want to say it started like Feb of 2014. I think that one Christmas thread was 2013, and I believe the Ride started shortly after that.
>>23889 meant for >>23888
Speaking of the worst aspects of Shadow's backstory, it seems Mephiles is getting new merch in the year of our lord 2021, along Emerl and Whisper. I wonder if this is related to the anniversary. https://archive.is/B1j5M I'd get an Emerl plush, Emerl was kick ass and his design is nice. >>23889 The last thread was on May 4th and I get the feeling it wasn't done in just 3 or 4 moths.
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>>23891 Forgot pic like a dumbass.
>>23892 I'm pretty sure the Ride only lasted a few months. It went through quite a few issues daily, and you have to remember it happened when Worlds Collide was running. There was no reboot, yet, so it was only preboot Archie with Fleetway on the weekend.
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May's wallpaper and story belongs to pouty bun and condescending hog!
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In other news there have been a shit ton of leaks from the new movie featuring GUN, Tails & Knuckles. Removing Knuckles' crest is probably the most pointless and retarded change in history, it feels like they have to change the characters just to antagonize people and it looks awkward as shit.
>>23895 We can't really say those models are entirely accurate to the eventual animation, though. It's just as possible that they decided not to bother painting his crest on. Hell, Sonic's stomach patch is white, there, and they didn't even paint it well seeing that the blue is bleeding through. Seeing G.U.N. being acknowledged for once is nice.
>>23896 Strictly speaking you might be right but at this point I feel I should know better.
>>23897 It's just smarter to wait until we see the actual animation model. Knuckles may very well have no chest crest and grey socks, but these set models can't really be treated as a reliable indicator.
>>23884 You are correct. It's one of the only times in the history of the comics that an original story and concept has been built organically out of things that happened in the games. The Black Arms go from planet to planet conquering, and when they got to Earth, they made Shadow to help them. It stands to reason that they made other beings like Shadow on other planets. They'd be similar, but not based on an Earth animal like Shadow was. And it makes sense that the Black Arms would still have forces on other planets, that would linger after. The story makes sense from what we know. It was a clever way to build a new story out of elements that were already there. The story in general is one of the best comics stories for that reason, but there are a few other stories that have done similar stuff. However, I can't think of any characters original to the comics that actually feel that way, that actually feel like they grew organically out of stuff from the games. You could show Eclipse to someone who only knows the games and they'd get it, and it wouldn't feel like just a random OC. Show Princess Sally and her whole backstory is from a different world. Show Whisper or Tangle and they just feel like random OCs that fit into the world, but don't have particular reasons for existing. Ironically, one of the only other good examples I can think of would be the Dark Legion. Knuckles' ancestors had a war and abused the power of the Chaos Emeralds. Well who were they warring with? Let's do a story about them. Of course, I don't think Penders actually knew the backstory of the games, and he just came up with a concept that made sense out of pure coincidence, but it was there. Too bad he is a horrible writer and artist, so he couldn't execute it well. Also there is some french comic or something that used the Knuckles' clan's enemies even before that. And then of course the games would do it eventually with the Nocturnus Clan. Characters that are implied to exist but never really elaborated on in the games are a perfect way to build new characters for the comics. >>23887 I disagree that those parts are bad. In fact, even if they were, I'd argue that it's possible to bring them back and make good stuff out of them. That happens in comics all the time. Or it used to anyway. Flynn took Anti-Sonic and made Scourge, for example. I don't agree that it was bad lore in the first place, though. Aliens were a bit out of left field, but if anything, I'd be more interested in seeing them appear more now, given how aliens like Wisps are now common in the franchise. They're pretty different, yes, but the series has been going to space since very early on. Aliens aren't that weird for it, and I don't mind alien stuff being explored more. If you just mean you don't like the Gerald and GUN stuff, then I disagree even more. That's one thing I wish was explored in the comics much, much more. I could give or take the Black Arms (though I did like their one significant appearance in that arc), but the Gerald stuff has a lot of implications in the games that are never covered in much detail due to the focus on gameplay over story. Now, that's exactly what a game should do, but what a comic should do is take those elements that don't get much attention in the games and then give them that attention. >>23888 >He's a very OP character with a design that looks inspired by Sonic character design but feels like it doesn't completely belong. He's an alien version of Shadow. What you just described was completely intentional and part of the story. Shadow is an OP character, this guy is an alien version of him. Alien, so his design feels similar but like it doesn't completely belong. >I was never really completely into Archie Sonic The main reason I liked that arc was specifically because it was one of the few arcs of Archie Sonic that was actually related to the games and not to old SatAM or Penders lore. It's one of the only ones you could show to someone who likes the games and actually have them understand it. Sally appears as basically a cameo, I guess, but not in a way that makes anything too confusing.
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Do you have any favorite Sonic artists /sthg/?
>>23899 I call it one of the worst parts of Sonic lore because, one, the Black Arms were boring as shit from both an aesthetic and characterization perspective, and two, retconning Shadow to originate from ancient aliens is one of the dumbest things they could have ever done. The Black Arms were uninteresting, bland as fuck villains (which the comics didn't change, they just tacked a single interesting character onto them) and tying Shadow's origins to them did nothing to serve his character beyond being a cheap twist for the sake of having a twist. Not to mention it completely removed the questionable morality of G.U.N.'s raid on the Ark, turning them even more into a generic good-guy faction. The Black Arms did nothing but hurt existing lore and characters while not bringing anything good of their own to make up for it.
>>23901 Shadow was only part ancient aliens, though, and the point was ultimately that Gerald managed to instill a soul that wasn't supposed to be there. It doesn't remove the questionable morality of GUN, it only makes it more questionable when you find out that Shadow was actually created to save the world from an alien invasion. Also, I'd hardly call the introduction of the Black Arms and Shadow's connection to them a twist, because it's at the beginning of the game. It's simply the premise of the game. It added more depth to the lore and characters, and I don't think it hurt it at all. It gave them an excuse to explore Gerald in particular much more, and it did that quite effectively. They also manage to tie into many elements from Sonic Adventure 2 and explain them in interesting and satisfying ways. For example, if Gerald wasn't always evil, why did he make the Eclipse Cannon? To destroy the Black Comet. It all fit together surprisingly well, considering, yes, the aliens weren't mentioned until that one game.
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>>23900 Doubt it was even the same artist every time, but the Japanese box art for the original games had such a cool style to it. I also love the Adventure-era art though, but more people know about that so I don't feel as much need to call attention to it. Also, the epic inspirational quotes on the old boxes are something that never should have gone away. People forget that Sonic is a philosopher.
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>>23902 >the point was ultimately that Gerald managed to instill a soul that wasn't supposed to be there A. I think you're reading too far into the writer's intent there. B. That works just as well without the whole alien thing, because Shadow was always an artificially created being. Being able to instill a soul into that is an achievement in itself. >because it's at the beginning of the game Not the fact that Shadow was made with their help. Black Doom just says they had made a deal prior. His part in Shadow's creation is only revealed in the middle of the game, and only in certain paths. Hell, one of the main elements of the story is that you don't know who can be trusted. Maybe Black Doom is lying in order to manipulate Shadow. But of course, no, can't just leave a perfectly good backstory alone, gotta add a fanfic-tier retcon that Shadow was part alien all along. >it only makes it more questionable No it doesn't. In SA2, all G.U.N. had to go on was that Gerald was up to weird stuff. There's a lot more to the argument they went too far in the Ark raid, because there wasn't anything to suggest Gerald was directly endangering anything. In Shadow, Gerald was working with fucking objectively evil and bad news aliens, and kept it so poorly secret that a small boy was able to find out. Their raid isn't nearly as questionable, then, because they had every reason to believe Gerald was endangering humanity. Even Maria's death is less questionable, as now it's in the context of her trying to protect an alien bio-weapon. >It added more depth to the lore and characters Adding more words to their backstories isn't automatically more depth. We already new Gerald was a good guy before he went nuts over Maria's death, we didn't need a plot about him defending the world from aliens to tell us that. Now his spiral into genocidal insanity is less sympathetic, because he was the one to endanger the entire Ark in the first place. It's now his fault and yet he's blaming humanity for it. We didn't need Shadow to be part evil alien, because we already went through that character arc with him starting evil in SA2 but rediscovering his sense of compassion by the end. And we didn't need aliens for him to decide to put the past behind him. But the crux of the matter here is, none of this stuff you mention necessitated bringing in bland generically evil aliens with no real character or plot to them beyond "we're evil". There were better ways to explain why the eclipse cannon existed. Make it commissioned by G.U.N. that they then had to cover up with the raid. Boom, now not only is the eclipse cannon explained, but so is why Gerald got so mad at those "ungrateful humans", and it didn't need to resort to one of the most creatively bankrupt story cliches to exist in the modern era. And in the end, the whole intrigue from Heroes about Shadow possibly being a clone, an actually interesting narrative, is practically dropped in favor of these dumbass aliens, only existing in a single route in the game. There's a reason the Black Arms and everything concerning them were dropped harder than even Mephiles. Sega realized it was one of the stupidest ideas they ever brought to the franchise.
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Sonic Channel's pic for May reminds us that we'll never have cool lore again. >“I see. The treasure must be..." >"Sinbad" reads through old books in the ship library and grins as he finally finds out the hiding place of the treasure. >But in the end, the lack of luck that he has to look on every island until reaching the correct one is just like Knuckles! >Today is Children’s Book Reading Day. Open the sails and set sail in the ocean of storybooks! Come to think of it they always bait with the lore at every chance they get, but they never deliver in that department anymore! It's frustrating. >>23903 Japanese classic art was nice, I'll admit. What do you think of the alternative Western style? Adventure-era style is best though >the epic inspirational quotes on the old boxes are something that never should have gone away. People forget that Sonic is a philosopher. I've always found those out of place as hell. I have no idea how they came up with putting those quotes on the box in the first place.
I don't think this was posted here but a few months ago someone gave the Sonic CD intro the AI treatment much like it happened with the Shadow intro before. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z00csGk1pEE
>>23904 >A. I think you're reading too far into the writer's intent there. It's clearly intentional. Especially starting in that game, where they confirm Shadow was made for good purposes and not evil. >B. That works just as well without the whole alien thing, because Shadow was always an artificially created being. Being able to instill a soul into that is an achievement in itself. Well if you wanted to make a real argument, you could say that Sonic Battle establishes that GUN wanted to use Gerald's work (in that case, Emerl) for war, and Gerald was trying to make sure Emerl had a soul so he couldn't be fully corrupted, and obviously the implication is that a similar thing happened with Shadow, so the aliens aren't needed as an antagonistic force to establish that. Of course, to see the text only cutscenes that establish that, you need to beat Sonic Battle twice, and fuck that. But I still count that. There's no reason you can't think that both GUN and the Black Arms are dangerous forces. >Hell, one of the main elements of the story is that you don't know who can be trusted. Exactly, so maybe Black Doom is lying. It's not much of a twist. It's just something you're left wondering about throughout the game. >But of course, no, can't just leave a perfectly good backstory alone, gotta add a fanfic-tier retcon that Shadow was part alien all along. I don't mind expanding upon it. And ultimately, the ending of the game is that it doesn't matter anyway. Which is actually quite a fitting end for a character that is literally an attempt to copy Sonic. I mean, maybe not as fitting as him just dying in the game he was meant to die in, but Heroes already fucked that up. And I still enjoy the stories after he came back, so fuck it. >In Shadow, Gerald was working with fucking objectively evil and bad news aliens, Maybe they could have just asked what he was up to, to find out he was saving the world. Gerald was actually even more good than they initially thought. >Adding more words to their backstories isn't automatically more depth. Not necessarily. In this case I'd say it did. There is more characterization and motivation, even in ways that we can debate the morality of various characters' actions. I'd say that's a form of depth. >We already new Gerald was a good guy before he went nuts over Maria's death, I don't think we necessarily did. Again, until Shadow the Hedgehog and Sonic Battle, we don't know what he was really up to. Maybe his whole thing was always to take over the world, for all we knew. >because he was the one to endanger the entire Ark in the first place Victim blaming. He didn't summon the aliens. He just enacted a plan to save the world from them. >We didn't need Shadow to be part evil alien, because we already went through that character arc with him starting evil in SA2 but rediscovering his sense of compassion by the end. Well that isn't the plot of Shadow the Hedgehog, so that's fine. He starts neutral and confused, and his arc isn't about finding compassion, but a sense of self. >And we didn't need aliens for him to decide to put the past behind him. No, I'm sure they could have done it many different ways if that was the character arc they wanted to use. But I don't mind that that's the way they chose. They wanted some bad guy that wasn't Eggman or Gun or Sonic, and this works. I suppose they could have went with another god, that would have worked pretty much the same way. But I don't exactly mind what they did use. >none of this stuff you mention necessitated bringing in bland generically evil aliens with no real character or plot to them beyond "we're evil". I'm not really mad about characters being somewhat one-dimensional in a Sonic game. That's not to say all or even most characters in the series are. Indeed, this game in particular is about trying to make Shadow more fleshed out than before (and he was already not at all one dimensional), but I don't mind there being evil aliens as a concept. >Make it commissioned by G.U.N. that they then had to cover up with the raid. Yeah that's pretty good, actually, but would also pretty much make GUN unquestionably evil, and I don't think they ever intended that, even though they do seem pretty evil in some of the things they do, but that's clearly unintentional. >And in the end, the whole intrigue from Heroes about Shadow possibly being a clone, an actually interesting narrative, is practically dropped in favor of these dumbass aliens, only existing in a single route in the game. Considering there are hundreds of routes, you're wrong. It exists in dozens of them by virtue of them sharing levels and scenes. Also, the whole game is Shadow questioning his own identity, so him maybe being a clone (or even a robot) is central to the whole story, with the ending being that he doesn't care and it doesn't matter anyway. I'd say that's a very good way to work with that intrigue and build a story off of it. And then if you're really autistic and want to know, there actually is an answer in the game, but it's basically a secret easter egg. >There's a reason the Black Arms and everything concerning them were dropped harder than even Mephiles. Sega realized it was one of the stupidest ideas they ever brought to the franchise. Well considering they had a comics arc about them and Mephiles hasn't, that's incorrect. Not that I think Sega is particularly aware of what goes on in most of the comics. The main reason both were dropped is because Sonic isn't allowed to have a story anymore after '06 (and sort of Unleashed), so Shadow was basically dropped as well, and Rouge, and even Knuckles. Everyone except Sonic, Tails, Amy, and Eggman only appeared in bit parts for the last 15 years, except for in Forces, which still basically had an ironic excuse plot just disguised as a real plot. Oh, and I guess Knuckles was in Sonic Boom, but that hardly counts, and doesn't discount the fact that the vast majority of the cast stopped appearing and serious stories don't happen anymore.
>>23905 >What do you think of the alternative Western style? Despite massive nostalgia for it, it's a huge step down. The Japanese box art all screams style. It all fits very well with the tone of the character, the games, the music from the games, and what the franchise was built around. Now, the localizations deliberately tried to remove as much of that as possible and put their own stuff, but in retrospect, and seeing the later games that weren't butchered as badly, it's clear what style the original devs were going for, and the original box art clearly matches their vision much more closely. Also, back in the day, things like box art and manuals were more important to the overall presentation of the game, and seeing the japanese art before you turn on the game gives you a totally different mindset than seeing the western art before you turn on the game. Much cooler and more stylish, albeit with an early '90s definition of those words. But even then, there were different definitions of cool and stylish, and the box art helps show what definition they were going for. >I've always found those out of place as hell. I have no idea how they came up with putting those quotes on the box in the first place. I wasn't even being sarcastic. I don't think they're out of place. The quotes fit Sonic perfectly. Only some are spoken by him, and some are about him, but they all work, and they match perfectly the character we would eventually see speak, once the games got the technology to add dialogue. Here's how I see each quote actually fitting in... >Don't just sit there and waste your precious time. When you want to do something, do it right away. Do it when you can. It's the only way to live a life without regrets. Sonic isn't the type to articulate thoughts like this, but he is the type to have this philosophy, and think it so natural that he never thinks he needs to articulate it. It's a message he lives by and teaches others (including us, the player) without ever needing (or thinking) to say it aloud. He's too simple to say it aloud, but his purity puts the message across. And this extends past the character into the games. This message is something we learn from playing the games, with their fast pace and their general themes (in both story and gameplay) of freedom, chaos, energy. >To live a life of power, you must have faith that what you believe is right, even if others tell you you're wrong. The first thing you must do to live a life of power is to find courage. You must be ready to reach beyond the boundaries of Time itself. And to do that, all you need is the will to take that first step. All the stuff I said about the first quote still applies. Something the character would never think to articulate, but he clearly lives by this message without thinking about it, and others, including both characters and players, learn it from him and from his games. Also, this quote kind of makes clear that in a way, these quotes did continue with the vocal tracks starting in Sonic Adventure. >To live a life of power, you must have faith that what you believe is right, even if others tell you you're wrong. >It doesn't matter now what happens, I will never give up the fight. >The first thing you must do to live a life of power is to find courage. You must be ready to reach beyond the boundaries of Time itself. And to do that, all you need is the will to take that first step. >As long as the voice inside me says go I will always keep on running. There is no way to stop me from going to the paradise. Place all your bets on the one you think is right. "Ask not what others can do for you, but what you can do for others." --- Sonic This one is simple enough that I could actually see him saying it, and it happens to be the one explicitly attributed to him. Which also makes it hilarious since it implies he's basically a JFK-tier influence in his world. I'd argue that even (or especially) early materials show that Sonic is a celebrity hero in his world, so I suppose that makes sense. >Sonic races through the green fields. >The sun races through a blue sky filled with white clouds. >The ways of his heart are much like the sun. Sonic runs and rests; the sun rises and sets. >Don't give up on the sun. Don't make the sun laugh at you. Okay, that last line is a bit much. But let's read into this. This is the one quote that explicitly refers to Sonic, implying it's from an outside source. Third person narrator is the easy answer, but let's think more. Tails? Amy? Knuckles after the adventure is over and he's gained a respect for Sonic? Sonic Adventure would begin with Knuckles being quite contemplative, so I could see him actually saying stuff like this. "I don't know why I'm here, why this is my fate." But regardless of who the speaker is, let's look more at the quote. An extended simile between Sonic and the sun. But in the last line, clearly the sun is an outright metaphor for Sonic, and it displays his personality well. If you give up on the sun, it does not hurt the sun, it only makes the sun laugh at you. The sun will go on without you, it is a force of nature, and you can't do anything about it. Much like Sonic. He is a force of nature, chaos personified, and you can't do anything to stop him. So keep faith in him to save the day, keep faith in him to beat the game, keep trying and don't give up. If you give up on the game, the only one losing is you, not Sonic. Sonic will just laugh at you. Sonic is 3 deep 5 you. Again, much of this would continue in the lyrics of songs. I said starting with Sonic Adventure earlier, but one could say even with Sonic CD, the Japanese version, at least, since the American version was disregarding all this. And for anyone saying I'm looking far too deep into it, well maybe. But consider that the developers of these games were very detail oriented, with the manuals of the Japanese games very slowly building up Chaos from Sonic Adventure all the way back in Sonic 1. Consider that they bothered to make Knuckles' plot in Sonic & Knuckles take place after Sonic & Tails', even though it's not stated anywhere and only expressed through background details that the vast majority of people would never notice. Consider the famous amount of thought and effort that went into designing Sonic as a character, with a very clear design philosophy. You think they wouldn't apply that design philosophy to the character's personality and motivations, and to the game itself? You think they would just put details like this randomly, and not because they reflect that philosophy that is so central to the character, the games, and the series overall? I'd argue that these games were made by artists, and that type of thing is precisely what artists would do. I would also argue much of this philosophy can be seen in later games from the same developers, such as the obvious NiGHTS, and even the recent Balan Wonderworld. Clearly Naka and others are interested in this type of design philosophy. These quotes apply very well to all of their passion projects.
>>23907 >Victim blaming. He didn't summon the aliens. He just enacted a plan to save the world from them. Gerald said as much that he was the one to make contact with that Comet which he regretted in his secret confession video during The Last Story Although it leaves something of a plot thread that is never really answered. The Black Comet reaches Earth every 50 years and It's implied that they've been visiting the planet for at least 2,000 years given what Doom says about the Sky Troops temple. So what was the full extent of their relationship with the inhabitants of the world and Chaos Emeralds? Were invasions from them a constant thing for millennia but always repelled and/or couldn't find all the emeralds in time? How did they know about their power in the first place, being from space, wars with tribes during scouting?
>>23907 >Maybe they could have just asked what he was up to, to find out he was saving the world Yes, just trust the word of the guy working with evil aliens. He couldn't be lying or anything, no. Do you understand how retarded this is? >and Sonic Battle You mean the game that came before Shadow the Hedgehog and any mention of aliens? Which means, yes, we already knew Gerald was a good guy before Shadow the Hedgehog was made? That Sonic Battle? >He didn't summon the aliens. He did, actually. He was the one that made initial contact when the meteor flew by, only finding out afterward that they weren't nice. And the point is that he sucked at hiding it. His plan hinged on people not finding out about his dealings with the Black Arms, yet, again, a little boy was able to find out just by running down the wrong hallway. If people die because you weren't as careful as you should have been, the blame is on you, at least partially. >Well that isn't the plot of Shadow the Hedgehog But that is the point of having the evil aliens and Shadow's ties to them. It's to set up that he should be evil like them, but he decides not to be despite them being the closest to blood family that he has. >Considering there are hundreds of routes, you're wrong. There are ten. The way the game is set up, it doesn't really matter the specific level path that is taken, because they all have to be so generically written to account for the various paths that Shadow never actually develops until the last level and final boss you end up at. There are ten significant stories, with meaningless micro-stories randomly stringed together between the start and end. Whatever conclusion Shadow comes to isn't narratively affected at all by the levels you take, it's only affected by their arbitrary placement on the level tree. You could go right from Westopolis to an end level and you wouldn't feel like you missed anything concerning Shadow's development, because there's nothing there to reflect what Shadow has gone through and how he changed because of it. He's a good guy now, or he's a bad guy now, but how he got to that point has no significance whatsoever. >so him maybe being a clone (or even a robot) is central to the whole story It isn't, and you admit you know it isn't. Hell, Lava Shelter and its endings are so divorced from the rest of the story that they're only there probably because the writers knew people were expecting a follow-up to Heroes' plot. The Black Arms have no involvement (despite being arguably the most important faction to the game's story) and G.U.N. gets a single mention. It is entirely focused on Eggman's little corner of the world and nothing else, not even having any enemies beyond his robots (despite the fact that one of the missions has you working for him). >Well considering they had a comics arc about them and Mephiles hasn't That was mainly up to Ian and Archie, not Sega. Sega never had that close of a hand in the comics until IDW. And given Mephiles still gets merch, unlike anything from Shadow the Hedgehog (and '06 got a stage in Generations, unlike Shadow), I'd say Sega really is less proud of Shadow than they are '06.
>>23910 >You could go right from Westopolis to an end level and you wouldn't feel like you missed anything concerning Shadow's development, because there's nothing there to reflect what Shadow has gone through and how he changed because of it. He's a good guy now, or he's a bad guy now, but how he got to that point has no significance whatsoever. But this is wrong. You get to see him decide to be more good or more evil because you are making those decisions for him. The endings aren't just placed arbitrarily. They're placed based on how good or evil you've chosen to be. And ten endings does not equal ten routes. There are an absurd amount of routes.
>>23911 >You get to see him decide to be more good or more evil because you are making those decisions for him Then that isn't Shadow making those decisions, that's you, and they really aren't reflected in any way beyond which levels you end up playing, which don't really reflect Shadow's current alignment in of themselves. Shadow himself never reflects on his alignment beyond what he's immediately feeling, which he can suddenly do a 180 on at the player's whim. If you scrambled the placement of all the levels between the first and last ones, nothing would effectively change in the stories, because the events and decisions in one don't affect the next. Shadow always starts Sky Troops hanging out with Black Doom like he's siding with the aliens, regardless of his previous decisions. Shadow always begins Lava Shelter deciding he must be an android, even if you take a path that gives him no reason to believe as such. No matter how you end up in a level, it always plays out the same way. You can go full evil, or zigzag between moralities a bit, and GUN Fortress will still start the same way both times, progress the same way, and end purely based on what mission within that level you completed. This kind of story choice and progression might work for a game where you make your own character or the character acts as a player avatar, as you're ultimately the one who determines why that character would make such decisions, but Shadow isn't your character, he's Sega's. Shadow the Hedgehog is effectively a random story generator out of isolated pieces, where the player's brain is used as the randomization algorithm.
>>23899 >Shadow is an OP character, this guy is an alien version of him. Alien, so his design feels similar but like it doesn't completely belong. What you explain may make sense but doesn't really make it any better. Additionally, gathering some of the more controversial traits of a character to make another is bound to create just the same criticism. >>23908 This is similar to what I've written above, you can find a way to explain them and shove them until they fit in the Sonic universe but ultimately to any player, specially before Sonic made a name for himself and before the games had the means to express character traits well, these are just generic philosophy phrases that outline well known ideas from philosophy that have been repeated ad nauseam through time, and to me at least come off as very condescending when I just wanted to play a damn video game. Even here where we know what Sonic is about it's just a much simpler explanation that they were plastering the boxes with the phrases because they thought it was 2deep and a good message for the kids rather than something that requires a wall of text to explain which they have no reason to assume most would understand.
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>be preparing to play a gens mod >looking into the game's folder to install the mod >find weird looking folder and start exploring it >eventually get into a folder that has a bunch of files which are named after achievements or something >open them one by one in notepad >every one of them says the same thing <CONGRATURATION! YOU SUCSESS! <A WINRAR IS YOU! >mfw
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>>23914 congrats man, looks like you success good job, winrar
>>23915 Get kicked Silver.
>>23916 ow, what the heck, man
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>official 30th anniversary poster >unstoppable for generations
>>23919 there better not be an HD remaster of Gens on the way
>>23920 How can you do an HD remaster of a game that released on HD systems?
>>23921 well I guess it would just be a remaster then
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>>23920 I was thinking Gens 2 but your idea sound even worse. On a second thought Gens 2 but done properly could be good. >>23921 If they thought of charging for Super Sonic in Lost World I'm sure they'd find a way to sell it.
>>23912 >Shadow himself never reflects on his alignment beyond what he's immediately feeling, which he can suddenly do a 180 on at the player's whim. He reflects on them as much as you do. You are Shadow. Your thoughts are his thoughts. >Shadow always starts Sky Troops hanging out with Black Doom like he's siding with the aliens, regardless of his previous decisions. Because through the whole (until the endings) game he's not supposed to be 100% decided, and all sides are trying to court him. >This kind of story choice and progression might work for a game where you make your own character or the character acts as a player avatar, as you're ultimately the one who determines why that character would make such decisions, but Shadow isn't your character, he's Sega's. All characters you play as are your characters. You never have complete 100% customization of a character in a video game, you're always bound by constraints, technical or creative. Here you get to customize how he goes through this particular dilemma. >>23913 >gathering some of the more controversial traits of a character to make another is bound to create just the same criticism. You mean Shadow being OP is a controversial trait? He's evil Sonic. He's as OP as Sonic. I don't see why that would be controversial. Especially when there have already been a bunch of characters roughly as OP as Sonic before him. I guess in Shadow the Hedgehog itself he is able to toss cars, which is pretty weird, but that's never really referenced in story, and I don't think we're supposed to think he's actually stronger than Sonic. Also at the end he's immune to the alien knockout gas, but whatever. That's a pretty specific trait and I wouldn't say it makes him OP. It just made him the one guy who could deal with that particular situation. >you can find a way to explain them and shove them until they fit in the Sonic universe but ultimately to any player, specially before Sonic made a name for himself and before the games had the means to express character traits well, these are just generic philosophy phrases that outline well known ideas from philosophy that have been repeated ad nauseam through time, and to me at least come off as very condescending when I just wanted to play a damn video game. It's precisely because we didn't know much about Sonic yet that those quotes are useful. They express philosophy that relates to and reflects the character and game's design philosophies. Of course they do still come off as ridiculous, and I was partially dissecting them for the comedic value of acting like a pretentious college professor when dissecting Sonic the Hedgehog box art, but in the end, I do still ultimately stand by my conclusions. There were artists making these games and those boxes, and this is how artists think. Sonic (not just the character, but the series) in particular had a lot of effort put into its visual design. Also, I didn't come to a Sonic the Hedgehog board to not unleash cosmic-level autism about Sonic the Hedgehog.
>>23921 Ask The Last Of Us or God of War 3. Neither they nor Generations reached 1080p at 60fps on their debut consoles. >>23923 You mean Forces?
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>>23924 >You are Shadow. Your thoughts are his thoughts. No you aren't. Shadow is Shadow. You're just puppeting his body around. Just because you have control of a character doesn't make them wholly yours to direct in all facets. Sonic Team is still the one writing him. They're still the ones controlling who he is. You're just directing his actions within the limits they give you. And you can see this clearly in the fact that there is a single canonical ending that's not explicitly connected to any part of the rest of the game, making any decision you make entirely meaningless. Sega decides who Shadow is, not you, and it's their obligation to explain why he is who he is, not the audience's. You honestly sound like a fanboy trying to defend every little aspect of the game, coming up with any explanation you can to claim it's all okay and nothing is wrong with it. Shadow the Hedgehog is flawed, by a large amount. The story has flawed writing, in no small part due to the level structure. The gameplay has issues, particularly with some level designs and mission structures. Would you defend '06 like this, too, saying all the plot holes in it are okay because you can think of an explanation for them all?
>>23926 >No you aren't. Shadow is Shadow. You're just puppeting his body around. Just because you have control of a character doesn't make them wholly yours to direct in all facets. No, you don't wholly direct him in all facets, but the very premise of the game is still that you are him. The intention of the game is to have you think about the things that you see in the story and then allow you to choose how you would react. The intention of the game is to have you pretend to be Shadow. The intention of the vast majority of video games is to have you pretend to be the player character. Now, you can say you don't think it succeeds, that's a subjective opinion that you'd be entitled to, but it's very clear what the intent is, and it's not at all unusual. I would argue that Shadow actually does it much better than most games. It's one of the best at that particular goal. However, I do agree that the "choice" aspect in general is ultimately a gimmick that does not overall improve this game or any other. Shadow's one of the best at it, but that doesn't mean much. That said, I don't think it significantly makes the game worse, either (though in many other games, I think it does). The ability to choose your different paths through the story is kind of cool, and allows a little more "role playing" than most other games of its genre (and more than most games that label themselves RPGs), but that said, I don't think that's something that makes the game really excellent or something. I'm just saying that it's very obvious what it's doing, and it's weird for you to not get it. >And you can see this clearly in the fact that there is a single canonical ending that's not explicitly connected to any part of the rest of the game, making any decision you make entirely meaningless. The Last Story or whatever it's called is the part that takes away the choice aspect. That doesn't mean that the rest of the game doesn't revolve around it. I don't think it invalidates it, too. Obviously not every ending can be canon, especially the ones where you shoot Sonic in the face. That doesn't mean that you can't still enjoy the journey. >Sega decides who Shadow is, not you, and it's their obligation to explain why he is who he is, not the audience's. They explain why he is who he is at the beginning of the game, then they give you the various situations in the game, and let you take a relatively high amount of control. Past those points, he is who he is because you decided to take him in that direction. This isn't hard. Then they do the Last Story at the end for the fanboys, and they take the control back and tell you why he is who he is there, in that story. But in the other ones, you have a significant degree of control, and it's the entire premise of the game. I can't believe I need to explain this to you. I know you've played the game. It's weird that you can't get something so simple. >You honestly sound like a fanboy trying to defend every little aspect of the game, coming up with any explanation you can to claim it's all okay and nothing is wrong with it. The particular things you're mad about are stupid. If you just said the physics and level design were mediocre, I'd agree. >Would you defend '06 like this, too, saying all the plot holes in it are okay because you can think of an explanation for them all? That's not what I'm doing with Shadow. I'm simply explaining the very premise of the game, or of character based video games in general, to you. For the record, my defense of '06 is mostly just that the most common complaints of the game are bullshit that casuals who never played the game got from e-celebs, while the real complaints about the game are largely ignored. That said, if you were to harp on about the story (since that's what we're talking about with Shadow), then I would defend it. It's fine. The story is not the problem with that game. I mean, I wouldn't have given Sonic a human love interest, especially since Amy is in the game and there is a mission where you choose between them for no reason (probably because the game was unfinished and the mission was supposed to lead to different levels or something), but that's a relatively minor point. The overall story is still fine. Sega heard casuals saying Sonic never had a story, and should be like Mario, so they were like "fine! You want Mario! Sonic has to rescue a princess over and over again! How do you like that!" Then they put all the real autism into Shadow and Silver's stories, which are actually pretty good. I also hear people complain about Silver being a retard and everyone getting different hedgehog based characters confused, but that's pretty par for the course in this series, and if Knuckles can be tricked by Eggman in like five different games, and Amy can keep getting Sonic confused for every other hedgehog shaped creature despite the fact that she is herself a hedgehog and began as a palette swap of Sonic, then I can accept this. I think I heard people pointing out that one of the Chaos Emeralds, if you follow its story, is technically in a time loop, but this is top tier autistic nitpicking, and while I love me some Sonic autism, I'm not about to pretend like this is an actual big problem. Also, due to the timeline getting erased at the end, I'm not sure if that time loop even matters. Maybe. I'm not about to play the game again to check. But that's because it's an unfinished alpha prototype with mediocre physics and level design and a bunch of side content that doesn't work, as well as unbearable loading times (the loading times are the real biggest problem with the game, and it bothers me how little people talk about them).
>>23925 >You mean Forces? Yes, I got them mixed up it seems. Hadn't they done something else terribly jewish with Lost World though?
>>23928 Of course there was DLC and a Limited Edition that came with its own exclusive DLC that I think was something as stupid as ten free lives or something else that doesn't matter. But I guess I prefer that over DLC someone might actually miss. Came with a shiny cover for the limited edition, though, and I do like that.
>>23929 Oh yeah. Didn't they also release a patch to address some balancing issues? If memory serves they added back the +1 life at 100 rings. and possibly something else. Have they ever had to do something like that for any other game?
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You guys ready for Sonic Forces 2?
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>>23931 >Second pic
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Say whatever you want but Colors was fun. Anyone up for a /fast/ Generations speedrun contest?
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In other news SoJ has been shooting itself in the foot quite spectacularly lately. The non fungible whatevers is specially retarded and it's mind numbing to think people would think this has any value whatsoever, plus it's something literally no one has ever asked for. How much money could they even make from something like this? It's just so greedy. >SEGA Sammy Group is actively working on diversity management, thinking that understanding and respecting the diversity leads to new business creation. >mfw https://archive.is/8Vb0J https://archive.is/ZFIH7
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>>23934 Reclaim your foreskins Sonic bros.
>>23936 I'm baffled by your post. Not that I don't understand wanting to keep overly /pol/ posts out of the thread, but we're on "too extreme for 4chan" site #2. It's like telling someone to go to tumblr after they post blatant racism. And that post wasn't even particularly bad, even comes across as satirical given the text along with it. Do you understand where you are?
>>23937 I don't mind the nazi flag but the rest of the post reeks of something a cuckchanner would post. It's just gibberish.
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>>23938 It's because the traffic is slow here. With higher traffic, you'll get more shitposts because on topic shit is talked about and discussed so frequently that anons will occasionally run out of things to say so they'll just post dumb shit. I wouldn't worry about it anon.
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>>23939 I don't think so. Do you really find posts like that on the rest of the site? I sure don't. Can you find me a single post (let alone one worth a damn) where someone on this imageboard uses bros for instance? No one does that here. There's not even a single occurrence in the last 14 #GG threads on the /v/ catalog, which is the fastest and most shitposted thread on the whole site by far and that's almost 10k posts. I think it's cuckchan lingo and I've only seen niggerpill user it here but whatever, I'm not going to drag it further. Have some mini fan comics.
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Ever since sonic became story driven everything went for the worst. Not to mention the inferior redesign.
>>23942 That's a pretty gay take anon.
>>23942 Sonic was never story driven, but I know you're trying to refer to Adventure, since it's a point that's been said many times before. However, Adventure was just the culmination of the story arc that ran through all the previous main-series games. Yes, it utilized the ability to have dialogue and cutscenes, and it tried to incorporate adventure game elements, but that was a one-game thing, and Adventure 2 went back to straight action gameplay. Of course, starting with Colors, Sonic wasn't allowed to have a story anymore, even though it had one since the start. That's the only real change in the series in regards to the plot.
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>>23942 Music and vocal tracks are pretty good though and the redesign is awesome. Honestly considering the franchise is still quite relevant 20+ years later I think it could have gone a lot worse and without having some more meat to the games the franchise would have faded into irrelevance long ago.
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>be making backups >sanic folder weighs 15GB >this doesn't include games or shows or anything official How much fast do you have in your favorite shitposting device?
Weeeeelllll, my general media folder is a little over 5 gigs, the reaction images folder is 90 megs, the fangame folder is 20 gigs, the PC Riders iso is 1.8 gigs, I've got S&ASRT with all dlc except Simon, SA2+mods, SADX+mods, Sonic CD Steam, Sonic Forces, Sonic Generations+mods, and Sonic Mania Plus installed through Steam, I have almost every Sonic console game rom and iso, a little over 8 gigs of music, the DVD release of The Movie, aaaaannnndddd 6+ gigs of porn I never actually look at. These are all spread through various drives, internal and external. It probably takes about 70-80 gigs total, though a good chunk of that is from Forces alone (how is that game so damn big? Is it just all the customization stuff?).
>>23948 meant for >>23947, obviously.
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>>23947 >>23948 >using multiple folders Pathetic
>>23948 I have no idea how you can live with just 90mb of reactions. That's probably just a few hundred pictures.On the other hand you have more fangames than I could even name. Forces is just 8Gb on my end and compared to most modern games that's barely anything. I've probably got as much porn as games in terms of size >>23950 >using multiple folder is pathetic <contains: 500 folders
>>23951 >Forces is just 8Gb on my end How, one of those optimized pirated copies? Forces on Steam is 17 gigs, over double what Generations is. Also I forgot I had enough mods installed to bump the actual size to 22 gigs.
>>23952 >How, one of those optimized pirated copies? It actually was. >mfw Ready for Forces 2 at 40GB? That's gotta be a lot of fast at least, right? >spoiler Huh, never thought to check for cool Forces mods. Anything interesting?
>>23953 >Anything interesting? Yes, in terms of how much they actually go out to change shit (there's one that even adds a boss fight against Chaos 0), but it all feels like band-aids over a much more grievous problem, in practice. If you don't think Forces is a good game, they aren't going to shift your opinion.
>>23951 >500 folders Those are just random files. I have no specific sorting system in play, I just memorize titles and post them.
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Here's your dose of awkward fancomics for the weekend.
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>>23956 >Here's your dose of awkward fancomics for the weekend. Oh boy. That brings to mind, we ever gonna go through Chaos Diamonds here? The first time was pretty fun.
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>>23957 >Tails as Knuckles >Blaze as Rouge I am erect.
>>23958 If that's what I think it is then I think I was there for that storytime but I didn't really pay any attention because they looked really shitty.
>>23846 Following up on that emulation comment: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9gxNL4XrEzI
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>>23964 Damn, even though there were some slowdowns here and there it was actually playable! I can't wait to try it again once I can update my stuff. The game looks really beautiful when it's running smooth at 60 fps. It only took 12 years for that to become a possibility, lol. Speaking of Unleashed/Apotos here's a video of someone going really fucking fast, though this is in Unleashed Project.
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>Watching through SATAM for the first time >Get to harmonic Sonic wat? This entire episode is just on a whole other level compared to the rest of the episodes thus far.
How funny is it that now we know there'll be games next year but not whether there'll be any this year? Are you ready for another year+ of literally nothing? >>23967 I never got around to watching most of the shows for some reason. I've only watched Sonic X and Boom fully, and a few episodes of the rest of the shows when they were being streamed on /sthg/ eons ago. Thinking about it there's one of the shows that I've been wanting to watch for a long time, I think I'm gonna go grab it and watch it and make a few webms to post. I don't even remember which one it was and I haven't ever sat down to watch it but hearing Long John Baldry's voice here and there already made me a fan.
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I want to cum inside Cream while I have her tied up and crying, begging me to release her only to kill Vanilla in front of her and cum inside her corpse. Will Vanilla and Cream be featured in Sonic Prime?
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>>23970 >No games coming out this year AW FUCK!
>30 years old sonic is an old ass man now
>>23973 >"I-I'm still 29 though..." >"I'm still young, right?"
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>>23974 He's wearing the wrong hat. Here,
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I'll take this as an omen for the future of the franchise.
>>23976 there are so many cool things that could make into merch and they choose a toaster
https://yewtu.be/watch?v=Ix9tE_v8ROg Always fun to watch model and level design imports like these to see how different or similar the games are between each other. >>23976 I think it's overpriced for what it is, too. 30 USD was it?
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>>23977 Seriously. It's even more baffling that this was started by some situation that happened on the streams which only a few people watch. Considering it's an actual appliance that uses a fair amount of energy it must be a huge headache to produce compared to producing a t-shirt or some other regular merch item, yet that's what they went for. Aaron was bringing up the Big waifupillow on stream very often, there's no way he wasn't trying to make that happen too. In their defense though I think merch has gotten slightly better in recent times. Some of the not so popular characters have gotten merch, and in general the designs are more interesting in stuff like tees. >>23978 >embed What was that throw he did in webm related? I've never seen that before. >30 USD was it? I seriously doubt it. Sonic merch is expensive, with $30 you'd maybe buy plushies or t-shirts.
>>23979 He was using the optional Magic Hands' upgrade ability from SA2. People say it's not useful since you need to stand still to do it and caps your speed like what happens when holding anything else in that game, so you don't definitely don't see it in speedrunning, but I love pulling that move from time to time because it's funny.
>>23980 The problem with Magic Hand is that it's the only move in the game that is literally not required anywhere at all. I don't mean in speedrunning terms where you can find sequence breaks and glitches to get around needing to use the Sunglasses or something. The game never expects you to use Magic Hand to accomplish any goals. The inclusion of at least a single place where you had to break something using it would help. But then, why couldn't you just break it by jumping at it like normal? They really just ran out of ideas for new moves to give to Sonic, especially since he had more levels, and thus more moves, than Shadow.
>>23981 I'm almost certain there is like a single mission where you do need it.
>>23982 I've 100%ed the game many times. There isn't. Now that I'm thinking about it, I can't even imagine how you could make it mandatory. It gives you an item to throw, but when would Sonic ever need to throw an item in this game? And it's not an item that you'd need to place in a slot or something. It would only be useful for destroying something. But you'd have to make a situation where Sonic couldn't destroy that thing but the Magic Hand object could. I'm not sure if the objects created by the Magic Hand are immune to things like Electricity, or if they'd be destroyed. Maybe you could make an Electric Force Field and need to throw the thing through it to destroy something. Having just a small hole to throw it through or something wouldn't work because the aiming isn't nearly good enough to not make that a huge pain in the ass.
>>23983 I thought there was a mission where you needed to grab a certain object and bring it to a place, but apparently I was mistaken.
>>23984 That does happen, like in Sonic's Pyramid Cave, but that's different from Magic Hand, which is an attack where you turn an enemy into a tiny little orb that you can pick up and throw. You don't "grab a certain object." It sounds like Magic Hand is so useless you forgot it even existed, or were not aware of what it actually was in the first place. It's not just the ability to pick up objects.
>>23980 I've always been curious about the upgrades and wanted to find some more of them and try them out but I didn't enjoy the game and the moment I was done with the story I dropped it like a brick. No bully.
>>23986 You really aren't missing out. All the optional upgrades are either lame or just basic buffs. The only interesting ones are Knuckles's and Rouge's scopes that let them see and interact with invisible things, but those are only useful in the extra missions.
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>>23987 Yeah, maybe, but they look interesting and they're a part of the lore. Also they look cool on fanart so I want to try them out. Pictures unrelated.
>>23986 >>23987 He is missing out, but not because of the upgrades. Story Mode is basically just practice. The real meat of the game is in the "Extra Mode," where you retry levels for higher ranks, and discover that each level has five missions, each with their own ranks. Getting A Ranks on ever mission is the real point of the game. The levels are actually very intricate, and getting A Ranks on every mission is very satisfying. When you master every level, and find how well the level design flows, they become much more fun than the first initial run through story mode. Also, I would argue the only real lame power is Magic Hand, but if I were going to say any other was lame, it would be Knuckles and Rouges' sunglasses. They look cool as fuck, but as you said, they're only useful in a couple of the extra missions, and not many. The Mystic Melody basically only exists so you can find the Lost Chao in every level, but at least it is useful in that one mission in every level. Well really now that I'm thinking about it, most are just situational, like the fire somersault just being a way to halt you from getting through a few spots earlier in the game, and some are just things like better offense/defense for the mechs. The only one that I'd say actually changes the way I play, and not just in a situational way, or just because it's mandatory and then used all the time, is the Bounce. That one is useful in general situations, if you know how to use it, but only actually mandatory a couple times. Anyway, most of the special moves are mandatory anyway, and out of all the secret things to look for in the game, the moves are the least interesting. But you're missing out if you only play story mode.
>>23989 See, I feel the extra missions are where the game falls apart. Unless you really, really like SA2, it's going to get tedious, especially with missions like the ring collecting ones that feel like padding. Hard mode variations can have some bullshit, like the Rouge one where you have to get a monkey to bomb a cage, but the monkey can easily blow itself up and force you to restart. And then there's the fucking kart extra missions with their incredibly strict time requirements. All the cracks in the game begin to show once you start going for extra completion.
>>23990 I don't think the ring collecting missions feel like padding. In a usual playthrough, rings aren't worth many points, and you usually don't have to focus on them much. Now you focus on getting rings instead of getting to the end. A good way to make you play the level in a different way. There are a couple Knuckles or Rouge stages that I don't think are that enjoyable with it, ones where there are too many rings that need to be dug for in spots that are almost random, but those are only a few levels (Death Chamber is the only one that immediately comes to mind). I don't recall the moment you mention with Rouge, but don't monkeys throw bombs? They can only blow themselves up if you are carrying one and walk into a bomb, right? I've beaten the game a ton of times and never run into the problem of a level becoming unwinnable like that. Generally, I like the Hard Mode missions as exactly what I'd expect from Hard Mode in a game. Little things that make you show you've really mastered the level and know all the ins and outs. Knuckles and Rouge's Hard Mode missions lack replayability since they don't have random emerald placements, but they're cool for making you reach the hardest spots. The last emerald in Rouge's last level really drove me crazy as a kid, though, since it's the only time in the whole game you're absolutely required the Screw Kick, so I didn't even know that move existed. >kart missions Yeah they aren't very good. They aren't good in the regular missions or the extra missions.
>>23991 >They can only blow themselves up if you are carrying one and walk into a bomb, right? Nope, this one is in a constrained space where the bomb can bounce back and catch it in the blast range. I believe Egg Quarters is the level in question. I remember it being very aggravating.
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>>23989 >Story Mode is basically just practice. The real meat of the game is in the "Extra Mode,"
>E3 2021 just got bigger, with game publishers and developers Square Enix, Sega, Bandai Namco Entertainment, Xseed Games, and Gearbox Entertainment confirming their attendance >E3 2021 will take place June 12-15 >Sonic's birthday is June 23rd. Surely they're planning a big reveal r-right? https://archive.is/ub7nC
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>>23994 There better be an announcement for something and please don't let it be an announcement of an announcement or an announcement of a new mobile game
>>23995 >announcement of an announcement Oh god why did you have to remind me
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>>23966 Looks like everybody has seen some shit.
Also just found this image. It's old so it's missing Infinite (reminder they gave him heterochromia) and I can't help but wonder who they'll introduce in the next game and how ridiculous it'll be. And speaking of Forces, I can't find in my files the comics they did before the game released, does anyone have a copy at hand?
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New Tangle & Whisper merch. They're really pushing these two.
>>24001 Yeah, they are. I think those two have now had more merch than some prominent characters featured in several games like Zavok. Most of the items are really low effort though. Do you think we'll see them push other characters too, like Starline or the skunks?
>>23993 It's true, though. Sonic was always made to really shine in replays, as you master the levels and find new, cooler feeling ways to beat them. Adventure 2 incentivizes this the best with the extra missions that all serve to help you get really good at the mechanics and levels, and then the A Ranks to incentivize you to really master everything. Then there are good unlockables spaced properly apart to keep you trying to get all those missions and A Ranks. The only other game with unlockables as good is Generations, and it's too easy in general. Also, no other game in the series has had a Ranking system that works as well, with as many factors contributing to your score in meaningful ways. It's not just speed, but also chaining enemies and item boxes together, for example. That might sound counterintuitive, to have Sonic not be all about speed, but it makes the game way more fun, and makes it feel way more satisfying than just deliberately skipping as much of the level as possible. There are a couple times when you actually want to take a longer route to get a higher score, but it feels satisfying in practice. Granted, not every mission type does this, some are just about speed. Those ones aren't as good. The Extra Mode has, on the surface, five times as much content as Story Mode. But it's not really like that, because yes, not all the missions are as much fun or content as the first missions. But there is also getting the A Ranks. That adds way more content to the game overall. The lack of replaying levels in Story Mode means you miss really trying to get the A Ranks. Again, Sonic has always been about replayability, and the Ranking system is where you can learn just how well the levels were designed for that purpose. It goes for other games by the same team, too, like NiGHTS. NiGHTS' story mode is just an excuse plot. The real point is replaying levels over and over for better scores. Sonic Adventure 2 is the same thing.
>>24002 I think Starline has the best chance, though the puppet girl might get pushed by virtue of her being a good guy.
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>>24003 >The only other game with unlockables as good is Generations, and it's too easy in general. This is really a shame. It actually did feel good, but it was way too easy. >>24004 Yeah, puppet chick feels like she might be heading that way, but at the same time she doesn't yet feel like a character that will be present in lots of issues like the other two.
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In today's news, some new merch promotion is coming towards the end of the month, Sega's Chief Strategy Officer teases new Sonic game announcements soon™, and Sega gets called out for being mobilefaggots and then promise more console releases starting next year. https://archive.is/NSb7b https://archive.is/1Jwky
>>24014 Always nice to see Sonic getting parodied in newer media. That character looks better than most Sonic ocs
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>>24015 It's funny (and frustrating) how Sonic is featured so much in other franchises' shows yet Sega's effort in that field has been rather infrequent and for one reason or another disappointing. Thankfully they're gonna try their hand at it again but we'll see how that turns out, it's barely been announced and it's already brought down a huge shitstorm, but damn if I don't want a good sonic show. >That character looks better than most Sonic ocs I actually hate that design, it's a long shapeless noodle.
Johnny's new album with Hardline titled Heart, Mind, and Soul will release in July and they just posted a music video for their song Fuel to the Fire. Johnny looks so old, but he definitely still has his voice. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rc3Ikk4As8U
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Hot damn, doesn't this sound like it's right out of a Sonic game?
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I can't believe there are people who find infinite's design unironically cool. It's like a parody of an edgy oc. In fact I got the impression that was intentional.
Looking for a link to an archive of the Sonic fan comic where Sonic has ptsd, wears clohtes and looks like a hobo, has a philosophical conversation with Eggman, and then gets cucked by shadow. Mostly black and white pencil, not porn. Please help.
>>24021 Anon there are people that defend Rise of Lyric and 06. The Sonic fanbase is huge and there's always going to be someone defending things no sane person would.
>>24024 I haven't played Rise of Lyric, but I will defend '06. It's bad, but 90% of the complaints people make aren't the actual reasons it's bad. They just parrot shit they heard from Game Grumps and not the actual problems that make the game shitty. So I'll defend it from their false complaints, then tell them it's bad for different reasons. However, Infinite and the entire Forces story reads like a parody of mid-2000s Deviantart fanfiction, rather than a sincere attempt to make something like the Adventure-era.
>>24025 I played Sonic 06 at a friend's house on XBOX 360 quite possibly in 2006, and I didn't finish it, we played a few levels or something and it was fun, but then I had to go home, and we never brought it up again. Shadow the Hedgehog, on the other hand, we played more than once, and a lot of multiplayer. 06 is unmemorable, Shadow is high tier.
>>24022 The one where Eggman saw what the future would be like if he won and decided it wasn't worth it, and Sonic was worried he'd lose his edge if he loved someone? I remember that, although I don't remember what it was called. Was it storytimed here or something?
>>24022 Cursed to live an eternal life without ever finding out what that comic was. SUFFER!
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Okay nerds, news time. The Sonic Channel story for June has been published and it features Sonic and Metal Sonic. Story: http://sonic.sega.jp/SonicChannel/special/coverstory/20210521_002562/ Translation: https://pastebin.com/ZujZcpb3 (this month's story starts on line 548). Sonic is making a collaboration with some shady Chinese mobileshit game called Ulala, see attachments. Somehow none of the pages relating to that game have been updated in years. I have no idea how games like that land a promotion with Sonic. A few online outlets have published listings for a 'Sonic Collection'. Among those outlets are the one that leaked the Sonic Colors remaster a few weeks ago (>>23834) https://archive.is/gwfBc
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>>24032 Sega published their reports detailing last year's company performance. Somehow, Sonic came out as their best selling franchise despite not doing anything to deserve that, kek. Coincidentally, it's the first time in 14 years that Sonic is on the cover of the report. They also realized that they have a big library of recognized titles that they're not using and mentioned that reviving their old IPs is now part of their strategy, and included a list of some of the IPs they're considering using more in the future. Them mentioning rebooting them does not sound so encouraging however. In terms of their strategy, they also mention that they intend to make their existing IPs into global brands (specially focusing on emerging markets), which now puts some context into them creating new social profiles for Sonic for other regions a few weeks ago, however their reasoning for this is shit and seems to be based on their assumption that cloud gaming and subscription based games are becoming more popular so people in those regions would have easier access to their games. They also mention a lot that they seem to be going to focus on creating 'Super Game', whatever the hell they mean. I'm just going to imagine they're going to create bigger Sonic games so that I can set myself up for disappointment in a few years.
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>>24033 The report also mentions that Sonic Prime is going to be an anime, which almost made me jump off my chair when I saw it because somehow no one else seemed to notice this but I refuse to get excited and attribute it to a mistranslation. Lastly the reports contains a lot of drivel about diversity and LGBT shit and a lot of bullshit about them being worried about gambling addiction while mentioning how much they love the pachinko money and how they just got a license to sell casino equipment in Nevada. Oh, and they disclosed how much the Satomis made from Sega, which amounts to some 53 and 30 million dollars or so.
>>24032 >Sonic Line Stickers Are they downloadable on (((Whatsapp)))? It's the only one I use. Also that's no Sonic Man, can this game.
>>24014 Why does the parody look more appealing than the cartoon itself?
>>24034 >Sonic Prime Sonic Boom 2: Electric Boogaloo?
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IT'S almost HAPPENING NIGGERS Stream in two days to hopefully kick this shit off! https://archive.is/mKT1q
>>24038 >Evan Stanley is in the commercial GOTF becoming canon when?
>>24038 I think this deserves its own thread. Is sega going to learn from their mistakes and make a GOOD game? Only time will tell!
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>>24040 >Is sega going to learn from their mistakes and make a GOOD game
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Sega's firing on all cylinders with this. They're even announcing it on the JP channels and it seems they're either going to retransmit the same stream or do another one at the same time. I might see if I can set up a watch.8ch.moe stream for tomorrow but I can't make any promises.
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Now Roger is back on board. What the fuck is even happening? What the hell was that all about? https://archive.is/LKsqn
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Patrick Spaziante returns to Sonic Comics with this very on-point variant cover for the 30th anniversary book. Speaking of which here's a few preview pages from one of the stories.
>>24044 Thanks that clears it up.
>>24046 sorry, my shit was fucking up and it just replied on its own, oh well.
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>>24038 During the last scene of the video there are flashbacks to a number of games and trailers. The flashbacks in order of appearance are: 1. SA2 2. Sonic movie 3. Unleashed trailer 4. Generations trailer 5. ?????, crop related 6. Sonic 2 7. Sonic Forces 8. Colors intro What the actual fuck is 5? Doesn't look like Lost World either, they completely shoved that game under the rug.
>>24025 The story is bad
>>24050 I disagree. I actually like Sonic '06's story. Not my favorite, but it's fine. Sonic having a pseudo-romantic relationship with Elise is stupid, especially since it's half baked, as evidenced by the mission where you choose between Elise and Amy for no reason, since there is seemingly no difference to what happens no matter what you pick. That said, Shadow and Silver's stories are cool. Especially Shadow's. I hear nitpicks like how apparently one of the Chaos Emeralds is technically in a time loop, but I don't give a shit. That's a tiny detail and time loops are cool. Even worse is when people complain about Silver being stupid for thinking Sonic could be a bad guy, but I'm willing to accept that in a series where Amy continuously confuses anything vaguely hedgehog-shaped for being Sonic, despite the fact that she is herself a hedgehog.
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>Today is 27 years from the release of "Sonic 3"! ✨ >Let's get on the early summer with cool memories of nostalgic "ICE CAP ZONE"! 🍧 Sonic has confirmed sensitive teeth. Next his knees will give in and they'll ache after a jog.
>>24052 Looks more like a brain freeze to me.
>>24052 I wanna make cummies on his tummy so fucking bad. Also, apparently the announcement tomorrow is only going to be 12 minutes long. So prepare to be disappointed I guess.
>>24054 If true then it's not really what I was expecting given how hard they advertised this but it'll ultimately come down to what they do with those 12 minutes. Mania's announcement probably lasted less than that and it was amazing technical issues included and managed to send waves across the fanbase. If the material is there to back them up 12 minutes could potentially be enough.
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>>24049 >crop related So what has the fanbase speculated so far? Those few seconds are more than enough to send them into a frenzy
>>24057 INB4 mobile game
Just 3 hours and a half. >>24057 Last I saw yesterday most people were thinking it was footage from the next game. If it isn't they did a really good job fooling everyone, kek. If it is then I think it looks pretty good, I swear it looks kind of like something you'd see in Unleashed in one of the jungle levels so I think it's great. It perhaps looks a bit less colorful than I'd like but it's just 500ms of video (literally 15 frames with some luck) so it could be anything. It also reminds me of the Colors intro, at the beginning there's also a sequence where Sonic runs through Planet Wisp and at one point the camera looks at him from the same angle, and that was a lot more colorful and not so drab too. >>24058 God damn shut up nigger you're gonna fuck it up.
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3 hours to go and 3500 people waiting already. How many viewers do you think it'll get and how big do you think this will blow up? How much do you think the social media team are shitting their pants? People were really pushing them for news every single time they could, this will be another make or break kind of situation.
>>24060 Looks like I'll be going to bed before it airs, gotta love timezones. Not that I expect to be missing out on anything.
1 HOUR LEFT >>24061 How? Even Japan gets it at a reasonable 1AM.
They're literally putting Sonic everywhere I like it
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The Colors leak was legit. They're putting movie stuff in it and there's a 2 part animation coming along with it. About time they put this in other platforms I guess.
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Well that was... an attempt. It's nice to see that there are things going on but man they tried really hard to dodge what everyone wanted to see. It's been biting them in the ass for months and this is only going to make it worse. They've been teasing for literally years and they're going to start losing engagement if they just keep teasing without actually delivering. Not just that, but they missed the actual anniversary inb4 b-but Sonic is 30 until June next year. The next game is going to be in 2022 and I think this is actually going to be the biggest stretch of time without a main game in many years (since the 90s maybe?) Now then, the trailer. >>24049 was actually a tease of the full thing we got today. The problem is that the trailer is basically meaningless. It's a real pretty CGI but that doesn't really tell you anything about the game itself. Although I dig it a lot because I'm a huge sucker for pretty pictures with modern Sonic in them I can't not mention how it reminds me of some of the proof of concepts fans made years ago where they imported a Sonic model into a realistic Unity map. The fuck is this symbol though? God damn I'm so hooked up fuck WHY
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>>24068 Here's the Colors trailer and the animation preview. Just realized this is the first of these they're making that actually has voice acting, and interestingly it seems the VA catastrophe of a few months ago has been averted judging by the voices being their usual ones. Not completely digging the coloring of the animation but I'm always happy to see more of these get made. I also seem to have almost missed their announcement of Sonic Origins, which kind of matches the Sonic Collection leak we had previously. It seems they're going to include pretty much the whole classic saga, with Sonic 1, 2, 3&K & CD available. They also mention added content and features which if true could possibly mean that they've resolved the rights issue that plagued Sonic 3&K before.
>>24069 Oh fuck I just noticed this is an Epic store exclusive apparently? Holy fucking shit how can they get so many things so right and always end up fucking up trying to lock things down like this.
>>24070 Tim probably threw a bunch of cash at them. That's his MO, toss millions (of probably Tencent's cash) to devs/publishers for monopolistic exclusivity deals and then whine about how every other digital storefront is a monopoly.
>>24071 Considering how they've included Denuvo in everything they've done for the past several years it's equally possible that they were the ones to approach Epic thinking it was a great idea.
>>24072 I don't see how it's any different to them than selling through Steam exclusively like they've been doing for a decade or so. EGS doesn't offer any extra DRM or anything that Steam doesn't, and it definitely doesn't have the consumer-base Steam has.
Nothing happened
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>>24069 >colors2.webm from 0:19 - :23, Sonic's gloves and shoes are a different color multiple times. What do you guys think they mean? >>24068 And speaking of Colors 2, the effects in the CGI made that the first thing that came to mind. Which wouldn't be a bad thing in itself as long as the game takes all the right notes and improves from the other Boost games something Forces should have done but didn't
What do you wanna bet the versions of Sonic 1 and 2 on Origins aren't even as good as the iOS/Android versions released years ago? Knowing Sega, I wouldn't even be surprised if they don't include the HD version of Sonic CD. That said, even if they did include the best versions of all those games, and made an equivalent version of Sonic 3 & Knuckles, I'd still be slightly disappointed, simply due to the fact that they released compilations with way more games almost 20 years ago. At this point they should be including the remakes of Sonic 1, 2, and CD, along with an equivalent upgrade of 3&K, as well as the rest of the games that were included on Sonic Mega Collection + and Gems. Otherwise this is just a worse version of those. Frankly, the upgraded versions of the classic games should have just been extras on Sonic Mania Plus. Those upgrades are the things that lead to Mania in the first place, and it's not like Sega hasn't republished them in collections of dozens of games dozens of times before.
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>>24076 >Frankly, the upgraded versions of the classic games should have just been extras on Sonic Mania Plus. They shoulda just been included with Sonic Discovery instead of having silly remake levels.
>>24068 It looks like Sonic has a weird Wisp Boost thing now. He already had that before but I guess this one's different.
>>24079 it also has red digital lines in it. Cyber Sonic?
>>24080 It must be the work of the Phantom Ruby. This Sonic is an evil clone illusion and must be defeated by Shadow, the real protagonist, in Shadow The Hedgehog: Discovery Forces Mania. Screencap this. They're sure to announce it later.
>>24073 No one should be forced to be associated with a company that belongs in no small part to an authoritarian regime dedicated to limit what people can think, do, or believe. This isn't even going into the contradiction of how Sega is supposedly so worried about minorities and faggots and whatever while supporting a regime like this. The fact that they're making strides not in making their products more accessible but in making them harder to reach for the consumer is additionally an anti consumer measure and only a fool would encourage or celebrate it, or anything relating to EGS.
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>>24075 >Sonic's gloves and shoes are a different color multiple times Oh wow, I thought I had fucked up the encoding but it's actually there in the real thing and taking a closer look it seems it's a new feature, there are several textures and maybe a few slightly different designs. Maybe they are taking a page and some assets out of Forces. Good eye anon. I also never noticed there were cars below the floor in Tropical Resort. >the effects in the CGI made that the first thing that came to mind Yeah, the white aura also reminded me of Colors. >>24076 >I wouldn't even be surprised if they don't include the HD version of Sonic CD. If they do plan on adding new features like they said they would I think it'd be the easiest to use the latest versions. I think they are already familiar with the code at least of some of those as I remember them doing some fuckery with ads year ago.
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>>24068 >Boost is back Well at least I have Spark 3
>>24084 >Spark 3 it's already in development?
>>24032 >SONIC x ULALA
>>24084 Didn't Spark 2 end up being almost as shallow as any regular Sonic game?
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>>24068 >The fuck is this symbol though?
>>24068 How can you be excited for literally nothing? They've had no meat to release for literal years. The disappointment cycle continues. It's astounding how they knocked it out of the park with Mania and have done everything possible to ignore that victory since so they can go back to the old routine of slowly hyping nothing.
>>24089 I don't know anon. I guess I'm happy there was nothing outright nightmare inducing like it's become frequent, or even offensively bad. There was a bunch of small bits and pieces to keep busy with for a while and the trailer for the new game was pretty and engages my imagination. Watching the fanbase reaction is also fun and exciting even if people reasonably have reservations.
I'll just leave this here...
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>>24091 >could turn into Knothole Freedom Fighters the game <won't because fuck popular squirrel and bunny lmao <won't feature first party bunnies nor raccoon either because we don't understand our fanbase at all
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Someone seemingly got their hands on a video file for the trailer which still had some embedded metadata and if legitimate it would imply that the name or at least codename of the 2022 game is "Sonic Rangers". It seems there might also be additional sources for that name and not just the video. Then someone searched 4/v/ archives and it turns out someone was talking about having playtested a "Sonic Rangers" game back in January this year. https://archive.is/N5x2m Among the things the supposed leaker said were that the game is open world and there was some sort of cyberspace theme, which is sort of like what was seen in the trailer. It was also said that the game was very rough and not looking great. On the Sonic Colors front, Famitsu released some images that seem to imply Tails will be playable, which got everyone excited over something that amounts to a simple mod that likely already exists for the original game. https://archive.is/P1IUe (images didn't get archived, great). This game feels like it's being marketed like a mobile game would advertise its overpriced digital currency >The Standard Retail Physical Pre-Order ($40) includes an exclusive Baby Sonic keychain (not available for PC because PC is Epic exclusive :^)). >The Digital Standard edition ($40) includes the Sonic Movie Boost, giving players an electric boost and aura as seen in the 2020 Sonic the Hedgehog movie, plus exclusive player icons >Finally, the Digital Deluxe version ($45) allows you to jump in a few days early on September 3 at 6 p.m. Pacific / 9 p.m. Eastern, plus exclusive player icons, the Sonic Movie Boost mentioned before, special gold and silver gloves and shoes, and the Ultimate Music Pack featuring three original game remixes. This is being developed by Blind Squirrel Entertainment and not Sonic Team and other than the new cosmetics and a new wisp which allows Sonic to go through solid objects, there's a race mode against Metal Sonic. https://web.archive.org/web/20210528032104/https://www.gameinformer.com/2021/05/27/sonic-colors-ultimate-sprints-to-modern-platforms-this-september >>24091 Faggot.
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>>24093 The supposed leaked trailer was 4K high and bitrate so have a slightly compressed but still fuckhuge trailer video. Also have the bizarre trailer Sega dropped today for the Olympics game. The textures on Sonic look really good, I imagine they somehow used the real suit which looks just like that for some footage to add into the game and I'd love to see some backstage footage since that must have been funny.
>>24091 I would take these claims with a grain of salt. It's easy to take a few kernels of truth and weave a web of bullshit around them. >>24092 >because fuck popular squirrel and bunny lmao Popular? You realize SatAM/Archie fans are only a subset of the fanbase, right? >because we don't understand our fanbase at all Most of the fanbase isn't obsessed with Cream or Marine, no. In fact, a lot of people familiar with Sonic are still going to go "who?" when asked about fucking Marine of all characters. I'm willing to bet more people recognize Sticks and would even assume Marine was a young sticks if presented a picture of her. Your personal desires don't reflect those of the entire fandom's, anon. I'm pretty sure I saw you over at /v/ bitching about the lack of rabbits, as well, as if Sega was deaf to some loud demand for them that you have conjured up in your mind.
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>>24093 >Faggot Guess you weren't fast enough?
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>>24098 why is he blushing
>>24091 >Ghost girl Are they talking about the ghost from the werehog short?
>>24099 Because this is what he sees.
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>>24100 I highly doubt they'd be talking about Lah as she was never even in a game and it'd be really random, but now that I think of it, it makes a lot more sense he'd be talking about Tikal from Adventure 1 which is an interesting thought considering all the rumors about either another Adventure-like game or a remaster or just getting stuff related to the Adventure games in general.
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Some more collabs with other properties. Despite the lack of news regarding the new game it seems they went through a lot of trouble to give Sonic visibility on his anniversary. They've also announced a wrist watch from Seiko.
>>24104 >Sonic X Kenshiro I don't know what the fuck but I love it.
Missed the trailer but read the thread. There seems to be nothing worthwhile that's going on right? Because it seems that way. New watch is cute though. Hope it's not too expensive.
>>24106 It's up to (You) really. In terms of the new game there was barely anything, but I'm looking forward to the animations and specially looking forward to the Crush40 concert. I haven't played Colors in years so I might consider giving it a spin when it releases in a couple of months, if it can even run on wine. I would love if they gave Colors a proper translation instead of whatever the hell they did but that would probably involve major changes so I'm not hopeful. I also enjoy reading about the little bits and pieces that are slowly surfacing regarding the collabs, merch, and the speculation.
>>24107 >but I'm looking forward to the animations We already new about sonic prime, which means that only one animation was announced that we didn't already know about. Which is just going to be a cheap miniseries. Sonic Central was a pathetic disappointment.
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>>24091 >>24093 ruh roh >Sega mentions Sonic Rangers in its own press release https://archive.is/fFagS
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New Sonic Channel pic! >Amy takes out her favorite raincoat and umbrella to take a walk in good mood in the Sunset Heights, which is soaked in the gentle rain. Under the rainbow sky shining alter the rain, she finds little happiness growing on this place, and can’t help herself but smile... It’s soon the rain season (in Japan). Even on rainy days, let’s go out in a nice fashion! Amy is cute
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>>24117 >More whisp bullshit
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Some pictures from the Colors remaster and the Wii version.
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>>24119 Some models seem to be rendered in much higher resolution but I think it makes the game look rather sterile.
New concept art revealed for the story of the upcoming Sonic Rangers game.
>>24120 Really? The original just looks like a 3DS game to me by comparison. The lower polygon count isn't drastically different enough to make it look much different, it just looks slightly worse. I could see your point if this was a Spyro Reignited deal, but it's nothing like that. And at least they're actually doing something beyond increasing the rendering resolution and maybe adding some post-processing effects. They could have just done that and called it a day.
>>24122 Don't you see how some effects like the water transparency in the first set are gone and how the colors are all washed out in the webm?
>>24123 Notice the post I replied to said that the higher res models made the game look sterile.
>>24124 But you said >And at least they're actually doing something beyond increasing the rendering resolution and maybe adding some post-processing effects. They could have just done that and called it a day. Which implies the outcome in general is good or desirable. Regarding the higher res thing, I don't think it specifically affects the game at large negatively judging by the rest of the pictures but in that close up picture where the difference clearly shows, the removed blurriness makes it feel less full. I'm not sure how to put it, it feels like something's missing from the scene, everything's much sharper and perfectly defined and it feels a bit awkward. Perhaps I'm just too used to the way it used to be, or just biased from the other pictures. Either way it's not really the biggest worry. Things are a bit sketchy right now regarding what's current in terms of where in the development process the game is right now, so I'm still hopeful it'll come up alright.
>>24125 I just meant that it's not a lazy repackaging as an "HD edition" like a lot of 3D game re-releases are. They're actually putting some work into it.
>>24126 Yeah, that's true. I wonder how much of that is due to them actually wanting to upgrade it and how much it's just a technical need for the port, or maybe even to cut corners given the result. I wish they would have found a way to add more levels, Colors was fun despite the criticism.
>>24119 I literally can't tell which of your pics is from which version. This is how it goes with basically any "remasters." It's completely pointless. The only times you can tell the difference, it's only because it's worse, like the Spyro remakes someone mentioned above. >>24127 What criticism? Colors was widely loved upon release, and got very positive criticism. The negative criticism is from Sonic autists only, and they were drowned out for years before you could hear their criticism. I'm one of those autists who thinks it's one of the worst in the series. But I acknowledge that I'm in the minority.
>>24031 Damn you. Damn youuuuu! >>24028 Yeah, that one, probably. Was storytimed on /v/ once or twice in 2019. You wouldn't happen to have a link or something, do you?
>>24132 >Was storytimed on /v/ once or twice in 2019 Have you tried looking it up in an archive? If you remember specific posts or phrases you'd have it easy.
We sinking Just in time for the birthday.
>>24136 >birthday Guess I should get off my fat ass and make something. Who's birthday btw? Sage's or Bump's?
>>24137 >>24136 Aaaaand I just remembered their birthdays are one after the other
>>24137 Not theirs, Sonic's! Though /sthg/'s is the month after and then the mascots' are the month after that. Make Bump art regardless you faggot
>>24139 >spoiler I'll be drawing both of them if I can
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>>24142 God damn, an off panel. What a blast from the past.
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Today there was a Summer Game Fest stream and they teased part of the Sonic 30th Anniversary Symphony. Holy shit this sounds so good. I'm a huge audio nerd and this gives me a boner. I really really hope they play the Colors final boss tune because that's such a fucking amazing composition and I really want a higher quality recording of that. Honestly I was rather indifferent to the idea in at first but god damn I want this now. I wonder what Ohtani will be DJing because I feel there's a real chance it's gonna be quite an awful contrast, and also his last performances weren't great and he tends to play stuff from Forces which also isn't precisely amazing.
New footage from Sonic Colors Ultimate. The new scenes from Planet Wisp really help sell the remaster, the backgrounds are super blurry on the Wii version. They should have done the initial announcements with this stage. I've never even realized there were actual wild wisps on Planet Wisp. It's also been confirmed Tails won't be playable and that the Tails icon on the UI is a new feature where Tails can pick you up and save you if you fall into an endless pit. Iizuka claimed they made the game easier so that it's a good game for kids new to the franchise due to the inflow because of the movie and the recent games. I just hope it means they'll allow the 2022 game to actually not be completely dumbed down. Youtube has higher quality options for some reason. >Planet Wisp https://yewtu.be/jpjiY664akY / https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jpjiY664akY >Asteroid Coaster https://yewtu.be/P758rgleQ5Y / https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P758rgleQ5Y >Tropical Restort https://yewtu.be/8uGQYxUm-yY / https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8uGQYxUm-yY
>>24158 As if Sonic Colors isn't already the easiest game in the entire franchise. How damn easy could they possibly make it?
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Iizuka did an interview for Gameinformer and there are a couple of interesting sections in it. https://archive.is/7YdrL The classic games that are going to be released for Sonic Origins will have some new features and support 16:9 resolutions >However, Sonic Origins will have features that not even the Sega Ages versions have. Not only will the playable game area be in the 16:9 format, but it will also be a multiplatform release of a title containing Sonic 1, 2, 3 & Knuckles, and CD. Look forward to hearing a lot more announcements about Sonic Origins in the near future. Seems the next game is going to be kind of a landmark. I wonder if they'll really shake things up and create something with as much behind it as e.g. Unleashed. >Ever since the release of Sonic Forces, Sonic Team in Japan was trying many different approaches to deliver a next-gen Sonic experience. While celebrating 30 years of Sonic titles and thinking about what the modern gameplay experience should be for a Sonic title, we also needed to think about what path forward we should plan to take for the next decade >I do believe we will see an advancement in what a modern Sonic game can be >>24155 >I wonder what Ohtani will be DJing Well this is no longer a concern, he'll be playing in a regular band and not DJing, which is actually pretty cool and I'm looking forward to what they end up doing. https://archive.is/BI0vy >>24168 >How damn easy could they possibly make it? Well they're practically eliminating bottomless pits for starters.
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I don't know if it's legit or not but Penders appears to have sold to people the copies he submitted when he screwed over Archie. Holy shit this dude.
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>>24176 That couldn't have possibly been cheap. They're also doing another crossover with Legends Revive, mp4 related what the fuck was that? kek Anyone baking the birthday thread? Tomorrow's finally the day. I need to grab me the exact time of tomorrow's concert later to make sure not to miss it.
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Brand new Sonic game coming through.
>>24177 Sonic's dead. He let Ken get a hit in. Two hours from now Sonic is going to be enjoying a chili-dog when his head suddenly explodes.
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>>24178 Imagine being this /slow/ >>24179 Sonic has revived and is alive and well in the NEW THREAD >>24181 >>24181 >>24181 >>24181 >>24181

Quick Reply