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Sonic the Hedgehog discussion

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Anyone alive here? Anonymous 04/15/2023 (Sat) 15:53:32 No. 25549
Hello, I have a question. I've been wanting to start drawing commissions instead of going homeless. Of course, unless you're willing to draw furries, you're screwed. Thankfully I love Sonic and MLP and would be even willing to draw NSFW stuff. The thing is I don't know where to look and where the place to advertise myself are. Usual furry sites usually are about disney style snout shit. Where can I find the autismos that'd be willing to pay do their donut steel drawn? Also if you're still here. You guys should move to sleepychan or any other site. A fresh start is what this board needs.
>>25549 >advertise myself Today you probably have to build recognition on social media sites by doing their retarded rituals like participating in popular topics and threads to get attention, then through exposure or networking you get commissions. Still worth a try to maintain a presence on sites where there might be sonicfags present though, like IB, pixiv, and I think there might be a writefag site or two.

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