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Hey. This is the furry board. We'll see how this goes, alright? Sister-Wives of /fur/: 【Comfy】|【Vidya B】|【Fast】|【404- RIP】

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How times have changed Foebyx 08/13/2023 (Sun) 20:37:01 No. 7849
Hello everyone who reads this! It is crazy to me how the furry fandom has changed since the early 90's (yes i know im an old fart, feel free to make fun of me) i remember back in the 90's there was a website for "animal men" as it was called back then because there was no such thing as a "furry fandom" back then. Sadly i forgot the name of the website over time but i remember everyday getting home from school and going on my old Windows 3.1 and going on this old imageboard (although there were no images only white text with a changing colour background) and hoping that nobody put a paperclip in the socket which would cut me out of the website. I love this website. Thank you!
>>7849 >imageboard >no images Do you mean textboard? Or maybe an old BBS?
>>7849 Can you remember any specific artists who posted there?
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>>8282 はい,アノン です。
>>8959 I still use inkbunny and SoFurry since some people post stuff there exclusively to this day.
>>8959 A few of them. I don't like sites that are locked behind mandatory accounts, and e621 is a site proven again and again to be run by malicious cunts. /furi/ was pretty alright the last time I visited, but I just read the announcement that they're owned by Hotwheels now. He posted n8 fatfag images in there, wew It's probably still a decent board but I don't want to put too much trust in the guy who DDoSed 8chan to death.
>>8959 Haven't thought about some of these in a while. By the way, you can reach Ychan on https://ychan.net/ now.
>>8959 >http://e621.net/ Owner has very illegal/immoral ties, has a blacklist of artists, and constantly changes tag to be politically correct. Use The Permanent Booru instead (Tor link): http://owmvhpxyisu6fgd7r2fcswgavs7jly4znldaey33utadwmgbbp4pysad.onion/ >ttp://www.furaffinity.net/ >https://inkbunny.net/ Wasn't it leaked that the admins of those sites were legit pedos?
>>9431 >Wasn't it leaked that the admins of those sites were legit pedos? who cares?
>>9572 >Legit pedos How though, exactly? I know that FA, especially Dragoneer, was a virtue-signaling fuckwad out to please his handlers. He literally let his site get run and curated primarily by soppy asshat dildos for years. ROT IN PISS. But how was Dragoneer a pedo, anyway?
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