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Virginia Opossum Thread Toshiaki 12/23/2023 (Sat) 19:15:15 No. 8806
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Virginia_opossum The Virginia opossum (Didelphis virginiana), also known as the North American opossum, is the only opossum living north of Mexico, its range extending south into Central America. It is the northernmost marsupial in the world. In the United States and Canada, it is typically called a possum.[5] It is a solitary nocturnal animal about the size of a domestic cat, and a successful opportunist. Opossums are familiar to many North Americans as they frequently inhabit settled areas near food sources like trash cans, pet food, compost piles, gardens or housemice. Their slow, nocturnal nature and their attraction to roadside carrion make opossums more likely to become roadkill.

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>>8806 >the virgin opossum vs. the Chad Thylacine
They aren't my favorite species, but the right artist can make them look cute, even sexy. Hladilnik draws opossum characters I really like. Glopossum, also.
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>>11398 These RTX On examples are getting more wild.
>>11398 >>11398 I just did some research and learned that the opussy is very much unlike the human version, to the point where a human-sized opossum lady would probably not be physically compatible with human males at all. I would still try to make it work because I'm up for the challenge. Also, oh no I love her. Also I was curious enough to do more research. Opossums are mainly active at night, and at dawn and dusk. They have very poor eyesight, at least during the day, though their night vision is good. They can be domesticated if hand-raised, and are playful, affectionate, and cuddly, though they lack the instincts dogs and cats have for housebreaking. Though the zoologists say their brains are small and primitive, people say they're as trainable as dogs, maybe more so. They are very big eaters and not very picky, which makes them prone to obesity when people domesticate them. They are found mostly but not entirely within the southeastern US. Their markings and coloration make some people think of mimes or goths. They make odd sounds, and they play dead to trick predators. They have prehensile tails, which offer intriguing possibilities (possumbilities?). So I think it would be very likely the average opossum girl would be a chubby nerdy wannabe goth chick from a trailer park. She would act really high-strung until she got to know you. Then she'd be really mellow. Since I couldn't find something that seemed appropriate, and I can't draw, I made some AIslop. Her name is, uh. >Virginia Opossum Virginia. And she wants you to come to the used record store with her to look for a certain old Joy Division album. She seems like a a sweet young woman, doesn't she? Well, she's a bit chonky, but she carries it nicely. Say something nice about her.
>>11406 >I just did some research and learned that the opussy is very much unlike the human version, to the point where a human-sized opossum lady would probably not be physically compatible with human males at all. Explain?
>>11407 https://www.opossum.org/gtuovh.html If I am reading it correctly, and I may not be, they have two orifices that correspond to what we think of as a vagina, side by side, each with its own connection to the womb, and either a single uterus that is split into halves or two separate ones, depending on definitions. They also have a third channel between them that is strictly a birth canal, which is some bird cloaca level weirdness. Male opossums are described in some sources as having two dicks. I am not brave enough to look for pictures of that, though. I did find a meme.
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>>11408 I was brave enough. I think i got it?, the male`s bifurcated penis penetrates both vaginal tracts, the sperm swims from there onto the ovaries and become baby opossums that crawls through the birth canal to the outside.
>>11412 In the world where anthros are real, Bad Dragon has a section of their website just for opossum women. ("Do you mean toys specifically for them, or toys imitating them?" "Yes.") Or we could take the boring choice and say that, as they are like humans in so many other ways already, any differences are limited to those that we would find funny and/or sexy. There will be no completely unconquerable physical incompatibilities. Opossum gf may keep her credit cards in her pouch and hang from the ceiling by her tail to take a nap, but there will be no waifurs dying from eating common human foods--at most chocolate might give doggo gf an upset tummy. There will be no tragic automobile accidents in which a colorblind waifur misunderstood the signal lights. All of that stuff is Right Out.
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>>11408 >>11412 >>11413 I don't know man, marsupials are just weird. If there were actually sapient ones up and wondering about they'd be into all kinds of weird shit, I'm sure. Like the lewd gesture for them would be using 3 spread fingers in one hand and doing half of the Bloods hand sing in the other.
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