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#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Non Kike Christmas Carols Edition Anonymous 12/04/2021 (Sat) 22:30:01 Id: 65f0cd No. 111580
ONGOING DISCUSSIONS: >Nathan Grayson leaves Kotaku to join the Washington Post's "Launcher" section https://archive.is/9hqq0 >Kotaku: "Sega Changes PSO2 Name To Something Less Borderline Racist" https://archive.is/XwXUd >Guilty Gear Strive censors mention of Taiwan and other countries https://nichegamer.com/2021/06/22/report-ai-kayano-voice-and-credit-removed-from-azur-lane-and-arknights-after-chinese-outcry/ https://archive.is/qTQD3 >Factorio developer attacked by SJWs after he refuses to denounce man whose programming advice he linked and denounces cancel culture https://nichegamer.com/2021/06/20/attempts-to-cancel-factorio-dev-backfire-players-and-positive-reviews-swell/ https://archive.fo/S9SyH >Voice Actress Ai Kayano's lines removed from Azur Lane and Arknights after Chinese people object to her visiting Yasukuni Shrine https://nichegamer.com/2021/06/22/report-ai-kayano-voice-and-credit-removed-from-azur-lane-and-arknights-after-chinese-outcry/ https://archive.is/qTQD3 >Five Nights at Frieddy's developer Scott Cawthon retires after SJWs and game journalists attack him for donating to Republican politicians https://archive.fo/wCpMC https://archive.fo/Fe8Ey >Quinton Flynn Replaced as Kael’thas Voice Actor in WoW; Despite Judge Ruling Sexual Misconduct Allegations Came from Obsessive Stalker https://nichegamer.com/2021/04/19/quinton-flynn-replaced-as-kaelthas-voice-actor-in-wow-despite-judge-ruling-sexual-misconduct-allegations-came-from-obsessive-stalker/ https://archive.is/Dj5a5 >A petition to deplatform once cancelled game "Six Days In Fallujah" started by Hala Alsalman receives game industry developer and figure support; gets stealthily updated https://archive.is/h6Da1 https://archive.is/eSpno CURRENT TASKS: 1. OPERATION TRAJAN: Collect and catalog all of the various localization and censorship accounts of past video games into a single repository from these sources: romhacking.net The_Cutting_Room_Floor/tcrf.net Segaretro.org https://yewtu.be/channel/UCFItIX8SIs4zqhJCHpbeV1A Examples: http://archive.vn/XQOHW Sony's policies forces censorship; JP devs allegedly have to go through ENG approval process: https://archive.fo/awzFF Japanese blog post about it: https://archive.fo/bF9bE Sony Japan President Says PS4 Censorship Policy Is To Match Global Standards And Protect Kids https://archive.fo/U3GLa -Confirms censorship was deliberate https://archive.fo/XgAgP -No rules for censorship policies, games judged case-by-case https://archive.fo/37DhK -Marvelous partner starts petition against policy https://archive.fo/rxQtf https://archive.fo/84UHo •Twitterfags: Tweet with Sony's stock code $SNE so that investors see your tweets and know you're pissed. •Consider spreading OP Timber materials to targets as well. http://archive.vn/URjtu ONGOING TASKS: A. Operation Download And Conquer: Loosen the death-grip of Google that has taken hold of the internet's audio and video services >>>/t/5546 B. Support archive.fo! Accountability needs proof: https://liberapay.com/archiveis/donate C. OP DisNod: Contact the FTC and advertisers about violations and unethical practices
[Expand Post]http://archive.vn/9bylT D. Internet Censorship happenings: Spread the word about the dangers of FOSTA/CLOUD act/Article 13, etc. https://www.eff.org/de/deeplinks/2020/03/earn-it-act-violates-constitution E. OP End the Era: Dig into resetera and their connections to journos, devs, etc. http://archive.vn/JfuSb Reminders (important, READ THESE!): •Use https://archive.fo to deny sites ad revenue and traffic and preserve pages in case they are deleted later •Be civil if you have to argue with people on Twitter, Tumblr or any forum - don't make us look like douchebags •Do not accept requests for any goal, demand lists or personal army requests: https://pastebin.com/p5dVp1e5 •Beware COINTELPRO: The Gentleperson's Guide to Forum Spies: https://cryptome.org/2012/07/gent-forum-spies.htm •STOP REPLYING TO BAITS AND OBVIOUS DERAILMENT ATTEMPTS, JUST REPORT AND FILTER Resources: >Summaries of #GamerGate:https://www.yewtu.be/watch?v=wy9bisUIP3w[-[Embed] #GamerGate - If It's Not About Ethics •https://www.yewtu.be/watch?v=5fnRSL3d_xU[-[Embed] #GamerGate in 60 Seconds •https://archive.fo/23Fde - GamerGate: A State of the Union Address >Background and Evidence for #GamerGate: •The #GamerGate Dossier: https://archive.fo/nv1Fb •#GamerGate Wiki: https://ggwiki.deepfreeze.it/index.php?title=Main_Page •History of #GamerGate: http://www.historyofgamergate.com/ •View the timeline links in the Current Happenings section! >Pro-GG developer explains reason for leaving project. Claims family issues rather than cancel culture are to blame https://yewtu.be/YBVyJhn5AGg >Game journo who wrote articles for Vice Waypoint and PCGamer calling for blacklist on Hogwarts Legacy over pro-GG lead developer: https://archive.is/7gsws >State of Decay 2 drama involving the "Punched Nazis" trait https://archive.vn/XsItt >Lists: •GG Steam Support & Boycott List: https://v.gd/vzRsRb •Key GamerGate Hubs: https://v.gd/LNJbat (Needs updating) >Thread Repository: https://gitgud.io/gamergate/gamergateop/blob/master/ThreadRepository.md https://ggwiki.deepfreeze.it/index.php?title=Thread_Repository Remember that other boards and sites exist for discussing and posting about hobbies, lewds, and other interests. To conveniently find these locations, regularly visit the board list: https://8chan.moe/boards.js >/vg/ under new management; alternative GG thread can be found there: >>>/vg/ >Full OP Text: •Current: https://ggwiki.deepfreeze.it/index.php?title=The_GamerGate_OP >How Can I Help? https://8chan.se/gamergatehq/ •All OPs: https://gitgud.io/gamergate/gamergateop/tree/master/Operations •OP Vulcan: Learn logical debating: https://v.gd/Kbzw0L •An Anon's Guide to Twitter; basics: https://v.gd/nwrbYF >Want to Contribute to GitGud or Wiki? https://gitgud.io/gamergate/gamergateop/tree/master/How-to-Contribute
bvisit /gts/ for big girls
Draw bane frames you lazy faggots >>>/bane/145754
>>111581 Where did she manage to get glasses her size
>>484627 Always the people against anime tiddies.
>>111584 I know, right? It's like you can spot the pedo just with his hate of anime titties or lolis.
>>111587 I don't get this, people ate the brown part of bananas since always, specially old people who survived the post war.
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PROTIP: Don't be a druggie loser like Seth Rogan.
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>>111583 I'm sure the glorious nation of nippon is dedicated towards making girls cute at any size, there's probably a military fund and military contractors or something earmarked for this kind of thing That or lenscrafters
>>111587 I don't get it.
To the one guy who played Black Souls 2 and keeps posting images of it: it drove me half mad to find the origin of the one song from that game.
>>484207 >The admins and BO's could easily prevent boards being filled with images of children if even the slightest amount of effort was made It wouldn't be difficult to purge such content since most of it is shared between the same few individuals (who would sperg out for a while and leave eventually for a less "rulecucked" place like they've done in the past). The problem is that the vast majority of the photos shared there are safe enough to be protected by the free speech rules of the site, and the pics that border the content tend to stay up for a while because each volunteer has a different concept of NSFW (to some pantyshots are fine, to others only if they aren't very noticeable, others will delete these pics on sight, sometimes they delete by IP or the entire thread, etc). This is why most legislators use extremely broad definitions that let them ban everything remotely sexual, but since 8moe isn't a court and the admins want to give everyone some degree of freedom a case-by-case basis is used. To get rid of these pedos you need to change the admins' concept of internet freedom to one where content is more curated, with the potential complications it could cause. >>484210 What's the name of that anime? I think I've seen porn of the kid with the cap before. >>484229 >You have no clue what you're talking about and probably don't even know what a PoW bypass even is if you think this. He's right. The PoW exists to increase the difficulty of getting a new "pass" (which is generated and renewed when you solve the mandatory daily captcha) by making your CPU solve math problems (the amount of time this takes depends on your device) before getting the actual pass. The Non-bypassable option in the ban form only serves to ban the current Bypass ID on top of the IP, forcing the user to renew their cookies and get a new pass (which may take several minutes if the PoW is enabled) in order to post again. It's only an annoyance if you want to post from 20 different IDs/passes.
>>484342 Both sides just want to be on top if the dumb masses actually let themselves be enslaved by the lockdown mandates, so expect women from all ages and old men to root for the walking corpse, hoping that they will all be the ones ruling the dumb masses.
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>>111592 >it drove me half mad to find the origin of the one song from that game. Just looking up the lyrics will tell you it's a parody created by the H.P. Lovecraft Historical Society. Going to the music section of their website and finding the song, they tell you the source of the paraody. I don't see how this is hard for you to find. What I want to know is if the medley of old songs for the Dodo fight was made elsewhere, or whether those songs were mashed up just for this game.
>>484615 >>484627 >The Senior Vice President of PSN George Cacioppo was caught by an independent pedophile hunting group known as "People v. Preds" for allegedly trying to meet with a 15 Year Old boy for sex. >15 >Pedophile Fucking normalfag retards thing underage == pedo. He's definitely a faggot, though.
>>111593 >To get rid of these pedos you need to change the admins' concept of internet freedom to one where content is more curated, with the potential complications it could cause. Except you wouldn't because Acid already buckled on his own principles by applying a no pictures of children rule to /hebe/. There is functionally no difference between /hebe/ and /b/ yet one has that rule and the other board does not. The concession was already made and the precedent set, the only issue now is that Acid is a fucking retard who doesn't apply his own logic and rules consistently. He accepts that there are contexts in which legal images of children can grossly inappropriate regardless and thus he banned them from being posted. Yet despite the fact anyone with a 3 digit IQ can effectively make that argument for every board on this entire site he just ignores this reality. Even he himself admitted his own inconsistency but had no answer for it. >It's only an annoyance if you want to post from 20 different IDs/passes. A ban blocking your ability to post for any length of time, be it 5 minutes or an hour is still more impactful than how they currently work, which is bans being completely useless. A board owner being able to configure a PoW bypass to take the length of time he wants would absolutely improve the impact of bans on users. There's nothing to debate here, you're just wrong if you disagree.
>>111596 I know I shouldn't reply to TORs, but the point is judging them by their same standars. You know, kill by the sword die by the sword shit.
>>111595 i ddint know any of those options were available i just went listening to xmas songs but kept getting shit like rocking around the christmas tree until i looked up choir hymns; hell i dont even know which song it is in the folder without listening to them since all the names are in god damn chingchong and even then theres 45 of them with the same name but just numbered
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>>111593 >What's the name of that anime? Kuma Miko >>484473
>>111596 >Fucking minors your kids if not grand kids age is not pedophilia >Tor This better be bait
>>111601 >Fucking minors your kids if not grand kids age is not pedophilia wat
>>111598 And the faggot's already been judged for his hypocrisy, by the normalfags. Nigger was a Sony exec, probably pushing or enabling Sony's attack on tits because, being a faggot, he didn't care about or hated them. I'd say good riddance if Sony wasn't so fucked at this point that it collapsing is a preferable outcome to it recovering. There's no need to be delusion and call 15 pedo here though.
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>>111580 Next GG thread, there needs to be some cleaning up of links since all of the articles are not ongoing discussions and the latest one is from july. There are discussions that are taking place aside from general faggotry but no effort is taken to put the links to articles in the thread. IMO all of the discussion linked articles can be replaced with relevant shit.
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>>111601 >15 and 18 isn't pedophilia >But 15 and 40+ is That's not how this works.
The Senior Vice President of PSN George Cacioppo was caught by an independent pedophile hunting group known as "People v. Preds" for allegedly trying to meet with a 15 Year Old boy for sex. >According to their LinkedIn profile, George is currently the Senior Vice President of Engineering with Sony Interactive Entertainment's PSN division and has been with the company since 2013. >A conversation with another decoy. During this conversation which took place on Grindr the decoy identifies themselves as a 14 year old boy. >I do not condone or encourage acts of vigilante justice. Doing so is extremely dangerous and potentially a crime. https://archive.ph/Jobcy 19-year-old man shot after attempted PlayStation 5 robbery >19-year-old shot trying to sell his PlayStation 5 console in Harris County, Texas -- the 'buyer' then shot the man, robbing him. >We all know how hot the PlayStation 5 console is, with Sony's next-gen consoles virtually sold out across the world. You can find them at times during flash sales, or pay scalpers fees... or you can try to sell your console and get shot for it. >A 19-year-old met someone who he thought was someone interested in buying a PlayStation 5 console, in Harris County, Texas. The PS5 robbery took place at around 1:30PM in the 8300 block of Gros Ventre Lane, where the suspect then pulled a gun and committed an armed robbery of the PlayStation 5 console. >The suspect ran away with the PS5 console after shooting the owner in his side, with authorities saying the man was rushed to hospital in a "stable condition". It's "unclear if any arrests were made" it seems, so someone is in the wild is enjoying a PlayStation 5 and doesn't mind going to prison for it. >KHOU 11 reports that the suspect fled in a gray Mercedes and that authorities have details of the shooter's social media accounts. Before shooting the PS5 owner and running away with the next-gen console, the shooter reportedly went into the PS5 owner's house to make sure the console was working. https://archive.ph/oZVjL
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In regards to the theme of the last thread that surprisingly no one talked about are there any instances of western media that first surprised you that were popular in Japan? I'm surprised that Borderlands did rather well there despite FPS games being rather a niche in the country and in non-video game examples that Hazbin Hotel Got popular enough that fan dubs were made of it in Japanese. Does anyone have any similar experiences? Pic unrelated cause I didn't have anything that fit the subject.
I haven't been on GG threads for a long time now, Is Tor fags just vanilla GGRevolt?
>>111603 Is still corruption of minors. 15 isn't even close to the age of consent in this depraved world.
>>111608 Both of them come here every now and then just to derail the threads with spam that get deleted eventually.
>>111605 A 15 and 18 year old fucking is not immoral. A 15 and 40 year old is.
>>111596 15 is kind of a weird borderline age case. Its safe to call him a pederast though.
>>111608 It's one or two trolling pedos, luciano and a couple of normal posters. In terms of volume it's maybe half to 2/3rds shitposts
>>111606 >trying to meet with a 15 Year Old boy for sex That's what you get for not purging the fags from your corporation. >>111611 You're a woman.
>>111605 >15 and 18 isn't pedophilia In a lot of US states it isn't. AoC is lower provided the partners are within 3-4 years of each other, I know my friend was dating a 16 year old when he was 19 and he didn't get slapped with any crime, even when they started doing it when she was 15 and he was 18. >>111612 >Its safe to call him a pederast though. Definitely, and a sodomite.
>>111614 >You're a woman. Did you forget to include an argument?
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>>111608 >Is Tor fags just vanilla GGRevolt Yes. Please contact you're local ni/gg/er overlord to ban tor. This is not a psyop. :^) >>111609 >Is still corruption of minors. Yes? It's still not pedophilia, and the anon that called it pedophilia in the last thread is failed normalfag >15 isn't even close to the age of consent in this depraved world. I suggest you take a look at the law. In the US, about 1/3 of states set AoC to 16. Outside the USA, many first world nations (Even before they were flooded by third world immigrants) have AoCs of 15. >>111611 >A 15 and 18 year old fucking is not immoral. A 15 and 40 year old is. Yes? It's still not pedophilia >>111612 >15 is kind of a weird borderline age case. Not only is it legal in many first world places, it's within the ephebephilia age range, 15-19. I can't recall what range hebe is, but I'm pretty sure the absolute highest pedophilia can go is 13, so it's not even borderline. >Its safe to call him a pederast though. He's definitely one kind of ped. >>111615 >In a lot of US states it isn't. Local age of consent does not determine what pedophilia is. How many levels of normalfag do you have to be on to genuinely think pedophilia is defined by the age of consent? Do you really think if I fuck a 17 year old a state where it's legal, then fuck the same girl in a state where it isn't that that would make me a pedophile? Is this bait? >>111613 You mean Lucario?
$160,000 worth of trading cards stolen from Hopkins memorabilia shop >Vintage card shops all over the country are being targeted as the value of the trading cards skyrocketed during the pandemic. >It was business as usual Thursday, for the team at Ultimate Collectibles in the heart of downtown Hopkins, just with less inventory than they started with over a week ago. >We know now that whoever broke in here was able to checkout the place, like disarm and get in.” >Sports card manager Kelly Wells says he showed up to work last Monday morning to a partially opened back door, but initially didn’t think anything of it. <Walked in expecting maybe somebody was here earlier to do a job and sure enough I saw the empty cases.” <Wells says $160,000 dollars worth of sports cards and Pokémon cards were stolen - he believes within a matter of minutes. >They took probably 80 to 100 thousand dollars’ worth of unopened boxes, they took everything out of our case, they took our vintage baseball singles - the guys like Mantle, Maris, that era of guys," said Wells. "And then they took all of our Pokémon singles.” >Vintage card shops all over the country are being targeted as the value of the trading cards skyrocketed during the pandemic. >We were at one point making 14 times a month what we were making in 2019," said Wells. "People had cards that they could look through now, they had things they wanted to sell or sets they wanted to finish.” <In some cases the demand for these coveted cards have gotten violent. >Target removed all sports and Pokémon cards from their shelves in May, after someone pulled a gun on a group of buyers at a store in Wisconsin. >When Wells was asked if he thought the heist was an inside job, he responded, "It's strange, it seemed like they had a lot of knowledge about what’s here and ... it's easy to say that it's somebody from the inside because some of what wasn’t taken is almost more surprising than some of what was.” >Wells is now having to play both card dealer and detective in hopes of tracking down whoever is responsible. >I'm getting pictures of cards texted to me and just hoping that they come up looking like ours but that has not happened yet.” <The store is offering a $10,000 reward for information that leads to an arrest or the return of the stolen cards. >This would’ve killed most of the hobby shops in the city. The size of this theft would’ve absolutely put these companies out of business," said Wells. https://archive.ph/gJz5E Pokémon cards worth estimated $50,000 are plundered from Missouri game store >A Missouri game store says it’s missing thousands of dollars’ worth of Pokémon cards after surveillance video captured two people breaking in earlier this month. Jerry Lathem has loved trading cards since the mid 1980s, KOLR reported. >He now owns Gamemaster — a game store in Springfield — which touts itself as having “the Midwest’s largest collection of unopened Pokémon and Magic The Gathering Trading Card Games.” >But in the early hours of Feb. 17, Gamemaster’s collection was plundered when two people broke into the store. <It happened around 2 a.m. >They broke all the glass out (of the door), completely,” Lathem told KOLR. “The top to the bottom. Just completely. Then the two of them, they sat here, and they were banging away at this glass and broke it.” Surveillance video posted to Facebook shows two people entering the building and walking through the store to a display case. >They stay at the case for nearly a minute before leaving. One person turns around and returns to the case for a moment then books it out the door. >We do think it was someone who has been in the store before,” Westfall told the outlet. “You can see they come straight in the door and walk straight to this showcase. Busted the glass out and start grabbing stuff.” >Among the items missing were a Pokémon Base Set Unlimited booster box, an Evolutions booster box, nine EX Sandstorm booster packs, 20 Fossil booster packs, two Roaring Skies booster boxes and a Darkness Ablaze theme deck. >Gamemaster told McClatchy News the missing cards are worth an estimated $50,000. <It kind of hurts losing something you can’t replace,” Lathem told KOLR. >Store officials filed a police report and are asking customers to keep an eye out for “any large or unusual Pokémon packs floating around.” >Other game stores in the area are also keeping an eye out for any stolen cards that may come through their doors. >James Bates, manager of Meta Games Unlimited in Springfield, said the gaming community rallies around stores that are burglarized. >It’s a crazy thing, Pokémon cards have had a huge resurgence lately, it is sold out everywhere,” he told KY3. “We typically will have people get us a police report number, and then we keep that on file here if anything suspicious comes through we call and notify them like, ‘Hey, this is in reference to this case.’” https://archive.ph/Qwy0G
>>111598 Agreed, especially because almost all censorship of Japanese games on playstation was using the excuse of 'protecting kids'. I don't see a reason to hold them to our standards when they are the ones with total control over what games we play.
>>111618 You've posted this same shit like fucking 12 times. Are you fucking retarded?
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>>111611 intercourse outside of marriage is immoral; the age difference and sex similarity just make it worse
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>>111618 >pokemon trading cards continuing to get stolen This has to be a pump and dump scheme
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You had sex with a girl who was 17 years 364 days 23 hours and 59 seconds old? YOU SICK FUCK!!!!
>>111607 >Does anyone have any similar experiences? Even after all these years it still surprises me how South Park of all things became so popular with fujoshi that the creators dedicated an episode to them and even made a gay couple canon. Hell, CC released a shit COVID special of SP where everyone is 40 years older, and fujos immediately began to mass-produce daddy/bara art of the characters and make up more ships. Another thing that surprised me is how some gooks and chinks got a liking for that Mexican cartoon Villainous, making anime-like art and shipping characters even when the show is only available in Spanish. https://nitter.ca/GOREGEvv https://nitter.ca/bastar24 https://nitter.ca/Evil_IceSama https://nitter.ca/Fish_san_XD
‘Battlefield 2042’ Has Lost 70% Of Its Players In Two Weeks On Steam >To say Battlefield 2042 has had a rough go of it since launch is an understatement, and players are fleeing from the game at such a rapid pace, its long-term sustainability might be in question. >Players seemed to universally think that Battlefield 2042 needed more time when it arrived for early test play, but it went ahead with its November 19 official launch all the same. >As expected, it arrived with technical issues and missing features players had come to expect from the series, and it has seen rapid declines in interest since then. >In just under two weeks since launch, Battlefield has lost 70% of its players on Steam, going from a peak of around 100,000 to 30,000, as of its peak yesterday. It’s only outperforming Battlefield V by 10,000 players or so at the moment, and being beaten by the likes of Faming Simulator 22, Payday 2 and Red Dead Redemption 2. >The concern is that if Battlefield 2042 continues this trend and its playerbase shrinks unsustainably, that not only affects things like matchmaking, but some worry EA will offer less support for it in the future. And this is a frankly bizarre conversation to be having just two weeks after a game like this has launched. >While Battlefield 2042 has plenty of its own issues, it certainly did not help that Microsoft surprise launched Halo Infinite during its release week, which sucked all the oxygen out of the room, and caused legions of players to flock to the rival shooter, which is free-to-play, over the paid Battlefield, a full $60 despite not including a campaign. >Battlefield 2042 was meant to be an experiment of what happens when you take a game like this, ditch the campaign entirely, and just focus on multiplayer. But EA’s desire to get it out for the holiday season at all costs meant that it simply was not ready for release, and DICE has had to spent a huge amount of time fixing its issues or promising to restore cut “legacy” features. >Call of Duty isn’t exactly having a super blockbuster year with Vanguard, but they lucked out with all the issues Battlefield 2042 has faced. The real shooter “winner” so far has clearly been Halo, even before the campaign release next week, where that game’s main problems are not technical or gameplay based, but only complaints about its battle pass and microtransactions, which are pretty easily remedied. >We’ll see what the future of Battlefield holds, but word is that DICE is concentrating solely on Battlefield, and leaving Battlefront on ice for a while, and we’ll see if they can get out of this 2042 era slump next time around. Or salvage this current game before it’s too late. https://archive.ph/Qb4te Animal Crossing: New Horizons glitch turns islands into nudist colonies >What is quite possibly Animal Crossing: New Horizon’s strangest bug yet is causing villagers’ clothes to disappear. It’s no stranger to the odd bug or glitches, but Animal Crossing: New Horizons’ have mostly been harmless, like being able to sit in pools and baths. But while the latest example also doesn’t seem to be game-breaking, it’s certainly raising a lot of eyebrows. >Simply put, this glitch can take away the island residents’ clothes, effectively creating a community of nudists. Considering this is a family friendly game populated with cartoon animals, there’s obviously nothing indecent about it (in fact, K.K. Slider is technically naked all the time), but it is certainly bizarre considering the characters are usually fully clothed. >It remains unclear exactly what causes it but apparently the rare bug has been present since the Happy Home Paradise DLC launched last month. What’s more, it’s only limited to the DLC’s café area, so no need to worry about it spreading to your main island. >Even if it’s nothing major, Nintendo is hopefully already working to fix it with a patch. In the meantime, there doesn’t seem to be any workaround or temporary solution. <If you’d rather not see the villagers’ backsides, it might be best to avoid the café for the time being. >Animal Crossing isn’t the only Nintendo game to have a bit of a bug problem at the moment. The Pokémon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl remakes are also riddled with them, the most famous one being a duplication glitch that lets you clone any of your pokémon. >At the time of writing, however, Nintendo has since updated the games to address some of these glitches. While it’s not mentioned in the patch notes, Kotaku reports that the cloning glitch has been removed. >Anyone who doesn’t update the game will not be affected by the patch, but it will mean they can’t use any of the online functions. https://archive.ph/j8wIZ
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>>111625 >‘Battlefield 2042’ Has Lost 70% Of Its Players In Two Weeks On Steam wew >Animal Crossing: New Horizons glitch turns islands into nudist colonies OwO
>>111607 you that were popular in Japan? >I'm surprised that Borderlands did rather well there despite FPS games being rather a niche in the country Call of duty or at least call of duty characters popular among the female yaoi fandom. South Park Yaoi popular in japan long before south park made fun yaoi. >in non-video game examples that Hazbin Hotel Got popular enough that fan dubs were made of it in Japanese. Does anyone have any similar experiences? My little pony pretty huge in japan. King of the bill has a cult follow and Japanese dub.
>>111607 Can't vouch for Japan (although apparently they adore Payday) but I know for a fact that Arabs and Middle East folk absolutely love sports anime games. Mostly soccer but I used to be friends on MSN with a Saudi autist who was super knowledgeable of old anime games. What intrigues me though is how certain countries have a bizarrely high number of fans for niche or unusual content, i.e. Slavsin general with Heroes of Might and Magic and Team Fortress 2, Mexicans with fighting games and especially King Of Fighters and Italians with point and click adventure games that didn't even have proper localization.
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>>484674 >I'm speaking in terms of illegality Oh, then still no. 15 is over borderline. This was a non-Jap Sony exec. Pretty sure he's American and this was super illegal. >moreover people use "pedophilia" as short-hand for general sexual activity between adults and those that are underage. Only normalfags do this because of the increasing herd mentality that's being attracted to 17 year old tits is a sin. I'm sure most here would recall the retarded controversy where a Breath of The Wild mod was brow beaten for not shrinking Zelda's ass when making her playable because "she's 17!". >A minor is legally considered an "infant" under the law, 1-17 year olds. Wrong. There various age-gated licenses and learners permits one can acquire before the age of 18, with wide variance based on the state in the US. >>111625 >Animal Crossing: New Horizons glitch turns islands into nudist colonies Somebody commission Eltonel, stat. This is right up his alley.
>>111622 >>111607 >pokemon trading cards continuing to get stolen I remember black gangs stealing and reselling Pokémon carts in the 90s but never anything in this scale. >This has to be a pump and dump scheme How soon until we see NFT owners get robbed by gun point? >>111620 Pokémon cards getting stolen so common the news stories are blending in together.
>>111623 >>111620 If you gonna post /tv/ memes at least post something good like bane posting or Sam Raimi Spider-Man posting.
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>>111606 Sackboy and Lick-My-Sack... boy.
>>111633 He does look like a pederast from too catch a predator. Is he Jewish and from San Francisco?
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>>111625 >Pandered to twitter warriors and wokesters >Lose out whatever goodwill you had left with your disgruntled fanbase >Proceed to bomb to high hell >MFW Like always dumbass corporates never learn not to pander outside your core base and get fucked for their attempts.
>>111607 >FPS games being rather a niche in the country and in non-video game examples that Hazbin Hotel Got popular enough that fan dubs were made of it in Japanese. Does anyone have any similar experiences? This isn't true anymore. Apex Legends is one of the most popular games in Japan now and has been for some time.
>>111630 >licenses and permits one can acquire before the age of 18 local licenses doesn't change legal definitions, just because there are some limited rights and statutes allocated for them doesn't make them legal adults,
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https://archive.md/iIoDf https://nitter.domain.glass/comicconla/status/1466872015298523137 The kick-vic retards just won't let the man live his life. >Vic was going to attend LA Comic Con and sign at Ace's Anime and Collectibles booth >Bimbo tweets to LA ComicCon saying that Vic is a 'known sexual predator' is on the guest list and that 'for the safety of the female guests, he must be removed (Despite no evidence backing any of those claims) >ComicConLA responds by saying he wasn't an invited guest, but an exhibitor invited him to do a booth appearance. They then forbid him from attending. >Vic posts video asking LA comic con visitors to support Ace's booth who originally asked him to sign at their booth since he will no longer be able to attend. https://twitter.com/vicmignogna/status/1467244852266082312
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>>111632 ピザです
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>>111607 >pic unrelated People who need to see "representation" of themselves in media to feel validated are like the new hillbillies of the information age. Access to a wealth of human (and inhuman) experiences limited only by the human imagination - and they just want to sequester themselves around the comfortable familiarity of personal experience. They can't step outside of themselves, and they see no value in other perspectives - especially if they disagree with them or have been conditioned by the media to avoid them. All calls for diversity are just of skin color and sexual orientation - not a diversity of (potentially dangerous) ideas, and only in the service of widening the market by giving cultural shut-ins the most superficial of idealized self-inserts. Ironic that as the internet opened the world to a true diversity of ideas and cultures, but everybody just retreated into their own little pockets of comfort and then blocked and reported anybody who violates that space - protected by their bubble.
>>111638 >That round faced cunt. >"Bimbo".
>>484703 >This is defamation. Why did you delete your post?
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>>484674 You too. Post number not in the logs. Why'd you delete your own post? What is going on?
>>111640 The people who clamor for diversity don't actually care about diversity, and never did. They only want diversity so long as they, or their ideological cronies, have absolute control of the narrative. For similar reasons, be wary of anyone saying they want people to be united again. It's generally always for self-serving reasons or is just naive idealism.
>>484709 Let me guess, he was dating a 16 year old and she got mad at him and called the cops?
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>>484709 Pretty sure this was posted a few threads ago, and he's a literally who. Nice archive, faggot. >>111645 Pretty sure when this was posted a few threads ago, it was actual small children.
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>>111645 Nah. Amos "Cunny" Yee ran with the skeptics back in the day. Got arrested in some literally who country in Asia for not worshipping the local dictator appropriately because he was enlightened by his own intelligence. Then got let out after some guy paid his bail, whom he then accused of molesting his then-underage self. Then got thrown back into prison as that guy withdrew his bail. Then got bailed out by the same guy after he admitted he was lying... then retracted the previous retraction and fled to America because he was persecuted so, where he argued for his inalienable right to fuck toddlers like the rest of the skeptics do nowadays. But good old Amos isn't just a man of words, oh no, he is a man of action.
>>111650 Arguing for molesting children isn't exactly a crime. The question of the matter is how old was the girl he was "grooming" and how old was/is he.
>>111651 It's not a crime but it is social suicide. Just look at how much flak Sargon got when people dug up his "It depends on the child" quote when he was running for Parliament.
>>484709 Haven't heard of Amos "If she's old enough to pee, she's old enough for me" Yee in a long time, could have sworn he already got time for diddling a kid or something like that. 6 years is way too lenient for this menace to children
>>484346 The alternative to not doing it is to let it all collapse, which is a valid one. I also hate lazy retards that can't bother to check information of all the products that they buy, always relying on convenience over freedom. To those, I wish only suffering and death. I wouldn't want them as customers either.
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Buzzfeed is flailing https://archive.md/wKPDZ >News publisher BuzzFeed, which is set to go public next week, has so far raised only $16.2 million via its special-purpose acquisition company, 890 5th Avenue Partners, a tiny portion of the original $288 million. >The SPAC company 890 5th Avenue Partners said its stockholders approved the proposal that will collectively give BuzzFeed $166.2 million through a combination of 890 trust proceeds and fully committed convertible notes. https://archive.md/00KtC >As BuzzFeed prepares to begin trading in the coming days following a Thursday SPAC shareholder vote on the deal, it is suffering a wave of withdrawals by SPAC investors. The company is now expected to receive only a fraction of the $287.5 million held by the SPAC, the people familiar with the situation said.

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>>111625 >>111630 >Animal Crossing: New Horizons glitch turns islands into nudist colonies >Somebody commission Eltonel, stat. This is right up his alley. Naw, Animal Crossing is more suited to Kekitopu IMO since Keki draws in a style that works well for that, but I don't think Keki is among the few drawfags who are still around here. They're mostly doing fur stuff now, I miss their lolis. baraag.net/web/accounts/447907
>>484404 >ever watching anything from Pedowood in your life
None of this is videogames. This is...nyo https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QgNEYyOlST0
>>111645 It was basically that but I forget how old she was.
>>484280 >oy vey my system is collapsing; quick, make it impossible for the system to collapse any further! lol i win now >[actually praising this behavior] Yid. >>484342 >Has the (((Biden administration))) ever "accomplished" a single fucking thing? Everything they set out to do, yes. That's the point of the things they did. Pay attention or enjoy your genocide. >>484376 >75% of the world population obeyed everything without question >the rest obeyed some things but not others, in varying degrees of obedience >no government, education, media, or scientific officials dead, imprisoned, or even fired as a result of this event <lost all of it Not sure you understand what's going on.
>>111651 Looks like 14, so hebe, pedo-adjacent at the very least. >>111656 >Naw, Animal Crossing is more suited to Kekitopu IMO since Keki draws in a style that works well for that I was referring to the nudism. >>111658 Check two posts up. >>111660 >Replying to negropill
>>111661 Which one was that? He's too stupid to post a nuanced position on anything.
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>>111658 >None of this is videogames. GG threads usually never are
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>>111663 Has it really been that long without gaym journalists making asses of themselves? TGA's coming up soon this week and the Dorito Pope banished ActiBlizz from being there.
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>>111640 >Ironic that as the internet opened the world to a true diversity of ideas and cultures, but everybody just retreated into their own little pockets of comfort and then blocked and reported anybody who violates that space - protected by their bubble.
>>111611 Nobody wants old hags like you, cunt.
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Senior Vice President of PSN George Cacioppo was caught by an independent pedophile hunting group known as "People v. Preds" for allegedly trying to meet with a 15 Year Old boy for sex. twitter.com/BanishedJourno/status/1467239191301947392 Summary: youtube.com/watch?v=UoX4pKWmVj0 Original video: www.youtube.com/watch?v=14INdlFIe-k&t=0s Proof: drive.google.com/drive/folders/1wO8nrHZJeTa_eZB96WzNf7ExTfx3ZN20
Edited last time by Mark on 12/05/2021 (Sun) 06:14:35.
>>111667 >pedophile <15 year old That aside, time to reset the clock.
>>111625 >‘Battlefield 2042’ Has Lost 70% Of Its Players In Two Weeks On Steam Get woke, go broke.
>>111670 >Get woke You do realize that Battlefield has been arguably "woke" since Hardline (Back in 2015, and the last "good" game in the series), which had such a diverse cast that it was joked about that you can have all the characters line up and do a musical number about the amazing gradient of human skin, right?
Speaking of sex controversies involving minors, what's Jesse Cliff been up to since he was caught banging that 16-year-old girl?
>lucario has moved onto pedonigger rants instead of glownigger rants Lame
Watch out for GamerGate The public enemy of the world #1 It is the main hashtag responsible for… ☑ Accidentally re-starting the French Revolution ☑ Weaponized Gondolas ☑ Hacking German politicians and media ☑ Played "To Catch a Predator" with Randy Pickford ☑ Masterminded the destruction of GDQ via the Catfish of Legend: Namazu ☑ Under the light of the Blood Moon; Self-destructed Western Journalism by having a some kid smirk at a drumming savage ☑ Just wanted to start a conversation with everyone, everywhere, eternally ☑ Watched Gawker die TWICE ☑ Guilty of face crimes ☑ When GameStop tried to sell itself; offered $3.50 in in-store credit ☑ Made telling "journalists" to "learn to code" into a hate crime ☑ Taught the Alt-Right ✅Then harassed said Alt-Right ☑ Started in 2011-2012 when 4chan tried to steal Anita Sarkeesian's SSN# ☑ Created "Boner Culture" which made cis straight male erections the most powerful force on earth ☑ Had a Jewish Mobster 'Take Care' of it ☑ Asked THQ about gaemu which somehow triggered World Wide Web War III ☑ Tricked /cow/ into developing and sharing their fetish for Mark's plump bagel with ResetEra ☑ Triggered GJP3.0 with 57 hitpeices on THQ Nordic's AA ☑ Orchestrated the GaymerGay misogynist review backlash against Marvel's Captain Woman ☑ Taught New Zealand about "White Day" ☑ Radicalized Spyro the Dragon ☑ Turned Pewdiepie into the Osama Bin Ladin of GaymerGays ☑ "The nerds and gamers were joined by the proto-storm troopers of the alt-right in a bond that has never been broken" ☑ Was a trial run for "will the US tolerate fascist behavior" ☑ Exploring new frontiers in sexual harassment via Jelly Bean ☑ Groomed young impressionable politicians into misogynists ☑ Created and trained the alt-right to take over the political landscape on a global scale (And succeeded) ☑ Arranged for Sonic the Hedgehog (movie ver.) to get "fixed" ☑ Remains undefeated for all time ☑ Turned Rage 2 into a Trump-esque attack on game journos ☑ Joined forces with Amazon ☑ Helped Mark impress Resetera ☑ Used Elliot Rodger's martyrdom to unite 4Chan and Breitbart to elect Donald Trump ☑ Will be looked back upon in 50 years as the root cause of the coming Cultural Civil War ☑ Government-sponsored shitposting ☑ Mastered the manipulation of the news cycle to their advantage ☑ Made Anita cry when Feminist Frequency went broke ☑ Destroyer of Worlds ☑ Russian Conspiracies (all of them) ☑ Extended Reanon's death/meme-magic to animation studios (please meme responsibly) ☑ An instrument of American Trumpian Power Worldwide ☑ Cured alleged "journalist" of dyslexic anxiety ☑ An aberrant, creeping horror ☑ As dangerous as Anti-Vax, ISIS, and Holocaust Denial
[Expand Post]☑ Five years of ruining everything ☑ Came to the classroom ☑ Trained Google whistleblowers ☑ Never died and foreshadowed our toxic meme-strewn politics ☑ Blew up the Internet ☑ Made wanting challenge in videogames into supporting White Supremacy ☑ Was secretly fighting WWIII all along ☑ Stochastic Terrorism ☑ Being a national security threat according to the DHS ☑ Helped Mark win the lottery ☑ Gave the money back ☑ Living long enough to see itself become the villain in a TV Show THRICE ☑ Confused the FBI into thinking /v/ is /baphomet/ ☑ Turned Anita Sarkesian into a crazy cat lady ☑ It's #Gamergate Forever ☑ Justifiably felt alienated by the neoliberal fetishization of feminism and the reductionism of politics to identity teams ☑ Was rabidly pro-corporate ☑ Manipulated a SJWeeb into review-bombing a LGBTWTFBBQ-friendly game as a "test" ☑ Non-meat based cam girls ☑ Caused the Corona outbreak which destroyed China to cheer up a depressed CIA glownigger ☑ Digisexuals ☑ Called the cyber police to put a cripple in cyber jail ☑ Weaponizing decency ☑ Made the games industry a nightmare for Women, Colored People, and Ashley Burch ☑ The inevitable ultimate horror of Sega's "toxic" advertising for ChuChu Rocket ☑ Has the highest body count of any COVID-19 disinfo group ☑ Finally got the 8kun administration to get off their ass and answer the damn phone ☑ Searching for a new home (again) ☑ Made some /v/ hotpockets on other imageboards go insane ☑ Burned julay to the ground by doing basically fuck-all except continue to exist (props to a certain bunbunmaru reporter, tho) ☑ Having a high enough IQ to be mentioned on Rick and Morty ☑ Radicalized a grandmother to the point she promotes harassment against alleged games journalists ☑ Is the terrorist group backed by 'The French' who are behind President Trump's exhausting battle against twitter ☑ Protecting FUCKING GAMESTOP from looters ☑ Finally started the Race War by forcing a meth-head on a date with Corona-chan to take a knee to the neck from the police ☑ Confirmed for Baby Hitler ☑ Gave a lot of airtime to Soviet defector Yuri Bezmenov ☑ Got on the Atlantic's "free $100" van only to get intervewed ☑ Started a backlash against the French independent film industry because they want to raise pure little girls ☑ And then Russia wanted to shut down 8chan.moe to be ironic ☑ Was clearly a blueprint for Trump's online assault in 2016 ☑ A gravestone marked “Games Journalism; Dead By Suicide,” with the date of death corresponding with the launch of GG ☑ Took over the US capitol ☑ Funded by the GOP ☑ Using Reddit's radicalized nihilism to counter jews shorting FUCKING GAMESTOP ☑ Made Mark the Godfather of Gamergate ☑ Corrected Polygon on Titanfall lore ☑ Accidental meme magic discharge (R.I.P Miura) ☑ Planet-range racism field ☑ Not wanting people to put down the controller and talk about their feelings ☑ Destroyed the logic process of a bot wreaking havoc across multiple imageboards with just one simple trick ☑ Caused Blizzard executives to threaten their employees with rape ☑ Came to Alex Hutchinson's Defense ☑ Made Vivian a feminist symbol ☑ Grew to a geopolitical scale and spilled into real life with devastating consequences ☑ Got their own TV show ☑ Brandon’s First fan ☑ Gave birth to Qanon ☑ Is the precedent for /K/yle Rittenhouse
Who are you quoting?
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>>111675 Didnt know women could do the blue steel.
>>111670 Will this meaningless platitude ever die? These companies still exist and their actions aren't stopping. >>111675 >pictures of all the types of candy and gum instead of racks of them because it's clearly an inner city and niggers would just run off with entire cases of them What a world.
>>111674 Praise, be.
>>111679 Kill yourself.
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>>111680 That's not NICE.
>>111675 >tfw no big titty babushka convenience store cashier gf >>111678 I'm pretty sure she's Eastern European.
>>111682 She is, look below her bouncyness
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>>111607 Undertale initially surprised me, I thought Japan's hatred of westerners would have meant that they'd have seen it as a mockery of their own games. But then I realized how much fame Toby had among Starmen/Fangamer and Homestuck's fanbase (even when he was just "one of the Homestuck guys"), which gave him a lot of connections in gaming circles, so more than likely one of them helped him shill his game in Japan.
>just hours after publishing this latest video about graphene oxide and graphene hydroxide, he died suddenly https://archive.md/lWUu5 Probably suicide out of shame, for spreading misinformation against Lord Faucie of the Ouchie.
>>111682 They have Skittles, Orbit, and 5 in eastern Europe? >>111685 Oh well.
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>>111670 I feel like a good chunk of the players were fags just curious to see what a trash fire it was and then fucked off. Though from what I keep hearing, most people are temporarily dropping it until EA/DICE fixes it much later down the line. Which still shows some level of faith that the devs can salvage this garbage. >>111677 She pulls it off pretty well. >>111681
>>111685 >gets arrested live-on-air for wrongthink because he is an actual academic >does it again a few days later >commit (((suicide))) right after It's funny how blatant they are.
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>>111681 (Checked) >>111687
If anyone wants a white pill. Muslims and Indians on YouTube are pretty red-pilled on Jews promoting anti-white racism and anti-Christian propaganda. They both even upload BLM rioting footage as a warning to others. They share an American boxer rebellion documentary that pro-Christian genocide and pro communist China as warning what happens if Jews take control of Indian or Muslim media. A&E Documentary of course ignored all the Indian Hindus and Muslims that fought against the Chinese who were also trying to genocide Hindus and Muslims. https://youtu.be/M29-3E9Pz8Y
>>111684 >Japan's hatred of westerners Anon, you know there are a bunch of Japs who say their favorite game is Skyrim, right?
>>111687 >>111689 >>111681 >There has been a red meguka to go along with the pink lewd meguka all along What the heck
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>>111596 Still just as Soyny starts virtue signalling about Craptivision this happens. You love to see it.
What happened to the previous thread, why is it gone?
>>111694 So is this faggot another Randy Stair?
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>>111694 Fucking pajeets, stealing Emil's hard work for their shitty Bhagavad Gita. Look at this dumb shit, Vishnu the god of Copy/Paste. Guess that explains their coding.
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>>111694 >>111695 Sure, that only showed up in a videogame, thres literallly not a story behind it, sure.
>>111697 Randy Stair did it for his obsession with Ember from Danny Phantom. This loser was just an edgelord who was rightfully bullied, if I had to guess.
>>111695 Ban Hindu scripture! Hinduism is a violent religion! This was a Hinduist attack!
Software and sites to give attention to! Operating systems >AROS: http://aros.sourceforge.net/ >BSD <Net: https://www.netbsd.org/ <Open: https://www.openbsd.org/ <DragonFly: https://www.dragonflybsd.org/ >GrapheneOS: https://grapheneos.org/ >Linux <Artix Linux: https://artixlinux.org/ <CLIP OS: https://clip-os.org/ <Devuan: https://www.devuan.org/ <EndeavourOS: https://endeavouros.com/ <Rocky Linux: https://rockylinux.org/ Archival >ArchiveBox: https://archivebox.io/ Chatrooms: >Session: https://getsession.org/ >Tox: https://tox.chat/ Database >Based Cooking: https://based.cooking/ >BigchainDB: https://www.bigchaindb.com/ >Gun: https://gun.eco/ >Hydrus ( >>>/t/2219 ): https://hydrusnetwork.github.io/hydrus/ Donation and payment services: >AlignPay: https://www.alignpay.com/ >Fanbox: https://www.pixiv.net/fanbox >Fantia: http://fantia.jp/ Email clients >Claws Mail: https://www.claws-mail.org/ >The Mutt: http://www.mutt.org/ Email hosting >Create your own: https://archive.fo/okVq4 >Cock.li: https://cock.li/ Encyclopedias >Infogalactic: https://infogalactic.com/info/Main_Page File sharing and storage >anonfile: https://anonfile.com/ >BitTorrent: https://infogalactic.com/info/BitTorrent >CacheP2P: https://github.com/guerrerocarlos/CacheP2P >Catbox: https://catbox.moe/ >Cryptosphere: https://cryptosphere.io/ >Dat Project: https://datproject.org/ >Filecoin: https://filecoin.io/ >Holochain: https://github.com/holochain/holochain-proto >Instant.io: https://instant.io/ >IPFS: https://ipfs.io/ >Kek.gg https://kek.gg/
[Expand Post]>Onion Share: https://onionshare.org/ >ORC: https://orc.apache.org/ >Peergos: https://peergos.org/ >Perkeep: https://perkeep.org/ >Pomf: https://github.com/pomf/pomf >Storj: https://storj.io/ >Swarm: https://github.com/ethersphere/swarm >Tahoe-LAFS: https://www.tahoe-lafs.org/trac/tahoe-lafs >Uguu: https://uguu.se/ >WebTorrent: https://webtorrent.io/ >Other sites: https://www.archiveteam.org/index.php?title=Pomf.se/Clones Galleries and image hosting >ArtStation (SFW only): https://www.artstation.com/ >HicceArs: https://www.hiccears.com/ >Wysp: https://www.wysp.ws/ Internet and browsers >Basilisk: https://www.basilisk-browser.org/ >Beaker: https://beakerbrowser.com/ >Bromite: https://www.bromite.org/ >Falkon: https://www.falkon.org/ >GNU IceCat: https://www.gnu.org/software/gnuzilla/ >Handshake: https://handshake.org/ >I2P: https://geti2p.net/ >InterPlanetary Wayback: https://github.com/oduwsdl/ipwb >Iridium Browser (Guide to remove spyware: https://spyware.neocities.org/guides/iridium.html ): https://iridiumbrowser.de/ >LibreWolf: https://librewolf-community.gitlab.io/ >MaidSafe: https://maidsafe.net >Mysterium Network: https://mysterium.network/ >Namecoin: https://namecoin.org/ >Otter Browser: https://otter-browser.org/ >Pale Moon (Guide to remove spyware: https://spyware.neocities.org/guides/palemoon.html ): http://www.palemoon.org/ >Qutebrowser: https://qutebrowser.org/ >Sphere Browser (WARNING: https://spyware.neocities.org/articles/sphere.html ): https://sphere.tenebris.cc/ >Surf: http://surf.suckless.org/ >Tor: https://www.torproject.org/ >Ungoogled-Chromium: https://ungoogled-software.github.io/ungoogled-chromium-binaries/ >Yggdrasil Network: https://yggdrasil-network.github.io/ >ZeroNet: https://zeronet.io/ Marketplace >DLsite: https://www.dlsite.com/eng/ >DMM Games: https://games.dmm.com/ >Fruitbat Factory: https://sites.fastspring.com/fruitbatfactory/product/buy >ğchange: https://www.gchange.fr >NekoNyan: https://nekonyansoft.com/shop >OpenBazaar: https://openbazaar.org/ >Top Hat Store: https://shop.tophat.studio >Zoom Platform: https://www.zoom-platform.com/ Pastebins >Paste: https://github.com/jordansamuel/PASTE >PrivateBin: https://privatebin.info/ Search engines >ActiveSearchResults: https://www.activesearchresults.com/ >ExactSeek: https://www.exactseek.com/ >Gigablast: https://www.gigablast.com/ >Mojeek: https://www.mojeek.com/ >Wiby: https://wiby.me/ >YaCy: https://yacy.net/ Social media >anime website: https://anime.website/ >baraag.net: https://baraag.net/ >Free Speech Extremist: https://freespeechextremist.com/ >GNU Social: https://gnu.io/social/ >Hubzilla: https://zotlabs.org/page/hubzilla/hubzilla-project >LBRY: https://lbry.com/ >Mediachain: http://www.mediachain.io/ >Neckbeard.xyz: https://neckbeard.xyz/ >Pawoo: https://pawoo.net/ >Pleroma: https://pleroma.com/ >Plurk: https://www.plurk.com/ >Poast: https://poa.st/ >Shitposter Club: https://shitposter.club/ >Steemit: https://steemit.com/ >Twister: http://twister.net.co/ Streaming >8chanTV ( >>>/site/1519 ): https://watch.8ch.moe/ Video and audio platforms >AVideo: https://github.com/WWBN/AVideo >BitTube: https://bittube.tv/ >D.tube: https://d.tube/ >MediaGoblin: https://mediagoblin.org/ >VidLii: https://www.vidlii.com/ Video downloaders and converters >AudioToWebm: https://tsun.itch.io/audiotowebm >boram: https://github.com/Kagami/boram >ffmpeg: https://ffmpeg.org/download.html >NewPipe: https://newpipe.net/ >WebMConverter: https://gitgud.io/nixx/WebMConverter >webm.py: https://github.com/Kagami/webm.py >wybm: https://github.com/Kagami/wybm >youtube-dl (Also download ffmpeg for best compatability): https://youtube-dl.org/ Web hosts >Create your own: https://archive.vn/BtM69 >IONOS: https://www.ionos.com/ >Neocities: https://neocities.org/ Other >AdNauseam: https://adnauseam.io/ >Amateur Game Development General: >>>/agdg/ >ChannelChanger: >>>/t/1257 >Crescent Isle: >>>/site/532 >LINE Sticker Downloader: https://goonlinetools.com/line-sticker-download/ >Magic Wormhole: https://github.com/warner/magic-wormhole >OpenTimestamps: https://opentimestamps.org/ >Privacy Possum: https://github.com/cowlicks/privacypossum >The Wick Editor: https://www.wickeditor.com/ Suggestions are always welcome! Revision Updates: 9/13/21: https://archive.vn/4nl7B
>>111699 I feel so bad for Openheimer, such profound sadness in his voice realizing what they had done. I blame Mark.
>>111703 No joke, you can really see how affected the guy was during that interview, compare his face there to all his other pictures before the bombing, that shit broke something in him.
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>>111665 >pic People talk about how MGS2 predicted the current situation with people staying in their little closed communities, but it's always been like this. Main difference is that back in the days before social media, people kept to their forums and didn't interfere with anyone else. At worst you had /b/-style raids or one small community trying to infiltrate and overtake another. The former were short-lived and the latter barely had any consequence on the internet overall. You did have some large websites like Myspace, but they were solely the grounds of normalfags who also kept to their own part of the internet. Then social media got big and convinced all these individual communities to consolidate onto a handful of sites. Instead of you being on your own site with its own rules tailored specifically for it, you were now on a board on a huge site alongside tons of others, with a single set of rules to govern them all. Sociopaths realized that by infiltrating the administrations of these sites and getting them to change the rules, they could wield considerable influence over the entire internet. That's when you started seeing the likes of ShitRedditSays. At that point it became much more than people staying in their own little hugboxes, now they were trying to expand their hugboxes to engulf the entire internet. It's like pic related, except with a post-social-media section where tranny nazi dragon nigger haters are now an oppressed group that you get banned for making fun of or not kowtowing to.
>>111699 When I first saw Oppenheimer I thought he was asian.
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>>111706 Better image incoming
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>>111707 The before and after project manhattan really shows the toll it took.
>>111688 Is it? It just proves they know they don't have to hide. >>111694 >kid is obviously neurochemically disturbed >parents literally ignore this and the orders of the school to get him help >send him to school the next day, after buying him a gun and telling him "don't get caught next time" for searching for 'ammo' on his phone in class Clearly this is the fault of private gun ownership and not bad parenting.
>>484835 I already did and it's not there, you fucking retard.
I think that Oxford kid just proves that if you look like a fucking genetic mistake, and a freak, and a retard - you probably actually are one.
>>111706 It's a story of internet culture re-centralizing itself and actively working against the internet's inherent decentralizing nature by handing off all of its trust and resources to powerful central controls. Really a tweet is just a very high level and carefully shaped webpage creation with central hosting by a powerful third party and traffic-pushing features also provided by that same third party. Social media has basically piggybacked an entire extra WWW on top of the world wide web, only this time they didn't make the mistake of letting it go out of their control.
>>484845 Chernobyl
>>484845 Anon, that man knew he was directly responsible for the desturction of 2 entire cities, fucking up people that didnt directly died, and brought foward the MAD, he was clearly devastated that his greatest creation was also such a terrible thing.
>>111715 >faggot commie ruskies removing all safety mechanisms and pushing a reactor past the breaking point What's next, you're going to start saying the reason why China's Four Pests Campaign backfired was because of CIA intervention?
>>111715 very nearly every nuclear meltdown happens because they cheap out on maintenance; even fukushima had anti-tidal wave measures they they didnt pay for because whatre the odds of japan getting hit by ANOTHER giant wall of water from an undersea earthquake in its history
>>111718 The accidents are bad and all but the real threat is a suicidal enough retard wielding that much power. Have you seen the people that run the world at the moment? Those retards. That we aren't all dead right now is a big miracle or the culmination of many small tragedies that ensure 'peace' through compliance with the globalist agenda (which is itself pretty horrible.) >>484851 I am also a gigantic contrarian.
>>484851 >people cant feel regret over creating weapons, they must all be edgelords! Fuck off.
>>484845 Yeah, that stupid cuck might've helped develop the atomic bomb, but he couldn't even reliably predict the future! Go put yourself into a corner somewhere and think about what you're saying, you provincial sack of shit.
>>111714 Yeah, I've realized that myself. You think there's anyway to decentralize the internet again? Obviously it's going to involve pulling people away from social media, but without a good reason nobody's going to do it. The only method I can think of would be to remind people of what social media took from them that forums and such provided. Stuff like being able to speak your mind and be heard, without follower counts or upboats determining who gets to be seen. Or the fact that you can hold a discussion lasting longer than a day. I know there's people out there who miss this and don't even realize it. Problem is, most extant forums are shit. Take all the stereotypes we had about them back then (powertripping mods, cliquey userbase) and multiply them tenfold. Not to mention most forums are headed by trannies and their ilk. Plus, even if you do get people back onto forums, there's nothing stopping them from still using social media. So they'll still be subject to all the bullshit that happens there. There is the Fediverse, but I feel like if you made a push for that then everyone would flock to the big nodes like Mastodon, which are also tranny central.
>>484851 >>484845 I present to the audience a man who has never created anything of purpose in his life. A man who has never birthed anything of value. A man who has never actually killed or upset the balance of the world in any way, shape, or form. I present to you a drifter in this thing we call life, destined to flow downstream with the current until its end.
>>111694 Are these assholes really this dumb, or are they putting us on?
>>111724 >the quotation can be found in a gory video game >can be found they know what they're doing.
>>111722 What if we just start beating people?
>>484869 >So, you're going to kneecap everyone else's options because some idiot may do something stupid? If someone else does something stupid everyone's kneecaps will be vaporized at once, you dumb nigger tryhard.
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Archive of previous bread: https://archive.ph/d4A8t
>>111729 Now why oh why would you be trying to memory-hole an entire thread? What is in https://archive.ph/Na2mf That you don’t want people seeing?
>>484845 They hated him because he told the truth.
>>111731 >Samefagging to agree with yourself via tor
>>111724 >Are these assholes really this dumb, or are they putting us on? No, they are not. They just think you are.
>>111724 >Mr Rittenhouse do you play Call of Duty, a game where you run around shooting people with AR15s?
>>111696 >>111730 Click on the numbers in >>111593 and see magic happen.
>>484879 I saw that story before your ass even got invited here from Twitter, please just stop you embarrassment.
>>111727 Father?
>>111722 The actual problem is that people who want to make money through selling advertising services are now awake to the idea of the internet as an advertising medium and will be foot-in-door as soon as new fora for interaction start to get popular--or, like the "influencer" trend, they'll just create new ones and idiots will flock to them. People are largely showing that they're far more interested in being served interesting content than in being able to express their own opinions freely. Most of those people also don't have any sufficiently countercultural opinions to express in the first place, so they just don't see the problem with not being heard--until they have something important to say that other people don't like to hear and suddenly find they don't have a platform to express it, and it isn't feasible to simply wait until each of those people has that personal epiphany. The people who miss prolonged discussion and the ability to express whatever they're thinking have largely not yet realized that they're losing the ability to do the former and that there aren't many places left that they can do the latter to the extent that they MIGHT someday want. Anon, if I had any ideas on how to fix shit, I'd be fixing shit and not sitting around grousing about roisterers larping about judging historical figures from a modern perspective to get a rise out of a bunch of anonymous autists. I can't even identify the qualities in a person that might let them be the kind of person who could stand up and solve these problems let alone solve them myself. My guess is that at some point the nucleus of a second WWW-like internet will pop up once advertisers have gotten complacent again, although without the massive infusion of government money to get it off the ground I guess it's going to have to ride on the backbone of the internet. Frankly, this will probably be outside of our lifetimes, because the thing that causes change is for people to die of old age and younger people who think differently to spend money in different ways. I hear that college kids today are already forgetting how to use computers, though, so it might be the case that the non-social-media internet will be abandoned to ordinary people just because normalfags won't know how to access it off their phones. It could be a problem that solves itself.
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>>111715 >Chernobyl Chernobyl was greatly exaggerated. The actual meltdown was bad, yes, but the aftermath wasn't nearly as catastrophic as people mythologized it to be. The plant stayed manned and operational until the early 2000's, and even now is still being used as a routing station for another nuclear plant operating nearby. The funny thing about radiation is that the really harmful shit also tends to decay very rapidly (it's rapid decay is the REASON why it's high energy). The remaining isotopes take a much longer time to decay, and tend to be further dispersed by wind and rain within a few years. That's why you still run into pockets that make the Geiger counter click, but the actual exposure isn't much more than you'd get on a international flight. ThunderCunt posted a video years ago where he took a geiger counter on a plane when he was traveling from the US to Europe, and flipped it on mid-flight. IIRC, it scared the fuck out of the other passengers and the attendant made him turn it off (or at least run in silent mode). The exclusion zone is still in effect more because the Russians don't want to deal with the potential for liabilities from cancer cases decades after the fact, but people have been living there since the disaster and don't really pay it much mind.
>>111693 Honestly. I think Actvision men are fighting back the leftist white women take over. I strongly suspect most of the anti-blizzard made up at this point.
>Jews are panicking over regular people finally calling out Jews on racism and hypocrisy >30 years of war on Christmas backfiring big time >Even leftists shit hole like Cuckchan /tv/ laughing at the failed damage control of Santa ink Has anything like this happen recently? https://archive.ph/kCWI8 https://archive.ph/IUS3r
>>111739 High altitude travel is whole body external exposure to low LET stuff at a pretty low dose rate and is kind of a different animal from wandering around in an area with a big old salad of uranium daughters blowing around in the wind, although I imagine a lot of that has been sequestered in the environment by now or is buried under newer dirt or something. Most people are bad at estimating most risks, but nearly everybody (even plenty of health physicists) is bad when it comes to ionizing radiation, because the health effects are just that complicated and that badly studied (and, frankly, that badly taught in school at all levels)
>>111741 Yeah, it spilled over to a jew video about how the evil internet is making memes about them and thats not good goy.
>>111741 Anon not that I don't see the value of schadenfreude but why care about what /tv/ thinks, least of all halfchans?
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>>111727 I like this plan. >>111738 >I hear that college kids today are already forgetting how to use computers I know an alarming number of those younger fags who have no idea of even pirating shit. I've also seen those stories of people not knowing even basic computer skills despite being in fields where those skills would be frequently needed. Really strange to see that, as I just assumed people would be getting more knowledgeable since many have access to the shit at a young age with far fewer barriers to entry than before.
>>111744 He's a reoccurring retard character that for some reason links to random /tv/ threads that are never worth filling out the jewgle captcha to read.
>>484879 >Uuhhhh it's all just going to blow up anyways, Congratulations. You just said it doesn't matter whether anyone has any rights because nihilism wins in the end. Now kill yourself or go drown in hedonism, as those are the only two outcomes of nihilism.
>>111745 Wonder how much of that has to do with TikTok being the preferred video platform for Gen Z? If you want to stream on Youtube and actually get noticed, you're going to need some production and setup that will require some technical knowledge of computers. TikTok is mostly just shit recorded and clipped from cell phones.
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Nobody warned me that Celeste had a tranny protagonist
>>111745 >>111748 Iphones are the issue. Phones in general are shit, but Apple systems are specifically made for retards that can't into computers. If the kids were forced to grapple with gentoo and an old-school modem or they wouldn't be able to see virtual tits, we'd have far more computer knowledge.
>>111749 Pretty sure that was retroactive on the devs part. May as well be headcanon for how much time passed since release that they made this change.
>>111749 I would have warned you, but I never played the game because it looked like shit.
>>111749 Anon...
>>111748 Tiktok is ALL shit. It's been however many years since it got popular and I havent' seen one, ONE decent video out of that shithole. It's always >shitty music >retarded dancing >un-neccessary captions >smug, retarded morons on camera inb4 "but that one 3dpd musclegirl I like does shit on tiktok, look at this webm with "core strengthening exercises" I keep posting everywhere", I don't fucking care, it still has shitt music and unnecessary captions. It's just as shit as twitter except it comes with guarantee audio and video so it's worse and you fuckers will not stop posting webms from there. >>111749 You could tell looking just at the game, also >Random pill bottle means trans These fucking people are so desperate for any attention or validation.
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>>111749 They did, during the years the game was relevant and every time it was brought up. Even kikepedia mentions it. https://wiki2.org/en/Celeste_(video_game)#Legacy >>111754 >Random pill bottle means trans Pay attention to the desktop.
A SWEET KID: HOW THE RITTENHOUSE PRECEDENT SERVES AS A RALLYING CRY FOR VIGILANTISM BY THE WHITE SUPREMACISTS >When Kyle Rittenhouse was acquitted of murdering two men during anti-racism protests in Kenosha, the verdict was celebrated by far-right politicians and pundits across the United States. Several Republican lawmakers offered Rittenhouse an internship and Fox News host Tucker Carlson called him “a sweet kid.” >Kathleen Belew, a historian of American White Power movements and author of Bring the War Home: The White Power Movement and Paramilitary America, argues that the fact that Rittenhouse’s trial is being read as a victory by more mainstream components of the right has the potential to serve as a rallying cry for increased militant vigilantism against U.S. racial justice protesters. Belew spoke about how perpetrators of rightwing violent action in the U.S. have been empowered by verdicts like Rittenhouse’s in the past, and how the outcome of the case should be read in the context of growing militant social movements. >When Kyle Rittenhouse was found not guilty of all charges, you tweeted: “It has never taken more than a whisper of approval to fan the flames of militant right action, and the Kenosha acquittal is a shout.” What did you mean by that? >There have been many acquittals and partial verdicts that the White Power movement and militant groups have taken as signs that they can continue their activities unabated. I’m thinking of the acquittals in the Greensboro trials at state, federal and civil levels, [when members of the Ku Klux Klan and the American Nazi party shot and killed five marchers in an anti-Klan rally organized by the Communist Workers party in 1979], the acquittals in the seditious conspiracy trial in 1987-88 [after an all-White jury acquitted 13 White Supremacists who were charged with plotting to overthrow the U.S. government and kill federal officials] and the partial prosecution of Timothy McVeigh after the Oklahoma City bombing, where we saw the conviction of just one of a few conspirators rather than a prosecution geared at a movement, which is what this was. I think Kenosha is a much more significant moment. >It’s not my place to second-guess our judicial system. I believe in the rule of law. I believe in jury trial. But we know from the historical record that every time there is an incident like this, it has set off renewed activity by the White Power movement, often with imminent casualties. Kenosha has not just been watched by extremists, but by a whole bunch of people on the right. >It is a moment that animates not only the fringe, which is what we’ve seen before, but also components of the mainstream. >On the topic of the fringe and the mainstream, I often find myself not wanting to use the word extremist any more because it seems like we’re seeing fringe beliefs increasingly become more mainstream. >Pittsburgh as antisemitic violence, but they’re all acts of White Power violence. And by putting these stories together, I think these communities can link more effectively in efforts to combat this problem. Guess What? Latinos Are Often Guilty Of Perpetuating White Supremacy And We Don’t Even Notice It >This past weekend, Americans watched in shock as “alt-right” members, neo-Nazis and white nationalists descended upon Charlottesville, Virginia, attempting to spread their message of hate and intolerance. Clashes between white nationalists and counter-protesters were numerous. One counter-protester, Heather Heyer, was killed when a man rammed his car into several counter-protesters. >The man, 20-year-old James Alex Fields Jr., was later charged with second-degree murder. Earlier that day, he was photographed displaying the symbols of a white nationalist group called Vanguard America, which later denied he was a member. >That weekend journalist Shaun King posted a video of several men beating a 20-year-old man named Deandre Harris. King, who was attempting to confirm the identities of the men behind the beating, found that one of the men, Alex Michael Ramos, identifies as Latino. >A group called the Atlanta Antifascists then tweeted that Ramos was affiliated with the Atlanta chapter of the far-right organization Proud Boys and the far-right militia called the Georgia Security Force. >When a viewer asked why he marched with racists, Ramos said, “I stood by racist people but they weren’t racist to me.” Ramos’ assertion that his Puerto Rican roots meant he couldn’t be racist is a prime example of Latinos who are completely ignorant of their ability to perpetuate white supremacy. >Guess what? Latinos, both here and in Latin America, do and say plenty of things that promote anti-blackness — and most of the time we don’t even blink an eye when it happens. When it comes to discussing racism, we often subscribe to the black vs. white binary that we often see in the United States. If our views aren’t extreme, if we’re not a “full-blown racist,” then we’re completely absolved of perpetuating anti-blackness, right? >Wrong. When we think like that, we tend to ignore the colorism — often subtle — that permeates through much of Latin America. It’s a difficult thing to confront, but if we don’t address it within our own community, we can’t expect it to magically resolve itself. https://archive.ph/m4bdd I’m not sure about the Jews themselves. But niggers, LGBT and even white liberals realizing the demographic warfare against whites backfiring on them. Latino majority won’t have white guilts and far less tolerate of tranny bullshit the white Americans. In fact Latinos are the biggest nigger haters in the Americas.
>>111756 Oy vey I thought it was latinx, how sexist of them to claim only the men are white supremacists.
>>111745 Is that a parody of Linkara? That faggot gonna become the next Mundanematt or Chris-Chan.
>>111749 Billy tried to warn you. But his site died along with him
>>111754 Tiktok satisfies the same kind of soundbite-length microaffirmation and drip-feed entertainment desires that Twitter and similar social media does, only with sound and video.
>>111752 Speaking of shit games, I really wish the dev of Kokoro Clover would take his concept and make an actual game out of it. The current "game" is really geared towards very young children - so it's mostly story and the gameplay is very short and super basic. But it's so goddamned cute that I'm getting blueballs here. I just want to take that adorable dancing loli and go on a 3~5 hour adventure across elemental theme'd stages with satisfying boss fights and secret areas to discover.
>>111761 Ever played Fortune Summoners? Basically has the same feel as this geimu
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>>111749 How did you miss that one? I remember anons making fun of that shit quite a bit. Here have some fags list of vidya trannies: >A History Of Trans Characters In Video Games Part 1-3 https://archive.md/3PiFE https://archive.md/uvh5H https://archive.md/ImCi4
>>111761 It's like the artist for the Pokemon anime draws magical girls fighting mega man bosses on Rabi-Ribi's island. All that aside, it looks like I would hate it, but if it's even remotely popular there'll be a ton of porn of it.
>>111755 Tranny bullshit is why I wished #Notyourshield never happen. Early GG should’ve reached out to Muslims, Mormons, Hindus and not the (((LGBT))) community! Fuck atheist e-celebs that started #Notyourshield and gatekeep sympathetic Christians from GG.
>>111763 I only looked at the first image, and almost none of those characters are trans. Deranged trannies can't tell the difference between drag queens, transvestites, hermaphrodites, traps, trannies, and characters who just aren't concerned with gender. That's why they keep embarrassing themselves with bullshit like claiming ED from Cowboy Bebop is trans, despite ED never claiming to be anything other than a girl - even to the point of triggering a cross-dressing homo who thought ED was a boy and wanted to try to groom him. X is X as a trope just means "I am who I am", not "I am a man, but I want to be a woman".
>>111749 Fuck off Billy
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>>111761 Looks like Rabi-Ribi but with mechas instead of not-Touhous. >>111765 >implying Muslims and Mormons play games and don't consider them degenerate artifacts that need to be banned
>>111768 >>implying Muslims and Mormons play games and don't consider them degenerate artifacts that need to be banned Muslims love tactical shooters and regularly mod games like counter strikes to call Israel defense force terrorists. Mormons have a fallout new Vegas larping community.
>>111768 Bin laden literally had emulators with vidya in his PC.
>>111770 /ourguy/
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>>111766 Isn't the only 'real' tranny the watchdogs 2 one, which makes it even more funny?
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>>111761 Damn, you sure this is a kid's game? Look at the split-second upskirt followed by that hip ratio!
>>111763 Okay, from what I gathered, >Some Japanese dev made a joke about Okama or crossdressing in general? Trans representation! >Character is androgynous or doesn't care about giving a concrete identity? Trans representation! and can't forget missing the point of Naoto's character arc in Persona 4, which is a calling card of these people. >We're going to ignore the message and take the exact opposite point away because it suits our narrative! I bet they also thing Kanji is a fag instead of just being insecure because he like sewing and had a crush on a reverse trap.
Archive of previous bread https://archive.ph/xi78b Why was the previous thread moved to the /gg/ board?
>>111770 >>111763 Honestly all the tranny shit and LGBT propaganda targeting kids makes me agree Muslims were right about america and China being the new sodom and gomorrah.
>>111775 Kazu moves them there so they can be archived forever on the /gg/ board
>>111765 >Early GG should’ve reached out to Muslims, Mormons, Hindus and not the (((LGBT))) community! That WAS who started it. Every single minority group (Niggers, Pajeets, Mudslimes, fags) was tired of being used as an defense. It wasn't an exclusively sexual banner.
>>111772 Yes, and I'm surprised they didn't putty Abby from TLoU2 on there, but then I remember she's canonically female (and get's fucked by Druckmann's self insert)
>>111777 I just found it odd that the previous thread was moved while the rest of the previous threads were still up. Guess a fucky wucky happened.
>>111778 >It wasn't an exclusively sexual banner. Became one thanks to the (((skeptic community))) and all the fag shit driven away most the blacks, browns, pajeet, devout Christians and Muslims.
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>>111762 >Ever played Fortune Summoners? Nope, but I'll give it a look now. >>111768 >Looks like Rabi-Ribi but with mechas instead of not-Touhous. Rabi-Ribi is good, but it's not quite the same. RR is cute, but it's not as... innocent, I guess... as something like this, or Chantalese/Recettear or Monster World IV. Shantae too, but that's a bit too self-aware.
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>>111782 >RR is cute, but it's not as... innocent, I guess.. Whats wrong with cute girls loving cute girls?
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>>111745 It's phones. I forget where I read it, but something like 70% of millennial college kids can't understand a filesystem tree with nested folders. Why? Because they're used to living within "apps" that just open all their files for them, like iTunes. Back in the 90s that kind of person was called a Luser and rightly mocked for being retarded at computers, but today its a burgeoning majority.
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>>111783 lesbos are wrong and disgusting
>>111765 >Fuck atheist e-celebs that started #Notyourshield and gatekeep sympathetic Christians from GG You're either trolling or a newfag if you don't remember how ChristCenteredGamer was lauded, recommended, and reached out to in the early days of GG since they were held as an example of how to review games whilst acknowledging and separating your biases.
>>484985 >hating on Chel
>>111788 I would have preferred the brown girl from Atlantis instead but I also remember everyone in that movie having some weird manjaw. Same with that sexy german tomb raider in that movie.
Niggerpill, you fucking hypocrite. You were celebrating Battlefield crashing and burning on Steam with a "get woke go broke" right over here: >>111670 Also I notice you getting involved in the pedo discussion earlier in the thread yes, i'm responding, but only so anons can see what he's been posting since the Jew and his lackeys are taking their sweet time: >>111645 >>111651 >>111645 >>111666
>>111790 That's just a TOR node lynxchan isn't aware of. Not all of those posts are the same people.
>>111791 Is this what some of those Torfags from a while ago were complaining about with getting IDs other than 000000? I thought it was just some weird bug that got fixed.
>Id: 449148 Nigger pill once again forgot to IP hop
>>111769 >Muslims love tactical shooters and regularly mod games like counter strikes to call Israel defense force terrorists. I've seen skins, but is there more beyond that?
>>111792 It was an issue that appeared to be solved for awhile, but has recently shown up again. Perhaps new exit nodes have appeared and have yet to be indexed by lynxchan.
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>>111792 Yeah. 8moe is now able to detect IPV6 TOR users, but the active node list doesn't update as fast as the main IPV4 list because the address space is so much bigger. It solved the problem 90%, but every once in a while one will still squeak through. >>111795 Bingo.
>>111796 Would be less of an issue if the onion functioned properly and there were no longer a reason to use the clearnet site.
>>111796 How bout you clean up niggerpills remnant posts like: >>484986 >>484994
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Anyway, this is from last month but this is new to me and I don't recall anyone here talking about it. Apparently the Austrian Police are finding their morals and balking at enforcing more lockdowns. https://archive.md/2RiEA https://twitter.com/angryray66/status/1460883653765091336 https://infodujour.fr/politique/54068-lautriche-se-souleve-contre-la-dictature-sanitaire Now if only other Zogbot thugs in other countries did the same, but they have cushy pensions and paychecks to protect.
>>111625 > ‘Battlefield 2042’ Has Lost 70% Of Its Players In Two Weeks On Steam So 70% of the player base bought a game for 60/70$ to play it for 2 weeks and leave? That is still totaly insane,there is no fucking campaign buying a game like that only make sense if you will play it for a few years.Hype it up , sell it , shut the servers down to lower the cost and hype up the next one Why do people continue to give them free money?
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>>111797 The onion works fine as far as we can ascertain. Or at least every time someone complains and we check on it, its normal. Generally issues there are one of two things, either the server makes its mandatory 24 hour node hop and winds up on a shitty network, or we're getting hit with the weird TOR-based DDoS attack that's been coming and going since August and your TOR network bandwidth is being choked off. We can't do anything about the first one at all, but this weekend I'll be testing some preliminary things to help deal with the second. >>111798 Fine.
>>111801 >The onion works fine as far as we can ascertain No it doesn't, websockets have been broken since they were first implemented.
>>111800 >Why do people continue to give them free money? FOMO They didn't want the game. They wanted in on the next hot shit, and when that didn't pan out, they moved on. They'll keep giving these companies money - usually following larger recognized brands, but not always - because it's a socialization tool. Even if you don't use it to socialize much, they still get validation from being in early on something popular.
>>111799 Here's what's gonna happen. Austria will "delay" the mandate indefinitely, while it's going though in Germany due to lack of resistance. Then, in autumn 2022 they'll try it again. Meanwhile other countries will attempt to use Krauts as an excuse to poison their own citizens. Greece I have no reading on, but I give them better chances than Germany too. Their protests can be pretty harsh too.
>>111802 Man we ran ourselves ragged trying to figure that one out. Codexx especially, but I did too. There's something fucky about websockets demanding WSS: for the protocol when the onion doesn't have a cert. It shouldn't do that, but it fuckin' does it anyway and we pulled our hair out trying to figure out why. Its why we made the auto refresh timer a legacy feature. Someday we'll be debugging something else completely and stumble on to whatever stupid shit is causing this and fix it, but for the moment its just disabled.
>>111803 This is exactly it. Being apart of a bad experience still means you got to be apart of a topical experience. And that is the single most important thing to a normalnigger, and why marketing always matters more than a quality product.
>>111801 Thank (you)
>>111738 >I hear that college kids today are already forgetting how to use computers, though, so it might be the case that the non-social-media internet will be abandoned to ordinary people just because normalfags won't know how to access it off their phones. Yep, that's a problem that's getting worse and worse. Read this https://archive.vn/SGJ1X
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I want to fuck Vivian.
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>>111810 Is that so?
>>111810 >>111811 I want to fuck Vivian, Erin AND Freya.
>>111812 What about Danielle?
>>111814 I don't really like Danielle's massive tits. I'm more into Freya's musclegirl act and having threesomes with erin and vivian.
>>111815 I'm all in for Vivian's unkempt bush and armpit hair. It's her best feature.
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>>111815 >I don't really like Danielle's massive tits. Fag detected
>>111799 >>111804 Germans are clearly incapable of managing their own society. Maybe someone from Austria needs to go to Germany and take over and run things for them.
>>111817 I like big titties but some titties are too big. Just like I like 2d musclegirls but some are too big and muscular.
>>111818 The habsburgs can go and stay go.
>>111810 Of course you do. What else are daughters for?
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>>111815 Well I want to fuck Danielle, Freya, Vivian, and Erin. At the same time.
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>>111763 >Birdo Considering that both Birdo and Yoshi produce eggs I don't think anyone can tease out that mystery at this point >Adel She's not a tranny she's just roided out on sorceress magic >Quina Literally comes from a species with an indeterminable sex >Bridget Cross dresses for ceremonial reasons. Not only is he not a troon, he straight too. >Vivec No you faggot he's literally a hermaphrodite. He's a divine being with a perfect blend between male and female. >Gwyndolin Another one that cross dresses for ceremonial reasons. >Kris GODDAMN THIS FRUIT IS RETARDED. >Madeline Retconned as a troon years after release after her creator also became a troon. I now officially and completely hate trannies.
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>>111822 and yet youre still wrong
>>111799 Nice, happy to hear this.
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>>111799 Yes, the Union of the Army was also officially present at the anti-vaccination rally with a hundred thousand people. There's still plenty of complying zogbots though. That being said, half the government just resigned allegedly as a consequence of some corruption shit... but that was months ago. More likely, they resigned because they didn't want to risk the pozz mandate blowing up in their faces, quite possibly literally. So the mandate may well not happen. We'll see. https://archive.md/3I3wf
>>111818 Has always been the case, pretty much. They are natural sheep, and extremists to boot, which creates the perfect breeding ground for authoritarianism of all kinds to take over again and again. That is why you cannot leave these people to their own devices.
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>>111824 Shut the fuck up, I'll also fuck your waifu.
>>111824 I want to FUG 2B
>>111829 GET IN LINE! Or buy one. When they become available. If they become available.
>>111749 You're extremely late. And as another anon said, it was retroactive. Basically the dev trooned out after it's first release. He was NOT a tranny when Celeste was just releasing and getting constant press, but was completely trooned by time of the DLC
>>111823 Also notice how it constantly brings up, “the character uses male and female pronouns.” No shit, it’s a trope in Japan that tomboys and delinquent girls use boku and ore, it’s not because they want to be men, it’s because they want to sound tough. and in the case of Naoto and the chick from FF5 it’s because they’re trying working in male dominated fields and thus act more masculine to fit in, which again, the whole point of Naoto’s character arc is accepting herself as a woman.
>>111745 >>111738 I think the problem is also all because of how difficult it is to find actually useful shit/info these days, what with Google suggesting sites that lock shit behind accounts or paywalls or blatantly favoring websites filled with garbage info like Reddit, and all other search engines being either very limited in scope or leading to spam sites. It used to be that if you wanted to fix some problem you had with proprietary software, you'd use one or more of the following: >Dedicated or general forum with quasi experts >Official patch sites >Non pahjeet youtube tutorials >Alternative free software >Worst case, you could just go to an imageboard or discussion site just to get it done Nowadays, the only two places where you can find a fix like 0.1% of the time is StackOverflow, and the userbase there is made up of insufferable cunts. You can't even use the "git gud and learn" card as most of the non open source shit is impossible to debug.
https://archive.md/uXt7B https://patriotone.substack.com/p/nyc-chief-medical-officer-who-ruled NYC Chief Medical Officer Who Ruled Epstein Killed Himself Resigns
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zoe quinn would hate this battle
>>485070 >/ I'm terribly addicted to they/them pussy please send help You are on the path to perdition, seek redemption before you lose your soul eternally. Plus I'm not even sure they have a pussy. At that point, take a piece of liver and stick your dick in there it'll probably feel better that whatever that is.
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>>111836 Do not reply to the avatarfag!
>>111837 But he/him is taking the first steps on the road to redemption.
>>111838 But thon/thon sounds like a faggot.
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>>111837 good lord how many avatarfags are there? I haven't been paying much attention.
>>111839 This is /v/. You're really not narrowing it down much.
>>111840 This faggot has been around for months, always uses a random picture of Toga in his tor posts.
>>111600 So is China's zerg army going to be populated by chinese musclegirls? >>111841 But void has faggot prounouns! I know I bitched that anons post tiktok webms but still this one is especially funny to me.
>>111843 >So is China's zerg army going to be populated by chinese musclegirls? no, the average chinese soldier is a skinny dude fed on protein bars. Chink muscle gf is the reward after you defeat the whole zerg army.
>>111843 I really cannot wait until the day when all these creatures are crushed under the merciless treads of reality.
>>111749 Wasn't the game about abortion to begin with?
>>111694 Laughed out loud. Idiocracy at its finest.
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>>111843 This is fucking ebonics for whyte peepo.
>>111843 I was not expecting that voice. God, she's ugly.
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>>111766 Why are animals often drawn more realistically in anime then the humans?
>Right-wing activists are openly 'weaponizing' Twitter's new private media policy https://edition.c nn.com/2021/12/03/tech/twitter-image-policy-abuse/index.html >Twitter acknowledged on Friday that a new policy it unveiled this week to protect users from harassment is being abused by malicious actors — days after journalists, left-wing activists and self-described "sedition hunters" reported their accounts had been locked for sharing publicly available images of anti-maskers, anti-vaccine protesters and suspected Capitol insurrectionists. >The acknowledgment highlights how Twitter has been caught flat-footed by what it described in a statement as "a significant amount of coordinated and malicious" activity that led to "several errors" in Twitter's enforcement. >"We've corrected those errors and are undergoing an internal review to make certain that this policy is used as intended — to curb the misuse of media to harass or intimidate private individuals," Twitter said. No archive because their site and captchas work less and less for me
>>111852 Well well well, look at them. They are now affected by the same rules they pushed.
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>>485108 I just realized that when a game from the west featuring a little girl as MC like AHIT or Celeste comes out, it's likely they're gonna push tranny propaganda in it way or another. Thank god they're not doing that with Onirism.Yet.
>>111853 Won't be for long until it's back to the Some animals are more equal than others Animal Farm shit and certain accounts will be permitted to post dox with impunity.
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>>111690 I'm still confused as to why pajeets still shit in the streets, and if there's other countries today that have even filthier streets.
>>111856 The toilet doesn't stab me with experimental chemicals rushed out for a man made virus.
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>>111836 Is that Kyle Rittenhouse on the right? >>111848 Ebonics makes language easier, this shit on the other hand means you have to memorise a set of additional instructions for substituting words. It's unnecessary complexity. So if someone goes for thon/thon, the one next to them goes for oy/vey and you are talking about thon/thon's mother who goes for zim/zam then you have quite the mess. Interesting in concept for communicating individual people in text using general terms that in theory could clear up ambiguity, but at the same time you need a phonebook of pronouns stated before every single conversation and endless repetition to do it properly. Even they couldn't do it in a single take, there was for whatever strange reason the need to have three cuts for something that short and additionally it most likely was also scripted before starting the recording. It's really not hard to speak for 30 seconds without making any mistakes, but with this bullshit it is.
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>>111856 Political cartoonists are really the dumbest of retards. Except Ben Garrison of course.
>>111846 No, it's an indie game, by law it has to be a metaphor for depression.
>>111861 Ben Garrison recently made an Australia vore comic.
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>>111861 Ben Garrison labels absolutely everything he sees.
Political cartoonists are faggots because their cartoons are not pornographic where the opposing side is depicted as a collection of sluts who thirst for your side, who are depicted as a group of mega manly men with giant cocks who use said manly cocks to convert the sluts to the correct™ side of the issue.
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>>111864 You forced me to post this
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>>111852 >No archive because their site and captchas work less and less for me The stop posting from your phone, moron! https://archive.ph/C4AYJ
>>111852 >>111868 The ironic thing is that they have no choice but to equally enforce it or else they can then be sued legally as a result of their "protection" going away. Also if they don't enforce it equally they might be liable for criminal charges as well. Possible example: Random leftist posts picture of Kyle Rittenhouse without his permission with the obligatory defamation, it gets reported, twitter refuses to take it down or enforce their own rules, now Kyle can sue twitter for defamation.
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>>111866 >bulge
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>tfw no happening
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>>485119 >That is when people move on to kill them LOL
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>>111869 >The ironic thing is that they have no choice but to equally enforce it or else they can then be sued legally as a result of their "protection" going away. Anon, are fucking daft? Have you not been paying attention to all the rules they've been enforcing one sidedly for years without repercussion? >>111856 >My fellow villagers It's like pottery.
>>111856 >shitting in the streets Has this nigger never heard of bedpans?
>>111877 or composting toilets
>>111878 Or buckets.
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>>111856 >that nose >"My fellow villagers"
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>>111874 Be the change you want to see
>>485164 What? I thought medieval toilets even in a castle were essentially bucket holes?
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>>111872 You know this falls flat considering the artist does the same shit just with insane strawmans that might as well be labels.
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>>111884 that is one mentally ill kid
>>111884 <I don't want toys! <I want to get poisoned!
>>111884 Reminds me of those anti-drug commercials they had when i was a teen: "When i grow up, i want to be a junkie!"
>>111856 >I'm still confused as to why pajeets still shit in the streets Pooping in the streets literal part of Hindu culture. Hindus think bathing and eating cow shit will protect you from aids and Covid 19. Parts of India that have a large Muslim or Christian community are always cleaner than the Hindu majority of India. If the Muslim and Christian communities of India form a new nation. It will be cleaner and less polluted than the rest of India.
>>111884 The elves did this.
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>>111887 >>111884 I wonder if vaccines will be the USA's new "War on drugs" Considering how badly they lost that war there was still many who made trillions off of it with no repercussions.
>>111869 >jewish website gets sued in jewish court >expecting it not to be instantly dismissed Dumbass.
>>111890 Furry pizzeria. I thought I saw all the disgusting degeneracies of american food, but this is new.
>>111892 > I thought I saw all the disgusting degeneracies of american food You've never eaten at South East Asian places have you?
>>111892 They sit on your pizza with their pamps before serving and add some special sauce uwu as a swuprize!
>>111888 >Hindus think bathing and eating cow shit will protect you from aids and Covid 19. I wish you were joking. But pajeets really do believe that cow poop and piss will cure anything. https://archive.md/OflcL >The letter described how “the Hindu religious system places great value on the products of cows. They believe that the byproducts of cows such as dung, ghee, milk, curd, and urine are purifying agents.” They wrote how “many people are consuming cow dung and urine under branded ‘cow dung therapy’ for Covid cure.” The letter continued by saying, “Some members of the Hindu nationalist party demanded that cow urine and dung can prevent and cure Covid-19. Therefore, the Indian superstitious, fanatic politicians and some other leaders disseminating the propagation that cow dung can cure Covid-19 among the general religious population.” This is all despite the lack of real scientific evidence supporting the use of either cow dung or cow urine against Covid-19.
>>111890 >2000s: Big pharma is the true culprit of the drug problem because opoids >2020s: Big pharma is my god, please fill my ass with vaccines Also god damnit I haven't had a pizza in two years and I'm really craving one. The issue is all the good places don't deliver to my home and otherwise everyone's copying each other with the literal same greasy, no sauce base, pre-packaged pre-processed chicken and goblin cum "ranch sauce" chicken ranch recipe. I should get off of my ass and make my own.
>>111895 >But pajeets really do believe that cow poop and piss will cure anything At a certain point it does because they believe it does... placebo is unironically meme healing magic.
>>111896 Make your own anon and once you learn how to get it just right it ends up being fantastic.
>>111893 No and I hope I'll never do.
>>111898 I know, I've made some before and I ended up liking it a lot more than anything I've ever ordered. Far less greasy, I could control the sauces and cheeses just the way I want, I could put all the veggies I wanted the way I wanted instead of the disgusting olives they used for everything, get the meat or chicken done the way I want, it's all great. It's just too much effort especially since I live alone.
>>111898 >Make your own anon Out of body parts or fabric?
>>111895 >I wish you were joking. But pajeets really do believe that cow poop and piss will cure anything. If Hindus were not Isolationists. They would consider more dangerous and hatred than Islamist. Look up cow vigilantes in India and anti-Muslim riots that accidentally kill and mass rape other Hindus half the time because hindu pajeets tend to be illiterate compared to the other religious groups of India.
>>111895 The brownpill's unsurprisingly popular in India.
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>>111892 Fur-Burgers used to be something to look forward to, but the mental faggots have ruined that. Just as well, I guess, the only girls who keep a proper crotch of pubic hair these days are the nasty bitches you wouldn't want to go down on anyhow. Everyone else either shaves it or keeps it neatly trimmed. Someone needs to start a charity fund for homeless crabs.
>>111904 Don’t worry, Anon. As long as Japanese censorship laws are the way they are the JAV will carry the torch of full bush.
>>111905 Wasn't there a politician who was anti JAV-mosaics gaining traction recently?
>>111868 Both my desktop and phone use hardened browsers, I'm not touching jewgle shit just for gamergays. If I wanted to I could just download vanilla firefox and it'd justwerk. >>111869 They already walked it back and said if the person is newsworthy it won't apply. Of course you know who the news will consider newsworthy. >>485198 I know big tech has problems moderating SEAland very well because the local moderators have religious biases against degeneracy.
>>111896 >I should get off of my ass and make my own. Let me recommend the pizza thread on >>>/ck/576 There looks like there are some goon recipes there.
>>111885 Was probably beaten and threatened by his jew parents with more molesting until he got the lines right and then molested anyway
Hey guys, remember when there was some videos going around of people sticking magnets to their arms after they got their jab? Well I'm here to tell you that there is absolutely no reason to believe that was any legitimacy to those videos and were clearly to spread fear and there's absolutely no reason to believe there is correlation to the NHS calling for bans from purchasing neodymium magnets: https://archive.md/gAVP7
>>111910 >65 kids in england in the last three years have had surgery for swallowed magnets >yet they rag on americans for banning kinder surprise
>>111912 Has no style?
>>111912 Ain't my boy but the brother is heavy?
>>111913 HE HAS NO GRACE
>>111897 >>111903 >>111902 >>111895 As a kid I played on fields that had been fertilized with Odel which is literally animal shit and piss. I wouldn't recommend eating cow dung but it's probably better in hardening your immune system against corona than vaccines. Eat shit, american pansies!
>>111580 post some more christmas music
>>111890 >racism I like how furries most often use European animals and give them blue eyes. It's like they have some racial preference for certain animal races.
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>>485198 Section 230 is under attack by Democrats and Republicans, but for different reasons. Biden wants to revoke Section 230 so that spreading "falsehoods" on social media is a punishable crime. He wants to hold Facebook liable to whatever lies their billions of Facebook users say. Ridiculous. Trump also wanted to revise Section 230, but for a good reason. Social media companies DO discriminate and target rightwing people unfairly. Social media has become a valuable communication tool like the telephone was. But whereas the government makes it illegal for phone companies to discriminate, social media companies lack any free speech protections for its users.
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>>111826 >More likely, they resigned because they didn't want to risk the pozz mandate blowing up in their faces, quite possibly literally. Kurz and his turquoise entourage were axed by the resurging old "blacks". Traditionally the province governors (especially from Lower Austria) held the real power in that party and ruled from the backseat until he weaseled his way to the top with his buttbuddies. A combination of his Corona-related mistakes and various corruption scandals which were mostly uncovered through the Ibiza Affair which was supposed to only target the FPÖ and is rumored to have been backed by the ÖVP itself among others and a rogue ex-Greens politician-turned-journalist that was kicked out of his party by the PC crowd, are responsible for him falling into disgrace with the rest of the ÖVP mafia and a considerable part of their core voters. Some leaked audio recording even had him explicitly insulting the blacks.
>>111916 >As a kid I played on fields that had been fertilized with Odel which is literally animal shit and piss. Which might explain why Mexicans are not getting Covid 19 in North America. Especially compared to welfare joggers. >Eat shit, american pansies North America have to live with basket ball Americans. That aren’t boosting anyone immunity.
>>111922 Hold on anon are you saying humans have this thing called the immune system that's there to literally fight off diseases and then provide protection from further illness? Who would have thought it.
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>>111890 >nose exposed over the mask
big dick gaming mark you fucking jew eat a bag of shit on xmas
>>111843 >Let's all be inclusive by using fucked english that non native english speakers won't understand jack shit. I learned english mostly by myself and had to see this video at least three times to understand what that emo Shrek was saying.
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>>111890 Why do furries continue to try and force themselves into the so called LGBT I mean they already have AIDS I doubt they want cat AIDS as well.
Rockstar Games co-founder spills the beans on why he left despite GTA's success >One of Rockstar Games' four co-founders, Jamie King, recently appeared for an interview with the Spanish Grand Theft Auto creator, Killaz. Over the course of the interview, the Rockstar co-founder spilled the beans on why he left the organization shortly after the rising success of the Grand Theft Auto franchise way back in 2006. >Rockstar Games' Jamie King reveals that his departure from the organization was "personal" Rockstar Games was founded in December 1998 by Dan Houser, Sam Houser, Terry Donovan, and Jamie King. >King left the organization back in 2006, when the company began to see the rising success of the GTA franchise. Naturally, this raised a few eyebrows, but the reason behind the founder's departure was never revealed. >Fifteen years later, in an interview with Killaz, King decided to get candid about his reasons behind bidding adieu to the organization that has released hit titles like the GTA franchise, Red Dead Redemption, and so many more. >I left because I thought the situation was one-way, and the situation was actually a different way. The way I found out, I was just like ‘I don’t want to do this anymore.’ <Just took all the fight, just took all the excitement out for me." >He revealed that at the time of his departure, the four of them had been working throughout the week for Rockstar Games, and were sacrificing a lot more than they wanted to. Naturally, King decided that that was not how he wanted to spend his days and decided to call it quits before things turned sour. >Rockstar I was like I don’t want to do it. I just don’t want to do it. At that point, we’d been working seven days a week, and I was sacrificing everything for it. >I just felt like life is too short and there are other things I want to do. It was personal but I understood the terrain I was in, and if I didn’t like it I had to be the one that moves on." >King understood that since it was a difference of priority that he was facing with Rockstar Games, it was in the best interest of the company if he removed himself from it. >Naturally, he wishes nothing but the best for the organization, given that he had been a key part of it when it rose to fame. https://archive.ph/oq4qY Grand Theft Auto: The Trilogy Physical Editions Have Been Delayed >Rockstar Games has announced that the physical editions of Grand Theft Auto: The Trilogy – The Definitive Edition have been delayed. >Sharing in a new tweet yesterday, the developer shared the PS4, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X|S versions of Grand Theft Auto: The Trilogy will now release on December 17, while the Nintendo Switch version of the game will launch sometime during early 2022. All physical editions were scheduled for a December 7 release date. >Grand Theft Auto: The Trilogy – The Definitive Edition launched digitally on November 11 for Nintendo Switch, PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X|S and includes Grand Theft Auto III, Grand Theft Auto: Vice City, and Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas. <The collection also features updated graphics and GTA V-style controls and camera tracking. >Following the launch of The Trilogy, players have been reported bugs and gameplay glitches while playing the game, along with some issues to do with character models and vehicles. Rockstar recently released a statement apologizing for the ongoing issues with GTA: The Trilogy, saying that further updates are coming that will improve the game. >The updated versions of these classic games did not launch in a state that meets our own standards of quality, or the standards our fans have come to expect," the developer said. >The latest update was released yesterday and featured more than 100 fixes across all three games, including stability improvements, an improved look of the rain, and numerous spelling error corrections. https://archive.ph/9mPWb
>>111927 Furries always have and always will force themselves onto whatever they can. They have always been the biggest attention whores.
Merry Christmass Mark. Would you like to hear the good word of our Lord and Savior Jesuschrist?
>>111856 >Facebook Can't even make a medival joke. >the tiny door >THE TINY TOILET DOOR I mean what the fuck? Why do Americans do that? That's the most private place to be in. And the author is so retarded, he thinks they always looked like that. They only look like that in the US for whatever perverted reason.
>>111927 Furries and faggots work partially on a principle of acceptance, and they feel more like they belong as they accumulate the marks of their class such as STDs. I'm half-tempted to take this to an extreme and say that everyone who has some kind of justification of their hobbies and identity like tattoos or figurines is just as bad, but at least none of that shit is literal illnesses.
>>111927 Same reason all the others play dress up as fags. They want the special treatment and kid gloves those niggers are treated with by society and they can feel like they are fighting for the "cause". People are too devoid of purpose so shit like that is appealing and gives them a sense of belonging. >>111928 >Trilogy Physical Editions Have Been Delayed Kind of amazed they didn't just shit it out and say fuck it like most of these cunts usually do.
>>111890 I bet the owner is a registered sex offender or hiring sex offenders. I haven’t seen a furry owning a business that hasn’t been exposed as a sexual predator. Hell every time someone random digs into LGBT own business find a pederast. I wish conservatives start adopting cancel culture tactics like review bombing leftists businesses. I hate this whole conservatives have to be better than them bullshit.
>>485249 Calm down. "Don't discriminate based on political affiliation" isn't a concept you should REEE about. Unless... are you in favor of unfair discrimination?
>>111922 >Mexicans are not getting Covid 19 No tests, no Covid. It's that simple. The common cold is a Corona virus, just like Covid 19. Without this testing bullshit nobody would notice a difference apart from special syptoms like not smelling for two weeks but not everyone has these symptoms.
>>111890 Are the furries jizzing on pizzas again?
>>111937 Again?
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>>111937 Just Sonic but he only does that on Cream's pizza.
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>>111940 Why did I even ask
>>111933 >Kind of amazed they didn't just shit it out and say fuck it like most of these cunts usually do. Rockstar games pre-damage controlling GTA 6 and GTA 4 trilogy Definitive edition if I had to guess. I thought the problem with GTA 6 would be woke pandering and boring pretentiousness like with Red dead redemption 2. But I have a feeling rockstar knows GTA 6 will be a cyberpunk 2077 scale technical mess. Especially with PS5 and Xbox series X can even handle ray tracing still.
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>>111940 How many STD does he have?
>>111946 He's like a pokemon trainer. Gotta catch em all.
>>111856 >Taking a shit on the toilet is the same as taking a rushed vaccine How can you make such a jump in logic? I bet the next retarded analogy will be eating using proper tableware as vaccinated and eating using your hands as anti vaxxer.
>>111947 Poz pigs exist so you're probably right.
>>111904 Is it weird I prefer 70s and late 80s porn because it feels more real? Before wide spread plastic surgery and tattoos on women. Even in the 80s they treated anal as a rare taboo which made it hotter.
>>111936 >The common cold is a Corona virus, just like Covid 19 Wrong ph'thaggot, covid-19 is a disease. Sars-cov-2 is the virus that causes covid-19. Every advert about the covid vaccine is disingenuous because they're advertising vaccinating against the possible resulting disease post sars-cov-2 infection. Just like injecting insulin is vaccinating against type-2 diabetes.
>>485249 <the answer isn't concrete solutions, the answer is idealistic goals >They hold a monopoly on attention Because for most people activity begets activity. If some normalfag's friends use a site he'll use it too. >It's one thing to push for infrastructure providers to stop discriminating. Those are things one can not easily reproduce. How does one "easily reproduce" hundreds of millions of active users? And keep in mind social media is a propaganda outlet, and will thus be bailed out once they start failing. Also, public companies aren't people.
>>111940 >>111904 I sometimes wish video games and movies really did made people violent. We would have anti-furry serial killers and punisher style vigilantes. Mexico should look like hotline Miami with mask vigilantes fighting the Mexican cartel.
>>111942 >>111940 >Rockstar games pre-damage controlling GTA 6 and GTA 4 trilogy Definitive edition if I had to guess. I’m hoping rockstar announced a GTA 4 and 5 definitive editions just for the shit storm it would cause.
>>111951 Sars-cov-2 is a Corona virus. Common cold is also often caused by the corona viruses. Corona viruses aren't as dangerous as they want you to think. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Severe_acute_respiratory_syndrome_coronavirus_2 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Coronavirus https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Common_cold >Coronaviruses are a group of viruses known for causing the common cold. Video is German state tv hag saying that before they changed their stance 180° because (((they))) gave new orders. She says that right-wingers are fear-mongering about Covid-19 and that it's like a fucking cold. Same virus group. Nothing new. So breath through and don't let youself get infected with panic!
>>111955 Coronavirus smashed my car windows and threw my dog into a woodchipper. Get vaccinated!
EA wants the next Battlefield game to be a hero shooter, claims insider <This would be a large departure from the series’ roots. >EA allegedly plans to make the next major Battlefield game a hero shooter, claimed industry insider Tom Henderson on Friday. Battlefield 2042, which introduced specialists — playable characters each equipped with their own unique gameplay abilities — was supposedly meant to serve as a “stepping stone” towards this rumored project, the insider said. >The next Battlefield title is scoped as a hero shooter of sorts – It’s not a removal of specialists, but an enhancement of them,” wrote Henderson on Twitter. The insider advised folks to take his claims with a grain of salt, as plans for in-development games are always open to change. <However, he also opined that he didn’t foresee this aspect of the project changing. >This news follows Thursday’s big shakeup at DICE and EA, which saw several major players within both companies move positions. >It was reported that DICE GM Oskar Gabrielson would be leaving, while Respawn’s Vince Zampella would be the new head of the Battlefield franchise. Additionally, it was claimed Marcus Lehto — a key figure in the development of the Halo series — would head up a new studio in Seattle intended to “[expand] the narrative, storytelling, and character development opportunities in the Battlefield series.” >Outside of the Bad Company subseries, Battlefield has rarely been known for its characters, much less its campaigns or storytelling. DICE’s choice to go with personality-driven specialists over traditional classes in Battlefield 2042 previously prompted criticism from fans, who longed for the franchise to return to its roots. Should Henderson’s claim prove accurate, that doesn’t seem likely to happen anytime soon. https://archive.ph/iDI92 GTA 6 May Not Be ‘As Edgy Or Quite As Funny,’ Says Rockstar Games Co-Founder >Rockstar Games co-founder Jamie King has weighed in on the future of the company during an interview with Killaz, suggesting that future titles including Grand Theft Auto 6 may not be ‘as edgy or quite as funny’ compared to what we’re used to. >King said that he doesn’t feel that the gameplay mechanics will change all that much, but culturally, said “there’s a difference” due to various departures at the studio. >I wouldn’t be surprised if the tone starts changing. And if it’s maybe not quite as edgy or quite as funny. I just think maybe there’s more opportunity for them to do something cheesy, cause they never do. Maybe not. There’s a beautiful machine there that you’d have to try real hard to f**k up. >Rockstar Games hasn’t announced Grand Theft Auto 6 yet, although there’s been plenty of speculation doing the rounds over the past few years. One of the more recent rumors has pegged the game for a release no earlier than 2025, and that it may feature destructible skyscrapers. https://archive.ph/ToYe4
>>111940 I’m really glad Rainfurrest caused most hotels and convention centers in my state to ban furries.
>>111957 I hope it's a massive flop. If they ruin the game and make it so woke and isn't over the top, who would want to play it.
>>111955 I've actually been more worried about my cat after it's turned out that COVID isn't all that catastrophically and universally lethal. Back when I had the rona I wouldn't let my kitty in the house. I kept her in a kennel on the porch. Corona virus infections can cause a fatal autoimmune disease in cats. I've had it happen to a few including to a precious little black cat a few years ago. It's a horrible way for a cat to go.
>>111957 >non-funny, non-edgy GTA That's just The Godfather video games, which I would love if GTA 6 got blown out by in comparison.
>>111959 You realize 99% of current players are playing gtav for the online, right? All they have to do is say new world, no hackers, more cars. It's a piece of shit grindfest but it's the best normalfags can get.
>>111960 I had a cat at the time I had covid and nothing happend. The cat is now with a relative of mine. It didn't die.
GTA is never funny to begin with these days, even back when it was funnier in the 3D era it was hit and miss. If they just made a good game they wouldn't need to rely on being so zany, but as they said, those people left.
>>111940 Hiding those images for my own sanity and due to the fact that I don't want to puke up my chinsese food all over my desk and keyboard. >>111955 Nigger why are you posting a german lady speaking german. This is an american board do you honestly expect us to understand a damn thing she says?
>>111965 >do you honestly expect us to understand a damn thing she says? I retold what she said. Might as well post the video.
>>111963 It's not 100% guaranteed to affect a cat that way. Mostly they just get digestive upset but if they get the disorder then it's usually terminal within a month.
>>111957 >EA wants the next Battlefield game to be a hero shooter Yeah they clearly wanted the 2042 to be one too and that really worked out well for them. Out of touch retards. >GTA 6 May Not Be ‘As Edgy Or Quite As Funny So they are indeed stripping it of any character. Hope it backfires on them like the lazy cash in trilogy did. >>111958 Yeah. Once you get a high concentration of furfags in one area, they basically turn into a horde of out control horny/depraved teenagers. >>111965 (checked) I made sure to spoiler them for your protection.
>>111957 > GTA 6 May Not Be ‘As Edgy Or Quite As Funny,’ Says Rockstar Games Co-Founder I hope the main character is an FtM Mexican Muslim and every "represented" group is too offended to support it.
>>111964 >GTA is never funny to begin with these days, even back when it was funnier in the 3D era it was hit and miss. I almost agree with you except for San Andreas. Replaying San Andreas always makes me laugh. I still hear new funny NPC dialogue I haven’t heard before. GTA 3 and Vice city got funnier in hindsight. For shit, you can’t get away now, and in-game talk radio show callers warning listeners that cell phones will make society dumber one day.
>>111957 >destructible skyscrapers. Will they be hardcoded to collapse directly into their footprints if you fly a plane into one small section of a couple of floors?
>>111970 Maybe the new games are coloring the old ones in my mind because I haven't really played them in a while. But holy fuck Rockstar sucks shit now.
>>111970 I think the funniest part of GTA4 was that one radio interview with an actor where he goes something along the lines of "being in hollywood blockbusters gives me insight and opportunity to talk about many subjects I have zero knowledge about".
>>111967 >digestive upset I had a cat that didn't want to eat because something in her mouth or throat was infected and died (I think we put it to sleep, don't remember) before Covid was a thing. The first cat I had was found next to the street but with no wounds. Nobody knows what happened to it. Maybe it ate the poisened bait from the dog hater. Cats die because of all kinds of shit, I wouldn't be worried about Covid. If the cat's immune system is working, it won't be a problem. If it isn't it will be without Covid too.
>>111971 >collapse directly into their footprints That would be very unrealistic if it looked like a controlled demolition, anon.
>>485267 >soyjaks What the fuck are you on about? Deleting non-political memes on your obscure basketweaving forum is not the same as Big Tech's discriminatory bias against political groups. Despite social media being a valuable communication tool in the modern age, social media Big Tech giants like Facebook and Twitter have colluded to unfairly target rightwingers. Phone companies aren't allow to politically discriminate against Trump and take away his ability to communicate via phone. And yet, mega corporations can restrict your ability to communicate via social media, simply because you expressed a ""dangerous"" rightwing opinion like All Lives Matter.
>>485249 >oy vey goyim I used hundreds of millions in clandestine government grants to buy infrastructure capable of controlling the thoughts and knowledge of entire nations and it's totally just "my private property" and you can't stop me All tor posts are a priori objectively wrong.
>>485249 You do realize that Section 230 was a later addition to government power and control, that originally communications on forums were moderated (if they were at all) by court case precedent? Standards of law are significantly harder to circumvent via selective enforcement since the courts themselves are set up as a mechanic for addressing the complaints of people who believe that policy has not been evenly applied, as opposed to the current situation where your communications are monitored and censored by federally subsidized "Private Companies" and you have no recourse since they cannot be held liable for anything their users post while they use the clout gained from their popularity and government connections to get infrastructure owners to drop sites where people with opposing views gather. YOU are the one arguing for a system that we can see is partisan controlled instead of defaulting to the original devices of the more impartial courts where the process of appeal is enshrined.
>>485327 >spamming the same non-arguments that aren't true, every single time the discussion is brought up lol, pathetic
>>485287 >By making a competitive product. Like all the failed plebbit clones? How many hundred million users does mastodon have? >Every single competitor to major platforms have been fucked with at the infrastructure level Several of the bigger ones, yes. That still doesn't apply to most of what I listed above. It would be harder to do if there was a legally protected class of forum that had to allow any type of wrongthink by law. And how do you plan to push for decentralization? Decentralization and federation both come with overhead a monolithic entity doesn't have, so in an unhindered free market, the monolithic entity outperforms and snowballs. >where the real battle is Wall street, publicly traded megacorporations, the kiked academic fields of identity politics and economics, and the media.
>>485327 >you think the government should shoot me? Yes, but not for any reasons stated ITT.
>>485333 >In an unhindered free market the best product outperforms and snowballs. You really think that's what would happen?
>>485333 >I didn't personally understand it, therefore no one can lol, solipsistic coward. >I should be allowed to run my site how I want and ban who I want while still not being held liable for the posts of my users. Okay. You're not. Because ZOG companies prevent smaller ones from getting bigger. You have to get rid of 230 to fix that. >In an unhindered free market the best product outperforms and snowballs. This is how delusional ancaps actually are.
>>485341 >I can't read Okay, bye. You're done.
>>485341 That has nothing to do with what I said, you retard. Get your head checked.
>>485333 >gab I wasn't talking about gab. It didn't start off that way and got deplatformed before it started using Mastodon. I don't know of any other deplatformed Mastodon instances, but feel free to enlighten me. >comes into impede their progress, every single time Give some concrete examples fitting the categories, please. The only one I know of is voat. >my property They're publicly traded companies, it's the property of holding companies, ultra rich investors and brainwashed CEOs. >By not impeding it. That's like waiting for a rock to roll up a hill on its own. >In an unhindered free market the best product outperforms and snowballs Yes, and problem is that the "best", i.e. most fitting product in an unhindered market is monolithic.
>>485333 oh, and >forcing site owners I was arguing for a new class of legal protections, not that every site owner fit that class.
>>111987 >Give some concrete examples fitting the categories, please. Whoops, your payment processor has decided to no longer let your company use them so now you don't have any way to pay for hosting. Whoops, your company has been dropped by [x] bank itself so now you can't pay or receive. Whoops, your host has decided they're not going to allow you to have that URL anymore, so you can't have a website at all. Whoops, local government regulations won't let you build a server farm capable of handling traffic to your site, so you can't grow and your site is permanently DDoS'ed by your own success so no one can access it at all. Things like that, you know. Stonetoss made a comic about it.
>>485333 Anon network effects are a real thing. Under some circumstances they can be overcome, but established networks really do have a massive advantage because the existing users contribute to the value they offer. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Network_effect

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>>111989 Concrete examples of reddit clones or mastodon instances being deplatformed. The other anon claimed that all that's needed to compete is a similar product. I'd say at the very least, pressure and a catalysing event is necessary for movement of users, but there are several plebbit bunkers where banned communities fled to, that didn't end up growing afterwards. So ending deplatforming, while important, might not be enough.
>>111991 I find that chinaman funny, his explanation about the attractiveness of cartoon milfs was autistically funny.
>>485333 Then keep your site private. The moment you host a public forum you must relinquish (that means "give up", a note since you're an idiot that can't understand words like "precedence" and "circumvent" and considers such terms >>word salad ) a portion of your control by the very nature of the fact that you are allowing people to post without any vetting (in this context that means "verifying the nature of something") or oversight (that means "responsibility for a job or activity and for making sure it is being done correctly"). In terms simple enough even for you to understand, no half-assing; if you host a public forum you must allow the public to speak there and if you moderate your forum you cannot claim you have no responsibility for what is hosted there. Besides, we both know you're the commie here since you are the one advocating for greater dictatorial control by a centralized body. Just like the ones who in previous threads advocated for Intellectual Property so that they could claim ownership of others' ideas.
>>485365 >it's not an obstacle because you can overcome it with effort
>>111994 >bake the fucking cake bigot
>>485365 >Use cash or a check. YOUR. BANK. SHUT. DOWN. YOUR. ACCOUNT. >Find another bank or credit union. ALL. BANKS. SHUT. DOWN. YOUR. ACCOUNT. >Find another host. ALL. HOSTS. REFUSE. TO. HOST. YOU. >Then move to another location. <lol just go to a totally different country if you want freedom of speech ha ha Thanks for completely missing the point and exposing yourself.
>>111992 >The other anon claimed that all that's needed to compete is a similar product. Oh, he's wrong, then. For example, there likely won't ever be a proper competitor to YouTube because it operates at a loss (always has) and is simply propped up by dark funds since it's more important to control the entire internet's video sharing narrative of what can and cannot be seen.
>>485382 >why wouldn't you record every transaction you ever made and give it to the government goyim >you should be using our (((credit cards))) so that we always know everything you buy and can stop you from buying anything we don't want you to have >lol just get a new credit card if you don't like it Dipshit.
>>111761 It reminds me of a cross between Mega Man, Krion Conquest and Monster World IV.
>>111991 >10 minuets on NFTs Here I’ll do it in one image.
>>111940 Didn't you leave out the actual reason why this blew up, which is when the authorities got involved?
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>>485388 >cuckchan wojak meme
>>485391 Do you not know what centralization of power is?
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>>112001 Pictures wrong >I want to sell you $25,000 of cocaine and still have it be a taxable event <Ok sure thanks I'll buy your $25,000 NFT
>>111917 By the way, I like that parody of the Santa vs. Moses ERB. Where did Moon Man get the instrumental for that? Is it a paid subscription thing? >>111971 Don't forget about the group of elves who were caught dancing and filming when the twin workshops collapsed. Suspicious as they were, they were let go because Santa is compromised and the North Pole is just a puppet state. >>485249 >It's only censorship when the government does it, goy! Public discourse is not a property. >>485365 Running away from your problems does not make them disappear. Sometimes war is the only solution. >>485391 YES.png
>>485391 >hey guys if you want to operate in this country you need to deny service to these fifty thousand or so people in the country because we put them on a blacklist >otherwise we’ll make it impossible for you to do business inside the borders of our country so follow these rules and you’ll be alright >ok thanks byeeeeeee
>>111998 What about tiktok?
>and bought a dog
>>112009 That doesn't fit my narrative shut the fuck up retard.
>>111996 Not an argument. I grok that you're slow but I hope you can see the difference between being forced to express someone else's speech and choosing to host other people's speech of your own volition. Let me know if there were any words in this one you didn't get champ, we're going to get through this together.
>>485406 Yes. Those people getting ostracized are called “criminals” and you get hit with severe penalties under rule of law for doing back-end business with them. It’s always been allowed to do this to murders and pedophiles and rapists but now being right-wing is also becoming considered criminal.
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>>485405 >all memes are created equal especially faggotchan or facebook memes
>>485409 I can’t pretend to know where you live so I can’t pull the public records from your area. Here’s a helpful tool for you that can help you get your local ostracisation list. https://legalbeagle.com/5891377-convicted-felons-area.html
>>485406 so your argument is that your social and economic ostracization measures aren't wide-reaching enough to attack each and every microscopic business in the entire world, therefore it's not happening at all?
(((Elves))) will not replace us!
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>>112009 Haven't heard of bad things from a freedom of speech standpoint yet, but it's owned by chinks, is probably datamining for chinks and will definitely bend to the chinks when it's useful. >>112011 transparent samefag >>485406 The Project Gutenberg site was unreachable through tor because it blocked access to Germany and any proxies due to copyright fuckery.
>>485406 Andrew Torba and Gab. The cuck can't even have a personal bank account, nor can his wife. >All banks use a single centralized network built by the bank conglomerates that own Mastercard and Visa. >Mastercard and Visa have a blacklist of people and businesses, ostensibly to "stop drug trafficking" >Anyone put on that list is automatically denied by every bank, because under .gov regulations every bank, no matter how small or local, must use the same network for transactions >Any bank that refuses the blacklist is kicked off the network and is therefore unable to do business
>>485417 The guy who runs the dickshow podcast was blacklisted by mastercard and couldn't get any bank in the U.S. to allow him an account and even had trouble getting shady banks in singapore to do business with him because of mastercard's global reach.
>>112019 that's not where his goalposts are anymore. he's saying that ostracization doesn't exist if the little old lady down the street who sells trinkets hasn't been intimidated by men in black into refusing to sell her trinkets to you.
>>485424 >Oy vey goym, banks should have power over you!
>>485425 Gab is cringe, and Torba is the Christian ur-cuck but it doesn't change what they did to him. >>485424 Good luck paying your power bill with monero >>485427 >every bank, no matter how small or local Can you read?
>>485417 Oh I see you’re using your scrying orb to figure out the state and county locations of every poster in the thread. Well in that case you don’t need me to help you, just use your magic seeing orb to get your answers. Maybe you should check out the Societal Association of the Legally Dead or maybe you can literally just access the federal felon database and association laws (which I already linked you a place that helps finding your local and specific information). Imagine thinking that CNN and MSNBC are the ultimate authority figures in the universe. Lmao bye faggot.
>>112005 It was a huge autistic shitshow and I don't care enough to go through the lengths it takes to learn exactly what happens every time there's a furry shitshow but as far as I remember they left the cummy pizza on the corridor outside of their room and then I don't remember what happened but then there was a lot of police involved including a biohazard team or something like that.
>>112019 Gab is cringe
>>485435 >Just fine >Having to take cash donations through the mail, which most fags are too lazy to do >Having to literally money launder crypto to get around it >Having to pay bills with money orders purchased with cash >Crippled to maybe 10-20% of the financial ability of everyone else >but its just enough to survive off of, so far >fine
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>>112017 >the (((elf))) stuff was fully intentional w e w
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>the (((elf))) fires up his vax spambot the moment (((elf))) posting begins
>>112027 If you’re not spending literally every single waking hour of your day jumping through legal hoops to buy food or pay bills then you literally have it too nice. You SHOULD be having to claw tooth and nail for ever last fucking cent just so you can afford a sandwich twice a day with any missteps under penalty of imprisonment. THAT is a just system, not this unchecked and rampant decadent capitalism that you’re pushing. >eating 3 meals a day Bourgeois asshole!
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>moneykike starts getting BTFO >He goes silent >Zero effort vaxtard spam immediately begins I wonder (((who))) could be behind this.
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I'm not a nigger
>>112017 >Out with the old, in with the jew Fuck, that actually got a giggle out of me.
>>112033 then why am i about to call you a nigger? nigger.
>>112033 Thanks for taking the bullet.
>>112033 NIGGER
>>112033 Confirmed for nigger.
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>>112040 only if you say please
>>112040 That's not how it works faggot.
>>112033 Sounds like something a nigger would say.
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>Bunch of posts being deleted from people actually arguing about censorship >Tons getting deleted, constantly unhiding deleted posts to follow the conversation >Try to post >Failed captcha >Per post captcha must have triggered >Habitually reload page so the captcha will show up >Forget that removes all the deleted posts. Fuck.
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>>112001 I'll do it in an even more succinct image. >>112009 In what possible capacity is NigNog a competitor to YouTube, dipshit.
>>112040 You’re a retard.
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>>111884 For going after the children like this, they're gonna fucking something something [fedpoast]. >>111895 Have you seen the cow dung phone chip that will protect your from radiation? https://archive.vn/Vc9V8 >Rashtriya Kamdhenu Aayog chief: ‘Chip made of cow dung significantly reduces radiation from phone’ >The RKA, which comes under the Ministry of Fisheries, Animal Husbandry & Dairying, was established by the Centre on February 6, 2019, and is aimed at “conservation, protection and development of cows and their progeny”. It was announced in the Union Budget 2019-20. >Describing cow dung as “anti-radiation”, Rashtriya Kamdhenu Aayog (RKA) chairman Vallabhbhai Kathiria on Monday unveiled a “chip” made of cow dung and claimed that it reduces radiation from mobile handsets significantly. >Speaking at the launch of a nationwide campaign ‘Kamdhenu Deepawali Abhiyan’, which is aimed at promoting cow dung products, Kathiria said, “See, this is a radiation chip. You can keep it in your mobile. We have seen that if you keep this chip in your mobile, it reduces radiation significantly. If you want to avoid disease, then this is going to be used.” >The “chip”, named Gausatva Kavach, is manufactured by Rajkot-based Shrijee Gaushala. >The RKA, which comes under the Ministry of Fisheries, Animal Husbandry & Dairying, was established by the Centre on February 6, 2019, and is aimed at “conservation, protection and development of cows and their progeny”. It was announced in the Union Budget 2019-20. >“You must have heard a few days ago that the actor Akshay Kumar… He has eaten cow dung. You can eat it. It’s a medicine. But we have forgotten our science,” Kathiria said, referring to the actor’s recent remarks that he drinks cow urine every day for “Ayurvedic” reasons. >“Now we have started a research project. We want to have research on these subjects which we consider a myth,” Kathiria said. >Displaying other products made from cow dung, he said, “Cow dung is anti-radiation, it protects all, if you bring this home your place will become radiation-free… All this has been approved by science.” >Speaking to The Indian Express, Kathiria said, “More than 500 gaushalas are manufacturing such anti-radiation chips. They are available for Rs 50-100 each. One person is exporting such chips to the US, where it is sold at about $10 each.” >When asked if the government provided funds for the development of cow dung chips, Kathiria said, “Our concept is to popularise the anti-radiation properties of cow-dung… It protects from radiation from mobile phones.” Asked whether the chips are certified by a government laboratory, Kathiria said, “These are not certified but tested. It can be tested in any laboratory, even in a college.” >While launching Kamdhenu Deepawali Abhiyan, Kathiria unveiled other cow dung-based products like earthen lamps, candles, incense, paperweights, idols of gods and goddesses. He said RKA aims to reach 11 crore families to light 33 crore diyas made of cow dung this Diwali.
>TOR users are not allowed to post files. IT'S HAPPENING!!! >>112018 >transparent samefag Nuh-uh >Haven't heard of bad things from a freedom of speech standpoint yet, but it's owned by chinks, is probably datamining for chinks and will definitely bend to the chinks when it's useful. It's still sucking up normalfag video watching attention, regardless of whether it's an objectively good alternative, it's a superior alternative for normalfags. Like someone said a thread or two ago, the fast paced short attention span no brain niggers of twitter with their small word count limits fucking love this shit. It's the most possible instant gratification in video format, with algorithms steering users towards content they like, preventing people from running into long series of things they don't. And if they see something they don't like, it only lasts a couple moments, and they can roll the dice for something better instantly. That's right, it also has the psychological pull of gambling. When each individual video is so short, what's one more pull of the lever to find something good? It only costs tiny amount of time. And then normalfags go on social media and talk about how they somehow wasted multiple hours per day watching videos lasting less than 30 seconds on average. My point being, jewtube has a competitor now, practically overnight. All it took was treating the normalfags like even dumber cattle than jewtube did. >>112046 >Video site isn't a competitor to video site LOL
Congress has been discussing Section 230 reforms this week btw. They already introduced 4 bills aimed at reining in the Big Tech companies. Get ready for some major changes to the internet. >Legal experts back Section 230 reform https://archive.md/16lB6 >Section 230: GOP congresswoman urges more free speech on Big Tech platforms https://archive.md/QuAGQ
Anyone knows if the original ps2 mana khermia had the option for english text and japanese voice? I found myself a psp undub, but I'd rather play the ps2 version instead
>>485488 This board only.
>>112052 On one part I like seeing social media get fucked by their own idiocy, on the other hand we all know this is just a scheme to make the internet follow the government's doctrine.
>>112052 So what happens when it becomes illegal to post on the internet if you’re not a government official or invited onto the platform?
>>112053 I played the shit out of it and i distinctly remember using the japanese voices so i'm positive it did.
>>112051 >strawman, therefore I win Thank you for conceding the point.
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>>485487 It was probably the filthy cuckchan meme you posted.
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>>485496 >Implying images don't work wew lad
>>485501 >There will be maintenance on the TOR service this weekend, so both the onion and Redchannit will be down for some time.
>>112058 >No counterpoint Thank you, for conceding my point. See >>>/b/190326
>>112062 >oy vey you have to refute my uncited claim after having already cited my claim Ban tor.
>>112059 What meme? I was posting from my mobile, so I couldn't attach anything. And, the last time I was on Cuckchan was during the 2016 election.
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>>112064 One of the deleted fags posted a cuckchan NPC Wojak and got uppity when called out on it, but I guess that wasn't you since you're a dirty phone poster.
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>>485508 >dies at age 99 He hit the level cap.
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>>112063 <How is tiktok a jewtube competitor? >They're both video sites <Strawman! No citations! Jew speak!
>>112067 0/10; you blew all credibility in your first reply. You're not fooling anyone and you've conceded the argument.
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>>112001 the worst NFTs are the lazy copy-and-paste templates
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>>112068 10/10, you blew me out of water in such few words. Everyone believes you and you've won the argument.
Hey, jewboy. Hurry up and ban tor imageposting again. The spam is back.
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Yo, vax spam. Try French kissing a shotgun.
Reminder that this guy is doing all of this spam manually
>"TikTok is equivalent to YouTube." ~ Tor User; serious statement; 2021
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>>112073 Reminder that this isn't true, and people were parroting this shit even as posts appeared seconds apart during previous spam attacks.
>>112075 First time using a computer, bro?
>>112075 it is true tho
>>112067 >pic Sauce on this loli??
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>>112074 <Nintendo Switch and Playstation 4 aren't competitors because they aren't equivalent." ~ 9902dd; cereal statement; [CURRENT YEAR] +6 >>112076 It's not 2005, grandpa. Bots can solve incredibly basic captchas like this site has.
>>112079 >strawman because he has no argument and never did You are identical to the jab spammer.
>>112078 Here you go mate 374592
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>>112078 >Sauce on this loli?? (C95) [Uousaohkoku (Uousaoh)] JYOJIZM WINTER [English] {Hennojin} >>112080 <Only products that are identical can compete with eachother <If I keep saying it, I win Top jej. >>112081 Vid related.
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>>112081 >>112082 Thanks bros
>strawman again
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<If I keep saying it, I win again
>>112078 Yep there's sauce all over that loli.
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who you calling a gamergay?
>>112088 benis
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>>112033 I'm not convinced anon. >>112002 >>112005 >>112025 (checked) I left out the parts about some of them eating it despite AIDS/STDs being a genuine problem at those conventions. Furries are also still fighting about whether or not they left it in the hallway.
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>>112088 Just doing a physical check
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>>112088 If you're going to post that, the least you could do is post him not getting Gerudoed.
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Why are tor fags so fucking retarded?
>>112092 >>112088 What kills it for me is the whore faggot that does the "voice" work. Like an actual whore on twitter.
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>>112088 >>112091 >>112092 Gay Gay Go Away Come Again NEVER
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>>112094 >ugh. why is this faggot porn voiced by a faggot??? Gee, anon. I wonder why.
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>>112093 Hey, the retarded take offense to that!
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>>112095 isnt that manga also about fucking boys?
Here's an in-depth summary on the current state of parties trying to reform Section 230. The author leans against reforming, but it seems relatively objective. https://archive.md/ZjHND Also, pic related is the part of the discussion earlier that was deleted.
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>>112096 It's not that he's a fag that makes it suck. It's the fact they're whores!
>>112100 >People involved in porn are whores
>>112101 You don't have to be a whore to voice act fictional porn.
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>>112102 while true at the same time being shocked that literal whores are voicing shit in a porn game shouldn't really be a big surprise.
>>112103 It's not a porn game. It's a porn animation. Listen I just hate whores. Female or male. Is that so crazy?
>>112104 >Listen I just hate whores. Female or male. And yet, you willingly watch Link whore himself out?
>>112105 Link isn't real.
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>>112106 la la la can't hear you
>>112107 You can't fuck the (NOT)Elf boy, anon. But I can put on the ears if you want.
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>>112104 > It's a porn animation Again why is this such a shock to you? >>112104 > Listen I just hate whores. Female or male. Is that so crazy? No but when you get into watching or reading pornographic stuff you should be very aware that people of less then savoury reputation might or will be involved
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>>112109 Frankly your logic makes no sense.
>>112110 The only time you're going to get professionals working on smut is stuff like Japan and niche cases in the west where professional VAs do porn voice acting under pseudonyms. Doing smut exclusively tends to get you pigeonholed. It's why SFW artists usually make alternative accounts for posting NSFW art.
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>>112029 (lucky!)
>>112111 My point is I want nothing to do with real whores in my fantasy 2D artwork that hurts no one.
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>>112110 >Frankly your logic makes no sense. Ok let me give you a rundown >porn shit has a tendency to attract certain types of people >These types tend to be >Whores >degenerates >people of questionable fetishes >cucks >Faggots >dykes >bisexuals >Troons These are the risks you might or will run into will consuming pornographic media
>>112099 Dude, if this is what you consider 'relatively objective' you're a fucking leftist idiot. From the start until the end the author does nothing except defend Section 230 and completely dismisses any of the concerns that people who've been censored on these government subsidized platforms have. Hell, the argument that is being made doesn't even make sense because the crux of it rests on the idea that Section 230 is some sort of magical force-field that prevents an indictment from even being launched when several such indictments are launched daily against platforms that host things like CSAM that their users posted. This website is on damn near constant alert for such things because we understand Section 230 doesn't protect this site, it exists to protect large corporations acting on behalf of the left. By the US Constitution all policies that infringe upon the right to bear arms have no teeth yet people are still indicted for violating them all the time and forced to shell out cash to defend themselves in a court of law. If (((someone))) really wants to force a site to argue for its protection under Section 230 in a court of law it will happen.
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<The ‘Halo Infinite’ Subreddit Has Been Locked For Being Too Toxic >The Halo subreddit has nearly a million members, and has been focused, consumed really, with the issues Halo Infinite has with monetization, playlists, challenges, progression, pretty much everything outside of gameplay. But it’s not just criticism, as it often veers into insults and personal attacks, even doxing and threats, and now? The mods have decided to lock the subreddit temporarily for “excessive toxicity,” a move that comes in the wake of 343’s exasperated community manager making a very long post there about the state of the game and how brutal some of the “feedback” has been >“On all sides this has absolutely gone on long enough and spiraled out of control. The amount of toxicity on the sub from both sides has made it impossible for people to have civil discussions, which is what the mod team strives for regardless of opinion. Some users on the sub have even been responsible for doxxing and death threats. We're temporarily putting the sub on lockdown so people can hopefully settle down a bit and we can hit the reset button before launch. At the end of the day this is a video game and this level of vitriol is unwarranted.” https://archive.md/J922V The author casts blame on the community manager ske7ch for the outrage. https://archive.md/Q9zLK
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>>485679 This felt like more of a GG topic to me given the talk of toxicity, doxxing, shutting down an entire community, and death threats.
>>112117 >MY TRAITOR PRIMARCH CANNOT BE THIS CUTE! Oh, but they can.
>>112116 Community Managers these days are simply unable to fulfill their jobs. They take shit personally, and they inevitably get aggressive with their communication because of it. They need to find people that got regularly beaten as a child to use as community managers, those won't be so coddled that they are a teary mess because people don't like their OC. The talk about not "owing" their playerbase sounds just like the Ass Effect 3 devs calling gamers entitled for wanting a sensible ending. And the whole rambling thing is even more retarded: You don't just write the notice that you'll close a giant communications platform with your community off the top of your head. Revise. You're getting paid for this, don't treat it as a shitty highschool essay.
>>112119 You're just saying that because you'd get a more immediate response here than in a different thread.
>>112121 Someone with the intelligence to be impartial would likely be above the janny payroll.
>>112121 Yeah the part about owing them nothing kills me. A good deal of them paid for shit in this game so they do owe them something. >Community Managers these days are simply unable to fulfill their jobs I assume most are underpaid/volunteer positions so it doesn't attract anyone of value.
>>111917 Is there a repository for all moonman songs?
>>112125 I think Vidlii has a good deal. Bitchute was where most of them used to be, but they cucked out a while ago and have been trying to sanitize, plus their search engine is crappy as fuck.
https://youtu.be/QTh47AtnHpg I hate Netflix and their live actions movies/series
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>>112127 >Netflix keeps making anime adaptations despite them always being complete shit I'm guessing that Netflix offers a considerable percentage of their income to the original creators, similar to what Epic does in order to get exclusives on their shitty platform
>>112128 Netflix makes money off subscribers. As long as subscriptions come in, they don't care about the actual quality of the production.
>>112120 I want to wrestlefuck fem Angron
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>>112127 Aside from racebending Usopp and Luffy, what pisses me off the most is that their shirts all say "Season 1". Implying they're gonna rape this IP with multiple seasons.
>>111768 >implying Muslims and Mormons play games and don't consider them degenerate artifacts that need to be banned As a muslim I must say you are absolutely right. Games are for degenerates and I am sadly too addicted to this shit. I need to praise God more to increase the count of my big titties virgin maidens in heaven assuming I don't fall into degeneracy and go to hell, hopefully not.
>>112133 >They didnt make the ginger the nigger Im shocked.
>>112133 >>112127 I've been hearing around that Oda stated in an interview that if Luffy were real he'd be Brazillian among other things in regards to race changes in this.
>>112135 It's Netflix so she's gonna fuck the black man.
>>111785 The fear among people who know what a filesystem is would be that someday within their lifetime there are no commercial personal computers on the market, or equivalently that the software they want or need to use will only be available on platforms that are essentially phonelike. I'm not sure if that's a rational fear or not; having said that, if the rest of the world moves on to using only phones to access the internet, the rest of us can keep using computers to do things--I hope.
>>112138 > if the rest of the world moves on to using only phones to access the internet, the rest of us can keep using computers to do things--I hope. The knock-on effect to that is that you're not gonna live forever. If it took this long for people to start forgetting how to use files, it's not too much of a skip to eventually knowledge like how to build or maintain a computer starting to be lost because everyone only ever operates phones, leading to a phase-out in the market. Or sites becoming so geared to catering to the mobile audience they're outright unusable on anything else.
>>112137 They probably wouldn't be allowed to, Oda has a "no relationships between the crew" rule.
>>112140 >Oda has a "no relationships between the crew" rule "between the crew" or "anything with the crew?" Also >Netflix respecting anything
>>112133 The nigger looks like shit but also that character looks like shit, so it kind of works.
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>>112142 you gon' get hammered
>>112075 Really weird that I called my sister and had one of her friends bring his Switch with Breath of the Wild over and said she wants a Switch now a few hours ago over the phone
>>112138 Remember when Y2K hit and they had to round up all those old COBOL coders and pull them out of retirement to fix the code on some of the older legacy systems still in use? That's going to be us in a few years. Except we're just going to be retrieving files.
>>112145 >basic CLI and GUI navigation will be mechanicus level techno sorcery in a few years Sounds great, my wardrobe is already mostly red.
>>112122 You say that as if it isn't relevant at all to topics involving Gamergate
>>112127 >Direct Linking
>>112148 >being a retard
>>485679 what the fuck? It's actually relevant to this thread. God just someone kill torfaggots already.
>>485672 What are you talking about? CP has been specifically made into this informational bogeyman to regulate privacy and speech. If you don't use it as an end all, be all argument for necessary censorship you're doing it wrong.
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>>112151 This.
>>112121 >The talk about not "owing" their playerbase Which is funny because developers literally do owe their playerbase, at least if they want to keep having a playerbase.
Just found/saw something new on China and their absolute retardation. The Chinese city of Harbin due to only find 10 cases a day for a week has now decided to put a 1570$ reward for those who "come forward independently without needing to be contact traced." It's China so we already know how this will go.
>>112115 I meant that it's comprehensive enough to allow you to make up your own mind, even though it is biased. "Objective" might not have been the best word choice, but I'm struggling to find a better one. For example, even the FOSTA and CSAM stuff is talked about in it.
>>485811 This is why you never give women power.
Install the "Return YouTube Dislike" extension if you haven't already. Available for: Firefox, Chrome, Edge, Opera, and Brave https://www.breitbart.com/tech/2021/12/05/how-to-view-youtubes-hidden-dislike-counts-on-videos-like-seth-rogans-santa-inc-trailer/ Download here: https://www.returnyoutubedislike.com/
>>112160 or, stop using youtube.
>>112161 This. Also returning the dislike button means you are only ever going to see either incredibly ancient dislike stats or stats added specifically by the people that added it back in. It being used and seen only by those that installed it means you are only seeing the sentiment of a small portion of people.
>>112160 I can still see the dislike button and count without using that. FYI: It is at 150k dislikes and only 3.7 likes
>>112133 Well fuck me, they actually do kind of fit their characters, specially zoro if he makes an angry face.
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>>112146 Cant wait to play children of the omnissiah feat miku 24/7 while the menials toil away.
>>112165 >he doesn't wake up every day to Overlord Step it up I guess this is a good place as any to ask, any recommendations for "gothic+electronic" type music outside of Mechanicus?
>>112162 That's not how the extension works. Dislikes are still there, they just lazily changed the CSS to hide the number.
>>112166 I dont know man, i think that frenchie was pretty much a pioneer with mechanicus's soundtrack, havent heard anything like it.
>>112160 >>112167 This will become relatively useless after (I think it was) the 13th when jewtube discontinues the API they're using to access the dislike count. This is what you get for using your free speech wrong gamergays.
I need to take a break from 8moe
>>112167 And how does that go against anything I said? You haven't even bothered reading the post.
>>112169 Honestly I'm amazed jewtube hasn't nuked the chapters functionality yet since it's a genuinely good addition to the site. If there's one thing I wish freetube had in terms of GUI it's that.
>>112170 Buy why?
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>>112169 You can still get a plugin to approximate the dislike by calculating it with weighted factors, like views compared to likes compared to number of comments
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>>112174 The thing is that you don't really have much information to work with for making decent approximations. Views-to-likes and views-to-comments really won't give much given even before the removal of dislikes that didn't really amount to any useful data. If you have a video with 200,000 likes and 150 dislikes, does that mean it's good? Does that mean it is unbearably shit? If you are given the information that there's 2500 comments, that won't tell you much. And looking at the comments themselves will give you an incomplete picture since half of them are hidden from you due to YT's automatic hugboxing of comment sections.
>>112175 The like/dislike ration never indicated the quality of a video. First and foremost it indicated the popularity, or level of controversy. Equating like/dislike ratio with quality is a fallacy you can see everywhere else as well. It can indicate quality, but it doesn't mean that all well liked videos are by default good.
>>112176 bad opinion, downvoted
>>112176 Even if it indicated quality, you are comparing two distinct populations when simply interpreting the data of just one of them proves to be a challenge. One which you know the size of and another which is a subset of the first that you at best have to approximate. And bundling approximations on top of approximations on top of even more approximations can lead you absolutely anywhere you want.
Two requests fir the next bread 1. Remove this part of the OP and make it it's own post: >>111580 >Remember that other boards and sites exist for discussing and posting about hobbies, lewds, and other interests. To conveniently find these locations, regularly visit the board list: https://8chan.moe/boards.js No one pays attention to it. 2. Can the next bread be a "To Catch a Predator" themed?
>>112178 >look at me filling in anchor points >the QR still works but I look like the secret anarchist! <filming yourself doing anything Fake and gay
>>112180 Probably just a misinformed retarded boomer who thinks it'll stop working I'd he colors in only a few squares.
>>112181 Or yet another fucking asshole trying to make the opposing side look like retards.
about time for some make a new thread? About to rewatch the limit?
>>112183 Too early. About ~100 or so posts to go.
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>>112116 >anything that leftists don't like is banned from a leftist website This isn't news.
>>112145 Now that Western civilization has been destroyed and the Rhodesia/Zimbabwe transition is rapidly approaching, will the remainder of world industry be destroyed by the 2037 Problem, since no one can figure out how to use a computer anymore?
>>112180 It's the thought that counts.
Suicide Booths are now a thing. Good job Futurama. https://archive.ph/z32qJ
>>112190 >>112189 And still the anglos and the nords preach people about morality.
>>112189 Damn, and they're 13 years too late.
>>112190 >assisted death only for vaccinated What the fuck?
>>112193 Fine by me. Let them all kill themselves. They made their bed.
>>112190 >Enter capsule expecting to get a new armor like Mega Man X >Get killed instead I can't wait to see these being used for killing people who didn't ask for it.
>>112195 >Time to take a shower, jew white man.
>>112195 >they'll have this be playing during your final moments
>>112190 >>112189 >In order to kill yourself, you need to: <Pass a test <Pay money <Be vaccinated <Enter a code What's the fucking point?
>>112198 There's no better way to prevent suicides than making death as bothersome if not more bothersome than being alive and myserable.
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>>112195 I would bet those pods would have pretty decent sound insulation so that they could simply not kill them and trap them inside so they could transport them instead. Nobody is going to be looking for them anyway so what you have is effectively a slave that is outright paying you money to enslave them. And this slave could always just be harvested for organs, which could be sold to a nearby hospital. >>112199 People can easily just look for the nearest bridge and jump off it.
>>112200 It's Switzerland we are talking about. Like all nordic countries they are incapable of going against goverment regulations and laws. For them is like the concept of "free" for a jew.
>>112190 Oh, great, making suicide trendy with the normalfags.
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>>112200 >that pic >"why aren't we eating more bugs?" Same reason we aren't eating bats and pangolins off the road?
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>>112190 >sci-fi <pods are used to heal or revive you >IRL <pods are used to kill you Why the fuck does reality always end up wrong?
>>112204 Because if there is a god he hate us. That's why we are in this disgusting cyberpunk world without the cyber nor the punk.
>>112204 To be fair you would yearn for something where you DON'T have to sit motionless inside a coffin to heal. Sleeping inside a coffin filled with some sort of gas or liquid until your wounds heal wouldn't be the outcome you would be striving for out of all the possible types of health technology you see in sci-fi.
>>112204 <pods are used to heal or revive you But those ones in particular turn you into a brainwashed cyborg.
>>112207 The pods don't do that, the pods always work okay. The revival machine can do that but it depends on whether you disabled Shodan's modifications or not.
Steam Deck™ still unobtainium. I wanna play Dota and TF2 in bed. >>111604 I whole hardheartedly agree, you sound like the kind of person with passion for this kind of thing. Why not make the next thread yourself?
>>486062 Post a computer with an RDNA2 gpu for $400 then.
>>112210 Remote play on one of those android emulation handhelds + the preexisting pc you already have while waiting for nvidia's recently announced 40xx gpus.
>>112211 >waiting for nvidia's recently announced 40xx gpus. Waiting for what? To come across some proprietary Nig-vidia's and then throw them out? I'd rather not be burdened with them at all.
>>486071 An unsatisfying response to say the least.
>>112213 just wait until Q3 or Q4, thats when steam deck is expected to release unless you were one of the first preorderers.
>>486074 >For you, maybe. Uh, yeah? You were responding to me dude? Are you illiterate?
>>486062 >Just buy a real computer. The Deck is a real computer, it's not locked down like Nintendo's shit.
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>>112190 Wow, they made a human-sized version of that whipped cream-maker.
These "comedians" are still trying. It's kind of sad at this point. >Wow. That's some goy!
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>>112218 Just hearing her voice made me stop watching the vid. I'm just gonna post titties.
>>112218 Couldn't even get past her faking a smile after putting the star on the tree. I legitimately don't want to watch it because I guarantee it's going to be <stupid goyim do what we tell you to do <jesus was blah blah blah you should be that too <how dare you tell us we can't have an elf santa waaah or some combination of the above while trying to be a bad parody of '50s and '60s Christmas specials.
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>>112220 They apparently made four of those videos, according to what I've found on Youtube. The like/dislike ratio is abysmal and the comments are disabled as expected.
>>112221 Man people are hating it.
>>112222 Articles about "white supremacists still targeting Seth and Sarah" in 3,2,1...
>>112218 Where's the joke?
>>112220 Honestly even I could make a better Santa Inc movie. >Santa is the IT guy who manages the automation of the naughty/nice database, who and what areas celebrate Christmas GPS+location database, and maintains the automated scripts that make the electronics the elves make work (ie: installing the software, checking and making sure it's all working), and come Christmas eves day overseers and does the delivery work. >Elves do the majority of the other kinds of work/labor, IE: taking care of the reindeer, craftsmanship of toys, mechanical stuff, assembling electronics, ect. >Elves are disgruntled because all they see Santa do is sit around appearing to do nothing. >A month or two before Christmas Santa gets badly sick, will take a month or two to recover and will recover before Christmas's eve. >Everything is going well the first week Santa is sick, Elves being Santa Inc. level of rude and disdainful. >Something goes horribly wrong and the Database's and script automation has stopped working. >Panic, fire everywhere, absolute chaos >Santa took sick to fix it. >Elves attempt to fix it but can't make heads or tails of the error log or anything really. >Santa trying his best to troubleshot the problem. If anyone has ever had to deal with trying to help people who have no clue about Tech then you'll see the nightmare there. >Santa manages after much pain to confirm that the naughty/nice database is still thankfully keeping track of who has been naughty or nice. >various issues and hilarity happenings for the remaining month and a half. >Database and script automation still not fixed, Christmas Eve is a week away, Elves are all tired as fuck. >Santa is finally well enough to attempt to fix the IT problems. >After a few days of troubleshooting finally manages to figure out what is wrong. >A cable was damaged by a reindeer. And an elf spilled something on one of the backup systems. >Santa manages to get it fixed in a day, a bunch of elves who spent an entire month and a half trying to fix it are flabbergasted. >Everything goes normally afterwards and there was no problems during the present delivery. >Elves get a new appreciation of the work Santa does. Forgot to include that there's magic involved with the Database and script automation. So it's a double nightmare trying to fix when something goes wrong. Doing this you can make jokes and appeal to the primary demographic and also make a couple IT jokes that no one will get but IT.
>>112225 >trying to help people who have no clue about technology I could fill a book with the amount of asspain I have when it comes to that one topic.
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>>112225 >Honestly even I could make a better Santa Inc movie. It's actually not that hard, which is why there's so goddamned many schlocky Hallmark Christmas movies. You really just have to hit a few key notes and collect your check. Making a classic is considerably harder, but then obviously not what they were going for here anyhow.
>>112227 >which is why there's so goddamned many schlocky Hallmark Christmas movies Wasn't there a Groundhog Day one where the guy was trying to escape a town every morning, only to arrive just after the road was blocked by an avalanche?
>>112227 >schlocky Hallmark Christmas movies I don't know how but I always end up in a situation where I'm either forced to watch or listen to one and it's always got this coating of sickly-sweet to it. Like it takes place either in a world that greatly differs from our own or there's something just fundamentally wrong with the people involved, like they're kids who had their brains transplanted into adult bodies. >inb4 it's Christmas Magic
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>>112189 >Good job Futurama. Futurama didn't invent the concept of suicide booths. >>112190 Oh fuck. Did The King in Yellow just become real?
>>112230 >eldritch, mind-frying horrors from beyond the stars are now involved in the world's day-to-day affairs At least it would explain why the world feels like it took a one-way trip to Nightmare Land over the past several years.
>>112230 >Did The King in Yellow just become real? What if Corona started all because the King in Yellow wore no mask?
>>112229 They're psychologically torturous, yes. It's not even "presenting the world as we would want it to be," it's simply ignoring human nature and rational behavior, so you wind up with stiff NPCs (in a video game sense) who can't respond correctly to external stimuli.
>>112229 >>112233 Uncanny like a psychopath trying to be nice. Obviously fake but believable enough for fags under his spell to notice anything.
>>112231 >At least it would explain why the world feels like it took a one-way trip to Nightmare Land over the past several years. Could be. I do not recall distinctly when it began, but it was months ago. The general tension was horrible. To a season of political and social upheaval was added a strange and brooding apprehension of hideous physical danger; a danger widespread and all-embracing, such a danger as may be imagined only in the most terrible phantasms of the night. I recall that the people went about with pale and worried faces, and whispered warnings and prophecies which no one dared consciously repeat or acknowledge to himself that he had heard. A sense of monstrous guilt was upon the land, and out of the abysses between the stars swept chill currents that made men shiver in dark and lonely places. There was a daemoniac alteration in the sequence of the seasons—the autumn heat lingered fearsomely, and everyone felt that the world and perhaps the universe had passed from the control of known gods or forces to that of gods or forces which were unknown.
>>112235 I forgot the name of the project but I'm almost sure CERN is involved and they openly talk about opening gates to other dimensions so they can summon outter space overlords.
>>111957 >GTA 6 May Not Be ‘As Edgy Or Quite As Funny,’ Says Rockstar Games Co-Founder Remember how Cuckman said the same thing for The Last of jews 2? They are again trying to artificially create a new standard of "games don't need to be fun", for propaganda purposes.
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>>112237 Im trying to think of older games where "Its not about having fun" and the only thing i can think of is pic related. Is there any others?
>>112237 no theyre just trying to remake GTA4
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>>112238 In my experience most MMOs after the first month or so are less fun and more work, perhaps a kind of long-term improvement project.
>>112031 Sometimes, it is literally Mark. Just remind him how DmC 2 (a.k.a Devil May Cry 5) and Monster Hunter world are shit, and watch the spam start again too.
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>>112225 You could take your dog out for a walk and film it taking a shit in the snow, and it would be a better Christmas show than Seth's trash.
>>486245 He right tho, we do be kinda dumb, mah nigga.

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>>112242 Oh did you play them?: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eY6BATNOMOA How similar are they to each other?
>>112243 Someone should break into his car, steal it, sell everything inside of value and then strip it down to sell for parts. Use the money to fund a ghetto Christmas Crack & BBQ block party in one of the blackest areas of LA. Where someone is almost guaranteed to get shot and then twerked on. Film that process and set it to Christmas music - then send him a copy with a thank you for the donation.
>>112246 Where does Blue the Boner post his stuff?
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>>112247 Probably Patreon, but he (she?) posts a lot of stuff to Twitter as well, and paying simps will usually upload all of their stuff to sad panda or a booru.
>>112248 o fug bagina bromoshuns :D:DDDDD
>>112190 >2nd pic That pod looks like it's about to blast off. Actually that would make it a better experience for the victim user: >get into pod >fire up into the sky >gravity does the rest >splat
(2.16 MB 1440x1080 xenobot-metroid.webm)

>>112188 >>112190 We're still in the midst of a fake pandemic brought about by GoF research that's being used to bring about a global tyranny by a rootless international cabal of bankers and industrialists. Could they lay off for just a little bit? Just slow it the fuck down, let us digest things first. Goddamn.
>>112251 >let us digest things first That's the trick. Bombard an opponent with so much bullshit that they lose track and you can slip even more bullshit in.
>>112247 Pixiv.
>>112188 >>112190 >>112251 Just had a thought. Why the fuck are these things called xenobots? Is this some of that fucked up alien technology that we're not supposed to know about but they're letting it slip for some unknown reason?
>>112254 My guess would be marketing, so that all of the i-fucking-love-science news sites pick it up.
>>112255 Makes sense. The WORSHIP THE SCIENCE crowd would absolutely start shooting ropes because of this. >implying this shit would ever be used for a good reason
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I really like /k/yle and look forward to the next Ace Attorney title.
>>112257 >I want to go up against corrupt piece of shit prosecutors like Thomas Binger I hope the corrupt Defense Attorneys don't sand him down to be just like the rest of them then.

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West Taiwan found some cube thing on the moon https://archive.md/oVwaW
>>112259 Oh no!
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>>112259 OH SHI-
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Did they find him?
>>112260 Let's be honest, if they found that and opened it, nothing would happen. It's already empty.
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>>112266 It's not that kind of Pandora's Box. It's magical martian technology that can destroy a planet.
>>112268 So the Void Dragon's been found?
(7.32 MB 1280x720 EVOL DRAGON.webm)

>>112269 Don't be a fucking nerd.
>>112270 I'm already in Hell, the least I can get out of it is having a little fun by being a worthless nerd.
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>>112259 That's clearly Kyle Rittenhouse raising his VERY BAD MURDER ASSAULT GUN to provoke the people of Earth into attacking so that he can kill us all and get away with it.
>>112259 I don't mean to be that guy but isn't this likely space trash we left there ages ago?
>>112273 Absolutely likely. But ///China\\\'s going to ///China\\\.
>>112273 Would not be the first time chinks got confused by some trash.
>>112104 >wah whores are involved in my faggot porn Most autistic faggot of all time.
>>112273 >I don't mean to be that guy You don't mean to be intelligent?
>>112273 ill admit my first thought was buzz aldrin's camera that he left up there but my SECOND thought was shitposting
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Anyone curious as to how the rest of the internet is taking the Sony pedo being outed? Especially in a certain NeoGAF successor? Place your bets as to who's next to fall in the NEW THREAD: >>486358 >>486358 >>486358 >>486358 >>486358 >>486358
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>>112204 Sometimes sci-fi is pretty spot on though.
>>112245 >Second video Where is the source of that?
>>112273 If it's visible from that far away(and it is quite far away) it's gotta be pretty big. There is no atmosphere of note to create optical illusions either.
>>111606 >the suspect fled in a gray Mercedes and the nigger can't afford a fucking PS5?
>>111745 >I just assumed people would be getting more knowledgeable since many have access to the shit at a young age with far fewer barriers to entry than before. Those barriers made us better at using computers than the noobs, having to sort out most of our own technical shit and figuring out how to fix it when it wasn't working taught us a plethora of tricks kids of today have never had to learn, its only gonna get worse.
>>111957 >'we're gonna declaw GTA 6' I reckon the only way a new US-centric GTA is gonna work is if they set it in the 70's, which they won't do cos it'd have to admit some fully racist and sexist characters/opinions that they'd be pilloried for and they'd have to drop the mobile phone as a crutch. My wager is on it being another racial piece, probably a spic protagonist, or hell, a woman, although that would draw as much fire as praise. It'd be amazing to watch them fuck the next one in any case.
>>111718 Fukushima was an attack carried out by the mossad / Jew spooks

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