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#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]:Rugal Bernstein Edition Anonymous 03/21/2022 (Mon) 21:32:15 Id: 65af0c No. 156595
ONGOING DISCUSSIONS: >Former Gawker Media properties G/O Media of staff from Kotaku, Gizmodo, Jalopnik, Jezebel, Lifehacker and The Root went on strike. https://archive.ph/pyYJg >MS buys Actiblizz https://archive.ph/Lc4Em >Sony buys Bungie for $3.6 Billion https://archive.fo/7BE4T >Sony Vice President of Playstation Network George Cacioppo exposed for trying to have sex with a 15 year old minors through Grindr App via chatlogs from "People Vs Predators" Group: https://archive.md/SlG30 >Archives Prove IGN Executive Review Editor Dan Stapleton Lied When Claiming Outlet Would Not Report On Sony Exec Pedophile Allegations Because They Don’t Cover “General Crime”: https://boundingintocomics.com/2021/12/07/archives-prove-ign-executive-review-editor-lied-when-claiming-outlet-would-not-report-on-sony-exec-pedophile-allegations-because-they-dont-cover-general-crime/ - https://archive.md/uuDNE https://archive.md/O7wma >Aforementioned People Vs Preds Groups also caught Senior Account Manager for Nvidia Todd Wiseman for allegedly trying to meet with a 15 year old boy for sex. https://archive.md/xMz2f >Nathan Grayson leaves Kotaku to join the Washington Post's "Launcher" section https://archive.is/9hqq0 >Five Nights at Frieddy's developer Scott Cawthon retires after SJWs and game journalists attack him for donating to Republican politicians https://archive.fo/wCpMC https://archive.fo/Fe8Ey >Quinton Flynn Replaced as Kael’thas Voice Actor in WoW; Despite Judge Ruling Sexual Misconduct Allegations Came from Obsessive Stalker https://nichegamer.com/2021/04/19/quinton-flynn-replaced-as-kaelthas-voice-actor-in-wow-despite-judge-ruling-sexual-misconduct-allegations-came-from-obsessive-stalker/ - https://archive.is/Dj5a5 >A petition to deplatform once cancelled game "Six Days In Fallujah" started by Hala Alsalman receives game industry developer and figure support; gets stealthily updated https://archive.is/h6Da1 https://archive.is/eSpno CURRENT TASKS: 1. OPERATION TRAJAN: Collect and catalog all of the various localization and censorship accounts of past video games into a single repository from these sources: romhacking.net The_Cutting_Room_Floor/tcrf.net Segaretro.org https://redirect.invidious.io/channel/UCFItIX8SIs4zqhJCHpbeV1A Examples: http://archive.vn/XQOHW Sony's policies forces censorship; JP devs allegedly have to go through ENG approval process: https://archive.fo/awzFF - Japanese blog post about it: https://archive.fo/bF9bE Sony Japan President Says PS4 Censorship Policy Is To Match Global Standards And Protect Kids: https://archive.fo/U3GLa - Confirms censorship was deliberate: https://archive.fo/XgAgP - No rules for censorship policies, games judged case-by-case: https://archive.fo/37DhK - Marvelous partner starts petition against policy: https://archive.fo/rxQtf https://archive.fo/84UHo • Twitterfags: Tweet with Sony's stock code $SNE so that investors see your tweets and know you're pissed. • Consider spreading OP Timber materials to targets as well: http://archive.vn/URjtu ONGOING TASKS: A. Operation Download And Conquer: Loosen the death-grip of Google that has taken hold of the internet's audio and video services >>>/t/5546 B. Support archive.fo! Accountability needs proof: https://liberapay.com/archiveis/donate C. OP DisNod: Contact the FTC and advertisers about violations and unethical practices http://archive.vn/9bylT D. Internet Censorship happenings: Spread the word about the dangers of FOSTA/CLOUD act/Article 13, etc. https://www.eff.org/de/deeplinks/2020/03/earn-it-act-violates-constitution E. OP End the Era: Dig into resetera and their connections to journos, devs, etc.
[Expand Post]http://archive.vn/JfuSb Reminders (important, READ THESE!): • Use https://archive.today to deny sites ad revenue and traffic and preserve pages in case they are deleted later • Be civil if you have to argue with people on Twitter, Tumblr or any forum - don't make us look like douchebags • Do not accept requests for any goal, demand lists or personal army requests: https://pastebin.com/p5dVp1e5 • Beware COINTELPRO: The Gentleperson's Guide to Forum Spies: https://cryptome.org/2012/07/gent-forum-spies.htm • STOP REPLYING TO BAITS AND OBVIOUS DERAILMENT ATTEMPTS, JUST REPORT AND FILTER Resources >Summaries of #GamerGate:https://redirect.invidious.io/watch?v=wy9bisUIP3w - #GamerGate - If It's Not About Ethics • https://redirect.invidious.io/watch?v=5fnRSL3d_xU - #GamerGate in 60 Seconds • https://archive.fo/23Fde - GamerGate: A State of the Union Address >Background and Evidence for #GamerGate: • The #GamerGate Dossier: https://archive.fo/nv1Fb • #GamerGate Wiki: https://ggwiki.deepfreeze.it/index.php?title=Main_Page • History of #GamerGate: https://www.historyofgamergate.com/ • View the timeline links in the Current Happenings section! >Lists: • GG Steam Support & Boycott List: https://v.gd/vzRsRb • Key GamerGate Hubs: https://v.gd/LNJbat >Thread Repository: https://gitgud.io/gamergate/gamergateop/blob/master/ThreadRepository.md https://ggwiki.deepfreeze.it/index.php?title=Thread_Repository >Full OP Text: • Current: https://ggwiki.deepfreeze.it/index.php?title=The_GamerGate_OP >How Can I Help? >>>/gamergatehq/ • All OPs: https://gitgud.io/gamergate/gamergateop/tree/master/Operations • OP Vulcan: Learn logical debating: https://v.gd/Kbzw0L • An Anon's Guide to Twitter; basics: https://v.gd/nwrbYF >Want to Contribute to GitGud or Wiki? https://gitgud.io/gamergate/gamergateop/tree/master/How-to-Contribute
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Guilty gear gets Testamant back KOF gets Rugal back pottery
>>156597 Strive is faggot shit
>>156598 good thing you're in the faggot thread
>>156598 does rugal still say genocide cuttah as he kicks a bitch?
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now we're talking
>>156602 Isn't the fetish that rich women were buying wonder bread?
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Have some digs and stuff
>>156597 Strive is the worst game of all.
>>559557 >Legend says that if you unite all the putins, you will get the one true putin and tsarist russia will be born again. Nani?
>>156603 Rich women buying wonderbread and engaging in activities like logging. Everyone thought the guy was some Eco-fascist trying to make a statement about consumerism and the environment. But really it was some guy with a very specific fetish who maxed out several credit cards commissioning art of his specific fetish
>>156607 maybe rich people destroying the environment is his fetish?
Don't carry over political autism from the previous thread, discuss something different.
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>>156595 >third pic
>>156609 >Don't carry over political autism Reminder to discuss politics on >>>/pol/ That better?
>>156611 thank yee
previous bread 'chive you melons https://archive.ph/4tOIY
>>156610 >tfw 4chan disowned their Yotsuba daughter for an idolmaster shit
who was your first vidya crush?
>>156616 Blaze the Cat
>>156616 Either Lyn from Fire Emblem GBA or Liz from Custom Robo.Arena
>>559635 >AMERICA IS STUPID NIGGER >(Deleted) They hated him for speaking the truth!
>>156616 Sakura from Street Fighter Alpha.
>>156616 Probably either the Ghost girl who plays the piano in Luigi’s mansion or Medli from Wind Waker
>>156621 >Sakura from Street Fighter Alpha.
>>156616 Freya Crescent, yes, the rat chick from FFIX.
Honestly, you could do worse than Burmecian pussy when it comes to being a furry.
>>156616 I don't even remember anymore...Maybe Coco Bandicoot or Roll from MegaMan Legends on the hands-me-down PS1 from my uncle.
>>156616 No homo, at least not at first because at that time I wasn't even aware of the concept of homosexuality. I still have a small crush on him.
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>>156616 Rhyme from TWEWY. I don't know why she stuck with me even though she died early on in the game. I could be wrong about her being my first though because my memory's shit.
>>156616 Leena from Chrono Cross
>>156610 >2003 He has written from the last day of Japanese school to Christmas of the same year in that time. Fucking hell, it's a nightmare waiting for new chapters.
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>>156616 Probably one of these girls from playing my mom's copy of Harvest Moon 64
>>156614 What's this about?
>>156634 A few years ago, Cuckchan dropped Yotsuba for a new non-copyright protected mascot for the site; and the poll results was for some stock generated idol.
>>156635 They don't deserve her.
>>156635 Is that their decision, or Hirojewki's decision? He might be taking the reins from Moot, but that only means he's inheriting the position of no-respect he had and I doubt even cuckchan would be so honorless as to abandon a cornerstone like Yotsuba because of something like the copyjew. Hell, I remember seeing a Yotsuba thing for FNF around the time of 4chan's decision?
>>156637 *Hell, I remember seeing a Yotsuba thing for FNF around the time of 4chan's birthday?
>>156635 >non-copyright protected mascot But that's literally irrelevant to every law on the face of the fucking Earth. This is clearly cuckchan being a worthless cesspool that should be forgotten entirely.
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>>156636 I want to fuck her right in her poopshoot and give her ass to mouth
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>>156620 >its just genocide cut >instead of genocide cuttah im disappointed at the accurate pronunciation >>156616 Thats a tough question because there are concious and subconscious crushes, half the anon games have the right games if not the right girls I think Lyn would be my first subconscious one, i just wanted to protect her smile And Tifa was more conscious If you've paid attention to the last few threads you're clearly notice theres a type.
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>>156635 Yotsuba never ceased to be 4chan's mascot, continuing to appear in the not found and banned pages to this day, and Sachiko (the winner idol) was dropped entirely some years ago when 4chan was split into two sites (4chan.org for NSFW boards and 4channel.org for SFW ones).
>>156644 would have been funny if they continued to ban yotsuba hentai after it stopped being the mascot
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>>156616 Hilde from Quest for Glory I'm still waiting for "next spring" to see if her dad will allow her to date.
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>>156616 Seong Mi-Na from Soul Edge, though I'd be more of an Ivy fan now.
>>156645 I think they still do.
>>156644 >they ran back to yotsuba Seems about right, you'd have to be pretty soulless to replace her with whatever 4chan had planned Incidentally like Berserk one of the few mangas that i wished i was never introduced to because of how good it is and how long one must wait.
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>>156616 She just clicked. I don't why, but she clicked with me.
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A childish figure with four tails. What does Cirno - 1 equal? What is the name of the site are you posting on? The truth will be revealed. N
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>>156616 >who was your first vidya crush? Zelda, specifically this one from the cartoon Ginger, thigh highs, sassy, bit of a tomboy, tsundere
>>156610 Happy Birthday Yotsuba!
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>>156656 Translation: (((Anonymous))) Warning to companies continuing to operate in Russia (22 Mar 2022). >The internet hacker group (((Anonymous))) has issued a warning to international companies that continue to operate within Russia. >On 21 January, (((Anonymous))) issued a press release on social networking sites, calling on all companies that continue to operate in Russia. >It warned that companies remaining in Russia 'continue to pay taxes to the criminal regime to continue their operations' and asked them to announce their withdrawal from Russia within 48 hours, warning that they would be targeted for attack if they did not accept the request.
>>156658 These guys glow harder than the entire CIA department.
>>156656 >>156658 >(((Anonymous))) once again makes no mention of companies operating in Mainland China or in Saudi Arabia Okay so fire bombing Yemeni schools and hospitals is fine and conducting genocide in Tibet and East Turkestan is A-Okay as well then? Is Anonymous okay with modern day slavery too? After all both those regimes do have forced labor and youngling sex slaves for the elites to enjoy.
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The Dark Secrets of CELSIUS NETWORK https://odysee.com/@UpperEchelonGamers:3/the-dark-secrets-of-celsius-network:1 Oh no Crypto bros, I thought we we going to the moon!!!!!
>>156646 Have you ever played that fan game quest for glory 4.5?
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>>156666 After fucking prime horse pussy there's no going back to games, bro
>>156667 Cenk Uyger?
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>>156616 She has eyes you can just fall into.
>>156653 ...is this a Qanon parody based on the "and N" meme? Hmm, each of the first 3 lines refers to a number. The first refers to a 4 but also sounds like a reference to some specific character that I don't recognize. Could even be Yotsuba if "tails" is metapohorical, but it's probably actual tails. For the second I don't know what it's referring to. And the last is obviously 8. So maybe there's another encoded layer to the joke, but I don't get it. Of course it could also just be parodying the Qanon style without referencing anything in particular.
>>156616 Tifa was the first character I saw that came super close to what I consider a physically ideal woman, and she had a decent personality to go with a near perfect body. Fuck the remake for adding that retarded sports bra shit and nerfing her tits yet again.
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>>156670 >For the second I don't know what it's referring to. You're a 9ger.
Spic here, what's up with KoF that attracts so many zoomers?every single Arcade is filled with children playing KoF.
>>156616 Never had one and probably never will. Thanks to Autism (aspergers) I don't like talking to people, it also completely killed any sexual desires. There's also the simple cold hard reality of that ultimately it's just static code, it can't ever change, it can't ever advance, it can't interact or respond, it is effectively completely static and has never lived. So ultimately for me it is effectively impossible no matter how nice it is.
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>>156616 Earliest I was actually aware of, I'd say would be this kinda sorta crush I had on the chibi Tessa from Pocket Fighters. And that was around the time I was just getting over my "Girls...? Gross!" influenced by Calvin and Hobbes phase, mind you.
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https://archive.ph/SfdtA The usual suspects are trying to start shit with Hogwarts Legacy again. This accounts almost reads like a parody too.
>>156672 Ah. I did think of Cirno but didn't know about the association with 9. I've played a single Touhou game and read a couple doujins, but otherwise I don't know much about it.
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>>156676 I don't think they're wrong. I just think it's funny how they see it despite how woke they are.
>>156616 >>156622 Close, but I liked the original (3D) Zelda redhead more. Didn't mean to spoil, whoops.
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>>156676 meanwhile
Watch out for GamerGate The public enemy of the world #1 It is the main hashtag responsible for… ☑ Accidentally re-starting the French Revolution ☑ Weaponized Gondolas ☑ Hacking German politicians and media ☑ Played "To Catch a Predator" with Randy Pickford ☑ Masterminded the destruction of GDQ via the Catfish of Legend: Namazu ☑ Under the light of the Blood Moon; Self-destructed Western Journalism by having a some kid smirk at a drumming savage ☑ Just wanted to start a conversation with everyone, everywhere, eternally ☑ Watched Gawker die TWICE ☑ Guilty of face crimes ☑ When GameStop tried to sell itself; offered $3.50 in in-store credit ☑ Made telling "journalists" to "learn to code" into a hate crime ☑ Taught the Alt-Right ✅Then harassed said Alt-Right ☑ Started in 2011-2012 when 4chan tried to steal Anita Sarkeesian's SSN# ☑ Created "Boner Culture" which made cis straight male erections the most powerful force on earth ☑ Had a Jewish Mobster 'Take Care' of it ☑ Asked THQ about gaemu which somehow triggered World Wide Web War III ☑ Tricked /cow/ into developing and sharing their fetish for Mark's plump bagel with ResetEra ☑ Triggered GJP3.0 with 57 hitpeices on THQ Nordic's AA ☑ Orchestrated the GaymerGay misogynist review backlash against Marvel's Captain Woman ☑ Taught New Zealand about "White Day" ☑ Radicalized Spyro the Dragon ☑ Turned Pewdiepie into the Osama Bin Ladin of GaymerGays ☑ "The nerds and gamers were joined by the proto-storm troopers of the alt-right in a bond that has never been broken" ☑ Was a trial run for "will the US tolerate fascist behavior" ☑ Exploring new frontiers in sexual harassment via Jelly Bean ☑ Groomed young impressionable politicians into misogynists ☑ Created and trained the alt-right to take over the political landscape on a global scale (And succeeded) ☑ Arranged for Sonic the Hedgehog (movie ver.) to get "fixed" ☑ Remains undefeated for all time ☑ Turned Rage 2 into a Trump-esque attack on game journos ☑ Joined forces with Amazon ☑ Helped Mark impress Resetera ☑ Used Elliot Rodger's martyrdom to unite 4Chan and Breitbart to elect Donald Trump ☑ Will be looked back upon in 50 years as the root cause of the coming Cultural Civil War ☑ Government-sponsored shitposting ☑ Mastered the manipulation of the news cycle to their advantage ☑ Made Anita cry when Feminist Frequency went broke ☑ Destroyer of Worlds ☑ Russian Conspiracies (all of them) ☑ Extended Reanon's death/meme-magic to animation studios (please meme responsibly) ☑ An instrument of American Trumpian Power Worldwide
[Expand Post]☑ Cured alleged "journalist" of dyslexic anxiety ☑ An aberrant, creeping horror ☑ As dangerous as Anti-Vax, ISIS, and Holocaust Denial ☑ Five years of ruining everything ☑ Came to the classroom ☑ Trained Google whistleblowers ☑ Never died and foreshadowed our toxic meme-strewn politics ☑ Blew up the Internet ☑ Made wanting challenge in videogames into supporting White Supremacy ☑ Was secretly fighting WWIII all along ☑ Stochastic Terrorism ☑ Being a national security threat according to the DHS ☑ Helped Mark win the lottery ☑ Gave the money back ☑ Living long enough to see itself become the villain in a TV Show THRICE ☑ Confused the FBI into thinking /v/ is /baphomet/ ☑ Turned Anita Sarkesian into a crazy cat lady ☑ It's #Gamergate Forever ☑ Justifiably felt alienated by the neoliberal fetishization of feminism and the reductionism of politics to identity teams ☑ Was rabidly pro-corporate ☑ Manipulated a SJWeeb into review-bombing a LGBTWTFBBQ-friendly game as a "test" ☑ Non-meat based cam girls ☑ Caused the Corona outbreak which destroyed China to cheer up a depressed CIA glownigger ☑ Digisexuals ☑ Called the cyber police to put a cripple in cyber jail ☑ Weaponizing decency ☑ Made the games industry a nightmare for Women, Colored People, and Ashley Burch ☑ The inevitable ultimate horror of Sega's "toxic" advertising for ChuChu Rocket ☑ Has the highest body count of any COVID-19 disinfo group ☑ Finally got the 8kun administration to get off their ass and answer the damn phone ☑ Searching for a new home (again) ☑ Made some /v/ hotpockets on other imageboards go insane ☑ Burned julay to the ground by doing basically fuck-all except continue to exist (props to a certain bunbunmaru reporter, tho) ☑ Having a high enough IQ to be mentioned on Rick and Morty ☑ Radicalized a grandmother to the point she promotes harassment against alleged games journalists ☑ Is the terrorist group backed by 'The French' who are behind President Trump's exhausting battle against twitter ☑ Protecting FUCKING GAMESTOP from looters ☑ Finally started the Race War by forcing a meth-head on a date with Corona-chan to take a knee to the neck from the police ☑ Confirmed for Baby Hitler ☑ Gave a lot of airtime to Soviet defector Yuri Bezmenov ☑ Got on the Atlantic's "free $100" van only to get intervewed ☑ Started a backlash against the French independent film industry because they want to raise pure little girls ☑ And then Russia wanted to shut down 8chan.moe to be ironic ☑ Was clearly a blueprint for Trump's online assault in 2016 ☑ A gravestone marked “Games Journalism; Dead By Suicide,” with the date of death corresponding with the launch of GG ☑ Took over the US capitol ☑ Funded by the GOP ☑ Using Reddit's radicalized nihilism to counter jews shorting FUCKING GAMESTOP ☑ Made Mark the Godfather of Gamergate ☑ Corrected Polygon on Titanfall lore ☑ Accidental meme magic discharge (R.I.P Miura) ☑ Planet-range racism field ☑ Not wanting people to put down the controller and talk about their feelings ☑ Destroyed the logic process of a bot wreaking havoc across multiple imageboards with just one simple trick ☑ Caused Blizzard executives to threaten their employees with rape ☑ Came to Alex Hutchinson's Defense ☑ Made Vivian a feminist symbol ☑ Grew to a geopolitical scale and spilled into real life with devastating consequences ☑ Got their own TV show ☑ Brandon’s First fan ☑ Gave birth to Qanon ☑ Is the precedent for /K/yle Rittenhouse ☑ Ruined people's brains by turning them into corporate bootlickers ☑ Created the concept of "Culture War"
>>156682 I love you.
>>156673 They need to learn about Fightcade and soon arcades will be empty
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The owner of KolymaNET just wants to run the site in peace: https://archive.ph/lNEfH >To all the Ukranian users of KolymaNET, we do not hate you. We love all the users and we embrace you with welcome into the Network. We welcome all users, on any side of this conflict into the bosom of our confidence. Even those who attacked us. I am keenly aware that Russia and its citizens do not have a shiny reputation in the west, and instead of fighting fire with fire, I am personally appealing to Pro-Ukraine and Ukranian users, including those who attacked us, to set aside our differences and come as one in Kolyma. There's not much companies that remain neutral with the current Slav war.
>>156686 Vidlii is now going to die because of this guy owning it.
>>156686 Are you implying this is a neutral statement?
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>>156616 Mila, after she becomes poor and is forced to become less of a brat. I always thought she deserved to be punished a little more... >>156622 >Medli Runner-up to Mil.a for me. Nice taste.
>>156689 Ah, I wish someone would draw art of her getting headpatted after she becomes poor.
>>156687 Vidlii was never gonna last. The modern normalfag internet just doesn't want to go back to the old days that it promises.
>>156691 >heavily censored >the old days Does it just not allow entire categories of videos (censorship, in other words), or am I seeing the same censorship as everywhere else?
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Software and sites to give attention to! Operating systems >AROS: http://aros.sourceforge.net/ >BSD <Net: https://www.netbsd.org/ <Open: https://www.openbsd.org/ <DragonFly: https://www.dragonflybsd.org/ >GrapheneOS: https://grapheneos.org/ >Linux <Artix Linux: https://artixlinux.org/ <CLIP OS: https://clip-os.org/ <Devuan: https://www.devuan.org/ <EndeavourOS: https://endeavouros.com/ <Rocky Linux: https://rockylinux.org/ >ToaruOS: https://toaruos.org/ Archival >ArchiveBox: https://archivebox.io/ Chatrooms: >Session: https://getsession.org/ >Tox: https://tox.chat/ Database >Based Cooking: https://based.cooking/ >BigchainDB: https://www.bigchaindb.com/ >Gun: https://gun.eco/ >Hydrus ( >>>/t/2219 ): https://hydrusnetwork.github.io/hydrus/ >Library Genesis: http://libgen.rs/ >Sci-Hub: https://sci-hub.hkvisa.net/ Donation and payment services: >AlignPay: https://www.alignpay.com/ >Fanbox: https://www.pixiv.net/fanbox >Fantia: http://fantia.jp/ >Librepay: https://liberapay.com/ Email clients >Claws Mail: https://www.claws-mail.org/ >The Mutt: http://www.mutt.org/ Email hosting >Create your own: https://archive.fo/okVq4 >Cock.li: https://cock.li/ Encyclopedias >Infogalactic: https://infogalactic.com/info/Main_Page File sharing and storage >anonfile: https://anonfile.com/ >BitTorrent: https://infogalactic.com/info/BitTorrent >CacheP2P: https://github.com/guerrerocarlos/CacheP2P >Catbox: https://catbox.moe/ >Cryptosphere: https://cryptosphere.io/ >Dat Project: https://datproject.org/ >Filecoin: https://filecoin.io/
[Expand Post]>Holochain: https://github.com/holochain/holochain-proto >Instant.io: https://instant.io/ >IPFS: https://ipfs.io/ >Kek.gg https://kek.gg/ >Onion Share: https://onionshare.org/ >ORC: https://orc.apache.org/ >Peergos: https://peergos.org/ >Perkeep: https://perkeep.org/ >Pomf: https://github.com/pomf/pomf >QBittorrent: https://www.qbittorrent.org/ >Sia: https://sia.tech/ >Storj: https://storj.io/ >Swarm: https://github.com/ethersphere/swarm >Tahoe-LAFS: https://www.tahoe-lafs.org/trac/tahoe-lafs >Uguu: https://uguu.se/ >WebTorrent: https://webtorrent.io/ >Other sites: https://www.archiveteam.org/index.php?title=Pomf.se/Clones Galleries and image hosting >ArtStation (SFW only): https://www.artstation.com/ >HicceArs: https://www.hiccears.com/ >Wysp: https://www.wysp.ws/ Internet and browsers >BadWolf: https://hacktivis.me/projects/badwolf >Basilisk: https://www.basilisk-browser.org/ >Beaker: https://beakerbrowser.com/ >Bromite: https://www.bromite.org/ >Falkon: https://www.falkon.org/ >GNU IceCat: https://www.gnu.org/software/gnuzilla/ >Handshake: https://handshake.org/ >I2P: https://geti2p.net/ >InterPlanetary Wayback: https://github.com/oduwsdl/ipwb >Iridium Browser (Guide to remove spyware: https://spyware.neocities.org/guides/iridium.html ): https://iridiumbrowser.de/ >LibreWolf: https://librewolf-community.gitlab.io/ >MaidSafe: https://maidsafe.net >Mysterium Network: https://mysterium.network/ >Namecoin: https://namecoin.org/ >NetSurf (Guide to remove spyware: https://spyware.neocities.org/guides/netsurf.html ): https://www.netsurf-browser.org/ >Otter Browser: https://otter-browser.org/ >Qutebrowser: https://qutebrowser.org/ >Sphere Browser (WARNING: https://spyware.neocities.org/articles/sphere.html ): https://sphere.tenebris.cc/ >Surf: http://surf.suckless.org/ >Tor: https://www.torproject.org/ >Ungoogled-Chromium: https://ungoogled-software.github.io/ungoogled-chromium-binaries/ >Web Browser: https://git.nuegia.net/webbrowser.git/ >Yggdrasil Network: https://yggdrasil-network.github.io/ >ZeroNet: https://zeronet.io/ Marketplace >DLsite: https://www.dlsite.com/eng/ >DMM Games: https://games.dmm.com/ >Fruitbat Factory: https://sites.fastspring.com/fruitbatfactory/product/buy >ğchange: https://www.gchange.fr >JAST: https://jastusa.com/ >NekoNyan: https://nekonyansoft.com/shop >Top Hat Store: https://shop.tophat.studio >Zoom Platform: https://www.zoom-platform.com/ Pastebins >Paste: https://github.com/jordansamuel/PASTE >PrivateBin: https://privatebin.info/ Search engines >ActiveSearchResults: https://www.activesearchresults.com/ >ExactSeek: https://www.exactseek.com/ >Gigablast: https://www.gigablast.com/ >Marginalia : https://search.marginalia.nu/ >Mojeek: https://www.mojeek.com/ >Wiby: https://wiby.me/ >YaCy: https://yacy.net/ Social media >anime website: https://anime.website/ >Baest: https://bae.st/ >baraag.net: https://baraag.net/ >Free Speech Extremist: https://freespeechextremist.com/ >GNU Social: https://gnu.io/social/ >Hubzilla: https://zotlabs.org/page/hubzilla/hubzilla-project >LBRY: https://lbry.com/ >Mediachain: http://www.mediachain.io/ >Pawoo: https://pawoo.net/ >Pleroma: https://pleroma.social/ >Plurk: https://www.plurk.com/ >Poast: https://poa.st/ >Shitposter Club: https://shitposter.club/ >Steemit: https://steemit.com/ >Twister: http://twister.net.co/ Streaming >8chanTV ( >>>/site/1519 ): https://watch.8ch.moe/ Video and audio platforms >AVideo: https://github.com/WWBN/AVideo >BitTube: https://bittube.tv/ >D.tube: https://d.tube/ >MediaGoblin: https://mediagoblin.org/ >Veoh: https://www.veoh.com/ >VidLii: https://www.vidlii.com/ Video downloaders and converters >AudioToWebm: https://tsun.itch.io/audiotowebm >boram: https://github.com/Kagami/boram >ffmpeg: https://ffmpeg.org/download.html >NewPipe: https://newpipe.net/ >WebMConverter: https://gitgud.io/nixx/WebMConverter >webm.py: https://github.com/Kagami/webm.py >wybm: https://github.com/Kagami/wybm >youtube-dl (Also download ffmpeg for best compatability): https://youtube-dl.org/ Web hosts >Create your own: https://archive.vn/BtM69 >IONOS: https://www.ionos.com/ >KolymaNET: https://www.kolyma.org/ >Neocities: https://neocities.org/ Other >AdNauseam: https://adnauseam.io/ >Amateur Game Development General: >>>/agdg/ >ChannelChanger: >>>/t/1257 >Crescent Isle: >>>/site/532 >Kdenlive: https://kdenlive.org/ >LINE Sticker Downloader: https://goonlinetools.com/line-sticker-download/ >Magic Wormhole: https://github.com/warner/magic-wormhole >OpenTimestamps: https://opentimestamps.org/ >Privacy Possum: https://github.com/cowlicks/privacypossum >QEMU: https://www.qemu.org/ >The Wick Editor: https://www.wickeditor.com/ >VirtualBox: https://www.virtualbox.org/ Suggestions are always welcome! Revision Updates: 3/21/22: https://archive.ph/WVFHV
>>156692 Last I checked, Moon Man songs were the top videos of the entire site. Hell, they're still there 4 years later: https://www.vidlii.com/watch?v=tUAYbqPkxq1
>>156694 Ah, maybe I'm just looking for things that exist beyond the video size/length limit, then.
>>156695 Yeah, if I recall, the limit is 25 mins, 30 if you're a Vidlii Partner.
>>156696 That explains it, thanks.
>>156697 If you're looking for longer stuff, I'd advise looking on Veoh. Or Dailymotion.
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>>156616 When I was 12 I wanted to die in Millenia's tits
>>156699 i didnt expect evil to be this giggily
>>156616 Your mom, cuz i fucked her
>>156700 Giggling is good
Don't buy precious metals, no matter how loudly the doomsday sayers scream at you. Also, get vaccinated.
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>>156705 I already watched that
>>156616 Xiaoyu from Tekken.
>>156703 Reminder the real doonsday currencies are bullets, batteries and cigarettes.
>>156708 bah, civilization is gonna get fucked and we never got robowaifus and genetically not-monstrous catgrills. Fuck this shit, this run was full monkeypaw
>>156708 I'm pretty sure more people drink than smoke, but smokers would keel over without cigarettes.
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>>156708 ...and toilet roll.
>>156712 Isn't that lore in Fallout that the only reason people keep around stack of pre-war money is just to use it as toilet paper?
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Funny we talk about wood gasifiers a few threads ago and this shit gets written around the same time.
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>>156676 This is a parody account and you can't convince me of the contrary. >>156687 VidLii was about to shut down before that Slav bought the site: https://archive.is/Q8Mze https://archive.is/jzIqv He even got rid of the intrusive ads that appear even in the archives (use uBlock's zapper to remove them, or just read my screenshots).
>>156708 The real doomsday currency is PUSSAY.
>>156708 I have 2 of those 3 things in excess. I do not have cigarettes though. What's the best way to store them?
>>156717 You can literally rape anything you want when shit hits the fan. Pussy is for you to take freely and openly. You can do whatever you want with it and you don't have to worry about them crying rape because you can literally kill them after the act or keep them as your sex slaves.
>>156719 Someone wants to get Kenshiro'd.
>>156719 You don't understand anon, high quality PUSSAY will be in high demand after the apocalypse. The world has handed you the keys towards fulfilling your long awaited post-apoc pimp fantasies and you'll also be providing a great service to the wastelands by repopulating the wastes the right way™ while stemming the spread of STDs and gatekeeping niggers from non radiated poon.
>>156718 Cigarettes? Any method will lead to the tobacco and paper massively drying out, getting damp and rotting, or losing all flavor and most of its nicotine to dehydration. Honestly the best way to keep tobacco is as loose tobacco. Get a humidifier packet and a ziploc baggie and boom perfect climate controlled tobacco. Alternatively a tupperware container with a humidifier packet. Papers sealed separately. Preferably tops papers as they come in packs of 100 and 500 papers. Other wise tubes are very popular and easily store in the original container they come in. If you buy five boxes they will usually sell them still shrinkwrapped together. Leave the plastic on and they will store even better. A bigger concern is fire. A 20 pack of bic lighters may or may not last a year or two. A backup of cheaper lighters, strike anywhere matches, storm matches, candles, and finally usb plasma lighters and ferro rods, will probably keep you and possibly a group of smokers in fire for a rather long stretch of time.
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>>156720 But what if the shota consents? >>156718 Grow your own tobacco and then dry it yourself. It only has 3 major pests flea beetles, tobacco horn worm, and mosaic virus. >flea beetles Use pyrethrum or tansy dust which you can also grow yourself. Or make a trap crop of amaranth. >tobacco horn worm Treat them just like tomato horn worm. Be vigilant and start picking the buggers off and squashing them as they appear. >mosaic virus Basic phytosanitary procedures should prevent it. If you discover it immediately pull out and burn any affected plants.
>>156678 >>156676 How soon will JK Rowling become full-on anti-LGBT all together? The wife of clownfish tv use to be a liberal until trannies and Netflix she-ra fans started to threatening to rape her children on twitter like they are threatening to do to Jk Rowling's kids now. Thanks to tranny freaks we started seeing a schism between feminists and dykes vs LGBT.
>>156716 >This is a parody account and you can't convince me of the contrary. We lived in a world where DC comics canonically had Superman raped by Russians in an anti-Putin pro LGBT/BLM propaganda comic. This is where you draw the lines?
>>156724 Let them fight.
>>156724 It's just the Left eating itself like it always does.
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>>156604 Shouldn't it be the Epstain bears?
>>156616 Probably Chun-li.
>>156611 There should be a board for general political discussion that is not /pol/ Any lolbert anons still lurk /liberty/?
>>559959 >many countries' populations are cheering for the sole reason that those counties has laws against lgbt abominations Name two.
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>>156732 Don't respond to Luciano, it's very easy to tell when it is him due to how he always uses the same bunch of preset phrases as if he is just some bot made to glow in the dark.
>>156734 >Putin uses the word nigger as a weapons of mass destruction against the burgers TRULY A WEAPON TO SURPASS METAL GEAR
>>156735 When Putin says it, it's the и-word.
>>559971 Then why fucking post it you dumb nigger?
>>156735 Haven't you read Tails Gets Trolled? Saying "Nigger" out loud makes people bleed from the eyes.
>>156714 That's the green cumulon
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>>156616 Busted my first nut to this crazy dame Bust-a-Move more like Bust-a-Nut
>>156616 Link and sort of Shadow the Hedgehog but that happened after Sonic X so does it truly count as a vidya crush?
So, if screaming and disrupting speeches are freespeech, why the right doesn't do it more frequently? Besides the rules not being applied equally.
>>156742 Because most of the right still believes in concepts like "fair play" and doing things "by the rules", they don't want to "stoop to our enemies level". They don't realize that codes of honor only work when both sides agree on them, if one side doesn't follow your code then it just becomes an exploit. It's a crying shame that in this world wanting to maintain common decency and decorum is a weakness.
>>156743 And this is the biggest problem when you raise your son right in a world where everything is wrong.
>>156742 >Besides the rules not being applied equally. That's in fact a very good reason for the right not to do it.
>>156734 Fuck I miss Trump every single day Not a day without fantastic memes, even the Orange Man Bad versions from lefties were somewhat funny >>156703 lmao unjabbed and untouched by the c-virus get bent
>>156745 Never said it wasn't a wrong reason, just want to know if there are other reasons why they don't just do what others do and use the same stuff they keep using.
>>156693 yo list-anon Could you add these as well? https://servers.opennicproject.org/ to change DNS from poz'd ones https://www.publicdns.xyz/ public DNS if you need to test shit http://grep.geek/ alternative search engine http://proxy.opennicproject.org to browse using alternative DNS https://redirect.invidious.io/ all the current active invidio instances (watch youtube videos without giving views)
>>156716 >Ladino Borgers?
>>156737 So anons would keep an eye on it.
>>156740 That's official art for the game? That's pretty lewd.
>>156708 And bottlecaps.
>>156752 AND GAYMEN
>>560011 >Kick her in the crotch >Takes out the knife and starts butchering her ugly body. >Anon becomes stronger because human meat has everything a human needs
>>560011 I have yet to meet a parent stupid enouth to sell anything from their children because of a boomer attitude. Even old people knows what money is.
So Bloomberg wants you to let your pet die to fight inflation. I've heard.
>>156723 Are you talking about this shit?
>>560019 The Jews did this to me.
>>156758 For fuck's sake anon, the hook doesn't even have bait.
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The “Ideal Bride”, an attempt to advertise the newest Detective Conan movie “Meitantei Conan: Halloween no Hanayome” by allowing moviegoers who bought tickets to vote among 38 female Dective Conan character who they believe would be the ideal bride, is being altered due to Japanese feminists complaints https://archive.ph/gE7CJ https://archive.ph/oyyao
>>156761 Fuck them all, Karate waifu is the best.
>>156761 >feminist They to vote for guys instead?
>>156763 They want*
>>156757 >Take the bus Fuck off. >Don't buy in bulk. Also known as get ripped off even harder. >Try lentils instead of meat. <OY VEY GOYIM STOP EATING THE DEAD FART GENERATORS IT'S KILLING THE PLANET >Nobody said this would be fun Says the slave working for the faggots responsible for this mess to begin with, moneyprinter-kun.
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>>156757 https://archive.ph/nP8qB >Its actually real I fucking hate urbanites just assuming everyone lives in a city. Anyone want to give us the TLDR of the article? I can't imagine the justification they have for not buying in bulk.
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>>156765 https://archive.ph/Hqw5l The actual article is also archived. It's basically shitty budgeting tips all built around the argument that "everything's going to get more expensive but the thing we're against is getting morererer expensive than the thing we're for!" >Take the bus basically they say the rate bus fares are up is much less than the rate gasoline is up so sell your car >Lentils over meat Same shit. Even though if you want my advice I'd say have lentils with your meat because that shit is great. Also candidate for the dumbest thing I've read this month <Plan to cut out the middle creature and consume plants directly. It's a more efficient, healthier and cheaper way to get calories. >Buying in bulk I don't really get their arguments. They say that somehow you're getting tricked if you're buying in bulk but then they talk about marketing tricks like free samples and "discounted" items near a store's entrance, which what the fuck does any of that have to do with buying in bulk.
>>156768 >decide to try to search the last name > https://www.genealogybank.com/last-name-meaning?last_name=Ghilarducci >started showing up in the 1920s in California, Illinois, New Jersey and Washington state No surprise there. Faggot urbanite gonna faggot urbanite.
>>156767 https://archive.ph/mLMoz >And stay away from buying in bulk — you usually don’t save any money by buying more. Sure, there may be great deals, but most consumers wind up falling for the tricks that entice them to spend more — things like offering free samples, which often leads to impulse buying, or placing discounted big-ticket items near the entrance. If you absolutely must buy in bulk, try to do it with a friend, so you can split some of the costs and ensure everything gets eaten or used. So that section mentions 4 arguments, of which 2 are random "tricks" that have nothing to do with buying in bulk. The other two are that you don't actually save money and the implicit argument that it might expire and get wasted before you use it. The former as solved by actually comparing prices per quantity so that you know you're saving money, rather than just assuming it must be cheaper if it's in bulk. The latter can be solved by buying non-perishable items or by calculating how quickly you'll use them before you buy. Overall, it seems like an article written by someone who has never seriously kept track of prices and is in a social circle where nobody else does either, so that her idea of "buying in bulK' is randomly buying large quantities of things that aren't actually cheaper in bulk and then ended up going to waste. The author is an economist whose most recent tweet claims "You can’t solve inflation with rate hikes.", parts of the article seem like her cherrypicking random factoids from the economics literature without any overall understanding. Now, actually comparing prices for things like groceries takes time and may not be worthwhile for people with sufficiently high wages, but someone who isn't familiar with it shouldn't pretend she can give detailed advice on saving money at the store.
>>156766 Sad because it's true. I couldn't care less about the online friends I know irl and the only people who ever send friend requests are scammers and furries.
>>156768 >Plan to cut out the middle creature and consume plants directly. It's a more efficient, healthier and cheaper way to get calories. No, it's fucking not. The reason why we eat meat is because we're not Japanese, we haven't spent hundreds of centuries developing the enzymes needed to properly digest and absorbs the nutrients plants provide. The way the human body works is that it digest what it can, then spits it back out in our poop and urine. Animals, specifically herbivores, HAVE those enzymes, and can digest all the nutrients and convert them into a source that people can then consume.
>>156770 >The latter can be solved by buying non-perishable items or by calculating how quickly you'll use them before you buy. Whenever my family drops by Costco's, we usually throw all the perishables that we don't immediately use in the freezer.
>>156772 Do the japs not eat meat? I thought they were pretty big on marbled beef and beef bowls.
>>559971 The article is actually a year old, here's the archive https://archive.ph/QC77F Maxey has been building hype over the past few days but has not released anything new of substance.
>>156774 Meat is a treat in Japan because they have no agricultural farm land on a large scale. So what meat they do have is expensive & saved for special occasions unless it's fast food but that's still imported.
>>156774 They do eat meat, but their insistence to make seaweed and soy part of their diet has resulted in their bodies adapting so that they can properly digest it.
>>156773 Yeah, things you're going to freeze can also count as essentially non-perishable. >>156772 I haven't heard anything about japanese people extracting nutrition from plants that others can't, do you have a source? The main thing that vegetarians don't get enough of is B12, but as far as I know that's not any different for Japanese people, and it's easily supplemented.
>>156778 >do you have a source? https://archive.ph/fTap6 < Americans don't have the guts for sushi. At least that's the implication of a new study, which finds that Japanese people harbor enzymes in their intestinal bacteria that help them digest seaweed--enzymes that North Americans lack. What's more, Japanese may have first acquired these enzymes by eating bacteria that thrive on seaweed in the open ocean.
>>156771 I don't even have friends.
>>156742 repressive tolerance
>>156781 SUSSY BAKA
>>156781 Nice to see Stonetoss making it in the manga industry.
>>156779 But that doesn't give them nutrients that they would otherwise get from meat, it's just their gut bacteria being better at digesting seaweed carbohydrates. And it's an adaption by the bacteria, not the people themselves. While theoretically more fully digesting the seaweed might help absorb other nutrients at a higher rate, I can't find any study saying it actually does, and the difference would be more quantitative than qualitative. It seems very hard to imagine something like this making a significant difference to a vegetarian diet. Some seaweeds do have B12 (and other don't), but all vegetarians whether seaweed-eating or not should be taking a B12 supplement anyway. Remember that you can get B12 from bacteria in dirt, so you wouldn't expect it to apply evolutionary pressure in premodern times when food was cleaned a lot less.
>>156761 >Japanese feminists complaints If they are cute, nip females, then thrust them deeply with your trusty Odachi, fellow samurai. If they are (((Japanese))) just like pic related, just slash them with your mighty katanas. Remember that everything must be lewded in japan, especially the waius.
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>>156751 >That's official art for the game? That's pretty lewd. I think it's just fanart but the official art and in-game sprites aren't that far off.
Any of you faggots order a web search engine or a spy voice AI? >When posting the torrent, Lapsus$ said it contained 90% of the source code for Bing and approximately 45% of the code for Bing Maps and Cortana. https://archive.is/rmd9N
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>>156786 Holy fuck, that (((protest))) looks so staged I can HEAR how Korean the most Japanese-looking dude is, from a fucking image.
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>>156788 let me hitcha with an ancient meme
>>156786 What are the odds the yellow insignia that's folded back on the red flag is a hammer and sickle?
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>>156792 Pretty good I'd say, plus her shirt looks like it says marxist or something.
>>156616 Saria of Ocarina of Time.
>>156766 beard stubble above mic
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>>156791 Talking about torrenting, the whole culture is absolutely dead.I have a couple of rare movies seeded to a share ratio of above 9.9 and i wanted to check out how many seeders it had to seed some other stuff. I'm the only fucking one seeding it. People just don't give a shit. >>156792 Better ask how likely is any of those people being Japanese
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>>156796 How did Raimi get away with that?
you guys are ok
>>156799 Prove it.
Hello kazu.
>>156801 hi anon >>156800 look in mirror, see cool peopel
>>156772 > cut out the middle creature Every time I hear one of those morons say that I want to grab them by the collar, rip out a handful of grass and shove it down their throat while yelling "How's that working out for you?" Humans can digest only a small fraction of plant matter, and that is even after processing. And these precious few plants need to be cultivated on large areas of arable land, which is only a fraction of the land where plants can grow, and deplete the soil, unless artificially maintained by artificial fertilizer. Animals on the other hand can take all the weed that's in such surplus that people are literally throwing it away, and turn it into highly bio-available food for human consumption. Meat is literally the best food there is. Plants are not food, plants are at best a supplement to stretch out the meal if you don't have enough meat to fill the plate with. This was an evolutionary advantage that allowed humans to fill in the gaps between meals. Meat has the nasty habit of walking away, so you could not always get your fill, thus being able to stretch things with some plant matter meant better chances of survival until you come across some meat again.
>>156799 >>156802 Post ass on /cb/!
>>156799 how's the keto going?
>>156804 Kazu has the same ass as my mother, very nice.
>>156780 I'm your friend
>>156796 I'm still seeding some torrents of rare music collections 20 years after I got them. I'm just happy people are still looking for this stuff and I'm happy they're able to find it. Reminds me I have some more to put online.
>>156796 >Talking about torrenting, the whole culture is absolutely dead.I have a couple of rare movies seeded to a share ratio of above 9.9 and i wanted to check out how many seeders it had to seed some other stuff. I'm the only fucking one seeding it. People just don't give a shit. I felt that. I have a bunch of ROM and old goodies that I've been seeding for the past 5 years and they've got something like a 60 ratio. It's hard to find people who care or aren't afraid of keeping shit on their pcs Speaking of, if they're oldies/rare things, can't you upload them to archive.org? As long as it's not edgy stuff or it's not too recent I've seen people uploading shit there to stay for eternity. Double points if you make their meta tags unreachable unless you faff about with configs.
>>156809 Geez man, tell me about it. I've tried finding a working torrent for the entire MOTHER BGM anthology and they are all dead.
>>156809 I usually just cap the upload speed for individual torrents at 20 kbps, that way if a few people are trying to download it they'll seed off each other since none of them will finish any time soon..
>>156808 The last update for utorrent whipped everything and i've been adding everything little by little. I don't have a problem with seeding. Like you say, it makes me happy to help people get the stuff they like. But most of them don't reciprocate in the slightest. I would kind of understand not wanting to seed something popular that has a healthy amount of seeders, but not even seeding until a 1.1 ratio archives that are rare or have a negligible amount of seeders (like 1 or 2) is just being a massive cuntfuck. >>156810 I might be able to do something about that. What exactly do you mean anthology? 1, 2 and the remixes? >>156811 I avoid doing that because then i'll have to check every single torrent to check if its capped or not. I usually do 4.1 and pause it and let older torrents on the queue
>>156616 Claire redfield.
>>156771 What changed that things have gotten so bad in this regard? Are we just getting more cynical as we age, or have things actually gotten worse?
>>156812 >utorrent Adware and spyware? You might consider switching.
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>>156815 What do you recommend? >>156813 Anal slut. And not because she was neat and organized.
>>156816 >What do you recommend? qBittorrent, Deluge, anything but uTorrent, really.
>>156817 seconding this man, also repping transmission (for the autistic)
>>156818 >transmission (for the autistic) What do you mean?
>>156816 qBittorrent is probably the best alternative but you might prefer some other option. Just don't use BitTorrent.
>>156812 >The last update for utorrent Jesus Christ nigger. >but not even seeding until a 1.1 ratio archives that are rare or have a negligible amount of seeders (like 1 or 2) is just being a massive cuntfuck. Yeah, you do have a point, but for some reason I don't get a lot of leechers wanting the stuff that I seed so I tend not to get bothered by it. These past few months I've gotten more connections for some reason though, but still not enough for them to use up all my upstream.
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>>156819 I only use transmission because everything else broke at some point. It gets the job done but the gnome-tier muh minimal soydev UI is kind of shit. But it actually works so whatever.
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>>156816 Rude.
>>156820 https://github.com/c0re100/qBittorrent-Enhanced-Edition This one lets you add trackers from a constantly updating url so you get more coverage, such as the one at https://trackerslist.com , but on top of that add any private trackers or some other personal ones.
>>156786 >everything must be lewded But what if I like pure girls?
>>156819 >wdym You can run the fucker as a headless server and just attach any interface you want to it, be it a webconsole or some tui interface; thus, the interface doesn't need to be on the same machine as the torrent machine, allowing you to control a system remotely. Also plaintext config files.
Speaking of torrenting, with so much hacking and compromising going on I've become a bit paranoid of letting the client run on my PC and letting people connect to it. Do you think this is too paranoid? I don't remember any attacks on bittorrent or one of the implementations or clients but it just sounds like a huge attack vector.
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>>156826 The purer the girl, the lewder they are, anon.
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>>156799 >>156802 You fatherfucker. I just learned about what you did on /b/. >>156823 >It gets the job done but the gnome-tier muh minimal soydev UI is kind of shit Call me a retard, but I actually like its stupidly simple UI. It gets the job done without putting any kind of obstacle or annoyance. >>156827 I see. I didn't know Transmission could do all that. I thought it simply was another torrent client with a pretty UI.
>>156799 the hero we needed but didnt deserve rip
>>156828 Run it as a server in a virtual machine then, most people do it on a nas with a web client.
>>156828 >hacking and compromising a lot of the problem seems to be people getting cloud frameworks (hyper-v, docker/kybernetes, devops pipelines, etc.) in addition to the main crypto attacks which have become very common (1% of world GDP lost to hacks per year according to RAND.) Security wise: if you're on Gaynoo/Linux, run torrent program as its own user and have that user not have a login (/sbin/nologin as shell section of /etc/passwd for that user). If on Windows, might as well sandbox it with AVG or something (you probably want to sanbox any cracks until you can look at what they're trying to connect to on the web anyway so you don't get sussed on Windows.)
>>156833 That's because the average normalnigger soydev thinks docker/kubernetes is essentially a package manager of virtual machines, and lets them run as root, the default, with little understanding of how they interconnect. If you have a good pc, a virtual machine accomplishes the same task with a bit more resource consumption.
>>156832 I've considered that but I didn't want to invest both the time into researching how to set it up in a comfortable manner and the resources to run yet another VM for a program I want to isolate. Mostly I wanted to know how feasible an attack over bittorrent is and see if anons know any precedent or interesting tidbits. >>156833 What do you gain from not having a login shell in this situation? I mean if someone gets RCE on your client they can run code on your machine and probably read most of your files too. Personally I sandboxed it using apparmor a few weeks ago, same thing I use to sandbox warez.
>>156829 I'd certainly make Oga a mother over and over and over again.
>>156835 Just look up some CVEs for any programs you wonder about compromises.
>>156825 Woah, that's pretty fucking neat. Thanks, anon. >>156824 Only someone's who's butthole aches for a stuffing dresses like this.
>>156838 Claire is 43 and she still hasn't had any children...
>>156838 some of their other features
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>>156835 >read most of your files If your umask is 022 and the program is being run as its own user, then there's not much to read Better yet, your userspace apps run in their own cgroup, then there's not much the attacker could do until they get root. Denying them a login shell is just another line of defense in this case. RCE into some sort of kernel memory shitoverflow is always a possibility but it's a much smaller attack surface and requires specific system knowledge rather than 'lol got a shell from your daemon user get fucked' >>156834 fuck clouds and fuck devops if you do not have on-premises rackspace which you aren't autistically managing yourself then you don't own nothing, goy
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>>156830 >Call me a retard, but I actually like its stupidly simple UI. It gets the job done without putting any kind of obstacle or annoyance. I prefer being able to see as much information as I want and remove as much information as I want. Gnome design doesn't allow for that, KDE design does. I can make something like ktorrent just as minimal in UI but I can't make transmission show me any extra information at all without going into the properties of individual torrents.
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>>156841 >fuck clouds and fuck devops I agree, but if using docker removed the need for an entire datacenter for jewgle, I might as well learn how to properly use it to make containers from scratch. Planned to get a few dozen cheap arm computers so I have a hundred cores and 16gb of ram for $400. If you make docker images from scratch it's just a more efficient kvm for web things.
“Russia & China, Together at Last”: Historian Al McCoy Predicts Ukraine War to Birth New World Order >President Biden reportedly warned Chinese President Xi Jinping via video call Friday that China would face “consequences” if it provided material support to Russia amid the war in Ukraine. >The call was part of U.S. efforts to minimize an emerging Sino-Russian alliance, which threatens U.S. influence over the Eurasian landmass, says Alfred McCoy, professor of history at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. As U.S. >global power declines, China and Russia “are going to emerge as the new centers of global power on the planet,” he adds. >The United States is concerned, I think, in two areas — one, that China will provide weaponry and financial support, and, in fact, China can break the financial embargo that the United States is trying to impose upon Russia in order to restrain them in their invasion of Ukraine. >And so, what Washington is monitoring is flows of weapon and flows of financial support from China to Russia. That’s what the United States is trying to restrain. And that, the weapons may have a short-term impact; the financial flows, a medium-term impact. That’s the U.S. concern. >But I think we need to sort of analyze the situation in dual tracks — one, focus on the diplomacy, the military activity in Ukraine, the course of the war on the battlefield. OK? And that may or may not go Putin’s way. >But underlying that, there is this extraordinary confidence in Moscow and Beijing that the geopolitics of Eurasia are on their side, that because of their alliance and their dominant position in this great landmass that comprises 70% of the world’s population and productivity, that it almost inevitably — that they are going to emerge as the new centers of global power on the planet. And that, I think, is underlying their boldness and their resistance to Washington’s pressure. >So, we can — from their perspective, we can provide weapons, we can mount financial pressure, we can even impact the situation on the battlefield by providing anti-tank missiles and handheld weapons that can bring — Stinger missiles that can bring down Russian helicopters and aircraft. We can do all, that but that is not material. >That’s not what’s going to matter. They believe, because of the theory of geopolitics, that being the dominant powers in this great Eurasian landmass, that they can slowly break the controls that the United States has imposed over Eurasia since the start of the Cold War, and they can break U.S. global power, and they, together, can construct a new global order. >Every global hegemon — and that’s the word that Beijing and Moscow use — every global hegemon for the last 500 years, from the Portuguese to the Spanish, the Dutch, the British, the United States, and now the Chinese, have done one thing in common: They have all dominated Eurasia. >Their rise to global power, including the U.S. rise to global power after World War II, was accompanied by dominance over Eurasia. And decline of all of these global powers, including the United States, has been marked by their declining control over Eurasia. >And together, Beijing and Moscow are pursuing a strategy that I call, you know, push, push, punch. So, they are pushing at these great chains of geopolitical control that the United States has ringed around Eurasia since the Cold War — naval fleets, air bases, mutual defense pacts — they’re pushing slowly at the east and west ends of Eurasia, hoping to strain and break those chains of control that the United States has imposed over Eurasia, until, in the succession of these punches, those chains of control snap, U.S. dominance over Eurasia comes to an end, and, correspondingly, in the theory of geopolitics, U.S. global power also declines. Cell phone video captures the moment a man attempted to rape a woman at Walmart on NW 79th Street. >*News & Information release only* >Contains strong content >Luckily, Osvaldo C. was able to step in to stop and help this woman out | #ONLYinDADE https://archive.ph/J43Ve Spoiler alert. Random white guy saves the day while black witnesses do nothing. Latinos witnesses brush the attack off just as niggers being niggers.
>>156790 Based 2Hue.
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>>156845 Honestly docker is okay but the way it encourages bad practices in general is not. My group is still primarily focused on batch compute over app deployment, but we've been using openstack for our deployments (although I will publish my crap as docker images for sharing anyway because lol clout chasing.) Best of luck with your cluster, anon. If you make something cool you should do a writeup about it.
Apparently MUSE made an anti-vax mandate song https://yewtu.be/watch?v=QP3zRBtgvJo
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>>156846 >Spoiler alert. Random white guy saves the day while black witnesses do nothing. Latinos witnesses brush the attack off just as niggers being niggers. Another day, another excuse to post this.
>>156847 Her hat reminds me of the alien structure in Dead Space 3.
Firefox Tracking Users Before Install! - Surveillance Report 80 https://odysee.com/@techlore:3/firefox-tracking-users-before-install!:3 [IndieWatch] ANNO: Mutationem - Stylish Cyberpunk Action Adventure & More Cyberpunk than 2077? https://odysee.com/@HiTechLoLife:2/indiewatch-anno-mutationem-stylish:7 Friendly Beneficial Fungus Live in Your Gut https://odysee.com/@DrBerg:4/friendly-beneficial-fungus-live-in-your:1
>>156852 Is Odysee a proper youtube clone instead of a political boomer site like bitchute?
>>156848 >If you make something cool you should do a writeup about it. My plan was just establishing a peertube, irc, imageboard, email, and some info/blog sites, mostly on i2p to see if it's feasible. >>156853 It's a frontend for the LBRY blockchain, which can host files like youtube does but can't be removed. Odysee can hide them from the catalog as required or desired though.
>>156853 >Is Odysee a proper youtube clone instead of a political boomer site like bitchute? Yes, you should use Odysee/LBRY.
>>156846 >to Birth New World Order For the past 2 years the world government has stepped on its citizens' liberties and personal freedoms even to the point of freezing bank accounts for supporting people they deem problematic. The birth already happened a long time ago and the pandemic wasn't it either. Retarded boomer fuck >>156840 I'm moving all my stuff to qB. I'm sorry to have been such an illiterate fuck with my torrenting, anons.
EA is No Longer Selling Its Games in Russia or Belarus >Electronic Arts announced on Friday that it is following the path laid out by certain other video game companies with regards to the ongoing war in Ukraine. Like CD Projekt before it, EA has decided that it will stop selling its games and associated content and virtual currencies in both Russia and Belarus. >The decision was made with the concern of the safety of those within the region, as well as to show solidarity with the people of Ukraine. >What that means in motion is that, while the Electronic Arts app and Origin for the Russian region will continue to be available, no games or content will be available for purchase in them. Basically, EA will allow users to continue using the games and content that they've previously purchased, but no new purchases will be able to be made in either Russia or Belarus. >Third-party storefronts are also being contacted to remove EA games and content, though it may take some time for those requests to be fulfilled. >EA also says that it's reviewing further steps that it can take in the future. Examples of what EA means include changes to EA Sports FIFA, like removing the Russian national team and other Russian clubs from all currently supported FIFA games. EA Sports NHL has made similar changes, removing both the Russian and Belarusian national clubs and teams following their suspension from the IIHF. >Again, EA explains that its actions are being done in solidarity with Ukraine and with concern over the safety of those in the region. EA specifically calls attention to its colleagues and partners in Ukraine and other impacted regions, as it says it is "seeking to understand how we might best help them further beyond our programs that are already in place." >Suffice to say, EA is trying to frame its decision as one that's constructive and supportive, for what it's worth. There's certainly many additional factors that plot into EA's decision that are left unsaid. While EA's decision to cut off Russia and Belarus may appear financially harmful, the costs of continuing to do business in the two countries would also be significant, even if it's just a reputational cost. >There's also the fact that sanctions have led to many payment options no longer working in the two countries, which could mean business for EA in Russia and Belarus is inconsequential in the first place. >While the decision from EA may have been made for itself due to sanctions, it's still meaningful for the company to issue a statement of solidarity. Right now, people across the world may feel helpless to improve such an awful situation. What's left is embracing solidarity with others, including video game companies like EA, in support of Ukraine. https://archive.ph/mUJs3 Ubisoft is reportedly making a new Prince of Persia game ‘inspired by Ori’ <IT’S SAID TO BE ONE OF 20 UBISOFT GAMES THAT COULD BE INCLUDED IN A BIG DIGITAL SHOWCASE >According to an Xfire report by industry insider Tom Henderson, it’s a 2.5D game described by a source as taking inspiration from Moon Studios’ Ori series. It’s claimed Ubisoft Montpellier is working on the project, likely alongside other Ubisoft studios. >The new Prince of Persia game is reportedly one of 20 Ubisoft titles being lined up for a showing in the near future. >These are said to include several unannounced titles such as an Immortals Fenyx Rising sequel, The Crew 3 and Assassin’s Creed Rift. >Several sources told Henderson that Ubisoft is planning a major digital showcase, which was supposed to air prior to a potential E3 show this summer, but that those plans may have been put on hold due to recent world events. >The French publisher held its first fully digital conference, Ubisoft Forward, in July 2020. The format was a success, attracting concurrent viewership that surpassed Ubisoft’s previous E3 conferences, according to the company. >Ubisoft Forward events were also held in September 2020 and June 2021. Following several delays, Ubisoft is planning to release its Prince of Persia Sands of Time Remake during its next fiscal year, which ends on March 31, 2023. https://archive.ph/vf1yB

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>>156838 Its the 90s, girls must wear cute shorts.
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>>156829 >no smol GF Why live?
>>156856 don't sweat it bro, nobody is born with knowledge of software, and nobody markets open sores anymore >>156859 just wait until the next famine to snag yourself a 4'11 womanlet, I guess
>>156857 Time for another old and dead series/IP to get dug out of it's grave and then raped only to be thrown back into said grave and buried again and more poorly this time.
>>156859 I've had one and i lost it. Cutest thing a 20 year old could ask. Its been years now and i doubt i'll manage to love anything again. >>156858 For easy anal access
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>>156703 Thank you for poisoning the well and ensuring that we all buy specie. >>156757 In direct relation to this, authorities are now genuinely worried about a worldwide diesel shortage. Get your supplies purchased YESTERDAY, folks. Try to have enough calories to feed every member of your family for a year. Get a goddamn backyard and start growing vegetables this summer.
>>156853 >Is Odysee a proper youtube clone instead of a political boomer site like bitchute? In terms of the interface and content hosted yes it's more like youtube. In terms of your ability to actually upload content easily and for free bitchute is mountains better because you can actually just make an account and instantly start uploading. Bitchute is still complete shit but the barrier to entry for LBRY with their shitty ASIC only cryptocurrency is absolutely massive and completely fucks the platform up the ass.
>>560318 too smol >>156862 They say better to have love and lost than to never have loved at all, but we both know that's bullshit. It's far worse to have experienced something good that you cannot grasp again. >>156863 >anger issues No thanks. It was never charming in the "gamur gurl" archetype either.
>>156742 Because that makes you lose automatically. He (or she) who screams louder is automatically the loser.
>>156867 Depends who is watching, normalniggers are trained to act on feelings and who is winning an outcome over the actual content.
immortal fish have dung pets
>>560322 >Writer is a research scholar in National University of Modern Languages Islamabad <Article reads like ESL shit that's only vaguely comprehensible.
>>156757 No. And there is nothing that they can do to force me to do any of that.
>>156868 That only makes them side with the losers, and lose in the process. The whole collapse of the western civilization is a result of that. What they think is irrelevant. If they side with the losers, they will all lose. Period. The winners will simply move away and keep being prosperous in another place.
>>156872 not this shit again
Quick combination from three pages of the Narcissist Guy and the Sweaty Girl from Komi-san Can't Communicate.
>>156853 >Is Odysee a proper youtube clone No. Functionality is fine, but uploads are locked behind a verification wall; that requires you to use your credit card, phone number, or ask through their Dicksword. If you're looking for an alternative, I'd recommend Veoh or Vidlii if you're looking for a Jewtube alt. Dtube and Bittube are options as well, but each have their own issues (The former current requires videos to be uploaded via IPFS due to a bug that's existed for over a year, the latter requires far more details than they should need).
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>>156863 Very short girls and very tall girls deserve more love than usual.
>>156865 >Bitchute is still complete shit They also censor content.
>>156761 If they cuck, they deserve to die. Although this could be just another outrage marketing ploy.
>>156876 >No. Functionality is fine, but uploads are locked behind a verification wall; that requires you to use your credit card, phone number, or ask through their Dicksword. Wut? I've been using it for a while, and I've never had to deal with any sort of verification. Closest thing I can find is that video uploads require some degree of memecoin spending to actually upload, but even then, you can just spend a miniscule amount, which you passively gain on the site anyway. >>156865 Bitchute has a higher view floor, but a lower ceiling unless you're uploading a specific flavor of political content. And as >>156878 mentioned, they've been censoring shit for a while. Still not quite as egregious as Youtube, though. So Bitchute is kind of in a weird limbo where it still has a repertoire of being a haven for neo-nazis and the far right, while censoring actual far-right people off the platform, leaving primarily the boomer right you see today as the primary users of it.
>>156880 >I've been using it for a while, and I've never had to deal with any sort of verification. That's only if you're UPLOADING content, which is the biggest issue if you're looking for an alternative video site to upload content to.
>>560322 >invest in pokemon cards fucking what? >>156846 You forgot link to the Russia and China Article
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>>156866 >It's far worse to have experienced something good that you cannot grasp again There's that, on the other side you have a list of un-fulfilled wishes and idealization of things you have only dreamt off and watched other people experience. Not having a grasp on the reality of love and how it actually feels being held by the person you love must be tough to. I'm not open for love any more though. If i was in my late teens or really early 20's again, then maybe.
>>156880 Cuckchute's first mistake was to have its parent company located in the United Kaliphate.
>>156881 But I HAVE been uploading content, to the tune of 25 videos, and any form of verification has never even popped on my radar. >>156884 Yeah, IDK what they were thinking with that one.
>>156882 The guy has been spamming pokemon card shit for months now. Just ignore or report.
>>156880 >>156885 You have already verified by nature of spending money to be able to upload videos. That's the point, you can't upload any content unless you give them money or do some roundabout social media ass licking. That cuts off 99.99% of people from ever uploading a single video. The only reason it has yet to completely flop is because they let jewtubers with an already existing user base skip all that bullshit. But for any anons or regular people that want to start on the site from scratch they are instantly turned off by essentially having to do KYC with a credit card.
>>156876 Literally all you need to upload to odysee is an email to make an account.
>>156888 I'll speed run proving you wrong. https://lbry.com/faq/how-to-publish >11. Type in a minimum of 0.0001 LBC deposit for the upload (default amount is higher due to publishing fees). If you are trying to outbid a user-friendly/common URL, the system will suggest a minimum bid to take over the content at that vanity URL. There may be a delay for this takeover. Making your bid higher will result in better discovery for your content. For more details regarding the URL or bid, check out our naming document.
>>156887 Yes and no. If we're talking about starting from scratch and amassing an audience as an end goal, then paying them is likely relevant. But the trickle of memecoins means you can at least put the videos on the platform. Even going by >>156889, it's only pricier if you want more visibility/a more common URL. Is it an ideal system? No. But the claim that people can't upload without opening their wallets is disingenuous at best.
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>>156761 Is Haibara an option though? That train crash in The Scarlet Bullet was fucking ridiculous, just visually and that anyone would survive it. That over the top nonsense is kinda fun though like Akai Shuichi's sniper shot through a vacuum. Also Scarlet Bullet has been out for ages yet there are still no good english subtitles for it. What the actual fuck is the holdup? >>156883 Still, as reality grows worse even with the inherent advantage of "being real" it falls farther and farther behind fiction / fantasy. And of course that decline is intentional.
>>156889 I'll speedrun proving YOU wrong gaylord: https://odysee.com/@OdyseeHelp:b/uploadguide:1?lc=e280f6e6fdec3f5fd4043954c71add50b3fd2d6a9f3ddba979b459da6ae4a1f4 doing nothing but watching videos on odysee I have over 1 lbry memecoin and can upload without having to input credit card information
>>156892 >doing nothing but watching videos on odysee
>>156890 The claim isn't that it costs a lot of money to upload content. The claim is that it costs money period to upload content. Even if you have to spend a fraction of a cent to upload content that is a massive barrier to entry and an outright deal breaker for anyone wanting to remain anonymous. You're misunderstanding the issue with the process. Not only this but it is functionally impossible to even mine LBC without an ASIC, and those ASICs aren't even possible to acquire from any sellers. So for all intents and purposes you have to do KYC to upload content to the LBRY network, something you don't have to do on just about every single other video hosting platform. >>156892 Is acquiring LBC by watching videos a new feature or something? Last I looked into it the only way to acquire it was through mining it or being gifted it for engaging in social media autism on gayscord. https://lbry.com/faq/rewards >To be eligible for rewards, you must sign up for an account and verify your email. Many users are required to complete additional verification; this is common if using LBRY from VPN or a fraud-prone network. You may not be eligible if there is already another verified account in your household/location. Users on shared connections will typically not be eligible for rewards. You will be able to receive tips from other users, even if you aren't eligible for rewards. And there's the rub. If your IP isn't on the good goyim list you don't get to earn LBC by watching content.
>>156894 >KYC >Kill Your _??? ...what?
>>156895 Know your customer.
>>156896 Oh, that makes more sense. I've been told to kill myself so many times that KY autocompletes to Kill Your * in my mind.
>>156876 >>156880 >>156881 >>156887 >>156889 >>156890 >>156892 >>156893 >>156894 Looking it up on a couple of the temp accounts that I made, it appears that Odysee changed how people earn their special meme coin. Before, you had to do the verification method mentioned in order to start earning them. Now, they hand them out once you verify the email account that you sign up with and can immediately start uploading, and then you earn even more by either buying them directly with your bank account or credit card OR through interacting with the site. So, the LBRY/Odysee has basically become NicoNico in terms of how it's usable (In that NicoNico technically allows you to upload an unlimited number of videos, but you have to get some 2000 verified/paying users to follow).
>>156894 By creating an account you get I think 0,1 memecoin, by watching videos, commenting, and I think even using the nonsense rating system you gain more memecoin. >but muh bots on nord vpn cant earn free memecoin tough luck I guess
>>156898 >>156899 >Now, they hand them out once you verify the email account that you sign up with and can immediately start uploading, and then you earn even more by either buying them directly with your bank account or credit card OR through interacting with the site. Interesting. If that's the case then that's awesome. I have no issues with the site, merely that barrier to entry. So if it's been removed then that's wonderful to hear. I'm fine with it requiring the currency to upload as long as you can upload a few videos to start earning the currency in the first place reasonably without having to compromise on your anonymity. How many videos can you upload with the starter currency?
>>156900 According to one user: >the deposit can be very small, say 0.01 LBC, so if you only have 5 LBC, you still have enough to publish a hundred videos or more.
>>156891 >falls farther and farther behind fiction / fantasy. And of course that decline is intentional Yeah. Its probably really hard for kids today to be romantically involved with a woman. Feminism has been implanted in the minds of really young girls. Innocence is a virtue that is being stripped from the youth and everything that entails a traditional relationship, its naïve nature and the discovery of love is foreign to a lot of young men that will probably never will experience it.
>>156898 Sounds dreadful
>>156846 >Random white guy saves the day That is a mistake. The simp saved a parasite.
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>>156904 Pretty much. This isn't the same case but one time i went to help a woman that was being hit by a guy and she ended up defending him because "it was his boyfriend". Just let them get beat to death
>>156857 > EA is No Longer Selling Its Games in Russia or Belarus Now I wish for Russia to invade every single country in the world and create a global Russian empire.
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>>156900 >I'm fine with it requiring the currency to upload as long as you can upload a few videos to start earning the currency in the first place reasonably without having to compromise on your anonymity. How many videos can you upload with the starter currency? Correction, you DO need to verify your account. Let me explain: So, you can immediately start uploading to content to LBRY/Odysee because you earn 0.1 LBC once you verify your email. However, there is a limit. Due to the fact that videos require minimum deposit of 0.0001 LBC to upload, that means you have a limit of 1000 videos that you can upload. AND, that's assuming that you don't deposit more of your LBC into the video for the purpose of boosting it's search results. So, how can you earn more LBC? Well, you see, Odysee has their rewards page to earn more LBC, BUT the only way you can earn said rewards is by unlocking them; and the ONLY way to unlock the rewards is by verifying with your credit card, phone number, or over Dicksword. And, if you don't want to verify: <Verifying is optional. If you skip this, it just means you can't earn LBRY Credits. In other words, LBRY/Odysee gives you a limit of 1000 videos you can ever upload. And, once that number has been reached, you're done. Unless you can convince other users (AKA suckers) to donate LBC to you.
>>156905 Yeah anon, least you end up in jail
>>156908 Why the fuck would i end up in jail? For not stopping a rape?
>>156909 Yeah, sometimes it's her bf and she'll defend him. Plus you technically have to assault the rapist to stop them, so you can be arrested too.
You're all retarded for agreeing with each other but thinking you're disagreeing.
>>156911 I agree! Stop disagreeing with me!
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>>156910 Now i understand what you meant. Yeah, i agree. If you see a woman in peril, don't help them because it could land you in even deeper troubles. You can even die. >>156911 We literally call each other on our bullshit but i agree with you
>>156913 Helping strangers is retarded anyway. If they're not blood then they're nothing to you.
>>156913 >If you see a woman in peril, don't help them because it could land you in even deeper troubles. You can even die. If women are so worried about their own protection, why don't they buy a gun or learn self defense?
>>156916 Side note: four of the seven samurai end up dead.
>>156911 >You're all retarded for agreeing with each other but thinking you're disagreeing.
>>156916 > 1954 movie > set in the 1500's Both of those societies were vastly different to what we have now. Back then you might have cared for your neighbor or your peers. We live in different times. I understand the message but if its not someone you care enough to give your life for, then its a waste of your efforts and (maybe) life. >>156915 They will need to, because day by day men give less of a shit about them and want to avoid as many problems as possible.
>>156907 So you can't even earn rewards from getting views on your videos unless you KYC? That's pretty fucking retarded but a 1,000 video limit is big enough that I suppose it doesn't make the site a complete write off.
>>156916 The entirety of global society is only a few years, max, away from collapse. None of this matters, anon. This isn't how you behave. You protect you and your own.
>>156919 Good people exist that want to help each other. Even as cynical as you are, in an emergency you'll very likely help your fellow man or freeze up to do nothing like a bitch.
>>156922 It's not your fault. We all know, deep inside us, how to behave. That's natural law. It's inescapable. The world has been perverted against it, and so we will collapse. It's now unstoppable. They're talking about diesel pumps running dry in the US and Europe, which means mass starvation. Tokyo is having all of its electricity shut down tonight. Total blackout. They can't keep the power on anymore. The important thing to remember is [USER IS NOT ALLOWED TO TYPE THIS TRUTH], otherwise it's just going to happen all over again, forever. We CAN get it back, anon. It just requires work. That no one wants to do.
>>156924 >Tokyo is having all of its electricity shut down tonight. Total blackout. They can't keep the power on anymore. Can you provide a source?
>>156924 Why do you do that gay "I'm not allowed to say the truth!" Just type it you passive aggressive fag.
>>156924 >>156925 >>156926 I wonder why?
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>>156925 It's nothing horrible IMO: https://www3.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/en/news/20220322_46/ >gov warns people in Tokyo about saving energy because the earthquake messed up with multiple power plants https://www3.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/en/news/20220323_09/ >2nd day of government warning people https://www3.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/en/news/20220323_17/ >the warning is over The Links are being archived, so read the original articles in the meantime.
>>156915 >why don't they buy a gun Because women are fucking stupid and fell for years of commie indoctrination about how guns can magically escape locked cases, load themselves, and kill everyone in the area. They don't realize that guns are equalizers that allow them to defend themselves against men that might be over half a foot taller and 50% heavier than her. >or learn self defense? The size and weight difference between men and women makes that about as dangerous for a woman as fighting a guy armed with a knife when you're unarmed. They're much better off using mace or something like that and running like hell than trying to fight. This is why self-defense courses for women focus on adopting habits to avoid being in that situation entirely.
>>156926 https://archive.ph/lL8q0 >Japan scrambled to keep the lights on in Tokyo on Tuesday as frigid weather and power plant outages from last week’s earthquake put the nation’s capital at risk of blackouts. That has NOTHING to do with fucking oil, it has to do with the fact that the Japanese government haven't punished TEPCO for failing to update their 60 year old nuclear facility. That's also beside the fact that they're shutting down nuclear and oil power planets for geothermal power plants.
>>156924 Maybe this are finally the hard times to form stronger men? I just don't care about society any more. This past 2 years have shown me everything i need to know about the most of it. They will gladly give away freedom because the state says so. They won't ask, they won't fight, they won't think. Just fuck them all. If the collapse happens, then i'll be praying for you anons every day and hoping you have me in your thoughts as well.
>>156927 Probably Lucario going on about how people should go full ancap.
>>156928 Read the article, japan got rid of half their reactors in the past decade since the fukushima daiichi incident as well as pretty much no fossil plants. They're having power shortages because of clouds and power station damage from the earthquake last week,.
>>156934 >got rid of half their reactors in the past decade Why do countries act this way without a plan b? Did they think stripping their source of energy would come at no additional costs? Germany did the same fucking shit. I refuse to believe they are this blindly retarded.
>>156935 They view replacing a 1 million kW reactor with 1m kW of hydro, wind, and solar as an equivalent exchange. Better even, because it won't make fallout if it breaks (when the leftists take power and fail to maintain it properly). If it does break, blame it on not investing enough into future carbon-free resources, it's never your fault.
>>156927 >just get banned lol Nah, I'd rather stick with tangential video game industry talk. >>156931 Did anyone say anything about oil? It's the same series of decisions, in violation of natural law, which led them to this state of being. They destroyed good, reliable energy production and are reaping the rewards of their new world order. >>156932 As much as we all hate "society" these days, I think that if we ever met each other out on the field after the collapse, we'd all hit it off and take turns on a treadmill to power a console and play some games together. >>156933 Fuck anarcho-capitalism. Got any more boogeymen to invoke, or can you discuss what we're talking about? >>156935 Come on. You know why.
>>156937 >take turns on a treadmill or chop some trees together and build a waterwheel
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Are you excited? https://archive.ph/297Xo >>156937 >It's the same series of decisions, in violation of natural law, which led them to this state of being. They destroyed good, reliable energy production They're replacing them with geothermal plants, the most efficient source of energy next to nuclear.
>>156938 100億%
>>156939 >next to So... less efficient and worse. Oh, and you know what geothermal power does? CAUSES EARTHQUAKES. Boy, they sure need more of those, don't they.
>>156941 >Oh, and you know what geothermal power does? CAUSES EARTHQUAKES. Yeah, just like fracking and drilling for oil.
>>156942 Is there oil under or around the Japanese archipelago?
>>156939 >Are you excited? Yes, but not in the way you think.
>>156939 Also due to Japan being a volcanic active area geothermal might actually be more efficient than nuclear. >>156941 >>156942 Had to google how a geothermal power plant works, and it wouldn't cause earthquakes the same way as oil and fracking would. Oil does so via the empty cavity collapsing because the oil keeping it up is gone (think water pressure), meanwhile fracking is shoving water down there with no way out so the pressure builds until something gives. Geothermal gives the water it pumps down there a way out via the hot water pipe, once the water has cooled down it is just pumped right back down. Water in that part of the system is not lost as there's a heat exchanger and a separate cooling system/tower that from the looks of it doesn't get its water from the depths.
>>156946 Maybe they ought to get back to that, then, since they're ignoring it and having blackouts because their globalist masters told them to starve to death.
>>156947 >Maybe they ought to get back to that, then Why? Geothermal, while not as efficient as nuclear, is still far more efficient than oil.
>>156937 >I think that if we ever met each other out on the field after the collapse, we'd all hit it off and take turns on a treadmill to power a console and play some games together. Then we'll talk around the campfire about our favorite vidya while some other anon plays some vidya tunes on his guitar. >Come on. You know why. I guess you're right, anon. I guess you're right. >>156939 > CG western anime Another nail in a once thriving industry and ripe with originality and state of the art animation.
>>156616 Also, probably not first, from Final Fantasy - Lebreau.
>>156948 Looks about 33% as efficient. As in nowhere near viable. Almost as though all these power plant shutdowns in what used to be the "first world" are on purpose or something.
>>156951 >Data from Roth (2004), Taylor et al. (2008) and this work* Your data is over 14 years out of date. Have anything more recent for comparison?
>>156952 Holy shit, a real life appeal to novelty from only 14 years ago? I honestly haven't seen those in a long time. What, are you going to claim current year bullshit next? You're going a long way out of the way to try to sidestep the unquestionable superiority of nuclear power.
>>156953 You could have just said no.
>>156953 >You're going a long way out of the way to try to sidestep the unquestionable superiority of nuclear power. I said no such nothing. Where in my posts have I said that geothermal is better than nuclear?
>>156955 Yes, so why is this even a discussion at all? Instead of punishing shoddy workmanship, they've doomed themselves to third world status by abandoning the power production required for the future of humanity. It's not up for debate; they need to get nuclear back online or it's all over. >>156954 The answer isn't no, though.
>>156956 >Yes, so why is this even a discussion at all? Because you came in here in typical Lucario fashion and started declaring that the sky is falling, all the way up here: >>156921
>>156929 >>gov warns people in Tokyo about saving energy because the earthquake messed up with multiple power plants Japan even more than the USA really needs to build more energy independent off grid homes and buildings in general. Aren't they on good terms with Indonesia? Just have that country manufacture a fuck ton of solar panels in exchange a few destroyer ships for their navy or a decent submarine and maybe a couple genuine Nipponese made Fumo's too. Because clearly consistent divine intervention keeps fucking Japan every time they want to use nuclear energy so they should just give up on. The world in general needs more small decentralized grids independent of one another should they need be.
>>156958 who is the shadow supposed to be?
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>>156923 >in an emergency you'll very likely help your fellow man or freeze up to do nothing like a bitch Or fucking run. Running is always a good option.
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>>156959 when i see super long twintails i can only imagine sailor moon or hatsune miku
>>156961 Or that bitch from FATE. Are there even 2hoes with long twintails?
>>156958 >Just have that country manufacture a fuck ton of solar panels Because solar panels are highly inefficient, incredibly toxic and pollutive to make, and require the city to change their entire infrastructure to make it work. >Because clearly consistent divine intervention keeps fucking Japan every time they want to use nuclear energy so they should just give up on. The problem is that the nuclear power plants in Japan were built back in the 60's. Since then, much has changed in regards to codes, regulation, safety, and infrastructure in how those plants work. However, the Japanese government have refused to file charges against nuclear providing companies like TEPCO for skirting the updated safety, operation, and security codes; which is part of why Fukushima turned into such a big deal. The other part is that they build all their plants next to the ocean for "convenience" sake due to it being a nearly unlimited water source, while obviously having the flaw of wondering what happens whenever a tsunami occurs.
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>>156958 >decentralized grids Personally I prefer all the GRIDS to be centralized in SoCal.
>>156923 Being good is being retarded. That is the point that you don't understand yet, since you have a slave's mind. Being cynical is being smart and successful.
>>156924 >We CAN get it back, anon I will never put effort into bringing back a world were women are protected and worshiped. I will actively sabotage attempts to bring back such world.
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>>156962 Besides what >>156967 posted, these two have some twintail but I don't believe it is either of them.
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>>560510 >>560511 You're taking me the groan zone right now dude.
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>>156970 Better than Wormslut and Futadad, that’s for sure, also considering Rin is the only one who isn’t A. Sterile due to being a heroic spirit, or B. Infertile due to having her uterus eaten by worms, the choice is even more obvious. Even though those are (technically) not Rin, just three useless goddesses and a not so useless goddess.
>>156935 >I refuse to believe they are this blindly retarded Then YOU are the blind retard.
>>156935 Anon, logic went out the window nearly a decade ago.
>>156963 >Because solar panels are highly inefficient They're fine for small individual homes/buildings with thick well insulated walls, at least in terms of keeping the lights on at night and running a energy efficient fridge or chest freezer which shouldn't be underestimated in the relief that would provide the national grid if even a quarter of the population started doing that. >incredibly toxic and pollutive to make Yes, that's why I mentioned Indonesia since their government doesn't really give as much of a fuck about that. >and require the city to change their entire infrastructure to make it work. Never said anything about rewiring all of Tokyo, my suggestion is more of a building by building basis. I'm not under any delusions that solar panels are going to be powering whole cities any time soon with their limitations, I recognize them for their strengths and weaknesses and they are useful in the fact that you can just have a professional stick them in the ground and not have to think about them much so long as they're facing the sun and the sun is a free resource I'll be it an anemic one for more industrial applications. Of course you'll still need coal, nuclear fission, geothermal, and water dams to power things like factories but if less homes needed to consume those energy sources then power for said factories would be even cheaper. Though I'd argue that water dams are actually long term way worse for the environment in terms of radical change to an entire ecosystem since it always ends with heavy drought on one end, and constant flooding on the other if Mainland China or California is anything to go buy but that's mostly just mega dams or being retarded enough to use water for energy in a fucking desert, small ones are fine in moderation... Of course given we're on the verge of seeing water wars being started in the horn of Africa or between Syria+Iraq against Turkey we don't have dams with moderation but rather a hyper use of them. I'm not saying replace literally everything that's already built with solar panels but use them for their strengths like being a hell of a lot cheaper to put in someones backyard or roof than say a giant power plant is. It's more about encouraging more people to be energy self reliant. Plus solar is still relativity new technology if you ignore the fact that Nikola Tesla drew up schematics for it nearly a hundred years now and if you think they're inefficient now then do keep in mind they used to be a lot worse and more expensive too. Same can be said for gaming PC's, ones made over a decade ago now struggle to compete with ultra thin laptops because there's always room for improvement. Also another reason I mentioned Indonesia is the Nippon's much like America should probably explore trading partners other than mainland China for many obvious reasons and given both were allies in WW2 against the Dutch and British they've already got decent ties historically speaking, well at least for Java island, all the other islands are a bit more complicated because Indonesia is a clusterfuck of a "country", at least as far as my ignorant Americunt ass knows anyway. >>156964 Fuck you Carlos, also I don't get it. >>156959 >who is the shadow supposed to be? Muh dick, ayyyyy!!!!! probably Rin since she has twin tails.
>>156971 Well, that's why Unlimited Blade Works is the best route, Shirou finally mitigates his autism somewhat and hooks up with best girl to make lots of magical children in between sticking it in her pooper. >>156974 GRIDS = Gay Related Immuno-Deficiency Syndrome It's what they called AIDS when it was first discovered.
>>156974 >shouldn't be underestimated in the relief that would provide the national grid if even a quarter of the population started doing that. The resources to build enough solar panels for even a quarter of the US population do not exist on Earth. Moreover, they wear out extremely quickly. They're not a good investment. There's a maximum amount of power you can receive at any given latitude, so they're even more worthless outside the tropics. Finally, they only work half the time, so you either have to deal with total power loss or store the power for half a day, and we don't have decent battery tech for that. Meanwhile, coal, natural gas, and nuclear laugh as they keep you from freezing and starving to death.
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>>560528 >he doesnt like groanzone.jpg
>>156977 >he doesnt like groanzone.jpg He doesn't like cuckchanmemes.jpg
>>560528 Talk about lame city lucario, get a grip!
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>>156976 >Meanwhile, coal, natural gas, and nuclear laugh as they keep you from freezing and starving to death. The same could be achieved just by having people use the chimneys they already have in their homes and if they don't have chimneys then they can get modern day wood burning stoves which are even better. Only reason modern homes need to rely on things like natural gas so often is because modern homes are intentionally built like shit and constantly leak heat/cold because most modern construction contractor businesses are lazy niggers who don't give a fuck. Hell I'd go as far as to say it's intentional and a bunch of Home Owners Association members, Construction contractors, and Natural gas drillers along with a bunch of DC K-street lobbyists at their disposal all teamed up to make this current artificial status quo because it benefits them and forces people no other choice but to use gas because they're not allowed to bulldoze their shitty cookie cutter plywood homes on "their property" to build something out of stone, concrete, brick, or just make a comfy log cabin instead because (insert stupid bureaucracy here). The whole thing stinks honestly. Seriously though, if you've ever set foot in a thick stone and mortar house built a hundred years ago you'd know what I mean, especially if they're built to exploit day time sunlight by having the main windows face East. >>560527 Well that's governments juxtaposition for ya, during times of peace they want you to be a submissive wagy consumer slave but in times of conflict or even all out war they want you to be as self sufficient as possible because they're worried about saving their asses first. Great example would be the Ukraine, look how fast the corrupt oligarchs there were suddenly be in favor of handing out free guns to any citizen who wanted one because they don't want to share their wealth with the corrupt oligarchs of Russia and civilian militias are great for giving them enough time to escape to their self reliant underground bunkers built with tax payer dollars of course. The moral of the story is don't bother asking for your governments permission to do "X Y and Z" whenever possible because they don't want efficiency, they want control until all that hyper regulation bites them back in the ass that is anyway. Your home should be a fortress that allows you to stand on your own two feet alone if nessisary, not some cheap commodity to be exploited by government or corporations. Fuck the natural gas industry.
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>>156981 Guess >>156961 called it. Since there's not really a 2hu with very long twintails, ZUN should be challenged to make a new one with said hair
>>156980 >during times of peace they want you to be a submissive wagy consumer slave but in times of conflict or even all out war they want you to be as self sufficient as possible because they're worried about saving their asses first Hence why the population must overthrow the government. Everywhere.
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So apparently Reddit got another yuke hideout shelled for uboats again.
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>>156984 Reddit beware you're in for a scare
>>156882 >You forgot link to the Russia and China Article Here you go my Hindu friend https://archive.ph/KOZRz
>>156984 WE DID IT, REDDIT!!
>>156984 Why is reddit so retarded?
>>156988 >Why is reddit so retarded? Reddit is twitter-lite.
>>156988 Because they're LARPing as the Abraham Lincoln Brigade, but don't remember who actually won the Spanish Civil War.
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https://odysee.com/@DadReviews:6/world-s-largest-brick-made-of-bricks:f https://odysee.com/@InGeral:e/BrickTypesandDesign:c But seriously most modern day building practices pisses me off, people are fucking cheap scapes which is a shame since we have so many building techniques that are solid and neat. Also bricks are cool and sexy. >>156983 Government is a social construct unfortunately, it's better to have a neutered and leashed one than no government at all else you'll just end up with warlords stealing your property like what happened in Southern Somali. >>156981 I hate Miku now and vocoloids were always kinda gay. >>156984 >Upboats >Hell yeah, take that Putler! Is Reddit not aware that governments keep a close eye on social media? How many more times will they need to get bombed to learn their lesson? And on a website owned by ///Tencent\\\ no less. >>560554 >The Federal Reserve has nothing to do with the FBI Implying it matters, the FED, FBI, TSA, ATF, and DEA are all perfectly happy skull fucking you and then stealing your shit via civil forfeiture regardless of whether you actually had malicious intentions or not. Also while I don't really care what some attention whore >>>/b/itch thinks I'm not some hardline right winger Kekistani fag and most my stances are pretty center leaning, I just hate unjust "moral" busybodies inserting their will into peoples lives for no fucking reason other than to be a nuisance or outright tyrannical. Your reading to deeply into a macro images. Go be a self absorbed contrarian faggot somewhere else please >>>/b/ and spew your vitriol and dross there.
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Guess what super gay manga is getting an anime https://archive.ph/414Nm
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>>156991 reminds me of that art town from suikoden 5
>>156984 WHEN WILL THESE RETARDS FUCKING STOP? Don't take these photos in the first place If you have a stroke and do so, then don't share them with anyone Don't even store them on anything with an internet connection and finally If a Ukrainian does have multiple strokes and do all of the things they shouldn't, DO NOT REPOST IT ON REDDIT FOR UPBOATS YOU DROOLING IMBECILE
>>156988 They've been conditioned to put every wet fart that excites them on social media. It's how they were trained to get their validation.
>>156994 These niggers are obsessed with Hitler and World War 2, but can't fucking remember simple shit like "Loose lips sink ships" and "Careless talk costs lives."
>>156994 The upboats must flow.
>>156996 "Obsessed" usually entails research. They just mention the guys name without ever once reading a book.

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>>156991 For you anon.
>>156994 I remember my friend telling me off for saying that Reddit was shit many years ago. I wasn't as that good at articulating why it was shit at the time and to be honest he was right in that I was just parroting what I had heard on cuck chan. These days though it's super easy to see why it's such a shit hole and the whole reason the place is so bad is because of the culture that the upvote and the need to get internet points has create.
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>>156984 >>156994 Well they're foreign war tourists, you should expect them to be a bit retarded usually. Especially the ones who insist on joining a war despite having never even fired a fucking gun before. This is exactly why Russia just took all their soldiers phones before deploying them. The Holol government would be wise to do the same with their foreign cannon fodder army so they aren't more trouble than they're worth, either that or just let the war tourists keep their phones and give them a Yugo/old car, a map that leads straight Crimea, and old beat up AK's and SMG's that have been shot so many times the barrel might as well just be a smooth bore shotgun and aren't worth repairing, that way when their reddit army inevitable gets blown up at least Russia will have spend a hundred dollars dropping their old Soviet era payload on their ass and equipping said Reddit army would be cheap. Hell you could just skip the actually rifle part all together no that I think about, just give them airsoft guns instead, not like they'd be able to tell the difference. Also I just frankly I just hate modern phone/blog culture and how everything has to be in a photo op. If you need a digital copy of (insert event here) to remember it then it's probably not all that worth remembering in the first place. Ironically I actually have a pretty decent phone camera but I only use to take photo's of tags of certain brands of clothing or food I like. the iPhone and it's consequences have been a disaster for humanity. >>156999 I like it
>>156996 Reddit blows buildings. Upvote for you is a downvote for him.
>>156595 >>156811 >I usually just cap the upload speed for individual torrents at 20 kbps, that way if a few people are trying to download it they'll seed off each other since none of them will finish any time soon.. That's pretty smart >>156816 Deluge >>156825 Geez thanks anon Also if anyone wants to look for them check out https://opentrackers.org/ if you need to sub to a specific tracker. Listanon add them too please
>>156991 It is literally the same as the government. It is better to have no government at all.
>>560590 >White people dying is good Anyone who cheers on brother wars is an honorary kike.
>>156890 So people pay with their data to not have to buy the crypto? I know their app has or had an option to opt out of analytics but is it provable or is it like a big tech's "end-to-end encryption"?
>>157006 It's an obvious fed. Why reply?
>>157006 >White people <(((Slavs))) Come now anon. Nobody should be cheering for war right now at this stage of the world but that doesn't excuse you for not knowing.
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>>156991 >I hate Miku now and vocoloids were always kinda gay. You shut your whore mouth.
>>156991 >I hate Miku now >now <anon has driven himself into the furthest pits of despair and bitterness that even the small rays of joy that once existed have perished. Thats really sad to hear anon, especially since niconico/vocaloid2 was among some one the most enjoyable content there was.atleast it required more creativity and talent then the modern sterile trend of vtubers
>>156991 The got Kirby as a house in Russia?
>>156984 Is this true?
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>>156984 Why hasn't the ukraines v&'d them yet for being a liability.
Back against the wall at odds With the strength of a will and a cause Your pursuits are called outstanding You're emotionally complex Against the grain of dystopic claims Not the thoughts your actions entertain And you have proved to be A real human Bean and a real hero Real human BEAN and a real hero Real human BEAN and a real hero Real human BEAN and a real hero Real human BEAN https://youtu.be/HcB71Icil48
>>157014 Is this dog Whistling to all the coal burners?
>>156991 >I hate Miku now and vocoloids were always kinda gay. It seems like only girls ever liked vocaloid in the west. I always hated it
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luffy's fruit is a human-human zoan, hes basically popeye now, blackbeard is his bluto
>>157019 Ah yes, I understand everything
>>157016 Fuck protestors. Get off the road you dumb shits.
Battlefield 2042’s voice chat finally hits next month >The new Battlefield 2042 update 3.3 hit earlier today with a few fixes and changes to the multiplayer game, not the least of which is the addition of the long-delayed scoreboard. >Furthermore, the team has confirmed that another much-requested feature will drop in “early April” – Battlefield 2042’s voice chat for Squads. >It’s not been the smoothest few months for the latest Battlefield game. Aside from complaints about performance problems and the delay of the game’s first season, some players have taken issue with the absence of basic features like a scoreboard and voice chat. >PCGamesN’s own review highlighted that Battlefield 2042 was “many updates away from reaching its full potential”. >The scoreboard is now in the game, and developer Ripple Effect says that “VOIP functionality for Squads” will arrive in Battlefield 2042 update 3.4. >In the patch notes for today’s update, the team says that the “next update is presently scheduled to arrive in early April” and will feature “a larger set of changes and fixes” in addition to voice chat. >Ripple Effect clarifies that the scoreboard released today is merely “the first version” of this feature, with further iterations coming in subsequent updates. The update next month, for example, will add the scoreboard being available on End of Round screens. >Next month’s update will also focus on “balance changes for weaponry on vehicles” such as the MC5 Bolte, and “an overhaul of Attachment behavior for infantry weapons across the board”. https://archive.ph/EPZiW Arma 3 clips masquerading as footage of the Russian invasion of Ukraine amassed more than 110,000 views before being removed >Arma 3, Bohemia Interactive's milsim sandbox, isn't a game I see very often these days, except when it crops up in the news because someone's trying to pass off game footage as part of a real conflict. >It happens surprisingly often, like when an Indian news channel used it to claim Pakistan bombed Afghanistan in 2021. And it's happened again, this time masquerading as footage of the Russian invasion of Ukraine. >Spotted by Bloomberg (via Kotaku), Facebook users were shown clips claiming to be from the invasion, including one that was presented as a Russian air assault. >Arma 3 launched more than eight years ago, boasting an impressive level of fidelity at the time, but not so much that you'd mistake it for a real conflict under normal circumstances. >In a low-quality social media clip, though, these completely fictional digital brawls can look startlingly real. >These clips were viewed on Facebook Gaming, which should have been a red flag, but they were presented as real videos of the conflict, some even sporting 'Breaking News' banners. >Bloomberg reports that, before Facebook took them down, more than 110,000 people had viewed them, sharing them 25,000 times. On Twitter, meanwhile, a tweet sharing them got 11,000 likes and 2,000 retweets before Twitter removed it. >It's not clear what the uploader's objective was, but modern conflicts are full of disinformation and propaganda that spread like wildfire across social media, where the desire for engagement and the need to share absolutely everything trumps fact-checking. >The problem is serious enough that Facebook, which has previously taken a troublingly hands-off approach to dealing with disinformation, is actually taking sensible action. >A "Special Operations Center" has been established, Facebook head of security policy Nathaniel Gleicher announced yesterday, which contains experts and native speakers who will monitor the invasion and what's being shared on Facebook. >This goes well beyond removing videos, and includes giving users in Ukraine the ability to lock their profile with a single click to protect themselves online. Cyberwarfare is a big part of Russia's strategy, which runs the gamut from major DDoS attacks to exploiting platforms like Facebook and Twitter. >These fake clips are not the only example of gaming and the invasion intersecting. Streamers in Ukraine have been sharing their harrowing experiences with their viewers, like popular Final Fantasy 14 streamer Zepla, who's originally from Louisiana, but has lived in Ukraine for eight years. >And as one of the most heavily populated countries in Europe, Ukraine has spawned a lot of game developers, including Stalker studio GSC Game World, which tweeted a plea for people to support the Ukrainian armed forces. >It pays to be especially savvy when trawling the internet at times like these, and it's worth taking the effort to make sure you know where news or clips you'd like to share actually come from. https://archive.ph/1ok3m
>>157019 Please stop saying dumbass things! You're not even making sense!
>>157019 >human-human zoan Why was he electric immune back in sky island then? Retconned?
>>156862 First, do not harm the cute girls, you bastard. Second, if anything that would be skirts. You trully are missing the real reason why god made spats, thighjobs.
>>157025 If you want a good laugh. GameStop review of the new tiny Tina DLC accidentally hilarious. The reviewer stop for the reviewer can simp for Ashley Burch. I think we found the next Anthony Burch.
>>156827 >headless How well does transmission perform at this compared to rtorrent/libtorrent? I've never tried used transmission in any headless fashion, i was aware it could but i also thought it was just kind of the same old headless mode that deluge had (which isn't all that great).
>>157021 >>157016 >CANT DODGE THE DODGE I’m surprised dodge hasn’t been meme as hard as Toyota did when isis named the Toyota Tacoma as the official truck of isis. I remember /k/ making fun of the Taliban for replacing Toyota Hilux with ford rangers as the official Taliban trucks. But built Taliban though didn’t catch on as a meme.
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>>157026 >The reviewer stop for the reviewer can simp for Ashley Burch. I think we found the next Anthony Burch. Please try again but in English.
>>156863 Literally my sister
>>157030 do you make a routine to lovingly bulli your sister?
>>157028 Companies are always so afraid of being seen as the bad guy, but they forget that people love the bad guy if he's even halfway charismatic and can win. They're just too afraid to take risks. I say bad guy, but I don't really mean bad. Just the "bad" guy.
>>157032 Why take risks when inflation means line go up?
>>157033 Inflation? No, that's only a problem for the little people to deal with. Just put a few interracial gay couples in your advertising and your ESG funding will more than cover the fact that the dollar is losing value every day.
>>156724 >Thanks to tranny freaks we started seeing a schism between feminists and dykes vs LGBT. I don't know about you, but I don't see LGBTQ or any other Leftist shit going to last much longer because of all of the in-fighting that's happening. Some people are waking up how shit BLM is because of the cunt's mismanaging the group's money to buy expensive houses, which really doesn't help Black Americans at anything at all. >>156786 >first pic Don't the majority of Japan ignore these cunts though? >>156999 What kind of architecture are the second and fourth pic? The look like Romanesque.
>>157035 >Don't the majority of Japan ignore these cunts though? For now, but their children will grow up thinking it's normal. That's how it always works.s
>>156860 >just wait until the next famine Well, that won't take long. The EU had the brilliant idea to turn Eastern Europe into its agrarian colonies, and now that the war has started other Eastern European states have halted exports of wheat. In Western Europe flour has become rarer than toilet paper during the start of the pandemic.
>>560651 >China will take Taiwan without America woke military putting up a single fight. The silver lining to that is America as a world police would decline and likely lose a lot of foreign support on top of China/Russia filling the power vacuum from what I can guess.
Should've specified after the world police decline that rest wouldn't be a silver lining.
>>560651 Why was this deleted?
>>157040 not videogames
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>>157041 >videogames I try not to touch the stuff. I've heard it's bad for you.
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More like video gays.
>>157041 >not videogames Never is half the anime porn that people post here. >>157040 I noticing a pattern. You can make fun of Ukrainians, Russians and sometimes the Chinese. But making fun of Taiwan or posting news that make Taiwan weak off limits for some reason.
>>157035 >I don't know about you, but I don't see LGBTQ or any other Leftist shit going to last much longer because of all of the in-fighting that's happening. Like it or not. Only white people support shit like LGBTQ and feminism in big numbers. It’s a red pill /pol/ hates.
>>560662 Operative word is girls you bastard. Chicks, babes, hotties, hardbodies, G I R L S.
>>157022 >Arma 3 clips masquerading as footage of the Russian invasion of Ukraine amassed more than 110,000 views before being removed I remember when India news media tried to use Arma 3 gameplay footage to start a war with Pakistan. I swear Arma will start a war before Arma 4 comes out.
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>>560662 thanks, benis got cancer
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>>157019 You retard, the human zoan is already inside Chopper.
>>560662 Obliterate yourself from existence.
>>157051 i forgot to mention, its a mythical, model "Nika"
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>User pururin banned the posters of the following posts: 560662 from board /v/ until Wed Mar 23 2022 15:14:54 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time) with reason "repent". Thank you, whoever you are.
>>156994 Shut up. Why are you helping them? The world would benefit from every last user of Reddit dying.
Video games become 'lifesaver' for County Durham solider who lost both legs >A FORMER soldier from County Durham who lost both legs and several fingers in a bomb blast in Afghanistan says gaming one-handed has “become a lifesaver”. >Mikey Keighley, 33, narrowly escaped death during a foot patrol of scrubland while he was serving with 1 Rifles in July 2011 in the conflict. >Mr Keighley was blown up while on his second tour of duty in Afghanistan. He was ahead of his comrades, doing five-metre checks of the area around his body, when the IED detonated. >He said: “I went flying up in the air and then I hit the ground. The first thing I did was look at my right hand and I screamed ‘man down’. My friend ran over and patched me up with tourniquets before I was helicoptered away. >I signed up to the army aged 19 and did my first tour of Afghanistan aged 20, I was injured aged 21 and spent my 22nd birthday in critical care. >“I was on life support for a few weeks and I was paralysed from the neck down for months due to the trauma that was caused to nerves in my back. I had to lie in bed for months on end – that was the worst time.” >After initially being treated by medics at Camp Bastion in Afghanistan, Mr Keighley was transferred to Queen Elizabeth Hospital in Birmingham. >He spent years being treated at Headley Court, the former defence medical rehabilitation centre, before his family turned to Help for Heroes when he was medically discharged from the army. >The charity’s “very seriously injured” team have helped Mr Keighley live a healthy, independent life with the funding of adaptive gym equipment to help him maintain his fitness, as well as bathroom adaptations and specialist modifications to his vehicle. >When he came back from Afghanistan, Mr Keighley, from Shotton, County Durham, became a recluse after suffering complex injuries in the blast, but says he now has a thriving social life after finding a controller he can play one-handed. >Now competing with gamers all over the world, he has a growing fanbase on the streaming gaming platform Twitch, where he goes by the username MonkeyNooLegs. >Not only has the 33-year-old found a new sense of social life, he recently raised almost £1,000 for Help for Heroes during his first Twitch tournament for charity. >He was able to rediscover his love of gaming after it took him seven years to find a controller he liked – the Xbox version with four underside paddles which he plays with two fingers and a thumb – and now plays daily against people around the world. >Mr Keighley added: “I used to be socially isolated but now I have this massive friendship group who I spend hours with, it just happens to be online. I never thought I’d be friends with people from Australia and America. >I would say gaming has saved me. When you are messing about gaming you aren’t thinking about what’s going on with your life. >I used to sit in my kitchen with the music on all day, I would just stare out of the window. Gaming makes me talk to people – that’s something I didn’t do outside of my family.” >After finding a new hobby, the veterans’ aim now is to travel abroad to compete at a tournament in person. >It would prove to myself how far I have come since I was injured and what I can do. Without Help for Heroes I would be a very sad loner. I want to get it out there and raise awareness that you can still game even if you don’t have both hands,” he said. https://archive.ph/RdZrY Ghostbusters Spirits Unleashed is Dead by Daylight for zapping ghouls >Ghostbusters: Spirits Unleashed has been in the works for years. IllFonic, the studio behind asymmetrical multiplayer games Predator: Hunting Ground and Friday the 13th: The Game, is ecstatic to finally pull back the curtain. "The biggest thing for me is that I can finally talk about this, because it's so awesome," says Jared Gerritzen, head of creative at IllFonic. >It's easy to understand the excitement. Ghostbusters: Spirits Unleashed is a new take on the asymmetrical multiplayer genre which pits a team of four customizable Ghostbusters against a variety of ghosts the sole enemy player can choose from. >In this Ghostbusters game, you aren't stepping into the role of an established character, but making your very own Ghostbuster working under the tutelage of both Dan Akroyd and Ernie Hudson, who lend their voices to Ghostbusters: Spirits Unleashed. >Ghostbusters: Spirits Unleashed may exist within the larger Ghostbusters cinematic universe (IllFonic references an in-game stun feature first seen in Ghostbusters: Afterlife), but this is a game that can stand on its own. Players will be able to customize their very own Ghostbuster, from their looks down to the equipment they bring out in the field. >The Ghostbusters community is extremely huge, it's across the world and it's all shapes and sizes, races and genders," says Jared Gerritzen, chief creative at IllFonic. "So we're really putting a lot of effort into the customization of the Ghostbusters themselves. >We really want people to be able to make their Ghostbuster how they look and feel, and all of that fun stuff to really kind of connect to being a Ghostbuster." >Your ghostbustin' base is, of course, the iconic NYC firehouse from the original film. Here you'll be able to level up your Ghostbusters and their items, which include the particle thrower, ghost trap, proton pack, and PKE meter, which are all customizable as you progress in the game. >You'll also be able to customize your ghosts for when you want to jump into the game as the antagonist. The base is full of lovely little nods to the franchise, like the Ecto One parked in the firehouse, Winston (Hudson) heading up the ghost squad, and Ray (Akroyd) running his bookstore. >IllFonic decided to add some story and cutscenes into Ghostbusters: Spirits Unleashed after securing Akroyd and Hudson. "We felt that it was really a huge part and kind of a disservice not to make a story… >so we're adding some story and cutscenes into our multiplayer game to give that player a bigger Ghostbuster experience," Gerritzen explains. https://archive.ph/qweyP
>>157060 I'm so sick of DBD clones, that game is the most boring shit i've ever played. I was so dissapointed when it turned out that the new Evil Dead game that had characters from Ash vs. Evil Dead was actually just another DBD clone instead of a singleplayer experience. Ash also got removed from MK11 because of that garbage.
What was posted?
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>>157062 Zoe Quinn nudes
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>>156996 I wonder what propaganda posters would look like in the current year. They would have to get their message without offending minorities or being "insensitive" with current issues.
>>>/interracial/ remains nuked lmao
>>157066 The modern west is incapable of propaganda. If any of these posters were made in 2022, they'd be trying to shame you and browbeat you, and you'd instinctively give information to the enemy just out of spite. A real national war effort requires a certain amount of social cohesion (i.e. the idea that we're all in this together) and that's exactly what the jews have been trying to destroy.
>>157068 >and that's exactly what the jews have been trying to destroy. So, in an ironic attempt to destroy the goy, the kikes have caused that downfall that will result in their own destruction. And (((THEY'RE))) the fucking group that gave is the myth of the golem.
>>157069 Every story is a projection of the self, because it comes from the self.
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I want to fug a shark
>>157069 you know the "boy that cried wolf" or the "sour grapes" aesop's? the "golem" is a jewish aesop, problem is that is a warning tale by jews, for jews... and given the way that those it is intended for see their religious texts as something to rules lawyer, it should be obvious that they would think they could out-jew their own nature, problem is that the golem comes about from that same out-jewing
>>157071 >blacked go away acid
>>157055 think of my words as you wish, when/if you read chapter 1044 you will see
>>157071 The shark is nice but I prefer the dog.
>>157075 Everyone has the right to be wrong
>>157076 As long as they are lolis, i want them in my harem
>>157076 >>157075 I prefer the autistic detective. It’s kind of funny she sings a song from an anime about hikkis at the v-tuber con and none of the Japs knew what it was. Seriously, is Welcome to NHK one of those shows that was only popular in the west?
>>157078 INBO??? Everyone who watched it probably doesn't leave their room.
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>>157067 What the fuck happened to that board? It looks like most of their shit got taken down via DMC cause one dude was posting most of the content or something. Either way I'm glad they're gone.
>>157067 Doesn't it get nuked every once in a while?
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>>157066 >I wonder what propaganda posters would look like in the current year They look like this. Where the fuck do you think those billions from the government are going, anon?
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>>157066 >I wonder what propaganda posters would look like in the current year Propaganda doesn't cut it anymore. Its called globohomo art now.
>>157083 They really identify with the npc face sometimes.
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<<560718 At the very least link to something new next time, here's your (you).
>>157006 Anyone supporting the same sub-humans that the mainstream media supports is a leftard fed.
>>157083 >un_women The same UN that gave china funding for forced abortions for their population control is now lecturing women on feminism.
>>157086 How abot I don't support either side because i'm not pro-authoritarianism nor pro-globohomo.
>>157088 Those are the same side.
>>157089 So Russia and Ukraine are both controlled by the same people?
>>157089 >>157090 Yeah, Russians and Ukranians are the same
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>>157083 They look over simplistic and just plain ugly. I prefer how the Japs do it because they look endearing to watch.
>>157090 Now you're learning.
>>157091 >>157093 >Russian and Ukraine are controlled by the same people Prove it?
>>157075 >>157076 >>157078 Hololive has been bending over backwards to not incur youtube's wrath for so long that the only one I still watch regularly is Flare. I'm having much more fun watching titty witch, autistic island girl, and fit girl these days.
>>157094 You're literally joking, right? When the USSR fell, not only did several hundred thousand jews flee to Israel and the US (because they were shitting their pants in fear that Russians would rise up and slaughter them for what they'd done), the assets of the Russian Federation were tied up in nothing but centralized oligopolic companies. In 1992 there were ten oligarchs who collectively owned 50% of all of Russia's material assets. Six of them were jews. Since that time they've "divested" a bit (to shell companies, etc.), but their power remains. I'm not sure how that's hard to understand. https://archive.ph/n66V9 https://archive.ph/caTmO https://archive.ph/ZEXeu
>>560744 Fuck you retard LARPer
>>560735 >go MGTOW Doesn't surprise me the least to know you're a filthy plebitter, Lu.
>>157098 MGTOW existed long before reddit got their hands on it.
>>157098 The Reddit MGTOW community was ran by censorious losers who now hang out on .win. Funniest shit was watching them STFU when they were being called on it because they knew they know they don't have squat for influence on .win.
>>156984 >reddit niggers posting about glory to a hyper nationalist anti-fag slavic country What a bizarre timeline we've landed ourselves in
>>157101 Even Andrew Anglin knows why this is happening, anon. https://archive.ph/bnquh >The empire spent decades on end fighting communism all over the world, now the people who run the US government are openly promoting communist values. Various people who openly identify as communists, such as Antifa, Vaush, Hassan Piker, et al. are standing with the neo-Nazis of the Ukraine. At the same time, they are saying Vladimir Putin is attempting to reestablish the USSR, and using old Cold War propaganda aggressively. This all just becomes ridiculous and absurd. >It fits into what I’ve always said about all ideologies being Jewish scams. Jews don’t follow any of these ideologies they promote, and will promote ideologies that are at least in word if not action, explicitly against them. >It shouldn’t be shocking to anyone that they are funding neo-Nazis. They will build absolutely any Fifth Column they are able to build. In China, they start “home churches,” which are explicitly ideologically anti-Chinese nationalism. Meanwhile, the same Jews that fund these “home churches” are claiming in America that Christianity is anti-Semitic hatred. Also meanwhile, regular churches that are not political movements are allowed to operate openly in China. >It’s a similar phenomenon with the use of “conservative” ideology. Most of the main people pushing conservative ideology are Jewish, whether they be the editors of the National Review or Ben Shapiro and his gang. This doctrine says, for example, that “people who choose to be trannies have that right” and then starts whining about trannies destroying women’s sports. This “ideology” thing replaced philosophy, which was the traditional foundation of “our values and who we are.” It should be noted that this entire doctrine of “ideologies” was created by the Jewish communist Karl Marx. If you don’t understand my statement “all ideologies are Marxism,” then you need to think about it more. Probably, as soon as someone tells you they are opposed to epistemology, you should begin to wonder what the hell their agenda is. >If instead of “conservatism,” Christian philosophy is the foundation of your moral identity, then “trannies should be allowed to go around in public” is not something you would ever agree to. You would be calling for these people to be either imprisoned or interned and treated in mental hospitals. That is because when you have a philosophy, you are not trapped to autistic rules such as “unlimited personal freedom” and are able to consider the actual real world outcome of doctrines and behaviors. >Meanwhile, the left was supposed to support “free speech” and be “anti-war.” You all see how that turned out. Ideology can constantly shift, and be used to justify anything. We have all seen people who identify as “communists” using “libertarian” ideology to justify censorship – “a private company can do anything to anyone.” These same people turn around and call for private businesses to be forcibly closed by the police because of “a pandemic.” Then, they’ll turn around and call for the police to be abolished. >As Assad says – the Empire simultaneously believes in everything and nothing. They will support or attack anything at any point, then pull out an ideological justification from a hat. It’s the old cliched adage: “if you don’t stand for something, you’ll fall for anything.” You have to have some kind of grounded basis for your moral identity. Ideology does not provide this to humans, yet we are now to the point where everyone defines themselves by an ideology, which allows for unlimited everything and nothing.
>>157060 >be DBD devs >have winning formula that many people enjoy >make survivor perks broken, so once they level up it makes being a killer a joyless experience >gets so bad most killers utilize a lag switch in order to get kills >finally nerf survivor perks, but not really >continue this trend, but get life support from licensed franchises >try to make new game >same shit, same broken design, same broken perks, same poorly balanced mess >no one plays it >reboot it >give free weekend >game so bad killers stop playing causing long wait times >reboot it twice more before cancelling it >finally start addressing exploits and broken perks in DbD except not really >game still a broken mess with survivors that literally cheat with zero recourse to do squat about it Friday the 13th wasn't perfect, nor did it live up to the DbD killer monicre, but I'd rather play something from them then DbD. If they don't botch the launch this might be worth keeping an eye on.
>>157102 Bro I am not reading all that shit
>>157104 It basically says that all political stances in this century are controlled oposition with many jews behind them, prone to shift their narrative as soon as something that might benefit them happens. You should ditch said doctrines and instead rationalize your moral stances via philosophy and christianity.
>>157103 Why would you expect somebody who's intentionally failed before to succeed this time around? >>157105 This. Believe in your beliefs instead of some absolutist ideal of "all x is good" and "all y is bad" and having to rationalise why suddenly some of this x is bad or why y is good now. You already know what's right and wrong - it was taught to you as a child.
>>157104 Then burn in the fires of your ignorance. Who gives a shit what you have to say when your ADHD-addled brain can't handle two minutes of reading? You're the reason the video game industry--and all else, for that matter--was allowed to collapse as it has. Fuck off.
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>>157092 Is there an archive or source of these images? I see them often in Jap videos and websites.
>>157109 If you don't feel like watching the video he posted, it's pretty much one autist drawing every clipart possible in a consistent style and tagging it well.
>>157111 He does it for free?
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>>157103 I will never understand devs that seem to waste their time with everything except the most important part of their multiplayer games: balancing Especially when they unbalance it apparently on purpose. It's like Street Fighter 4, where they made one character broken on purpose and the last big Capcom Cup ended with a disappointing grand finals where Kazunoko just neutral jumped Daigo to death.
>>157113 >EARLOBE PUSSY degeneracy strikes again.
>>157113 >earlusyy
>>157113 >I tried using my streteched out earlobe as a fuck hole >it got horribly inflamed from all the friction and now I don't know what to do Use ice. Maybe some icy hot. Don't do it again. I do find it hilarious that it now looks like a gaping asshole, like the body went >holy fucking shit there's material actively going through this area en masse? >initialize creation and mass production of mouthflesh type B
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>>157018 >It seems like only girls ever liked vocaloid in the west. The games are fun as fuck, and the girls are cute. Can't say I really give much of a fuck about them once the console gets turned off though. Really only play the Vita ports anymore because I can't be bothered to even turn on my PS4 anymore. Without a proper PC port of Project Diva, I've mostly been sticking to DJMax Respect and Muse Dash. There's an arcade dump of Project Diva, but it really only works properly on nVidia cards.
>>157116 Well, its somethign that should have never happened were they sane.
>>157117 Are there any Vocaloid games on PS3? >Muse Dash that's fun but a bit too easy
>>157095 >Hololive has been bending over backwards to not incur youtube's wrath for so long Why, what happened? I don't pay much attention to the Vtuber threads. >>157096 >the assets of the Russian Federation were tied up in nothing but centralized oligopolic companies. In 1992 there were ten oligarchs who collectively owned 50% of all of Russia's material assets. Six of them were jews. Since that time they've "divested" a bit (to shell companies, etc.), but their power remains. Isn't that the primary reason why Russia didn't even bother continuing to care about the USSR currency, and just gave everyone around a $10k check of the new currency? >>157102 >now the people who run the US government are openly promoting communist values. You've had intellectuals from America doing that for the past 60 years, even when we were fighting Communism. How are things different now? >>157105 >all political stances in this century are controlled oposition > this century Are they talking about the 21st century or the 20th century?
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>>157110 >>157111 >>157112 Looks like the license is "free" but not in the sense of a Creative Commons license. There's a limit for commercial use, too. I don't think parodies are possible, either.
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>>157109 >Are there any Vocaloid games on PS3? Same games on PSP & PS Vita
>>157106 >Believe in your beliefs instead of some absolutist ideal of "all x is good" and "all y is bad" and having to rationalise why suddenly some of this x is bad or why y is good now. But, it's the same thing. Except, instead of some outside influence telling you what's right and wrong, you end up doing itself, which becomes an exercise in horseshoe theory, especially when you try to rationalize why one set of actions is acceptable while the other is not despite both being far more similar than one would think. AFAIK, the only belief you should be grounded in are fields that you are an expert (Not an armchair expert, someone who has actual experience and education in the field), while remaining open and questionable of the fields you're ignorant of.
>>157122 I'll look for a HEN compatible version, thanks anon. Maybe I'll enjoy these.
>>157122 >Same games on PSP & PS Vita Only the Vita. The PSP games are the original games, with later titles having DLC that are the songs from the PSP games. Think of it like trying to have all the music in Guitar Hero when you have the original exclusive to the PS2, and the handheld spin-offs that are exclusive to the DS.
>>157120 >why, what happened Several get demonetized for having cleavage, so they have to hold their hands in front to cover it. There seems to be a huge amount of discourse between the upper management to managers, and managers to idol, on what is or isn't allowed. Coco wasn't allowed to stream with any of the holoEN girls at all until she announced she was leaving, for example. Then you have the great copyright arc of 2020 or so, where hololive forced the removal of between 30 and 100% of a vtuber's content because game stream loicensing. The video on it was also copyright stricken by hololive.
>>157126 How long until they start having troubles with the EN branch because noone outside of japan would abide to the autistic rules of idol life?
>>157127 Plenty are already planning to live in japan, and cover made an example out of coco if anyone wants the gravy train to end.
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>>157122 Wasn't Diva X on PS3 as well? Unpopular opinion, I guess, but Diva X was a pretty damned good game. One of the best soundtracks that wasn't just recycled songs from earlier games, good art style, and I liked the idea of concerts as boss stages. It's biggest drawback is the slightly smaller song list - because they had to license songs for the concerts despite only using 1/4 of the track, and how costumes are unlocked randomly by playing story-mode. I know other people love it, but I don't really care about playing virtual idol dress-up like a giant dripping vagina. Download a save file, or blast past story mode as quickly as possible to unlock all the songs and then just stick to Free Play.
>>157119 Project Diva F and F 2nd?
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>>157126 >Several get demonetized for having cleavage, so they have to hold their hands in front to cover it Mel's reaction was much more appropriate, but of course, management made her stop.
>>157126 Doesn't Japan have their own YouTube?
Uohhhhhhhhh! !! !! Tomboy erotic !!!!!! Tomboy's belly and abs !!!!!! Erotic … 😭😭😭
>>157132 If you've paid attention to the autism the last thread or two you would know niconico is like odysee and has "unlimited" uploads only if you get donations or paid subscribers or something. The idols do use other stuff like twitcast for things like bath streams though, but they're hard to spot and some have passwords that were likely hinted to in tweets. Billibilli was a popular one before chinks began brigading against vtubers, now you even need to give the chinese government your dox to be a vtuber on there to make sure you toe the line.
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>>157128 >made an example of Coco <left on good terms, teased the possibility of coming back for special events, channel not nuked of non-member content, allowed to be talked about freely by other Hololive members, still lives with Kanata, makes even more money as Kson
>>157127 They can't even keep their own tubers in check. >autistic rules of idol life See Rushia kerfuffle.
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>>157083 Here's cuckchan talking about this some more.
>>157136 >spam for months until chinks got bored, every stream a member-only chat >not allowed to collab with nearly anyone >already had restrictions rising during the asacoco era >gets even more restrictions on what is and isn't allowed to be done It's very demoralizing when your job is to interact with people and you're limited to doing the same shit every day. Now she has fun building gundams and had a collab with project melody and got to talk on stream with pikamee.

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>>157010 >>157011 I'm just angry at the bullying Cirno thing which is truly deplorable, It is one thing to forgive a slap across my cheek, but an insult to the Cirno requires... no, it demands correction. But yeah I'm sure this new fangled Vocolid thing is worth it's weight in salt else it wouldn't have taken off. But I barely understand any of it honestly, is it basically Siri but for song lyrics? >>157012 That's a Monolithic Dome, pretty neat things as well as increasingly resistant to earth quakes, hurricanes, and tornadoes. You should seriously look into them if you ever consider moving to Oklahoma or any other Tornado Alley state for that matter. https://yewtu.be/watch?v=KauzsxSMdXk https://yewtu.be/watch?v=1i7YooW7wzo
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>>157141 >that flat design dick in the second pic Fucking hilarious. It's just the details that make it perfect.
>>157105 >everything is Jews >base decisions on Christianity I feel like I'm back in the 80s.
>>157006 You know you're replying to Luciano, anon. >>157060 >Ghostbusters Spirits Unleashed is Dead by Daylight for zapping ghouls No, it's an Evolve clone judging from the description. Why can't anyone do asymmetrical multiplayer games right? >>157113 >I will never understand devs that seem to waste their time with everything except the most important part of their multiplayer games: balancing Because balance doesn't make money but microtransactions and DLC do. >>157141 The last picture has too much detail to be considered corporate art.
>>157078 I like Ina the most, but I think Amelia might be the only girl that's living up to Coco's advice of always trying new things. She's easily the most tech-savy and uses that to make screwy outfit reveals and streams, and she gave the EN branch a 3D debut well before their official one. Cover needs to keep her around, even if she retires from being Amelia.
>>157143 The fact that you think it's note worthy for someone to know what a child looks like naked will never not be hilarious to me. Pedoniggers truly are embarrassingly autistic.
>>157136 You don't seem to know much about Japanese corporate culture. If you get fired from a big company in Japan but still intend to work in that industry, you say as many nice things about the people who just fucked you over as you can on your way out or give a generic, neutral statement. Coco saying she left willingly due to creative differences was a convenient half truth that let Cover save face and avoid getting government scrutiny for firing her due to pressure from Chinese investors. If she really left on such good terms, she probably would have been at the recent expo. Instead, she got the same memory holing as Aloe and Rushia.
>>157143 >BBM niggers Opinion discarded
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>>157080 Kazu had a meltdown and resigned as global volunteer (and maybe as a /v/ vol too), not before merging and deleting a lot of threads from /b/, /interracial/, /2dblacked/ and maybe other boards. https://8chan.moe/.global/logs/b/2022-03-22.html (too big to fit in a screenshot) https://8chan.moe/.global/logs/interracial/2022-03-22.html https://8chan.moe/.global/logs/2dblacked/2022-03-22.html Yesterday there was drama on /b/ because of kazu's misbehavior, with Alina (/b/'s BO) restoring trashed threads and complaining because merged threads can't be restored into separate ones. Shit sucks because I'm now alone and have to browse /interracial/ and restore their threads.
>>157149 wtf i love kazu now
>>157149 >I'm now alone and have to browse /interracial/
>>157149 All of those boards you listed have constant pedoniggers trying to push the line so it sounds like Kazu was just doing his job as a gvol and cleaning up the radioactive shit pedoniggers post everywhere they go.
>>157149 >have to browse /interracial/ and restore their threads. Let them die.
>>157149 Kazu did nothing wrong. God bless that faggot.
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I noticed Razorfag is very very butthurt over Fromsoft recently. Jap Devs have been making many a butt mad the past ten years.
>>157149 >Kazu purging pedo threads Based™
>>157155 >I noticed Razorfag is very very butthurt over Fromsoft recently He's always hated Fromsoft's games and their fans, so this isn't anything new.
>>157153 Nah, can't do that. I hate real life porn as a whole, but nuking an entire board is a rude thing that should only be done as an April fool's day joke. On the good side, /b/ and /2dblacked/ already were restored by the time I noticed kazu's doings, so I "only" had to browse /interracial/'s trash bin. By the way, if anyone discovers another board that was purged by kazu let me know about it here or in the meta thread.
>>157155 >razorfist being a massive faggot and tool butthurt at japs Nothing new under the sun, hes still on denial over a single manga outselling capeshit comics.
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>>157158 It's an acceptable loss.
>>157149 Good. Fuck him. We finally won.
>>157155 If razorfist just shut the fuck up about video games he would be more tolerable. I have no problem with his political videos, comic books, and metal history videos. He so cringes on everything else.
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>day of the pillow: 8moe edition
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>>157159 >hes still on denial over a single manga outselling capeshit comics I love French cartoons and comics. But the whole French comics outselling manga retarded. Modern French cartoons and comics wouldn’t exist without anime and manga.
>>157149 >Shit sucks because I'm now alone and have to browse /interracial/ and restore their threads. Leave that in the trash, Kazu did nothing wrong.
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>>157166 >Modern French cartoons and comics wouldn’t exist without anime and manga What?
>>157155 Razorfist is one of those fags that generally dislikes Japanese video games. I think the only one he liked was Tenchu.
>>157168 The french are huge weaboos.
>>157169 What the fuck does he even play then? Hell for every western game i enjoy i can name 2 japanese ones.
>>157168 Have you seen wakfu, code Lyoko, a miraculous ladybug, and totally spies? France is the closest the west got at creating shows that feel like anime. Unlike Netflix original anime shows that feel fake even when they were made by Japanese studios.

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>>157140 >He doesn't know what Vocaloid is It's videogames, you fucking shitstain.
>>157172 Netflix labels shit like Castlevania "original anime" even though it's a cartoon made by a studio in Austin, Texas that outsources to Korea.
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>>157149 Should have done this from the start.
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>>157117 >but it really only works properly on (((nVidia))) cards. Oh god the horror. >>157113 I always wondered what happened to people who get those stupid gauge ear ring things, thanks for posting that. >>157172 Well both the Fagguettes and Nippons are huge horny degenerates but ones at least bound by having some standards and dignity so makes sense they'd have some cultural compatibility with one another in terms of artistic ideals. Unlike their UK-American-Aussie Anglo goblin counterparts across the sea who just use boring homogenized blobbish CGI shit to do everything now because having a passion for art is a foreign concept to them. tfw born with mixed Angloid blood, oh well at least I have good taste in tea.
LEAKED IMAGES OF MCDONALD’S SONIC 2 TOYS LEAVE FANS FURIOUS >Fans have been left furious after coming across leaked images of McDonald’s toys for the new Sonic 2 movie. Many of the posts have since been removed. >The first Sonic movie came out in 2022 and it set the record for the biggest opening weekend for a video game film in the United States and Canada, grossing $319.7 million worldwide. >But as fans look forward to the sequel, many have been left disappointed and angry over spoilers about the movie. >All fans want are spoiler-free images for the much-anticipated Sonic 2. We won’t be posting any spoilers about the movie and the leaked images. >But what we do know is that McDonald’s has confirmed the arrival of 10 different toys as part of a partnership with the movie. >As per Sonic Stadium, the confirmed toys are three Knuckles toys, three Tails toys, two Sonic toys, and a Giant Eggman Robot toy. >The tenth surprise toy was leaked on Twitter and YouTube but fans have since complained about the posts to be taken down. >Fans on social media have been left furious after coming across the leaked images, many of which have since been removed due to copyright reasons. >Great… I can see why everyone is talking about McDonalds’s Sonic 2 toys… THEY SPOILED SOMETHING VERY IMPORTANT!!” tweeted one fan. https://archive.ph/Zz16S Sonic fans pissed that McDonald’s spoiled super sonic going to be in the sonic 2 movie. Battlefield fans claim mobile version has better destruction than BF 2042 >Battlefield 2042’s tall task to win over fans appears to be slightly more difficult as footage of the Battlefield Mobile beta has players thinking that the handheld version’s destruction is already better than 2042. >Launching towards the end of 2021, EA’s Battlefield Mobile project entered its beta phase. Seen as a direct competitor to Activision’s mega-popular Call of Duty Mobile, Battlefield is aiming to bring death and destruction to handheld devices as well. >Battlefield 2042 experienced a myriad of problems shortly after its launch, even leading to a mass signing of a refund petition. BF Mobile could restore some confidence in the franchise that loyalists have grown up loving, and if its destruction is anything to go by, the main console game’s future could be in even more trouble. >helicopter firing on a building in battlefield 2042EA Battlefield 2042 has failed to live up to expectations, even in its destructibility. >The destruction looks better than 2042,” was the bold statement made by one Reddit user in reference to seeing Battlefield Mobile’s destruction physics and opportunities. >The beta has been ongoing for a few months now, and despite being quite a hard property to get into, we’ve seen plenty of its gameplay already. Redditor ‘the_pain__train‘ showed off a video of how the game’s destruction works and how interactive it is. >Their example showed a tank plowing through the streets of the map and obliterating and pulverizing all buildings in sight with chunky bellows of the tank’s cannon. Each shot pounded gaping holes into buildings, leaving a trail of chaos the franchise has long been known for. >Now, while the quality of the destruction isn’t quite of the same ilk as 2042, there does seem to be far more opportunities to destroy the environment around you. >The video drew some hilarious responses from fans: “That’s because there is no destruction in 2042,” said deters in relation to the topic’s destruction statement, whereas another commenter replied: “Mate, the loading screens are even better than 2042.” >If Battlefield Mobile follows in the footsteps of CoD Mobile to create a fully-fledged, all-encompassing game with maps and weapons from its franchise, then there’s every chance it could bring some praise from fans disappointed with BF2042. https://archive.ph/gqRyH
>>157177 Why didn't you post the Super Sonic toy then?!
>>157098 Simp being a simp.
>>157149 I just remade my thread when Kazoo merged it.
>>157177 >citing twitter posts from trannies as part of the "news article" You need reigned in.
>>157174 The Japs outsourced a lot to Korea too though.
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>>157173 What kind of game? Like a rhythm game? Is it worth trying in pirating form and perhaps even buying a legitimate copy? >>157177 >go to Mc-Shits >have a shit experience Not surprising >be gaymer™ >use Wingblows11 >have a shit experience Also not surprising and while Goolag is a shit company their operating system is ultimately just their own flavor of Linux so games unironically performing better on a cheap android phone as apposed to someone's juiced up Gaymer tower with Windows installed is no shocker.
The fuck happened this time? Just came back from playing F.E.A.R., and heard some drama was happening. Have yet to read up on what I missed.
>>157185 videogames
>>157185 >implying anything happened Kaz killed all the kd porn. It was back up within ten minutes. Then he quit.
>>157019 Fuck you, I don't have time to catch up on the manga right now. >>157066 >WW2 anti-bait propaganda neat
I just want to say that Kazu did nothing wrong other than quitting.
>>157155 >I noticed Razorfag Where are you visiting that allows you to notice him? >>157163 >cringe Why are you using reddit?
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>>157184 >What kind of game? Like a rhythm game? Is it worth trying in pirating form and perhaps even buying a legitimate copy? Vocaloid is a Japanese voice synthesizer software that lets people compose songs using a wide variety of voice banks (Miku, Len, Rin, Kaito, etc.) that became so popular that spin-off software, animations (both official and fan-made), live concerts and lots of official games have been made. To "download Vocaloid" is to download the software and make songs and animations, or to play one of the multiple rhythm games of the franchise. >>157185 See >>157149
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>>157141 Aw, yours are way better.
>>157132 Yes, NicoNico, which os owned by Kadokawa. >>157171 >What the fuck does he even play then? He recently did a video on the Hitman series. Looking at his "arcade" series, it looks like he favors WRPGs, stealth, and cinematic games. >>157184 >What kind of game? Like a rhythm game? Is it worth trying in pirating form and perhaps even buying a legitimate copy? Yes
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>>157192 I didn't make those You could still remake that scene in that style. It would be of major help if I had that pic saved of the globalhomo artstyle tutorial
>>157183 I mean what did those idiots expect, it's a movie about Sonic the Hedgehog, of course he's going to go Super Sonic at some point.
>>157184 Project Diva X also has a VR mode for PSVR, so you can try to look up their skirts.
>>157184 The vocaloid games know as the Project Diva series are rythm games that originally released on the PSP, and later on Playstation consoles. The first three games are easily emulated with PPSSPP and well worth your time if you like listening to qt moonrune speak. You can unlock outfits for the characters to perform in, getting as skimpy as a moderately modest swimsuit.
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>>157120 >Are they talking about the 21st century or the 20th century? Left, right, nazi, commie, democrat, republican, conservative... They all are political parties with at least 100 years of history. They only remain in name. Politicians are puppets and only serve their purpose by dividing the people with pointless pejoratives aimed at the ones standing on the other side of their club. They don't have you in your best interest. They don't represent you. You represent yourself, you know what's best for you, your people and your next to kin. We know why society is the way it is, we know who pulls the strings, what interest they have, how they achieve them. We know what's correct and what would truly propel society to a higher level, spiritually, mentally and physically. But those things are against the best interest of the ruling class.
>>157195 >what do soylent faggots expect? Violent anal sex.
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>>157177 >SONIC 2 TOYS LEAVE FANS FURIOUS Mind you this are probably grown ass adults bitching about Mcdonald's toys and "spoilers" to a Sonic movie.
>>157199 That's what regular Sonic fans want tho.
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>>157201 No, they want inflation vore brap homosex.
>>157159 Wait he actually said that?
>>157010 > Come on, drink this! You like vegetable juice, don't you? I've decided that you must, right now! What's next? Is she going to tell me I have to eat all the eggs, too?
>>157204 Meant for this >>157166
>>157200 Is that the same fag who posted about eating some multi-colored cereal and watched saturday morning cartoons (also rick & morty) on a tablet?
>>157200 >nonverbal >incapable of comprehending what weed even is >is forcibly addicted to it by family members We used to kill the people responsible for this.
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>>157208 I doubt it. All Rick&Morty fans are this way >>157209 B-BUTS ITS MEDICINAL IT HELPS HIM
>>157210 The response is a little off, in that complete freedom is the obliteration of the soul. It is limitations and constraints which provide definition and contrast. It is why hardships build character. Why hard times build great men, and why good times produce weak men. Freedom, as most people idealize it, isn't absolute freedom - but is the ability to choose our own chains - and choose how we respond to those chains we cannot. So choose wisely.
>>157182 Doesn't matter. They still make anime. Not americans. >>157183 Nice.
>>157211 >It is why hardships build character. Why hard times build great men, and why good times produce weak men. No, they don't. All hardship does is show someone's true character. If you want to see how someone truly feels, throw some element of chaos into their lives and see how they react. Need look no further than how some people took the Corona-chan lockdowns like they were the end of humanity, and crawled into a fetus position with liquor in one hand and a cigarette in the other; meanwhile others used the opportunity to educate themselves, exercise, spend time with their families, maintain their household, and other such activities that actually improved their lives and the lives of those around them. Boiling it all down. There really is no such thing as "hard times", just a series of hardships. Character is desiring to prepare yourself for when those hardships occur, knowing how to handle yourself in those situations, and/or finding ways that those hardships can work to your benefit. And, the growth occurs when you act upon your desires to move beyond those feelings of helplessness.
>>157213 >Hard times don't exist By that logic, good times don't exist either. Brain dead take.
>>157214 > By that logic, good times don't exist either. That is correct. Good and bad events happen to us every day. There's not a single day in the year, a specific hour in the day, a specific minute in the hour that you can directly point to an universally declare that "This is when the good/bad times occur." As I heard someone bluntly put it, the sinking of the Titanic was a miracle to the lobster in the kitchen.
>>157215 That sounds like a whole lotta commie gobble degook.
>>157216 Socialists preach about collectivism is required for accomplishment and being a mighty faggot. What I'm talking about is how you are the one who determines how your day goes.
>>157217 No shit. But acting like there's no such thing as good or bad moments of time is retarded.
>>157218 >But acting like there's no such thing as good or bad moments I didn't say that. Read my post again.
>>157219 If you have several bad moments in a short span, you have a period of time which would be considered bad. If nothing good besides "well I guess I didn't die, and my immediate survival needs are met for now" happens for the rest of the day, the entire day would be a period of time considered bad.
>>156616 >>157139 >Now she has fun building gundams Is there a VOD of that?
>>561033 stop being a fed.
>>157147 Her channel is still up and she still has a profile up on Cover's website. https://hololive.hololivepro.com/en/talents/kiryu-coco/ She's not unpersoned you retard. She quit because the management got even more restrictive after the Taiwan incident. It was already her getting told "don't do that, don't do that" when hallf her gimmick was pushing the boundaries of what was allowed. She wasn't allowed to be "her", so what's the point of continuing?
>>157222 Thank you.
>>157149 すみません
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>>156812 Do you have MOTHER 3i and MOTHER 1+2 as FLAC? Maybe also the MOTHER vocal CD.
>>157149 >deleting threads from /interracial/ surely this is enough to grab acid's attention?
>>157227 That reminds me, any imageboards with active JLTs? Made some translations but in dire need of critique to know where I inevitably fucked up.
Apparently some weird shit happened again in China. Shortly before or during their annual session the CCP has there was freak winds out of nowhere, and some palace doors on the hall of harmony in the forbidden palace were blown down, which has never happened before. Also the CCP members didn't look well during the session.
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>>157232 You fuckers memed the 9 tailed fox back to life. Couldn't just accept the japanese version of the legend. Nooooo. Now look what you've done! Seriously though archived source?
>>157223 t. fed.
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>>156992 That's super gay.
>>157233 You know she broke free in japan a few weeks back right?
>>157236 And the JAPANESE LEGEND goes that she was exorcised for good many many years ago.
>>157237 then why keep her in the stone
>>157235 This looks like you guys would hate it if it was made by a western artist.
>>157238 She WAS in the stone before being exorcised. The stone was just a tourist trap.

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>>157237 the JAPANESE LEGEND also states that christ died in japan
>>157240 >believing a fox spirit i've got a bridge to sell you too anon
>>157241 Yes. That's why I'm saying you fuckers memed the chinese fox spirit back by not believing in the japanese version of the legend. >>157242 The fox spirit didn't write the legend.
>>157241 >christ died in japan Moses too.
>>157243 Which continuation of the legend is more believable >After being hunted down she was killed and was so injured she into turned into a rock >a buddhist monk meets her and exorcises her something previous masters couldn't >she gives him a sob story shes given thousands of others and is believed >she escapes and is now wreaking havoc in asia
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>>157236 Time for another Yakuza spin-off >>157241 Isn't that the same thing in places like Italy & Germany? You go to Germany, they say christ died there, you go to Italy, they say christ die there
>>157232 >>157233 Primarily saw it in a youtube video, did a bit of searching. https://yewtu.be/watch?v=BGuhVVDoT_E
>>157245 Anon you do realize by the notion of her being sealed in japan means that the japanese legend is true & you have to believe their version right?
>>157248 Anon im saying that its just a continuation of the legend which she constantly escapes going from country to country starting chaos. From china to india to japan etc etc.
>>157249 How would she start in china if she was released in japan?!
>>157250 its all part of her diabolical master plan mikon >>157246 I heard about one in italy never one for germany
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>>157251 I'm tired of your excuses, anon!
>>157250 History, first event she was involved in happened in China, then India, then China again, and then Japan. >>157249 It appears that she doesn't actually start the chaos. The time frame between the sightings and stuff being blamed is hundreds of years apart at a time, with the largest span of time being over a thousand years. Which leads to the simple conclusion: If she was as bad as the legend makes her to be, then why wasn't she causing more problems, and why were there gaps of hundreds of years of nothing and the last time over a thousand years. Also the last time she didn't cause much of anything, in the worst case she was poisoning the current emperor of Japan at the time which doesn't fit with what they say shes done in the past, and in the best case then she got blamed for some close aide poisoning the emperor.
>>157253 If you were trapped for hundreds of years stuck in a rock as a tourist trap for random people to ogle all day every day, would you not fuck over that country first?! This logic just doesn't add up! The likelihood is Japan made up having her in japan to begin with just so they could take some chinese legend for themselves.
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https://archive.is/8viWf >(((BuzzFeed))) will die in your timeline Nice. BuzzFeed shareholders urge CEO Jonah Peretti to shut down the ENTIRE news operation which has '100 staff and loses $10MILLION a year': Staff bombard execs with questions in leaked audio of tense meeting about the news >New York-based website BuzzFeed is gutting its news division at the digital media company amid reports shareholders have urged Founder and CEO Jonah Peretti to shut it down entirely. >The newsroom, which reportedly loses Buzzfeed about $10million a year, is offering voluntary buyouts, while some top editors are leaving, CNBC reports. Several key shareholders have told founder and CEO Jonah Peretti to shut down the entire news operation. >The departures include Mark Schoofs, the editor in chief of BuzzFeed News, and deputy editor in chief Tom Namako, who announced a move to NBC News Digital on Tuesday. Ariel Kaminer, the executive editor for investigations, is also leaving. >On BuzzFeed's earnings call Tuesday, CEO Jonah Peretti said the company is accelerating its investment in vertical video popular on apps like TikTok. >But things were less cordial in a meeting that was recorded and leaked to Business Insider, where Peretti took a more realistic approach with what was happening to his news division. >By the time staffers were allowed to ask questions, multiple reporters said that Peretti had already left the meeting.
>>157254 Honestly it depends massively on what happened and the time since then. Assuming that she didn't do anything to the emperor and was killed and/or turned into the killing stone, then it's reasonable that they'd be pissed and be trying to seek revenge. Then comes that monk who supposedly exorcised her, and from what I have seen of that, it looks to be more along the case of just talking to her and having a decent conversation. One where it was probably brought up that the people who wronged you are all long dead. After that odds are she'd probably come to the realization or it was brought up that she ended up killing people completely unrelated to the wrong she suffered, so as to repent she'd just remain in the stone and reflect and/or just sit and watch the world. So it breaking might've just been the general time frame of it being finished. Also based on the odd things happening in China have been happening before the fox was let free from the stone, then it's most likely not her causing it.
>>157237 >>157243 >>157245 Her exorcism seems like an Edo period apocrypha. Plus it doesn't sound like a proper Shinto ritual where you build a kekkai and enshrine a kami and convert it from aramitama to nigimitama.
>>157256 Well there we go. A big box of nothing.
>>157253 >>157254 >>157256 If you were an immortal sealed for thousands of years, wouldn't the first thing on your mind after you're free be to see what happened to your offspring?
>>157257 woah anone how are u so smart??? how does ur brain fit inside a head
I want to fuck Erin.
>>157261 I want to fuck Erin AND Freya.
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>>157255 fucking nice
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>>157260 It's because I'm a huge fucking weaboo from long before even the term wapanese was coined.
>>157257 Yeah, it's basically the same as Sir Galahad in Arthurian legend, or the Christian elements in Beowulf.
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>>561195 >Wojak
>>156786 >>156761 Really wish Japan would do something about the obvious foreign influence that is going on in the country
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>>157255 Good, let them suck cocks on a backalley to feed themeselves.
>>157255 Sure. Just like Kotaku died. Some other kike will just buy them out, I bet.
>>157270 Pretty this. Hollywood kikes and (((Californians))) don’t care about losing money as long it’s to promote propaganda. As much as /pol/ hates it Muslims are right about America being the great Satan.
>>157270 What if we buy Buzzfeed?
>>157255 Clownfish tv theorized CNN might buy BuzzFeed because they are desperate for better viewers and money. They have been accurate in predicting the future and current shit storms happen at Disney thanks to them not cracking down on employees thinking they are activists.
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>>561215 >that selective service tweet Good luck, you already discharged those who didn't want to get jabbed. Wonder what clusterfuck will come out of moving through with pooling people. Do women pull out the classic 'I got pregnant & can't serve' get out of jail free card? Will men now identify as women & try to use that get out of jail free card? Hope they hired the best people to determine what's what without walking on the tranny eggshells.
>>561220 >the Switch has sold the most units, while the PS5 has made the most money I smell bullshit. If we are talking software sales. Outside of the recent Elden ring, the switch sold more games than the competition in regularly. I highly debt PS5 making more money than switch. Especially when PS5s and Xbox series x are being sold at a loss.
>>157275 The PS5 is not sold at a loss. It was big news because I believe every other model going back to the PSX was sold at a loss.
>>157276 >Loss stopped after 4 Memes be dreams etc.
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>>157277 well traditionally loss only has four panels so that checks out
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>>157239 Define what difference you mean by "made by a western artist"? Do you mean if the authorship was simply swapped out, or the art and story execution. Because there's a big difference.
>>157280 Well this sounds like faggot shit, and looking at what anons have posted it is >A new series by Asano Inio (Goodnight Punpun, Solanin) about the lives of two high school girls living in Tokyo after aliens have invaded. Dead Dead Demon's Dededededestruction is a self-styled dystopian slice-of-life that reflects on modern societal and political issues in Japan while still maintaining a sense of humor and frivolity. Even the title sounds gay as fuck, reminds me of Love Death + Robots
>>156898 >>156907 >>156920 Man, fuck that shit. Putting a limit of any kind like that unless you get dicksword or shell out shekels verified sounds idiotic. I'm still gonna push for Vidlii.
>>561220 Fuck off, you fucking pajeet!
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>>157281 jokes on you it gets SUPER gay
>>157274 >Do women pull out the classic 'I got pregnant & can't serve' get out of jail free card? The military can force them to get an abortion as you become government property the moment you sing up or are drafted. It's why they can fine you for something as simple as a sunburn. > Will men now identify as women & try to use that get out of jail free card? The Ukrainian government told them they can't leave with the refugees as they are required to fight. >>157276 >every other model going back to the PSX was sold at a loss. The PS4 cost Sony some $350 from production to store shelves.
>>157284 Then I don't want to read it, and I hope that western trannies sing high praises of it's anime adaptation. I hope everything you enjoy gets run into the ground and you burn in hell a hundred times while still alive. And I will never watch or read this, I will never engage this content in a positive light and I hope you die.
>>157255 Every few months there's bad news about Buzzfeed. Love to see it
>>157273 bbecause they love disney. The more you love something the more you understand it. Thats why /v/ is pretty good on gauging if a game is fun and wheter or not it will succeed
>>157289 They don't love Disney. They used to work for Disney but they criticize them all the time.
>>157290 They own disney stock they say they love disney. Criticize doesnt mean you dont like that thing. Come on this /v/ we criticize everything about vidya from fonts to voice actors
>>157291 I mean it's a pretty big difference when Disney is one company while video games are made by multiple studios separate across the world.
>>157288 >>561308 >>561308 >>561308 >>561308 >>561308 >>561308 NEW THREAD I took it upon myself to fulfill your pitiful request, good grief. I hope you like the last JRPG franchise that is just too autistic for westerner normalfags to ruin.
>>157292 true but then ive know anons who criticize one company and still remain blindly loyal to it. you know this to be true.
>>157255 >the company is accelerating its investment in vertical video Is there no depth to which they will not sink?

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