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#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Gun-wielding Lesbians Edition Anonymous 05/21/2022 (Sat) 03:08:03 Id: b9767e No. 180052
ONGOING DISCUSSIONS: >Embracer (Formerly THQ Nordic) buys multiple IPs from Square Enix for $300 Million https://archive.ph/wGTUC >Elon Musk Buys Twitter:https://archive.ph/pweWJ https://archive.ph/5cyDH >Disney employees create open letter and are asking people to sign a petition for political neutrality https://archive.ph/9ES8d >BuzzFeed shareholders urge CEO Jonah Peretti to shut down the ENTIRE news operation which has '100 staff and loses $10MILLION a year': Staff bombard execs with questions in leaked audio of tense meeting about the news https://archive.is/8viWf >Former Gawker Media properties G/O Media of staff from Kotaku, Gizmodo, Jalopnik, Jezebel, Lifehacker and The Root went on strike. https://archive.ph/pyYJg >MS buys Actiblizz https://archive.ph/Lc4Em >Sony buys Bungie for $3.6 Billion https://archive.fo/7BE4T >Sony Vice President of Playstation Network George Cacioppo exposed for trying to have sex with a 15 year old minors through Grindr App via chatlogs from "People Vs Predators" Group: https://archive.md/SlG30 >Archives Prove IGN Executive Review Editor Dan Stapleton Lied When Claiming Outlet Would Not Report On Sony Exec Pedophile Allegations Because They Don’t Cover “General Crime”: https://boundingintocomics.com/2021/12/07/archives-prove-ign-executive-review-editor-lied-when-claiming-outlet-would-not-report-on-sony-exec-pedophile-allegations-because-they-dont-cover-general-crime/ - https://archive.md/uuDNE https://archive.md/O7wma >Aforementioned People Vs Preds Groups also caught Senior Account Manager for Nvidia Todd Wiseman for allegedly trying to meet with a 15 year old boy for sex. https://archive.md/xMz2f >Nathan Grayson leaves Kotaku to join the Washington Post's "Launcher" section https://archive.is/9hqq0 >Five Nights at Freddy's developer Scott Cawthon retires after SJWs and game journalists attack him for donating to Republican politicians https://archive.fo/wCpMC https://archive.fo/Fe8Ey >Quinton Flynn Replaced as Kael’thas Voice Actor in WoW; Despite Judge Ruling Sexual Misconduct Allegations Came from Obsessive Stalker https://nichegamer.com/2021/04/19/quinton-flynn-replaced-as-kaelthas-voice-actor-in-wow-despite-judge-ruling-sexual-misconduct-allegations-came-from-obsessive-stalker/ - https://archive.is/Dj5a5 >A petition to deplatform once cancelled game "Six Days In Fallujah" started by Hala Alsalman receives game industry developer and figure support; gets stealthily updated https://archive.is/h6Da1 https://archive.is/eSpno CURRENT TASKS: 1. OPERATION TRAJAN: Collect and catalog all of the various localization and censorship accounts of past video games into a single repository from these sources: romhacking.net The_Cutting_Room_Floor/tcrf.net Segaretro.org https://redirect.invidious.io/channel/UCFItIX8SIs4zqhJCHpbeV1A Examples: http://archive.vn/XQOHW Sony's policies forces censorship; JP devs allegedly have to go through ENG approval process: https://archive.fo/awzFF - Japanese blog post about it: https://archive.fo/bF9bE Sony Japan President Says PS4 Censorship Policy Is To Match Global Standards And Protect Kids: https://archive.fo/U3GLa - Confirms censorship was deliberate: https://archive.fo/XgAgP - No rules for censorship policies, games judged case-by-case: https://archive.fo/37DhK - Marvelous partner starts petition against policy: https://archive.fo/rxQtf https://archive.fo/84UHo • Twitterfags: Tweet with Sony's stock code $SNE so that investors see your tweets and know you're pissed. • Consider spreading OP Timber materials to targets as well: http://archive.vn/URjtu ONGOING TASKS: A. Operation Download And Conquer: Loosen the death-grip of Google that has taken hold of the internet's audio and video services >>>/t/5546
[Expand Post]B. Support archive.fo! Accountability needs proof: https://liberapay.com/archiveis/donate C. OP DisNod: Contact the FTC and advertisers about violations and unethical practices http://archive.vn/9bylT D. Internet Censorship happenings: Spread the word about the dangers of FOSTA/CLOUD act/Article 13, etc. https://www.eff.org/de/deeplinks/2020/03/earn-it-act-violates-constitution E. OP End the Era: Dig into resetera and their connections to journos, devs, etc. http://archive.vn/JfuSb Reminders (important, READ THESE!): • Use https://archive.today to deny sites ad revenue and traffic and preserve pages in case they are deleted later • Be civil if you have to argue with people on Twitter, Tumblr or any forum - don't make us look like douchebags • Do not accept requests for any goal, demand lists or personal army requests: https://pastebin.com/p5dVp1e5 • Beware COINTELPRO: The Gentleperson's Guide to Forum Spies: https://cryptome.org/2012/07/gent-forum-spies.htmSTOP REPLYING TO BAITS AND OBVIOUS DERAILMENT ATTEMPTS, JUST REPORT AND FILTER Resources >Summaries of #GamerGate:https://redirect.invidious.io/watch?v=wy9bisUIP3w - #GamerGate - If It's Not About Ethics • https://redirect.invidious.io/watch?v=5fnRSL3d_xU - #GamerGate in 60 Seconds • https://archive.fo/23Fde - GamerGate: A State of the Union Address >Background and Evidence for #GamerGate: • The #GamerGate Dossier: https://archive.fo/nv1Fb • #GamerGate Wiki: https://ggwiki.deepfreeze.it/index.php?title=Main_Page • History of #GamerGate: https://www.historyofgamergate.com/ • View the timeline links in the Current Happenings section! >Lists: • GG Steam Support & Boycott List: https://v.gd/vzRsRb • Key GamerGate Hubs: https://v.gd/LNJbat >Thread Repository: https://gitgud.io/gamergate/gamergateop/blob/master/ThreadRepository.md https://ggwiki.deepfreeze.it/index.php?title=Thread_Repository >Full OP Text: • Current: https://ggwiki.deepfreeze.it/index.php?title=The_GamerGate_OPCurrently offline; use the .txt. file of the GG OP to be provided near the beginning of every new thread instead >How Can I Help? >>>/gamergatehq/ • All OPs: https://gitgud.io/gamergate/gamergateop/tree/master/Operations • OP Vulcan: Learn logical debating: https://v.gd/Kbzw0L • An Anon's Guide to Twitter; basics: https://v.gd/nwrbYF >Want to Contribute to GitGud or Wiki? https://gitgud.io/gamergate/gamergateop/tree/master/How-to-Contribute
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>>180052 BENIS
>>604803 >first reply is disgusting poorly drawn faggot shit yup, fuck this shit
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BUNNY CUNNY Finally the bread is here, and so is confirmation of MiA season 3.
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Remember to support alternative video sites and/or attach webms/MP4s to your posts! If you "must" use Youtube for anything, see: >>>/t/5546
>>604806 I came.
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i want to kill all the users that encourage discussion in this thread
>>180059 >i want to kill all the users that encourage discussion in this thread Do you want to talk about it? :^)
Crazy how if the literally whos weren't retards with BPD we wouldn't be in this timeline.
Gaming related question: Are bullet sponge enemies worst for FPS games than any other genre of games if so why is it that enemies lasting longer is more of a pain for shooters compared to other games?
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>>180059 But anon, if there wasn't someone like you who wants to kill me, how would I even know I was alive? :^)
>>180062 They're bad for all games but FPS players are twitchy autismos so if they can't kill enemies in three seconds they have no idea how to handle the situation and flounder wildly.
>>180062 Mostly ammo sink issues.
>>180062 bullet sponge enemies are a problem when it feels like they're literally soaking up damage, that your weapons are doing little to no damage to it. There's a difference between enemies with high health (that are challenging and fun to fight) and bullet sponge enemies (that are not fun to fight). The feel of the enemy also matter, how it reacts to your damage. Bullet sponge enemies typically don't react to being hit - no twitching, their attack animation don't get interrupted, feels like your attack does no damage. If the same enemy react well to your actions - acts hurt, stumbles when hit on foot, faints down for a while after a big attack - that helps mitigate some of the frustrations, even if the actual damage done is the same. >why is it that enemies lasting longer is more of a pain for shooters there's a wide range of fps and giving a single answer for all of them is not possible, but I think its because you have to keep firing at them, maintain line of sight constantly, keep yourself exposed to their attacks etc.
>>180062 There is a sweet spot you have to find. Too spongy and it saps the satisfaction of shooting enemies making your weapons feel weak. Too weak and the game feels too easy. Bungie found that upping the HP of some enemies to the right amount though actually made players feel like the AI was smarter despite changing nothing besides the HP values.
>>180062 Technically almost every enemy is a bullet sponge of some sort, enemies are just the developer subtracting resources with an aim, technique, etc check. Bullet sponges are just when fatigue from doing the same thing sets in, you probably will find this in people asking for a fromsoft game to have easy mode because their damage is too low and they take too many hits, so every enemy feels like a bullet sponge.
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>>180061 Doesn't all of that come from fags sticking their dicks in crazy?
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>>180064 >>180065 >>180066 >>180067 >>180068 Thanks for clearing up a curiosity that I understand more than I expected, anons. Here's a few more gobs as a reward.
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>>180062 Pretty much what this Anon has to say: >>180066 If you want an example of a game that both does "bullet sponge" enemies right and wrong, look straight to F.E.A.R, more specifically, the F.E.A.R expansion packs by TimeGate. In the game, there are four "bullet sponge" enemies, the Heavies, the Power Armor, the Leviathan, and the Nightcrawler Elite. The former three are how bullet sponges are done "right", the last one is how you do it wrong. Here's the strategies for how you kill them: Both of the Heavies are a bitch to kill with just regular weapons due to the powerful armor that they have. However, they do have the weak-point of their head, and can be taken out with a half a dozen well placed shots from the shotgun or the lightning gun, and a more liberal use of the other weapons. And you really need to plan around the how you will beat them as both typically carry the best weapons in the game. The Power Armor and the Leviathan are essentially tanks and almost serve as "mini-bosses". They are slow in their movement, and only ever use the rocket launchers (Which take out a whole chunk of your healthy if you're not sidestepping every attack). However, they're also relatively easy to beat, but it's compensated for the fact that it just drains your ammo to do so, which is understandable because you're trying to destroy a fucking tank. One thing I noticed that I forgot is to talk about their reactions. With the Heavies, they do flinch whenever your shots hit their weakpoints, but that's no guarantee that they're dead yet or will stop their attack. Meanwhile, with the tanks, while they don't flinch, you do see both sending out increasing amount of sparks and electricity the more you grind down their health to the point that they explode. THEN, we come to the Ngithcrawler Elite. These guys DO NOT react to your weapons one iota. They can take several shotgun shells to the face and just walk it all off. In fact, you can hit them with just about ANY weapon in the game and they will not be effected. Even one of the most powerful weapons, the Repeating Cannon, still takes several direct hits before they even register a response. And, there's absolutely ZERO reason for them to be this strong. They're not wearing any special armor and suppose to serve as a "counter" for the game's protagonist, yet even the protag goes down with a several well placed shots despite health and armor. THAT is what people are referring to when they talking about a "bullet sponge". It's an enemy who doesn't die, doesn't react to any attack, and has zero justification for soaking up bullets.
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>>180071 >Here's a few more gobs as a reward If this is how answers are rewarded, I am never going to be helpful again.
>>180073 The idea of goblins predates your shitty mongolian pottery carvings, anon. You have no claim to definitively associate them with it.
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>>180074 The idea of sexy goblins aren't that far removed from Goblin Hunter, frankly; before the monster girl craze, they were just ugly shits you beat up for fun.
>>180075 >Goblin Hunter Never heard of it.
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>>180076 sux2bu
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So. After yet another WEEOO THIS IS NOT A DRILL... how has the new "All non-GG posts will be removed" rule panned out?
>>180078 rules?
>>180078 Pretty sure he dropped that rule already.
>>180078 it lasted 3 days and now its back to normal again. normal being that everything you say must fall in line with what the cakekike believes and so long as thats the case rule 8 doesn't apply to you and you can discuss whatever you want.
>>180078 seems to have been used tolerably, mainly hitting austistic lewd derails that are way off topic
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>>180071 >Goblins
>>180083 Read the thread before posting.
>>180052 Is it true that her name was always supposed to be "Larry"?
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>>180084 >Goblins
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>>180086 >read the thread before posting
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>>180066 Generally in a FPS or game with guns the best fights are the ones that are completely fucked and unfair in a realistic tactics sense, or the ones that are just you killing people in ridiculous ways like Bulletstorm did. If your enemy is running at you with a gun it's doing it wrong unless there's a reason. If your enemy is using cover you're doing better. If your enemy is using squad tactics to specifically fuck you up you're doing great. If your enemy boss is an elusive sniper that you have to actually stealth past or use tactics against you're getting even better. If your enemy is a fucked up ninja with stealth camo that ambushes you with guerilla warfare you're fucking killing it. Ultimately what you lack in modern FPS games is TENSION. Medal of Honor 1, for example, had you doing more then just rushing levels down. You had to methodically move through enemy territory and get the advantage in the old Medal of Honor because your aim was absolute dogshit and you needed actual time to aim carefully. MGS3 had great bosses because your character was NOT geared towards combat. You worked with limitations to fight bosses. You had to stop and aim. You had more to DO, things to experiment with, shit tactics are still being invented today for that shit. You regen health, you're not rewarded for playing smartly or carefully, bullet sponge enemies are ultimately an extension of that, it's the designer giving the FUCK UP on making an actual good boss or enemy. Don't get me wrong, you can have good enemies with a large health pool, but if you don't add some sort of weakness or tactic you can use to get past it, like rewarding headshots immensely or knocking them into fucking water or something, it's just a cheap tactic.
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>>180071 You never gave me a source on the third goblin.
>>180091 Hot shortstack civilized /k/ommando goblins are the superior form of goblins. The green menace rapist goblin type with rags and clubs are shit tier.
>>180092 I just like the ones that are cute and want to get dicked and receive headpats from my mighty human swordsman self.
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>>180090 Yes this guy >>180073 already made that joke, which you would have known if you took the minimal effort required to skim through the thread, you lazy newfag.
>>180092 >The green menace rapist goblin type with rags and clubs are shit tier. They're hentai monsters, of the ugly bastard niche specifically.
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>>180094 >multiple people cant have the same opinion on gobs
>>180096 Who said that?
I feel like the goblin argument is some spook that's manufactured because something is actually happening. Sincerely, this is stupid and trivial for this thread.
>>180097 Yes this guy >>180094 said that, which you would have known if you took the minimal effort required to skim through the thread, you lazy newfag.
>>180098 Anon stop being so fucking paranoid, its a funny thing, that it, jesus.
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>>180098 Some people want to fuck gobs, others either don't or are just killjoys. Then there's me who's reacting either way for my own amusement.
>>180095 >ugly bastard More in zoo territory I think, since they're basically green, hairless, hook-nosed chimps. Not to mention the goat eyes.
>>180096 >>180091 >>180083 Are there any more hints to what happened to the shieldmaiden while she was captured by goblins? For awhile there a fan theory the final boss in goblin slayer will be shield maiden goblin child.
>>180099 No, he said that the joke had already been made. He didn't at all mention anything about opinions. >>180098 Anons are fully capable of their own autism, as is evident from >>180099.
>>180098 Lemme bring it back to firm VIDEOGAMES territory then with a question to the thread. I've been thinking lately. There's a fag around here who likes to suck the dick of a series called Deponia for making a fourth game to its trilogy based around time travel for the express purpose of catfishing and shitting on fans who didn't like how the games ended--which would probably have to be a large quadrant to justify making a whole game (else it would be almost twitter-level petty for being bruised by a vocal minority). However, most other times a developer/company gets adversarial with its own consumerbase in for the sake of maintaining a supposed vision (Mass Effect 3 putting aside whether or not the "artistic integrity" excuse was genuine or Spec Ops The Line, for instance), the prevailing sentiment in these parts is that it's disrespectful and pretentious. Nonetheless, it's also confirmably true that the Unenlighted Masses genuinely cannot make the Judgment Call of what is and is not shit, and we've seen time and again how attempting to be inclusive to every possible player (chasing the fabled Lowest Common Denominator) inevitably causes an IP or even an entire company to throw away everything that once made them great simply because focus audiences are utterly incompetent shit-eaters whose only real standard is easy instant dopamine if they aren't outright malicious/usurptative in intention. And that of course is ignore the more complicated stuff like metashit (Undertale and its ilk are a chief example, but you can also see it in things like Umineko's EP8 or Danganronpa V3's final chapter) which similarly is divisive in its assumptions or judging of the audience and/or their character (moral or otherwise) in service to its narrative. That beggars the question anons: what is the limit of treating the player, as an out-of-universe consumer, in service to a dev's artistic vision?
>>180098 >If you want something "on topic", then you could try talking about how some roastie accused Elon Musk of sexual assault right while he's about to buy twitter.
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>>604897 >>604900 Niggerpill spotted. >"The vast majority" >"You are alone" subject >Attempt at demoralization >Out of nowhere >successive posts with (1) IDs with same subject Remember, report on sight. He's obvious.
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>>180093 It's high-tier, but it can be higher. The fusion of Rally Vincent and Duke Nukem's soul put into one short, stacked and green package are peak performance goblins, especially if they make their guns themselves.
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>>604902 nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger
Call Of Duty: Warzone Players Are Farming Kong's Testicles For Easy XP >Call of Duty: Warzone is currently home to a rematch between Kong and Godzilla in Operation Monarch. Staying alive is challenging when two titans are tearing up the island, but the rewards for doing damage to the two behemoths are worthwhile. >Especially if you're ready to give Kong a trim around his nether regions. Going Ape. >As discovered--and banished to a NSFW section--on Reddit's r/CODWarzone, it is possible to hop into a helicopter and attack the ape wonder of the world's upper thigh section. >The video was removed it, but you can watch it in the link above. While Kong's model in Warzone isn't anatomically correct, you're technically still attacking the king's crown jewels to efficiently farm experience points. >Other methods might be easier, but none are as hilarious. You'll also need some real skill in piloting a helicopter near Kong, and if the idea of giving Kong a quick manscaping session in time for the summer season isn't too appealing, you can still fire away from the ground and earn XP the traditional way. >Call of Duty Season 3's Operation Monarch event went live in Warzone on May 11, and while some players are having a great time with the Monsterverse event, others are disappointed and feel misled with how the Titans have been used in the limited-time mode. >Operation Monarch event is set to run until May 25, and we've broken down the full details of the event and its rewards. Season 3's mid-season update is also just around the corner for Warzone and Vanguard. https://archive.ph/DdMhQ Call Of Duty: Warzone 2 Details Leak, Including Rainbow Six-Like Interrogation System >More details about the next Warzone experience have emerged. New details have come to light about Call of Duty: Warzone 2, including how the game may borrow a popular feature from Rainbow Six Siege. >Tom Henderson reports for Exputer that Warzone 2, or whatever the game is called, will include an "interrogation" feature. Similar to how it works in Siege, players will be able to interrogate downed enemies to reveal their teammates' location, according to the report. >The animation takes about six seconds, the report said, so players will seemingly be vulnerable for a good amount of time, but the payoff for successful interrogations is seemingly significant >Also in the report, it's mentioned that armor vests will be in Warzone 2, and they range from tier 1-3. Each tier allows players to equip more armor plates, which slot into the vest. >Just like how it works in the existing Warzone, plates can break but vests do not. Warzone 2 may also incorporate a bag system similar to the one in Escape from Tarkov. >Bags can contain ammo, killstreaks, and weapons, and higher bag tiers provide additional storage space, according to the report. >The report goes on to say that Warzone 2 will have "Pro Perks," which are beefed-up versions of standard perks. These Pro Perks can be obtained by looting new locations called Strongholds, the report said. >Strongholds are locations on Warzone 2's map that are protected by AI soldiers and contain objectives for players to complete as part of a meta-game system. >All of the information mentioned here is non-final and subject to change, the report said. Warzone 2 is expected to be released in 2023, following the launch of Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 this year. >While Activision has announced the next Warzone and Modern Warfare 2, the publisher has yet to fully reveal both titles. Keep checking back with GameSpot for the latest. https://archive.ph/bkSAn
>>180108 Wait but thats a gnome, not a goblin, goblins are usually pretty dumb, but slightly smarter than their ork cousins. >>180110 > Call Of Duty: Warzone Players Are Farming Kong's Testicles For Easy XP This does not expand dong.
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>>604909 Tiananmen square Tiananmen square Tiananmen square Tiananmen square Tiananmen square Tiananmen square Tiananmen square Tiananmen square Tiananmen square Tiananmen square Tiananmen square Tiananmen square Tiananmen square Tiananmen square Tiananmen square Tiananmen square Tiananmen square Tiananmen square Tiananmen square Tiananmen square Tiananmen square Tiananmen square Tiananmen square Tiananmen square Tiananmen square Tiananmen square Tiananmen square Tiananmen square Tiananmen square Tiananmen square
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>>180088 >I feel like the goblin argument is some spook that's manufactured because something is actually happening. <Anon doesn't get jokes
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>>180113 No I get the kill jews thing I just don't see the point of arguing over a fetish to justify yourself. You have likes in porn, but this is basically console wars but with porn. Sincerely, it just seems like console wars but with fetishes. Who cares? You like what you like, do you need to justify yourself to communal circle jerk yourself or something? >>180114 Japanese gay niggers in space lol
>>180105 The limit is, how hard do you want that dollar? Elder Scrolls, for example, has made their games easier and easier ever since the third one in order to cash in, and it worked for them. So, too, can games pander to an audience for success, which can certainly make games niche rather than generic, but also make them blatant fanservice. It's ultimately a question of if a developer wants or has a specific artistic vision in their head, compared to them wanting their game to be popular and purchased thus bankrolling them to further endeavors. Most people would go for the dosh and i don't blame them, both because money is the ultimate bottom line but also because weeds grow fast and spread far, and that matters more than a beautifully crafted flower. Most people know of FNAF and all it permutations, but also most people don't remember Grimoire anymore.
>>180105 >what is the limit of treating the player, as an out-of-universe consumer, in service to a dev's artistic vision? Personally speaking, my limit is "don't accuse me of being a monster for playing your game in a manner you programmed". If you wanna accuse your whole audience sure, it's your money to lose and chances are whatever tranny-filled normalfaggot "official community" is trying to centralize all discussion deserves it, but just don't try taking the moral high ground with me when the only reason I'm able to murder the old lady NPC is because you made her killable. I get enough moralizing about video games from leftists and any of the 90s conservatards who are still alive.
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>>180116 Elder Scrolls is literally only popular because it has sex mods and is easily moddable because it's literally on a ten year old engine with no copy encryption or whatever the fuck that makes it popular to mod. They haven't invested on making an Elder Scrolls past Skyrim for a fuckin' reason. Because they know as soon as they release a game not on that shitty engine they are financially done. Also the Fallout 76 shit but that's just additional.
>>180101 Oh fuck, I just noticed the codpieces.
The Halo TV series is the gold standard for video game adaptations >Warning: spoilers for Halo season 1 ahead (including the finale). Turn back now if you haven’t seen the latest episode of the Paramount Plus series. <Perfectly balanced >A successful adaptation has to avoid doing a few things. First, it shouldn't mess with the original source material so much that it's virtually unrecognizable (see the much-maligned, memeified Super Mario Bros. >film, or the 2005 version of Doom that took the term 'loosely based' and ran with it). Second, the adaption shouldn't pack in cheesy Easter eggs that it's just a reference-fest (see: Uncharted's confusing Nolan North cameo). >The Halo TV series ticks both boxes, balancing references to the games with high-quality storytelling without ever overdoing the nods and callbacks. >There are few things as satisfying as the first moment Chief's shield drops in episode one and the familiar warning bloops from the game echo out. The Halo soundscape is iconic and unforgettable, and the team working on the series went to great lengths to ensure it was done right." >A typical sound effects library – if you need certain assets like a bunch of explosions or a bunch of guns or a car or something like that – a typical library might be a few gigabytes, like, let's say, two to 10," series sound designer Brennan Mercer tells me. >"If it's a really big library, it's like 30. We got a terabyte of sound for Halo from 343 Industries." In the finale, we get one of only a few major firefights in the series, but the showrunners make sure to inject it with some of that special game sauce. >A Spartan's boots (by far my favorite sound in the series, made with a mix of typical walking sound effects and layered whooshes and crunches for added weight, according to Brennan) crush an unsuspecting Grunt as they land from an impossibly cool Pelican jump. >Spartans Kai and Vannak cheekily shit-talk the Covenant forces while laying waste to them, with Vannak admiring a Needler he plucks off a dead Grunt. >Although the final fight scene has moments of cliche video game references (any shot that mimics an FPS camera is always going to feel tired), it makes sure to only add dashes of this, not entire handfuls. <(((Subversion))) >After the first episode, I wrote that the Halo TV series is braver than the games, and I stand by that statement after watching the finale. Instead of giving us a recycled version of the "good guy Spartan vs bad guy Covenant" story seen in the games, Paramount Plus' series sheds light on the problematic nature of the UNSC (a view that only those who read the tie-in books were previously privy to). >The complexity of the universe in which the games are set allows the series to unmask Master Chief and make him John, giving Pablo Schreiber tons of room to inject pathos into a character who has previously been little more than a totem for balls to the wall masculinity. >It’s a bold choice and one that many fans of the Halo franchise have taken issue with. From the moment the series unmasked John-117, the debates began, with detractors longing for the more stoic, silent, and masked version of Chief from the games. >Brilliantly, after fleshing out his tragic backstory and giving him a love interest, the Master Chief we expected from the games makes his appearance at the season’s very end. >John allows himself to get knocked out cold and (seemingly) die so that Cortana can take control of his body and brain. When he rises after taking a gravity hammer from Atriox to the chest, he is the Master Chief so many fans were asking for – but it's not a triumphant moment, it's a tragic one. >After all, we've seen John untangle himself from Dr. Halsey's snare, learn about his kidnapping and brainwashing, and teach other Spartans how to be more human. >In the finale, Chief asks Cortana why she refused Halsey's orders to take over his executive functions. "I was also designed to learn John,” she responds. “And I have. >From you. I believe that what Dr. Halsey wants to eliminate from your species is precisely the thing that makes you special: your humanity. I've watched you fight for yours, and I believe it's a cause that's right." >That the season ends with John gone and the cold, calculated killer that is Master Chief standing in his place, starkly contrasting everything the show has taught us thus far. >Ultimately, the villain of this series (Halsey) wants Chief to be the same way so many fans want him to be: without humanity. And that's not something we should celebrate. <Going forward >Adapting a video game can never be a one-to-one scenario, as it just won't translate, and showrunners or movie directors face the difficult task of striking just the right balance between the new and the familiar. >We know the upcoming The Last of Us TV series has plans to do something similar – the story set to "fill things out and expand, not to undo, but rather to enhance" the games, according to co-creator Craig Mazin's interview with the BBC. >This kind of storytelling feels like a best of both worlds scenario: we get to see our favorite game worlds on television, while showrunners have room for creativity when it comes to telling stories in those worlds. >The Halo series successfully tells a new story in a familiar universe, arguably the best way to approach a video game adaptation. >It subverts expectations by giving us a fleshed-out, humanized version of Master Chief, only to end season one on a major cliffhanger where that humanity is stripped away. Fans got what they wanted, but at what cost? https://archive.ph/1bd4H Bethesda Rumor Deluge Alleges Mandalorian MMO In Works, The Elder Scrolls VI Details, Fallout Remaster, and More >A plethora of Bethesda rumors claim to reveal alleged details for The Elder Scrolls VI, an alleged Mandalorian MMO, a Fallout remaster, and more. >The claim comes via “Skullzi,” a frequent source of Bethesda leaks, both from his own sources and reporting on other’s. He revealed the most recent claims came from an anonymous source in late April. >“Bethesda stuff I’m hearing from an anonymous source, please take this with a grain of salt, don’t claim it as an inside statement from me,” Skullzi prefaced, before claiming Bethesda’s plans include “PvPvE game in dev at Roundhouse that may surprise you,” “TES VI [The Elder Scrolls VI] set in Hammerfell,” and “TES VI will have a political system.” https://archive.ph/Tx6so
>>180105 >shitting on fans who didn't like how the games ended It's always pathetic when devs and writers do this. I can't think of a single instance of it not being a strawman of legitimate fan criticism. >>604897 >>604900 >>604902 So, you saw the derailment as an opportunity. Why do you even try anymore? Especially when we have screencapped proof of your samefaggotry? To repeat yourself over and over with no result sounds like the most mind-numbingly tedious thing imaginable.
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>>180118 Skyrim is popular because it's easy, it was heavily marketed, and it also built up popularity since Morrowind, which was on consoles and even had a Toonami review done for it. I can only guess at why TES6 hasn't come out yet, but those guesses would be Skyrim getting ported to every system ever, Elder Scrolls Online going adequately, and Half Life 3 syndrome where they want to make it even more betterer and they keep second guessing themselves.
>>180111 >thats a gnome, not a goblin I always pictured gnomes as beings who are in touch with nature and have profound knowledge of the earth and precious metals and make for good miners, but not as fun-sized gun makers.
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Reminder to never support Sega, CDPR/GOG, Soyny or Insomniac. https://archive.ph/ZFIH7 https://archive.ph/a7KbV https://archive.ph/fA90Z https://archive.is/jIVA4
>>180124 They are your default engineer/tinkerer race. Say a dwarf creates a great runic canon, but a gnome creates a rotating flintlock with clockwork.
>>604934 We know its you, dumbass.
>>180126 I always pictured dwarves to make really intricate technomagical stuff, while goblins (or gnomes depending on the setting you want) would just strap a gun on it.
>>180117 >don't try taking the moral high ground with me when the only reason I'm able to murder the old lady NPC is because you made her killable. But Anon, the counter to that is people bitching about Bethesda games not letting you kill kids and downloading mods that takes away their essential npc status. I think the original Fallout handled that conundrum pretty well. Sure you can kill kids, but in a post-apocalypse where every healthy life is precious, of course people are going to treat a child murderer like the absolute lowest form of life possible.
>>180110 >Call Of Duty: Warzone Players Are Farming Kong's Testicles For Easy XP Castrating a nigger even on a video game. Good job.
>>180121 >The Halo TV series is the gold standard for video game adaptations You know, despite everything that's happened the past 6 years, I still find it baffling how anyone could even try to make this claim. >>180127 I think he might be making those posts for newfags who don't know about him, to sour their taste of the site I suppose.
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>pointing out luciano/niggerpill samefaggotry is being a coporate shill >anon was mostly discussing goblins & dwarves, nothing praising coporations
>>604934 Hey wanna hear a joke? Two people escape from a lunatic asylum and one gets arrested, so both of them return to the same cell. The first guy asks the second guy how he got arrested because he never saw him get cuffed, and the second guy responds by brutally raping him without saying a word. The second day, he wakes up and finds nobody in his cell but him, so he rattles the bars of his cell. “Guard! Guard! Where is my gay lover?” He yells, and the guard says “We released him yesterday.” The next night, his cell mate somehow sneaks back into his cell and brutally rapes him again. The next morning, he asks the guard the same question. “Guard, guard! Where is my gay lover?” The guard answers, “weren’t you masterbating last night?” This continues for years. 10 years later, the guard is charged with rape, because the USSR collapsed and they could finally afford cameras.
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>>180121 >>180131 > The Halo TV series is the gold standard for video game adaptations This is extremely obvious rage clickbait. Dumbshit journo knows pretty much everyone hates it, so they write an article praising it to get hate clicks and engagement.
So I tried to watch the third volume of Love Death + Robots and couldn't even last the first short.. <Oh! the preppers died because they are stupid and can't live on guns and they extincted all wildlife with hunting! <Oh! the rich tech billionaires died because they didn't had niggers to do the work machines could easily do! I can imagine how disgustinly commie the rest of the shorts are going to be, so I prefer watching paint dry.
>>180137 Atleast the first season's commie short was cool because it was the red army fighting demons in siberia.
>>180137 >Watching anything from Netflix >Watching a reddit show You only have yourself to blame.
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>>180133 Damn big titty goblins serving the jewish corporations. >>180135 I heard the end of Season 1 has Master Chief dying or something. Is this true?
>>180138 I liked the old lady short because I like dogs being protected. >>180139 Well, I can't defend myself, but it's just that I'm leeching it from a sibling and have problems sleeping. >>180121 >Fallout Remaster Should I worry?
>>180137 <Oh! the preppers died because they are stupid and can't live on guns and they extincted all wildlife with hunting! I don't doubt that there's idiots who have no sense of sustainability and over-hunting deers or simply because modern society is so soft there are very few people who understand what SHTF really means, but any decent prepper would keep several years of non-perishables to go with the guns, shouldn't they? <Oh! the rich tech billionaires died because they didn't had niggers to do the work machines could easily do! That one I can believe a little bit. Being some oligarch who got his start making a Jewgle tier programming black box doesn't necessarily mean you're equipped for the physical maintenance of those machines.
>>180142 The second ones implied that they caused the machine revolution or some shit, and when they said "if they had a diversity of population they could have people of different skills" or some shit we all knew what they meant. I can't even watch weird sci fi without it being tainted by commies who know nothing about sci fi nor fantasy. And fuck, the Lord of the Rings series is coming and will cause a lot of laughts or just a lot of outrage. And if they include orcs they will be poor misunderstood niggorcs or whorc supremacists. And a story of an orc redeming himself could be good if it wasn't written by commies.
>>604971 As soon as you got called out on your bullshit you decided to go on a spree, didnt you, you fuck?
>>180144 That energy spent niggerpilling all those months could've been used to make wonderful shitposting memes, but alas.
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>>604973 Look bud, maybe it's just because my girl dumped me recently and I've been hurting ever since, but I personally, cannot give a fuck about those clowns and whatever bullshit happens next, I already rejected the vaccine, insofar as I'm concerned things can't get worse. It also probably doesn't help that the subject is being spammed so hard that no shit it's going to be banned after the 3rd time it gets reposted by niggerkikepill.
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Is the reason why so many of you are into Goblin women is because 1. You're betas who like sexually agressive women (thus releiving you of the burden of being the man in the relationship in an area you have zero experience/skill in, filling you with anxiety and/or self-loathing), 2. Small/childlike enough so that you're the dominant "mature" one in the relationship, thus making you feel like a man because she's essentially a bratty child? 3. Avoid the stigma of admitting you're sexually desiring a childlike body because goblin girls tick all the loli boxes without being actual lolis 4. Pointy ears and fangs are quintessential anime girl traits, and yet they're not anime girls so you can tell yourself you're not a weeb 5. They're into tech like boys are, but also mechanics which make you feel comfortable because now you don't have to fill that role like your dad did, and his dad, and every man in your family line... until you. 6. Goblin girls are low on the Beauty/status societal ranking scale, so they're more likely to take whatever they can get... someone like you. Same reason why you like physically-scarred girls; they'll settle for less. 7. After whacking off to lolis for 10+ years, you're bored and ready to move on and titties/ass would feel real nice right about now... but you're convinced your weeny is tiny and small so a child's body would make you feel better because it'll make your weiner feel large as you stuff her. Just trying to figure it out.
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[Expand Post]>Dat Project: https://datproject.org/ >Filecoin: https://filecoin.io/ >Holochain: https://github.com/holochain/holochain-proto >Instant.io: https://instant.io/ >IPFS: https://ipfs.io/ >Kek.gg https://kek.gg/ >Onion Share: https://onionshare.org/ >ORC: https://orc.apache.org/ >Peergos: https://peergos.org/ >Perkeep: https://perkeep.org/ >Pomf: https://github.com/pomf/pomf >QBittorrent: https://www.qbittorrent.org/ >Sia: https://sia.tech/ >Storj: https://storj.io/ >Swarm: https://github.com/ethersphere/swarm >Tahoe-LAFS: https://www.tahoe-lafs.org/trac/tahoe-lafs >Uguu: https://uguu.se/ >WebTorrent: https://webtorrent.io/ >Other sites: https://www.archiveteam.org/index.php?title=Pomf.se/Clones Galleries and image hosting >ArtStation (SFW only): https://www.artstation.com/ >HicceArs: https://www.hiccears.com/ >Wysp: https://www.wysp.ws/ Internet and browsers >BadWolf: https://hacktivis.me/projects/badwolf >Basilisk: https://www.basilisk-browser.org/ >Beaker: https://beakerbrowser.com/ >Bromite: https://www.bromite.org/ >Falkon: https://www.falkon.org/ >GNU IceCat: https://www.gnu.org/software/gnuzilla/ >Handshake: https://handshake.org/ >I2P: https://geti2p.net/ >InterPlanetary Wayback: https://github.com/oduwsdl/ipwb >Iridium Browser (Guide to remove spyware: https://spyware.neocities.org/guides/iridium.html ): https://iridiumbrowser.de/ >LibreWolf: https://librewolf-community.gitlab.io/ >MaidSafe: https://maidsafe.net >Mysterium Network: https://mysterium.network/ >Namecoin: https://namecoin.org/ >NetSurf (Guide to remove spyware: https://spyware.neocities.org/guides/netsurf.html ): https://www.netsurf-browser.org/ >Otter Browser: https://otter-browser.org/ >Qutebrowser: https://qutebrowser.org/ >Sphere Browser (WARNING: https://spyware.neocities.org/articles/sphere.html ): https://sphere.tenebris.cc/ >Surf: http://surf.suckless.org/ >Tor: https://www.torproject.org/ >Ungoogled-Chromium: https://ungoogled-software.github.io/ungoogled-chromium-binaries/ >Web Browser: https://git.nuegia.net/webbrowser.git/ >Yggdrasil Network: https://yggdrasil-network.github.io/ >ZeroNet: https://zeronet.io/ Marketplace >DLsite: https://www.dlsite.com/eng/ >DMM Games: https://games.dmm.com/ >Fruitbat Factory: https://sites.fastspring.com/fruitbatfactory/product/buy >ğchange: https://www.gchange.fr >JAST: https://jastusa.com/ >NekoNyan: https://nekonyansoft.com/shop >Play-Asia: https://www.play-asia.com/ >Top Hat Store: https://shop.tophat.studio >Zoom Platform: https://www.zoom-platform.com/ Pastebins >Paste: https://github.com/jordansamuel/PASTE >PrivateBin: https://privatebin.info/ Search engines >ActiveSearchResults: https://www.activesearchresults.com/ >ExactSeek: https://www.exactseek.com/ >Gigablast: https://www.gigablast.com/ >Marginalia : https://search.marginalia.nu/ >Mojeek: https://www.mojeek.com/ >Wiby: https://wiby.me/ >YaCy: https://yacy.net/ Social media >anime website: https://anime.website/ >Baest: https://bae.st/ >baraag.net: https://baraag.net/ >Free Speech Extremist: https://freespeechextremist.com/ >GNU Social: https://gnu.io/social/ >Hubzilla: https://zotlabs.org/page/hubzilla/hubzilla-project >Mediachain: http://www.mediachain.io/ >Pawoo: https://pawoo.net/ >Pleroma: https://pleroma.social/ >Plurk: https://www.plurk.com/ >Poast: https://poa.st/ >Shitposter Club: https://shitposter.club/ >Steemit: https://steemit.com/ Streaming >8chanTV ( >>>/site/1519 ): https://watch.8ch.moe/ Video and audio platforms >AVideo: https://github.com/WWBN/AVideo >BitTube: https://bittube.tv/ >D.tube: https://d.tube/ >MediaGoblin: https://mediagoblin.org/ >Veoh: https://www.veoh.com/ >VidLii: https://www.vidlii.com/ Video downloaders and converters >boram: https://github.com/Kagami/boram >ffmpeg: https://ffmpeg.org/download.html >NewPipe: https://newpipe.net/ >WebMConverter: https://gitgud.io/nixx/WebMConverter >webm.py: https://github.com/Kagami/webm.py >wybm: https://github.com/Kagami/wybm >youtube-dl (Also download ffmpeg for best compatability; guide: >>>/t/5546): https://youtube-dl.org/ Web hosts >Create your own: https://archive.vn/BtM69 >IONOS: https://www.ionos.com/ >KolymaNET: https://www.kolyma.org/ >Neocities: https://neocities.org/ Other >AdNauseam: https://adnauseam.io/ >Amateur Game Development General: >>>/agdg/ >ChannelChanger: >>>/t/1257 >Crescent Isle: >>>/site/532 >Kdenlive: https://kdenlive.org/ >LINE Sticker Downloader: https://goonlinetools.com/line-sticker-download/ >Magic Wormhole: https://github.com/warner/magic-wormhole >OpenTimestamps: https://opentimestamps.org/ >Privacy Possum: https://github.com/cowlicks/privacypossum >QEMU: https://www.qemu.org/ >The Wick Editor: https://www.wickeditor.com/ >VirtualBox: https://www.virtualbox.org/ Suggestions are always welcome! Revision Updates: 4/15/22: https://archive.ph/1FPcI
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>>180147 No, its because shortstacks are easy to move around so you can have lots of fun, you can bully them softly and they are cute, also the green skin color is exotic, dont look to much into it.
>>180147 Honestly, I just like green skin. Have done ever since I was very young, back when I first figured out how to change to colour settings of a video in VLC. I know what I like.
Watch out for GamerGate The public enemy of the world #1 It is the main hashtag responsible for… ☑ Accidentally re-starting the French Revolution ☑ Weaponized Gondolas ☑ Hacking German politicians and media ☑ Played "To Catch a Predator" with Randy Pickford ☑ Masterminded the destruction of GDQ via the Catfish of Legend: Namazu ☑ Under the light of the Blood Moon; Self-destructed Western Journalism by having a some kid smirk at a drumming savage ☑ Just wanted to start a conversation with everyone, everywhere, eternally ☑ Watched Gawker die TWICE ☑ Guilty of face crimes ☑ When GameStop tried to sell itself; offered $3.50 in in-store credit ☑ Made telling "journalists" to "learn to code" into a hate crime ☑ Taught the Alt-Right ✅Then harassed said Alt-Right ☑ Started in 2011-2012 when 4chan tried to steal Anita Sarkeesian's SSN# ☑ Created "Boner Culture" which made cis straight male erections the most powerful force on earth ☑ Had a Jewish Mobster 'Take Care' of it ☑ Asked THQ about gaemu which somehow triggered World Wide Web War III ☑ Tricked /cow/ into developing and sharing their fetish for Mark's plump bagel with ResetEra ☑ Triggered GJP3.0 with 57 hitpeices on THQ Nordic's AA ☑ Orchestrated the GaymerGay misogynist review backlash against Marvel's Captain Woman ☑ Taught New Zealand about "White Day" ☑ Radicalized Spyro the Dragon ☑ Turned Pewdiepie into the Osama Bin Ladin of GaymerGays ☑ "The nerds and gamers were joined by the proto-storm troopers of the alt-right in a bond that has never been broken" ☑ Was a trial run for "will the US tolerate fascist behavior" ☑ Exploring new frontiers in sexual harassment via Jelly Bean ☑ Groomed young impressionable politicians into misogynists ☑ Created and trained the alt-right to take over the political landscape on a global scale (And succeeded) ☑ Arranged for Sonic the Hedgehog (movie ver.) to get "fixed" ☑ Remains undefeated for all time ☑ Turned Rage 2 into a Trump-esque attack on game journos ☑ Joined forces with Amazon ☑ Helped Mark impress Resetera ☑ Used Elliot Rodger's martyrdom to unite 4Chan and Breitbart to elect Donald Trump ☑ Will be looked back upon in 50 years as the root cause of the coming Cultural Civil War ☑ Government-sponsored shitposting ☑ Mastered the manipulation of the news cycle to their advantage ☑ Made Anita cry when Feminist Frequency went broke ☑ Destroyer of Worlds ☑ Russian Conspiracies (all of them) ☑ Extended Reanon's death/meme-magic to animation studios (please meme responsibly) ☑ An instrument of American Trumpian Power Worldwide
[Expand Post]☑ Cured alleged "journalist" of dyslexic anxiety ☑ An aberrant, creeping horror ☑ As dangerous as Anti-Vax, ISIS, and Holocaust Denial ☑ Five years of ruining everything ☑ Came to the classroom ☑ Trained Google whistleblowers ☑ Never died and foreshadowed our toxic meme-strewn politics ☑ Blew up the Internet ☑ Made wanting challenge in videogames into supporting White Supremacy ☑ Was secretly fighting WWIII all along ☑ Stochastic Terrorism ☑ Being a national security threat according to the DHS ☑ Helped Mark win the lottery ☑ Gave the money back ☑ Living long enough to see itself become the villain in a TV Show THRICE ☑ Confused the FBI into thinking /v/ is /baphomet/ ☑ Turned Anita Sarkesian into a crazy cat lady ☑ It's #Gamergate Forever ☑ Justifiably felt alienated by the neoliberal fetishization of feminism and the reductionism of politics to identity teams ☑ Was rabidly pro-corporate ☑ Manipulated a SJWeeb into review-bombing a LGBTWTFBBQ-friendly game as a "test" ☑ Non-meat based cam girls ☑ Caused the Corona outbreak which destroyed China to cheer up a depressed CIA glownigger ☑ Digisexuals ☑ Called the cyber police to put a cripple in cyber jail ☑ Weaponizing decency ☑ Made the games industry a nightmare for Women, Colored People, and Ashley Burch ☑ The inevitable ultimate horror of Sega's "toxic" advertising for ChuChu Rocket ☑ Has the highest body count of any COVID-19 disinfo group ☑ Finally got the 8kun administration to get off their ass and answer the damn phone ☑ Searching for a new home (again) ☑ Made some /v/ hotpockets on other imageboards go insane ☑ Burned julay to the ground by doing basically fuck-all except continue to exist (props to a certain bunbunmaru reporter, tho) ☑ Having a high enough IQ to be mentioned on Rick and Morty ☑ Radicalized a grandmother to the point she promotes harassment against alleged games journalists ☑ Is the terrorist group backed by 'The French' who are behind President Trump's exhausting battle against twitter ☑ Protecting FUCKING GAMESTOP from looters ☑ Finally started the Race War by forcing a meth-head on a date with Corona-chan to take a knee to the neck from the police ☑ Confirmed for Baby Hitler ☑ Gave a lot of airtime to Soviet defector Yuri Bezmenov ☑ Got on the Atlantic's "free $100" van only to get intervewed ☑ Started a backlash against the French independent film industry because they want to raise pure little girls ☑ And then Russia wanted to shut down 8chan.moe to be ironic ☑ Was clearly a blueprint for Trump's online assault in 2016 ☑ A gravestone marked “Games Journalism; Dead By Suicide,” with the date of death corresponding with the launch of GG ☑ Took over the US capitol ☑ Funded by the GOP ☑ Using Reddit's radicalized nihilism to counter jews shorting FUCKING GAMESTOP ☑ Made Mark the Godfather of Gamergate ☑ Corrected Polygon on Titanfall lore ☑ Accidental meme magic discharge (R.I.P Miura) ☑ Planet-range racism field ☑ Not wanting people to put down the controller and talk about their feelings ☑ Destroyed the logic process of a bot wreaking havoc across multiple imageboards with just one simple trick ☑ Caused Blizzard executives to threaten their employees with rape ☑ Came to Alex Hutchinson's Defense ☑ Made Vivian a feminist symbol ☑ Grew to a geopolitical scale and spilled into real life with devastating consequences ☑ Got their own TV show ☑ Brandon’s First fan ☑ Gave birth to Qanon ☑ Is the precedent for /K/yle Rittenhouse ☑ Ruined people's brains by turning them into corporate bootlickers ☑ Created the concept of "Culture War" ☑ Was the watershed event in the ascendancy of online extremist personalities and tactics ☑ Mars manifest destiny ☑ Was behind Elon Musk's twitter takeover all along ☑ The Ruby Ridge of online violence
>>180140 >spoiler See >>604777
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>>180149 >Patented open-crotch design for easy access.
>>180105 Umineko did nothing wrong and anyone who didn't like episode 8 is a butthurt pleb.
>>605016 If I had the knowledge, I would have thrown together a retro fps where all the weapons are different magic lolis.
>>180155 >use cirno to flash freeze the floor to gain SPEED and start bunnyhopping around
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>>605009 >Halo isn't videogames >MiA isn't videogames
>>605026 >I never quoted any Halo posts The very last quote is a Halo posts, and there are others. MiA is gold for loliphiles.
>>605032 >"And MiA is trash for pedophiles" It is, though.
>>605057 I'm tired of purposely arguing in bad faith so I will delete my posts, just wanted to let you know that rape is a shit fetish and if you like Geiger Counter you should neck yourself.
>>605040 Nice (1) faggot, I really like how you responded to the guy who just deleted his own post for revealing his triangular origins. Really organic boost you got going on there. Also, in what FPS can I play as a little girl, preferably an oppai loli? I want to unload on a horde of beasties with weapons large to my perspective while seeing my character's tits bounce around at the bottom of the screen due to recoil.
>>180078 Cancelled after receiving complaints from people who got pissed off for seeing their important discussion of the international politics of vtubers with niche fetishes appearing in remakes of movies/comics/cards/deep sea/anything but games, accusing mods of attempting to control the narrative and kill the spirit of the GG threads.
>>605051 >What about that guy who committed a sex crime IRL trying to imitate a fucked up doujin called Geiger Counter? He didn't actually imitate it, because he molested a real girl, not a cartoon character. :^)
Also have you guys noticed that Little Witch Nobeta has Overwhelmingly Negative ratings on Steam now?
>>180164 They decided to finally release the game, which meant suddenly slapping a full price sticker on it instead of a low "early adopter" price. I'd imagine that's where most of the negative reviews come from.
>>180164 They are angry at the huge rise in price, blaming it on the vtubers voicing two characters.
>>180164 Huh? Why?
>>605048 >>605060 Thanks for the updated chart, I'm gonna keep a copy of it. Also let's be careful and not piss off the mods and continue this argument any further than need. Sage just in case.
>>180165 Wah, I wasn't aware it released. thankfully i bought it when it had just releaserd on EA as alpha >>180166 Are vtubers that expensive to hire? And isn't it a dying fad like NFTs? Kind of a pointless investment.
>>180164 It's probably the chinese who still have a massive grudge against hololive because two of them showed the flag of Taiwan was in jewtube's viewer statistics page.
>>180169 >Are vtubers that expensive to hire? No idea. Some of the reports complained at the decision of getting Hololive to voice characters instead of fixing "subpar" aspects of the game, but since I don't really care about the game I can't say how legitimate are these complaints.
>>180164 Because the bugs are mad because two vtubers named Taiwan and one got away mostly Scott free due to being a diet member's daughter.
>>180171 I played the build that was released several months ago and the best I can say about the game is that it controls nicely but is othewise a very clearly store-bought assets deal, with a very jarring clash between designs, uninspired environments and a weird unnecessary semblance of a story. Certainly a budget title, the kind of shovelware shit that gets forgotten were it not for the active effort by the developer to shill it with Patreon cancer and the like.
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>>180168 >let's be careful and not piss off the mods
>>180172 >diet member what is that
>>180175 Japanese parliament essentially.
>>180176 So nepotism?
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>Been gone for a while >Return after a while <Some faggot shot up a mall somehwere in murika and linked to various imageboards >News travel around >obvious non-organic posters show up in a variety of sites, even innocuous shit like gamefaqs and try to inorganically blend in <situation escalates to the point where the board becomes a shit <Old posters leave while some veryobvious leddit re-inforcements by Lucianiggerpill arrive and spazz out with him for days I just wanted to talk about vidya... >>180177 Sadly, yes.
>>180178 > even innocuous shit like gamefaqs
>>180179 Was innocuous the wrong word to use? Meant to say low-key, low-effort, no-noise site. As shit as its posters are and the forums killed the walktrhough sections, nothing compares to going to look for >Hey guys, how to beat Crimson Suzaku before New Game+ and seeing these in return <Are white people afraid of becoming a minority <Did the shootings occured because the perp didn't have enough homosexual experiences <Was the perp influenced by violent video games, just like in the 90s And so on.
>>180180 No, I'm just shocked that glowies would even go to gamefaqs of all places.
>>180178 >>180180 Holy fuck are they this transparent?
>>180178 On the bright side, I enjoy the fact that gaming is once again a shunned hobby for weirdos and outcasts.
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>>180147 Do Gremlins/Mogwai count as goblins?
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>>180181 >>180182 I honestly don't know anymore. At this point, I'm semi-expecting the titty site I frequent to drop all mention of russians due to what's going on over at Ukraine. >>180183 If this happens and the normalfags fuck off and take all the plebbitors with them until only the people with actual interest in games remain, that'd be a blessing in disguise. Quality company is better than a million spergs shitting up a hobby. >>180184 >Do Gremlins/Mogwai count as goblins? Oni probably do.
>>180186 >Oni probably do. Of course, a small enough oni could easily be called a Japanese goburin.
>>180135 I don’t know who has it worse. Halo fans or people who grow up with the Chip N Dale cartoon. Not only did Disney reboot Chip N dale with an anti-fans message. Chip's story arc in the movie is learning to be happy for Gadget and zipper after being canonically cuck. Childhood cartoon icons are being brought back just to be cuck. This is like making a new Doug movie just to end with Doug meeting Patty Mayo's husband after 30 years just for said party husband to turns out to be skeeter.
>>180189 >This is like making a new Doug movie just to end with Doug meeting Patty Mayo's husband after 30 years just for said party husband to turns out to be skeeter. I'm pretty sure there's an interview with Doug's creator where he talks about something like that happening to him in real life when he met the girl he based Patty off of at a school reunion.
>>180189 Yeah the CY+ handling of anything is pretty much designed to hurt or otherwise upset the old fans. I'm glad some of my favorite stuff remained dead and forgotten.
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>>180189 >or people who grow up with the Chip N Dale cartoon. <Watch Ducktales <Watch all the 90s capeshitters <Grow up with DBZ <Grow up with reruns of the classic Scooby-Doo, Looney Tunes, Disney cartoons of the 90s like Ducktales and DW Duck, isney classics, Tom and Jerry, Flintstones etc <Grow up with Transformers <See TMNT, The Tick, Ghostbusters and other quirky stuff as well >See all of the above utterly and thoroughly raped so hard that they rattled the fucking bones of their creators and mind-broke the creators that are still alive I should theoretically be numb by now but somehow, those fuckers invent new ways to stab my soul. My pain is sharp and constant and I wish it to be inflicted upon those shit head retards as well. At least Extreme Ghostbusters and Extreme Dinosaurs are safe. >This is like making a new Doug movie just to end with Doug meeting Patty Mayo's husband after 30 years just for said party husband to turns out to be skeeter. That's actually what happened in real life, anon >>180190 (checked) not only said it, he got dubs when he wrote the truth.
>>180121 >Mandalorian MMO In Works, The Elder Scrolls VI Details, Fallout Remaster So Starfield in 2024, ES6 in 2026, Mandalorian in 2028 (after everyone has completely forgotten it), Fallout 1 remaster in 2030 (still using the same engine as Morrowind)…
>>180192 At least my dear Galaxy Rangers are safe.
>>180192 Reminder there's a new TMNT movie being made.... by Seth Rogen. Bad enough the current comics from IDW are run by a tranny who shoved in his OC as a lesbian turtle with a pig love interest or that 2D side scroller game based on the cartoon uses stolen movesets.
>>180195 >2D side scroller game based on the cartoon uses stolen movesets. >this autist again April uses moves from videogames and movies, its supposed to be a joke, you god dammed autist.
>>180196 First time I've ever talked about it. Still very lazy.
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>>180194 It's been over one hundred years Nice to see other anons with good taste >>180195
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<Kyle Rittenhouse-Inspired Zombie Shooter ‘Acquitted’ Riles Kotaku Writer’s Feathers As He Calls Developer’s Wife “Actual Nazi” https://archive.ph/nMiCA
>>180199 Ok, I got baited into reading this trite horseshit but I have a genuine question : who's this John Walker? It can't be the one circa 2010-2014, that was a black guy writing for Kotaku and he had a beef with the Cards against humanity creator, slamming him and gloating when something happened to the CaH guy.
>>180187 Webm or post from another source
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https://files.catbox.moe/cmigjd.zip (15mb) html pages feel free to recommend additions
>>180203 nice digs
>>180199 >getting angry over a glorified flash game lol >"actual nazi" what's wrong with that? if everyone is a nazi, then nobody is. and if the average joe gets called a nazi for no reason, then they will start thinking that there isn't anything wrong with nazis or hitler
SOCIETY'S BOOGEYMAN - GAMERGATE Upper Echelon Gamers https://yewtu.be/watch?v=4KY5KGc4eOg
>>180206 Webm or another source
>>180203 >>180204 Nice virus. Yeah, I'm TOTALLY going to open a random .zip with no explanation from a site run by a trianglefag. >>180205 >there isn't anything wrong with nazis or hitler Hitler is socialist and socialists are bad people.
>>180209 there was nothing wrong with nazi germany, and hitler's greatest mistake was being so eager to go towards war. his second mistake was not trusting his generals and making too many decisions himself, once it got going. the man was clearly not a tactician
>>180210 Eh, coking down the private sector and all the larping persecuting of random people would eventually catch to them. For a good fascism you should take a look at franco's spain, it lasted until his dead for a reason and left the country actually working and self-sufficient.
>>180207 That's kind of a duplicate of a previous entry. >>180208 >spoon feed me >>180210 If WWII never happened presuming there was no British oil embargo or Germany managed to find a source of oil not under (((The Bank of England)))'s control, Nazi Germany would STILL would have collapsed USSR-style on it's own by the 1960's due to Socialism's ever-expanding web of fixed costs of it's social programs. You can only spend other-people's-money for so long.
>>180212 >spoon feed me Is this going to become the new "Archive it yourself"? > Nazi Germany would STILL would have collapsed USSR-style on it's own by the 1960's There was signs that Germany was bankrupt as early as the 40's, which is why they were so quick to invade other nations (Everything through Poland I can understand for because of sovereignty, everything afterwards doesn't have that justification)
>>180213 >a webm is an "archive" Protip: it isn't I remember this lie. There's no reason not to post a link to the most popular video sharing site in the world. If you don't like it because you're a failed youtuber, for instance, pop open your invidious instance and quit annoying everyone else.
>>180214 >There's no reason not to post a link to the most popular video sharing site in the world. <I'm going to CONTINUE to contribute to Goolags monopoly > pop open your invidious instance That still uses Jewtube, dumbass!
Edited last time by dog on 05/21/2022 (Sat) 22:22:04.
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>>180216 >Direct linking
>>180218 Thats the point precisely.
>>180218 Condoms are for losers. Barebacking it is what real men do.
>>180220 Barebacking feminine men
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>>180220 Enjoy your monkeypox, bugchaser.
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>>180221 Fuckoff faggot
>>180223 >implying you wouldn't a link
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>>180224 depends on the (you)
>>180222 You mean shingles?
>>180224 Only if I was a woman you gatfaggot
>>180209 Content looks to be the same digs as the previous zip file that was uploaded to some previous few threads back
>>180228 Wow. This comic is fucking terrible.
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>>180193 >Fallout 1 remaster They really should just do an Arena remaster. Fallout 1 is still more or less fully playable and enjoyable as it is, even to modern audiences. They could easily pass that off to the Wasteland team at InExile to just give the graphics a spit polish. Daggerfall already has the Unity build too keep it updated and relevant. Meanwhile, Arena is lacking in gameplay, graphics, lore, and engine quality. By the time they're ready to get to work on it, they could probably just "borrow" a lot of ESO to fill out the world map and just cut a bunch of the smaller settlements and procedurally generated content in favor of hand-crafted assets. The only problem is that the whole story of the Emperor being kidnapped by Jagar Tharn might seem really weak compared to restoring the Numidium, or stopping the construction of Numidium Part 2, or fighting Mehrunes Dagon hordes, or the Return of the Dragons. Maybe they could add in some kind of sub-plot that seems to have the potential to be major - but ultimately inconsequential at the time, yet has major implications for TES VI or VII. At any rate, as I've said in other threads, I have to wonder how much of Bethesda's shittiness over the years was due to Altman being a hyper-turbo Jew who ran Bethesda on a shoestring budget for their size, and pushed for the dumbing down to the mass market and theme-park game design. Starfield is too far in development for the Microsoft acquisition to have much of an effect (aside from the delay to clean up some of the larger bugs and content gaps). But Microsoft bought Bethesda for Skyrim and Fallout, and being a crown jewel aquisition - they'll likely be hands off and write a blank check to Todd to make their purchase shine as much as possible. So we'll have to see then if Todd is really just Peter Molenux's lost lovechild, or if he had to lie to cover for Altman's incredible Judaism.
>>180230 >>180193 >Fallout 1 remaster >From modern bethesda for the love of fuck, NO Just wait a few years, and it will likely get remade in either the NV or F4 engine by the fans, there is a shitload of these remake projects at work now
>>180231 What makes you think a fan remake is going to turn out any less black, gay and trans than an official one now?
>>180232 ...because not every dev team resembles the fallout frontier discord server? it takes actual dedication to work on that engine and create something worthwhile, nobody is going to bother working on a 1-1 modern fan remake of the game unless they were a big fan of the original
>>180232 >What makes you think a fan remake is going to turn out any less black, gay and trans than an official one now? For fuck's sake, the [[[Modding Community]]] is often even more pozzed than corporate HR pink hairs. At least the corporate HR pinkhairs still have to sell a product at the end of the day. Modders are given free reign to just flood volumous amounts of fetish or political garbage into their mod as their "artistic vision".
>>180234 just mod their mod to be the uncucked deluxe edition
>>180160 >Geiger Counter What?
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>>180235 That's like trying to fix the story of Fallout 4 with mods. The problems are too intrinsic, because the poz is there with every brick being laid. It's the mortar that holds these shit-heaps together. I'd like to see someone try to unpoz a large mod like, say, the Rigmor Saga. Honestly, I would - because it has a lot of great setpieces, some decent large-scale battles that will choke lesser PCs, some good attention to detail despite a large scope, and lots of political intrigue between the counties of Cyrodiil in a power vacuum. But the poz is so ingrained that you just can't strip it out without completely rebuilding the mod from the foundation up.
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>>180178 D-Disonorato, sei tu??? >>180189 >>180192 I've been meaning to ask, can someone tl;dw the plot of the movie and anything cringe inducing from it? Because the one video I saw (the one with Ugly Sonic) looked like a bad SNL/College Humor skit and not a chance in hell could I think it was official Disney shit.
>>180238 >can someone tl;dw the plot of the movie and anything cringe inducing from it? Chip and Dale take down Pluto who holds a grudge over how they stole all the attention in his shorts the three of them were in.
>>180237 you can't really fix any story emil has been part of, but on the bright side, the modding community has brought back the RPG elements of the game, like more than just 4 dialogue options, making them matter more than just "Yes, Sarcastic(Yes), No(Yes), More Info)", bringing back skills, proper perks, traits, skill checks etc. and they're all standardized and included as part of the bigger modding projects >>180238 I just hear bad things from everyone who watched it, "my soul is dead" kind of talk
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>>180236 A pair of doujins drawn by quzilax about a serial rapist who pretends to be a safety inspector to trick little girls into letting him enter their home and then rapes them violently. https://exhentai.org/g/662154/d5c164c9b6/ https://exhentai.org/g/662160/f4abe60743/ It became infamous after a sick fuck used that doujin as "inspiration" to molest various girls in Japan. https://archive.is/KDQgq https://archive.is/Cu3OO
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>>180190 Wasn't this memed? Like multiple times already? >>180239 How artistically starved for ideas do you have to be to recycle a golden age Pluto cartoon plot (which was also referenced in a rather amusing way in nuMickey shorts)?
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>>180217 I noticed you posting green trolls earlier, is this your 'thing'?
>>180183 This must happen to anime as well, so loli pantsu can flourish once again.
>>180183 >>180244 Well, it's basically up to a fandom to take arms and look so unappealing and so obfuscating to the outsiders that socjus won't even bother to attempt infiltrating. Weren't Metalheads fighting back against indoctrination?
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>>180241 >Police later contacted the illustrator to inform him about the incident, and told him to exercise consideration in creating stories that could be imitated to commit crimes. >According to a source close to the investigation, the police are considering sending similar appeals to creators when crimes imitating their stories occur again. This whole thing is reminding me of a manga I'm reading called Yuugai Toshi, where Japan is cracking down on violent Manga following an incident that was inspired by one. Here's hoping the unhinged, violent retards don't continue to push Japan in that direction.
>>180247 Well japan doesn't have free speech and hates freedom, so it's inevitable.
>>180247 Anon you forgot about the otaku killer? >>180241 Quzilax is a piece of shit, he should go kill himself.
>>180248 They do have it in their constitution under the emperor. It's on Chapter 3 Article 21 under the archive link. https://archive.ph/YTLH7
>>180147 >You're betas who like sexually agressive women What are you talking about? Most porn of goblin women makes them submissive. Here's the real reasons. 1. Shortstacks are hot 2. Monstergirls are hot That's the all, the only equation you need.
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>>180243 my thing is some big fat cat tats but also lamenting the fall of hussie
>>180250 And yet they have the weird thing where you cant mention a company's name, even on live tv, without the company's permission.
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>>180147 It's really just something with a series of cute and adorable traits combined with sex appeal really. Not that different from anime girls and the crazy ass amount of fan art of them. Just simple cute and sexy features, big breast, big eyes, small height, and straight forward and honest attitude for example are just a combination of appealing traits that mesh well. Pic somewhat related but for goths. >>180251 (checked) I don't get the whole point of psychoanalyzing 2D porn like it has any meaning beyond why guys like it thinking there's some deeper Freudian meaning. >>180253 Not that dissimilar from using copyrighted brands here in America.
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>>180252 >the fall of hussie Yeah, that was the biggest tragedy of homestuck. Not the derailment and degradation of the plot, not the failure of the character to reach their potential, but the pozzification of a once normal guy. The worst crime tumblr commited was not the ruination of a comic, but the ruination of a man.
>>180255 Well imagine watching linus tech tips or gamer nexus and they do a comparison of the ◯tel and a◯d processor in le◯vo laptops because they're afraid of a takedown notice over just using the company's name.
>>180257 Guess I should've remembered that fair use isn't much of a thing in Japan since Nintendo loses their shit over it.
>>180258 I guess you haven't heard about how Japanese manga publishers are filing lawsuits against reviewers because they disclose "too much" of the story.
>>180259 That's news to me. Are mangaka this anal about plot details and speculations so much that even hints of spoilers is enough to sick legal hounds at critics?
>>180255 hey it's tomoko
>>180151 >☑ The Ruby Ridge of online violence What the fuck is this all about now? The Buffalo faggot shooter?
>>180262 yes, it seems GAMERGATE radicalized this young man, despite the evil GAMERGATE not even being mentioned in his "manifesto" he was actually radicalized by cuck /pol/ happy merchant memes and statistic pictures, I am not even shitting you
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>>180261 tomoko is more creepy awkward like hex maniac; shes clearly more goth like nearly nobody in most games or animes, not even celestia from dangan ronpa whos gothic loli rather than goth punk
>>180234 >the [[[Modding Community]]] is often even more pozzed than corporate HR pink hairs No it isn't, stop pushing this shit just because you only like trash and join their fucking Discord servers.
>>180265 to be fair, bethesda games have an awful fucking community, skyrim especially, but point is that anyone making a remake of the older games, like fallout 1, in those newer engines, has to be dedicated to a game itself, and the team won't risk the project going down by letting in an insane troon onto the team. Unfortunately, New Vegas Remake team didn't get the memo, and if any of these projects will go down in flames, it will be that one. Good news is that there is yet another project that shares assets with the remake, which will take place after the events of NV(it takes place in 2281, F4 takes place in 2287), so modders can, thankfully, easily fix whatever they poz up, without breaking any sweat
>>180250 >B-But, they do have freedom of speech! Without the right to own guns to secure that right, then they don't have that right. Considering that it was the US who insisted they remain disarmed with America as protection - it shows how out of touch with what makes the Constitution and rights work that our own leaders were even back before our government was completely gutted by the MIC and worn as a skinsuit.
>>180267 Don't forget the fact there's a strong distain for firearms culturally speaking. I'm not sure what goes for domestic self defense there considering how low their crime rate is.
>>180264 Hex Maniac is the pokemon bitch?
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>>180269 thats the one
>>180270 >>180269 >>180264 there is not nearly enough porn of the RSE hex maniac, gen 6 one is literally just tomoko all grown up, i.e with tits
>>180267 >>180268 Japanese are a bunch of conformists that they'll do their best to avoid any trouble. >>180264 I don't understand what's the appeal of goths.
>>180266 It's amazing how few people in the modding community even understand the premises of the games they claim to love. Mod after mod, the Stormcloaks are continually referenced as being racist bigots who hate other races - when they're downright progressive compared to the same lore heroes they often venerate - like Ysgramor who led a genocide of the Falmer after the Night of Tears - or Tiber Septim who conquered the world by wholesale slaughtering anybody who opposed him - even unleashing Numidium on the Summerset Isles. Khajiit caravans can't enter the cities because they are directly FROM ELSEWYRE which is under Dominion control. The Argonians can't enter Windhelm because Windhelm has a large Dunmer population fresh out of Morrowind - fleeing red mountain and the Argonian hordes which currently occupies a large swath of their homeland. They don't want bloodbaths in the ghettos. Nothing stops a Khajiit or Argonian, or even Altmer player from entering any of the cities, or even from joining the Stormcloaks. Yes, they're suspicious of non-Nord recruits at first, but they have every right to be given the political situation and they still call you a true son/daughter of Skyrim (no matter your race or gender) if you prove yourself genuine to their cause. But barely anybody in the modding community seems to know that, or care. They just formed a first impression from that confrontation with the dark elf girl when first entering the city (who it turns out WAS a spy as they accused her of being, just not for the Dominion) - then ran with that impression of Ulfric as being the ultra-nationalist Trumpian boogeyman of Elderscolls lore. I've been playing a shit-ton of the quest mods these past few months and tried out a bunch of followers with dialogue and questlines... and this shit has been grating on my nerves for a while.
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>>180268 >>180267 But even before that the Tokugawa shogunate had kept the populace disarmed for most of the Edo period. So there is a historical precedence. >>180269 >Hex Maniac is the pokemon bitch? That she is.
>>180270 >>180272 >>180275 This is post gen 5? I don't recall these kind of designs during the games i played.
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>>180267 >>180268 >They don't know how many Japs actually are crazy about guns outside of Tokyo and Osaka
>>180273 Goths are, first and foremost, different, and thus guys that can't get normal girls think they have a better shot with the weird ones. Secondly, they're different, and thus they have the allure of something fresh and new, and thirdly they're different and might give you some real wild sex with nipple clamps and coffee enemas. Also a lot of goth girls in fiction have huge tits which is always a plus.
>>180277 Anon, we're talking about your average Jap civilian. Not gun nuts and military Otaku that'll be lucky to own airsoft's at best.
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>>180274 for some reason, it is a common belief among fallout 4 "fans" that the brotherhood of steel are actual, factual nazis(there was even a mod which replaced their symbol with swastikas, and gave all of them SS uniforms, not made by right wingers but for left wingers to role play ending the 4th reich or something, with their commie/nigger characters). Anyone who has played former fallout games will know that it is merely how they have always been, being something of a mix of all three brotherhoods we have seen thus far(western brotherhood, midwestern brotherhood, which was originally going to appear in the game, which is why you see the zepplins, and the lyons brotherhood from fallout 3). It also gave rise to autism like in pic related(mod author is part of antifa) >>605344 that's because japan is right next to china, you fucking retard. why wouldn't they take steps to prevent their citizens from being protected? just because the "pandemic" is a joke now didn't mean people weren't dying at the start of it >>180276 this is her design from XY and ORAS games, yes
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>>605350 so, what does that actually mean? seems pretty (((transparent))) to me, but is this the actual great reset that klaus was talking about? How much "Power" will this hold over countries that will sign up?
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>>180269 Yes. I remember when Patreon started fucking with anime-style art a couple years back, an animation of her was one of the things hit, because "Hex maniac's face is depicted to be under the age of 18".
>>180279 Again you don't actually know how many japs don't mind guns alot of people outside of the big cities in the countryside have guns and hunt for wild boars and bears.
>>180280 >>180281 Stop replying to niggerpill, you idiot.
>>180280 >for some reason, it is a common belief among fallout 4 "fans" that the brotherhood of steel are actual, factual nazis What? For years they've been saying the Enclave or Legion are that.
>>180282 >Hex maniac's face is depicted to be under the age of 18 what the fuck? sine when did various parts of the body start being treated differently? she's clearly an adult fucking woman, anyone with even one eye can see that >>180284 the WHO vote is an important topic, unless you have something to contribute, shut up
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Has this been posted? When Kotaku wrote an entire Roe v Wade article using Bloodborne https://archive.ph/x8OU9 >>180206 Not too familiar about Upper Echelon Gamers. Neat to see people talk about GG and not due to pearl clutching about it.
>>180287 >Has this been posted? When Kotaku wrote an entire Roe v Wade article using Bloodborne WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS INSANITY?! Jesus fucking Christ I nearly want to make a thread ripping this article the fuck apart. >>180287 >Not too familiar about Upper Echelon Gamers. He is one of the few Jewtubers who is kinda cool and is very much on our side for most things.
>>180285 Enclave are space nazis and Legion are part of the patriarchy conspiracy anon, get your facts straight >Frontier Fun Fact: the devs from that discord actually forced someone who was working on a major overhaul for the legion to be kicked off nexus, exactly for the reason I have stated. Now he has to continue work on his discord, I remember looking for a mod he released, which basically brought back a cut quest to take over novac for the legion, and it was nowhere to be found, these niggers can just get anyone they don't like banned >>180287 looks like a joke headline from the onion I still don't see the issue with Roe v Wade, it's not like abortion is getting outlawed. Stupid niggers need to read up on what they're actually "protesting" on, and gaming journalists all need to be fired
Why does every time someone talks about the bad stuff in Japan, niggerpill comes to shit up the thread? >>180278 I only know one girl which was a little bit of a goth because she painted her nails black, but she was a fat, ugly bitch and annoying. >>180282 I remember when Patreon were being incredibly anal that they screwed a lot of porn artists, including porn game-devs like that guy who made Monster Girl Island. But I still see some NSFW artists still posting porn content in there.
>>180282 Oh I remember this stupidity but forgot which character it was. It just blows my mind, artists should just use Fanbox instead.
>>180147 >Is the reason why so many of you are into Goblin women is because 8. You're French. Or does that only apply to elves?
>>180289 >Fun Fact: the devs from that discord actually forced someone who was working on a major overhaul for the legion to be kicked off nexus, exactly for the reason I have stated. Now he has to continue work on his discord, I remember looking for a mod he released, which basically brought back a cut quest to take over novac for the legion, and it was nowhere to be found, these niggers can just get anyone they don't like banned The Fallout (((Modding))) fags are really that fucking nutty on this subject?
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>Comments from that article lol
>Hex Maniac Yes
>>180280 Why yes, I'd be happy to get a certain art student into power in fallout. >>180282 >first image I sure am glad we can trace cp as long as the character has small eyes and seemingly longer limbs. >>180291 Or just sell art books, for even more effort to redistribute paid works.

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>>180280 >that's because japan is right next to china, you fucking retard. That's niggerpill, he's been singing that exact same tune for months.
>>180289 >I still don't see the issue with Roe v Wade The supreme court, in all but name, passed a law, which is so ridiculously outside the purview of their supposed powers that even Liberal Martyr Mummy Ruth Ginsburg said it was a mistake. People are REEEEing because it means red states are now free to outlaw abortion, which they always should have been able to since Roe V. Wade never should have been upheld. Hell, Roe herself admitted she completely made up the rape story a few months after the verdict, which in any other case in the fucking legal system would have been grounds to have it removed. It was kept up because the Justices at the time were scumfuck liberal activists (the justice who spearheaded it literally called himself an activist) and every justice since has been too chickenshit to call it what it was and the longer it remained the more sacrosanct it got until we have what we do now.
>>180295 what is that, a raccoon?
>>180297 That's just his handler telling him to redo it with a collectivist "we" instead of "I"
>>180293 It's actually nothing compared to how the elder scrolls modding scene looks, the fallout scene is tame by comparison, largely just focusing on releasing really cringy mods, like *insert SJW symbol of the week* flag here, including LGBT/BLM/ukraine ones, and everything in the frontier. In the elder scrolls modding community? Well, let's just say I saw someone hiding LGBT propaganda hidden inside various furniture, written in one of the foreign languages of the game, and that's not even scratching the surface The troons within the frontier discord have the pull with the nexus staff, and can get anyone banned, for any reason, but the amount of modders that can do just that in the skyrim community is much higher screenshots aren't mine btw >>180297 Does that make my statement any less right? I want to know what's going to happen with that vote tomorrow >>180298 this is still a state issue, so abortion isn't going away in blue states(most of the relevant ones). anything to make the leftist cattle upset is still fine by me
>>180052 OP you missed off the top two from Ongoing Discussions from the last bread. (OP.txt file wasn't posted last bread either.) Current OP.txt Just ask if anyone wants a Windows version.
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>>180287 But Mergo is stillborne and Yharnam wants her kidnapped baby back. Bloodborne is actually pretty relentlessly pro-natalist. The tragedy of Bloodborne's mothers is that every Great One loses its child, and then yearns for a surrogate. That's literally printed on that pic of Queen Yharnam that they used. Kos was so distraught about what happened to her son and the fishing village that she created a special hell for Hunters.
>>180287 If only they had been aborted.
>>180286 Niggerpill didn't come here to discuss anything and you're a retard if you seriously believe anything he says.
>>180303 >expecting faggots who write poorly-written hot takes to ever actually play, let alone finish a game >expecting them to even pay attention to the lore They can't even understand why the draconian measures made by unelected bureaucrats which kept getting more and more retarded was a bad idea, their brains simply do not fucking function. The whole "lol prolifers want everyone to die look at what they did during [OVERBLOWN DISEASE BULLSHIT]" is literally their idea of wit for fuck's sake.
>>180305 I've been hearing about this ominous WHO vote for quite a while now, and you're sounding like a triggered cuckchanner for being so upset with some random retard to this degree. Just find him and fuck already, you two, I just want to talk about the WHO vote
>>180301 >Well, let's just say I saw someone hiding LGBT propaganda hidden inside various furniture Speaking of which, I think the Immersive Armors mod has a painted shield that has tranny symbols on it. I can't just start the game up right now, so I'll try to grab a screenshot later tonight.
>>180256 Allow me to post this again.
what the heck
>>180310 >cute and funny well, are they wrong?
>>180310 It's a cunny = cute + funny joke.
>>180310 the third tag minus the first letter appended to the first letter of the second tag
>>180311 >>180312 >>180313 Clearly this is a conspiracy.
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>>180310 It's a cunny joke, anon. However I seriously doubt there is absolutely no comedy in a slice of life game either.
>>180310 >sunny side up more like cute and funny side up
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>>180314 Don't you mean a cunspiracy?
>>180317 You cunning little spic
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>>180301 >Does that make my statement any less right? It would be different if it was just a simple nitter link with a reminder of the event, without the constant spaghetti spilling of 'Oh noes, we are DOOMED! HOPELESS! Guess I'll just kill myself!' He's been doing this since the start of Covid, he did that over the Kyle Rittenhouse trial & went radio silent when the /k/id achieved a victory because the plaintiff couldn't stop putting their foot in their mouth. The fact that he continues with his autistic screeching shows he's too chickenshit to actually practice what he preaches & an heroes himself. It also shows he isn't willing to discuss anything. Am I saying it's not important to know about what's going on with the WHO? No, but don't be surprised if the same faggot who has consistently been spamming the board and likely other places makes anons lose interest in discussing it.
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>>180255 >I don't get the whole point of psychoanalyzing 2D porn like it has any meaning beyond why guys like it thinking there's some deeper Freudian meaning. Analyzing a subject matter objectively isn't bad. The problem is people upholding fictional characters to real life standards. This shit leads to extreme censorship like we've been seeing for the past 10 years. No matter how sick and twisted they might be. How realistic they can be depicted. Its not real.
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>>180320 >he's too chickenshit to actually practice what he preaches & an heroes himself Anon, of course he doesn't. He's not actually blackpilled. He's a liberal faggot, possibly even a ResetEra tranny, who wants us to be blackpilled so he pretends to be one of us (badly) to try and doom and gloom so we all will too. Convincing the other side it's hopeless is propaganda 101. He's just so fucking retarded it's always extremely obvious.
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>>180320 >>180323 He's been around a lot longer than just covid, he used to shit up 8ch's /pol/ for years prior to the site's death, well known for shit shit about the jews winning forever and being immortal/invincible, and of course the usual asses and elbows we surrender shit, I wish instead of trash like him sticking around past the bunker era, we had more of our old friends who might have gotten lost.
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>>180309 I read somewhere that a fan won some competition and made John "canonically" a tranny. Apparently an easter egg joke of john appearing like vriska in one flash game is evidence of him identifying as a girl, despite it contradicting every established fact about the character from the comic's beginning all the way until it's ending including the pronouns both the narrator and the character himself use.
>>180325 whatever happened to /homosuck/? And /mtt/?
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>>180252 Did Hussie himself disown /tg/? I sometimes wonder about those that have gotten their following from imageboards suddenly turning against them because they might get cancelled. >>180192 How was The Tick subverted for the worse?
>>180189 Why the fuck did they nbring back hyperrealistic sonic? were they su butthurt fans did not like that design?
>>180328 they wont ban 0% lowers, everything else gay

Slow news day, but here. They still can't let it go. https://archive.is/wZco6 - the twit from the twat https://archive.is/BIfTm - Vice article And Johnny Wept is a libtard pedowood lover, he has the same damn opinions like trying to kill Trump or calling anyone pointing out their bullshit as terrorists.
>>180331 >And Johnny Wept is a libtard pedowood lover, he has the same damn opinions like trying to kill Trump or calling anyone pointing out their bullshit as terrorists. Even if he does still gonna defend him as him winning helps us men not get fucked over.
>>180332 Not that, he has the same opinions as the ones who pretty much fucked him over or who he thought were his colleagues, literally no honor among thieves.
>>180299 Close, it's a hairy beaver.
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>>180325 Man those "gayslayer John" memes must have really rustled their jimmies. In any case the comic ended with John still as a heterosexual male, and homestuck 2 is glorified fanfiction even referred to as such by Hussie, so John canonically isn't a tranny regardless. There's a certain level of logical consistency required for a story to be a story, otherwise it ceases to be a story and becomes a nonsensical cluster of words. An author can try to make a character trans, but if everything before that firmly contradicts that notion then its no different from saying 1 + 1 canonically equals -24 >>180326 /homosuck/ is on megidochan, I don't know what /mtt/ is.
>>180331 >he has the same damn opinions like trying to kill Trump or calling anyone pointing out their bullshit as terrorists. He's from (((Hollywood))), what do you expect?
>>180333 Do you have proof anon as I'm willingly to believe you but would like it nonetheless as pre tradition of thread, but even if he is I'm willing to overlook it as him winning benefits us in in the long run as it kills #METOO's witch hunt jihad against Men.
>>180331 >GAMERGATE!!!!!1!!! >this will funnel men into the far right Maybe if the left wasn't constantly wrong, pushing out everyone with even a hint of wrong think, and frequently just out of their fucking minds in general, people wouldn't be looking to the opposite side of the political spectrum for support/etc. This is a problem of their own making, and they have only themselves to blame.
>>180333 Depp's personal beliefs aren't on trial here, though. The case is a referendum on the #MeToo movement. Johnny is just a useful tool in this, because his natural charisma is drawing the public sentiment away from Turd's lies and exposing the bullshit of the movement she once championed - even if Johnny explicitly supports said bullshit in any other context.
>>180338 I became right wing partly out of spite and partly because Right wing economics make fucking sense. >>180339 >Depp's personal beliefs aren't on trial here, though. The case is a referendum on the #MeToo movement. Johnny is just a useful tool in this, because his natural charisma is drawing the public sentiment away from Turd's lies and exposing the bullshit of the movement she once championed - even if Johnny explicitly supports said bullshit in any other context. These are my thoughts exactly as this trial redpilling Normalfags on how #METOO is mostly full of shit and cancel culture is bad. This is extremely important as Men have have to walk on eggshells for years now over the smallest things as to not have some thot ruin their lives.
>>180286 >what the fuck? sine when did various parts of the body start being treated differently? This is old news. It was one of those things that was so egregiously retarded, I could even tell normalfags about it and have them nodding in agreement.
>>180289 >it's not like abortion is getting outlawed. But it is? Without Roe v. Wade, the law reverts to olds state laws from the 80s(?), so basically it's going to be entirely illegal in near half the country until those states rewrite the laws as new cases come in, including fringe cases like threats to the mother's life or the unborn child already being dead.
>>180230 >Arena I mean, procedural generation IS all the rage these days, still. They could just outsource development of quality content to an algorithm and pitch Arena Remastered as "a roguelike" that is completely dumbed down from the original gameplay and complexity. "Skyrim, but with actually infinite quests!" Their whores would suck at the empty cock and beg for more. >>180270 Hex Maniac? More like Hex Maniac. She's fine without the sexualization. Hard life, and such.
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>>180344 Depending on the lore, she's been dead this whole time. Or at least there is a dead Hex Maniac haunting a hotel.
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>>180310 Did you miss when lolicons did this with Little Witch Nobeta? Anyone have that history of cunny use cap from these threads?
>>180345 What the fuck was the deal with that ghost in the elevator?!
>>180345 pretty sure that's not canon, it was just a preview of a story plot that would be present in a cancelled pokemon z game. She's just a socially awkward girl that's into spooky shit(pretty sure she fills in for female psychics, which are not present in that gen at all, for some reason) >>180347 see above
>>180215 >you NEED to care about my butthurt GRATUITIOUS REDTEXT Why?
>>180320 >The fact that he continues with his autistic screeching shows he's too chickenshit to actually practice what he preaches & an heroes himself. It also shows he isn't willing to discuss anything. No, it's proof that he's literally paid to post here. It's just copying and pasting shit. It's a very simple GPT-2 algorithm with a single person's oversight. What, you think paid shills aren't real?
>>180348 >She's just a socially awkward girl that's into spooky shit She also developed hyperthyroidism in between gens which caused her to develop bigger breasts and non-pregnancy related lactation.
>>180350 Being paid 2$ an hour must be a lot.
>>180348 That just creates further questions!
>>180346 This one?
>>180352 For a chink or a pajeet? It's practically middle class.
>>180343 >Without Roe v. Wade, the law reverts to olds state laws from the 80s(?) Even sooner than that, RvW DID NOT prevent the banning of abortion. It just outlawed the banning abortion until after the first trimester, then Casey changed that to 15 weeks. So the short of it is that states already do have abortion laws on the books, but now they're free to outlaw abortion entirely with zero restrictions. So, they can decide if abortions should be allowed all the way up to birth, should be banned once conceptions occurs, somewhere in the middle, or what have you.
>>180351 that's not the same person, trainer classes are just caricatures of how various trainers potentially look like in every region. Plus, one is present in japan, the other in france, or pokemon's equivalent of them >>180353 Pokemon Z had a very troubled development cycle, and parts of that game made it into the initial Sun and Moon release(like that special zygarde form quest and inclusion of two characters from XY, for little to no reason, plus the moves for special forms already existing in the files of XY, same with a special giveaway pokemon present in both games that was never handed over, which has it's own unique move). Moreover, time and manpower needed to be given to the ORAS project, and eventually it was just deemed it would be better to focus work on sun/moon and ORAS, so they cut out Z altogther and recycled it's content. Whatever plot points were started there, and not filled in with the anime or manga, are lost to time This is why Pokemon needs to stop being a yearly franchise, but it will never be given the development time it deserves as long as it prints money
>>180330 I don't understand this post.
>>180358 He's saying "durr we have gunz so dey can't take our freezumz" as though anyone is ever actually going to use guns to fight back on any scale whatsoever. Just ignore him.
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>>180343 Yes and no. It also means that abortion rights in the states that keep it will be widely expanded, since it was Roe v Wade which introduced the whole viability/trimester restrictions. If each state gets to write their own laws regarding abortion, then each state have as many or as few restrictions as possible. Overall, I don't really give much of a shit about the abortion issue as I do about it being a matter of taking issues that should belong to the states - and returning the decisions to the states. People like Dim Phol like to advocate a "peaceful divorce" that separates the nation into more representative independent governments - but the issue was already addressed at the founding of the nation. Each state was like a sovereign nation unto it's own, and the Federal Government more like a UN/EU body which protected private property, issued currency for interstate commerce (many states still had their own script, however), and provided for the common defense of all members in the Union. It wasn't until after the civil war that the United States became codified as a nation unto it's own, with the states acting more like prefectures under the authority of the federal gov't. The answer isn't "peaceful divorce", it's in restoring America to it's original configuration of allied semi-independent and individualized states by stripping the FED of authority that they've granted themselves that's beyond the scope of the Constitution. If you want maximal freedom, it goes Constitution > Town > Township > County > State > Fed. Instead, it's inverted - and each layer of government just writing their own laws to minimize freedom while adhering to the reverse of the heirachy with the FED second to the top, but ignoring the Constitution when convenient to them.
>>180354 Danke. I made most of those posts, but never saved the cap the other anon made. I just recalled that somewhere in there is a mention of LWN's cute and funny tagging. So yeah, cute and funny tagging loli games on Steam is 2 year old news.
>>180354 >posting a cap of one of your own posts while replying to yourself on TOR Shameful, but entirely consistent behavior. >>605450 >There is nothing wrong in being a Nazist. Nazis are socialists and socialists are bad people. This can't be emphasized enough.
>>180358 Actually I was saying the law doesn't affect raw materials, 80% lowers are usually blocks of aluminium that are not functional as firearms without finishing them off with a bit of work. Some article already said they're going after even simpler shapes like having to carve out the trigger area, so the joke was a 0% lower would just be some 3d printer filament or a block of aluminium for a cnc machine. The guy who replied to you first is a fed who fears the serial-less gun.
>>180362 Never change, Listanon.
>>180360 To be fair, part of the problem also deals with how modern politics have elevated the founding fathers to an almost godhood-like status (Perhaps, the only aspect of Bioshock Infinite that Levine hit the nail on) with treating the Constitution like it's a holy book. Rather than acknowledging that they were men, just as faulty as you and I, who outlined a form of government that they best believed would preserve their ideals and solve the problems they encountered being under the thumb of King George and the other monarchs.
>>180365 Don't worry, I won't.
>>180366 The stance you take is generally one used to support further restriction of freedoms though.
>>180282 What? You expect them to host 2D cheese pizza of buxom curvy 12 year olds? Fucking lolifags, amirite!? >>180286 It seems the follow the Schreier school of identifying sick lolicon pornography.
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>>180367 That's heartwarming.
>>180362 You just replied to niggerpill anon. You can tell by it having a variant of "its always okay to kill" in it.
>>180366 Well I'm not saying they were superhumanly brilliant or far sighted, but it is a very happy coincidence that the information revolution has expedited the fragmentation of political and social beliefs into smaller and smaller entities that wish for self governance - rather than be chained to monoliths which don't represent their interests. At the time, it was just a matter of communication. The guy sitting in your city hall was easier to communicate your concerns to than the guy in the state house - who was more accessible than your senator. It used to be that congress wasn't even elected by the people, but appointed by the states - and that if you didn't like who was put in office, then you vote out your state governor and put someone in who would appoint more palatable senators. Now that we elect "more democratically", along with the expansion of the FED, the vast majority of national attention has been placed on federal elections - rather than local elections. It feeds into the mindset that the FED is the only real form of government, and that states governments are just glorified janitors cleaning up local messes. It puts far too much power in the hands of the people LEAST qualified to represent their constituents.
>>180371 Would their tune have the same ring to it if they said "It's always okay to kill time?"
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>>180371 >You can tell by it having a variant of "its always okay to kill" in it. That's Luciano. Though some people have guessed they are one in the same, which I guess is possible.
>>180371 I know, my bad, but nazis aren't bad because muh gorrilions or the other usual reasons; they're bad because they're socialists. This never fails to piss off commies, as they always try to pull enough mental gymnastics to tie themself into a pretzel over "THE GERMAN SOCIALISM PARTY IS NOT REAL SOCIALISM!" which is entertaining.
>>180368 Don't see how when the issues in the mid-1700's was a government taxing the snot out of people on the other side of the world, refusing to provide these people with protection, massacring them if they decided to take matters into their own hands, and imprisoning dissidents who dared the criticize the crown. Today, the government is taxing the snot out of it's citizens to fight people on the other side of the world, refusing to protect it's own people, arresting their own citizens if they decided to protect themselves, and doxxing and unpersoning anyone who dares to criticize the chosen party in charge. On second thought, nothings really changed in the past 250 years.
>>180371 You just replied to listanon. You've been double wammy'd.
>>180376 Evolution is a very slow process, unless you do selective breeding; humanity hasn't really changed in the last five-to-ten-thousand years, short of increased racemixing due to increased travel, intermingling societies, and throwing away the old standards of keeping to one's own people.
>>180360 >It wasn't until after the civil war that the United States became codified as a nation unto it's own, with the states acting more like prefectures under the authority of the federal gov't. >The answer isn't "peaceful divorce", it's in restoring America to it's original configuration of allied semi-independent and individualized states by stripping the FED of authority that they've granted themselves that's beyond the scope of the Constitution. The main problem with getting back to there is that it would require a whole new Constitution. The Civil War didn't actually codify the change, that was the new Constitution (i.e. our current one) replacing the Articles of Confederation. All the Civil War did was answer all the remaining questions about Federal powers. If you want to get back to the original state of America then you've got to repeal our current Constitution and ratify a new one. Which I would be all up for personally but I don't see it happening under current conditions. Washington would have to lose its mandate of heaven and much of its power projection for that to even be a viable project.
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Whether you hate him or not, he's the most influential NEET of all time with the highest body count.
>>180379 You can't really go back to the Articles of Confederation without completely dismantling the Federal Government in it's entirety, because the current government draws the entirety of it's legitimacy from the Constitution. I'd be happy enough to just strip as much power from the FED as possible - and then see where is most prudent to go from there. The basic logic is still the same. As the information/communication revolution continues to fragment society into more and more individualized pockets - government should reform itself to better represent those pockets through local governance having primacy over federalized authority structures which govern the entire union.
>>180379 The constitution isn't the problem, it's the fact that over 200 years the scope of the 9th and 10th Amendments have shrunk exponentially due to abuse of the necessary and proper clause. Basically, the Fed gets to ignore both the amendments that explicitly say "any power not explicitly given to the federal government is given to the states" and "any power not given to the state or the fed is given to the people" all because the Federal government keeps finding it "necessary" that they assume power over more and more aspects of governance and public life.
>>180292 >8. You're French. How did you know?
>>180380 Literally nothing wrong with pics related.
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>>180386 I mean, how can you guess one's nationality simply from his attraction to cute monstergirls, or goblins in this case?
>>180387 French love Goblins IRL too
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>>180147 I like smol and I'm not overly fussy about the specifics of the smol. >Goblin girls are low on the Beauty/status societal ranking scale Them's fighitan words! >>180150 For me it's not just the skin but the eyes as well.
>>180329 >Why the fuck did they bring back hyperrealistic sonic? Hollywood still ass blasted over the sonic movie listening to fans as well the Synder cut happened. >were they so butthurt fans did not like that design It’s Disney. They were probably the butthurt. Speaking of Disney. The owl house had a lesbian kiss and it’s already being overshadowed by gadget canon fucking a fly. Even furries are grossed out by bug Impregnation. Congratulations Disney. You did something that grossed out the community that loved fart fetishism.
>>180331 >be me >be apposed to domestic abuse and ruining peoples lives off false accusations LOL guess I'm a "Far Right extremists" now.... Because a Propagandist games journalist says so. Welp guess I better go sign up to join Atomwaffen now because I don't like video game censorship and crazy celebrities, I'm sure those like minded folk will be very tolerant of my Meritocratic and Minarchist Libertarian beliefs. In any case they're both insane and ultimately I don't give two shits about celebrity drama, they need to go dry their crocodile tears with their silk an linen cloths snort their cocaine like the degenerates they are and leave those of us who aren't insane and absorbed by a cult of personality ego alone. >>180282 Pretty good animation but woman don't give out orgasmic moans just from giving paizuris, sure some individual ones might find it pleasurable in the mental sense but that's just a bit unrealistic but given hentai artists are just talented horny autists I'm willing to forgive them. They also B&'d our dear great leader Sargon of Akkad/Carl Benjamin LOL JK fuck that retarded Bongistani for wanting to be the face of Gaymer G8. But yeah fuck (((Patron))) but for having the mindset of a bunch of retarded Angloid Aussies were I guess anyone who doesn't look like a grandmother is basically a loli I guess? I dunno I gotta put myself in the shoes of a bunch of misguided busybody moral fags to come to that conclusion. >>180279 This sort of >>180283 The Nippons even export some guns manufactured in the land of the rising sun often times under the Browning company name. Simple stuff of course like 12 gauge and 22LR rifles since their gun laws are pretty cucked, great craftsmanship though which is why I plan on buying a rifle/shotgun from them some day to have fun with and hand down as a heirloom once I'm an old fart who bites the dust. Don't let your average every city slicker represent an entire nationality/race anon. >>180170 >>180164 I thought people in the Mainland couldn't even access "You"Tube? Doesn't that meaning they're breaking the CCP's laws by accessing the site through a VPN or are they unironic expats who fought tooth and nail to get themselves and their money into a comfy first world Westernized nation yet also insists Mainland isn't a corrupt dystopian shithole? I always wondered why that was, is it out of fear or is the CCP's brainwashing that effective? Ehh maybe a little bit of both, though as an Americunt myself that does come off as the pot calling the kettle black in all fairness at least when it comes to the Millennials anyway that I'm sadly one of, thank goodness they don't actually run anything important in the country, YET.. In any case that's just more the reason to buy yourself, a friend, your mother, and everyone at your local Lutheran Church a copy of LWN because the Calarts toonists and Globalists unironically fucking hate it. Feed a hungry Japanese game dev today anons. >>180112 You have a good point but...* USS Liberty incident USS Liberty incident USS Liberty incident USS Liberty incident USS Liberty incident USS Liberty incident USS Liberty incident USS Liberty incident Free Julian Assange Free Julian Assange Free Julian Assange Free Julian Assange Free Julian Assange Free Julian Assange Free Julian Assange Free Julian Assange Jeffry Epstein didn't kill himself Jeffry Epstein didn't kill himself Jeffry Epstein didn't kill himself Jeffry Epstein didn't kill himself Jeffry Epstein didn't kill himself Jeffry Epstein didn't kill himself Jeffry Epstein didn't kill himself Kuwaiti incubator babies Kuwaiti incubator babies Kuwaiti incubator babies Kuwaiti incubator babies Kuwaiti incubator babies Kuwaiti incubator babies Kuwaiti incubator babies Kuwaiti incubator babies Kuwaiti incubator babies Kuwaiti incubator babies WMD's in Iraq WMD's in Iraq WMD's in Iraq WMD's in Iraq WMD's in Iraq WMD's in Iraq WMD's in Iraq WMD's in Iraq WMD's in Iraq WMD's in Iraq WMD's in Iraq WMD's in Iraq >>180310 Witches and Wizards are cute and funny anon, what don't you get?
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>>180308 >>180301 Ok, doubt anyone gives a shit anymore, but here's that screenshot I was talking about. On second look, I'm not sure if it's a tranny symbol or not. Looks suspicious to me, though, and it's not like there's any shortage of overtly LGBT gear on the Nexus. You'll probably see another crop as soon as pride month kicks off. As for the other screenshots, they're examples of what I was talking about here >>180237 and in other threads. That's Rigmor, the main character of the mod - a bipolar manic pixie mary sue who's not only the child of Azura but also the second coming of Alessia who's child will lead all of Tamriel into millenia of peace (despite Tamriel being... you know, the eternal ARENA of conflict). She also has coloring books to calm down, and writes really shitty emo-girl poetry. The game also forces you to marry her. There's an option for "Friendship", but it's a big royal wedding celebration with tons of dignitaries from all over the world in which she professes her undying love for you regardless. You then take her to her bedchambers where you proceed... to watch her sleep. Oh, by the way - you are the goddamned Emperor, even before the marriage. The game forces that on you, because hur... it restores a dragon-blood ruler on the throne, and once you get the NEW Amulet of Kings back from the Dominion, you can relight the dragonfires even though all of that is completely meaningless since the end of Oblivion. Due to various circumstances, namely her reluctance to accept her destiny and my character already being FUCKING MARRIED AND RIGHT THERE, Akatosh had to get off his ass and make a new Dragonborn baby to be Rigmor's so the prophecy can be fulfilled. Now the game expects to cuck me into taking care of some weird destiny child. Well jokes on the mod author, my character is black and so one pack of cigarettes later and my ass is skeeeedaddled back home to Skyrim where I can't be extradited since the Stormcloaks won. Anyhow, this is the state of the Skyrim modding community. Just about anything ambitious is going to need a bunch of people, and those shitheads are going to poz it up. Anything good usually comes from a single autist, like Moonpath to Elsewyre, which is remarkably still the best quest mod out there despite being made before there was even a damned CK to work with.
>>180183 >On the bright side, I enjoy the fact that gaming is once again a shunned hobby for weirdos and outcasts. Really?
>>180389 >4th pic ...what would rank 4 look like? would it be named "gogob"?(which would allow room for rank 5 and 6 to be named "gogobbo" and "gogoblin" respectively) would her skin be chartreuse in color?(followed by 5th's being yellow and 6th's orange?) what level of horniness, ferality and asset increase would be appropriate? and what would her 4 earrings be made of?(ditto for gogobbo's 5 and gogoblin's 6) and yes, i would assume ranks 7, 8 and 9 to be called "gogogob", "gogogobbo" and "gogogoblin" respectively and have red, rose and magenta skin colors in order... and ranks 0, -1 and -2 to be called "blin", "bbo" and "ob"(the letter be by itself seems odd) as well as having azure, blue and violet skin colors in that descending order but anyhow, onto a more vidya related topic... besides warcraft, what games are good to fill up a man's goblin needs, in term of characters and/or playability and/or slayability?
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>>180392 Ah yes, the holy trinity of male, female, and "I'm going to fuck something weird"
>>180395 Didn't Vivec fuck a Guar?
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>>180396 Vivec has fucked a lot of things.
>>180394 I've identified two possible skin color sequences for goblins. Perhaps the first is the true goblin line and the second is the one for hobgoblins.
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>>180398 Where's the red?
>>180399 You're thinking of Japanese goblin.
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>>180399 Doesn't matter. You're not bringing up German kobolds up whenever you talking about them either, are you?
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>All those (1)s and multi-niggerpilled glowies arguing about how shit the world is and how daft japan is the moment it rings day time over at (((Glowtown))) <Some ledditors even agree with them, since they followed them here Fucking hell, you niggers aren't even subtle anymore. Meanwhile, Japan just did a bunch of what's basically anti-vaxx episodes. One of them being Kamen Rider Revice blatantly comparing the vax companies to urban development scams to open vaxx centers, the founders to be literal devils that want to engage in eugenics with the help of government approved organizations and the military-police, along with a hidden message for race-mixing in all of this habub. Holy fuck >>605566 >God of War 2 was banned in Greece Fucking horseshit, not only every one of my friends had it, they printed fucking greek manuals for it, was an even bigger success than GoW1 and 3 combined and we had petitions to use classically trained theatre actors to do dubbing for the darn thing <We got tv "actors" to voice GoW Ascension It's something.
>>605566 >Fallout 3 was banned in Australia because of it's realistic depiction of trying to survive in a hostile unlivable environment while eradicating the mutants that populate the area. I can see why.
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>>180403 Abbos can be controlled if you just tap into their waaagh field.
>>180404 >Get in the jalopy, faggot - we're saving the outback.
>>180402 >hurr durr nippon so based Every fucking country does vaccine skeptic content now, you dishonest fuck. In western countries that sentiment is found not in entertainment but documentaries.
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>>180406 >Every fucking country does vaccine skeptic content now, you dishonest fuck. <X to doubt Really my dude? Siding with the glowies? And were exactly is the skeptic sentiment exactly, when 85% of the local popullation is triple or quadruple vaxxed already? Or when the local newspapers jump from >Covid is dangerous to >Monkeyjizz is even more dangerous, prepare for an even worser pandemic, coming this September and having the locals freak out the same way they did for covid? Where's the skepticism in that exactly? >Documentaries True but even you should understand how much of a difference there is in an underground documentary only sheltered people watch and may repost on youtube for more clicks but is ultimately shot down as conspiracy until most faggots have a Deus EX moment and a regularily scheduled tv program that most of the normalniggers watch on a regular basis which would go against the fucking glowies narrative of nips being so conformist they accept everything up their ass, a narrative that has been pushed by goons, glowies, their inbetweens and redditors in the past and if you were on imageboards from the start you'd have seen it.
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Morning GaymerGays Did anything good come from indie expo?
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>>180408 Norman Reedus announced Eat Standing 2 and the korean guy or was he chinese? who's doing Lost Soul Aside, that FFXV copy game with Unreal 4 assets said that it's progressing well. They just happened the same day, I doubt Kojima's sequel was part of it though.
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>>180409 You git, no one iz gonna store red paint in da middle a no'ere.
>>605566 >Doom II >The game also has demons that resemble religious leaders like Jesus Christ or Buddha in some cases. What the fuck kind of faggotry is this? The closest thing you get is the Archvile with resurrection and that sure as shit ain't fucking Jesus.
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>>180411 REMOVE ORKS
>>180412 Germany and Australia have been notorious for finding every exceuse under the sun to ban or censor games and right behind them was the UK up until Postal 2 came out or something? Then they started being more lax about it. It shouldn't be surprising anon unless you're also surprised about the Brazil and Argentina inclusion in the ban
>>180414 It's a bunch of faggots using weasel words to try to placate masses who were sold a series of nonsensical beliefs by <nice people in the glowing box The number of people who buy into bullshit all because they saw it on the news really needs to take a fucking nosedive.
>>180282 >>180290 >I remember when Patreon were being incredibly anal that they screwed a lot of porn artists, including porn game-devs like that guy who made Monster Girl Island. But I still see some NSFW artists still posting porn content in there. I'm fairly certain they've all but backpedalled on their animu-porn ban as a result of serious loss (and the whole thing may have been (((Payment Processors))) having another power-trip, it happened to The Booru Project). That being said, Patreon's instead switched over to fucking with "incorrect fantasies". Incest, for instance, gets fucked with actively and I've seen plenty of porn games/artists forced to remove mention of it.
>>180416 More like Patreon switched over to fucking with "creators they don't agree with" because you can do a thousand incest stories on patreon and nobody will touch you if you're from taiwan or korea, no matter how much english you put in your bio explaining that >Yes, I'm from East Asia, please enjoy all of my favourite content that blatantly goes against Patreon's rules but the moment someguy from the west posts, Patreon is one move short from sending fighter jets at your house. It's why a lot of mexicans and peruvians pretend to be "ethnic asians" on patreon, posting on very broken japanese on patreon and when you go to their linked pixiv, they don't even hide it.
>>180401 He just prefers ugly bastards over shortstacks, don't kinkshame.
>>180335 /mtt/ was our very own undertale community.
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>>180409 I always love that they snuk in a reference to the komitee and the red gobbo.
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>>180307 Telling your retarded, newnigger ass to not bother interacting with niggerpill doesn't mean I want to fuck him. >>180400 Oni aren't goblins, you're thinking of tengu.
Uhhh Japan based, am I right fellow anonymous?
>>180423 Nuh-uh, says I, Despair Suppository!
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The butthurt over japan is hilarious.
>>180426 new specific butthurt or just the usual general butthurt?
>>180426 I fucking love Japan
>>180428 That's new. Is this something by the Gantz mangaka, or another spinoff he let a different mangaka do?
>>180426 What the fuck are you talking about? Spill the beans.
Apple news right now (The news shit they force onto your IPhone) is saying the election wasn't stolen lol Generally that kind of "fact checker" shit is all I hear from them.
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>>180331 You can say that about anyone in Hollywood, but the only important thing right now is putting the bitch in her place. Getting this shit out into the open and having one of the people of the celebrity class get demonized for what she's done this publically will help fully eliminate the special and abused privileges of a woman over a man. We can toss Depp under a bus afterwards if he pulls pedo shit. Else you'll have to find another target to get your blood. There's plenty in Hollywood.
>>180433 If you turn off all leftist news sources inside the app, you won't get stuff like that.
>>180435 Thing is it does it by default. Most people won't actually do that.
>>180410 >death stranding 2 What in the world? And I only hear about this now?? No way.
>>180331 I don't know why he's complaining though, it's not like the "witch hunting" would affect him. Although, Natalie is a very odd name for a man.
>All this about Depp, Herd and me3 needing to die and shit Say what you want about Captain Sparrow and this trial but at least we all got some nice material for the best Phoenix Wright parodies in years. >INB4 someone accuses me that I don't care I really don't, it's part of a much more and much more vast problem, even if the normalcattle open their eyes to the metoos, it's not gonna change the world overnight, it certainly won't change women who became narcissistic whores with god complexes overnight either. >>180432 Sol Badguy was always a cool guy. >>180437 Yup. Some news sites did report on it.

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>>180427 Both, while Japan certainly isn't prefect the amount of butthurt it generates is hilarious. >>180430 Some of the fags kvetching here in this thread and the trend of leftist asshurt in general about Japan and recently sjweebs over this tweet https://archive.ph/HaK4Z. The mangaka Nishizawa or 5mm who is know for drawing women with big booba turned out to be a woman who has some massive ones herself, while sjweebs localisers like in the webm look like nasty arse freaks.
>>180440 She's kind of ugly.
>>180441 >0/10 wouldn't bang.jpg
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>>180441 Here, i'm sure this is more your speed. enjoy the man pussy.
>>180441 She's above average I would say. Also looks like she's not wearing any makeup. (That's either a plus or minus depending on the kind of person you are. Personally I hate how much makeup women wear. I wish they would only wear it for special occasions or theatrical reasons).
>>180423 Saying something that's the truth in a sarcastic way doesn't make it magically not-true. Way to own-goal.
>>180440 I can't stand Hero Hei's voice, it have a certain tune of pretentiousness that I really hate. Also "localizers have an obligation to translate things correctly"? Why hire localizers if professional translators exists. What a pathetic logic. Jesus fucking Christ on a stick.
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>>180446 Exactly, why hire localizers at all?
>>180446 Give him a break, he has major autism. The fact that he can even speak that well is a triumph.
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>>180441 >She's kinda ugly Are you around super models 24/7? If not you have vision issues. >>180446 >I can't stand Hero Hei's voice, it have a certain tune of pretentiousness that I really hate. I've spoken to him before as we live in the same area he's actually really nice guy, don't really watch his stuff but I can say I don't mind him as a human being. >Also "localizers have an obligation to translate things correctly"? Why hire localizers if professional translators exists. What a pathetic logic. Jesus fucking Christ on a stick. Localisation to a degree is actually needed but as Torrential Downpour showed that vast majority of them take liberties to pozz shite up to add memes or a pollical jab mainly of the far left variety.
>>180444 She has a square jaw and a fat face, plus she isn't white. >>180451 I have standards.
>>180446 >Why hire localizers if professional translators exists. There's much more money in acting as interpreters or translating government docs and other non-media shit. That's what I often hear anyway. No idea what the pay grade is.
>>180452 You have sincerely high ones that border on narcissism. I don't think you've put your dick in pussy m8.
>>180454 Give him a break. He wants to fuck CWC.
>>180435 And, they respond by sending it to your email (Which you CANNOT unsubscribe from).
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>>180448 The Leftism religion is a terrible idea on it's own so it has to be sold in other people's (better) products under the guise of "Localization." A Localizer "improving " a translation is like some guy jizzing in your hamburger to "spice it up." No one should hire "Localizers" for anything. Except maybe septic-tank cleaning or horse-fluffer or the like.
>>180454 Yeah so, where the fuck do you think you are?
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>>180440 >Ollie Barder That name still films me with immense rage to this day. >That lady Can't be Kaito Pink, can she? She's way too busty and seems to not have had sex on camera yet while drawing her manga. Also, her breasts seem bigger than Pink's. <Nishizawa 5mm That's how she always looked? Well damn and sweet to however hooks up with her. >>180443 Is that Gabriel Inglesias in a wig or something? >>180449 While that may be true Satan, autism doesn't cause pretentiousness, that's a quality that narcissists mostly have, regardless of if they are very lightly in the spectrum or not. >>180453 This seems to be sadly the case in EuroUS apparently. The funny thing is, Yurostan did have standards and we had actual translators at some point in time save for the UK that censored fucking everything in the 80s, even american products
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>>180452 >I have standards. "Sure" >>180453 >There's much more money in acting as interpreters or translating government docs and other non-media shit. That's what I often hear anyway. No idea what the pay grade is. For that I belive you can make a pretty penny while faggot sjweeb localisers make pajeet shekels >>180456 >And, they respond by sending it to your email (Which you CANNOT unsubscribe from). JESUS FUCK! CALL FUCKING ROSSMANN TO STOP THIS JUDAISM >>180459 >That's how she always looked? Well damn and sweet to however hooks up with her. She's 29 and unmarried so she is a legit cake.
>>180460 >She's 29 and unmarried so she is a legit cake. In Japan it's once you reach 30 you get CAKE'd. At least that's what I've always known and remembered. Though people seem to loosen up on that given how many early often work related marriages seem to break without kids and then the couple later re-marry people outside their work environment and have families, which helped aleviate the whole cake thing given they married after 30, so young people nowadays seem to not mind the unmarried women in their 30s in Japan.
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It's still hilarious how wanting proper translation is now a right wing stance.
>>180462 I blame idiots who elevated a moron like Noam Chomsky to the field and put the likes of Holmes and Nida on the wayside because reasons.
>>180462 Proper translation is hard work which as we all know, is something leftists avoid like the plague.
>>180462 The left view wanting free speech as a exclusively right wing stance, they're the definition of mentally retarded.
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>Conveniently pops up
>>180458 >Pretending this board is YOUR rodeo Maybe you're just a fag.
>>180462 I'm not sure if it's a Thomas Sowell quote or someone else, but: "Reality has a Right-Wing bias." The Left are literal Team Rocket, "fighting against the evils of truth and love" so an accurate translation from a culture that they have no influence over is anathema to them.
>>180467 ♂FUCK YOU♂
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>>605693 >twitter is real life A bunch of cucked koreans and other gaijin doing a thing for social media +1s doesn't mean shit. I don't like using it because it's a reddit soyboy term, but all you're doing is actual "cope"; you're just saying what you want to be true rather than the truth.
Is there a current happening going on with Japan or some shit?
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>>180468 >Reality has a Right-Wing bias Whoever said that is about as fucking retarded as the leftists are today. Reality has a bias against uncontrollable Evil, regardless of what shitty political label current-year retards want to attach to it. >>180469 >♂FUCK YOU♂
>>180468 Whoever said it was saying it to refute Stephen Colbert or some other guy like that, who said reality has a left-wing bias.
>>180474 Wrong. The original was from the 1980's.
>>180471 Nippon Rising Sun Lando literally has no issues outside of the whole aging population poverty shuffling thing.
>>180476 Nah, japan has plenty of issues, the thing is that they are still sane unlike the west.
>>180476 >has no issues outside of the whole aging population poverty shuffling thing. >no issues Sure, if you don't mind catastrophic earthquakes that constantly tank the economy, property damage by fires or worse, tsunamis and due to the latter also affecting fish stock, fucking up your food and economy at the same time, have horrible heat waves during the summer that has the government give you days off to literally cool off and love living in the after-school club about cockroach studies, then yes. But that would require you live in the Aegea sea area, over at the Canary Islands or some of the Tonga islands or Australia but most people who vehemently want to go there don't sans the aussies for example, to me, those are all normal and give how reduced crime is in Nipland, it's paradise compared to me country nowadays. Still, those issues are very sane compared to the insanity happening right now in the major parts of the west.
>>180476 Japan has major issues but at least deals with them way better then we do ours. The average person in Japan isn't insane and the politicians don't want their nation to be a total shitehole.
>>180478 >after-school club about cockroach studies I would do that
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>>180478 If all you can come up with is natural disasters, I have to point out that California has about the same frequency but socially, legally and crime wise it's the worst first world sector on earth. Japan meanwhile, while it does have social issues related to social repression (which has actually gotten better the past few decades) people can only point out that it's an island with island problems. Problems that seem to be fucking nothing caused by humans. Problems people keep pointing to as if they're fucking actual problems. It's disingenuous. You know damn well what problems we're talking about. >>180479 Japan even has a better trash system then America, mostly out of necessity. But I guarantee that if any other first world country adopted Japan style trash handling we wouldn't have landfills that fuck up the environment.
>>180470 You're saying I'm coping while the posts above me are doing essentially that lmao. Go ahead and delete this post because it doesn't fit in the narrative that needs to be pushed here.
>>180456 Literally never had e-mail from the service. Of course you can unsubscribe. It's opt-in only.
>>180481 >we wouldn't have landfills that fuck up the environment You do realize that much of that is a myth started by environmentalists, right?
>>180484 >You do realize that much of that is a myth started by environmentalists, right? While I fucking hate environmentalists with all my soul, landfills are still harmful as fuck to the environment aren't a good thing.
>>180485 >While I fucking hate environmentalists with all my soul No, you don't. You hate the wing of the communist establishment that claims anthropogenic global warming exists. It does not. Their co-opting of "environmentalism" as a catch-all term was designed to hijack your natural, innate support for the beauty and health of the the environment in order to garner support for their dysgenic, genocidal, proven false economic and political positions.
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>>180445 >Not the webm >>180462 You know what really grinds my gears. Even though they're censoring shit, they're still supporting the evil wrongthink they hate, in a way. A translator shouldn't try to "improve" something with bad writing, it's their job only to make the foreign language readers understand what is said, and the the work live or die on its own merits otherwise, and altering it, even if it's an improvement, means that cashflow is supporting original shitty work. Not that translators ever often improve upon the writing of any work. Similarly, if SJW niggerfaggots cover up all the wrongthink in foreign media, then serve it to the lefty English speaking faggots in the western hemisphere, they're not eliminating the doubleplusungood badthink, they're just covering it up. The western sales of that work still end up going to support the developers and companies that are cranking out the wrongthink they despise.
>>180485 >landfills are still harmful as fuck to the environment Okay, how? How is it harmful for the environment to collect people's trash; sift through the items that can be degradable, cannot be degradable, and can be recycled; throw the degradable items in the ground and cover up with dirt once the landfill is "full" so that development can occur on top of the land (With the items then dissolving or producing methane can be used to power facilities); meanwhile send the recyclables and non-degradable items to facilities that can dispose or reuse the items?
>>180488 >sift through the items that can be degradable, cannot be degradable, and can be recycled >throw the degradable items in the ground <He thinks they actually sort through the trash everywhere <As if most places don't just separate out kitchen trash, a few token things like scrap and tires, and chunk everything else in the ground How often have you used your local landfill?
>>180489 >How often have you used your local landfill? Used to go about once a month, and they'd turn people away if they had any items that couldn't be disposed properly or sorted out.
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>>180488 >Okay, how? How is it harmful for the environment to collect people's trash; sift through the items that can be degradable, cannot be degradable, and can be recycled; throw the degradable items in the ground and cover up with dirt once the landfill is "full" so that development can occur on top of the land (With the items then dissolving or producing methane can be used to power facilities); meanwhile send the recyclables and non-degradable items to facilities that can dispose or reuse the items? That's not this works at all and do you know anything on this subject at all? All the non recyclable goes into landfills and it tends to be filled with legitimately harmful shit that effects the environment. >>180490 That doesn't mean they aren't harmful, I mean sure landfill management has improved a fuck ton but it's still not harmful.
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>>180481 >Sperging out natural disasters Are you retarded or have you never gotten out of your urbanite neighbhourhood? >I have to point out that California Congratulations to fucking California, what do you want, a cookie for that? You said that Japan has no problems other than an anthropological one which is disengenious. They just have a better grasp about their problems and don't make them public for the entire universe to deal with, whining about them 24/7. Believe it or not, they care about the next natural disaster and always try to take preventetive measures and have ingrained, in their actual culture and work ethic, the idea of working together with the environment to bolster profits, give jobs and have a safer environment. >people can only point out that it's an island with island problems. And people shouldn't know about it? What, are you gonna recommend to someone to move to Cyprus next and tell them that it doesn't have a hydration problem or a poisonous snake and rat problem that rivals the jungles of the Amazon? Because it's not a problem caused by humans? >It's disengenuous No it's not and fuck off with that shit. You see a ton of people move to Japan for ommisions like that and it only hurts Japan and those who move there and both then in turn make it miserable for everyone one. Even those that weren't involved. This whole shitty train of thought of "ommiting the problems that don't bother me personally" has become fucking tiresome as an attitude. Include everything. >Japan even has a better trash system then America, mostly out of necessity. But I guarantee that if any other first world country adopted Japan style trash handling we wouldn't have landfills that fuck up the environment. If any western country adopted Japan's trash handling we wouldn't have any sort of trash mafia or recycling mafia in the first place, which is sadly a bigger concern than the environment at this point. >>180488 Once somethign degrades under the ground their particles disolve and coalece around the dirt and later they are absorbed by the plants around them, effectively building a small amount of poison in them that gets bigger in dosage as nearby organisms munch on those plants and eventually reach the human plates, with the humans eating about 5mmls of trash per bited by then. It's a similar phenomenon in the waters as well, it's called bioaccumulation and biomagnification. And that degraded amtter stays there for decades, which isn't ideal either. The best thing to do, if you wanted to do landfills, was to find a completely infertile piece of land and do it there but that's not what happens most of the time out of necessity. The trash situation however, even with all of this, never harms the environment, as I show in the pic, it ultiamtely comes back to bite mankind in the ass.
>>180488 >>180491 Rain. Trash heaps attract a lot of rain and the toxins within WILL be redirected elsewhere. Harmful foreign bacteria, shit that kills plants and poisons dirt, like nigger go onto a walmart parking lot on a hot day after it's rained, you WILL feel sick simply because there's particles in the rain. If landfills weren't an issue we wouldn't have a mandate based around them and not building farms or anything else around them for a certain distance. >>180491 Playing coy like a leftist doesn't prove shit nigger.
>>180492 Really doesn't matter what you say since it's clear you're hear to argue in bad faith like that one anti-japan fag.
>>180490 Well my local landfill just has everyone dump whatever. They only care that you don't put furniture in the kitchen trash area because it jams the machines, and that's only if they're actually watching you dump shit there, which they often aren't.
>>180491 >it's still not harmful. LeL
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>>180494 Congratulations anon, here's your (you), E for Effort.
>>180491 >All the non recyclable goes into landfills and it tends to be filled with legitimately harmful shit that effects the environment. SUCH AS WHAT?!? The ONLY "harmful" things landfills produce is methane. >>180492 >Once somethign degrades under the ground their particles disolve and coalece around the dirt and later they are absorbed by the plants around them, effectively building a small amount of poison in them that gets bigger in dosage as nearby organisms munch on those plants and eventually reach the human plates, with the humans eating about 5mmls of trash per bited by then. It's a similar phenomenon in the waters as well, it's called bioaccumulation and biomagnification. And that degraded amtter stays there for decades, which isn't ideal either. If it's as harmful as you say, why hasn't humanity died out centuries ago? Plastics and Mercury have seen wide-spread usage for the past 400 years. Even then, we get irradiated materials such as uranium from under the ground. >>180493 >Harmful foreign bacteria, shit that kills plants and poisons dirt You mean like salt? >>180495 >Well my local landfill just has everyone dump whatever. You're telling me that you can show up in a pickup with the back filled with car batteries and motor oil, and they'll let you through no questions asked?
>>180498 >actually pretending not to know what things in a landfill harm the environment Yeah, you're just here to spam.
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>>180493 >Playing coy like a leftist doesn't prove shit nigger. So pointing out that landfills are full of harmful stuff for the environment and that pretending they aren't is coy? I'm not a retard environmentalists in fact I fucking hate them for reasons >>180486 >>180496 I made a typo I meant to say " but it's still doesn't mean that it's not harmful to the environment" >>180498 >SUCH AS WHAT?!? >The ONLY "harmful" things landfills produce is methane. Are you legitimately a smooth brain?
>>180492 Wasn't their old saying called ”mad as a hatter"? I thought it had something to do with guys that used to make hats going insane because of the hot glue having high concentrations of dangerous chemicals like Mercury. With all of the horrible stuff poisoning the world's food supply maybe that's one of the reasons why people are crazier than they used to be these days? A really bad mix of gmos, sugar, plastic, synthetic estrogen, and Mercury probably aren't really good for the mental health of the human population long-term... >>180452 As I said before, she looks like she's wearing very little makeup if any. And she still looks fairly decent. Contrast that with the average goblin using black magic to conceal their true looks.
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>>180500 Ultimately you're not understanding that half of conservatism is keeping your fuckin' society clean nigger. The only issue is that the dirty as fuck pieces of shit on the left co-opt everything to push you away from it. You need to keep your fucking head you goddamned idiot, and not have your values purely based on repulsion to people, because that makes you manipulable. Outrage is your weakness. Learn and think nigger.
>>180502 Anon if you read my post I'm saying landfills are harmful to the environment I'm unsure of what your trying to push/pin on me.
>>180501 Anon how do you know that she is using very little makeup? How do you know that no subtle camera filters are applied?
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>>180501 Half the crazy shit in my area happens near the walmart and that shit is fucking filthy. I worked there for a few years and that place does shit to you. Rain makes the place even worse in the summer. In spring it helps wash the stench away but in summer that shit just evaporates back up. Our sector used to have weekly cleanup trucks that washed the streets around 10:00 pm when all the cars were out, but after the pandemic that shit stopped happening for a whole year and the work became absolute hell. Mind clouded, violence every week, etc. It used to be violence happened round every month or so and outside the store.
>>180498 >you can show up in a pickup with the back filled with car batteries and motor oil, and they'll let you through no questions asked? Yeah, as long you don't walk up to them and go, "Hey look, I shouldn't be dumping this here, right?", then they won't bother you. You go in the weigh station, you drive to the back, dump whatever, and they just trust you to put anything that's supposed to go elsewhere there on your own. What god damned fairyland do live in where workers at landfills actually sort through what's dumped there by customers that customers didn't already sort themselves? Just take a bulldozer and push it all back. Nobody has time for that shit, the lines are long enough as it is.
>>180498 Jesus fuck, you're utterly retarded. >>180501 Yeah, you something like that. You see it in the advanced ages nowadays, suddenly the body gets more and more decrepit suddenly, you lose your marbles way easier and so on and yet you go to some old folks home at a remote place, where they grow their own food and somehow they're fine despite being way more advanced in age. While those high concentration of those particles don't outright kill you, they fuck you up. If anyone remembers back in the day when women used to put arsenic as fucking make-up and what it did to their faces, just because "make-up artists" told them it was good for the skin. > A really bad mix of gmos, sugar, plastic, synthetic estrogen, and Mercury probably aren't really good for the mental health of the human population long-term... Sugars aren't so much the problem but other harmful particles like mercury, bronze, lithium, radium, plastic particles and those synthetic estrogens / synthetic testosterones / taurines I think only redbull has those do not leave the human body so easily. In fact, they almost never leave the living body of most organism which is why biomagnification is a problem in the first place in the fauna, including us.
>>180506 There's a landfill near me that sorts out the paints and liquids from the fill to get them processed due to potential reactions that might cause fires. Outside of that, everything's trash. There's not even a section for electronics which is a huge mistake due to toxic metals and the fact that recycling the gold and metals for reuse is extremely important for reducing overall production.
>>180498 >SUCH AS WHAT?!? Mountains of plastic mostly, and I'd wager batteries too. Nobody is taking that shit out of the literal tons of old toys and appliances dumped there. >If it's as harmful as you say, why hasn't humanity died out centuries ago? We haven't run out of land yet. >we get irradiated materials such as uranium from under the ground. Those aren't yet processed and refined, you dumb nigger.
>>180499 >>180500 Can either of you actually list what other "byproducts" landfills actually produce, then? Looking it up, the vague catch-all term I'm seeing is "acidic leachate", which doesn't explain anything. And, the closest information I can find is that the "acidic leachate" is just a fancy way to refer to vinegar (Which is an acid) and salt, in addition to this article: https://infogalactic.com/info/Acid_sulfate_soil >These soils contain iron sulfide minerals (predominantly as the mineral pyrite) or their oxidation products. In an undisturbed state below the water table, acid sulfate soils are benign. However, if the soils are drained, excavated or exposed to air by a lowering of the water table, the sulfides react with oxygen to form sulfuric acid. >Release of this sulfuric acid from the soil can in turn release iron, aluminium, and other heavy metals (particularly arsenic) within the soil. So, as far as I can tell, from the information I can find, landfills are as impactful towards the environment as everything else humanity has done.
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>>180510 >Can either of you actually list what other "byproducts" landfills actually produce I refuse to believe you are this fucking retarded.
>>180508 >There's not even a section for electronics The closest mine has to that is a section for extra large appliances, like refrigerators and such. The smallest things there are usually microwaves and box fans, but again, they don't care if those sorts of things are dumped in the main landfill, usually.
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>>180510 >"acidic leachate" is just a fancy way to refer to vinegar (Which is an acid) and salt, in addition to this article Aight nigger go to a landfill and pick up some vinegar then for your pasta. Have a nice meal, bet it's completely safe you fucking dumbass haha holy shit
>>180509 >Those aren't yet processed and refined So, all those uranium miners who died from cancer did not exist, correct: https://archive.ph/gRuaD >>180511 So, you cannot actually list what byproducts exist? >>180512 >The closest mine has to that is a section for extra large appliances That's so that they can harvest all of the metals used. For example, refrigerators are filled with copper wiring and pipes.
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>>180510 >If it's as harmful as you say, why hasn't humanity died out centuries ago? Humanity lives and has modified about 14.6% of the world for livable spaces. The main issue is that the environment can only become better in the long term and people have to think ahead before they sign off on letting uncaring corporations slap shit into landfills and supercharge harmful industry into lakes near cities. When humanity starts hitting 30 percent world modification that's when any natural problem we have today will be more then doubled due to the law of averages. The environment IS important, but don't let the democrat tree hugger faggots fool you into thinking it isn't when they act like faggots. >>180514 Go drink trash juice nigger, we're not playing that game when all you're trying to do is win an argument through bad faith instead of being reasonable. It's just a goalpost moving game for you. Nobody has the time to deal with that. Talk real you stupid bitch. You're absolute fucking off your rocker if you're believing whatever leftist propaganda you consumed.
>>180514 >So, you cannot actually list what byproducts exist? Yep. We can. Piss off.
>>180482 >I will accuse you of what I'm doing I've never seen this before from a Leftist. >>180487 I was looking for that. Thank you. >>605755 >LOOK AT ALL THESE BOT LIKES And n?
>>180515 >The main issue is that the environment can only become better in the long term and people have to think ahead before they sign off on letting uncaring corporations slap shit into landfills and supercharge harmful industry into lakes near cities. And, what about the companies that do pass all the regulation, get the rubber stamp from the government that they're not effecting the environment, and STILL have environmentalist endlessly bitch about how "corporations" are the ones causing all of the problems in the world: https://odysee.com/@johnstossel:7/classic-stossel-shutting-down-progress:3 Also, what about where the issue is that it's the GOVERNMENT who's the one causing all the "pollution" due to how they endlessly subsidize all the companies and practices who are "harming" the environment: https://www.americauncovered.tv/america-uncovered-episodes/how-%E2%80%9Cbig-sugar%E2%80%9D-is-corrupting-politics If ANYTHING, it seems more like the solution is to get the government out of the picture entirely. >>180516 >Yep. We can. Then, list them!
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Is it just me or does Niggerpill seem actually genuinely angry right now? Like usually he has his default mode and that's it, but people saying good things about Japan is really setting him off. His unhinged comment about every country being vaccine hesitant is so divorced from reality it's comical. I think this is actually getting to him.
>>180518 >the companies that do pass all the regulation Lobbyists. >get the rubber stamp from the government that they're not effecting the environment Who have never lied to anyone. >and STILL have environmentalist endlessly bitch about how "corporations" are the ones causing all of the problems in the world You were already explained about THAT part.
>>180103 There's no evidence that goblins inherit anything from human DNA. My headcannon is they just need a womb to grow in and are more like parasites injecting eggs, rather than fertilizing anything. Although it's a criminally underwritten part of the GS universe.
>>180516 >>180518 Let me put it another way, if there is "so much" information on what so-called "toxins" are being dumped into the ground as a result of creating landfills, then you should easily be capable of searching and providing the documents that actually list what all those toxins are, what they actually do, and how they effect people. The fact that you don't provide these documents, for the simple purpose of shutting me up, seems to indicate that you're just as clueless as to what actual harm landfills have beside what knowledge is gained from related fields and personal experience. >>180520 So, what's your solution then?
THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS DANGEROUS CHEMICALS IN TRASH JUST DRINK THE TRASH JUICE BRO Bitch, we are living in an age where information is easily accessible, you can always look up information yourself to prove if someone is right or wrong as something as simple as dangerous chemicals in landfils. Hell, I just did that myself to prove how easy it is. https://archive.ph/rWJOC >Leachate from landfills can cause cancer and other serious harm, and it’s a threat whether it’s ingested, inhaled or touched […] >The new system is based on a thorough literature review, which turned up 484 landfill pollutants. In the end, the top 40 most toxic compounds included pesticides, fungicides, pharmaceuticals, and industrial byproducts, like those from cigarettes, coolants, lubricants, and flame retardants. >Of all those compounds, 21 were found to be potential or confirmed endocrine disruptors, 14 were identified as potential or confirmed human carcinogens, and 12 were found to cause neurological issues >>180519 I'm not sure that's Niggerpill. Sure he uses TOR, but that doesn't mean it's him.
>>180522 >if there is "so much" information on what so-called "toxins" are being dumped into the ground as a result of creating landfills, then you should easily be capable of searching and providing the documents that actually list what all those toxins are, what they actually do, and how they effect people. I know, right? It's almost as though every human being with a triple digit IQ has already learned this information and it can be considered common knowledge. You're trying to argue the equivalent of "No, Nintendo didn't use discs for any of its consoles" and expecting anyone to listen to what you have to say. Just stop talking about things you know nothing about. >So, what's your solution then? Actual environmental protection to prevent the poisons (which you claim don't exist, except for this sentence right here where you admit it) thrown into landfills from being put there.
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>>180519 All the blackpill bluster is just that: bluster. Japan isn't perfect; it has Westaboo idiots who think twitter is real life like everywhere else, but they are so insignificant that they're not worth mentioning. To the nips, they're some kind of weird cult which can be safely ignored or laughed about, like Scientology. It must be painful to have to turn every molehill of a dozen gaijin alphabet people holding ENGLISH signs on gay-day into a mountain again and again. Be glad you aren't Peter Coffin niggerpill.
>>180523 >I'm not sure that's Niggerpill. Sure he uses TOR, but that doesn't mean it's him. I suppose it's not 100% sure, but very often when someone tries to doompost about Japan, it's him. Niggerpill has specifically tried to doompost about Japan and vaccines before now, so him reacting with an unhinged, completely-divorcred-from-reality attitude in response to that news makes it seem like it's him being very upset his narrative isn't holding up.
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>>180519 Hmm, let's test it out. JAPAN HAS VERY FEW PROBLEMS AND IS A GREAT PLACE TO LIVE THAT CREATES LOTS OF GOOD THINGS Hope it gives the fucker an aneurysm.
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>>180525 Man, peter can be very lucky some times.
>>180514 >So, all those uranium miners who died from cancer did not exist, correct: <Uranium is fine <Wait no, it's bad! Pick one. Those miners were in close proximity.
>>180525 I WANT TO FUCK A GREENSKIN not a goblin though, those suck and this post is totally not just baiting for gobbo girls.
>>180531 Here you go, mate.
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>>180525 >>180532 I'll just assume you forgot the jumping rope comic.
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>>180532 They actually drew her green nipples. Wonderful.
>>180534 Jesus, they took so much from us.
>>180536 They tried. Didn't work. people just make what they want, and no one wants to work with them.
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>>180534 My God, it's just like my Japanese flipbooks. How far, American comic books have fallen.
>>180532 >Ywn lick her abs and find out if they really taste like green peas
>>180441 >>180452 How do you consider an Asian women pretty then? >>180498 >The ONLY "harmful" things landfills produce is methane. Methane gas is much more potent than CO2, dumbfuck. Burning trash through gasification is a cleaner alternative than landfills. >>180535 >Prison School I heard that many people said that the ending sucked dick. >>180536 I rather prefer that Marvel Comics and DC just die because its full of hacks that will screw over beloved heroes.
>>180537 Well it kind of did, thanks to current year we dont get cool vidya and shows like in the 90s, the fanart and such are all that remains.
>>180523 >Bitch, we are living in an age where information is easily accessible, you can always look up information yourself to prove if someone is right or wrong That's what I did ALL the way up here: >>180510 That's why I'm asking YOU' for the information since I cannot seem to find it. >Hell, I just did that myself to prove how easy it is: https://archive.ph/rWJOC Thank you for doing that. Now, let's actually parse out what's so "toxic" about landfills. >The new system is based on a thorough literature review, which turned up 484 landfill pollutants. In the end, the top 40 most toxic compounds included pesticides, fungicides, pharmaceuticals, and industrial byproducts, like those from cigarettes, coolants, lubricants, and flame retardants. >Of all those compounds, 21 were found to be potential or confirmed endocrine disruptors, 14 were identified as potential or confirmed human carcinogens, and 12 were found to cause neurological issues That rather interesting, I want to read more about that. <Article doesn't mention ANYTHING else about contaminants in the soil or ground water <Proceeds to talk about the methane landfills produced <Talks about how "dangerous" methane <Leave's the one sentence footnote that the dangers may not even be caused by the methane: >Although other chemicals may have been present in the air... <Look to the sources in the article <One source is advertising some college's fancy new "toxicity test" program without any explanation as to their results <The other is about fracking and how it "pollutes" ground water <An article that's about the dangers of landfills doesn't explain who has found landfills to be dangerous, what he did to prove that they're dangerous, when his study of the dangers occurred, where these dangers are occurring, nor why they're dangerous Never mind, thanks for wasting my time. >>180524 >It's almost as though every human being with a triple digit IQ has already learned this information and it can be considered common knowledge. If the information was so common, then you should be able to point to where others can find the information. >You're trying to argue the equivalent of "No, Nintendo didn't use discs for any of its consoles" That's nowhere near equivalent, and not "common knowledge" depending upon who you're talking to and what you're talking about. >Actual environmental protection What would that look like? >to prevent the poisons What poisons? Be specific. >which you claim don't exist No, I didn't. Salt is a poison. Talking about "common knowledge", aren't you aware of the phrase "Salting the Earth"? Ever wondered why it exists? >except for this sentence right here where you admit it You mean the sentence where I said that, going off the information I can find, landfills are as harmful for the environment as salt an vinegar?
>>180540 >Methane gas is much more potent than CO2 Yes, and? Methane also makes for a good fuel source. That's what one shopping mall did when they built on top of a former landfill. Used the methane for their heating systems.
>>180542 >>180543 God almighty, here, read this and go fuck yourself you absolute nigger. Go trash diving if you like it so much.
Can we stop replying to this faggot that keeps wanting answers? It's probably niggerpill switching up tactics or something. Either way it's bullshit leading to nowhere.
>>180545 If it is Niggerpill, I gotta hand it to him sorry, xir 8^) for actually making me mad for once.
>>180412 >>180403 >>180402 Why was the video game ban lost article deleted? It was recent and on topic. People were even talking about it on the thread.
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>>180545 >Can we stop replying to this faggot that keeps wanting answers? Yeah, we should only speak to people that don't question our authority. :^)
>>180547 Maybe it was clickbait? Seems like it had random misinformation on it as some anons pointed out.
PUBG Mobile's current weird crossover is with 90s mecha anime Neon Genesis Evangelion >PUBG Mobile is currently featuring a crossover with the classic 90s anime Neon Genesis Evangelion, apparently. In a world where Fortnite dominates the battle royale world by featuring crossovers with the biggest western franchises like the Marvel Cinematic Universe, PUBG Mobile has taken a different approach with a collaboration with the mecha anime Neon Genesis Evangelion. >The collab features a new game mode called Core Circle, and will let players unlock a variety of outfits and items. The new 'Core Circle' game mode comes to Livik and Erangel," reads a press release. >Players can watch EVA-01's face off against Evangelion's sixth Angel in a special event running from May 19 to June 19 in Erangel." Essentially, it sounds pretty similar to the current Operation Monarch event in Call of Duty Warzone that sees Godzilla and King Kong facing off against one another. >Notably, players will be able to obtain limited time items, like the iconic plug suits worn by the main characters in the anime. As well as various pieces of themed armour, parachutes, backpacks, and some kind of special buddy too. >The event is available to take part in now, so players that want to see Shinji get in the Eva should do so as soon as possible. >Vincent Wang, head of PUBG Mobile publishing at Tencent Games, said of the event "Evangelion is one of the most famous and recognisable anime series of all time, so we couldn’t be more thrilled to bring its unique action, and futuristic world to PUBG Mobile. >The ‘Core Circle’ game mode continues our commitment to give players unforgettable experiences based on universally acclaimed and culturally significant partners, enriching the PUBG Mobile experience for both current and new players." >This isn't the first time PUBG Mobile has featured an odd collaboration either. Recently, for some bizarre reason, the shooter had a collaboration with every toddler's favourite anthem, Baby Shark, which is next to impossible to explain. And it featured a collab with Warframe earlier this year too. >PUBG MOBILE x EVANGELION arrives today! Today through June 19th, get exclusive new EVANGELION themed items and iconic plugsuits from Shinji, Rei, Asuka, and more! https://archive.ph/c60mh Ubisoft Reportedly Mishandled Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time Remake >Anonymous sources from Ubisoft’s Pune and Mumbai studios in India, the former developers for the Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time remake, say that the publisher mishandled the game’s production in multiple ways. If true, this would cast Ubisoft’s earlier statement that the game’s development would be transferred to Ubisoft Montreal in a different light. >According to sources compiled by 0451 Games, a newsletter on Substack that primarily follows the console and PC gaming market in India, Ubisoft mismanaged the remake from the very beginning. Remaining anonymous for fear of retribution, they blame the inexperienced and over-ambitious leadership by Jean-Philippe Pieuchot, the boss of Ubisoft’s India studios at the time. >They claim that their teams were only given a barebones design document about 10 pages long, forcing them in effect to reverse-engineer the original game’s levels from the ground up. >Moreover, the studios were tasked with using Ubisoft’s Anvil Engine from Assassin’s Creed Origins, attempting to take the original animations of the Prince and somehow fit them over the “stockier, heavyset frame” of Bayek, the protagonist from Origins. >The sources also say that they had no oversight from Ubisoft until the official reveal trailer released in September 2020 that currently has a ratio of 5.1 thousand likes to 8 thousand dislikes. >At the time, fans were disheartened by the poor graphics for a supposed remake of a beloved game in the publisher’s history. >The vocal backlash not only resulted in Pieuchot being moved to Ubisoft Kyiv and Odessa, but both Ubisoft Pune and Mumbai have reportedly been relegated back to quality assurance testing with much of the senior talent leaving the studios. >The remake was outsourced to Electric Square last year before being moved yet again to Ubisoft Montreal. According to the official site for the game, it is currently unknown when the release date or what the release platforms for the remake will be. >In other news, the Fall Guys free-to-play update includes cross-play and cross-progression, and both Ubisoft+ and Ubisoft+ classics will be coming to PlayStation. https://archive.ph/KVnAs
>>180543 >Methane also makes for a good fuel source. Methane is not collected from landfills. Methane gas production mostly comes from agriculture, sewage waste, and fossil fuel production. https://marketbusinessnews.com/methane-greenhouse-gases/ >>180545 I don't think he's niggerpill since he doesn't write defeatist shit.
>>180549 That still seem on topic. Gamergate pointing out misinformation and making fun journalists. Just saying.
>>180550 >King Kong and Godzilla in COD Warzone >Evangelion in Mobile PUBG They really ran out of ideas, haven't they? Not even gonna bother mentioning all the shitty random smash clones and kart racers nobody asked for >Ubisfot mishandled yet another one of their IPs that I can buy
>>180553 The WB one is looking pretty promising though, theres actual soul to it and the girls are cute in the in-game style.
>>180554 player selection is beyond a meme, and I heard the game is nothing special, either
>>180553 >>180554 But why did it take until the fifth installment, TWENTY-THREE YEARS LATER, for other companies to bandwagon for pennies?
>>180556 that's how long it took them to completely run dry of any ideas
>>180555 Its in closed alpha, and its already looking fun. They went out of their way to add stuff you wouldnt to a simple cash-grab, like getting the original voice actors, batman and harley have references to the animated series instead of the new shit, tom & jerry fight by hitting each other, theres ultra instinct shaggy going full kenshiro, they also plan to make it free to play.
>>180550 What the actual fuck, the collab is real. They could have at least picked a better anime.
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>>180550 >Siege added a Yakuza crossover https://archive.ph/wip/S2Ts5
>>180559 >>180560 that's really fucking gay
>>180560 >that Kiryu
>>180560 >>180562 >non-union chinese bootleg kiryu
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>>180559 >>180560 I blame Fortnite for this shit.
>>180563 >unionized crime ❌ >non-unionized crime ⭕
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>>180560 There is nothing sacred anymore.
>>180562 Because it's just a costume on the character in the game.
>>180567 how much does it cost? does it even come with quotes?
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I am at fault for making this article, in a sense. Say something nice about it. https://archive.ph/wip/dgT49
>>180570 He really does look like that fake Kiryu you fight in 2.
>>180544 >read this I did, and it confirms what started the initial conversation, that landfills do not harm the environment: >>180484 NOT for the reasons I believed (In that, landfills are far less toxic that environmentalists claim, and it's only actually hazardous items like car batteries and motor oil that screw up the environment), I have to admit. The reason why they don't effect the environment is due to how all landfills are contained, the regulations imposed on what can be dumped, and the treatments the landfill regular undergo to render all the hazards benign.
>>180571 you did good beating up that faggot son and kicking him out
>>180571 >Say something nice about it. That guy's a bitch for believing himself to be a woman.
https://archive.ph/psZh5 Mum's been freaking out about this all day
>>180576 you should tell her only gay niggers can get it
>>180559 >it's just a prerecorded animation >you just have to watch >you can't do anything whatsoever yourself except get some supplies from another prerecorded location Even Fork Knife let you play as Barney and use the Kabbalah Glove to kill other players. I mean, hell.
>>180576 It's basically an STD. You can't catch it from someone the same way as the kung flu. So unless your mom is having lots of unprotected anonymous sex or sharing needles she has nothing to worry about.
>>180579 I don't think she's even aware of that, nor was I. Local news been making it out to be some sort of bloody Covid 2.
>>180576 So someone fucked an actual monkey again? Or is it a manufactured virus like aids?
>>180581 WHO is having a (((Health Mandate))) vote on who gets to give up their sovereign medical rights, so what do you think?
>>180581 No. Every animal that is alive has a pox. In man it is the king of all diseases. Variola. Smallpox. It kills in many ways. And no matter the medical care is highly infectious and invariably lethal. Something like 70% mortality. But there are crocodile pox. Snail pox. Elephant poxes. 6 kinds of mouse poxes. Usually non lethal if transmissible to man. But usually not. And if it does jump usually not easily spread. Its vector or rate of transmission. I.E. the X multiplier of how many people every person infected infects. Is low.
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>>180571 Fixed
>>180576 They're trying to find anything to start the lockdowns again, same with media still riding the Covid train because views.
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>>180151 >>180262 >>180263 I hate white supremacist gamers! :( >>180263 Isn't the manifesto just a slightly edited copy of the one typed by that Aussie who wanted to be a Crusader?
>>180576 I say it’s about time for a dark and edgy reboot of ape escape. Even if it turn into a saints row 1 & 2 clone.
>>180585 It's just really funny that people put on a mask without knowing any actual medical precautions like not touching your eyes. It's the healthcare version of thinking an antivirus or using unix will protect your pc from social engineering.
>>180586 Correct, he literally just added some /pol/ shitposts, like happy merchant/race statistics/stonetoss comics, and namedropped this place, otherwise it's mostly the same should have declared his love for martha says instead there, at least we could have blamed it on furries from the start
>>180583 >Joseph de Maistre becomes a virologist
>>180559 >>180560 I fucking despise these god awful, ill-fitting crossovers that games do for attention, they're always extremely cringey and distracting. Dead by Daylight may be a massive piece of shit but at least all the crossover characters in that game are consistent with the game's tone and theme.
>>180591 Tekken 7 was the worst one by far.
>>180560 >Won't let Kiryu into Tekken 7 because the creator doesn't want Kiryu hitting women >Lets Kiryu into a game where you can gun women down instead. Logic.
>>180576 Do you remember Sars, bird flu, swine flu, Ebola? Unfortunately now that they finally got one to stick with Covid their scares are going to be effective on normalfag cattle for a while.
>>180568 The pricing is in the article. These bundles are typically just the costume and maybe a custom animation or two for like the winning screen.
>>180593 Neither Nagoshi nor his co-director work for Sega anymore. Sega is basically free to whore Kiryu as much as they want <INB4 Nagoshi had no problem with Kiryu beating the shit out of all the women in Project X Zone 8^)
>>180559 Why are all the NGE characters super skinny? They look like stick figures.
>>180581 >So someone fucked an actual monkey again? Yes. That's how it got to humans (a term which here refers to the five separate species collectively called "humanity") in the first place. >Or is it a manufactured virus like aids? YES. Both. We have documents from those US biolabs around the world which show they modified both coronaviruses (the common cold) and monkeypox (a smallpox adjacent virus) with "gain of function" research.
>>180597 They live in a world on the brink of extinction.
>>180595 >Just the costume >Maybe custom animation or two for the winning screen >20$ lol, even COD gives you a better deal, for 4-5$ more you get exclusive weapon skins, emblems, other useless shit AND character skins with quotes from their movies. Ubisoft chooses the lazy way out once again Imagine making a more pathetic bundle than the fucking snoop dogg bundle from vanguard
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>>180596 >Kiryu doesn't hit women He'll smack the shit out of some children though.
>>180559 >deepfreeze
>>180597 It's the shoujo style used to bait fujos with yaoi shipping fantasies.
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>>180602 Speaking of which - there's new art >>605839
>>180437 >>180410 >>180439 >Funky Fetus 2 I thought Kojima wanted to work on more original games rather than just the same franchises over and over
>>180598 >manufactured by the US >not the chinks Do we need to get the tianamen square pictures going?
>>180605 I think he just means he doesn't want to do the same ones for decades on end, like Metal Gear. Meth Standing is still fresh for him.
>>180607 fair enough.
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>>180604 >Pikachu Danielle Does that mean we get Freya as Raichu?
>>180604 I like it except for her face.
>>180609 Why would he make a sequel to that instead of something good?
>>180606 >manufactured by the US Cry harder, shill. https://archive.ph/c0zEh https://archive.ph/gTPL9 >not the chinks No one said this.
>>180587 >I say it’s about time for a dark and edgy reboot of ape escape. Is catching illegal immigrants that tries to come to the U.S. counts?
>>180609 no you fool freya would obviously ipso facto be eevee
>>180536 >They took so much from us. I know what you mean. Why on earth did they decide to make beast a weird quasi cat-faced man, it made him look like shit. Wolverine doesn't literally look like a wolverine and beast doesn't need to look like any particular beast more than he already does.
>>180469 >>180473 No fuck you leather man.
>>180604 I like it.
>>180612 >shill >says while shilling for china
>>180452 >square jaw No, in face it's more rounded than most western women. Perhaps you're talking about her chin. >fat face I guess, but her jaw would look more square if she had less fat like with any person. In any case, she's certainly good looking for an otaku.
>>605983 Ask shit like that over here >>228459
>>180618 No one is talking about china except you, dipshit. Fucking pay attention. EA is reportedly seeking a sale or a merger https://www.engadget.com/ea-sale-or-merger-report-152505136.html https://archive.ph/ruRAK >According to "Puck," it has already held talks with potential partners, including Disney, Apple and Amazon. >Electronic Arts is actively (and persistently) looking for a buyer or another company willing to merge with it, according to Puck. The video game company reportedly held talks with a number of potential buyers or partners, including Disney, Apple and Amazon. It's unclear which were interested in fully purchasing EA and which were looking to merge, but in case of a merger, Puck said EA is seeking a deal that would allow Andrew Wilson to remain chief executive of the combined company. >EA approached Disney in March in an attempt to forge "a more meaningful relationship" that would go beyond licensing deals, according to the source. However, Disney decided not to push forward, perhaps because it's currently focused on its nascent streaming service. The publication said the idea of a merger between EA and ESPN, which Disney partly owns, is being floated around in the industry. Among all the potential partners, however, it was perhaps Comcast who got the closest to a deal. Comcast CEO Brian Roberts reportedly approached Wilson with an offer to merge NBCUniversal with EA. Under the deal, Roberts would take majority control of the merged company, but Wilson would remain chief executive. The people involved didn't agree over the price of the sale and the structure of the combined entity, though, and the agreement fell through within the last month. >EA remains a company of its own for now, but Puck said it has become more emboldened in its quest to find a sale or a merger since Microsoft announced that it's snapping up Activision Blizzard for $68.7 billion, so that might not be be the case for long. It's worth noting that Sony also revealed that it's buying Destiny studio Bungie for $3.6 billion shortly after Microsoft announced the acquisition. EA spokesperson John Reseburg told Puck that the company would not comment "on rumors and speculation relating to [mergers and acquisitions]." Reseburg added: "We are proud to be operating from a position of strength and growth, with a portfolio of amazing games, built around powerful IP, made by incredibly talented teams, and a network of more than half a billion players. We see a very bright future ahead." KILL THEM ALL.
‘Stalker 2’ is reportedly back in development after Ukraine invasion forced studio to relocate https://www.engadget.com/stalker-reportedly-back-in-development-172547282.html https://archive.ph/yNuFB GSC Game World has reportedly resumed work on Stalker 2: Heart of Chornobyl after Russia’s invasion of Ukraine forced the studio to pause development. On March 2nd, the Kyiv-based developer announced it was putting the game on hold while it worked to help its employees and their families “survive” the conflict. According to reports from Czech media, the studio relocated its staff to Prague that same month. >Now it would appear the game is back on track. Responding to a question from a member of Stalker 2’s Discord community asking if development had resumed, a GSC Game World employee said, “it continues,” in a message spotted by Polish gaming outlet GRYOnline. We’ve reached out to the studio for confirmation. >Following a delay at the start of the year, GSC Game World said it would release Stalker 2 on December 8th. The announcement came before Russia’s invasion of Ukraine sidelined the studio. Since the war began, the company also subtly changed the game's name. Its subtitle now reads “Heart of Chornobyl” instead of “Chernobyl,” with the former reflecting the local Ukrainian spelling of the site of the 1986 nuclear disaster.
>>180231 Pretty sure the remaster he is talking about is 3 and New Vegas.
>>180623 Does Bethesda have the legal IP ownership of NV's unique content?
>>180624 No, Microsoft does.
>>180622 the game will still be shit, so who cares when the game tries to sell you NFTs and cuts out parts of fucking audio you hear at the campfires under pre order DLC, it will be fucking garbage >>180623 That's even more pointless, considering there are projects underway to port both games into the F4 engine as DLC sized mods. New Vegas portion has the entire area around primm, up to nipton, fully completed, mojave outpost included, plus the entire strip along with it's casinos, as well as most weapons/armor already ported. F3 can do you one better, on top of items, it also has older feral ghoul models and other creatures covered, as well as the ENTIRETY OF POINT LOOKOUT FULLY PORTED, THAT YOU CAN PLAY FROM START TO FINISH, WITH ALL THE OLD CONTENT FROM F3, PLUS MORE, RIGHT NOW Unless the remakes of both games are nearly complete, it will be a waste of time on bethesda's part, unless they are planning on pulling them down via DMCA at the last minute, when both projects are nearly complete, wouldn't put it past modern bethesda
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>>180625 >>180624 >>180623 >No, Microsoft does. And that's why I have a pirated copy, not because I don't legiatelmly want to fund the devs who created that game but because it would just go to Bill Gates and Spencer's pockets instead and they'd use that money to try and enslave humanity so fuck em.
>>180626 Not saying it won't be shit, but they did backpedal on the NFT thing almost immediately as soon as the backlash hit them. There won't be any in the game.
>>180151 ☑ Funneled men into far-right politics via witch-hunting see pic: >>180331
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>>180629 It's extremely funny to see the left accuse people of witch hunting, especially in response to ME fucking TOO of all things. Christ, literally the jew crying out as it attacks.
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>>180626 Still say the best move Microcock could make with Bethesda is to consolidate InXile and Obsidian and expand their team - then give them Fallout for future development on the A Team while leaving B Team to work on other franchises both studios would now jointly own. Meanwhile, Starfield is probably going to be a controversial title - with most people either pissed because Microsoft didn't "fix" what was broken long before MS purchased them - or pissed off because they blame Starfield for not having an ES title in about 15 fucking years. So unless it's a smash hit, which I doubt, MS will probably shitcan potential sequels (or contract them out) and have Bethesda focus on Elder Scrolls as their primary franchise. It gives both franchises the teams that would do them the most justice (given the current circumstances) and give them their own dedicated development pipelines to cut down the increasingly lengthier development cycles.
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>>180631 >Starfield is probably going to be a controversial title I'm thinking it will be slightly larger Outer Worlds but without "lol corporations amirite!?" being every line, which is good, but with Fallout 4 base building, which is bad.
>>180630 >especially in response to ME fucking TOO of all things I've seen news that Musk also got MeToo'ed.
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>>180633 Yes as soon as Musk said he was done with the democratic party a mysterious accuser was found. It really makes you think.
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>>180629 >>180630 >the left turns women into witches >in response men turn into witch hunters It's like pottery.
>>180625 Does Microsoft also own Obsidian, is what matters. Otherwise Obsidian owns NV's unique IP and Bethesda can't remake it.
Oh he's doing his opposite day thing now where he does the exact opposite of his usual niggerpilling. Nice to see how much recent events have been making him mad, though. It's honestly extremely encouraging.
>>180440 >5th pic: boobs = drinks holder Flat-chesters btfo. >>180525 >She-Hulk sunbathing How does she tan? Does she just go darker green?
>>180558 Making a game free to play means there's going to be micro-transactions & multiple paid DLCs.
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>>180636 >Does Microsoft also own Obsidian Yes. They own Obsidian, InXile, and Bethesda. They own the entirety of Fallout. Fallout's past, present, and future. The only exceptions might be a few old holdouts that were with Interplay when they tried to make FOOL, but Bethesda ran them through with a great big legal dick full of lawyers instead of semen, and I haven't heard much of them since.
>>606063 Someone needs to make an edit of that pic with EA taking developers out behind the woodshed and blowing their brains out before tossing them in a shallow pit with all the other devs they killed. Only add another panel at the bottom where EA puts the gun it's mouth and joins the others.
>>180641 This.
>>180639 I liked the old Apogee model of "free to play" where they distributed the first chapter as shareware and the next two chapters as a paid product. I wish games did that now days. The only one that I can think of that does right off the top of my head is Deltarune of all fucking things.
>>180643 The first chapter was often a complete game in itself. And if you bought the later chapters, you got bored because the gameplay was the same (I'm slightly exaggerating). But it was a good model and I enjoyed a lot of good shareware back in the day.
>>180643 >I wish games did that now days. <DoA5 & 6 <Bravely Default <Brink <Dynasty Warriors 9 <Toukiden <Life is Strange <Hitman <Final Fantasy XIV <Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2 <Forza Motorsport 6: Apex <Killer Instinct <Phantom Dust <Pro Evolution Soccer <EVERY Telltale game since The Walking Dead Do I need to go on?
Global health talks clouded by conspiracy theories about pandemic treaty https://archive.ph/UzfEo >Global health leaders gathered in Geneva on Sunday to discuss the pandemic are facing another viral problem: a visceral, passionate online backlash that falsely accuses the World Health Organization of conspiring to take power from national governments. >The World Health Assembly, the decision-making body of the WHO’s 194 member states, is holding its first fully in-person event in two years as some coronavirus-related restrictions are lifted. While the assembly, now in its 75th year, is usually considered a dry, technocratic event, this year it is being framed by conspiracy theorists as a key moment in the battle between democracy and tyranny. >The theories focus largely on the discussion of a “pandemic treaty” — a potential agreement that could one day regulate how countries prepare for and respond to future pandemics. Though such a treaty will not be agreed upon at the assembly, the backlash has spread fast and far beyond the world of global health. >“This so-called pandemic treaty is the single, greatest global power grab that any of us has seen in our lifetime,” a Twitter account for the 1990s English pop group Right Said Fred posted recently, sharing an article written by a Scottish archaeologist and television host for the right-wing GB News. >A pandemic treaty is not imminent. Though member states agreed in December that a new agreement is needed, it will take years of negotiations to reach a final draft; 2024 is the target. Nor will it grant WHO sweeping new powers, as the organization has no army nor power of sanction and will still need to rely on member states to comply and enforce its rules. Some supportive experts think it is unlikely to ever happen, given the huge geopolitical divisions between key countries such as the United States and China. itsafraid.png
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>>180498 Oh boy I sure love my heavy metals leaching into the groundwater!
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>>180647 its your one-way ticket to midnight, call it heavy metal
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>>180402 Kamen Rider looks to be a fun watch. Are those live action Jap shows well aware of how goofy it looks?
>>180651 >Are those live action Jap shows well aware of how goofy it looks? Jap shows are usually pretty good at being self aware.
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>>180653 I made an edit
>>180327 >How was The Tick subverted for the worse? The season of The Tick funded nd produced by Amazon, after Edlund left the project, went a bit to shit and got cancelled but Amazon retained the rights and wants to do more with it. By the time Edlund left, it snuck a few lines in there and the real danger is that it has rights to the IP for another go, despite Amazon cancelling it. >>180651 What >>180652 said. They don't shy away from it.
>>180653 I was meaning to post something about the challenge everything intro in the good EA games thread but I just haven't had time.
>>180621 Did you seriusly IP hop to tell me that? No you double nigger, that wasnt manufactured by the USA, that was literal chinese propaganda to cover their own asses.
>>180439 Not gonna lie, although they're obviously ripping the original sprites/artwork from the remasters, these are really well done. Had they shortened the dialogue some of these could pass for actual Ace Attorney footage. The guy who screamed hearsay at his own question will never stop making me laugh. >>180560 The Cringe of Dojima
>>180560 >Made a passionate homeless ex-yakuza to carry Kiryu's torch >Also made a detective to carry on the beat em up genre of the series >Both still can't hold a candle to the autistic pacifist I can understand not wanting anything to do with Yagami given the agency the model is based after are retards but how about Ichiban?
>>180631 If only that hadn't been a cake...
>>180659 Ichiban will go to Fortnite since he's a true gamer(tm) >Johnny's THE Johnny died last year though, unless his successor is as much of a stickler and is a massive autist for how his agency treats talent, then we probably won't be seeing Yagami, even if Kimura has no problems with working for SEGA.
>>180650 >This nigger shot some asians last weak, I don't recall any mention of it though Niggers killing Asians, whites and Latinos in america isn’t a crime.
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>>180662 But what if those asian folk were from the middle east or the indian and pakistani territories? Would it still count as a non-crime? Checkmate atheists
War Mobilization Meeting of the Southern War Zone of the PLA: Guangdong Province in The State of War >Waged by the People’s Liberation Army (PLA) and augmented with cyber warfare, orbital space weapons and the activation of CCP civilians currently embedded in corporations and governments around the world. >This is the bombshell that has emerged from the leaked audio out of China, for which a full English translation and transcript has now been published by whistleblower Jennifer Zeng > China’s shutdowns of Shanghai and Beijing were actually a cover story to allow the military to use sea port infrastructure to load cargo ships with military supplies in preparation for a large-scale “D-Day” land invasion. >Although the United States is not specifically mentioned in the leaked audio, the preparations refer to a “Final War” and are deemed far too extensive to merely be targeting Taiwan. >The invasion forces would cross the Pacific disguised as merchant ships / cargo ships. Once they arrive within short-range rocket range, containers on the top of these ocean vessels would open up and launch short-range rockets, including tactical battlefield nuclear weapons, striking National Guard and military bases in California. >Chinese troops would then land on the beaches. They would seize the ports (such as Long Beach), then use the ports to land heavier ships which would offload armor, artillery, and other heavy weapon of war. >From there, China would have established a beachhead similar to the way allied forces stormed the beaches of Normandy in World War II. >Both China and Russia have pre-staged large caches of weapons, uniforms, RPGs, automatic weapons, night vision equipment and other military gear across the United States, county by county. >These equipment caches will be activated when the CCP and Russian civilians are told to “go hot” and begin carrying out domestic sabotage operations targeting the US power grid, fuel refineries, railways and other infrastructure targets. >From the transcript of the leaked audio, “We should take the way of using civilians to cover and support the military… We will mobilize overseas Chinese and overseas Chinese organizations to actively participate in supporting our military operations.” >China is deliberately stockpiling massive quantities of food supplies (grains), microchips, ammunition, commodities and other items in preparation for being economically cut off by the West, just as the USA and NATO did to Russia. >This further implies that China is preparing to attack the West and is anticipating the West’s response by watching what the USA and NATO have done to Russia. >China is actively converting its economy from a normal peacetime operation to a wartime operation, and China’s military leaders cite their “success” with covid lockdowns as proof that their command-and-control dominance over domestic operations will keep them in power. >China is expecting massive riots and civil unrest in the large cities around Hong Kong (Guangzhou and Shenzhen), and they are committed to using special forces from the PLA to immediately execute protesters and instantly quell any uprisings. >China and Russia have teamed up in this effort to destroy their common enemy (the USA). Russia’s operations in Ukraine are essentially a “fixing operation” to cause the USA to commit its military hardware and troops to the Ukrainian theater of war, thereby creating vulnerabilities and lack of military readiness in the continental United States (CONUS), just as China is preparing to invade the USA in a D-Day-style landing of troops and military equipment. >From other sources, we also know that China is taking active steps in global currency wars to dump the dollar, dump all dollar / Treasury debt, and prepare for a global dollar collapse. >This invasion plan has all been aided by Gov. Newsom and the Democrats of California outlawing AR-15s and normal capacity magazines, causing the people of California to be ill-equipped to defend themselves against invading enemy forces. >California Gov. Newsom is complicit in the entire operation and has been paid off with $500 million in laundered money that the state of California first transferred to China as part of a $1 billion “PPE purchase” scheme which resulted in $500 million going back to Newsom and his treasonous co-conspirators. >Newsom literally used taxpayer funds and China money laundering to pay himself half a billion dollars in kickbacks, believed to be denominated in gold, cash and crypto. >China’s goal is to exterminate every last American in North America, then conquer the fertile farmlands of the Midwest, which are desperately needed by China to produce the crops that will feed its people and support China’s global expansion toward world dominance. >The longstanding military posture of China includes a plan to exterminate every last American, including all the illegals who currently reside in the USA. >China can raise up to 100 million military troops over time, flooding CONUS with a seemingly endless stream of combat troops. >The invasion forces would cross the Pacific disguised as merchant ships / cargo ships. Once they arrive within short-range rocket range, containers on the top of these ocean vessels would open up and launch short-range rockets, including tactical battlefield nuclear weapons, striking National Guard and military bases in California. >Chinese troops would then land on the beaches. They would seize the ports (such as Long Beach), then use the ports to land heavier ships which would offload armor, artillery, and other heavy weapon of war. https://archive.ph/qpoto Leak’s Chinese invasion plans for California and Washington state suggest someone at the CCP a fan of world in conflict and Homefront 1. Red star alliance from frontline fuel of war somewhat exist behind the scenes. Russia and North Korea will help China invade and occupy america.
>>180664 No, thats just stupid, they cant make it past the island chain, they lack a navy. If anything they are gearing up for taiwan.
MSNBC contributor and retired four-star general Barry McCaffrey deletes tweet showing Russian plane 'getting nailed' by Ukraine that's from a VIDEO GAME >Four-star general Barry R. McCaffrey's gaffe did not go unnoticed, with some pointing out at the mistake by the former Clinton advisor >The animation shared by McCaffrey was actually from Digital Combat Simulator (DCS) footage from the video game 'Arma 3' >McCaffrey was informed by a Twitter user that 'what [McCaffrey mentioned] is actually happening. But this not footage of such action' >A decorated retired Army General and MSNBC contributor unknowingly shared footage of a video game and claimed it was a Russian plane being shot down by Ukraine before quickly deleting the Tweet when he was corrected. >Four-star general Barry R. McCaffrey's gaffe did not go unnoticed, with some pointing out at the mistake by the former Clinton advisor. >'Russian aircraft getting nailed by UKR missile defense. Russians are losing large numbers of attack aircraft. UKR air defense becoming formidable,' McCaffrey wrote in a now-deleted Tweet. >The animation shared by McCaffrey was actually from Digital Combat Simulator (DCS) footage from the video game 'Arma 3.' >McCaffrey was informed by a Twitter user that 'what [McCaffrey mentioned] is actually happening. But this not footage of such action,' Fox News reported. >The retired Army general proceeded to reply 'Ok,' and delete the Tweet, according to the outlet. MSNBC/NBC analyst and retired four-star U.S. general >sharing video game footage, claiming it shows real-life combat in Ukraine,' National Journalism Center Director and Washington Examiner contributor Becket Adams tweeted. >Adams pointed out that the description of the animation contained the hashtag #Arma3. 'I, uh, have some concerns. >Of all people, you'd think a retired general with four combat tours and three purple hearts under his belt would have *some* idea regarding what this stuff really looks like. the video was clearly animated,' he added. https://archive.ph/Tlkte New Game Is A "Middle Finger" To Russia, Ukrainian Dev Says >"We are pushing on and also as a clear middle finger to those who thought they could just roll into our country hoping to disrupt and ruin our lives." >In a statement, Frogwares said it has begun work on a new project, codenamed Project Palianytsia, despite the war in Ukraine still affecting the studio. >The company also just recently announced it was awarded grant money from Fortnite developer Epic Games, which it will use to help its Kyiv-based developers move to other parts of the country or to other parts of the EU. Frogwares is headquartered in Kyiv and also has an office in Dublin, Ireland. >As for the new game, Frogwares says Project Palianytsia contains a "mix of eldritch horror coupled with Victorian-era mystery," adding that the game is aimed at fans of The Sinking City and Sherlock Holmes. >Frogwares also released four pieces of concept art for the game, which the studio plans to show via an "official reveal" in the summer. >In a defiant statement, Frogwares said it is announcing its new game as a "middle finger" to Russia. "We are revealing the game now in this way to simply show people we are pushing on and also as a clear middle finger to those who thought they could just roll into our country hoping to disrupt and ruin our lives," it said. >Before Project Palianytsia, Frogwares was working on an "open-world title" that was in the pre-production phase, but the studio has now shifted to this new game. >We are now making something almost entirely from scratch which is a lot harder under these circumstances so we needed to think smart about what is realistic for us. >The idea was greenlit for this very reason as it is something our current team and setup can deliver compared to doing pre-production on another open-world title, which is what we were doing prior to the war," it said. >Palianytsia is a popular baked bread in Ukraine, and is considered part of the country's national cuisine, Frogwares said. It also has another purpose, one that has become more commonly used during the war. >"It's also the equivalent of phonetical Dark Souls for russians who often can't pronounce it correctly when trying to pass off as Ukrainian. And so now it's often used in the field as a test to quickly identify possible affiliation of unknown individuals," Frogwares said. https://archive.ph/obXV3
>>180665 >If anything they are gearing up for taiwan. Why hide troops in cargo ships and forming a new military alliance if not surprise invasion of San Francisco?
>>180667 Because it isnt feasible, thats something out of a movie and ridicoulous, for china to even have a shot at acting outside of the inmediate ocean surrounding them, they need a navy, wich they lack, stop being stupid anon, world in conflict cant happen IRL.
>>180667 if china does invade california, i'm going to blame you for meming it into reality.
>>180669 If command and conquer generals could get meme into reality. Arma 3 could be. CSAT believable nowadays. The invasion of California reads like a prequel to the first Homefront game or a world in conflict 2.
>>180668 >they need a navy, which they lack anon, China has the largest navy on Earth
>>180670 Anon thats not feasible! Lets, for a moment, imply that the shit that went down on world in conflict happens and you have a bunch of cargo ships with a chinese navy inside just pop out in california, they take over a city and are making china grow larger. Now what? You have a bunch of troops stuck there, with no incoming supplies, reinforcements nor popular support, and you cant supply them because you have no way of getting stuff there. >>180671 Wrong, they have a bunch of patrol boats and outdate ships, not an actual fleet. And even in merchant marine, greece still has the world's largest.
>>180669 >>180664 >China is deliberately stockpiling massive quantities of food supplies (grains), microchips, ammunition, commodities and other items in preparation for being economically cut off by the West, just as the USA and NATO did to Russia. Sounds reasonable so far. >This further implies that China is preparing to attack the West and is anticipating the West’s response by watching what the USA and NATO have done to Russia. I still think Biden and NATO will drop the ball In Ukraine like they did in Afghanistan. >China is actively converting its economy from a normal peacetime operation to a wartime operation, and China’s military leaders cite their “success” with covid lockdowns as proof that their command-and-control dominance over domestic operations will keep them in power. What? Still less retarded than New York, Australia And California I guess. >China is expecting massive riots and civil unrest in the large cities around Hong Kong (Guangzhou and Shenzhen), and they are committed to using special forces from the PLA to immediately execute protesters and instantly quell any uprisings. I like to see how China handles BLM rioting. >China and Russia have teamed up in this effort to destroy their common enemy (the USA). Russia’s operations in Ukraine are essentially a “fixing operation” to cause the USA to commit its military hardware and troops to the Ukrainian theater of war, thereby creating vulnerabilities and lack of military readiness in the continental United States (CONUS), just as China is preparing to invade the USA in a D-Day-style landing of troops and military equipment. Sounds like the Chuck Norris movie invasion USA.
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>>180666 >New Game Is A "Middle Finger" To Russia, Ukrainian Dev Says Boy I sure can't wait for all Slavjank games to get super political for the next five years.
>>180674 Hey we might get something like syrian warfare, sure it was political but it was funny playing muslim warfare.
>>180667 Because even if we were to give the benefit of the doubt that they somehow slip past undetected all the way into san francisco, 30 minutes after they launch their invasion they'll get bombed to oblivion by the airforce. Also suppose they manage they don't get annihilated by overwhelming air superiority, where the fuck are they going to get supplied from? The US navy has many more modern day carriers and cruisers, there would no hope of resupply and any supplies brought with them would soon dwindle to nothing.
>>180672 >And even in merchant marine, greece still has the world's largest. Greekfag here, not sure that claim is true for the last 2 decades, and that's not counting the legal ownership of most of the ships which is a clusterfuck here italians with yid roots, chinks and nowadays even norwegians but I'm pretty sure we're the second largest and most successful merchant marine fleet, the best and largest being either Norway's or American navy. >>180674 They've always been political, slavshit has the most overt political edge out of the western games, people outside of the balkans just don't get most of those references. It's just that now, all the slavshit will have a (((common enemy))) to focus their ire upon.
>>180677 >some American country navy My bad

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>>180634 I wonder when they'll reboot Megaman with Roll marrying Eddie.
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>>180679 to be fair a robot girl fucking a robot robot is a fuckload less degenerate than a god damn fly
>>180679 Wasnt roll dating iceman in the comics?
>>180680 It's just the least human looking character I could find on the fly, pun intended. I'll go through the megaman universe some more later - maybe there's a better equivalent to zippy.
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>>180681 No. IceMan had a crush on Roll that was never reciprocated.
>>180684 Oh, poor little fella.
>>180550 >>180559 >>180560 It honestly disgusts me when a nip dev has such a complete lack of pride that they sell out with the goddamn westerners for a few extra bucks. Evangelion being associated with something like Fortnite ought to make someone LESS inclined to watch the show rather than more, and attracts the most shitty of kids that do get interested.
>>180686 >It honestly disgusts me when a nip dev has such a complete lack of pride that they sell out with the goddamn westerners for a few extra bucks. Evangelion being associated with something like Fortnite ought to make someone LESS inclined to watch the show rather than more, and attracts the most shitty of kids that do get interested. Anon, Anno is a massive otaku autist. He married his wife in a Kamen Rider costume and he has been writting Ultraman and Gundam fanfiction ever since high school. Why wouldn't he put Eva in one of his favourite games this season? >The rest of it No problems with the rest of the post, spot on.
>>180674 They're slav games. They've always been political. Just now it'll be about current politics over just "muh nazis" or the USSR.
>>180686 You might have had a point if it was something current, but NGE has been whoring itself out for about 25 years now. The artistic integrity is already long dead.
>>180687 >Why wouldn't he put Eva in one of his favourite games this season? >Anno's favorite modern game is Fortnite of all fucking things I think I've legitimately lost a little respect for him. How can a man who grew up with the good media have taste this completely garbage? >>180689 What's Yakuza's excuse then?
>>180690 >How can a man who grew up with the good media have taste this completely garbage? You get what you can when the PC scene and multiplayer scene is effectively dead in Japan <But muh Gundam arcade shootan overwatch clone Nobody likes that, not even the nips. They'd rather visit decrepit arcades in hopes of finding Maxi Boost 2 <But Smash Japanese are nowhere near autistic enough to be that invested in Smash <But muh fightans See, that's more like it. Except more nips still play them on their PS4s while waiting to build a good enough PC that can hold their docs, steam games that are way too big and some personal shit on top of all that + good parts to handle the games online in the first place. It's sad but it is what it is, the shortage of cheaps and skyrocketing of the prices on pc parts and pcs in general doesn't help, especially the japanese who still loathe Windows 7, 8 and 10 and would rather refurbish a 30 year old laptop if it means they have Windows XP instead. >What's Yakuza's excuse then? Here : >>180596 Sega's just a whore and went buck wild now that Nagoshi left.
>>180690 Hell if I know, I've never played yakuza.
>>180646 >conspiracy theories That means that they are true.
>>180664 >invasion plans for California and Washington May all who live there be killed.
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>>180680 Cyka blyat.
>>180666 >New Game Is A "Middle Finger" To Russia, Ukrainian Dev Says The weak and impotent bark and get killed. KEK!
>>180695 Cute mouse.
>>606179 Shut the fuck up niggerpill, you were found out, drop the act already and go back to your usual bullshit.
>>180676 >30 minutes after they launch their invasion they'll get bombed to oblivion by the airforce. That won't happen. The U.S. military, with the sole exceptions of the National Guard and the Coast Guard, cannot perform any operations within the borders of the United States.
>>180699 >cannot perform any operations within the borders of the United States. Yeah they can lol.
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It's been ten years since his death. Got anything to say?
>>180700 No, they cannot. It is outside of their jurisdiction, and they'll get fucked to Hell if they step outside it. That being said, there's little reason to worry about when, IF a PLA force invaded San Francisco, they have to deal with the local "militarized" police (SWAT included), the state troopers, the FBI, the ATF, possibly the CIA and the MPs, the National Guard and the Coast Guard if the govenor calls on them, and the people crazy enough to own a gun in San Francisco. To put it simply, I don't think it will be a good day for the Chinese general in charge of that attack.
>>180701 Wish cancer onto someone else, get cancer yourself.
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>>180687 >He married his wife in a Kamen Rider costume and he has been writting Ultraman and Gundam fanfiction ever since high school. >>180690 >How can a man who grew up with the good media have taste this completely garbage? I heard that Anno is not that much into games, so he's a normalfag when it comes to it.
>>180657 >that wasnt manufactured by the USA Paid shill confirmed.
>>180657 > that wasnt manufactured by the USA, that was literal chinese propaganda to cover their own asses. Anon, Corona-chan was developed as a joint American-Chinese effort. That being said, we don't know how equal the collaboration is. Going by the information that has already surfaced, China developed the virus, but the U.S. provided all the funding, the data, and personal to direct the experiments. Also, the "Chinese propaganda" part is that they had ZERO involvement in the virus, NOT that the U.S. had a hand in creating it. According to the official Chinese narrative, Corona-chan was developed entirely in a lab located on the American mainland (Somewhere in Kentuck, IIRC), broke containment, then the U.S. government flew the infected personal to Wuhan, infected the general populace there, and then blamed China for starting the virus. THAT'S the Chinese propaganda.
>>180707 > and personal to direct the experiments. Nothing personnel, kid.
>>180704 Come on anon, did you think most of the mangaka / animators of that era, one of the best eras of japanese media, was normal in any way? Most of them were the original anons after all. Anno's been just /ourguy/ the whole time and he fullfilled all of his /m/anly dreams in life, including animated some great sakuga for one of his favourite series, which is more than what the average /m/ poster can say. >Anno is a normalfag about vidya He is but for a japanese boomer he's pretty hardcore, keeping up perfectly with most Gundam-related releases, having played all of the DraQues at least once and having kept up with 90s trends along with his friends is quite something. Most of his generation were just faffing around the arcades at time, Anno has some fun anecdotes about some of the cast of EVA bumping into Obari's team from Gowcaizer, playing Virtua FIghter 2 and Midorikawa gave them free credits for their first three tries. Anno's real passion comes from (mecha)anime itself, tokusatsu and figurines. Vidya is secondary to him, like most /m/fags. >>180705 Fuck Kamen Rider, only Shen Megoomi Tensay is allowed on this mongolian cheese farming forum.
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>>180705 What the hell is ".ogg"? >>180709 SMT is for redditors.
>>180710 >ogg one of the discworld witches
>>180710 >What the hell is ".ogg"? Ogg is a free, open container format maintained by the Xiph.Org Foundation. The authors of the Ogg format state that it is unrestricted by software patents and is designed to provide for efficient streaming and manipulation of high-quality digital multimedia. Its name is derived from "ogging", jargon from the computer game Netrek. The Ogg container format can multiplex a number of independent streams for audio, video, text (such as subtitles), and metadata. In the Ogg multimedia framework, Theora provides a lossy video layer. The audio layer is most commonly provided by the music-oriented Vorbis format or its successor Opus. Lossless audio compression formats include FLAC, and OggPCM. Before 2007, the .ogg filename extension was used for all files whose content used the Ogg container format. Since 2007, the Xiph.Org Foundation recommends that .ogg only be used for Ogg Vorbis audio files. The Xiph.Org Foundation decided to create a new set of file extensions and media types to describe different types of content such as .oga for audio only files, .ogv for video with or without sound (including Theora), and .ogx for multiplexed Ogg. As of November 7, 2017, the current version of the Xiph.Org Foundation's reference implementation is libogg 1.3.3. Another version, libogg2, has been in development, but is awaiting a rewrite as of 2018. Both software libraries are free software, released under the New BSD License. Ogg reference implementation was separated from Vorbis on September 2, 2000. Because the format is free, and its reference implementation is not subject to restrictions associated with copyright, Ogg's various codecs have been incorporated into a number of different free and proprietary media players, both commercial and non-commercial, as well as portable media players and GPS receivers from different manufacturers.
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Netflix’s Resident Evil Showrunner Defends Albert Wesker Race Swap, Says Live-Action Adaptations Are “Limiting” Themselves By Casting Based On Character Accuracy >Speaking to his decision to race-swap iconic villain Albert Wesker in Netflix’s upcoming Resident Evil series, showrunner Andrew Dabb has argued that live-action adaptations of other media are “limiting” themselves by casting based on character accuracy to a given source material. >Based on Capcom’s horror video game series of the same name and unrelated to either the previous Paul W.S. Anderson film series or 2021’s Welcome To Racoon, Netflix’s upcoming Resident Evil “will feature a new original story in two timelines.” >The second timeline is a future world more than 10 years later,” the company continues. “The number of human beings on the earth is now less than 15 million, and the T-virus has turned the Earth into a monster of more than 6 billion people and animals. In this new world, Jade, now 30 years old, fights for survival, but is also tormented by the secrets of her past surrounding her sister, her father, and herself.” >Audiences were given their first look at the live-action series, which will star Lance Reddick (John Wick series) as Albert Wesker and Ella Balinska (Charlie’s Angels (2019)) as his daughter in the future timeline, with the release of its first teaser trailer on May 12th. >That same day, Entertainment Weekly published an interview with Dabb, recounting an earlier conversation they held with the showrunner during an earlier Resident Evil media press event held in April. >Asked by a journalist at the event for insight into his decision to race-swap Wesker with Reddick’s casting, Dabb replied, “If you know the games, Wesker is dead. He got blown up by a rocket launcher in a volcano [at the end of Resident Evil 5].” >The games are our backstory,” he added. “So, everything in the games exists in this world. So, how is Wesker alive now? >I will say stay tuned and the answer is not like, ‘He’s immune to lava.'” Dabb further asserted, “I don’t want to give too much away, but I will say the explanation for why Wesker is the way that he is and how he is still alive go hand in hand.” >As for the specific choice to cast Reddick, Dabb posited to the crowd, “I think when you are casting in the modern day and age, if you are limiting yourself based on, ‘Well, this character is blonde, so we gotta look at blonde actors,’ you’re gonna find yourself in a bad position.” >When Lance was interested in doing the part, you’re not gonna find anybody better than him to play this character — both the dad part of the character and also the more corporate killer part,” he defended. >At that point, you’re making the show weaker by going with someone that may be more aesthetically a match to the game.” “So, why would you weaken a show like that?” >Dabb asked in conclusion. “It makes no sense to me, and luckily Netflix and Constantin [Film] as well were very much on board with that. The goal here is to do the strongest show.” >The eight-episode Resident Evil is set to debut on Netflix on July 14th. What do you make of Dabb’s justification for race-swapping Wesker? https://archive.ph/rQUKy DBD X RESIDENT EVIL: PROJECT W KILLER AND SURVIVOR LEAKED FOR CHAPTER 25 >Another Dead By Daylight x Resident Evil crossover has been announced as Project W and leaks suggest it is Chapter 25 with the new DBD killer and survivor also possibly revealed. >It’s shaping up to be an incredibly exciting year for Dead By Daylight fans. Not only is Chapter 24 and the Anniversary event right around the corner in June, but a dating simulator and Attack On Titan crossover are also coming. >We are also getting another collaboration with Capcom as part of Year 7 and it could be better than the first if the leaks are fully true. >BeHaviour Interactive announced the Dead By Daylight x Resident Evil Project W crossover during their Anniversary 2022 event livestream. >This will be the second collaboration between BeHaviour Interactive and Capcom. The first DLC was in 2021 and it featured Leon and Jill as survivors with Nemesis as the killer. >Even though it was confirmed on May 17th, another crossover between Dead By Daylight and RE was originally unearthed on Twitter by DBDLeaks. >It wasn’t mentioned as Project W at the time, but the leaks suggest it’s Chapter 25. This means it is likely to arrive sometime in September assuming there’s no delays. DBD ALBERT WESKER KILLER AND ADA WONG SURVIVOR >Leaks say that the Dead By Daylight x Resident Evil Project W Chapter 25 crossover will star Albert Wesker as the killer and Ada Wong as survivor. >In addition to Ada Wong, it’s also suggested that Rebecca Chambers will join her as survivor. This would match the first crossover between Capcom and BeHaviour where there was one baddie and two good guys. >Ada Wong is a fan-favourite RE protagonist mostly recognised from RE2 and RE4. Meanwhile, Rebecca Chambers is a lesser known character to casual fans. >She was a supporting hero in the first game, and there are rumours that she will star in an unannounced title named Resident Evil Outrage. >Lastly, Albert Wesker is a famous villain from the series. He is basically responsible for most of the horrific events in the entire franchise and he notably died in RE5. https://archive.ph/pJPf4
Author Mercedes Lackey and her husband removed from Nebula Conference for using the term "colored person" https://archive.ph/rJ3IU https://archive.ph/AIdSp The context was her praising black author Samuel Delany. This comes the week after after the Nebula Awards gave her a lifetime achievement award ("Damon Knight Memorial Grand Master"). Her husband wasn't even present when she said it, they just removed him for being married to her. Included are screenshots of Facebook comments from Delany and her husband I saw floating around, I haven't tried hunting down and archiving them.
>>180715 You reap what you sow.
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>>180679 >>180680 revolting >>180604 Something about the proportions seems exaggerated like street caricatures, now I'm imagining anon drawing lewd gijinka portraits at a park on Sunday for passers-by.
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>>180711 Taste status: Good >>180714 >Live-Action Adaptations Are “Limiting” Themselves By Casting Based On Character Accuracy Satire is now reality. Weimar is here. Hyperinflation and mass starvation will happen in under 5 years.
Skull and Bones has a new first mate, as Ubisoft hires Call of Duty veteran >Skull and Bones, Ubisoft’s long-delayed multiplayer pirate game, has had yet another change in management, as a veteran producer of Call of Duty joins its development team. >Neven Dravinksi worked as a senior producer on Call of Duty as far back as 2012’s Black Ops 2. He most recently directed the production of Warzone and Modern Warfare's live service elements. According to a press release, he’s joined Skull and Bones as a senior producer to shape the game’s vision and strategy >The press release made no mention of a potential release date. Ubisoft is still officially targeting a launch window between 2022 and 2023, and its language suggests the game is still very much in the thick of development. >Dravinksi hasn’t been brought on to oversee the completion of the title, but to lead the development team as it continues work on the game. >“I am excited to join the talented teams of Ubisoft Singapore,” he said in a press release. >”The Skull and Bones development team is working on an incredibly exciting project, and I look forward to supporting them as they bring the game’s vision to life”. >That will be no mean feat. Skull and Bones has faced a turbulent development since it began life as an expansion to Assassin’s Creed 4: Black Flag back in 2013. >A Kotaku report released last year detailed how its scope and gameplay had dramatically changed over the course of development, with its setting, core naval gameplay loop, and creative direction being radically upended throughout. >Skull and Bones has long been beleaguered by changes in management, too. Elizabeth Pellen is currently acting as the game’s third creative director, and it was only earlier this year that co-director Antoine Henry left the project. >That yet another senior manager is being introduced might be taken as a sign that the game’s tumultuous development isn’t yet behind it, as new hands are brought on to the ship to steer it into calmer waters. >However, Ubisoft will likely be hoping Dravinski – and his 20 years of video game production experience – will be the key to curing Skull and Bones’ ills. >Earlier this year, six minutes of Skull and Bones gameplay was leaked on Reddit, giving us a glimpse of its naval combat, before being promptly removed for copyright violation. >While it wasn’t clear at what stage of the game's production the video had been captured, PCGamer reckoned it looked fairly similar to what it had seen during a 2018 preview. Players journey across the high seas and skirmish in fast-paced naval combat, completing contracts to earn infamy and upgrade their ship. >Although originally slated to release in 2018, Ubisoft has delayed the game numerous times. It’s currently due to launch in the 2022 fiscal year, which would place it somewhere between April 2022 and April 2023. But even that wide margin may prove too soon. https://archive.ph/PcUoH GAMING HORROR Twisted paedo ‘used Fornite & Call of Duty to prey on kids & force them to pose naked as cops find 2,000 abuse images’ >A TWISTED paedophile allegedly used online games like Fortnite and Call of Duty to abuse kids as he bribed them with in game items. >Convicted sex abuser Aldo Maximiliano, 42, was caught by cops in Spain and allegedly had 2,000 files of child abuse images from an massive online grooming operation. >He was already a convicted paedophile - having previously served sentences for 22 sexual crimes against minors and two for exhibitionism. >Maximiliano, who lived with his elderly mother in Malaga, used online shooter games Fortnite and Call of Duty - along with fantasy roleplaying game World of Warcraft - to meet his suspected victims, reports La Opinion De Malaga. >The paedophile, a former football coach, is alleged to have groomed at least 26 victims aged between eight and 12. >He is accused of posing as a child and offered youngsters virtual gifts - such as in game weapons and passes - before convincing them to appear on camera on video messaging service Skype. >Maximiliano would then allegedly pressure the children to appear naked, only to then screenshot the image and save it on his computer. >Civili Guard investigators trawled through 560 gigabytes of information which revealed his suspected chats and interactions with young gamers. >He is believed to have accessed online games 3,000 times and made 81 payments to accounts belonging to minors. >Video footage of his arrest in southern shows the paedo being led away by police while other officers search his computers. >Cops began investigating Aldo in July 2021 - and he has now been charged with crimes of sexual abuse and recruitment of minors. >It is not ruled out that there are more victims so the investigation remains open. Police were first alerted to him when the parents of one boy, 9, became concerned about a "friend" he had made on Fortnite. >The boy would allegedly game with Aldo and would appear on video calls with him. The child then admitted to his parents he would allegedly undress for the paedophile in exchange for online gifts. >"Once we caught him, the most difficult thing was to identify the children who appeared in those photos," cops told El Espanol. >They found Maximiliano would allegedly sometimes spend years grooming his alleged victims forging "long-term friendships" with them. >Researchers had the horrific task of going through the 2,000 images picture-by-picture to try and identify the children. >Civil Guard then had to get in touch the parents of any victims who they could name - with at least three in Malaga. >Cops are also investigating separate allegations that Maximiliano abused a victim he met a nudist beach he frequented in Benalmádena. https://archive.ph/M7Anj
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>>180713 >>180712 >>180705 >>180710 >>180711 Sometimes there's a good line of quotes in anonymous message boards, this was one of them
>>180719 > Skull and Bones has a new first mate Just admit it's dead, Ubisoft.
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And, the Bloodborne machine and the NoGames5 are officially on suicide watch: https://github.com/InoriRus/Kyty
>>180722 The fuck is this?
>>180723 nothing, just stay in this thread forever
>>180723 A PS4/PS5 emulator that already runs a couple commercial games.
>>180710 >SMT is for redditors. <Implying that redditors even like Bucketheads wild adventures in DOOM land and not the retarded high school simulations to feel like the jawks that bullied them Please.
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>>180725 Oh, sweet. I can't wait to emulate all one PS4/PS5 games. Jokes aside, I'm sure there's some stuff there that doesn't deserve to be stuck on those consoles, like Gravity Rush.
>>180726 A game series where you fight God & demons? Pretty reddit.
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>>180722 >the Bloodborne machine is now just simply machine >mfw Wish they would hurry up on cracking the Xbox 360
>>180722 I thought PS4 emulation was already a thing.
>>180728 >A game series where you fight God & demons? Pretty reddit. I thought that siding with other mythologies and beliebing in Yamato Dmashii while punching out the jewish influence was not kosher in redditland though.
>>180722 too bad the ps5 has nothing worth playing and the PS4 has exactly 4 games worth playing >Gravity Rush Remastered >Gravity Rush 2 >Bloodborne >Medievil Remake am I missing anything? is disaster report 4 on pc?
>>180732 Utawarerumono Zan on the PS4. And that Virtua-On x To Aru Majutsu no Index crossover game that is essentially Virtua-On 3.5 with better control options. I think that's it honestly. And Yakuza Isshin, unless it got ported to the PC and I forgot about it but I'm pretty sure only the mainline games and the FotNS got ported to PC.
>>180733 Isshin is on PS3, i have a sealed copy cheap from yahoo auction
>>180734 And PS4 as well, it was a dual release, just like Yakuza 0. Now that I remember it, Oneechanbara Z2 Chaos is on the PS4 only and Sengoku Basara 4 Sumeragi and Yukimura Den. Both have a PS3 version as well but at the time it was limited compared to the PS4 version. And no PC release, once again. I honestly can't think of any other reason to own a PS4. And the Basara games aren't backwards compatible with PS5? Dunno about Oneechanbara either.
>>180732 Tell me about the eyebrow loli, what is her secret?
There's also that one anon who constantly brings up the Shadow of the Beast remake that I actually really want to play at some point.
>>180730 Spine and RPCS4 is currently Linux exclusive and closed-source. This and GPCS4 are available on Windows and open source. >>180732 >am I missing anything? Fist of the North Star: Lost Paradise, Ghosts of Tsushima, Shadow of the Beast, and one of the Yakuza games.
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>>180679 >that first pic boner why >>180723 See pic related.
Something of minor interest: Sportschan has us on their webring (and not because it's broken, they used to have an old version that only showed 8chan's /co/ and some fetish board but not /v/ but now it does) I always liked those dumbfucks
>>180740 Good on them not being dramaniggers.
>>180740 >>180741 well we can't let feds get away with the shattering forever
>>180728 The japs have a different view of religion compared to the West.
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>>180744 Speaking of baker, it's degenerate as fuck, but you have to admit Cock Waffles is a fun phrase to say.
>>180744 Some nigger made a new thread but forgot to link it here: >>606329 >>606329 >>606329 >>606329 >>606329 >>606329
>>180745 You wouldn't feed them that, would you? NEW THREAD: >>606329 >>606329 >>606329 >>606329 >>606329 >>606329 >>606329

Quick Reply