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Vidya Lounge Thread Anonymous 06/20/2021 (Sun) 16:37:19 Id: 33c988 No. 343401
Welcome to /v/'s comfy lounge. This thread is for general discussion about /v/-related topics that don't deserve/fit in regular threads. The rules 'may be treated more flexibly here, but please take care not to make a mess and don't be a retard. Rules: 1. The lounge is a shared community with /v/. Posters should have posts elsewhere on the board before entering the lounge. 2. Discussion should pertain to /v/-type content only, such as funposting about video games, more video games, industry matters, and gamer™ interests. Colouring outside the lines MAY be okay, however posters do so at their own risk with the understanding that said posts might be moderated without forewarning at any time.
>>1045492 you're talking to a poor, they rip on spenders since they got nothing to spend... same hikikospics who rip on gamers who buy games
>>1045533 >I like getting financially abused, you just don't like getting monetarily fucked in the ass because you're poor Take your findom cuckoldry somewhere else.
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>>1045538 >Buying anything >Not stealing everything Real Otaku only pay for ramen.
Finally got around to watching that Half Life 2 documentary, and my immediate thought upon seeing Gabe, is : >Wow, I'm going to live to see this man die in my lifetime.
>>1045820 the funny thing about life is theres no guarantee you actually will, but you also wont be around to tell us if you dont
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>>1045492 100+ year old rocking grandpa chairs are the objectively best seating implement for desktop video gaymen. >>1045664 >implying pirating software or cracking Denuvo is the same as stealing a bike in the Bronx or shorting a multi-billion dollar hedgefund The realest Otaku also make their own ramen just like they write their own compilers.
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I never though about it but i think he might be onto something.
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>>1045878 It's more that they're mentally ill and want to feel childlike nostalgia again, which I can relate to. My biggest issue is that they completely infest anything with a late 90s/early 2000s atmosphere and 80s/90s anime. I pity the troon, to be preyed upon the internet denizen degenerate when it used to be an escape from reality.
>>1045878 I have noticed a lot of trans gamers love the PS1 look, but I don't think it's for some dumb shit like that. I think it's just meme theory, and I mean actual memes not internet memes, for whatever reason that style in particular became popular within their community.
>>1045893 >>1045878 Nostalgia is one reason, second is its very easy to model low poly stuff. Its the next pixel art, for baby's first 3d design.
If the Dorito Pope crowns DLC as GOTY, then I'm retroactively giving the Elder Scrolls Horse Armor the 2006 GOTY
>>1045901 To be fair, a DLC that's basically an expansion pack is different from a cosmetic microtransaction
>>1045830 The floor might actually be the best, especially if you alternate sitting and standing and slav squatting.
>>1045902 Being fair? In video games? Get out of here
>>1045901 I think it would be fitting. A fucking DLC beating out an entire years worth of triple gAAAy is funny to me.
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>>1045888 It's funny how they try to recreate a time when artistic liberty and innovation were at its (arguably) high and can only come up with 3 things, either a demake, a 2d sidescroller, or a walking sim devoid of any personality. >>1045901 Look at the absolute state of this piece of shit industry.
>>1045878 wew lad
>>1045921 astro bot more like astro microbenis
>>1045491 >>1045487 >>1045482 Nothing wrong with a good chair. I use stuff I find out of the thrift shop, got a big office leather chair for $25. It's giant and a pain in the ass but quite comfortable but also very well used. I'd prefer a new one when I can afford it. Why wouldn't you buy something good if you use it for 5+ hours a day?
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Imagine Skyrim in Luanti
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>>1045940 Imagine a Bethesda game, but with actual depth!
>>1045940 See that number 3? You cannot count to it.
>>1045944 didn't know Fred Fuckstone did gay pissfag porn
>>1046264 Old or current
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>>1046264 Germany has no games
>>1046270 Sorry about your country being a commie hellhole.
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>>1046273 I am grateful for America for giving me Doom and Command and Conquer
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>>1046270 Germany has no gaems but when they do its the best gaem. >>1046274 Thanks you Germany.
>>1046270 Gothic, German Morrowind is more than worthy of praise.
>>1046270 Germany? More like Febuary.
Today well, technically yesterday, in japan was the 30th anniversary of the original PlayStation! You did remember, right /v/? What are some of your memories and favorite games from it's amazing library?
>>1046433 It's kind of funny I was always a Nintendo kid, mostly because we were a one console per gen household for economic reasons. If it had been up to me I'd have had every console ever produced at the time. I got into Playstation not because of any of the typical console war or graphics whoring reasons. I got into it because of Dragon Ball Z. I had become a huge, and early, DBZ nerd back when the dubbing wasn't complete and I had researched everything about it that I could and I discovered that there were some PS1 only DBZ games that were, at the time, only released in Japan. So I pretty much begged for a Modded Playstation for Christmas. Ironically I didn't get much play out of DBZ but it turned me onto a whole world of JRPGs and as it turned out more of Akira Toriyama's other work. So yeah thanks to Dragon Ball I got to play a lot of games that I might have never played. Also searching up uncensored Dragon Ball on the early internet may have also introduced me to shotacon via Gohan and Trunks. >Vib Ribbon One of the neatest little concepts for a game and it has great music too.
>>1046433 I just recently hooked my PS3 back up to my tv to leave hooked up. Was just playing Syphon Filter this morning. Also, via emulation, tried Jumping Flash 1 and 2 and got hooked. Plus I didn't realize that RE1DC was on PS4 and I was able to download, so I played some of that as well. Been collecting for my PS1,2, and 3 more lately too. Don't have a PS5 and don't want one.
>Mediocre console FPS I played years back >Was kinda meh >Actually becomes enjoyable once I can play it at decent framerates, resolution, an actual FOV that isn't puke inducing and a Keyboard and Mouse Anyone else does this? Been playing Darkwatch that way
>>1046488 Happened with half life to me, the bobbing and fov caused motion sickness in minutes.
>>1046488 Even Dark Forces II, which is built around having auto-aim to return fire against targets that are too far away to effectively see at the intended resolution, doesn't have autoaim that blatant.
>>1046541 It used to just "stick" to targets and make you strafe. Now it's just aimbot From bad to worse
>>1046488 >Modern aim-assist Someone need to remind those devs the right stick exist.
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I'd like to share with you these odd alien robo sisters from an extremely obscure PS2 game.
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>>1046571 Why are they hanging so low? I'm not complaining but why?
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>>1046433 I got it for Christmas 96 along with a bunch of japanese imports and a stack of newly released games. My cousin got super jealous so he asks his parents to buy him one to so we would borrow each other's games or hang out for days or weeks, specially on summer vacations. Playstation has sucked longer than it was good at this point.
>>1046488 So what's the point of imput lag? Is it more "cinematic"? Just like having games at sub 30fps.
>>1046571 Not bad. Is it Ruff Trigger: The Vanocore Conspiracy?
>>1046598 Input lag is due to wireless gamepads The character animations take a whole fucking second to turn around for "reelism" certainly doesn't help the sluggish movement of modern AAA trash.
>>1046726 >Input lag is due to wireless gamepads Haven't there been innumerable tests showing that wired controllers actually have the most input lag?
>>1046756 Varies by controller. I saw stats before showing wireless DS4 has the lowest input lag. Input lag on modern AAA trash is probably engine-related, cinematics over performance.
>>1046590 They're very heavy. >>1046690 Yes. After making that post, maybe it wasn't as obscure as I thought it was. There are at least three videos with 100k+ views about it. None of them good, mind you.
>>1046433 I feel bad for being a bit late to this train. As a youngster, I had very fond memories of X-Men Mutant Academy (only ever watched my cousins play that one), Spider-Man, and Namco Museum (especially Volume 3, I have Ms. Pacman etched into my memory. In my later teenage years, enjoyed emulating the fuck out of the PSX, playing through bits of Metal Gear, Final Fantasy VII, Parappa the Rapper, and Um Jammer Lammy. Nowadays, I still touch on the Playstation for certain games that scratch itches I got, like Street Fighter EX or Bushido Blade, especially for gamenights with the buds.
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https://inv.nadeko.net/watch?v=Rhv2CHLo6Nc >People are now remembering COD as if it were some of the most deep and auteur video game in the market 12 years ago I can understand having fond memories of shit you played, i truly do. Call of duty was one of the driving forces for DLC, microtransactions and gambling for cosmetics, not to mention everyone wanted to be a clone. Now that Fortnite has taken over that market and COD wants to be its FPS counterpart (like they tried before with PUBG) the series is actually "dead".
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>>1047060 >ugh.. COD3 was so much better than COD23.. Pic related. People have been doing that for years, Crowbcat is just as guilty. Go watch his seventh gen video, easily the worst cringe he's ever made. It borders on parody. The COD and Halo kiddies from 2007 are adults now and genuinely think their junk was hot shit. Though Halo is nowhere near as bad as a lot of the other AAA shooters of the era. People are always fond of the kusoge they grew up with, you'll see this for terrible NES games too. Go read at the comments section of any NES longplay, you'll see millennials and younger Gen X talk about how it was their favorite game and how gaming was so much better and all the usual stock phrases, but the game could easily be Ghostbusters or Silver Surfer. I think the difference is Xbox 360 nostalgiafags are way louder and more obnoxious than NES nostalgiafags, they're about as bad as 90s kids for how much they love to masturbate over their childhood. Arguing about their AAA cinematic slop was so much better than kids these days' cinematic AAA slop.
>>1047070 To be fair, it's pretty much a fact that western (and some Eastern) AAA has generally gotten worse over the last 15-20 years.
>>1047077 For FPS, I'd argue it's gotten better. 2007-2014 was a real dark age for the genre.
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>>1047070 https://archive.is/kiLKy They also like to pretend they didn't play multiplayer exclusively and they actually cared about the 4 hour campaign. This faggots are telling me now they played COD "for the plot" bro, what the fuck.
>>1047060 >I can understand having fond memories of shit you played You didn't had much games to play on PS3 or Xbox360 during that time meanwhile Wii players ate good.
>>1047094 7th gen literally made me into a PC absolutist. One of the biggest letdowns of my life, specially coming from the 6th gen. Crowbcat is the only gaming related content i look forward and he is always on point. I don't know why he has such a hard bias for the ps360 era.
>>1047094 >You didn't had much >ate good Return to Twitter, please. And the Wii's library kinda sucks, it has a few good games among a wasteland of junk.
>>1047094 >meanwhile Wii players ate good. C'mon now boy.
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>>1047102 Ok, these two were the best thing to come out of the 7th gen.
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>>1047102 >>1047103 We should go back to simpler times.
>>1047089 >>1047070 The worst part if that this faggot shows his age and shit taste by not posting COD1 and 2. 7th Gen babies are very easy to spot. >>1047099 Because the PS2 was the first console for many. >>1047103 Wrong Pic related
Samefag olympics over here.
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>>1047109 Check out this newfaggot refugee straight off the boat!
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>start a game <hey this is really fun >halfway through >game turns into a brutal, miserable slog >put so much time in I want to see it through anyway Has this ever happened to you? What game?
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>>1047117 FarCry 2, but instead of halfway through it was at around 10% progress. I finished it and I regret it, to this day I'm still astounded there are retards that played it on the Xbox 3shitty and liked it. The whole game is a slog and going back to main just to get a new mission and kill the same enemies every single time is a pain in the fucking ass. It's clearly a half baked project with potential that got snuffed out too early. Like the gunplay despite the retarded inaccurate weapons, like the driving and diamond collection. Everything else just sucks massive fucking dick and kills the game.
>>1047119 I agree on everything, except I dipped out at around a third of the way through. You only touch upon it, but the inaccuracy of the weapons is unbelievable and drags so much of the game down. It forces you into only using snipers and the dart gun, it's the polar opposite of Far Cry 1 where you could snipe with a pistol so long as you could sight your target. Something you don't touch on, and what made me eventually drop the game, is the awful map navigation. Driving around is a gruelling chore with the awkward terrain and constant, respawning bandit camps. 3 almost fixes these problems, but introduces new ones. 3 removed most of the neat tech demo-y features, introduced the tacked-on skill tree, and quadrupled the amount of busywork. I remember finding a relic, then seeing the stat screen read out "RELICS - 1 of 120" and immediately said fuck that.
>>1047117 Mount and Blade Warband/Bannerlord. Early and mid-game are fun, but late game is where I almost always stop playing. Mods definitely help, but they can really only do so much. >>1047119 >It's clearly a half baked project with potential that I always figured it was a tech demo that was made into a game. There are a lot of neat features in there that it never really utilizes properly.
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>>1047123 >so long as you could sight your target. That's the thing, both FarCry and Crysis are all about compensating for sway. >>1047123 My issue with 3 is how fucking arcady it is and how it has 300 systems with no depth. >Inventory system <It's just there >Crafting system <It barely has any depth and you can just buy everything outside bags anyway It's a dripfeeding grindathon as well and most weapons feel and play the same. It feels like a shopping list, which is a shame since the rest of the game is alright. I want my inventory system and progression system to feel meaningful. >>1047128 It kinda was, they made the Dunia Engine based off Crytek 1 and most of the dev work was put into that, before they could finish the fucking thing, Ubisoft just set a hasty deadline and shipped it. To be fair, they wasted quite a lot of money and 4 years on that project so it was kind of warranted. It's not the scrapped content that bothers me, it's the fact that the end product is sloppy and just terribly designed. I wouldn't mind going back to main so much if the Open World wasn't mostly corridors and there was some actual diversity and randomness whenever you cleared a checkpoint. Shit, it would have made the game less of a slog if the checkpoint was just cleared indefinitely or only replenished after a main mission plot. The Enemy Checkpoint system get so bad it nearly breaks the game in some later missions where you clear one to get to the main mission zone, clear the main mission in 5 minutes or less all with no load times mind you and go back only to find the Checkpoint already filled with mooks, and you're usually wounded and low on ammo as well. In one instance the Checkpoint is so near the main mission zone that they start shooting before you can even get out of said zone, it's fucking insanity.
repost Wasn't there supposed to be a squilliam compilation video this year? Is it dead?
>>1047302 >>1047319 I'm a little worried about the video anon. He was having some kind of family problem or something. I hope he's OK. The best we can do till he returns is to keep the thread periodically bumped if it falls too far down the catalog until he returns.
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I need fox pussy
>>1047371 There have been 3 minutes or less without you posting something related to gays on this board, do you have something to say? Yes, i mean the "pedik" image, the "dog" image and this one.
>>1047372 wtf how you got my dox
>>1047371 Mr Furry German, we have a /fur/ board, please use it and stop shitting up /v/ so much.
>>1047371 >>1047374 Indeed it does. The Sonic thread has quite a lot of fox content of one particular fox.
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>>1047117 Satisfactory. >its a worse factorio but at least its 3d so it has some novelty >no biters/base defense mechanics but maybe this will be a good game to relax to >all of the alternate recipes/designs are distributed rng style, encouraging savescumming in a fucking spreadsheet sim game of all things >blueprints (ability to copy/paste designs) are not only size limited, but they don't connect belts/power between them. tiling blueprints requires manual connection. >this also applies to train tracks, which are actually fucking horrible to work with >Instead of just laying a straight line of tracks and connecting where you need to, you need to manually break up the rail placement where intersections will be in advance >needing to do the above for a T intersection >needing to do this for EVERY INTERSECTION The blueprint size limit I can see being a 'constraints breed creativity' situation, but holy ungodly fuck the rail system sucks so much ass. I'm usually too autistic to download a mod until after I've finished the game, but this is needless frustration. YOU LET ME PLACE BELT SPLITTERS WHEREVER I WANT ON A CONVEYOR BELT, WHY WONT YOU LET ME JUST CONNECT THE RAILS YOU DOUBLE NIGGERS AAAA
>>1047516 Factorio really is going to remain a untouchable example of a good automation game, huh?
>>1047520 Funny it was made by an openttd modder of 10+ years or so.
>>1047520 >Factorio really is going to remain a untouchable Untouchable by me since I'm outside the spectrum.
I'm curious, does anybody here own a daki? They were a popular meme among normalfags a few years ago but I haven't seen a lot about them since.
>>1047563 a friend of mine owns an Okuu daki, although I personally do not
>>1047563 I wanted to get a daki because they allegedly help with back problems while sleeping. Too bad I am poor.
>>1047572 try searching for 'body pillow' instead of 'dakimakura', you massive fuckin' weeb
>>1047577 you know what dakimakura is that's weeb on weeb violence mister
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>>1047319 >>1047321 I hope he's alright too. Stuff like that and sickness can really drain you out of everything.
>>1047594 >alphabet soup
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>>1047682 not deadnaming that hot dog's very progressive and inclusive of you i'll tell schwab to raise your dei score
>>1047683 Tell him to remove the dick from your ass as well you faggot.
>>1047128 >Warband It's the worst, the late game is so atrocious it proves most people (and reviewers) do not play games in their entirety and instead base their experience on a superficial few first hours at most. I decided to beat it because I'm autistic, and it was only possible by spamming Swadian Knights while having 14 tactics + 14 surgery and using Rhodok Crossbowmen to cheese sieges.
I see why this game was being given away for free now.
WE'RE LIVE AND STARTING OFF WITH JOBJOB! https://cytu.be/r/jackbox1
>>1047117 It's very common because the early game is when many things are introduced, and most games by half way through have introduced all their main mechanics.
>>1047686 Steam statistics prove most people don't play games in their entirety too.
>>1047835 They gave away Hell Pie for free? I remember somewhat liking the game in a time waster sort of sense.
>>1048003 Yeah, someone gave away several GOG game codes here a week or two ago. Can't recall which thread. Game is mechanically tons of fun, and I don't dislike the humor too much, but the Nazi turds were just weak. This comes off of just having finished Demon's Turf. However, the version I grabbed was bugged and the Demon Tower softlocks when it tries to load, so now I'm trying to get another version and playing this in the meanwhile.
>>1048004 Was it similar to OG Wolfenstein where the nazis are a generic bad guy or were they trying to tie MAGA shit to it.
>>1048016 Generic. It's just one level. They spout random German phrases. At least the game rags on hippies too. Though it's all pretty uninspired.
>>1048020 Perhaps, but I don't mind it all that much considering that the Nazis took part in mass genocide. I do agree the trope has been played out, and I DO wish we saw more commies as the generic bad guys. I know that some of these companies are funded and in part ran by commies, but it's still a waste of potential where for example Disney didn't want to tell a story about Indiana Jones fighting against Soviet Russia during the Cold War. It would have been a perfect set up in the fourth movie, but Disney is run by commies so sadly the IP is now dead.
>>1048024 >for example Disney didn't want to tell a story about Indiana Jones fighting against Soviet Russia during the Cold War. It would have been a perfect set up in the fourth movie That WAS the premise of the fourth movie.
>>1048046 I think anon was just jokingly pretending that Crystal Skull never existed(something, something they raped my childhood), as if Dial of Destiny is any better.
>>1047572 You might just be needing a pillow between your legs to keep your spine straight.
>>1047686 >I decided to beat it because I'm autistic I got close once but my save got corrupted. My patience and tolerance for it was gone after that. I'm both impressed and sorry you had to suffer through it all. Also just out of curiosity, how many hours did that take?
>>1048046 >>1048048 Sorry, it's been years since I saw Crystal Skull, I was talking about how Dial of Destiny should've been exclusively commies rather than nazis again.
>>1048058 If it makes you feel any better, Dial of Destiny is about a nazi, wanting to go back to the past, to replace/kill Hitler to become the Fuhrer of the Third Reich, so that he could conquer the entire world, as a result Indiana Jones is fighting tooth and nail to protect the life of Adolf Hitler. Bravo Disney!
>>1048065 The nazi cliché is fine and all, but none of these companies are bold enough to portray commies in a negative light. I blame the internet for giving commies some sort of online power, although bloated budgets and the sleazy commies within these companies don't exactly help things.
>>1048081 >but none of these companies are bold enough to portray commies in a negative light Because Communists took over Pedowood back in the 1940's. Anon, the ENTIRE media industry, from the news to YA section at your local book store, has largely been controlled by Socialists for nearly the past century. It's more of a wonder why things are not worse than they are.
>>1047835 Holy shit. Never before have I played a collectathon where the fucking analog stick stops being read properly by the game. I thought my damn controller was broken only for it to test just fine. All it took to fix it was going back to the main menu, but Christ was that annoying. Down-left was moving me up left and one of the other directions was fucked too.
>>1048102 I think we can see a preview of what could be with comics and how shitty they've become. I sometimes think back to gaming and say "at least it's not as bad as comics".
>>1047835 Hell Pie is just gross for the sake of being gross and it really put me off the game. The demon is cute though.
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So did you guys hear that BLM is gonna riot again? I wonder if they'll postpone The Game Awards over it.
>>1048349 Did some methhead who happens to be black get killed, or is it just a planned chimp event?
>>1048360 Basically they're upset that a white guy was found innocent in a court case.
>>1048363 What was the charge? Eating a meal?
>>1048366 From my understanding the white guy put a homeless black guy who was threatening to shoot up a train into a sleeper hold, said black guy then died in NYPD custody The white guy was found innocent, so now BLM and the NYC DA are having a spergout over it.
>>1048369 Did the bum pull out a gun or was it just empty threats?
>>1048379 Apparently he wasn't armed and was just physically abusive. Look up the Daniel Penny video.
>>1048349 I want a burger nao. wtf
I played Legend of Grimrock for 60 minutes and I couldn't really enjoy it so far, there is no minimap and I have poor memory so it would be for me annoying to constantly open up the map menu to see what the fuck the layout is and the controls are too akward for me to use since I would have to use 6 keys for movement alone which is stupid.
>>1048395 ハンバーガー
>>1048349 >So did you guys hear that BLM is gonna riot again Hearsay is irrelevant, the facts are that those were mostly peaceful protests, and they were not riots.
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>>1048382 well its a good thing we're talking about this in the off-topic lounge, then, instead of the OTHER off-topic gamgergate thread or the OTHER OTHER off-topic LOL thread
>>1048431 >instead of the OTHER off-topic gamgergate thread What other one? Are You stupid? The gaymergate IS THE off-topic thread where everyone just spews their autism and schizophrenia, thinking someone actually reads them
>>1048422 yeah, sure. lol
>>1048380 >>1048379 What's funny is the nigger had 40-something prior arrests & a warrant for hurting people in the subway before. Judge is a White-hating activist kike who kept releasing violent offenders thus creating the problem. Multiple stereotypes playing the roles they we always known for. Not to black pill, but I don't expect the president elect, who spent his previous term "monitoring the situation" while BLM burned neighborhoods to the ground, will have the balls to stop the rioting & grifting even with ample justification & support from his voters to do so. Hoping the ghouls will at least destroy the businesses of every faggot supporting their tired grift. >>1048398 I pirated that game & never played it. Then I pirated the sequel & never played that either. I think it appeals to a very small niche. I'm thankful that I don't BUY games then never play them like a lot of /v/ does.
>>1048438 >I don't BUY games like a lot of /v/ does <A lot of /v/ <Buying games Where do you think you are?
>>1048443 >/v/ is one person
>>1048447 /v/ is no people.
>>1048455 fuck v delete v I AM V
>>1048469 Delet urself
>>1048438 >Judge Correction: Prosecutor. Judge probably was too though. NY justice system is full of activist jews. Prosecutor was literally born in Israel. Peak stereotype. >>1048443 I've seen Steam Sales threads. Don't pretend there are no paypigs here.
My long time friend who I have meet through Spring RTS and Skulltag back then wants to kill himself soon because his parents were awfully abusive to him to the point his health state is very critical and developing OCD, so basically he is giga fucked from all the shit his parents did to him and up to this point he lived with his mother, I couldn't never help him enough because I am poor myself and I even got some dispute with my sister that I tried to help him out several times over with money, I knew him since like at least 10 years if not more. It's over, he won't be around with me for any longer since in Poland he can get no proper help with his situation, not even the social welfare in Poland was enough to keep him feed properly since it got canceled for him after 3 years.
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>>1048529 maybe he should go be a plumber in england, good money there
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So I finally sat down and played picrel and it's great. Only the demo is out right now but it's big enough to last you at least 5 to 6 hours. The platforming is hard and basically the main puzzle element of the game. It forces you to stop and think about how to get to the next area. There isn't much of a story at the moment but if you get all of the coins you can unlock some door on the map. Call me a faggot but I'm glad indie devs are doing more stuff with the Y2K aesthetic. It's a breath of fresh air compared to the pixelshit/PS1 shit that everybody's doing until the market gets saturated with it.
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>>1048529 If he can speak English he can teach Polish to people online or become a plumber in England >>1048532 and get enough money to buy - rice/pasta/noodles in bulk (in local Chinese shops) - beans, lentils in bulk (dry, not canned) - bouillon cubes - spices (cumin, oregano, basil, etc.) - tomato paste - some kind of oil - whatever else he needs to complement his nutrient intakes such as the occasional lemon, canned corn, egg, milk - frozen peas, cauliflower, spinach if he has a freezer - NO sweet drinks (very expensive, loaded with sugar, little nutrient - replace with tea in bulk + sugar if he needs to) - NO instant/prepared meals (this includes ramen packets - replace with bulk noodles and bouillon cubes)
>>1048566 People with ocd tend to be really fucked, cooking their own food might save money but that'll probably take 4 hours to clean up. Best thing he can do is probably seek medication and therapy, part of the problem is ones I've seen are unable to mentally change themselves. It's practically part of the definition, you end up having compulsions to cope with anxiety instead of resolving the source.
>>1048570 Like that monk tv show
>>1048570 I think he should join a dance club too. People who dance are less anxious and less depressed. Trufax
>>1048532 >>1048566 Well I suppose thanks for the tip, but he said to me it's too late for him since his mother left him, he has only 8 pln on his bank account which you cant buy anything with it at all since his mother refuses to give him any money at all from the house he lives in which is sold already and he has to go out by next month, so basically he won't be able to get any homeless shelter to live in and is forced to live in the street so he chooses to kill himself instead.
>>1048597 I don't want to be mean to you as you are genuinely mentally unwell, Mr. Fox Pussy. But dude, you really need to go to /r9k/ instead of /v/.
>>1048598 I checked /r9k/ and nobody post there? /v/ is one of very few english speaking imageboards left and what is wrong with posting that on the off topic thread? The other remaining boards that are active are in foreign languages
>>1048597 have him put on blackface and say hes from syria
>>1048601 I wish it was that easy. Well then okay I will stop talking about him here then, I am sorry if I have upset you anons here. On another note I tried pirating Disgaea 4 but I wanted to go for the first game but Qbittorrent didn't gave one and now I ran into the issue where the lore thing where it gets narrated is at insane speed so that I cannot read it and no sound and music is being played, I am using Xubuntu 22.04 and Wine-GE for it
>>1048554 Yeah, big catch looks good.
>>1048554 I say this game ages ago but don't remember where. It does genuinely look a lot like those weird 2001 indie games.
>>1048529 Sorry to hear about that anon. I don't know all that much about Poland so I can't really offer advice as I don't know about what services (or their requirements) are available in your country.
>>1048554 >Y2K aesthetic I don't see it. Just seems like an aesthetically solid game with PS2 tier graphics.
>>1048570 > but that'll probably take 4 hours to clean up If you're not thorough, you get bugs.
>>1048634 Talk about him if you want, you're doing nothing wrong.
>>1048695 Thanks for the condolence anon. >>1048754 I thought I have upset a few people here.
>>1048747 Bugs are exclusively in apartments where they nest in other people's walls, in my experience.
>>1048554 >Island >Is actually a Peninsula This angers me so...
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>>1048782 >i land >its shaped like an o
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>>1048784 Did you know island used to be spelled iland until the late Middle Ages, and it was only changed because they thought it was related to the French word isle? This has to be one of the dumbest titbits about the English language. Assuming our own fucking words came from French.
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>>1048787 Even in the Middle Ages, English was a nonsensical mishmash of various other languages. And all their aristocrats spoke French because William the Conqueror.
>>1048787 >>1048794 English and French are an abominable mixture of German, Latin and Norman
I played a few minutes of disgaea 4 now, are bow weapons really that weak? Because I want to make a party of magicians, archers and swords units. The weapon master guy said that the bow is best used against weak and fast targets.
>>1048897 I only played 1 and 2 and i don't rememeber anything that detailed, but i know bow damage is based off both str and dex, and i don't recall the archer characters having very high str. But i also think it probably doesn't matter that much since you can item dungeon gear up to retarded enough heights that it can tongue punch god in the fartbox though his throat.
>>1048908 I see, so I just can grind my way up and not worry too much about those weapon specific detail of course I should always check if the new item is better than the old one obviously but that is true for any RPG games. Thanks anon.
I want to read the Twilight Princess manga, what scans are the highest resolution?
>>1048349 No burger.
>>1048349 Can BLM riot at The Game Awards instead?
>>1048976 They should
>>1048977 Imagine a tribe of niggers stealing Geoff's shoes and hauling the projector out of TGA like an ant colony.
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I got fired from work today, my combined sleeping problems and anxiety made me show up late too many times.
>>1049109 Hey buddy, its okay man. It happens. Just try and relax man. I love you anon, and I'm here if you wanna talk brother.
>>1049109 That really sucks man. Take a deep breath. It's gonna be okay.
>>1048803 >German I hate article autism in German, there is no system behind it, it's all determined willy nilly. I prefer English.
>>1049109 That means you're free to play vidya all day long
>>1049109 I hope you can use the remaining days to relax at the very least, sucks about getting fired. What was the job anyway?
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>>1049128 Glorified receptionist basically. Front desk of an animal hospital and the go between for clients and staff. Basically one step above an entry level job but a chance for a meaningful career path. Gone now, as well as any reasonable time frame for any continuing education towards a real job, lost to the rona meme and unironic agoraphobia. Just another failure.
>>1049129 Hmmm, so is there no other Job you can take instead which gives you a option for a career?
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>>1049129 >>1049109 Best thing I can advise is to use the next three weeks just relaxing and fixing your sleeping habit, clean up and organize your home and life (Like those issues that have been piling up because you didn't "have the time" before, or even your mess of a hentai folder on your computer), figure out what goals and activities you're going to want to start doing going into the next year, and then spend the last week actually getting started on those goals and activities so that you're already following through on what you set out to do come January 1st. >as well as any reasonable time frame for any continuing education towards a real job Why would you want a "real job"? Does it give you the lifestyle and possibilities that you want?
>>1049129 Well, your among friends. By the worlds metric so am I.
>>1049129 At least you had a job. I've been applying for months for glorified receptionist, receptionist, and even door sweeper jobs without so much as a response to my messages. I WIN!
I never ever worked in my life
>>1049175 i worked only once and even have nightmares about it occasionally
>>1049148 >I've been applying for months for glorified receptionist, receptionist, and even door sweeper jobs without so much as a response to my messages. You've likely been applying for ghost positions. What companies do is that they post a position that "needs" filling online, and just never hire anyone. The reason they do it is because (1) it makes the government look good because it gives the impression that there's a "thriving" job market and (2) it prevents the company from ever being required to pay back their Corona-chan loans. I know this because that was the trap I fell into last year, and when I was applying for some places a few months back looking to bring in more money on top of my then-current job, I got a couple of kickbacks from places saying that I had "already" applied. The reason they are doing this is to make a society that has to rely upon the government for money. Best thing I can advise is actually go to places where you can drop off a resume IRL. OR based on the season, look for companies hiring people willing to fill out tax forms, like Jackson-Hewitt or H&R Block. >>1049204 What game?
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>>1049129 You got to relax anon. Everything's going to be alright, don't overthink, don't ruminate. Being self conscious is great, being too self conscious is a curse.
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I don't care anymore about getting popular on shit likes like xcrement and on faggrounds, fuck those sites, they are only a place for normies and normie artist to congreate and jerking themsleves each other off giving them updoots because they posted some stupid meme image or whatever the fuck they do there and getting 6 million likes from it, popularity is a meme. I got to be unique, I got to be special. Not the tumblrite kind mind you but the way I am going means I am going to the path of being a one man army. I can do 3D modelling and I can do programming so that means I have 2 skill sets I am more or less good at, and that is enough to make mods and games with which I release for free because I am not a jew. Once my never ending period of depression goes away I will going to continue making shit for fun, I want to do shit for fun because that's where passion lies and passion is a lost cause in this today hyper get rich quick sheme fixated world. >>1049129 I am counting on you anon, days will become dark and the shimmer of light might be nothing but just a fading memory but there will be always a spark of hope that can bring you back out of your misery. Don't just give up yet anon, even if you don't see it there is always someone cheering you up. I think I am schizo posting now but I don't give a shit else I'd be broke, oh wait I am already broke.
>>1049204 Shame for THE WRITING.
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>>1049129 Listen to >>1049132 he's right.
End of year cleaning had me rediscover a PS3 literally collecting dust. Unfortunately, it's not of the model that can utilize CFW. Just something called the HEN exploit. Can I still pirate with it?
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>>1049269 Pirate what exactly?
>>1049272 Vidya. What else? Insofar as CFW is concerned, I already hacked my 3DS and Switch for that. More importantly, emulating the PS3 is beyond me so I'm (literally) dusting off the actual console and hoping I can shove ISOs in there or something.
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>>1049283 >PS3 >Videogames
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>>1049283 PS3 has no friends
>>1049285 >>1049290 Look, some JRPGs are still trapped there potentially forever. I wish it was backwards compatible with PS2 as well but I have what I have. If it still works I'm not throwing it out.
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>>1049285 PS3 had better games than any other console by the end of the gen. Having a weak lineup by 2007 does not excuse the Wii being a wasteland of shovelware and the 360 turning into the Kinect Machine.
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>>1049297 >the Wii being a wasteland of shovelware That's what made it good and the PS3 had tons of it too.
>>1049298 >shovelware is what made the Wii good Simply can't abide it
>>1049298 The shovelware was shit on both PS3 and Wii but people can ignore shovelware and play good games. PS3 had worse exclusives than any other console in Gen 7, but better exclusives than PS4 (few), and much better exclusives than PS5 (just Astro). I'm still mad at myself for RPCS3ing Tales of Graces f when it's being remastered for everything in January.
>>1049305 There's always Xilia
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>>1049298 Ouya had almost exclusively shovelware too, I guess that makes it the best console of all time huh?
>>1049305 >>1049306 >The shovelware was shit on both PS3 and Wii but people can ignore shovelware and play good games. PS3 had worse exclusives than any other console in Gen 7, but better exclusives than PS4 (few), and much better exclusives than PS5 (just Astro). I'm still mad at myself for RPCS3ing Tales of Graces f when it's being remastered for everything in January. <There's always Xilia Tales of Xillia's a good PS3 game, and 3D Dot Game Heroes, and the LittleBigPlanet games. Pretty barren, but not as barren as PS4 or PS5.
>>1049322 Eternal Sonata's not too shabby either. Hell, even if I somehow blow it at the HEN exploit I still have the game disc from forever ago (assuming all that dust didn't get to the disc drive).
>>1049326 I played Eternal Sonata and then i STOPPED playing it because i couldn't stand the round robin battle system, i wouldn't call it a good game. Same for Magna Carta and Chrono Cross, although they were much earlier.
Finished Hell Pie. Feels like it needs more endgame content. You barely get to use the last set of horns, there's 30 extra candy meats and & 12 extra unilambs that serve no purpose, and there's never any point in the game where it feels like the game's movement system is pushed to the limit, unless you're trying to reach places you're not suppose to go that have nothing in them, not even Easter eggs.
>>1049215 >normie Normalfag spotted.
Demon Turf: Tower and Demon Turf: Neon Splash never seem to load if I try playing them through (pirated) collections, but the standalone version of Neon Splash loads immediately. I have yet to get Tower standalone though.
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>>1049285 This was posted a few weeks back: >>>/v/1034280
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>>1049797 >ps3 game
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>>1049797 >All these multiplats that are better on PC PS3 really was the first pointless nu-console
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>>1049897 >>1049919 You're at the top normalnigger
>>1050260 your mom is a normie
>>1050260 >wizardchan Larpers and faggots the lot of them. Some even have sex.
>>1050267 >Some even have sex. No, some pretend to have sex.
>>1049269 Every PS3 model at this point can utilize HEN & play ISO games, even the Super Slims. It's just a matter of autism as far as whether you want to install it once via USB & be done (CFW) or if you're fine with having to run the loader every time you turn on the PS3 (HEN). The former is offline & future-proof, while the latter is not as it depends on a website & internet connection. The other consoles method of softmodding are pretty much future-proof as far as not needing the internet to jailbreak them. You can play PS2 games on non-BC PS3s beyond the selected PS2 Classics but I've had very mixed results with loading the titles. You will have a better time with PS1 games as they're BC with the console. Just make sure that when you've installed the jailbreak, get the PS3 Unlock HDD Space program as it frees up more space for your hard drive, especially if it's 1TB or 2TB.
Well that's fucking great, it seems in Disgea 4 archers are getting completed shafted since I can't get better weapons for them as they do only pitiful 20-30 damage while melee units gets to deal around 40-60 damage instead + counter effect bonus, that's dumb what's even the point of the bow if it barely does any damage? Meh maybe I should just play other RPG games instead where archers are not getting shafted, does anybody know of any party based RPG game with archer units that I could play instead? Or did they changed that with Disgeae 5?
>>1050563 the point of a bow is range, dunkass; you should play a real game like final fantasy tactics, where if you have the height advantage with a bow then you get insane firing range
>>1051304 >the point of bow is range no shit
>>1049310 Threadly reminder to buy a Steam Deck.
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>>1051317 I already have a steamy dick.
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>>1051317 >>1051318 They both have pretty eyes.
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Merry X-Mas, more mysterious GOG codes PL5WF926C8E3257E19 HTXWEC3E918CDFBBF9 VB25ABE7457492A991 DQZX358946D6BC5F9F XAAT1B900956BD11B4 F485417B0F816CA05D 34844D4A79923A7859 JS3H95AC7FD7432FEC 4487D2B4F2B95C75E1 KS8DE055135BA9F5C1 98QCFC7135773D1C03 KAYX925C335CADCB76 KTXMB1C44DC2AA8A80 G5JM7A84B7A57C80F5 4VDE7E433BB52ED69C NVVT95B34B08B662A4 4N5R6A12213473D604 B93P7230F4F5793B66
>>1051395 Berry cool, Anon. If I had a GOG account I might actually claim one. When they're all gone, can you post what you actually gave away? That's what I'm the most curious about.
>>1051395 Thanks anon, I picked PL5WF926C8E3257E19
>>1051397 Normally, I'd forget about what code goes to what entirely, but just for you, I'll write up a list real quick
>>1051395 >HTXWEC3E918CDFBBF9 Grabbed this one. Thanks anon.
Oh, I forgot a code. May as well spoil what's behind this one though. 4FHCB53EE6DD0C651C
>>1051395 oWo what's this?
Some codes are in the process of being redeemed. Maybe some of you guys did not click on "cancel" and you are now blocking the code for everyone else. >>1051395 Thanks, I have redeemed DQZX358946D6BC5F9F (Overcooked: Gourmet Edition) and 98QCFC7135773D1C03 (Call of Juarez) I was going to wait if someone wants to redeem those first, but I figured if after a whole day they are still available I might as well get them for myself. The codes also include the Enhanced Editions for Baldur's Gate 1 & 2 and Neverwinter Nights. I already have the originals of all of them, so if someone wants these go get them. The originals are included as bonus content, so this is the only way to get a legitimate copy nowadays.
>>1051395 Thank you kindly, claimed B93P7230F4F5793B66
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I finally fixed my UT2004 copy, it seems changing the renderer to OpenGL which I had to do via UT2004.ini instead of at the options menu seems to have fixed the annoying performance issue, finally I can play now some bot matches. It saddens my heart that arena shooter games died out. Now everyone is playing Counter Strike instead as this shit is not stale as fuck by now
What is the appeal of Team Fortress 2? I played some training missions for it and the practice mode it offers and it doesn't look appealing to me, I played a few classes and it seems maining Soldier is not really that easy since my mouse is too shit for precise control so that I can actually lead the projectile of the rocket and playing as engineer/medic sounds boring to me. I mean even trying to kill other bots which are not heavy such as scout or soldier or whatever the fuck it was I had hard time making enough hits with the rocket launcher since they constantly dodge it. God it's like playing UT99 monster hunt mode where I can't kill anything at all with the rocket launcher because the monster health is bloated and almost all monster there are dodging non ballistic projectiles. I wonder if UT could have survived the shifting video game market if it got more casualized or some shit because if I am not mistaken it died out because the casual gets too rekt much from pro players I dunno
I just did the Jecht shot minigame in one try. I'M THE BEST! Why the fuck do I remember this being difficult as a kid? >>1051770 >Some people are actually using the apngs I made from ripped sprite pngs of BugFables Cool. I thought no one else cared about that autism, but this is the second time I've seen one posted in the last month.
>>1051890 You can't force a meme samefagging your shit bugs the more you try.
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>>1051894 >(1) accuses a (28) and a (16) of samefagging Lmao. I guess you're asking for more bugposting then.
>>1051884 For me it's the teamwork, going engie or medic to be credit to team, bit i'm also shit at shooters so that's about the best i can do. The first thing i'd probably say is TF2 has damage ramp up and fall off depending on how close you are, so get in peoples faces and nuke them with missiles, and the second is AOE is bullshit so aim at walls and floors as much, if not more than, the players themselves. Beyond that, i've gotten killed repeatedly by demoniggers that will shoot and explode stickybombs in mid-air so maybe work on that as a tactic, and also yell for medics for that overheal, because medics win games. Dunno how flexible you are, like that one retard years ago who threw a spastic fit because he couldn't gun down a sentry nest as a scout on 2fort, but maybe try changing glasses or tactics as the need and interest arises, there's a lot of items and variety to the game. >>1051890 >Why the fuck do I remember this being difficult as a kid? Because it's poorly explained and you only get one shot at it, barring reloads and mashing through cutscenes.
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>>1051884 As an enjoyer of TF2, I mostly like being able to feel like I'm contributing to the team, even though we're in actuality just doing our own thing. I enjoyed watching players just do psychotic divebombs with Soldier, picking off victims 1 by 1, or doing 100 - 0 airshot frags after flying in from the skies. I think a significant chunk of your issue is you're not fighting in facefuck ranges for maximum damage.
>>1051896 >Reddit appeal to reputation A (1) not pretending he's 2 people like you. I'm not telling a samefag getting emotional about samefagging her shit apngs who I am.
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>>1051901 >her What now?
>>1051890 I saved Vibi ones because she looks cute. Inb4 it's male, for some stupid reason my loooonix image browser program doesn't render the animation >>1051897 I noticed the damage ramp effect is very severe with the shotgun since at long range it doesn't do much damage, as for the rocket launcher I didn't had much luck with it, well that's some weird as fuck mechanic tbh. >flexibility I tried playing the Demo and the Pyro class too and with the Pyro I managed one time to mass murder a few bots with the flamethrower since they didn't shoot at me at all but then I got killed anyway by some other bots, with the Demo I don't really understand how I am supposed to play that, there was that one map which had a nasty choke point where all my team bots (blue) got rekt all the time because the red bots had heavies and turrets to defend the choke point and there was no other way around it so the blue bots gets slaughtered all the time till all of suddenly they somehow managed to make a breakthrough. >>1051898 >I have to be in melee range to do decent amount damage Meh I guess I rather drop TF2 then, apart from Scout all of the classes don't move fast enough for me being able to dodge shit since I often get killed by turrets or snipers since they do tons of damage. So it sounds like TF2 is mainly popular because there is always a way to be good at it even if one sucks at aiming. My aiming sucks too but I have too much of a ADHD shit going on to play passive classes like engineer or medic, I wanna kill shit. I still want to explore TF2 a bit more through modding since they have introduced VScript 2 years ago so I need to force myself to get shit done and see how far I can go, maybe playing TF2 with my own set of mods will be more fun to play that way I dunno, but so far it doesn't even have a proper skirmish mode, I mean there is the offline practice mode but this is the worst form of skirmish mode I have ever seen, on UT2004 I can customize everything for the skirmish mode such as the gameplay, maps, bots and mutators but TF2 doesn't even have a fraction of this option for the single player mode.
>>1051884 aim at feet
>>1051901 >Reddit appeal to reputation What does that mean anon
>>1051908 >Inb4 it's male Who the fuck says this? All the bees are girls. >for some stupid reason my loooonix image browser program doesn't render the animation Use Hydrus. >>>/t/16755
>>1051908 >but TF2 doesn't even have a fraction of this option for the single player mode. As someone who was raised on TF2, especially solo tinkering, I'd say, console commands and learning them are your best friend for doing heavy configurations for skirmishes. Well, that, and making your own maps. Is offline SourceMod still a thing?
>>1051908 You're SUPPOSED to play demos by setting the remote-detonated stickbombs as traps on walls and ceilings or against engineer buildings in three or four stickys at a time as burst damage to kill a sentry outright, or maybe arcing the timed grenades over walls, around corners, and in overhead arcs. Most motherfuckers i've had to deal with just shoot and detonate stickybombs in my fucking face, and if you do that against a crowd you can wear them down before they can run away or heal. Pyro is real good against weaker classes like scout and spy where the burn damage is more of a worry, not so great against the bigger ones; i'd say set them on fire and then shotgun them as they run for healing, but i think most skilled players would just return fire from outside the burn zone. Turrets are SUPER easy once you realize they have a limited range and you can either gun them down from outside of it, play peekaboo from around a corner as a soldier or demo, or just break though with a medic's ubercharge. Part of the reason i started to hate playing engie is i was playing with people who WERN'T retarded scrubs and they'd just melt my sentries no matter what.
>>1051924 Regarding Sentries, they even have a turning speed, so if you're quick on the draw, you can just pile on hella damage before it can pump you full of lead, though you'd usually be a power class like Soldier or Demo, or have a Medic's uber shoved up your ass to make that a successful play
>>1051927 A good engineer makes use of the wrangler against smart targets who realize the limited range and turn speed of them. This also greatly helps how sturdy the sentry can be.
>>1051923 Can't I just write a text file which has all the commands I want in there and load it that way? That would be less of a hassle then typing all those commands manually at the console >Offline SourceMod Never heard of it, what does it do?
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>>1051908 vibi is a cute female girl bee
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>>1051957 >Bug Fables got a 5th anniversary update a few weeks ago and I only recently learned about it Neat
You can't force people to play your shit game the more you samefag (1)s.
>>1051937 Good thing bots don't use unlockable weapons then
>>1051953 You actually could >Offline SourceMod SourceMod is a server plugin which facilitate a shitload of flexible shit. I was musing if Listen servers/local servers could utilize it, since I remember fooling around with SourceMod locally back in the day, especially those custom weapoh plugins
>>1051908 I guarantee you there is a lot of dodging with all classes, it's just that you have to learn how to dodge and move against each class and the game isn't easy, remember you're probably playing with people that have been playing sometimes for more than 10 years. >So it sounds like TF2 is mainly popular because there is always a way to be good at it even if one sucks at aiming. It's mainly popular because it's a good game from a time where creativity was at its peak, all classes need to aim to function well. Yes, even engineer, yes, even medic (with the crossbow), and because it's an arena shooter, the better player will win around 99% of the time on a 1v1, pretty much no matter the class, the game is just well known to have a ridiculous learning curve.
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>>1051960 God damn it, I thought I was done re-running it. Why do you think that one autist has a hateboner for bug Paper Mario? Is it some reverse psychology shilling because people like me will keep posting it out of spite?
>>1051924 >Demo So that's why Demo is a defensive class and not a offensive one, I see. >Turrets I often miss seeing the turrets because the game is quite chaotic with all the shit that is going on so it feels like they are sort of a "sniper" turret, well obviously not really one but a well placed one often gets me killed, I guess my vision is too augmented to notice those damn things, eh. >>1051957 It's hip to fuck BEES. >>1051970 >I can load text files That is good, makes things less painful. >Sourcemod is a server plugin I checked in now. I have seen there is some plugins for TF2 which lets you have custom weapons but I haven't seen a plugin that lets you allow for far more things such as custom classes or even being able to carry more than 3 weapons. Eh but I was also trying to use the search function on that homosexual website but its fucking broken and of course there is a fucking captcha just so that I can use the search function, jackasses. >>1052008 Hmmm, what about Mann vs Machine mode? Is this more casual friendly?
>>1052019 Mann vs Machine is stupid casual friendly, well, on the non-advanced difficulties, though Advanced can get pretty brainless too if you're not playing 2 shitties and you're properly doing your job. Basically just stop robots from bringing bomb to a control point, pretty simple, especially with certain classes that can abuse knockback mechanics (Heavy, Explosive classes, Pyro, even Sentries) Being able to upgrade your weapons is cool as shit, as well as some of the new extra abilities, though higher level mvm does kind of force you into specific roles (like Sniper/Demoman/Gas Pyro as Uber Medic Pickers, or Scout as designated money and juke man)
>>1052019 Oh, and if you like making "custom content," making custom Mann vs Machine missions for maps is relatively simple. Experimenting with item stats and what you can do with the bot AI was pretty fun, even though vanilla is pretty limited, you can get kind of creative. I know the Potato MvM servers have alot more crazy shit you can do with the templates and shit, though requires using their services. . . Making Mann vs Machine maps if you're trying to do insane shit on the other hand. . .
>>1051908 >>1052019 What's this? A new tf2 player in 2024 (almost 2025)? Impossible. TF2 plays VERY differently to other shooters, so much that most skills learnt in other shooters barely help here. I suggest playing 0. Search for TF2 beginner settings https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rc4QMnrOxXs and change your FoV, sensitivty, configs etc. Default settings suck 1. Pyro to get to know the game, know the maps, get a feel for movement 2. Scout to get familiar with fast twitch movement and shotgun body shots. Even shotgun-only engineer is decent in damage without his sentry. Go for Heavy if your team is mildly competent 3. DO NOT purchase anything from official store as they as absurdly priced and are much cheaper from 3rd party sites 4. Explore unlocks and classes and have fun MvM start from boot camp and have fun, don't go for mann up or expert missions. You either get matched up with the chillest players who give you free items, or literal screaming baboons on their 1100th gambling tour
>>1052118 >Mann vs Machine is casual friendly I just had one match with a bunch of russians and before even wave 2 got around they all quit and for some reason using the queue system takes fucking forever to get matched up, it doesn't even tell me a estimate wait time. Why the fuck are russians on a european match anyway? Well at least they didn't acted full retarded with suka blyat meme screaming. >>1052120 I more thought of something messing around with the single player mode instead and adding new shit to it, I mean I still need to find the documentation how I can use the VScript stuff in single player mode. I didn't really intend to go for making custom maps. I am hoping that I can do some modification to the weapon loadout stuff and adding custom guns there since there a videos of TF2 with custom weapons as in modded in one, not the official TF2 weapons. >>1052128 >1. Get to know the maps I must have alzheimers or some shit because I can't remember for the life of me the map layout. >2. Scout to get familiar with fast twitch movement Uhhh isn't Scout for more experienced players? >3. Do not purchase anything from the shop I am too poor to afford micro transaction shit anyway >4. Explore unlocks and classes and have fun I guess >MvM start from boot camp and have fun, don't go for mann up or expert missions. There is a MvM server browser instead? I didn't see one.
>>1052140 >Server Browser pics related. >isn't Scout for more experienced players? Not really. He just runs fast and double jumps, so if you're an objective minded player and you can learn to not get shot, he's pretty EZ, only experience you need is consistently landing shots with shotgun, especially meatshots for that juicy 125% damage, and knowing when to engage and disengage.
>>1052146 >pic related oh this one, at first glance it didn't looked to me it was just a classic server browser.
>Look at the Valve Developer site for their VScript stuff >It's all unnecessarily complicated coded I guess I can forget about modding TF2 then, meh. I am too IQ89 for this.
>>1052013 I don't care about bug Paper Mario, you're just like a woman (Reddit appeal to reputation) trying to force people to play by samefagging (1)s then getting emotional when I let people know. You can't force a meme samefagging your shit bugs the more you try, and samefagging as people posting your shit edits won't reverse your wasted effort on shit apngs that only matter to you.
>>1052176 Thanks for letting me know these posts bother you. I will now make them even more often.
>>1052159 >Admitting IQ89 to /v/ Based for honesty, /v/'s around IQ89 because of hispanics.
>>1052159 You could always try modding TF2C :^)
>>1052184 based for your honesty about being a hispa rapefugee
>>1051395 I checked all the codes to see what is still available so anons don't pass them up by being lazy 4N5R6A12213473D604 NVVT95B34B08B662A4 4VDE7E433BB52ED69C KAYX925C335CADCB76 KS8DE055135BA9F5C1 JS3H95AC7FD7432FEC 34844D4A79923A7859 F485417B0F816CA05D XAAT1B900956BD11B4 VB25ABE7457492A991 4FHCB53EE6DD0C651C I took KTXMB1C44DC2AA8A80 as compensation cause I'm a greedy nigger
>>1052206 It didn't spoiler fuck
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>>1052179 >thicc moth nun
>>1052206 what if youre hiding the availables so you can get them... jk thanks anon
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>>1052216 I'm pretty sure she's just goth, but let your imagination run wild.
>>1052176 Oh look, someone just made fresh local OC featuring Vi from the evil bug game nobody want to play. Must be me samefagging again, right?
>>1052272 No, vibi sounds like vb and Phoebe sounds like vb, drawing them together is an unforced and natural meme. The artist isn't samefagging to force a meme. You tried to force a meme by samefagging in the lounge as people posting your shit edits of apngs that only matter to you to escape the wasted effort of your autism. You can't force a meme the more you try.
>>1052272 >sonic on checklist Got a chuckle out of me.
>>1052206 What game is each code for?
>>1052284 I didn't record that info but 2 of them are Balders Gate games and 1 is a Tomb raider
>>1052341 Take that picture back to cuckchan or soyjak.party.
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>>1052279 So it's specifically the apngs that bother you? Got it. I'll post those even more then.
>>1052279 >>1052176 Schizo on the loose
>>1052272 Who is the "Platinum Sponsor"? I don't recognize that reference.
>>1052272 I want to impregnate Phoebe several times over
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>>1052377 p sure its the ol' yahtzee standard; no idea what the fuck a platnum sponsor is though
>>1052377 Ask and discuss in the Drawthread where the drawer will see it. >>1052296
>>1052380 Looks like it, thanks.
Kohlchan is a gay imageboard full of 3DPD gooners
>>1052377 see >>>/vb/6954 for context the joke i tried to make was that the pc master racist is not-so-covertly funding 8chan and the dei activities
The guy made a speech at game awards and the usual suspects are frothing on twitter
>>1052206 tanks anon
>>1052388 Of course they are pissed. He pointed out reality. You can't do that.
>>1052388 Who is he? If he's at Larian Studios wouldn't the usual suspects on twitter love him for Baldur's Gay?
>>1052385 to ruin the joke further, organizations often have sponsor "tiers" for those who fund them. example: https://www.linuxfoundation.org/about/members . you can see this with youtuber or kickstarter patrons too. It's just having a large share of the stakeholder pie
Anybody else get suspicious whenever a huge number of people say a game is really, really good? >DUDE YOU GOTTA PLAY BALATRO >BROOOO TRY VAMPIRE SURVIVORS >ELDEN RING IS THE BEST GAME I'VE EVER PLAYED IN MY LIFE It brings me back to the overwhelming hype around Bioshock Infinite when it released, and that game fucking sucks. The same phenomenon happened with Far Cry 3 to a much lesser extent. It reminds me of the Robert Graves quote. "A remarkable thing about Shakespeare is that he is really very good in spite of all the people who say he is very good." In my experience, when a lot of people like a work of art, it's probably good; when a torrent of people obnoxiously fellate a work of art without pause, it's probably very flawed.
>>1052707 >It reminds me of the Robert Graves quote. "A remarkable thing about Shakespeare is that he is really very good in spite of all the people who say he is very good." In my experience, when a lot of people like a work of art, it's probably good; when a torrent of people obnoxiously fellate a work of art without pause, it's probably very flawed. That's the attitude that I've always had subconsciously, but I could never quite explain it. I tended to dismiss it as a form of Contrarianism.
>>1052707 There's also some games like Doom that i can't stand playing for more than five minutes but some people marathon. Personal opinions exists, in addition to bots and plants. I assume i will like absolutely nothing until i see some gameplay and maybe try it myself, except in the case of Elden Ring i just assume it's Demon's Souls 5.
>>1052707 I do the same for overly hyped movies and tv as well. If people still like it a year or two later then I may check it out. >Vampire Survivors I finally got around to trying Vampire Survivors and I was falling asleep while playing it. A crappy porn knockoff version of it I played was more enjoyable.
>>1052707 If the huge number of people's too huge for the game's sales. I also get suspicious whenever a huge number of people say a game that's really good is bad.
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I know this has been discussed to death, but it's bizarre to me how hard Xbox gamers nostalgiafag. These people only ever circlejerk about the 360 as if the rest of the industry hasn't moved the fuck on, always with green avatars and usernames like XECUTER or TheXenith, basing their entire personalties on a brand that hasn't been genuinely relevant in over ten years. COD, Gears and Halo, forever. "Surviving on Summer 2007" indeed.
>>1053084 Nintendrones on steroids.
>>1053084 >how hard Xbox gamers nostalgiafag Honestly look at what their offerings are now/have been. Even if it was shit back then, it was still miles better than what they have had in recent years. I'm not shocked that they desperately wish for the old days now.
>>1053104 Maybe they could just get a PC like everyone else and stop clinging to a platform that even Microsoft has said is dead.
>nostalgia Expressing yourself unironically with some 1960's Frankfurt school psycho-babble like "nostalgia", simply means you're captured by the "nostalgia" of hearing these BS arguments when you were the dumbshit kid and believed them. Perfectly in line with your favored "art" form circling the drain, and being nothing but a latest hit of dopamine that you're already getting bored of as it hits. That's why you can say a game doesn't "hold up" if it only appeals to people who BACK THEN approached the WITHOUT YOUR bias. The incidentally would have been young because back then you didn't rotmax through college until you're 24 and finally pick up the attention span to finish even a single game and not a let's play either. Shakespeare fans seething because they're nostalgic for being literate. Of course that's only the fake fans, who only read the written adaptation later on and not the stageplay.
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>>1053154 What are you talking about?
Join in for the last Jackbox stream for 2024 here and now!: https://cytu.be/r/jackbox1
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>>1053113 Consolefags are retarded, what can you do. >>1053171 >Do you mod your games? Quite a few games I wouldn't play without mods. Some that need the mods to even be playable these days. That said, I can't stand setting them up anymore. I've gotten tired of setting up the perfect mod list and then slowly but surely getting the correct load order/compatibility setup to play without issues. The end result is usually worth it, but the process is tiring and it puts me off playing some games now. Also on this topic, I want to take this moment to vent that steam workshop bothers me. Buying a game on GoG or something and then realizing 90% of the modding community only uploads on Steam Workshop is a frustrating experience. Steam doesn't even have version control or anything like that for mods either unless you physically move/alter the files manually. Also still has issues where updates to mods can just fail yet say they are up to date and make figuring out issues even more annoying when you don't realize right away that steam oops'd a mod or two with their bs.
>>1052707 My main issues with Elden Ring were that the open world was too big and it didn't feel like I was progressing naturally like it was the case with the Dark Souls trilogy. I could give it another chance when it's likely to be ported on the Switch 2 (which would give me an easier time to play in short bursts too) although I'd rather have DaS2 or DaS3 on the platform there.
>>1053359 >it didn't feel like I was progressing naturally Same, I like to roam around and explore as much as I can before proceeding to the next area but I kept stumbling into much higher level areas without meaning to and getting my shit pushed in. I am very certain I fought Rahdan severely underleveled without meaning to, and this was before he got patched to be easier. I saw you Patches, you pussy fuck, you kept porting out the second the fight started, every time. I made it to the big city before dropping it back in June.
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>>1053171 I make mods tbh
>>1053365 Which mods?
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>>1053372 I made one for Luanti before where there is 2 new guns, I want to add more guns but I need to figure out the stupid issue where the gun direction is angled wrong like it points downwards instead of the front like how every other game does, then I added a means to have infinite resource through a crystal salinizer then a crafting table which uses traditional crafting method instead of minecraft crafting system and stone transformer table. I did also made a weapon mod for GZDoom where you can play as Renamon with like around over 20 weapons to choose from. I haven't made any progress recently because of my depression.
>>1053375 This is what happens when you make mods in Loo Auntie.
>>1053375 >I haven't made any progress recently because of my depression. Damn, well I hope your situation gets better.
>>1053376 but Luanti respects my freedom and it uses babby Lua language instead of Java >>1053377 (checked) Thanks man.
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>>1053375 >>1053378 Start being happy right now you miserable retarded faggot. I'll even post some big tits for you.
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>>1053738 You're a day late, he's probably already killed himself by now.
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>>1053738 If it were only that simple. >>1053748 Bold of you to assume I am among the dead.
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>>1053847 OH FUCK A GHOST
I think I've come to the conclusion that I hate nearly everything about modern gaming. In fact everything about modern electronics all together.
>>1053852 ehehe
>>1052729 Play Halls of Torment instead Same concept but actually fun
>>1053857 >dick gay
>>1053857 >yeen ghost
>>1053317 >I want to take this moment to vent that steam workshop bothers me. Yeah, it's pretty ridiculous. Why are modders okay with their mods being stuck in a shoddy walled garden like that? I've only made a few small mods to date, but I always make the source code available, and if the release was too big to publish on the repository itself I'd use Nexus or whatever. I want newbie modders to have more source code to study, other modders to be able to build on my work and make even better mods, and players to be able to use my mods regardless of where they got the game. Dunno why that kind of open source autism seems to be so scarce.
>>1053857 >>1053866 this is not the kind of package I was hoping for under my tree
>>|1053866 (You)cucked :^) I posted that as a meme as the content is very unexpected based on the appealing thumbnail, but thank you for this horrid and probably unironic selection of imagery.
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>>1053887 3D woman... Impregnate...
>>1053887 Why don't muslim women wear clothes like these? They'd be actually cute if they did
>>1053947 Because Muhammad was insecure and didn't like the idea of guys checking out his wives, no everyone has to suffer.
>>1053871 >Why are modders okay with their mods being stuck in a shoddy walled garden like that? Probably just a combo of the convenience of it alongside the follower mentality of just going to wherever the most users are. >>1053860 I'll give it a look anon. Thanks for the suggestion.
>>1053951 >Muhammad was insecure and didn't like the idea of guys checking out his wives His wives were like 9 or some shit, there was no curves to show off, only Muhammad's degeneracy.
>>1053989 Aisha was only one of them. Remember Muhammad said Allah told him he could have as many wives as he wanted (as opposed to the four regular muslims could have) so he had a lot.
>>1040298 >half-life 2 is free on steam for it's 20th anniversary it always has been and always will be free https://steamrip.com/half-life-2-free-download-1n/ https://fitgirl-repacks.site/half-life-2-20th-anniversary-edition/
>>1053951 >>1053989 >>1054064 Muhammad didn't exist.
>>1054141 History doesn't exist. All a lie by Big Education and the unions.
>>1054151 I mean, once you're dead is there anyone who can prove you were alive? Same for historical figures. Is there anyone living that actually met Hitler?
>>1054156 I'm hanging with Hitler in Argentina right now.
>>1054098 Why has the steamrip site no category for RPG games?
>>1054270 You dont need to search by category, just go directly to the game you want https://steamrip.com/games-list-page/ Are you a Netflix-brain normalnigger, you need to see the cover art to make up your mind?
>>1054270 I bet you search for YouTube in Google instead of going straight to youtube.com
>>1054287 >>1054286 wow you sure are salty as fuck
>>1054289 Schizos tend to be that way.
>>1053887 God, I wish women were real...
>>1054270 Laziness or it just isn't something people asked for in large enough amounts.
I love you all anons, no homo though. Have a good month and a merry Christmas, I hope you anons have it good during this cold season. Let's shitpost it again for another year of 8chan extreme adventure.
>>1053171 The only mods that I generally use are Texture / QOL related (sometimes: fixing a bug is good, fixing a fundamentally broken mechanic less so). It's hard to play Zelda 64 with its ugly-even-for-the-time textures on a 4K display.
I read the VN-like game The Coffin of Andy and Leyley now but it's only half finished. wtf man?
>>1054538 You should have waited until it was finished then. You set yourself up for disappointment.
Why is the Christmas CSS theme gone now? Don't we have like 5 days left before its over?
>>1054645 Nope, christmas is come and gone. What you want is some kind of winter CSS or new years CSS.
I want to impregnate an anon.
>>1054645 >>1054648 It's still christmas in /vb/ unlike the lame-o and gay /v/
>>1054654 go fuck yourself then
>>1054648 Oh well. I am a sucker for Winter themes in general, it's a season time to get comfy.
What did helldivers mean by this????
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>>1054792 they always were a kidder
>>1054795 Steve always was a diddler.
>>1054655 >>1054664 You know maybe /v/ and /vb/ need a secondary Christmas theme for the extended Christmastide season. A simpler one.
This has nothing to do with vidya, but people found these extremely horny furry stickers on Telegram. I think they're Russian in origin? They're insane, I have to show them to you. Here are some of the more "normal" ones first.
They quickly escalate into "what the fuck?" territory.
A lot of them are just fucking weird or gross, not sexy at all.
This is the last I'll post, a few are memes. It's hard to tell if these are meant to be serious or not, there's also an inordinate number of them. Some have the dog crossdressing, one has him sniffing dirty panties. This might have been better in LOL but I don't want to post in that shithole
i'm kinda horny after seeing that third pic where it looks like he's pinching his nipples.
>>1055070 >pic They're gifs. Open them, they're so much worse than the thumbnails.
>>1055067 >second one Crying, SCREAMING, cumming repeatedly, foaming at the mouth, convulsing violently, starving to death (he's playing A Hat in Time)
>>1055066 >>1055067 >>1055068 >>1055069 >>1055071 These are pretty good content. Please share these and the others over in the furLOL thread. >>>/fur/4174
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I got a PS5 as a Christmas gift. What are the best games for it? Keep in mind that my PC is old and running Windows 7 so that's increasingly poor choice for me for newer games. I know about Astrobot and that Robo Cop game and both of those look pretty fun.
>>1055099 >I got a PS5 as a Christmas gift. What are the best games for it? I know about Astrobot Astro Bot is the best game for it. I'd sell your PS5 and put the money into a newer PC.
>>1055099 Sell it and use the money on something that isn't dogshit, hopefully you didn't open it.
>>1055100 I have a pretty firm rule to not take back or sell presents especially when they came from my mom. I've got a newer PC from just a few months that I haven't migrated to yet, but it's a laptop and it's still gong to end up with either Win7 or Linux Mint installed on it so that doesn't help all that much.
>>1055103 Then see if you can at least hack it and use it for piracy/emulation.
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>>1055099 Ass Robot, and uhh that's about it. The PS5's library is dire.
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>>1055122 Yeah I know its exclusives are shit but that doesn't mean a whole lot when you don't really have any other current platforms.
>>1055138 Well in that case you're really asking for good games from the last 5~ years, most everything is multiplat now. There's Ratchet & Clank: Rift Apart, Hi-Fi Rush, Elden Ring, Armored Core 6, Neon White, Metaphor: ReFantazio, and UFO 50 to name a few random games.
So, what did you guys give/get for Christmas?
>>1055167 >get A friend from Hong Kong gave me a traditional tea brick and another from Nazareth gave me three boxes of lokum, I think she's trying to kill me with diabetes. >give Got the old folks chocolates and fancy cookies because I'm very uncreative, I think my pop already ate them all. That man is a criminal for chocolate.
>>1055099 >Sosny 5
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>>1055066 damn these telegram guys are pretty horny
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>>1055256 What significant non-weeb non-indie games even came out on PC last year? Baldur's Gate 3, Starfield, Dragon Age Veilguard? Fuck man that's a drought, i bet all three of them could be in sane mind replaced by Neverwinter and Mass Effect from past decade. S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2 i don't want to judge just yet, but i heard ONLY bad things about it so i don't even want to waste pirating hundred fifty gigs (at least because that space could fill like 30-40 jrpgs or old western rpgs made for consoles). Be glad for Fallout London mod, and emulation. Doesn't mean ps5 is good by any means. Its just whole industry is FUCKED.
>>1055275 Isn't balders gait and starfield 2023? Veilguard was this year.
>>1055099 It's essentially multiplats as someone pointed out, but if you don't care about that part (especially as you got it as a gift) then it's okay. Dunno about the kind of games you like though. There is also the whole PS4 catalog that you can fall back in case you never owned one either, between Yakuza, Ace Combat 7, EDF4.1, Atelier, Dark Souls, etc.
>>1055270 Guys are pretty horny overall. I'm quite surprised rapes haven't skyrocketed yet.
>>1055284 Woman
>>1055284 Rapes are skyhigh among many minorities, and /v/ is majority minority. White men and some Asian men like Chinese, Japanese, and Korean men have more self-control.
>>1055256 Ah, russian 2channel. I wonder how they've been holding up during the war?
>>1055320 I know jeets, nigs and spics love the rape, but I'm surprised the HUwhite man has managed to keep his sexual urges in check still. Especially when you go out and you only see whores walking down the street.
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>>1055342 ukraine bad russia strong
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>>1055068 >the flasher >>1055069 >leatherman My sides, holy shit
>>1055275 Sins of a Solar Empire 2 and erminator Dark Fate Defiance for me
>>1055742 >>1055743 What're their thoughts on the war?
>>1055167 >give i didn't give any presents this year to anyone >get i received a bag of sugar cookies and two vapes for christmas and time spent with my aunt for 24 hours.
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>>1056628 CUTE!!!!
>>1056628 One generation of inbreeding shouldn't necessarily cause that
>>1056702 >shouldn't necessarily So it CAN happen.
>>1056704 Just like how it's "possible" for a white and non-white couple to have a child be entirely entirely white.
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>>1051395 >>1051397 Game List for Anon Star Wars Bounty Hunter: VB25ABE7457492A991 Dredge : JS3H95AC7FD7432FEC The Outer Worlds : G5JM7A84B7A57C80F5 Hero's Hour : XAAT1B900956BD11B4 Planet of Lana : KS8DE055135BA9F5C1 The Coma: Recut : KAYX925C335CADCB76 Baldur's Gate: F485417B0F816CA05D Baldur's 2 : NVVT95B34B08B662A4 Neverwinter Nights : B93P7230F4F5793B66 (claimed) Space Hulk: Deathwing : 4487D2B4F2B95C75E1 Quake II : KTXMB1C44DC2AA8A80 (claimed) Tomb Raider: Underworld : 4N5R6A12213473D604 Call of Juarez: Gunslinger : 98QCFC7135773D1C03 (claimed) Shogun Showdown :34844D4A79923A7859 Sir Whoopass: Immortal Death : HTXWEC3E918CDFBBF9 (claimed) Overcooked! : DQZX358946D6BC5F9F (claimed) The Falconeer : 4VDE7E433BB52ED69C Moonscars : PL5WF926C8E3257E19 (claimed) November: A Plague Tale: Innocence: GW8MA7E2975A30793F (redeemed) Ghost Song: EUFL8CDBF29F6F21EB (redeemed) The Gunk: GDZ7FD96E1BBA49991 (not redeemed lol) Duck Paradox: FV278F17A2853DDCEE (not redeemed lol) KSP: SS4GDE2374FAEF5415 (not redeemed lol) Coromon: SLNQE198864E9130BA(redeemed) Close to the Sun: F7LZ4F49AA7D9297EA (redeemed) Scorn : S94Y0CF82F1C97EBA9 (redeemed) Blade of Darkness: 83U94E6BCCADBCBA72 (not redeemed lol) Hell Pie: redeemed Arcade Paradise: 35LUCD542D4AA4FFCF (not redeemed lol Tomb Raider Anniversary: PDRBCF1C58FE3CA514 (redeemed) Cursed to Golf : T2SJ69EA7481604487 (redeemed)
>>1056707 Anon here. Very neat list, interesting selection of games like Hell Pie and Gunslinger. I don't think all these games are great (Plague Tale, lmao) but it's nice to see some thought instead of 20 random AAA slop games. Nice mixture of classics and unknown games. It'd be easy to fill a giveaway like this out with the likes of Assassin's Creed instead of more inspired picks such as Planet of Lana. Lana made me pickup Thunderful's other game Viewfinder, and holy hell that has some of the worst writing I'd ever encountered.
>>1056713 Don't credit me for my choices, these are just codes a certain service just gives away for free. Is a good way to find "smaller games" in genres I rarely play though.
>>1056707 I tried to redeem the Star Wars Bounty Hunter code but it was already taken.
>>1056717 oh sorry, i very lazily checked and kinda got bored of checking.
>>1056707 Recognizing your listing effort.
>>1056707 thanks for the list and the effort
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>>1056707 Took out codes with (claimed) and (redeemed): Star Wars Bounty Hunter: VB25ABE7457492A991 Dredge : JS3H95AC7FD7432FEC The Outer Worlds : G5JM7A84B7A57C80F5 Hero's Hour : XAAT1B900956BD11B4 Planet of Lana : KS8DE055135BA9F5C1 The Coma: Recut : KAYX925C335CADCB76 Baldur's Gate: F485417B0F816CA05D Baldur's 2 : NVVT95B34B08B662A4 The Gunk: GDZ7FD96E1BBA49991 Duck Paradox: FV278F17A2853DDCEE KSP: SS4GDE2374FAEF5415 Blade of Darkness: 83U94E6BCCADBCBA72 Arcade Paradise: 35LUCD542D4AA4FFCF
There's a new game for Jackbox night! https://cytu.be/r/jackbox1
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I'm so tired of games being stuck in early access hell! Even the most promising games get jammed up in it for fucking ever.
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>>1058356 >he thinks palworld will ever recover after DEPRESSO shit You just know its the real reason of its downfall. If only you knew you dumb cat. I have a rule in my notebook that says "games first results later". And if what i am reading about results is right, just as much as with lobotomy, palworld is a ground breaking "game".
>>1058356 You don't have to beta test games in early access hell, you can wait until games are complete.
>>1056707 >>1057318 Which are redeemed now?
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>>1058386 Been waiting for Onirism to finish development before I start playing. Heard Onirism still has bad bugs, like an unbeatable boss fight.
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>>1058389 What are the implications of onirism protagonist looking like jade cocoon 2 protag?
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>>1058392 The implications are that she'll kill you if you don't give her bunbun back.
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Kind of a cool little thing I stumbled across, this guy made a walkthrough of the first Deus Ex but also included notes of every reference made within the game, from "The Man Who Was Tuesday" to that one line Paul said about a Russian researcher who contracted his own virus and studied the way his own death proceeded. https://tenchinohoukai.cavesofnarshe.com/deus_ex.txt Check it out, you might find a few cool things that you never realized were being referenced. I'd almost consider making this a thread on its own if more people find it as interesting as I did.
>>1058387 Arcade Paradise and KSP expired All the other codes are in limbo because someone is currently in the process of redeeming them without redeeming them
>>1056715 Also, nobody's redeemed this one yet
>>1058751 DO NOT REDEEM!
>>1058389 That unbeatable boss bug was recent and just fixed and the fix broke Carol's animations during the cinematics so devs will now have to fix the fix.
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>>1058848 Elona Muskavite is a Jew, a Tartar, a Khazar a Romanian.
>>1059073 And, worst of all, irish.
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>>1059073 le based white savior btw
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>>1059120 Rassiya has laws against hate speech and banned any form of NS and Skinhead organization then he allows mass immigration from neighboring countries, then monke allows muttification of russian people, already russian women are dating churkas and other "minorities" instead of russian men But /pol/tards will think kang monke is savior of the white race for banning LGTB and supposedly having traditional family values. Dugin even wants to destroy west and all form of western values and replace it instead with a multi cultural ones, he appreciates culture like africans one instead and thinks africans are superior to westerns. At that point you have to be retarded vatnik or a paid 10 ruble shill to believe kang monke will save the west.
>>1058389 On the thread its one guy having crashing issues on ullr boss fight, otherwise there isnt any gamebreaking bugs. There are however many minor bugs that needs to be fixed. >>1059122 Ok hohol. Repeat more ukg talkpoints and edits in this thread ;)
>>1059122 a lot of WNs got psyop'd to death by propaganda and refuse to believe monke isn't whatever collection of buzzwords they want to assign to him you see the same among comies who went so hard into anti-American imperialism they now back an imperialist state that imprisons its communists
Here are some Steam(ing) leftovers from Xmas thread. I sorted out those anon's claimed for sure. Hope at least some of them still works.
>>1059147 >Dear Esther Isn't from the guy that made Gone Home?
>>1059153 no, the studio behind the worst Amnesia game and the upcoming VTMB sequel Gone Homo was Fullbright, they never made much else
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>>1059134 Sounds about right, the kremlin and other places where their run their 10 rubel paid shills seems to have caused a lot of damage to them, some of the shills even do it for free out of patriotic honor.
please post a 200k word essay explaining how vladmir zelensky is simultaneously iron man, luke skywalker, and dumbledore, tia
>>1059365 >>1059163 I wish Hitler, the mongols, or whoever had succeeded in wiping out you annoying Slavshits before your little pissing contests came to blight the internet.
>>1059380 I miss the Mongols. They turned into fun ching-chongs too for a while.
>>1059365 He's just another Russian, meaning a fucking retard, just like the rest of your backwards slavic race.
>>1059422 Russians aren't retarded, retards are slow. Russians are rushin'.
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which tomo chan anons?
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>>1059473 1st Tomo for waifu. 2nd Azumanga Tomo for daughteru
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>>1059473 i would hugg tomo chan and fugg tomo chan she is so silly
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There is no way he built that legit. Not without spending plus 200+ hours on it. Time to bust out a trainer and find the remaining blueprints. It's a pretty good design too. XEN turrets to mark enemies, central ammo maker repository, missiles and guns for days.
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Have some shit-quality OC from the Gensokyo Massacre (eratohoK playthrough with extra custom characters). I hope someone gets a small kek out of it. Maybe you can think up your own stories for these mashups. > why do the kids have animal ears? Their appearance is randomly generated.
>>1060109 Bravo
(4.26 MB 1920x1080 Untitled.png)

>>1060085 This thing is 8 stories tall and the size of an entire city block. It's a walking firebase with Mech hanger, centralized auto ammo production and a bridge where I can just sit and destroy stuff with my 4.5 million damage Gustav cannon that takes 3k resources to reload. I'll admit I cheated to unlock the parts because there is no way I'm spending hours grinding to collect 25 Cataphract cores. https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3379596458
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Years ago I watched a YTP(?) where Slippy dies at the end and the remaining Stairfucks team eats him for the lulz, then decides to sell Toad-flavored food across the Lylat system making mad bank before being found out and branded as wanted criminals infamous for unchecked cannibalism. Anyone know the title of that one?
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>>1060221 This is such unfunny cringe I have to ask if you made it. I've always seen it posted with the same filename. It's not clever, it's not even really making a joke.
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>>1060367 it doesnt need to be a joke, its video games LOL
(2.41 MB 700x1280 hey_niggers.webm)

>>1060367 Found the nigger!
>>1060387 niggers? In my thread?
>>1060387 Nigger was removed successfully (not his sega emulator though) Two (2) jews suffered injuries in the process of removal.
>>1060369 What happened to Mega Woman's other tit?
>>1060369 >>1060561 >What happened to Mega Woman's other tit? Trump cut funding to the Bureau of Trans, it settled for half-surgery
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>>1059424 >Russians aren't retarded, retards are slow. Russians are rushin'.
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How comes Palworld game has so far no mods that actually adds new weapons instead of replacing existing ones? I thought given how popular it became it would have a lot of modders doing shit with it.
>>1059422 Why is Russia such a shithole? Is it because communism destroyed their soul? When the state's god and everyone and the individual is nothing, Russians don't build anything.
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>>1060575 >Why is Russia such a shithole? Is it because communism destroyed their soul? When the state's god and everyone and the individual is nothing, Russians don't build anything.
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>>1060576 thats a very good point, russians ARE niggers
>>1060575 Communism didn't help, but the whole reason communism happened in Russia was because Russia was already a backwards shithole and just couldn't sustain the way it was anymore. They were hundreds of years behind western Europe, effectively still feudal until the 20th century. They got their shit wrecked by Japan, who deliberately cut themselves off from the world for like 350 years, and was basically stuck in the 1600s, with only like 50 years to catch up. Russia was so shitty that they basically got wrecked by a country that should have been 300 years behind them. And an Asian country, at that. It's not like Japan was close to the heart of the industrial revolution. It should have been much easier for Russia to copy the technology of their relatively close neighbors. But they didn't, because their culture has always been one of backwards cavemen. The commies didn't cause that. It was just one reason the people were stupid enough to go along with communism. Of course, once the commies got in, trying to wrangle a bunch of medieval retards into creating a futuristic utopian state was going to be even more impossible than trying to wrangle a bunch of modern homo sapiens into doing it.
It's my birthday. Recommend me some slop games to waste money on. My favorite games are: >Dragon's Dogma >Mirror's Edge >Burnout Paradise >Etrian Odyssey >Dungeon Keeper <Don't like walking sims <Not fond of soulslikes (not racist, just don't like em)
>>1060622 Touhou Artificial Dream in Arcadia
>>1060622 Ace Combat 7
>>1060622 Try Neon White, awful writing but extremely fun.
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>>1060622 -Wreckfest -BeamNG Drive -The Quest -Dying Light 1 -Vanquish -Mount&Blade Bannerlord
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>>1060608 The whole thing can be boiled down to >The nose fears the katana give who's running and will keep running Russia for centuries. Communism was the logical step for a race as tribal as them, only matched by the ""han chinese"".
>>1060622 Happy birthday faggot, go play Deep Rock Galactic >Don't like walking sims If you can stomach pirate to try Outer Wilds (not Worlds), it's what every walking sim wishes it was.
>>1060622 >>Dragon's Dogma Monster Hunter >>Mirror's Edge Ghostrunner >Burnout Paradise FlatOut: Ultimate Carnage >Dungeon Keeper What Did I Do To Deserve This, My Lord
>>1060622 I've been playing Yakuza 0, first time playing a Yakuza game in general (I want to finish up to 2 before Yakuza Black Flag comes out) and I've been having a blast. >Combat system is solid. Still not sure how 2 execute special moves in the Rush state >Fuck Mr. Shakedown. Once I figure out how to equip weapons he's done. >Rather solid crime drama. <Controller is 8bitdo Pro 2 switch orientation so button prompts fuck me right up. I might change around settings in steam so I can rely more on muscle memory.
>>1060626 >>1060627 >>1060628 >>1060638 >>1060654 >>1060667 >>1060673 Thanks anons, added to my wishlist. Starting with Ace combat. Always seemed like a series I'd like, but never tried it.
I got the paypig edition.
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>>1060695 You'd gift an anon a game too, I bet.
>>1060727 I'd do it if I could know for a fact that it wont be some bot to claim it.
>>1060691 >>1060695 Nice, although I'd recommend playing the tutorial in Ace Combat 4, that is if you haven't played an Ace Combat like game before.
>>1060730 There won't be some bot to claim it or >>1056707 would all be claimed.
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Fun times at Myouren Temple.

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