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Vidya Lounge Thread Anonymous 06/20/2021 (Sun) 16:37:19 Id: 33c988 No. 343401
Welcome to /v/'s comfy lounge. This thread is for general discussion about /v/-related topics that don't deserve/fit in regular threads. The rules 'may be treated more flexibly here, but please take care not to make a mess and don't be a retard. Rules: 1. The lounge is a shared community with /v/. Posters should have posts elsewhere on the board before entering the lounge. 2. Discussion should pertain to /v/-type content only, such as funposting about video games, more video games, industry matters, and gamer™ interests. Colouring outside the lines MAY be okay, however posters do so at their own risk with the understanding that said posts might be moderated without forewarning at any time.
>>979337 Jesus Christ, Imagine getting sent to the psych ward over a fucking meme.
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>>970991 I must have some form of dementia because I swear this meme comic has been around a lot longer than this past year. >>971124 As much as there are occasional bouts of lucidity over there, it mostly amounts to 85 IQs taking way too long to notice shit until it coats their entire bodies, much like it took almost a decade and Muttmerica becoming a communist state for real for the retarded normalfags to realize "oh shit, I don't want to die for globohomo after all." >>972433 The only reason I delude myself into playing those shitfest is to fuck around with the Engine.ini file and make the shitty graphics look good. >>972703 >>972706 I'm pretty sure this insane fucking world (Muttmerica giving way to a multipolar globe and the WEF chimping out as they lose power and relevance) has broken a shitload of people's minds, like people who claim to support le Drumpf but spend all of their time bitching about $INSERT_"POTUS." >>979326 Be sanitoriums without the old "sanitorium" stigma. In the hellhole of North America you can basically claim anybody is mentally ill without any proof and get them sent there, much like how everybody is nonbinary and autistic now.
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Here are a few screensavers that came with the following Saturn games: https://files.catbox.moe/ztv0p9.zip >Langrisser IV >Pia Carrot e Youkoso!! 2 >Waku Waku Puyo Puyo Dungeon Testing these on my Windows 7 machine and they still work.
>>979286 >Fallout 4 graphics is literally worse than Morrowind Bullshit. it's Morrowind which looks like fucking ass, which is why I am so hesitant making content for OpenMW
>>977685 hunting around id say ti looks like nanahikari rami from keio flying squadron; pic marginally related
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Okay so i found out that i have multiple personality syndrome instead of schizophrenia and i every personality is a person i want to have sex with and i can touch and feel them through tactile hallucinations and mental visions. They tell me that soon i'll be able to see them in real life. To make this video game related, i ordered the systems that i lost when the demons told me to throw them away, and they're already modded so i don't have to bother them with.
>>979468 >found out that he's an attention seeking teenage girl who spends too much time on tiktok I wish you a fast recovery anon, a truly horrible affliction.
>>979380 Cool shit, thanks for sharing anon I'll convert them to PNG tomorrow
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>>979468 You can´t recover if you keep focusing on that shit. Especially on sex. Stop getting off to all that. Because otherwise you'll be blamed that you actually enjoy larping as "mentally ill", and that's a point on pretending. Milking cow is only good when its wishing to be milked. Resisting lolcow won't be. After all demons are by their default believable stereotype making fun of humans. Its like spiritual kiwifarms. It may seem like you're seeking attention from parallel world instead of fighting it off. >They tell me that soon i'll be able to see them in real life. Yeah, right, you'll see people who act like your inner "demons", that is as far as it'l go. Like in the days when you got fucked over by hearing people converse about stuff you like. Legit apparitions usually happen when mind is half asleep anyway, which allows mirror to dock onto illusion caused by being inbetween dream and still seeing reality as a background. Pretty much works like sleep paralysis, except without paralysis. >i ordered the systems that i lost when the demons told me to throw them away Well, that's one good thing. Not gonna engage in this discussion again, so don't expect a reply, what's important was already said.
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>>979458 Thanks! I found the screenshot it was clipped from. https://retrogamesuperhyper.com/2018/03/11/for-the-love-of-sega-cd/
>>979495 >Stop getting off to all that. Yes, i have a problem with sex, my alters and Jesus tell me i do. >After all demons are by their default believable stereotype making fun of humans. Its like spiritual kiwifarms. It may seem like you're seeking attention from parallel world instead of fighting it off. They're not demons, Jesus would tell me if they are, i cast out demons all the time, and if they were demons they would be gone from me. They're like multiple personalities in my mind. I don't want attention from demon anymore. >Yeah, right, It's called imposition and you can do it with alters, as well as demon and demons pretending to be tulpas. >Well, that's one good thing. Not gonna engage in this discussion again, so don't expect a reply, what's important was already said. They're not demons, there is no need to worry, i'm not having sex with demons anymore. I just wanted to talk about this with someone.
https://yewtu.be/watch?v=s7wSPJZPqas They are releasing and power rangers game that looks like TMNT shredder's revenge, it looks cool as hell too with the bike segments.
>>979956 I was not aware yewtube didnt work anymore.
>>979959 I want the Pink Ranger to ride me while the Yellow Ranger sits on my face. In costume. Thank you for reading.
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Just got a new laptop and having some problems with finding emulators for the damn thing. I'll have to use a local coffee shops wifi and download because I have a controller now.
>>979972 Stunning and brave, thank you for sharing that anon.
>>979988 Are you homeless?
>>979988 I can not decipher the meaning of this post.
>>980004 He's homeless and bought a chromebook.
All the anglophile japanese zoomers have pronouns in their twitter bios
That's great niggerpill, now chronicle your twitter findings to your discord tranny circlejerk, nonody here cares.
>>979988 >problems with finding emulators for the damn thing What do you mean dubsman? It takes a whole 2 seconds to find shit.
>>980688 (Heiled) Does anybody know what merge tools for Fallout 4 and Mod Organizer 2 works together good with Wine/Proton? I am trying to use zEdit before but that thing is awfully glitchy and Merge Plugins tool outright refuses to merge my collection of 90~ weapons into one merged esp file for some stupid reason because appearntly I overloaded the maximum plugins even though the point of merging them is to reduce to the amount of loaded plugins. Mod Organizer 2 itself works somewhat fine but glitchy and zEdit is downright broken on my end, it doesn't even load the plugins from Mod Organizer 2 virtual file system at all too.
>>980688 If he's homeless and bought a Chromebook it might lack certain emulators he wants, or maybe he's comparing emulators before deciding.
>>979972 what if the yellow ranger is a dude?
>>980958 That makes it even better.
>post about my Doom mod <where is the dedicated fart button? >post a model of AK-47 SA-85m <where are the tits? >plan to make a tonk squilliam <make a kawaii bradely What's wrong with you niggaz? What's wrong?
>>982620 ><where is the dedicated fart button? I can immediately tell you posted your Renamon mod
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>>982622 (checked) Is there some kind of a meme of Renamon and Farting that I have missed or what?
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>>982620 If you're going to be blatant about your fetish fuel, you better go all out. Probably more just Anons teasing you.
>>982620 Tanks can be cute too!
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>>982630 >Tanks can be cute too! <tanks can metal trap boxes Didn't the americans lose 23 tanks during the start of the Iraqi war?
>>982625 No, it's just furries being weird. You're probably a furry yourself so I imagine you understand. Or it's people making fun of furries, that's also possible.
>>982637 If I remember right and I am not mixing things up, the majority of tanks lost were due to friendly fire incidents. >>982620 >where are the tits? >make a kawaii bradely Not shocked. People have long enjoyed putting busty bitches and various faces on vehicles and aircraft. That fact this has devolved to random meme/anime shit for the internet age seems about par for the course. The rest is just as >>982627 's spoiler said.
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>>982653 There are also some really cute tank drivers
One day I will cut my self from the shithole called the internet and live a hermit live, but I have yet to prepare myself for it.
>>982683 Understandable. But there are so many things on the internet. It's a real drug.
>>982695 Tiktok is really just a microcosm of everything wrong with the internet
https://cytu.be/r/Jackbox1 The bi monthly Jackbox stream is about to start
>>982695 >>982730 You say this on the internet.
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>>982908 That’s not a rebuttal.
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>>983071 It's very hard for one person to hold two conflicting viewpoints as equally valid; there'll almost always be a preference or bias. But also i guess the dismissing of anybody being contrarian without offering a counterpoint of any serious merit, eg yourself with your guttersnipe hot takes.
>>983082 That’s not a rebuttal either. Or are you saying that no position can stand on its own merits and thus can only be argued for in opposition to a given ‘counterpoint’.
>>983097 What rebuttal is there to give? You just stated the obvious, that people are criticizing components of the internet on the internet. Yes? What's your point?
>>982630 They can be, till you get hit and your ammo starts cooking off.
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>>983186 >>982637 >all this hate on tanks Mecha faggots detected
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>>983189 Fuck off, that faggot is not one of us, we like tanks too. Tanks are mecha.
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>>983192 >Mecha fans like tanks too >Tanks are mecha too Since when? I thought you guys like robots and mecha only.
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>>983200 Have you never seen Getter 3?
>>983207 No I don't, I very rarely watch something.
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Has enough time passed that we can admit those AI upscaled "fan remasters" look dreadful?
>>983763 The only ones ive tolerated are the ones for the original resident evil trilogy, because i was tired of having to play it in 800x600 just to not see a blurry mess.
>>983763 Looks decent enough to me
>>983763 I've always thought they looked terrible. AI upscaling could be used to touch up the graphics a little bit but retards instead try and force high-res, 4K textures and it looks awful.
>>983763 AI upscaled stuff is always such a mixed bag. You'll have parts that look relatively fine, but then you get shit that is outright strange or bizarre looking. I wish more devs were willing to come in and manually fix those instead of just leaving it as is like many do.
Good morning gaymergays!
>>983835 Post your waifu
Is there a reason why Capcom remake Dead Rising?
>>983868 To make you forget the shit show DR4 was and probably also remove a bunch of the psychopaths for "modern sensibilities"
>>983868 Because remakes sell well?
>>983868 Retards love demakes.
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>>983868 I'm more pissed off by the fact that Dead Rising got a Remake before Dino Crisis.
>>983933 Do you even know what they will do to Regina?
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>>983950 >Manjawed Regina with no curves >That fucking troon Capcom USA hired for marketing will cosplay as her You're right, I don't want it anymore
>>983868 To revitalize interest in the series by utilizing nostalgia after they fucked it into the dirt. Remakes/remasters are easier than making something new + it is crapcom. Finally, add in that gaymers will happily eat shit remakes when given the opportunity, and they have no reason not to. >>983933 (checked) I'd rather it stay dead than turn into another TPS made for "modern sensibilities".
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>>983868 >Different voice Gross.
>>984202 Not only did they refuse to get T.J." Rotolo again, despite the fact they had him return to the roll in MvC Infinite. The tone of this trailer is entirely off, because it makes it sound like it's going to be all bombastic. Dead Rising 1 takes itself the most seriously out of every game in the series. The exact thing which killed the franchise in the first place, Continuously being more and more off the mark when it comes to what actually makes Dead Rising good. You can argue this never needed to be a franchise at all, Dead rising 1 is a great self-contained story. At the very least, the Original game is still easily available, so there is nothing keeping anyone from just playing the good version.
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>>984579 Is it a female? How big are her boobers?
>>984661 >How big are her boobers? Pretty small, if those glowing things are her nipples.
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>>984579 omg haiii missy!!!!!
>>984717 Who is this sexy wolf? What's this Missy from?
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>>984751 She's from a HMOFA human males on female anthros fic called "How about those spooky spindly shadowy sinister senoritas?" https://archiveofourown.org/works/28076361/chapters/68786811
>>984764 >57 chapters This person has made himself a world I am jealous of. Thanks anon, wouldn't have been able to find it myself.
>>984767 Be warned, it's still ongoing
>>983867 I like Prez
>>982683 No way dude. It's better to burn out than to fade away.
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>>984782 Is that a Highlander reference?
>>975893 Floyd overdosed on brown bricks.
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>>984782 My bitch of a sister already gave me a forced treatment of not having access to internet for almost 2 whole day. Fucking hell I absolutely cannot stand my sister at all, they constantly belitte me and are venting out their frustration on me. Just fuck my shit up.
>>984998 At least you didn't have zero internet for 2 weeks straight because of an ISP jerking you around while spending hours every day talking to pajeet subhumans only to have to change ISP's anyways to get functional internet.
>>985003 Not that anon but I may very well have to do that.
>>984998 Are you underage or something?
>>985093 My guess is he's either underage or severely autistic.
>>984998 You should steal one of her panties and jerk off with them
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Any of you niggers play Pokemon Unite? <tencent moba shit >just don't spend money on it Didn't know if it was worth its own thread. Anyone else looking forward to Ho-oh being added to the game? Honestly, this game mostly appeals to me simply because of the pokebranding and nostalgiabaiting, so the addition of the first legendary I ever caught actually has me excited. pls no bully
>>985354 If it worked offline I might have tried it, but I refuse to play any game requiring an internet connection
>>985354 I've wanted to try it also because Pokemon nostalgia, even though I've given up past gen 6 or 7... but MOBAs are just naturally cancerous. But if it's pokemon, it might be simple so kids can play it, so maybe I'll try it one day. I used to play a ton of Pokemon Masters, I appreciate that they kind of made an interesting combat system and had tons of gym leaders and other characters to recruit going all the way to Gen 1, and they added the Trainer Lodge mode so you could "date" your favorite trainer waifus. And also the art style was very good, not as weird as the newer gens but kind of a good medium and very faithful to, like, peak Pokemon style IMO. Unfortunately it gets ruined because nothing will un-fagify the more recent characters. And it's still a retarded gacha at the end of the day, so even though I never gave them any shekels, I was literally just sitting for hours grinding it and had to just get rid of it. If Game Freak were smart, they'd make a full single player game using something like that combat system, but oh well, guess we gotta be content with mainline games with the appeal of soggy cardboard...
>>985555 Jesus Christ be praised.
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>>985555 Impressive and oldfag pilled
>>985555 Well played Yugi.
>>985555 Oh yeah? Check my 0
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>>985555 (checked)
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>Become wageslave >No fucking patience to play vidya I fucking hate it, how the fuck do people play vidya with a wife and a kid on top of that?
>>985629 I'd wager most of us here have a wage or a family. I started gaming again when i could have 3 days off.
Just recently hear the UK is not giving out money in the UK. You okay UK bros? >>985629 Eventually I tried to go for it by force and realized I was always hung up on story and lore stuff when I had more fun ignoring it. So I just pick arcade-like games and have a good time.
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>>985629 >tfw tax money gets funneled directly into my wallet
>>985629 Never played when I was waging but since going on new parent leave I'm playing a lot when time allows. Gained a new appreciation for having a couple hours of free time.
>>985629 You have to hope and/or work toward a job that gives you enough time. If you have a kid, then play vidya with the kid.
>>983868 >>984202 Oh I get it now. One of the reasons they've replaced all the voice acting is to justify redesigning Larry Chiang, I can't even really blame them all that much this time, noway in hell anyone has the balls for such a blatantly racist stereotype nowadays.
>>985765 >I can't even really blame them all that much this time So their reasoning is they don't have any backbone to keep all the things that made the original unique and good.
>>985765 If this does happen, I want to say I fucking called it. >>983870 Other things they'll probably remove: >The psychopathic dyke cop >The traumatized Vietnam vet >Any inclination that Carlito is a bad person >Brad dying >Jessica and Isabela being conventionally attractive women <But they'll totally keep the crazed gun store owner, mentally broken children's entertainer, and murderous white hunters with sniper rifles
>>985828 They are going to turn her into a nigger, aren't they?
>>985765 >Racist stereotype I literally have one at the kitchen I work on, these fucking Champaign socialist numales have never worked a blue collar job in their lives.
>>985842 >these fucking Champaign socialist numales have never worked a blue collar job in their lives. Because their own religion dictates that they don't have to. "Labor" is only reserved for those lacking soul or who haven't awakened to their true nature yet.
>>985828 >>985829 There has been more footage shown, I'm just too lazy to post it atm. Everything does seem like a shot for shot remake, they used the word remaster on purpose since they're trying to keep it very close to the original game just with the Graphical overhaul and quality of life imporvments like being able to fast forward time. Cop, and Viatnam Vet still looks exactly the same. Jessica and Isabela look the same. The dialog is all the same. Larry the Butcher is the only actual changed character we've seen so far. Probably because they want to sell the game in China, and they don't want any pushback.
>>985847 Interesting, though it makes me wonder: did the original Dead Rising ever release in China?
>>985855 Based on the Languages supported in the Original version on Steam, vs This "Deluxe Remaster", I would guess that it was never released in China in any official capacity until now.
>>985829 if they made her black then they wouldnt be able to imply an interracial relationship with her black male partner
>>985093 nibba I'm a 30 year old boomer. My parents are a fucking bunch of control freaks.
>>986035 The implication and confusion is that, in theory, kids should move out when they're 18-plus. Meanwhile, when my parents split up i specifically went with my dad because my half sister went with my mom so, really, you should blame your dad for killing himself instead of just divorcing.
>>986035 >nibba Leave. >>986049 With modern housing prices, the only way to do that is to either be homeless or move into a small apartment with about 30 pajeets.
>>986049 >The implication and confusion is that, in theory, kids should move out when they're 18-plus not in my case also I am not a burger. >you should blame your dad for killing himself instead of just divorcing. Nowhere did I said that my father killed himself. >>986053 >Leave. What are you gonna do, jackass? Crying to mark?
>>986059 >What are you gonna do, jackass? Crying to mark? I'm gonna tell you to leave. I'm gonna point out that you talk like a fag and your shit's all retarded, so that you know to stop being a retarded faggot.
>>986061 sneed about it
>>986049 Plenty of late millennials/early Zoomers are living with their parents just because the economy is so shit and rent even on a dumpster tier apartment is through the roof.
>>985389 You're playing the Imageboard game right now :^)
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>>985555 Sugoi
>>985629 >Work half days for 4 days a week with 3 day weekends My life is awesome. You should try being cool like me. Git gud. Try getting a work from home job. You'll save hundreds upon hundreds of hours of your life in commuting time alone, to say nothing of the time and money saved on vehicle maintenance orpublic transit fees, more flexible lunch options, doing chores during break time, doing chores during work because you can get ahead on tasks without someone over your shoulder piling more unnecessary work on you, et cetera.
>>986106 Living with family is an absolute necessity to make it in this economy.
>>985871 >>985871 just because there aren't Languages supported on steam doesn't mean there are no dubs for said video game, there's hundreds of dub mods in Russian/Ukrainan on nexus if there's no support on steam, could be the same with Chinese.
>>986146 That's why I said >released in China in any official capacity until now. For all I know China has gotten it's hands on Dead Rising 1 in some form or another, but if the Chinese Language isn't officially supported, then it isn't likely Capcom was the one selling the game to them directly. Hasn't China only recently become more Lenient in what video game it allows it's Citizens to buy? I could be wrong, but I think Capcom wasn't even allowed to sell Dead Rising to China at all given the laws that were in place.
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>Made a small celebration with vampyr yesterday on 4th of july by getting drunk on alcohol and shitposting on /b/ >decide to visit /digi/ board at zzzchan to say hi and seeing how they are up to >managed to have a small conversation going with other anons and they even missed me >paranoid fuckwad dejiko comes out of the woodlock and nooooook banned me all of my fucking post Appearntly I will never be fucking able to square things out with Dejiko, that guy is so fucking paranoid with his board he seriously thinks I am hellbent on shitting up his board even more like as if I were something as terrible bad like LCP or Niggerpill. Fucking christ I just want to be friends again and put the water down the bridge, but no fucking Dejiko won't let me because he is in his all fucking wisdom he seriously thinks I have nothing to do but constantly shitting up his boards with things /digi/ has forbidden, yes I did made my fuck ups back then but who fucking doesn't? He is really acting like a women now and he excepts me to some kind of a Mr. Perfect who in his entire life time never made a mistake, is 1000% a law abidding citizen both in real life and in the internet and never got into fights with his friends. Completely absolutely unreasonable standard. For christ sake we used to be friends for almost 3 years. This shit makes me sad as hell.
>>986591 Just be anonymous instead of some identity-seeking faggot. Then nobody will know who you are and have reason to be mad at you.
>>986598 I am not using a Proxy/VPN so my IP range will be something predictable so when I am lucky enough to get another IP that is not on his shit list he would ban me anyway, so I don't see how that will help.
>>986599 If you're such jackass that your whole IP range is banned, or he's such a jackass that he'd ban your whole IP range, then either way you shouldn't be on that site.
>>986607 And your point is? >>986609 >Made a few fuck ups >that means I am a irredeemable jackass that should be banned from life on the /digi/ board Are you for real? If I haven't myself clear enough, I even try to get ahold of Dejiko on IRC trying to amend things so that he is not so awfully mad at me, yet I failed several times in doing so since he gave me the lifetime ban, that guy absolutely won't budge a door for me.
>>986612 I didn't say you were necessarily irredeemable. But if you are and he acts like that, then he is, so fuck that shit and go to a good site instead. Then again, you completely misread my post, so maybe you are the jackass and not him.
>>986613 Yeah, whatever hothead.
>>986614 Are you saying someone should get me outta here? No! This can't be happening! I'm in charge here!
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>>986615 You should have never pulled off my mask, CIA guy
>>986613 >go to a good site instead Well if I may implore you, what good sites do you think I should be posting on instead?
>>982730 >letting toddlers interact with soyware Why.
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>>986621 Apparently this ones are good sites to post
>>986683 reddit is heckin based, this checks out
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>>986683 Top-bottom, left-right >Blogposting >Blogposting >Literally reddit >Businessposting >Dying photo sharing site >Yahoo Answers but with incoherent AI >Boomers sharing AI Jesus >That fucking website THAT CLOGS UP EVERY IMAGE SEARCH >Spambot central Thank you normalfags, very cool!
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>>986684 damn that's hot >>986688 Found some more
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>>986691 >Reddit <Reddit >Digital Journal <hasn't been relevant for 15 years <not a forum <literally less popular than 8moe <Something Awful <hasn't been relevant for 15 years >IGN boards <hasn't been relevant for 15 years >Discord <actually popular but not a forum >Ask Ubuntu <actually a forum but not popular >Slashdot <haven't heard of this site since 2000 <is it even a forum I don't remember >Warrior Forum <never heard of it <it's a forum at least >Quora <Q&A site <not a forum >Stack Overflow <even more specific form of Quora <not a forum >Tripadvisor <not a forum >Steam <has forums I guess >Medium <blogposting site <not a forum >Google Answers <hasn't existed for almost 20 years <why is Google even suggesting this >Ubuntu <that's a fucking operating system >Hacker News <reddit for people further along the spectrum <kind of a forum >4chan <imageboard <not a forum >GitHub
[Expand Post]<not a forum >Digital Spy <British TMZ <not a forum >Archive of Our Own <repository of fujoshi literature <not a forum >Imgur <not a forum >Flashback Forum <Swedish-language forum <actually popular in Sweden When did Google get this bad? I don't remember it being like this.
>>985913 How'd you get the implication they were partners like that? She seemed completely disinterested in Brad. As the story went along more interested in Frank. What? i mean she showed interest in him for his job title & photo's but did seem to like him. At least more than Brad does initially.
>>986696 It's been somewhere north of twenty years since i last played it so i'm not sure i remember exactly, but i recall her being genuinely worried for him, possibly even inconsolable in the evacuation ending where he can't or wasn't saved.
>>986705 I dunno. I guess in my mind I didn't think she'd actually like Brad in that way.
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https://cytu.be/r/jackbox1 Jackbox in July is a go
I just discovered that there are not one but TWO Les Sisters games!
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>>987295 It would've been better if it was a sister and a brother
Can someone give me a quick rundown on the Eagle Dynamics-RAZBAM drama?
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>>987295 Are they h visual novels?
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>>987295 >>987323 >>988702 FYI, "les" is the French plural "the", so it's not "lesbian sisters", it's "the sisters".
>>988755 Knowing the french i just assumed it was just a playword. I was disappointment when i searched it.
After putting it off for years I'm finally playing Cyberpunk and I gotta say I'm actually liking it a lot.
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>>988773 >I was disappointment when i searched it. But why? Wendy and Marine are the cutest fucking shit.
>>989476 He's disappointed because they aren't fucking.
>spend all day at work, daydreaming about playing games and making stuff >come home >do chores >too tired to bother playing anything I wanted to >make dinner >force myself to play a game >get bored of it after ten minutes >sleep the rest of the day away
>>989688 Welcome to your late 20s/early 30s anon! It's all downhill from here!
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>>989688 >>989693 We've all been/are there, anon.
>>989693 >>989688 I've been there some months ago, now I'm playing DOOM all the goddamn time. I've also quit my job so maybe I have more energy to play games.
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>>989688 Quit your job. Become NEET. Make the jewish system pay (literally).
https://cytu.be/r/jackbox1 Last jackbox night before August is about to begin. Reminder that the Uncommon Time Stream is scheduled to begin on the same day next time as well.
I want to do a new run in Starsector, but I keep ending up playing mostly the same way as I usually do. Someone give me a challenge or gameplay theme to go with to keep it interesting. Open to whatever mods as well.
>>992391 I ended up doing a pirate only run. Just debating what size ship I will end up going with. I almost always go with something small like a frigate or destroyer, so maybe I'll try something big this time. Also I forgot how annoying it can be when you piss off the Independents. Those fuckers are everywhere. For example, you gotta love it when random independent mercs spawn at a faction you're friendly with and try to murder you while you're shopping.
I remember my autistic ex-GF said something quite profound and I thought I might share it right here. What she said was, more or less: "I don't like 'strong independent womyn'. I feel that all this focus on 'strong women' devalues girly girls."
>>993563 Profound
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>>993563 and why didn't you put a ring on that girl of yours?
>>993563 and everybody clapped
>>993569 We didn't really have any common interests, she did not play video games. The only thing we both enjoyed was digital scrabble. I want a girlfriend I can at least share some interests with, so I broke up with her.
>>993581 picky
>>993616 >>993828 Women are not inherently fun to be around. Marrying one that you have little shared interests or humor with is how you end up as one of those miserable boomers in a mutually resentful relationship because you're both too scared of being alone. You're only astonished by an anon choosing not to marry her because you haven't spent enough time around women to know how insufferable they are when you aren't infatuated with them.
>>993581 > I want a girlfriend I can at least share some interests with Women follow after their man. If she admired you she would pick anything you liked/did.
>>993862 That's true, although at the same time I feel like she probably took it quite hard. Just seemed unnecessary brutal.
>>993874 >Just seemed unnecessary brutal. You have no context for the relationship or how she might have taken it. For all you know it could have been mostly mutual and she could have agreed that they couldn't find much to do with each other.
>>993879 Perhaps
You guys want a gamer bagel?
>>993915 does it come with a goys foreskin, its gonna be a pass either way faggot its just mediocre central european bakery slop, much better options, unless youre an uncultured corn syrup fed mutt, ofcourse
>>993915 Why is it so yellow?
>>993925 Because its made FOR GAMERS
>>993988 Women fake everything all the time, they're another joke in themselves and they have never been genuine. That's why I like dick.
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>>993915 It's the mark of mark!
Bagels were co-opted by jews, it is a traditional eastern European bread, we need to take bagels BACK
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>>993915 American "cuisine"
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>>994007 >American cuisine
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>>994015 Damn, I just got BTFO
>>994015 going down to the house of sausage
Nothing to do with vidya, but a guy had a dream about a non-existent genre called "Hit 'Em" that was high tempo, in an odd time signature and contained very compressed samples. It sparked the imagination of a lot of producers and birthed a (probably short lived) subgenre of breakcore. There's currently a contest running for it. Just a fun internet story.
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A while back I had an idea for a story about characters from other vidya trying to join Smash Brothers and running into a lot of trouble along the way. I changed the names and some things about them to make them all different people "from a different dimension" so I could take them in different directions and not be restrained by their canon, then threw them into different worlds to see how they would react. Like how Smash throws different characters together to make them fight. Let's send them to each others' homeworlds, other vidya worlds, and places from movies, TV, and other pop fiction. I had fun writing it. I had enough ideas for a second season so I started on that until I got writer's block. The block cleared earlier this year and I've been on a writing binge since then. I might actually finish this thing. The final match is done and written. The current episode will wrap up the war between not-Vector and not-DW4 which is the last of the long-term plots. The next episode will be a set of side stories about teamwork to go along with the team matches. So I ought to do something with TF2. Then I'll add another side story or two, tack on a proper ending, and Season 2 is done.
Jackbox Night has already begun! https://cytu.be/r/jackbox1
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>play game >gets remotely difficult >immediately burn out and go back browsing the internet I didn't used to be like this
>>997485 There comes a point where your tolerance for annoying bullshit is just gone. I have to be in the right mindset or I am the same way sometimes.
>>997485 More like >playing game >basic design elements are blatantly bad >sit there thinking about how retarded the developer is and that I could do better >close game >never open godot and learn how to develop something better
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>>997485 LMAO look at this old dude
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>>997485 I do that but then come back with better pattern recogniztion, skill and patience and just beat it in one go.
>>997584 There's something bizarre about this. I'm over the hill in terms of reflex synapses, my reflexes should be weakening as I age, yet sometimes I'll go back to a game I sucked ass at, like Touhou, and beat Clownpiece on Normal in just one try.
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Years ago, i used to play a shitty sex mobile game called Saint Fallen R; waxing nostalgic for it again, i learned it had been, five years ago, renamed Gods of Hentai and shoved onto another site. Not happy about starting over again but i'm glad to see my star-faced tentacle dick mage again.
>>997485 I spent the pandemic largely relaxing and playing low-key games for the whole three years. It destroyed my ability to tolerate action games, I was the kind of guy who could play Doom on Nightmare but now I get exhausted after two deaths in a row. This sucks.
>>997904 Not unless they bring back hot chicks like in 2.
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>tfw don't fight for Franco Spain, Pick up a Spanish Capitana help the Fins in the Winter War, Invade Yugoslavia and Greece, Roll through France to Dunkurk, fight against the Soviets for 4 years, save the 6th Army at Stalingrad, Encircle the Soviets at Kursk, deliver the Enola Gay bomb to Smolensk, Make Rommel Reichskanzler after Hitler ODs in his sleep, roll through Persia like Alexander the Great, Take British India AND said Capitana wants more children. Spanish dames man. Panzer Corp 2 offers an ahistorical timeline if you manage to clear certain objectives in 1942. Heading into 1946 and the invasion of America now.
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Hi. I'm ashamed and i don't know why, but i keep wanting to jump back into Far Cry Primal and i keep doing it.
>You're all vaxxed up What did he mean by this? What was Spike Chunsofts motive?
>>998731 oh i think you know why; as a side note maybe read the manga Grashros, its dumb as shit but fairly short and probably wont get an anime
>>998743 Are you retarded or deaf? He says washed up.
>>998753 I wish it felt more like this
>>989688 >Wake up >Slept in an hour late >Damn, thats one less hour to spend working on reverse engineering PS1 file formats >Call work after making great progress to find out if they want me to come in on my day off >They do >Drive to work >Free car charging station in walking distance is open >Get to charge car for free for the first two hours of my shift before I have to pick it up >Walk to work >Everyone thanks me for coming in >Spend most of the day working while brainstorming for my dream game >The southern pole of the moon was terraformed into a beach/emergency water coolest storage location >There will be flashbacks of characters having fun at the beach with the earth in the sky >Get out from work >Go shopping for ingredients for dinner tomorrow >Ground beef, beans, tomatoes, diced onion >Get home >Take nice shower >Spend almost the entire rest of the day playing Voices of the Void >Oops its almost time for bed >Make dinner >Check /v/ >See this thread >Some poor sod from a month ago probobly isn't getting enough sleep, drinks, and or smokes and is confused as to why he has no energy Get your 8 hours of sleep almost every night, don't drink, don't smoke, and have a great life where everyone tells you that you look 10 years younger then you are and you are actively working towards your dream game.
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>>998781 cool story bro, now post your butthole
>>998781 What if I don't drink, smoke, or do drugs, and have a healthy diet and sleep schedule and also exercise regularly but still sit here staring at my screen wondering what to do
>>998796 You either need a new hobby or spend less time time in front of your pc. Try to go a day per week without touching it, read a book, go for a walk, stare at the walls but do something different at least once a week to mix shit up.
>>998796 Find God, love, and play something fun.
>>998796 Play a video game or learn to make software.
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>>998000 >Yamato beached itself in the battle of San Fran. >Germans plunder the only working turret and make a tank out of it. >THIS IS ONLY THE FIRST ONE OF MORE
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>Beware of trap tricks
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>>1000241 "trix" indicate she's a female. Like dominatrix, donatrix, doctrix, zelatrix, or a proprietrix. Unfortunately, only one of those words sees common usage because westerners have been cucked out of their own language by jews who want to turn women into men.
>>1000622 those gauls are crazy
>>1000241 Isn't Yugioh in its death throes?
>>1000622 I was just making a quip, anon. >>1000628 Last booster pack i bought was probably in 06. I don't know anything about yu gi oh past its original anime, manga and tcg. I didn't like GX and i tried watching 5d's but couldn't.
>>1000628 There's a trend of professional players quitting for whatever reason I haven't figured out yet.
>>1000637 Is it because YGH is, fundamentally, not a well balanced game? A lot of tourney rules are unofficial and made in an attempt to stop insane builds like ones that allow you to win on your first turn.
>>1000638 >Is it because YGH is, fundamentally, not a well balanced game? Always was, the problem is from what I'm looking up just now mainly how Konami deals with its competitive players isn't all that worthwhile.
>>1000628 >>1000637 American YGO's in one of those situations where it's spent the past decade pandering to the competitive crowd and now the tourneyfags are dissatisfied, and what's left for casuals is a severely broken mess of a game that only a select crowd tolerated and supported. Any casual that left more than 3 months ago immediately dies to Konami's power and complexity creeps being out of control, and you can thank the pro players for enabling both of those with their obsession over optimizing turn 1 endboards and all the degeneracy that comes from it. >1 card combo starters >Combos that prevent the opponent from playing the game and win on turn 3. >Hand traps and other "turn 0" plays being your only way to stop the opponent >Board breakers exist but nobody likes playing those, everyone wants to go first. If this sounds like an unfun glorified coinflip, it is. >All of this costs hundreds if not $1000, just to play a tournament and recieve a playmat and some packs, maybe a switch and a 2019 video game if you're lucky If Konami keeps this up, I don't see them making it to their 30th anniversary. Please bring /tg/ back to life, YGO is my personal 'tism
>>1000660 Why do these companies keep making games in order to appeal to a crowd of people who don't have a life? I can understand the financial appeal of trying to bring in whales, but why do they keep catering to them in such a way that it makes games either completely unfun or impenetrable for the average person. Then there's of course the other problem that they try to have their cake and eat it too by both appealing to the hard core crowd and the people who have never played a game before. And result in a game that's a complete directionless mess.
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>>1000660 >Please bring /tg/ back to life, YGO is my personal 'tism >Tournifags making it worse for everyone else shocking I was looking at the new cards because i want to start buying them again. Not to play or anything. I just like the cards. This is not from an investment perspective either
>>1000695 Because the people who don't have a life and are weak and will pay into it because it's manufactured discontent. With a card game even jobless autismos will buy a $40 fat pack or something to try to get an edge against their friends, or spend money for the digital version's battle pass to lessen the pain of grinding. Basically it's gambling, something Konmai knows a lot about. At least it's better than MTG but that's a low bar
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>>1000895 Are there any card games with good card design? I've been looking but they all look like something you'd buy in a chinese market for 2 bucks. YGO has the best one followed by MTG, but there is no way in fuck i will ever pay those motherfuckers again (same with Pokemon) The one piece illustrations are good, but the design is awful. Clash of heroes illustrations is what i would expect from a gacha game, so i fucking hate those.
>>1000955 >Are there any card games with good card design? Duel Masters, Cardfight Vanguard, Grand Archive (pic related), & Wixoss. At the very least they have good art and a comeback mechanic for each.
>>1001097 is grand archive any good? It seems like its just doing Force of Will 2 by being a anime styled card game that wants to be like a western card game (and by that I mean, wants to be magic the gathering) Only slightly related, there's an up and coming card game in korea right now called "Lumen Condensor", yes with an 'o'. Apparently it's more like a fighting game with there being characters and cards being "moves". The art is cute.
>>1001121 I'm not sure since I just found out about it. Heard it recently got an English release and its main Gimick is you fold your hand facedown equal to the card's cost and you get refunded at the start of your turn. Has an extra deck where you grow your champions with a representative life total. Not much beyond that but it seems like it's got a slowly growing niche fanbase.
>>1000745 > spoiler Anon, buying things just to have things is peak bugman behaviour. What are you going to do? Just hoard them like an autistic dragon?
Have something fun to read. Smash parody >>997222 Season 2 postseason and story arcs are finally done. I just need to wrap up the loose ends in one last episode.
>>993915 Pirated the Borderlands movie and that was a dumpster fire
>>1002160 And have an earlier scene with Natasha and Celestia working together since their relationship is a big deal in Episode 20.
>>1002164 Accidently tagged someone when it was suppose to be a stand alone statement.
>>983835 Good morning/afternoon!
>>1002172 >tagged
>>1001168 >buying things just to have things Collect them? They are trading cards after all. I still haven't buy anything though. It was just something i was thinking in doing. >>1002177 She's eating my cum
>>1002187 You're it
Ayyo where da big tiddie lolis at?
>>1002221 Go to /h/ so we can liven up the board >>>/h/5371 >>>/h/5336 >>>/h/4097 >>>/h/612 >>>/h/3652 Those are only some of the millions of hot threads waiting for you
>>1002226 Honestly, I just wanted to see what you guys are doing. I don't really care for the big tiddie lolis
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>>1002243 > I don't really care for the big tiddie lolis
>>1002280 Only pic 2 and 3 feel like oppai lolis.
>>1002280 That's fair
>>1002190 >Collect them? They are trading cards after all. That's my point. Collecting just for the sake of having a collection is pure consumerism.
>>1002291 I'm fucking dead inside i just don't know what to do to feel something. Yes, i do workout, yes i do work and have responsibilities. I drudge through life.
>>1002294 Spend more time with your loved ones, start reading the New Testament, find a good Bible-believing church in the area, see if you can find someone worth dating, and consider finding God.
https://cytu.be/r/jackbox1 Mid August Jackbox stream is live!
I wish video games were real.
>>1002835 They used to be but apparently they were banned in late 1800s and no one knows how to make them anymore
Hey there fellow video game enthusiasts, have you heard about the new up and coming supposedly non-porn pokemon dating sim, with character designs by Alex Ahad?
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>>1003512 >non-porn pokemon dating sim >humanoid Tell Mr. Ahad to go hard to go home
Sins of a Solar Empire 2 is pretty great. Played a few 8 hours sessions just like the old days.
>>1004509 Like Skyrim?
>>1004504 I am feeling a really violent turmoil towards someone who has done me a lot of harm to me, yet seems unfazed by it No I am not winning.
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>>1004504 > Are ya winning, son? No one reads my fanfic but idgaf. I went back and touched up some of the earlier stories to match the formatting of the later ones. Ch4: Each team has its own story, one is the Mega Man parody Ch5: Voyager shows up and gets sent into a big space battle Ch6: not-Iji hijacks a Transformer and takes it on a joyride
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I just remembered that 2004 was 20 years ago
>>1004569 The world is a vampire...
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>>1004728 >50% shooters ive played maybe two games in that video, and the song is shit too; youd be better off with an FF8 montage set to modest mouse's float on
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>>1004735 nigger
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>>1004737 I'm sorry, but it is EURODANCE time.
Watching the backlash towards the new LOTR anime film coming out (apparently it's actually going to be almost 3 hours just like the live action ones) from Western fans living under a rock and the 80s-90s racism sprouting from the insecurity they feel from it has been lulzworthy to watch. Many deleted comments and tweets after involuntary outbursts.
>>1004767 People should complain at how bland it looks and the constant use of cgi. This might as well be a Mushoku tensei movie spin off.
>>1004767 Eh, I'm more concerned with western IPs/licensing becoming an invasion vector for the nips to become more pozzed, especially if the one paying for it calls the shots for the animation. Don't forget shit like Cyberpunk Edgerunners where CDPR tried to remove the only good character because she was a loli. If Trigger didn't stand resolute, it would've been dogshit and I doubt many animation studios have that level of conviction. As for the trailers: Honestly, a lot of this looks AI-generated. I'd give it like a 6/10. And like >>1004769 said, its got way too much CGI. One would think that with Warner Bro's ridiculous amounts of cash they wouldn't have to rely on such cheap shit. >film I feel it would've worked better as a show honestly, but at least its 3 hours I guess. My guess is it'll be a 5/10, maybe a 6.
>>1004769 It looks better than the shitty CGI in the Berserk movies they made with Studio 4c just because of cheaper production tools but the movies themselves were already kinda bland anyways, 'decent animation' can't save a boring film.
I'm honestly just glad it's not related to (((Rangz of Powah))) in any way shape or form.

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>>1004787 I don't want to jinx it, but we've had not one but two anime adaptations based off Western IPs air and god knows how many aired and just did not come across my radar, and we've heard nothing about them. Mark Millar wrote an anime adaptation of his comic with all the pozz you can expect from a modern /co/mic book, animated by Studio BONES. I had to look it up because I only remembered it from a Kingsman wikiwalk. Canceled after a single season. Suicide Squad got an isekike from WIT. Also nary to be heard about aside from the vtumors talking about how one of their egirls sang the ED. Rick and Morty apparently is airing its first anime episode right now and I outright forgot that was a thing. Scott Pilgrim's Science Saru anime was a thing, I guess, but again I REALLY had to struggle to think of it. I get the "they only have to succeed once" logic but the West trying to tap into the hot new anime thing is nowhere new, and you can argue their earlier attempts like The Animatrix were WAY more successful at penetrating the cultural consciousness. Hell, (((Stan Lee))) had a very good relationship with Japanese companies and had The Reflection by Studio DEEN release before he died. If anything, the West's recent attempts are so boneheaded and blunt by comparison it's hilarious
>>1004870 Batman Gotham Knight is a pretty good project done when anime still wanted to keep a modicum of quality in their productions. https://yewtu.be/watch?v=00EAI4nzrFA
>>1004745 Here's something somewhat related
>>1004969 why does it sound like something from a touhou fangame?
>>1004870 other than suicide squad isekai none barely gets more than 10k views.
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>>1004669 If anyone wants to see where this fic started, here is the reformatted Episode 1 from both seasons.
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>>1005060 Leading from Episode 1 to Episodes 2 and 3. Episode 2 is the team settling into their home and getting to know everything about the setting. If you want to read a fanfic that is actually titled The Most Awesome Space Battle Ever!!! with exclamation points, that is Episode 3.
>>1004870 >>1004787 >Eh, I'm more concerned with western IPs/licensing becoming an invasion vector for the nips to become more pozzed, especially if the one paying for it calls the shots for the animation. You DO remember things like the Powerpuff Girl anime, the Witchblade anime, the Matrix anime, the Ultraviolet anime, the Halo anime, and the Marvel anime, right?
>its this faggot again Is there any thread on the site you won't show up in to dump your extremely autistic opinion on? >>1005632
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>>1004870 >5th pic you just reminded me of Karakuridouji Ultimo's existence
>>1005767 That retard has been samefagging /v/ with autistic bullshit forever but he's over 10% of /v/ activity, to chemo his cancer may kill the host. Impractical too, he uses more IPs than a chink. Have to live with him.
>>1004870 Sun Vulcan was one of the better Sentai shows production wise so he had some sort of sense for a yid.
>>1005767 >>1005809 He samefags the gamergate general most, prepping 5 ids to answer himself in minutes to "naturally" begin his autistic narratives. don't come from nowhere. His mediocre iq means bad disguises, like one persona just capitalizes random words. Any oldfag with 110 or more iq is onto him, like jeet scammers he's ok with it as retards still fall for it. Catch him and he projects you're the samefag or "you actually think anybody believing that is 1 person." To see his cards, embarrass him so he spends ids faking your post as unpopular.
>>1005820 >>1005809 >>1005767 Care to provide context?
>>1005933 Its a persistent, highly recognizable autist who turns otherwise ordinary discussions into endless arguments with his overly combative screeds, Ackshually's, and incessant (rhetorical) questions. He's been doing this for a while. His style of argumentation is basically "throw every example he can find at you in walls of text/questions" until you can't be assed to bother responding anymore Dunno about the samefagging and alleged alternate personas shit though. One of his most common topics of argumentation is that vidya hardware never needed anything beyond a PSP/GC in terms of power, but he can (and will) talk about everything it seems. At this point I think he just lacks. His posting style is to autistically italicize every title name, use bold and redtext excessively (often screaming in all-caps red text or bold shit) and generally has a very smarmy writing tone. For example, half of the vidya optimization thread >>978509 is just this guy's arguments. He is also the OP of the "The insane defense of the modern state of gaming" thread. >>950740 >>948706 Don't even necessarily disagree with his opinions a good chunk of the time but he's so tedious, recognizable and insufferable that I'm sick of it by now.
>>1005951 lacks people to talk to in his life and uses the board as his shitting grounds*
>>1005951 Oh yeah, that faggot. Man, why did we get stuck with the obnoxious autists instead of the cool anons from back in teh day?
>>1005951 This is also the infamous Gamecube/PS2 autist. You know, the guy who asked how games had evolved since the PS2, got a technical answer, then spend weeks corncobbing for hundreds of posts about how he was right? One of the most recognizable things he does is post random game covers, that's usually how I notice him.
>>1005981 I made the original "How has gaming evolved since the GameCube" thread but I'm not the gamecube autist, someone in the thread took the ball and ran with it. If you look back at the thread I conceded somewhere in there that open world games, especially voxel ones, aren't possible without the increase in RAM on newer hardware.
>>1005986 Mosaic potential?
>>1005991 >>1005997 Indeed! But lets wait for the squilliam compilation to finish first. It's almost done. But absolutely it should be the next mosaic.
>>993563 Before the 1900s when America(jews) started instituting wife beating laws, all men beat their wives. You don't do it out of hatred of your wife, you do it because women are created to "punk test" you every couple of days. To quickly show them who is in charge of the relationship, you give them a slap. A "girly girl" is a girl whom punk tests you little, nags you little. Does what she is told, cooks, cleans, grooms and raises the children, the many children that you should be giving her. The concept of independent women didn't exist before the 20th century unless we're talking about nuns or the extremely rare women chosen by God, like Joan of Arc. Women whom were independent were either hit by their husbands, prostitutes or were spinsters.
>>1006828 >Before the 1900s when America(jews) started instituting wife beating laws, all men beat their wives. This is feminist propaganda. Men have been simps throughout history. Women have always had life on easy mode, with practically no responsibilities except for taking their husband's resources and distributing them among their children (because the husband was too busy working to do that).
GOG codes: V9PDEEDE8976AD06BE TZ8GFBA4F625724C35 3ABQC4215E825816B9
>>1006828 >The concept of independent women didn't exist before the 20th century unless we're talking about nuns or the extremely rare women chosen by God, like Joan of Arc. This is not true, it's not like magically every white country in the 1910s for no reason other than on a whim decided to give women the right to vote and other rights. The 19th century was a pivotal century to the formation of organized feminist movements. The 20th century suffragettes' movement wouldn't have existed without the work of the retroactively-named first-wave feminist movements of the 19th century, such as the Seneca Falls Convention of 1848 in the US, German Association of Female Citizens of 1865, Association pour le Droit des Femmes of 1870, Sedlighetsdebatten of 1880 in Scandinavia and on and on, all of whom were led by Christian women and argued that both Christianity and liberal democracy under their internal logic should view women as equal humans. >Before the 1900s when America(jews) started instituting wife beating laws, all men beat their wives. This is not true (the jews part), it was Christian women who initiated the suffragettes movement. Christianity is a religion with a lot of room for interpretation on the role of women unlike Islam hence why there was (and is) room for "enlightenment" and "progressive" forms of Christianity. None of the most well-known female leaders of these movements throughout Europe and the Anglosphere were Jews, they were all progressive Christians. Jewish women only became a force multiplier of feminism, specifically 2nd-wave feminism and then later 3rd-wave feminism, in the mid-20th century (after women already won the right to vote in most white countries in the 1910s), Frankfurt School for example wasn't founded until 1923.
There's soyjak sperging on /vb/ if Mark wouldn't mind dealing with it
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>>1006852 thanks anon
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>>1006857 >This is not true (the jews part), nice try shlomo
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>>1006999 You really got him with that unsourced bitcrunched jpeg
>>1006922 (((Gamers)))?
>>1004521 Yes. Morrowind is too hard. >>1004870 Why is Scott in a backpack?
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>>1007062 >Why is Scott in a backpack?
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>>1004870 I forgot there was a Rick & Morty anime. Apparently it's terrible, even R&M fans don't like it. The side content they're producing is baffling. Did you know there's a Kingdom Hearts parody comic series?
>>1007150 I remember when grown ass men were telling me to watch this tripe. Thank fuck i never listened to the brony or the manchildren in my life. Thank you god. Thank you. I know i stray away from the road but you're always there to pick me up. Thank you lord.
>>1007152 >grown ass men What do they have in exchange when it's not "humor that has gone too far"?
>>1007150 >Apparently it's terrible So its faithful to the source material.
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>>1005601 Season 1 Episode 4. The team lost their manager and has to figure things out for themselves. Once they are ready, they go out into other worlds for combat training and to recruit new teammates, So they meet lots of stolen characters. See how many of them you can recognize. Remember "our X is different" so they might be a little off.
>>1007150 Are the memes true Rick & Morty is for pseudo-brains? I've never spoken to a Rick & Morty fan.
>>1007475 Most R&M I've met are perfectly normal people, which is true for most adult animation fans. Typical normalfags. While the idea that it's for psuedointellectuals actually comes from a shitpost copypasta, its reputation on a whole comes from the deeper elements within the fanbase, their bad rep started in earnest around the season 3 episode "The Rickshank Rickdemption" (The show was already popular, but season 3 is when it exploded in the mainstream). There's a moment in it where Rick references an obscure Mulan tie-in with McDonald's from 1998, where packets of Szechuan sauce were given away with chicken nugget orders. In response, McDonald's announced they were temporarily re-introducing the sauce and fans reacted to this in the most insane ways possible. People were taking their shirts off and screaming on the floor. https://yewtu.be/watch?v=-GC5rAX0xHg Entire stores were swarmed by teenagers demanding their sauce, some people fought in the McDonald's parking lot over a single packet. It got so feverish it was reported on national news. https://yewtu.be/watch?v=Q6dJG1uOmN4 The second hit to the show's reputation would be the later season 3 episode "Pickle Rick". You've probably heard of this one, it's the series' most famous. The episode itself is fine, it's mostly about how Rick will do anything to avoid going to therapy including turning himself into a pickle. The negative effect again comes from how the fanbase responded, they developed a weird obsession with this episode - Pickle Rick in particular - that looked strange and embarrassing from the outside. Wearing T-shirts of Pickle Rick, making bongs out of Pickle Rick, making fan art, and focusing in on the specific line "I TURNED MYSELF INTO A PICKLE MORTY, I'M PICKLE RIIICCKK!!". There's more outside of this, but these moments were the big two catalysts for it being seen as Reddit garbage. Before that it was generally really liked, did you know this show was popular here during its first two seasons? People used to make R&M memes, you can probably still find them on the booru.
>>1007533 >Before that it was generally really liked, did you know this show was popular here during its first two seasons? People used to make R&M memes, you can probably still find them on the booru. Yes, I remember, I also remember when they shilled the Switch 3DS(holy shit, it's that old), and that got a few reactions from /v/ as it was vidya related enough. I also remember that boards like /tv/, and I think /co/ as well in order to distance themselves from the R&M fanbase ,started elevating other shows from Adult Swim, mainly, Xavier Renegade Angel which was touted as an antithesis to R&M, like pic related, and yes, I know "chad vs virgin" memes are not popular anymore, keep in mind this shit is also old, and it fits with the type of fanbases both shows had at that time. Now to be clear, XRA is an enjoyable show, and one or two references where popular on imageboards, but it really became popular as a response to R&M, or in other words, it's popularity with normalfags was artificial.
>>1007533 Anons aren't immune from having shit taste. Rick and Morty was just edgier and less funny Futurama, basically what Family Guy was to the Simpsons
(1.25 MB 826x462 Rick and Morty GG.mp4)

>>1007475 i never liked it but i think i still enjoyed it more than Archer and everyone used to love that
>>1006908 That's...what it was designed for. A containment board. That locks for it serving its intended purpose. >>1007150 >>1007152 >>1007475 >>1007533 >>1007542 I remember watching the show as a shitpost cartoon, and it got bad BECAUSE it sniffed its own farts and unironically thought it was perfume. Season 3 was the sellout season; I remember both of those episodes taking me out and I realized the telltale signs of a production quelling its creative ambition and instead preparing for syndication and engineered stunts. The fact that they worked on the lowest common denominator was even more disappointing. In a perverse sense R&M was a more accelerated version of Groening cartoons like Futurama and The Simpsons. And yes, I still remember some of the clips and excerpts of some of the edgy liberal humor bits being posted on prime--the "retard" bit from S1 got a lot of traction in old webm threads. Thank god Smiling Friends emerged to take the animated shitpost crown.
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Also doubleposting, did you know there was a Terminator anime adaptation released yesterday? Me neither.
>>1007562 It really is funny that you can see that smiling friends its just Zach's weird hypothethicals from oney plays in animated form.
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>>1007150 Since we are shitting on Reddit and Maymay I might as well post this pic.
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>>1007599 >They won't make references to the mutation scene That was the best part, in fact the scene that left a lasting impact next to the Enola Gay anime.
>>1007608 And the Sonic 3 trailer.
Following an opening round of What The Dub, FixtyText is up next!: https://cytu.be/r/jackbox1
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I fucking hate my family
>>1008262 What did your family do?
>>1008265 They constantly take away my fucking internet because I didn't do enough house chores and shit. Man I will go tomorrow to caritas day care and ask them for assisted living, it will take a while to sort out the paper work but hopefully I will have soon a better living condition then dealing with all the bullshit my family does to me.
>>1008268 I have the opposite problem. My family never took away my internet and didn't make me do anything, so I never did enough except internet and shit, now I'm an old loser.
>>1008262 >>1008268 Youre an useless neet, get a job, pay your own shit.
>>1008268 I'll give you a pass if you are 16
>>1008268 why wouldnt you do some chores? beats being homeless
>>1008268 If you can't handle being cut off from the internet, you need to stop using computers until you can. Go do your chores, and go do some lifting while you're at it.
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>>1008262 kill them or kill yourself, the choice is yours
>>1008268 lolineet
>>1008468 >>1008508 >>1008514 What the fuck is your problem? Why do you have to act like assholes just because I mentioned I have no internet left?
>>1008535 Get a job nigger
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>>1008535 toughen up faggot
>>1008268 What do you mean by caritas day care? caritas day care is a toddler daycare center as far as I can tell.
>>1008550 In Germany it is different, Caritas daycare is for people who are isolated who can meet up with other people despite it's officially actually for people who have mental illness or are disabled so that they can hang out with other people there, they usually play board games there and some other stuff, the handler there also takes care of people who have issues and helping them out such as the social psychiatric service, so no it isn't really a place only for toddlers being taken care of.
>>1008535 Because youre a whinny, pathetic parasyte. If your parents are taking away "your" internet, its because you yourself cant pay for internet connection, and if you cant pay for internet connection, then that means youre literally living rent free thanks to your family and doing nothing but shitpost the entire day, make yourself usefull somehow, stop bitching, man up.
>>1008535 Wagies can't help but lash out in the presence of a superior NEET.
(203.64 KB Episode 7.pdf)

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>>1007432 Have some more fic. Episode 7. If you want to see the tournament, here is the tournament. They finally made it. There is also another tournament if you want to see that one too. Episode 8. This one has the Sailor Moon parody. It is fun.
>>1008585 Wagie wagie get in cagie. All day long you sweat and ragie. NEET is comfy. NEET is cool. NEET is free from work and school. Wagie trapped and wagie died. NEET eats tendies, sauce, and fries. Wagie cries and wagie moans, Works his fingers to the bones. Work and work, no time for fun. Only exit is a gun.
>>1009091 >NEET eats tendies, sauce, and fries I know this is a copypasta, still this line sounds absolutely horrible and unhealthy.
>>1009096 Tendies and fries aren't that bad, sauce depends.
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>>1009134 Tendies, usually refer to super-market bought frozen food, so it's extremely unhealthy as it's a type of highly processed fast food. Now, could you make your own chicken tenders? Sure, but cooking(and other house chores) isn't something that is usually associated with the NEET lifestyle, and even then if you are able to cook, why not cook something better? As for fires, I am a bit biased since I am on a KETO diet right now, though I will admit that they have some protein and usually are more richer in vitamins than rice. Though, when I do eat potatoes I prefer mashed potatoes with butter and garlic mixed in. I know there was a very old image(before the first exodus) that portrayed the NEET lifestyle as one of high culture, while that of the wave slave as one of a peon. At some point I was thinking of making a meme edit that reversed the situation, but googling it a bit, it seems someone has already done it, though I would replace "girlfriend" with "wife and children". Now I am sure that if I were to post something like the second pic, I would get a lot of comments to the effect of "you are just projecting", "you are jealous", "GET OUT!", though they themselves wouldn't a have a problem posting the first pic, since it was posted back when we were on cuckchan, again pre-exodus.
>>1003512 Care to tell me more about it, it looks interesting. Do you have a link to it or something?
>>1009139 >wageslave >White collar Already wrong as white collar workers have salaries, not wages. Wage implies you're doing entry level/menial work.

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>>1009585 Not really and nope, it looks like its gonna be a shitty pokemon monster girl dating sim, all it has going for it online is eight pictures and a kickstarter that's been announced but not started for like a month now. I had a friend arbitrarily mention he saw facebook ads for it and it was rated teen, and that caught my attention enough to mention it here two weeks ago. I only just now looked at their their shitty website with a 69 meg gif image scrolling across various landscapes that doesn't even loop properly.
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>>1009633 I've never been a fan of monsters with anime girl faces.
(1.44 MB 1080x958 And i....png)

>>1009633 >Bare bones UI. > Run-of-the-mill elemental system straight out of Pokemon. >Interesting if generic monster girl designs. What I hate the most about Pokemon clones is that they try too hard to emulate Pokemon mechanically and visually instead of being RPGs with recruitable enemies which is possible with Final Fantasy 13 - 2, SMT, and Even Fire Emblem Conquest and Birthright while not a monster collecting series you can collect most enemies in the game barring story bosses and enemy exclusive class via the jailing mechanic.
>>1009662 think you’re a fan of homosexuality. There are countless examples of monsters with human faces through mythology and folklore worldwide. And then people like you come along and say uhm achktually that’s not REAL monster. You’re no different than one of those wyvrenfags or Dobson.
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>>1010219 I think you're the biggest faggot in the thread.
>>1010221 This coming from a guy who likes characters with massive jaws, and explicitly dislikes anime girl faces.
>>1010223 You're such a huge illiterate faggot that can't even read IDs, I'd kill myself if I were you.
>>1010221 Shyni is nice. >>1010223 you're gay. >>1010232 I want to impregnate Aisha clan-clan
>>1010232 >first one Who is this semon of demon?
>>1010247 her names right there in the file, dickbitch, do some legwork
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>>1010247 Subni from the never getting completed xenophile game Teraurge.
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>>1010251 >>1010252 I'll repay with a cute xeno from Earth's late Ediacaran.
>>1010232 You were being called a samefag. Are you unaware of the concept.
>>984717 >>984764 i read through it, wasn't bad and had some cute moments. Really kinda hits too close to home though that most women ive dated are deadbeat failures to launch. I get this is more of a furfag fiction than /monster/, but i think i want my waifu abomination to act more alien than just going into heat on occasion.
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>>1010278 I don't know do you not know how to read IDs? Did you just roll in from fucking cuckchan? Fresh off the boat from Reddit?
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>>1010287 I've been floating around here since before the GG exodus, what the fuck is your excuse for being a homosexual nigger?
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Also if you click an ID you can see how many posts somebody has in a given thread under that ID, like the ones of mine from this very same ID that are over 4 months old, but somebody not a cuckchanner rapefugee or reddit nigger would have known this already.
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>>1008726 Continuing through Season 1. If anyone wants to actually read this and tell me why and where it sucks, I would appreciate it. Do any scenes stick out as particularly good or bad? Are there any characters you like or don't like? And if this were a TV show, would you watch it?
>>1010284 >what is ip-hopping?
>>1010459 I wouldn't have the same ID that I do now if I did that you nigger.
So Linkin park replaced Chester with a woman.
Consider the following: Two Vivs engaging in selfcest
>>1011111 Linkin park isn't dead?
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Don't remember on which thread I posted these two earlier, there's a new image
>>1011187 Yes, they reformed recently. New singer is Emily Armstrong. Fans are very upset because she's a fucking Scientologist, she also played white knight for convicted rapist Danny Masterson, a fellow Scientologist.
>>1011190 What's Scientology up to these days anyways?
>>1011189 It still baffles me how his daugther its a tigress too.
Playing some Tears of the Kingdom and while it wasn't anything super special it has some neat side missions sometimes with rewards. The dissapoinment comes from the "dungeons" so far and the bosses. I'm still in the beginning of the game though so it'll be a interesting journey.
>>1011193 They have been on a hard decline ever since the south park episode.
>>1011254 I dropped it after the first dungeon. The combat mechanics were still crappy and I just wasn’t having fun with the game.
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Here is a visual of what I did to the Smash Brawl characters in a Smash parody. Longer character sheets are in >>997222 I feel like I could have done more to make it look like Smash, but I could not think of more than a single scene for close to half of the intended main characters, so they were written out (retired, sent home, or never part of the tournament). I also limited the story by focusing on four teams of three fighters, where one team is all characters from other vidya trying to get in and four/five of the other characters on the other teams are from other vidya/media. I added a fifth "team" of one person to keep the Link parody Dink from being written out completely.
Anyone know any good Zelda-likes, specifically similar to the 3D Zelda games. I've been feeling like playing something new in this style of game but I feel like I've exhausted all I know of this genre. Already have played Okami and Darksiders, and my research attempts just keep giving me 2D zelda clones or games inspired by such rather than the 3D entries.
>>1012522 Nope. My off-hand suggestions would be Dark Souls or Warriors/Musou games, for early and late 2d zeldas, respectively, and as a wildcard i'd suggest Threads of Fate. I doubt any of those are what you're after but i also don't give two shits.
>>1012522 >>1012538 Hell Sekiro even has a hookshot and LoZ type leveling.
>>1012546 >Legend of Zelda <leveling What?
>>1012522 >Anyone know any good Zelda-likes, specifically similar to the 3D Zelda games The first three Harry Potter games and Star Fox Adventure
>>1012522 Pandora's tower on the wii if you like dungeons and the hookshot.
>>1012538 Already played those. Played the whole souls series to death practically. Warriors games are also kind of boring to me and don't have the exploration element or puzzle elements of things. I'll look into Threads of Fate though, >>1012546 Already played Sekiro. Didn't finish it though, got so frustrated with Demon of Hatred I just put the game down after 100-something attempts due to how bullshit he was and how he doesn't function like any other boss. Yeah I know the final boss was right there and DoH was optional, I was just so pissed I didn't want to play the game anymore. >>1012575 Star Fox Adventures is an idea, I'll look into emulating that. Thanks. >>1012578 Strange looking game, would love to give it a try but probably won't be able to. I don't like emulating Wii games because the control schemes with motion/pointer controls doesn't work right. Shame the actual release is so expensive now, fucking speculators destroying the market.
>>1012797 You're better off emulating Pandora's Tower, because there's a crashing bug on the last dungeon that only seems to happen on real hardware. >t. Guy who had to speedrun the final dungeon, because beating it on the first visit is the only reliable workaround.
There's so much fucking noise in my head I want to stop thinking for a moment I want to have no thoughts I want to be bored I don't get bored anymore I want my brain to stop vomiting words at me for a second even when I try to go to sleep it just won't fucking shut up until I lose consciousness I fucking hate smartphones and media and computers and videogames and cartoons and anime I'm gonna go fucking jump off a cliff
>>1012837 Do a flip
>>1012837 Detox from the internet, or microdose it at the least. It's not good for your mental health.
>>1012837 Roll when you hit the ground to skip fall damage, I learned this trick from videogames.
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>>1013098 I think the Google AI said this would work. Must be true.
>>1013098 Someone (You) should make a thread for real life tricks/hacks you learned thanks to video games. I learned about fire creating an updraft thanks to Zelda and I learned about dust particles spread out in a small room being able to cause an explosion thanks to Steins Gate.
>>1013098 I learned that trick from a book when I was 12. >>1013228 >dust particles spread out in a small room being able to cause an explosion ???
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>>1013228 Steins Gate taught me that copypasted internet conspiracies, cringe referential humor and time travel can sell a VN on consoles with no games.
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Brainstorming some ideas for the last unassigned Brawl characters from >>1012017 and how to take the story into a third season. Take some insight into my creative process or lack thereof.
>>1013235 5/10 got me to reply
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Dunno how much anybody gives a shit about video game references in manga, but Ghost Fixers mentions the five elements from OFF.
>>1013352 Steins Gate is one of the shittiest overrated VN's I have ever played, most Neptunia games are better written. Chaos;Head is probably one of the only decent to ok VN the company ever put out.
>>1013601 Mayuri deserved to be in a better VN
>>1013611 >tu tuu-ruu-ACK
>>1013616 wtf is this post I can't decipher it
>>1013618 doesn't she get hit by a train
>>1013601 Well, you can't fix shit taste I suppose
>>1013622 If you can name it Mayuri probably got killed by it
>>1013611 Mayuri is probably the only thing bearable about it but the pre-Rick-and-Morty tier parody writing where they're just quoting shit to sound smart is just awful to read, the one chapter with the fucking tranny, I could only count like 2 or 3 chapters that I cared about even reading while everything else is just straight up filler garbage you're better off skipping since there's nothing at all to take from it.
>>1013629 Sounds like a nitro VN to me
>>1013633 Urobuchi's stuff from them is ok but he's usually just doing edgy parody/adversion stuff anyways and it still drones on a little bit, Saya being a clone of an older indie VN.
>>1013636 >reveals himself as a saya enjoyer I too enjoy watching the main heroine be fucked by a random guy near the end of the story.
>>1013692 >saya Not fucked up enough to know what this is
>>1013707 >>1013692 alone makes it sound NTR but >>1013692 replies to >>1013636 where Saya's "a clone of an older indie VN," you just didn't read back enough.
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>I know you like LOTR a lot son so i bought you the latest game on the franchise
>>1013930 Is this some mobile game? Why is it so ugly?
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>>1013935 because the ww1 era english farmers that tolkein intended to represent with the hobbits were mostly pakis. little known fact. idk, bc modern day england is now 75 percent curry saturation.
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>>1013935 Well, give that the two humans in that short clip are both women, one dangerhair and another tattoed up, i can only assume they made this game with what they personally know, which is mobile games and miscegenation.
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>>1013935 Because Simon Tolkien greenlit it.
>>1013930 This was developed by the gayman division of Weta Workshop by the way,
>>1014033 >"Playwright and director Nicholas Tolkien, who keeps kosher and observes Shabbat, and his sister are the only Jewish descendants of J.R.R. Tolkien, as he tells The Jewish Week in an interview. >Written from a child’s perspective, his play, “Terezin” is about the strength of children in the face of loss. With elements of theater as well as dance, this is the story of three girls sent to the Terezin concentration camp; one plays the violin beautifully. They survive through their friendship and get caught up in the making of a propaganda film by the Nazis.
I found a rare Eltonel loli lewd today.
>>1014380 Isn't that being cucked by the Deku Tree?
https://cytu.be/r/jackbox1 After What The Dub, Jackbox night will begin in a few minutes!
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>>1013235 >no games The VN's original release came out in 2009 for the 360 though, arguably at or just after the peak of the PS3's nogaems phase? Or has 7th gen history been revised lately to make the 360 the new PS3? >>1013629 I'm readings it in the Nipponese to widen my knowledge on dated meme slang and obscure runes. The superior artwork makes me wish the garbage fire anime never existed.
>>1011217 strong genes
>>1013629 S;G is typical Japanese story telling where they take half of the run time to setup a BIG FUCKING MOMENT. S;G's big moment is actually really fucking good, which is part of the reason why it's so popular.
>>1014380 Someone should mod the project dating elements back into OoT and finish them.
>>1014500 >Someone should Why not you?
>>1014507 I'm an incompetent consumer.
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>>1014462 The girl's father gives his approval of this relationship.
>>1014523 I bet she fucks like a tiger.
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greetings, fellow negros, from sunny Las Vegas. now get back to work you fucking slackers
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>>1014532 Was "fucks like a tiger" the original? I have had this version since forever and I thought it was the original.
>>1014534 Hello from NYC
>>1014534 What sort of nigger works on a Sunday?
>>1014543 What sort of nigger works?
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>>1014550 >>1014552 I'm no nigger myself mind you, but i used to work Monday through Monday for 6 years. I ain't doing that shit no more. I can't remember anything but the amount of whisky i drank and the fags i smoked
Got for free two new games which are Tropical freeze and Mario 3D all stars. I've been playing the super Mario Sunshine on it and it's rather fun.
>>1014534 Hello from Washington State
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>>1014552 >40 hours a week Lmao. NEETism is just the natural reaction to Amerilard corporate culture. Pretty much almost everywhere else in the first world works 35-38 hour weeks before overtime kicks in, and has about of month of vacation days as the standard minimum, whereas in the US, something like 5 vacations days is standard and sick days might not even exist. Amerifats are slaves in the classical wagie sense, but you can't legally mandate companies not treat them that way because that's communism. >Just find another company, it's a free country, you communist bastard! Treating your workers like slaves is the most profitable business structure for 50% of jobs. Employees have no workers rights and no negotiating power in those 50% of cases, which is why wages for the bottom 50% of Americans have stagnated for the last 50 years while wages and profits for the top 50% have risen naturally with inflation. If they band together and form a union, that's communism too, on top of the union quickly being corrupted and just becoming leech organization equivalent to HR that's looking out for the company's bottom line, not the workers' well being. Straight out absolute communism is obviously not the answer, but commies aren't wholly wrong about that whole "late stage capitalism" line either. If you don't have solid labor laws, half or more of your country will become a slave class. On the topic, here's some commie cats.
>>1014534 >get back to work you fucking slackers Sunday is a day of rest. >>1014563 A friend brought over Sunshine and I had fun with it even if I only played a bit of it. I should go back and try it now that I remember it exists.
>>1014569 >A friend brought over Sunshine and I had fun with it even if I only played a bit of it. I should go back and try it now that I remember it exists. The Super Mario Eclipse mod that is basically Sunshine 2 just recently release. I heard it was worked on for the last 5 years.
>>1014570 >>1014571 Cool. I'll have to check it out. Thanks for the suggestion anon.
>>1014539 I'm pretty sure the original Japanese was less raunchy/explicit that that old fan translation. >>1014568 Logically, a government should pass and enforce laws that keep its taxpaying citizens alive so that they can keep paying taxes. However, if a government does that today it will be attacked for being "authoritarian".
>>1014594 >Logically, a government should pass and enforce laws that keep its taxpaying citizens alive so that they can keep paying taxes. However, if a government does that today it will be attacked for being "authoritarian". That's an issue with both the US and various Euro governments. Also, China hardly passes any laws to keep its tax payers alive and their government seems to get by and get away with being authoritarian.
>>1014568 I'd fuck that cat.
>>1014568 Being a NEET has nothing to do with corporate culture for 99% of legitimate NEETs. They're all just undersocialized people who have likely barely if ever participated in society to begin with by growing up on the internet. The kind of NEET you're describing is an extreme outlier. The vast majority of NEET's can and would evidently thrive fine on a part time low wage job, considering they're actively living on no income at all. Your logic makes no sense. The only people that kvetch about the state of jobs in America are people that are financially illiterate and have made extremely irresponsible decisions throughout their lives.
>>1014610 >The vast majority of NEET's can and would evidently thrive fine on a part time low wage job, considering they're actively living on no income at all. You mean living on their family's income.
>>1014568 >Treating your workers like slaves is the most profitable business structure for 50% of jobs [Citation needed] Slavery implies they have no other choice. These people can always leave whenever they want and find another job elsewhere. America isn't like West Taiwan were workers have the choice of building an iPhone for $0.02/hour or being carted off to the re-education camps. >>1014594 >Logically, a government should pass and enforce laws that keep its taxpaying citizens alive so that they can keep paying taxes. Anon, the people actually paying the fucking taxes are the rich and wealthy because they're the only people who have money that can be taxed in the first place. Look up a chart of almost any nation listing who pays for majority of the taxes, and the results always show that it's the top 10% of income earners who pay anywhere from 55%-90% of the nation's taxes: https://archive.ph/0InDc <Make the rich pay their fair share? For Democrats, liberals and Occupy protesters, it may be surprising to find out that the wealthiest 10 percent of Americans already pay more than 70 percent of federal income taxes in the United States, according to the Tax Foundation. The numbers suggest their tax burden continues to rise. <In 1986, the top 10 percent paid 54.6 percent, while the bottom 90 percent paid 45.3 of all federal income taxes. Twenty-four years later, the gap in taxes paid widened between the rich and everyone else. The bottom 90 percent now pay for 29.4 of all income taxes and 47 percent of Americans hardly pay anything at all. <These findings are similar to what the Heritage Foundation published in 2010. It also found that the top 10 percent of income earners paid 71 percent of all federal income taxes and earned 43 percent of all income. The bottom 50 percent paid only two percent of incomes and garnered 13 percent of total income. The irony about this is that European economists in Socialist nations like Sweden and Denmark realized this when their economies screeched to a halt in response to the widespread Socialist polices they were implementing during 60's and 70's (Not to mention the wealth fleeing those countries since, well, the wealthy had more than enough money to leave the country). And they've only since recovered when they began repealling/reforming those policies in the 90's.
>>1014615 Typically, yes.
>>1014610 It's just the nature of time economies that NEET culture takes over message boards. I work full-time, have a wife, 3 kids, can't post much, and I'm here on a Sunday. You'll hear the least from people with my profile because we're the most busy, and the most from NEETs because they're the least busy. Old school style forums showed people's post counts and NEETs had thousands of them.
>>1014620 >Slavery implies they have no other choice. These people can always leave whenever they want and find another job elsewhere. A kneejerk generic response. The kind of thing I'd expect from a wealthy boomer that got in while the economy was good and balks at the idea of office jobs being workable from home. Half the answer to this is in the immediately following sentence you're replying to <Employees have no workers rights and no negotiating power in those 50% of cases, which is why wages for the bottom 50% of Americans have stagnated for the last 50 years while wages and profits for the top 50% have risen naturally with inflation. >[Citation needed] https://wtfhappenedin1971.com/ https://www.federalreserve.gov/releases/z1/dataviz/dfa/distribute/chart/#range:1989.3,2024.1;quarter:138;series:Net%20worth;demographic:networth;population:1,3,5,7,9;units:shares If it wasn't profitable to treat your workers like shit, then Americans would have similar vacation, hours, and employee benefits in comparison to the rest of the first world. If it wasn't profitable to treat your workers like shit, China's economy would have collapsed decades ago. And it looks like the stats are even worse than I thought. Now there are a multitude of factors contributing to the issue, women coming into the workforce, mass immigration, et cetera, driving down the value of the average worker. But the Euros have those issues too, and "somehow" their average workers work to live instead of living to work, and have a cost of living and non-essential goods that make them essentially wealthier than the average American. >America isn't like West Taiwan were workers have the choice of building an iPhone for $0.02/hour or being carted off to the re-education camps. <Moral relativism Lmao. >Taxes Just taxing the rich harder isn't going to solve anything. It's how taxes are used that is the issue. Americans should be threatening to burn down their government every time it pulls bullshit. Instead they only threaten to burn everything down when a nigger ODs as an excuse to loot and murder. So taxes are just used to line the pockets of "administrators" and politicians rather than their intended purpose. If the funds weren't misappropriated, the average American could have a quality of life equivalent to the Euros for a fraction of the taxes being paid in right now. Pic related for an example of obvious funding misuse. https://investingdoc.com/the-growth-of-administrators-in-health-care/ Whoops. Confused who was talking to who.
>>1011255 South Park episode plus whatever good OpChanology did.
>>1014640 If the US wasn't spending billions on a military they're functionally turning into a paper tiger by putting trannies and women into the officer corps and spending it more on infrastructure that every president since Onigger has said needs revitalizing or other projects like that, burgers would be much better off. Guess they should have listened to Eisenhower about the Military Industrial Complex.
>>1014632 >It's just the nature of time economies that NEET culture takes over message boards. I work full-time, have a wife, 3 kids, can't post much, and I'm here on a Sunday. You'll hear the least from people with my profile because we're the most busy, and the most from NEETs because they're the least busy. Old school style forums showed people's post counts and NEETs had thousands of them. Not just neets, most internet's an echo chamber that reprograms what's "normal" for everything, some media even operates at a loss to do that.
>>1014649 >People act differently online where the veil of anonymity shields them from the repercussions of socially dysfunctional behavior. What a shocking new revelation.
>>1014640 There is no practical difference between people voting for the government to force companies to act a certain way and people forcing that behavior themselves by simply not participating in markets that don't meet their desires. In fact, the latter is significantly easier to achieve than accomplishing a government mandated restructuring of the entire US economy. The reason European countries can afford to operate the way they do is because they are much smaller both in population and in literal land mass and ethnically homogeneous. Geography dictates the economic efficiency of things like healthcare. Not to mention that they completely forgo their entire military budget because the US protects them. You're fucking retarded if you think you can just copy paste economies across completely different continents. There are an infinite number of variables that go into why an economy might be successful in one country but not work in another.
>>1014640 >The kind of thing I'd expect from a wealthy boomer that got in while the economy was good and balks at the idea of office jobs being workable from home. Sounds like you're someone who's never worked a day in his life and never actually told his supervisors to go pound salt. >Americans would have similar vacation, hours, and employee benefits in comparison to the rest of the first world You mean people would be more reliant upon the government and companies rather than being indepedent? >If it wasn't profitable to treat your workers like shit, China's economy would have collapsed decades ago West Taiwan's economy IS collapsing. >But the Euros have those issues too, and "somehow" their average workers work to live instead of living to work, and have a cost of living and non-essential goods that make them essentially wealthier than the average American. Yet their economies are in even worse shape than America. In fact, half the continent is suffering from mass protests and riots. >If the funds weren't misappropriated, Or they could just not be taxed in the first place '''and you let the people decide what "causes" they should donate their money towards. >the average American could have a quality of life equivalent to the Euros for a fraction of the taxes being paid in right now Aren't European taxes 50% compared to (In the wealthier parts) 20% in the states? >>1014648 >If the US wasn't spending billions on a military they're functionally turning into a paper tiger by putting trannies and women into the officer corps and spending it more on infrastructure The government budget is around $7 trillion dollars. Of that amount of money, the amount going towards defense is about 10% ($742 billion). Want to know what takes up about 70% of the government budget: FUCKING WELFARE ($4.8 trillion): https://archive.ph/H51BJ
>>1014655 >simply not participating in markets that don't meet their desires. You mean simply not participating any markets at all. You say this like some people say people can just find another job where you get 35 hour work weeks and month vacation. You're not going to find real alternatives without leaving the country. Or alternatively, you can stand your ground to get what's local fixed. >The reason European countries can afford to operate the way they do is because they are much smaller both in population and in literal land mass [...] Geography dictates the economic efficiency of things like healthcare. The USA is broken up into states, and the larger ones tend to be unpopulated farmlands. >and ethnically homogeneous. Most of them suffer from the same mass immigration the USA does. >Not to mention that they completely forgo their entire military budget because the US protects them. The USA could forgo most its military budget too if it was used properly. >You're fucking retarded if you think you can just copy paste economies across completely different continents. There are an infinite number of variables that go into why an economy might be successful in one country but not work in another. Yeah, America's economy and labor laws are the absolute best they could be for the region. And I think China works the way it does because of where it is too, and no other form of economy or government could work there. Sure. This is an excuse and you know it.
>>1014659 >You say this like some people say people can just find another job where you get 35 hour work weeks and month vacation Who's worry about vacation time? >The USA could forgo most its military budget too if it was used properly. <10% of the American government budget is what's wrong with the country >And I think China works the way it does because of where it is too No, it isn't. West Taiwan is the way it is because of the CCP. It's no coincidence that the monent they openned up and allowed Capitalist companies to take root in the country that they rocketed from sparse struggling farmlands to a manufacturing powerhouse in the span of a decade.
>>1014659 >You mean simply not participating any markets at all. You say this like some people say people can just find another job where you get 35 hour work weeks and month vacation. You're not going to find real alternatives without leaving the country. Or alternatively, you can stand your ground to get what's local fixed. You can unionize, you can strike. There are plenty of methods to influence the markets to reflect what they are truly willing to bear. People just don't want to execute because they are lazy or are actually fine with their compensation. >The USA is broken up into states, and the larger ones tend to be unpopulated farmlands. Uh, yes? Which is why healthcare is so expensive here. It can't be effectively centralized. >Most of them suffer from the same mass immigration the USA does. Oh, so you just have absolutely zero clue what the ethnic makeup of European countries is then. Good to know you're just making shit up as you go to support your narrative. >The USA could forgo most its military budget too if it was used properly. It could, and it would crush the economies of the European countries you're saying operate as successful examples of market socialism. But yes, it would improve the US certainly. It just wouldn't serve to prove your argument in this case as sound. >And I think China works the way it does China works the way it does because they are literal bug people. I don't analyze the behavior of insects to determine the efficiency of free markets.
>>1014663 >China works the way it does because they are literal bug people. I don't analyze the behavior of insects to determine the efficiency of free markets. If you want an example of what "effective bug economics" looks like compare the economies of West Taiwan to that of Singapore and Taiwan.
>>1014658 >Sounds like you're someone who's never worked a day in his life and never actually told his supervisors to go pound salt. Nah. Guess again. >You mean people would be more reliant upon the government and companies rather than being independent? If by independence in the USA, you mean being let go with a zero day notice policy in 99% of companies, meanwhile you're expected to put in a 2 weeks notice or have it reflect badly on future employment prospects, sure. People are reliant on employment, but employment isn't reliant on them because 90% of people are replaceable. >West Taiwan's economy IS collapsing. <JUST TWO MORE WEEKS MONTHS YEARS! They've been collapsing for a very long time then. >Yet their economies are in even worse shape than America. In fact, half the continent is suffering from mass protests and riots. If Americans had any spine, they'd do the same. >Aren't European taxes 50% compared to (In the wealthier parts) 20% in the states? The USA has more wealth though, and so takes in a larger volume of tax money given equal taxes. So only a fraction of what's paid into the US's taxes is needed to match the Euros. >FUCKING WELFARE ($4.8 trillion) Look at how it's broken down though. Medicare and Medicaid, as I showed, aren't actually going to help people, they're going to line the pockets of middlemen administrators. Social Security is fucked six ways to Sunday, a fair chunk of it is tax credits and rebates, "other" is as much as social security, and is probably also an embezzlement black hole. There's tons of room to cut down on spending without fucking over the average person. Most of what's on here isn't simple "FUCKING WELFARE" as the average person would interpret the term, that is, money directly going to lazy niggers living on food stamps, but various other kinds of wasteful spending.
>>1014660 <10% of the American government budget is what's wrong with the country >If you talk about an issue, you must be a one issue fag and not care about anything else Lmao. It's one thing wrong with the country, just like the less than 10% spent on Medicare/Medicaid is also utilized very poorly. >West Taiwan is the way it is because of the CCP. But North America isn't the way it is because the USA? Instead it's that way because of Capitalism? >>1014663 >You can unionize, you can strike. Sounds like communism. Unions are quickly corrupted anyways, and basically become an extension of HR over time. >Uh, yes? Which is why healthcare is so expensive here. It can't be effectively centralized. Then we're in agreement on that. Healthcare should be a state issue because there's too much administration taking massive cuts out of it when it's nationwide. >Oh, so you just have absolutely zero clue what the ethnic makeup of European countries is then. Good to know you're just making shit up as you go to support your narrative. Some of the countries that still have good labor laws include France and Germany, which are absolutely flooded with brownies right now, and would be idyllic work-wise without such retarded bleeding heart immigration laws and policies. They just need free speech too. >market socialism All I've advocated for are better labor laws. Not price fixing. >I don't analyze the behavior of insects to determine the efficiency of free markets. And yet, the the moment they opened up and allowed Capitalist companies to take root in the country they rocketed from sparse struggling farmlands to a manufacturing powerhouse in the span of a decade.
>>1014672 >People are reliant on employment, but employment isn't reliant on them because 90% of people are replaceable. Meanwhile every single place that I left because of them having that mentality no longer exist. Also, there's more than one way to make money. >They've been collapsing for a very long time then. Just how the dollar is collapsing and we'll all be going to the moon on Bitcoin. >If Americans had any spine, they'd do the same. <You're a coward because you are not a political activist Nice try, Lucario!
>>1014679 >Sounds like communism. It sounds like the existence of unions just kind of shit on your entire argument. Communism is when the government prevents companies from firing unions or working to prevent their creation, which we already have laws for. Communism isn't when people freely associate with each other and make collective decisions that will improve their lives. >Unions are quickly corrupted anyways, and basically become an extension of HR over time. Anything is "quickly corrupted". Nothing about a union is more inherently prone to corruption than any other form of collective power. By your standards humans should simply never interface with each other.
>>1014685 >Nice try, Lucario! lol, lmao even. >>1014686 >It sounds like the existence of unions Unions start out with the best of intentions. Everyone I've ever seen on imageboards advocate against Communism for the past few decades has said unions nowadays are nothing but communist parasites that line their own pockets with excessive union dues that hurt worker wages more than the business owners did on their own. You're the very first, which makes me wonder if you're just being contrarian since I took the anti-commie stance that unions are shit.
>>1014694 The majority of people are retarded, which is why they tolerate shit pay. The majority of people are retarded, which is why governments tend to be shit. The majority of people are retarded, which is why unions tend to be corrupt bad for workers. It's not a question about whether or not they're good, it's a question about whether or not you ought to have the freedom to participate in the act. People should be allowed to unionize and strike, and employers should be allowed to fire them if they think that they can save costs by re-hiring a large portion of their work force. If you have highly competent people involved in a union and not heading the corporation, then the union will probably be highly productive. If you have highly competent people heading the corporation, but not the union, then the union will probably be counter-productive. The sentiment is irrelevant to how the free market responds to behavior.
Video Games?
>>1014686 Communism is just sucking off the banks in another flavor.
(655.23 KB 2500x2500 mark comma maxy.png)

>>1014718 too bad, this is the designated not-video-games watershed thread where posts never get transferred to because its easier to just delete everything and then yell video games for the hundredth time while offering nothing to the similar and in fact sometimes joining the off-topic discussion and THEN getting arbitrarily pissed off
>>1014729 >where posts never get transferred to You can't slide posts between threads. Mark's tools are very limited.
>>1014729 >who "evilly" did absolutely at all What?
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>Valve actually gave me a refund for GTAV because of the shitty anti-cheat additions lmao
>>1016108 When a game becomes retroactively unplayable, that's some serious shit. I don't blame em.
>>1016109 Yeah, I just find it funny considering that I got the game in 2015, and now I'm able to do a full refund. I encourage as many people to do the same, if not for Linux autism then at the very least to fuck over rockstar.
>>1016110 >Full Not really full, you're still on their ecosystem considering it's store credit they're giving you.
>>1016111 True, but for me, it's more about the message than it is the money.
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Have the start of a side story, and the concept notes that led to it.
>>1016121 I want to impregnate Lammy Lamb.
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>>1016219 I want to impregnate Prophet Muhammad's ruddy asshole. What a blast!

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