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#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Impending Fury Over The Jury Edition Anonymous 04/18/2021 (Sun) 08:56:15 Id: f4725a No. 18356
ONGOING DISCUSSIONS: >A petition to deplatform once cancelled game "Six Days In Fallujah" started by Hala Alsalman receives game industry developer and figure support; gets stealthily updated https://archive.is/h6Da1 https://archive.is/eSpno >Pro-GG developer explains reason for leaving project. Claims family issues rather than cancel culture are to blame https://yewtu.be/YBVyJhn5AGg >Game journo who wrote articles for Vice Waypoint and PCGamer calling for blacklist on Hogwarts Legacy over pro-GG lead developer: https://archive.is/7gsws >State of Decay 2 drama involving the "Punched Nazis" trait https://archive.vn/XsItt CURRENT TASKS: 1. OPERATION TRAJAN: Collect and catalog all of the various localization and censorship accounts of past video games into a single repository from these sources: romhacking.net The_Cutting_Room_Floor Segaretro https://yewtu.be/channel/UCFItIX8SIs4zqhJCHpbeV1A 2. OP OUR LIFE OUR HOMETOWN: SONY FORCING JAPANESE DEVELOPERS TO CENSOR THEIR GAMES IN ALL REGIONS http://archive.vn/XQOHW Sony's policies forces censorship; JP devs allegedly have to go through ENG approval process: https://archive.fo/awzFF Japanese blog post about it: https://archive.fo/bF9bE Sony Japan President Says PS4 Censorship Policy Is To Match Global Standards And Protect Kids https://archive.fo/U3GLa -Confirms censorship was deliberate https://archive.fo/XgAgP -No rules for censorship policies, games judged case-by-case https://archive.fo/37DhK -Marvelous partner starts petition against policy https://archive.fo/rxQtf https://archive.fo/84UHo •Twitterfags: Tweet with Sony's stock code $SNE so that investors see your tweets and know you're pissed. •Consider spreading OP Timber materials to targets as well. http://archive.vn/URjtu ONGOING TASKS: A. Support archive.fo! Accountability needs proof: https://liberapay.com/archiveis/donate B. OP DisNod: Contact the FTC and advertisers about violations and unethical practices http://archive.vn/9bylT C. Internet Censorship happenings: Spread the word about the dangers of FOSTA/CLOUD act/Article 13, etc. https://www.eff.org/de/deeplinks/2020/03/earn-it-act-violates-constitution D. OP End the Era: Dig into resetera and their connections to journos, devs, etc. http://archive.vn/JfuSb Reminders (important, READ THESE!): •Use https://archive.fo to deny sites ad revenue and traffic and preserve pages in case they are deleted later •Be civil if you have to argue with people on Twitter, Tumblr or any forum - don't make us look like douchebags •Do not accept requests for any goal, demand lists or personal army requests: https://pastebin.com/p5dVp1e5 •Beware COINTELPRO: The Gentleperson's Guide to Forum Spies: https://cryptome.org/2012/07/gent-forum-spies.htm •STOP REPLYING TO BAITS AND OBVIOUS DERAILMENT ATTEMPTS, JUST REPORT AND FILTER Use https://archive.fo to deny sites ad revenue and traffic and preserve pages in case they are deleted later •Be civil if you have to argue with people on Twitter, Tumblr or any forum - don't make us look like douchebags
[Expand Post]•Do not accept requests for any goal, demand lists or personal army requests: https://pastebin.com/p5dVp1e5 •Beware COINTELPRO: The Gentleperson's Guide to Forum Spies: https://cryptome.org/2012/07/gent-forum-spies.htm •STOP REPLYING TO BAITS AND OBVIOUS DERAILMENT ATTEMPTS, JUST REPORT AND FILTER Resources >Summaries of #GamerGate:https://www.yewtu.be/watch?v=wy9bisUIP3w- #GamerGate - If It's Not About Ethics •https://www.yewtu.be/watch?v=5fnRSL3d_xU- #GamerGate in 60 Seconds •https://archive.fo/23Fde - GamerGate: A State of the Union Address >Background and Evidence for #GamerGate: •The #GamerGate Dossier: https://archive.fo/nv1Fb •#GamerGate Wiki: https://ggwiki.deepfreeze.it/index.php?title=Main_Page •History of #GamerGate: https://www.historyofgamergate.com/ •View the timeline links in the Current Happenings section! >Lists: •GG Steam Support & Boycott List: https://v.gd/vzRsRb •Key GamerGate Hubs: https://v.gd/LNJbat (Needs updating) >Thread Repository: https://gitgud.io/gamergate/gamergateop/blob/master/ThreadRepository.md https://ggwiki.deepfreeze.it/index.php?title=Thread_Repository >Full OP Text: •Current: https://ggwiki.deepfreeze.it/index.php?title=The_GamerGate_OP >How Can I Help? https://8chan.se/gamergatehq/ •All OPs: https://gitgud.io/gamergate/gamergateop/tree/master/Operations •OP Vulcan: Learn logical debating: https://v.gd/Kbzw0L •An Anon's Guide to Twitter; basics: https://v.gd/nwrbYF >Want to Contribute to GitGud or Wiki? https://gitgud.io/gamergate/gamergateop/tree/master/How-to-Contribute
It's a sad state of affairs that Chauvin being given the freedom he deserves is only conceivable as a plot by Jews to create the mother of all chimpouts. That's how little justice matters nowadays.
>>18357 Can people still defend themselves with guns or Biden already pushed foward with their disgusting gun laws?
>>18358 There was a story about Biden making anti-gun executive orders, and claiming the constitution isn't absolute when people argued "shall not be infringed: https://archive.is/V9Brv >But no amendment to the Constitution is absolute ... From the very beginning, you couldn't own any weapon you wanted to own. From the very beginning the Second Amendment existed, certain people weren't allowed to have weapons. So the idea is just bizarre to suggest that some of the things we're recommending are contrary to the Constitution."
Ive been working 10 hours a day in bumfuck nowhere, could someone update me on what the fuck is going on?
>>18360 The jury is sequestered for now. Should have a month or so before a verdict is reached.
>>287640 After all that and them shutting down the PSN Store for older platforms, I'd love to but they'll probably just end up in 3rd place this gen. I don't expect the company to die as a whole.
>>287640 Doubtful. Pissing off consumerbase hurts, but only in a death-by-a-thousand-cuts manner. So long as they don't pull a Sega and piss off the supply chain while simultaneously going sunk-cost fallacy into one game in particular, it's unlikely to expect Sony's death as a game console anytime soon. And that clock could easily be extended to the point we'd be old men if given a bailout.
>>287640 I just pray that Sony decides to relocate Playstation back to Japan. Can't trust California anymore.
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Archive of previous bread https://archive.fo/eS3QT
>>18361 Damn, that long?
>>18366 I think it'll end up being a short recess. Just a few hours most likely, but considering the scale of the case, maybe a day or two if someone on the Jury is being particularly obstinate. Remember that it only took the jury 4 hours to deliberate in the OJ case before reaching a verdict... and that was on a similar scale (culturally anyhow) to the Chauvin trial. The problem is, if he's found guilty - they're going to appeal... and the niggers will riot. If he's found innocent, the niggers will riot. The city is probably going to burn, and soon, no matter what the outcome is.
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>>18367 Let it burn.
>>18368 >Let it Not like there's anything anybody can do to stop it. Or, at least, the people who are capable of doing anything to stop it are financially and violently compelled to not do anything.
>>18369 There's plenty that could be done to stop them. Apes on the warpath aren't going to be able to destroy APCs with MGs firing into crowds with real ammo. The shit the US is using against goatherds in the middle east could just as well tame the chimpouts at home, and a lot more effectively because niggers always obey the most violent in the area (hence, African warlords). It's just that the establishment uses them to push rightwingers to the republicans ("If you don't vote Republican, the dems will win and you saw what happens when dems win") and democrats ("Look at the poor oppressed masses the republicans force to rise up against them, we will free them with more gibs and less police except for the area where our mansions are")
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>>18368 If you simply passively watch on, you only have yourself to blame as to how it turns out. That doesn't mean you have to stop it from burning, you can stoke the flames yourself, but simply being passive ensures you are at the mercy of those that will.
>>18371 > Apes on the warpath aren't going to be able to destroy APCs with MGs firing into crowds with real ammo. The shit the US is using against goatherds in the middle east could just as well tame the chimpouts at home Are you retarded? That'd give other nations who fancy themselves with ((((humanitarian ideals))) to declare the US to be killing its own citizens and spark an invasion, quickly snowballing to world war. Which isn't necessarily a bad thing since it would give revolutionaries the opportunity to steal back control of the country, but expecting the establishment to shoot itself in the brain is retarded
>>287640 >Jim Ryan/Sony running Playstation to the ground by focusing solely on AAA movie titles while neglecting all their smaller studios, are we finally going to see the death of Playstation? Yeah, it ain't happening : https://gamefaqs.gamespot.com/boards/264562-playstation-5/79410804 https://gamefaqs.gamespot.com/boards/189706-nintendo-switch/79409215 The purge can't begin soon enough for some people.
>>18373 Which countries precisely? The US are the only ones capable of conducting massive invasions on the other side of the planet. The EU/France+Germany needed US help against Libya, which was both in a civil war and is right next door and Canada is too busy shoving dildos up its ass to do anything. There's Russia and China, but they only trod out humanitarianism to tell the US to shove off and leave them alone with that shit. And neither of them has invasion capabilities anywhere close to being able to take on the US.
>>18375 I'm not saying the tactics are bad or the other countries aren't incompetent or inferior, but the trannies and fags who have taken control of the military nor the politicians giving those freaks marching orders have absolutely no reason to turn guns against niggers given the advantage they give them and the insta-loss of optics from normalfags. In regards to a world-war scenario, while those countries have incompetent milititaries, I feel you underestimate just how much America has degraded in the past 20 years alone as well -- a mass gang-up of cucks led by Chinks and/or slavs trying to knock America off its perch as king of the world could be troublesome. Especially if using Canada as a friendly base of operations and trying to remove the subversive Jews in charge in a civil war at the same time. Granted, guerrilla warfare is extremely effective, but I don't know how good at it Americans would be without ever having done it before
>>18372 Im not even in the american content.
>>18375 >Which countries precisely? You don't need countries anon. You just need for the truly average joe to finally snap after having enough from all the glowniggers and (((paid faggots))) around him. Though if we're being real only the USA, Israel due to the Samson protocol or whatever and of course China >>18376 >but the trannies and fags who have taken control of the military nor the politicians giving those freaks marching orders have absolutely no reason to turn guns against niggers given the advantage they give them and the insta-loss of optics from normalfags. <Those even being a thing I'm glad that when I served they were only coke-snorting madmen and no trannies or shit. The borders would have been fucked ok the borders would have have probably been a giant whore house given how much the pakistani and other rapefugees love tranny assholes
>>18377 I didn't say start a fire, I said stoke the flames. You know, find suitable targets and hint people towards that direction.
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>>287453 >I know a majority of these grifters turned traitor when GG became irrelevant, but have any of them actually stuck to their guns? Broteam seems to have been successfully radicalized from what little I've seen every time I take a glance at any tweet he makes. Pretty much one of us in everything but name only, if the past few years are anything to go by. Too bad him getting banned so many times made him pretty irrelevant.
>>18380 Sean went too far
>>18369 The ones who would fight it left that city a year ago after the kangaroo idiot council voted to cut their paychecks and jurisdictions. All that's left are fools and salt.
>>18371 That's an interesting kind of stupidity you're sporting, there. >>18373 It wouldn't get that far. Any politician who signed off on it and doesn't immediately follow up with the logical coup they'd need to stay in power is going to be arrested, arraigned, bounced through a treason verdict, and executed in short order. And if they don't, then the US would truly be lost because it no longer has any strength to stand against tyranny of neglect, tyranny of oppression, and, worst of all, tyranny of abject stupidity.
>>18385 *taiwan
>>18385 Chinese women are pretty good at sucking gamer cock, not gonna lie.
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>>18385 动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法輪功 Falun Dafa 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize 劉暁波 Liu Xiaobo 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Winnie the Pooh 劉曉波动态网自由门
>>18367 >>18368 >niggers and soyboys riot >they burn down Starbucks, Wal-Mart and other big chain groceries/restaurants >these companies start losing money and their locations begin to dwindle >local farmer's markets make a comeback in lower/middle class white areas in the US >white civilization becomes self sustained without sucking on the Jewish teet You know what, I'm okay with this.
>>18389 That's assuming the Dems won't tax the ever living shit of the remaining businesses to cover their fucking asses.
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>>18389 You know the big chains can survive this shit with ease as they are global entities while smaller businesses who also get burned down get infinitely more fucked by this right? No matter how many wal-marts and starbucks niggers and soyboys burn down in America they will be just fine and spout BLM bullshit each time in the wake of it. This shit causes more sucking on "Jewish teet" not less and you're a fucking retard if you don't see this.
>>18389 The nazi race is going extinct by 2100, so all of this wont be a problem anymore.
>>18390 And big businesses will be able to tank those taxes while small businesses will go bust. >>18391 Exactly. That's the entire point of these riots - to destroy small businesses and consolidate power in the hands of an easily controlled minority. It's much easier to rule when you can fit every subject that matters into a small conference room, after all. The breakdown of society is not an accident and it is not a result of them losing control - it's a return to feudalism. Multi-national corporations will be the new aristocracy and we will be the peasants. I don't mean to blackpill, but that's the plan. Anyone who's not aware of it needs to be aware of it. It isn't inevitable, but you can't just ignore things forever.
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>>18387 >Chinese women are pretty good at sucking gamer cock, not gonna lie. Yeah, they're notorious for sticking gross stuff in their mouth.
>>18394 They look like pretzel rolls.
>>287739 there's a board for that, you retard
These are the people you attract when this thread is basically /pol/-lite.
>>18397 is it because of my report?
>>18395 but they're not. they're boiled insect larva.
>>18398 I think he's referring to the retard who's directly above him
>>18399 They look way too big to be insect larva.
>>18400 it is such a non sequitur
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>>18389 >soyboys riot top kek, all they'll do is vid related
>>287760 Posting shit that would only make qboomer clutch their pearls.
You faggots clearly haven't seens "ITS AWWWWRIIIIIIGHT". Now fuck off back to your qboard.
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>>18367 > the niggers will riot. The city is probably going to burn, and soon, no matter what the outcome is. The nigger riots were the most entertaining things to come out of 2020,I hope this time the chimpout is bigger & more intense.
>>287777 What a fucking waste holy shit. Go kill yourself, pearl clutching faggot.
>>18394 >they're notorious for sticking gross stuff in their mouth Dick's unwashed for her pleasure. They say it tastes like Fatal1ty's gamer food.
>>18393 >The breakdown of society is not an accident and it is not a result of them losing control - it's a return to feudalism. Multi-national corporations will be the new aristocracy and we will be the peasants. Feudalism was designed with military purposes in mind. What you're describe is THE definition of "Capitalism".
>>287790 31 unique IDs
>>287790 >Even the nips were sucking nigger cock and never turned back <The march in Tokyo <Consisting of 200 people <The overwhelming majority of whom were gaijins > the nips were sucking nigger cock
>>287798 just suggested there are 31 of us not 200 and that's with Aaron samefagging and IP hopping so probably 3 or 4 of genuine IDs
>>287798 didn't meant to reply, I just wanted to post the copypasta but forgot to erase the number, my bad. weird though, he replies immediately when it's a chink copypasta.
>>287788 Real capitalism has never been tried.
>>287798 Wasn't until the second post that I realize it was him. There's have also been a ton of /cow/ards posting as well, using the same points, just without the doom posting.
>>287743 >degenerates exist in degenerate settings Oh no who would have guessed Instead of posting anything that happened irl you post retards in an internet comment section to bemoan the state of the world
>>18417 Its like they're not from here and only post shit like that to bait.
>>18418 Probably
>>18419 now we are 30
>>18415 This
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>>18421 >>18422 That will only lead to the biggest corpos to start regulating themselves. Do you actually think during the Colonization Era there were any rules as long as you gave your share to the crown? Lolbergs want a Cartel replaced by another.
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>>18423 All those big corps got big due to the government through subsidies, regulatory capture, and eminent domain.
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>>18423 Lolbertarians are just another victim of consistency. No one in a position of power is consistent. Those seeking power aren't consistent. Libertarians suck the corp-cock in a bid to be consistent and appease their autism, which will lock them into permanent minority status for other autists. Internet libertarians are pretty cool, but real-life meat-space libertarians really do suck the corporate teat. Where's my individual-liberties only libertarianism org around me? Nowhere, that's where.
>>18424 counter point: east india company
>>18424 Prior to the 90's, no. Microsoft, AT&T, Golf Oil, U.S. Steel, General Motors, ALL those companies became global leaders all on their own, with any and all contributions made by the government being a net negative on their market. AFTER the 90's, however, yes, because politicians sold out en masse.
>>18426 Someone else's government
>>18426 Which had the royal navy as a deterrent against fucking with them, much like the modern military protects under-sea cables at taxpayer expense?
>>18424 Wow it's almost as if libertarians are a special breed of dumbfuck that should never be taken seriously
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>>287808 If you got rid of the GG thread they'd just spill into every other thread, at-least this way it's some form of containment. Mark should just do what he does best and start throwing the /cow/ards out, regardless if they directly break a rule or not.
>>18403 The wages of sin
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>>18431 >this much cope by a negress The only people who can be said to have invented 'everything' are the fucking scots during their short industrial renaissance.
Lolbertarians are the exactly kind of assholes who would paywall and gatekeep improvements of life because of their autistic beliefs that they have the right to pick and choose their customers.
>>18433 Hoping the file size is fine
>>18434 Intellectual property is not capitalism.
>>287841 discrimination is evil goy
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>All this organic posting
>>287857 You're only ousting yourself more you retard.
>>287798 <ponyshit into the oven you go. clop in hell >>18434 <the right to refuse service is autistic this is the most retarded shit i've real all day
>>287743 >>287765 So you going to post that shit in /delicious/ or /tot/ or are you just going to pretend you only downloaded it to see how bad it was?
>>287873 Blame the retarded rabbit for that.
>>18434 This is literally a "bake the cake, bigot" tier argument.
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>>287881 >no pussy
>>18444 Other than that, it looks awfully accurate. Gee, I wonder what the artist used as reference.
>>287873 Truth be told I forgot /loli/ even existed, though thank you for reminding me since their oppai loli thread is good shit. Do we really need 3 different boards for this kind of stuff? I feel like there is a better way to keep the imageboard format without descending into some sort of autistic purity spiral where every minor variation in a topic requires its own board. Perhaps something where one board is basically the overboard for its subsections and you can check a box when posting to tag your post as part of the sub and people browsing the overboard can check a box to hide posts from subs they don't want to see? Not sure how that would be performance wise, also not sure how you'd deal with a board having effectively a max number of pages equal to the number of pages each of its individual subs has.
>>287866 >That's clearly a human. You think nekomimi is furshit, queer? it's based off of my little pony so it's still ponyshit, reTORd
>>18445 Probably nude references such as those featured on art sites such as this. https://line-of-action.com/practice-tools/figure-drawing By the way, don't forget if you ever see a kid naked for any reason you HAVE to turn yourself into the police, all nudity is pornographic remember.
>>287900 I got only bunny suits, good enough?
>>287909 Okay then. I assume then the joke is they're rabbits?
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>>287909 No anon. That's not 2hu Kart. That's some shitty alpha. This is 2hu Kart.
>>287895 Mimuda Ryouzou is classic, even if his stuff is not the highest quality. Though considering your SHIT TASTE in this regard I won't push the issue. That being said, considering there is a urination thread on /loli/ it seems that the real issue here is not that people on /loli/ find all stuff on /tot/ abhorrent (this is borne out by their being stuff by Nishi Iori on /loli/ that definitely falls into /tot/ category) but that they don't want to deal with the lower quality /tot/ stuff, just like you could probably post some western stuff on /loli/ and it would be fine so long as the quality was up to snuff. While /delicious/ has its own "identity" as being focused on western art-style content /tot/ seems like a subset of the other 2 boards content. However, if it works I don't see any reason to fix what is not broken and maybe boards splintering into smaller more focused units is just a natural way of dealing with population growth that would otherwise see threads pushed off the board too fast.
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>>287915 Wau indeed.
blackpill blackpill blackpill
>>18433 >cope
>>18455 Take the whitepill, fellow anonymous.
>>287925 >>287917 >making a fork steals all the money Good thing you weren’t involved 8 years ago, your head would fucking implode.
>>287925 >>287917 Isn't that the premise behind Goldeneye and A Good Day to Die Hard?
>>287925 Keep in mind it's not "China", it's individual bitcoin miners in China, who would have to all cooperate. Also I think some countermeasures would be possible, like manually updating the software and convincing everyone to switch.
>>18460 I'm sure a falling social credit rating would make them very cooperative.
>>18363 Sega not only failed with the Saturn before the Dreamcast, but also the 32X and CD. The only thing Sony's PlayStation division has that's comparable is the Vita, and that was before the PS4, which was financially successful. The PS5 could bomb spectacularly and they would keep going.
>>18460 While I'll give you the benefit of the doubt and say that non-state miners in China make up enough of the portion of mining going on in China to support your argument, considering communist governments' propensity for just ganking the property of those they rule over I don't think it holds water.
>>18462 >and that was before the PS4, which was financially successful. The PS5 could bomb spectacularly and they would keep going. That's not what happened, with the failures of the PS3 and the Vita, Sony exhausted ALL of their reserves built thanks to the PS1 and PS2. And, it was at such a tipping point that they literally designed the PS4 with a frugal design, as in it's was built buy the lowest bidder. And, despite M$ screwing up, they still held a strong stance against Sony who was barely breaking even with the PS4. And, going buy everything I heard, the PS5 is the make it or break it point for Sony, which is why they're trying to shove all their customers onto the new console and bricking everything prior.
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>>18464 M$ are fuck ups of themselves as they had so many opportunities to fuck Soyny and Nintendo but did nothing. M$ in a way pisses me off more then the other two as they don't do shit with any of the resources they have or influence.
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>>18451 I played that game a few years ago before it got ported. It plays more like Sonic Riders than Mario Kart. It's an OK game but it had DRM when it first came out and I couldn't explore everything without inputting a serial key. Now that it's been released elsewhere I guess there's no need to wait for a crack.
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>>18409 >Feudalism was designed with military purposes in mind. What you're describe is THE definition of "Capitalism". Exceptionally retarded statement. Anon is right.
>>18464 >designed the PS4 with a frugal design >built buy the lowest bidder. >going buy everything I heard ESL? >the PS5 is the make it or break it point for Sony The other divisions will tank the losses. Game's aren't even their biggest division, it's just one of the media divisions they can use as a propaganda outlet.
>>18464 >failure of the PS3 Maybe in its early lifespan. By the time the PS4 came out the PS3 was very successful. >>18468 Sony's other divisions are almost all doing terribly as well. The PS division was propping them up for a long time.
>>18469 >Sony's other divisions are almost all doing terribly as well. Wasn't Playstation the only part of Sony that generated profits at some point?
>>18468 >>the PS5 is the make it or break it point for Sony With all the (justified) privacy concerns about Kinect from last generation that crippled xbone initial sales why are normies ignoring the new ps controller being a bug and sending data about your pulse and sweat to sony? That's insane and I there's probably more. Is it because they haven't sold much and the ones that shipped are catching dust or just the absolute state of humanity
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>>18469 >>18470 >PS was propping them up It pains me how little anyone knows about business or corporations. Most of Sony's business is piddling compared to their insurance and finance services division. Their other shit pretty much doesn't matter. People will be wondering why this corporation doesn't collapse once playstation goes in the toilet, maybe that tidbit will help you understand what's actually going on. Though funnily enough their financial services and insurance divisions had a bit of issues because of the COVID shit, that might help more than anything else to bring down this place, Sony bought them out fully only last year to re-stabilize them because they fucking need them unlike every other division they have.
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>Are you sure this will help us sell cars? >Cars?
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>>18424 >All those big corps got big due to the government through subsidies No, they didn't but once they got they started pushing regulation through government corruption. You're a fucking idealist, you'll never see the truth. >>18470 Sounds like cuckchan console wars to me. Their TV, Phone, Movie, music and electronics business is in the shitter, but their Camera, Music and Playstation division are doing pretty well. They've been in a huge financial decline for years though. >>18473 >Brits Scum of the Earth, having them as allies is as bad if not worse than having them as enemies.
>>18471 >normies Get out!
>>18474 Forgot insurance and banking that also does pretty well.
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>>287970 fair point
adrenochrome is back on the table
>>18478 >>18479 shut the fuck up Sean
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>>18471 >normies
>>18460 Fuck off CCP shill
>>287986 You have no idea how much control the chinese government has over its people, let alone for anything involving their internet.
>>287993 >t chink
>>18380 >GG was 7 years ago fuck me. I think Jim is the only one who stuck to this guns.
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>>18485 >>GG was 7 years ago You're fucking with me right? Has it been that long?
>>18486 Yeah.
>>18486 Pretty much
>>287993 Its close enough to immediate to be negligible in terms of time difference. >they know how to circumvent retarded shit like the CCP's firewall The amount of people that do is piddling and they still can't past the realities that all corporations in China are controlled by their government, ergo their ISPs. China's is literally the least free internet on the planet today even by absurd leftist/global standards. >>18485 >Jim >doing anything besides retarded dramashit Though he didn't become a leftist at least if that's what you mean. He did sort of turn his back on GG for his own personal reasons but I still think that had more to do with his own drama shit. I haven't heard about him in years ever since he got censored off jewtube.
>>18486 #stopgamergate2014 existed, anon, and faded quickly. But it existed.
>>18380 He posted a screencap on twitter a few years ago OF 8chan (late 2018 - early 2019). He was one of us. He also liked to play kenshi back then, he probably browsed and perhaps even posted in the kenshi threads.
>>18490 >I haven't heard about him in years he's dying of cancer
If West Taiwan is such an indisputable perfect country, why do you need to keep switching IPs to prove your points?
>>18490 Jim is on twitter, been sick with cancer. https://twitter.com/QuarantinedCoof?ref_src=twsrc%5Egoogle%7Ctwcamp%5Eserp%7Ctwgr%5Eauthor I wouldn't say Jim turned his back, he just got big before getting censored. If you are in a position like him and can basically protest and speak the truth without cucking out, then you're doing good work.
Oh shit niggers what are you doing. I'm scrolling down this thread and I only see (Deleted) every 3rd post and replies to other deleted posts referencing toddlercon and /cow/ (?). >>18446 >Perhaps something where one board is basically the overboard for its subsections and you can check a box when posting to tag your post as part of the sub and people browsing the overboard can check a box to hide posts from subs they don't want to see? I personally would make mandatory to "tag" threads and images and then tell everyone to filter the tags they don't like instead of complain about the content. Even something as simple as adding an extra textbox for basic tags would do wonders. Something like this: >Subject: Loli anal on the beach >Comment: Lolis taking it in the arse during a hot summer day in the beach. No /co/mblr art allowed. >Tags: anal beach anime_only Even putting said tags in the subject (ex: [anal beach anime_only] Loli anal in the beach) would help. >>287895 I partially agree with the dead Torfag. The difference in taste and styles between cartoonfags and animefags (specially regarding loli) is too big to keep both in a single place without drama. However, I personally think that toddlercon could be kept in a single thread/general without too much problem due to the small user base on this site, but since /tot/ already exists there's nothing that can be done. >>287925 It is. Bitcoin has a lot of flaws that most altcoins solved long ago, and the only reason everyone uses it is because it came first.
>>18495 Jim scammed everyone though. Heck he made fun of his own audience after everyone called him out for fingering his asian whore on stream instead of being a professional. Something like that.
>>18496 It sounds like mods are doing their job for once unless you're a fucking /cow/ard.
>>288007 >completely anecdotal shit about WoW private servers with no proof to go with it and an arbitrary % shows that a lot of chinks can get past the firewall kek, you expect me to buy your shit anon? >>18495 Nah, I remember he was asshurt when he left. There was definitely some bad blood at the time. Don't you remember his message to /pol/ on his way out? He's doing "okay" by my standards, could've been worse like most other GG e-celebs in being open leftists, but I don't view him as anything more than an occasionally useful and moderately funny shitposter who was briefly more useful than his usual self during GG's peak. Hope he recovers from cancer though, that's awful.
>>288007 All that means is that the government doesn't care about that. That's how the "law" works in China. You can do anything as long as the people who have power over you don't give a shit. >>288022 Nobody said the tech actually prevents people who give a shit. The thing is, most of their people don't give a shit because they're mindless bugs, and those that do give a shit, if they do anything that the government cares about, get disappeared.
>>18486 > 2010 was 11 years ago > 2011 was 10 years ago > 2001 was 20 years ago > 1991 was 30 years ago
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>>18501 When I saved this pic, the joke was that 1990 was only 20 years ago.
>>18473 I'm not sure whether this is an advert for just their cars or something else, I know Toyota spends money on the research and development of robotics and automation technology like Honda do. >>18474 >Japanese car company >American ad >Brits What?
Watch out for GamerGate The public enemy of the world #1 It is the main hashtag responsible for… ☑ Accidentally re-starting the French Revolution ☑ Weaponized Gondolas ☑ Hacking German politicians and media ☑ Played "To Catch a Predator" with Randy Pickford ☑ Masterminded the destruction of GDQ via the Catfish of Legend: Namazu ☑ Under the light of the Blood Moon; Self-destructed Western Journalism by having a some kid smirk at a drumming savage ☑ Just wanted to start a conversation with everyone, everywhere, eternally ☑ Watched Gawker die TWICE ☑ Guilty of face crimes ☑ When GameStop tried to sell itself; offered $3.50 in in-store credit ☑ Made telling "journalists" to "learn to code" into a hate crime ☑ Taught the Alt-Right ✅Then harassed said Alt-Right ☑ Started in 2011-2012 when 4chan tried to steal Anita Sarkeesian's SSN# ☑ Created "Boner Culture" which made cis straight male erections the most powerful force on earth ☑ Had a Jewish Mobster 'Take Care' of it ☑ Asked THQ about gaemu which somehow triggered World Wide Web War III ☑ Tricked /cow/ into developing and sharing their fetish for Mark's plump bagel with ResetEra ☑ Triggered GJP3.0 with 57 hitpeices on THQ Nordic's AA ☑ Orchestrated the GaymerGay misogynist review backlash against Marvel's Captain Woman ☑ Taught New Zealand about "White Day" ☑ Radicalized Spyro the Dragon ☑ Turned Pewdiepie into the Osama Bin Ladin of GaymerGays ☑ "The nerds and gamers were joined by the proto-storm troopers of the alt-right in a bond that has never been broken" ☑ Was a trial run for "will the US tolerate fascist behavior" ☑ Exploring new frontiers in sexual harassment via Jelly Bean ☑ Groomed young impressionable politicians into misogynists ☑ Created and trained the alt-right to take over the political landscape on a global scale (And succeeded) ☑ Arranged for Sonic the Hedgehog (movie ver.) to get "fixed" ☑ Remains undefeated for all time ☑ Turned Rage 2 into a Trump-esque attack on game journos ☑ Joined forces with Amazon ☑ Helped Mark impress Resetera ☑ Used Elliot Rodger's martyrdom to unite 4Chan and Breitbart to elect Donald Trump ☑ Will be looked back upon in 50 years as the root cause of the coming Cultural Civil War ☑ Government-sponsored shitposting ☑ Mastered the manipulation of the news cycle to their advantage ☑ Made Anita cry when Feminist Frequency went broke ☑ Destroyer of Worlds ☑ Russian Conspiracies (all of them) ☑ Extended Reanon's death/meme-magic to animation studios (please meme responsibly) ☑ An instrument of American Trumpian Power Worldwide ☑ Cured alleged "journalist" of dyslexic anxiety ☑ An aberrant, creeping horror ☑ As dangerous as Anti-Vax, ISIS, and Holocaust Denial
[Expand Post]☑ Five years of ruining everything ☑ Came to the classroom ☑ Trained Google whistleblowers ☑ Never died and foreshadowed our toxic meme-strewn politics ☑ Blew up the Internet ☑ Made wanting challenge in videogames into supporting White Supremacy ☑ Was secretly fighting WWIII all along ☑ Stochastic Terrorism ☑ Being a national security threat according to the DHS ☑ Helped Mark win the lottery ☑ Gave the money back ☑ Living long enough to see itself become the villain in a TV Show THRICE ☑ Confused the FBI into thinking /v/ is /baphomet/ ☑ Turned Anita Sarkesian into a crazy cat lady ☑ It's #Gamergate Forever ☑ Justifiably felt alienated by the neoliberal fetishization of feminism and the reductionism of politics to identity teams ☑ Was rabidly pro-corporate ☑ Manipulated a SJWeeb into review-bombing a LGBTWTFBBQ-friendly game as a "test" ☑ Non-meat based cam girls ☑ Caused the Corona outbreak which destroyed China to cheer up a depressed CIA glownigger ☑ Digisexuals ☑ Called the cyber police to put a cripple in cyber jail ☑ Weaponizing decency ☑ Made the games industry a nightmare for Women, Colored People, and Ashley Burch ☑ The inevitable ultimate horror of Sega's "toxic" advertising for ChuChu Rocket ☑ Has the highest body count of any COVID-19 disinfo group ☑ Finally got the 8kun administration to get off their ass and answer the damn phone ☑ Searching for a new home (again) ☑ Made some /v/ hotpockets on other imageboards go insane ☑ Burned julay to the ground by doing basically fuck-all except continue to exist (props to a certain bunbunmaru reporter, tho) ☑ Having a high enough IQ to be mentioned on Rick and Morty ☑ Radicalized a grandmother to the point she promotes harassment against alleged games journalists ☑ Is the terrorist group backed by 'The French' who are behind President Trump's exhausting battle against twitter ☑ Protecting FUCKING GAMESTOP from looters ☑ Finally started the Race War by forcing a meth-head on a date with Corona-chan to take a knee to the neck from the police ☑ Confirmed for Baby Hitler ☑ Gave a lot of airtime to Soviet defector Yuri Bezmenov ☑ Got on the Atlantic's "free $100" van only to get intervewed ☑ Started a backlash against the French independent film industry because they want to raise pure little girls ☑ And then Russia wanted to shut down 8chan.moe to be ironic ☑ Was clearly a blueprint for Trump's online assault in 2016 ☑ A gravestone marked “Games Journalism; Dead By Suicide,” with the date of death corresponding with the launch of GG ☑ Took over the US capitol ☑ Funded by the GOP ☑ Using Reddit's radicalized nihilism to counter jews shorting FUCKING GAMESTOP ☑ Made Mark the Godfather of Gamergate
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>>18505 Why is everyone using the word "y'all" lately?
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>>18506 It's the word that's used by leftoids on twitter to pretend to be "down-to-earth" as they preach to other leftoids on twitter.
>>288038 Reposting things that everyone already replied to doesn't help your case, you chink idiot. Just reply to the replies you already got. I like how you blame the board for your being banned when it's really just because you're a wumao shill. >>18506 Hipsters (which have evolved into SJWs) using it "ironically."
>>18506 Commiefornians appropriated the term and spread it everywhere.
Jesus, what the fuck did I wake up to? So much >(1) totally 100% Organic Post™ today.
>>18510 This is what happens when benis isn't the first post.
>>18506 Twittards started liking how it sounded so they took it. I've spoken with people in the areas where y'all is actually used, it is pretty much never written or typed unless you're portraying speech so it makes it really easy to see who spends too much time on social media. For Twittards it is thus a badge of honor, for everyone else it is just poor form.
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Software and sites to give attention to! Operating systems >AROS: http://aros.sourceforge.net/ >Artix Linux: https://artixlinux.org/ >BSD <Net: https://www.netbsd.org/ <Open: https://www.openbsd.org/ <DragonFly: https://www.dragonflybsd.org/ >EndeavourOS: https://endeavouros.com/ >GrapheneOS: https://grapheneos.org/ >Oracle Solaris: http://www.oracle.com/solaris Archival >ArchiveBox: https://archivebox.io/ Chatrooms: >Matrix: https://matrix.org/ >Patchwork: https://github.com/ssbc/patchwork >Session: https://getsession.org/ >Telegram: https://telegram.org/ >Tox: https://tox.chat/ Database >Based Cooking: https://based.cooking/ >BigchainDB: https://www.bigchaindb.com/ >Gun: https://gun.eco/ >Hydrus ( >>>/t/2219 ): https://hydrusnetwork.github.io/hydrus/ Donation services: >Fanbox: https://www.pixiv.net/fanbox >Fantia: http://fantia.jp/ Email hosting >Create your own: https://archive.fo/okVq4 >Cock.li: https://cock.li/ Encyclopedias >Infogalactic: https://infogalactic.com/info/Main_Page File sharing and storage >anonfile: https://anonfile.com/ >BitTorrent: https://infogalactic.com/info/BitTorrent >CacheP2P: https://github.com/guerrerocarlos/CacheP2P >Catbox: https://catbox.moe/ >Cryptosphere: https://cryptosphere.io/ >Dat Project: https://datproject.org/ >Filecoin: https://filecoin.io/ >Holochain: https://github.com/holochain/holochain-proto >Instant.io: https://instant.io/ >IPFS: https://ipfs.io/ >Kek.gg https://kek.gg/ >Onion Share: https://onionshare.org/ >ORC: https://orc.apache.org/ >Peergos: https://peergos.org/ >Perkeep: https://perkeep.org/
[Expand Post]>Pomf: https://github.com/pomf/pomf >Storj: https://storj.io/ >Swarm: https://github.com/ethersphere/swarm >Tahoe-LAFS: https://www.tahoe-lafs.org/trac/tahoe-lafs >Uguu: https://uguu.se/ >WebTorrent: https://webtorrent.io/ >Other sites: https://www.archiveteam.org/index.php?title=Pomf.se/Clones Galleries and image hosting >ArtStation (SFW only): https://www.artstation.com/ >HicceArs: https://www.hiccears.com/ >Wysp: https://www.wysp.ws/ Internet and browsers >Basilisk: https://www.basilisk-browser.org/ >Beaker: https://beakerbrowser.com/ >Bromite: https://www.bromite.org/ >Falkon: https://www.falkon.org/ >GNU IceCat: https://www.gnu.org/software/gnuzilla/ >Handshake: https://handshake.org/ >I2P: https://geti2p.net/ >InterPlanetary Wayback: https://github.com/oduwsdl/ipwb >Iridium Browser (Guide to remove spyware: https://spyware.neocities.org/guides/iridium.html ): https://iridiumbrowser.de/ >LibreWolf: https://librewolf-community.gitlab.io/ >MaidSafe: https://maidsafe.net >Mysterium Network: https://mysterium.network/ >Namecoin: https://namecoin.org/ >Otter Browser: https://otter-browser.org/ >Pale Moon (Guide to remove spyware: https://spyware.neocities.org/guides/palemoon.html ): http://www.palemoon.org/ >Qutebrowser: https://qutebrowser.org/ >Sphere Browser (WARNING: https://spyware.neocities.org/articles/sphere.html ): https://sphere.tenebris.cc/ >Surf: http://surf.suckless.org/ >Tor: https://www.torproject.org/ >Ungoogled-Chromium: https://ungoogled-software.github.io/ungoogled-chromium-binaries/ >ZeroNet: https://zeronet.io/ Marketplace >DLsite: https://www.dlsite.com/eng/ >DMM Games: https://games.dmm.com/ >Fruitbat Factory: https://sites.fastspring.com/fruitbatfactory/product/buy >ğchange: https://www.gchange.fr >NekoNyan: https://nekonyansoft.com/shop >OpenBazaar: https://openbazaar.org/ >Top Hat Store: https://shop.tophat.studio >Zoom Platform: https://www.zoom-platform.com/ Pastebins >Paste: https://github.com/jordansamuel/PASTE >PrivateBin: https://privatebin.info/ Search engines >ActiveSearchResults: https://www.activesearchresults.com/ >ExactSeek: https://www.exactseek.com/ >Gigablast: https://www.gigablast.com/ >Mojeek: https://www.mojeek.com/ >Wiby: https://wiby.me/ >YaCy: https://yacy.net/ Social media >anime website: https://anime.website/ >baraag.net: https://baraag.net/ >Free Speech Extremist: https://freespeechextremist.com/ >GNU Social: https://gnu.io/social/ >Hubzilla: https://zotlabs.org/page/hubzilla/hubzilla-project >LBRY: https://lbry.com/ >Mediachain: http://www.mediachain.io/ >Neckbeard.xyz: https://neckbeard.xyz/ >Pawoo: https://pawoo.net/ >Pleroma: https://pleroma.com/ >Plurk: https://www.plurk.com/ >Shitposter Club: https://shitposter.club/ >Steemit: https://steemit.com/ >Twister: http://twister.net.co/ Streaming >8chanTV ( >>>/site/1519 ): https://watch.8ch.moe/ Video and audio platforms >AVideo: https://github.com/WWBN/AVideo >BitTube: https://bittube.tv/ >D.tube: https://d.tube/ >MediaGoblin: https://mediagoblin.org/ >VidLii: https://www.vidlii.com/ Video downloaders and converters >AudioToWebm: https://tsun.itch.io/audiotowebm >boram: https://github.com/Kagami/boram >ffmpeg: https://ffmpeg.org/download.html >NewPipe: https://newpipe.net/ >WebMConverter: https://gitgud.io/nixx/WebMConverter >webm.py: https://github.com/Kagami/webm.py >wybm: https://github.com/Kagami/wybm >youtube-dl (Also download ffmpeg for best compatability): https://youtube-dl.org/ Web hosts >IONOS: https://www.ionos.com/ >Neocities: https://neocities.org/ >Oracle Cloud: https://www.oracle.com/cloud/ Other >AdNauseam: https://adnauseam.io/ >Amateur Game Development General: >>>/agdg/ >ChannelChanger: >>>/t/1257 >Crescent Isle: >>>/site/532 >Magic Wormhole: https://github.com/warner/magic-wormhole >OpenTimestamps: https://opentimestamps.org/ >Privacy Possum: https://github.com/cowlicks/privacypossum >The Wick Editor: https://www.wickeditor.com/ Suggestions are always welcome! Revision Updates: 4-11-21 >Added <IONOS (Web host) <Neocities (Web host) <Oracle Cloud (Web host) >Removed <Playism (Marketplace), termination of store: https://archive.vn/jXJ2I <TrackMeNot (Other), no longer maintained: https://archive.vn/M5wku 3-21-21 >Added <ğchange (Marketplace) >Removed <Minds (Social media), censoring drawings: https://archive.vn/S2qEP 3-13-21 >Added <Based Cooking (Database) <GNU Social (Social media) <Hubzilla (Social media) >Removed <Fediverse (Social media), CoCked: https://archive.is/cpz3y 2-1-21 >Added <ActiveSearchResults (Search engine) <ExactSeek (Search engine) <Gigablast (Search engine) 1-29-21 >Added <ArchiveBox (Archival) <Mojeek (Search engine) <Wiby (Search engine) >Removed <SearX: (Search engine), doesn't provide unique results because it's a meta-search engine: https://archive.vn/r2u6S 1-18-21 >Added <GrapheneOS (Operating System) 1-12-21 >Added: <NewPipe (Video downloader) <Session (Chatroom <Surf (Browser) >Removed <9front (Operating system), supporting BLM: https://archive.vn/RzHUn#selection-216.0-216.1 1-9-21 >Added <Patchwork (Chatroom) >Removed <Ferment (V&A platform), project ended: https://archive.vn/bDsbS >Moved <LBRY moved from "Marketplace" to "Social Media" <Mediachain moved from "V&A platform" to "Social media" 1-8-21 >Added <Bromite (Browser) <Plurk (social Media) >Removed <Smashcast.tv (Streaming), Site closed: https://archive.vn/vnYt4
>>18511 So, someone found a way to get around, mitigate, or automate a way the site's browser question and /cow/ can't can't keep it in their pants because they're autists, then?
>>18514 what
>>18508 Correcting a minor misunderstanding with some trivia about how Bitcoin works isn't shilling. And it doesn't make sense for him to be deleted for agreeing with me when I didn't get deleted in the first place. Maybe it's because some retard reported him and he didn't have a post history because of the ID issue? Either way it's stupid.
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>>18364 >>18363 >>18362 >>18374 >>18382 I was just discussing Playstation, why were my posts deleted?
>>18516 You can see and delete by captcha bypass ID's in lynxchan, which is what he did. Mark literally just deleted the posts because the shitty software this site uses changes ID's all the time.
>>18515 When you make your first post (with that particular IP) and fill in the catchpa; the site asks your browser a hard mathematical question before accepting your post to mitigate Arron botspaming and blatant IP hopping. There's ways around that manually, but you have to be a more-autistic-than-your-average-tranny with a VPN and multiple browsers and/or devices open at the same time, but there's now an automated process that needs to be deal with.
>>288063 Kill yourself.
Here comes the /cow/ard to bitch that their garbage was deleted.
>>18522 None of those posts even vaguely resemble something a tvch/cow goon would post. You're turning legitimately cancerous posters into a meaningless boogieman by associated every anon who disputes their post getting deleted for no reason with them.
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Visit the following boards to discuss lewds. >>>/h/ - Hentai of all kinds >>>/delicious/ - Western and cartoon-style lolicon, although anime-style lolis are allowed too >>>/loli/ - Japanese/anime lolicon only >>>/sm/ - Gay and straight shotacon of all kinds >>>/tot/ - Toddlercon and babycon >>>/fur/ - All things furry related >>>/gts/ - Gigantism and other fetishes involving size difference >>>/rule34/ - Self- explanatory at this point >>>/u/ - Yuri of all kinds, including futa, zoo, and real life lesbian porn and discussions >>>/u2/ - Yuri, 2D anime/cartoon only, no futa or "extreme" fetishes like zoo >>>/hyper/ - Girls with hyper proportions >>>/cb/ - 2D and real life gay porn Visit the following boards to discuss hobbies and interest. >>>/tg/ - Tabletop & Card game related discussion >>>/fast/ - SFW Sonic the Hedgehog discussion >>>/t/ - SFW Discussion of Technology and Software >>>/vhs/ - Movies and Cinema >>>/a/ - Anime, Manga, & Japanese Media General >>>/ai/ - Anime and other media for young girls, prichan, aikatsu, cocotama, precure, shining star >>>/wooo/ - Professional Wrestling and Combat Sports >>>/ck/ - Culinart arts, cooking tips, and general home cooking >>>/vg/ - Video Game Discussions & Generals >>>/vyt/ - Virtual Youtuber Generals & Discussions >>>/x/ - Paranormal, Occult, and Conspiracy >>>/fit/ - Fitness, Health, & General Body Improvement >>>/mu/ - Music discussion & Generals >>>/loomis/ - Art Gains for practice and improvement.
>>18517 Your posts were off topic
>>18516 >Correcting a minor misunderstanding with some trivia about how Bitcoin works isn't shilling. No, but ignoring the responses that already pointed out how you're wrong or missing the point, and just reposting the same things you said before, isn't a good sign. And again, it wasn't a misunderstanding about how bitcoin works, it was a misunderstanding about how the firewall works. It isn't just the technical limitation that blocks them, it's the fact that they all know they can get disappeared if they do something the government doesn't like. You can break the law all day in china as long as it's something the government doesn't care about at the moment. But if it's something they do care about, or suddenly decide to care about, then you're fucked, and they know it. If the government asks for your shit, you give it, or you will disappear, and if they can't get you, they'll get your family instead. >>288092 There have already been replies to all of these points. Reposting them without replying to the replies that have already been made only further proves that you are nothing but a shill.
>>18526 That's barely even a disagreement, he just pointed out that in practice tons of people bypass the firewall all the time, that doesn't even contradict anything you just said. And the proper response to a disagreement is a discussion, not deleting someone's posts. You can hardly blame him for being more concerned with the moderation than with continuing the discussion when all his posts are being deleted.
>>18506 It's a nigger term.
Cease your autism before you trigger the anti-spam captcha. The rest of the board doesn't deserve to suffer for your bullshit.
>>18527 >That's barely even a disagreement, he just pointed out that in practice tons of people bypass the firewall all the time, that doesn't even contradict anything you just said. He posted that in response to the claim that the fact that the bitcoin is owned by individuals rather than the government is insubstantial, due to the fact that the government has such power over those individuals. His post was not refuting the point he thought it was refuting, and when this was pointed out by multiple posts, he ignored it. >And the proper response to a disagreement is a discussion, not deleting someone's posts. Agreed. My ideal board would allow everything including outright botspam, but that doesn't mean he isn't a faggot for ignoring the rebuttals and just repeating himself. >You can hardly blame him for being more concerned with the moderation than with continuing the discussion when all his posts are being deleted. Yes I can. You can do both. Personally, I'd reply to the responses I got while calling the mods faggots, and probably including my own points that my replies were replying to within m own post (as part of the greentexts).
>>18506 It got popular in the proto-SJW blogosphere years ago because of memes about how it was a good gender-neutral replacement for "you guys" and this was funny and ironic because they associated it with sexist rednecks. As a result people in SJW communities often pick it up even if they don't know the reason it became popular in those communities. Of course there's also people who picked it up elsewhere, since it's popular both in the sounthern U.S. and with some black people, and in this case it might have been to match his image.
>>288116 Oh wow, the clipboard image really does add 10 pounds. Not doing that again.
>>288116 >CREAM the Rabbit Silly anon. You satay rabbit, not cream it. >BUMP the Deer Again very silly of you good venison doesn't need tenderizing before cooking.
>>18435 What happened to the black lives splatter dev?
>>18534 I think he took a break.
>>18524 Where's /polarchive/?
>>18506 SJWs and trannies started using it to sound like niggers, though the coons took it originally from Southern whites. It is part of the coonification of culture.
I wanna fuck Vivian.
I'm gay
Edited last time by Mark on 04/18/2021 (Sun) 21:50:38.
>>18533 Everyone I've heard who hunted deer for food said they had to soak the meat in evaporated milk or let it stay in a stream for a good while before the gaminess and softness was sufficiently reduced to even begin preparing it.
Also, the proper response to getting your posts removed is NOT to sperg out and spam duplicates until the thread looks like swiss cheese.
Did the entire thread refresh? I left it in the background and then I got a notification that 189 posts were made.
>>18542 It happens when mark edits a post.
>>18540 you have to boil the meat to get the blood out. When you shoot the animal to death with a rifle, assuming it's not instantly dead, it will tense up and panic, and all the blood gets locked in the meat, so you have to boil it out later. This is also true if you shoot it and instant kill it and don't immediately slit it's throat, hang it upside down and let the blood drain out. It also depends on how you're cooking the meat. If you're deep frying the backstrap and sirloin, you don't have to bother with the blood, the grease burns it away. You need to remove the blood by boiling if you are cooking it in a stew. In that case the blood doesn't burn away and leaks out into your gravey and gives everything a chalky, milky color. t. deer killer and eater
>>18541 It still funny.
(66.95 KB 855x539 you are gay.jpg)

>>18539 Why are you gay?
>>18543 I see. I filtered his autistic copypasted posts, so I couldn't tell that one of them was edited.
don't reply to me
Edited last time by kazu on 04/18/2021 (Sun) 21:59:25.
>>18548 why are you posting the same thing repeatedly?
>>18549 He has bad case of rectal ragnarok.
(375.80 KB 514x536 autism levels.png)

>>18444 It's on model. :^)
(5.83 MB 640x480 man of ultra.webm)

For fucks sake Mark!
>>18544 Good to know, I wonder if this is also the origin of Halal/Kosher meat prep since I hear they do something similar, though they cut the neck when the thing is still alive.
>>18389 Big corps can tank the losses. It's the small businesses that are destroyed by riots.
>>18551 I saw way worse things back on cuckchan.
>>18549 He's annoyed that his posts were deleted for no reason and apparently thinks the best way to respond is to repost them every time they're deleted again. I do agree there wasn't any good reason to delete them, even if his response is a bit much. Random deletions of perfectly fine posts drive away posters and create animosity between users and mods.
>>18553 listen man, I'm not the one constantly spamming his posts over and over. I just do what I gotta do.
>>18554 It's all essentially the same. It is preferable to cut the throat while it's alive so that the heart pumps some of the blood out faster instead of just leaking.
>>18557 >no reason He was IP hopping. it's super gay.
>>18434 This is bait.
>>288171 There's the Tornigger who does this from time to time, and a new clearnigger who is doing something similar (the tornigger updates his spam with every new post deleted, while the clearnigger just copypastes the same post again and again).
>>18560 Since when is changing IPs against the rules? Especially since some people do it inadvertently, as he claims to have done because of supposed Lynxchan issues with IPv6. I've seen plenty of people talking about their IDs frequently changing previously.
>>18536 Wasted dubs. Heym Mark Is there any way to turn off the update function completely? Pressing the green button down the bottom until it turns red dousn't seem to be working properly because it changes back to green. I don't want to have to see spam posts that will get deleted anyway because of autism while I play vidya.
>>288179 bro just...stop. We get it, message received.
>>18438 You mean organic™.
>>18564 >Dont forget to take off your tinfoil hat on your way out. If that were the case then where are yours? And no, they are not wasted as the question is a legitimate one. If it were trips or quads, then I would understand the bitching about wasted digits, but dubs are pretty fucking common. You almost say that 10% of all posts contain dubs.
>>18564 You can go back to the old refresh script under Settings->Other->Disable WebSockets.
(195.72 KB 226x350 Chamber of Understanding.gif)

I would have felt bad for the faggot if he didn't throw an autistic fucking fit of reposting, I don't understand what causes an anon to shit their pants with rage like this.
>>18442 He may have fucked up, but he allowes decent quality western now. I don't see any reason to disdain him any more than Mark, and at least /loli/'s quality isn't abyssmal.
>>18569 Being a /cow/ard.
>>18506 English needs a good plural you, and y'all is the closest thing we've got.
>>18440 ><ponyshit Looks human to me.
(48.68 KB 1348x124 a.png)

Mark and Kazu editing and deleting posts multiple times revealed a curious bug. Every time one of them edited a post and the page was refreshed the post counter of every ID that posted before the edit increased by a retarded amount that seems to vary between IDs. Pic related is the case for my current ID.
(302.54 KB 720x720 BGjpF7pMy3fr1BnT.mp4)

Yeah just keep going guy. I'm sure this is very productive.
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>>18569 What in the fuck caused this one.
>>18441 >Only suggesting /delicious/ and /tot/ >Not /loli/ Glad someone else notices the difference in quality.
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>>18577 There was a post very early in the thread kvetching about comments on toddlercon image. It got cleaned up and now the /cow/ards are revolting.
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>>18577 Anon with IP problems (so he says) got all his shit deleted, so now he is shitting on the floor reposting the same post over and over and over again every time it gets deleted.
>>18445 A real rabbit, of course.
>>288206 >blacked.moe I'm assuming this is because 8chan.moe hosts the /interracial/ board?
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>>18574 Noted.
>>18569 >feeling sorry for the "i-its just ipv6 im not hopping i swear" nigger
>>18446 >Do we really need 3 different boards for this kind of stuff? /tot/ can have a containment thread on /loli/, but /delicious/ has too much variety, volume, and shit taste to co-exist.
>>18574 It also closed and reset the webm I was watching. >>18577 Butthurt and autism.
>>18447 And nekomimi is based off of cats. What exactly are you trying to imply?
(2.91 MB 257x212 1447500701421.gif)

>>18584 >didn't even read more than a couple words of my post >doesn't know what "would have" means >illiterate and thinks I actually feel sorry for him
(740.75 KB 478x480 yt1s.com - get a life_480p.mp4)

This copypasta is just shit.
Who did we upset this time?
>>18591 >Who did we upset this time?
>>18583 oh hi acid/codexx >>18585 Heh, I kinda like /tot/ as an independent board. It has a more relaxed atmosphere than /loli/ and /delicious/ even if it's dead most of the time. Am I the only one who noticed what you are doing with your posts? >>18591 An specific kind of autist who couldn't handle getting his original post deleted.
>I got called a faggot and the vol deleted my posts <So, I'm going to act like a BIGGER faggot and repost everything I ever posted <THAT'S going to show them who's in the wrong Reminder that the problem was NEVER that "We can't find another /v/ with activity", the problem is that these fags seek for everyone to give them attention 24/7.
(7.29 MB 574x480 ggrevolt raid.webm)

>>18594 >posting the outdated version
(569.55 KB 1276x717 silly_mockup.jpg)

>>18577 Basically >someone posted some booru screenshot of the comment section of one of Heikatsu's tot pics to, presumably, start yet again another loli=pedo derail >anons tell him to fuckoff >he replies with "this is an off topic thread so I can do what I want" >thread gets mildly derailled in several different ways but starts back "on track" or at least as on track as a GG thread gets on a slow news day >several hours later... >Mark wakes up and moderates the thread <'errbody gettin' deleated >OT post and original shitter get cleaned up >thread starts getting on track x2 >one tor anon's post got nuked along with the derail possibly because I may have mistakenly reported him as the tot derailer sockpuppeting, sorry about that >tor anon reposts what he believed to be ontopic post of his that got deleted along with the off topic posts >gets deleated again >repost an even more pairred down list of posts >deleated >tor anon's autism activates and he chain spams his legitimate post, or "legitimate" post depending on you POV, over and over again >now he and mark are in a battle of attrition >thred is right buggered This would never have happened if Heikatsu had just completed that loli VN.
>>18517 It's called spray and pray.
>>18594 I remember /intl/ lol. I hated them but those were the good ol days.
>>18597 What was the pic?
>>18597 Wasn't that one supposed to be a sequel to Unteralterbach? Would've probably been an absolutely wild ride if so.
>>18533 I mean sexually, not edibly.
>>18600 I'm not certain because it was partially blurred out. I did catch that it was animated by Blackmoon.
>>18597 It wasn't a TOR poster, his posts apparently originally got deleted for IP hopping. I guess because each of his posts had a different ID. >>18560
>>18600 There wasn't even a pic, the guy just posted the comments section underneath the image blurred, like when you try to look at something on one of those crowd-funding sites while not paying for a subscription. Someone else posted another spoilered Heikatsu pic a few posts below it which has also been cleaned up. If you look up the artists on ATF you can probably find it there.
>>18601 >Wasn't that one supposed to be a sequel to Unteralterbach? More of a spiritual sequel. I'm still sad that it seems to have gone nowhere.
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>not adding a small portion of the copypasted spam to your filters to get rid of everything git gud GG >>18597 Actually there are two spammers reposting the same deleted posts. The one currently spamming is a clearnigger who probably ran out of IPs and moved to Tor, while the original Torfag who made a fuckhuge repost (that he kept updating every time it got deleted) took a different approach and reposted all of his deleted posts one by one while everyone were busy looking at the other sperg. I could show the difference in posts if it wasn't because Mark and Kazu refreshed the thread with their edits, causing my cached page to refresh and remove the deleted posts that were visible.
>>18605 >>18603 Is this it?This guy draws torture, so I'm not downloading this. I thought it was just wholesome fucking. But if someone can take a bullet for the team and report what this video is, that would be appreciated. https://kemono.party/fanbox/user/515040 https://kemono.party/fanbox/user/515040/post/2128130 https://kemono.party/fanbox/user/515040/post/2127936 I don't understand why someone would sperg about ATF, if you go there you are probably into that stuff yourself.
Is this spam just a new niggerpill tactic?
>>18609 Nah. It's just standard butthurt.
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>>18538 Get in line, faggot. >>18582 Did you somehow miss the multiple Acid Cuckoldry debacles?
What did you delete MY post for nigger? You need to get your shit together.
>>18613 because you're gay
>>18593 >Am I Don't you say a word, nigger. >>18597 >possibly because I may have mistakenly reported him as the tot derailer sockpuppeting, sorry about that God damn it anon.
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>>18614 What does sucking cock has anything to do with this?
>>288285 Why did mods delete this post? For criticizing your retardation? Just let the autistic anon keep his post already, this is getting out of hand.
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>>18615 I'm so fucking sorry.I didn't mean for this to happen. I was trying to preemptively stop a derail.
(66.00 KB 600x1200 1450045303294.jpg)

And to think this started over babies.
(29.63 KB 508x512 He does it for free.jpg)

>>18617 They do it for free
>>18617 >>18620 you'll cowards don't even smoke crack
>>288317 wtf gross.
>>18572 "Y'all" is singular, as evidenced by the existence of the phrase "all y'all," its plural form.
>>18611 After all the obvious derailment attempts in the past, you can't blame anons for being paranoid. >>18613 I guess you need to accept the L. :^)
>>18617 It's like the King Solomon story about cutting the baby in half, except that both mothers agree to cut it in half rather than give an inch.
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>>288315 >only 33 screencapped rants
>>18622 I'd communicate my disdain for you in the language of your people, but since this board is the closest I come to using social media please accept a hearty non-denominational fuck off.
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>>288315 It looks like its not going to stop until the thread hits bumplocked at the very soonest.
>>18627 haha get baited you absolute fucktard.
>>18557 >deleted for no reason >no reason This is called "the big lie"
Is it finally over?
>>18624 Just because both are tards doesnt mean one is not more wrong than the other. Heavy handed moderation has always been an issue, and this is honestly its inevitable result, some sperg with nothing to lose and a lot of time on his hands.
>>18597 >>tor anon's autism activates and he chain spams his legitimate post, or "legitimate" post depending on you POV, over and over again You're confusing the tor-only anon me with CCP poster who started on the clearnet. I only reposted a few times before giving up. He's probably using a bot at this point. And this was MY autism first. I've had swathes of posts wiped and reposted them autistically manually on multiple other occasions, outlasting Mark and Kazu, who gave up and returned the next day to delete my posts. But this fag, he's a copycapt, and he's using a bot too. That just destroys the spirit of the action. >>18604 Using tor on the clearnet site can cause that.
>>288338 /tot/shit niggers need to burn
>>288338 Welp, looks like I didn't miss out on anything I wanted to see. Hopefully a mod will be a deary and sweep these over to /tot/, a valuable lesson was learned today: Don't go to /tot/.
(71.93 KB 450x904 1431892428307.jpg)

Guess its not over yet and this thread still belongs to the unstoppable autist and the immovable retard.
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Famitsu Editor Arrested for Alleged Fraud https://archive.is/m6xjf https://archive.is/AD6cy He would impersonate other identities to collect freelance fees for articles. Compare this to how western journalists are treated. Polygon hired a known plaigarist that even Buzzfeed canned: https://archive.is/oKHl2 https://archive.is/Jizn1
>>18638 Oh hey actual news.
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>>18632 This is an odd dish.
(2.47 MB 640x480 bing_bing_wahoo.webm)

Disabling posting from TOR when?
(64.54 KB 604x340 not this shit again.jpg)

I leave this thread for a couple of hours and come back to find this. Why does this thread attract such massive spergs?
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Why is this nigger, spamming? Seriously what the hell is going on with him did mark sleep with his girlfriend or something? Salty about getting post cucked and having your shit deleted?
>>287402 Fancy that, I just started reading the manga, albeit a censored one. Don't know where to find uncensored RAWs with nipples and such. Also, anime adaptation got announced last year but no telling how much COVID fucked things up production-wise.
>Mods hold off on deleting one of his posts for 10 minutes >Thread is suddenly usable for this short time >They go back to deleting it >Spam resumes Maybe giving in to the demands of terrortists is the answer for once, at least in the short term?
>>18643 Imagine getting cucked by Mark.
>>18641 Not so long as it is still a way to anonymously connect to the site even if DNS servers wipe the domain from their lists. I remember their being some posting from the administration in regards to I2P and other methods of doing what I just mentioned so hey, maybe in the future there won't just be TORpedos we'll also have various other services that shitposters can employ. If such a thing does come to pass I only ask that there remain some way to determine what way each person is posting so everyone can bully each other about how their protocol orf completely secret and discrete shitposting is better than everyone else's.
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>>18643 He's just a working-class poster real angry about the (((powers that be))) and took the Falling Down approach.
If this thread keeps getting shat up then I'm going to have to go play video games.
(387.89 KB 600x450 goku chicken.png)

If anyone wants to watch some Miami Vice it starts in 10 minutes. https://cytu.be/r/civilwarcrimes
>>18649 Holy shit somebody DO SOMETHING before it is TOO LATE!
>>18640 That looks bomb
(22.62 MB 962x720 It's Our Fault.mp4)

>>18649 That would be the worst possible thing.
(165.30 KB 404x256 Pickles.png)

>>18650 Why miami vice?
(81.50 KB 1024x768 aaa.jpg)

>>18649 what gaem? I'm planning on playing The Greatest RPG Ever Made, but I keep getting rekt by giant molerats and mongoloid bandits without clothes.
>>18655 It was either that or Ranma 1/2 :^)
>>18635 >>18636 In /tot/'s defense that kind of extreme content is pretty rare. Most pics are pretty vanilla (for hentai standards) and very similar to their loli and adult counterparts (cute/sexy solo poses and sex with comically big dicks). >>18637 Blame kazu. The sperg stopped when one of his posts was left up, and only started again when kazu deleted it.
(552.18 KB 718x418 fishcock.png)

>>18649 I'm taking shelter on jewtube watching some Finss handle fish cock
>>18656 I was thinking about playing the two Bloodstained 2D games. Failing that I might try Luna Nights or Castle Succubus.
(53.97 KB 484x571 advanced race theory.jpg)

>>18649 Truly a fate worse than death.
>>18660 >Castle Succubus Terrible game, don't even bother. The sex scenes are shit typical goblin rape too.
>>18642 >Why does this thread attract such massive spergs? Because it's the only regular thread that has existed for 5+ years and spanned several sites.
Just leave one post up for fucks sake.
>>18664 Faggot is obviously not doing this because he wants his post up
(1.06 MB 1255x2300 1618171497043.jpg)

>>18664 This to be honest family >>18665 He provably did earlier when he stopped posting as one of his post remained up for like 20 minutes or so. Hes clearly doing it in good faith even if hes being a huge sperg about it.
>>18665 Yeah, but it would also make him stop and to be honest, I don't see why it was deleted in the first place.
>>18667 >>18666 I'd rather have consistently banfaggy jannies than pussies who back off or bend the knee to spamming torpedos.
>>18663 What about the threads on /hgg/? The worst they get is some cuckchan niggers.
>>18665 Nothing would be lost by trying. If the sperg stops after leaving one post then the story ends and the thread continues its course, and if the sperg continues he won't have any excuse left for doubling down on his spam (besides being a sperg) and his posts will continue to be deleted.
>>18670 Don't give the mods any ideas, I want these autists to keep wasting each other's time.
>>18668 Id rather that not be a dichotomy. They keep grapeshotting the entire board because they cant stop deleting by IP and thats an issue, and it has always been an issue, and when theyre on a ban spree its a coin toss whenever some random anon gets his shit deleted across all of /v/. This shit is unacceptable and it had never been acceptable.
>>18669 /hgg/ never pissed off Dolphinpedo, the /cow/fags, kiwifags, the guntsphere, the revoltniggers, etc
>>18668 >I'd rather have a janny more willing to fuck my ass than a janny who is willing to negotiate with anons Fixed that for you.
动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法輪功 Falun Dafa 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize 劉暁波 Liu Xiaobo 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Winnie the Pooh 劉曉波动态网自由门
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>>18674 >some spamming nigger who is completely shitter-shattered about his post being deleted and is willing to leverage either incredible autism or bot(s) to spam the board represents "anons"
>>18669 >What about the threads on /hgg/? Unlike with GG, the MOST amount of autism that probably exists is in regards to the on fag who likes NTR, and the argument about whether or not futas are gay (They're not: https://infogalactic.com/info/Phallic_woman )
(30.96 KB 396x382 1431189643670.jpg)

>>18677 >futa's aren't gay
>>18674 >Letting a spamming nigger get away with spam <Negotiating with anons Way to out yourself as a fucking /cow/ard, in the literal sense. Jesus christ, you're either the spammer samefagging or the most chickenshit limpwristed faggot this side of Marks gaping asshole. I hate the hotpockets as much as the guy over, but letting this assmad talmud spammer get away with shitting up an already shit thread, because "maybe he'll stop" is fucking pathetic.
>>18645 Negotiating with terrorists is never a good idea. The only thing worse than that is negotiating with SJWs. >>18649 Why not both? That's what I'm doing.
>>18677 >Rather than seeking or identifying with the phallic mother, libido may instead be directed at the figure that has been termed the phallus-girl. For the male, the phallus girl may be represented by a younger (perhaps boyish) girl, in whom he can find an image of his own adolescent self. Tomboyfags confirmed for faggots with childhood trauma.
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>>18681 Well its kinda hard to deny liking tomboys as an aesthetic might be a facet of autogynephilia.
(993.07 KB 1483x1141 Into the Storm.png)

This is major autism going around.
Nice try, sperg, but my filter covered your new format too.
(3.08 MB 1920x12048 Please delete my posts.png)

Hey, I noticed a lot of posts being deleted. Can I get in on that?
>>288472 >it's the mod's fault that i'm aggressively spamming the thread it's time to stop.
>>288472 >>18686 Nah, he should keep going. I believe in you autist-anon!
>Now he's scrambling the content of each post to evade filters You just had to mention filters. Didn't you? Now anons themselves can't filter his posts. Also, PLEASE DELETE MY POSTS.
Notice how niggerpill has been quiet all day.
>>18689 Why interrupt your enemies when they fight each other? He can just take the credit and get paid for other peoples autism.
>>18689 Everyone in your eyes must be niggerpill. Fuck, Ive been accused of being niggerpill thrice in the last week cause Im not afraid of speaking true to power, aka the retarded consensus the 10 fags that have the most posts in these threads enforce.
>>18690 i think his chink handlers probably track his activities, so they would know if he was trying to take credit for someone else's posts. autist-anon is niggerpill, obviously.
>>18608 What's wrong with drawn torture?
>>288490 You got yourself caught. What's the next step in your master plan?
>>18662 How's the Castlevania aspect of the game? That's all I care about.
(7.69 MB 720x900 boxing.mp4)

Anyways, let's actually talk about something productive! What are you guys doing to improve yourselves?
>>18695 Barebones. That's the best word I can use to describe it, another would be tedious. If it wasn't for the porn, it would be considered a shit-tier pixel indie.
>>18689 Niggerpill only strikes when he thinks Mark/Kazu/any other person who can delete his spam is asleep.
(333.36 KB 480x360 8chan (sega).mp4)

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>>18597 Have torniggers even considered not being useless assholes who spam threads and say nothing worthwhile?
>>18700 some TORniggers can be alright
>>288511 He is beautiful.
>>288511 Trump is irrelevant
>>288518 nice try kike
And now the /cow/'s reveal themselves.
>>18704 Mark wouldn't insult his own website and risk driving a single goy away.
(354.14 KB 640x360 Spam-kun & Niggerpill.mp4)

>>288526 tell me where you live in real life. you clearly hate being alive and i want to deliver you the death you deserve. i want to murder you, let me murder you in real life entirely unironically. i will walk into your house, crush your neck with an armbar, and then walk back out of your house. i can do that for you. i can save you from the horrible fate of having to continue existing in your worthless body.
(738.63 KB 640x480 this is not fun.webm)

>sargon, anita fetishist and tvchan memes >/cow/ is behind all the spam Jewlay should've been nipped in the butt, now the rest of the webring has to suffer.
(2.79 MB 958x3434 ClipboardImage.png)

>Days Gone lead says ‘don’t complain if there’s no sequel if you didn’t buy it full price’ >“I do have an opinion on something that your audience may find of interest, and it might piss some of them off,” Garvin replied. “If you love a game, buy it at fucking full price. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve seen gamers say ‘yeah, I got that on sale, I got it through PS Plus, whatever’.” >“I’m just saying, you don’t, but don’t complain if a game doesn’t get a sequel if it wasn’t supported at launch,” Garvin replied. “It’s like, God of War got whatever number millions of sales at launch and, you know, Days Gone didn’t. [I’m] just speaking for me personally as a developer, I don’t work for Sony, I don’t know what the numbers are >“I can tell you that when we were doing [Syphon Filter] Dark Mirror [on PSP], we got so fucked on Dark Mirror because piracy was a thing and Sony wasn’t really caught up on what piracy was doing to sales >“And we would show them torrents, a torrent site had 200,000 copies of Dark Mirror being downloaded. If I remember it right, the numbers could be wrong, but regardless, I was pissed about it then, I was like ‘this is money out of my pocket’ https://archive.is/TYFYv
>>18710 This is jewing on a whole new fucking level.
(113.79 KB 394x588 ClipboardImage.png)

>>18710 Sounds like Jim Ryan damage controlling from behind the scenes.
>>18697 Bloodstained it is I guess.
>>18709 I wonder if they're spamming anywhere else.
(518.12 KB 635x812 noisy japanese.png)

>>18696 I've cleaned up my room a bit and I'm thinking of getting around to finally learning Japanese.
>>18709 They never should have been included in the first place. /tv/ and /cow/ are shitholes that have brought nothing good to the rest of the 8chan diaspora or small imageboards in general, for that matter.
(516.00 KB 1288x1595 cow.png)

(503.83 KB 1288x1595 archive.png)

>>18709 >>18714 >>18716 The cattle only came here to shit up because the screencap nigger (>>288315) told them about the spam: https://alogs.theguntretort.com/cow/last/2.html#100980 https://archive.is/3cOzl#q100980 Also pay special attention to the last post in that thread.
(96.25 KB 176x144 PAIN.webm)

>>18715 >I'm thinking of getting around to finally learning Japanese. Oh, you're in for fun times ahead.
>>18717 Man I'm sick of these niggers....
>>18715 >I'm thinking of getting around to finally learning Japanese. Have you been putting it on the backburner?
(39.41 KB 800x800 1335652851041.png)

>>18717 These fucking gayops faggots are just as bad as the fucking ///Chinese\\\.
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>>18716 /tv/ would be alright if the fucking attention whores (read: /cow/) and waifufags fucked off and film was discussed, but the board was doomed from the start when that /leftypol/ BO ZeroSugar took ownership and the ensuing fallout took place. Doesn't help that the fat fuck in charge refuses to moderate and no-one is around to clean up the cp spam at midnight burgertime. Wasted potential of a site.
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>>18406 The Chimpout was entertaining but 2021 is the year of Brony Jihad. The Fedex shooter was an Applejack fan.
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>deleting your own spampost because the filter got you Faggot
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>>18682 >I choose to find a 6ft big tiddy tomboy gf Millie really was best girl.
>>18724 AJ's alright but her sister is fukkin' hot.
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>>18724 At least he has good taste
>>18537 No, it's originally nigger gibberish. It's just that Southern 'White' speech is itself negrified to an extremely heavy extent to the point that it sounds more alien to Americans than Canadian speech despite Canada not even being part of the same country. That's what happens when you're outnumbered 20 to 1 by niggers, served by niggers constantly, and even raised suckling niggertits. Those are the conditions under which 'White' Southern English developed.
Mods, rather than entertaining yourself with new worldfilters that do nothing to benefit the thread, how about just allowing a single copy of the post to remainr? He's been at it for nearly 7 straight hours now and that might actually make him stop. I'd be more sympathetic if I thought the initial deletion made sense, but the stated reason was "IP hopping", even though changing IPs isn't against the rules and by definition someone changing IPs every post is exactly the sort of person you can't actually ban.
>>18731 or we can let the mods finish reading lern2code books as they make new filters
Niggers activate PoW already.
>>18727 Wolfwood got her pregnant.
>>18733 It's been active for hours.
>>18731 >He's been at it for nearly 7 straight hours now The extent of autism.
Seriously, this gay ass nigger TOR should be deleted. It's getting old really quick.
>>18681 >phallus-girl What a stupid term. It would apply better to traps (and still be wrong). What it is is the wish for the body of a girl without the batshit non-minds that come with them. Not at all the same as liking dicks, which is what makes one gay. >>18682 That would be wanting to be a tomboy, not wanting to be with a tomboy. The same logic would imply that liking very feminine women means you want to be a very feminine woman.
>>18731 What kind of precedent does that set? "If you think your post shouldn't have been deleted, fire up your niggerpill-lite botnet and spam the site for seven hours to get your way"
https://archive.ph/wip/GYqNk https://archive.ph/wip/3CfYe >FIFA has joined UEFA and Europe’s leading leagues and football associations in condemning the announcement of a new European Super League. >Widespread media reports emerged on Sunday suggesting 12 teams – six from England, three from Spain and three from Italy – had elected to form a breakaway competition. Does this hurt EA's annual sportsshit that keeps the afloat?
>>18730 Southern English is closest to English from the UK.
>>18735 Oh wow, I didn't notice. That's a new autism record.
>>18741 I heard so British chick saying American English is real English a year ago, how true is that?
>>18742 Hitler, it should reach the levels of (119) at least before it hits the new record.
>>18740 Highly unlikely, unless those 12 teams have all the famous players in them The cynic in me will say that EA will attempt to doubledip in that trend by having 2 annual sportshit series
>>18743 The truth is that all language evolves, and at the point where American English and British English began to diverge, English was very different from the way either of those languages are spoken or even written today. You can go and watch Shakespeare plays with "original pronunciation," and it's very different from either American or UK productions of the same plays. It was also a huge effort to actually discover how the words used to be pronounced, so original pronunciation productions are actually a modern invention.
>>18743 Its not true at all as American English is it's own language with it's own words. A bong can understand a burger and vice versa but technically they are not speaking the same language.
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>>18747 Dialect and language are not the same thing. They're clearly the same language.
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>>18738 Autogynephilia has been a poorly researched subject due to the usual suspects cracking down on it for decades, but autogynephilia itself is much more multifaceted issue than trannyism. To summarize, autogynephilia is the elevation of a (virtual) female self to the state of ideal beauty, thereby mixing up and confusing male and female traits, projecting each on the other sex. Autogynephilia is as such responsible for crossdressing, homosexuality, and trannyism due to the osmosis of sex-typical traits into each other. Wouldnt be much of a stretch to infer that the attraction to typically masculine features might be somewhere in there. What is for sure tho is that liking tomboy chicks is NOT a paraphilia in itself, as it is just an aesthetic preference and not a requirement as with actual paraphilias and faggotry.
>>18749 Anon the differences are too great for English and US English to be considered the same thing anymore. That is why I always get annoyed when I see a bong scream at a burger when they call football soccer. They are getting annoyed at a someone from another country for speaking their own language. Shits retarded.
>>18743 American and Canadian English is a yes and no answer as it sounds similar to what might have been spoken years in Bongstan but it's changed a lot. >>18747 >Its not true at all as American English is it's own language with it's own words Nigger Burger English is the same as Bong/leaf English with with slight spelling differences. Now if you were talking about how Caribbeans like me speak then you'd have an argument .
>>18739 How many people are ever actually going to spend hours on something like that who wouldn't have done it anyway? And, well, it really shouldn't have been deleted, nobody has justified why it makes sense to delete rule-abiding posts for "IP hopping". Honestly I think this is an extreme version of something that often happens when posts are deleted unjustifiably, it annoys and alienates people. It's just that normally the reaction ranges from "shrug" to "quit posting on 8/v/" at the most extreme, it's not visible like someone spending 7 hours spamming the thread.
>>18748 >Barney porn Please don't make this thread even more embarrassing than it already has any right to be without your horsefuckery. For fuck's sake.
>>18751 >Anon the differences are too great for English and US English to be considered the same thing anymore. Are you fucking retarded? Canadians use the same spelling as UK English does and both understand each other fine, are you a non English speaker?
>>18751 The same argument is made for ebonics being a different language as well. A few words don't make for a whole different language, especially when speakers of both dialects understand what the word from the other dialect means and just use a different one as a preference. The words exist in both but each dialect has different preferences. Don't forget that soccer is itself a british term that only got replaced with football later. >>18754 >barneyfag You might be the only guy more autistic than the spammer in this thread. I remember you getting mad at ponyfags due to some imagined barney connection back on /co/ like 11 years ago when the show was just starting. You were right to be mad at them, but still, that's some impressive autism to keep up with the barney shit.
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>>18754 Moshi Moshi, Lee-kun? I didn't know you used 8/v/ also!
>>18513 good work
>>18513 >Neckbeard.xyz: https://neckbeard.xyz/ real creative non javascript page.
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WEEBS CONFIRMED FOR NAZIS *Or at least Director Yaginuma for baste* https://archive.is/Kvl6S ''ARN: Are there any manga or light novels you would like to make into anime to educate the Japanese people about Jews? あなたがユダヤ人に関して日本人の人々を教育するためにアニメにしたいマンガやラノヘがありますか? Yaginuma-sensei: I want to write anime and mange about getting out of the current invisible slavery system. However, even though the anime industry has the lowest amount of Jewish infiltration [TL: of major forms of entertainment is implied], I have seen that larger budget works are impossible and their grip is tightening. I hope you can make it through the pathway, like The Matrix. I am already fighting within the anime industry. I made it all the way to being a director, but it probably won't be possible [TL: to make that kind of anime]. The anime industry already feels like a miniature Israel. Jews are connected to dissatisfaction with anime. Originally I want to make a work that would allow the audience to be happy, so I was interested in why such works were being suppressed. I was surprised to find out that Jews were behind it when I looked into it. 今の見えない奴隷構造から抜け出す方法のアニメや漫画を書きたいね。 しかし、アニメ業界はユダヤの傘下のつながりの最下層だから、 予算が大きい作品は無理で、今も強くなっている事に気づいた。 マトリックスみたいに、上手く抜け道通り抜けて作れるといいけどね。 もう、アニメ業界と戦っているので、せっかく監督の地位まで来たけど無理だろう。 アニメどころでなく、ユダヤと戦い出した分けで。 アニメ業界は小さいユダヤみたいな感じ。 アニメで怒っていたことと、ユダヤは繋がっています。 元々は、皆が幸せになれる作品を作りたいわけだから、 社会の変なこと、抑圧されていることには興味がありました。 ユダヤは作品のネタ探しから始まったが、まさか此処まで詳しくなるとは・・自分でも驚いている。 When I was young I read Jonathan Livingston Seagull by Richard Bach and it made me cry. Now I understand that it was a story about being free. 若い頃に、かもめのジョナサン読んで、ボロ泣きしたのね。 その時は理由がわからなかった。 今は完全にわかる。 自由になるための話です。 Originally, Abe's LDP conspiracy was on the true path! I was doing some casual research on a conspiracy theory. It proved the conspiracy theory and Abe's involvement in it. 元々、安倍自民が陰謀が本当だった!と、証明しているような代物で。 それで少しカジッていた陰謀の研究をしていた。 陰謀論の証明になった、安倍。''
>>18731 >just capitulate, goyim >give up >you have to allow it Ban every instance of the post every time it is posted. Permanently ban every IP that includes the contents of the post. Never give any quarter. Ever. >>18753 >>>18731 >just capitulate, goyim >give up >you have to allow it Ban every instance of the post every time it is posted. Permanently ban every IP that includes the contents of the post. Never give any quarter. Ever. >>18753 Irrelevant. You have no argument. You’re advocating for the destruction of the site through mass spam. >>288607 >>288613 Global report. Blow your brains out. Everyone here hates you and wants you to die. We would kill you if we ever found you in person. >>18756 >imagined Horsefucker confirmed.
>>18761 Oh great, the site shat the bed and I duplicated half the post.
>>18760 What did he direct?
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>>18763 Latest is the mmo 30 year old neet lady animu. He also was an animator in Akira.
>>18761 >Permanently ban every IP that includes the contents of the post. Permas are detrimental and only result in a creeping mass of banned IPs that will eventually start effecting legitimate non-retards who happen to be using VPNs or tor for privacy concerns. It's been standard practice to purge all permas regularly since long before 8moe in order to avoid this, and spammers immediately ban evade anyways. An easier solution is to simply not hand out very long bans. A week at most is the most effective number I feel. Anyone incapable of ban evading is underage and will fuckoff if kicked out for that long.
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>>18760 Angel Cop was a documentary
>>18765 Don't permas actually expire after a few months as a way of not fucking over VPNs?
>>18767 I believe that was back on OG 8chan. Here, I think all permas must be unbanned manually.
>>18767 Speaking of permas, /delicious/ jannies will perma ban you for saying nigger.
>>18710 Shit game doesn't sell well. Shocker.
>>18769 What? I find that hard to believe.
>>18769 What a bunch of niggers
>>18771 He posted about it on /b/ somewhere. Check there for more info instead of feeding derailment here.
>>18760 >Are there any manga or light novels you would like to make into anime to educate the Japanese people about Jews? Why not team up with Mel Gibson to make Passion of the Christ into an entire anime series? >>18766 AC was terrible. First three episodes was great setup, then it shat the bed in the final three. The ONLY reason it's even remembered is because of the censorship made to the script.
>>18760 >>18766 Just got done watching it. Damn fine japtoon, MALtards just couldn't appreciate it.
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>>18774 What are you talking about, it was great the whole way through.
>>18765 >>18767 >>18768 We manually expunged all permabans months ago for this reason. Global policy is to never apply permabans. BOs can still permaban but I think LynxChan will eventually scrub them after a set period of time, but it's probably longer than a few months. I'll see if a default auto-expunge time can be added in. Please note that some offenses are still a permaban in spirit. Anyone posting CP and similar highly illegal content is not welcome on the site, whether their ban "expires" or not.
>tornigger autism spurs a meta thread discussion well at least its not as garbage as the actual meta thread (as always) but still.
Too lazy to disable my thread filters. Is the gigasperg spammer gone?
>>18774 >it shat the bed in the final three You've underestimated the power of Japanese technology you evil bitch
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>>18403 >We're on your side! God it makes me laugh when reality hits soyboys hard when they find out they where just sheeps used to push their domestic terroristic agenda.
The fag who posts the link for alternative services is pretty good about their shit Here's another decent compilation, there's a few problems with it but its overall pretty decent if you know what you're doing. Gives alternatives to pretty much every goolag service you can think of, including translation, and does its best to be security/privacy focused. https://github.com/tycrek/degoogle Though I don't like the fact that they're recommending protonmail, at least they have a reference that seems to have a warning in it. At any rate no list is perfect.
>>18608 What's wrong with drawn torture?
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>>18776 >it was great the whole way through. >Series protagonist is a stone-cold bitch <Ends with her suddenly having a revolution and becoming emotional over the series' events >The show builds up all the intrigue and conspiracy <Just ends with no resolution, closure, or follow-through >Animation and design is top notch at the start <Ends with overly-detailed ugliness and cheap ending >Show ends up ripping off the following: <MD Geist <Ghost in the Shell <Mach Rider <Terra e... And, to get the reason people keep recommending this shit: >Show builds up the Kikes being involved behind all the dastardly deeds taking place <The Kikes end up being a scapegoat for the series' events, with nothing really pointing to WHY it's Kikes <The Kikes could have been replaced with the Soviets, the Chinese, the Illuminati, the Freemasons, big oil, big tech, [Insert favorite 'powerful' group of villains] and NOTHING would have changed
>>18776 >>18784 Actually, I take that back, the Soviets could have been the ONLY other replacement of a villain because they were the ONLY other country developing ESP programs alongside the CIA and the military. Also, didn't the studio quite literally shitcan the series the moment the Japanese economic bubble burst at the turn of the 90's (Which, for those who haven't watched the show, was kind of important to the plot because it was based around a far future where Japan becoming the world leader in industry), so they just slapped together the final three episodes and called it a day, not giving one second thought the actual quality of it?
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>>18760 >Are there any manga or light novels you would like to make into anime to educate the Japanese people about Jews? Implying they don't already know.
>>18761 I remember your justification, saying that you were in a class for literal drooling retards and one other tard liked both Barney and My Little Pony. It's not that ponyfags aren't retarded too, it's that you're triple retarded for admitting it, and for holding this childish grudge for literal decades, but mostly for not being able to post without mentioning it after over a decade of people making fun of you for it.
>>18784 It's nothing like MD Geist and the end concludes with one character sacrificing himself to stop race traitors from selling their country to Jews. The only thing you're right about is that the animation starts getting shittier at the end due to a lowering of budget as the Japanese recession starts kicking in.
>>18755 Canadians are not people Anon. I do not fucking care what they use. Can you not derail a conversation please.
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>>18789 >Canadians are not people Anon.
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>>18789 > Can you not derail a conversation please.
>>18743 What she really meant was that the american english accent of today (in certain sections of america not including certain dialects) was Great Britain's english accent of the 1700's.
>>18760 The Jew fear the Samurai
>>18792 indeed. In the late 1700s through mid-1800s French became popular among the English nobility. It led to accent and spelling tendencies filtering their way from the top down throughout England this French lingual fetishism is why words like color and armor have their spelling codified with a U in England
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>>18792 >>18743 American accents are all heavily mutated from the original pronounciation but it stands to say that current stardart american english might be closer to 1700s english than modern time bri'ish english due to the way languages propagate over large distances. For example, sanskrit is the closest language we are aware of to the original indo-yuropean language, as opposed to any yuropean languages, which strayed away from the original form of indo-yuropean the most.
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>>18623 incorrect, y'all is a partial plural. y'all=some or all of you all y'all=every one of you
>>18734 Wolfwood was a chad and had good taste
>>18740 >Moreover, the governing bodies of football should employ all lawful, sporting and diplomatic means to ensure this remains the case. Against this background, FIFA can only express its disapproval to a “closed European breakaway league” outside of the international football structures and not respecting the aforementioned principles. Why do they speak they have legal authority on who could/couldn't create a league to play? They sound like EU bureaucrats forcing bs on its members.
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>>18799 Because they are, the heads of the European Super League are just as awful and corrupt though so whoever loses everybody wins. Sportsfans are also all mentally retarded, like: -Imagine watching physical activities instead of practising them yourself. -Imagine cheering for clubs that have nothing to do with the region they were originally fromed from, have none of the people from those regions and even non nationals -Imagine cheering for privately owned clubs owned by corrupt fat cats who fill their regional named teams with niggers and then pretend like it has any cultural value I fucking hate niggerball, even moreso when I watch very low income fat fucks who can barely afford food for their kids, pay up an extremely expensive ticket just to watch such a fucking garbage fire live and then cheer as the millionaire niggerboy from a distant country kicks a fucking ball between two posts. It's the most pathetic fucking shit What's even dumber is these retards pretending like the FIFA owned leagues give a chance to small clubs from ever achieving success and how the European Super League is about to change that. Sportsfans are the lowest of the low and they're all united in their stupidity.
>>18799 These orgs that govern football are all corrupt and are likely infested with kikes, but the super league is a bad idea.
>>18801 >It's a bad idea It's the same shit, only now they're not even pretending like small clubs have a chance.
>>18568 Thanks. >>18602 Why sex animals when you can make them edible? >>18765 I liked the 27 year ban. I forget who got it though.
>>18802 So you'd have teams travel all over the place the entirety of a season? And how would the transfers market work? And why do you think this super league wouldn't become a joke after the first season?
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>>18803 That was Swami, and it was 29 years.
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>>18550 >rectal ragnarok
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>>18807 What game?
>>18807 You traitor... MAAAAARKKKKK!!!!
>>18808 Negrovision
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>>18810 Thanks.
>>18810 I'm surprised anyone else has heard about this game, I don't remember ever hearing about it before and only got to it because of desperately looking for new stuff to play.
>>18812 Some guy Mandalore did a review on it years ago, so at least it isn't totally unknown.
>>18813 I think I came across his video when looking for one to take a glance at the game. I was grateful there were other alternatives without some faggot's voice over the game. >it isn't totally unknown Definitely looks slightly higher budget than the other alternatives I found, but I'm still surprised.
>>18807 >He gassed the goyim as retribution
>>18760 Is this a joke parody?
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>>18812 >>18813 Negrovision is pretty popular as far as slavjank goes. Certainly more popular than shit like 7.62 or Xenus/Precursors.
>>18449 Why did japan became so obsessed with bunny suits?
>>18818 Because bunnies on the moon, maybe?
>>18513 >image
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>>18812 It was decently marketed in the PC scene in 2009, I remember plenty of magazines talking about it. You probably didn't hear about it because CoD was literally paying everyone to cover only their shit game.
>>18710 Last few months made me realize something. The "gamers are entitled" narrative is nothing but projection. Game devs are the most self-entitled pricks in the industry, maybe even worse than journos. >Want your money >Want your time >Want your information >Want your patience >Want your dedication <Can't release a working game at launch and expect people to pay full price.
>>18710 >Give us all your money goy. After reading that I am kinda glad Soyny fucked them up the ass. Yet another game dev team that thinks they deserve our cash for putting out a buggy broken game.
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>>18817 I've heard of 7.62 but not the others somehow. Thanks for bringing them to my attention. >>18816 Why would it be a joke? Japs are known to be pretty redpilled.
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where the fuck is /lit/ I've been reading a shitload of good, old non-fiction.
>>18717 Who even pay attention to these faggots but themselves? It's like the media think they're relevant to the real world and not just their own bullshit sphere.
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>>18822 It's not even the devs themselves largely, it's the "Rock Stars" of game development who tried to use mediocre games as a means to slingshot them to fame and prestige. Phil Fish, Mr. Shitface, Inafune, etc. They let a lot of this shit in, and encouraged the subversion. You also had industry orbiters like Penny Arcade, Adam Sessler, Felicia Day, etc getting big heads and making connections to form a kind of "clique" - aping the visionary startup appeal of Steve Jobs to lead an indie revolution which would make them legends in the field. Instead they got their egos deflated with mockery and were promptly forgotten. But the waves they made in the media attracted bigger scam artists like Anita. Games had already gotten far too close to Hollywood, and the parasites have been spreading their infestation. That's part of why they want to turn gaming INTO Hollywood... because they don't understand games, don't like games, and don't like the audience. They want passive entertainment that EVERYONE can enjoy, and which they can use to spread their cancerous ideology though. At this point, with games growing in popularity over the last decade due to live streaming and falling box office revenue, capturing the game market is imperative to the culture war if they want to keep up the propaganda pressure.
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https://archive.is/jfPAM https://archive.is/OrcbC I will never forgive Billy for not only ruining such a good resource, but also instead of leaving the site up as an archive passed it over to those who hate us. Now it's peddling inane leftist garbage. Anyone who defends Billy is a moron. Remember to archive everything, in case there's another mass deletion spree.
>>18828 >"We're running out of Internet" is right about Orcs What, he compared them to niggers?
>>18829 Yes, they did.
>>18829 >We're running out of Internet it's not even that it's "air internet"
>>18831 If we aren't running out of internet then how come pic related exists? Bet ya didn't think of that.
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>>288819 Look, it's the nofap sperg.
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>>288819 >Where do I go from here? My shaft
>>288819 >What fap genre do I move on to next? You move onto getting a gf
>>288819 Clearly, your only option left is 1950s German MILF porn.
>>18827 >aping the visionary startup appeal of Steve Jobs to lead an indie revolution which would make them legends in the field They do realize that Steve Jobs actually WORKED for a living, right?
>>18827 I get what you're saying but I've seen plenty of no-name devs with this attitude, along with how devs and publishers release and handle their games.
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So how'd the trial go? >>18406 what was used to make these? >>18760 Absolutely Honorary >>18825 Try /pdfs/, I may take it over if you don't
>>288842 How many years did it take to perfect the vaccine for the Spanish flu and what were the side effect of the first vaccines that had been rolled out back then? Do we have data for that?
>>288847 >( ( ( ) ) ) every time i see this used unironically i will never not cringe
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Hey Mark, look it's you
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>>18843 Say it to my face fucker, not online, see what happens
Marche is kind of a smug shit
this board is so slow sometimes
>>288889 you wished
>>288888 Who got it?
>>18825 >>18839 Don't forget that epubs are an allowed file format as well. Nothing wrong with a pdf for diagrams but what if I need to read stuff on my shitty phone
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>>18740 Quick rundown on this "Super League"? Why is it being created and why generates a lot of controversy? >>18849 not you lmao
>>288900 (((fauci))) is one sorry excuse of a health (((expert)))
>>288900 >>288903 Meat puppets talking about stuff they know shit about. My country did it first and god how fast they backpedalled when the bodies started falling.
>>18852 Medicine is pozzed to hell and back
>>18852 >faux-chi the guy who invented the shitty pcr test and got a nobel prize even said he was a fraud, he also said his test wasnt being used right and that this whole """"""pandemic"""""" is a fraud .... he died a couple months after he said this so you know it has to be true
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>>18835 I cant. They're all gone.
>>18856 Why are we still here just to suffer
>>18855 >even said he was a fraud Also the banter from the inventor was pretty open about how Fauci knows absolutely fucking nothing about medicine. >>18856 Bought doesn't mean gone. You simply have to take back what's yours.
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Has anyone watched this? movie board is dead
>>18859 This is why the movie board is dead.
>50% of the U.S. vaccinated <TFW never plan to take it Wow, we really will be ruling the country by the end of the decade.
>>18860 Sonatine killed the radio store
This thread is completely fucking swiss cheesed.
>>18863 Thanks the autist who spent 10 FUCKING HOURS yesterday spamming the thread. Think we can add him to the halls remembering other autists like 102 and Kirino?
>>18864 The funniest part is that this wasn't the first time he did it, nor will it be the last one.
>>18864 And mods never explained why ID hopping is a deletion-worthy offense, especially when I've seen other people mentioning it happening through no action of their own. It just leaves me sad because the whole thing was so unnecessary, since he seemed like an above-average poster before the spam. Better than the fags who only post offtopic shit about vaccines or whatever, at least.
>>18866 >especially when I've seen other people mentioning it happening through no action of their own. Fucking this. IDs even change overtime even if your IP is still the same.
>>18866 Such a loss, a loser that wastes a whole day throwing a fit over nothing.
>>18866 >leaves us with a parting niggerpill I doubt he actually left
>>18866 >above-average poster Average poster sure as hell doesn't go on a spamming sphere every time cakekike arbitrary enforcing rules.
>>18868 Well if the rule is consistently applied it presumably happens to other people too, it's just less noticeable when the person who gets deleted doesn't throw a fit.
>>18866 >my post didn’t break any rules If your post isn’t GamerGate or about GamerGate or concerning GamerGate or lacks the word GamerGate then you’re not GamerGate. If you don’t want to talk about GamerGate then leave the fucking GamerGate thread and post your topic in a relevant topic thread on a relevant board that isn’t GamerGate. The only reason everything is dead is because of you shitposting fucks shitting up the GamerGate thread. Now if you post has GamerGate in it or references GamerGate then you can post in the GamerGate thread but otherwise you’re not actually GamerGate and you give GamerGate a bad name by making non-GamerGate posts in the GamerGate space for GamerGate. GamerGate is GamerGate and not GamerGate is not GamerGate so start being GamerGate or fuck off. GamerGate.
>>18868 Being a NEET sure gives you a lot of free time. Having ten straight hours to do whatever he wanted and he squandered it on spamming the thread, when he could have used that time working on his backlog. If he ever gets a job, he'll probably regret using his time so frivilously.
>>18866 But he actually did repost that one final post too lol
>>18873 What if he was the nigglerpill using a new tactic?Because people were ignoring his posts so he spams for attention.
>>18861 You realize that minorities are actually the most skeptical about the vaccines right?
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>>18877 I wish that was true and not some meme.
>>18875 I 2nd this theory because of one thing that made him slightly sympathetic: he kept adding to his spam post at first by replying to other ontopic posts. At some point (coincidentally through Torposting) the spammer stopped adding replies and focused on just spamming. So unless I underestimated the level of butthurt, I could see this being two people.
>>18879 Could also just be the same person but using a script past the first couple of posts.
>>18876 So, they'll finally end all the "systematic racism" that exists in the U.S. :^)
>>18876 Minorities and conservatives both.
Does anyone actually like cuckqueen content?
>>18883 Isn't that just haremshit?
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>>18883 Some girls just deserve it. And Star deserves a lot worse.
>>18883 Cuckqueans. And dudes like me who find it hot to fuck multiple girls.
>>18855 >>18858 top 1% of top keks
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>>18881 Reminder that the "Race Report" in the UK found ZERO evidence of systemic racism in the UK, with the lowest group being gyppos and 2nd group being lower class whites. Reminder that this is STILL manufacturing SJW salt Reminder that this will get 0 airtime in the US because it goes against the narrative
Could someone remind me, again, why it seems like EVERYONE is doing livestreams these days? I understand as being the next version of Let's Plays, but the livestreams don't even seem to be following the format of those anymore. LPs, at least the several times I attempted them several years ago, were mostly voiced playthroughs of games. Meanwhile, livestreams have basically become live versions of the Tumblr ask blogs with ZERO content outside of just staring at the retard's oily face old for hours on end.
>>18889 Superchat donation farming and other similar shit.
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>>18889 LPs >2 cents of ad money per 100,000 views >demonetized if you're actually funny Livestream >appeal to ADD zoomer audience >superchats/donations hitting your wallet immediately >make money until you get banned
>>18866 IP hopping isn't an offense, but if you're doing it to shit up a thread then it's an offense.
>>18892 Yeah, but his original posts before they got deleted for IP hopping and he started spamming were just normal posts.
>>18893 I wasn't here for that, I am just saying how it should go. If IP hopping is ever in a ban reason, it's just extra info and not the actual offense. If someone is banned for "ip hopping" with nothing else as the reason, complain in the meta thread or appeal.
>>18893 Normal posts aren't the exact same posts 200 times with spaces added to evade a wordfilter.
>>18889 You want to know why people do it, or why people watch it?
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>>18889 More money, less effort. The quality bar is a lot lower since no editing is required beyond setting up a stream. There's also the part where failed normalfags still need social interaction, so they get it with their pretend-friend streamers. That's the only real advantage most streams have over plain video. The absolute worst part is when someone who makes actual decent videos decides to try out streaming, only to never return from this disgusting zero effort no quality void. A lot of them also let their tiny bit of e-fame instantly get to their heads and start acting like they're hot shit.
>>18896 A bit of both because just see livestreams as a waste of time, both from a production and viewership standpoint.
>>18893 Better course of action would have been to screencap and ask what was wrong with their posts in the meta instead of taking an autism dump here for 7 hours.
>>18897 >>18891 >>18890 Almost makes me think I should quit my job and start my own Twitch channel that's nothing but me acting like a retard who can't play video games.
>>18900 >twitch Good luck streaming on twitch when it's taken over by camwhores.
I feel somewhat proud, I managed to redpill my mother about how much the media lies and now she can see the truth. I feel somewhat guilty because her only entretaintment is TV and she is too old to like videogames.
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>Recently, we notified players that PlayStation Store for PS3 and PS Vita devices was planned to end this summer >Upon further reflection, however, it’s clear that we made the wrong decision here. So today I’m happy to say that we will be keeping the PlayStation Store operational for PS3 and PS Vita devices. PSP commerce functionality will retire on July 2, 2021 as planned >When we initially came to the decision to end purchasing support for PS3 and PS Vita, it was born out of a number of factors, including commerce support challenges for older devices and the ability for us to focus more of our resources on newer devices where a majority of our gamers are playing on. We see now that many of you are incredibly passionate about being able to continue purchasing classic games on PS3 and PS Vita for the foreseeable future, so I’m glad we were able to find a solution to continue operations https://archive.is/59Wss
>>18902 You can still enjoy something even if it's fake, like wrestling.
>>18904 True.
>>18903 >didnt address games not booting if the CMOS battery dies So planned obsolescence is still there then?
>>18883 The thought process is easy to follow. >girl rejects you >"man, I wish she wanted me." >"actually, I wish a lot of chicks wanted me" >"but actually, I wouldn't even take the first one, I would reject her and fuck some other chick instead, and then that first one would be so jealous, just like I am right now." It's a natural wish to get back at all the cuckoldry that men statistically face. All the appeal of multiple chicks wanting you, with the added bonus of making one mad, because there is a very thin line between love and hate, and it's very easy to hate someone you want or wanted to fuck.
>>18903 >Upon further reflection, however, it’s clear that we made the wrong decision here TRANSLATION: <Our shareholders called saying that we fucked up with the PS4 and PS5, and to keep the PS3 and Vita on life support as they're the only PS divisions actually operating at a profit.
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Do you have a vaccine passport for that firearm, goyim? https://archive.is/s6RZo
>>18909 >it's natural to act like a petulant child because you didn't get your fix of social validation You should talk to your doctor about TRT.
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>>18909 >self-insert is the only enjoyment in porn I just like seeing miserable about-to-break-down women
>>18912 Can you read? My whole thing was describing how it's an unrealistic fantasy that almost necessarily contradicts real life. How does that imply I'm acting like that? If anything, I'm implying it's hard for anyone to act like that. Also, stop acting like a woman and getting mad at people for having natural emotions like wanting to be wanted and disliking rejection. That isn't acting like a petulant child, it's feeling natural emotions. In fact, there are no actions involved, since it's just a fantasy, almost necessarily. Rejection doesn't have to be the motivation for for the fantasy, but it's likely that most people in a person's sexual fantasies are people they are attracted to, and things like rejection or infidelity are very common reasons to wish emotional harm upon someone you're attracted to. Now, where you could fault my analysis would be that I didn't account for the woman's side of the equation. There are surely females with this fantasy, and I'd bet it likely that they outnumber males that are into cuckold fantasies, because while men value virginity in their partners, females value high status males, and high status males are valued by many women, and can fuck many women. Women are frequently repelled by the thought of male virgins, but are perfectly willing to collect in harems, because it means that one man is very high status. So with that in mind, one can understand how some women would be into this. And I guess then the male could be into it since it raises his status in the eyes of his woman. At this point though it seems close to just a harem, if you're in a relationship with her. If you're fucking her along with other chicks, it's effectively just a harem, and if you're not fucking her, then why are you keeping her around? I'd have to imagine it's because of some sort of dislike for her, or else you'd be fucking her, but if it is for dislike for her, then that wouldn't work since she is liking it in this scenario. Note that I didn't even say I was into this myself. I just like playing armchair psychologist. >>18913 Well sure, that's a simpler answer. But there are many other fantasies which can achieve that as well. So why this one in particular?
>>18914 Spice is the variety of life anon, it's NOT the only one. I usually like it when it's written smut more than comics or other media
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>>18913 Go out and live your dreams, anon. I believe in you. GANBARE, ANON-KUN!
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>>18903 Does any anon know how to buy themes for the PS3 on the store page? I want to get some Japanese themes that aren't on nopaystation while I still have the chance but I'm not having luck on the web browser. Do I actually have to live in Japan to buy the stuff on the Japanese store?
>>18911 Get a forge, get a 3D printer, get basic garage tools, make your own guns.
>>18879 Speaking of April 20th and anniversaries, are we doing anything special for Uncle Addie's birthday?
>>18760 >>18796 Based and yellowpilled. >>18901 >Good luck streaming on twitch when it's taken over by camwhores >impliying it already hasn't Reminder: calling people simps is a bannable offense on twitch.
>>18920 I never said it already wasn't.
>>18897 RIP Jerma
>>18911 They're really trying hard to ignite this thing, aren't they?
>>18922 Jerma supports trannies so fuck him.
>>18922 RIP Vinny
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Allegedly from nichegamer's discord server.
>>18926 Nichegamer had ties to GG from a while ago, right? Maybe they just keep in touch?
>>18927 I heard that some anons from there are from that server, meaning we have discord users in this board.
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>>18897 Anon, you have no idea of just how easy it is to make money by creating shallow content on YT. https://yewtu.be/watch?v=UsnPSynyODQ This channel "Deleted Youtube Videos" was just created by some rando to reupload a deleted propaganda video by one of those Russian clickbait copy&paste channels, the video was titled Future of the World Map 2018-3018 It featured a totally bullshit, infographic professional corporate looking map. Normalfags being the mindless consumer drones that they are, clicked on it not knowing any better and it managed to garner 2M views, the guy who reuploaded it has 8.4k subs because of it. Anyone who knows how to use After Effects could be making tons of cash, it's not a surprise that people jump on trends when it's THIS FUCKING EASY
>>18926 >discordfags screencapped my post Personally I will never understand forming a community around a journalistic website, whether it be a discord or forum. I find the concept very weird, as I like to keep a distance from all journalist websites
>>18930 You mean you find it abhorrent to orbit around ecelebs? What an uncommon opinion.
>>18930 It's for the same reasons Qboomers latch onto no-name faggots on Bitchute who say what they want to hear; they mistakenly think the newsgiver is their friend.
>>18932 >they mistakenly think the newsgiver is their friend The newsgiver can be your friend, but that's not why you go to the newsgiver; you go to the newsgiver to receive the news. Why does it feel like people forgot that one of the most important rules in regards to relationships: never mix personal and professional matters.
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https://archive.is/Ac8Mz why must journos be such freedom hating faggots?
>>18930 /r/8chan is going to so love the meta-irony of this post if I share it
>>18934 You absolute fucking lowlife scumbag. Just who do you think you’re criticizing? You’re a nobody! A worthless peon! You’re going to question the world of an industry professional?! You should be FUCKING THANKFUL that such busy people take time out of their day to let shitbag nobodies like yourself know the proper opinions of the current culture! You didn’t make that game, you didn’t slave away working in your home on your computer to earn that right! You don’t own those ideas, you don’t own that game, YOU OWN NOTHING YOU FILTHY GOYIM. Now be fucking grateful that you got what you have because you don’t even deserve that much. Oy fucking vey.
>>18934 I don't understand understand how players modding a game equates to people losing money.
>>18934 Did mods steal his girlfriend and rape his dog?
>>18926 And how did you come into possession of this discord screenshot faggot? Groomcord faggots need to be shot, and anyone who even loosely associates with them.
>>18925 I find it very unlikely that he's coming back any time soon.
>>18934 Does Geralt say nigger now?
>>18933 >Why does it feel like people forgot that one of the most important rules in regards to relationships: never mix personal and professional matters. Because due to the 90s/00s era of FOLLOW YOUR DREAMS BUT DON'T ACTUALLY PLAN, IT'S OKAY IF YOU'RE MEDIOCRE BECAUSE YOU TRIED participation trophy namby-pamby bullshit (and spoiled single mom parenting) creating a generation of soft cuckolds and soyboys (helped along further by leftist bullshit creating blacklisting cliques), faggots have become entitled for putting in minimal effort; professionalism is basically a forgotten art and people approach all interactions like they're in high school. Look at BAKE THE CAKE BIGOT >>289206 >Mark doesn't use Discord anymore, or he said as much. Mark says a lot of things if he thinks it'll earn him a tiny bit of respect from anons.
>>18934 >oy vey goyim you can't make content for free we need to maintain the illusion that our work is worth what we've priced it at I hope all these soy niggers get artificially generated out of every gay industry and kill themselves from a lack of fulfillment knowing how irrelevant and replaceable they all are.
>>18934 >how dare people use AI to make the character say things we don't like and can't control This is just like when the urinalists wrote hitpieces on the whitewashed Nessa mod for Pokemon. https://archive.is/FsV8F >This unneeded solution to video game diversity, to mod your personal experience so you don't have to see black people, screams of racism; evidence of an unwillingness to accept people exist outside of a bubble you craft for yourself and choose, instead, to hide in a space -- be it real or fictional -- where you won't encounter people different from yourself. Between that skin mod and having the AI make characters saying things out of the ordinary without having to pay the actor a dime, this will cause a massive saltmine. And I will be delighted when it happens.
>>18938 It probably is the AI part of the topic what scares him. Since it has been demonstrated that neural networks can produce articles of the same quality (and better) than journiggers they have been scared of being replaced by machines.
>>18865 >this wasn't the first time he did it I did it first, on multiple other occasions. This was a different autist imitating me.
>>18895 Do have any idea what you're talking about? He said the original posts, before the first deletion. Not the spam that followed.
>>18947 >Since it has been demonstrated that neural networks can produce articles of the same quality (and better) than journiggers they have been scared of being replaced by machines. When was that shown? Did someone run a social experiment?
>>18917 >Buying themes >Not making your own
>>18921 >I never said it already wasn't The wording of your post makes it sound like it's future tense. >>18934 Because they're not people. >>18938 No, mods raped his girlfriend and stole his dog.
>>18883 I do. >>18909 >>girl rejects you >>18913 >I just like seeing miserable about-to-break-down women But not for these reasons. The cucked girl should be getting off on watching her man fuck other women. The sexes are physiologically and psychologically dimorphic, so while male cuckoldry is bad, female cuckoldry is fine. The descriptions of reasons for liking cuckquean you've both just given seem to place the female cuckquean in a similar mindset as man who is being cucked, rather than a feminine mindset.
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>>18951 I have made one myself but there are some dynamic themes that I am not certain can be replicated the same way as slapping pictures on a slidershow and calling it a theme. When I say dynamic theme I am referring to certain themes like the Heavy Rain XMB with the 3d rendered models. I don't know if it's really just a proprietary movie file being played on loop or it's an actual set of models along with their animation code, but that is what I'm talking about. Japan is also prone to lost media.
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>>18953 >No Archives
>>18953 It's very impressive but it's not an actual replacement for even shitty journos, you should check out more examples of how it actually works in practice if you think it is. Ironically you might be buying into media hype too much if you think it can. If you got it to write gaming journalism it could write "Portal 3 announced", and the article would probably even say that Valve was the developer because it's good at correlations like that. It might even fool someone who thinks it's a real article. But of course Portal 3 wouldn't actually be announced and it has no capacity to understand that, not only can it not real press releases but it fundamentally doesn't understand what it means for something to be real, it only knows to associate some words with other words in very complicated ways.
Quinton Flynn Replaced as Kael’thas Voice Actor in WoW; Despite Judge Ruling Sexual Misconduct Allegations Came from Obsessive Stalker https://nichegamer.com/2021/04/19/quinton-flynn-replaced-as-kaelthas-voice-actor-in-wow-despite-judge-ruling-sexual-misconduct-allegations-came-from-obsessive-stalker/
>>18958 Jesus fuck this retroactive voice actor replacement is disgusting. Irritated when those Sonic Paradox fags did similar for their shitty Sonic F abridged series
>>18960 The past must be destroyed, shitlord. Doesn't natter if the guy was innocent, or if he apologized or not. HE'S A FUCKING WHITE MALE and that justifies erasing any trace of our shameful past to replace it with our own (((politically correct))) version of history and pretend it was always like that/is better now.
>>18958 So...how does that even work? They're going to get someone to re-record all his lines and replace the sound files for all the previous Kael'thas appearances in WoW and TFT? Kael'thas can't get any new lines because he's the deadest character in the entire Warcraft universe. He died so hard that he got demoted from raid boss to dungeon boss and then died again.
>>18934 At one point, not all that long ago, 100% of all games had zero voice acting. Games did fine without it. Fuck journalists.
>>18960 > Irritated when those Sonic Paradox fags did similar for their shitty Sonic F abridged series I'm sorry, what?
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>>18964 https://archive.is/I3xXY Some allegations involving kirbopher which lead to his unpersoning
>>289274 >>18965 First having his Byleth job overwritten (and subsequently being cucked out of being in Smash when they needed a 3H shillpick), now this?
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>>18958 So they gave him the Vic Mignogna treatment? I wonder how long until a gang of pissed of voice actors with a grudge start pile up due to cancel culture bullshit? It's not like Hollywood's maintaining any good will with the public considering how strongly aligned they are with leftism. All the money they have won't fix the bullshit and burned out fan support they're losing.
^ niggerpill
>>18952 >No, mods raped his girlfriend and stole his dog. That makes no sense. Why would you steal the dog when you could keep the bitch instead?
>>18969 Fire and ice is my assumption. Let him watch from the closet before walking out with the dog while he cleans up the bed, the floor, his beard, and the couch
>>18971 Niggers are gonna be struck down dead by the wrath of God soon.
>>18972 The very existence of niggers is basically evidence that god doesn't exist.
>>18971 >nitter We should make our own GG themed mirror and call it nigger
>>18973 Either that or he has a sick sense of humour.
>>18974 nigger.8chan.moe?
>>18976 PERFECT
>>18967 > I wonder how long until a gang of pissed of voice actors with a grudge start pile up due to cancel culture bullshit? I'd wait for the result of the Vic Mignogna trial. If he manages to successfully appeal when given a non-shit judge, it might embolden the rest of the cowards to try fighting back. If not, they'll probably sit there and take it for another few decades. >>18971 They didn't even wait before the verdict to start rioting? Their (((handlers))) must have gotten impatient.
>>18969 Dogs are loyal and expensive, hoes are neither. >>18971 What in Minneapolis hasn't been burned down by niggers yet?
>>18978 >>18967 >I wonder how long until a gang of pissed of voice actors with a grudge start pile up due to cancel culture bullshit? They won't. If Hollywood is any indication, the actors are just going to leave the industry and retire on all they money they made over the years. Something a lot of people don't know is that a lot of actors have outside work that's separate from their film career, and only do the films because they enjoy the work (Not because they need the money).
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>>18946 How long until someone makes a quest were Geralt goes on a nigger killing spree constantly spewing racial epithets?
>>18974 >>18976 Perfect, if you ask me.
>>18978 >They didn't even wait before the verdict to start rioting? Their (((handlers))) must have gotten impatient. It's worse, read this: >Chauvin Judge Blasts "Abhorrent" Maxine Waters' Words; Says May "Result In This Whole Trial Being Overturned" https://archive.vn/Cx2dN >>18977 >>18982 Come to think of it, nitterlove.rs would be a good one too.
Jackbox night is live: https://cytu.be/r/jackbox1 And if you have any marijuana weed or Birthday Hitler media, feel free to post it in preparation for the sake of next thread being 4/20 themed.
>>18984 4/20 blaze it! And by 'it', I mean jews.
>>18980 I figured as much since it's the safer option. Then again loss of actors is good as well even if it ain't much.
>>18962 As far as I'm aware, all the WoW voice files are getting re-recorded and replaced in the next content patch, and are currently in the PTR game files. The Heroes of the Storm voice clips, apparently, haven't been touched. No idea about TFT, though.
>>18965 >>18960 Oh wow, I wasn't aware of this. Thanks for bringing it up.
>>18934 Imagine complaining about watering down IPs when you have been one of the driving forces behind that for the sake of getting along with publishers and furthering your agenda.
I don't feel like a pedophile when I fap to loli hentai. I don't feel like a zoophile when I fap to bestiality hentai. So why do I feel like a faggot when I fap to yaoi hentai?
>>18990 You are a faggot and you are a pedophile and a zoophile.
>>18990 Because you're a faggot who brings this topic every day. Just make a thread on /b/ or /h/, people there love to discuss fetishes.
>>18991 No I'm not, you stupid nigger.
>>18993 Yes you are.
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>>18990 Have you considered that, perhaps, this is not the correct thread to post this question in? >yaoi hentai See if you had said shota or otokonoko you might have a point. But full on yaoi is pretty queer. In particularly because it's made primarily for women to flick the ol' bean to. So yaoi is actually gayer than gay if you're a man.
>>18572 "You" actually was originally a plural. Singular was shit like "thou"
>>18990 Fucking men is much more accessible and attainable than doing the others, so the fantasy is inherently more prone to creep beyond the 2D/3D mental barrier.
>>18990 >>18995 >See if you had said shota or otokonoko you might have a point. But full on yaoi is pretty queer. In particularly because it's made primarily for women to flick the ol' bean to. So yaoi is actually gayer than gay if you're a man. THIS! HERE are the search perimeters I had to input to get legitimate gay shit: <male:yaoi -male:shota -male:bbm -male:crossdressing -male:tomgirl -male:muscle Unless you're a desperate women, who searches such a narrow set of parameters to find this shit?
>>18998 Pretty homo dude. You just want twinkish shit >>>/cb/
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>>18998 >-male:muscle Nigga muscular men are gay as fuck (see barashit). Why did you blacklist that tag?
>>19000 What if both are muscular? Like, fuck I dunno, a wrestling scenario?
>>19001 Then you have barashit which is peak gay.
>>18999 It was for research, I SWEAR! <Here's something to help cleanse the gay. >>19000 Because some artist end up proving the horseshoe theory by making their baras into chubby flat women with dicks and no real tits.
>>19003 >making their baras into chubby flat women with dicks and no real tits Sounds like bullshit and an attempt to deny your homosexual preferences.
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It broke 42 cents at 4/20. HODL or become a swinger?
>>19006 Depends, I'd take half of it out now and leave half of it in just so you have cash.
>>19007 >>19006 Took out a 25 thousand dollar loan and bought in at 38 cents. This better work.
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Nigger what the fuck I'm learning from this MLP shooter shit that they made Applejack a lesbian with Rainbow dash in the finale of MLP? I'm no horsefucker but I have been hearing that show on repeat for a year since my brother sister in law and niece moved in because of covid. And I must say that's really fucking gay, they took the second best girl (her sister is the best) and made her a dyke. Rainbow Dash had it coming being a tumblr haired tomboy no offense to lovers of tomboys but this one was obvious but to fuck over the hardworing country girl like that bothers me.
>>19009 Did he really do a mass shooting because they pozzed his waifu? What a world.
>>18939 >Groomcord faggots need to be shot, and anyone who even loosely associates with them. I use discord, but only because my irl friends do. And there's nothing I can really do about it since it's the most popular platform, and I honestly think discord works fine as long as you avoid joining any of the public servers it hosts.
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>>19003 >3DPD That's pretty homo anon :^) >>19009 >They made AJ and RD lesbians You got a source on that?
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>>19010 I don't know if he did it because they pozzed his waifu but I can't imagine it helped his love for the world and it's people either. Fucking ziggers >>19012 Apparently it's in the series finale. I never watched it. But I saw a bunch of twitter faggots referencing it to own the shooter saying AJ wouldn't have liked him anyway because she was a horse pussy enthusiast.
>>19009 >>19012 >>19013 >they made Applejack a lesbian with Rainbow dash in the finale of MLP? I did a bit of research and it seemed to be nothing but implied implications (them spending time together, living in the same place, not having boyfriends, etc) made to fuel shipfaggotry and bait twittards. However, I don't know how serious were these references since I don't care about MLP outside of the porn. >>19010 I thought it was because he was bullied at job. To be honest I don't care about murrican whitoid shooters and dead niggers anymore, that shit happens every 3rd day.
>>19008 >38 cents >not buying at 29
>>19014 Oh that's not as bad as I thought. I figured they did a Legend of korra and made it fairly explicit. But that's still fairly damming.
>>18998 (I'm an IP hopping nigger.) I didn't/don't. I'm using yaoi as a catch-all term for anything homosexual between male characters. That includes shota, traps/tom girls, and bisexuality between males. I'm not into the "manly men" yaoi.
>>18997 I think you're onto something.
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>>18934 >archive link written by hand Very nice touch, Anon.
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>>19017 I could see if it were actual bara or fujoshi faggot shit, but shota traps are really nothing at all like men though and certainly nothing like anything that could even remotely exist in reality.
>>18934 But this faggot is wrong. In fact games which are easy to mod are also popular games that sells a lot. I can't understand this mod hating faggotry.
>>19021 Easy, they wouldn't know because these corporate shit stains don't ever buy fucking games.
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>>19006 Their network has no security, price driven entirely by fomo, more than 50% of the tokens are in hands of literally few people that Shillon Musk is pumping doge for. You're betting on continuous supply of retards getting into it and selling before the whales dump it on them.
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>>19021 >I can't understand this mod hating faggotry. The short answer is that modding does not have to conform to any fag's imposed standards. The longer answer is that the faggots want people to play their game in the true way they intended and having the ability to manipulate the game by modifying content throws a wrench into their vision. A scary horror game could be modified to look more like a comedy with slapstick sound effects, anons can have their favorite characters added in even if it makes no sense to the plot or they behave differently than in their own game, lolis can be impregnated, etc. The main thing to takeaway from this is that a lot of awful shit will be made but modding as a whole is a chaotic beast where anything can happen if one puts their mind to it. When you also factor in that the majority of mods are made by faggots on their spare time and do not usually cost a shekel, anyone can make and share their own modifications without many barriers in their way besides disk space and bandwidth. On the company side of things they see mods as a threat to their FOTM game where if the people don't like what they put out they could just go back to their older game and just make new shit in it. Even in the case that mods can serve as free advertising the companies would rather have faggots pay them to be in control in what kind of mods are allowed to be made for their game and which ones are not.
>>19024 So they can't even let you play what you want, they have to force you to play whatever they want. Fuck, no wonder games are just movies lately.
>>19025 It's propaganda, letting bad goyim risk inserting the wrong message and making Joe Normalfag think for even a single second is counterproductive.
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>>19026 Well also, churning out gameplay takes way too much time, it is way easier to just have most of the work done through animation. No need to balance or iron out any bugs, you just have a skeleton of an engine and a couple high-definition 3D models that you manipulate.
>>289457 Eagle, tell me another story about freedom?
>>18962 Anon, they brought Kael'Thas in shadowlands And many other dead characters to ride on the "I saw that character and i clapped" nostalgia bait, even lady vashj and that´s the reason they´re gonna replace old lines and shit because otherwise people will say "man, he sounds different and it will ruin my immersion completely forcing me to go back to stormwind so i can inmerse myself again in a multicultural society free of hate again". I shit you not, that expansion is full of "Shut down your brain and enjoy" crap, like forget about the fact that there´s two ashbringers.
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>>18958 >Quinton Flynn he's not that better from what I heard, just a big asshole in general that's it
>>19031 Have any examples? Wonder if Derek's judge will be worse than Chupp, now that I think of it.
>>19032 that guy from giant bomb that now works for the WWE don't remember the name
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>Falsely accused by obsessive stalker >Blizzard blacklists you >Hires VA to re-record all your classic lines over 14 years >Proven innocent >Changes nothing
>>19033 Dan Richer, I remembered it
what's the alternative to mangadex? I don't want to go back to batoto
>>19036 any of the sites that rip from mangadex and batoto or buying the raws
>>19037 Just say: "I don't know"
>>19030 In Minecraft, I fucked a trap. >>19038 I've been primarily using Mangapark, but there are still several sites that you can use as well, just type the series you're reading into a search engine and several sites should pop-up. The only other site that should be avoided is Mangafox.
>>19039 That's gay
Need to catch up on some rest. Some pics for the 4/20 themed OP next thread. Slowed down more than I thought just before 700.
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>>19020 "Shota" traps are a blight that ruined the shota tag. They don't look like little boys at all, don't really look like little girls, have a retarded pear-shaped body like imps but without their other funny proportions, are sluttier than adults (literall whores half of the time), and on top of everything western trapshit has become more and more popular with that tag.
>>19030 Oh fuck doods they're monitoring our minecraft servers! We gotta go on roblox now!
>>19009 >they made Applejack a lesbian with Rainbow dash in the finale of MLP? Hasbro retcon RC from transformers to be a tranny and man hating atheist dyke. Count yourself lucky.
>>19034 >>19009 Voice acting unions probably going to collapse because of #MEtoo shit and that’s a good thing. Vic had the last laugh with rooster teeth.
>>19041 shall I make the thread now?
>>19044 Wasn't that IDW though? And, IIRC, turning RC into a tranny wasn't really an issue because the people writing the comics focussed on the transformers all being a single-sex species, so turning the character into a tranny was literally the result of a mind-rape and body experimentation, all done by a mad scientist, and left the character as a bat-shit insane broken shell. Only to then, much later, forget about ALL of that and have their REAL trannie-bot talk about how they transformers need to learn how to stop being "transphobic" and embrace how other races habe 35 different sexes.
>>18710 Entitled faggot. Now I'm never buying it.

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