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#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Make Anime Great Again! Anonymous 07/10/2022 (Sun) 16:16:31 Id: 3d9f19 No. 194409
ONGOING DISCUSSIONS: >Japan just elected Akamatsu Ken to the national diet. https://archive.ph/4fdKd >Legal action threatened as Hideo Kojima falsely linked to Shinzo Abe assassination https://archive.ph/4n1lS >Gamebanana forced to take down nazi Whip skin by SJWs https://archive.ph/nKiQ3 >Shooter Payton Gerndon links 8chan.moe, among other sites, in his manifesto. Site Administrator Acid Man denies the shooter having any posts and/or affiliation with the site. (Everyone on site is getting v& regardless, RIP again.) https://archive.is/26ng7 >Embracer (Formerly THQ Nordic) buys multiple IPs from Square Enix for $300 Million https://archive.ph/wGTUC >Elon Musk Buys Twitter: https://archive.ph/pweWJ https://archive.ph/5cyDH >Disney employees create open letter and are asking people to sign a petition https://archive.ph/9ES8d >BuzzFeed shareholders urge CEO Jonah Peretti to shut down the ENTIRE news operation which has '100 staff and loses $10MILLION a year': Staff bombard execs with questions in leaked audio of tense meeting about the news https://archive.is/8viWf >Former Gawker Media properties G/O Media of staff from Kotaku, Gizmodo, Jalopnik, Jezebel, Lifehacker and The Root went on strike. https://archive.ph/pyYJg >MS buys Actiblizz https://archive.ph/Lc4Em >Sony buys Bungie for $3.6 Billion https://archive.fo/7BE4T >Sony Vice President of Playstation Network George Cacioppo exposed for trying to have sex with a 15 year old minors through Grindr App via chatlogs from "People Vs Predators" Group: https://archive.md/SlG30 >Archives Prove IGN Executive Review Editor Dan Stapleton Lied When Claiming Outlet Would Not Report On Sony Exec Pedophile Allegations Because They Don’t Cover “General Crime”: https://boundingintocomics.com/2021/12/07/archives-prove-ign-executive-review-editor-lied-when-claiming-outlet-would-not-report-on-sony-exec-pedophile-allegations-because-they-dont-cover-general-crime/ - https://archive.md/uuDNE https://archive.md/O7wma >Aforementioned People Vs Preds Groups also caught Senior Account Manager for Nvidia Todd Wiseman for allegedly trying to meet with a 15 year old boy for sex. https://archive.md/xMz2f >Nathan Grayson leaves Kotaku to join the Washington Post's "Launcher" section https://archive.is/9hqq0 >Five Nights at Frieddy's developer Scott Cawthon retires after SJWs and game journalists attack him for donating to Republican politicians https://archive.fo/wCpMC https://archive.fo/Fe8Ey >Quinton Flynn Replaced as Kael’thas Voice Actor in WoW; Despite Judge Ruling Sexual Misconduct Allegations Came from Obsessive Stalker https://nichegamer.com/2021/04/19/quinton-flynn-replaced-as-kaelthas-voice-actor-in-wow-despite-judge-ruling-sexual-misconduct-allegations-came-from-obsessive-stalker/ - https://archive.is/Dj5a5 >A petition to deplatform once cancelled game "Six Days In Fallujah" started by Hala Alsalman receives game industry developer and figure support; gets stealthily updated https://archive.is/h6Da1 https://archive.is/eSpno CURRENT TASKS: 1. OPERATION TRAJAN: Collect and catalog all of the various localization and censorship accounts of past video games into a single repository from these sources:t romhacking.net The_Cutting_Room_Floor/tcrf.net Segaretro.org https://redirect.invidious.io/channel/UCFItIX8SIs4zqhJCHpbeV1A Examples: http://archive.vn/XQOHW Sony's policies forces censorship; JP devs allegedly have to go through ENG approval process: https://archive.fo/awzFF - Japanese blog post about it: https://archive.fo/bF9bE Sony Japan President Says PS4 Censorship Policy Is To Match Global Standards And Protect Kids: https://archive.fo/U3GLa - Confirms censorship was deliberate: https://archive.fo/XgAgP
[Expand Post]- No rules for censorship policies, games judged case-by-case: https://archive.fo/37DhK - Marvelous partner starts petition against policy: https://archive.fo/rxQtf https://archive.fo/84UHo • Twitterfags: Tweet with Sony's stock code $SNE so that investors see your tweets and know you're pissed. • Consider spreading OP Timber materials to targets as well: http://archive.vn/URjtu ONGOING TASKS: A. Operation Download And Conquer: Loosen the death-grip of Google that has taken hold of the internet's audio and video services >>>/t/5546 B. Support archive.fo! Accountability needs proof: https://liberapay.com/archiveis/donate C. OP DisNod: Contact the FTC and advertisers about violations and unethical practices http://archive.vn/9bylT D. Internet Censorship happenings: Spread the word about the dangers of FOSTA/CLOUD act/Article 13, etc. https://www.eff.org/de/deeplinks/2020/03/earn-it-act-violates-constitution E. OP End the Era: Dig into resetera and their connections to journos, devs, etc. http://archive.vn/JfuSb Reminders (important, READ THESE!): • Use https://archive.today to deny sites ad revenue and traffic and preserve pages in case they are deleted later • Be civil if you have to argue with people on Twitter, Tumblr or any forum - don't make us look like douchebags • Do not accept requests for any goal, demand lists or personal army requests: https://pastebin.com/p5dVp1e5 • Beware COINTELPRO: The Gentleperson's Guide to Forum Spies: https://cryptome.org/2012/07/gent-forum-spies.htmSTOP REPLYING TO BAITS AND OBVIOUS DERAILMENT ATTEMPTS, JUST REPORT AND FILTER Resources >Summaries of #GamerGate:https://redirect.invidious.io/watch?v=wy9bisUIP3w - #GamerGate - If It's Not About Ethics • https://redirect.invidious.io/watch?v=5fnRSL3d_xU - #GamerGate in 60 Seconds • https://archive.fo/23Fde - GamerGate: A State of the Union Address >Background and Evidence for #GamerGate: • The #GamerGate Dossier: https://archive.fo/nv1Fb • #GamerGate Wiki: https://ggwiki.deepfreeze.it/index.php?title=Main_Page • History of #GamerGate: https://www.historyofgamergate.com/ • View the timeline links in the Current Happenings section! >Lists: • GG Steam Support & Boycott List: https://v.gd/vzRsRb • Key GamerGate Hubs: https://v.gd/LNJbat >Thread Repository: https://gitgud.io/gamergate/gamergateop/blob/master/ThreadRepository.md https://ggwiki.deepfreeze.it/index.php?title=Thread_Repository >Full OP Text: • Current: https://ggwiki.deepfreeze.it/index.php?title=The_GamerGate_OP Currently offline; use the .txt file of the GG OP to be posted near the beginning of every new thread instead >How Can I Help? >>>/gamergatehq/ • All OPs: https://gitgud.io/gamergate/gamergateop/tree/master/Operations • OP Vulcan: Learn logical debating: https://v.gd/Kbzw0L • An Anon's Guide to Twitter; basics: https://v.gd/nwrbYF >Want to Contribute to GitGud or Wiki? https://gitgud.io/gamergate/gamergateop/tree/master/How-to-Contribute
Doctor please! I need my daily dose!
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BENIS >>194410
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>>641265 You think this will get words around to significantly more people how much of a super commie kojimbo is?
>>194413 who knows.
Love Hina and its knock offs have been a disaster for the anime industry.
>>194415 I thought that was Haruhi
>>194413 I kinda get why he is doing this as things in Japan are wild due to Abe's death and he really doesn't want shit right now.
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>>194413 What can Kojimbob even do? He can't sue the internet. Maybe he can sue other nips due to recent lol-tier laws over there now but he can't do a damn thing about anyone memeing about it. I say let the hack be blamed
>>194418 He can demand that his government represent him (and ultimately it is their responsibility to do so). In reality they just do not care in the slightest though. Same as any government,
>>641297 I'm waiting for you retards to post about this shit on a different board.
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does anyone have the screencap of kazu crying on discord because his mom cleaned his room without his permission thanks
>>194420 Nigger /gg/ is literally the /b/ of 8chan.
>>194420 >posting about the thread theme >take it to a different board! You fucking take it to a different board. Believe me I've tried starting discussions on all three /a/s on the webring and they're mostly fucking dead. The best I've gotten was the manga thread on /tg/ of all things.
wurm serb when
>>194417 Speaking of that, how do the Japanese react to the assassination? Are they beating up commies?
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>>194422 You want it to be the /b/ of it. >>194423 >Goes on /animu/ for example and sees board is semi active cause none of you make efforts to make shit active and feel the need to make this thread the /b/ of the webring. God forbid this thread should at least try to be halfway on topic.
>>194427 What fucking topic? What has been the topic of gamergay threads for the past year? Two years?
>>194426 A friend in japan told me they either dont really care or are going full "OMG THE WORLD IS NOT SAFE NOW TAKE CARE EVERYONE!!!!".
>>194418 He could probably sue news networks that are spreading the false info that he was the shooter. It would harm the bottom line for all his games in the future if they kept saying he killed his own former prime minister.
>>194429 sounds accurate
oi gamergays, twatter is claiming 4pol got access to Biden jr iCloud data with paswords and shit Anything on that?
>>194429 Huh, I thought they'd be more hostile to the left once they learned about the shooter's political leanings. >>194432 He tried to look for CP on xVideos.
>>194432 Check /pol/, they have links to it. >>194431 He was honestly surprised to see people dont really care. >>194433 Anon the average jap works his ass off for a shitty salary and going to rest in a tiny home, they dont really give a shit unless it affects them personally.
>>194434 Japan is just highly apolitical, its the american centrist but without the soft democrat-republican preference because they don't push for consensus or validation among neighbors and peers.
>>641297 >barely deliver on the fucking ANIMATION. Cameras panning over still images and lengthy scenes with nothing moving but mouth flaps are peak animation, don't you know?
>>194426 They are blaming either leftist, ethic Koreans or Chinks and CCP or >>194429 these are all valid from what some friends have mentioned >>194428 /b/ thanks to no one actually putting their foot down, it's only been in the last half here this thread has gotten somewhat back on topics related to GG or the culture war. When you had retards legit try to shut down localisation topics or legit gaming industry news because they were too busy talking about traps or some other nonsense. >>194435 >Japan is just highly apolitical, its the american centrist That's not wholly accurate while many want to be left the fuck alone, culturally they are very conservative and don't want to change their ways much which is mistaken for centrist when it's them being stuck in their ways.
>>641297 >the only interesting looking anime is an adaptation of a long hiatus'd 80s manga that I'm 100% sure is going to be butchered by Netflix No it wasn't you stupid fag, it esa fucking good >RWBY reboot which I'm not going to watch If only Monty was still Alive today to see that RWBY became animu and then die and don't see how that kikes at rooster fucked and raped his child
>>194438 Was* Fuck, i need to sleep more
What happen to other thread?
>>641321 It's all made by former fetish manga writers and the Japanese population is at its most emasculated.
>>194438 Don't lie to me. It's a Bastard!! adaptation in the modern age by Netflix AND Warner Bros. It has to fucking suck.
>>194441 Eh, 3rd isnt really like that, forehead girl likes the kid but the kid still hasnt fallen for her, they evnetualyl end up married with a daughter.
>>194444 I don't know, I haven't watched that. But it looks so insanely generic and derivative that I have a hard time picturing anyone actually watching it.
>>194445 Well yeah, they are all shitty soap operas.
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>/a/ or /animu/ aren't active enough! <Don't post on them and make this thread their dedicated weeb posting ground
>>194444 >>194445 Nishikata takes her out for a date at the end of Season 1, again at the end of Season 2, and then at the end of Season 3 they admit their love for eachother. It isn't anything like the other shows anon posted, and you niggers would know that if you watched it.
>>194447 actually its too much effort to leave this thread, let alone board
>>641332 Nah, that shit doesnt interest me in the slightless.
>>194447 >have a community of twenty or so people >"why aren't you splitting off into separate communities" nigger we barely have enough people to keep the lights on here this has been explained to you many times but you refuse to understand
>>194447 Nigger you've been posting about Abe's death, don't act like you're the paragon of on-topic posts.
>>194443 Then don't fucking watch it, and i'm going to enjoy it again, You absolute sperging retard, even a fucking broken clock gives the right time 2 times a day >>194447 Then create an /a/ or /animu/ board here or post in /av/ and create an English thread
>>194447 Nigger you've been posting about Abe's death and speculating on japan's political leaning, don't act like you're the paragon of on-topic posts.
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>>194450 Brave of you not to mention what anime does interest you. Very convenient.
>>194447 >>/a/ or /animu/ aren't active enough! <Don't post on them Look friendo. I've tried posting religiously on dead boards for ostensibly popular topics for months on end before. It doesn't work. /animu/ is slow, /h/ is dead, /loli/ is dead. I can't bring them to life by screaming into the void.
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>We only have this many people so that justifies not using boards for weeb shit This might be an odd thought but you can use different boards and not stop using this board gasp! I know it's shocking that we have boards for different topics it's a shocking redpill.
>>194455 >>641345 >convenient Nigger what? In any case, newest anime ive whated is jojo part 6 and golden kamui.
>>641321 >"girl teases beta nerd" genre. Hey, I remember those being popular during the Aughts, but it was more "girl teases beta nerd who's afraid of boobs because...REASONS".
>>194457 If youcordon off all your off-topic posts to dead boards, far fewer people will see and engage with them. I have many months over a years worth of posts on some boards with only a few random anons every once in a while stopping by to say hi. On an imageboard with enough population to support these non-archival boards, the threads my posts are in would have fallen off the catalog years ago. Oh god. My posts on the dead boards are reaching years old now. Make it stop.
>>194457 Legend has it that there was once only one board, /a/, and then the second board for everything else, /b/.
>>641332 >watching romcom drama snoozefests
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>>194462 >He can't enjoy both romcoms and action series
>>194463 They are boring.
>>194463 Correct
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Archive of previous bread https://archive.ph/RiNzr
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There are only two types of people who enjoy anime. Fat lazy neckbeard virgin NEETs fantasizing about having a childhood where they weren't unpopular who watch moe uguu slice of life shit. And chad manly men who like cool shit and giant robots that watch shonen about boys becoming men and conquering all challenges that come before them in life.
>>194467 People have been watching and reading both at the same time since 4chan was a thing, revisionist faggot.
>>194458 >Reddit's Bizarre Adventure All I needed to hear. Thanks for the confirmation.
>>194469 Anon you watch wish-fulfillment for failed normalfags.
>>194470 Sure, and he watches manly men randumbness for actual normalfags. What's your point?
>>194469 Oh of course, i forgot that since jojo is popular now, it became reddit! Lets all forget 7SU threads, gotta mark my patrician cred by watching unsubstantial soap operas.
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>>194469 >he doesn't like jojo >he gives a shit what reddit thinks.
>>194471 >hating on Jojo >he doesn't remember the manga being popular among anons before the anime ever happened
>>194472 >>194473 >>194474 >It was popular with anons so it must be bulletproof Reminder for you newfags that even TLoU1 was "popular" with anons back on 4chan long before the first exodus. That does not make TLoU good.
>>641382 >that tweet is real lmao i thought it was a parody account
>>194475 You're a lying piece of shit. That game was never popular on /v/.
>>194475 >you have to watch my shit and enjoy it and you cant watch shit i dont enjoy! Youre exactly the reason why i have always kept far away from any /a/ board. And again, 7SU threads, fuck off.
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i miss all the /a/ and /jp/ autism cliches memes that they would say like "X is the miracle of the universe", "X's Xs", "X is too pure for this world" or "X is a girl!"
>>194477 You already have convinced me youre a newfag anon, you dont need to tell me again. TLoU was indeed very popular on /v/ after it came out all those years ago
Guys when you said that /hispachan/ is filled with simps I wanted to be skeptical because I frankly haven't browsed that place outside from one board during the last three years, but after lurking them during the last month I can only conclude you are right, that place is filled with zoomers obsessed over women and whining because they don't have a girlfriend; it's so tedious because those are like half of the threads and the other half are anime and videogames circlejerks I don't give a shit about. That totally reminded me why I didn't lurk hispachan outside from just one board all these years.
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>>194480 No it wasn't, people were shitting on the game and calling it a ladder carrying simulator. you're either a newfag trying to fit in or your memory is complete dogshit.
>>194483 I specifically remember my complaints being overcome with anons who had nothing but positive comments to make about the story and the multiplayer, anon. You can lie to me but please dont lie to yourself.
Will globals allow this thread: >>>/pol/16063
>>194456 > I can't bring them to life by screaming into the void. Actually you can, but you would have to scream into the void for years and put a lot of effort into other stuff like finding related communities where to spam, inviting people willing to post and organizing projects. It's a lot of effort but ultimately doable. >t. I did it with some board and it went from 40 posts per week to almost 180 post per day in a lapse of four years
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>>194475 >>194480 The game was never popular with /v/. Ellie's ass was popular with /v/. Apologies for the Shad, I have no other pics of Ellie saved.
>>194486 >finding related communities where to spam, inviting people willing to post and organizing projects. That's not screaming into the void, and is not the result of moving off-topic posts from board A to B. <>t. I did it with some board and it went from 40 posts per week to almost 180 post per day in a lapse of four years Name the board.
>>194484 You're the only one lying here faggot, nobody was defending that shit. Are you sure you weren't discussing the game on reddit? Maybe you should go back to there.
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>>194479 >Armenians
>>194468 Anon, I think he might be baiting for (You)'s.
>>194488 >That's not screaming into the void What I mean is that you would have to look for new people too. >Name the board. Hispachan's comics and cartoons board it's not hard, it's just repetitive, tedious and long and you would have to willing to start projects no ones cares, fill over 100 replies threads all by yourself and stare at a blank frontpage waiting for new posts to come for years and years; nevertheless, it's rewarding once you see the new people becoming regular posters and continuing the threads and projects you started all by themselves. One anon once told me: It's like a wheel, once it starts rolling it doesn't stop.
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What do you guys think about this loli?
>>194493 All everything related to otaku culture makes me cringe.
So why keep the GG threads up at this point if they aren't going to be properly used?
>>194495 Are you going to throw another shitfit in the meta thread?
>>194496 Is that rhetorical since we all know the answer?
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>>194495 >properly If they were used properly a single thread would last 3 months.
>>194495 Fuck do you mean properly used? these threads are almost never talking about anything even close to gamergate.
>>194499 bitching about things like this is gamergate
>>194494 This and with Loli in general. >>194498 Not necessarily a bad thing.
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>>194495 > So why keep the GG threads up at this point if they aren't going to be properly used? https://www.swisstransfer.com/d/0cb3313a-bf84-4500-9866-57ee09740467
https://odysee.com/@Meatcanyon:5/end-of-a-minion:5 >>194485 At this point I'm surprised Hunter is even allowed to own technology period given he keeps compromising himself and doesn't even know what basic encryption is.
I believe it was during last thread that someone linked an Upper Echelon Gamer video where he did some research into Jeffrey "Riot Lyte" Lin from Riot Games who pioneered labeling any and all unruly behavior in gaming as "Toxic" as well as turning League of Legends into his own psychological testing grounds. https://yewtu.be/watch?v=irpLoGb4AI4 (Said video can be found here) But what I find the most interesting is that searching his username on Youtube brought up this video by his ex Discussing my abuse from Riot Lyte/Jeffrey Lin https://yewtu.be/watch?v=Z3FKgCBJflM Which has very little views and considering that a spotlight has been cast upon Jeffrey by a rather large channel, it could disappear any minute now. I don't know if this is some MeToo bullshit or not, but this guy has a history of abusing his power and mocking people he used to ban, furthermore he wants to control any and all speech on online gaming. This is certainly food for thought.
>>194496 >Everyone who doesn't agree is the same person
>>194493 That's a man
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>>194506 The only women on the internet are whores & freaks.
>>194505 There only one or two people left use the board, yet hate it and regularly shit all over the floor.
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>>194447 fuckin jimmy waifulord just made it into politics how can it NOT be an anime thread
>>194505 You keep bitching at people for doing stuff you dont like and not using the thread in the correct manner, you tell me.
>>194487 "what can we do to piss off the GaymerGate anon-o-moose white supreme pizza nat-c's on the mongolian knitting circle 5chong? some of them might possibly enjoy our game! "Lets put out a boring asset flip DLC then randomly make the heroine gay so we can set up an underage interracial kiss! that will piss off all the white-, er I mean right... wing people! ToU was the loli daughter-fu game everyone wanted (even normal fags enjoy that stuff if its made properly) till soy-ny did everything they could to fuck it up and win hollow praise from degenerate left-noid game journalist. I'm just noticing shad's line-work is a bit overly thick, was that always a stylistic choice? or did he just not know how to adjust his line width or try different brush types?
>>194509 they arr roook same
>>194512 you fucking joke but at least they all have radically different hair colors
I hate video games and I hope the video game industry crashes permanently.
>>194514 I love games, I love Sonic the hedegehog.
>>194514 I love videogames and AAA is dying so I'm good
If trips Microsoft buys EA
>>194514 I love games but I hope it crashes too
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>>194509 >>194512 do the most popular anime always have to most "same-face" art style? Dragon Ball Z My Hero Academia Sailor Moon Bleach Hunter × Hunter Ranma 1/2 (anything rumiko takahashi) >>194514 Eh, lots of old games are still fine. >>194515 same, as long as nobody talks.
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>>194517 (very nice) >If trips Microsoft buys EA its more likely then not.
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>>194519 I assume you mean within the series itself, but ultimately it's just the good side of the calarts coin: people like big eyes and small noses and mouths and so that's what they draw. If you really can't stand it then just go back in time until you find what you like. God help you if you find Robopon.
>>194485 Does that mean 4/pol/ is gonna be bunking? I dont think they would exodus and since im out of the loop whatever happened to 8kun /pol/ i thought they migrated here too.
>>194504 >Which has very little views and considering that a spotlight has been cast upon Jeffrey by a rather large channel, it could disappear any minute now You know what to do: >>>/t/5546
>>194521 Kubo's style for drawing girls is too good
>>194521 It was just my own curiosity. If I enjoy the work of an artist or a show I'll usually just ignore it. but I do wonder how much bearing art style has on popularity in media. (or do the normal cattle just follow trends regardless of aesthetics?)
>>194525 Its both in the case of normalfags, but something needs to get attention first to become popular in the first place, so it needs a way to do that. Aesthetics are the biggest factor in first impressions. Demon Slayer wouldn't have been nearly as popular without its aesthetic Aesthetics are one of the biggest ways that mangaka and anime set themselves apart from each other as well, since it's not like anime/manga are a medium like games where each game plays differently to each person; reading/watching are pretty static and uniform
>>194521 Robopon?
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>>194527 i played some of that shit, i really cant recommend it outside of joining together to hate on it worse than monster rancher
>>194519 >My Hero Academia What? I could have sworn most of the main characters had slightly different styles to how their faces are drawn. You could compare them and think the faces might be from different anime. Maybe that was only present in the first season?
>>194528 If you think Robopon is bad then don't play Telefang
>>194529 Yea that's a pretty bad example, the character designs in BNA are anything but copy and paste, especially compared to other anime/manga.
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>>194521 < 2nd pic For a time, I thought Fairy Tail and One Piece were by the same guy because Lucy and Nami look the same. I thought is was like how Masamune Shirow changes the hair color of his female protagonists.
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>>194533 Kemono isn't yiffe.
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>>194535 >Japanese furry isn't furry
>>194535 >Kemono Kemo Friends looked way less furry than what you're posting or BNA or Beastars. it was basically just human girls with animal ears at most.
>>194537 Kemono Friends, despite the title, isn't kemono. It's kemonomimi, like Liru. Linguistically it's a subcategory of kemono, but for those who need a barrier between lesser and greater furshit, kemonomimi is considered not kemono.
>>194537 >It was basically just human girls with animal ears at most That's called kemonomimi (animal ears). "Kemono" means "beast" or "animal", so the title Kemono Friends can be translated to Animal Friends, in reference to the humanoid characters that represent different animals.
>>194539 Why would you need to explain something this obvious.
>>194540 Because >>194537 Is super double retarded.
>>194540 I wanted to make things clear for everyone.
I have rock bottom standards when it comes to anime but love hina was awful, sorry if some anon likes it, but i didn't, the sex appeal just wasn't enough to complete with the pervert punishment gags or the promised romance that goes nowhere.
>>194543 But it's still good that the author got a place in power defending freedom of expression, a lot of white pills are happening.
>>194543 You don't realize why Love Hina was picked for the OP specifically do you? The mangaka who made it just got elected to the Diet. His platform was specifically about protecting Japanese media from foreign influence.
>>194545 Yes, and i'm happy about that.
Ken Akamatsu was literally the #GamerGate candidate. His campaign was about protecting lolicon and stopping western influence on Japan.
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>>194543 I'm told that Love Hina does, in fact, get better after the first X number of chapters when main character fucks off and the vague plot/premise goes elsewhere, but like Medaka Box i don't give a fuck to power through to that point no matter how wild it gets. I got through Negima and UQ Holder though because it had magic and Jack Rakan and shit.
There is this guy at my mental health community who has Aspergers. i want to laugh at him, but i also feel bad for him so i don't, since he seems really depressed about himself, and will often humiliate himself out of self loathing. He also really likes DND.
>>194549 It feels good to be normal
>>194550 I'm not normal either i just appear to be, i have schizophrenia, but i almost never have symptoms as long as i take medicine.
>>194551 Don't trust the fridge, it tells lies.
>>194552 I wish I had talking household appliances at least then I wouldn't be so alone
>>194553 please reconsider
>>194554 The worst that happens there is you get caught jacking off in a porno theater.
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You know whats more important than videogame journalism? The massive fucking political scandal of whats going on with The President of the United State's son. Yo cuckchan got access to Hunter Bidens icloud backups and 450+gb of data on the guy. Anybody got more leaks from the situation on here? I only found out about it from twitter.
>>194556 Seems like they've pretty successfully shut down discussion on cuckchan. There seems to be a little bit of discussion amongst cuckchan rapefugees on our /pol/ and frenchan's /pol/. Anything new that we didn't know contained in the data?
>>194556 There's a thread at >>>/pol/16063
>>194556 Not videogames
>>194556 This is more /pol/ territory.
>>194556 There's a thread on /pol/ retard.
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How old do you think this girl is? I saw a picture of a folder with image files of hunters dick gonna spare you guys of that. I also hear he fucks his neice, that may or may not be her.
>>194558 >>194559 >>194560 >>194561 Oh shit my bad I'll check it out there.
Why the fuck do people still use cuckchan? It's such a mutilated shithole of its former self. No fun or proper happenings on there any more just stale reddit friendly garbage. In fact, because of this shit right now how the fuck hasn't the site even been booted off the internet? They get away with so much holy shit.
>>641161 >What exactly does the video say? Riot games breed "toxic" players in labs? it's only 16 min long but basically: <guy from riot makes GDC presentation about curbing toxicity <had some forum where he would cancel and ruin people who "deserved it" <major tech companies wanted in on this <they use Riot's League of Legends to test methods of curbing "toxicity" <allied with Reddit to start the first Shadow Bannings, which as we all know spread to every other social media company <eventually got accused as being psychologically abusive from a former girlfriend or something, now works at Facebook/Meta
Watch out for GamerGate The public enemy of the world #1 It is the main hashtag responsible for… ☑ Accidentally re-starting the French Revolution ☑ Weaponized Gondolas ☑ Hacking German politicians and media ☑ Played "To Catch a Predator" with Randy Pickford ☑ Masterminded the destruction of GDQ via the Catfish of Legend: Namazu ☑ Under the light of the Blood Moon; Self-destructed Western Journalism by having a some kid smirk at a drumming savage ☑ Just wanted to start a conversation with everyone, everywhere, eternally ☑ Watched Gawker die TWICE ☑ Guilty of face crimes ☑ When GameStop tried to sell itself; offered $3.50 in in-store credit ☑ Made telling "journalists" to "learn to code" into a hate crime ☑ Taught the Alt-Right ✅Then harassed said Alt-Right ☑ Started in 2011-2012 when 4chan tried to steal Anita Sarkeesian's SSN# ☑ Created "Boner Culture" which made cis straight male erections the most powerful force on earth ☑ Had a Jewish Mobster 'Take Care' of it ☑ Asked THQ about gaemu which somehow triggered World Wide Web War III ☑ Tricked /cow/ into developing and sharing their fetish for Mark's plump bagel with ResetEra ☑ Triggered GJP3.0 with 57 hitpeices on THQ Nordic's AA ☑ Orchestrated the GaymerGay misogynist review backlash against Marvel's Captain Woman ☑ Taught New Zealand about "White Day" ☑ Radicalized Spyro the Dragon ☑ Turned Pewdiepie into the Osama Bin Ladin of GaymerGays ☑ "The nerds and gamers were joined by the proto-storm troopers of the alt-right in a bond that has never been broken" ☑ Was a trial run for "will the US tolerate fascist behavior" ☑ Exploring new frontiers in sexual harassment via Jelly Bean ☑ Groomed young impressionable politicians into misogynists ☑ Created and trained the alt-right to take over the political landscape on a global scale (And succeeded) ☑ Arranged for Sonic the Hedgehog (movie ver.) to get "fixed" ☑ Remains undefeated for all time ☑ Turned Rage 2 into a Trump-esque attack on game journos ☑ Joined forces with Amazon ☑ Helped Mark impress Resetera ☑ Used Elliot Rodger's martyrdom to unite 4Chan and Breitbart to elect Donald Trump ☑ Will be looked back upon in 50 years as the root cause of the coming Cultural Civil War ☑ Government-sponsored shitposting ☑ Mastered the manipulation of the news cycle to their advantage ☑ Made Anita cry when Feminist Frequency went broke ☑ Destroyer of Worlds ☑ Russian Conspiracies (all of them) ☑ Extended Reanon's death/meme-magic to animation studios (please meme responsibly) ☑ An instrument of American Trumpian Power Worldwide
[Expand Post]☑ Cured alleged "journalist" of dyslexic anxiety ☑ An aberrant, creeping horror ☑ As dangerous as Anti-Vax, ISIS, and Holocaust Denial ☑ Five years of ruining everything ☑ Came to the classroom ☑ Trained Google whistleblowers ☑ Never died and foreshadowed our toxic meme-strewn politics ☑ Blew up the Internet ☑ Made wanting challenge in videogames into supporting White Supremacy ☑ Was secretly fighting WWIII all along ☑ Stochastic Terrorism ☑ Being a national security threat according to the DHS ☑ Helped Mark win the lottery ☑ Gave the money back ☑ Living long enough to see itself become the villain in a TV Show THRICE ☑ Confused the FBI into thinking /v/ is /baphomet/ ☑ Turned Anita Sarkesian into a crazy cat lady ☑ It's #Gamergate Forever ☑ Justifiably felt alienated by the neoliberal fetishization of feminism and the reductionism of politics to identity teams ☑ Was rabidly pro-corporate ☑ Manipulated a SJWeeb into review-bombing a LGBTWTFBBQ-friendly game as a "test" ☑ Non-meat based cam girls ☑ Caused the Corona outbreak which destroyed China to cheer up a depressed CIA glownigger ☑ Digisexuals ☑ Called the cyber police to put a cripple in cyber jail ☑ Weaponizing decency ☑ Made the games industry a nightmare for Women, Colored People, and Ashley Burch ☑ The inevitable ultimate horror of Sega's "toxic" advertising for ChuChu Rocket ☑ Has the highest body count of any COVID-19 disinfo group ☑ Finally got the 8kun administration to get off their ass and answer the damn phone ☑ Searching for a new home (again) ☑ Made some /v/ hotpockets on other imageboards go insane ☑ Burned julay to the ground by doing basically fuck-all except continue to exist (props to a certain bunbunmaru reporter, tho) ☑ Having a high enough IQ to be mentioned on Rick and Morty ☑ Radicalized a grandmother to the point she promotes harassment against alleged games journalists ☑ Is the terrorist group backed by 'The French' who are behind President Trump's exhausting battle against twitter ☑ Protecting FUCKING GAMESTOP from looters ☑ Finally started the Race War by forcing a meth-head on a date with Corona-chan to take a knee to the neck from the police ☑ Confirmed for Baby Hitler ☑ Gave a lot of airtime to Soviet defector Yuri Bezmenov ☑ Got on the Atlantic's "free $100" van only to get intervewed ☑ Started a backlash against the French independent film industry because they want to raise pure little girls ☑ And then Russia wanted to shut down 8chan.moe to be ironic ☑ Was clearly a blueprint for Trump's online assault in 2016 ☑ A gravestone marked “Games Journalism; Dead By Suicide,” with the date of death corresponding with the launch of GG ☑ Took over the US capitol ☑ Funded by the GOP ☑ Using Reddit's radicalized nihilism to counter jews shorting FUCKING GAMESTOP ☑ Made Mark the Godfather of Gamergate ☑ Corrected Polygon on Titanfall lore ☑ Accidental meme magic discharge (R.I.P Miura) ☑ Planet-range racism field ☑ Not wanting people to put down the controller and talk about their feelings ☑ Destroyed the logic process of a bot wreaking havoc across multiple imageboards with just one simple trick ☑ Caused Blizzard executives to threaten their employees with rape ☑ Came to Alex Hutchinson's Defense ☑ Made Vivian a feminist symbol ☑ Grew to a geopolitical scale and spilled into real life with devastating consequences ☑ Got their own TV show ☑ Brandon’s First fan ☑ Gave birth to Qanon ☑ Is the precedent for /K/yle Rittenhouse ☑ Ruined people's brains by turning them into corporate bootlickers ☑ Created the concept of "Culture War" ☑ Was the watershed event in the ascendancy of online extremist personalities and tactics ☑ Mars manifest destiny ☑ Was behind Elon Musk's twitter takeover all along ☑ The Ruby Ridge of online violence ☑ Funneled men into far-right politics via witch-hunting ☑ We now live in a gamergateocracy ☑ Resulted in abortions being banned ☑ Accused of being none other than Gamergate
>>194564 Expect a full national tragedy that'll be done to attempt diverting attention away from this Hunter Biden shit.
>>194564 >Why the fuck do people still use cuckchan? PPH addiction. That's literally the only reason.
>>194568 I just burned down this entire commercial district and shot down this sch**l for you, my son
>>194565 >had some forum where he would cancel and ruin people who "deserved it" Sounds awfully goon-ish. Was he a former goon by any chance?
>>194570 I'm actually kinda thankful that it's summer. Little hard to do a shooting if it isn't in session. The bad side to this is now we get to see some other fuckup of unbelievable proportions.
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Man this update cycle has been a pain in the neck. 2.8 didn't bring many bugs, but the ones it brought were all fucking annoying and stubborn. Now we just have to see if the captcha loading bug is truly fixed, so that's tomorrow. I haven't seen anything except the server system log for a fucking week, and I've about gone crosseyed. Once we're sure things are good, I have another project for the caching engine. How are you guys doing? /pol/ has the A-okay to cover the Hunter stuff since its legal to do so, and since they're behind the hotlink block anyway they'll hopefully not get overrun with shills.
>>194573 too bad you already cut /pol/s throat with your 8kunt tier rules about muh fedposting.
>>194568 >>194570 My worst fear is that this will again change nothing. Biden will remain in power and no riots will occur. No politicians will die. That's all for my niggerpill post, it's just my experience for leaks like this that nothing happens. Remember the Hillary email leaks and the DNC leaks and the other shit that came out
>>194573 Morbidly awaiting the latest "inexcusable man-made disaster" that gives enough freedom for the media to memory hole Biden's faggotry.
>>194575 Of course it won't change anything for normalfags that consume msm, but for anyone that's on the fence (if there are any of those left), and got a hold of this scandal, they'll be forced to pick a side. But don't expect anything big out of this.
>>194576 What do you think it'll be?
So what exactly is the deal with Hunter's shit? I know his phone contents got dumped on the Internet. Is there a summary of whats been found? I've been too busy with the site to look into it. Is there some kind of smoking gun?
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>>194579 Drugs hookers and more drugs
>>194578 Probably some albino lithium baby whose family are staunch leftists shooting up churches. Wouldn't be the first time.
>>194467 I enjoy good anime based on good games. Sadly, they're quite rare. Caligula is founded on anti-escapism, a valuable message that most media sorely lack. But the anime takes it one step further and steers away from the game's friendship cliche. The protagonist is a loner who faces his painful reality, still refuses to rely on others and succeeds on his own. >>194479 I'm guessing Kanye influenced her to watch some anime. Not surprising. >>194545 I'm glad to hear that.
>>194579 New batch of dick pics
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>>194584 Don't be a faggot. It's easy.
>>194585 i mean he wasnt a faggot he posted loli; but acids a nigger lover so what does he know
>>194573 Still getting a 'secure connection failed' on .moe - .se works fine.
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>>194584 "Posting unspoilered loli hentai on a SFW board while simultaneously engaging in 'loli = CP' stupidity" didn't fit in the reason box.
>>194588 No one said /v/ had free speech, fag boy. Perhaps this website, but not the board.
>>194573 Lose weight fatass, either that or gain muscle. You probably get no pussy because you look like an overgrown pudgy dwarf. Either that or buy escorts who look like asuka I guess? >>194574 HEY ANON WANNNA GO BOMB A FEDERAL BUILDING WITH ME? >>194588 Lets be real, theres no free speech here or anywhere in the world. Say the wrong thing as you're either ostracized, banned, shadowbanned or jailed. Maybe the only place with true free speech was /b2/. Good fucking god I miss /b2/ so badly it hurts.
>>194575 Well you see the right actually fears authority. Especially because it's been shown they're not afraid to actually use it against them. Unlike antifa who are given free rein to cause chaos.
>>194588 >>194591 Free speech to its logical conclusion doesn't exist, even deleting shitposts counts as infringing on free speech. That being said, I would love to have a janny free-day and see how this board holds up. >>194590 >may or may not be traced but you'll never know. Schrodingers Pedo
>>194582 >I enjoy good anime based on good games. Sadly, they're quite rare. >Vidya anime >Rare <F-Zero <Kirby <Bomberman <Ninja Gaiden <Devil May Cry <Animal Crossing <Virgin Fleet <Cosmic Fantasy <Final Fantasy <Darkstalkers <Street Fighter <Bayonetta <Blue Dragon <B-Daman <Viewtiful Joe <Digimon <.Hack <Fatal Fury <Wild Arms
>>194589 Oh shit acid look what I found. An IRL Ass suka that will never be your waifu. Become swole so someday she could be yours, which probably wont happen anyways considering how much of a degenerate creep you are in the first place. >>194593 >we could've had that here too Meh, multiple factors led to /b2/'s downfall. The fact that Jim decided to rebrand and crash 8ch with no survivors, 8chan's reboot was so unbearably shit, the fact that nobody never made a backup bunker website until MONTHS later, the fact that the new site is run by faggots nobody liked from the old one. Yeah maybe we deserved this but I don't really mind, having the dead girl be a banner at one point was really funny.
>>194596 im p sure he meant the combo of good one and good the other, and of that list the only one that MIGHT qualify is .hack
>>194556 i don't fucking want to see hunter bidens penis anymore, you fucking faggot.
>>194481 Memer beaner is a valid term, most spics save for argentinians and chileans don't mature past 15.
>>194592 No board survives with full freedom of speech, it just allows vagabonds to post retardation and pornography ad nauseam like on 4cuck's /b/. A /b/ with rules modeled like /v/'s is what we need.
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>>194595 You wanna wake up to a "seized by the FBI for CP" notice? Because that's what'd happen if all the mods fucked off for a full day. Try and remember that its not the staff who get in the way of you having fun, its the enemies that you have for daring to post anonymously on an imageboard. The same walls that hold them at bay also inconvenience you and us sometimes. But we gotta do what we gotta do to survive on this shit-fucking Internet that we have today. The amount of free speech on a site that gets nuked, is zero.
>>194409 Updated OP.txt Includes the new ones from this bread and the Musk/twitter article from before bread >>639400 as mentioned by this anon >>641209 Also >>641231 IT'S MISTER LIZARD!!
>>194604 Fuck that reminds me, I have to get with Bonegolem soon too about the wiki.
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Don't reply to the retard who never uses proper capitalization.
>>194605 I mean there are cuckchan archives that probably still have cp up from around a month ago from vtuber nudes.
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>>194607 you say that like theres only one of us you hoihoi cumguzzler
>>194605 Nigger get a job, you keep teh entire day about it, all your butthurt because they wont let you post illegal shit on /b/.
>>194611 I clearly wasn't talking about you.
Have you ever identified with the title of "gameboy"? Like you've said "yeah, i'm a gameboy" to say that you're a person who plays video games?
>>194614 Why would I do that when the gamegirl handle would get me more steam keys?
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>>194606 Posting the OP.txt file every bread works pretty well - and can be updated as needed - so probably a good idea to keep posting it even when the wiki is back up.
>>194614 Makes more sense than the stupid fucking gender neutral term "gamer", that pozz has been used for decades.
Anyone have any spicy opinions on this? >>641634
>>194556 Not 450gb. The OP claimed he had the whole 450gb laptop harddrive and was threatening unseen glowies that he would drop it if he wasn't left alone. Despite the apparent fake and ghey text however, OP did deliver the iphone/ipad backup file which was 25gb and included passwords. Tastier bit in my opinion is that the guy might've nicknamed Joe Biden as "Pedo Peter" in his texts which will make me laugh for the next two years if true.
>>194620 all of the above
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So what's the false flag gonna be to hide Hunter Biden's latest embarrassment? Another school shooting? Maybe bombing a federal building?
>>194589 Acid, if what you're saying is true, that's the pedonigger in chief. You shouldn't reply to him, all his posts should be deleted, and all replies to him should deleted including mine.
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>>194573 I propose a fun challenge: Find the most ancient PC any anon has around them & report back to see if the site works on their old machine. It would be nicer to have the actual hardware as opposed to running on a VM. Earliest I have seen is WinXP.
>>194588 >Missing the joke Kill yourself, pedonigger.
>>194625 For a lot of older stuff you'd need cleartext since they can't handle modern encryption stuff. >>194573 Still got the whole no expansion for clicked images thing
>>194590 >unspoilered loli hentai Holy fuck. How long have you been pedoposting now? And you still don't know what does and doesn't require spoilers? This is just sad. Lurk moar, pedonigger.
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>>194624 Unfortunately merely being a homosex pedo isn't a global infraction. Unspoilered lewds were, which is why I b& him for an hour elsewhere. Until someone becomes niggerpill-tier or similar their gay lust for man-ass is a matter for board vols and BOs. >>194625 I have an ancient Acer laptop running XP and Firefox ESR that displays it fine, if a little sluggishly. And an old first-gen Toughbook with a 1.2ghz process and 2GB of RAM running Debian 8 that also loads it fine. That one chokes to death on Youtube though. >>194627 CTRL+F5 or CTRL+SHIFT+R
>>194629 Are you still looking to get your ass filled?
>>194607 I'm going to keep replying to king pedonigger so long as the vols keep ignoring my reports about him.
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>>194630 Better bring a ladder and pack a lunch, faggot. And you'll have to fight my GF first if you wanna do lewd things with me. She's a tsundere latina who's into knives like I'm into guns, so have fun.
>>194625 I mean I'm sure someone made a guide to install linux to an apple II to use the site on lynx or something. >>194629 It'll get worse as youtube transitions from av1 being optional to av1 being mandatory.
>>194631 >in the face of adversity. Your mistake here is thinking I'm on your side, and not the site's. Eat shit, pedonigger.
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>>194634 You win some, you lose some. I honestly love AV1, you have no idea how much space it lets me save on my video collection.
>>194629 >Until someone becomes niggerpill-tier or simila I'd say he's reach that point for months now.
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Remember to link to alternative video sites and/or attach videos to posts as WEBMs/MP4s Also, remember to contribute towards Operation Download And Conquer: >>>/t/5546
>>194638 >He thinks permabans are real Hello newfriend.
>>194637 I do, because I just got a bunch of av1 anime torrents. Looking to grab one of the upcoming amd gpus if they have av1 encoding like nvidia's 40xx.
>>194642 The only think you could estimate is the depth a old man ass.
>>194645 The only think you could estimate is the depth a chiId pussy.
>>194629 >Until someone becomes niggerpill-tier Look at all his posts in this thread and the replies they generate, and tell me this is not already the case.
>>194634 I saw a few videos of browsing the net on a apple ll, the result seems to be doable but pictures don't load. I imagine MS-DOS would fare better for the site.
>>194633 I knew you were a race mixer.
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>>194633 I'll bring an armed pack of hung niggers over so they can fuck your gf raw while I fuck you bareback, it'll both get your rocks off and further stimulate you psychologically as your adrenaline skyrockets due to the sheer extremeity and arousal of the situation. You will never be the same again, but It'll be fun.
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>>194648 I mean, at least pedokike is more creative in his text than niggerpill. He puts in real effort to reach as hard as he does, and when he gets backed into a corner the flailing is entertaining. Plus "obliterate on site" is less a directive from the top and more a firm consensus among all the global staff, so I can't just demand it. You guys don't want us deciding to frag people off the site willy-nilly just on the whims of 1 or 2 people. Maybe you'd trust us three with that, but as the years go by even admins retire and get replaced. Its the dilemma of the asshole prince, and we hope to avoid it.
>>194649 I know a guy who actually has an apple II gs but it seems he uses it as a desk ornament. I'd be curious on making a computer out of a 6502 processor like some of the old ataris for low-spec distraction free computing.
>>194562 See the problem is women are fucking hard to decipher age wise. My ex always got asked for id despite being 21, I only got asked for id once in my life. I once confused two womanlets for being 12 despite being 24. I knew a couple of 6 foot girls from high school, plus multiple senior chicks who were probably 17, 16, but were beyond fully developed, and girls with d cups since 6th grade. There's no real way to tell how old a woman is.
>>194652 The tell Mark to fart his fucking vols or something.
>>194653 You making that computer *is* the distraction anon. wash your penis
>>194653 That looks just like what would happen if anon disabled global.css in their style editor. I haven't taken monochrome screens into account if loading images worked when browsing the net on a old PC.
>>194656 >Tell Mark to fart on his fucking vols

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>>194650 Whats ironic is, I would have said I hate beaners more than niggers just on account of more bad personal experiences with them. But this girl and the one before the last one were both cute latinas. And I've come to really like the Hispas too. So I've developed a swath of tolerant respect for the people of the bean. Illegals still get the rope though. I doubt it hurt any that the older GF looked a lot like Korra. Especially in this pic.
>>194660 you burn that burrito man. shits hot.
>>194660 Suck some beaner dick too, can't hurt. Unless you want it to.
Software and sites to give attention to! Operating systems >AROS: http://aros.sourceforge.net/ >BSD <Net: https://www.netbsd.org/ <Open: https://www.openbsd.org/ <DragonFly: https://www.dragonflybsd.org/ >GrapheneOS: https://grapheneos.org/ >Linux <Artix Linux: https://artixlinux.org/ <CLIP OS: https://clip-os.org/ <Devuan: https://www.devuan.org/ <EndeavourOS: https://endeavouros.com/ <Rocky Linux: https://rockylinux.org/ >ToaruOS: https://toaruos.org/ Archival >ArchiveBox: https://archivebox.io/ Chatrooms: >Session: https://getsession.org/ >Tox: https://tox.chat/ Database >Based Cooking: https://based.cooking/ >BigchainDB: https://www.bigchaindb.com/ >Gelbooru: https://gelbooru.com/ >Gun: https://gun.eco/ >Hydrus ( >>>/t/6469 ): https://hydrusnetwork.github.io/hydrus/ >Library Genesis: http://libgen.rs/ >ourobooru: https://ourobooru.booru.org/ >Sci-Hub: https://sci-hub.hkvisa.net/ Donation and payment services: >AlignPay: https://www.alignpay.com/ >Fanbox: https://www.pixiv.net/fanbox >Fantia: http://fantia.jp/ >Librepay: https://liberapay.com/ Email clients >Claws Mail: https://www.claws-mail.org/ >The Mutt: http://www.mutt.org/ Email hosting >Create your own: https://archive.fo/okVq4 >Cock.li: https://cock.li/ Encyclopedias >Infogalactic: https://infogalactic.com/info/Main_Page File sharing and storage >anonfile: https://anonfile.com/ >BitTorrent: https://infogalactic.com/info/BitTorrent >CacheP2P: https://github.com/guerrerocarlos/CacheP2P >Catbox: https://catbox.moe/ >Cryptosphere: https://github.com/cryptosphere/cryptosphere
[Expand Post]>Dat Project: https://datproject.org/ >Filecoin: https://filecoin.io/ >Holochain: https://github.com/holochain/holochain-proto >Instant.io: https://instant.io/ >IPFS: https://ipfs.io/ >Kek.gg https://kek.gg/ >Onion Share: https://onionshare.org/ >ORC: https://orc.apache.org/ >Peergos: https://peergos.org/ >Perkeep: https://perkeep.org/ >Pomf: https://github.com/pomf/pomf >QBittorrent: https://www.qbittorrent.org/ >Sia: https://sia.tech/ >Storj: https://storj.io/ >Swarm: https://github.com/ethersphere/swarm >Tahoe-LAFS: https://www.tahoe-lafs.org/trac/tahoe-lafs >Uguu: https://uguu.se/ >WebTorrent: https://webtorrent.io/ >Other sites: https://www.archiveteam.org/index.php?title=Pomf.se/Clones Galleries and image hosting >ArtStation (SFW only): https://www.artstation.com/ >HicceArs: https://www.hiccears.com/ >Wysp: https://www.wysp.ws/ Internet and browsers >BadWolf: https://hacktivis.me/projects/badwolf >Basilisk: https://www.basilisk-browser.org/ >Beaker: https://beakerbrowser.com/ >Bromite: https://www.bromite.org/ >Falkon: https://www.falkon.org/ >GNU IceCat: https://www.gnu.org/software/gnuzilla/ >Handshake: https://handshake.org/ >I2P: https://geti2p.net/ >InterPlanetary Wayback: https://github.com/oduwsdl/ipwb >Iridium Browser (Guide to remove spyware: https://spyware.neocities.org/guides/iridium.html ): https://iridiumbrowser.de/ >LibreWolf: https://librewolf-community.gitlab.io/ >MaidSafe: https://maidsafe.net >Mysterium Network: https://mysterium.network/ >Namecoin: https://namecoin.org/ >NetSurf (Guide to remove spyware: https://spyware.neocities.org/guides/netsurf.html ): https://www.netsurf-browser.org/ >Otter Browser: https://otter-browser.org/ >Qutebrowser: https://qutebrowser.org/ >Sphere Browser (WARNING: https://spyware.neocities.org/articles/sphere.html ): https://sphere.tenebris.cc/ >Surf: http://surf.suckless.org/ >Tor: https://www.torproject.org/ >Ungoogled-Chromium: https://ungoogled-software.github.io/ungoogled-chromium-binaries/ >Web Browser: https://git.nuegia.net/webbrowser.git/ >Yggdrasil Network: https://yggdrasil-network.github.io/ >ZeroNet: https://zeronet.io/ Marketplace >DLsite: https://www.dlsite.com/eng/ >DMM Games: https://games.dmm.com/ >Fruitbat Factory: https://sites.fastspring.com/fruitbatfactory/product/buy >ğchange: https://www.gchange.fr >JAST: https://jastusa.com/ >NekoNyan: https://nekonyansoft.com/shop >Play-Asia: https://www.play-asia.com/ >Top Hat Store: https://shop.tophat.studio >Zoom Platform: https://www.zoom-platform.com/ Pastebins >Paste: https://github.com/jordansamuel/PASTE >PrivateBin: https://privatebin.info/ Search engines >ActiveSearchResults: https://www.activesearchresults.com/ >Gigablast: https://www.gigablast.com/ >Marginalia : https://search.marginalia.nu/ >Mojeek: https://www.mojeek.com/ >Wiby: https://wiby.me/ >YaCy: https://yacy.net/ Social media >anime website: https://anime.website/ >Baest: https://bae.st/ >baraag.net: https://baraag.net/ >Free Speech Extremist: https://freespeechextremist.com/ >GNU Social: https://gnu.io/social/ >Hubzilla: https://zotlabs.org/page/hubzilla/hubzilla-project >Mediachain: http://www.mediachain.io/ >Pawoo: https://pawoo.net/ >Pleroma: https://pleroma.social/ >Plurk: https://www.plurk.com/ >Poast: https://poa.st/ >Shitposter Club: https://shitposter.club/ >Steemit: https://steemit.com/ Streaming >8chanTV ( >>>/site/1519 ): https://watch.8ch.moe/ Video and audio platforms >AVideo: https://github.com/WWBN/AVideo >BitTube: https://bittube.tv/ >D.tube: https://d.tube/ >MediaGoblin: https://mediagoblin.org/ >Veoh: https://www.veoh.com/ >VidLii: https://www.vidlii.com/ Video downloaders and converters >boram: https://github.com/Kagami/boram >ffmpeg: https://ffmpeg.org/download.html >NewPipe: https://newpipe.net/ >WebMConverter: https://gitgud.io/nixx/WebMConverter >webm.py: https://github.com/Kagami/webm.py >wybm: https://github.com/Kagami/wybm >youtube-dl (Also download ffmpeg for best compatability; guide: >>>/t/5546): https://youtube-dl.org/ Web hosts >Create your own: https://archive.vn/BtM69 >IONOS: https://www.ionos.com/ >KolymaNET: https://www.kolyma.org/ >Neocities: https://neocities.org/ Other >AdNauseam: https://adnauseam.io/ >Amateur Game Development General: >>>/agdg/ >ChannelChanger: >>>/t/1257 >Crescent Isle: >>>/site/532 >Kdenlive: https://kdenlive.org/ >LINE Sticker Downloader: https://goonlinetools.com/line-sticker-download/ >Magic Wormhole: https://github.com/warner/magic-wormhole >OpenTimestamps: https://opentimestamps.org/ >Privacy Possum: https://github.com/cowlicks/privacypossum >QEMU: https://www.qemu.org/ >The Wick Editor: https://www.wickeditor.com/ >VirtualBox: https://www.virtualbox.org/ Suggestions are always welcome! Revision Updates: 6/5/22: https://archive.ph/Aaswz
>>194636 >It's definitely not because of the vaxx, we're 800% sure <OK so what caused those 3.3k+ deaths >uhhh we don't know <how can you know it wasn't the vaccine if you don't know what cause those deaths? >TRUST THE SCIENCE GOYIM Joke's gotten pretty fucking stale at this point. Then again if you're out there begging the fucking govt to vaxx your ass you can't exactly be the sharpest tool in the shed.
>>194625 Just decided to try accessing the site from my 3DS, and keep getting an "SSL connection failed" error message. Also, just to confirm, this doesn't happen with other sites.
>>194625 Was able to access the site from an old desktop running Windows 2000.
>>194665 Probly because we set HTTPS strict security on the backend instead of letting Cuckflare do it for us.
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>>194633 Hey acid, here's a new asuka as a gift.
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>>194669 seen that one before, try again yesterday
>>194654 It's not just women. Some people just look much older or younger than they really are. I've met high schoolers who could easily pass as 22ish, yet I was mistaken for a high schooler until I hit my mid 30s. This is why I fucking despise SJWs that use the "I don't care if she's 700 years old! I say she looks underage, so you should go to jail for being attracted to her!" argument.
>>194670 How tight is marks ass?
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>>194672 not very, its pretty loose and moist with all his farting
>>194673 What if both the parents were metal heads and raised their kids as such?
>>194671 I'm a high school teacher and get mistaken for a student whenever I start at a new school, even after deliberately growing a huge beard just to try to make myself look older, and dressing much more formally than anyone else just so I dont look like a student.
>>194675 I have the opposite problem of people thinking I'm much older then I am. Even in my teens my people assumed my mom was my wife. Not helped by the fact I had facial hair since my mid teens.
>>194660 >The humanity of our ethnicity is completely dependent on how attractive the latina woman you're able to date i'd rather have you hate us than use such comical ways to justify not hating us but at least i can laugh at it. Unfortunately i can also relate since i hate asian people and have had bad experiences with them but they're woman are beautiful, however unlike you, i still don't like Asian people regardless of how beautiful their women are.
>>194674 Well metal is white fascism so there is only one logical outcome for them.
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https://archive.ph/U8E0y I wonder what's this gonna spell for China now that Japan's soon to arm up especially with the possibility of Abe's assassin having potential Chicom ties.
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>>194668 I forwarded this to the devteam. They're all pretty burnt out after this week so am I but we'll get it taken care of. >>194669 Got it already, but its a good one. I found these recently. >>194673 I would a good-looking e-thot Asuka trap. Probably. Not a Mark though. Never ever.
>>194679 This was Abe's last wish before he stepped down as the Prime Minister, and that is to bring back the Imperial Japanese army starting with the manufacturing of new aircraft carriers. I hope this pulls through so Russia and China would have second doubts before starting shit.
>>194680 >spoiler Jewcy boys need love too, acid.
>>194679 >CCP assassination of Abe backfires
>>194679 I'm sure twittards will amp up their efforts of labeling a fascist even more now. Makes me think of the hawks vs doves population theory game.
So with the Global Virus of Potentially World Changing Consequences officially over, what things are changed forever and what things never changed? I think one of the biggest consequences is the "Great Resignation" where people realize companies will drop them at the first sign of trouble and have started going their own way, either freelancing or starting their own shit. People now realize that "having a real job" doesn't mean stability at all, having a college degree for that job is useless, and alternate methods are more fruitful than slavewage
>>194683 And even if it wasn't commandited by the CCP, them partying from his death probably didn't help either.
>>194688 A client's neighbor had an armed robbery happen where the guys just knocked on the door and shoved guns in the person's face and ran out with 6 figures worth of jewelery. The client installed some placebo security measures that wouldn't protect against that and called it a day. Same thing with most of the people I know "prepping" for shortages or social unrest, they grab a few dozen cans of food but don't have anything else to survive just a week of no electric, gas, tap water.
>>194688 have a good smoke, Mokou People need to recognize that a globalist society has precisely 0 interest in improving anybody's life. The future is local because nothing else works. You can't rely on a stranger to help you with anything, and modern society is structured to force everyone to rely on strangers for everything. At the Uvalde shooting, the person who ended up killing the shooter was one of the kids' parents and all the professional police officers actually prevented parents from even trying to get in. If all those cops were parents of kids in that school, the problem would have been solved within minutes.
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Has Mark ever smoked Marijuana, or done any psychedelics?
>>194691 Well, the solution is simple: Don't answer the door.
>>194694 obviously not. if he did then he would have a sense of humor.
>>194691 Damn that's gotta be some heirloom jewelery then. Can't be mad when he had no guns himself. I guess he promptly went to the gunstore next day >>194692 >>194688 Just like feminism is a movement for empowering feminists themselves, not females. Everything is a powergrab
>>194695 That a certain amount of hawks and doves are needed in a population to maintain a constantly changing balance. Hawks would be people prone to violence, crime, and brutishness while doves are docile and conniving. Without hawks, a population of doves is expected to devolve into something like modern europe, which has no understanding or expectation of violence and thinks they can negotiate peace. >>194696 I think they wouldn't wait very long. >>194698 Nope, the retarded daughter is traumatized and the parents are die-hard liberals who think this is why we need to ban guns.
>>194697 I feel he'd be more chill after doing some serious introspection out of a trip, he'd probably be a new man. A new jew, that or he'd become an unbearable seth rogen clone.
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>>194695 >hawks vs doves population theory >HAWK: very aggressive, always fights for some resource. >Fights between hawks are brutal affairs with the loser being the one who first sustains injury. The winner takes sole possession of the resource. >Although hawks that lose a contest are injured, the mathematics of the game requires that they not die and in fact are fully mended before their next expected contest <DOVE: never fights for a resource -- if it is attacked it immediately withdraws before it gets injured. <in any conflict situation, dove will always lose the resource to a hawk, but it never gets hurt (never sustains a decrease in fitness) when confronting a hawk <therefore the interactions are neutral with respect to the dove's fitness (see note). >A corollary to this rule is that doves do not display for very long against hawks. >After starting their displays, they immediately recognize that their opponent is a hawk and they withdraw without paying a meaningful display cost. >On the other hand, if a dove meets a dove there will be a period of displaying with some cost (time, energy for display) but no injury.
>>194701 That is the theory, the game is when social planners and the like figure out how many are necessary to run a society and how policy should be affected. Doves make excellent npc farmers and gatherers, a hawk is not well suited to such drab work but it can work. Even in places like america, where you would expect elites to want only doves, there is a need for hawks like pantifa to police and intimidate doves into working for them rather than for themselves.
>>194579 So far, just videos of SEA hookers giving him footjobs, and some screenshots of chats between Hunter and Joe. Most of the digging was being done in 4/pol/, but 4chan's staff decided to nuke most threads dedicated to it. >>194623 USA/NATO operation in Ukraine because the Ukrainian forces can't keep with the Russian invasion alone. >>194625 Hard Mode: open a thread from one of the imagedump boards that has over 300 replies, all with one or more images. LUNATIC MODE: do it via Redchannit.com, and count how many times it takes you to load all thumbnails. >>194679 Ironically, I can see burgers trying to stop this before the chinks do it. Japan essentially is a fancy American naval base with the sole purpose of fucking with Russia and China, and nips becoming an independent military power could be bad for uncle Sam.
Some Goon drama boiling up in Eve if anyone cares. Since we were in the topic of Goons and Eve earlier, I decided to check on the Eve Leddit because thats usually where all the Eve wars and battles get posted and I stumbled on these two post of people outing GoonSwarm Federation. Keep in mind that the GSF has been touting for several years that they had like 4 or 6 million "Culture Revolutions" that weeded out all the "garbage" (bigots and other fancy words) and that they are not the same SA from before and that the new and improved GSF are champions of social justice. Which is all bullshit of course, The Mittani is still the fucking same as before and has never changed. >Goons creep up on a female player, eventually gets banned from SA for outing the creeps https://archive.ph/Jyj0x >Mittani employs goon infiltration tactics to try to influence Eve devs to get in game benefits over other alliances https://archive.ph/NRrQW
>>194704 Reckon the icelandic government is going to step in eventually? CCP games is their largest tech company I think.
>>194705 CCP got bought out by Pearl Abyss a while ago, pretty sure they no longer give a shit, that and they raised the monthly sub to 20 a month which drove people off in mass and a lot more canceled the subs on their alts.
>>194706 I'm sure there would have been a market correction, since a common strategy was buying a subscription, selling your skill points from that time period for isk, and then using isk to buy plex for more sub time. Any profit you made while playing would essentially go towards either keeping a few of those skill points or getting better ships, the difference in price was something I covered in a single day as a plebian.
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>>194688 Some people I've known have quit (or been kicked) from their jobs, few of them went to search new jobs only to get demoralized that they can't get better jobs, or the same job is paying less at other company. Some have gone hard into stocks and trading (even crypto). Some have opened their own shop and selling quite well actually. Some have started youtube/tiktok So yeah the coof might be a manufactured phenomenon but the resignations and distrust of the "normal job" is real
>>194708 >even crypto [LUNA FLASHBACKS INTENSIFY]
>>194623 They don’t need to worry hunter Biden at this point. Has anyone seen the recruitment failures of the US military? We live in a world where conservatives, libertarians, and even moderates liberals lose faith in the Woke military. White men and Latinos pretty much quit the military. Without conservatives. US military recruitment fucked. Feds need a draft.
>>194710 These (((people))) seem to think life is a 4x game and they can move around pops as needed without regard for individual talent and it'll be fine. In an effort to make a woke military that would be ok with firing on US citizens they made an understaffed incompetent mess that can't accomplish anything. Oh and as understaffed as it is, you can cut that number in half too as all those female soldiers they're so proud of will get themselves pregnant so that they don't have to fight the second shit goes hot. >Without conservatives. US military recruitment fucked. Feds need a draft. >Feds try to draft able bodied men >all the men identify as women, which the military is now forced to respect >can't find enough men, have to get around it by drafting women >all left wing support instantly vanishes They're fucked.
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>>194710 >the draft Attempting to pull the draft out will just end the fed even quicker, because nobody wants to be conscripted into military service, and there was rioting the last time they tried.
>>194623 >>194703 >USA/NATO operation in Ukraine because the Ukrainian forces can't keep with the Russian invasion alone I’m convinced the true goal the Ukraine war is for the literal Nazis and Chechen Muslims NATO/US backed to spill out to rest of Europe and United sates when the great Ukrainian refugees crisis happen after the fall of the capital.
>>194713 the worst thing is ukraine will never be independent again. It will continue to puppet for foreign powers. Whether russia or nato, you cannot form a govt. now that tries stand independent from both sides. Literally all the support from these countries are for "winning the war", as if this war will stop the moment russians move back out. And they definitely want this war to drag on for years, too much money and profit from continuing this.
>>194698 >Just like gamergate is a movement for empowering gamergaters themselves, not gamers. Everything is a powergrab Preach it bro
What Call of Duty 2024's Rumored Gulf War Setting Could Mean >Though Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 has not even released yet, there have already been a few significant leaks about the Call of Duty game that will be making its debut in 2024. While there were initially rumors about Treyarch’s next Call of Duty title being set in the near future, the latest reports indicate that a Gulf War setting could actually be the game’s focus. >While there is always a chance for rumors to be proven false, the fact that the latest leak seemingly features multiplayer map art straight from Call of Duty 2024 makes it hard to argue against. >With an F-117 present in the image for the multiplayer map Stealth, fans have become convinced that the game will focus primarily on the Gulf War. If this turns out to be true, there are a few things that gamers can expect from the game. >>Based on some older leaks for Treyarch’s next Call of Duty game, the developer’s 2024 release will apparently be a part of the Black Ops series. >While this will surely be exciting for longtime fans of the subseries, players may want to expect something similar to the Call of Duty: Black Ops 3 campaign where an entirely new cast of characters is focused on. This is because, by this point in the timeline, Frank Woods is out of commission and Jason Hudson is dead. https://archive.ph/F3nSc Kojima Productions Threatens Legal Action After Hideo Kojima Is Falsely Linked to Shinzo Abe Assassination >Hideo Kojima's studio, Kojima Productions, is considering legal action after the gaming auteur was falsely linked to the assassination of former Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe. >For those who aren't huge into video games, Hideo Kojima is a video game developer responsible for the beloved Metal Gear Solid series. It's one of the most renowned franchises in gaming and allowed him to build a name for himself, similar to that of a prestigious film director. >He was then given the opportunity to make a new game in the Silent Hill franchise, but it was canceled after the developer began to have conflicts with publisher Konami during the development of Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain. >He went on to make Death Stranding, a hit PlayStation game, and is one of the most respected names in the gaming industry, even getting adoration from big Hollywood names like George Miller and Kanye West. >With all of that said, Hideo Kojima was falsely linked to the assassination of former Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe earlier this week. On July 8th, Abe was giving a speech when he was shot by someone with a home made gun. >It was claimed on social media and even some news networks that Hideo Kojima was responsible for the assassination. The accusation began on 4Chan (via PCGamer) as a racist joke and then circulated via a now-deleted tweet from French politician Damien Rieu and a Greek news network. >Police arrested suspect Tetsuya Yamagami who admitted to shooting Abe. Rieu has apologized, but Hideo Kojima's studio, Kojima Productions, has stated it condemns fake news and does not tolerate libel. The developer also stated it's considering legal action, but didn't specify who it would be against specifically. >#KojimaProductions strongly condemns the spread of fake news and rumors that convey false information. We do not tolerate such libel and will consider taking legal action in some cases >In a now deleted tweet, French far-right politician Damien Rieu accused the far-left of murdering Japanese prime minister Shinzo Abe and used photos of game developer Hideo Kojima instead of pictures of the current suspect Tetsuya Yamagami >Hideo Kojima is typically very active on Twitter, but has not commented on the matter on any of his personal social media pages. >The beloved game developer is currently working on a new untitled game with Xbox. It is also believed to be working on a sequel to Death Stranding with actor Norman Reedus, but it has yet to be confirmed. https://archive.ph/FNQcb
>>194711 All the Cuckchan boards. /k/ the only one worry keeping an eye on. /k/ always been a glowing community. But fed posting been on overdrive. America military recruitment must be bad because recruiters are clearly shilling hard for anons to join the military. They are crying Russia every time someone Makes fun of how woke the us military is. https://archive.ph/u1jCy
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Pokemon Leaker Confirms Scarlet and Violet Will Have DLC >Pokemon Scarlet and Violet will be releasing this November, three years after the introduction of Gen 8 via Pokemon Sword and Shield, which remained the main competitive hub for the series in the meanwhile. >Although Pokemon Scarlet and Violet were announced in February, very little is officially known about the games due to the lack of new trailers, as only one was released since the Gen 9 reveal. As such, a great source of information about what Pokemon Scarlet and Violet will include is a known Pokemon leaker by the name of Riddler Khu. >Khu has a proven track record that goes way back, and they shared all sorts of correct information about Pokemon Legends: Arceus prior to its launch in January. >Among various things, Khu also teased Pokemon Scarlet and Violet's new systems and gimmicks with a series of tweets that discussed elements from the first and second official trailers, as well as new unannounced things to come. >Now, Khu shared their preferences for mainline Pokemon games on Twitter, ranking Pokemon Scarlet and Violet and its DLC in third place. >Although there were no rumors or anything official about Pokemon Scarlet and Violet getting extra content in the form of DLC or expansion passes, the consensus was that this was likely to happen because of the way Pokemon Sword and Shield's post-release content was handled. Still, Khu has confirmed that Pokemon Scarlet and Violet will indeed get some form of DLC, even though nothing about what this entails has been shared. >There is a huge chance that Gen 9 will have a similar approach to that of Gen 8 Pokemon games, in the sense that a DLC pack could expand the Pokedex and allow players to explore new areas. https://archive.ph/h7l0A Google Says Stadia Will Expand To Another Country As It Lands On Samsung Smart TVs >Google Stadia is set to move into another market soon, which will expand availability of the service. It was announced during today’s Google for Mexico keynote that the game streaming service is coming to the country. Stadia should arrive in Mexico later this year. >Mexico will become the 23rd territory where Stadia is available, joining the U.S., U.K., Canada, France, Italy, Germany, Austria, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Denmark, Norway, Finland, Belgium, Ireland, the Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Romania and Hungary. >Stadia is also one of the streaming platforms that’s available as part of the Samsung Gaming Hub. That’s rolling out on Samsung’s 2022 smart TVs and smart displays starting today. >If you have one of those devices (and a compatible controller), you’ll be able to access Stadia, Xbox Cloud Gaming, NVIDIA GeForce Now, Utomik and, in the near future, Amazon Luna without the need for other hardware. >Twitch, YouTube, and Spotify apps are also available on the Gaming Hub, which will hopefully be coming to older Samsung TVs too. >There’s been some other news on the Stadia front lately. Over the the last week or so, the service has added another 50 click-to-play trials for games you can try without needing a Google account. >One of those is for the Worldslayer expansion to Outriders — the first time that Stadia has offered a trial for paid DLC. You can check out Worldslayer for 45 minutes right now. >Google has also revealed the Stadia Pro titles for July, which are Five Nights at Freddy’s: Security Breach, Centipede: Recharged, Those Who Remain, Worms W.M.D., Roguebook and Fast and Furious: Spy Racers Rise of SH1FT3R. >Some other titles are leaving the Pro lineup as of July 1, but members can still add them to their library if they claim them now. >Those are Hello Engineer, Shantae: Risky's Revenge, DreamWorks Dragons: Dawn of the New Riders, Unto The End, The Darkside Detective: A Fumble in the Dark, The Darkside Detective and Darksiders 3. https://archive.ph/p9U1M
>>194717 Wouldn't be surprised now if two russians hijacked a plane and crashed into statue of liberty now, then we're declared war against militaristic nations
>>194720 >Wouldn't be surprised now if two russians hijacked a plane and crashed into statue of liberty now, then we're declared war against militaristic nations Sounds like a retcon they would do if they make a new Deus ex game. Especially if Deus ex 1 gets a remake.
>>194721 >“That Segue Is Really Just Not That Important To The Player” Oh this motherfucking bitch nigger, they probably dont know how to pull it off. But this fucking lying son of a fat bitch.
>>194720 >Minimal loss of human life It'd be more something like a stadium bombing.
>>194700 If you can only introspect under the influence of mind altering substances that impair your judgement, that's not real introspection.
>>194716 I wouldn’t be shocked if journalists encouraged and banking on people sam hyding devs and streamers so they can write more clickbait articles. Serial killers and school shooters barely existed until legacy media profiting from fear.
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>>194719 Stadia lives?
>>194724 It would be more like closing down every Mcdonald in the Ukraine and replacing it with an Uncle Vanya.
>>194686 >>194695 >>194699 >>194701 >>194702 >hawks vs doves Would this be related at all to r/K Selection Theory?
>>641217 Absolutely savage, the true Giga Boomer >>641224 We did it comrades >>641231 È IL SIGNOR LUCERTOLA unrelated but yesterday I had to dispose of two poor geckos who stumbled upon our rat traps and I felt so fucking bad, one of them was already dead but the other was wringing in pain
>>194731 if the pedos didnt get us the boot i doubt someone killing muzzies in kiwiland and/or beaners in walmart is gonna do it
>>194725 Autistics tend to not have self-reflection so they need an extra push. Introspection can be done sober for them, but it won't have proper effect.
>>194723 >they probably dont know how to pull it off That, or it's just that "Pete Hines doesn't have the attention span for that, so no one does, right?".
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>>641243 >>641241 See son, it's not the cumskin on the outside that matters, is how white you are in your soul >>641245 But did he REALLY die? I recall someone mentioning it was actually a prank and he's been known for faking his exits. >>194447 Seriously, guys, heed this person's advice. We've got plenty of cool boards that need your help in keeping them alive: >>>/vhs/ >>>/ck/ >>>/a/ >>>/t/ >>>/biz/ >>>/bane/ without your help these places will shrivel up and die. Not to mention all the porn and regional boards, too.
>>194673 i grew up without a dad and only briefly did i consider becoming a trap, so not true, (i've become a neet instead)
>>194598 >3dpd remove yourself subhuman pitiful entity
>>194737 >i grew up without a dad Are you black?
>>194737 The fact that you considered it at all shows the dangers of growing up without a dad.
>>194737 Why did you stop? Were you ugly? Are you still gay?
>>194466 What kind of MRE has Skittles in it??? >>194469 >jojo is reddit Might as well just say that Shonen is reddit or even just anime/manga is reddit. Bitch Western imageboards were created to discuss mecha. >>194479 They're active on Smug but like I said try and post on the boards in here.
>>194739 im mixed as far as it matters, mom told my old man was half arab
>>194743 >arab femboy Please show your eyes, and boypussy. I love me some MENA.
>>194736 Add >>>/lit/ to that too.
>>194743 Post it and then delete it, it's late at night, no one is watching, spoiler it then delete.
>>194743 >im mixed as far as it matters, mom told my old man was half arab Geez, I know an old classmate who was half-arab raised by a single mother, shame that he inherited male pattern baldness by the time he was on his 20s
>>194736 >Seriously, guys, heed this person's advice. Fuck you. Everything is leftarded, everything is globohomo, everything is gamergate, and you have to post all about it.
>>194447 Just go to smuglo.li
>>194749 Are you completely retarded? smugloli is a censored shithole. I'm not much of an anime guy myself, but I'm going to force myself to post on 8's /a/ from now on just because I hate smug's existence.
>>194750 >waaaahhhh they won't let me post with incorrect punctuation!
>>194750 I've been banned more by mark than by any smug mod, so take that for what you will.
>>194752 I've never been banned either on /a/ or got fatfingered by the kike for that matter, but even so I can't imagine wanting to go back to walking on eggshells, even if you take the meidos (auto or otherwise) out of the equation. The level of pain in the ass that is dealing with the former 8/a/ community requires remunerations.
>>194660 >Posting samples.
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>>194754 You sound like you integrate well within that community without an issue, what eggshells are you walking on? I would say you're walking on eggshells here too. I got caught smugs autofilter by habit (using tbh) but that's the only time I've been removed fuck you jewcy ass bitch
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>>194747 Yeah, arabs tend be prone to balding.
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>>194492 Damn. I have tried keeping a thread alive for a month but after 100s post gone by, you only get a handful few others who post regularly. It is possible to have a convo with just 2 person but is real difficult. Unless you have two autists going back and forth.
>>194554 I always imagined sitting in that chair and jacking off as she tongued my asshole.
>>194756 It's still the same old commune of hysterical faggots who whine about muh/pol/ related shit, offtopic, regular imageboard lingo (for instance some anon here got nuked for using echoes recently) and circlejerk over their assortment of spoken and unspoken rules. Even if you stay away from all of the shit that makes you persona-non-grata over there, the supposed better post quality that all of the above and beyond is supposed to encourage, is hardly that better than anywhere else if at all (in terms of actual anon posts, not shit like lucario). Posting there starts feeling more like work for almost no real benefits. And if I wanted that kind of experience I would have joined an glownigger agency.
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Do Fantasy Role-Playing Games Promote Racism? Claims that images of “evil” fantasy races abet racism are not evidence-based. https://archive.ph/ZWiKy
>>194761 Isn't this old news?
>>194761 >playing D&D doesn't make you a bad person. Oh really asshole? not like we didn't already know this since like 1974.
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He saved us from the Bretheren Moons.
>>194763 but back then the worry was satanism as opposed to now where its niggers and the perception thereof
>>194765 Which was equally retarded and facilitated largely by the platforming of a single woman as the go to expert for all things christian moms were deathly afraid of
>>194763 Being racist is good though.
>>194764 Archive or it's bullshit.
(1.84 MB 285x210 bateman.gif)

>>194633 >>194660 >fucking fat coomer acid has a GF and not me If that is true, then there is no God. I am in constant extreme pain and aguish and I do not wish for a better world for anyone else as long as I cannot be happy. If she looks like Vaush's monstrosity of a GF though I could not care less though >>194738 Anon, listen to me, never EVER look into a mirror or take a picture of yourself. Because you will find out that you yourself are 3DPD too and will have no other choice but to remove yourself from the gene pool
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>>194729 It is seperate from that, that just determines number and quality of offspring. You can have r or K selected doves or hawks. Gypsies for example train their offspring extremely well to do crimes, or japanese families raising their son into the father's line of work, while tyrone from da hood can either pick up a blasta or do fast food work from age 14.
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>>194761 >>194763 >>194765 Even a cursory look at table top gamers would show that most /tg/ers tend not to treat "always evil" races as 100% always evil, mostly because it's narrativly boring. Besides most of the always evil races are evil because of their cultural or religious beliefs rather than because of being genetically predisposed to evil. The Drow in particular are all experiencing low grade possession by Lloth and she reinforces the cultural and religious aspect by directly intervening in the nastiest possibly way against Drow that cross her. The only real hope is for them to find a different patron deity or spiritual discipline to replace her. The few races that are truly genetically evil tend to be far realm derived aberrations, many with genetic memory or are completely insane by normal reality point of views. Not only that but there's plenty of races that aren't evil but might still respond with hostility to adventurers or to nearby towns. Tale lizardmen for example. They are neutral individually and also as a civilization unless they are being dominated bay a black dragon or lead by a demon tainted lizard king but even normal lizard men are territorial and dislike non scalies besides. Or Myconids which are completely peaceful at heart but due to living in the underdark tend to treat other interloping humanoids as roving bands of psychopaths so be prepared to experience spore based Hokuto Ujo Ken if you roll up on them and don't respect the not aggression principle. >niggers and the perception thereof That's really the sort of issue ain't it. The left has to come up with reasons to try to explain why that everyone else don't like the black folk all that much, as a group anyway. They constantly theorycraft why that's so and they keep coming up with some sort of triple hidden secret racism that MUST be affecting people's perception and transmitting racism from one generation to another. They don't look at the most obvious solution: people don't like it when blacks act like niggers. And it's not just ideological "don't like", it's actual existential fear of being murdered or crippled or having the things you work for taken/destroyed. If the left want's every other race to like blacks then they're going to have to take a tough love response and tell the black community to cut that shit out pronto. But they can't do that because the left needs blacks to have no agency and to take victimhood as a mantle on to themselves because otherwise thay can't guarantee that they'll "have niggers voting for them for the next 200 years". And even if they wanted to regardless they can't now anyway because they've created and fostered this culture of "it's forbidden to say no to Ape" lol so they're caught in their own trap.
>>194556 I heard yesterday that feds had shut down the link, but a lot of it has got out anyway
>>194712 Not to mention that we are not officially in any wars. 8 years ago or so we also got shit about how the military had to accept every suitable candidate and was trying to lower their payroll with high fitness requirements and shit, so really they made their bed.
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>>194773 magnet:?xt=urn:btih:ba031f1b19eb501808b6145641ea1a49e41bb6bd&xt=urn:btmh:122056121502a7164ef4d04873e2794ffa218d5e0532a919a409bba3c6c7a7cd0eb3&dn=iphone_ipadBackup.zip&tr=udp%3a%2f%2fopen.stealth.si%3a80%2fannounce&tr=udp%3a%2f%2fexodus.desync.com%3a6969%2fannounce&tr=udp%3a%2f%2ftracker.torrent.eu.org%3a451%2fannounce&tr=udp%3a%2f%2ftracker.openbittorrent.com%3a6969%2fannounce&tr=udp%3a%2f%2ftracker.tiny-vps.com%3a6969%2fannounce&tr=udp%3a%2f%2fopentracker.i2p.rocks%3a6969%2fannounce&tr=udp%3a%2f%2fipv4.tracker.harry.lu%3a80%2fannounce&tr=udp%3a%2f%2f9.rarbg.com%3a2810%2fannounce&tr=udp%3a%2f%2fwww.torrent.eu.org%3a451%2fannounce&tr=http%3a%2f%2fopentracker.i2p.rocks%3a6969%2fannounce&tr=https%3a%2f%2fopentracker.i2p.rocks%3a443%2fannounce&tr=http%3a%2f%2ftracker.openbittorrent.com%3a80%2fannounce
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>>194773 I heard all (1)'s are glowies https://pastebin.com/ibPtFQHm https://archive.ph/XTzY5#p386106462 Seed, baby, seed!
(10.30 MB 1920x1080 makb2c.mp4)

Not a new comic, but here's an animatic of the Rad Dude pilot I was working on with my brother last year. My brother did the art and voiced the female characters, I did the writing and voice acting.
>>194779 so has your brother been a homosexual for long or did he only awaken after you made him a voice bitch?
>>194780 Voice editing software and the consequence of being a nintendie that didn't eat anything past chicken tenders and mac and cheese until I showed up in the picture
>>194775 Is this even legal to post?
>>194782 Acid hath given his blessing for it on /pol/.
>>194782 Acid commented about it on /pol/.
>>194721 You fucked up the 2nd archive link, it's the South African one.
>>194779 Wait, you guys are the "suck cock for tendies" bros, aren't you? You guys are awesome, keep it up.
(9.32 MB 1920x1080 Johnny and Dudette.mp4)

>>194786 this one?
>>194782 It technically contains cp, meaning images that if found on a pedo's computer would count as cp, but would be legal on a nonpedo's. So if you're not one, its legal for you to download.
>>194787 Yep, that one, are my assumptions correct? Because either way you guys deserve a "good job Kings"
>>194782 even if it contains cp it depends on the usage I think its like the journalist who go to rxxx and shit to make a story about them
(30.61 MB 1920x1080 Better off Dudette.mp4)

>>194789 Thanks, bro.
>>194791 Why is this 30 MB?
>>194792 Because you get the best possible audiovisual quality experience within the filesize limit. Aka he didn't compress it.
(145.87 KB 300x375 43f.gif)

>>194788 Dude what? I don't think that's how it works.
>>194788 I don't think downloading CP in any way is legally possible unless you have sanctions to do so. I'm just paranoid.
>>194794 The lawyers and judge representing pedos never look at the evidence, lest they also become pedos.
>>194721 >That Segue Is Really Just Not That Important To The Player Yeah and neither is a decent story of player freedom according to their faggot designers, fuck that shit company and it's retarded braindead fans.
>>194796 See >>194795 >I don't think downloading CP in any way is legally possible unless you have sanctions to do so
>>194799 So is Biden going to start WWIII in order to wag the dog away from his degenerate, corrupt son?
>>194798 Well, I guess the law does a good job shielding pedos like hunter and at the same time finding something better than planting cocaine because noone will want to forensically analyze if cops planted cp. We can only trust the experts at langley and quantico.
>>194800 >So is Biden going to start WWIII in order to wag the dog away from his degenerate, corrupt son? Biden's Muslim and Chinese string-pullers would be happy to see NATO and Russia nuke each other out of existence, so there is a good chance of them pushing NATO and Russia into doing that.
>>194802 >Muslim What?
>>194801 >Well, I guess the law does a good job shielding pedos like hunter Yes. That is literally what has happened multiple times. Have you just started paying attention?
>>194779 Easily one of the best cartoons I've seen this year. I wish I was joking.
>>194804 I meant written laws moreso than a lack of law enforcement, if feds say there's no cp then it's literally illegal to disagree because you'd have evidence.
>>194800 A direct hot war? Doubt it. No real capacity for it between forcing the clotshot in the military, degrading standards in general, trannyshit officers, equipment already being used up for the ongoing proxywar and so on. Might amp up the drama over viruses, or demand EU commits suicide faster by greenshittery and sanctions or drawing some other bullshit like the abortion issue as a distraction.
(2.94 MB 488x328 shit's extra fucked.mp4)

>>194806 >if feds say there's no cp then it's literally illegal to disagree because you'd have evidence Yeah. That actually sounds almost exactly like something that would happen.
>>194808 Your webm inspired me to also consider that the brandons could then go on to sue those people being charged as pedos with slander for a double whammy chilling effect.
>>194742 >What kind of MRE has Skittles in it??? MRE's are full of surprises, like actual squid in ink.
>>194525 The way animation styles change and evolve looks like that Simulacra meme. >>194527 >>194528 Does the artist make hypershit if so hit me with that good junk >>194556 You know as much as I hate paedos with a passion I really don't give a shit about burgerlandia, maybe try and find a way to invalidate the election because of mail fraud than because you found out Biden's son has his Joe out for little girls. >>194625 I would if I could anon
>>194481 That place is full of normalfags and retards.
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>>194481 How the fuck are spics incapable of getting women? they're fucking spics.
>>194679 I hear the fields of rape are wonderful at Nanking this time of year >>194688 Cinemas, city centers and malls are fucking dead for at least two generations (until the kids start getting tired of getting all their entertainment on the same channels that their gramps have and just go into lots to fuck around together like talkies used to be). Working from home will be the de-facto standard for any tertiary or information based industry (it was already undergoing but the coof accelerated it a lot). People's trust in science is ironically at the lowest it's been since the 1800s. I bet that at some point within the next ten years a new cult or religion or even faggy nu-wave lifestyle will come crushing down and sweeping up a lot of skeptics. University and colleges, while not dead, are showing signs of decline that are beyond repair since people are getting easily replaced by pajeets who do the same job for half their worth despite being almost untrained by comparison. Expect the only ones to survive being fine arts (since it's all about entering the clique) and law school (since law is made obfuscating on purpose by the people abusing it). The electric car meme will be shoved down our throats and it will fail because of how the world has become. Social media has on the one hand quadrupled in size and scope and WILL be used by companies and govts to police your activities. On the other hand, as many people have realized what a massive scam social media really is and have opted out of a virtual life. VR has surprisingly stood the test and will likely continue to grow as people try and escape themselves and the reality around them. Not a single democracy in the West has remained trustworthy. Conversely, all the authoritarian regimes of the East and neutral nations are being mocked by their own people for how terrible they are. But most of all, Globalism is not dead, but it sure as hell has been stunted and its growth set back of like 30 years. Nations are starting to consider the bottom line more than the international community. Faggottry will soon become an irrelevant issue or one dealt with blood and steel.
>>194815 >at some point within the next ten years a new cult or religion or even faggy nu-wave lifestyle will come crushing down and sweeping up a lot of skeptics May we guide their thoughts to the one true god. >university and colleges...are showing signs of decline that are beyond repair This has been the case for a century, ever since common jobs started requiring diplomas as a barrier to entry and colleges became expensive vocational schools. As you say, people are just now realizing how little value it has compared to actual knowledge, and it's partly why the push for free college is happening. >electric car meme...will fail It's already failing, california asked people to stop charging their cars (during the hours people are most likely to charge it, overnight) because of their solar-reliant grid being shit.
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>>194814 >they're fucking spics. Exactly, who the hell would want to fuck a spic?
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>>194814 The worst of all is that there are some spics who claim to be married with children and post that they feel superior to the other simps since they call themselves "winners", Hispachan is full of cancer only a few spics behave like human beings.
>>194818 The current state of /hispachan/ is so pathetic, at least the regional boards are ok
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>>194410 Every day until you like it.
>>194796 And now you know one of the main reasons they cp is illegal. It's a wonderful tool for the feds to get anyone jailed without anyone else being able to legally prove they're lying.
>>194816 >This has been the case for a century, ever since common jobs started requiring diplomas as a barrier to entry and colleges became expensive vocational schools. As you say, people are just now realizing how little value it has compared to actual knowledge, and it's partly why the push for free college is happening. Yeah but until the 60s colleges were still creating valuable members of society, as left leaning as they were. I guess from the 70s onwards it was already too far gone.
>>194817 considering how many kids they got, yes. I think American culture is creeping over down there and turning everyone into a gay pussy that can't even get a girlfriend. >>194822 what sucks is that back then you could get a 9-5 job that paid for everything and you get epic benefits like weekends off and health insurance. Now good luck trying to find that kind of job.
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>>194816 Electric cars would be great if they would use fuel cells instead of batteries or if someone would invent a Mr. Fusion. Or a Mr. Fission.
I regrettably forgot to post these last week during the 4th.
What if you were walking while playing you 3ds in public and accidentally walked into a group of niggers and they said webm related, what would you do?
>>194826 >3DS I'd join the niggers in beating you
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>>194769 Anon it's been seven, almost eight years since #GG started. Time doesn't stand still. In those years I've had three GFs, changed jobs twice for better hours and more money, made and lost two whole friends groups college and .mil guys who moved away over time, picked up and then put down two major, long-term hobbies MtG and D&D, helped a friend get a business off the ground, bought and traded 4 vehicles, learned to ride a motorcycle, quit playing MMOs, lost 5 belt sizes, got out of a total of almost $44,000 in old debt debt free baby, started rebuilding my gun collection, and got promoted twice. That's on top of #learningtocode and helping found and run this place in my spare time. Some of you guys only remember me as some hyper-autistic GG board owner and thread namefag like that was all there was, but that wasn't the case even back then. I just never liked talking about myself as a person and prefer to talk about ideas and happenings. Its also why I get a little smug when people try to shit on me if that makes sense. It's been that way the entire time. In more important news I talked to Bonegolem last night. He says the wiki is actually restored but the server its on is misconfigured or otherwise arguing with his CDN, but he thinks he knows the solution and it will be up fairly soon. Once it is I'm going to set an automatic backup onto one of my project servers so we don't have to worry about losing it ever again.
>>194826 I take my Switch out of my pocket and start playing Please Bang My Wife Deluxe Edition.
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>>194828 >spoiler How the fuck did you switched girls this much? They saw the "Asuka blacked" pic folder on your PC and legged it?
anyone remember the screencap of kazu crying on discord because his mom cleaned his room without his permission I cant find it can someone post it plz thnx
>>641265 I hope this snowballs to the point that Kojimbo's legacy is solely mistakenly remembered as "that guy who shot Shinzo Abe"
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>>194833 Or we make Hideo Kojima the new Sam Hyde.
>>194815 >I bet that at some point within the next ten years a new cult or religion or even faggy nu-wave lifestyle will come crushing down and sweeping up a lot of skeptics. That was already happening since the 90's.
>>194565 Either you get power and become tyrannical towards your enemies, of they will do it to you.
>>194816 >As you say, people are just now realizing how little value it has compared to actual knowledge, and it's partly why the push for free college is happening. The funny thing about the "free college" stance is that it will NOT improve anything. In fact, that may worsen it because, with the way education has degraded, grade schools have stopped teaching students and just pass the buck along to the point that you have college students applying to grade school level classes at a university so that they actually CAN apply for the college level classes. If the government stepped in and declared that college education is free, what's to prevent the everything from falling apart and having an entire society of individuals who are in their mid-20's, have been in school for a constant two decades, and nothing to show for it aside from a fifth grade reading level? The REAL solution would be to get the feds out of education and leave it all up to the local communities and the parents on how their kid is educated (And, yes, that means paying for grade school again instead of it being a part of your taxes), with concepts like "common core" only being established by the state governments.
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>>194823 >turning everyone into a gay pussy that can't even get a girlfriend. Why would anyone want a GF when they can sue you out of house and home just because you farted crooked and it offended her?
>>194840 3DPD lovers everytime.
>>194679 Niggerpill/Hanging Flesh proven wrong once more.
>>194702 Hence why not working and letting it all collapse is the best. Make the elites suffer, and take over when they die. It is better than working for them.
>>194844 Spoken like a true neet that doesnt have to pay rent.
>>194711 Avoiding all obligations, duties and actual work that are required to keep society afloat is the best way to eliminate the elites. Society can be rebuilt anytime. The elites must never be allowed to exist though.
>>194761 Racism is good. Shitskins aren't people.
>>194844 >>194846 Unless you live innawaoods like uncle Ted, I'm pretty sure the elites can hold off in a yacht far longer than we could without working. I'm still waiting on seeing suits rain from the sky in new york but shit hasn't gotten that bad yet.
>>194850 It's the second time you've asked for this, kid.
>>194851 >2nd this is like the 4th fucking time hes asked. dont give him attention.
>>194845 Better than paying my enemies.
>>194849 While some measure of innawoods is pretty much the best solution for everything going on these days; theoretically, you don't even need to outlast the elites themselves. Just their mid level management and various public officials who execute their bullshit, and who aren't as astronomically bunkered away from the common plebs. The moment those go, all you have is a bunch of electronic surveillance obsessed old men playing at running the world, but with nobody listening to them anymore. Though really, even without any deliberate effort all those kinds of commie systems collapse on themselves the same way. Just with shitloads of casualties along the way to people passively giving up putting any effort in making shit work.
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>>194854 Here you go
>>194854 anon, you're delusional. there is no screencap. stop spamming the same thing over and over asking for shit that doesn't exist. Also I am banning you for ban evasion.
>>194853 >>194855 Youre a neet and think that somehow everyone can afford to be one, thats fucking retarded, as it is most people have their salary stretched thin over the month, stop saying the same shit over and over as if somehow people will listen to you and it will magically work.
>>194853 Unless you're a successful investor or business owner (as in the people you're against) you will eventually have to pay your enemies.
>>194830 The first one moved for work 3 states away, so we broke it off. The second was kind of a skank and we only dated for a little while. Then I was single for a while before I got with the current girl, who I had actually already dated in the past way back after college, before GG. She knows all about this place but hates the Internet and mostly phonefags to use it. Otherwise I'm pretty sure she'd be a /b/tard or posting on some /baphomet/ equivalent somewhere. She's cute but she's a literal shortstack and tsundere so we make an interesting couple.
>>194860 >sample Stop being retarded
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>>194860 Acid you faggot, why do you keep posting samples?
(299.52 KB 1459x2048 Smug illya cherries.jpeg)

>>194862 Because when you only close your tabs about twice a month, the full-sized images will run you out of memory a lot faster. I save samples for huge images and full-res for the more reasonably sized ones. I should probably upgrade this toaster, but I have plenty of more important things to spend money on.
>>194864 Is the acer the toaster you're referring to?
>>194858 <point out how commie systems always collapse, specifically mention how they will do so even without any input >stop saying the same shit over and over as if somehow people will listen to you and it will magically work. Anon, pls.
>>194866 >current system >commie system Are you just shitposting right now?
>>194865 Nah, this is an old single core 64bit Intel desktop that I bought from a pawn shop in like 2015. I slapped in all the RAM that would fit and threw Linux on it. It does fine most times but its finally beginning to show its age.
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Reminder that all accusations of fedposting are from feds.
>>194858 >salary >payments >system All completely avoidable. You don't have to live to pay anything.
>>194859 No, I won't.
>>194870 You have a generator, acces to fresh water and hijacked the internet off somewhere? No, you havent, youre talking out of your ass.
>>194869 I wouldn't even bat an eye if this turned out to be true. The elites (and by extension their tools) are so above society and so disconnected from the common people that they are ditching history tried and true methods in favor of whatever's in with other elites. I.E. they're printing money at a rate that will probably collapse the economy because they have no idea why money isn't circulating fast enough.
>>194871 If you ever find a way to not pay money and still have shelter for neet hobbies please tell me.
(4.59 MB 300x212 Dancin'.webm)

>>194874 It's called living with your parents.
>>194875 I live with my parents and still have to pay rent because inflation is making everything even more expensive.
>>194874 >>194875 >inb4 you should just have invested in crypto
>>194876 >he has rent
>>194864 Just use a tab suspend extension. saves memory and keeps your tabs in check. Alternatively you could stop being a newfag and try using bookmarks
>>194878 It's called a mortgage
(8.35 KB 173x188 check_dance.gif)

>>194879 >2222 QUADS FOR TRUTH.
>>194880 Also, there's utilities and property taxes.
>>194878 If you are living with your parents and you can give them some money to help do so, even if they insist in not taking it.
(559.80 KB 319x137 milk_duds.gif)

>>194879 Nice quads also, >Tab suspend extension Ahh shit nigga, never knew this was a thing.
>>194880 >>194882 These things depress me more than the state of women.
>>194885 What? That Anons are living with their parents and contribute towards it? The Japanese were doing that since the 90's because of how the crash effected everything.
>>194886 No, i mean paying a mortgage and paying taxes and bills depress me more than how awful modern women are.
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>>194556 Turns out that the pics of the old man that looks like Joe Biden are from an amateur Thai porn video: https://xhamster.com/videos/old-daddy-and-his-thai-slave-11637721 >>194481 Stick to /ac/ for additional discussion about comics and cartoons, and maybe /av/ for H games and /vt/ for VTuber autism. All of the regional boards are the same mix of /r9k/ and /b/ "tfw no gf I'm horny and lonely and my country sucks but is better than yours also random images and porn and I'm poor".
>>194889 Dont lump in /arepa/ with that.
>>194862 Wow who cares about a few extra pixels when the artwork isn't even that detailed, you can probably get an AI to figure out how to generate a hi-res version
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>>194891 >letting ai upscale your artwork I bet you use filters too you faggot.
>>194892 I use HQ4X and CRT filters at the same time when playing SNES games.
>>194891 >you can probably get an AI to figure out how to generate a hi-res version It's not an AI, but there's a tool called waifu2x that can upscale 2D images without pixelating or blurring it like most tools (including Photoshop) do. >>194890 OK, I admit your board is more /b/ than /r9k/.
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We can't really dig much deeper than this. They've apparently lost their protection for being idiots who sold out NATO to its enemies so get the word out as widely as you can.
When i tell people i enjoy playing games they assume that that's all i do, and when i see them again they enjoy guessing if i have been playing games or not.
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>>194828 Holy fucking shit I'm happy for you acid! I hope everything goes well for you! I followed you on twitter back in 2019 I believe but you posted too much porn and that fogs my brain too much so I had to stop >been seven, almost eight years since #GG started I was in the 10th grade when it started I think. I'm 24 now and 11k+ in debt, a virgin, and a NEET. Could have gotten pussy a multitude of times but I always listened to the people who say "make money and become independent first", that was a mistake. Quit 2 minimum wage jobs, am struggling to learn to code, lost a BUNCH of money day trading stocks and trying to start online businesses but I learned a shitload in the process too, most of everything involving work pisses me off and I do not look forward to the future except for playing FFXVI and DD2. I could have got a career in IT through 2-3 semesters in community college but I had a very bad feeling about it so I dropped out, coding seemed downright mythical to me and became my new passion but the learning process is the biggest pain in the ass I've ever had to deal with in my life. Fucking pray for me. At least I'm still alive, own a gaming PC and am self aware of my situation. The heaviest sword I carry in my life, is my autism and feels
>>194897 It's okay, anon. I turn 24 in a few months. No ambitions. Virgin. At least trying to get in shape.
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>>194897 Don't worry anon, I'm a community collegeturning 26 and right now I'm having to debate between staying at a dead end job doing deliveries or sacrifice everything to take up welding school. You got 2 more years before you start realizing you're near your 30's and having doubts of self worth as people younger than you are making it where you couldn't.
>>194901 Welding is a good trade droodsman, just be aware that they will work your ass off and demand extra shifts constantly, specially if you work in construction or a naval shipyard.
Acid, how?
>>194903 lanky
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>>194902 that's the main issue I have with it. I just want to work a normal schedule like all the pretty people so I can have the free time and moneyto work on my different projects
>>194905 Well m8, im in the same boat, so give me a call when you find a good paying job that doesnt want to grind you down in a decade to maximise profits.
>>194897 Don't lose hope anon, I was a kissless non-virgin (paid a whore, not worth it) that half-assed everything in life, an eternal senior at college (almost took twice the average time to finish my degree) and never worked a day in my life. After I finished getting my degree at 25, it took a year to land my first job by basically saying " I'll work for free if you let me" and showing a shitty personal project to the team lead. My starting salary was minimum wage, but after 5 years and multiple promotions (most by changing companies), I'm making 12x the minimum wage on my country, gotten married and we're trying for kids. Just try your best.
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>>194897 >wiki I will add 3 more articles (Gamergater123). REMINDER: 1. ɢɢ is about 🅴🆃🅷🅸🅲🆂 ⁱⁿ ᵍᵃᵐᵉ ʲᵒᵘʳⁿᵃˡⁱˢᵐ. 2. the cancer that is game journalism is actually a metastasis originating from the much bigger and more powerful Game Industry! 𝙿𝚊𝚝𝚑𝚘𝚐𝚎𝚗𝚎𝚜𝚒𝚜: 1. Game company becomes cancer the moment it stops listening to Gamers™ and starts Listen&Believe to journos / media / anita / marketing / ethics department. That's why I write articles on GG wiki, because game companies need to be held accountable! And should be called out, shamed and boycotted.
How do i know if my DLC is working for the pirated version of Super smash bros wiiu/4? when i enter the game it's the default number of character, are they suppose to be unlocked the moment you start the game, or do you have to unlock them like the other characters by playing the game?
>>194828 Man, Acid, you truly have an interesting life. Compared to what you got yourself into I feel like I'm rally just wasting away. >30 yo >finished uni 2 years ago by studying from home after having problems with it for basically forever >grabbed an IT job asap >the coof starts and they put us in remote work >haven't met my colleagues once after the first two weeks of work >work is just bureaucracy and menial tasks, occasionally an unreasonable demand comes around and I just bullshit it away >spend days shitposting, watching videos, learning simple skills and occasionally doing any actual work >literally jerked off during meetings because of how boring it is >I'm literally home ridden because it costs too much for me to do anything but shitpost or buying the occasional gadget I don't even mind the comfy lifestyle, I just feel like the world is something that's happening to other people >>194897 We'll be rooting for you brother, we're all gonna make it brah
>>194910 The former (unlocked automatically). You probably downloaded the DLC from the wrong region.
>>194872 Everything promptly stolen. Never pay your enemies.
>>194911 To be fair, most people jerk off during work meetings.
>>194828 Acid many times you have annoyed me but: >In more important news I talked to Bonegolem last night. He says the wiki is actually restored but the server its on is misconfigured or otherwise arguing with his CDN, but he thinks he knows the solution and it will be up fairly soon. Once it is I'm going to set an automatic backup onto one of my project servers so we don't have to worry about losing it ever again. Thanks for checking in on this, genuinely.
>>194913 >Expecting some cheesy MMO soap opera <It's a fucking documentary <A documentary about autists
>>194913 yoo /vrg/ the movie
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>>194913 oh jesus fuck, the people that inhabit vrchat are insufferable to being with.
CUCKVID IS BACK https://archive.ph/36SDH >Move over, measles: Dominant Omicron subvariants BA.4 and BA.5 could be the most infectious viruses known to man WEAR THE MASK AND GET YOUR 69TH BOOSTER BIGOT
>>194920 >It could be the most infectious virus known to man! >Article literally states the reproductive rate isn't even known Holy Clickbait.
>>194920 Spread the word this is just a distraction from the data on Hunter Biden's phone or was it PC? getting leaked.
>>194828 Why the fuck can't mark be like you? You've done so much with yourself yet mark can't even hit the gym. What the fuck is wrong with the poor fat jew!?
>>194920 >time to get locked up in your house even more faggot >how dare you try to have a functional fucking economy when we're here to spout utter bullshit >how dare you demand the ability to work, isn't that software trainwreck known as Zoom good enough for you? >how about that flaming trashpile known as Teams, isn't that good enough either? Fuck these people and the dumbasses who listen to them.
>>194923 Mark is a Jew cut out from his tribe and shekels. He would have to go to some Hebrew school or something to find a rabbi to marry him to some random jew girl picked out for him, thats how they usually do it right?
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>>194925 Yeah, but he's so unmotivated I don't think he's even taken advantage of the privileges that are available for jewish men.
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>>194911 It hasn't always been an easy ride anon. This is the one time I'm ever gonna let myself blogpost, and I promise to never do it again. But if it inspires anybody to fix their life up I'll take the flaming. When I was little I was homeschooled from the age of 5 to 7, and was a legit child prodigy. Learned to fly aircraft when I was 8, learned to drive and all manner of outdoor survival skills at 9. When I started school they wanted to put me in 6th grade because I could already read, write, and do math at a highschool level, but my parents wanted me to "socialize with kids my own age" so second grade it was. My dad shelled out for a private school for my first two years and it was pretty good, insofar as I remember it. When I was in third grade my teacher entered me into a highschool math contest as a lark and a I took third place, honorable mention. My parents divorced when I was 10 and it tore me up bad for most of my adolescence. The years in public school that came after were literally Hell on Earth as I was way too smart and way too well spoken and polite, and had no concept of what sarcasm was. I was the nicest "nice kid" you could ever imagine, and the biggest dupe. I was bullied endlessly, and trying to talk about it got me verbally abused at home. By the time I hit high school I had found vidya as a form of relief and spent every waking hour outside of school buried in RPGs and first person shooters. I made two really good friends but didn't go to the same school as either one, and I ate alone in the cafeteria every day. The teachers all loved me except for two (math teacher/gym coach and fat cow English teacher who everyone knew were fucking on the side) and the students mostly hated me/were terrified of me. And by that time I had learned to hate them back. After Columbine there was no shortage of "voted most likely to shoot up the school" jokes, and I was not a nice kid anymore. My sophomore year I got a home computer and discovered dial-up Internet. Not knowing what the hell to do with this new technology that was basically a fancy typewriter, I took a computer class at school in the second semester and learned to type and use Visual Basic 3.0 and I was hooked. By the time I was a senior my typical school day consisted of sleeping through class until lunch, eating and playing videogames in the library, then going to metal shop, chemistry, and physics where I put in actual effort. Then I'd go home and play videogames until 10-11pm and then go online (less risk of phonecalls late at night) and work on my hacking skills until 5 or 6am. I became the schools unofficial "tech support kid" for anything computer related, and actually got in trouble once for dumping their Novell Netware password database for the lulz. I met a girl my senior year and fell for her hard, and she broke my heart a year and a half later. I also lifted weights extensively and got completely fucking ripped around that time. I could do Goku pushups, in a handstand with my feet against the wall. College wasn't notable other than the fact that I double majored in STEM fields and had a hard time passing grades because my time in public school had sapped my will to live/ study anything and doing homework was agonizing. For the first time I really struggled, and got put on academic probation once. I pushed through both fields for 6 years, and the year of my graduation my old man suddenly died. His final expenses sapped what money we had left and saddled me with around $55,000 in long term debt. When you die, Medicare pays 80% of your final medical bills and expenses. 20% of several hundred thousand dollars worth of expensive surgeries and ICU care is still a big number, even after bill mercy and sliding scale. Then there was the funeral. Being his only kid, everything fell on me. I also inherited his house, which was stuck with a mortage that cost far more than the property was worth, but it gave me a place to live. So instead of attending graduation day with the rest of my class I filed for my transcript and was almost penniless and out looking for a job, living off a credit card. When job hunting I made up my mind and committed myself to one thing: No matter what, I was not going to work in big box retail or fast food. Both seemed like dead end, suicide jobs. I drove around looking for a smaller business that did something interesting. Something I could be motivated to stick with. I found a small company that sold military equipment (I was a gear queer, but didn't own any) and went in and asked to meet with the owner. I told him my story, he told me about his company, and I offered to work for him. We shook hands and the next day he called me up and hired me formally. I started as a part time register monkey, and got moved to full time after 60 days. Dealing with people all day every day forced me to peel off my armored shell and engage with folks. 5 or 6 months later I was promoted to Shipping, and then Shipping Manager a couple months after that. The following year they moved me to corporate where I had my own little office, doing vendor negotiations and digital catalog work with the IT guys. I drove a (used) Mustang and wore a suit, and had a fancy watch and a cute girl. And I was dying. Sitting in a desk chair, either at home or work, for ~16 hours a day caused me to first balloon up to 300lbs and then to develop blood clots. When I got emergency treatment for those they broke apart and caused a series of mini-strokes that fucked up my speech for a while and permanently fucked up my ability to type. Even now I hunt and peck at about 45WPM, and this all happened over two decades ago. These issues caused me trouble at my nice job so I began looking for one that would keep me on my feet and active more. I met a friend who was starting a gun shop who offered to bring me on, so I quit my office job and went to work for him. I gradually made a recovery from my speech impediment and got so I could type and use computers and do most of the old stuff that I had been able to do. I got back into Internet culture after my recovery and spent time on forums and early 4chan, especially /k/ because I was a gunfag now. Then I got an injury while working on my truck that wound up causing blood poisoning, and I very nearly died. I wound up in the ICU myself for 7 hours, and this was right after I lost my health insurance to Obamacare, so it completely bankrupted me. I had to sell off almost everything I owned, including my entire (formerly impressive) gun collection. I lost all my savings and went into debt again and had to dig my way back out from nothing. Again. That was the situation all the way into 2014 when #GG started and I met all of you, and you mostly know my story from there. Here I am, 8 years later, once again debt free, healthy, and doing what I love. The moral of the story is, letting the world beat you is a choice. You can't stop every ass-kicking that life is going to hand you, but you don't have to take them lying down. You only EVER lose when you give up. Even if you get smashed flat all the way to the bottom of the mountain, you are still guaranteed to reach the peak if you put in the willpower and time. If a man has the willpower to persevere forever, he can move the whole Earth with a spoon. And my family's motto from old Germania was "Perseverat et Vinci." Persevere and Conquer.
Edited last time by Acidadmin on 07/12/2022 (Tue) 00:43:23.
>>194928 >This is the one time I'm ever gonna let myself blogpost This isn't your first blogpost by a long shot.
>>194929 The only one actually about me, the person. If that wasn't obvious.
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>>194930 >me, the person. Internet moderators aren't real people.
>>194931 for you
>>194931 A fair assessment. :^) brb my Hot Pockets are done.
>>194928 Wait, I'm confused about this. So the cops knew that internal affairs were setting them up?
>>194928 You can blogpost as much as you want. You're the only interesting person in this entire site of dull braindead faggots.
>>194928 >This is the one time I'm ever gonna let myself blogpost, and I promise to never do it again Actual LOL thread material.
I wish edits didn't force refresh the page.
>>194937 Sorry, I just didn't like that wall of text paragraph. I'm hoping we can do something to make the Quick Reply box "go wide" on desktop view and tall on mobile view. It's on Codexx's to-do list but its apparently far from trivial to change.
screencap for lazy niggers like me using hydrus to archive things
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>>194940 A: Get off your ass and do stuff B: If you fall down, go to A
>>194928 Thank you for your service, acid. My main melancholy for your story is what could have been if your parents let you jump straight to highschool. Did you come from an old money family? You had to have if you had access to aircraft at <8 years old.
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>>194942 That isn't necessarily true. The relative costs of having a small aircraft versus having a boat that you go to sea with on occasion are roughly similar. It's absolutely possible that he had a neighbor or a family member who was into flying and it came up as an opportunity.
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>>194944 Well regardless, makes me think of those child prodigies in history who had their lives set for them already at a young age, like Mozart who was already a wizkid at age 7. Imagine if Acid got that but for whatever he was good at by that time? Probably wouldn't have been the happiest life, but it sounds to me like his life hasn't been incredibly happy anyways.
>>194935 >>194942 The amount of stuff he's done in the last 8 years since GG started kind of makes the rest of us look like lazy faggots.
>>194947 I'm not downplaying his achievements at all, he's done more for the webring and 8chan than Porchmonkey and Jim have, that's for sure. He's not quite at Hotwheels levels but give him time. I'm only saying he probably could have been so much more - legendary tier - if his early life was different.
>>194948 Well we might not be here if he graduated college at 18 and decided to join a globohomo company, being forged by loneliness makes you have different values than collectivists.
>>194928 This is it. I think this might be the worst post in 8chan history. Here we have an avatarfag attention whore adminigger dumping paragraph after paragraph of his personal life on an anonymous imageboard about video games. It's basically the wrongest post ever written, it goes against every possible convention, rule and norm and it was written by site owner himself. A round of applause for Acidman.
>>194948 >he probably could have been so much more - legendary tier There's still time. >if his early life was different. It's not where you start, it's where you end up. >>194949 >we might not be here We'd be on Markchan.
@642451 >(1) and done makes an abhorrent post Sounds like someone has pedo websites in his browser history....!
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>>194951 I thought this was markchan.
>>194953 >(You) denial Lmao. It's like you forgot how the internet works.
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>>194950 >it goes against every possible convention How? Hotwheels talked about his personal life too, so did moot. How is this any different?
>>194954 No, this is JewcyChan. Markchan is his shitty bunker from the 8kunny exodes.
>>194954 This is acidchan, otherwise known a blacked.moe. Cakekikechan was vch.
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>>194958 Remember during the 8xodus, Mark was looking for a new /v/ (it HAD to be /v/) and admins from other sites gave him the thumbs up for free, but /v/'s were already taken, and mark wanted a /v/ so bad he paid acid an undisclosed amount of money just for the legacy name. Imagine what would happen of you gave 4chan's /v/ to mark.
>>194959 >Imagine what would happen if you gave 4chan's /v/ to mark. Assuming that Hiroshima is either killed, bought out or otherwise kept at bay, I'd say a dramatic boost in post quality.
The onion service is down.
>>194961 Who cares about torniggers?
>>194959 Remember when he shilled hard for 8kunt which absolutely no one wanted to move to because Jimbo was paying him 2k a month? Remember when he made a /v/ on PLW/Fatchan and nuked the board because people were making fun of him in the meta thread? Remember when he got so assblasted he had to take a break from trying be a BO and even tried becoming a game streamer? Remember when Fatchan reigned supreme while Mark was traumatized by no longer having any power? Now those were the days.
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>>194963 >Remember when he made a /v/ on PLW/Fatchan and nuked the board because people were making fun of him in the meta thread? Is there an archive? I swear Mark only exists to get the shit bullied out of him. It's ALWAYS him. >>194960 Of course quality would increase when nobody would be allowed to post.
>>194942 Sort of, but not really. The family name is old money. Coat of arms, and a couple castle ruins in Germany sort of thing. My dad was born poor in the midwest during the Great Depression and served in World War 2. After the war he went to school to be an architect and made a fortune building GI housing in the postwar era, owning his own construction company. Several decades and four divorces later (mom was the 5th) he was still well off enough that I grew up on a nice little farm and he had money to send me to school and pay for a year's worth of flying lessons in a rental Cessna. I flew a couple turboprops and learned the basics of helicopter piloting too. When I was little-little I really wanted to be a pilot. >>194946 No way to know anon. Would I have been better off as some freakish Doogie Howser type instead of going through all that adolescent misery? I sort of doubt it, to be honest.
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>>194959 >Imagine what would happen of you gave 4chan's /v/ to mark. He was an improvement over 4/v/ back in 2014 and given the fact that cuckchan boards never improve over time, cakekike is likely a miraculous improvement over what we'd have right now if we'd stayed there. A cause for self termination if there ever was one or at least termination of ones other than themselves. >>194963 >Remember I do.
>>194966 Mark is like a rehab patient for failure, he gets better then relapses, then gets much better and when you least expect it he relapses again, like when he let journos interview him about 8chan because they gave him free dinner. That one really caught me off guard, I thought he was past being a humongous dumbass.
>>194967 >I thought he was past being a humongous dumbass. If you paid attention, you'd notice his dumbass is only getting more humongous with time. New /v/ BO on account of Mark having a heart attack when?
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THE WIKI IS ONLINE! https://ggwiki.deepfreeze.it/index.php/Main_Page My login works so I presume yours does too.
>>194969 good work redhead aficionado
>>194969 Thank you willy wetback
>>194970 >>194971 Send thanks to Bonegolem. I did the prodding but he did the work. My part comes next.
>>194967 >Mark is like a rehab patient for failure, he gets better then relapses, then gets much better and when you least expect it he relapses That's why I love him. An endless jewcy barrel of laughs cakelord is. >like when he let journos interview him about 8chan because they gave him free dinner. That was hilarious. When it comes to specimens like cakelord, you can't help but laugh, long may he reign. There were no negative repercussions in the end, after all. Sasuga cakelord.
>>194969 Fuck yeah.
>>194968 I hope mark dies soon just so he can reunite with his mother in hell and we can have kazu as BO.
>>194975 >and we can have kazu as BO. Why would you want that? Hes far worse than mark.
Where can i go to talk about vtubers?
>>194977 Fuck yourself.
>>194977 reddit.
>>194976 Kazu nuked niggerlovers and /b/-/hebe/ pedoniggers, he's alright in my book.
>>194977 The lounge thread.
>>194980 He literally starts shit, gets butthurt and then bans you and deletes your posts.
>>194977 halfchan has a containment board you can visit im sure but also probably smuglo and PLW since theyre more sad anime fags than anyhting
>>194982 Yeah he does a lil bit of trolling sometimes
>>194977 You could create your board for that. >>194984 No, hes an autistic retard that is in no way fit to have any sort of authority as he will abuse it.
>>194983 Sorry what is PLW?
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>>194986 that says it all really
>>194987 oh lmao its in spiclish
>>194989 8moe's official language
>>194985 >autistic retard that is in no way fit to have any sort of authority as he will abuse it. Are we still talking about kazu or the BO?
>>194991 Kazu, atleast mark hasnt banned me yet for shit he started and then kept at it afterwards.
>>194977 Smug, PLW, and I think there's a board for that on anoncafe as well, if you're into that shit. >>194980 Kuzu is a shit. >>194986 It's a place for pro oji-sans. Only the elite can enter into that promised land. >>194990 True. This is a spic website, you can accept the inevitable effects of demography, or you can GTFO. >>194991 Both, obviously.
>>194991 jewboys egotism is at least tempered by his lazyness and his KIND of remembering that he's shit; kazurin is active AND arrogant and too stupid to realize what a fuckoff he is
>>194769 I'd rather have a fatgf than nogf.
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>>194995 how fat tho
>>194996 your-mom-fat
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>>194929 >>194931 I wanna kissu Nanananachi on the MOUTH! >>194969 Nice!
>>194968 >>194975 >>194976 I'm sure /v/ had another co-BO besides Mark, but I can't remember his name. >>194977 Right here during the appropriate hours, otherwise use the lounge thread, >>>/vt/+Deepl or prolikewoah.
>>194999 >I'm sure /v/ had another co-BO besides Mark, but I can't remember his name. Goldenrod
>>194935 Context?
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>>195002 I have the original
>>195000 Right. If Mark were to die or step down as BO Goldenrod would take his place instead.
>>195002 >>195003 Did you know there's a LOL thread right now?'
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>>194963 >Remember when he made a /v/ on PLW/Fatchan and nuked the board because people were making fun of him in the meta thread? That never happened, Loleron rejected Mark and /v/ on PLW because he didn't want to deal with all of the autism that came with it.
>>195003 Now do the Shadman piercings & ahegao.
(585.21 KB 1073x511 TAKE IT EZ BABE - SHADMAN.png)

>>195007 No, there was a /v/ on pro but it was only temporary, for that reason and also population concerns. Then he went to fat, nuked the board, i for one went back to kun to see how the ron/lawyer situation resolved, went to z when it resolved poorly, then that died after moe went up and now here i am and probably others as well.
>>195011 I think you're confusing PLW with smug.
>>195013 Smug wanted nothing to do with Mark, Acid, and 8moe. They despised the entirety of h8chan outside of their board, which is why /animu/ (And PLW by extension) even exists.
>>195014 I tried accessing PLW, but I noticed it's gone. All I get is a "go away" message, what happened? >>194992 >>194993 >>194994 Kazu did nothing wrong. Mark has him employed for a reason.
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>>195015 >All I get is a "go away" message, what happened? <Newfag rewriting history got filtered
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>>195017 >rewriting history What are you talking about schizo? I assume the site is up and they firewalled it, assuming it's not really down, how do they know who to filter, do they have a sadpanda thing going on?
>>195019 >how do they know who to filter, do they have a sadpanda thing going on? The filter is rather simple: you know where you want to go, and you go there. Like I said: NEWFAG!!!
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Bullyhunters 2.0 is back, motherfuckers!
>>195020 >newfag I still don't understand, you've given me nothing but ego stroking, it's like you're pulling off some sekrit club shit where it makes you feel good about accessing a dead site in a non-subtle veil of elitism. That just makes you worse than smuglo if I'm honest though.
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>>194969 Thanks acid, you work done continues to infuriate the usual suspects and their crusade to "win" against us.
>>195020 https://prolikewoah.com/boards.js I found the site accessible in less time than it took waiting for you to cum from stroking your tiny flaccid microdick, thanks for being dead weight and an absolute insufferable worthless cunt anon. The newfag is you.
(1.02 MB 640x360 BullyHunters.mp4)

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>>195027 good work shitnugget you became slightly less of a newfag by overcoming the fuckwit filter
>How dare you not tell me how to access a website that's accessible in the same manner as every other site of it's kind <Newfags are incapable of typing simple URL addresses
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>>195031 Hey look, it's work from that artist who doesn't know jack shit.
>>195029 I don't really care about actually posting on that hellhole, all I wanted to know was that if it was taken down or not, you failed to provide an answer and instead became an insufferable projecting nigger who wanted an excuse to force some superiority complex without actually earning it. You are genuinely worse than a cuckchanner.
>>195033 >all I wanted to know was that if it was taken down or not You got your answer when the site literally told you to GO AWAY! > you failed to provide an answer <Newfag can't into IDs
does anyone else where that thing in the browser header and tab that says how many new posts there are erroneously displays the amount of posts the whole thread, whatever that number may that be? doesn't happen always though, and i don't know what steps to tale to reproduce it so that it can be debugged.
>>195032 There's a limit to teasing; I feel Nagatoro crosses it.
>>195035 It's a bug that occurs whenever a BO/vol edits a post.
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>>195034 I got my answer so you can eat shit and kill yourself, you insufferable cocksucker.
plw has the greatest retard filter ever. Every boards should do this.
>>195036 Karakai Jouzu Takagi San does it right
>>195023 Go to the fucking board you want to go to you retarded nigger.
>>195036 Then you didn't watch past the first episode/read past the first three chapters.
Anyone else notice that many of today's issues originate from the fact that you cannot make the following three statements: >1. Nigger >2. The Holocaust never happened >3. y ( . )( . )
>>195044 You're missing a bunch. Like saying that the gender you're born with is your gender and no you can't change it.
>>195045 Anon, are you going to also get thrown out of "Right wing" groups for daring to call a man a man?
>>195045 >>195046 You know the country's fucked when republicans are talking about "based conservative trans" people. Was fucking pathetic to watch people support Bruce Jenner.
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>>195044 >>195045 I'm going to call the bully hunters 2.0 on you right-wingers.
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I just realized >Bastille day (French national day) is this thursday >Hunter Biden's whole fucked up shit has been leaked The truck of peace just rolls by its own.
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>>195049 Also the Euro is crashing, hard.
>>194762 Jewgle literally shit out RNG generated news articles, most news is psyop garbage.
>>195050 Why is it crashing?
>>195052 Putin of course.
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>>195050 More strength of the dollar than weakness of the Euro specifically. As fucked as our economy is we're getting off lighter than a lot of other countries from the bullshit the Davos types are in the middle of pulling.
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>>195036 Nagatoro did nothing wrong.
>>195057 Nigga'dtoro
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>>195058 No worries. She'll be 16 soon enough.
>>195058 Her middle belly is white, so the children she'll bear will be white too, stupid
I've been hearing that Musk and Trump have been getting into a slapfight recently.
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Let's tattle on gamers together, /v/! Join the Watch group https://twitter.com/HelpKeepWatch/status/1546483949526028290 https://archive.ph/1dLVK
>>195062 Is this another Goon lead project?
>>195062 Fuck, how they can have such a soft skin?
>>195062 Those faggots desperately want to ruin the best parts of voicechat. >>195061 I bet it's a nothing-burger, but maybe I'll look into it later.
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>>194996 gimmie that /hyper/ shit anon I am a slave to the thickness >>195036 I think in later chapters it's much more teasing-like than actual bullying but some parts border on cruel. When she's trying to get Senpai in shape or to act more mature or manly I kinda dig it, but there's some other ones where she's basically annoying if not outright torturing him. >>195050 >>195052 The American banks have bailed out Europe a few years after Greece couldn't repay denbts and ever since then European banks have been printing money non-stop to prevent another hard crash. See, the way the EU banking system "works" is that capital is completely interconnected between regions, when things are doing fine money flows freely and quality of life improves, but all it takes is one niggardly government (and the Greek one has been renown for being liars and swindlers for decades) defaulting on their debt for the whole house of cards to come crashing down. Now, when Greece was falling, Germany stepped in and practically bought out the entire country, with the caveat that other EU nations had to pay the offset in the German balance (it's why many EU nations went into austerity, migrants started being imported by the thousands to work for a fraction of a normal worker in order to save costs and Britain started talking about leaving outright). Now three problems came into play all at the same time: 1) US banks are printing so much money that the dollar is becoming worthless in international finance (the Yuan is doing the same but no one has ever taken payments in that currency seriously), meaning the Euro doesn't have a fall back plan of being bailed out if things go wrong; 2) The war has made energy resources the most sought after commodity in the world, and Europe doesn't have much of it, barring Norway/Denmark for oil fracking and Poland for coal. Even France is taking a huge hit because their nuclear power plants require other natural resources they currently lack. Plus Germany itself has been on a downward spiral since they are completely dependent upon Russia, and since the germs are the industrial heartland of Europe, now industry is completely halted in the whole continent; 3) The retarded Green New Deal plan of making the entire automotive industry obsolete, going to muh organic, muh renewables and removing plastics has made everything much costlier in Europe. Because it costs so much to ship things around and because industries might get closed down due to arbitrary green regulations until they accept to convert into less efficient methods, capital isn't being invested. Because of that, people don't want to hold onto Euros, thus they sell, and by selling they make the stockpile of unused Euros rise, the price of an Euro to the Dollar falls, companies invest even less and the cycle continues, all the while the printed money does very little to stop the fall and just helps consumers feel like everything is fine.
>>195065 Here's another vid I've got saved. This one is more race-related. Great times. Wonderful times. People try too hard to be politically correct these days, all to detriment of fun. We need to get rid of those gay killjoys.
>>195065 >>195064 >>195067 Nothing is really gonna come out of it, doesnt matter how many "racist" they get rid of they'll just come back.
>>195059 Why does that make a difference?
>>195067 There is not much joking. I'm more offended by being fucking annoying. If this is the fucking shittalk of shooters today I prefer it being censored if it shut up all the ratboys.
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>>194928 When I first came on .moe off of 8chan proper and migrated my boards, I felt that you were the kinda guy that I could trust, now I know you're the kinda guy that makes you feel. Thanks lad, I have pretty much the opposite of your experiences, but it's nice to hear a life story from time to time.
>>195023 >I'm totally not mad about being a retarded newfag Wew.
>>194928 I'm still proud that I made you blogpost. I haven't ever heard many details about your life so it's good to have a newfound image of you. I hope this inspires the fat man.
>>195062 I think this will have the same hosts and the same sponsors as Bullyhunters, because obviously, this is Bullyhunters: Electric Boogaloo.
>>195045 100% the fault of jews, so it's covered by 2.
>>195077 So is number 1 though.
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>>194977 https://prolikewoah.com/animu/catalog.html And make sure to tell them you were sent there by gamergate, they'll love it.
>>195015 >I tried accessing PLW, but I noticed it's gone. All I get is a "go away" message, what happened? Maybe you should go away, then.
>>195066 >1) US banks are printing so much money that the dollar is becoming worthless in international finance (the Yuan is doing the same but no one has ever taken payments in that currency seriously), meaning the Euro doesn't have a fall back plan of being bailed out if things go wrong; If only the international economy was merely this fucked. The dollar is stronger relatively than it's been for a few years, given that you're not wrong about the US economy doing worse in absolute terms that says a lot, none of it good.
>>194977 We technically have /vyt/, but it's in a sorry state. Honestly, I have no idea what there's to talk about regarding vtubers and the like, and more than 50% of my Youtube recommendations are vtubers at this point. omg did u here about sana graduating?
>>195082 This, you might as well use a cuckchan archive if you just want an rss feed of schedules and leaks.
>>195059 >>195057 >>195059 If anyone here is a fan of Amphibia. There is currently funny drama about the Amphibia crew making official porn of the characters and accidentally posting it online on Twitter. Twitter trying to dox whoever made official porn and people on the Amphibia crew ratting each other out. Sasha who they made bisexual in the finally first boyfriend being grime canon.
>>195084 There's a couple /co/ anons who think the show is half-decent for Calarts shit I think. I'm interested in this official porn. How on-model is it? How ugly is it?
>>195085 Actually, nevermind. There's plenty of info on /co/ already.
>>195084 >>195085 >>195086 >creators making lewds of their characters >new I thought that was the industry standard? Bring the official harley queen lewds.
>>195087 Standard? The hell have you been? Harley and the Wakfu lewds are special because official lewds of non-lewd shows are so rare. Sure you hear about Osamu Tezuka and some other old artists now and then, but that exceedingly rare.
>>195088 >official lewds of non-lewd shows are so rare. Uh, no? We've known for decades that artists draw porn of their own characters. What's rare is leaks (or official release) of the official art.
>>195088 What >>195089 said, do you really think that people like the loud house's creator, who used to draw incst fetish comics, hasnt drawn lewds of the characters?
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>>195085 >>195087 >>195086 Forgive me for posting Cuckchan /co/ archives. They can explain the drama better than me and one of which the /aco/ link with the post uncensored. Amphibia Drama link https://archive.ph/hyc3A Link that that has the official porn uncensored https://archive.ph/bzcAG All the girls canonically had sex with each other and Sasha lost her virginity to a giant humanoid toad.
>>195093 That's not what canon means & you should just post this on /co/ here.
>>195091 keyboard second panel next to his shoulder
>>195091 I dont get it.
>>195096 it's stars. they're boring.
>>195094 >That's not what canon means All lewds made by creators and animators should be considered canon.
>>195098 That's silly. You're silly.
>>195096 i assume the joke is the rebbit comment and all the upboats from it
>>195097 Nonwhite detected.
>>195099 >That's silly. You're silly. No. You’re the silly goose.
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>>195096 It's making fun of the IFLS crowd. They're awful. It's almost enough to make one to flee from light into the peace and safety of a new dark age
>>195093 >All the girls canonically had sex with each other Good. My girl Marcy deserves nice things to happen to her. >Sasha lost her virginity to a giant humanoid toad. Nice desu ne~
>>195098 >All lewds made by creators and animators should be considered canon. Oh yes! Most certainly!
>>194963 Remember when Mark keeps sperging and screaming when anyone mentions that Crapcom, Devil May Cry 5 and Monster Hunter World are all shit?
>>194873 >>195106 They're printing so much money to intentionally destroy the middle class. The rich can take a small wealth hit now if things like house ownership becomes utterly unaffordable to all but them leading to a permanent underclass of renters. That's just one example of how it's benefiting them, there's also the control it grants by people being utterly dependent on every level and forced to parrot shibboleths. It's also why they're going after farmers so hard. Much like banking is denied to the most active dissidents now in the future rental agreements will be and they're aiming for locally sourced food not dependent on megacorps to be a thing of the past. That's their plan at least.
>>195066 All this reliance of a centralized control of economy is so insane, that no wonder people are moving away from it. Making things easier to trade is meaningless when everything can fall apart due to the actions of a few. Relying on the stupid idea of "everyone must do their part" and just hoping that nobody will make a blunder is so idiotic, that it could only come from the elites.
>>195084 >>195093 >ToH got rekt for having too much gay and the 3rd and final season will consist on just 3 long episodes >Amphibia's staff are getting rekt for drawing too much gay and the fandom is now eating itself Molly McGee is next.
>>195113 Why I said hat's their plan at least, I'm hopeful that it's avoided, preferably non-violently. Though realistically I don't think that they'll relinquish power that easily.
>>195117 Don't reply to niggerpill.
I have an unhealthy internet addiction and I think these threads are a big factor.
>>195118 Anon he is a shitposter the same vein as niggerpill.
>>195119 So stop using the internet and suffer mental illnesses from dealing with retards in person instead.
>>195114 >Molly McGee is next. Something about Molly McGee seem off to me. But I can’t tell why. Owl house was made a bull dyke that hatred Christianity but loves Islam. But Molly McGee. Subtle creepiness to it.
>>195123 >But Molly McGee. Subtle creepiness to it. There was an episode of the show about rewriting history: >>>/pol/12319
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>>195123 >But I can’t tell why
>>195124 >emancipation proclamation happened before secession >founding fathers had a master plan and this was part of it Wew.
>>195126 Disney is very keen on pushing mexican jews.
Keep crying nigger.
>>195131 >soyjaks >cuckchan filename You somehow managed to be more embarrassing than kazu.
>>195089 >It's not rare, it's the leaks that are rare You mean, the actual proof is rare, and you just assume it's 20 times as common as what you find out about with no real proof to back that up? Sounds like women and rape statistics.
>>195124 >>195126 >>195123 >>195114 >Molly McGee >>195133 >Replying to a bot
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>>195136 Extraordinary. And the dumb bitch had an easy answer too. As soon as he said, >So it isn't a women's rights issue? She should have said, >No, it's a human rights issue
>>195136 I want to see Hawley's opponent running attack ads about him being a transphobe when he's up for reelection only for him to win in a record level landslide for his state.
>>195137 Eh, I guarantee that she made a comment about it being a women's rights issue in her statements previous to him asking it.
>>195136 Thats what they should be doing tbh, pressure them into dropping spagetti with completely inane questions. Right now that is happening with GW reinforcing that only men can be space marines and trannies having meltdowns on twitter.
>>195139 She still could have just corrected her language, but I guess admitting a mistake in her earlier wording in order to win the greater argument goes against her whole philosophy that misgendering people is literal violence.
>>195143 Go and do it then.
>>195144 No way, fed gay.
>>195137 >black >women >critical thinking lol
>>195145 Wait so im the fed and not the spaz screeching at people to do bullshit he himself would never dare to do.
>>195148 No, im calling you out on your bullshit, i will not participate in your larping.
>>195149 >LARPing >Live Action Role Playing >Live Action <Typing words on the internet
>>194935 >calling himself a braindead faggot Chans have become cancer
>>195128 Is that so? That girl and Isabella from Phineas and Ferb are the only cartoon Mexican Jews I know of.
>>195152 >Chans
>>195143 sounds like a fedpoaster but there's legal grounds for doing this if anyone has the balls to. A shitload of them are paid foreign agents, some of them are connected to banned terrorist organizations.
>>195150 Thats a fucking senator, being recorded in a hearing filled with other officials and citizens, are you telling me, that going out and killing them right there and then, its a fucking sensible, let alone even possible option? Then once again, go and do it yourself.
>>195158 >Not even trying to read or comprehend what's written. No, fuck you, i was pretty obviusly saying that the fucking senator making them sperg out on TV was a good thing to do and you show up with >No, they need to be rounding them up and hanging them from fucking lampposts. Why would you even suggest that we waste our time pretending to entertain their clinically defined mental illness?
>>195136 It's that snide laugh all of these people make when presenting their arguments that always tells me to never trust any of what they say. They feel so smug and arrogant about their responses, like "hm yikes bitch it's not my job to teach about this sweetie" What a chad that Mr. Hawley though >>195140 That's the issue though. >Socialism >Marxism >Third Wave Feminism (the other two have merits) >Transgenderism >Populism >Technocracy all fail to stand to scrutiny once you poke enough holes into them, so the True Believers do their level best to divert the discussion and paint another group or person as an evil oppressor. That woman cannot bring herself to answer in a clear-cut way a simple question. She can't just say that it's fertile women and (non-existent) transgender MtF freaks, she has to retort the same tried and tested list of grievances and turns a simple line of questioning into a personal attack.
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>>195160 >Technocracy I have never heard the word "technocrat" outside of Metal Gear.
NEW BREAD >>643110 >>643110 >>643110 >>643110 >>643110 >>643110 >>643110 >>643110 >>643110 >>643110 >>643110 >>643110 NEW BREAD honestly the game looks kinda rough

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