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#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: "Sma/ss/h in the House" Edition Anonymous 04/30/2021 (Fri) 23:08:45 Id: d65269 No. 23334
ONGOING DISCUSSIONS: >Quinton Flynn Replaced as Kael’thas Voice Actor in WoW; Despite Judge Ruling Sexual Misconduct Allegations Came from Obsessive Stalker https://nichegamer.com/2021/04/19/quinton-flynn-replaced-as-kaelthas-voice-actor-in-wow-despite-judge-ruling-sexual-misconduct-allegations-came-from-obsessive-stalker/ https://archive.is/Dj5a5 >A petition to deplatform once cancelled game "Six Days In Fallujah" started by Hala Alsalman receives game industry developer and figure support; gets stealthily updated https://archive.is/h6Da1 https://archive.is/eSpno >Pro-GG developer explains reason for leaving project. Claims family issues rather than cancel culture are to blame https://yewtu.be/YBVyJhn5AGg >Game journo who wrote articles for Vice Waypoint and PCGamer calling for blacklist on Hogwarts Legacy over pro-GG lead developer: https://archive.is/7gsws >State of Decay 2 drama involving the "Punched Nazis" trait https://archive.vn/XsItt CURRENT TASKS: 1. OPERATION TRAJAN: Collect and catalog all of the various localization and censorship accounts of past video games into a single repository from these sources: romhacking.net The_Cutting_Room_Floor Segaretro https://yewtu.be/channel/UCFItIX8SIs4zqhJCHpbeV1A 2. OP OUR LIFE OUR HOMETOWN: SONY FORCING JAPANESE DEVELOPERS TO CENSOR THEIR GAMES IN ALL REGIONS http://archive.vn/XQOHW Sony's policies forces censorship; JP devs allegedly have to go through ENG approval process: https://archive.fo/awzFF Japanese blog post about it: https://archive.fo/bF9bE Sony Japan President Says PS4 Censorship Policy Is To Match Global Standards And Protect Kids https://archive.fo/U3GLa -Confirms censorship was deliberate https://archive.fo/XgAgP -No rules for censorship policies, games judged case-by-case https://archive.fo/37DhK -Marvelous partner starts petition against policy https://archive.fo/rxQtf https://archive.fo/84UHo •Twitterfags: Tweet with Sony's stock code $SNE so that investors see your tweets and know you're pissed. •Consider spreading OP Timber materials to targets as well. http://archive.vn/URjtu ONGOING TASKS: A. Support archive.fo! Accountability needs proof: https://liberapay.com/archiveis/donate B. OP DisNod: Contact the FTC and advertisers about violations and unethical practices http://archive.vn/9bylT C. Internet Censorship happenings: Spread the word about the dangers of FOSTA/CLOUD act/Article 13, etc. https://www.eff.org/de/deeplinks/2020/03/earn-it-act-violates-constitution D. OP End the Era: Dig into resetera and their connections to journos, devs, etc. http://archive.vn/JfuSb Reminders (important, READ THESE!): •Use https://archive.fo to deny sites ad revenue and traffic and preserve pages in case they are deleted later •Be civil if you have to argue with people on Twitter, Tumblr or any forum - don't make us look like douchebags •Do not accept requests for any goal, demand lists or personal army requests: https://pastebin.com/p5dVp1e5 •Beware COINTELPRO: The Gentleperson's Guide to Forum Spies: https://cryptome.org/2012/07/gent-forum-spies.htm
[Expand Post]•STOP REPLYING TO BAITS AND OBVIOUS DERAILMENT ATTEMPTS, JUST REPORT AND FILTER Resources >Summaries of #GamerGate:https://www.yewtu.be/watch?v=wy9bisUIP3w - #GamerGate - If It's Not About Ethics •https://www.yewtu.be/watch?v=5fnRSL3d_xU - #GamerGate in 60 Seconds •https://archive.fo/23Fde - GamerGate: A State of the Union Address >Background and Evidence for #GamerGate: •The #GamerGate Dossier: https://archive.fo/nv1Fb •#GamerGate Wiki: https://ggwiki.deepfreeze.it/index.php?title=Main_Page •History of #GamerGate: https://www.historyofgamergate.com/ •View the timeline links in the Current Happenings section! >Lists: •GG Steam Support & Boycott List: https://v.gd/vzRsRb •Key GamerGate Hubs: https://v.gd/LNJbat (Needs updating) >Thread Repository: https://gitgud.io/gamergate/gamergateop/blob/master/ThreadRepository.md https://ggwiki.deepfreeze.it/index.php?title=Thread_Repository >Full OP Text: •Current: https://ggwiki.deepfreeze.it/index.php?title=The_GamerGate_OP >How Can I Help? https://8chan.se/gamergatehq/ •All OPs: https://gitgud.io/gamergate/gamergateop/tree/master/Operations •OP Vulcan: Learn logical debating: https://v.gd/Kbzw0L •An Anon's Guide to Twitter; basics: https://v.gd/nwrbYF >Want to Contribute to GitGud or Wiki? https://gitgud.io/gamergate/gamergateop/tree/master/How-to-Contribute
>smash op You really want the pedo discussions to continue huh?
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Ye olde thread: https://archive.is/ZeB7r Also what did the captcha I had to solve to make the thread mean with this? >>23336 Not really. I just wanted an excuse to post these pics.
>>23336 Shota isn't pedo because they're not real
>>23338 They're referncing that there's a lot of child molesters in the Smash community.
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Don't forget to say your rabbits!
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>>23338 okay pedo
So what's the etiquette for transferring the old threads to /gg/? Do you want >us to do it to threads basically as soon as a new one is created?
>>23344 We have archives available. Why would you need to repost whole threads beyond that?
>>23344 I'd say keep the current and previous thread and move the rest to /gg/. >>23345 - easier to browse - access to full images/videos - more redundancy is always good
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>/ss/ shit I prefer wholesome mommy/daughter interactions.
>>23347 How have you been, terminal autism anon?
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>>23348 Not great if I'm honest.
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>>23350 >That user with the pic that's most likely vore related
Software and sites to give attention to! Operating systems >AROS: http://aros.sourceforge.net/ >Artix Linux: https://artixlinux.org/ >BSD <Net: https://www.netbsd.org/ <Open: https://www.openbsd.org/ <DragonFly: https://www.dragonflybsd.org/ >EndeavourOS: https://endeavouros.com/ >GrapheneOS: https://grapheneos.org/ Archival >ArchiveBox: https://archivebox.io/ Chatrooms: >Matrix: https://matrix.org/ >Patchwork: https://github.com/ssbc/patchwork >Session: https://getsession.org/ >Telegram: https://telegram.org/ >Tox: https://tox.chat/ Database >Based Cooking: https://based.cooking/ >BigchainDB: https://www.bigchaindb.com/ >Gun: https://gun.eco/ >Hydrus ( >>>/t/2219 ): https://hydrusnetwork.github.io/hydrus/ Donation services: >Fanbox: https://www.pixiv.net/fanbox >Fantia: http://fantia.jp/ Email hosting >Create your own: https://archive.fo/okVq4 >Cock.li: https://cock.li/ Encyclopedias >Infogalactic: https://infogalactic.com/info/Main_Page File sharing and storage >anonfile: https://anonfile.com/ >BitTorrent: https://infogalactic.com/info/BitTorrent >CacheP2P: https://github.com/guerrerocarlos/CacheP2P >Catbox: https://catbox.moe/ >Cryptosphere: https://cryptosphere.io/ >Dat Project: https://datproject.org/ >Filecoin: https://filecoin.io/ >Holochain: https://github.com/holochain/holochain-proto >Instant.io: https://instant.io/ >IPFS: https://ipfs.io/ >Kek.gg https://kek.gg/ >Onion Share: https://onionshare.org/ >ORC: https://orc.apache.org/ >Peergos: https://peergos.org/ >Perkeep: https://perkeep.org/ >Pomf: https://github.com/pomf/pomf
[Expand Post]>Storj: https://storj.io/ >Swarm: https://github.com/ethersphere/swarm >Tahoe-LAFS: https://www.tahoe-lafs.org/trac/tahoe-lafs >Uguu: https://uguu.se/ >WebTorrent: https://webtorrent.io/ >Other sites: https://www.archiveteam.org/index.php?title=Pomf.se/Clones Galleries and image hosting >ArtStation (SFW only): https://www.artstation.com/ >HicceArs: https://www.hiccears.com/ >Wysp: https://www.wysp.ws/ Internet and browsers >Basilisk: https://www.basilisk-browser.org/ >Beaker: https://beakerbrowser.com/ >Bromite: https://www.bromite.org/ >Falkon: https://www.falkon.org/ >GNU IceCat: https://www.gnu.org/software/gnuzilla/ >Handshake: https://handshake.org/ >I2P: https://geti2p.net/ >InterPlanetary Wayback: https://github.com/oduwsdl/ipwb >Iridium Browser (Guide to remove spyware: https://spyware.neocities.org/guides/iridium.html ): https://iridiumbrowser.de/ >LibreWolf: https://librewolf-community.gitlab.io/ >MaidSafe: https://maidsafe.net >Mysterium Network: https://mysterium.network/ >Namecoin: https://namecoin.org/ >Otter Browser: https://otter-browser.org/ >Pale Moon (Guide to remove spyware: https://spyware.neocities.org/guides/palemoon.html ): http://www.palemoon.org/ >Qutebrowser: https://qutebrowser.org/ >Sphere Browser (WARNING: https://spyware.neocities.org/articles/sphere.html ): https://sphere.tenebris.cc/ >Surf: http://surf.suckless.org/ >Tor: https://www.torproject.org/ >Ungoogled-Chromium: https://ungoogled-software.github.io/ungoogled-chromium-binaries/ >ZeroNet: https://zeronet.io/ Marketplace >DLsite: https://www.dlsite.com/eng/ >DMM Games: https://games.dmm.com/ >Fruitbat Factory: https://sites.fastspring.com/fruitbatfactory/product/buy >ğchange: https://www.gchange.fr >NekoNyan: https://nekonyansoft.com/shop >OpenBazaar: https://openbazaar.org/ >Top Hat Store: https://shop.tophat.studio >Zoom Platform: https://www.zoom-platform.com/ Pastebins >Paste: https://github.com/jordansamuel/PASTE >PrivateBin: https://privatebin.info/ Search engines >ActiveSearchResults: https://www.activesearchresults.com/ >ExactSeek: https://www.exactseek.com/ >Gigablast: https://www.gigablast.com/ >Mojeek: https://www.mojeek.com/ >Wiby: https://wiby.me/ >YaCy: https://yacy.net/ Social media >anime website: https://anime.website/ >baraag.net: https://baraag.net/ >Free Speech Extremist: https://freespeechextremist.com/ >GNU Social: https://gnu.io/social/ >Hubzilla: https://zotlabs.org/page/hubzilla/hubzilla-project >LBRY: https://lbry.com/ >Mediachain: http://www.mediachain.io/ >Neckbeard.xyz: https://neckbeard.xyz/ >Pawoo: https://pawoo.net/ >Pleroma: https://pleroma.com/ >Plurk: https://www.plurk.com/ >Poast: https://poa.st/ >Shitposter Club: https://shitposter.club/ >Steemit: https://steemit.com/ >Twister: http://twister.net.co/ Streaming >8chanTV ( >>>/site/1519 ): https://watch.8ch.moe/ Video and audio platforms >AVideo: https://github.com/WWBN/AVideo >BitTube: https://bittube.tv/ >D.tube: https://d.tube/ >MediaGoblin: https://mediagoblin.org/ >VidLii: https://www.vidlii.com/ Video downloaders and converters >AudioToWebm: https://tsun.itch.io/audiotowebm >boram: https://github.com/Kagami/boram >ffmpeg: https://ffmpeg.org/download.html >NewPipe: https://newpipe.net/ >WebMConverter: https://gitgud.io/nixx/WebMConverter >webm.py: https://github.com/Kagami/webm.py >wybm: https://github.com/Kagami/wybm >youtube-dl (Also download ffmpeg for best compatability): https://youtube-dl.org/ Web hosts >IONOS: https://www.ionos.com/ >Neocities: https://neocities.org/ Other >AdNauseam: https://adnauseam.io/ >Amateur Game Development General: >>>/agdg/ >ChannelChanger: >>>/t/1257 >Crescent Isle: >>>/site/532 >Magic Wormhole: https://github.com/warner/magic-wormhole >OpenTimestamps: https://opentimestamps.org/ >Privacy Possum: https://github.com/cowlicks/privacypossum >The Wick Editor: https://www.wickeditor.com/ Suggestions are always welcome! Revision Updates: 4-30-21 >Removed <Oracle Cloud (Web host), selling out to the CCP: https://archive.is/wza3d <Oracle Solaris (Operating systems), selling out to the CCP: https://archive.is/wza3d 4-25-21 >Added <Poast (Social media) 4-11-21 >Added <IONOS (Web host) <Neocities (Web host) <Oracle Cloud (Web host) >Removed <Playism (Marketplace), termination of store: https://archive.vn/jXJ2I <TrackMeNot (Other), no longer maintained: https://archive.vn/M5wku 3-21-21 >Added <ğchange (Marketplace) >Removed <Minds (Social media), censoring drawings: https://archive.vn/S2qEP 3-13-21 >Added <Based Cooking (Database) <GNU Social (Social media) <Hubzilla (Social media) >Removed <Fediverse (Social media), CoCked: https://archive.is/cpz3y 2-1-21 >Added <ActiveSearchResults (Search engine) <ExactSeek (Search engine) <Gigablast (Search engine) 1-29-21 >Added <ArchiveBox (Archival) <Mojeek (Search engine) <Wiby (Search engine) >Removed <SearX: (Search engine), doesn't provide unique results because it's a meta-search engine: https://archive.vn/r2u6S 1-18-21 >Added <GrapheneOS (Operating System) 1-12-21 >Added: <NewPipe (Video downloader) <Session (Chatroom <Surf (Browser) >Removed <9front (Operating system), supporting BLM: https://archive.vn/RzHUn#selection-216.0-216.1 1-9-21 >Added <Patchwork (Chatroom) >Removed <Ferment (V&A platform), project ended: https://archive.vn/bDsbS >Moved <LBRY moved from "Marketplace" to "Social Media" <Mediachain moved from "V&A platform" to "Social media" 1-8-21 >Added <Bromite (Browser) <Plurk (social Media) >Removed <Smashcast.tv (Streaming), Site closed: https://archive.vn/vnYt4
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https://archive.is/4l1zm https://archive.is/XfxVr Dia Lacina, a tranny reviewer, was getting made fun of for his review of Returnal. Dia brought in american politics for some reason. Supposedly there was even a ResetEra thread making fun of it (until the mods locked it because TRANSPHOBIA or whatever) Dia lacina had a sperg out, likely due to Colin's tweet making fun of it.
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https://archive.is/TbwZJ https://archive.is/gyA1g https://archive.is/II9pH https://archive.is/TI972 https://archive.is/L7NYP https://archive.is/YuS1Q This brought a wave of retarded journos in trying to defend this individual, including Jeff Grubb of Venturebeat and Felicia Miranda of IGN. Another thing. I AM SO GOD DAMN TIRED OF TWITTER FAGS NOT ARCHIVING. JEFF GRUBB's TWEET AND DIA LACINA'S WERE NOT ARCHIVED. WHY MUST TWITTERFAGS BE USELESS
>>23334 >Twitch thot exposed for fuicking a gamer kid >Video spreading of her grooming him >Literally the Samus pic related >Generic "Well, I personally disapprove of this" social media comments >24hrs later: "so, what else is happening in the world today? Anything about Trump? or covid? Or that criminal Vid Mignogna?"
>>23350 When you encounter one of these guys saying this, just respond with "frootloop rights" and watch them get mad.
>>23353 >>23354 >Jeff Grub Why does every beta males have the most punchable faces that you could just want to cave their skulls in?
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Are Sims 4 porn mods good? Can I chuck the fildren? Can I fuck Bonehilda?
>>23358 Nowhere near as in depth as 3 but they exist and yeah kind of.
>>23354 (checked) Seems like your typical retard gets exposed for being retarded and othwr retards rush to defend them, regardless of context, situation. Good on everyone for calling Dia out.
>>23353 >>23354 I wish there was an outcome of this that ended with the mass suicides of everyone involved in this. >>23355 >24hrs later Yeah this is normal. Fags get uppity for a day or week at most, then forget about shit when the next big new thing happens. >>23358 Try asking shit like this in >>228459 or >>95416
>>23355 oh that is fucked up
>>23361 QTDDTOT shouldn't be acyclical, the thread feels bloated and stale.
>>23356 >just respond with "frootloop rights" and watch them get mad What, you mean imply gays should have elevated rights too?
>>23355 >Grooming in view of the camera What a dumb whore. Why would she even be interested in microdicks anyway?
>>23352 Recommending Weasyl (https://github.com/Weasyl/weasyl) for the third time. >b-but muh CoC(k) You can grab the code and make a fork that is identical to the original but without the CoCk and furry porn. This thing can be used to have an art gallery site that doesn't suck like Tumblr, Newgrounds, DeviantArt or Pixiv.
>>23363 I disagree. Having it be the way it is now ensures questions get answered quickly. Otherwise, an anon would have to wait for the thread to get archived, then make a new one to ask their question.
>>23363 Well then you should bitch at the jew provide feedback over here >>25719
>>23356 Fruits hang from trees. It's their natural habitat.
Watch out for GamerGate The public enemy of the world #1 It is the main hashtag responsible for… ☑ Accidentally re-starting the French Revolution ☑ Weaponized Gondolas ☑ Hacking German politicians and media ☑ Played "To Catch a Predator" with Randy Pickford ☑ Masterminded the destruction of GDQ via the Catfish of Legend: Namazu ☑ Under the light of the Blood Moon; Self-destructed Western Journalism by having a some kid smirk at a drumming savage ☑ Just wanted to start a conversation with everyone, everywhere, eternally ☑ Watched Gawker die TWICE ☑ Guilty of face crimes ☑ When GameStop tried to sell itself; offered $3.50 in in-store credit ☑ Made telling "journalists" to "learn to code" into a hate crime ☑ Taught the Alt-Right ✅Then harassed said Alt-Right ☑ Started in 2011-2012 when 4chan tried to steal Anita Sarkeesian's SSN# ☑ Created "Boner Culture" which made cis straight male erections the most powerful force on earth ☑ Had a Jewish Mobster 'Take Care' of it ☑ Asked THQ about gaemu which somehow triggered World Wide Web War III ☑ Tricked /cow/ into developing and sharing their fetish for Mark's plump bagel with ResetEra ☑ Triggered GJP3.0 with 57 hitpeices on THQ Nordic's AA ☑ Orchestrated the GaymerGay misogynist review backlash against Marvel's Captain Woman ☑ Taught New Zealand about "White Day" ☑ Radicalized Spyro the Dragon ☑ Turned Pewdiepie into the Osama Bin Ladin of GaymerGays ☑ "The nerds and gamers were joined by the proto-storm troopers of the alt-right in a bond that has never been broken" ☑ Was a trial run for "will the US tolerate fascist behavior" ☑ Exploring new frontiers in sexual harassment via Jelly Bean ☑ Groomed young impressionable politicians into misogynists ☑ Created and trained the alt-right to take over the political landscape on a global scale (And succeeded) ☑ Arranged for Sonic the Hedgehog (movie ver.) to get "fixed" ☑ Remains undefeated for all time ☑ Turned Rage 2 into a Trump-esque attack on game journos ☑ Joined forces with Amazon ☑ Helped Mark impress Resetera ☑ Used Elliot Rodger's martyrdom to unite 4Chan and Breitbart to elect Donald Trump ☑ Will be looked back upon in 50 years as the root cause of the coming Cultural Civil War ☑ Government-sponsored shitposting ☑ Mastered the manipulation of the news cycle to their advantage ☑ Made Anita cry when Feminist Frequency went broke ☑ Destroyer of Worlds ☑ Russian Conspiracies (all of them) ☑ Extended Reanon's death/meme-magic to animation studios (please meme responsibly) ☑ An instrument of American Trumpian Power Worldwide ☑ Cured alleged "journalist" of dyslexic anxiety ☑ An aberrant, creeping horror ☑ As dangerous as Anti-Vax, ISIS, and Holocaust Denial
[Expand Post]☑ Five years of ruining everything ☑ Came to the classroom ☑ Trained Google whistleblowers ☑ Never died and foreshadowed our toxic meme-strewn politics ☑ Blew up the Internet ☑ Made wanting challenge in videogames into supporting White Supremacy ☑ Was secretly fighting WWIII all along ☑ Stochastic Terrorism ☑ Being a national security threat according to the DHS ☑ Helped Mark win the lottery ☑ Gave the money back ☑ Living long enough to see itself become the villain in a TV Show THRICE ☑ Confused the FBI into thinking /v/ is /baphomet/ ☑ Turned Anita Sarkesian into a crazy cat lady ☑ It's #Gamergate Forever ☑ Justifiably felt alienated by the neoliberal fetishization of feminism and the reductionism of politics to identity teams ☑ Was rabidly pro-corporate ☑ Manipulated a SJWeeb into review-bombing a LGBTWTFBBQ-friendly game as a "test" ☑ Non-meat based cam girls ☑ Caused the Corona outbreak which destroyed China to cheer up a depressed CIA glownigger ☑ Digisexuals ☑ Called the cyber police to put a cripple in cyber jail ☑ Weaponizing decency ☑ Made the games industry a nightmare for Women, Colored People, and Ashley Burch ☑ The inevitable ultimate horror of Sega's "toxic" advertising for ChuChu Rocket ☑ Has the highest body count of any COVID-19 disinfo group ☑ Finally got the 8kun administration to get off their ass and answer the damn phone ☑ Searching for a new home (again) ☑ Made some /v/ hotpockets on other imageboards go insane ☑ Burned julay to the ground by doing basically fuck-all except continue to exist (props to a certain bunbunmaru reporter, tho) ☑ Having a high enough IQ to be mentioned on Rick and Morty ☑ Radicalized a grandmother to the point she promotes harassment against alleged games journalists ☑ Is the terrorist group backed by 'The French' who are behind President Trump's exhausting battle against twitter ☑ Protecting FUCKING GAMESTOP from looters ☑ Finally started the Race War by forcing a meth-head on a date with Corona-chan to take a knee to the neck from the police ☑ Confirmed for Baby Hitler ☑ Gave a lot of airtime to Soviet defector Yuri Bezmenov ☑ Got on the Atlantic's "free $100" van only to get intervewed ☑ Started a backlash against the French independent film industry because they want to raise pure little girls ☑ And then Russia wanted to shut down 8chan.moe to be ironic ☑ Was clearly a blueprint for Trump's online assault in 2016 ☑ A gravestone marked “Games Journalism; Dead By Suicide,” with the date of death corresponding with the launch of GG ☑ Took over the US capitol ☑ Funded by the GOP ☑ Using Reddit's radicalized nihilism to counter jews shorting FUCKING GAMESTOP ☑ Made Mark the Godfather of Gamergate ☑ Corrected Polygon on Titanfall lore
>>23345 WEBMs/MP4s, images, and other attached media aren't archived, just the thumbnails.
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>>23369 What about pineapples?
>>23372 Pineapples are literally the worst fruit. >makes your mouth bleed if you eat too much >lots of effor to peel it you end up eating only about 40% of it the dark souls of fruit
I know this will disgust some of the 2D crowd, but does anyone know of a good place for 3DPD "wholesome" nudity, preferably East Asian girls? I want to be able to look at women without them acting like whores.
>>23373 >the dark souls of fruit Get BTFO you fucking fruit casual. Git gud
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>>23373 >He thinks pineapples are the dark souls of fruit
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>>298465 Your tier lists are whack and boring as fuck. You must be a woman with that lack of humor. Tits or gtfo.
>>23377 im thought he posted reddit humor to demonstrate how retarded the smash community Although looking at your pics you're clearly no better
>>23366 >You can grab the code and make a fork Then, why hasn't someone done that already?
>>23376 Durians are the No Man's Sky of fruit.
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>>23377 Somehow yours are even worse.
>>23373 It also takes 3 years to grow a single pineapple and that's all the plant ever makes so you need to grow an entirely new one after the first is harvested. Grow a pineapple, wait three years and then grow another.
>>23381 No way any of those characters are top tier
>>23383 It's a shota joke, anon.
>>23383 This is a sorting by porn genre; not anything gameplay-related.
>>23385 Why do you need porn when you have videogames?
>>23386 Why do you need videogames when you have real life?
>>23386 Why not both; you puritan?
>>23389 >fake audits Nothing is real anymore!
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>>23389 >>23390 >fake ballots Unless how can audits be real if the election wasn't real
>>23389 I wonder what the reaction would be if Trump comes back?
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>>23392 They'd declare civil war and the leftist and non pozzed in Canada would join either side as volunteers.
>>23392 Hopefully mass leftist suicide.
>>23354 Calart profile picture makes me wanna puke
>>23354 Never trust a tranny but more importantly never trust faggot bearded "men" who simp for them.
>>23392 An anon claimed the most likely legal route is Trump winning a seat in Congress, becoming Speaker of the House, then impeaching Kamala and Biden.
>>23397 I want this to happen just for the mass hysterics, asshurt, and salt
>>23393 >They'd declare civil war <90% of the country proceeds to act like the Persians under Cyrus and isolate remaining 10% behind a wall until they either surrender or die of starvation >and the leftist and non pozzed in Canada would join either side as volunteers. <Canada getting involved in an American war when the U.S. is the sole reason Canada hasn't imploded from their socialist policies yet
>>23353 >She knows more about games than anyone of you MEN https://archive.is/21Xv6 This is the same fucking worthless journalist (redundant I know) that played Nier with Auto-battle enabled.
>>23399 >Castro jr decides to go full retard and fight the usa anyways with his league of extraordinary 41 percenters <Ends up getting killed to the delight of canadians who want to work, not spend all their taxes on chugs and immigrants, and would like to not be beholden to the fag agenda
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>>23399 >>23401 If you Yank anons went to Civil war I'd join the good guys (Non pozzed) to kill the left in the USA and Castro ruled Canada.
Visit the following boards to discuss lewds. >>>/h/ - Hentai of all kinds >>>/delicious/ - Western and cartoon-style lolicon, although anime-style lolis are allowed too >>>/loli/ - Japanese/anime lolicon only >>>/sm/ - Gay and straight shotacon of all kinds >>>/tot/ - Toddlercon and babycon >>>/fur/ - All things furry related >>>/gts/ - Gigantism and other fetishes involving size difference >>>/rule34/ - Self- explanatory at this point >>>/u/ - Yuri of all kinds, including futa, zoo, and real life lesbian porn and discussions >>>/u2/ - Yuri, 2D anime/cartoon only, no futa or "extreme" fetishes like zoo >>>/hyper/ - Girls with hyper proportions >>>/cb/ - 2D and real life gay porn >>>/ss/ - 2D Ara/Boy love Visit the following boards to discuss hobbies and interest. >>>/tg/ - Tabletop & Card game related discussion >>>/fast/ - SFW Sonic the Hedgehog discussion >>>/t/ - SFW Discussion of Technology and Software >>>/vhs/ - Movies and Cinema >>>/a/ - Anime, Manga, & Japanese Media General >>>/ai/ - Anime and other media for young girls, prichan, aikatsu, cocotama, precure, shining star >>>/wooo/ - Professional Wrestling and Combat Sports >>>/ck/ - Culinart arts, cooking tips, and general home cooking >>>/vg/ - Video Game Discussions & Generals >>>/vyt/ - Virtual Youtuber Generals & Discussions >>>/x/ - Paranormal, Occult, and Conspiracy >>>/fit/ - Fitness, Health, & General Body Improvement >>>/mu/ - Music discussion & Generals >>>/loomis/ - Art Gains for practice and improvement. >>>/pol/ - Politics & Political Incorrectness >>>/polarchive/ - Redpill Archive & Dumping Ground >>>/cyoa/ - Choose Your own Adventures @ RolePlay >>>/c/ - Cuteposting & Blog Posting >>>/Vapour/ Aesthetic Appeal & Nostalgia >>>/gg/ Gamergate Thread Archive
>>23401 >Ends up getting killed to the delight of canadians who want to work Thanks for reminding me about Biden's PRO Act.
>>298635 Why post this shit here as opposed to the proper authorities if you think that's the case?
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>>298635 Dude that is 100% real. People are going >b-but you can do that in DAZ studio if he was any good at rendering, do you think the shitty things he added to the picture would look so shitty? Anyway, creators that do lifelike renders often provide a photo of the workspace or a partial render or a variant to prove the work isn't derived from real abuse materials. This guy is not very smart.
>>298635 It's completely indistinguishable from CP because of the blurring. He can claim whatever the fuck he wants, there's literally no way to tell if it's blurred CP or blurred CG made to look like CP. If it's virtually impossible to tell because of that blurring then anyone could just upload CP and put retarded blurs all over it and claim muh CG. Regardless of whether or not it actually is CP is should be banned and this guy should kill himself.
>>23397 He wouldn't have to go that route as Biden's presidency would be unconstitutional.
>>23405 I'm not Japanese, nothing I can do.
FBI gonna be knocking on their server hosts door any minute now.
>>298635 I'm kinda curious but also scared to click that link.
>>23412 Well, considering that Mark deleted my post then you should probably NOT click on it
>>23409 The federal government has zero regard for the constitution. Especially when democrats control it. Civil war is more likely than peaceful resolution. They're trying to sell the entire country to China for money, they're not going to just give it up because they got caught cheating.
>>23412 It's basically just slightly blurred CP that maybe could possibly be 3DCG but there's no way to know so it's assumed to be CP.
>>23415 Looking through the rest of the tagged works by the same artist on lolibooru, I did find some 3DCG renders and they look nothing like the pictures I posted. He probably made those to cover his ass.
>>23416 I can't imagine why someone would spend their time making something that could easily be considered CP and upload it to the clearnet. Seems unbelievably fucking stupid.
>>23414 You're completely right, and that presents us with the current problem. I'm just pointing out that if you want to consider the "legal routes," the anon's point from the other thread isn't Trump's best theoretical legal route.
>>23376 The true dark souls of fruit
>>298318 What about Panama City?
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>>23417 Maybe they just want to go to prison and get a jump-start on living in a communist shithole. Getting their Government allocated housing, Government allocated meal, Government allocated cots, Government allocated sexual encounters (your ass now belongs to the people).
>>23358 >>23359 Any good VR mods to go with the sims4 lewd mods? also, when they showed off Resident Evil 4 VR they said it was going to be exclusive to the Oculus Quest 2? does that mean it won't work with. Oculus rev1 or the HTC Vive? (if so why the fuck not?)
>>23422 If you have a VR headset then there's better stuff to play than The Sims. I forgot the name of it, but there's this one game being developed by like one guy that has incredible physics and is highly customizable, I saw a webm of it and it puts Honey Select 2 to shame.
>>23342 I fucking hate you. >>23355 >grooming Grooming implies making him into her when he would not normally be. A 14 year old boy is well along into constant horndog territory and will fuck anything that moves and isn't too ugly.
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>>23424 >grooming
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>>23424 What's to hate about kani?
>>23392 Look up the Year of Four Emperors.
>>298667 I wouldn't call the AI Dungeon userbase "most people"
>>298667 >Most people Anon, those stats are shit for your point. The text counter shows incredibly low numbers for all the child associated phrases, and the age counter is going to be skewed by default because the vast majority of non-pedo or loli stories will not mention an age in the first place, whereas the former will almost definitely mention the age due to it being the focus.
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>>298667 So one sites represents most people?
>>298667 Jim is still alive? He hasn't died from Cancer or Covid yet?
>>23431 Who knows and I really don't give a shit one way or the other.
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>New employee >They like video games >Finally, the first one in a decade! >They're an obese SJW who constantly badmouths white people and how omg she's SOOO bipolar >She's the only one who's white Swear to God, my whole life has been like this. From school, to work, to every job I've ever had. Every time I find someone who likes video games, it's the fat obese one. I feel like the 1% who's actually fit, well groomed, accomplished, own home adn good career, and you'd never know my life consists of only vidya and shitposting. But every single time EVERY SINGLE FUCKING TIME I find a coworker who is into video games, anime, internet, etc... they're The Fat One.™ Why? Fucking why. Why can't I ever find someone to talk to who's NORMAL?
>>23431 Who gives a shit?
>>298667 >muh children From your so called stats, zombie dog cookie is at a greater risk than kids
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>>23431 Last I heard he was going to a doctor, so i'm hoping his cancer is treatable.
>>23341 dragon dragon
>>23432 >>298675 >>23434 I thought he was really ill from the cancer, but I guess he's still alive since he's posting from his twitter account...unless that's his thai ladyboy larping as him.
>>298674 >Fair point but I think that the numbers could probably be extrapolated to the general population with minor changes. Maybe for the other two arguments, but mine shows a fundamental flaw with the data gathered. So no.
>>298674 >>298674 >minor changes
>>23403 >Visit the following boards to discuss hobbies and interest >>>>/gg/ Gamergate Thread Archive The board is locked so there's no way to discuss anything on it.
>>23438 >thai ladyboy larping as him. you mean Jade? she (it?) has a vagoo. we all heard it mush around on the stream...
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>>298667 I hope the devs get fucked into oblivion over this. I love a good trash fire with no survivors.
>>23433 I remember those fucks. That dining hall always smelled. Nowhere else nearby to eat my soup without being harassed by faggots coming in and out the main entrance hall. Walking 10 minutes in 50mph wind and 2 feet of snow was the only other option but your lunch froze before you could eat it, no tunnels either.
You know, I've been wondering...why is Isreal's vaccination rate so high compared to other nations?
>>23447 Don't you know goy, israeli vaccines are the best in the world! We are all 100% vaccinated so don't try making us take one!
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>>23366 >You can grab the code and make a fork that is identical to the original but without the CoCk and furry porn then do so, rename it, and present it here.
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Looking over the recent AI Dungeon news again, fags noticed that they removed links to their twitter, reddit, discord, and blog on the game page. Almost as if they don't want people to comment on or see people commenting on their most recent fuck ups.
>>23451 >not editing in the nazi Come on anon, step it up.
>>23452 They also (((closed the Explore tab for maintenance))) and it's not because it would let you see scenarios shitting on them, not at all. The audacity of these faggots.
>>23452 Haven't seen someone trying this hard to damage control in a while.
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>>23456 Also I fucked up the template with transparent pixels in the eyes
>>23456 Nicely done.
>>23447 Because the vaccine manufacturers are jews. So israel got a shitton of vaccines really fast.
>>23452 Way to 'take a stand' faggot pussies.
>>23460 That Twitter was for virtue signalling and upvotes for their own virtue signalling, not your personal place to complain about the service they refuse to provide you that you also might pay for. t. psychotic SJW manlet in charge of AID
>>23423 >If you have a VR headset then there's better stuff to play than The Sims. the thing is, I have yet to find a game that lets me customize characters and automate them into wacky and erotic situations the way a heavily modified sims game does. (the amount of outfits and body types is still unmatched as far as I know...) (pics related) where else can I role-play a priest, monk or holy-man determined to stay chaste and maintain his virtue around a cavalcade of horny monsters, demons, angels and goddesses? >I forgot the name of it, but there's this one game being developed by like one guy that has incredible physics and is highly customizable, I saw a webm of it and it puts Honey Select 2 to shame. that sounds very promising.., to this day out side of some demo of sexy villa 3D (I think that's what it was called) I haven't really bothered to play any "3D" porn games. most of them either had ugly looking characters, were to limited and generic or had almost nothing to do outside of the sex scenes. (I have played some VNs but mostly old dos/win95 hentai titles from JAST or C's Ware like Ring-Out, Three Sisters' Story, Nocturnal Illusion, Divi-Dead, and Amy's Fantasies) only "lewd" mods in non-porn games. I'm still surprised no Japanese company has bothered to make a high grade ecchi (if not outright hentai) clone of the sims, skyrim, or fallout considering how popular ero-mods are in japan for those games.
>>23338 So Israel can't be charged with war crimes against Palestinians because it doesn't exist in the first place?
>>23365 A 12 year old white boy dick is 10x better than whatever kike shit you have.
>>23464 Speaking from experience?
Who here likes gay hentai but isn't actually gay?
>>23466 does yuri count as 'gay'?
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>>23462 >>23358 here are some of the s4 mods I'm rolling with. (any suggestions, or must haves i'm missing?) right now i'm working on a hotel for monster girls. Height Sliders, Gender Preference, Sorcerer, New Personality Traits,Risky WooHoo, Replace Paintings, Random Traits And Aspirations, More CAS Columns, The Meaningful Stories Mod, Playable Pets, zombie apocalypse, extreme violence,
>>23467 Depends if you moaned like a girl while jacking off to yuri.
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>>23466 basically this
>>23423 Virt-a-mate?
>>23373 Pineapples are fucking delicious though especially on pizza :^) so I don't think they're the dark souls of fruit. A dark souls fruit would be one that's not only difficult to shell and eat but also has the potential to injure you in the process. So maybe durians or coconuts.
>>23472 Coconuts are very healthy and can actually provide liquids wich will keep you going in a survival situation, besides, they are easy to crack if you hit them on the right place, so i dont think they can be the souls-like fruit.
What do you all mean with the "dark souls" of fruits? a shitty fruit who is hard to peel or open, taste like crap and it's only hyped by people with disgusting tastebuds or people who never ate fruits and just talk out of their asses?
Pineapple is good. It's no mango, sure, but it's good. It's fine to eat it from time to time.
>>298667 So anyone gonna point to where we can actually get these leaks?
>>298667 Feels good being one of the 14 most patrician AI Dungeon users.
>>23472 >>23473 I always called bullshit on the whole "coconuts killing people" trope factoid, until I saw that the brown shelled coconut is actually the seed of the true coconut, which is basically covered in 20kg of wooded pulp. I saw the damage first hand of one of those bad boys falling from a tree on someone. Coconut don't fuck about
>>23478 You know brown coconuts are trash right? Try red or green ones.
>>23477 I, too, love fucking humans.
>>23479 Well the reason they are brown is because they are real fucking old. That's what I'm saying I was in Asia and I saw one of those fuckers bean some guy and nearly kill him. Then I had a fresh coconut and it was delicious. A weird afternoon, to say the least
Official fruit tier list : >S - mango, watermelon >A+ apricot, nectarine, grape, plum, melon >A - peach, kiwi, pear, apple, mandarine >B+ - berry, coconut >B - orange, pineapple >C+ - banana >D - lime >D- - grapefruit I like all the fruits except D and lower, but anything but these can range heavily except the banana pretty much, I've had A~ tier pineapples for instance. Of course it all depends on the subtype of the fruit and how good the fruit itself is. Mango is especially susceptible, it ranges from the best thing ever to absolute shit even if it looks the same, and I haven't found a reliable way to determine if the fruit I'm purchasing will be one of my best fruit eating experiences or absolutely awful.
>>23482 Watermelon is C+ at best, and no way in hell should mango be above peach. Lime needs to be in A tier.
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I bet you can't crack open a coconut if your life depended on it
>>23483 It depends, I absolutely love really juicy watermelons, but then I agree it's impossible to tell if the one I'm buying is awesome or meh at best. Like mango it ranges heavily, though not even nearly as much. Maybe you have a point in them not deserving the S spot because of how wildly they range in taste, other fruits really are far more reliable and I never get fucked over by a nectarine, plums, grapes, but there's some bad watermelons and mangos with it being impossible to tell. I still think at their best I think those two are the most tasty. Watermelon "method" of giving them a few delicate knocks and listening to sound is shit and doesn't actually tell me much, the yellow mark method is not very conclusive either though it's better. I'd say mango, watermelon are around A score of average experiences with mango maybe even lower because of how shit it can be despite there not being a way to tell, but the "best" experiences I've had with them made me put them in S. Perhaps unfairly. Also I forgot to put strawberry on the list, I think it's a C or maybe even D. When I was a child I adored them, but now I either can't find any good ones, they got worse, or my tastes changed. I simply can't find any sweet ones no matter where I buy nor what types I buy. The "strawberry" taste drinks, juices, whatever products taste more like the strawberries I remember from childhood than the strawberries I can get, and it confuses me.
I love the really "juicy" fruits. Mangoes, tangerines, oranges, melons, pomegranates etc.
>>23482 >watermelon above banana Watermelons are one of the big hit-or-miss fruits where sometimes one tastes good, the other tastes like fucking nothing. It should be C+ since it isn't better than a pineapple which will always taste great. Always buy your bananas green so you can get your preferred ripeness, and open them from the base not the fucking stem, even monkeys know to open from the base.
>>23485 >When I was a child I adored them, but now I either can't find any good ones, they got worse, or my tastes changed. I simply can't find any sweet ones no matter where I buy nor what types I buy. The "strawberry" taste drinks, juices, whatever products taste more like the strawberries I remember from childhood than the strawberries I can get, and it confuses me. Yeah, I've noticed that too. It's odd.
>>23487 >and open them from the base not the fucking stem, why would that matter?
>>23486 Same. A nice juicy pear is always fantastic. >>23487 I just bite the top off and then it peels really easily.
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https://archive.is/WgAhS https://archive.is/ODsFz https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JmXXWjMX9dQ https://archive.is/ySPaD Game Journos are so fucking incompetent, holy shit >New Pokemon Snap Review >Reviewer tries to detail things about the first N64 Pokemon Snap that never happened >They claim gen 2 and gen 3 pokemon were there when there wasn't >They talk about this great elaborate thing that happened with Aeodactyl and Charmander, shit never happened >Aerodactyl isn't even in the original Pokemon Snap >come to find out, all of their "memories" actually came from some fan made youtube video >likely never played the original game ever, just when they needed to do a review they quickly youtube video searched pokemon snap, that was the video that came up, and tried to be a poser and pass off the some gameplay as memories without realizing it was a fan made thing And once again twitterfags are fucking useless, no one bothered to archive the erroneous article and they have since edited it to remove all of this. At least there's a disclosure.
>>23491 Never attribute to incompetence that which can only be explained by malice.
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>>23452 Remember, Latitude does not own or create the GPT-3 AI text generator, they merely rent it and create a poor quality frontend. There's nothing stopping anyone with enough capital from swooping and stealing all their customers, providing a better service, and providing it more cheaply. If the anon that got rich off of crypto was real, he should take a crack at making bank off of Latitude's incompetence.
>>23492 It's malice in the sense that the journo obviously didn't actually play the game but incompetence on the part of them not actually researching the video.
>>23494 >There's nothing stopping anyone with enough capital from swooping and stealing all their customers OpenAI is pretty ass when it comes to enabling others to use GDP-3 I don't know how many dicks have Latitude sucked, but GodAI couldn't get permission or some shit.
Vid dropped from one of the efags that reasonably dissects that the "Localization" industry is basically gatekeeping and should not be trusted or given any quarter. https://youtu.be/61KFcEk5OzY
>>23497 Everyone already knows this. Why are you direct linking an eceleb stating the obvious?
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>>23487 >and open them from the base not the fucking stem, even monkeys know to open from the base >>23489 >why would that matter? Because otherwise you're fighting against the fiber to rip it open, wasting effort and possibly splitting the side and gushing banana mush out. You're supposed to pinch the other end and tear along the fiber. Only cretins like Ray Comfort open the banana by the stem. God put that "tab" there just to fuck with him.
>>23484 Is there any states in the USA that sells fresh coconut meat and juice? This is quite abundant here in Flipland and ice cold coconut juice is one hell of a refreshing drink.
>>23499 Artificial selection put the tab there.
>>23499 I thought by the "stem" you meant a specific end of the banana and not the middle of it and I have no idea why.
Lately, we've had a lot of pedos (not shotas and lolis), blackpills, and just general cancer lately, especially in these GamerGay threads. What's been going on? Cuckchan refugees? Glowie psyop? Coincidental autism? >>23491 Why did they lie in the first place? Was it for gamer cred? I get wanting to "connect with the audience" and trying to be emotional in your writing, but come on.
>>23497 >Dimitri Monroe Didn't this troon end up getting caught messaging a 16 year old?
>>23499 Wait... you don't open your bananas by the 'tab'?? are you retarded? That is objectively the superior way to opening bananas
>>23503 /intl/
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>>23503 >Lately, we've had a lot of pedos That's probably because Kuckzu went and made a pedo thread on /b/ into a cyclical a while back, implicitly stating that pedos were welcome there, which has made their presence on /b/ steadily grow. His alleged liking of real child model Laura b probably boosted their numbers as well, since they have suspicion they have a pedo friend in the moderation. Now that thread's activity rivals these ones and they're pouring out into the most active general discussion threads such as GG. >pedos (not shotas and lolis) Are the two mutually exclusive?
>>23482 Add cherries to S this instant
>>23482 >Watermelon at S DAS RITE!
>>23507 Thanks for that bit of information. Allowing that thread in the first place, in hindsight, was a bad decision. I get "containing" a discussion like that, like how Reddit "contained" people that like Donald Trump by keeping that Donald subreddit, but in this instance it seems like it backfired. >Are the two mutually exclusive? They are not the same. >>23508 This anon isn't playing around! Cherries are so good. When I used to eat candy, the cherry red starburst was my favorite. >>23509 SMACKS LIPS
S - sour fruits A - all other fruits Shit - quince >>23483 >watermelon at C spoken like a true fag
>>23508 Cherries taste like shit.
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>>23510 >They are not the same. True.
>Japanese streamer who has been awake for 81 hours playing through every Dragon Quest game https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3FVMUK7Vnbc
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>>23514 Did he died?
>>23512 I will find you. And I will kill you. >>23511 >spoken like a true fag Yeah, they belong at C-. Other melons are fine though. S - sour fruits A - all other fruits mostly agree >Shit - quince That's what you get for eating them raw
>>23514 He's gonna die.
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>>23512 t. veggiefag
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>>23507 >Posting Onirism
>>23515 I think around the 3-day mark of staying up straight you start to hallucinate. He probably could drop dead at any moment though.
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>>23508 Blackberries are so good
>>23403 where did /erp/ go?
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>>23523 www.f-list.net Enjoy.
>>23523 AIdungeon outmoded it, but then AIdungeon committed suicide by retardation, so now /erp/ is needed once more.
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>>23525 At last, my unique skills are needed by /v/ once again!
>>23523 They're probably still on 8Kun. >>23524 Jesus Christ. F-List is one of the most cancerous sites I've ever seen. >Radical trannies >Tranny enablers >BLACKED lovers that would give Acid a run for his money >Chris Chan tier autists >Hatred of male characters
>>23524 >>23527 I used F-list once a long time ago. ERP isn't for me. Either I can't keep up, or I have to do all the work. And when I went there, I attracted some super autist that was apparently always on. I could stay off of the site for months at a time and within minutes of logging in at any time of day or night, this fag would be begging for my e-cock again.
>>23513 Trusting jewgle translate
>>23527 8kuns /erp/ is still there yes, and its actually pretty decent now that pedos dont shit up random threads with loli and shota anymore. Never participated in any of the threads cause I dont care for public play, but there's some fun group play going on.
>>23530 >now that pedos dont shit up random threads with loli and shota anymore. Pedos hate loli and shota, because they're not like real kids.
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>>23528 >I could stay off of the site for months at a time. >within minutes of logging in at any time of day. >begging for my e-cock again. how is this a negative?
>>23532 I wish the gamergays would bully me with their gamer cocks.
>>23531 That's a fucking lie and you know it. Pedos dont care about it for the most part. They're not apples and oranges, they're like tangerines and oranges.
>>23532 Because he was an annoying faggot, and a vorefag too. I can tolerate minigirls getting slathered in a giant tongue, and even entering the mouth, but swallowing is too much, and this fag would keep pushing for it, even when the character sizes made it impossible. >>23533 Needs a "Gamer Cock Only" tattoo, with the GG controller logo.
>>23530 >loli and shota >pedos
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>>23534 >Pedos dont care about it for the most part. Essentially the same as my statement, just less severe. They don't like it. They want real cunny. But plenty of them do hate it, because in many places it's legal, while their CP vids aren't, and that makes them incredibly envious. Images like this upset lolicons, because they don't like being called pedos. But this image also upsets pedos, because it's basically flaunting at them that lolicons can make and enjoy this drawing while pedos can't have their degeneracy.
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>>23533 Only if your mother joins.
>>23528 Don't blame you for quitting. ERP sounds great on paper, getting to play out and do your favorite fetishes. However, there's a lot of baggage that comes with it. >>23530 That's interesting, because I thought they would have eventually died off. I wonder if that anon that took cute, flat chested female characters and turned them into males for hardcore gay sex is still there. He needs to be shamed for such degeneracy. QT 3.14s are for vanilla romance sex, not for bullying. >>23535 >Because he was an annoying faggot, and a vorefag too. I believe everyone into vore is a massive sperg. I like minigirls too.
>>23482 >Mango in S tier Good god what's wrong with you. >>23470 >>23466 Gay hentai is shit because hentai and especially yaoi fails to accentuate feminine aspects that make male characters attractive to men. I've never seen hentai that gave a male character wide hips or soft facial features even when they're supposed to be overly feminine. I'd go so far as to say it's part of the reason trap stuff is more widely popular compared to gay stuff and why western gay stuff has such a large following.
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>>23539 Anyone that would not rub their cock on Tinkerbell is a complete faggot.
>>23539 You have to seach hard to find someone who has your tastes... and likes you back.
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>>23542 >>23539 The more extreme the fetish, the more baggage, sperging, or bad opinions someone has. Fact.
>>23542 >You have to seach hard to find someone who has your tastes... and likes you back. >and likes you back. Yeah....
>>23542 >>23545 >... >.... Who let you homos in?
>>23540 In more simple terms if you can?
>>23541 Exactly. >>23542 >>23545 It's great when you find someone that's into what you're into. >>23543 Thank you for sharing this. It's both great, uncanny, and funny. >>23546 >>... Oh my god. When I first tried F-List, I met an autist that would write with ellipsis while out of character. They liked a good chunk of what I liked, but they really loved inflation, something I wasn't into. Anyway, they sperged at me and stopped playing with me after a few days, because I was being too friendly. I was asking them how they were, what books they liked to read, what shows they liked to watch, and if they thought certain memes were funny. They said I was acting too creepy and prying for too much personal info. But get this, this faggot would mention what they were doing in their personal life while online, such as how they almost got into a car accident or how they just graduated college.
>>23355 A smash tournament is the last place I'd expect to find any grooming, at least given their smell
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>>23540 not sure about any of that stuff chief, I just look for art/storys that I enjoy. I don't think too deeply about it... unless i'm arguing freud vs jung and the theory of sexual development against NTR cucks
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>>23340 >>23342 made me chuckle
>>23550 >clover
>>23547 A lot of hentai has guys looking like lanky men instead of thick femboys, and I'd prefer the latter.
>>23554 Then edit it out.
>>23541 I'm asexual.
>>23557 A faggot then.
>>23554 That's an old image, anon.
>>23553 I have mixed feelings about this.
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>>23557 same
>>23559 how old?
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>>23355 It looks like a nigger so I guess it's a pass for reparations, redistributing boy pussy or some other kike mental gymnastics.
>>23562 Pretty sure before the first exodus.
>>23564 good god
>>23555 >A lot of hentai has guys looking like lanky men instead of thick femboys. too many lonely female artist (and tranny's that never learn proper anatomy) pushing shit proportions.
>>23558 Does that mean Sir Isaac Newton was a faggot for not having any sex or romantic relationships throughout his life? I like to believe I'm not asexual but I never felt any sexual or romantic attraction in my life. What the fuck is wrong with me?
>>23567 >Spoiler You might be asexual and aromantic. Alternatively, you just might have a really low sex drive.
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>>23567 Well, jokes aside, sexuality and attraction can be less than straight forward and some people have low or intermittent drives for these things. You may be asexual and seldom ever want sexual stimulation. You might really want it once in a blue moon. I hate labels, myself, so I understand being inclined to think you aren't that way, which is I why I just don't think in the first place. Romance-wise is a nother matter. I'm a big romantic despite utter lack of interest in sex. My best friend never develops romantic interests in things besides "well, shouldn't I date someone by now?" which is a little silly of a way to look at it, but a way some people really will approach it. I take the stance that ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh just don't think about it and enjoy life and maybe you'll find sex and romance or maybe not, it kind of doesn't matter
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>>23560 thats ok, I do as well. but you should have checked my numbers >>23553
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>>23514 Death has happened after shorter "stay awake" marathons. Remember when that guy on Twitch died doing, sliding right off his chair on stream, and everyone dropped Fs in the chat?
>>23535 >annoying faggot, and a vorefag too. makes sense. anyone obsessed with vore (or gigantism) always end up being class SSS spergs with obnoxious personality's
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>>23514 Hes gonna fucking die!
>>23573 Someone needs to stop that man for his own safety.
>>23567 Not necessarily. There were many who advanced humanity in profound and notable ways and often didn't have wives. The reasons could easily vary between them.
>>23514 What's the 911 equivalent for Japan? Someone should send an emergency medical team to restrain him and put him to recovery already damn it!
>>23569 Then why do SJWs make a big deal about not liking sex?
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>>23572 >makes sense. anyone obsessed with vore (or gigantism) always end up being class SSS spergs with obnoxious personality's Keyword here is obsessed. I've found that giant and giantess fags doesn't make someone insufferable by default. >>23575 Take people like Tesla, for example. He was considered, for his time, to be a pussy magnet. But he was so autistic or cared so little about sex, he chose to focus on science instead.
>>23578 >I've found that giant and giantess fags doesn't make someone insufferable by default. I had a stroke while writing this.
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>>23578 >But he was so autistic or cared so little about sex, he chose to focus on science instead. I feel kinda bad for him.
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>>23533 (check) >>23538 >I wish the gamergays would bully me. >Only if your mother joins. the world is a strange place, and you know what they say... Be careful what you wish for, you might just get it...
>>23577 I don't know, stubbornness? Not liking it can be a juvenile power play. Not wanting it from them can be a big insult to their knowing sense that they aren't attractive. I'm not sure what the big deal is, I see SJWs land on both sides, attacking people not interested in it and being very outspoken about how above it they themselves are. Something something sexual liberation, something something social concepts of beauty. And also a lot of them are sexually frustrated, really horny, with bad social skills that make it hard for them to relieve it. If you aren't in their position, you MUST be labeled so, because it can't be normal to not be like them, ironically. I must add I'm not an expert on what social justice is doing these days. There's a guy on youtube with AWFUL hair and wearing lots of purple (no not Jimmy Sterling) going on about nonbinary and genderfluid junk in a really off-putting way, and that's all my recent exposure to it. I genuinely don't know what "the big deal" is because I haven't seen anyone make a big deal out of almost anything in years, with the exception of bizarre rape/molestation/harassment things.
>>23514 What's the reason he's even making this stream, besides views? Charity? Challenge?
>>23583 to make his gamer penis larger
>>23583 Why do people climb mountains when there's nothing up there?
>>23584 So he's trying to die by overexerting himself so he gets born with a bigger dick?
>>23583 Challenge, he's almost at the end.
>>23581 What, you're his mother, perhaps? Post nudes.
>>23586 He wants to get isekai'd.
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>>23589 >>23587 >>23586 >>23585 >>23583 Maybe he's trying to get into gamer valhalla? May he ride eternal, shiny and chrome!
I have a question for Anons who have filled out a job application in the past couple years: >First, did you already have a job when you were applying? >Second, did you tell them you can go to work immediately, or inform them that you need to give a two week notice after confirmation of employment? >Third, how long did it take you to get hired? The reason I ask is because I'm wondering if the reason I can't get hired for a better job than what I have is because I keep telling them that I have to give my current work a two week notice.
>>23591 >First, did you already have a job when you were applying? Yes. >Second, did you tell them you can go to work immediately, or inform them that you need to give a two week notice after confirmation of employment? Two weeks >Third, how long did it take you to get hired? >hired
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>>23514 Excellent
>>23591 >First, did you already have a job when you were applying? Yes and No at different times >Second, did you tell them you can go to work immediately, or inform them that you need to give a two week notice after confirmation of employment? Immediately. >Third, how long did it take you to get hired? What's a hired?
>>23514 He just beat the last game
>>23591 >apply to walmart >denied >apply to walmart 2 years later >approved >still here 5.5 years later Pays the bills at least. Keep trying anon!
>>23514 The absolute madman did it.
>>23514 OK, now he got to go to fucking bed now.
>>23598 How long would someone sleep after three days of staying up?
>>23599 A long fucking time, I'd say.
>>23599 Forever
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>>23514 God damn!
>>23599 I did this once and fell asleep around 9pm and woke up an hour late for school, at 9am, for summer math class to skip a grade. The teacher had everyone studying for 2 hours and I snuck into the class.
>>23599 I have a friend online who suffers from insomnia. He's tried every kind of pill and antidepressant to treat it with no effect, and doctors still have no idea why buy think it may be a physical issue rather than a chemical one. He can stay up 3, 4, 5 days in a row all spaced out and in an unfocused haze. He's not online much, maybe every 2 or 3 months
>>23599 I've stayed up for two days straight when I was 15 and then sleeped for 24 hours
>>23591 >First, did you already have a job when you were applying? Yes, though I was found by a recruiter on linkedin for a very high paying engineer role rather than getting any of my applications to work >Second, did you tell them you can go to work immediately, or inform them that you need to give a two week notice after confirmation of employment? I told them i need to give a two week notice and that I was still working. Company I’m working at wasn't extremely desperate and time sensitive so they were flexible and accommodating >Third, how long did it take you to get hired? Total process took me 2 months, 4 Interview rounds and was especially rigorous. I did get an offer from another company that had a total process time of around 3 weeks (that one I was also found by a recruiter)
>>23606 >Company im working at Meant to say the job I was applying for wasnt from a desperate time sensitive company so they were ok with a two week notice. I even extended that 2 week notice 2 more weeks so I could relax a bit before working and they were fine with it.
>>23514 He did it, stream over. The fucking madman.
>>23585 That isn't similar to sitting on your ass for over 72 hours.
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>>23599 What if you forgot how to sleep?
>>23599 After a LAN party that lasted for 3 days, I slept for around 24 hours.
>>23591 >First, did you already have a job when you were applying? Yes, although I was fired asked to leave just around Christmas (Christmas and the following months have been ruined). I started looking for jobs when I was still technically employed by my former employer even though I had already handed in my resignation. >Second, did you tell them you can go to work immediately, or inform them that you need to give a two week notice after confirmation of employment? My contract had a three month termination period, which means my employer couldn´t just tell me "you don´t have to come to work tomorrow" (unless I were to cause some really big shit), so I obviously had to be upfront about when I could start at the earliest. >Third, how long did it take you to get hired? Throughout January and February I kept getting nothing but rejections, but come March and all of the sudden I had several companies inviting me to interviews. In the end I had three separate job offers. I think that there are certain times of the year when you are more likely to get hired. March is when the fiscal year nears its end and budgeting plans are being made. Quitting instead of getting fired has the advantage that you can make up a story as to why you left and you can spin it into something like "I am looking for a new challenge, different industry, etc." instead of having to explain how you getting kicked out was not your fault. >>23591 >The reason I ask is because I'm wondering if the reason I can't get hired for a better job than what I have is because I keep telling them that I have to give my current work a two week notice. I guess it depends on the country you live in. In my country it is pretty normal to be looking for a job while you are still employed and companies expect that they cannot expect you to just show up at work by next monday. Three months is the usual period it takes to terminate a contract, but often times it is possible to make an exemption if both parties agree. The purpose of the three month period is that if you get fired you still have some time to find a new job, and for the employer if you quit to find a new employee while you are still working.
>>23514 used to get me hyped but now i fear the guys life more then anything I feel old
>>23593 >cuckchan memes What the fuck is going in these threads anymore?
>>23614 i suspect something happened in cuckchsn or its a raid its a real coinflip these days
Stop believing fairy tales about Eastern Europe. https://archive.fo/BukFg
>>23591 I got I gig because I know a guy
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>>23614 >NNNOOOO YOU CAN'T POST GOOD MEMES ON MY HECKIN' 8CHANERINO NOOOO What's the matter, fellow Chantard? You too much of a soy boy to appreciate true Chan Culture? Maybe you should be on Reddit, instead.
>>23618 >Chantard low tier bait
>>23618 He need two extra pair of legs to become Gerion.
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>>23614 It's nu/tv/ trash, no idea how you can't tell by now. Not everything is better after it left cuckchink. Most of them are normalniggers that only have fun on weekends.
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>>23514 The absolute fucking hero.
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>>23614 This entire thread should be purged, more than half of it could just go on /b/ instead. It isn't videogames or videogame related topics at all and something should be done about it already. Nobody even bothers to stay on-topic for more than a second. I see discussions about pineapples and gay shit, what the fuck? Please stop.
>>23616 Counter point
>>23623 Welcome to/v/, please enjoy your stay.
>>23621 >pic It actually translates to >I too have my own laws
>>23623 First GG thread?
>>23626 Yeah and how do you know that? Please tell me you didn't actually learn Chink language. Japanese is one thing, but there is no reason in the world to learn Chinese unless it's to convince them all into a collective suicide.
>>23624 Maybe you show us a graph of homosexualitly instead of homosexuality acceptance. Suddenly Eastern Europe won't be so based.
>>23629 But they are tradcath based authoritarianpilledrino haven't you seen the gigachad saying it?
>>23623 >use /b/ instead Lazy fucks can't even use the appropriate threads on /v/ and just shit out everything here.
>>23629 >>23630 Wasn't the "great ruler in all of Russian history" spending her nights getting railed by literal horse dick?
>>23628 japanese and chinese language used to be similar.
>>23633 That's like saying: >English, French, German, Spanish, and Portuguese all originate from Latin <Therefore, knowing one will allow me to understand all of those languages
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>>23634 >English, French, German, Spanish, and Portuguese all originate from Latin That's wrong. French, Spanish and Portuguese do. German does not and was written in runes representing sounds and then switched to Latin characters which in German (unlike in plenty of other languages) still represent sounds. Y, X, lone Cs and Q do not even exist in native German words. English is a mix of German (Served as the base. That's why it doesn't have grammar as retarded as French.), French/Latin, and Norse.
>>23632 That didnt happen >>23634 Yeah kinda if it gives you a good grasp and makes it easier to understand Though im not sure about german and england You're really over thinking this and ill prove it give me a few minutes.
>>23623 Hey gamers
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>>23634 Here you go.
>>23523 4chan's /trash/
>>23578 Gentle giantess is a patrician taste and a natural evolution from liking tomboys and amazons.
Ok niggers, I found a spicy news bit about gay anime translators getting the dick, but it's a youtube video, what's the socially acceptable way to link it here in the gamergay threads? Actually... I don't give a fuck, may whom may cry about it Seven Seas BUSTED for Censoring Manga! Has to REPRINT Light Novels! https://yewtu.be/6iLG0kIeaGc
Edited last time by kazu on 05/01/2021 (Sat) 18:45:09.
>>23642 What manga did they censor?
>>23643 Mushoku Tensei and Classroom of the Elite and maybe some other I think. They went as far as changing and cutting scenes out.
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>>23642 >what's the socially acceptable way to link it here in the gamergay threads? Where did you came from?
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>>23642 >Seven Seas
>>23642 >>23644 Absolutely disgusting why waste money getting the license if you're going to pull shit like this
>>23645 >Where did you came from? I frequent this thread usually, but hardly ever see youtube links, and the infrequent posted ones are followed up with autistic screech about which mirror is socially acceptable or not.
>>23642 Isn't this old news? I mean, I heard about this weeks ago on /monster/.
>>23649 Where did this copypasta come from?
>>23650 No idea, saw the link to the video on the gab anime group
>>23651 Someone posted it on /dunk/ Pretty funny
>>23650 It is. I doubt most retards who buy localized media even care. It's probably women buying this shit.
>>23653 I heard this pasta before. There was one with Steven Universe saying it.
>>23655 Would be funnier if there was that copypasta with Aigis' voice since her VA got shit for liking Trump tweets.

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>>23641 >Spoiler My boy! Pics related.
>>23657 Shrink is trash, it's a objectively inferior version of giantess
>>23658 Both are retarded deviantart fetishes
>>23658 As an outsider, isn't shrink superior since you can be on a bed or cushions or something, as opposed to the Giantess problem of being confined to cityscape environments or open fields? And if you really wanted to be in a cityscape environment or field, it'd be relatively easier to simulate being in that kind of situation
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>>23644 Man, that's gay. Imagine paying all that money for a property, only to take things out of it. What if you paid for Star Wars and took out lightsabers? >>23658 (checked) Hey, whatever makes your peepee hard. >>23660 has the right ideas. >>23659 >retarded deviantart fetishes Where do you think we are?.webm.
>>23661 Certainly not Deviantart.
>>23661 not deviant arts,faggot
>>23657 Not into thet but I want to fuck raven silly.
Macro is okay but what if a Pokemon sat on your face?
>>23665 Then you get poison gassed
>>23665 Depends on which one. Because many are so heavy they'd crush you despite being small. Others are made of things that would harm or kill you on contact.
>>23623 Contribute something on-topic then.
>DOOM Eternal Paid DLC Skins Added Even When Devs Promised Game Won’t Feature Microtransactions https://archive.is/DzEGE
>>23669 Out of spite I'll seven seas Doomsiders just to prove a point.
>>23669 The only thing nudoom is good for is the doomgal fanart. Everything else was genuinely the most miserable time I've had with a game and I've recently 100%'d drakengard
>>23666 Gas the chus, race war now
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>>23671 >and I've recently 100%'d drakengard Great taste anon.
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Waas this one posted already? >Kotaku: Riot Will Record Valorant Voice Comms To Catch Racists https://archive.is/3zAEp
>>23674 That seems illegal.
>>23674 What are the chances this ends up "backfiring" and minorities end up getting seen as racist?
>>23675 Chinks are involved in this game since it's Riot Games IIRC. They won't care if it's legal.
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>>23659 Bigger girls means bigger tits and ass without becoming disproportionate to her body. It's a natural evolution of liking big breasts and ass, and thus, the true patrician fetish that is all encompassing. >>23660 While convenient, it inverses the power play. Whereas a giantess is superior to any of her peers, shrink makes you inferior to any of your peers, meaning some random gay ass shota could put you in his dick or some other gay ass shit whereas the giantess exclusively is the only one who can do you the things she can do. >>23661 True patrician taste is really big girls, just not too big where interaction becomes impossible. Unless you are a fucking deviant like me who enjoys watching the girl grow bigger in real time rather than the consequences of her getting bigger, so Grow > Really fucking big > Giantess >>> Vanilla big breasts and ass >>>> shrink The new season of horsegirls is giving some really nice new content. Because you know, someone figured that horses are actually pretty fucking big.
>>23674 >Written by a nigger >Threatens her audience with virtual characters What does she think is gonna happen? Oh, what am I saying, she's a nigger; she doesn't think.
>>23657 >>23661 Post giant MUK lolis.
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>>23681 So is Thunderbolt Fantasy just Dynasty Warriors but with dolls?
>>23682 And with a whole fucking lot of bullshit powered by the power of cool. The production value is also higher than you would expect
>Kotaku: Tekken, Mortal Kombat Pulled From Controversial Esports Events https://archive.is/cv04D
>>23682 Add sorcery, autistic demons and future tech wizardry. Then yeah.
>>23623 Anon, do like me and hide and report the thread. It's just pedos and emasculated homophiles here anyway. Jesus, I hate faggots and if I could purge them all with a single press of a button, I fucking would.
>>23686 >not pushing the button to solve the Jewish question, knowing then that the homosexual problem will solve itself in a generation or two
>>23682 I know nothing about Dynasty Warriors. But I know it's based Taiwan collaborating with Japan & not China made. >>23684 Serves em right. At least in MK's case. They censored all their lady characters & pander to the woke retard niggers. This is exactly what they deserve.
>>23671 Do you have an obsession with repetitive tasks? Do you ever find yourself daydreaming? Feel like you are about to burst when too many people around you are talking?
>>23688 It's the other way around, anon. >Bandai Namco and NetherRealm Studios have announced plans to no longer work with esports org WePlay, which over the last month has hosted big money events for Tekken 7, Soulcalibur VI, and Mortal Kombat 11. >In separate statements that were published at the exact same time and very much sound like they were drafted together, the longtime fighting game developers cite vague differences in “vision” and “professional standards” as the key impetus behind their decisions. >Kotaku contacted both developers for more information. NetherRealm Studios’ parent company Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment declined to comment beyond the official statement. Bandai Namco didn’t respond before publication.
>>23690 Eh either way. Less exposure for NetherRealm.
>>23688 So is this stop-motioned in front of a green screen and edited in on actual environment for some of the scenes? That motion also looks really fluid.
>>23689 I wouldn't call it an obsession, I would call it a love that crushes like a mace
>>23692 It's literally puppetry on a platformed stage. No different from something like Super Sentai when they have the mechas coming in.
>>23692 It's not stop motion, they have the puppets wired and literally throw them across the stage for some scenes.
>>23692 Mostly just really good marrionette work
So, when will the Elon Musk Saturday Night episode and see fake comedians break down?
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>>299125 >second picture
>>23678 I want to smother Gold Ship with love, fellow giantessfag. Doesn't matter to me if she's giant sized or normal sized. >The new season of horsegirls is giving some really nice new content. Because you know, someone figured that horses are actually pretty fucking big. Is that anime/manga worth looking into or is it just moe and/or slice of life autism? >>23680 Second pic is the closest I could find, sorry anon. You might have to commission some. >>23688 Is that Wulin Warriors?
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>>23699 It's Thunderbolt Fantasy. Read nigger, read!
>>23699 >Is that anime/manga worth looking into or is it just moe and/or slice of life autism? While I enjoyed the first season, mostly because of the novelty, I found myself asking "why am I bothering watching this" by the second episode of the second season.
>>299125 >2nd pic Don't women usually have their periods aligned with each other after being around each other?
>>23702 >>299134 And its from unvaccinated women being in proximity to vaccinated ones?
>>299134 >pic I guess sperm donation is the only safe way to reproduce now.
Oh fuck. Weird how the talk about Smash community pedos and specifically that one case where the nigger girl molested a 14 year old white boy a year ago in the previous GG thread is brought up again. Just now the girl has posted on twitter after a year of inactivity with a statement making it seem like she's denying the allegations yet at the same time admitting she has problems with drinking. She also got a lawyer involved so some legal shit is gonna go down. https://twitter.com/Cinnpie/status/1388554534537076742 https://archive.ph/2ZVIC Seriously what a fucking coincidence how this shit was talked about in yesterday's GG thread when the incident happened a year ago, now it's relevant again.
>>23682 And music.
>>23700 >Read nigger, read! Vid related. >>23701 Thanks for heads up. I guess I'll just appreciate the fan art for now. >>299134 That's really crazy. If that's true, I didn't think it was possible for a vaccine to have an effect on people that didn't take it. That sounds like something out of science fiction.
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>>23705 Forgot to include these
>>23704 We'll just have to put all the vaccinated people into permanent quarantine. I'm sure they'll understand, what with loving to suck off their rulers.
>>23706 Yeah I have these on hand.
>>23705 Coincidences don't exist. On that note, I hope she fucking burns in hell like every other pedonigger deserves to.
>>23682 >>23683 >>23685 And fucking beating a dragon with the theme song.
>>23712 >TM Revolution Nice, I thought I recognized the vocals.
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>>299134 >>23707 Its actually kind of understandable. The vaccine pumps you full of mRNA supposed to produce a protein effective against corona. The problem is that there is no way to assure that protein goes away after it did its job or that its production stops when its not needed. So theoretically the vaxxed morons could have their system polluted by this protein that is made solely to attack anything "alien" to the body. Which incidentally also includes the bodies of other people, eggs and fetuses.
Also, why is "Loli" trending on my country right now?
>>23714 >So theoretically the vaxxed morons could have their system polluted by this protein that is made solely to attack anything "alien" to the body. Which incidentally also includes the bodies of other people, eggs and fetuses. Like that one episode of Star Trek TNG.
>>299151 >>23714 So basically they become covid factories and their shed skin and stuff becomes a new infection vector? Christ
>>299151 >So in theory there is a cure to the vaccine, they just need an antidote version to the activation. >you can expect the vaccinated to live for around two more years on average before dropping dead. Would there be enough time to develop a cure. I'm pretty sure there are some underground scientists that can develop one.
>>23717 So should we expect World War Z within the next 2-4 years?
>>299151 >It's to do with the fact that the vaccines activate the production of the spike proteins with no deactivation. They just get turned on and then they simply keep producing and producing. So in theory there is a cure to the vaccine, they just need an antidote version to the activation. And since production never goes down, that means people get a wide variety of different symptoms and also shed the spike proteins to get rid of them: the body is releasing them to deal with the sheer quantity being produced. And from the duration given by the former VP of Pfizer, you can expect the vaccinated to live for around two more years on average before dropping dead. So when you think about it, it is effectively the Gray Death. You have nanotechnology, even having bioelectrics injected into the body, it's just that the disease isn't the nanomachines themselves. That would only be true if cells didn't die all the fucking time. The cells infected with the vaccine "DNA production order" will be producing the spike protein until the "DNA production order" decays or the cell dies, eventually all infected cells will die and people will naturally get cured out of the vaccine.
>>23681 >Surinamese Take it as a fag who's nation is near that shithole that they are subhuman Javanese/Nog/Indian fucks who make the Guyanese look human. I'm Caribbean and we have a lot of these South Americans run here to live like Spics in the US do.
>>23715 What country?
>>23676 Impossible. Racism = power + privilege and only White people can be racist. Even when they're the minority and getting genocided in South Africa. Privilege doesn't go away just because your population declines and you no longer control the government. White privilege is like an original sin inherited by every White worldwide. Even the ones who never had colonial empires.
>>23718 Why would anyone want them to do that?
>>23713 He also did the opening for Kamen Rider Zero One.
>>23723 Some of the most racist people you'll meet are nogs and Indian/Pakis
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>>23722 A small irrelevant country.
>>23661 Shit fetish. It's all about the mini girls.
>>23728 >sample- Fitting for mini girls, I guess.
>>23728 >sample
>>23727 Did you check why it's trending?
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>>299134 >oh yeah the side effects may include never being able to have children haha <that's okay I heckin hate crotch goblins anyways, no excuses for not getting vaxxed Imagine injecting yourself with proprietary gene instructions
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>>299171 >>299151 So what I'm getting is that the Wrothchilds have activated the guide stones.
>>23732 Open source genetic engineering is our only salvation unironically.
>>23731 I did, apparently that's the nickname of our first lady. She was talking about some sort of male baldness product that she bought for her husband. Yup, that's the most important thing happening in this shithole right now. Fucking kill me.
>>23735 Would be funnier if she got that nickname because she's a loli grandma.
>>23735 Meanwhile my shithole country is trying to legislate all streaming platforms, including youtube, into having a minimum % of content be from here. Canada
>>23732 When you take the 'vaccine' imagine installing windows but into your genetic code.
>>23733 Someone should blow that up tbh.
>>23735 Well that's why you live in Uruguay.
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>>23732 >Oh I don't want to have kids, I already have 3 furbabies and that's enough!
What's with the predicted two years until people start dying from the vaccines?
>>23702 >>23703 >>23704 >>23707 >>23714 >>23732 Is there no retarded clickbait sensationalism obvious enough that some idiots won't take it seriously? The article is talking about "nanoworms" and 5G and people still treat it as remotely credible? And the entirely of the "evidence" is "I was around someone vaccinated and then something bad happened" - in a country where 44% of the population has received at least one dose of the vaccine. Guess what, nearly all of the population has been around a vaccinated person, all this tells you is that some number of people out of hundreds of millions had something bad happen and then felt like blaming it on a vaccine that they hadn't even taken. I'm getting tired of a vocal handful of people in this thread listening and believing to idiotic Qboomer-level nonsense without the slightest attempt to critically evaluate it or a basic understanding of statistics.
>>23743 Never said I believe its true. Only that it is possible for the vaccine to produce such an effect.
>>299134 This is the stuff you'd normally read in some horror book. Christ. This is pure nightmare fuel
>>23743 I'm still not taking the vaccine anon.
>>299151 Dumb bitches get retard nigger spawn because they couldn't find a White guy too fuck, instead they trusted (((the system))). Dysgenics is the worst sin.
>>23746 You can still stop being a gullible faggot who believes everything they're being told, however.
>>23482 >niggermelon >S SHIIIEEEEEET >>23633 Japanese and Chinese language were never remotely similar. Two completely different language families. >>23634 This on the other hand, actually is true. Those are all Indo-European languages with common roots. Even the Latin and German languages have common roots. That's why the similarity between three and tres or du / tu / thou. In some cases, it's less obvious because of phonetic shifts, but when you know the shifts, you can see it. Like Germanic turned PIE /k/ into /h/ so the Germanic word for dog starts with an h but Latin word starts with a c (/k/)/ Same with hundred vs cent. If you look at the consonants, you can see the similarity, cnt vs hnd. This holds true across large swaths of the vocabulary, and there are more rules than that to match them up.
>>23748 I didn't say I outright believe, just that's it nightmare fuel.
Remember anons (((trust the media and authorities))) not conspiracy theories ;)
>>23751 You still should look do your basic research regardless.
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>>23750 Then you're a faggot who still uses tv tropes terms. Hang yourself as soon as possible. >>23751 > You should listen and believe anyone who tells you what you want to think with no further evaluation or research because it's not the 'guvenment.
>>23737 >legislate all streaming platforms, including youtube, into having a minimum % of content be from here Why? What's the defense? >>23738 Which version? >>299192 >the number of people that have taken it could easily be fake to propagandise people into thinking everyone else is doing it Doubt it because they're really pushing about how no one has shown up to get vaccinated since the J&J investigation, and the stats are showing that vaccine percentages have plateaued since March: https://archive.ph/8h6p3
>>23754 >Why? Because they've had the same rule in place for tv and radio for decades and want to do it to the internet now. Probably also lets them block out "problematic" content.
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>>23753 (((Government))) and those connected to it have financial interest. The dissenting voices do not. They are warning you out of human empathy. You can resist or be assimilated. It's clear that the Borg is the game plan. >>23754 >Which version? Windows 10 with mandatory auto-updates.
>>23753 Fat lipped alligator moment
>>23757 It's BIG lipped alligator moment.
>>23756 Never heard of those other guys before, but I assume they're similar to jeffrey?
>>23758 I'm so sorry, I've failed Doug.
>>23760 He's gonna break down your wall & shoot you with outdated sound effects!
>>23760 He remembers his own shitty jokes so you don't have to.
>>23744 No it isn't. The protein isn't "effective against corona" and it isn't "attacking anything alien", it's just the same spike protein the virus uses, in order to teach the immune system to target the virus. It's the immune system that does all that, which is just the immune system working like it always does. In animal testing most of the protein was produced in just the first few days. https://blogs.sciencemag.org/pipeline/archives/2021/01/21/mrna-vaccines-what-happens Your immune system deals with the cells producing the protein the same way they would deal with cells that were infected by the actual virus, except that unlike a real virus that keeps infecting new cells and can take a long time to eradicate, the vaccine only "infects" a few hundred cells that get killed off with no way to replace themselves. Furthermore the article/anecdotes are claiming it's somehow spreading to OTHER PEOPLE, which is even dumber. The irony is that actual viruses have way more potential to do the stuff they're worried about, it infects a lot more cells, keeps going until it's stopped, provokes the immune system just as much, and can spread to other people. But they don't flip out like this every time someone gets a cold. I suspect the reason why people get so paranoid about foreign stuff going in your body and even being around other people who are vaccinated is misfiring instincts to be scared of disease - with disease being scared to be around infected people actually makes sense. And of course our brains aren't good at intuitively understanding large numbers. "Gurk and Murk both ate the new plant and then got sick" is a reason for serious concern in a tribe of 100 people, and the same think happening to a dozen people is massive deal. So people look at a dozen cherrypicked internet anecdotes out of hundreds of millions of people and still automatically think it means something.
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>>23756 >The dissenting voices do not. Did you remember to buy your Alex Jones™ brand supplements? Or your Metokur™ brand hat fellow anon? Hey I think we should all donate to Parler™ as a good twitter alternative and to buy 8kun™ shirts and coffee-mugs. The world is filled with vermin regardless of the outfit, apply critical thinking yourself whoever is telling you shit or become used like the people you claim to despise
>>23764 >8kun Where do you think you are?
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>>23764 I will give you that Metokur is absolutely a degenerate scamming grifter while Alex Jones is... an enigma. His supplements are definitely bullshit & I remember reading that they contained traces of lead that can dangerously overdose a person easily.
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>>23757 >>23758 Wild and silly alligator moment.
>>23767 I hate that movie on it's artstyle alone.
>>23766 He's also been right about everything.
>>23769 In the same way that Q is "right about everything".
>>23770 >Q is "right about everything" What?
>>23770 Q was a larp that always said the vaguest nonsense. Alex Jones outright says things like chemicals in the water turning frogs gay & elites of society consuming the life force of the young to stay young. Both of which are real.
>>23769 In case you're serious, here's a random list of wrong Alex Jones predictions: >45 Failed Alex Jones Predictions https://yewtu.be/watch?v=bxt_bEDdTTc A few on that list are just people on his show but there's still a ton from Alex Jones himself. He especially likes to predict terrorist attacks. >>23772 Pollutants in water acting as hormone disruptions that fuck up the development of frogs was completely public knowledge, you don't get credit for taking a normal news story and sensationalizing it. And elites aren't "consuming the life force of the young to stay young". No, garbage clickbait about people like Peter Thiel funding medical research into blood transfusions doesn't count, he's not having them give him any treatment personally and funding fucking medical research is a good thing.
>>23773 When there's articles coming out literally saying "teenager blood will help people live longer" specifically I can't help but feel suspicious about it.
>>23767 I knew what it was and yet I still clicked it
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>>23767 >>23768 I reverse searched the image in an attempt to find the name of the movie, but somehow I ended up finding a gay furry comic featuring Monsters Inc Sora. Any help?
>>23774 Didn't those same article detail how even injecting saline (Salt water) into one's veins results in the same process? And, all those articles are in relation to rats, not people?
>>23774 And those articles are clickbait sensationalism to provoke that reaction. The fact that blood transfusions in rats can extend their lifespans is a weird biological phenomenon that some people thought was worthy of longshot medical research. That research probably won't come to anything, and if it did the end-result treatment would be in the form of a drug or something once they figured out what was going on. It might not even be the young blood that matters, there's a study that found it seemed to still work if you just got rid of some old blood and replaced it with saline: https://www.aging-us.com/article/103418/text I mean, do you actually want them to not research it? It would be a pity if the research actually had the potential for some medical breakthrough but people ignored the phenomenon because it made them think of vampires.
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>>23774 >When there's articles coming out literally saying >Articles by themselves are proof and reality >In a GG thread
Whitepill: Romney gets boo'ed during speech
>>23726 Gandhi notoriously despised niggers.
>>23779 He's saying its suspicious the elite are pushing acceptance of taking the blood of the youth, as if they want people to not care when they get caught doing it.
>>23780 Even now there is hope for man.
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>>23782 Anon its the way it is worded, you post-2016 election, Kampfy bootlicking, r/thedonald refugee vermin. Ending it at "articles say so" without even bothering looking at the sources is not just retarded, it is contrary to what GG stood for and espoused since it inception. Unfortunately the truth cannot always be summarized with a neat little bow on top of it by some faggot looking for clicks. Trust, but verify to not be herded like common cattle. Archive and mirror everything to not allow them to edit and rewrite history. Do not listen and believe so you can accept lies as fact.
>>23782 If it was pushing acceptance rather than sensationalism do you think the articles would be using the "rich silicon valley funders" angle? They would just say "cool new medical research!" When was the last time you saw an article about a new cancer treatment emphasize the billionaires providing venture capital? >Can Blood from Young People Slow Aging? Silicon Valley Has Bet Billions It Will https://archive.is/Cp4je >Inc: Peter Thiel Is Very, Very Interested in Young People's Blood https://archive.is/wh7Y8 Thinking that them funding medical research - one of the most beneficial uses of their money possible - is somehow sinister is exactly the angle the articles are pushing. Because journalists hate silicon valley billionaires in general, hate Peter Thiel in particular, and can get a lot more clicks for an article that sounds like "rich vampires coming for your blood" rather than "researchers doing research after getting financing".
>>23785 >Can Blood from Young People Slow Aging? This is terrifying
>>23776 Arlo the Alligator Boy >>23779 What >>23782 said. It's the same strategy to push trannies.
>>23785 > journalists hate silicon valley billionaires in general Yet they seem to do all their bidding, including the election fraud cover-up. Zuck the Cuck paid Maricopa County Election Board to "secure the election" and several Google Employees are in Biden's Administration. Big Tech basically IS the government right now, and journos are covering the ass of the "Biden" Government with glee.
>>23786 The person who wrote the title meant for it to be. Meanwhile the actual article is like this: >In the years since the initial mice experiments, Villeda, Wyss-Coray and a number of independent investigators have identified an array of proteins that seem to have promising restorative effects—or, in the blood of elderly mice, detrimental effects. Both kinds could prove useful as potential drug targets. If DNA is the body's blueprint, proteins are its building materials. These essential molecules, composed of amino acids, are not only the fundamental material from which we construct bone, skin, muscle and brain cells. They are also the units used to make hormones and other molecular-level signaling agents that carry messages from one part of the body to another. With age, it seems, many of the proteins we need to function efficiently decline, while proteins that aren't good for us accumulate in inconvenient places and gum up the works.
>>23681 I guess at a different angle, it would end up like a scene from Team America: World Police.
>>23787 Thank you. Here's the Monsters Inc doujin I found by accident: https://imhentai.xxx/gallery/471398/
>>23770 >muh Q Hello newfag/normalfag/CIA agent (implicitly a newfag)
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>>23791 Pretty good. Thanks anon.
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>>23785 Anon you should take this >>23788 in consideration now I still agree with your points on thinking critically, but also realise that truth can be fucking stranger then fiction. Still are fucking correct that some tards here could remember why GG became as big as it did. >>23792 How is his point incorrect?
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>>23787 You don't get to justify being a brain dead faggot who will eat up whatever you are told. After all these years of distrusting articles and journalists you go crawling back to another clickbaiter because you'd rather not do your own research or analysis while even pretending to be informed. You have learned nothing and would rather remain a lazy faggot who doesn't think about anything, ripe to be used again by anyone pandering to world-view. Continue thinking as you do now and regardless of what you vote, what newsgroup you join and whoever you decide to listen as gospel to you'll remain sheep.
>>23795 >his point >remember my wholly unrelated CIA psyop revisionist version of pizzagate? It's not a point, it's a red herring.
>>23797 I'm unsure if you know English but he was saying don't be another flavour of listen of believe which is what a lot of Qfags were.
>>23753 You're a nigger.
>>23749 >Japanese and Chinese language were never remotely similar Until the point it did and then diverged again
>>23800 Japanese used the script and loanwords from old Chinese, but that's about it as Chinese and Japanese are very different from each other. It's like saying just because English and the Polish use the Latin script they are the same.
>>23801 >Just the loan words Its a lot more then just the loan words. They're very different now; that only an imbecile would deny. But even now there exists just enough of the old that if you showed a chinese or japanese script to either person they would both translate to the same thing.
>>23651 >>23653 >>23655 Vocaroo is broken for me right now, but assuming it's pic related from /dunk/, it started as copypasta from cuck/pol/ when they realized they could create salt from trans "people" in discords dedicated to shilling on /pol/, just by shitting on them on the board. >>23671 >doomgal fanart Crash? >>23753 >nightmare fuel >tvtropes term
>>23793 Let me guess? This is fucking penned by AniFem, isn't it?
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>>23785 >>23786 >>Can Blood from Young People Slow Aging? At what point are these faggots just going to start publicly having black mass?
>>23804 That's right Gamer..
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https://archive.is/bGr9g https://archive.is/rw5UU >post-gamergate Journos have been plenty butthurt lately. Reminder that Chris Plante an Luke Plunkett are massive faggots. >>23793 Anime Feminist is such a funny site. But at least they are upfront about their agenda.
>>23807 >how dare you call us out for spreading misinformation ONE JOB
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>>23807 >People calling me out for being a waste of fucking space and not knowing how to do my job means you're a GAMERGATE FASCIST NAZI NERD >YOU NEED TO STOP POSTING ELSE MY MANAGER WILL UNDERSTAND MY WRITING DEGREE IS FUCKING USELESS These people need to die
>>23807 Imagine if doctor got a diagnosis wrong was called out and pulled this shit. Would you still go to that doctor A mathematician who couldn't do one plus one This isn't even asking them save lives just get the fact rights and they cry like children every time. Then they wonder why no one respects em.
>>23809 >BLJ >1 A press
>>23788 SJWs usually hate and smear the people they control, just not quite as much as the people they want to control but don't. Thus they hate the silicon valley billionaires that censor for them for not censoring more, hate the apolitical ones even more, and hate Peter Thiel even more than that. See also: the SJW clique in sci-fi/fantasy fiction constantly going on about how problematic it is (George RR Martin sided against the Sad Puppies, and this year the Hugo Awards nominated some random blog post from an insane person ranting about how horrible he is for "Best Related Work"), SJWs constantly screaming about how Reddit is a den of racism and sexism, SJWs saying White Wolf (one of the most SJW companies around) was white supremacists because of some dumb shit like a playtest having "1,4,8,8" come up as the dice results for a roll in a playtest, etc.
>>23812 By constantly attacking their own people they enforce discipline to the latest narratives and leaders. I believe this is deliberate.
>>23807 >Journos have been plenty butthurt lately. You think they finally figured out Gommie-nism is just a tool for preventing competition from the unwashed masses, just like Biden's Tax Plan (which won't hurt Amazon and the rest of Silicon Valley, but eliminate tons of small businesses).
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>>23780 That was fun to watch.
>>23807 Wasn't even insulting them just stated what their job (And the job of any person worth a damn) is to do their work correctly.
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>>23780 Is Weimerica waking up?
>>23810 >ugh. seriously getting tired of this toxic "malpractice" culture we're seeing in this industry lately >like no one cares that you know how to treat patients properly, some people just want to practice medicine in their own way without needing to be held accountable
>>23817 I wish, all my co-workers actually believe the BS the news spews about Trump, the riots, and Floyd (and got vacc'ed). If you go even slightly off narative about anything, you can actually see thier brain break.
>>23819 >all my co-workers actually believe the BS the news spews about Trump, the riots, and Floyd (and got vacc'ed). >and got vacc'ed Sounds like a self correcting problem.
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>watch video by some jewtube retard about an extremely degenerate french cartoon that seems to be popular >lots of furshit and 'sex positivity' according to YT cuck >it got rejected by all major streaming websites and tv networks worldwide >except for this one smaller (((production comany))) >check to see what else they have done >see all this stuff >co-founder (((Patrick Holzman))) >company is called fucking BLACKPILLS <Archive of their current projects website https://archive.vn/HIWhP <https://archive.vn/iw2au Pure coincidence!
>>23813 I think it's not so much "deliberate" as it is an evolved feature of the memeplex. It doesn't need most or even any of the individual members to consciously understand what they're doing, but by inspiring people to act like that the memeplex became better at replicating itself and influencing institutions (but also contributed to a lot of the anti-SJW backlash). On the individual levels SJW communities will often behave like that regardless of whether it makes any strategic sense or not, you'll see ultra-SJW communities tear themselves apart in purity spirals.
>>23821 Oh I also forgot >BASED ON TEL FUCKING AVIV
>>23821 Unironically these all sound boring as shit >Blackpills No that seems about right there is no hope for any faggot that creates garbage like this. >>23818 >What do you mean i'm getting sued for medical malpractice
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>>23821 >Creator of horror movie the golem So is the movie about a jew using their golem to torment a jew or non-jew? If I'm remembering my jewish mythology correctly, golems work like servants.
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>>23826 Can your monkey brain even use Wikipedia? https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blackpills
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>>23828 Can you?
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>>23520 >I think around the 3-day mark of staying up straight you start to hallucinate Can confirm. >>23642 What really fucking surprises me with Seven Seas is that one one hand they censor some of the naughty shit in a few series but then they have "How to build a Dungeon" which is about 1 step away from a H doujin at all times complete with "women can't beat the dick" as a constant.
>>23829 How does that change anything? I clearly stated that Blackpills is the production company, an Israeli production company at that.
>>23830 Waoh dude, is that a reference to Char Aznoble from Macross?!
>>23802 Japan uses Chinese script but the spoken language is completely different.
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>>23833 You tell me
>>23834 i'm not talking about the written language come on; any one with even the slightest experience with any group can hear the difference even when they're using the load words. >>23833 >>23835 >>23830 What the fuck is this, why are you hurting me like this
>>23833 >Is Jewish production making POP CULTURE REFERENCE????!!!
>>23832 I don't know what point I was trying to prove tbh.
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ITT: > anon tries to raise awareness of a degenerate (but hilarious) cartoon > every furfag in the thread had just finished jacking off to it It looks like the thread is aware of the situation and monitoring it closely.
>>23835 Is this so cursed that it wraps around to being blessed? >>23836 >What the fuck is this, why are you hurting me like this I'm sorry, anon. Why don't you come to >>>/c/ and wash the sour taste out of your mouth. >>23837 We should have known ///(((they)))\\\ were behind this!
>>23839 I only see a single furfag spamming this degeneracy aside from you, I also wouldn't call it hilarious unless you have bog standards for comedy.
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>>23836 Frogs like manga and animu
>>23839 >>23835 >>23830 >>23825 >>23842 I feel like they took a lot of inspiration from princess sally.
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>>23840 >Not a single Yukkuri thread on /c/
>>23843 It's the hairstyle
>>23839 I was not aware, and in fact i wished to remain unaware >>23840 How is that going wash out this monstrosity >>23842 Only now do i understand the hatred brits and germans have against the french
>>23846 The french are incredibly degenerate, I remember watching an animated french show called Lastman that had an entire episode about some dude fucking a negress and it was extremely explicit.
>>23836 >What the fuck is this Do you know any "peepee poopoo" joke? Well, the show is basically that mixed with some surface lessons about sexuality (anal sex, masturbation, trannyism, small dick shaming, etc) and a hot cat nurse to keep horny fags watching it. It's a funny show if you like toilet humor. >>23847 The French are the only ones aside from Nips and South Americans (when they have budget) who aren't scared of making cartoons that aren't completely sterile.
>>23847 >Y the Last man Thats a comic i could never get into. It was praised by feminists when it came out, until it became problematic in (current year) Also last i heard it was coming to fox this year. >>23848 Nothing in what you wrote appealed to me, this is like furry ecchi and both furry and ecchi is shit.
>>23848 You can make something that isn't "sterile" without having to rely on shock content and niggers like the French do.
>>23836 >What the fuck is this You remember how every episode of Totally Spies was just the creators using any excuse they could to shove their fetish into the episode's mission? YEAH, the exact same thing here, except extremely explicit and and dressed up in a cutesy way where anything that can go wrong with said fetish does.
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>Lastman is feminist propaganda now wew lad
>>23848 >not sterile In a similar way that jamming an AIDS ridden needle covered in shit and piss into your veins isn't sterile.
>>23849 the show last man is entirely unrelated to the y the last man. My understanding is the show's a prequel to a different french comic book made by french comic artist well known for drawing loli and shota shit.
>>23764 Controlled-opposition is not opposition kike.
>>23847 >>23852 Richard fucked two black ladies. One nigress milf & the other his trainer for his big fight. Neither of these are meant to be good things though. Both get him into massive trouble.
>>23849 >Nothing in what you wrote appealed to me And it wasn't my purpose. I'm just describing the show's basic premise since a lot of people don't know about it. >>23851 That's because that's the purpose of the show. Kinda like Drawn Together or South Park but focused on sexuality rather than on American autism.
>>23856 I don't give a shit about the reasoning behind the portrayal of these acts, I still find it extremely degenerate and disgusting.
>>23858 You're supposed to. That's the point. That's what I just said. Richard is a loser in the comic too. The show is to explain how he became this way despite being a champion fighter.
>>23857 >>23851 Im going to have to play some vidya to forget what i've just witnessed in this thread. I hope you're happy >>23852 >>23854 my bad i had it confused with something else
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Since we're talking about French cartoons for adults.
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>>23856 I know, I'm just laughing at anons reacting towards shows over earsay.
>>23846 >How is that going wash out this monstrosity Through the power of cuteness, of course!
>>23854 >made by french comic artist well known for drawing loli and shota shit. Tell me more?
>>23859 I know, i've read whatever amount of the comic that was translated up until a few years ago. I still don't approve of it. Frenchmen love niggers, that's all I was trying to say.
>>23864 I myself think the art is pretty shit, but the characters in the show were great and seeing them in the comics is the only way to see them again. The show is made even better with the fact that it adds much more character development to the comic, to a point where you actually give a shit about the characters which I wouldn't outside Richard if I only read the comics. TL;DR Watch the show, it's really good, if you liked it, read the comics which are made 3 times better with the show.
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>>23865 >Guyana >Haiti >Quebec >Every single one of their african colonies >Metropolitan France itself Everything french culture touched turned into niggers. The only ones that went unniggerized were the ones that purged it from their country like Syria or Vietnam.
>>23865 Well at that point I can't change your mind.
>>23861 >Therapist Is a Black tranny There are no words
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>>23864 Bastien vives is his name but his art's an acquired taste and generall is jerk worth. I liked his artwork in the last man comic
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>>23867 HEH >>23868 Don't even bother.
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>>23870 >>23864 meant ot attach more images
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>>23873 A watermelon with a hole on it is more appealing than this crap.
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>>23518 Is it wrong that I read the name of that picture in his voice?
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>>23874 >A watermelon with a hole
>>23846 >Only now do i understand the hatred brits and germans have against the french <Throw on the show <Third episode has a "culture exchange" with Germany <The joke is how Germans are into scat and watersports despite being extremely "germiphobic" <Decide to look this up <Anal and pissing are among the top searches of German fetishes Seems more like the case of the pot calling the kettle black.
>>299418 >Replying
>>23876 >niggers Now now anon, we just had a niggeranon suffering for us by being a game tester for ubishit
>>23879 Fuck that nigger and fuck you.
>>23877 >pissing falls to second place >Germans wanting German reaches 1st place with an 846% What the hell happened in 2019?
>>299423 And you do that by literally directly quoting him? Retard
>>23728 >sample Kill yourself.
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>mods deleting niggerpill and all replies with no survivors I guess it's for the best
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>>23885 I'll admit sometimes niggerpill's over the top retarded headlines do make me giggle.
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The fact that you niggers are just now learning about Bobbypills after years of this shit being posted on webm threads for years marks you as massive newfags. Even worse you are doing this out of hearsay because you faggots are too lazy to look into this shit yourselves and just share generic hysteria out of misunderstandings.
>>23887 Pointing out how it's literally subversive kikes that give degenerates a platform is somehow wrong?
>>23887 >The fact that you niggers are just now learning about Bobbypills after years of this shit being posted on webm threads for years marks you as massive newfags. I've known about the show since the "BaruBaru Chan" episode, just haven't really taken the time to watch it until now.
>>23887 Also >saging a bumplocked thread >while calling others newfags
>>23888 >Pointing out how it's literally subversive kikes that give degenerates a platform You just described all of the USA, congrats!
>>23887 Knowing and caring two very different things. I watched some of em a year back didn't mean i gave enough a shit to remember especially when i don't find em funny.
>>23891 Epic and original joke, my friend.
>>23887 I knew about it, I just didn't care. I only remember the show exists when I see porn of it while I'm browsing porn art.
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>>23893 >Joke If only
>>23888 Overly sensitive and puritan faggots should get the noose regardless of political alignment, sissy bitch. You're a fucking newfag and have no ground to stand on considering this place is hosting boards dedicated to loli,shota and toddlercon , get that stick out of your ass and understand where you are instead of acting like this is some pure place with no degeneracy when its just frogs doing whatever the fuck they want.
Amount of newfags here calling others newfag is staggering.
>>23897 hownew.ru?
>>23896 I have no idea what either of you retards are whinging about but just because the site hosts content doesn't mean anyone has to find it agreeable. >you can't comment on how abhorrent interracial cuckold porn is dude, there's interracial cuckold porn on this site! You might as well say people can't like interracial cuckold porn because the processor used for the server is x86 like yours therefore only people using ARM can detest that kind of porn. You sound like a fucking retard.
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>>23896 The degeneracy itself isn't my problem, it's the jews peddling it. And I will keep calling out every coheincidence that I see. You can't stop me, tard.
>>23800 Okay. Explain the Chinese roots of these three Japanese words. "otoko", "onna" and "kodomo". I'm waiting.
>>23900 >The degeneracy itself isn't my problem >it's the jews peddling it Doesn't that imply you would not be opposed to degeneracy if was peddled by a non-Kike?
>>23902 No jews, no problem.
>>23902 I like to call those kikes in spirit.
>>23901 What does man? woman and child mean 男, 女, and 子供 all are interchangeable with the chinese script barring child. Clearly we are talking about something else. Im talking about words, callipgraphy, etc. I am not saying chinese and japanese are the same thats retarded. I'm saying that once upon a time thanks to cultural exchanges the words they used were very similiar and even after a 500 years of divergence they are still similiar enough that if you put written words like the one you gave me and showed them to either a jap or chink they would still give you the exact same answer.
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>>23899 He is clearly fine with the interracial cuckoldry board since the show he is defending has nigger dicks fucking the furry bitch on it
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Saw this where they gathered up Alan's discord comments. Gives you some insight to the fag who likely started this shit. >No particular theme or narrative, just a list of substantive messages from Alan Walton, co-founder and CTO at Latitude, on Discord on April 27 https://archive.is/dmlxt Also from a day ago: >The OpenAI ToU recently went public. Guess what? As suspected, Latitude was not being required to follow the OpenAI ToU https://archive.is/6iUAM
>>23907 ok? I don't know any of whats being discussed except Discord What are you talking about
>>23907 Leftist cucks sure love their shrug emoji.
>>23908 AI Dungeon stuff that has been mentioned a bunch in these threads lately. They self destructed recently.
>>23910 right the censorship that made it so you couldn't even type 8 year old computers without crashing. I remember when all ai dungeons story i created ended in sex it was fun for first 3 times then it got irritating especially when gay sex occured
>>23911 Yeah I always had the issue where characters would randomly go rage mode and explode character's bodies into gore. Never got the completely out of nowhere sex acts most people seemed to encounter.
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>>23867 >Vietnam I'd like to say that they were better off being niggered by the French than communist, but the results don't lie. Even Asians under objectively the worst form of government are still light-years ahead of niggers best efforts.
>>23913 >Even Asians under objectively the worst form of government are still light-years ahead of niggers best efforts. IIRC, after Carter forced the military to leave, didn't the Vietnamese briefly and immediately end their civil war to set their sites on kicking out the Chinese?
>>23912 >Yeah I always had the issue where characters would randomly go rage mode and explode character's bodies into gore That too. >Never got the completely out of nowhere sex acts most people seemed to encounter. Did you create a female character? Thats what usually happens. for example i created a witch and bam she turned into a succubus, computer thinks succubus means sex scenes, bam you get one. Couldn't even set up a foil/rival correctly
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>>23621 >muh /tv/ You guys are truly the Jannetty of 8chan.
>>23916 /v/ being ran by subhumans retards doesn't make /tv/ look any better. I can't imagine using a site that is almost exclusively known for emulating cuckchan culture and getting their user data exposed to the feds during a raid.
>>23914 Pretty much. So far as I'm aware, and I don't know very much about it, but they were engaged in border skirmishes with the Chinese up until the mid-90's. China has been trying to warm up relations with them, as China is Vietnam's #1 trading partner, but China are also expansionist shitheads and are picking fights with Vietnam over some islands. There was talk of the US trying to improve relations with Vietnam as a foil to China. Despite how bleak things look for the US right now - if we can get Russia and Vietnam on our side, as well as get the Koreans back together - then there's a LOT of borders into China we could use to pressure them into backing down without escalating into war. Trump tried to lay the groundwork to do just that, but wasn't allowed to have any victories. We'll see if future administrations can do the work before it's too late. Russia and Vietnam are still Chinese allies - but they're not exactly on good enough terms to go to war for them.
>>23840 >cursed >blessed Are you a twitter nigger?
>>23905 Japan imported kanji in the 5th century. It's been more than 1600 years, not 500 years. You aren't talking about words. You're talking about the meanings of kanji characters and compounds. Using the same set of characters (even that isn't true anymore due to simplification) doesn't make it the same language or establish a genetic relationship between the languages. That's retarded. Korean and Vietnamese used to be written in Chinese characters, but no longer are, but they were never related to Chinese and still aren't. Even English could be written with Chinese characters if you wanted, and that wouldn't make English a Chinese language. You know what non-Chinese languages are actually related to Chinese? Tibetan and Burmese, and neither of them was ever written with Chinese characters. That doesn't make them any less part of the same Sino-Tibetan language family to which Chinese belongs.
>>23920 500 years since the change began anon. I know it was 1600 years. 500 was when the changes really started showing up. No ones talking about language either just the characters, you keep getting that confused please read whats happening in a thread before jumping in. I've been talking about characters not an entire fucking language. No one is so fucking retarded they can't tell the difference between english and polish or chinese and japanese. But when written out, sometimes you in fact can't tell the difference that is whats actually being discussed. Whats actually being discussed is that once upon a time thanks to cultural exchanges things were written in chinese characters, and thanks to that sometimes you can understand Japanese, Korean, and even Vietnamese. That is all thats being discussed nothing else.
>>23921 >>23633 >no ones talking about language You did.
>>23922 Did you read the the following posts are you trying to not look retarded.
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>looking for a clip from shitty 3D nu-Berserk >start getting these retarded anime cucktubers on my recommended for you section I hate normalfags
>>23925 >using jewtube in the first place
>>23926 There are no feasible alternatives.
>>23918 Good luck with setting up any sort of alliance with Vietnam during Biden's. Because the upper part of The Party is pretty much chink's puppet and currently doing another "corruption cleaning" aka purging of anyone not kissing Pooh-in-charge's arse.
>>23927 You can access jewtube content without needing to feed them cookies to the point where they can recommend you shit. There a million front ends and proxies.
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>>23699 >Is that anime/manga worth looking into or is it just moe and/or slice of life autism? It's great. It has cute horse girls, pure sportsmanship, tragedy, comedy and joy. The second season had no business being such an emotional roller coaster. Also plenty of autistic Gold Ship.
>>23604 wtf is your friend even alive? How does he have a job?
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>>23373 <makes your mouth bleed if you eat too much I have never had that happen? Is that even true? <lots of effort to peel it Get big knife, saw down, take time with cuts and don't cut off 60% of it. Git gud you regular apple nigger.
>>23933 It's just more nu/pol/ spergs
>>23775 I was expecting the first funky fighter, and I was wrong.
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>>23932 Yes, benis.
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>>23599 I know a guy who has not slept for 3 weeks due to a surgery and medications involved and man it does NOT seem like it's good for your sanity. But for reference, about 8-9 hours first day he could sleep. Thank god for that. Last guy who deserved that shit. Never seen him that fucked.
>>23932 <makes your mouth bleed if you eat too much >I have never had that happen? Is that even true? Well it does contain a natural meat tenderizer which is why it was traditionally paired with pork but unless that anon was stuck on an island with nothing but a pineapple grove to sustain him I don't see how anyone could ever eat enough pineapple to ever have a problem.
>>23937 I have insomnia which I got from my mother and there are times once every six months were I can't sleep for four days, around that time you legit start to go insane.
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>>23936 I literally ate an entire fucking pinapple in one day yesterday and my anus is still untenderized. Yall are just some weak shits. My genetics are clearly superior. >>23939 I once couldn't sleep for three days and had auditory and visual hallucinations of vague demonic figures in the corner of my vision and man I don't want to go back to that. Last time I had hallucinations like that was a few months back when I had a really shitty cold. Get your sleep, motherfuckers, it's not fun.
>>23918 Trump will be able to do further work when he gets back into office this year.
>>23780 >They paid a bunch of people to cheer for them in the front seat embarrassing.
>>23941 Why do you keep insisting that will happen for the past few threads? I know you're excited about the fraud investigations Qboomer-kun, but if you and your kind got scared out of buildings easily like the Capitol Hill bullshit (because god knows the courts up to supreme are cowards afraid of riots/actively the enemy), we're stuck with Biden for the next 4 years.
>>23940 >My genetics are clearly superior. >had auditory and visual hallucinations of vague demonic figures in the corner of my vision
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>>23944 Yes, even demons want my superior genetics. I bet you just hallucinate gay wimpy imps who just mill about being sad about themselves.
>>23943 Honestly at any point anything can happen. Maybe not what he insisted would happen but this is a strange time.
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>>23943 false-hope / anti-niggerpill / trying to keep hope alive / psyop for greater dissapointment >>23946 I just want fun to happen instead of this slow march to normalcy and gayness
>>23946 When people say it's a strange time, the strange shit tends to be negative and shit. Outside of very rare good things like the Argentinian spic who gaslit the City of Heroes community for 6 years while withholding the dead game's source code to power trip over a secret cabal getting exposed by a faggot with a F-List Futa Robot OC, but I don't pray for miracles. >>23947 >False hope That only works if it's believable. >anti-niggerpill Just as annoying as the original then, just the other way around. >trying to keep hope alive Willfull ignorance of reality more like it, like those retards with the seasteading shit that, even if it weren't namby-pamby "hurricanes? th-the tech's being worked on but it'll work, honest" shit would almost certainly have to suck the dick of at least one major country to get the funding needed and by then we're back where we started under the kike thumb. >psyop for greater dissapointment I'd question why the feds bother, 8ch numbers have been shot enough (and anons burnt out and demoralized enough) the threat's been neutralized, especially if any poor autists who missed the boat are still using 8kun.
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The actual shit hitting the fan/interesting times right now looks to be be between Israel and Iran. Biden is set to reenter the nuke deal with Iran and possibly even drop all of Trump's sanctions. Israel has promised in turn to strike Iran if the deal is reengaged. An additional wrinkle is, considering Biden is basically just Obama's meat puppet, that Obama famously didn't get along with Bibi so who knows what the Biden administration's responses to an Iran Israel war would be.
>>23943 I'm not a Qtard or a boomer. But I still believe the tides will turn. >we're stuck with Biden for the next 4 years If Biden and the Democrats stay in power, then we'll be run by communists for the rest of our grandchildren's lifetimes. If they get away with stealing this one, they'll steal them all. >>23947 None of the above, as hard as that may be for you to believe.
>>23950 >If they get away with stealing this one, they'll steal them all. If they steal any more then better than half the country will come rapidly to the conclusion that democracy is dead or that it never worked in the first place and then the US instantly hits widening gyre mode. Last I saw something like 70% or Republicans and even 30% of Democrats thought the last election was fucky. If it turns out to be a one off kind of event than only happens every generation or two then people are likely to, grudgingly, let it slide. After all Trump was a rather divisive figure, sometimes even among his own party, and people might tolerate a fucky election that had the side effect of getting the guy they didn't like out of office. Those same people wouldn't be near as tolerant of fuckyness becoming the new normal. 2022 will tell the tale I think.
>>23951 >If they steal any more then better than half the country will come rapidly to the conclusion that democracy is dead or that it never worked in the first place and then the US instantly hits widening gyre mode. You're right. But I think they're so cocky and drunk on power at this point that they don't care. I think they're getting ready to crackdown hard on everyone and they're not even worried about the optics anymore.
Speak of the fucking turkroach.
>>23953 And before Mark/Kazu swiss cheeses the thread again because Mark doesn't believe in IPu6 id changes, don't ban me (bb1c1e) because I set him off again.
>>23861 I couldn't stomach much of it. It's edgy for the sake of being edgy, like 99% of Adult Swim cartoons, only more aggravating because it's aggressively trying to make more innocuous characters bad (at least Robot Chicken had stop motion, which is always timeless, and some sort of reason why the characters act like they would in-universe). This one is just disgusting though, probably the only parody that sticks out as accurate is Candy Candy's.
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>>299554 >fascism is ok if it ends oppression Wait, what? I get the concept of a benevolent dictator, but how the fuck does fascism to end oppression work? Oppression is literally what fascism does. Why not just blow up the whole fucking world like a proper supervillain, then? Everybody is perfectly equal when everyone is dead.
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>>23956 Oppressing communists doesn't count.
>>299595 Summoning all Aras; e7eeca sounds underage and bored.
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>>299598 Sure thing, boy.
>>299595 It's 7 AM here and i'm planning on going to bed. You don't have anything else to do? No content you'd like to share in other threads/boards?
>>23960 >going to bed at 7AM Getting this night premium, aren't you?
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>>23958 Does he like vidya gays? >>23961 Thats morning time araanon-kun
>>23962 By that, I meant "are you working night shift"?
>>23962 >Does he like vidya gays? OFCOURSE I DO, WE SHOULD PLAY SOMETHING TOGETHER.
where are the video games?
>>23965 In your ps5.
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>>299617 yeah man post all your social media
>>299617 are you ok??
>>23956 >dead I guess If someone is dead or expelled there's not much oppression to worry about.
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>Gravity drags out the corpse of Ragnarok Online <check out the website >pic fucking related >they even put gacha above silly things like features
>>23907 TL;DR >Latitude/AIDungeon rents the AI >OpenAI makes the AI >Latitude/AIDungeon are liars and retards >OpenAI's Terms of Use are extremely restrictive, and somewhat contradictory >Many other people have tried to do similar business with OpenAI and been denied >Latitude/AIDungeon has been heavily in violation of OpenAI's ToU since the beginning >Latitude/AIDungeon makes up a significant chunk of OpenAI's revenue >Latitude/AIDungeon must have a special agreement with OpenAI that allows them to wildly and freely violate ToU >OR >OpenAI is oblivious to the severe ToU violations and Latitude/AIDungeon could be shut down at any moment <First image >Uhh, why are you upset that we read your private stories that might violate our ToS? Didn't you know Google and Facebook track you? I hate these faggots.
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https://www.yewtu.be/watch?v=GDuFDotzaCo when was it last you were excited for a game?
>>23945 Is that a penis reflected in her eyes?
>>23975 You have a very dirty mind, Anon. It is clearly a joystick. Your dick doesn't narrow to a singular point at the base.
>>23976 It could be distorted.
>>23977 You then have to explain how lens distortion results in your dick vanishing into nothing at the base.
>>23978 >Lens distortion Anon, this is a cartoon character. Her eyes are too big, her face is too flat, she can transform into an adult woman magically. The drawing is only an analogy real objects, and isn't bound to the strict physical laws of light reflection and refraction.
>>23979 Next you're going to say videogames don't have accurate physics simulations because it would use too much processing power. Which the stadia could have resolved if it wasn't just a bag of dicks shaped like a ps3
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>Which the stadia could have resolved
>>23980 >Which the stadia could have resolved
>>23956 When everyone is oppressed no one is >>23980 I want to bully you so bad
>>23979 Sounds like the excuse of someone who's bad at drawing
>>23984 By that metric, all drawings that aren't in a realistic style are just by people who are "bad at drawing".
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>>23985 Yes, that's exactly it. Every single art style that's deviated from realism was just some talentless hack saying "it's just my style" and then a bunch of groupies tagging along playing follow-the-leader. Photorealism was a return to form but sadly it didn't stick. If someone wants to break the rules to make something interesting then kudos to them, but if they can't first do it by the book it just shows that they were making excuses for their lack of ability. Do it properly. You can experiment later.
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>>23980 >spoilering bait Even Microsoft with the Xbone, all that distributed computing nonsense ended up a farce as expected. Don't you remember even Crackdown being pared back?
Jesus fucking Christ >>23986 Would you be willing to apply that logic to videogame assets, in spite of the fact that stylized art assets age better while attempts at realism usually look relatively poor in retrospect?
>>23956 Fascism isn't just the violent subjugation of wrong-think, it's the nationalistic violent subjugation of wrong-think. Some people who say 'antifa are the real fascists' mean it 100% literally, which isn't correct of them because you can objectively distinguish between fascism and communism. However, what other people mean when they say that is that antifa are no better than fascists. Both fascists and communists only care about the ends, which is how you end up with people like morgoth's review unironically saying that a person should be banned from a platform for "normalizing pedophilia" i.e. making a joke.
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>>23986 Picasso was a fine general artist, but I find abstractism and cubism and shit just tiresome as a sort of dissection of art, being more a forensic science than an art. You can't act like such things don't go back to inspire fantasy art and the like though. You sound like a hack fraud amateur to me.
>>23988 If you don't kill your enemies they win. Always kill leftists, jews, and LGBT abominations. It's a good thing to do.
>>23990 >Picasso was a fine general artist But he agrees with you on that because <If someone wants to break the rules to make something interesting then kudos to them <but if they can't first do it by the book it just shows that they were making excuses for their lack of ability. Do it properly. You can experiment later.
>>23988 Yes, I would. The best representations made with the best materials and techniques will still age badly when they're superseded. Take art from the medieval ages for example: it was the best they had at the time, and I'm sure it looked very good to them, but the medium has progressed long past that. Attempts to emulate past game visual styles can look timeless when done well, and I think that's because the best examples of their target era. Lazy attempts to be stylised are always obviously shit. >>23990 >hack fraud amateur Nigger I'm not an artist and I'm not an art critic. I just like things that look like things instead of things pretending to look like things and saying "that's good enough and I'm better than you for not trying harder".
>>23993 >because the best examples of their target era *because they emulate the best examples of their target era
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>>23803 Webm of it courtesy from an anon on /dunk/ Not sure why the coloring if weird
>>23995 >That wall of text
>>23995 oh hell naw, too long for me the same thing I said to the Snyder's cut before /tv/ thought it was funny and started using it everywhere
>>23995 cant even watch it
>>23988 What is this phone screen recording? Is this a joke?
>>299695 it's like the eva ending but lamer and without tang
is there anything sadder then a person that talks to himself The sure sign of the mentally ill
>>299695 >>24000 The tang was for dumb losers anyway. Reject it and live in the real world. It'll be much nicer once the normalfags aren't there. >>24001 It's amazing how he can entertain himself day after day saying the exact same things over and over. Almost inspiring.
>>24001 Roaches have simple minds.
>>24001 It does help to look into kamfy's mind.
>>24002 It is amazing imagine if he spent that time on anything else like say working out >>24003 >>24004 Self hate is a powerful thing
Was cock.li seized by the German authorities or whatever again?
>>24006 Not exactly. https://archive.is/DyGcI It's still funny as fuck though.
>>24007 Oh, this reminds me of the whole debacle over NCMEC using SauceNAO to reverse search for child abuse material. Which is even more hilarious because I was recently watching a video from a few months prior to that where they said (regarding some cases of child abuse) that they were using "tools" to identify some pictures.
>>23973 >Latitude/AIDungeon must have a special agreement with OpenAI that allows them to wildly and freely violate ToU Yeah if they really got special treatment from OpenAI, I wonder how they pulled that off to begin with. I could understand how later they are a good chunk of income, but in the beginning what did they offer to avoid all the bs. >I hate these faggots I hate how all the things I enjoy are eventually revealed to be run or made by huge faggots.
Who took a shit and released niggerpill?
>>24010 He's literally repeated what he said yesterday.
>>24012 We still have 17 posts before panicing. Well, 16.
>Gamespot: Activision Blizzard CEO Says A Ready Player One-Like Metaverse Is Coming https://archive.is/wLAi3
>>24014 >Activision Blizzard is not alone in its belief that a Metaverse is coming. Fortnite developer Epic Games is looking to create a Metaverse as well, recently raising more than $1 billion, including $200 million from PlayStation, to create a Metaverse
>>24014 >>24015 Do they not realize the irony over what they're talking about?
>>24014 >>24015 hey really are bankrupt for ideas aren't they.
>>24017 From what I understand, it's not that they're bankrupt for ideas. It because they want to supply people with the same product with minimal effort put forth towards marketing. Basically, the industry model that exists with companies like Pepsi, General Mills, and P&G; they provide commodities, that everyone uses, that everyone knows about, and they have a steady paycheck coming in because of this; and the most "Creative" the company every gets is just creating a new logo or label.
>>24018 yeah but like the video says they're going to crash and burn Its honestly retarded giving marketers decision making abilities on how a products is made.The only ability they should have is how they can sell said product
Did they nuke the pedo thread on /b/?
>>24020 No, it's still there. Why?
>>24021 Nevermind, I was mistaken.
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>>24012 I should probably bake, but I've never done this before. Is there anything in the OP that should be added?
>>24023 >imp ass no love for her twilight form ass?
>>24024 Imp is superior.
>>24025 cursed dubs
>>24014 >>24015 What the hell does that even mean? Is that like a game or something? An MMO? I don't get it
>>24026 They are the dubs of truth.
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>>24024 There is but not it's not as recognized as much compared to her imp form. It's not bad but it doesn't stand out as much. There's still a lot of it though. In fact, on sankaku complex alone there's over 1010 images of twilight form midna as of me typing this.
>>24029 all midna forms deserve love
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>>23995 See if this one works....
Turkey was a Covid success story now we’ve the highest infection rate in Europe and our first full lockdown https://archive.ph/beK72 Cute. Cockroaches think they are European. Nevertheless people. John Kerry faces calls to resign as Biden's climate envoy over claims he fed Iran sensitive information on 200 Israeli military operations when he was Obama's Secretary of State https://archive.ph/8Eept You think the Jews at Israel regret backstabbing trump after democrats support leaking intel to Iranians to get back at orange man?

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