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#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Pikamee Edition Anonymous 03/02/2023 (Thu) 21:16:23 Id: 5f077f No. 280471
ONGOING DISCUSSIONS: >GJP is attacking Valve over not supporting BLM https://archive.vn/12kPM >Nathan Grayson laid off as The Washington Post shuts down Launcher, their gaming section https://archive.is/B9wT2 >Limited Run Games fires employee after complaints over who she follows on Twitter https://archive.vn/obNiJ >Regulators (FTC) Look To Block Microsoft Acquisition Of Activision Blizzard Inc https://archive.ph/rKNDf >EU antitrust regulators to probe Microsoft's $69 billion Activision bid https://archive.ph/SqhgU >IGN Journalist who reviewed The Last of Us Part 2 joins Naughty Dog as Editorial Content Manager https://archive.ph/eTmtu https://pastebin.com/GGG5Kwdr >Arc System Works confirms that Bridget is trans https://archive.ph/lkbiL >Cloudflare bans Kiwifarms https://archive.ph/5ziDX >IMDB deletes every user review for The Rings of Power which rated it 5 or less https://archive.ph/Zg95c >Ben Kuchera claims he was fired by Vox Media for taking time off to deal with his children being sexually abused https://archive.ph/nB79z >Wiki is up again! https://ggwiki.deepfreeze.it/index.php/Main_Page CURRENT TASKS: 1. OPERATION MAX REVIVE Rebuild the board's userbase and activity through simple, but effective methods 1. Post across the entire board Activity creates activity. Use threads you like, make new ones if topics don't exist. Easy examples are Drawthreads and Friday Night threads, go request or draw something right now. 2. Recruit and recover lost or potential anons Use this site's OC and features to entice anons if necessary when recruiting, just inform that we are alive. Here's some sites and links with at least some confirmed anons that can be recruited again: https://steamcommunity.com/groups/8chotwheels https://steamcommunity.com/groups/SSAVCH https://steamcommunity.com/groups/video_games https://steamcommunity.com/groups/8chmohun https://steamcommunity.com/groups/8chan_monster https://steamcommunity.com/groups/GoodLuckEbolaChan https://steamcommunity.com/search/groups/#text=8ch.net https://steamcommunity.com/search/groups/#text=8chan Other sites that might yield fruitful results and have anons (art sites use an account so you can see 18+ content): https://www.deviantart.com/search?q=Vivian+James https://www.newgrounds.com/search/summary?suitabilities=etm&terms=Vivian%20James https://twitter.com/search?q=Vivian%20James&src=typed_query&f=image https://rpgcodex.net/ https://old.reddit.com/r/KotakuInAction/ Somewhere on Telegram
[Expand Post]Just searching up GG or 8chan-related terms on certain places/sites can get you possible results. 3. Make your own OC/Memes/Content Doesn't matter what it is even if its just simple edits or full-on drawings or webms, just make it and have fun. Ask in thread for software recs if necessary. 4. Encourage or create fun events, activities, projects, etc. Think things like 8chanmania, weekly streams, re-translation projects, demo days, or zzz's gaming magazine for example. If you want to do something, try making or reviving it, it can't hurt and these things are great for the board. 5. Use other boards All it takes for a board to grow is at least 2 dedicated anons using it. Don't be afraid to make a post, check places periodically, shill, or what have you. Don't force discussions to boards, just encourage the usage of them. 2. OPERATION TRAJAN: Collect and catalog all of the various localization and censorship accounts of past video games into a single repository from these sources: romhacking.net The_Cutting_Room_Floor/tcrf.net Segaretro.org https://redirect.invidious.io/channel/UCFItIX8SIs4zqhJCHpbeV1A Examples: http://archive.vn/XQOHW Sony's policies forces censorship; JP devs allegedly have to go through ENG approval process: https://archive.fo/awzFF - Japanese blog post about it: https://archive.fo/bF9bE Sony Japan President Says PS4 Censorship Policy Is To Match Global Standards And Protect Kids: https://archive.fo/U3GLa - Confirms censorship was deliberate: https://archive.fo/XgAgP - No rules for censorship policies, games judged case-by-case: https://archive.fo/37DhK - Marvelous partner starts petition against policy: https://archive.fo/rxQtf https://archive.fo/84UHo • Twitterfags: Tweet with Sony's stock code $SNE so that investors see your tweets and know you're pissed. • Consider spreading OP Timber materials to targets as well: http://archive.vn/URjtu ONGOING TASKS: A. Operation Download And Conquer: Loosen the death-grip of Google that has taken hold of the internet's audio and video services >>>/t/5546 B. Support archive.fo! Accountability needs proof: https://liberapay.com/archiveis/donate C. OP DisNod: Contact the FTC and advertisers about violations and unethical practices http://archive.vn/9bylT D. Internet Censorship happenings: Spread the word about the dangers of FOSTA/CLOUD act/Article 13, etc. https://www.eff.org/de/deeplinks/2020/03/earn-it-act-violates-constitution E. OP End the Era: Dig into resetera and their connections to journos, devs, etc. http://archive.vn/JfuSb Reminders (important, READ THESE!): • Use https://archive.today to deny sites ad revenue and traffic and preserve pages in case they are deleted later • Be civil if you have to argue with people on Twitter, Tumblr or any forum - don't make us look like douchebags • Do not accept requests for any goal, demand lists or personal army requests: https://pastebin.com/p5dVp1e5 • Beware COINTELPRO: The Gentleperson's Guide to Forum Spies: https://cryptome.org/2012/07/gent-forum-spies.htmSTOP REPLYING TO BAITS AND OBVIOUS DERAILMENT ATTEMPTS, JUST REPORT AND FILTER Resources >Summaries of #GamerGate:https://redirect.invidious.io/watch?v=wy9bisUIP3w - #GamerGate - If It's Not About Ethics • https://redirect.invidious.io/watch?v=5fnRSL3d_xU - #GamerGate in 60 Seconds • https://archive.fo/23Fde - GamerGate: A State of the Union Address >Background and Evidence for #GamerGate: • The #GamerGate Dossier: https://archive.fo/nv1Fb • #GamerGate Wiki: https://ggwiki.deepfreeze.it/index.php?title=Main_Page • History of #GamerGate: https://www.historyofgamergate.com/ • View the timeline links in the Current Happenings section! >Lists: • GG Steam Support & Boycott List: https://v.gd/vzRsRb • Key GamerGate Hubs: https://v.gd/LNJbat >Thread Repository: https://gitgud.io/gamergate/gamergateop/blob/master/ThreadRepository.md https://ggwiki.deepfreeze.it/index.php?title=Thread_Repository >Full OP Text: • Current: https://ggwiki.deepfreeze.it/index.php?title=The_GamerGate_OP >How Can I Help? >>>/gamergatehq/ • All OPs: https://gitgud.io/gamergate/gamergateop/tree/master/Operations • OP Vulcan: Learn logical debating: https://v.gd/Kbzw0L • An Anon's Guide to Twitter; basics: https://v.gd/nwrbYF >Want to Contribute to GitGud or Wiki? https://gitgud.io/gamergate/gamergateop/tree/master/How-to-Contribute
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Trash finally found their home https://archive.ph/wip/X7efF https://www.msn.com/en-us/entertainment/gaming/over-30-million-worth-of-funkos-are-headed-to-the-landfill/ar-AA188W1x
>>280472 About time, now we never have to worry about the Gondola Funko
>>791876 "OH NO HE SHOWED THAT IM WILLING TO LIE TO MAKE MYSELF LOOK BETTER, BETTER QUIT THE CONVERSATION" Kill yourself. Private property effectivelly was not important to the Nazi party, they have eroded the laws protecting it, private business were controlled by state organizations and collared to do what they want.
>>280472 Heh im glad, god are those things ugly as shit.
>>280472 well, good news for a change
>>280474 Can you two retards keep your autism fiesta in the other thread, please?
>>280474 I hate stormfags as much as the next guy, but please keep it in the other thread.
>>280472 Too bad they're probably unrecyclable into cute anime chicks.
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Whatever happened to make the thread Pikamee themed?
Archive of previous bread: https://archive.is/zrgrI
>>791898 Honestly, I don't like Roguelikes since a lot of developers use RNG in substitute of actual game design. You'll have the most beautiful looking game combined with a shitty level system where you're required to die in order to progress the game itself. Mind you I'm not saying there aren't good roguelikes in general, I think RoR and Hades proves that the Roguelike genre works, but 99% of roguelikes lack proper game design in my opinion.
>>280483 I get where you're coming from, but it IS a hot topic considering that the same people who accused us of being an harassment campaign made by Omega Satan Hitler have been caught doing what they claim to be against.
>>280484 RoR and Hades are both Roguelites, not roguelikes. There's a difference. Roguelikes are games like Dungeon Crawl.
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Remember to watch and find content on other video on demand websites A few I tend to favor using are: >Dailymotion: https://www.dailymotion.com/ >LBRY: https://lbry.com/ >NicoNico: https://www.nicovideo.jp/ >Veoh: https://www.veoh.com/ >VidLii: https://www.vidlii.com/ Also, please contribute towards Operation Download & Conquer by (re)uploading content to sites that are lacking it: >>>/t/5546 In addition, it's always preferable to attach videos to posts as WEBMs/MP4s rather than as links or embeds, even if it's through front-ends like Invidious.
>>280486 Ah, my bad.
From the previous thread: Ford Tries to Patent a Dystopian Future Where Self-Driving Cars Repo Themselves https://archive.ph/fmDzJ Ford's Future Automated Repossession Tech https://odysee.com/@AlphaNerd:8/ford's-future-automated-repossession:0 Ford's repo patent is an episode of Black Mirror waiting to happen https://odysee.com/@rossmanngroup:a/ford's-repo-patent-is-an-episode-of:a
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Remember to spread this chart to the Nips who want to experience what Western developed video games are all about! Rather than let companies try to push the latest AAA cinematic garbage or "Indie-made" art-house trash as the "peak" of Western games, and demand that Japan needs to emulate "those titles" in order to stay competitive, send this image to Japanese friends and colleagues to show them the titles that companies prefer they didn't know about. If you don't know someone to send it to, post the image on their vidya discussion boards, tag it to Nip e-celebs, and/or send it to Japanese game creators.
>>791910 You're a fucking retard if you don't just ignore people complaining about trivial shit and instead showing that their mean internet messages hurt your feelings. There isn't much to discuss beyond that. Literally just ignore loser trannies until they find the next target to fuck with. This is a tale as old as time itself.
>>280481 >>280483 >>791910 >>280491 also >/vt/ on cuckchan is getting heavily censored by literal tranny mods. This is pushing cuckchan users onto alternative platforms and actually going through the tweets of the trannies that bullied Pikamee. To the point where at least one has been doxxed over on NZ-plantation and several more have been compiled into a list. reminder of the GG days a bit. >This has resulted in several twitter accounts going private, usually with posts accusing them of now caring about the hate directed at them because that's not what Pikamee would want. Instead of thinking about her feelings when doing targeted harassment against her. >The sentiment among even the casual Vtuber fan is taking a sharp turn right. When Coco graduated over comments made over Taiwan, that solidified some peoples hatred for China because she got accosted by Chinese fans. This event is has similar parallels.
Software and sites to give attention to! Operating systems >AROS: http://aros.sourceforge.net/ >BSD <Net: https://www.netbsd.org/ <Open: https://www.openbsd.org/ <DragonFly: https://www.dragonflybsd.org/ >GrapheneOS: https://grapheneos.org/ >Linux <Artix Linux: https://artixlinux.org/ <CLIP OS: https://clip-os.org/ <Devuan: https://www.devuan.org/ <EndeavourOS: https://endeavouros.com/ <Rocky Linux: https://rockylinux.org/ >ToaruOS: https://toaruos.org/ Archival >ArchiveBox: https://archivebox.io/ Chatrooms: >Session: https://getsession.org/ >Tox: https://tox.chat/ Database >Based Cooking: https://based.cooking/ >BigchainDB: https://www.bigchaindb.com/ >Gelbooru: https://gelbooru.com/ >Gun: https://gun.eco/ >Hydrus ( >>>/t/6469 ): https://hydrusnetwork.github.io/hydrus/ >Library Genesis: http://libgen.rs/ >ourobooru: https://ourobooru.booru.org/ >Sci-Hub: https://sci-hub.hkvisa.net/ Donation and payment services: >AlignPay: https://www.alignpay.com/ >Fantia: http://fantia.jp/ >Librepay: https://liberapay.com/ Email clients >Claws Mail: https://www.claws-mail.org/ >The Mutt: http://www.mutt.org/ Email hosting >Create your own: https://archive.fo/okVq4 >Cock.li (Invite link required): https://cock.li/ Encyclopedias >Infogalactic: https://infogalactic.com/info/Main_Page File sharing and storage >anonfile: https://anonfile.com/ >BitTorrent: https://infogalactic.com/info/BitTorrent >CacheP2P: https://github.com/guerrerocarlos/CacheP2P >Catbox: https://catbox.moe/ >Cryptosphere: https://github.com/cryptosphere/cryptosphere >Dat Project: https://datproject.org/
[Expand Post]>Filecoin: https://filecoin.io/ >Holochain: https://github.com/holochain/holochain-proto >Instant.io: https://instant.io/ >IPFS: https://ipfs.io/ >Kek.gg https://kek.gg/ >Onion Share: https://onionshare.org/ >ORC: https://orc.apache.org/ >Peergos: https://peergos.org/ >Perkeep: https://perkeep.org/ >Pomf: https://github.com/pomf/pomf >QBittorrent: https://www.qbittorrent.org/ >Sia: https://sia.tech/ >Storj: https://storj.io/ >Swarm: https://github.com/ethersphere/swarm >Tahoe-LAFS: https://www.tahoe-lafs.org/trac/tahoe-lafs >Uguu: https://uguu.se/ >WebTorrent: https://webtorrent.io/ >Other sites: https://www.archiveteam.org/index.php?title=Pomf.se/Clones Galleries and image hosting >ArtStation (SFW only): https://www.artstation.com/ >HicceArs: https://www.hiccears.com/ >Wysp: https://www.wysp.ws/ Internet and browsers >BadWolf: https://hacktivis.me/projects/badwolf >Basilisk: https://www.basilisk-browser.org/ >Beaker: https://beakerbrowser.com/ >Bromite: https://www.bromite.org/ >Falkon: https://www.falkon.org/ >GNU IceCat: https://www.gnu.org/software/gnuzilla/ >Handshake: https://handshake.org/ >I2P: https://geti2p.net/ >InterPlanetary Wayback: https://github.com/oduwsdl/ipwb >Iridium Browser (Guide to remove spyware: https://spyware.neocities.org/guides/iridium.html ): https://iridiumbrowser.de/ >LibreWolf: https://librewolf-community.gitlab.io/ >MaidSafe: https://maidsafe.net >Mysterium Network: https://mysterium.network/ >Namecoin: https://namecoin.org/ >NetSurf (Guide to remove spyware: https://spyware.neocities.org/guides/netsurf.html ): https://www.netsurf-browser.org/ >Otter Browser: https://otter-browser.org/ >Qutebrowser: https://qutebrowser.org/ >Sphere Browser (WARNING: https://spyware.neocities.org/articles/sphere.html ): https://sphere.tenebris.cc/ >Surf: http://surf.suckless.org/ >Tor: https://www.torproject.org/ >Ungoogled-Chromium: https://ungoogled-software.github.io/ungoogled-chromium-binaries/ >Web Browser: https://git.nuegia.net/webbrowser.git/ >Yggdrasil Network: https://yggdrasil-network.github.io/ >ZeroNet: https://zeronet.io/ Marketplace >Booth: https://booth.pm/ >DLsite: https://www.dlsite.com/eng/ >DMM Games: https://games.dmm.com/ >Fruitbat Factory: https://sites.fastspring.com/fruitbatfactory/product/buy >ğchange: https://www.gchange.fr >JAST: https://jastusa.com/ >Play-Asia: https://www.play-asia.com/ >Top Hat Store: https://shop.tophat.studio >Zoom Platform: https://www.zoom-platform.com/ Pastebins >Paste: https://github.com/jordansamuel/PASTE >PrivateBin: https://privatebin.info/ Search engines >ActiveSearchResults: https://www.activesearchresults.com/ >Gigablast: https://www.gigablast.com/ >Marginalia : https://search.marginalia.nu/ >Mojeek: https://www.mojeek.com/ >Wiby: https://wiby.me/ >YaCy: https://yacy.net/ Social media >anime website: https://anime.website/ >Baest: https://bae.st/ >baraag.net: https://baraag.net/ >Free Speech Extremist: https://freespeechextremist.com/ >GNU Social: https://gnu.io/social/ >Hubzilla: https://zotlabs.org/page/hubzilla/hubzilla-project >Mediachain: http://www.mediachain.io/ >Pleroma: https://pleroma.social/ >Plurk: https://www.plurk.com/ >Poast: https://poa.st/ >Shitposter Club: https://shitposter.club/ >Steemit: https://steemit.com/ Streaming >8chanTV ( >>>/site/1519 ): https://8chan.tv/ Video and audio platforms >AVideo: https://github.com/WWBN/AVideo >BitTube: https://bittube.tv/ >D.tube: https://d.tube/ >MediaGoblin: https://mediagoblin.org/ >Veoh: https://www.veoh.com/ >VidLii: https://www.vidlii.com/ Video downloaders and converters >boram: https://github.com/Kagami/boram >ffmpeg (Can be paired with Nadeshiko on Linux: https://codeberg.org/deterenkelt/Nadeshiko ): https://ffmpeg.org/download.html >NewPipe: https://newpipe.net/ >WebMConverter: https://gitgud.io/nixx/WebMConverter >webm.py: https://github.com/Kagami/webm.py >wybm: https://github.com/Kagami/wybm >youtube-dl (Also download ffmpeg for best compatability; guide: >>>/t/5546): https://youtube-dl.org/ Web hosts >Create your own: https://archive.vn/BtM69 >IONOS: https://www.ionos.com/ >KolymaNET: https://www.kolyma.org/ >Neocities: https://neocities.org/ Other >AdNauseam: https://adnauseam.io/ >Amateur Game Development General: >>>/agdg/ >ChannelChanger: >>>/t/1257 >Crescent Isle: >>>/site/532 >Kdenlive: https://kdenlive.org/ >LINE Sticker Downloader: https://goonlinetools.com/line-sticker-download/ >Magic Wormhole: https://github.com/warner/magic-wormhole >OpenTimestamps: https://opentimestamps.org/ >Privacy Possum: https://github.com/cowlicks/privacypossum >QEMU: https://www.qemu.org/ >The Wick Editor: https://www.wickeditor.com/ >VirtualBox: https://www.virtualbox.org/ Suggestions are always welcome! Revision Updates: 3/2/23: https://archive.is/GVyIx
>>280472 I kinda wonder how they fell apart when I see and hear about them so often. They're supposedly in all the gaming stores and have a bunch of people collecting them. I see a buncha Reddit nerd people with them in the background. They must not have made much per sale or had really high operating costs.
>>280472 Fucking finally beanie babies 2.0 is dying. >>280494 They were popular on sheer momentum alone, popular because they were popular and everywhere in shops.
>>280494 They probably produced much more than they should, so they will probably lower production and hike up the price to cater to whales.
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>>280472 Never will there be a more fitting fate for those piles of soulless junk, than to end up in the trash where they belong. >>280496 Yeah, really does seem like a case of overestimating the popularity of their bugmen-beloved dreck. To this day I will never understand how those soulless golems ever became popular. Ugly, same-faced pieces of shit they are.
>>791919 Who are you quoting, (1)? >>791920 And why should I care that an e-celeb was too thin skinned to handle tranny shitflinging exactly? No really, what is the takeaway from that? Or do you think internet goon culture is unique to trannies and that if we genocide them and only them suddenly people won't get fucked with on the internet? If you decide that your choice of career is going to be taking advantage of the fact that young men are experiencing an record highs of loneliness and you can't even understand that if you just ignore tranny retards they will move on in 48 hours then you deserve to have your career smothered out of existence. The only meaningful conclusion to be drawn from this is that e-celebs are fucking retarded, and more specifically that women prove themselves yet again to be infantile, and losers like you enabling that infantile behavior. There have been male streamers that have raped women and not got so much as a slap on the wrist. Want to know why? Because they shut the fuck up, hired a lawyer, and never talked about the "cancelling" or the claims being levied against them once. It's actually that easy to get away with whatever the fuck you want. Literally just shut the fuck up and ignore it.
Get woke, go broke.
>>280471 Bread's much better now.
>>280498 You should care because this made tens of thousands, if not hundreds of thousands, apolitical normalfaggots wake the fuck up to the troon crybully cult, that's why. It's the mark of the annoying rainbow cult pushing too far and the general population pushing back, and we should do our best to use this to awaken more people to the bullshit as a whole. It could very well mark the beginning of a cultural shift due to just how many normalniggers loved this entertainer and her apolitical, be-friendly attitude that I'm sure many share. Her being a victim of bullying in the past only to encounter it again also adds to the sob story and makes retribution against the troons more just in the eyes of the normalfag. It's not about why YOU should care, really, but about how this gets more people to align with the types who browse this site who are already awakened to the horseshit going on. As for Pikamee herself, you forget that not everyone is as stalwart as you, and to simply shut out emotions is not something everyone can do, especially a woman who's been as socially awkward and traumatized as she has been. Though once again, relating back to the "awakening of normalfags" thing, a damsel in distress makes for an even greater sense of righteousness in defending them... and who would the normalfag rather side with? The bullies, or the bullied?
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>>280492 >This has resulted in several twitter accounts going private, usually with posts accusing them of now caring about the hate directed at them because that's not what Pikamee would want. Instead of thinking about her feelings when doing targeted harassment against her. <Cry and hide when people become openly hostile towards your kind after bullying someone out of her job for just wanting to play a fucking videogame Fun ruining cunts, get the rope
>>280498 It's a straw that broke the camel's moment that could basically be the catalyst for tranny pushback against trannies in online communities. Resistance against troons has been gradual to the point of reaching the political sphere like in the case of Florida passing laws that restrict if not outright ban sex-based curriculums including transgenderism but now that it's starting big in online cultures this could spell major resistance against the trans community and potentially the rest of alphabets as well. TL;DR this is a Gamergate moment against the trannies now that an innocent person who did nothing wrong as besides playing a crappy game. Anon sums it up here >>280501 (Checked)
>>280484 Yeah, permadeath is one of the defining features of roguelikes and should carry on to the roguelite genre. There is a sort of skilled rng manipulation involved, like you can safely identify if a potion type is the kind that helps you or hurts you before relying on it. But being 0.5% stronger after eached failed run is retarded and the game should just be called an rpg with procedural level generation.
>>280501 >As for Pikamee herself, you forget that not everyone is as stalwart as you, and to simply shut out emotions is not something everyone can do, especially a woman who's been as socially awkward and traumatized as she has been. I'm infinitely more socially awkward and "traumatized" than she will ever be. And do you know what I don't do because of that? Expose myself on the internet to beg for money from lonely retarded men. Lacking grit is not an excuse. Just like women shouldn't go walking through a homeless camp wearing a bikini people without mental fortitude and the competence to ignore shitflinging shouldn't become internet celebrities. I have no sympathies for someone with mental struggles that puts themselves in scenarios that are obviously going to make them worse. Your mental conditon is YOUR responsibility, not societies. You are making the same argument for this roastie hapa that kikes make for enabling tranny freaks to transition. I think exposing the crybully nonsense of trannies is a fair argument though. I just don't like the victimization and coddling of women and e-celebs.
>>280492 >/vt/ on cuckchan is getting heavily censored by literal tranny mods. does anyone know who these mods are? Not "they're trannies" or "they're goons" but something more specific about who they are and who hired them? > This is pushing cuckchan users onto alternative platforms ... such as... ? Are there any sites that are letting them speak, or are they getting censored everywhere like we were? > and actually going through the tweets of the trannies that bullied Pikamee. Where is their research? Are you making copies of their research? Can you copy it back here? And which specific trannies bullied Pikamee? > To the point where at least one has been doxxed over on NZ-plantation thanks for the tip. > and several more have been compiled into a list. is the list pastebinned anywhere?
>>280505 >I'm infinitely more socially awkward and "traumatized" than she will ever be Post story life >>280506 >does anyone know who these mods are? Not "they're trannies" or "they're goons" but something more specific about who they are and who hired them? Discord groups mostly likely
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>>280495 >Fucking finally beanie babies 2.0 is dying. Beanie Babies were alright. At least they could be used as dog toys when people when through with them. Fuck-O Pops were never anything more than plastic waste trash that would end up leeching chemicals into a landfill once the fad was over. It wouldn't even have bothered me so much if they had at least had just a modicum of effort and detail to them, but unlike Nendroids, that's never what they were about. It was only ever about a public badge of "nerd cred" to line up behind a camera while you streamed about shit you had no interest in, but that's the niche that netted the most profit with the least amount of effort.
All forms of drm, including denuvo, negatively affect performance and that never changes no matter the hardware.
Watch out for GamerGate The public enemy of the world #1 It is the main hashtag responsible for… ☑ Accidentally re-starting the French Revolution ☑ Weaponized Gondolas ☑ Hacking German politicians and media ☑ Played "To Catch a Predator" with Randy Pickford ☑ Masterminded the destruction of GDQ via the Catfish of Legend: Namazu ☑ Under the light of the Blood Moon; Self-destructed Western Journalism by having a some kid smirk at a drumming savage ☑ Just wanted to start a conversation with everyone, everywhere, eternally ☑ Watched Gawker die TWICE ☑ Guilty of face crimes ☑ When GameStop tried to sell itself; offered $3.50 in in-store credit ☑ Made telling "journalists" to "learn to code" into a hate crime ☑ Taught the Alt-Right ✅Then harassed said Alt-Right ☑ Started in 2011-2012 when 4chan tried to steal Anita Sarkeesian's SSN# ☑ Created "Boner Culture" which made cis straight male erections the most powerful force on earth ☑ Had a Jewish Mobster 'Take Care' of it ☑ Asked THQ about gaemu which somehow triggered World Wide Web War III ☑ Tricked /cow/ into developing and sharing their fetish for Mark's plump bagel with ResetEra ☑ Triggered GJP3.0 with 57 hitpeices on THQ Nordic's AA ☑ Orchestrated the GaymerGay misogynist review backlash against Marvel's Captain Woman ☑ Taught New Zealand about "White Day" ☑ Radicalized Spyro the Dragon ☑ Turned Pewdiepie into the Osama Bin Ladin of GaymerGays ☑ "The nerds and gamers were joined by the proto-storm troopers of the alt-right in a bond that has never been broken" ☑ Was a trial run for "will the US tolerate fascist behavior" ☑ Exploring new frontiers in sexual harassment via Jelly Bean ☑ Groomed young impressionable politicians into misogynists ☑ Created and trained the alt-right to take over the political landscape on a global scale (And succeeded) ☑ Arranged for Sonic the Hedgehog (movie ver.) to get "fixed" ☑ Remains undefeated for all time ☑ Turned Rage 2 into a Trump-esque attack on game journos ☑ Joined forces with Amazon ☑ Helped Mark impress Resetera ☑ Used Elliot Rodger's martyrdom to unite 4Chan and Breitbart to elect Donald Trump ☑ Will be looked back upon in 50 years as the root cause of the coming Cultural Civil War ☑ Government-sponsored shitposting ☑ Mastered the manipulation of the news cycle to their advantage ☑ Made Anita cry when Feminist Frequency went broke ☑ Destroyer of Worlds ☑ Russian Conspiracies (all of them) ☑ Extended Reanon's death/meme-magic to animation studios (please meme responsibly) ☑ An instrument of American Trumpian Power Worldwide
[Expand Post]☑ Cured alleged "journalist" of dyslexic anxiety ☑ An aberrant, creeping horror ☑ As dangerous as Anti-Vax, ISIS, and Holocaust Denial ☑ Five years of ruining everything ☑ Came to the classroom ☑ Trained Google whistleblowers ☑ Never died and foreshadowed our toxic meme-strewn politics ☑ Blew up the Internet ☑ Made wanting challenge in videogames into supporting White Supremacy ☑ Was secretly fighting WWIII all along ☑ Stochastic Terrorism ☑ Being a national security threat according to the DHS ☑ Helped Mark win the lottery ☑ Gave the money back ☑ Living long enough to see itself become the villain in a TV Show THRICE ☑ Confused the FBI into thinking /v/ is /baphomet/ ☑ Turned Anita Sarkesian into a crazy cat lady ☑ It's #Gamergate Forever ☑ Justifiably felt alienated by the neoliberal fetishization of feminism and the reductionism of politics to identity teams ☑ Was rabidly pro-corporate ☑ Manipulated a SJWeeb into review-bombing a LGBTWTFBBQ-friendly game as a "test" ☑ Non-meat based cam girls ☑ Caused the Corona outbreak which destroyed China to cheer up a depressed CIA glownigger ☑ Digisexuals ☑ Called the cyber police to put a cripple in cyber jail ☑ Weaponizing decency ☑ Made the games industry a nightmare for Women, Colored People, and Ashley Burch ☑ The inevitable ultimate horror of Sega's "toxic" advertising for ChuChu Rocket ☑ Has the highest body count of any COVID-19 disinfo group ☑ Finally got the 8kun administration to get off their ass and answer the damn phone ☑ Searching for a new home (again) ☑ Made some /v/ hotpockets on other imageboards go insane ☑ Burned julay to the ground by doing basically fuck-all except continue to exist (props to a certain bunbunmaru reporter, tho) ☑ Having a high enough IQ to be mentioned on Rick and Morty ☑ Radicalized a grandmother to the point she promotes harassment against alleged games journalists ☑ Is the terrorist group backed by 'The French' who are behind President Trump's exhausting battle against twitter ☑ Protecting FUCKING GAMESTOP from looters ☑ Finally started the Race War by forcing a meth-head on a date with Corona-chan to take a knee to the neck from the police ☑ Confirmed for Baby Hitler ☑ Gave a lot of airtime to Soviet defector Yuri Bezmenov ☑ Got on the Atlantic's "free $100" van only to get intervewed ☑ Started a backlash against the French independent film industry because they want to raise pure little girls ☑ And then Russia wanted to shut down 8chan.moe to be ironic ☑ Was clearly a blueprint for Trump's online assault in 2016 ☑ A gravestone marked “Games Journalism; Dead By Suicide,” with the date of death corresponding with the launch of GG ☑ Took over the US capitol ☑ Funded by the GOP ☑ Using Reddit's radicalized nihilism to counter jews shorting FUCKING GAMESTOP ☑ Made Mark the Godfather of Gamergate ☑ Corrected Polygon on Titanfall lore ☑ Accidental meme magic discharge (R.I.P Miura) ☑ Planet-range racism field ☑ Not wanting people to put down the controller and talk about their feelings ☑ Destroyed the logic process of a bot wreaking havoc across multiple imageboards with just one simple trick ☑ Caused Blizzard executives to threaten their employees with rape ☑ Came to Alex Hutchinson's Defense ☑ Made Vivian a feminist symbol ☑ Grew to a geopolitical scale and spilled into real life with devastating consequences ☑ Got their own TV show ☑ Brandon’s First fan ☑ Gave birth to Qanon ☑ Is the precedent for /K/yle Rittenhouse ☑ Ruined people's brains by turning them into corporate bootlickers ☑ Created the concept of "Culture War" ☑ Was the watershed event in the ascendancy of online extremist personalities and tactics ☑ Mars manifest destiny ☑ Was behind Elon Musk's twitter takeover all along ☑ The Ruby Ridge of online violence ☑ Funneled men into far-right politics via witch-hunting ☑ We now live in a gamergateocracy ☑ Resulted in abortions being banned ☑ Accused of being none other than Gamergate ☑ Making mainstream games soft-sell white supremacy ☑ Getting their own theater piece in the Netherlands ☑ Was a rebellion against English class ☑ Conquistato il senato Italiano usando nerd armati ☑ Let the far right borrow it's online moves ☑ Radicalized a """"Right Wing"""" illegal immigrant canadian nudist hippy into assassinating Nancy Pelosi's husband with a hammer ☑ “How did I get into all this,” Mr. DePape wrote in one passage on his blog: “Gamer Gate it was gamer gate” ☑ Caught dogwhistling about Kotaku's journalistic integrity at MAGFest ☑ Being as legitimately terrifying as loving AI art on alt-right hate subreddits
Poor Pikamee. I know next to nothing about vtubers but friends tell me she was nice and innocent, definitely didn't deserve a tranny mob going after her from what it sounds like
>>280508 I like how normalfaggots are willing to spend hundreds on numerous low effort funko shits but shy away at the idea of spending a little over $60 for a high quality nendoroid Probably thinking >b-b-but what will people think of me when I get something that is uncool?!?!
>>280491 Pikamee had a history of bullying, it's actually harder than it seems to just ignore it.
>>280507 Screenshots in the past have confirmed cuckchan mod teams do their work out of discord channels. They are also mostly unironic trannies like reddit mods tend to be. I would advise against advertising on cuckchan for obvious reasons.
It's funny how the only thing that seems to get anons riled up enough to give a shit to want to fix the fucked-up world, is their 2D idol being smashed by tranny abominations. It wasn't enough when the Ohio trains derailed, it wasn't enough with the COVID lockdowns. But when the soma was removed, now all of a sudden anons are upset. In that case, fucking destroy vidya and the Internet, too. Maybe anon will get off his fat ass and do something, then.
>>280504 I like meta-progression in roguelites tbh, it's fun to do runs to upgrade yourself slowly and unlock new content. Obviously there is a time where it goes out of whack like with Isaac.
>>280471 Vtubers are fucking cancer. >>280472 (checked) I still don't understand what anyone saw in those ugly ass things. >headed to the landfill Just what the world needs, more plastic trash.
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Reminder to dig into the Twitter files. In order of discoveries: https://anonfiles.com/J6p653Ley5/gg_zip https://nitter.catalyst.sx/bariweiss/status/1601007575633305600 https://nitter.poast.org/ShellenbergerMD/status/1604908670063906817 https://archive.vn/MWux4#selection-15285.0-15285.254 https://nitter.poast.org/lhfang/status/1605292454261182464 Expose them. Send emails to everyone about them. -The jewish communist group responsible for the censorship is the Strategic Response Team - Global Escalation Team ((( SRT-GET ))). -This secret group included Head of Legal, Policy and Trust (Vijaya Gadde), the Global Head of Trust &Safety (Yoel Roth), subsequent CEOs Jack Dorsey and Parag Agrawal, and others. -It's detailing special treatment for U.S. government propaganda. Twitter lying to congress (again) this time about shutting down sate propaganda. Pentagon running psyops on Twitter. Evidence of things people knew or suspected. > FBI ordered and paid off Twitter to censor the Biden corruption story > FBI intentionally did it to sway the election for Biden > FBI knowingly lied when they told Twitter that the info was hacked by the Russians > FBI had learned about the laptop by spying on Rudy Giuliani's emails > that's the prosecutor who took down the Mafia, New York's mayor during 9/11, and the President's personal lawyer > because the FBI was spying on all of the President's staff > with the intention of finding dirt to justify kicking him out of office > so the FBI was trying to overthrow the government for all four years of his presidency > because It Was Her Turn > they couldn't believe that Hillary could have lost the election without Russian interference > so FBI justified all the spying by claiming that Trump was working for the Russians because he had business dealings with the Russian mob in the past > they could have read Trump's file and seen that he was the FBI informant spying on the Russians for them > they found no evidence of Trump working for Russia, but kept trying to overthrow him > Hillary was working for Alfa Group and Sberbank the whole time HOW TWITTER RIGGED THE COVID DEBATE https://twitter.com/davidzweig/status/1607378386338340867 https://archive.ph/S1rN2 https://threadreaderapp.com/thread/1607383214452080647.html Former FBI General Counsel James Baker, who helped grease the wheels to get FISA warrants to spy on Trump, tried to get the sitting POTUS censored while working at Twitter for saying “don’t be afraid of COVID” https://twitter.com/DC_Draino/status/1607434394590904323 https://archive.ph/o6E7V Google currently employs at least 165 people, in high-ranking positions, from the Intelligence Community. Ex-CIA agents are Heads of Trust & Safety at Google & Facebook. https://twitter.com/NameRedacted247/status/1607539875712217089 https://archive.ph/7TxVJ https://threadreaderapp.com/thread/1607539875712217089.html Beijing On American Campuses: Here's Every College With A Confucius Institute. 2020.04.22 https://dailycaller.com/2020/04/22/beijing-china-american-college-campus-confucius-institute-list/ https://web.archive.org/web/20200424043755/https://dailycaller.com/2020/04/22/beijing-china-american-college-campus-confucius-institute-list/ https://archive.ph/NWvjF If It Seems Like the Washington Post Published chinese State Propaganda Today, It's Because It Might Actually Have. 2020.08.04 https://redstate.com/brandon_morse/2020/08/04/washington-post-ccp-paid-n250099 https://web.archive.org/web/20201212075259/https://redstate.com/brandon_morse/2020/08/04/washington-post-ccp-paid-n250099
[Expand Post]https://archive.ph/EfnW2 Beijing-Controlled News Outlet Paid U.S. Newspapers Millions To Publish Propaganda This Year. 2020.11.22 https://dailycaller.com/2020/11/22/china-daily-propaganda-wall-street-journal/ https://web.archive.org/web/20201123014550/https://dailycaller.com/2020/11/22/china-daily-propaganda-wall-street-journal/ https://archive.ph/uUfAA Revealed: Xiden UN, State Department Picks Are Documented chinese Communist Party Consultants. 2020.11.24 https://thenationalpulse.com/exclusive/biden-un-state-picks-are-ccp-consultants/ https://web.archive.org/web/20201124130205/https://thenationalpulse.com/exclusive/biden-un-state-picks-are-ccp-consultants/ https://archive.ph/W59KD Democrats Protect chinese Communist Propaganda 'Confucius' Groups from Punitive Action. 2020.12.18 https://thenationalpulse.com/breaking/democrats-protect-chinese-communist-propaganda-confucius-groups-from-punitive-action/ https://web.archive.org/web/20201218202056/https://thenationalpulse.com/breaking/democrats-protect-chinese-communist-propaganda-confucius-groups-from-punitive-action/ All Major Western Media Outlets Take 'Private Dinners', 'Sponsored Trips' from chinese Communist Propaganda Front. 2020.12.29 https://thenationalpulse.com/exclusive/media-private-ccp-dinners-trips/ https://web.archive.org/web/20201229172811/https://thenationalpulse.com/exclusive/media-private-ccp-dinners-trips/ https://archive.ph/z3POh REVEALED: Full List Of Western Media Outlets Participating In CUSEF chinese Communist Propaganda Events. 2020.12.30 https://thenationalpulse.com/exclusive/western-media-chinese-communist-events/ https://web.archive.org/web/20201230195140/https://thenationalpulse.com/exclusive/western-media-chinese-communist-events/ https://archive.ph/j6wdD CNN's Fareed Zakaria Met With chinese Communist Party Think-Tank Linked To "Favorable Coverage" Junkets. 2021.04.24 https://thenationalpulse.com/exclusive/fareed-zakaria-visited-ccp-think-tank/ https://web.archive.org/web/20210424152922/https://thenationalpulse.com/exclusive/fareed-zakaria-visited-ccp-think-tank/ chinese Propaganda Outlet Paid Millions to American Newspapers and Magazines, Records Show. 2021.05.25 https://freebeacon.com/media/chinese-propaganda-outlet-paid-millions-to-american-newspapers-and-magazines/ https://web.archive.org/web/20210525185141/https://freebeacon.com/media/chinese-propaganda-outlet-paid-millions-to-american-newspapers-and-magazines/ https://archive.ph/etaBT L.A. Times Publishes Beijing-Funded Propaganda, Conceals china's Massive Coal Use & Emissions. 2021.05.28 https://wattsupwiththat.com/2021/05/28/l-a-times-publishes-beijing-funded-propaganda-conceals-chinas-massive-coal-use-emissions/ https://web.archive.org/web/20210529010039/https://wattsupwiththat.com/2021/05/28/l-a-times-publishes-beijing-funded-propaganda-conceals-chinas-massive-coal-use-emissions/ https://archive.ph/PVa0D CCP buys media influence by paying millions to U.S. dailies, magazines: Report. 2021.07.04 https://www.timesofindia.com/world/china/ccp-buys-media-influence-by-paying-millions-to-us-dailies-magazines-report/articleshow/84109897.cms https://web.archive.org/web/20210704054006/https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/world/china/ccp-buys-media-influence-by-paying-millions-to-us-dailies-magazines-report/articleshow/84109897.cms Universities Like Yale Fail to Report chinese Communist Cash as Required by Law. 2022.02.10 https://www.breitbart.com/tech/2022/02/10/peter-schweizers-red-handed-universities-like-yale-fail-to-report-chinese-communist-cash-as-required-by-law/ https://web.archive.org/web/20220210205937/https://www.breitbart.com/tech/2022/02/10/peter-schweizers-red-handed-universities-like-yale-fail-to-report-chinese-communist-cash-as-required-by-law/ https://archive.ph/G3gzR From: china https://pste.link/q5xz3z5h
>>280515 What do expect people to do beyond what we already do? Hate a company so you stop buying their products & insult them for all the shit they do. That applies to games, movies, & shows. Nothing else you could do. This is a situation where anons can actively have an effect by pushing back more against the troons with massive backing from other people online who are also pissed off an innocent girl got bullied over a mid ass game.
>>280518 https://twitter.com/mtaibbi/status/1619029772977455105 https://archive.ph/noeIc/ https://threadreaderapp.com/thread/1619029772977455105.html A group called "Hamilton 68" was falsely accusing a bunch of normalfag Twitter accounts of being Russian bots. Yoel Roth the communist jewish faggot from San Francisco is actually based, he was calling out their bullshit. Hamilton 68 was a Deep State U.S. government operation. It was funded by: * Alliance for Securing Democracy * German Marshall Fund Personnel included: * Clint Watts, former FBI counterintelligence official Hamilton 68's advisory board was: * Michael Chertoff * Toomas Ilves * David Krasmer * Bill Kristol * Mike McFaul, US ambassador to Russia 2012-2014 * Michael Morell, acting director of the CIA in 2011 and 2012-2013 * Ana Palacio, member of the State Council of Spain * John Podesta, chair of Hillary for America, was White House chief of staff to Bill Clinton Hamilton 68 pointed to their credentials and claimed to have used secret methods to acquire a secret list of Russian disinformation accounts. Twitter smelled bullshit and reverse-engineered Hamilton 68's list from their press releases. The accounts they targeted included: * Sonia Monsour, a survivor of the civil war in Lebanon * @Dave4FtMyers Dave Shestokas, former prosecutor in Cook County, author of "Constitutional Sound Bites" * Jacob Levich, some guy from Oregon. I think they may have mistaken him for a Jacob Levich from New York who wrote journal articles critical of the Gates Foundation. * @Holbornlolz Old Holborn, a British comic * @realDennisLynch Dennis Michael Lynch, a Newsmax talk show host * @unjoe Joe Lauria, editor of Consortium News There were 664 total people on the list. The google docs URL is down, I don't know if it's online. HotAir says the list included David Horowitz, a former communist who turned against the Left and runs the Discovering the Networks database. https://hotair.com/john-s-2/2023/01/27/twitter-files-15-twitter-knew-hamilton-68-a-media-source-for-russian-online-activity-was-bullst-n526815 #Gamergate relevancy: Hamilton 68 "was the source of hundreds if not thousands of mainstream print and TV news stories in the Trump years... This was an academic scandal as well, as Harvard, Princeton, Temple, NYU, GWU, and other universities promoted Hamilton 68 as a source" Hamilton 68 may also have been funded by the Chinese government. Its creators included Jonathon Morgon of New Knowledge... https://archive.is/AhXFG https://www.ned.org/forum-qa-jonathon-morgan-on-tracking-digital-disinformation/ ... which is financed by GGV Capital of China. https://archive.is/LYheu https://godfatherpolitics.com/revealed-internet-censorship-of-conservatives-funded-by-the-chinese-government/ New Knowledge was caught running a disinformation operation to swing an election in Alabama toward the Democrats https://archive.ph/rVgLB https://thegrayzone.com/2018/12/25/senate-report-on-russian-interference-was-written-by-disinformation-warriors-behind-alabama-false-flag-operation/
[Expand Post]Here's another foreign relationship. Ana Palacio is part of European Leadership Network... https://archive.is/ltFPA https://www.europeanleadershipnetwork.org/about/our-people/executive-board/ ... whose advisory board includes Igor Ivanov, former Russian foreign minister. https://archive.is/rxgqA https://www.europeanleadershipnetwork.org/about/our-people/advisory-board/ pressure campaign on NY Times to be more pro tranny than they already are https://glaad.org/nytimes https://archive.is/s4p6C The first name on the list https://docs.candid.org/990/461/461832144/461832144_2019_202033119349301783_990.pdf includes someone from both Aspen and AFL-CIO, someone with the same name as the CEO of Catalyst LLC formerly known as Data Warehouse LLC, and someone with the same name as a managing director of SKDK SKDK is a PR contractor for Demos which does both Russian and Islamic State operations under UK cover The Saudis bought out twitter in 2012. https://archive.is/DH5XJ https://files.catbox.moe/7xf8x3.png https://files.catbox.moe/lw36aq.jpg Radical islamists pushing woke politics in the west in order to weaken countries: https://archive.is/HYRfz https://twitter.com/AsraNomani/status/1628160456941531138 https://archive.is/DKAFh https://unherd.com/2023/02/the-acceptable-face-of-radical-islam/
>>280472 Hopefully this kills them for good. I think I've seen them going bankrupt two times now. What a fucking waste of plastic.
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>>280515 >>791965 Lol nigger, calm your tits. Most people here are taking refugee from how shit internet has become and the real world. If anything more people here have realized how pointless is to fight for society, specially after Goyim19 and how willing people were to become actual niggercattle for experimentation. I'm saving to buy a house in the middle of fuck nowhere with my brother and get away from all this shit. People just don't give a shit. I partook in multiple protest during lockdowns and the amount of people was negligible. People were to comfortable to go and retake their rights. I fucking hate v-tubers to and think whoever follows or actually likes them is fucking stupid. Better yourself, protect the ones close to you and be prepared. There is literally nothing else you can do.
>>280515 >covid nice conditioning
>>791968 Hold the railroad execs and major shareholders accountable, and you know exactly what I mean by that. >>280522 You're not entirely wrong, but there should still be a genuine communal effort on that front. We should be progressing towards something like a fortress doctrine, where you have a series of autarkic settlements, homesteads, bunkers and camps that can serve as strongholds in the fight against the evil of the world.
Reminder: Nick Clegg caught taking bribes to put some whores on a terrorist blacklist to ban them from the internet https://archive.4plebs.org/pol/thread/399802381/ Which means: 1. The government has a blacklist to ban people from the internet 2. They put whoever they want on the blacklist Have a lot of info: https://files.catbox.moe/mro0ba.png Russia and UK https://files.catbox.moe/u1rh2e.png More Russians https://files.catbox.moe/etnryw.png ISIS https://files.catbox.moe/wbculf.png ISIS and the UN https://files.catbox.moe/nx2v5t.png China https://files.catbox.moe/lw36aq.jpg MacArthur Data & Society (known foreign agents; feds would not prosecute them) https://files.catbox.moe/ch9eg7.png ICG (Soros) https://files.catbox.moe/fbw3f7.png South African Communist Party https://archive.ph/xYSJz Saudi Arabia and Russia run the UN's "counterterrorism" office https://archive.ph/8ahQE Presenting the "progressive" (Guardian approved) group, Avaaz – astroturfing for Hamas. https://archive.ph/AOzsF The Spy Who Loved Hamas. And Hezbollah. And Iran. https://archive.ph/4y9nA Conflicts Forum https://archive.ph/YgKSe #Gamergate caught a Russian spy ring (TPG Rise Fund and Social Finance/Apax Partners) https://archive.ph/UVFAk Common Purpose and ICG working for Qatar https://archive.ph/VosGV UNAOC (Pakistan). Runs through Soliya (Saudi) and Silatech (Qatar). https://archive.ph/rf5Mf B Team (Hamas). Runs through Richard Branson, Oxfam America, and USAID. https://archive.ph/RR2tI DNA (Russia). Runs through the UN and Richard Branson. https://archive.ph/mtZAL ICG (Russia+Qatar). Runs through Soros. https://archive.ph/upgaU Inclusive Capitalism (Alfa Group). Runs through Rothschild. https://archive.ph/iFjv9 Israel Policy Forum (PLO). Runs through Ronald Cohen and Bronfman. https://archive.ph/TlZ6f GSGII - output for Sir Ronald Cohen's Russian operations. https://archive.ph/4ouoq The Epstein network (UK + everyone else) https://archive.ph/IzNuf WEF (Russia+Qatar). Runs through Chatham House and Bain. https://anonfiles.com/Q1Q701C6y3/Decide_Now_Act_Summit_Magazine_pdf Russia (Lebedev), Branson, and Big Tech https://anonfiles.com/w6w808Cdy9/gg_zip (digs) Prior to the 2020 election, tech companies including Twitter, Facebook, Reddit, Discord, Wikipedia, Microsoft, LinkedIn, and Verizon met on a monthly basis with the FBI, DHS, and other govt agencies on to coordinate censorship operations https://archive.ph/Gcqu9 https://archive.ph/xYSJz We've known for a while that their tips on who is an "extremist" come from Saudi Arabia and Russia Feds controlled social media on what story could go or disappear. They even had special portal for requests
[Expand Post]https://archive.ph/b79NE/ https://theintercept.com/2022/10/31/social-media-disinformation-dhs/ More money is going into promoting the communists than you could have imagined. After digging and seeing how vast the Swamp is, I figure that your average communist traitor makes six figures. The useful idiots they recruit get peanuts, "here's twenty bucks to campaign on this issue". Most of them do it for free. The six-figure communists work for banks and investment firms with the Rothschilds and British nobility sitting at the top of the chain of command. The lords aren't paying all of this money out of their own pockets. Most of it comes from public pension funds stored with the banks and giant investment firms. They spent it all promoting communism, so they look for other funding sources in the form of taking bribes from Russia and China. https://archive.ph/0dbBQ Truth Cops: Leaked Documents Outline DHS’s Plans to Police Disinformation https://archive.ph/RfsaT https://theintercept.com/2022/10/31/social-media-disinformation-dhs/ Feds Ran ‘Cognitive Infrastructure’ Operations with Twitter, Facebook, Wikipedia https://archive.ph/9vn8J https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/human-events-daily-with-jack-posobiec/id1585243541?i=1000584705814 DHS fulfilling its promise to continue policing 'disinformation' https://archive.ph/rFQcv https://www.wnd.com/2022/11/dhs-fulfilling-promise-continue-policing-disinformation/ DHS Censorship Lead Believes Big Tech Has ‘Moral Obligation’ To Suppress Populism, Advised Group Working With DNC To Censor Conservatives. https://archive.ph/cpbWo https://warroom.org/2022/11/02/dhs-censorship-lead-believes-big-tech-has-moral-obligation-to-suppress-populism/ DHS "misinformation & disinformation” committee leader labeled Hunter Biden's hard drive as "disinformation" that was "forged" by "foreign operatives" in a tweet 1 day after the story dropped in the @NYPost https://archive.ph/75KhX https://twitter.com/nataliegwinters/status/1587832802573275144 He runs William Morris Endeavor WME is one of the foundations funding Lady Gaga's Born This Way Foundation Born This Way Foundation is partnered with the Berkman Center's Kinder & Braver World Project run by Danah Boyd and John Palfrey Danah Boyd's doctoral advisor was Mimi ito Mimi Ito's political remix curator was Jonathan McIntosh Jonathan McIntosh was the writer for Anita Sarkeesian Anita Sarkeesian had nothing to do with Gamergate until she appeared on the front page of the New York Times as a victim of Gamergate harassment The New York Times board of directors included Mimi Ito's brother Joi Ito, which is exactly the kind of bullshit Gamergate was against Going back to the Berkman Center, DHS had them run a project on "hate speech" with the Islamic Society of North America which was founded by people very very close to al-Qaeda Nancy Pelosi hosted a fundraiser with one of the network's founders Jamal Barzinji As for Ari Emanuel, we can Kevin Bacon him into it but he might be a useful idiot middleman with too much money and power
>>280515 If you want to fix the world help yourself first anon cause it's not someone else's job to set the outcomes you want.
>>791968 He wants you to make your own rail roads.
If you nu/pol/ fags are so pissed about anons caring more about vidyas and hobbies than about real life happenings, why dont you fuck off to /pol/ then?
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Digra files: > Anonymous ID:5c15e5 Sun 05 Apr 2015 00:02:55 No.3031688 Report > So there were some people tin foiling earlier about Heather Kelley and how she could be connected to DIGRA. Well she was recently hired on by Carnegie Mellon University, Entertainment Technology Center in May 2014 [https://archive.today/oVsaF]. CMU-ETC collaborates with DIGRA on an open access refereed journal called Transactions of the Digital Games Research Association (ToDiGRA) [https://archive.today/G5Uer]. > She was a part of Kokoromi which was a games collective in Montreal with Phil Fish [https://archive.today/yZqZn]. They worked together on a game called Super HYPERCUBE. This game was programmed by Phil's associate Renaud Bedard whom he worked on Fez with [https://archive.today/rIWFi]. Super HYPERCUBE was an IndieCade 2011 finalist, the same year as Fez and Superbrothers: Sword and Sworcery EP. > Leader 05/05/15 (Tue) 08:16:51 feef1f No.121866 >Adrienne Shaw and her DIGRA colleagues shilling HARD for Sirius Games, >supported by IARPA >Stanford Connection >Upon Digging into rand, it was discovered that Stanford Research, the Research arm of Stanford University has been heavily involved, perhaps since as early as the 1970s, in various pyschological warfare programs. > Beginning sometime in 1989-1992, they began working heavily on Gamification Research. Partnering with RAND and the predecessor to DIGRA known as DIAJA, they produced some of the first research and topic matter on "gamified learning" and the effects of "gamified learning" on the human brain. > Literally Who? Leader 05/03/15 (Sun) 01:12:05 7939ed No.114945 > Let me clear that up for you. > https://ghostbin.com/paste/fsxoy https://archive.is/TJNLQ > Anita Sarkeesian is the protege of one Jennifer Jenson, a DiGRA member and York University professor involved with several Game-Based Learning research outifts including GRAND NCE, IRDL and the Canadian Game Studies Association. She has received over 1.7 million dollars in funding for this endeavor. The IRDL has a special interest group "Feminists in Games", which Sarkeesian is a part of. > Anonymous 12/16/15 (Wed) 02:11:13 c949bf No.7490413 > I dug through DiGRA's 2014 schedule and started digging into a woman named Tracy Fullerton who is right now heading a project called Walden. Walden is a video game currently being developed by the USC Game Innovation Lab, has been listed on IndieCade's website and played by people at IndieCade 2015 > Further digging revealed Walden received a $40,000 grant from the NEA and a $200,000 grant from the NEH, both federal agencies seeking to elevate digital programs that promote the humanities. > Even further digging revealed almost 30 articles covering the game from sites like Kotaku, Polygon, Gamasutra, Rawstory, The Guardian, and a bunch of others. > DiGRA and IGJA > Brace yourselves because here comes a lot of the big tie ins. > DiGRA and IGJA: > http://shushgame.blogspot.com/2007/09/digra-2007-tokyo.html > Mirror: http://www.peeep.us/f12804c2 > Mia Consalvo of DiGRA and David Thomas of IGJA at GDC together: > http://www.peeep.us/498077e9 > Consalvo is also thanked in the acknowledgements of Thomas's style guide DiGRA co-founder Celia Pearce... https://archive.is/odylS ... in mutual Facebook friends of Brianna Wu and Leigh Alexander https://archive.ph/m1bwO Tom Edwards was a speaker at DiGRA 2007 Japan > Considering the Geocultural Context of Game Play and Development > Announcement of the IGDA Game Localization SIG http://web.archive.org/web/20071230033635/http://www.digra2007.jp/Program.html Tom Edwards was Microsoft's Senior Geopolitical Strategist, went tranny and became Kate Edwards
[Expand Post]DiGRA listed as friend of Serious Games Initiative http://web.archive.org/web/20050706040856/http://www.seriousgames.org/ > The next issue to address is a rather notable DiGRA panel from a conference in 2014. The notable names at this panel at DiGRA 2014 are Mia Consalvo, Adrienne Shaw, Zoya Street, and Andrew Grant Wilson [4]. Mia Consalvo has been the President of DiGRA’s executive board since 2012 [27a,b]... https://pastebin.com/RhmR3aij https://archive.is/mc3OP > Links to Cindy Poremba - This is the important one > https://archive.today/aiQ03 Poremba has written papers for DiGRA > http://www.lainenooney.com/uploads/6/3/6/8/6368912/program.pdf Both spoke at Different Games 2013 in the Paris Plays Along Panel at the same time > https://archive.today/sJwoR Cindy Poremba was apart of Kokoromi (Also with Phil Fish) this is important > 13- Dr. Bob Appelman: > https://archive.today/wm8HZ > https://archive.today/iVfTv > https://archive.today/n8S8R > An apple a day will sadly not keep Bob away. This Doctor is knee deep in Common Core standards, using games as education and surprise, He was the Board Secretary 2010-2012 for DiGRA. DiGRA speakers 2013 https://archive.ph/jEQhZ DiGRA's official account was using Randi Harper's ggautoblocker https://archive.is/diYE9 After the ethics hearing in the Netherlands, there was a bit of discussion and the editor said that they did not try to contact gamergate after the advice of a digra researcher, who said that it's impossible to find a represemtative speaker for gamergate. https://archive.is/98AGv DiGRA and ReFIG https://archive.is/pJsyu I just figured out that DiGRA researchers really, REALLY like the FrankFurt School. https://archive.is/pZtLA DiGRA's Torill Elvira Mortensen: gamers should be studied as "hostile objects" - author of DiGRA's new anti-Gamergate paper really hates gamers https://archive.is/ewAxO DiGRA basically admitting they used a womans information to chase them off the internet. https://archive.fo/2Aloe > Gender ideologues are hijacking multi-million dollar anti-terrorism research projects, in order to re-educate people on their wrong opinions. > Remember Adrienne Shaw, who's a member of DiGRA? > She is a member of the government funded CYCLES project (part of the SIRIUS program) developing an educational video game to train players on cognitive biases. https://archive.today/FPVzM
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Reminder that governments are using AI generated voice to forge fake evidence in order to convict dissidents.
Has niggerchimppill shown up? Would have thought this sort of thing would prompt his sperging. Then again, it’s relatively to the massively successful hogwarts legacy so I suppose he would rather not be reminded of that game since the whole discourse around it shows just how sick of trannies everyone is.
>>280492 Use this as a chance to initiate max revive, if you're gonna suck some e-celebs dick, at least suck it with purpose.
>>280532 This is a good point. If you are going to be a faggot, you might as well be productive.
>>280472 Good. May nothing replace them and more like them go bankrupt.
>>280492 >>/vt/ on cuckchan is getting heavily censored by literal tranny mods. This is pushing cuckchan users onto alternative platforms Where are they moving? it doesn't seem they are moving over here.
>>280530 >Deep Fake Doomerism You know if handled properly, all deep fakes really do at the end of the day is pretty much invalidate ALL forms of video and audio evidence. 10 years ago if the government had that technology, it would have been supremely powerful... but now that it's out in the public's hands, or even just in the public consciousness, the specter of reasonable doubt is raised in any case in where there would be a motive to lie or fabricate evidence. All it'd take is just a few court case rulings, and it's over for all digital evidence. Even digital forensic "experts" will only be given a fraction of the weight they have currently. This isn't the end of the world, but it is the end of photo/video/audio evidence that you can be reliably certain of being genuine. It returns the media landscape to the state it was in 40, 60, or 80 years ago. Basically, you just heard shit from people and had to figure out for yourself if you believed it... and to convince others, you had to have multiple lines of concurrent evidence as well as a logical foundation. Or just be really good at bullshitting with a charismatic demeanor. On the down-side, this also means that since you cannot trust anything you see or hear online, the world will probably move back towards having major media "institutions" that the general public trusted for all of their information under the assumption that they held some form of liability for just making shit up to suit an agenda.
>>280535 Then let's make them move. I was expecting a call to action with the OP theme, instead it's just dicksucking and simpathizing.
>>280530 who cares; get a life, loser
>>280538 i care, stop molesting kids
>>280538 >(1) Hmmmmm :^)
>>280514 Whoa. It's like, the reason >we left is still pertinent. >>792009 >Your sheer terror If I was your editor, you'd be fired. Anon doesn't sound terrified. Doesn't even sound scared. In fact, anon appears to be asking a pertinent and level-headed question. Write your representatives and put pressure on them to put pressure on the Biden administration to explain why, prior to the midterms, when rail workers were striking over safety concerns, the Biden administration effectively criminalized the strikes. >What do we do when the board is assaulted FOR YEARS, EVERY DAY, by a paid shill psychopath who runs multiple personalities simultaneously and cycles through hundreds of IP addresses to craft narrative consensus? We do nothing. We laugh at him, actually. Some anon(s) even makes porn of one or more of the personas. PS, posting on an image board isn't assault. Your ability to utilize English is terrible, anon. >We give so little of a shit that we do fucking nothing to stop our own genocide--physical, cultural, and psychological. Seriously, you abuse language like a communist. What even is a psychological genocide? It's stopped by saying words to the effect of "no". No, anon. Get your shit together and stop running about like Chicken Little. >Kill yourself. You know what, motherfucker? You won't answer this question, but I'll ask it anyway to humiliate you. If they said "straight white men are forbidden by law from playing video games" would you continue to advocate for playing video games? WOULDN'T WANT TO BE A GLOWSTICK, WOULD YOU? I don't even have a response better for this than to say you've lost your composure, anon. >It doesn't seem like a clinically insane paid shill Anon, if he's doing a job he's being paid to do, he's not clinically insane. If he's clinically insane, he probably wouldn't be able to monetize it as such. Generally, if your story requires something to be two incompatible things at the same time, your story is bullshit. Go sit down, learn to use hyperbole, and then come back when you're less retarded. >>792022 Pic related.
>>280522 >There is literally nothing else you can do Being this delusional.
>>280541 Here anon, have the appropiate picture.
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>>791869 >All collectivist ideologies are the same. Socialists and Communists give themselves up to the state for the good of all citizens, while the Amish give themselves up to God and the preservation of their traditions. They couldn't be more different, but they are also a form of collectivist community.
>>280541 >Write your representatives Anon, I honest to God don't know who my representatives are. Primarily because keeping track of the local goings on in my city are almost a full-time job due to how little information is ever dispersed unless you're literally subscribed to one of the local news stations by way of their special phone app, Twatter/Kikebook, or one of the newspapers that still exist.
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>>792009 >We we we
>>792009 I'm glad you're arguing this here, but we're dealing with the demoralized and retards who, despite their hatred of niggerpill, have fallen for part of it themselves, which is why they will proclaim all the values of freedom, justice, and right, but will never, ever stand up for those values because, as they say themselves, that'd be something a glownigger would do. >>280541 >Write your representatives and put pressure on them to put pressure on the Biden administration to explain why, prior to the midterms, when rail workers were striking over safety concerns, the Biden administration effectively criminalized the strikes. Let me ask you, what do you logically think will happen when you write your representatives about that? Do you seriously think ANYTHING will get done?
>>280547 Nigger fuck off to /pol/ already, dont you realize that youre just annoying?
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>>280547 >I'm glad you're arguing this here, but we're dealing with the demoralized and retards who, despite their hatred of niggerpill, have fallen for part of it themselves, which is why they will proclaim all the values of freedom, justice, and right, but will never, ever stand up for those values because, as they say themselves, that'd be something a glownigger would do. My dude, the only thing that /v/ generally agrees on is free speech, we aren't a fucking hivemind. Have you thought that the reason why your "calls to action" aren't working is because not everyone here agrees with your idea of what to even act against? That maybe people don't necessarily share your goals and just don't give a shit about what you consider your own cause, and just want their video games to not be complete and utter shit? That maybe, anons can disagree on your perspective of your world? That they don't agree that things you think are problems are problems and see issues elsewhere?
>>280548 Sir, as a 1pbtid I would just like to say, Thats a crazy person.
>>792056 Well go and fucking bomb a federal building, but YOU do it, stop going over and over and annoying everyone and insisting we have to talk about what you consider appropiate, you massive cunt, go and do something yourself.
>>792055 >It had nothing to do with religious collectivism and everything to do with people being given private access to children other than their own It has a lot to do with both. A repressive society that does not adress the instinctual drives of its community (which it never does) naturally represses such drives and leads to people in those communities to seek other outlets or just do them subconsciously. Jung probably would say that they're ignoring their own shadow. If community becomes your main ideal, obviously you have to hammer down everything that sticks out. The thing is, that the truth is that everyone "sticks out" in one way or another, and the paranoia and frustration that denial of our base instincts and "dark side" breeds boils over. Catholic Christianity is also one of the more individualist religions on the planet, so you're kind of defeating your point. Hell the very concepts of individualism came from a lot of Christian activism. Yes it has some collective qualities, but that's that, qualities. At the end of the day it pushes ideas of personal responsibility, guilt culture (this is not a bad thing), duty towards God. goodness and justice over society and places square responsibility on you for your actions (even if it does it in a stupid manner).
>>280550 >>792054 Anons im fucking annoyed as shit, for months now /v/ and these threads in particular have become a massive pain in the ass, holy shit.
>>280553 We should probably just go back to talking about video games.
>>280549 In my experience, the majority of /v/ is some form of right-wing, and all agree that leftism is bad.
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>>792033 >There is no difference in the structure of an abusive nation, an abusive family or a cult I've never seen the Amish erect concrete walls around their community and shoot anyone who tries to climb over it and escape, nor is it right to call them a cult since the literally throw their kids out into the world to live as anyone else would and decide for themselves if they want to remain Amish or leave the community. Yeah, most of them don't because that's where their family and traditions are, but they are given that option and the trust of their parents that they will make the right choice. That's not cult-like behavior. The Amish, at least every one that I've met in my area, keep to themselves - but do not shut themselves off from the wider society. They open shops, operate businesses, visit local businesses. They have no problem holding a conversation with you on just about any topic just to stay cordial, but they're not likely to initiate a conversation with an outsider on their own. Especially since many outsiders just want to harass them by asking stupid questions, making smartass remarks, or harass them for driving their buggies down the same roads they also pay taxes to help maintain.
>>280554 Yeah, we should use mememagic like the Dinosaurs did to summon the meteors and cleanse the Earth. Maybe the Crabs will do better than us primates this time around.
>>792045 To put what >>792037 is trying to say/imply better: It's kinda similar to how they ask you if you know how a Lie Detector test works and if you do they most of the time won't/refuse to use it on you. It's because Lie Detector tests semi-work via bodily reactions/responses to give an idea of you "Lieing", hence once you know that little fact then all data/results gotten from it have to be thrown out because it's unknown if they're "tainted" or in other words completely wrong and/or misleading. So what he was trying to say about the "meta level" is that thanks to people learning stuff in Psychology it ultimately causes them to treat the person in a different way than they otherwise would've, resulting in high likelihood of data being tainted which as a result renders it practically useless. Another thing that wasn't mentioned/said is that most of Psychology stuff is ultimately fucked because of: 1: people's biases + people lieing (mostly the person doing the study, aka the Psychologist) 2: Big Corporations 3: government
>>792056 Just suggest things that aren’t illegal and you won’t get called a fed.
>>280555 The only thing I agree with. As a totally impartial observer. Is everything the poster after me says and nothing any one else says.
>>280548 No. >>792056 It really is infuriating. I swear to God, the glownigger meme is the most successful psyop in imageboard history. Not that there aren't glowniggers around, there certainly are and definitely were back in 8chan, but all what glownigger has become now is just an evolution of "shill", just thrown out against people you disagree with. >>280549 Anon, I'm just tired of the fucking insanity of this world, and dealing with the insane golems. You can't bargain with these people. You can't reason with them. You can't just ignore them. You can't just keep retreating. There aren't many other options, you know. >>280553 Good, I'm glad you're annoyed. Get agitated. Get pissed. Get off imageboards for a while. Maybe you'll put that anger to productive use and make something worthwhile. Go hiking, write a short story, draw cute anime girls, chop and work wood, experience the full bounty of life.
>>280559 More specifically, suggesting things that don't involve initiation of violence. Otherwise you're just falling into the "Well, they can just make nonviolent acts illegal" trap.
>>280547 >I'm glad you're arguing this here >that sycophantic fawning Totally not the samefag sucking his own cock.
>>280561 > Maybe you'll put that anger to productive use and make something worthwhile Ill fucking do nothing just to spite you, thats exactly what you fucking get, anons are individuals, not your fucking ideological army.
>>280565 Tbh you could at the very least play video games. I'm downloading one myself. What are you playan anon?
>>792083 >Extremely telling. Telling of what? You constantly go on and on about everyone else going and doing something, link u with you buttbuddy up there and do something, you niggerfaggot.
>>280566 >What are you playan anon? I recently finally beat AoE1 since i was a kid and am also playing some kerbal space program.
>>792086 By this logic no countermeasures are. >>280568 I have too much of a peanut brain for RTS, been playing some Cataclysm, Prodeus and now downloading Medal of Honor (the first one) to try it out.
>>280569 >By this logic no countermeasures are. That is correct. It's the nature of psychology as a soft science.
>>280569 >I have too much of a peanut brain for RTS My problem is being too autistic with placing of buildings and wantign to build pretty bases to be efficient. >now downloading Medal of Honor (the first one) to try it out The PSX one?
Stop with the (1) discrimination, what did they ever do to you?
>>280570 Why do you think that countermeasures on hard science are sufficient? >>280571 >My problem is being too autistic with placing of buildings and wantign to build pretty bases to be efficient. I should probably get into citybuilders but the idea of creating an efficient city seems to be completely lost on my head. I do slightly better in a turn based strategy game. >The PSX one? I think? Unless Allied Assault is the second one, It has a version on the PC so that is what I'm downloading.
>>280572 I support IDs, but unfortunately my new VPN changes my ID like every two minutes so they're virtually useless on me. No idea why it works like that.
>>792074 >>792086 Better ways to put it is that people often times outright ignore those. An example: A leftist wants to prove something about Muh Racism being true when it's not, they already decided what they want the outcome to be so even if no matter how they approach it to get the results they want, then they'll just lie about the data. Then you have "peer review" of other leftists to support the false data, it then becomes standard and "true" because it's supported.
>>280573 >Unless Allied Assault is the second one, Allied assault is infact the 3rd game, but honestly i never liked the PSX ones, i remember them being completely lackluster compared to the good FPS we had on the PC back then.
>>280575 The thing is that usually psychological studies don't get into such things, and even then those are often relegated to shit journals with no standing. Usually the whole "Science proves racism real" articles are missrepresenting the actual study. I remember there was an article that said that "Being skeptical of the government is bad for you" when the study was just about the fact that "Covid-19 vaccine skepticism and car crashes are correlated". No value judgement, nothing about "being skeptical of the government", just "I don't want to take the Vaxx" and "I got in a car crash" was correlated. >>280576 I'm mostly into shit like DOOM or Quake, but I wanted something WW2 themed and an anon recommended it in another thread.
>>792074 >lolberts, stormniggers, fascist retards (though those two groups shouldn't be called right-wing in my opinion as they were descended from left-wing ideologies) conservatitards, moderate fencesitters, christcuck conservatives, classical liberals Are you a centrist? You just listed every rightwing position in a derogatory fashion, implying that you are not among any of them.
>>280577 >but I wanted something WW2 themed and an anon recommended it in another thread. Yeah that was me, i recommended allied assault specifically because i remember liking it alot back then. Yes it isnt crazy like doom or quake, but its like playing one of those old WW2 films where some guy with a tommy gun destroys and entire german compound.
>>792078 >Do you even know what you are fighting against? The demonic kikes, who want everything good in this world gone. >Or are you lashing out on the world because you feel like your life sucks? My life's actually improving recently, but I will admit that I am lashing out. You can't keep holding the stress of all this bullshit in indefinitely, and you really can't keep ignoring it either. >Do you have a concrete goal in mind Only ideals, the fodder of would-be revolutionaries. >do you just want something to happen, no matter if things might actually grow worse? At this point, I'm convinced that anything is better than nothing. >Do you hate the world you are living it because it is indeed so deeply corrupt? You have to be blind not to see how corrupt the people who rule the world are. The world itself is beautiful beyond words. How could the greatest of cathedrals compete with the Temple of Nature, God's greatest creation?
>>792083 Playing vidya is a smidge different from bombing a building.
Also c33460, 82d3e6 and 800c60 same shitty glownigger with the exact same shitty glownigger takes.
>>791910 >career Please enlighten me, how do Vshitters benefit civilization? I'm not saying she doesn't have a right to rake cash away from pathetic dysgenic virgins but she certainly isn't a construction worker or a legal consultant for small businesses looking to not get raped by their government. I'm sure she'll be fine get onboard a new streaming platform like Twitch or Odysee or better yet find a job that isn't absolute cancer. >>280508 Well they do have actually re-sell value but it's still petroleum plastic, unless I'm ignorant to their construction and they actually use recycled materials or are made from more organic oils like soy oil. I've been thinking about getting a genuine Fumo from Nippon land but I can't decide which 2Hoe I want and I don't plan on having a giant wall of them. >>280544 Collectivism is fine so long as it's voluntary, Amish communities even occasionally receive converts/former city slickers though that's kinda rare. Something Neolibs, Neocons, and Commies can't comprehend. >>280492 >hotpocket chan >B&ing anything controversial or fun Whew, next your gonna tell us ice is cold and fire is hot. There's a reason Discord shilling became popular there... Unfortunately. 4Chin Jannies nowadays are fucking pathetic. >>280472 If it's cheaper to just throw them away in a land fill then WTF are they charging for a Funko pop to begin with?
>>792108 Why do you think the horrors aren't being commited nowadays? Genocide, tortures,and horrors we can'r fanthom are still among us, taking shape and ever approaching a new level of horror it does excite me a bit to think on what level of horror we may devolve into as well what kind of salvataion we may be able to reach,we may as well just keep on this pendlum of a limbo switching better and darker times about ourselves.
Has anyone else noticed that the threads suddenly became EXTREMELY autistic the moment DIGRA was brought up again?
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>>280585 UNATCO?
>>792114 Thats true, but i can't help but think in just a few years things can become widly different, it purely depends on either several things or something on an entirely different scale
>>280585 That and trannies are doing massive damage control all over the internet thanks to the Pikamee thing.
>>280588 I hate trannies, I hate e-celebs. I hope they all fucking vore each other.
>>280577 >>280579 Play it on normal as Hard is complete fucking bullshit outside of Spearhead. Breakthrough expansion also has a big issue as it was a rushed to shit and outsourced to TKO Software instead of being done inhouse by EALA. Someone at the company fucked up hard and they shipped it broken without anyone at the company noticing, pretty much all the missions, post the first two, make the enemies not drop any ammo at all, this wouldn't be an issue if they had pickups laying around to compensate, which would actually be more immersive, but that is not the case. You're carrying fuckall ammo for the whole game and it's a miserable experience unless you're a masochist retard. Get this mod that came out last year to fix it: https://www.moddb.com/mods/enemies-drop-more-ammo-and-health/downloads/more-ammo-and-health-drops Also get this FOV fix for all 3 expansions that comes in the attachment on this page, unless you like binoc vision or editing HEX files https://www.wsgf.org/dr/medal-honor-allied-assault-war-chest MoH:AA is in a weird spot in time much like Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory, but in some ways it's better than COD due to fuckhuge weapon limits and better NPC hit reactions. Still extremely enjoyable and paved the way for the good COD games, the ones that tried to be authentic and depict WW2, made by people whose grandfathers actually fought in it.
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Just so you guys know tomorrow marks the 5th anniversary of Anikis death. Are we gonna have a thread celebrating his life again or no?
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>>280586 Savage.
And by tomorrow I mean March 3rd, it's still 9:10 in my timezone.
>>280529 Truly fun and creative things are the biggest enemy of those that seek pure contro >>280591 I'm all for an good old aniki thread,in a sad way i'm kinda glad he doesn't have to be here to witness the ongoing more this madness
>>280590 I remember when my dad bought it for me i couldnt get it to fucking work because apparently there was some missing file and i had to go to a ciber-cafe to look for it since i didnt have internet at the time. Still, neat fucking game, i always liked the detail that if you shot barrels they didnt explode but would just simulate leaking its content depending on where you shot them. >>280591 Oh fuck, still too soon man.
>>280591 We should go to his grave and pay tributes, and be as gay as possible when wrestling with each other.
>>280594 >i'm kinda glad he doesn't have to be here to witness the ongoing more this madness I want to be rich and close myself off from society and enjoy my life to the fullest while this retard clown world burns itself to death around me. That includes getting off of here too I get way too many blackpills from here dude. I'm starting to get really tired of it all. Even better I could be an indirect inspiration for people to become better people and live their lives to the fullest but I will never shine even half as bright as Aniki did.
>>280597 My goal is to build a big archive of cultures,books,games,indies,AI and all i can archive from the internet, man i want to luck out to make some money to help with it, be in a quiet place and keep my ever growing library
>>792141 Who's the reference for that second pic? >>280597 >I want to be rich and close myself off from society Unless you bought like a gazillion bitcoins back in 2010, you have no choice but to join society if you want to be wealthy.
>>280585 >DIGRA Literally who and why should I give a fuck? Actually don't answer, it's probably just another Vshitter/Hololive fag. >>792123 >She can still stream but not as her character anymore. That's owned by the company she's contracted under. How hard is it to just make your own faggy anime avatar in Blender or whatever or just pay someone else to do it for you? Maybe just don't sell your soul to shitty companies that will sperg out or cuck out because you played Harry Plopper or used the words Taiwan and country in the same sentence. Imagine being a carpenter who rents his saw, lathe, and hammer instead of owning his own tools? Basically the same fucking thing, of course you have no right to those. >>792125 >That is if she isn't followed and harrassed by the same people. I can't imagine it's that bad, not like she's an Ethan Ralph or Chris Chan level sperg so she'll probably be forgotten within a week or two, the collective Internet's got a short attention span after all. >>280596 >We should go to his grave and pay tributes, and be as gay as possible when wrestling with each other. Sounds like a good way to possibility meet some HWNDU veterans and maybe a few Federal Agents too. Acid or Mark if your listening you better get right on it.
>>280600 >Literally who and why should I give a fuck? Actually don't answer, it's probably just another Vshitter/Hololive fag. >>280529
>>280600 >Literally who and why should I give a fuck? See: >>280529
>>280603 Research on how games cna be used to "shape" people mindset and it goes from there, very rough tl;dr
>>792144 In fairness, hard sciences don't need to work around reality being delusional or lying. >>280600 >DiGRA Digital Games Research Association, funded by DARPA, the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency. Why is the American Department of Defense interested in your video games? Surely, they just wanted ARMA III.
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>>791729 I like how no one gets this, even >>791812. A jet engine works by conservation of momentum: it moves forward because hot gas is leaving it in the opposite direction at high speed. As such, it moves with respect to the Earth, not with respect to whatever surface it happens to be on. On the conveyor belt, it immediately moves forward and takes off, as if the conveyor belt weren't there.
>>792176 >What VPN? Express. I have it on good authority they barely keep any records because their server storage is shit.
This sounds like a dumb question, but how does doxxing work and how did those trannies managed to find Pikamee's identity? >>280472 I used to know a friend that likes those things. I never see any value of those little pieces of shits that are devoid of life. Also, why the fuck are landfills still a thing when waste-to-energy exists? >>280492 >>280514 I wonder how can anyone visit cuckchan to stay anonymous, when retarded mods bans you for even the least problematic things. >>280591 vid related
>>792177 But, the plane moves do to interaction with the air (which is, more or less, moving with the rotation of the Earth), not the ground. The wheels are free spinning during take off and only have a purpose in braking during landing. If anything, the conveyor belt creates a small breeze that allows the plane to take off sooner.
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>>280608 But it requires lift to take off, otherwise it would just be a jet-car. You don't need forward momentum relative to the Earth to generate lift, you just need air moving over the wings at a high enough velocity to generate lift. Conventionally this is done BY moving the plane relative to the Earth, but it's not strictly necessary to achieve takeoff.
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What's with the glowposting?
>>280613 The manner in which any plane generates forward momentum is independent of its contact with the ground. The manner in which it gets into the air is the manner in which it stays in the air, and I think we can agree THAT is independent of how the ground is moving.
>>280614 Feds are desperate. It's sort of the same reason that there's an err of depression in the air and the news just repeats the same tired narratives of the past 3-6 years...
>>280614 I think it's less glowniggers and more obnoxious delusional faggot anons telling others to get off their asses and do stuff to fix problems they are personally upset about while never doing anything themselves nor considering maybe not everyone gives a fuck about their issues with whatever the fuck. If I were a glownigger I wouldn't even bother with places like this because no one here would throw their lives away in ill advised lone wolf attacks against a government and society that seems to be killing itself just fine without some autistic internet moron's delusions of grandeur. The most I expect is lazy faggots telling other lazy faggots what they should be getting off their lazy faggot asses to do as if any single lazy faceless faggot has any power or sway over another lazy faceless faggot.
>>791496 The problem with philosophy being related to truth is that philosophy was invented by people who believed that validating their pet beliefs against reality was slave's work. They were literally a bunch of wankers who felt above seeing if any of their beliefs were true. Philosophers may love wisdom, but they hate lifting a finger to determine what the TRUTH is.
>>280611 Probably just laziness on cleaning up their past accounts or the result of using a shit service like Facebook or Yahoo mail. I doubt it's the work of some elite haxor. >>280604 >>280605 Oh thanks, so how has vidya influenced you anons? I replayed some old Metal Gear games and now I wanna buy a Colt single action army or at least a decent clone of one and maybe even get into some competitive cowboy shooting. >>280611 >Billy died back in 2018 I feel old
>>791837 Nazi Germany speedrun the economy that they become more prosperous. >How Hitler Tackled Unemployment And Revived Germany’s Economy https://archive.fo/mURkm >Hitler's Economics https://archive.fo/vOW0C >If anything, the Nazis made things worse Where's your source(s)?
>>280618 This isn’t exactly a maths equation or scientific hypothesis. How do you ‘prove’ a philosophical position?
>>280620 They had to steal and conquer new land or rich people's shit to keep afloat.
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>>280591 >Are we gonna have a threa- Yes. I wonder if there'll be a custom CSS for the day too.
>>280621 As far as I can think, everything that was provable in philosophy was broken off and became its own field, dominated by slaves people who gave a shit if what they thought was true. As for more baroque stuff: if a "woman" is a person who identifies as a "woman", then does the category "woman" have any meaning? Is there anything in that statement to assign truth values to?
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I've been playing videogames for the entire day, anons. What has gone on in this God forsaken thread in my absence?
>>280622 Are you going to bother to read the links that I provided? Or are you counter-argue without a solid evidence? Of course, I don't deny for a fact that they conquered and stole lots of shit from the rich, but let's not pretend that the rich were completely clean either.
>>280625 >What has gone on in this God forsaken thread in my absence? Vtuber shit and Western trannies, I'd just ignore it if I were you.
>>280628 >Vtuber shit and Western trannies How terrible.At least it wasn't a theological discussion.
>>280626 They weren't but NatSoc was never sustainable in the long run much like all forms of socialism. >>792209 >still repeating that shit I know socialism keeps repeating itself and failing.
i've been searching for over an hour, who the fuck is the artist of pic related?, and why did you post a god damned webp sample?
>>792215 Me too, anon. Me too.
>>792215 Me too, anon. Except for Nigger Tinkerbell.
>>280631 You need to pay the carnival freak for an account.
>>792227 Why should anyone take you seriously after that major fuck up of not even reading your own sources?
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>>792215 Though, that manly chin is exactly how a fairy would prevent second picture (if they could shape-shift).
>hate vtubers >also hate trannies Kinda torn on this one.
>>280631 i dunno where you even found it so i cant begin to guess who made it; best i can do is name, like, half those fairies
>>280636 >fairy's I guess I should expect very little of a translator, but still.
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>>280635 Would you prefer some retarded anon that makes some shitty arguments to double down then? Then what's the point of having a discussion if someone can't recognize his mistakes when another anons corrects him? >>792232 Fug, I thought that they were a independent educational center that provided a decent perspective on WW2 on the German's side.
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>>280636 Cripplekike is the best onahole. He can't move and when you shove him down the stairs and break all of his bones, it's even better.
>>280617 >If I were a glownigger I wouldn't even bother with places like this You say that as if the actual fed agents have a choice on what they "need" to investigate.
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>>792244 >"Talmud Quotes" they post are literally taken out of their ass, Huh?
>>792215 Fuck yourself then faggot.
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>>792248 Jews while insane still aren't as bad as Muslims
>>280646 It's either goats, babies or femboys for them, not too different from our anons.
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>>280643 Next time somebody claims 8chan is an antisemitic site point them to >>>/tot/, the chosen people's board.
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>>280648 Why does PsychoJosh love baby rosalina so much?
>>280649 Who doesn't? She's a natural born baby slut.
>>792258 >Stormfags will never lose the final argument about how the Holocaust never happened unless European countries remove the law declaring that question the details of the Holocaust is an illegal offense >If people are allowed to question the narrative the people who never believed the narrative lose ?????
>>280631 12th Day: 12 Fairies Flying by Reabault (リーボー)
>>280652 thank you
>>792148 No, early psychologists didn't realize that children needed parental love, which is why they gave genuinely insane parenting advice. The consensus that twentieth-century psychologists were criticizing when they talked about the necessity of parental love and and attention was a consensus of psychologists, not of normal people. Normal people who didn't pay attention to the experts understood the situation sufficiently well to not fuck up their kids (as should be obvious from consideration of how young psychology is). The thing you have to realize is that psychologists are actually much worse than what that anon claimed they are: they're not pseudo-intellectuals pointing out the obvious, they're lunatics projecting and imposing their own pathologies on everyone else.
>>792265 If the holocaust is real, does that mean we need to buy into the "Israel is allowed to do whatever they want forever because muh six gorillion (a number even Yad Vashem admitted is bullshit)"?
>>280654 Shut up and fuck your mother
>>280655 No. In fact, there are even Kikes, especially Israelis, who are tired of the Israeli government's shit.
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>>280654 >No, early psychologists didn't realize that children needed parental love, which is why they gave genuinely insane parenting advice. They still give genuinely insane parenting advice. Remember that fucking fad of sticking headphones on the woman's belly and blasting classical music because some retarded psychologist told them that it would make their kids smarter? Hell part of the reason why our society is so fucked up now is because child "psychologists" authoritatively told young hippy parents that kids need constant positive validation to grow their self-esteem and other assorted bullshit that just ended up filling society with entitled narcissists who rely on the government to kiss their boo-boos and take care of things for them in lieu of their mothers. Look, I get that child abuse is a real problem - but they never should have been allowed to take the fucking belt out of a parent's arsenal of corrective parenting.
>>280658 Aw, Jesus fucking Christ, it's even worse these days...
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>>280656 So umm...Wh-Which lego set is that from?
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>>280662 Using it right now
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>>280662 Oh dear god no!
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>>280662 Moe never dies.
>>280662 SAUCE?
>>280663 It's back for me too now, it wasn't loading at all and just kept timing out.
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>>792209 I'll use an example. Say you have two perspectives on morality. One says it is immoral to cause harm i.e. the physical damage to a living being and the other says it is immoral to cause pain i.e. the sensation. You can use objective facts to determine what actions would cause more pain or more harm, but how can you use them to determine which perspective is correct? Through the criteria of another philosophy? Why would that one take priority over any other? If we take the action of, say, killing all life, the two philosophies may come to a different conclusion on whether the action is immoral. It would cause the most harm possible so from the harm model it would be evil, but from the pain model it would end all suffering so it would be good especially if the method by which all life was killed is painless. These are just examples to illustrate a point. You can use facts to determine if something would be beneficial or detrimental to a particular goal, but I don't know how you would use them to prove whether the goal itself ought to be aimed for. I don't believe all philosophies are equally valid, but I don't know how to prove that.
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>>280662 Word on my machine.
>>791689 You lucky fucker. >>791605 I think the first two are cute. Who is the girl in the second pic? The filename doesn't say her last name.
Tall muscular girls are cute
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>>280671 You ever dream of one gently dominating you?
I have no opinion of anything right now, I just don't want to be a (1) when I actually have an opinion about anything.
>>280676 OK. You'll still be a (2).
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>>280675 I think of raising a family with one.
Apple’s security trumps Microsoft and Twitter’s, say feds https://archive.ph/iNfMI Huh, it's as though Cr_Apple actually goes through the effort to build a new up to spec OS with slightly less backdoors build into it. Turns out being a lazy Pajeet and just layering old ass code like some rotten lasagna is a bad idea, who woulda thought? Imagine being an inferior product to fucking Cr_Apple. Microsoft Africa internet plan moves forward with fiber deal https://archive.ph/uKzCO RIP to Nigerian site companies hosting darn near anything so long as it doesn't break the law. Explorance Joins The World Economic Forum New Champions Community To Help Build a More Robust Global Workforce https://archive.ph/LQBcN Never heard of them but there's another company to boycott I guess. >>280629 >At least it wasn't a theological discussion. Sorry to disappoint, that's the other half of the thread. >>280659 Wouldn't you risk popping the babies water bubble to early by doing this? >t. not a doctor
>Rewatching X-play grand theft auto San Andreas PS2 preview episode >Adam Sessler makes fun of whites and Latinos that showed up at the midnight launch that wanted to explore and do missions >Adam celebrated when he found black gamers that said they wanted to steal cars, kill hookers and shoot cops >Multiple times X-play even made fun of black community leaders calling GTA SA racist >Adam even said the blip-out N-word during the road kill episode in the same episode >Adam Sessler gave Road Kill a bad review over gay jokes, yet he still called a black guy a nigger in the same review ​ I sometimes forget how alien the early 2000s were compared to now. I miss the old 9/11 violent edgy comedy.
>>280472 This sounds like the Holocaust for Reddit.
>>792314 The USA isn't a culturally homogeneous country, someone cowboy from Idaho who just wants to be left the fuck alone isn't going to share the same values as a professor from Massachusetts who wants the polar opposite. Same goes for the 'Muslim world' too, Malaysians are typically going to be reasonable functional human beings to talk to compared to say backwards fucktard from Sudan with aids who will rationalize why it's okay to cut his 9yr daughters clitoris off with a crude non sterile knife and then be shocked when she dies before she's reached the age of 15 or ends up having severe complications during child birth that might require a C-section surgery to bypass (note we're talking about fucking Sudan meaning either the baby or the mother is gonna die, sometimes both die). Sure there's always exceptions to these, all societies have their social dross and golden eggs after all but still the bar is much lower in certain countries/societies. I dunno in retrospect your post angered me more than it should have honestly. Apples, Potato's whatever....
>>280683 >Malaysians Shoutout to NSR and waifu long legs.
>>280682 >Holocaust for Reddit Would make a good album name.
>>280684 NSR is malaysian?
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>>280599 Just for fun
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>>280686 Yep, and the Metronomik company are developing a new game called Ondeh Ondeh with heavy maylay inspiration, very different from the EDM heavy music from NSR. https://yewtu.be/u77hyftgBRo
>>280471 >>280492 Has anyone considered contacting Elon Musk about the whole thing regarding Pikamee and the users there that harassed her? After all thy are using his platform to organize and bully people. Unlike the previous twitter administration he actually might listen to such a complainant and do something about it. He's not terribly difficult to reach given how much he tweets and he will respond to random nobodies. It would be worth a shot given that I sure it's trending on twitter.
>>280689 Do any of us even have a Twitter anymore?
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>>280674 That's an extremely fucking cursed pic anon.
>>280690 I'm sure someone here does.
>>280690 I do. Only for following certain accounts (like 8chan to keep up with how often it goes down) or to easily post media online from my consoles if I want to share gameplay clips or screenshots with my friends.
I think it's really the best way to approach this. If they can be deranged on twitter then they lose both an easy avenue of attack and the ability to signal boost in the first place.
>>280694 *defanged
>>280642 You say that as if being told to do something means someone is going to put effort into it. Believe it or not feds are just as lazy as anyone else in this godforsaken jewish hellhole.
>>280687 Funny
>>280674 >Hey Moe, I found Amanda Hugginkiss
>>280694 It won't do much, as was stated in an earlier thread. It might sway a few people like diehard fans but every other normalfag will say "well, not ALL x are like that!" so I think the best outcome would be a scorched-earth situation. What do I mean by that? Let me explain <Every vtuber has one or more "simps" who donate lots of their time and money to them <Some of these simps have the capacity to be deranged >How do I know this? Besides examples of simps stalking their vtubers or 'cancelling' them when they find out they have boyfriends/husbands, the closest parallel are Japanese idols >Japanese idols certainly have deranged diehard fans, if you've ever seen the movie Perfect Blue you will know what I'm talking about So what's the score? Accelerate. Get MORE vtubers canceled, the bigger the better. Why? So there is a better chance of one of their deranged fans lashing out in a way favorable to society (i.e. not endangering innocent civilians) like taking out their revenge on the trannies responsible, or the whole tranny community. I think to increase the odds of this occurring, one would have to go where these vtuber simps gather or frequent and posting evidence/infographics explaining who were responsible for their beloved v-idols getting removed. The v-fanatics lash out explosively against them and if it's explosive enough, trannies everywhere will hear about what hell was incurred by their actions, which will at best cause them to commit suicide or at worst just convince them not to be faggots on the internet/mind their own business. You can also liken this idea to Muslims and their beloved pedophile prophet.
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Jim Sterling fired his video editor and began to smear him as an "abuser". >He knew this. When he told me he wanted to be paid more, when he told others I underpaid him, he knew my past history. It’s probably the part that hurts most. I couldn’t afford to keep him, but I kept him, and never once considered so much as paying him less even when I was advised to drop him. And I’d been made to feel so guilty about not taking care of him that when I was struggling the most, I raised his pay. I felt responsible. I never felt like it was enough. This all came about just because his editor asked for a raise. Jim's Full Statement: https://archive.is/5DIKU Justin McDaniel (Editor) response (his twitter account went protected): https://archive.is/YeSgt While the Twitter replies are sucking Jim's dick, the subreddit the users don't seem to be fully on Jim's side: https://archive.is/Jq6rZ https://archive.is/m4H3t Additional notes: >This editor apparently drove Jim around all the time >This editor lived with Jim for six months >This editor (stupidly) moved across the country to work with Jim >Jim hates capitalism, yet also hates giving fair wages >Jim makes $11,521 a month through patreon
>>792070 >tfw big tiddy raven gfs will inherit earth Dood...
>>280701 Fuck off tzeencht.
>>280700 That's what you get for working for a mentally ill faggot
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>>280687 videogames?
>>280704 Promotion?
>>280700 If I were the editor, I would have kept the project files if not raw footage to document how much work was really done in a week, and an action cam recording a timelapse of a desk for things like making props. But really it just seems like the editor asked to do more work than he needed to do and the retarded boomer doesn't notice or want to notice good editting vs pajeet editting.
>>280557 I want the world to return to 400 bc maybe the world will be a better place.
Seems like the preisdent of square changed to some nigga called Takashi Kiryu, does anyone know anything about him?
>>280557 In splatoon it was the sea-life that inherited the spirit of mankind after their extinction.
>>280708 https://archive.ph/ATxie <Kiryu became the general manager of Square Enix's corporate planning division in June 2020. He then became the chief strategy officer and executive officer for the company's corporate strategy and corporate communications department in April 2021. He became the chairman of the board of Square Enix in China in January 2022 and then the director of SQUARE ENIX CO., LTD. in May 2022. He later became the director of Square Enix Holdings Co., Ltd. in June 2022.
>>280710 Ah, so the same shit then.
>>792382 >What the hell made Jim go full tranny in the first place? Being a fat, disgusting perv with a need of attention?
>>792382 The fact that some Jews made up bullshit doesn’t excuse the fact that the holocaust was a real historic event where many civilians died as a result.
>>280705 Not explicit
>>792391 Boy do i wish it idd, but they always pull the 6 millions everytime
>>280710 >Change leadership to someone with the same shit ideas as the one before Just get bankrupt already
>>792382 >Reincarnation Colosseum That's more about dominating and raping strong girls rather than loving them. Serviceable, but it doesn't quite scratch my precise itch.
Looks like the JIDF are here to correct the record.
>>792409 >But a hospital treating prisoners they allegedly are going to mass slaughter wouldn't make any sense. It makes sense if you think about the fact that a good chunk of them were distributed to work camps, like the captured french soldiers ending up in mines and such.
>>792396 >Then where the fuck did the numbers of them disappear to? Would you believe them lying about the numbers prior to the war. Even Red Cross found out that Kikes had been vastly overstating their population numbers
>Memeology 101 did a video on Jimmy Kimmel calling Epstein's list a conspiracy theory >YouTube start copyrighting anyone's video pointing this out >Month ago Jim Carrey deleted his Twitter account and threatened to sue anyone who brings up he visited Epstein island Really makes you think.
>>792424 The world jewish almanac states that there were less than 6 million jews living in all of europe.
>>792426 >Would be a great argument if it wasn't completely fucking fake like everything denialists say https://archive.fo/x8byn No, I was referring to the actual population numbers, not the amount of people in the camps. But, if you do want to go by the camp numbers, why is it even the most (((kosher))) sources like Wikipedia account of three million total people (Not just kikes, everyone the Nazis imprisonned) dying: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Nazi_concentration_camps With majority of those larger numbers being provided by the Russians who wanted to hide their own mass genocide campaigns: https://www.veoh.com/watch/v20343432tdeEzYEE
>>792428 ITs amazing how many hollywood actors were caught up in that shit, even fucking tom hanks, i saw his latest historical movie and couldnt fucking enjoy it as if i hadnt known. Quite the contrary happened with tom cruise thought, i know hes a crazy scientologist but i watched maverick with 0 problems.
>>792425 >Again. Why does a work/death camp have a swimming pool? Where else are you going to keep the Alligators?
>>792422 Now all i'm getting from your posts is that kikes victimized themselves the most despite the fact the holocaust had sveral victims including christians and orders that were put to get killed too but get counted by people as the jews, considering wartime and the fact that nearby countries and even kikes sold their own people then it would be more correctly to say that several countries and kikes themselves did it.
>>280728 >even kikes sold their own people then it would be more correctly to say that several countries and kikes themselves did it Thanks for reminding me about the Jewish SS officers that had zero idea there was a genocide taking place: https://archive.fo/qtEpp
>>280728 >even kikes sold their own people Wasn't that what Soros did?
>>792448 Anon is jealous that he couldn't swin on it,thats obvious
>>792443 >throwing prisoners into an alligator pit That sounds like a nu-Wolfenstein cinematic, without the pirate disguise.
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I just learned how to use multiprocessing on python and make my webscrapping functions don't stop in case they encounter something odd, instead reporting it and move on instead of crashing down, also I programed it to continue in case the script stops right in the middle of a task like nothing happend. I feel like the god of webscrapping right now, holy shit.
>>792451 > the actual estimated range from anywhere of 4 million to 7 Those are outdated numbers, the total is now 20 million: https://archive.is/nseS6
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>>792382 >What the hell made Jim go full tranny in the first place? He's a flamboyant faggot and a legit narcissist, he was destined to turn tranny the moment it would get him more internet attention than just double-teaming niggers in filthy mens rooms with goblinesque polyamorous radfem partner. The sad thing is, he actually makes a far more convincing female than his "wife". I feel bad for anyone who used to be a part of his old amature wrestling crew. Everyone there just wanted to have a good time play-fighting for an audience like some kind of testosterone Kabuki exhibition, and Jim was obviously just there for the attention and to get knocked around by a bunch of sweaty guys in Luchador masks.
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>>792451 >But once again if you compare other Nazi victims to Jews, Jews don't feel special at all.
>>280734 >>792470 >20 million people systematically killed by the Nazis >Only 3 million have been accounted for >Even Liberal estimates reach 5 million So, what happened to the other 15 million?
>>792451 >Yes, not even denying that. The numbers of other people genocided probably dwarfs the Jewish numbers. Nazis were real bastards, I'm just saying that Jews WERE indeed genocided alongside them, this fact is undeniable, you could argue that other groups like slavs had it worse. Fair,its just like commies are scums doing genocides to this day,at least nazis memes are funny and they had cool fashion sense
>>792464 >Masturbation machines Now what kind of camp would just hand free robopussy to its prisoners?
>>280734 Any Anons still have that old webm where the old fella had a swastika in his yard and his kike neighbour claimed like 600 million died in the holocaust?
>>280726 Tbh, when hollywood blacklists someone, just on principle I become more sympathetic to them, not saying that means they're good people just a general response to hollywoods collective virtue signaling and hypocrisy. Recent examples of course being Tom Cruise and Mel Gibson.
>>280741 Tom Cruise has been cancelled? I thought he was some sort of pope or bishop among actors because most actors are mad men believing in alien souls.
>>280742 Tom cruise is kind of the head of the scientologist side of hollywood, wich has been figthing the jew side of hollywood for decades. Mind you, this doesnt make them good in any sense, its just that they atleast make nice movies to watch and stick their cult and beliefs to their private life.
>>280723 Was Keanu Reeves on Esptein list too?
>>280700 (checked) He was working for a mentally ill narcissist commie faggot. What the fuck was he expecting. >thought he was actually friends with his boss I've heard too many stories of people falling for that trap and letting their bosses fuck them raw in the process. Seems to be a pretty common mistake.
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>>280723 >Memeology 101 did a video on Jimmy Kimmel calling Epstein's list a conspiracy theory the fuck i remeber seeing it on old 8/pol/
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>>280726 I should've been clearer, he wasn't cancelled, but I would say that he was on the outs after the whole oprah incident, and being a scientologist.
>>280472 Meanwhile the superior product is still going strong. Here are some of the Vidya related ones I want to get. They're all way more stylish, customizable and full of life than those soulless beady eyed freak Fucko Pops will ever be.
>>280749 It pisses me off that good figures are so expensive. Not because i cant afford them, but because i cannot justify to myself expending so much money for plastic.
Friendly reminder to check out >>>/a/ if you want an additional place to discuss anime/manga You can make whatever threads you want pretty much. I've been busy with school and life as of late, but I'll keep trying to post regularly. Café thread: >>>/a/2125 Drawthread: >>>/a/2358 Other good threads to check out >>>/a/1436 >>>/a/1236 >>>/a/863 >>>/a/181 Vtubers: >>>/a/1294 Suggest banners and stuff here: >>>/a/804 Oh, and a reminder that you can make lewd threads as well.
>>280750 I wonder why they don't use clay like porcelain since its proven to be just as recyclable as other materials.
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>>280740 I got you
You will never be a woman
ANT MAN 3 WRITER "I REFUSE TO LISTEN TO FANS >Well you established MODOK’s an Avenger now. Any chance a variant could come back and join the team? >Loveness: (laughs) Uh… if I say yes, I promise you he will be even stupider. I refuse to listen to the fans on this. I will not make MODOK serious. As long as I’m alive, they’re not gonna get that serious adaptation that those four fans want. He’ll be a big dumb head. That’s all. https://archive.ph/nyLPM Reminder even that shitty Square Enix avengers game had a better MODOk and writing than Antman and the wasp quantumania. Antman got BTFO by cocaine bear and a movie about Jesus meeting hippies.
>>280741 Mel Gibson was blacklisted but came back and now he's been kosher-ized.
>>280755 I don't want to defend Jewsney, but this is what i call made-up drama. The kike Whendon tried to pull something same back then and he got booted from Marvel. Kevin Feige the one who calls the shots. If he says MODOK will be comic accurate, then MODOK will be comic accurate, or you lose your fucking job. End of story.
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>>280751 Sauce on that waifu?
>>280758 I didn't know Keisuke Itagaki made hentai.
>>280758 >>792555 >>When your cock is so manly any chick who blows you turns into a dude. Anyways, have some vidya loli and shota to cleanse your palates.
>>280714 Does someone have the original of that banner? i looked on SauceNAO, google images, and tiny eye and non of them had anything.
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>>280762 I gotchu mang.
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>>280761 I don't think it's a shota just because the artist says so anon.
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>>280610 >check that "punk witch" that makes half of the tweets on the first pic >it's a no-name tranny vtuber with an obese avatar that looks like the quarterpound >people got so angry at his tweets about making a list of "anti-troon vtubers" that he deleted them and is now asking them "to move on" (https://nitter.net/CyniVtuber/status/1631121988319170560) What a disgusting creature.
>>280761 >chick
>>280763 Thank you.
(23.83 KB 280x560 napalm now.jpg)

>>280610 >pikamee was a pedo anyway I suppose it would have been more politically correct to Avada Kedavra the transgender people first.
>>280671 I want a muscular gf to help me to become fit and motivate me at the gym
How long until we get the Epstein client list?
(137.27 KB 1600x1600 nchfaha14.webp)

Isn't it cliche, funny and cute when boys wear the rainbow propeller hats? I've never seen a boy wear it in real life, only in tv.
(299.55 KB 938x745 where da vidya at.png)

since twitter fags are trying to gaslight everyone, here is a google doc with 25 pages of tweet archives about hogwarts legacy https://docs.google.com/document/d/1o5SlWC8bUDvUXPcGDdz7hAZyzf9fz8Sqce4OrWIqWH8/edit
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>>280770 Why are you asking this here? Do you think Gamergate decides if and when such a list is publicized?
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>>280772 All your board are belong to /sm/.
(145.13 KB 650x427 i don't want to go.png)

>>280769 God fucked up when he didn't make tall friendly muscular ladies the norm. Or maybe we fucked up and this is our punishement.
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>>280776 That would have changed much of human dvelopment and society actually, if females were all ripped tomboys, humanity would have been less patriarchal from the getgo. >>280778 I require lewds of that gobbo.
>>280773 Here so noone have to click docs google shit
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>>280779 im p sure one gobbo is as good as another
>>280781 Oh shit that first one is pretty good, is it from something or just some pixel art some guy made?
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>>280782 i honestly dont recall where i found it but a quick internets suggests its from a game
>>280779 Would probably be stuck as hunter-gatherers still since the increase in caloric requirements across the population would discourage large groups from forming and drive competition for land to such extremes that the social technologies driven by surplus to trade would never materialize. At least that is my take on it.
>>280786 What about farming?
>>280787 Farming took a long time to happen man.
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>>280638 >>280783 Kind of surprised no one posted pic related yet.
>>280690 literally every one of us, you dumb faggot
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>>280790 >us >lowercase >(1)
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>>280471 It’s more E-celeb drama than industry news but it Pikamee related. That pedo cartoon review that complained about turning red didn’t have 9/11 just fired two people from his cartoon growing around for defending Pikamee.
>>280794 > That pedo cartoon review that complained about turning red didn’t have 9/11 just fired two people from his cartoon growing around for defending Pikamee. > turning red didn’t have 9/11 wut?
(169.14 KB 337x838 Every Calarts Cartoon.png)

>>280794 Mr. Enter a pedophile? That's news to me since I haven't kept up with him much. Is it because of that shitty cartoon he tried to get funding for?
>>280794 >It’s more E-celeb drama than industry news but it Pikamee related. >fired two people from his cartoon growing around for defending Pikamee. Anon, you are so far down the mental compartmentalization hole you have this entirely backwards. An eceleb quitting because trannies crybullied at her is eceleb drama. People getting fired for wrongthink is industry news.
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>>280795 Turning Red was set in 2001, or thereabouts. It didn't have 9/11, and some fag was really asshurt about it. He is mocked by everyone.
>>280776 We're all physically dead anon, our spirits are eternally trapped in Purgatory and we must relive an eternaly fucked society and repeat the circle every time we "die".can't remember who posted it but I had quite a laugh, too bad I'm too lazy to put mr Bones >>280779 >humanity would have been less patriarchal from the getgo. It's probably the opposite anon, a lot of societies were matriarchal exactly because the dads were ripped hunters and had to risk their lives everyday so they were super expendable while women would sit around, use fire, raise kids and cook the food so they decided, covertly, who was head honcho. In fact, a lot of primal societies around the world, even in Africa and not just the amazon as some anthropologists claimed still use that kind of system. Patriarchy came from an evolution of the hard times of man while matriarchy shows a stagnant and sickly old society; consider which tribes have matriarchal societies now, to this day and how the products of this society act and you'll see things with a new light hint, look at the jews and ameri-niggers raised by single mothers for your closest confirmation and then expand to the rest of the world
>>280800 We wouldn't be dead if we had big tiddie lolis Speaking of which, THQNordic opened up their own store in Austia. Any nordic fags gonna head over?
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>>280801 >Austia Austria or Australia?
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>>280801 >We wouldn't be dead if we had big tiddie lolis Exactly, that's why they're only in doujins and manga and not real.
>>280803 >Not stabbing her with the pointy end of a baguette as if jousting while slurping on some red wine Fake and gay
>>280804 3dp won't ever be able to compete against 2d godesses
>>280806 Not gonna argue with truth and facts but I asumed the other anon was talking about 3D women like them as counterproof to my joke.
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>>280649 >Baby Rosalina Not quite.
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>>280804 >Last 2 Still can't believe he's dead
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which is the gamer™ approved sadwich?
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>>280812 Anything that's an actual sandwich.
>>280810 At least Souji's alive and he's been putting the girls in cameos in his own series at the very least. A shame as well, he loved HotD he stopped publishing porn just to work on it for a period of time.
>>280812 hot pockets
(25.46 KB 600x603 hot pockets.webp)

>>280815 You forgot your profile picture friendo.
(865.25 KB 640x360 he does it for free.mp4)

>>280813 >sub is a sandwich >hotdog, burrito, chicken wrap, and ice cream taco isn't a sandwich Fucking retard.
(400.48 KB 1387x1000 nuspyro.png)

>>280818 It's literally fucking called a sub sandwich. There is no requirement that the two pieces of bread still be attached to each other akin to a hotdog or taco.
>>280818 >>280819 Just look at the fucking picture that was used for that sub. Does that look like one single piece of bread to you?
>>280812 The ones i ask my mom to do
>>280819 >>280820 That's a graphic from Subway, who only sell connected bread subs. Also, no. All subs are sandwiches. And thus, hotdogs, burritos, chicken wraps, and ice cream tacos are a sandwich as well. The only thing that isn't a sandwich on that image is the fucking poptart.
>>280822 if you only have one slice of bread with toppings is that not a sandwich?
>>280804 None of those are lolis.
>>280822 >That's a graphic from Subway, who only sell connected bread subs. Thanks for telling everyone you've never eaten at Subway before.
>>280803 Austria
Once again, I've been away from this thread all day playing videogames. What has gone on here in my absence? Don't tell me that you were arguing about sandwiches.
>>280827 jewboy banned nazis and then unbanned them
>>280827 Jewboy ban Nazis and anti-nazis and then unbanned them. Curiously, when the discussion revealing the truth of the hallowed caust was deleted, suddenly all other unrelated discussion died out as well.
>>280827 Same, I've been playing Star Wars Dark Forces with the Dark Forces Sourceport, on Hard. I got to the Trandoshans and I feel like dropping the game, just a fucking miserable experience, trial and erroe while sniping from long range. Turrets could at least be exploited, Trandoshans are fucking Archvilles, the worst fucking mistake Doom 2 ever made, yes even a bigger mistake than NuDoom 1 and 2.
>>280830 *Dark Forces with the Force Engine sourceport
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miss the old days the anons would organized a raid to cause absolute chaos for the most petty things, now not even pikamee smile is avanged from trannies anyway if someone want to create mayhem, you have my axe
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>>791195 https://archive.md/2023.03.01-023623/https://twitter.com/throwaway5737/status/1630710617609998336?t=ndkYlO3ZfqXGhTV2151OuQ&s=19 I am utter;y confused. So a trans account.... bullied a trans minor to suicide. Huh? I mean.. huh? I am confused with greatness.
>>280832 >The old days when anons would personal army for some eceleb slut with an avatar 'member?
>>280834 >>280832 Yeah, Anons used to raid e-girls who were siphoning money. Look up the Goddessmine/Abra Fischer raids (and yes her name is A FUCKING POKEMON)
>>280828 I see that the cakelord has truly leveled up. Founding your own organization of Neo-Nazis is practically the same thing as a bar mitzvah. Not sure about banning them, though. Probably better to incite them into committing acts of terrorism.
>>280833 >So a trans account.... bullied a trans minor to suicide. They do that all the time. Saturn devours his children.
(272.56 KB 569x797 Uh you don't get to glow.jpg)

>>280832 Not your personal army.
>>280835 >Anons used to raid e-girls who were siphoning money You talking about the Thot Audit?
>>280832 >miss the old days the anons would organized a raid to cause absolute chaos for the most petty things, now not even pikamee smile is avanged from trannies >(((we))) should organize raids to stop fake women I don't like from attacking fake women I like reeeeee Not my fucking problem.
>>280840 Even before that, this was some old school femdom/findom jewess bitch that /b/tards raided in '07
>>280842 really tired of people thinking we are 2007 /b/. the closest thing I remember to /v/ doing a raid was back on 4chan in 2013 when an anon discovered some indie mmo where you play as babes on an island was discovered and we just ran around naked exoplring and spamming the "hi" voice command. There's also game nights but it's anons having a fun time.
>>280832 Nigger we have less than 10% of our old numbers on 8chan prime. Impact would be limited for things that get better with larger numbers like raids, the bigger focus should be on growing the userbase with things like Max Revive before considering such pie in the sky ideas. Not that you can't support Pikamee if you want to, but you're expecting a very small and ragtag group to take on an army. You need at least a certain minimum number of people and we don't have that, unless you want to find some person who has infiltrated a reddit admin position or something and get them to delete their gathering grounds and unmod all the tranny powermods, but that's not likely.
>>280832 Yeah just let me go sign up for a platform that requires my phone number so my posts can get algorithmically demolished because I didn't pay elon $10 a month to avoid his censorship filters. That really sounds like something a grown man should be spending his free time doing on the weekend. Nigger no one here is a dumb fuck teenager anymore, no one cares about epic lulz that are a complete waste of time. Fuck off to tranny farms if you're into gayops as a hobby.
>>280845 >That really sounds like something a grown man should be spending his free time doing on the weekend. What makes you think you have justification to say how a grown man spends his free time? Also >(1)
>>280843 People who don't use imageboards think every imageboard is 2007 /b/.
https://archive.ph/EE9fK What are the chances it comes back with voice cloning?
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A bit of news that I'm surprised nobody mentioned in this thread. Obsidian is putting out a performance patch and texture upgrade for The Outer Worlds. That you have to pay $10 for on top of all the season pass content. Then they go and name it after the shittiest corporation in the game too like making it some sort of joke you pay for would be funny. This is some horse-armor tier shit and I'm surprised I don't see more people talking about it because of how bad it could be for gaming if this kind of practice catches on. At least steam users aren't having any of it, for now at least. https://archive.is/1QYyv
>>280846 >What makes you think you have justification to say how a grown man spends his free time? For the exact same reason that anon thinks he can judge the state of these threads and anons for not actively engaging in meaningless gayops that achieve nothing but expose your personal information to giant tech platforms. Fucking faggot. I'm stating reality. Anons are grown adult men now. They have better shit to be doing than sitting around calling retarded NEET trannies names on (((twitter))). If you don't think that much is self-evident you're a genetic dead end like the very trannies you want to fuck with. Come up with something effective and lead it yourself if you want something done. Don't come to other men and make snide remarks about how little you think they are doing. I have no tolerance for men that act like they have vaginas.
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>>280847 wonder if there are still kids out there who discover chanology and then want to become epic anonymous. I think now they go to 4chan to discover epic greentext stories or whatever.
went to check, give a feeling so complicated
>>280822 If all subs are sandwiches, that necessarily implies that connected bread is a sandwich, thus hot dogs are, at minimum, also sandwiches. You're doing this literally just to troll. Begone.
>>280832 "Raiding" got our homes taken away from us by fucking feds. The result of raiding is the current state of cuckchan, anon. The problem with raids is that they didn't do a damn thing, and actually doing a damn thing is illegal.
>>280853 Hotdogs are just meatier subs. Yes, they're sandwiches. Bread is a perfect envelope for just about anything, so of course we'd come up with a dozen variations on the classic "shit surrounded by bread" combo. >>280825 If you've gotten a disconnected sub at subway they fucked up your order, and being the retard you are you tricked yourself into being fine with it.
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>>280849 Jesus.
>>280832 >/vt/ tranny mod doxxed >Not a single pizza sent his way. It's weird honestly. Dudes an easy target which no one will help.
>>280857 It's a certain board's job to do it. If they want it done, they'll get it done. No use complaining on a completely unrelated site. Also, go the fuck back to cuckchan.
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>>280794 Where's the archive?
>>280858 I wish I could stay. But the site here is so darn janky.
>>280860 Make sure to provide feedback/report issues over on /site/.
>>280860 Who's problem is that?
>>280861 Yeah his suggestions can go behind the other QoL feature requests that have been on the backlog since the day the site launched.
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>>280860 >janky site works fine, what are you talking about?
>>280862 Either me or the site. Most likely the site.
>>280864 Mainly the way the catalogue loads.
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I was watching pic related unfold in real time. Pikamee decided to come back from her break with Hogwarts Legacy. As soon as her scheduled live went twitter went fucking nuts, telling her to reconsider or they'll have to unfollow her. Within about 2 hours she updated saying she may stream something else, but the show will go on, excited to come back to her fans. About two hours later she cancelled it completely and went radio silent for 3 weeks and she announced her graduation. Cuckchan wants you to believe she deserved it because she was planning on quitting anyway, and are censoring tweet collages while posting the kotaku article to claim she lied about being harassed in the first place.
>>280867 No twitter will have you believe it was planned for months. Don't know anything about cuckchan taking that stance. Wouldn't make sense because anons on /vt/ actively have doxxed as many people as they can in connection with harassing Pikamee.
>>280868 He might be referring to cuckchan's mods for their vtuber board
So cuckchan lost it's shit and now is doing something funny for once?
>>280869 Ah the mods are a different story. I heard /vt/'s mods are especially biased & trigger happy against "politically incorrect" elements.
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>>280871 Cuckchan's mods have been sjw wankers for the past near decade so this is another day ends in Y.
>>280867 And they will hope in time their gas lighting will work by their shitty kotaku article that says it totally didn't reach harassment levels.
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>>280868 We know that much about twitter, but unironic discord tranny jannies bought this mod and are actively deleting all Pikamee-related threads, some anons reporting they were banned for "Off topic". Pika's sticky only stayed up for a couple of hours after the announcement video and any thread that involves evidence is instantly deleted.
>>280872 >>280874 Never trust those who do it for free.
>>280874 it amazes me how far 4chan has fallen to the point where it barely resembles what it meant to stand for. The fact people still refer to it as the boogie man of the internet is laughable since it's barely better than reddit.
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>>280874 Holy shit is that real!?
>>280877 Yes. There was another ad the other day that read "Trannies won, Pika is done". The past month on that board has been nuts, especially with the ads bought ripping on two of VShojo's talents that clearly have different stances on the trannies.
>>280874 Do 4jannies still do it for free? I'm going to >post on cuckchan
>>280876 >>280874 >>280867 >The fact people still refer to it as the boogie man of the internet is laughable since it's barely better than Reddit With zero irony I shit you not. Funnyjunk is far less cuck than 4chan. Funnyjunk not only making fresh pro Pikamee memes. Funny one of the few places I can find old /pol/ memes that aren’t censored by big tech search engines. I don’t why funnyjunk still has a bad name.
>>280874 These haven't been deleted yet, although one of the posters in the second pic says they will. Seems like the majority of posts are not woke in fact.
>>280874 I have seen more people hate on trans faggots in the last month because of bullshit like this. The trannies blame JK/Pikamee/"the alt right" for everyone hating them but they do it to themselfs. >>280876 I have seen some people claim no joke that reddit is a alt-right controlled cesspool. I am very confused how they came to that conclusion.
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>>280867 >harry potter :D harry potter :D harry potter :D harry potter :D harry potter :D I can foresee transformers using this screencap as a "proof" that she began the harassment against them.
>>280874 didn't they also mass delete a bunch of threads on /vt/? wonder if they'll nuke it like /sp/ during gamergate.
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I don't know if this was already posted in this thread, but Kotaku wrote an article about Pikamee: >Popular Vtuber Pikamee Retires Following Hogwarts Legacy Controversy https://archive.is/PgO4g And guess what? All of the harassment she got was merely brought down as "criticism". Also, that fucking part: >Between the quote retweets on the official retirement announcement and the tweets found by searching “Vtuber” on Twitter, people are upset at the possibility that opposition to Pikamee because of her decision to stream Hogwarts Legacy led to her retirement (which again, is currently unconfirmed). >This mere possibility has led trans streamers and allies to fear the speculation will lead to increased transphobia in the vtuber community as it paints the problem group as trans people and trans allies. <"oh no we harrassed someone just for a shitty game and now people hate us, why?" KILL TRANNIES, ROUNDHOUSE KICK JOURNALISTS, JUDO THROW KOTAKU TRANNY BLOGGERS INTO A WOODCHIPPER, SELL THEM ALL TO ISLAMIST SLAVERS FOR A QUICK BUCK, BUTCHER THEM AND TURN THEM INTO IKEA MEAT PIES
(2.93 MB 590x360 whats_going_on.gif)

>>280882 >I have seen some people claim no joke that reddit is a alt-right controlled cesspool. I am very confused how they came to that conclusion. My friend's littler zoomer brother legit told me reddit is right wing that's how far to the fucking left zoomers are is that FUCKING LEDDIT is too on the right for them.
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>>280885 Yeah, I've seen someone predict this exact thing. Not too certain where it was, but that j*urno must have read it as well. >>280876 It is basically reddit where you're allowed to say nigger. That's it, nothing more. >>280886 >>280882 Reminds me of how some in Germany kept saying that Merkel is "too far right for them". That was about a decade ago. Delusionals will be delusionals, nothing new here. >>280867 Halfchinzz is being massively censored right now. Most posts are getting deleted, hence, reddit but nigger.
>>280835 Pokemon is not the origin of Abra, you fucking mongoloid.
>>280885 >getting publicly doxxed and forced out of your job is "criticism" This is what you should expect from fucked up people who hated themselves so much that they craft up lies about who and what they are for the sole purpose of trying to feel better. Anybody who does any of that tranny shit is 100% fucking insane.
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>>280887 A few pals of mine who are on the ground on /vt/ to see the drama are saying mods are going full Hanging flesh but with a dash of reddit moderation.
>>280888 It's a meme, one of the guys in the raid posted something along the lines of "AM I THE ONLY ONE WHO NOTICED HER NAME IS A FUCKING POKEMON?" in all caps, so, much like other memes that evolved out of anon posts, it became the inside joke to spam "x IS A FUCKING POKEMON" during the raid.
>>792878 It doesn't matter.
>>280887 >>280890 Tell them that >>>/vyt/ exists and they can discuss it there all they want.
And now the >(1) and dones are here to damage control. Friendly reminder that pics related qualify as <a life-saving surgery to these >people.
>>792878 Anon that is called damage control.
>>280893 Why not >>>/vt/ ? The board you linked looks like a dead shithole.
>>280896 Because /vt/ is a Spanish board.
>>280893 They are only going there because they want to document the drama they use smug or PLW for their vtuber autism.
>>280895 People posting that she was totally planning to graduate anyway need to post some fucking hard proof or else I'm going to just keep dismissing it as a pathetic attempt at gaslighting to make them look less bad.
>>280897 It doesn't have to be. Some posts in >>>/vt/6143 are in English.
>>280899 Checked for truth. Some literal fucking who going <dude, trust me means fuck all.
>>280874 I don't want to believe this. I was hoping they would at least be autistic enouth to seek revenge.
>>280882 >I am very confused how they came to that conclusion Seems like if it allows opposing thoughts in any capacity it is alt right/whatever nonsense word they are using now. I have a friend who gets upset whenever he sees views contrary to his own getting positive upvotes as this implies there were not enough "normal" people to downvote them into a negative score. >>280885 >"Listen and believe" unless it is one of the ones we don't like. Then fuck that bitch >followed by defending trannies crying again as they continue to lash out + overreact at everyone they can I look forward to the rest of those miserable shits getting fired. Also I continue to be impressed by trannies and their ability to piss off every group in existence. Those cunts really can not help themselves.
(1.51 MB 960x524 Janny.mp4)

>>280902 4chan has been pozzed for a long time, anon. Reminder that moot sided with SJWs in 2014 for his liberal girlfriend that was cheating on him
>>280902 Anon you of all people should know jannies don't represent a userbase. Of course, this means nothing if the users aren't capable of throwing a fucking riot. It's way harder, though, as 4chan has virtually killed the possibility of vpn posting there, which means for the most part once someone is banned that's it. It's sad day when it's easier to ban evade and just create a new account on fucking reddit than it is on an imageboard but that's how low cuckchan has sunk.
>>280905 >>280906 I still can't get used of trannies going full "mysoginist" and call out Terfs this badly. Sure trannies are the worst of what they accussed incels at their worst.
>>280906 No wonder cuckchan fags have slowly been coming here.
>>280907 The jew and the tranny cry out as they attack, anon.
>>280907 I have seen trannies claim that they were so close to being "Incels" before they transitioned and then claimed to get better. turns out they fit the strawman to a T and fearing they were going to be rejected by society cut there dicks off and did not change a god damn bit.
>>280909 >>280910 So the price for a hate women pass is cutting your dick.
>>280910 Anon 99% of trannies are fetishists who transitioned to get a free pass to degenerate shit, narcissists who transitioned for attention and a free pass to attack anyone they want or both. The amount of people who actually have the actual mental condition that makes them think they should be the other gender is minuscule.
>>280912 Still it's a pain waiting 10 years or so to have them remove themselves.
So, what gamer is ready for Transgender genocide 2? http://archive.today/4vFrt Congratulations. The industry shifted from live services to movie tie-in games. Now it's going to take longer to make the industry finally go insolvent.
>>280887 >Halfchinzz is being massively censored right now. Most posts are getting deleted. So it's #GamerGate 2.0? If I was an opportunist, I would use this as an opportunity to bring people here under a new movement like #TuberTrouble or something.
>>792911 >He thinks the corporate head statement means fucking anything He's a corporate rat, anon, with a history of saying corporate rat things. He doesn't want controversy. KSon (who knows Pikamee personally) all but confirmed the trannies were to blame. The timeline doesn't make a lick of sense if this was "planned."
>>280887 #DontPickOnPikamee works better actually
>>280916 The corporate statement definitely is not proof of anything, corporations especially nip corporations will lie to save face. the pomu video definitely does give more suggestion that it was it likely was planned, however I don't buy that this hasn't in someway accelerated her graudation and it still doesn't lessen the impact of the harassment since she took off an entire extra month from the harassment.
>>280832 >>280795 >>280796 >>280798 >People getting fired for wrongthink is industry news. News update. It's not enough that Mr Enter fired animators for defending Pikamee. Now he's bullying people to delete their Twitter accounts and threatening to send twitter tranny mobs after them if they don't.
>>792878 Even if that's 100% true they still harassed her into taking a 3 week+ break when she had limited time left. That's frankly as bad or almost as bad.
>>280885 >trans allies If you really want to knock the tranny thing and the twitter harassment down an order of magnitude then going after the "allies" and getting them kicked off and shut down on social media is the thing to do. It's a good option because since they aren't trannies themselves they aren't a protected group and thus they can't hide behind "muh boo hoo you're oppressing me" rhetoric. Additionally without "allies" there simply aren't enough trannies out there to signal boost and harass anybody into compliance by themselves. It also could have a chilling effect on other social media harassers, idpol ones or otherwise.
>>280919 >Mr.Enter He's a has been Brony autist that's been trying to make his cartoon with the groundbreaking premise of "What if kids were in the adults role and adults were in the kids role?" for over a decade now. Not to mention he's been banging the "I'm Asexual" drum for years now.
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>>280919 >>280922 He went full sjw? He was always a fag but he went this bad?
>>280922 Isn't he also a suicide enthusiast/apologists?
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>>280922 Mr. Enter is basically gigitymaidens guy of the cartoon community, with his own type of NEVER EVER project, only difference is that enter actually has a community of his own autists that worship him, LincarRox being his other equivalent.
>>280924 He's been a self-described lolbertarian for years, but during Covid he started making content that was pretty spicy. He did a series called Technocracy that essentially talked about big tech and how they're taking over more and more aspects of our everyday lives, including payment processors and banks silencing dissent by strangling dissenters wallets and the fact that plenty of companies have been pushing for social credit systems. He also said some honest things about leftist humor during the late 2010s in his "worst cartoons of the 2010s" list, essentially that left wing cartoons can't come up with new jokes and feminist cartoons don't actually empower women, they just make boys look stupid and girls look like assholes. Unfortunately, someone accused him of being "muh alt-right boogieman" and so this is him knee jerking to the left out of autistic aversion to confrontation.
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>>280920 The quality of that whale's model has always gotten to me bad.
>>280915 Don't be confused. Well, kinda yes. But make sure to get rid of all the retards then. For me this is just fuel to get rid of the alphabet soup.
>>280876 reddit is better, that's how bad it's gotten.
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>>280923 >pointing out how trannies act like trannies I.E. subhuman pieces of shit in dresses is """"E-celeb worship"""" Is pointing out how the sky is blue """"E-celeb worship"""" as well?
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>>280930 Yeah, but I'd still rather not gargle shitwater or the turds that float in it. What was those websites posted a few days ago, it had voat and like 3 others, go to those if you want an uncucked reddit. https://www.voat.xyz/ Though I assume there are those of you redditfags who can only find certain niche hobbies in preddit, lot of predditors came from hotwheels era 8chan so it makes sense why there would be exodus fags that go full stealty and don't expose their power level in le reddit like justin roiland does to middle schoolers.
>>280535 >>280537 They need to be aware it's an option. Make the effort to post some pro-Pikamee OC that links back here.
>>280933 That sounds good idea, memes with pikamee that can show they have other options would be nice, especially if its one trashing on tranny flags and shit like that
>>280933 Yes please, this thread needs to have anons acting stat. We can trannybash with dozens more people if we manage to bring in traction and break the dry spell this site has been on since its inception, simply worshipping some has-been e-celeb bitch isn't enough, we need to actually be part of something great. I'm not trying to relive the moments that made prime great; I am trying to create new ones
>>280918 Personally, I take Kson's word over some corpo any day of the week.
>Gamebanana and loverslab removing/censoring uncensor patches of FE Engage Maybe would be an interesting idea to have a Game modding board if there is none already? With the biggest modding sites being anti-anime/woke trash sounds like a good idea to attract new people to have more movement
>>280935 Well if someone made pics of pikamee trashing on troons flags and with info to get people here i could always post on cuckchan to attract people and shit, it wouldn't be some turboautist thing but i guess better than nothing? I just need the pics
>>280938 What if we all make that same request in the drawthread? It's an easy way to signal boost, I'll make a request there as well, and I hope others do too.
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>>280939 Well i didn't even know there is a drawthread
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Twitter tried to get mad at McPig, developer of Pizza Tower https://archive.is/Asrnx Made a tame trans joke, he laughed at someone saying "retard", said wigger, and made a Trump joke. Most don't care though and are telling the Ze/Hir who brought this to light to fuck off.
>>280942 Wow, he's more based than the NEVER EVER fat futa loving musclegirl cat goblin retard who spams the board.
>>280942 >Twitter tried to get mad at someone Is there anyone they don't want to get angry at?
>>280942 Wow, he's based, unlike the NEVER EVER fat retarded musclegirl fetishist that spams the board with his chinese OC's to attention grift.
>>792968 >holding up GG as a scarecrow <is it actually going to do anything? >no, but it's scary right? you're going to stop now <continues >haha, rent free! fucking owned!
>>280941 What? Nigger do you just live in these threads and refuse to use naything else on the site or what?
>>280947 Its more accurate to say that since i have no interest in drawthreads i kinda just ignore and forget they are a thing
>>280935 this episode happens like every other month
>>280936 Source on Kson's word, kudasai
>>280882 >I am very confused how they came to that conclusion. Because any place that allows any kind of thought from people who are Right of Stalin is "Right Wing".
>>792968 What should people be doing then? Actually spell it out.
>>280952 Make our own bank completely disconnected from other banks which only accepts cash in the mail with a dudetrustme verification for feds :^)
>>280918 The corporation statement is also a nice attempt at saving face because Pikamee IS VOMS. If she leaves the company is finished as she is the most popular member and money earner by far. The other three members, one of them who has been at it alongside Pikamee since debut, don't bring as much money or attention.
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>>792968 I use this threads as a guide to see who doesn't get my money. So far it saved me hundreds of dollars in games and steered me away from some brands.
>>280954 Monoe was nice but they kicked her out for having a boyfriend or something. After that it felt like lesbian couple vibes until the two kids came on. I unironically prefer the gyari channel streams since I only found out they launched vtubers after a few months of no music or streams.
>>792878 Bullshit.
>>280957 It is bullshit, GYARI did nothing to help Pikamee when she got harassed so she decided to fuck off as fast she could even if she was thinking about graduating before
>>280892 >>280895 >>280920 >>280923 >>280957 >can't tell when you're being baited by troons for fuck's sake, look at the colors on that image? surely you've seen that character posted around, at the very least? the artist?
>>280849 >Obsidian is putting out a performance patch and texture upgrade for The Outer Worlds. That you have to pay $10 I told niggers this and they didn't believe me. Just like with cut content, games will now sell overall lower quality versions of themselves and make you pay for what should be base quality. The original design for the protagonists outfit? Too cool. Make it something boring and sell the cool one for 5bux. It's fucking happening already.
>>280956 i think it was cause of a drinking stream when they were not allowed to or something like that.
>>280925 I am an enthusiast of tranny suicides, myself. I actively encourage them to end their lives immediately if they're post-mutilation.
>>280935 I'm only here to observe and agitate a bit in other places. I want to see the fire rise, but I've got too much real life work. Whoever wants to do the mainwork, good luck >>280962 That's called transitioning, Anon.

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Intel's 14th-gen Meteor Lake-S desktop to support the unannounced Windows 12 https://archive.ph/5qhpR Oh boy I sure can't wait for idiots to dump even more money into the pocket of the anti Christ/Bill Gates for le ebin OS 'upgrade' further aiding the WEF's goals. >>280867 > Cuckchan wants you to believe she deserved it because she was planning on quitting anyway, and are censoring tweet collages while posting the kotaku article to claim she lied about being harassed in the first place. Nu-Exodus of newfags on the way? Oh boy I sure can't wait for board quality to degrade by 20% if we're lucky. >>792878 Why do you have tranny art saved on your hard drive anon? >>280879 Don't act surprised if the hot pocket munchers B& you, they've got a very short temper nowadays, speaking from experience.
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>>280964 This picture has not been edited
>>280937 Funny thing is that all the mod dose is translate content already in all versions of the game. All you need to do is turn on Jap text/voices and there you go. so yeah fuck mod site. >>280959 I will be honest with you anon genuinely thought he was posting an image of one of the bitches he mentioned throwing pikamee under the bus.Take it that generic catgirl is leftypol's mascot?
>>280963 >>280935 >>280934 >>280933 >>280915 Site is shit enough as is without inviting a bunch of faggots from cuckchan here, go be an embarrassment somewhere else.
>>280937 >have a Game modding board Maybe we should open a thread for modding and if it gets bigger do a specific board. I was thinking this for a while since a lot of the mods taking woke shit from games get taken down.
>>280887 >It is basically reddit where you're allowed to say nigger. Are you sure about that? I haven't touched the place in over a decade, but last I heard, similar to loli, saying nigger is banned everywhere outside /b/ and sometimes on /b/ too. >>280915 >So it's #GamerGate 2.0? Not really, since it's not like cuckchan returned to it's former state before this happened. this sort of behavior is expected of them now. >>280967 8chan's absolutely peak was right after inviting a bunch of faggots from cuckchan. After the stance was taken to shun its origins, 8chan only declined.
>>280967 Everyone here is a 4chan reject.
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>>793070 I will stay and you'll stay mad bro
>>793070 Fuck vtubers. They are 3dpd wearing a skinned anime girl. I will stay the path and you can donate to your ethot. 2d > 3dpd Get fucked.
>>280968 Make it, include anonfiles or whatever links to a few of the mods in question. Mark can sticky it and it can work like share threads do where people make requests and others fulfill them with expiring links. Acid mentioned wanting to add some more game related stuff to the site like a PSO private server, perhaps if the interest is shown we can host banned mods here with less volatile resources. >>280970 Think you meant "absolute" shit-for-brains though I guess expecting coherency from someone with takes as fucktarded as yours is pretty foolish on my part. Nobody was invited, people left because Moot cucked thus the name. What we are seeing now is no different from all the other bullshit that goes on there on a regular basis, you're not going to be getting the people with actual fucking standards who are disgusted with how the site has fallen you'll get garbage that considers that kind of moderation the standard. They've had alternatives they could've gone to for years, they are choosing to stay and that is a damning offense. Also, the site peaked around the time of the 2016 election which was well after the cuckening in 2014. >>280970 Speak for yourself, I chose to leave. If you're only here because 4chan banned you then yeah, you are a reject. Also, nice organic posting we got here right now. Really activates your almonds.
>>280927 Ah so he was getting too based and went lefty/ enlighten centrists like most of his ilk.
>>793079 With that 30y/o face probrably
>>793070 This post is so retarded, I'd think it was falseflagging against vtuberfags if I didn't already know simps act exactly like this.
>>280972 Fukkin jej. I guess what I mean is that we were all from 4chan and trying to sit here and act better than them is forgetting how we all ended up here. >>280975 >people disagreeing with me? >must be le organic posting Every single time, you belong in a twitter echochamber. Now reply and tell me to kill myself or some other gay shit you spout on script you robot.
>>793102 Any script kiddie could easily CP spam the board 24/7 and kill site fresh site activity by forcing PoW and per post captcha to be eternal. It's a wonder it hasn't happened already. >>793091 >Now that mods are here Your illegal posts are still up though?
I told you to make me a Mod, Mark.
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>>793115 >Say nice things about Vero! Vueroeruko a cute.
>>793120 >I'm stopping now >>793121 <less than 30 seconds later Lmao.
Who we upset this time?
>>280984 Vtuberfags, trannies, and pedophiles.
>>280985 More like trannies and pedophiles hating on vtubers.
>>280984 >we >>280986 Yes, yes, we know your favored group is always perfectly innocent.
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>>280987 How did vtuberfags got annoyed though?
>>280989 Because people in this very thread, myself included, said >we wouldn't personal army for some e-celeb that got e-bullied.
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>>280990 It was only one guy as even the vtuberfags told him to fuck off.
KYS retard
I don't even like vtubers but I get the impression that the immense hateboner towards them is coming from goons or actual trannies.
>>793144 >I'm not a pedo >spams cp what is this commie psy-op?
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>>280994 An eceleb with an anime avatar got bullied by trannies. There's nothing wrong with hating trannies and their abhorrent behavior. There's everything wrong with only being moved to action against trannies only because m'lady can't handle mean words being said to her. The only thing I like about vtubers are some short clips and some porn, but otherwise, it's just eceleb cult of personality garbage but with anime avatars. >>793153 >Their own board Where do you think you are? You're not some cuckchan rapefugee, are you?
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>>793160 >We >When are new threads made
>>280990 Well i just see it as an opportunity, i don't think its worthy being picky about situations that could somehow cause things to get better,either with trannies getting more hate or whatever
>>280998 >Well i just see it as an opportunity, i don't think its worthy being picky about situations that could somehow cause things to get better You'd have a point about opportunity if, as has already been stated by others, this site wasn't a sliver of a sliver of the original 8chan.
>>793070 Using an anime avatar doesn't magically make you 2D, faggot.
>>280994 >>793153 2D 4 LYFE KILL YHE 3DS THAT ARE WOLVES IN SHEEPS CLOTHING Brothers, you have lost your ways. Seek the light and return to purity.
Please refresh the thread ten seconds after the pedo posts his shit. We're actively on it.
>>280996 A haafu e-celeb, no less. Imagine justifiably criticizing the kind of faggot who'd play or heaven forbid buy Hogshit Lelgacy because it makes troons mad only to start dickriding VTubing(read: streaming e-celebs under anime avatars) for the same reason. Every one of these incidents reminds me that the average anon is just as braindead and hypocritical as your bottom of the barrel normalfag. >>280966 >spoiler No, not really. Just a retard's self insert. https://danbooru.donmai.us/posts/3631178?q=pas%27_black-haired_catperson
>>793164 >Can be a Gameboy-themed thread? Theme has already been decided by circumstance >>280593
>>280999 People have been saying this since 2015, we have more people than you think. The issue is that anons don't post all the time nor are here every day.
>>281002 Refreshing the thread isn't going to make the images not have been loaded into your browser cache. And it's not exactly like basically stock images of children in bikini's is particularly offensive. It's be much more obnoxious if he spammed something that was actually annoying to look at like scat or gore. This is just the same generic shit he would cirlcejerk on /b/ with for like a year straight. Boring.
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>>281001 >(1) Awful lot of these on both sides of the vnigger shitflinging. Your all caps posting style also reeks of samefaggotry with the very vnigger you're replying to.
>>793171 No, I'm an arafag myself. /ss/4lyfe. miniguy is also superior to giantess
>>281005 >People have been saying this since 2015 Assuming you're not just making it up, those people would be wrong then and right now. Just because someone says a wrong statement long enough doesn't make it untrue when they're finally correct.
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>>281007 >muh (1) Fucking neck yourself along with every "anon" instantly resorting to this thought terminating cliche.
>>281007 You are austistic but my ip did change in this thread. I was >>280970 And >>280974. I know you thought you had a big think columbo moment, sorry about that. This place is to small to have gayops run other than driveby shitposting and a handful of dedicated ones.
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>>281010 >Fucking neck yourself along with every "anon" instantly resorting to this thought terminating cliche. You do realize the thread is currently being raided by multiple IP hopping faggots, right? This isn't your usual (1)faggotry, (1)s are incredibly suspect right now.
>>281010 I wish we had TOR ID's back. It was honestly a lot of fun watching anons resort to calling me a tornigger every time they lost an argument or didn't have an argument in the first place. Now we just get this lame (1) shit that loses its banter value the second you make a few more posts in response.
>>281011 I believe you.
>>281014 Thanks :3.
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>>793199 You have no idea how TOR works if you think not getting a TOR ID means your IP is leaking. You should probably have a basic understanding of TOR if you're going to be posting sexualized material of children. But no one ever accused pedoniggers of being intelligent.
>>793204 >I was just pretending to be retarded Embarrassing.
So niggerpill is resorting to CP to call others democrats? And just in a thread with a vtuber theme after trannies redpilled a lot of normalfags with their attacks. What a (((coincidence))).
>>793207 None of your images would get past the dost test in a court of law. If I were you I'd hope that your IP doesn't leak. I'd also hope that Acid isn't actually the fed that people accuse him of, and if he is that you don't have javascript enabled right now. Though considering that you were complaining about posts not automatically disappearing I think you might actually be stupid enough to be running JS on a site ran by someone with known connections to federal agents.
>Knives in original Trigun motivated by nihilism and hatred of humanity >Nu-Knives hates and killed Rem because she stole Vash from him Is this why there no Milly Thompson in Nu-trigun? End goal is lollipop eating wolfwood be gay for zoomer haircut Vash?
>>793213 >jerking off to thumbnails >>793214 >going to prison because of a spergout Pedoniggers are always a riot.
>>281021 Stop reminding me that abortion exists.
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>>281019 I'm quite certain this is not negropill.
>>281027 It's the old /b/ BO before vampyr took over, I think he's also the BO of sleepy /b/, but I could be wrong. Please correct me if so.
>>280996 >>281000 >>281001 >>281010 Salty storm niggers pissed off anons care more about faggot trannies getting shit on for attacking a harmless vtuber while not giving two shits about their bullshit OPs that go nowhere like your average #GG thread.
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>>281029 >Stormniggers How?
>>281027 Nah, is a butt hurt pedonigger that is still seething since 2014 when Jim took over 8chan and deleted the pedoniggers /hebe/ board. They still talk about that in kohlchan /int/ and in catchan.pk
>>281001 >KILL YHE 3DS Nintendo already did that a few years ago.
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>>281029 >6c4f0df1f6079907423726b60a2173bd.gif >Tweening
>>793254 nonetheless, you seem like the kind of pedonigger that posts in catchan and kohlchan
>>793257 so you are from catchan! it would be funny if someone raid the place or report it
>>793256 Soon™.
>>281037 just raid catchan.pk with old hags, thats were most of these pedoniggers gather, (at least on the clearnet)
>>281038 I think that's a bot you're replying to.
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You know the current happening is important when MULTIPLE Democrat Operatives start spamming the thread with cheese pizza.
>>280536 That is the good thing about it. It makes people cynical of any official sources, which always benefits the population. "The news said" is already completely dismissed by the population. Soon, "the law said" and "authorities said" will also be dismissed.
>>281040 >You're taking flak, so you must be over the target Not true. This is a known particular pedonigger, and it's clearly one single pedonigger doing the cat picture posting.
>>281040 It really feels like how things were back when GG first started.
>>281030 Sorry, I meant to refer to trannies and other types of faggots I can't name at the moment. Just naming groups off the top of my head.
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>>281045 >I meant to say trannies but I accidentally said storm niggers How do you vtuber simps function?
>>281046 >How do you vtuber simps function? I don't watch vtubers at all. I'm wondering what the hell's with this spam since it seems like it's a combination people that hate vtubers, goons, and other types of shit that I can't understand at the moment.
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I leave for like an hour and a half to get hot wings and when I get back someone is having an autism fit. What happened this time? Surely they're not angry at animu grils playing vidja?
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>>280964 >Smug Andou with Tavor.jpg >Tavor THAT'S A FAMAS YOU COCK
>>281048 >people pissed about their favorite tea kettle getting bullied by trannies >some want to start bully >some actually get revved up to bully >immediately the CP spam starts, because trannies need to be shielded and CP distraction supposedly "works" >meanwhile the spammer tries (and fails) to act like a regular here as an insurance policy That's what I've been able to piece together.
>>281046 >How do you vtuber simps function? It's not about vtubers. It's about hating trannies, anti vtuber autist. The fact that you side with trannies, though, just to continue your autism proves you were always anti-gg as I suspected. Likely a cowfag trying to derail the thread. Now just like niggerpill and lcp we can simply just never listen to anything you say seriously again now that you've exposed your true allegiance.
>>281047 >I'm wondering what the hell's with this spam since it seems like it's a combination people that hate vtubers, goons, and other types of shit that I can't understand at the moment. I'm still of the opinion that it's samefagging on both sides. That won't change my stance on vtubers, but this is clearly organic™ as hell.
And for momments like this is why we don't get any shit done. Anyway, anything new? be it regarding Pikamee, the Harry Potter game or just the fucking end of the world.
>>281054 Other than what we already know? Nothing at the moment.
>>281055 Well, at least I'm slightly happy for my country because there's a huge sex scandal involving the government of my country and there are regional elections in may. The media is trying hard to wash their image but I want to believe they reached the limit.
>>281056 good luck.
>>793329 You wanna make a change? Take the information we have and put it into a 20 minute video aka digestible format instead of a flood of information. The only way to get a movement going is if people understand the information being processed. GamerGate didn't explode in popularity because of shitty journalism, it was because of youtube faggots like IA and King of /pol/ using information from the GG digs and putting them into 20 minute or so videos, mainly so people understand the situation better because they're too retarded to read.
>>793329 This is the 15378th time we've had this discussion.
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>>793334 >>281059 >>281058 >>793329 >>281055 >>281054 >>281051 >we Probably catching a false positive or two here, but there sure are a lot of totally organic™ faggots speaking for everyone all of a sudden.
>>281060 sorry, it's a bit of a habit.
>>281060 It's a statement of fact, you subhuman moron. We have this discussion every other fucking thread and NOTHING ever changes, noone does anything, no ops are started, nothing. Just the same old bickering until the next big event happens, a declaration of NOW'S THE TIME TO ACT is made, and the loop continues.
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>>281060 Saying >we it's just easier. I'm just exausted to have to secondguess everyone to see who is or isn't niggerpill, Aaron or just another random faggot who hates the very concept of gamergate for some autistic reason.
>>280874 That's a paid ad that some shit stirrer bought. Pic and link related, however, are the mods' doing: (site is 4bans.tk, a site that records the bans that appear in https://4chan.org/bans, but the domain expired)
>>793334 GG has become useless the moment the culture battle in niche hobby communities escalated to the entire culture, which was more than 5 years ago. Having become a trigger word for snowflakes isn't having influence on the course of the war.
>>281065 >(1) I'll bite anyway. Maybe Gamergate isn't needed for anything but record this shit for the future, because the culture war is being defeated by itself when the ISG or however the commie funds are called are drying out. Maybe it's just a neverending pendulum where nothing is acomplished, but at least not >we people in this thread is watching the shit together even if it's just to stay the fuck away from the shit culture. You know, like the meme says, maybe the true #gamergate were the friends we made along.
check this digits
>>793351 >NOT ONCE have I typed WE. >>793329 <we failed as a species in our evolutionary line. You're not very calm if you're typing in all caps and forgetting that Ctrl+f exists.
>>793351 Shut up collectivist, GamerGate had some run ins with gawker and some good slapfights but aside from that it stagnated once it hit digra/darpa, shady stuff from the government for obvious reasons it can't do anything much like Trump or White rallies, only if you wanna grab a gun and do something about it.
>>281067 Digits aren't worth much without the PPH to make the game fun, and you still managed to fuck it up.
>>281054 Myfigurecollection are banning underage content under Canada law and the Fire Emblem translation mod is getting banned of the modding sites.
>>793342 >Gooning What's with this pedospeak I keep seeing lately? In the past couple years the only time I'd ever see it was on those low effort "lolicon is pedo and you're a pedphile" hypno gifs. I know it means edging, but nobody but pedos seems to actually use the word with any regularity as far as I've seen. Lately though, I've seen it used with the dictionary definition in reference to 3dpd, and just the other day I saw it in the comments on a sadpanda gallery for loli. Now anon is using it to refer specifically to trannies getting off to children, which leads me again to believe it's pedospeak. Is this new, or does it related back the old days of SA goons and pedos?
>>281072 r/GoonCaves
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>>281074 Anna and Jake's supports were removed due to the mods and Lovelab banned the patch along with discussion regarding it.
>>281073 >>281075 I feel like I've asked a question I don't truly wish to know the answer too. >Directing to a subreddit that requires login Do you really think anyone here except maybe moderators still has a plebbit account?
>>281077 >>Directing to a subreddit that requires login Works on my machine. Just remember, you asked for this.
>>281076 What the fuck? Why?
>>281078 That's because you're logged into Reddit, you fucking subhuman.
>>281080 That's because I use the old. domain, faggot. Imagine using that godawful UI.
>>281081 Imagine using Reddit.
>>281072 >What's with this pedospeak I keep seeing lately? I haven't seen the phrase "gooning" before if that's specifically what you're asking.
(19.38 KB 120x125 kei.png)

>>281082 It's far more useful for one-off random /tech/ shit I might need occasionally than this place is, that's for use.
>>281072 It's a term used by members of "porn addiction" communities. "Gooning" is the term they use to describe the mind numbness they feel after edging or masturbating for long periods of time. >low effort "lolicon is pedo and you're a pedphile" hypno gifs These gifs and others originate from these communities, and are created to fuel their fetish and to serve as propaganda to "hook" more people. Subcommunities have their own variations of these hypno shit, like blackedfags ("BNWO is here, white erasure soon") and pedos (the "become a pedo and lust for children" with random loli porn, or the early porn introduction shit that IMO is creepier than the pedo gifs).
>>281086 >It's a term used by members of "porn addiction" communities. All, that fits then. The loli hypno gifs liked to bang on about how the viewer is addicted to kiddy fiddling.
(1.05 MB 1166x1115 current state of v.png)

>Redditors >Cuckchan >Pedos >Vtuber simps >Anti-vtubers >Trannies >Newfags >Fairy fuckers, big tiddy loli lovers, and fitgirl fanatics >Shotaniggers Truly, Gamergate is a melting pot of diversity.
>>281074 How would I apply this on my homebrewed switch if I don't want to emulate it?
>>281088 Don't forget vorephiles.
(175.50 KB 619x597 filters2.jpg)

>>281090 >HD remaster
>>281079 Psycotics believe themselves to be above reason. <Content may be withheld or trashed and members gagged or banned at the sole discretion of top level site admins. This rule is used in specific cases where when no other rule is appropriate.
(29.84 KB 400x400 2ch.jpg)

>>281079 I bet the same person that did it on gamebanna is also on loverlab >>281093 I bet this people like to call themselves "anti-authoritarians" on their echo chamber
(768.18 KB 2100x2604 76784270_p1.png)

The attempts at spamming the thread have gotten weaker.
>Go to loverslab >The so-called moralists already won by managing to force official localizations to be dumbed-down. Why niggerpill is so bad at his job? He can't even disguise himself corectly >>793472 >>793471 >>793470 >>793464 >>793466 >>793468 >>793466 >>793462 Stop wanting to fuck horses schizo
(1.12 MB 630x464 sexy centaur.webm)

>>281098 >wanting to fuck horses
>>281098 Pussy is pussy.
(679.28 KB 1000x1024 the answer is simple.png)

>>281100 Incorrect.
>>281099 Centaurs are zoophilia. They literally have an entire horse's torso and that's what you're sticking your dick in.
Did the board suddenly get invaded by women? There's just so many passive-aggressive posts in the post day alone that it's unreal.
FBI-kun posted a lot of cheese pepperoni earlier, right?
(672.97 KB 272x720 zigger 3.webm)

(845.84 KB 448x720 zigger 2.webm)

(1.16 MB 422x456 zigger 1.webm)

(1.15 MB 388x450 zigger 0.webm)

>>281102 Correct. >>281104 Who wants to know?
>>281099 >>281105 What is this from?
(683.51 KB 1000x1024 20 greater than 30 solved.png)

(3.68 MB 960x676 sexy fire.webm)

>>281106 Fantasia. >>281107 >Not using the bucket function What is wrong with you?
>>281029 <leftypol posting as though anyone gives a shit what it says
For those who want the full uncensored Fire Emblem patch here you go. https://files.catbox.moe/dt2uxm.zip >>281098 Fuck me that bastard is everywhere.
>>281108 i thought it would be funnier to use the crayon.
(523.20 KB 639x678 fag_hee_gone.png)

>>281033 >shadman
>>281112 >Complaining about non-fetish, non-porn, non-chromatic aberration art from Shaderman
(7.93 MB 1920x1080 pol meets hgg.mp4)

>>281114 This calls for only one thing. Shitposting to 700
(1.29 MB 1287x1159 dabs.png)

>>281115 Let's get it
(1.03 MB 1025x1000 furry fandom.png)

>>281117 >Furfaggotry
(3.79 MB 1920x1080 bad dog.mp4)

(1013.54 KB 500x281 boner.gif)

>>281117 VIDEO GAMES!
>>281120 VIDEOGAMES?
(94.92 KB 798x598 sketch cream bikini squad.png)

(179.00 KB 782x1023 kh3 spoilers.jpg)

(73.03 KB 798x598 sketch videogames coco.png)

(39.94 KB 798x598 sketch videogames cousin.png)

(43.65 KB 798x598 sketch videogames cream.png)

(47.13 KB 798x598 sketch videogames yeah.png)

(67.34 KB 798x598 sketch videogames yes.png)

(31.85 KB 798x598 sonicvandalize.png)

(31.28 KB 798x598 sketch videogames quotes.png)

(87.42 KB 798x598 sketch videogames bikinis.png)

(7.71 KB 800x600 sketch v only.png)

(97.48 KB 798x598 sketch v jp.png)

>>281124 Oh fuck yeah. I'm gonna get a highscore!
(809.67 KB 2576x1920 do_it.jpg)

-v-v-v-v-v-v-v--v-v--v-v-v-v-v-v--v-v-vv-v-vvvvvvv-v-vvvvvvideo games
>>281127 God I fucking love videogames.
(26.65 KB 398x400 i rike.png)

Nothing better than a good videogame.
(1.34 MB 1920x1080 1350.png)

I am going to videogame in my pants!
(29.79 KB 320x320 cooking with basil.mp4)

(532.76 KB 600x800 vaporeon blend.png)

(212.38 KB 768x1024 nana blender.jpg)

>>281130 I'm gonna videogame all over the walls.
I just can't stop gaming!
>>281133 Those are some rare Vivs. Very nice.
Now I'm in the mood for goober memes.
(83.92 KB 798x598 sketch cream a lot.png)

(45.04 KB 800x600 sketch cream attract.png)

(53.32 KB 798x598 sketch cream bikini so.png)

(79.41 KB 798x598 sketch cream collar vidya.png)

(76.91 KB 798x598 sketch cream collar.png)

>>281134 i save what i can when i can, although i HAVE passed up a lot of tails getting fucked because thats not my bag
>>281136 You're a saint. I don't really follow the sketch site these are made on, but it's a drawfag goldmine. From what I gather, many of these look similar because of the program used, but most of the sketches are made by several different drawfags, some even in collaboration, correct?
(478.44 KB 680x417 dear liberals.png)

I am physically incapable of not shitposting.
(56.45 KB 798x598 sketch cream baraag.png)

(60.77 KB 798x598 sketch cream bikini pomf.png)

(68.71 KB 798x598 sketch cream bj discount.png)

(62.91 KB 798x598 sketch cream cirno.png)

(66.26 KB 798x598 sketch cream famous.png)

>>281137 it is one 800x600 box you draw in then send to a website; default is just lines, but alts have, in recent years, added shaders and shit. the guy who draws most of the creams and bikinis is bichosan on baraag btw; supposedly he streams a lot but ive never seen a link to it
>>281114 >Second bread in a row where the OP number changes due to modfaggotry TRUE BREAD >>793796 >>793796 >>793796 >>793796 >>793796
(219.91 KB 832x474 gamergay.png)

(305.52 KB 590x1113 musume scared 76784270_p10.png)

(23.90 KB 267x341 maa is art.jpg)

It's really depressing that there aren't even enough anons left to have stragglers shipost to 700.
>>281143 i mean i just kidna stopped caring tbh but as long as theres enough autism for one person to do it then thats what counts
>>281144 Those Sayaka/Yumis are super cute. I only stopped because doing more than doubleposting feels wrong.
(73.01 KB 798x598 sketch yumi juice.png)

(169.37 KB 798x598 sketch yumi mage.png)

(81.18 KB 798x598 sketch yumi maybe sensation.png)

(174.82 KB 798x598 sketch yumi ninja.png)

(50.27 KB 798x598 sketch valentine.png)

>>281145 clearly you need more autism to get over that neurosis

(2.87 MB 900x601 sylvie cheekpat.webm)

(170.07 KB 204x199 sumwanwan.gif)

(90.51 KB 313x600 mahbu.jpg)

(207.92 KB 500x500 1468661589398-2.gif)

>>281146 I don't think more autism will help with my autism. >Yumi Juice
(52.34 KB 798x598 sketch vanellope behind.png)

(54.03 KB 798x598 sketch vanellope bikini.png)

(51.35 KB 798x598 sketch vanellope sit.png)

(93.79 KB 798x598 sketch tigergame monkey.png)

(114.40 KB 798x598 sketch tigergame gun.png)

>>281148 Tell me anon, why do the sketch anons have such impeccable taste? I'm normally very picky, but I find it hard not to save most of these.
>>281149 I mean, this is the grain form a LOT of fucking chaff, any amount of which being poor or mediocre art, text posts, and literally just scribbling all over the window and sending it. I'm also specifically selecting the loli i've saved rather than a lot of the other stuff that you might find less palatable; outside of all that, some people just have tastes you can appreciate.
>>281150 Define less palatable? I am an utter degenerate.
(61.06 KB 800x600 sketch monkey bunny 1.png)

(108.94 KB 800x600 sketch ash crimson thicc.png)

(136.60 KB 800x600 sketch ash crimson thiccer.png)

(67.06 KB 798x598 sketch furryfox condom.png)

(79.24 KB 798x598 may doodle fat hug.png)

>>281151 fat, futa, furry; rarely overlapping and the futa's honestly the least of the three despite being my preference, as well as traps of varying quality
(271.23 KB 700x431 extended gameplay.png)

(132.84 KB 1250x683 biojade.jpg)

(54.42 KB 415x400 termite queen.png)

(23.87 KB 185x285 chubee.png)

>>281152 No fatties.
(42.52 KB 798x598 sketch bunny futa arrows.png)

(46.74 KB 798x598 sketch cream nina futa.png)

(62.07 KB 798x598 sketch daisy hey.png)

(459.10 KB 696x848 tigertan ok.gif)

(15.41 KB 800x600 sketch(88).jpg)

>>281152 Though I only really liked that first image.
(52.48 KB 800x600 sketch monkey bunny 2.png)

(49.14 KB 800x600 sketch monkey bunny 3.png)

(36.79 KB 800x600 sketch monkey bunny 4.png)

(64.21 KB 800x600 sketch monkey bunny 5.png)

(54.85 KB 800x600 sketch monkey bunny 6.png)

>>281154 well good news its a full comic and a bonus and ill dump it all now because why the fuck not
(58.39 KB 800x600 sketch monkey bunny 7.png)

(73.27 KB 800x600 sketch monkey bunny 8.png)

(80.83 KB 800x600 sketch monkey bunny 9.png)

(64.81 KB 800x600 sketch monkey bunny 10.png)

(60.39 KB 800x600 sketch monkey bunny 11.png)

(51.67 KB 800x600 sketch monkey bunny 12.png)

(59.81 KB 800x600 sketch monkey bunny 13.png)

(45.79 KB 800x600 sketch monkey bunny 14.png)

(60.25 KB 800x600 sketch monkey bunny 15.png)

(65.21 KB 798x598 sketch monkey bikini.png)

not enough oral fixation for my liking but ive still nutted to it routinely; fifth image partially unrelated, differnet artist
>>281155 >>281156 >>281157 >>281158 Sue Goy. Lots of bunny cock. I'm partial to that artist that does fit futaloli Tewi.
(42.98 KB 798x598 sketch bwc.png)

(76.83 KB 798x598 sketch bwc reveal.png)

(48.67 KB 798x598 sketch futa gf.png)

(38.35 KB 798x598 sketch futa gf ass.png)

(37.44 KB 798x598 sketch futa gf hubby.png)

>>281159 without big tits its nothing; there is ya boi NSFW Diner who shows up very rarely, and he's the whole reason i'm camping the site since he's cagey as fuck about being centralized but i love his stuff
>>281160 You need tits to enjoy futa, but have no issue with traps?
(62.66 KB 798x598 sketch triclops tiddies.png)

(30.10 KB 798x598 sketch turkey tits.png)

(77.86 KB 798x598 sketch heartear tits reveal.png)

(111.57 KB 800x600 sketch katamari queen.png)

>>281161 i like big tits as a general thing, but traps are a different beast entirely; you can't quite prepare and enjoy beef the same way you do pork
>>281162 >Queen of the Cosmos Lmao.
(49.11 KB 798x598 sketch hairstyle reunion.png)

(70.17 KB 798x598 sketch buggy jojo.png)

(35.31 KB 800x600 sketch touhou elizabeth.png)

(70.63 KB 798x598 sketch WTC yotsuba.png)

(104.05 KB 798x598 sketch fire rumors.png)

>>281163 yeah thats one of the A+ best ones ive seen; usually forget it exists tho

(68.35 KB 780x585 x8amneg.jpg)

(511.68 KB 800x585 sunnyd.png)

(1.24 MB 1200x750 never4get.png)

(2.93 MB 1280x1440 oh darling 911.png)

>>281164 To me it's just comical, but many could say the same of on-model Lady Bow lewds.
(47.48 KB 798x598 sketch eyeball boots.png)

(108.69 KB 798x598 sketch baiken angry.png)

(83.99 KB 798x598 sketch average below.png)

(37.48 KB 800x600 sketch balloon gal.png)

(94.33 KB 798x598 sketch ashley ww balloon'd.png)

>>281165 well clearly you are not a man of culture like myself
(157.56 KB 1974x1000 vivian james hge.jpg)

(5.85 MB 742x710 ass.gif)

(81.12 KB 807x824 bury_horney.png)

>>281166 /hyper/ is pure anti-culture. As a loli man, I am vehemently opposed to wild and unwieldy proportions. How could you do that to poor Ashley? This is everything I have that involves growth, and the GaymeStonks one is just a joke.
(97.11 KB 800x600 may doodle tits bikini.png)

(109.80 KB 800x600 may doodle tits bikini chub.png)

(47.23 KB 800x600 may doodle tits more.png)

(64.34 KB 800x600 may doodle tits massive.png)

>>281168 What's your opinion on the deformed midgets known as oppai loli, or big tiddie lolis? Most if the time if I want a girl with large assets, I want them to be well rounded too.
>>281169 i strongly prefer tits over hips or ass; i'd rather have everything be thicc but id also rather have dekai oppai over tsurupettan
(6.46 MB 640x640 duck beat.mp4)

(8.50 MB 1280x720 smughat.mp4)

(410.57 KB 500x500 ashely.webm)

(50.29 KB 200x264 white_korra_dancing.gif)

(101.58 KB 255x211 dancing shinny.gif)

We did it bro. 700.
(22.95 KB 798x598 sketch hair deer start 1.png)

(29.60 KB 798x598 sketch hair deer start 2.png)

(60.53 KB 798x598 sketch hair deer suomi.png)

(74.02 KB 798x598 sketch hair deer horny.png)

(45.84 KB 798x598 sketch hair deer hunt.png)

>>281171 Not a big surprise; i got somewhere over eight thousand of these sketches i've saved over the last nearly two years. I could easily make another 700 posts of image spam. but there'd be a lot of people's OCs, as if those bunny and monkey girls weren't two of them.

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