Smug anime girl pictures are the worst things that happened to internet discussion ever. It's like a shortcut to becoming a monkey-brain retard. It's a perfect cop-out for anyone who doesn't want to engage in an argument.
At the very least when someone calls you a nigger and doesn't elaborate, or some stormnigger calls you a kike without making an argument, you just tell them to fuck off and come back when they have an actual argument. And no one will see it as anything else than a buzzword.
Smug anime girl pictures activelly cultivate a culture of non-arguments, because it is literally just a non-argument in image form. Look at a cuckchan thread someday, you will genuinely see people doing nothing but posting smug anime girl pictures in response to text arguments, adding nothing to a discussion and shitting up threads.
And it's not like this site doesn't have its own share of buzzwords and dumb fucking things that get in the way of argumentation. But that is normal, the price we pay for free speech. And you can still combat it. No one here feels anything when they are called a nigger, no one cares if you get called a kike, and if that is the only thing that the post contains, you can just shit on the poster for not making an argument. Same with most images, even if someone posts some dumb fucking comic trying to make you seem wrong, you can just tell them to fuck off and why what they posted is incorrect. Despite that, we still sometimes fall into circlejerky thought and act like a fucking hivemind, but that's just something that comes with being human and social media. Here's the thing though: The moment you allow shit like smug anime girl pictures , all of those bad things that we have get amplified tenfold, because the retards who do not want to engage in discussion get a perfect out. It's not about it being insulting either, it's simply that they can chuck insults (even if weak ones) at their opponents with no regard to the actual discussion, and don't have to engage and risk the fact that they might be shat on themselves.
It's just
>Smug anime girl picture
Even if you come up with some retort, guess what is a retort that a smug anime girl picture nigger would have?
>Another Smug anime girl picture
It's genuine fucking cancer.