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#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Proudly Made With Godot Edition Anonymous 09/07/2021 (Tue) 10:16:50 Id: 682153 No. 71153
ONGOING DISCUSSIONS: >The Gamergate hashtag was coined 7 years ago >Nathan Grayson leaves Kotaku to join the Washington Post's "Launcher" section https://archive.is/9hqq0 >Kotaku: "Sega Changes PSO2 Name To Something Less Borderline Racist" https://archive.is/XwXUd >Guilty Gear Strive censors mention of Taiwan and other countries https://nichegamer.com/2021/06/22/report-ai-kayano-voice-and-credit-removed-from-azur-lane-and-arknights-after-chinese-outcry/ https://archive.is/qTQD3 >Factorio developer attacked by SJWs after he refuses to denounce man whose programming advice he linked and denounces cancel culture https://nichegamer.com/2021/06/20/attempts-to-cancel-factorio-dev-backfire-players-and-positive-reviews-swell/ https://archive.fo/S9SyH >Voice Actress Ai Kayano's lines removed from Azur Lane and Arknights after Chinese people object to her visiting Yasukuni Shrine https://nichegamer.com/2021/06/22/report-ai-kayano-voice-and-credit-removed-from-azur-lane-and-arknights-after-chinese-outcry/ https://archive.is/qTQD3 >Five Nights at Frieddy's developer Scott Cawthon retires after SJWs and game journalists attack him for donating to Republican politicians https://archive.fo/wCpMC https://archive.fo/Fe8Ey >Quinton Flynn Replaced as Kael’thas Voice Actor in WoW; Despite Judge Ruling Sexual Misconduct Allegations Came from Obsessive Stalker https://nichegamer.com/2021/04/19/quinton-flynn-replaced-as-kaelthas-voice-actor-in-wow-despite-judge-ruling-sexual-misconduct-allegations-came-from-obsessive-stalker/ https://archive.is/Dj5a5 >A petition to deplatform once cancelled game "Six Days In Fallujah" started by Hala Alsalman receives game industry developer and figure support; gets stealthily updated https://archive.is/h6Da1 https://archive.is/eSpno >Pro-GG developer explains reason for leaving project. Claims family issues rather than cancel culture are to blame https://yewtu.be/YBVyJhn5AGg >Game journo who wrote articles for Vice Waypoint and PCGamer calling for blacklist on Hogwarts Legacy over pro-GG lead developer: https://archive.is/7gsws >State of Decay 2 drama involving the "Punched Nazis" trait https://archive.vn/XsItt CURRENT TASKS: 1. OPERATION TRAJAN: Collect and catalog all of the various localization and censorship accounts of past video games into a single repository from these sources: romhacking.net The_Cutting_Room_Floor/tcrf.net Segaretro.org https://yewtu.be/channel/UCFItIX8SIs4zqhJCHpbeV1A 2. OP OUR LIFE OUR HOMETOWN: SONY FORCING JAPANESE DEVELOPERS TO CENSOR THEIR GAMES IN ALL REGIONS http://archive.vn/XQOHW Sony's policies forces censorship; JP devs allegedly have to go through ENG approval process: https://archive.fo/awzFF Japanese blog post about it: https://archive.fo/bF9bE Sony Japan President Says PS4 Censorship Policy Is To Match Global Standards And Protect Kids https://archive.fo/U3GLa -Confirms censorship was deliberate https://archive.fo/XgAgP -No rules for censorship policies, games judged case-by-case https://archive.fo/37DhK -Marvelous partner starts petition against policy https://archive.fo/rxQtf https://archive.fo/84UHo •Twitterfags: Tweet with Sony's stock code $SNE so that investors see your tweets and know you're pissed.
[Expand Post]•Consider spreading OP Timber materials to targets as well. http://archive.vn/URjtu ONGOING TASKS: A. Support archive.fo! Accountability needs proof: https://liberapay.com/archiveis/donate B. OP DisNod: Contact the FTC and advertisers about violations and unethical practices http://archive.vn/9bylT C. Internet Censorship happenings: Spread the word about the dangers of FOSTA/CLOUD act/Article 13, etc. https://www.eff.org/de/deeplinks/2020/03/earn-it-act-violates-constitution D. OP End the Era: Dig into resetera and their connections to journos, devs, etc. http://archive.vn/JfuSb Reminders (important, READ THESE!): •Use https://archive.fo to deny sites ad revenue and traffic and preserve pages in case they are deleted later •Be civil if you have to argue with people on Twitter, Tumblr or any forum - don't make us look like douchebags •Do not accept requests for any goal, demand lists or personal army requests: https://pastebin.com/p5dVp1e5 •Beware COINTELPRO: The Gentleperson's Guide to Forum Spies: https://cryptome.org/2012/07/gent-forum-spies.htm •STOP REPLYING TO BAITS AND OBVIOUS DERAILMENT ATTEMPTS, JUST REPORT AND FILTER Resources >Summaries of #GamerGate:https://www.yewtu.be/watch?v=wy9bisUIP3w - #GamerGate - If It's Not About Ethics •https://www.yewtu.be/watch?v=5fnRSL3d_xU - #GamerGate in 60 Seconds •https://archive.fo/23Fde - GamerGate: A State of the Union Address >Background and Evidence for #GamerGate: •The #GamerGate Dossier: https://archive.fo/nv1Fb •#GamerGate Wiki: https://ggwiki.deepfreeze.it/index.php?title=Main_Page •History of #GamerGate: http://www.historyofgamergate.com/ •View the timeline links in the Current Happenings section! >Lists: •GG Steam Support & Boycott List: https://v.gd/vzRsRb •Key GamerGate Hubs: https://v.gd/LNJbat (Needs updating) >Thread Repository: https://gitgud.io/gamergate/gamergateop/blob/master/ThreadRepository.md https://ggwiki.deepfreeze.it/index.php?title=Thread_Repository >Full OP Text: •Current: https://ggwiki.deepfreeze.it/index.php?title=The_GamerGate_OP >How Can I Help? https://8chan.se/gamergatehq/ •All OPs: https://gitgud.io/gamergate/gamergateop/tree/master/Operations •OP Vulcan: Learn logical debating: https://v.gd/Kbzw0L •An Anon's Guide to Twitter; basics: https://v.gd/nwrbYF >Want to Contribute to GitGud or Wiki? https://gitgud.io/gamergate/gamergateop/tree/master/How-to-Contribute Remember that other boards and sites exist for discussing and posting about hobbies, lewds, and other interests. To conveniently find these locations, regularly visit the board list: https://8chan.moe/boards.js >/vg/ under new management; alternative GG thread can be found here: >>>/vg/529
Friendly reminder to give /polarchive/ a visit and possibly contribute
the jews should go to israel and isolate there, permanently.
>tfw no Danielle gf
I love Jews.
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>>408875 By the way, loli is illegal in switzerland.
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https://archive.is/U8bbk Cucked Troy Leavitt. Scott Cawthon. John Gibson. All the conservatives are being purged. Get in line or you are gone
>>71158 >protonmail cucked out Knew it was too good to be true.
>>71157 So do I. Preferably well gassed
>>71162 do you want to piss me off on purpose
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Archive of previous bread https://archive.fo/Z7pXF
>>71161 How about a Jew Pidzer?
>>71165 Was hoping it would have used the following for the music
If I could go back to the 80's and live out my days... I would.
>>71159 As happy as I am that Tripwire is getting shit on, it's frightening how one tweet can ruin you or even kill you.
>>71168 Funny how blizzard CEOs didn't get this much shit.
>>71159 >Some of us at Tripwire agree women should have the right to kill unborn babies because they can't keep their cunts shut The absolute state of humanity.
>>71169 I guess women getting harrassed by their colleagues don't matter as much as that Ultra-Rare Mei Slutwear skin and political views to the leftists.
>>71166 What a shame. >>71153 It still annoys me that this Godot tan variant isn't the defacto official one which the official one looks worse and her hair is even missing one round thing or whatever it is called in english.
>>409564 No I mean this one.
>>71173 Hair bun?
>>71174 Yeah this word.
>>71171 Look man we can't have game devs, even really faggy ones like Tripwire, have DANGEROUS opinions like that.
>>71170 >>71168 One tweet shouldn't make or break your entire life, especially over a political stance. However, the way RvW is being circumvented is pretty screwed up. Sure, you can cheer for it when it's being used to limit something you dislike, but what about a $10,000 bounty on anyone who commits hate speech? If the Supreme Court says the Texas law is legal because the state isn't enforcing it then it opens up California to do exactly that. Or put liability on gun manufacturers. Or really ban anything else.
I'm compiling cases of censhorship or translation in bad faith in video games, i would appreciate if you could link articles or material related to it.
>>408564 Aren't Evil Hat the same faggots who made a post-apocalypse tabletop game that uses the H.P Lovecraft mythos and then got butthurt when people pointed out how their game clashed with the themes of Lovecraft's work and that they were using the creations of a person they hate for clout? >>71159 I would care more if Tripwire wasn't a shitty company. >>71173 Is that supposed to be a girl, because it looks like a trap?
>>71180 I have no idea what the hell the artist was thinking when he draw that character.
>>71180 Actually, trap is the wrong term, what I should've wrote was "it looks like a femboy". >>71181 If it wasn't drawn by an anon then it's probably a dude.
>>71179 Gunvolt 1, the whole insufferable affair with Zonda.
So devs aren't allowed opinions?
Watch out for GamerGate The public enemy of the world #1 It is the main hashtag responsible for… ☑ Accidentally re-starting the French Revolution ☑ Weaponized Gondolas ☑ Hacking German politicians and media ☑ Played "To Catch a Predator" with Randy Pickford ☑ Masterminded the destruction of GDQ via the Catfish of Legend: Namazu ☑ Under the light of the Blood Moon; Self-destructed Western Journalism by having a some kid smirk at a drumming savage ☑ Just wanted to start a conversation with everyone, everywhere, eternally ☑ Watched Gawker die TWICE ☑ Guilty of face crimes ☑ When GameStop tried to sell itself; offered $3.50 in in-store credit ☑ Made telling "journalists" to "learn to code" into a hate crime ☑ Taught the Alt-Right ✅Then harassed said Alt-Right ☑ Started in 2011-2012 when 4chan tried to steal Anita Sarkeesian's SSN# ☑ Created "Boner Culture" which made cis straight male erections the most powerful force on earth ☑ Had a Jewish Mobster 'Take Care' of it ☑ Asked THQ about gaemu which somehow triggered World Wide Web War III ☑ Tricked /cow/ into developing and sharing their fetish for Mark's plump bagel with ResetEra ☑ Triggered GJP3.0 with 57 hitpeices on THQ Nordic's AA ☑ Orchestrated the GaymerGay misogynist review backlash against Marvel's Captain Woman ☑ Taught New Zealand about "White Day" ☑ Radicalized Spyro the Dragon ☑ Turned Pewdiepie into the Osama Bin Ladin of GaymerGays ☑ "The nerds and gamers were joined by the proto-storm troopers of the alt-right in a bond that has never been broken" ☑ Was a trial run for "will the US tolerate fascist behavior" ☑ Exploring new frontiers in sexual harassment via Jelly Bean ☑ Groomed young impressionable politicians into misogynists ☑ Created and trained the alt-right to take over the political landscape on a global scale (And succeeded) ☑ Arranged for Sonic the Hedgehog (movie ver.) to get "fixed" ☑ Remains undefeated for all time ☑ Turned Rage 2 into a Trump-esque attack on game journos ☑ Joined forces with Amazon ☑ Helped Mark impress Resetera ☑ Used Elliot Rodger's martyrdom to unite 4Chan and Breitbart to elect Donald Trump ☑ Will be looked back upon in 50 years as the root cause of the coming Cultural Civil War ☑ Government-sponsored shitposting ☑ Mastered the manipulation of the news cycle to their advantage ☑ Made Anita cry when Feminist Frequency went broke ☑ Destroyer of Worlds ☑ Russian Conspiracies (all of them) ☑ Extended Reanon's death/meme-magic to animation studios (please meme responsibly) ☑ An instrument of American Trumpian Power Worldwide ☑ Cured alleged "journalist" of dyslexic anxiety ☑ An aberrant, creeping horror ☑ As dangerous as Anti-Vax, ISIS, and Holocaust Denial
[Expand Post]☑ Five years of ruining everything ☑ Came to the classroom ☑ Trained Google whistleblowers ☑ Never died and foreshadowed our toxic meme-strewn politics ☑ Blew up the Internet ☑ Made wanting challenge in videogames into supporting White Supremacy ☑ Was secretly fighting WWIII all along ☑ Stochastic Terrorism ☑ Being a national security threat according to the DHS ☑ Helped Mark win the lottery ☑ Gave the money back ☑ Living long enough to see itself become the villain in a TV Show THRICE ☑ Confused the FBI into thinking /v/ is /baphomet/ ☑ Turned Anita Sarkesian into a crazy cat lady ☑ It's #Gamergate Forever ☑ Justifiably felt alienated by the neoliberal fetishization of feminism and the reductionism of politics to identity teams ☑ Was rabidly pro-corporate ☑ Manipulated a SJWeeb into review-bombing a LGBTWTFBBQ-friendly game as a "test" ☑ Non-meat based cam girls ☑ Caused the Corona outbreak which destroyed China to cheer up a depressed CIA glownigger ☑ Digisexuals ☑ Called the cyber police to put a cripple in cyber jail ☑ Weaponizing decency ☑ Made the games industry a nightmare for Women, Colored People, and Ashley Burch ☑ The inevitable ultimate horror of Sega's "toxic" advertising for ChuChu Rocket ☑ Has the highest body count of any COVID-19 disinfo group ☑ Finally got the 8kun administration to get off their ass and answer the damn phone ☑ Searching for a new home (again) ☑ Made some /v/ hotpockets on other imageboards go insane ☑ Burned julay to the ground by doing basically fuck-all except continue to exist (props to a certain bunbunmaru reporter, tho) ☑ Having a high enough IQ to be mentioned on Rick and Morty ☑ Radicalized a grandmother to the point she promotes harassment against alleged games journalists ☑ Is the terrorist group backed by 'The French' who are behind President Trump's exhausting battle against twitter ☑ Protecting FUCKING GAMESTOP from looters ☑ Finally started the Race War by forcing a meth-head on a date with Corona-chan to take a knee to the neck from the police ☑ Confirmed for Baby Hitler ☑ Gave a lot of airtime to Soviet defector Yuri Bezmenov ☑ Got on the Atlantic's "free $100" van only to get intervewed ☑ Started a backlash against the French independent film industry because they want to raise pure little girls ☑ And then Russia wanted to shut down 8chan.moe to be ironic ☑ Was clearly a blueprint for Trump's online assault in 2016 ☑ A gravestone marked “Games Journalism; Dead By Suicide,” with the date of death corresponding with the launch of GG ☑ Took over the US capitol ☑ Funded by the GOP ☑ Using Reddit's radicalized nihilism to counter jews shorting FUCKING GAMESTOP ☑ Made Mark the Godfather of Gamergate ☑ Corrected Polygon on Titanfall lore ☑ Accidental meme magic discharge (R.I.P Miura) ☑ Planet-range racism field ☑ Not wanting people to put down the controller and talk about their feelings ☑ Destroyed the logic process of a bot wreaking havoc across multiple imageboards with just one simple trick ☑ Caused Blizzard executives to threaten their employees with rape ☑ Came to Alex Hutchinson's Defense ☑ Made Vivian a feminist symbol
>>71184 They're allowed the right opinions™.
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>Benis posts aren't even being made anymore. >>71159 Tripwire has been cucked for years, with KF2 being a fucking mess.
>>71159 Scott Cawthorn was already retired pratically, he made his money, gave charitable donations, and secured college funds for his kids. There was nothing they could do to 'cancel' him because kids still love his games and he simply doesn't pay any attention to the goon squads actively looking for a reason to tear everyone down.
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>>71189 I just want him doing out-there stuff like Desolate Hope again. Granted were I in his shoes I would have also milked FnaF and made bank but now I have hope that if he's still making vidya it's going to be good vidya. >>71188 You'll get benis posts again but they will be futanari.
https://protonmail.com/blog/climate-activist-arrest/ https://archive.is/EpqvD Proton Mail press release, basically just use onion and don't violate swiss law.
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These wait times are getting ridiculous; who just found out about this?
>>71192 the fediverse, for starters
>>71192 Cute, they're like what I assumed daughters from Othercide with black hair were like when they were young. Man I want to replay Othercide but that UI drives me up the fucking wall.
>>71191 Who the fuck cares when I can simply use a provider that won't give up all my data when the glowies come knocking?
>>71195 The provider can eventually at one point start giving up data. They might not do it now but they may do so eventually. As such it makes sense to have a second layer of protection.
>>71196 I agree. My point is to never use the proven honeypot Proton.
>>71191 What about tutanota?
>>71162 I take it the LOL thread is dead?
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‘Alan Wake’ Remastered >The remastered Alan Wake will release sometime this Fall. >For anyone who missed the original version of the game—PlayStation gamers, for instance—this would be a great time to give the haunting, evocative story-driven game a shot. aka go play the old games before they got the "modern" treatment https://archive.is/f5Rpl
>>71200 Oh man Alan Wake is one game I do wanna play again, it had such a potential for another game in similar veins, like another setting. Are they gonna change something in remastered?
>>71170 >unborn babies >life begins at conception What kind of retarded conservoboomer thinking is that?
>>71168 This should have been clear as day since this whole thing started. You're either expected to be lockstep with the progressive ideals of the games industry, or be excommunicated from it. It was the same way when people in the games industry did anything but explicitly condemn Gamergate back in 2014. Conservative-leaning devs are unironically the most marginalized group in the industry today. >>71169 To be fair, a number of high-ranking people ended up stepping down. That said, still ridiculous how you can shit on your own audience or say explicitly anti-White shit, and get a slap on the wrist, at most. It doesn't matter how much the public sphere hates you, all that matters is that you control the people on the inside. Hence, why you're seeing Blizz push for more censorship in their games now. Doesn't matter that basically no one even complained about the things being changed in the first place, all that matters is that the devs are insanely pozzed.
>>71201 Perhaps there might be some tie-ins with Control, along with a great amount of RTX, DLSS, and various NVIDIA tech shown off. Toaster PCs need not apply, unless you get the old version.
>>71179 I've seen people talk about making such a list in the past but not sure if one was ever made. Censored Gaming on Youtube and Twitter mentions some of them: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCFItIX8SIs4zqhJCHpbeV1A This archived OneAngryGamer page listed games censored by Sony: https://archive.is/UwqdD The Torrential Downpour article on the wiki only talks about Fire Emblem: https://ggwiki.deepfreeze.it/index.php?title=Operation:_Torrential_Downpour You can try searching KIA for keywords like "localization" to find cases discussed there: https://www.reddit.com/r/KotakuInAction/search?q=localization
>>409674 Dont worry, give them a couple of years with those new, shinny ARs and you will them getting familiar with them as much as a jezzail.
>>71200 >>71204 I don't really know what they could fuck up with Alan Wake aside from technical stuff. The story itself was pretty well self-contained and didn't involve much in the way of PROBLEMATIC content. Add a trans character? Some BLM graffiti?
I'm turning into a barafag, I now think more and more that Bakugo from Boku no pico Academia is hotter and better than Link. The slippery slope of faggotry theory seems right.
>>71208 I don't think anyone thinks of Bakugo as a bara.
>>71208 I haven't read the manga since the Gentle arc, but I don't really recall him being that buff to appeal to barafags. Speaking of which I heard they added some chocolate muscle bunny to that manga
>>71202 >ovum gets fertilized and becomes a zygote >zygote develops into an embryo, then a fetus and so on >therefore since an entire organism develops from that single fertilized cell it could be said that life starts from conception they taught us this at an medicine propedeutic
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>>409693 I guess it's time to close the gate.
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>>71213 She cute
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>>71208 No, you just started appreciating twinks with more muscle than regular twinks. You're still really gay, and besides, bara is less faggotry than twinks. >>71210 >they added some chocolate muscle bunny That was quite a while ago, and I think you should pick it back up again, shit really hit the fan. Boku no Hero Vigilantes is also good.
>last thread talked about how boorus have become anti pedo >lolibooru gets hacked Whoever you are, I love you.
Ross: China believes video games are ‘spiritual opium’ – what if they’re right? >President Xi Jinping brought the issue up at the meeting of the National Peoples’ Congress last March. >Then, three weeks ago, an official Chinese media outlet referred to video games as “spiritual opium” and “a new type of electronic drug” that was “destroying a generation.” >Then yesterday, the government issued a notice that beginning Sept. 1 – as in tomorrow – video game companies must limit the time that minors spend gaming online to three hours a week. >It even specified which three hours: Kids are allowed to play Friday, Saturday, and Sunday between the hours of 8 p.m. and 9 p.m. Period. >To enforce this, players must register with their real names and government ID numbers and submit to facial recognition. >Now, China makes a lot of money on video games. But as profitable as the industry has been, the Chinese leadership has evidently decided that steadying the moral compass of young minds comes before profit. >I bring this up because I think we all know by now that China is out to eclipse us as the world’s leading economy. And these video game rules tell me they’re convinced game addiction is real and that it rots young brains. >I don’t know if they’re right, but I would hate to be in a situation where 20 years from now a generation of game-addled Americans ends up dragging down our economy while China unleashes a generation of emotionally-mature entrepreneurs to buy us out. >Unfortunately, China has already proved its police-state was way better than our Facebook-state at stamping out the first COVID outbreak, … and I would hate to see it win again. >Americans are, of course, free to raise video addicts – that’s what makes us great – all I’m saying is that if you DO find yourself raising one, please do whatever it takes to make sure it doesn’t harm his or her future productivity. Because we all know who will be more than ready to fill the gap. https://archive.ph/35FYW Reminder baby boomers Especially 60s era boomers overwhelmingly support China youth video game ban law. BabyMew Aims to Become The First Pokemon Inspired NFT Marketplace >Silicon Valley, California--(Newsfile Corp. - September 6, 2021) - BabyMew.Finance is a fair launched token on the Binance Smart Chain which aims to become the first Pokemon-inspired NFT Marketplace. >In order to prepare the launch of the NFT platform for the holder more beautifully, BABYMEW has a reflection fee of 5% which is paid out to all holders with every transaction. >The launch of the NFT platform will take place on January 1st, 2022 and in the first 3 days after the launch there will be an airdrop to all holders, each of which will receive 3 unique nfts. >The Total supply is 1,000,000,000,000,000 BabyMew (BABYMEW) and 50% was burned at the beginning so its deflationary because of the created black hole. <5% instant redistributed to all holders <5% instant burned and added to the liquidity protocol for a stable price floor <100% community driven token https://archive.ph/YpoAo Pokémon fandom and ABDL fetish community made a new Cryptocurrency.
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>>71215 She is absolute perfection and I would enjoy having her crush my head between her thighs.
>>71215 Hot, but I don't have the patience to sit through shonenshit anymore unfortunately.
>>71169 >Funny how blizzard CEOs didn't get this much shit Because rape okay with male feminists and they know it.
>>71219 Fair, but it got better after the yakuza arc.
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>retards are still trying to cancel JonTron in the year 2021 The left wing is truly a parody of itself.
>>71222 When did youtube become such a den of playground drama-tier bitchiness? It feels like every day there's some no name apparently mega successful fag who apparently did a bad according to some kind of successful fag and the second fag is trying to cancel the first fag, and then a third also somewhat successful fag makes a reaction or a rebuttal to that and who the fuck even cares for this to be a seemingly successful genre of video?
>>71222 It's pretty awesome how well he was able to recover from that destiny dumpster fire.
>>71222 Destiny gotten more cancelled and banned on platforms than Jontron ironic enough.
>>71200 New meme.
>When did youtube become such a den of playground drama-tier bitchiness? 2012/13 and its been getting exponentially worse as kiketubers have gotten more woke. We are living in a world were you can get fired for something you said 20 years ago, so its not only "kiketube"
>>71222 Jontron has never apologized or bowed to the mob and he still has millions of subs and views on his videos. If that's not a whitepill then I don't know what is.
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>>409719 Speaking of China, Xi has written his own "little red book". I expect him to go full Mao within a year.
>>71213 We're all gonna make it, bros.
>>71222 >Gosh darn Jon "ARYAN" Jafari and his racism! this video about a debate no one cares about anymore will definitely bring him down! o i am laffin
>>71222 >>71228 He didn't even say anything that "bad". It was just sort of rambling and unfocused. He wasn't prepared for Destiny trying to throw him under the bus and "debating" in bad faith.
>>71204 > RTX, DLSS, and various NVIDIA tech Why should I care about resource hogging, gimmicky shit?
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>>71222 How many times they tried to cancel Jon "1488" Tron?
>>71227 I can only imagine that this sort of thing is not going to end well for society. These sorts of manias grip civilizations periodically and it always turns into a giant shitshow.
>>71232 Wasn't he technically right about rich black people committing more crimes than poor white people?
>>71234 Jon "Nigger Safari" Jafari
>>71237 >Jon "Flex Tape the Bronx Apes" Jafari This one sucks but I don't know much about JonTron
>>71236 >Wasn't he technically right At least as far as some statistics we was.
>>71228 Hes in that small youtube/newgrounds niche that still act like we are in the early 2000's when it comes to humor together with oney.
>>71222 >gamers don't want me anymore >...welIlguessI'llstartdoinvideosaboutsomethinelse! Based. How could a group called "gamers" be so outplayed?
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>>409679 Yes, have two more!
>>71226 Who's a Wike?
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>>71222 I still find it hilarious how when they tried canceling dan from the grumps for "grooming", jon's first response was "does this mean we get to finish sonic '06?"
>>409745 Too muscular and manly looking, not in my dreams
>>409693 What's going on with BTC atm?
>>71216 Why? Don't they ban 3DCG nowadays?
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Archive of previous bread: https://archive.ph/iVQcB
>>71229 This resembles a Deus Ex character.
>>71223 >When did youtube become such a den of playground drama-tier bitchiness? It's always been that way. >>71243 It says Alan Woke. >>71244 Dan deserved to get cancelled after joining the leftists who were dogpiling on Jon after his Destiny interview.
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>>409745 Really, how did mia not want to get it on with godot? Even his theme song is suave.
>>71232 >asking for sources for your random claims from cuckchan infographs is "bad faith" If you aren't prepared to defend your fringe ideas then you're irresponsible for presenting them to the world on a massive platform where people can freely contest them and make you look like a fucking idiot. Someone being "bad faith" should only ever hurt their argument, not yours. If it's hurting your argument then you weren't equipped to handle talking about those ideas in the first place and should shut the fuck up until you develop basic rhetorical skills. Crying about people wiping the floor with "your guy" because they're more quick witted than he is just makes you sound like a fucking faggot.
>>71250 >It's always been that way. Yeah but when di they become so vindictive about it?
What if instead of the jews it's actual retards >there's no difference lol No, I'm serious. "More means better," even with chromosomes. I can remember being in school and word of this spreading, and theories that race and gender inequalities were being played up, at a time when those struggles were considered long resolved, as a form of diversion. There used to be advocacy groups for a retard's right to have a job, on top of getting assistance. They usually had some lady mommy figure who was going around vouching on their behalf in public settings to spread the word, and the retard would usually break character at some point. You know it was an act. Shit, I can remember when I was even younger, catching one of them displaying signs of understanding, only so he could remind himself and start arr arr arring. Then his handler had to go "relieve" him. Saddest part is at this point it's like, damn, why didn't I think of that? And you think about that shit and how today it's taboo to even say chromosomes exist, or how culture and large areas of commerce have debased themselves to appeal to a person's lower levels of functioning. >>71252 Welcome to the world of no one actually caring which fucking geek/loser wins the internet argument. Cute to see you have it extrapolated into an artform. But, nobody gives a shit.
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>>71254 >Welcome to the world of no one actually caring which fucking geek/loser wins the internet argument. Cute to see you have it extrapolated into an artform. But, nobody gives a shit. I didn't say the world cared about online discourse. Most people don't care about old arena shooter games and yet I still come onto /v/ to talk about them. I'm not sure why normalniggers caring about something is supposed to matter to me. Did you reply to the wrong post?
>>71246 Everybody is getting ready for 9/11 the sequel so 20% of the market is selling high before the normalfags flood crypto again early next week.
>>71257 Do you think something will actually happen on or near the date or maybe with in a few months or people are on edge because they have already been on edge about so many things?
>>71208 >Bakugo >bara u wot. Bakugo is a twink with some muscles in everye official and fan art. He probably has more shota art than bara. Do you at least know what bara means? >The slippery slope of faggotry theory seems right Nah, you always were a faggot.
>>71258 Bankers are certain that something will happen. It seems like the Lucky Larry types took out a crypto leverage for Monday morning earlier today.
>>71256 Up the dosage anon, the memory gaps are flaring back up.
>>71260 >Bankers are certain that something will happen. >Bankers That's concerning.
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>>71263 Put some posters on the bullet hole wall.
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>decide to check for some games to pirate or some shit >see the Medal Of Honor VR game >wonder what the normalfags think about it >Mixed reviews on Steam, takes 180 GB of space, and is as bugged as a hive according to comments >check trailers >troon out of nowhere talking about making the game as authentic as possible trannies are like kikes, except that instead of bad schemes, they make bad games.
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Anyone who didn't see that bitcoin would tank today or tomorrow was sleeping
>>71210 >>71209 >>71259 Not bara, but he is pretty ripped. That's why I used "turning", not "have turned". If he but had a different head, he'd qualify as a low-mid tier bara. >>409745 He's fine but I'd rather have Barok, Ryunosuke or Sherlock invade my dreams. >>71162 Isn't part of Middle East and most of Africa the sort of countries where even 5 year old kids can easily get guns and need to use them to survive? What's the point the artist even attempted to make here? I can't get anything here but "white man bad".
>>71236 Yes. >New York Times: Sons of Rich Black Families Fare No Better Than Sons of Working-Class Whites https://archive.is/qSLGk >Black men raised in the top 1 percent — by millionaires — were as likely to be incarcerated as white men raised in households earning about $36,000. You can't see it in the archive but the attached graph is from the article. The study the NYT is citing came out after the debate but here's an older one, attached chart is from the older study: >Race, Wealth and Incarceration: Results from the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth https://www.prisonpolicy.org/scans/wealthraceincarcerationrates.pdf Someone could try to argue the sons of black millionaires are really committing less crime but the racist criminal justice system is throwing them in prison anyway while letting white criminals free. But for violent crime (a category that already has a larger disparity) we have the National Crime Victimization Survey, which asks victims about the races of the perpetrators, and it closely matches arrest rates: https://www.ojp.gov/ncjrs/virtual-library/abstracts/reassessing-trends-black-violent-crime-1980-2008-sorting-out
>>71253 Since it became extremely profitable to do so, people like Leafyishere, Pyrocynical and iDubbbz are proof it works.
>>71267 >>71259 He's what i like to call a tomboy shota.
>>71267 >Isn't part of Middle East and most of Africa the sort of countries where even 5 year old kids can easily get guns and need to use them to survive? Look up "Khyber pass guns" and "African poachers guns". I've seen some shit. Some amazing and terrifying shit.
>>409781 Do you have that one that explains why tribal african warriors dress up as weird bullshit because they think it will protect them from bullets?
>>71270 >tomboy shota What a retarded term, and one that doesn't even apply to Bakugo. Tomboys are girls who like "male/boyish" hobbies and don't act in a typically "feminine" way, while shotas are little boys which like "boyish" things by default (there are girly shotas too, but they aren't the norm). Bakugo is neither of them (he's not a girl, and he's too old to be a little boy). He's a hunk twink or "twunk" in women/faggot speak.
>>71272 >niggers are orks minus magic
>>409781 >>71272 When you think about it the way African wars are described it's like Orkz except they don't have the warp.
>>409781 Apparently Afghans think that the forward assist on the AR is the boost button. You have to pump it up like the Air Jordans of old if you want your bullets to be proper killy.
>>71263 deep & powerful
>>71267 >What's the point the artist even attempted to make here? That he is clearly unaware of what's going on in the Middle-east, and probably thinks they're still using swords instread of guns. That, or he saw images of London and thought it was Kabul. >I can't get anything here but "white man bad". More like "gun bad" but you might not be far, considering that he'd easily call you a filthy white male for defending guns.
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>>71275 >>71274 Theres also that one of them repairing a car with random trash.
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>>71279 I remember that one, they've made basically an Ork Wartrukk.
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>>71272 Say what you want, but at least they have realized that war is about fun, not like the gay west with their "professionalism", plate carriers and all that trash.
>>71282 Too bad I didn't save that video where Africans try to shoot each other while holding their AKs completely wrong.
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>>71282 Nah thats too fornite for my taste, i do miss 90's armies though, im sick of tacticool bullshit.
>>71272 >>71282 Isn't the real reason all the drug use? African warlords just pump those guys full of coke and meth.
Kiyoshi Kobayashi Retires as Lupin III's Jigen After 52 Years >The official website for the Lupin the 3rd Part 6 television anime series confirmed on Tuesday that long-time veteran voice actor Kiyoshi Kobayashi is retiring from the Daisuke Jigen role. The anime's "Episode 0," titled "Jidai" (Historical Period) features his last appearance as the character. The episode will serve as the anime's first episode on October 6. Akio Ohtsuka will replace Kobayashi in all the other episodes of the anime. https://yewtu.be/n1KYjg2SwbA http://archive.today/ATAqQ
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>>71285 That's what Kony did.
>>71286 We have an /a/.
>>71285 I wonder if an african soldier found Pervitin by any chance.
>>71288 Nobody replies to my threads there.
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>>71284 >im sick of tacticool bullshit. Me too, ammo pouches is all the gear you need. I fantasize back to a better time, a time where you could do combat in shorts.
Battlefield 2042 leaks reveal near-future guns and gadgets >The leaks appear to have been pulled from the closed, technical playtest for Battlefield 2042 which players weren't supposed to share. Somebody broke the rules to share videos of a ton of different weapons firing and reloading, from pistols to shotguns to assault rifles to light machine guns. The latter video even shows how some pieces of gear work, including a grappling automated turret, and what looks like some kind of pneumatic medical syringe launcher. >None of the weapons fire laser beams or plasma pulses - or at least, none of the weapons in these videos do. While Battlefield 2042 is set 20 years in the future (and its timeline diverges from ours even before that, since Battlefield 4's War of 2020 is part of its canon), DICE is clearly trying to keep a grounded feel for soldiers' tools of the trade. >You'll be able to kit out your preferred Battlefield 2042 specialist with whatever weapons you like; it's their particular traits and gear that set them apart from one another. For instance, we've already had a look at how Battlefield 4 veteran Irish will be able to take his shelter to-go with a Fortification System, packing both deployable cover and an explosive-foiling "Shootdown Sentinel." https://archive.ph/QXixZ Battlefield 2042 setting sounds as boring as call of duty vanguard aka WW2 game with black female Nazis. CNN blasted for article claiming 'Whiteness' will expand to be 'tan' in a more diverse America >CNN faced scrutiny over the weekend after it published an analysis article claiming it was a "myth" that White supremacy would fade away as America became more diverse. >In the Saturday article, CNN Enterprise writer John Blake argued that "Whiteness" was elastic and that as the population became more diverse, as seen in the 2020 U.S. census report, White supremacy would adapt because being White could expand to incorporate new members, "if they have the right look." >Don't ever underestimate White supremacy's ability to adapt. The assumption that more racial diversity equals more racial equality is a dangerous myth. Racial diversity can function as a cloaking device, concealing the most powerful forms of White supremacy while giving the appearance of racial progress," Blake wrote. "Racism will likely be just as entrenched in a browner America as it is now. It will still be White supremacy, with a tan," he added. >Blake later claimed that how "Whiteness" was defined throughout history was a prime example of how White supremacy can adapt, citing the eventual inclusion of Italians, Irish and Jewish people into the White race when, he said, they weren't initially considered to be "fully White." >He referred to a guest essay in The New York Times by political scientist Justin Gest saying, "The US has broadened its definition of White people throughout history enough to maintain power over Black, Asian and Latino people." >Why do so many racial groups gravitate toward Whiteness?" Blake asked rhetorically. >It's due to a racial hierarchy that places Whiter-looking people at the top and darker-skinned people at the bottom of the socio-economic ladder," he answered. Blake predicted that Latinos could be "the future of Whiteness," claiming that some had already begun to mark "White" on their census forms and that the temptation to identify as White could be "too tempting for many to ignore." https://archive.ph/vpjL7 (((CNN))) admitting by 2024 Latinos will be considered both white and public enemy number one in (((United states of America))).
>>71291 >a time where you could do combat in shorts. Do you like short shorts?
>>71291 >a time where you could do combat in shorts. Fuck no, specially if you have hairy legs, you get all sorts of annoying parasites and rashes.
>>71290 >>409816 Nobody is going to post there unless you post there first.
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>>409821 >tan supremacy
>>71225 >Destiny gotten more cancelled and banned on platforms than Jontron ironic enough. DesTiny kind of did it to himself, and he'll get no sympathy from me. He helped create the online-left monster that exists today, almost like a real-life, modern-day Dr. Frankenstein. The feminists of 2014 were small-time compared to the type of shit we have to deal with these days. As for JonTron, he mostly stays out of politics, aside from the occasional tweet. Of course, there are still left-wing psychos out there who just won't let it go because they're suffering from Tron Derangement Syndrome.
>>71290 Make a thread on /b/ or /c/ then. They're more populated and allow almost any topic.
>>71289 I'm sure some African jungle chemist has stumbled on something similar. Probably cut it with jenkem though
>>409826 And it'll stay dead unless you post there to encourage others to post there.
>>409826 The site is dead. Virtually all the PPH is meta drama and herd niggers discord cabal raids. Do your part to help the site by checking out >>>/site/2992 >>>/site/2992
>>71299 I just want to hear a story of an african, high on that shit, burning the local drug lord's weed factory with a flamethrower while singing Erika.
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To bring the discussion back to vidya, finally got a thumb drive to use for storage on my Vita TV, and I never really realized how much bullshit has been taken over by DLCs. I mean, I knew it was a problem after hearing about Doa5 and it's $1000+ in DLC to buy, as well as Borderlands 2, but seeing how the West and the East have fully embraced the practice on a system as even "obscure" as the Vita, to nickle and dime every single customer, for just about every single game is unbelievable.
>>71303 There are threads on the catalog specifically for talking about the vita and you choose the retard /pol/ posting thread to do it.
Oh, that's an idea...': U.S. parents respond to China screen time ban >Raleigh Smith Duttweiler was folding laundry in her Ohio home, her three children playing the video game Minecraft upstairs, when she heard an NPR story about new rules in China that forbid teenagers and children under age 18 from playing video games for more than three hours a week. >Oh, that's an idea," Duttweiler, who works in public relations at a nonprofit, recalls thinking. "My American gut instinct: This is sort of an infringement on rights and you don't get to tell us what to do inside of our own homes. >On the other hand, it's not particularly good for kids to play as much as even my own children play. And I do think it would be a lot easier to turn it off if it wasn't just arguing with Mommy, but actually saying 'Well, the police said so.'" For Duttweiler and many families outside of China, >Monday's news of the country's strict social intervention - which regulators said was needed to stop a growing addiction to what it once described as "spiritual opium" - underscores a challenge to reign in video game use in their own homes, particularly during the pandemic. >China's regulator said the new rules were a response to growing concern that games affected the physical and mental health of children, a fear echoed by parents and experts in the United States. >Paul Morgan, a father of two teenagers and Penn State professor who studies electronic device use, sees flaws in the ban while acknowledging the challenge of controlling children's screen time. >These electronic devices are ubiquitous," Morgan said. "It's really hard to get kids away from them." >Yet Morgan says negative associations with screen time are particularly evident for heavy users, possibly due to displacing activities like exercise or sleep. The ban doesn't address social media use, which is thought to be especially harmful for girls. >And some populations, such as students with disabilities, may benefit from the social interactions provided by video games. >Shira Weiss, a New Jersey-based publicist for technology clients including a video game company, sees value in the games that help keep her twin 12-year-old sons connected to their peers, but wants to better limit how often they play the more violent games. >I think the Chinese rules are good," Weiss said. "You're still saying 'Play video games,' but you're just setting limits." She added, partially joking: "Can they come here and impose that restriction on my house?" <Michael Gural-Maiello, who works in business >development at an engineering firm and has an 11-year-old son, believes parents should be the ones regulating their children's video game use. >I don't think governments really have a place in telling parents how their children should be spending their time," Gural-Maiello said. "China has a rotten record in technology in general. >I'd be far more worried about my son using apps that originate in China that collect data than I am about him playing Mario Kart." https://archive.ph/IqwFw Leftists big tech sites are supporting China video game ban law. Call of Duty silently changes cosmetic that showed men “scoping out” women >Call of Duty fans have noticed that a questionable cosmetic in Black Ops Cold War was silently tweaked, with players suggesting that the “Scope It Out” calling card originally depicted a form of workplace sexual harassment. >As Activision Blizzard’s sexual discrimination lawsuit continues, Black Ops fans believe they’ve spotted an example of what they’re calling “corporate damage control.” >CoD players are familiar with calling card cosmetics representing their energy in lobbies and scorecards, but the developers may have changed their minds on letting a calling card represent their brand. >About a week ago, someone posted a Cold War calling card on Reddit and it immediately became a hot topic before being locked by moderators. Around a week later, the card — which showed two men seemingly checking out a female’s derriere — was adjusted in-game >The “Scope It Out” cosmetic showed two zombies in professional, masculine attire at a water cooler, both staring at (or… scoping) the lower area of what seems to be a lady zombie’s backside. That type of behavior is considered by many to fall under “leering” and an example of workplace sexual harassment https://archive.ph/hCWqb Male gamers referencing smoking (((marijuana))) good. Make gamers having heterosexual attraction to women bad.
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>>71304 >fa/gg/ot threads are /pol/ And, you're part of the problem.
>>71300 This is the /vb/ site.
>>71306 >nigger that can't use the catalog calling anyone else the problem
>>71162 I’m getting in on this too. Gimme some ideas.
>>409838 It's going to backfire too when the state department goes to war with China over Taiwan or some other thing.
>>409842 >and non-DCEU suicide squad flopped Everything DC movie flopped except Joker and that Captain Marvel film.
>>71297 Yeah Tiny is responsible for subhumans like Vaush who exists only to create more degenerate commies. I don't care if Tiny thinks he can deradicalize people or try to be all friendly with internet right-wing talking figures. He still deserves every bad thing that happens to him.
>>409846 Hello /revolt/ard, how's life treating you?
>>71192 >>71242 >>409679 Made a couple of attempts at Saber. >>71222 >yet another attempt at shit on on Jontron >After he got out of the last drama almost completely unscathed Well, I suppose they can't help being angry at their own impotence. Jontron's gonna remain ontop until jewtube gets too angry at a filthy rightwinger (he's, for all intents and purposes a fucking centrist at best) being popular on their platform. >>409846 It's funny that retards on social media will screech that cancel culture doesn't exist, and then turn around and throw shitfits (or remain silent) whenever Johnny Depp is brought up.
>>409842 >cancel culture against leftists I love seeing it every time it happens. MikeZ is another amusing example. Remember that shit? Good times.
>>409846 And in the event that you win, you think you're going to magically stop doing that thing you've gotten used to?
> Free roam sandbox game > You play as a toddler seducing young male adults > Semen are your coins > Save up 100 semens and you level up The goal of the game is to turn yourself in a loli succubus before you have your first period.
When this thread's derail phase eventually cycles over to dumping porn, at least post something appealing. Thanks.
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Who is upset now?
>>71316 So what if it's not stopped? Left's disgusting. It's a fight for survival and freedom, in a way, what with bending over presenting us with forced vaccination, cancellation, more power to companies as you can hear more and more of banks just deciding to take people's accounts away. As I see recent history, the shit Europe has stepped into is a result of displaying mercy to those who would show you none. It's folly. In my view, you always have to give back - attempt to do good to those who do right by you or have at the very least not wronged you, but when they do evil and bad things, you have to use the same force. Revenge ratifies righteousness, righteousness requires rather radical responses.
Mark why did all of my post get nuked too?
Like every single one of my post. I wasn't the one posting tots, you realize that right.
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Here's the new CoD Peak WW2
>>71323 >>71322 My bad, restored.
>>71325 >restore function When was that added?
>>71322 >Mark why did all of my posts get nuked too? >random memes still up despite most are not video game related >nearly all news links relating to video games got deleted What going? Cherry picking alone is annoying. They are now intentionally censoring video game related news. It never got this bad when mark was a full time single mod.
>>71324 Its like a worse version of the silent storm cast.
>>71324 When the fuck did Japanese fought for the allies? American Japanese don’t look like that. Is Activision being politically correct by pretending japan wasn’t allies with Germany?
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>>71324 >Japanese guy >FOUR women >half bald female haircut >NIGGER front and center >female arab with no hijab >in WWII I'm a kike but even I want hitler to win now. GIVE ME THE GAS
>>71326 With 2.6, I just don't use it often since 99% of deletions are either niggerpill or the CIA from Brazil.
>>409892 >>video game related >Very funny. News link talking about battlefield 2042 beta links been deleted. So was Ubisoft and Actvision sexual harassment lawsuit news.
>>71330 >I'm a kike but even I want hitler to win now. >>409892 Cute. Mark posting with the little guys again? Had any good cake recently?
>>71332 I restored the articles, but the anon who posts them is a known spammer. be advised.
>>71330 >>71333 Also I forgot to add NO WHITE MEN EVEN THOUGH THIS IS A FUCKING WWII GAME
>>71324 So, the new CoD takes place in Africa, China, and Russia?
>>71336 Nah, it's World War 2, but they're going full Neo-Wolfenstein 2 with it.
>>71335 They are all evil rayciss nazis, WW2 allies were all women and black men.
>>71337 >it's World War 2 Which had battles in Africa, Russia, and China. >but they're going full Neo-Wolfenstein 2 OH!
>>71338 DUP BTFO
>"you know what you did" By all means, enlighten me. I made a few posts telling the totnigger to fuck off, one or two posts on the topic of cancelling, and one post saying "Retarded moderation is retarded" in response to someone who got his posts deleted. So I'll ask again - is the slightest "criticism" that hurts your feelings not allowed or something? That counts as "spam" now? >>71332 No, you've been doing this shit for some time now and it's very obvious, especially with your ESL mannerisms. You look for something random and make /pol/ material the meat of your posts.
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>>71340 what the fuck is a "dup"?
>>71342 It's in reference to the baizuo constantly trying to dunk on Trump by having "diversity" in media.
>>71342 Trump, but instead of Drupmh, or drump or drup. it's just dup.
>>71335 >NO WHITE MEN EVEN THOUGH THIS IS A FUCKING WWII GAME Wait until we see white men scrubbed from media set during the American civil war. Which kinda already happening with HBO. Also thanks for restoring the news articles.
>>71339 Anon, i wouldnt be mad if we got cool battles in somethign that was not continental europe, COD2's british campaign in the desert was neat, and playing as a chinese guerrilla or some french foreign legion would be cool, but we cant get that.
>>71342 It's all derived from the "Drumpf" posting staring back in 2016. Drumpf being the original spelling of Trump's family name. It decayed from there into dup. Note bidup is also a thing.
>>71324 >at this rate we're reaching a time when Warhammer Fantasy will be more historically accurate than "historical" medieval games Shit's fucked up.
>>71343 >>71344 >>71347 Pfffh, jeez. Ok, thanks for the explanation. The fact they're still at it. I don't have any images of old tired men to express my exasperation right now.
>>71341 I guess talking call of duty censoring icons /pol/ related and we can’t talk about it on /v/
>>71345 >Wait until we see white men scrubbed from media set during the American civil war. Which kinda already happening with HBO. >soon the media will portray the Civil War as black people fighting black people to free black people from being enslaved by black people wew
>>71352 No, it'll be Asians fighting blacks to free blacks, get your shit straight.
>>71352 Niggers all the way down.
>>71354 American Culture.
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>>71352 I'd watch the American civil war told in the style of an urban ghetto story.
>>71309 Almost perfect! Still needs something for the left one's belt though.
>>71324 Wait a minute. Only the Russian girl has a period accurate haircut. Every other girl has a lesbian haircut.
>>71346 The part that annoys me is that there's so much more history besides World Wa-... <Goes to look up conflicts America has gotten involved with since WWII <All of said conflicts are an extension of the Korean War, Vietnam, or the ongoing conflict in the Middle East <Everything that is NOT that literally boils down to bombing runs in Yugoslavia OKAY, never mind. Are there other conflicts, NOT involving the U.S. that would make for a great warfare action game?
>>71359 Palestine vs the jewish occupation force?
>>71356 >American civil war >an urban ghetto story. That's literally what it was, except for whites.
>>71362 no but it needs 100% more niggers, rap music, drivebys, drug-dealing, strip clubs and basketball.
>>71348 >>71356 >>71352 This is more related to /tv/ than /v/ but look up what HBO writers had planned for the season of Lovecraft country before cancellation. The second season was going to be set during the racial balkanization of America caused by a zombie apocalypse. New negro republic vs white lands. the white lands will include Mexico apart of white lands. While new negro republic protects Asians, Jews and native Americans from white lands racist zombie genocide.
>>71363 Oh, I thought you mean in the sense of someone trash talking someone else, and it manages to escalates into an all-out bloodbath.
>>71364 >Lovecraft >zombie apocalypse Other than Reanimator and a couple of stories he ghost wrote, when the fuck did Lovecraft have anything to do with zombies? The show must have been absolute shit.
>>71324 >a nigger SAS trooper >two female, nigger soldiers Wow, so much historical accuracy.
>>71364 Wow, way to completely miss the mark on Lovecraft's themes of fear of the unknown and the cosmos. Glad it failed.
>>71368 Look man he called his cat a nigger so he's bad and fuck his themes. We're still going to use his name as brand recognition. -Some hollywood producer
>>71366 >when the fuck did Lovecraft have anything to do with zombies? I haven't read all his works, but Reanimator was the only one. The closest the rest came was that one story about the cult living in some mansion's catacombs, and the other having to do with the madman in the cave. Much of everything else was either high fantasy non-horror, people being driven insane by isolation, or monsters not of this world.
>>71340 Go back to /tv/ faggot.
>>71366 >The show must have been absolute shit. Lovecraft country ended with blacks casting a spell to stops white people from using magic.
>>71372 But, there was no magic in Lovecraft's stories. It was more sci-fi horror.
>>71309 Dylan & Eric Mario & Luigi Wario & Waluigi Beavis & Butthead Two Doomguys Snake & Ocelot
>>409953 "Filter ID" exists for a reason.
>>71266 How is that? It was at over 52k and seemed to be climbing.
>>409958 Me during black history month
>>409963 Lovecraft didn't name him anyway
>>409961 >cuck copypasta It's an actual book.
>>409968 It belonged to his family when he was a kid
>>409971 I just thought it'd be funny.
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>>71349 Well, warhammer fantasy was always a cooler version of our own world with magic and demons.
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>>409954 >look up who that author is >that's an actual fucking book Why can't we just have maledom without having any interracial shit attached to it? Stuff like those hentai where an old manly man ambushes a lady terminator, The Ring lady and an island full of oni-girls and fucks them into submission. >>409963 >Maybe he was a nigger most cats are niggers
World of WOKEcraft: Players notice the removal of ‘greenskin’ insult from online role-playing game >Blizzard Entertainment is cracking down on fantasy racism in World of Warcraft. An update to the popular online game has nixed the insult “greenskin,” once used by a human character to insult an orc. >In the universe of World of Warcraft, the Battle for Stromgarde pitted Danath Trollbane’s human warriors against a band of orcs led by Eitrigg. Before both sides knocked lumps out of each other, Trollbane taunted his opponent with the racially charged (at least in this fantasy world) insult “greenskin.” >However, the latest update to the game, released last week, has apparently removed the orcophobic epithet. >Blizzard has not commented on the removal of the word, but some fans have speculated that the company did so in a bid to cleanse its fantasy world of racism. >Others suggested that the word could have been causing Blizzard copyright trouble, since it’s also used as an insult for orcs in Games Workshop’s ‘Warhammer’ world. >And some others saw the woke move as a ploy by Blizzard to distract customers from a recent lawsuit detailing claims about a culture of sexual harassment and abuse at the developer’s California office, which allegedly led one female employee to commit suicide. >If Blizzard scrubbed the word “greenskin” due to concerns of anti-orc bigotry, they wouldn’t be the first fantasy developers to do so. Wizards of the Coast, the company responsible for the beloved Dungeons & Dragons, promised last year to bring in “sensitivity readers” and release new books portraying orcs and drow (a race of dark-skinned elves) as the “morally and culturally complex” creatures they are, rather than the usual ugly baddies. https://archive.ph/vlK56 I’m waiting for blizzard to cancel Starcraft for being islamophobic or something. Nu-Halo removed all references to the covenant being an analog for Islamic terrorism. AG Balderas files lawsuit against popular video game ‘Angry Birds’ >Attorney General Hector Balderas announced on Wednesday a federal lawsuit against a popular video game for illegally collecting children's data. <AG Balderas filed the lawsuit against Rovio Entertainment, the developer of the mobile gaming franchise “Angry Birds.” >According to the press release, the lawsuit alleges that Rovio Entertainment knowingly collects personal information of children under the age of 13 that play Angry Birds. >The lawsuit also alleges that Rovio Entertainment then sends the illegally collected child data to numerous third-party marketing companies. >These companies analyze and resell the information to sell targeted advertising to those children under 13-years-old. >Parents must have the power to protect their children and determine who can have access to their child’s personal data, and New Mexican parents are being misled about what information is being collected from their children,” said Balderas. “This company must follow the law, and we will always hold companies accountable that risk the safety of children.” >The lawsuit seeks to protect the children of New Mexico and hopes to prohibit Angry Birds from collecting that data and improving the company's data collection practices. https://archive.ph/TvYb8
>>71384 >that's an actual fucking book I read it just to see how horrid it was. Don't. >most cats are niggers Cease. You just need to break it in.
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Why does it seem like the derailing has gotten progressively worse over the past month? Wouldn't the kerfuffle in Afghan be a reason to have the $.50 Army bother people on Twatter?
>>71386 >I read it just to see how horrid it was. Don't. But why? >>71387 Could have something to do with the anniversary of 9/11 coming up and the potential for another """terrorist attack""" on US soil.
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>>71359 Ukraine, you can have a mission where your iridescent partner takes a job to assassinate a local militia leader with a compressed gas bazooka round.
>>71382 Yeah, that's why I like it. I hope Warhammer 3 Total War will be good. All they have to do to not fuck it up is not fuck with the base gameplay overly much and at least the WH1/2 races will be fine on the immortal empires or whatever they call it. >>71384 Fuck off, cats are great. They're cute, far smarter than dogs, easier to maintain, are more cleanly and are surprisingly loyal - not as much as most breeds of dogs, but no cat will go pitnigger on someone. There's some great dogs though, if I had to get a dog, I'd get a beagle, labrador or a retriever. I heard some good things about these races.
>>409989 >board about sucking nigger dick is a liberal gayop I mean, I would be more surprised if it wasn't.
>>71324 Skin color aside why do they all look so disheveled? Actual Ally and Axis soldiers didn't look this bad during wartime. Is it the lighting? Their uniforms look like garbage bags tailored a few sizes too big.
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>>71324 Imagine making an "alternate" take on WW2 and this is the best you can do. Is it too much to ask for COOL FUCKING CHARACTERS? Why can't the allies get any cool fuckers like the Axis do in vidya?
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>>71391 Well, there have been worse gets.
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>>71393 Probably because the image is for ants. Here's a bigger image.
>>71309 Fat Rimworld colonists or dwarves from DF gleefully accepting new recruits/migrants.
>>410013 Stop posting shit, and maybe he'll stop annihilating your anus.
>>71318 >>71319 >>409876 What was it?
>>71399 Tot.
>>71363 I'm okay with the strip clubs. Just the strip clubs though. >>410025 We have to remind them about Tariq Nasneed's magnum opus.
>>71401 Wait a minute, Sneed is not automatically replaced anymore?
>sneed >4cuck caps Where are all these retards coming in from?
>>71215 I really like those lines. I'm still far and mine are too "rigid"
>>410030 >>410025 Take it to the meta thread. Besides if they're going to ban any boards /interracial/ isn't exactly at the top of the list.
>>71400 Was it good? >>410025 Wrong site?
It wasn't anything new.
>>71406 Not really into tot, so can't say. The one who posted it is one of those guys on /b/ however.
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>>71370 There's The Horror at Red Hook, Cool Air, and a few others if you take the definition of zombie as "reanimated dead". Lovecraft died a few years after White Zombie released, and decades before the shuffling corpses that HBO niggers were going to use became iconic in media
>>410044 >>410043 Sup lucario?
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>>71359 <All of said conflicts are an extension of the Korean War, Vietnam, or the ongoing conflict in the Middle East <Everything that is NOT that literally boils down to bombing runs in Yugoslavia So, fighting socialism, fighting socialism, fighting muslims, and everything else is bombing muslims and socialists? Jesus, no wonder silicon valley commies don't want to touch any of it.
>Luciano believes that he can somehow garner favor on /v/ despite the desperate shoehornings of himself as a namefag by pretending his new name is Lucario and posting lewd pokemon images using his many astroturfs IPs Pathetic. You cut your own penis off of your own accord, retard. It’s nobody’s fault but your own. Get out.
>>409954 >>71379 >>71384 What the fuck happened to fiction books? Last thing I read was His Dark Materials, ten years ago. Incidentally, I don't think it's still maledom when the one getting dommed is also a male.
>>71408 I thought those guys have a containment board in the form of /hebe/.
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>>71412 You're thinking too deep into this one mate. I just think calling him lucario is funny.
>>71252 >rhetorical skills Guns win against those easily. I don't have to prove anything to those that I kill for not agreeing with me.
>>71403 Where do you think? You have one guess.
>>71412 >>71415 I also find it funny and appreciate the porn.
>killing all the crows because you don't like them >torpedos literally following west taiwan's doctrine you cant make this shit up
>>410062 Do you also hide your veggies under the table?
>>410065 I'm sure you showed that brussel sprout who's the boss.
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Discord fags are getting fucked by malware. >Heads up, there's folks on Discord spreading malware via itch that will take over your Discord account >The payload and itch URL they use change occasionally but currently the "game" they're sending around is called Sway https://archive.is/T4XL2 https://archive.is/KPutq
>>71342 Some poo in the loo called Trump "Dup" and it stuck as a way to mock those who make Drumpf memes. Though I guess it has evolved to be "any politician I don't like".
>>71422 >Discord fags are getting fucked by malware. For the 50th time >2nd faggot narrowly avoids being hacked because of discord's bad reputation <he's even doing the owo
>>409781 I mean you gotta hand it to the africans, they learnt paradrop tactics without any outside intervention in a nation that is practically built for air warfare
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>>71422 >clicking links from people you don't trust >clicking links in discord >downloading discord >using discord >owo My fucking sides.
>>71259 The purpose of shota though is that it's a feminine boy, unmired by the flaws of puberty. Someone who has the pragmatic and joyous nature of a man, but also has the soft tender body and soul of a woman. Shotas are truly the human equivalent of a mayfly. The candle that burns twice as bright, for they only last so long before they just turn into sweaty, dumb teenagers.
>>71292 >Communist News Network's article That will accelerate the genocide of niggers, leftards and jews.
>>409432 >Constitutional rights are innate and cannot be minimised, amended, or altered by the government. You do know freedom of speech and the right to bear arms are amendments, to the constitution, right?
>>71427 I want to FUCK Basil.
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>>71427 Sweaty teenagers can be good too.
>>71422 Why are people able to upload malware to itch.io is the real question. Is there zero quality control? Still, someone needs to teach this retards not to click random links and download random games. Though anons download random binaries from people every single game night so, well you know.
>>71434 You could probably say the same about any website, I could upload malware and post it here too, or post a shortened url that leads to searching "how to kill the president" on fbi.goy.
>>71435 Except itch.io as far as I'm aware is a games marketplace. Steam has some degree of quality control/malware scanning that prevents blatant malware from being uploaded to it.
>>71436 I'm pretty sure its functionally identical to a patreon or git repository, the games have no intrinsic drm and paying is basically a donation link for most games.
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>>71427 >Someone who has the pragmatic and joyous nature of a man, but also has the soft tender body and soul of a woman I think you finally managed to explain to me why I like shotas. Until now I've known that I like shotas, but I haven't been able to find the words to explain WHY I like them. To add to this, I would say that shotas (and lolis, although maybe not in the same degree since there's a lot of doujins where they are little sluts) also have an aura of innocence and purity that is lost when they get older. >>71433 I'm curious about how did that boy end in the situation of the second pic. Why was he masturbating in class? Why in front on the other student's desk? Is the other guy apologizing for taking his toilet paper, is he giving it to him so he can clean the mess, or is he taunting the boy by taking the toilet paper? Korean schools are strange. >>71434 >Is there zero quality control? Nope. That place is full of unfinished RPGMaker/GameMaker "story-driven art projects" with the plot of a 15yo tumblr user's fantasy, Unity projects with default or stolen assets, Flash games with sprites made in paint, dozens of copies of simple games created after following a programming tutorial, mysterious games(?) with a very vague description and zero images, and more garbage of that style. You can visit https://itch.io/randomizer and see it by yourself. Disable the "recommended" tag and try to find something decent there.
>>71438 Itch.io has gems, but it's impossible to find them underneath all the cookie-cutter gay VN bullshit. You can't blacklist tags either. So if you don't want VNs, good fucking luck.
>>71438 >You can visit https://itch.io/randomizer and see it by yourself. Disable the "recommended" tag and try to find something decent there. That sounds like it could make a pretty neat thread.
>>71440 >download random games from the site anons are talking about hosting a bunch of malware
>>71396 Just looking at the thumbnail i thought that was the "Explicit content" sign instead of the COD one, that shit really looks like some shitty hip hop cover.
>>71441 Fair point.
>>71441 >not clicking on every link you see in order to make the feds monitoring you think that you simply are a technologically illiterate retard and not a potential person of interest doing shady stuff
>>71444 Clicking every link you see is how you get the feds monitoring you. Though in the case of phones they can install malware without you even knowing it because I guess the Israeli's are clever reptiles.
>>71445 Feds are paid to monitor everyone, but the internet users who seem to be smart enough to know where to click are put in a separate pool for additional monitoring.
Are the /b/tards gone?
>>410147 Ah yes, the head of cabbage.
>>410149 >anime lolis What, /delicious/ lolis are allowed there?
>>71449 He's signalling the difference for his fax report to his handler.
>>71449 It's herd nigger hinting trying to muddy the waters between looking at drawings and looking at child porn, also an attempt to derail. Same deal with the c*nny posters. Acid says it's cool that they're using this site as an intl shit-posting playground though so it's okay.
>>71451 Wouldn't that imply that Discord of all things is a real life flesh and blood child porn hotbed? Which is as nonsensical as Pornbub being one?
>>71447 No, but on an unrelated note another board (/tkr/) has seemed to move here due to 8kun's constant technical failures. >>71449 He's talking about how the average discord nigger has a hateboner for lolis, and how them getting viruses for being dumb fucks is a form of "karmic punishment". >>71451 >It's herd nigger hinting trying to muddy the waters between looking at drawings and looking at child porn, also an attempt to derail. Nah, it's just Luciano being Luciano. Herdniggers are a bit subtler with their derails.
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>>71451 >Same deal with the c*nny posters. C
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>>71456 >Two spic players chat about the best color for some gear >Get banned because they say black in spanish
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>>71457 Literally old news.
>>71456 only played on the JP servers before the region block no drama whatsoever
>>71456 Look what you did. You woke niggerpill.
>>71460 >not knowing luciano is also niggerpill
>>71455 pay rebnts
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>>71463 dont act dumb hurry up and pay your rebnts
>>71456 Yet another reason needlessly online games are cancer. Fuck always online software as a service and anyone that supports it.
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>>71465 >Yet another reason needlessly online games are cancer Doesn't one also get the "PSO2 experience" by playing Nova on the Vita? Or the Portable series on the PSP? Or even playing Universe?
>>71466 I've only played the GameCube and PSP versions and neither are all that close to PSO2 in terms of gameplay. I've never tried Nova since I don't think vita emulation is functional, but based on a quick jewtube gameplay search is does look like it's basically the same kind of gameplay so that's neat. Now I just need vita emulation to not be shit.
>>71456 Back when I played the game on one of the first days it was out there was one tranny or some shit threatening to kill itself in the hub town. I would have egged it on and encouraged it to do so, because hey, thats what it wants right? But I wanted to play for at least a few more hours or until i got sick of the game, no need to lose an experience over some retard being retarded.
>>71215 MUSCULAR BUNNY CUNNY >>71447 /b/tardia is omnipresent. >>71451 >c*nny You make me proud, tor-friend.
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>>71466 Is this game any good and does it get better as it goes on I tried it for a bit on my modded vita and while it was fine I didn't think it was too much to write home about. Also Gigantes kind of lose their luster after their initial introduction especially since they're just glorified photon blast.
>>71466 >>71467 >>71470 Give Universe a try it's really good
>>71466 I played a bit of the DS phantasy star game and good god was it shit. >>71471 I fucked up when I played it as a kid, I got stuck on the shitty train and couldn't progress or go back. What a mediocre fucking experience, but it was fairly entertaining I think I enjoyed it for what it was back then.
>>71471 I'm playing portable 2 infinity. So far I managed to get a female hunter maxed out & rebirth with max attack. It's pretty fun though going to the same areas does get stale after a while.
>>71453 Yes.
>>410168 Japan never cucked.
>>71461 Sure thing, jew ass kisser.
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>>410202 your whore of a mother >>71479 /b/ is dogshit and full of creeps, disgusting freaks and mentally ill people. i miss /b2/, now that place was fun and chill as fuck
>>71480 Then >>>/c/ , I just don't see how obvious derails should belong here.
>>71456 This is why I always said the western release was the death of PSO2. What was once a fun game where you could kill giant monsters as a titty monster muscle girl is reduced to this. I hope other devs learn some lessons from this and just stop bothering with the west if they want to make something worth playing.
>>410202 >(1) >Derail attempt What a nigger. I haven't masturabated in like, 7 years. But this is the last hentai manga I read, https://exhentai.org/g/1839662/73edb6f40c/
>>71483 Why remember something like that from so long ago?
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>>410202 AI generated anime tits check my thread at >>>/c/2500 btw
>>71458 Basket ball American fears the Mexican! = No wonder why there so much predictive programming to paint Latinos as whites and next public enemy number one. White liberals know they won’t put up with white guilt and black propaganda bullshit.
>>71413 >What the fuck happened to fiction books? marxists infiltrated. new authors literally get a checklist of things to include in their story if they want to be published. If they don't have enough "diversity items" in their story it gets rejected or in some cases re-written by the publisher and then published. YA fiction is also booming because adults are now infantile and cannot handle actual literature that deals with subtext and metaphor, they have to be explicitly told in simple language everything that happens and why.
>>410214 Localization is worse than being GaaS because localization can affect completely offline games. No amount of mods was ever going to save Kandagawa Jet Girls from what it had to become to adhere to western standards. >>71470 As someone who played PSO2 from open beta to the day of the NGS update, I can say with certainty that Nova is trash. It's a hollow shell of what PSO2 was, and it lacks a ton of content PSO2 had at the time of Nova's release, like the braver and bouncer classes. It has a ton of its own problems, too, like one of the worst targeting algorithms I've ever experienced (it seriously targets something barely within the field of vision instead of the monster attacking you right at that moment) and purposely making the game obscenely grindy for the explicit purpose of selling you DLC where everything has boosted EXP rates. Nova is the reason Tri-Ace went into making mobileshit and never recovered.
>>71488 >no amount of mods will ever save x from localization Except for the mods that fix it? Even if there's pozzed shit you could just pirate the game, mod it all out, and repackage it with mods as the definitive edition.
>>71488 >purposely making the game obscenely grindy for the explicit purpose of selling you DLC where everything has boosted EXP rates Good thing that everything can be downloaded for free thanks to PKGj. But, that's also the case with majority of Vita titles: >>71303
>>71486 I don't mind Latinos I just wish more of them opted for the Aztec aesthetic rather than the favela aesthetic.
Is archive being DDOS? Kiwi farms still getting DDOS because (((isabella loretta jakke))) daughter of literal Glowies.
>>71486 I remember how some nu/pol/ tard legit tried saying Negro was French for black and when anons who knew frog and well weren't retarded told him Noir was black in Frog. He tried to double down and made a total clown of himself.
>>71493 >I remember how some nu/pol/ tard legit tried saying Negro was French for black That's because it is: https://infogalactic.com/info/Negro#Other_Romance_languages <In the French language, the positive concept of negritude ('blackness') was developed by the francophone Senegalese politician Léopold Sédar Senghor. The word nègre as a racial term fell out of favor around the same time as its English equivalent negro. Its usage in French today has shifted completely, to refer to a ghostwriter (i.e. one who writes a book on behalf of its nominal author, usually a non-literary celebrity). <In Haitian Creole, the word nèg, derived from the French nègre, refers to a dark-skinned man; it can also be used for any man, regardless of skin color, roughly like guy or dude in American English.
>>71231 >>71231 I kinda remember this image, it was made in one of 8ch boards, maybe one of the lower porn boards but I remember this being a cute and vanilla story. Do you have more where this image is from?
>>71487 So whereas isekai is endemic due to the Japs actually wanting fun (or having shit taste), this bullshit destroyed YA fiction to turn yet another entertainment medium into a mouthpiece. Every day, I feel ever more distant from what I used to love. Music, books, sitcoms, etc. >>71489 If that was the case, Zanki Zero and Criminal Girls would be uncensored on Steam right now. Short of a source code leak, we're looking at a never ever for many a game's salvation.
>>71496 Never even heard of it, and of course just because its censored doesn't mean someone will take the time to fix it.
>>71496 There were already mods that fix Criminal Girls on steam, weren't there?
>>71493 >>71494 Fun fact, did you know the song Yellow Rose of Texas isn't about a flower but is actually about an extremely light skinned ("high yellow") black woman?
>>71488 Except there's plenty of "localized" aspects of games that can easily be fixed with mods. Whereas it's literally impossible to even play a fucking software as a service title unless you submit to rootkit anti-cheat and having all your progress tied to an account that can be ripped away from you at any moment. Software as a service is the single biggest issue in gaming right now.
>>71438 There are lots of slutty shotas in doujins too anon.
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>>71499 https://infogalactic.com/info/The_Yellow_Rose_of_Texas_(song) >The earliest known version is found in Christy's Plantation Melodies. No. 2, a songbook published under the authority of Edwin Pearce Christy in Philadelphia in 1853. Christy was the founder of the blackface minstrel show known as the Christy's Minstrels. Like most minstrel songs, the lyrics are written in a cross between the dialect historically spoken by African-Americans and standard American English. The song is written in the first person from the perspective of an African-American singer who refers to himself as a "darkey," longing to return to "a yellow girl," a term used to describe a light-skinned bi-racial woman born of African-American and white progenitors.
>>71494 Noir is black in French and is what they use when you say black, What you're saying is terms for nogs.
>>71497 >except for mods that fix it So why are you arguing like everything's fine if this is the case?
>>71503 Hell I almost forgot the shit you linked even says". Negro denotes "black" in Spanish and Portuguese"
>>71495 /monster/?
>>71492 Seems like the DDoS attack has ramped up in severity. It's almost as if Mike's desperate...
>>71504 Because it is fine, if I shit out censored games and retards still want to play them, or even pay for the privilege, the censorship is justified. It's not some quantum encryption, reverse engineering is just extremely tedious work, but the people who could retranslate a game would probably rather just play it in its original language. This is especially true if the problem can be fixed by a small readme, but also if its so prevalent you'd have to rewrite the whole game. And if it is encrypted, denuvo and other SaaS falls under the other anon's claim of being the worst thing to happen to games as well. "Localization" is a problem, but learning japanese is probably faster and would give access to untranslated games if you enjoy them so much.
>>71501 I would definitely like to see them.
Reposting this here because it's important. >>>/site/3983
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Why is it that everytime I come back into this thread, you guys talk about gay shit? >>71495 It was from a /monster/ drawn CYOA on OG 8chan called Busboy.
>>71487 I found a trilogy of books that I think would have been great had they not been YA and had to make room for YA sensibilities. The premise that it's a utopian in theory future, post scarcity, post death(humans can resurrect at pleasure unless marked otherwise) because a benevolent AI mutated into a super intelligence almost close to omniscience and now provides everything for humanity, to the point that it provides amazing yet slightly flawed technology for humanity so that engineers aren't completely obsolete and still have something to do, stuff like that. The issue that for the society to function humanity's numbers have to be kept under a limit before things get irreversibly fucked which is where the titular Scythes come in. They're allowed to kill people irreversibly and have complete say in who or how they kill with the condition that it's as random as possible. The catch? Ebul murder happy scythes who don't kill people humanely! despite the fact that every Scythe has complete say over their method of kills and it's meant to mimic how death can come in any shape or form and going into malls with flamethrowers is literally as random as you can get with your murder quota. Also the leader of said ebul murder happy scythes? Has been sabotaging the super god-like AIs attempts at interstellar travel and space colonization for decades now, which is the entire reason why the whole humanity must remain under a certain limit exists. Because EVIL! Starcrossed interracial lovers between can do super capable curry and CRAAAAWLING IN MY SKIIIIN ginger who dresses in the taboo black scythe colors and calls himself scythe lucifer, and he kills other scythes! Some insufferable literal gender fluid(as in he changes sex if they're in the light or darkness) character in the third book
>>71512 I read Scythe. Great idea, completely ruined by being written for the YA audience which stripped it of any moral grey areas or nuance. Didn't bother with the sequels.
>>409781 Funnier is when Africans hired mercenaries from a Serbian "telephone company" and when tasked to genocide a particular tribe the Serbs simply decided all blacks look the same anyway, got drunk and started raping and pillaging.
>>71508 As far as I'm concerned, having to learn an entire fucking language just to play some halway decent vidya shouldn't have been a requirement to start. Christ, I hate nip corporations cheaping out for the cheapest translators, it's ALWAYS these leftist freaks because they aren't good enough to charge higher.
>>71494 >negritude
>>410291 >the masses >random nobodies twitter Uh huh. Thank you for sharing.
>>410293 >>410294 >social media +1s Bot likes mean something. Apparently.
>replying to niggerpill The silver lining here is that the average person is so cucked that a fucking child was able to defeat them. Consider that if any anon here was ever put in a situation where they had to verbally, physically, or mentally overcome a normalfag, they could do it with ease
It's funny how the niggerpilling "wins" keep getting smaller and smaller while niggerpill keeps getting shriller and shriller. It's becoming very silly. >[GRATUITOUS REDTEXT FOR EMPHASIS] A NIP LIKED A SHITTY WESTERN GAME THEREFORE JAPAN IS CUCKED FOREVER AND WE'RE ALL DEAD AND IT'S OVER
I'd call it "comedy" or "performance art" except he gets so fucking butthurt about being made fun of
Reminder Psychonauts overrated sloppy platformer that got elevated because Xbox original didn’t have a lot of platformers compared to PS2 and game cube. If it wasn’t for G4 shilling hard for psychonauts no one will remember the game.
>>71159 >License music are mostly from Christian rock bands >majority of the Devs totally all support sluts killing babies I have a feeling all this shit got started because Jews got hired recently.
>>71485 Cool But does it do fetishes?
>>71509 What do you even "define" as slutty? How do you have problems finding any? There's tons that fit the most basic descriptions. T.K-1? It should fit what you want, but the artstyle is pretty unique. Maybe Shiba Yuuji? By being smart and choosing tags most likely to appear in what you want, you can find tons of artists. You're just being lazy.
Jesus Christ, you girls are still talking about shotas?
>>71526 There are no girls on the internet.
>>71527 I'm sorry, I thought this was the imageboard for mothers.
>>71511 >you guys More like one guy
Whatever happened with those McAfee leaks? They sort of just dropped off the face of the internet. Did the glowies start shadow removing and taking down websites that posted shit like that time the spy name got leaked and got any website that mentioned it taken offline immediately?
>>71456 Well that sucks, but it means nothing to me. I haven't spent any money on that game since PSO2 CBT on Xbox way back - so it's not like I have hundreds of dollars in investment sunk into it to scare me into compliance. If they ban me, I'll just go play PSOBB on a private server.
>>71422 Does simply clicking the link get you hacked or do you have to download and run an .exe like a retard?
>>71484 I read that yesterday?
>>71530 The leaks were intercepted and replaced with Qshittery, so nothing useful was revealed.
Our first floor's flooded thanks to the flood that came from a nearby province. Fucking hell, man.
>>71534 >The leaks were intercepted Elaborate.
>>71536 Whatever the leaks could have been, were replaced with nothing more than "Q says something happening trust le plan", so either there wasn't anything to begin with, or the glows found where the deadman switch's files were and replaced them with Qanon shit.
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>>71537 What a shame.
>>71539 >immediately after he uploaded a video about Vic
>>71539 >just remembered the channel existed yesterday and watched a couple of the screech reels I've missed out on over the years Fucking jewtube. Who gives a fuck if something's offensive, it's on the internet where you can ignore it or shut it off and it can't do shit to you, assuming you ever stumble on it in the first place.
>>71539 Seems like jewtube has been really niggerish lately with its strike system. Recently even a random linux channel got deleted out of the blue.
>>71540 Any place for watching that video?
>>71543 kemono.party has his uncensored videos. I don't know who vic is but you might find it there.
>>71544 >Watched the "fate of halo" I can see why jewtube kvetched so hard.
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>>71539 >brote got banned >two days before the new Life is Strange game comes out
>>71540 He reuploaded the fate of halo video as unlisted which got him dinged before so was probably that.
>from /v/-tan punching a feminist in the gut, out came vivian from the feminist's mouth like something out of a greek myth ...does this mean that vivian shouldn't have a bellybutton?
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>>71546 Muahaah, the French.
>>71549 Muahaah, the Nuns.
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>>71545 I am watching my first broteam video. What the fuck is this unironically based content?
>>71552 Based on what?
>>71549 >sept 11
>>71549 I miss when this guy’s art didn’t have ducks hamfisted into every single one. I have come to hate him.
>>71549 Only three days to go for a nice false flag.
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>>71555 what the fuck is wrong with drawing ducks, nigger?
>>71555 >ducks Those are clearly geese anon.
>>410452 Wonder bread is a legitimate fetish
>>71555 Imagine being such a nigger that ducks upset you.
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>>410452 I posit that there's absolutely nothing wrong with Wonder Bread guy and his fetishes. It's more how they react to the man. I think that the modern world can't understand how to be passionate about something, to the point that creation of things is alien to them, where they point to an artist or a skilled person and internally say "Look! Here lies an angel!" even when that person is posting porn of assholes shaped like donuts or scat fetishism. But, lo and behold, a man who loves bread and venture capitalist women with chainsaws who destroy the environment and they say "Lo, behold! A devilish thing! The Devil himself!" even though the man has done nothing wrong himself with his quite specific fantasies and might even be doing it as a joke. That energy confuses them, it's non passive, aggressive, dangerous energy to them, because it's not pandering to them or bothering to appeal to them with common fetishes, because I believe that even the most degenerate porn artist holds themselves back for their audience. It's a man with a plan, his own will, a specific goal, a passion for it, and no need for others to join in incestously. Wonder Bread Man is true modern art in human form.
>>71560 Anon is angry, angry about DUCKS.
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>>71560 >>71563 You have to understand what those ducks did to him
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>>410474 >Cheeze pizza >In the archive YOU'RE A FUCKING IDIOT!
>>410474 >>410474 >archiving child porn You deserve a ban.
>>71569 What can be done about that?
>>71564 What >>410474 said.
Wait, is this Duck hate anon the Monkey hate anon as well?
>>71571 There's a report button on the archive site.
>>71574 Well someone report it I don't want to have to load the page myself to do so.
>>71568 >>71569 He probably was the one that uploaded it too and this is his way of trying to deplatform the site.
This video is really funny https://yewtu.be/watch?v=kNu7ZlHoDYs
>>71576 >this is his way of trying to deplatform the site Guys in charge are already doing a wonderful job.
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>>71573 At least there is no horse hate here
>>71562 Probably People really are pathetic, its fascinating how much they will conform to society rather than the other way around (excluding when the culture for society is manufactured; jews know how to pull on people's strings in that regard)
>>71576 It wouldn't have been the first time it's happened and I'm going out on a limb here by saying it probably wont be the last time. The same fags that were getting imageboards deplatformed left and right haven't gone anywhere, they've probably just been trying to strategize on how to get the more resilient of sites taken down. My guess is that by archiving threads that they post illegal content in is their last resort since DOS attacks didn't work, they'll archive the illegal content and present it as proof to different organizations and at least invoke investigations and if they're lucky get alphabet soup agencies to sieze domains/servers.
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>>71557 >what the fuck is wrong with drawing ducks, nigger?
>>71581 You're acting as if they aren't culpable either. /hebe/ is still up, as is the literal fucking designated pedo thread on /b/, and any time these points are brought up, you get nothing but a vague response of a "commitment to quell it", if anything at all. I wouldn't blame anyone for thinking this place is a honeypot at this point.
>>71562 No murrlogic is legitimately just a sick mentally ill autist.
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>>71539 What for? >>410474 t. Totally not a fed.
Happy Star Trek Day, lads.
>>71586 What's there to be happy about when your franchise has been so thoroughly raped?
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>>71579 I am allergic to horses.
>>71586 Qapla'
>>71587 It was commie propaganda from the start, so it doesn't matter.
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>>71592 petaQ
>>410519 >if I hold it dear the fact that it's literal commie propaganda doesn't count You are part of the reason things are so shit now.
>>71589 I'm gonna need a magnet for these.
>>71592 >It was commie propaganda Only during Next Gen. TOS/TAS was about bumbling around the universe, DS9 about espionage and being a frontier town, Enterprise was about always pushing forward, and Vygr was essentially Lost in Space.
>>71592 Common misconception from people who never watched the original show. It gets increasingly more SJW starting with The Next Generation, but the original was very much pro-America. The Federation was basically just space-America, and everyone in it was essentially conquered and colonized by America. It takes place in a future where America basically conquered the Earth and then AmericaEarth conquered a bunch of other planets. Uhura is african, but you couldn't tell by the way she acts. Sulu is asian but doesn't display any asian culture. They're just Americans. Spock is just an autistic American. And they make fun of him for the relatively minor differences he does display (despite the fact that he has super strength and other superpowers and could kill them at any moment). And Kirk and McCoy are classic Americans that act like they were born when the actors were born. In Star Trek, American culture not only took over the galaxy, but it was specifically a version of American culture that didn't face the cultural degradation of the 1960s and later. Except they didn't know racism between blacks and whites. Instead, they were just openly racist to vulcans. Also, I thought everyone knew the good guys represented America and the Klingons were the Russians? The whole thing is capitalism vs communism. At least until TNG maybe. And even then, not really until Roddenberry died. >>71598 I haven't watched much beyond The Original Series, Animated Series, movies, and Next Generation, but what I have seen of DS9 was a bunch of some guy with big ears being a strawman "misogynist" so they could push feminist messaging. I know what the Ferengi are and I know his name is Quark, but my point remains.
>>71597 I wish Jay was in more of the Star Trek videos, in that "make him answer a question from behind the camera and giggle" kind of way. I guess the trivia show videos fill that same niche though.
>>71598 >Everybody lives in a multiracial, homogenised globalist space federation where all the tedious work is automated and machines can make everything for free >heavy multiculti globohomo influence Star Trek was always commie propaganda, ESPECIALLY the TNG era. Roddenberry was a commie and his bullshit seeps through everything. Pretty much every Star Trek iteration was pretty liberal for its time. It was SJW from the start unless there was another Star Trek in 1966 that didn't have a jap, a jew with gay mannerisms, a commie, a catholic, a black woman in a miniskirt and a degenerate pussy hound running around. Gene went out of his way to include minorities in the casting of TOS, and the general trend for ethnically diverse casts continued throughout the later series. Voyager was especially guilty of this, where the writers were often afraid to write Janeway with flaws since they felt it would undermine a female captain, or the borderline racist caricature Chakotay got. Star Trek was pushing the "Communism/Socialism is good" agenda in the times when people were literally being arrested under suspicion of being Commie spies. They had to be cunning. But none of that matters because you like it, right? >>71599 >niggers, spics and chinks are "just Americans" Sorry, but no.
>>71599 Roddenberry was a huge leftie, as is responsible for most of the stuff in Star Trek that gets it the moniker of space communism. The reason why the first few seasons of TNG were so clunky is because Roddenberry didn't want any conflicts between the crew getting in the way of his utopian vision - which got really fucking boring really quickly. It wasn't until after he started stepping away from the show that we got the interpersonal development with the crew, as well as the more fun stuff like DS9 and the Borg.
>>71599 >what I have seen of DS9 was a bunch of some guy with big ears being a strawman "misogynist" so they could push feminist messaging Do you realize that one of the underlying points of DS9 is all of the non-Federation races slowly watching their culture degrading in order to meet Federation's values. The Ferengis slowly amending the Rules of Acquisition, the Klingons losing their warrior culture, the Cardassians losing their aristocracy and heritage, even the Bajorians experiencing a clash between the Federation's science and their religion. >>71601 >It was SJW from the start unless there was another Star Trek in 1966 that didn't have a jap, a jew with gay mannerisms, a commie, a catholic, a black woman in a miniskirt and a degenerate pussy hound running around. The very first episode of the series: https://infogalactic.com/info/The_Cage_(Star_Trek:_The_Original_Series) That NBC rejected and told the crew to go back to the drawing board, which is how we got TOS. >>71602 >Roddenberry was a huge leftie <Who wrote straight-up erotica?
>>71603 You act like lefties aren't the most degenerate fucking lust demons around.
>>71599 >Star Trek is just America in space I don't think that's the case at all. Chekov was deliberately added so that they could have Russian representation. Hell, the story takes place after the Earth was nearly destroyed in WWIII. Roddenberry definitely subscribed to this believe of universal egalitarianism and made significant effort to showcase women and minority groups in positions of status even outside of the main cast. That's how we ended up with characters like Number One, Dr. Daystrom, and Khan. There wasn't much wrong with that, either. Who doesn't want a positive, happy future unburdened by racial and cultural tension and is both literally and figuratively sexy? Every ounce of the latter has been wrung out post-Enterprise.
It really is funny how easy it is to get people to embrace communist propaganda, even people here. All you seemingly have to do is get them while they're young. >>71603 >That NBC rejected and told the crew to go back to the drawing board, which is how we got TOS. What does that change about everything I brought up?
>>71606 >All you seemingly have to do is get them while they're young. That must explain why it's always a leftist who tries to tell kids about anal vore.
>>71607 >a leftist who tries to tell kids about anal vore. What did Canada do this time?
>>71608 Probably something I don't know yet, but I was talking about how SJWs or commies or anyone around them are always preaching about toxic masculinity and guns erections are a no-no, but then they get caught raping kids or selling guns to terrorists.
>>71609 guns and erections*
>>71606 >It really is funny how easy it is to get people to embrace communist propaganda <You must burn all media to the ground because someone with the wrong opinions on one specific subject could have touched it at one point
>>410561 Did you try to fuck your mosin again, /k/?
>>71601 >a jew with gay mannerisms Wait, do you mean Spock? Or Kirk? Which of them has gay mannerisms? The asian was pretty flamboyant, but neither of the jews seemed very gay. Of course, neither character is jewish, but the actors are, and I assume that's what you're referring to. Everyone seems taken for granted to be atheist, though there is the one reference to monotheism when they fight Apollo that seems like it was an edit demanded by the network, since otherwise the whole episode comes off as a screed against theism in general. >a commie Does Chekov ever make reference to communism or the USSR? He is Russian (and the butt of many jokes for that), but I don't think they ever refer to him being a commie. The show doesn't deal with economics very much in general, since it's basically about the space navy doing their jobs and meeting aliens, though there are merchants and stuff, like Harry Mudd or the guy who sells the tribbles, and they seem to be conducting free enterprise. >a catholic Are you getting scots confused with potatoniggers? >a degenerate pussy hound I never really understood how this perception of Kirk got started. He's a suave cool guy, and can manipulate women with his charisma when he needs to, but I don't recall any episodes where he is actually a degenerate pussy hound. There are a few episodes where he has different love interests, but he isn't very degenerate in them. I guess in Wrath of Khan he finds out he has a now-adult son he didn't know about, but that's not quite "original series" and it's also not portrayed as a random one night stand or something. Oh also there is the time in Star Trek IV where he basically seduced a woman from the 20th century to come with him to the future, then just never mentioned her again. That's pretty bad. But not quite "degenerate pussy hound," just kind of short sighted. >niggers, spics and chinks are "just Americans" Roddenberry was certainly a globalist, but not in the modern sense. He was a globalist in that he believed American culture was best and should take over the world. Everyone acts like Americans. Call it unrealistic if you will, it is sci-fi after all, but this is very different from acting like Uhura being african means that we need to respect 20th century african ooga booga "culture" as much as 20th century American culture. It was more like a view that American culture is so much better that eventually they will help the rest of the world (and the galaxy) catch up. In an early episode they even make reference to Vulcan being conquered due to their cultural differences from Earth (which just acts like America). Later they would back off and act like it's more of a partnership, but in the original series, America rules. And Klingons transparently represent commies. But you're right that Voyager is SJW shit. >>71602 Leftie in Roddenberry's lifetime is very different from today. He didn't like racism and he was very atheist, but there is little to support the idea he was a commie. He also didn't seem very feminist, what with casting his mistress in the show (after firing the previous female lead and saying it was because they couldn't afford that many characters). In the final episode of the original series, Kirk's ex girlfriend is the villain, out for revenge because she feels she wasn't allowed to become a captain because she is a woman. She is not portrayed sympathetically. Also the bad guy in The Motion Picture (the only one Roddenberry was allowed to have actual involvement in) is basically a giant space vagina, and I'm not quite sure what that means, but I don't think it's feminist. >It wasn't until after he started stepping away from the show that we got the interpersonal development with the crew, as well as the more fun stuff like DS9 and the Borg. It's also when you got all the SJW shit. >>71603 >Do you realize that one of the underlying points of DS9 is all of the non-Federation races slowly watching their culture degrading in order to meet Federation's values. Are you arguing that the Ferengi's loss of their culture is seen as a negative point? Because if not, then the point stands. >>71605 >Chekov was deliberately added so that they could have Russian representation. Yeah, and he is friendly with the American captain and other crew members. Russia exists, but they are no longer a threat. America won. They don't delve deeply into what happened, but it sure doesn't seem like the USSR won. They aren't all speaking Russian on that ship. They meet the ghost of Lincoln in space, not Lenin. They go to a planet that organically wrote an exact copy of the US Constitution, and the people are literally called Yankees, and the bad guys are literally called Communists, because the development of a culture like America is seen as the natural development of any human society. >Hell, the story takes place after the Earth was nearly destroyed in WWIII. Yeah, they don't act like things are perfect in the present, it is about a utopian future, but it isn't a communist utopian future. >Roddenberry definitely subscribed to this believe of universal egalitarianism and made significant effort to showcase women and minority groups in positions of status even outside of the main cast. Definitely, though note that though Number One could be First Officer, later episodes would imply women can't be Captains. Also, Khan might be some sort of not-quite-white guy (I still don't know if he's supposed to be ethnically indian or just swarthy like Montalban), but I don't think it's pushing much of a leftie message to say that a not-quite-white guy took over a significant part of the world, specifically including the not-white part he's supposed to be from. I don't think it's a leftie message to have it so Hitler II (or Napoleon III, as the episode seems to put it) isn't white. A modern show would most definitely have him be white (and probably blonde), and make that the point. >>71606 >What does that change about everything I brought up? You asked for where it was. It's there in the first episode. Blame NBC for not letting that version of the show go forward. I understand that people here might be opposed to Roddenberry's atheism and dislike of racism, but his shows were certainly not communist, and while maybe you could make arguments that they displayed degrees of feminism, I'd argue it was very little. By modern standards, he'd be lynched for making it so Kirk's original love interest was Yeoman Rand. They'd say it was literally rape. And that's to say nothing of how the actress that played her got screwed (metaphorically) so that the "actress" that was already getting screwed (literally) could essentially take her job.
>>71611 >could have touched it at one point More like fucking created it and inserted his views into it, dumbass. Christ.
Star Trek is socialist propaganda not communist propaganda (if one can really call such far fetched fiction propaganda at all), though with how most socialists run things in practice it tends to be six of one, a half dozen of the other. Specifically, other races are encouraged to keep their cultures and beliefs instead of having to give that up so that nothing exists except the state. Really though, there is no problem with enjoying any of this shit just like there is not an issue jerking it to futa-loli doujins, not like anyone here is so brain damaged as to mix up fantasy and reality. Anyone with that level of retardation basically turns into a Qberg or nu/pol/tard, reading hidden messages in everything and thinking that everything people make is some sort of effort to influence. At that point you might as well just live on twitter, you'll fit in right beside the SJWs.
>>71615 >reading hidden messages in everything and thinking that everything people make is some sort of effort to influence I mean when you constantly see media represent nigger men with white girls in advertisements and movies I don't think that's a coincidence.
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>>71615 Reminder that the difference between socialism and communism is nothing other than to serve to confuse opponents of communism as they're swapped around in constant equivocation. t. Lenin
>>71615 >Really though, there is no problem with enjoying any of this shit Until it metastasizes like it's fucking meant to because it's meant to be subtle in the beginning. Nothing wrong with that, I guess. You keep complaining about how things got this bad, all the while praising the roots of it all. That's called cognitive dissonance, retard.
>>71615 You're foolish if you don't think that artists, including those making TV shows, deliberately put "hidden" messages in their work. The question is the degree to which they did it. And Roddenberry did do it a decent amount on the earliest iterations of Star Trek. But it wasn't communist (or socialist) messaging. Globalist? Yeah (though not in the way people here think of globalism today). Atheist? Sure. But not communist/socialist. I'd also argue not feminist, either, but I could understand others arguing against me on that.
>>71613 >Does Chekov ever make reference to communism or the USSR? The most was the usual 60's gag about how Russia is the "source" of all civilization.
>>71620 So not communism. He is very proud of Russia and attributes many things that obviously aren't Russian to Russia. That's the joke. Russians are arrogant. But no mention of communism.
>>71613 >Also, Khan might be some sort of not-quite-white guy (I still don't know if he's supposed to be ethnically indian or just swarthy like Montalban), but I don't think it's pushing much of a leftie message to say that a not-quite-white guy took over a significant part of the world, specifically including the not-white part he's supposed to be from. I don't think it's a leftie message to have it so Hitler II (or Napoleon III, as the episode seems to put it) isn't white. Khan's actor, Ricardo Montalbán, is a Spaniard. Also Khan, himself, is a genetically modified human; which is a big plot point behind Data's origin (As his creator was involved with that project), Dr. Bashir's past (Why the practice of genetic modification was outlawed), and the fourth season of Enterprise.
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>>71592 >Torfag
>>71619 >You're foolish if you don't think that artists, including those making TV shows, deliberately put "hidden" messages in their work. You mean like how The Lion, the Witch, & The Wardrobe is a blatant retelling of Christ's resurrection?
>>71624 No, you see it's beautiful and tasteful when someone who I agree with does it :^)
And this isn't even touching all the Zionist shit packed into it. All of which, of course, doesn't matter, because I liked it when I was younger!
>>71626 >And this isn't even touching all the Zionist shit packed into it Such as?
>>71627 >anti-Christian and anti-biblical shit >the relationship between the Vulcans and Earth
>>71624 It features a blatant retelling. I wouldn't say the whole story IS a blatant retelling. There's more beyond that. But yes. Lewis was very open about how that story is a christian allegory, and how his religion influenced his works heavily. >>71625 There are differing degrees, and differing skill levels. Lewis was a good writer. Tolkien described Lord of the Rings as being a catholic work, but you can read it without that understanding and get a good story. It does feature his biases, but he was able to weave his stories in a way that makes the messages he wants to tell interesting, even if you don't agree with all of them. The same cannot be said of the people behind Star Trek Discovery or Picard. I would not put Roddenberry or the other writers of Star Trek The Original Series anywhere near the level of Lewis and Tolkien (including that stuck up prick Harlan Ellison), but I would say they at least managed to make their stories entertaining, though there are certainly messages in them. But not communist messages. Maybe in the later series after Roddenberry died. >>71626 Yeah huh? Roddenberry was very atheist, and that is one of the messages that does shine through in the show. He wanted Star Trek The Motion Picture to be about them fighting God, which he already basically did when they fought Apollo and Trellaine and a bunch of other god-like aliens. And then they'd do it again in Star Trek V and the very first episode of The Next Generation, with Q, who would go on to be a recurring nemesis (and later a good guy once Roddenberry was dead). I find it hard to think such a staunch atheist would be zionist, a position that is fundamentally predicated on believing in some sub-set of Judaism. >>71628 >anti-Christian and anti-biblical shit It's anti-theist, if anything. Not anti-christian in particular. And judaism is a religion. It's the one christianity spun off from, so you should be aware of the fact that it is a religion, if you love christianity so much. >the relationship between the Vulcans and Earth And what exactly is that? Are you implying one planet or the other is some sort of promised land? We don't get much about humans moving to vulcan or vice-versa. It happens, but not in any significant numbers. All we get about their relationship is they're both in the federation, with a semi-explicit reference to Earth conquering Vulcan (which is only ever mentioned once and then never again). I really don't get how there could be any zionist allegory there. There are several episodes that are about planets that are explicitly compared to Eden. You could maybe work with that. But Eden is not quite the same as Zion. But I'd be very interested in how you could take anything from the series as some sort of zionist messaging. Frankly, the most degenerate thing is that San Francisco seems to be the capitol of the entire federation. But I'm not sure if SF was as big a shithole in the '60s-'80s.
>>71624 >You mean like how The Lion, the Witch, & The Wardrobe is a blatant retelling of Christ's resurrection? Doesn't matter if it is. Nobody of dubious faith ever read The Lion, the Witch, & The Wardrobe and came out of it convinced that Jesus Christ was their lord and savior. I'd consider it more an homage and reference to the resurrection story written by someone of deep faith, but hardly argued for the validity of it or for a Christian worldview. The entire book is fantasy, and whatever lessons or parallels it may have will be discarded by nearly all readers as just a part of that fantasy world. It's not even on the same level as fables which explicitly contain a lesson of truth or impart moral lessons on the reader which are intended to extend beyond the tales's fiction into the reader's everyday life.
>>71628 >anti-Christian and anti-biblical shit You just described every single fantasy/sci-fi work ever made. >the relationship between the Vulcans and Earth <The Vulcan's view humans as primitive, and express an uncharacteristic provide other this because their entire society is based around logic <The mirror universe episode show that humans could steamroll Vulcans at any point in time if they wanted to <Enterprise is about humanity finally telling the Vulcans to fuck off with their arbitrary limitations and that we are fully capable of voyage just as they are <That's on top of Vulcan society having it's own issues If anything the relationship with the Vulcans could be best compared to America's relationship with England. >>71629 >But I'm not sure if SF was as big a shithole in the '60s-'80s. SanFran was a known dug-den back then, but people were still responsible enough to the point that they had jobs. >>71630 >Nobody of dubious faith ever read The Lion, the Witch, & The Wardrobe and came out of it convinced that Jesus Christ was their lord and savior. And, what is it about the Star Trek series that would make one completely change their world view and declare that Socialism/Communism is a possibility?
>>71617 >Reminder that the difference between capitalism and communism is nothing other than to serve to confuse opponents of Jews — Anon, 8. September 2021
>>71629 The problem is that Judaism isn't just a religion, but it's also an ethnicity, a history, and a culture that exists even without the religious aspects. The religion is deeply ingrained as the core focal point of their culture - but actually believing and following the religion is a whole other matter. There's quite a lot of secular Jews out there, just as there are (to a much lesser extent) cultural christians who do not believe in the faith - but go through the motions because they like the sense of community, a connection to a deeper history, and enjoy participating in the ritualism. Shit, that's basically the entirety of modern Unitarian Universalism.
>Godot Edition >still no Godot 4 OP you fucked it up
>>71632 >And, what is it about the Star Trek series that would make one completely change their world view and declare that Socialism/Communism is a possibility? Nothing. I never claimed that it would. Star Trek has been around for a very long time now, and has yet to spark a communist revolution.
>>71634 >The problem is that Judaism isn't just a religion What does this have to do with Star Trek?
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>>71637 Jews in Space
>>71549 French nuns?

>>71630 >Nobody of dubious faith ever read The Lion, the Witch, & The Wardrobe and came out of it convinced that Jesus Christ was their lord and savior >>71632 >And, what is it about the Star Trek series that would make one completely change their world view and declare that Socialism/Communism is a possibility? Anonymous 09/08/2021 (Wed) 21:25:26 Id:321b8f No. 410623 These things don't exist in isolation. It's about making your ideas more and more popular and acceptable, just like how globohomo keeps pushing racemixing in ads, television shows, and movies. One or two on their own will change little or no people's perspectives, but waves of propaganda both subtle and unsubtle over long periods of time inserted in to culture defining media like The Lion, the Witch, & The Wardrobe and Star Strek have an effect over time of making their ideas more palatable to those they normally aren't palatable to, and of reinforcing the beliefs of those who already believe. These examples don't act alone, but in tandem with every other piece of media that is also aligning with their views. No one is immune to propaganda, even if you're aware of it, though being aware may help mitigate its effects. There is no way to stop propaganda without very authoritarian restrictions on free speech and expression, and even then, defining what is and isn't propaganda of a certain kind is very difficult, since there are varying degrees of it. The only two ways to fight propaganda of whatever view you don't agree with is to point it out, and to make your own. And remember, to be effective at the latter, you mustn't let the message, however subtle or blatant, interfere with the entertainment value. VIDEOGAMES.
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>>71640 >Anonymous 09/08/2021 (Wed) 21:25:26 Id:321b8f No. 410623
>>71617 Yeah, that kind of bullshit is why nobody likes commies. You made something? No you didn't, I did, if you support that thing you must support me. Like what the c*nny posters are trying to do with loli. Socialism sprang out of the enlightenment along with a bunch of other schlock well before Marx was a twinkle in his father's eye. Not surprising that Lenin and his ilk tried to obfuscate their rotten ideas under something more accepted. Though if we're talking about using the guise of socialism to attain political power I think Hitler did a better job of it. >>71618 Dude, are you literally claiming I have "internalized communism" the same way left wing psychopaths claim more traditional minded women have "internalized patriarchy"? Jesus christ, I guess this is what happens when you spend too much time on social media, you become the monsters you surround yourself with. >>71619 You mean like the hidden message in an alley in GTAIII that says "You werent supposed to be able to get here you know"? Just because a piece of media contains a message doesn't mean that the message will be accepted by the audience or even recognized by them, I imagine really pretentious authors think this is a case of pearls before swine. Additionally, proscribing some sort of mind warping effect to these things seems pretty out there. I mean, if media had that strong an effect (especially on the youth) then how could anything like the current state of leftist insanity have arisen when by their own accounts the media of previous eras was rife with gaslighting via opposing philosophy? If you instead fall into the camp that believes instead that everything for the last hundred plus years is commie propaganda than likewise there should never have existed anything like the majority that votes in a candidates specifically espousing opposition to current radical leftist religious beliefs. What seems more likely is that without evolutionary pressures choosing for greater wisdom/intelligence and with a society of easy access to information discouraging the development of problem solving skills you are bound to wind up with a civilization of incompetents. Incompetents can't make anything, which means they can't make decisions.
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>>71642 >c*nny I love you anon. Never stop posting.
>>71642 >Dude, are you literally claiming I have "internalized communism" You are probably one of the most retarded gorilla niggers I've had the displeasure of meeting. The idea is it's presented in a "subtle" way that allows you to enjoy and ignore it early on, allowing its true message to shine through as time passes instead of blowing its load from the start. >Jesus christ, I guess this is what happens when you spend too much time on social media Ironic, from your speech mannerisms.
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>>71485 It was fun.
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>>71642 >c*nny I don't care if you don't like the word or not but why do you have to type like a twitter nigger?
>>71583 Acid is REALLY confident the feds like his gun store enough not to shoah him, I guess.
>>71647 My theory is that /hebe/ is yet another revoltard gayop, created so they can bitch about it incessantly until it gets deleted, at which point they can then bitch about overmoderation. In order for that to work, /hebe/ can't break any rules that would warrant their deletion, which is why it's odd that what's clearly a totally different group of bad actors keeps posting kiddie porn here or on /b/, but not on /hebe/, which might get /hebe/ shut down and actually inconvenience the site's userbase, assuming /hebe/ is run in good faith. No evidence for any of this, of course. I'm sure if and when /hebe/ breaks the rules, they go in the oven.
>>71646 >Falling for a c*nny meme
>>71648 That's my conclusion as well.
>>71649 I don't think he's baiting, but honestly It wouldn't shock me if it was just another nulist situation. post more cirno
>>71648 Nah, the /hebe/ board owner made his own site which has been attacked just the same as /b/ and /v/ has here. The discord retards only just learned of the /hebe/ board so we will see if they try and mess with it, but I think this part is more likely: >bitch about it incessantly until it gets deleted, at which point they can then bitch about overmoderation. There are already a lot of "normal" people complaining about the board, so it's more likely they just try and fuel that. They do it plenty.
>>71632 >And, what is it about the Star Trek series that would make one completely change their world view and declare that Socialism/Communism is a possibility? It doesn't make them change their worldview, but plenty of SJW casuals/fakers have tried to use it as an example of a communist utopia in the last few years, ignoring both the existence of TOS (which they probably hate but have to pretend they like because it's too central and classic), and the fact that Star Trek is practically a post-scarcity society where replicators can recreate all sorts of things, including food. And even then, people still have private property and try to get rich. Even that faggot Picard is a wealthy landowner with his own inherited vineyard. Which might be why they are destroying him in the new series. Well, part of why. The main reasons are because he's white and male. >>71637 Someone claimed Star Trek was zionist even though Roddenberry and others who have worked on the series, and much of their work, are famously atheist. >>71640 The fall of video games very much mirrors the fall of Star Trek. Despite the distinct lack of good Star Trek video games, the two are very much related, especially as their issues pertain to this thread. >>71642 >You mean like the hidden message in an alley in GTAIII that says "You werent supposed to be able to get here you know"? You know full well that we weren't talking about easter eggs, but about underlying themes. And GTAIII also has underlying themes, yes. What's important is how good the overall work actually is. Some things are more explicit with their themes than others, and some feature more complex themes. Some more skillfully weave their themes into the overall work, and some make their messaging more effective, but I would argue that practically any art, any creation, does have themes and messages that they portray. Now, I understand that SJW pseudo-intellectual faggots make this claim their bread and butter, but just because I'm saying that the themes exist doesn't mean that I'm saying they have to be the un-subtle, super-liminal pseudo-intellectual drivel that they see in everything. Yes, Tetris does have messages. No, they aren't communist messages. But the versions with all the Russian imagery could be said to have a vague theme of exploring Russian culture, even if in a limited degree. Themes don't need to be complex. GTAIII has more complex ones than Tetris, though, what with all the story elements stolen from mafia movies, and thus the themes that those stories have carrying over. And of course there is all the stuff about critiquing American culture in various ways as seen on the various radio stations. I'm sure some autists on this site could go on for a very long time about the many themes and messages of GTAIII (and I could too if I hadn't grown bored of GTA and lost my autism for it when IV and V both bored me). >Just because a piece of media contains a message doesn't mean that the message will be accepted by the audience or even recognized by them, I imagine really pretentious authors think this is a case of pearls before swine. Messages don't need to be recognized to be effective. If anything, the good ones aren't recognized. If you do it right, people won't realize you've done anything at all. And if you've done it really right, then even when people recognize but disagree, they can still enjoy the overall work. I'd say early Star Trek does this very well, but it gets worse at it over time. Lewis did this extremely well. Tolkien did it even better. For example, Roddenberry is very atheist and that shows in his work, and Lewis and Tolkien are very Catholic, and that shows in their work, but all of them are good enough that I can enjoy all of their works, despite some of their core messaging disagreeing with each other (and thus I fundamentally cannot agree with both sides). But they're talented creators (or at least Roddenberry was talented at steering his team of creators), so I can appreciate the messages they were trying to get across, and how skillfully they did it, even if I don't agree. The same can't be said of newer Star Trek, and I doubt it will be said of the Lord of the Rings TV show. Rockstar Games also got much worse at it over time, and I dread what GTAVI will be like. >Additionally, proscribing some sort of mind warping effect to these things seems pretty out there. It's not a mind-warping effect. It's only exposing people to one side of an argument, so they aren't even aware of the other side. You might say that the other side still is shown, but showing your own side has to start somewhere, and we know there is a group of people who, once they get even a bit of power, start trying to shut down all dissenters. And you don't have to completely shut down all dissenters, just keep them far enough away from certain prominent outlets that some people might not see them. And you know this is exactly what is happening with many people. If you can ever get an SJW away from the herd and talk to them one-on-one, you'd be shocked at how easy it is to blow their minds. They haven't been convinced of anything. They've just been blocked from dissenting opinions, and they're too dumb to realize what they're missing. >If you instead fall into the camp that believes instead that everything for the last hundred plus years is commie propaganda than likewise there should never have existed anything like the majority that votes in a candidates specifically espousing opposition to current radical leftist religious beliefs. Because the propaganda takes time to take effect. And it isn't monocausal, the media is just one institution they use to control. But most importantly, even now they're a tiny minority, and most people don't agree with them, but they've seized enough power that they finally feel free enough to exert their iron fist over everyone else, and too few people are willing to speak up and fight against them to have stopped them yet. But the wave is growing every day, and the harder the iron fist squeezes, the more people slip through their fingers. >>71562 I posit that the only reason people get mad about Wonder Bread guy isn't because his fetish is confusing, but because it's so easy to understand. Wonder Bread has had a long history of representing normality, whiteness, and America. When he loves Wonder Bread, he loves America and everything else the SJWs hate. So they react strongly against it. And their unthinking pawns might not consciously realize it, but they just do what they're told anyway. Their commanders hate Murrlogic, hate Wonder Bread, for a reason, for what we all know it represents.
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>>71524 It seems to be good at breast growth/expansion.
>>71654 But why does the AI equate tiddies with blue? More tiddies, more blue.
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>>71159 >Proud of #USSupremeCourt affirming the Texas law banning abortion for babies with a heartbeat," Gibson wrote in a tweet Saturday. "As an entertainer I don't get political often. Yet with so many vocal peers on the other side of this issue, I felt it was important to go on the record as a pro-life game developer. Holy shit that's all he said? Good lord this world is doomed.
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>>71654 Nice.
>>71657 Anything with contrary ideals must be destroyed, even if they are otherwise on their side. That is the purity spiral in a nutshell.
>>71655 The "creativity" slider increases the amount of elements in the image (notice how the girl's hair grew a bit). Since there was a bit of blue on the background of the image generated at lowest range, the AI ramped it up and even drew smaller elements on the highest levels (see https://thisanimedoesnotexist.ai/slider.html?seed=26476). Here's another example I made yesterday. A failed depiction of hands collapsed into something gritty. >>71658 Here are more boobs: https://thisanimedoesnotexist.ai/slider.html?seed=45574
>>71159 Reminder that it’s illegal to fire him under ✡US law✡ thanks to jewish intervention. Reminder that he will never sue them, no one will ever be punished for firing him, and he will never get another job again instead.
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>>71657 We went from bombing abortion clinics to digitally eradicating people who were pro-life in less than 20 years. wew
>>71661 I wonder when one of these corps will get sued for wrongful termination after a twatter cancel? There can't be THAT many cucks willing to sit down and take it.
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>>71291 I want some Rhodesian brushstroke. I don’t even know what. Something usable for me. Something to wear. When whites start having to escape to nature, I want to be wearing the symbols and attire of some of our most recent heroes.
>>71549 1. I liked this guy’s work more back when the nuns were more realistically proportioned. It’s just okay now. 2. I can guarantee he has no fucking idea what Christianity is or how nuns even work, since his characters are children and they do weird things. 3. So many goddamn animals what the fuck now there’s even hedgehogs. 4. More Father Ringo, please.
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>>71651 He's totally baiting. I started the c*nny shitpost. People took me seriously. Lulz were had.
>>71654 Since her hair also grew, you could interpret this as her getting older.
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>>71666 quality
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>Typhoon Jolina landfell at Central Luzon >We got hit by it at the center of the storm >Flashflood happened yesterday afternoon >Most of our food, furniture and appliances in the 1st floor are now tainted with flood water This fucking sucks, man. This fucking sucks.
>>71669 I'm sorry to hear that, anon
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>>71669 The tragedy is being fillipino.
>>71545 >>Watched the "fate of halo" >I can see why jewtube kvetched so hard. >>71547 >He reuploaded the fate of halo video as unlisted which got him dinged before so was probably that. Does anyone have a webm of this they could upload?
>>71673 >download some shady megavid link and reupload it here No. https://mega.nz/file/ITQnDabI#QsrUeMv-eK0CmkrVf8FusAOXQMZZwlupIcZWIuwbxAo
>>71249 >the road in wan-chai is closed at this hour
Shang-Chi Actor Simu Liu Mocks Critics For Reporting On Disastrous Box Office Predictions, The Joke’s On Him. Shang-Chi wasn't the worst grossing Marvel Movie but it still did pretty bad. Just Behind at 75.5$ Million Black Widow which grossed around 80.3$ Million on the opening weekend. https://archive.fo/DwA4b
>>71676 The worldwide total only barely made the initial budget back over the 4 day weekend release. It's a flop. Also we have a /co/.
I WISH someone would remake Terminal Velocity in Godot. It was a good pseudo 6DoF series and even Godot ought to be able to handle the kind of lite-3D such a game would require.
>star trek day When will Farscape get its day?
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>>71676 Just a question, is this guy related to the legendary director/actor Gordon Liu himself?
>>71662 >We went from bombing abortion clinics to digitally eradicating people who were pro-life in less than 20 years. wew Muslims and westboro baptist church calls america the great satan for a reason. I am sick of pretending they are wrong.
>>71676 That faggot a race baiting shill. If anyone want to have fun fighting back against Disney degeneracy start sending clips of him trash talking communist China to CCP twitter accounts Get this faggot ban on Chinese cinema and cost Disney more money
Indian News Uses Arma 3 Footage To Claim Pakistan Is Supporting The Taliban >Indian new channel Republic has been showing footage from the video game Arma 3 claiming it to be proof Pakistan is aiding the Taliban in Afghanistan. >The clip in question is one you can check out below, as it is being shared with millions of viewers via Indian news channel Times Now Navbharat. However, as has since been pointed out by factcheckers Boom, the clip doesn't show what the news channels are claiming it shows at all. In fact, it isn't even real-life footage. It has been lifted from the video game Arma 3. >Some of the images and videos coming out of Afghanistan over the past few weeks have been truly awful. Conflict is ongoing as the Taliban is in the process of taking back power over the nation following the withdrawl of Western troops. >However, some of the clips circulating, both online and on news channels, are not necessarily being presented in the correct context, as this example proves. >Some of the images and videos coming out of Afghanistan over the past few weeks have been truly awful. Conflict is ongoing as the Taliban is in the process of taking back power over the nation following the withdrawl of Western troops. However, some of the clips circulating, both online and on news channels, are not necessarily being presented in the correct context, as this example proves. >The clip being used by various news channels appears to have been taken from the footage above. An Arma 3 video that was posted on YouTube all the way back in January of this year. As for which news source first claimed the footage was linked to the Taliban, that remains unclear. The clip being run by news channels features a Hasti TV watermark, an Afghan TV channel based in the UK. >However, Hasti may have gotten the clip from someone who appears to have been trying to play a very poorly thought out practical joke. Faran Jeffrey, who claims to be an expert in analysing incidents involving terror and conflicts, originally posted the clip claiming it to be exclusive footage of what various news channels have subsequently reported it to be. >In a follow-up tweet, which you can check out above, they reveal the true source of the clip, and that they were just trying to have some fun by seeing how many people fell for it. A lot, as it turns out. https://archive.ph/jieUg South Korean video game firm Krafton bets big on India opportunity >South Korean video game firm Krafton, which has created PUBG and Battlegrounds Mo­b­ile India, is planning to dev­elop the Battlegrounds Mobile India brand into various other platforms and expand its inv­estment opportunities in the country, a top executive said. “For Battlegrounds Mobile India, we got a variety of eve­nts and campaigns coming up. It will involve developing the Battlegrounds Mobile India IP/brand into various other spaces as well as campaigns to emphasise responsible ga­m­ing and build healthy gameplay practices,” said Wooyol Lim, head of Battlegrounds Mobile division. >Krafton has inv­e­sted in In­d­ian e-sports and gaming firm NODWIN Gaming ($22.5 million) and gaming platform Lo­co ($9 million) as part of its an­nouncement to invest $100 mi­l­lion in India. https://archive.ph/UeBaw
Slender: A Crooked Manifestation Is a Made-in-India Horror Game for PC on Steam — Here's Everything We Know So Far >The horror genre isn't exactly top of mind for many a game developer in India. Barring Resident Evil which has recently come into its own in terms of sales potential, it isn't as popular as say, action games. >However Buggy Interactive a four-man indie team consisting of talent from the likes of Glu and Ubisoft want to change that with its own spin on the genre called Slender: A Crooked Manifestation for PC on Steam. "The answer itself is within the question, as the Indian developers often go for casual game projects for mobile devices, we believe that by creating a first person horror survival genre we will inspire other future developers," says Samarth Goel a developer on the project when asked as to why Buggy Interactive decided to make a horror game on PC. >Working with him on the game are Aditya Narayan Pandey, Shivanand Chidre, and Kartik Yadawad. The team has worked on games like Immortals: Fenyx Rising and Assassin's Creed Valhalla. However it isn't without its challenges as all of them are in different cities Goel tells me. >Communication and coordination for our first game project was the biggest challenge we faced," he says. >As for the game itself, Slender: A Crooked Manifestation is a first-person survival horror video game. It's a story of a lost female character who is stranded on an island, surviving on her own against all odds Goel tells me. "Players have to deal with main objective and missions, also the player will face Slenderman as the main antagonist as well as the children as once they were abducted by the Slenderman," says Goel. "In this game the player will find the slow paced, horrifying game experience with unique sound in an overgrown environment." >This made us wonder what the inspirations are for a game like this. For Goel, the lore of Slenderman itself helped shape its design and gameplay. >As per lore the Slenderman cannot be damaged or killed," he says. "Which will bring immense pressure to the player as the stealth mode will be the player's only true companion in this journey." >Given the confusing and convoluted history of the Slender Man IP does the team have Eric Knudsen or Mythology Entertainment's permission to use him? "[W]e tried to contact Mythology Entertainment, but we could not contact them as website domain is currently expired, and we do not have any communication links to contact them," he says. "We’re also trying to contact Eric Knudsen regarding his approval on our project." It'll be interesting to see how Buggy navigate a possibility that it may not be able to obtain the use of Slenderman. That said, creator Knudsen has claimed enforcement of copyright had more to do with artistic integrity than anything else. Hopefully that sways things in Buggy's favour. >To bring this game to life, the team is using the Unreal Engine. It's a choice that stands out considering that most Indian developers are familiar with the likes of Unity. "Unreal offers excellent visuals straight out of the box, whereas Unity to achieve the same high-quality visuals, takes a lot more work to get your assets looking close to the similar level as Unreal," Goel explains. "And also we find Unreal Engine more convenient and user-friendly at the first use to go ahead with it." https://archive.ph/ha9pM PS5 games might soon be more expensive >PlayStation 5 console might soon become more expensive due to the rising cost of production of new video games, media reports say. >Games made for the PlayStation 5 console might soon become more expensive due to the rising cost of production of new video games, media reports say. >According to Shawn Layden, a former official of Sony PlayStation, the cost of making video games of for new platforms doubles with every console generation, reports GizmoChina. >Layden stated that the cost of developing a game for the latest PS5 would be around $200 million, the report said. While this a sizeable sum already, Layden believes that this figure is expected to rise further, it added. >Furthermore, he stated that major game development studios and even some indie studios would have to deal with this by implementing a new strategy, which he called "de-risk". >In other words, most companies would be more incentivised towards making sequels to already established titles rather than creating new IPs from scratch, as per the report. >In India, the PlayStation 5 costs Rs 49,990 for the normal edition while the digital edition comes for Rs 39,990. The PS5 Digital Edition is effectively identical to the PS5, with all of the same processing power as the disc-drive-equipped version. https://archive.ph/yiWsR Sony niggers will have to pay more for tranny and feminist propaganda.
>>71684 >PS5 games might soon be more expensive Did they make a newer version that's less heat efficient?
>>71682 Chang-Chi isn't even allowed to premiere on Chinese theaters because she talked shit about the CCP. >>71684 Exactly how fucked is the state of sony now? I mean it was before but how worse is it now than before. Cause from what I see the tides have inversed from the previous generation. The Wii-U was a bomb and there were heavy instances of censorship of Japanese games and now sony and Nintendo switch positions. At this rate the PS5's looking like a disaster for this generation. Also a nice clown girl.
>>71669 Why would you put food on the 1st floor when there's a real chance of getting any kind of flood?
>>71684 >PS5 games might soon be more expensive Here's an idea: Instead of throwing exponentially more money on graphical fidelity chasing the impossible goal of photo-realism, how about you make games using stylised graphics with lower-quality assets that are much cheaper and instead focus on interesting gameplay and level design? I wish there were a major company that had focused less on graphical horsepower and more on "is this fun?". If there were I bet they'd be hugely successful and maybe these other companies would learn from them. Or maybe they'd just double down on being retards because Nintendo is still doing exactly that and kicking their fucking ass by every metric.
Hmmm all these (1)'s are sure organic.
>>71676 Isn't this the movie that was claimed to CRUSH labour day records, the month where no impressive records have actually been set?
>>410803 >stop trying to improve or innovate! nigger that's exactly the opposite of what I fucking said, you disingenuous faggot. Instead of making the same fucking shit with increasingly "better" (i.e. more expensive) graphics, focus on making interesting gameplay and level design with an easier to produce and more interesting visual aesthetic. Either you're actually retarded or you're merely pretending, but let's not pretend there's an actual difference. With these impressive credentials you could definitely be a games journalist.
>>410803 >stop trying to improve or innovate What innovation? One of Sony's BIGGEST titles for the PS5, a game that was directly "developed" for the system, has gameplay mechanics that was possible on the PS3: https://yewtu.be/watch?v=5XOV3pZj8rI <Not to mention an actual game having been testing said mechanic for a decade before being released in 2006.
>>71692 Is anyone going to bother making a futuristic alien bounty hunter game like Prey 2 originally was meant to be? Is Necromunda Hired gun any good?
>>410803 >Any game with a unique artstyle is kiddyshit Tetris and Mario What?
I feel sick. My cat has been suffering with heart failure. He seemed like he was getting a little better with medicine, but when I came home tonight he was so sick he couldn't move and I could feel fluid ballooning up in his chest. He collapsed and was meowing for help and it broke my fucking heart. I took him out in the county into a field and shot him because no vets are open to put him down. I feel like I want to cry like a bitch but nothing is coming out. He was my best friend for 11 years. My little pardner. I'm sorry for blogposting, but I'm dying inside right now.
>>71695 That's awful anon. I lost all my dogs recently. 2 through old age. I'm sorry you had to do that.
>>71695 Animals die all the time.
>>410802 >>410820 Make a quality (not to be confused with QUALITY) animation thread on /fur/. >>71695 Talk about it on >>>/c/2253 or >>>/c/2121 Concentrating every topic possible in this thread is one of the reasons most of the site is dead.
>>410827 >Can you actually point to any stories, starring anthro-characters or sentiant animals, that actually utilize the animalistic tributes of the character? Redwall and Lugaru is what I have in mind, just blending the traits of some animals with human society. >Prey 2 No idea. I think the most that exists out of Prey 2 was a short gameplay video showcasing how you can take cover from any position.
>>71699 >I think the most that exists out of Prey 2 was a short gameplay video showcasing how you can take cover from any position. But, just about any game with stealth mechanics does that now. The first two to come to mind was Dude Sex:HR and W_D.
>>71695 Sorry to hear, I hated to bury my cat a few years ago. He died of cancer; the slow death allowed me to build him a proper coffin, at least. I planted confederate jasmine on his grave.
>>71700 No I meant from any position as in the game had some parkour elements and what I remember in particular is that you could hang onto a ledge and aim from that position, it looked nice.
>>71701 That was how I lost my last one. 16 years, that cat and I basically grew up together. I love dogs too, but cats make a special kind of friend. My ear is still ringing from the gunshot and I don't think I'm going to sleep anytime soon.
>>71702 Okay, that does sound cool. The closest games currently come to that are anything with a grappling hook, and probably Mirror's Edge. >>410834 Reread my post, jackass. >>410836 >You know primitive people used to have totem animals, and they believed to share the spirit of those animals to explain body types and personality traits, as well as ideas about social roles (wolf pack leader, bear mama protecting her cub, rat faced fucking jew goblins, etc). That's what the American-Indians believed, but not all of them, and it was not universal. From what I know about most past cultures, they usually identified animals as either spirits/messengers of the Gods/nature. In fact, the Egyptians were really autistic about it to the point that they surrendered to the Persians without a fight because the Persian general flooded the city with livestock prior to the invasion. >Now we live in a society that creates bubbles and echo chambers that reinforce ideas beyond the point of normalcy so that anything can easily become an ideological hill to die on and even a sexual fetish that gets dialled up to fucking 11 almost instantly because there is so much shit available that is so pure in concentration that you build up a tolerance to what was once hardcore fetish material in an afternoon, so they just keep turning the dial ever further trying to feel that same first-time rush, chasing the dragon until you end up in a fucking fursuit hanging from straps on the ceiling while some poor fucking brainwashed and abused "cub" rims your asshole while getting fucked by the family dog. And, you're a fucking retard. There have been ZERO studies actually proving that this happens, with all the results pointing to people being mentally screwed up either since birth or after a traumatic incident.
>multiple posts point out furries fuck animals >posts immediately get deleted so which jannie is fucking their dog?
>>71704 What about E.X Troopers you mong?
>>410843 If Kazu is Mark's successor, /v/ truly is cursed never to have a good BO.
>>71706 Haven't played it.
>>71706 How well does it emulate?
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>>71684 lmao street shitter slender
>>410851 >the rest of the industry is trying to advance the medium How?
>>71711 The real question is how you're falling for bait this obvious.
>>71712 How do you know it's bait when you see people making the same statement, ad nauseum, in real life?
Where tf is this "old things are always shite and new things are always better and more innovative" coming from? Keep seeing retarded like c7d0af showed up when people tells company to "not being stupid and pissing off nearly all of your fanbase".
>>71713 You look at that fucking post and tell me that's an anon truly making an argument in good faith and not just trying to rile you or anyone up by going the "LOL BING BING WAHOO" route. That's the fucking post you'd expect to see a wojak with.
>>71709 I have played it, it runs just fine and is fully fan-translated. >>410843 Answertng reports.
>>71714 If it’s any older than 2 years, it’s outdated and irrelevant. You’re outdated and irrelevant. Things become relevant anywhere from 6-18 months BEFORE you even get your hands on it. Nothing has a lifespans of more than 4 years and absolutely nothing has a lifespan more than 2 years after you watch/play it. Shit that old should just be deleted and banned so people stop looking towards the past. If you’re not living in the present or even the future, you’re a net drag on absolutely everything and you NEED to be forced into compliance with the current affairs.
>>71716 I would agree with this post but it's about a minute old now and that was so last minute.
NSW government just announced that unless you get (((vaccinated))) you get to stay in lockdown forever, violating a whole bunch of human rights and contravening the findings of the fucking Nuremburg trials.
>>71720 So riots when?
>>71721 It's Aussies, so I'm not expecting much.
>>71721 Unfortunately not, this country is fucked. I'm planning on leaving but I do not fucking know where to go. Honestly considering fucking Texas but don't want to end up in a war between beaner cartels once Biden's Kamala's finished destroying the idea of nationhood and border control.
>>410868 Oh dog…
>>71722 >>71724 Pathetic.
>>71726 >Pathetic. It truly is. Most people I've spoken to have just rolled over and taken it, and even some of those, now that it's mandatory to "get some freedoms back", have decided they're going to get vaccinated just so they can get out of the house and go to the gym and go to a restaurant. A nation of sheep, led by wolves. I want out.
>>71727 >and even some of those and even some of those who didn't, i meant to say
>>71727 It's the path of least resistance, and sometimes you just don't have the lifestyle that makes dealing with shit the hard way feasible. Remember those anons who spoiler-tag about being forced to get jabbed for the sake of their job/family/etc?
>>71727 So how do you expect to leave the country? I can't imagine they'd let you fly if you're not jabbed.
>>71721 There is that ongoing trucker strike that's turning all the supermarkets into Venezuela levels of empty shelves but total media blackout on it of course
>>71731 Didn't they give up after a day according to that aussie anon?
>alright guys it’s 2087 let’s open up this civil war time capsule from 200 years ago <pride pins <covid vaccines <pictures of Fentanyl Floyd <everything from 1887 was thrown out 66 years ago https://archive.is/r92g5 🤡
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>>410880 Imagine being into BDSM and your dominatrix gets called racist for it when she posts your photos on Twitter.
>>71733 You should probably archive the actual article itself. There is no value provided from an archive of a tweet.
>>410851 I wouldn't say that, the only industry that's advancing right now is the PC game industry, which it always has been at a steady pace. The consoles generated funding and drive for advanced modeling programs and cool ass effects and shaders that go beyond mere CGI, but given that we've hit a technological glass ceiling to the point that corrective AI is currently being developed to advance all mediums past the current stagnance, the only advancement possible at current is innovative advancement, which is currently being headed by the PC gaming and VR scenes. Steam is also finally able to compete on the console market thanks to their Steam Deck thing, so this is pretty much the end of consoles as we know it. PS5 games are getting much more expensive soon and it's not due to popularity, the PS4 is still running the Sony scene and games are still being made for it.
>>71735 >>71733 Do they not realize the irony that some idiot is going to dig this up in the future, not know about the switch, naturally come to the conclusion that Virginia was entirely accepting of minorities in the mid-1800's (When the capsule was first buried), and want to purge the minorities in his time when they're still bitching about being "oppressed"?
>>71735 Yankee carpetbaggers and southern scalawags have been ruining everything since the Antebellum Period at least, but you still hate to see it. The true South will carry on as always. Who knows, maybe things will get bad enough to incur yet another Southern insurgency or secession of some sort. The fighting never ended after the First Civil War, it only changed.
>>410900 I'm worried this means that in the future people might stumble on civil war gay erotica and think it's actual history.
>>71732 Not sure to be honest
>>71737 I believe that's the point. The destruction of history because the people involved in it was rayciss and problematic, in order to push a sanitized version that aligns with contemporary values.
Niggerpill's at it again. I wonder how expensive VPN IP-hopping is, I can't imagine actually paying to shit up threads.
What a dumb piece of garbage niggerpill is. Why would he continue when we're already wise to him?
>>71742 >>71743 >>71735 Reminder Europe is now more right-wing than America in less than 8 years thanks to American SJW culture and propaganda. CNN and BLM already freaking out about Latinos becoming the next big white supremacy threat. They are afraid because they are losing.
Tencent and NetEase stocks fall as China urge video game firms to focus less on profit >Chinese regulators have summoned companies to demand they play down profits and further clamp down on how minors can play video games, just days after children in the country were banned from access during the week. >State-run news agency Xinhua reported Wednesday that authorities had called in firms, including industry leaders Tencent and NetEase, to discuss restrictions around the streaming and playing of video games among minors. >During the meeting, companies were "urged to break from the solitary focus of pursuing profit or attracting players and fans," according to the report. >They were also told to modify any rules or design elements of games that could be seen as "inducing addictions." >The discussions included representatives from four government agencies: the Publicity Department of the Communist Party of China Central Committee, the National Press and Publication Administration, the Office of the Central Cyberspace Affairs Commission, and the Ministry of Culture and Tourism, according to Xinhua. >Companies failing to follow the requirements will be stringently punished," the state news agency reported. >Shares of Chinese gaming companies fell in response to the news. NetEase's stock closed down 5.2% in New York on Wednesday, after the state media report was published, and Tencent shares dropped 6% in Hong Kong on Thursday. >Just last week, China barred online gamers under the age of 18 from playing on weekdays and limited their play to just three hours most weekends, marking a significant escalation of restrictions on the country's massive gaming industry. >The move represented a huge tightening of earlier limits set by the agency in 2019, which had already restricted play to 90 minutes on weekdays and three hours on weekends for children. >Authorities said last week that the new restrictions were put in place to help prevent young people from becoming addicted to video games. >They reminded companies of this mandate on Wednesday, saying that game providers should "fully and faithfully impose the time limit" for minors. >Online game companies and platforms ... should strengthen political positions and shoulder responsibilities," Xinhua wrote. >It said that authorities had instructed companies to crack down on content that promoted "wrong values" or an "unhealthy culture," such as obscenity, violence and "money-worship." >Live-stream gaming platforms were also told to step up supervision, "including banning large rewards" for underage players. <Companies are heeding the warning. >We believe in healthy game play and take very seriously the physical and mental health of minors," Tencent said in a statement. >We appreciate the guidance and instruction from the relevant regulators, and will work hard to be in full compliance with all rules relating to youth game addiction and content regulation." <NetEase also pledged to "strictly follow the rules and instructions." >We will continue our efforts to deliver more quality games and promote a healthy and responsible gaming environment for minor players, as we seek to build and promote a wholesome gaming environment in China," it said in a statement. >On Wednesday, Chinese state broadcaster CCTV reported that some online video game stores "do not verify the age of buyers, and won't dissuade buyers even if they are aware that they are minors." China considers (((Hollywood))) and (((LGBT))) propaganda bigger threat to them than US military. https://archive.ph/mPG43 Gaming the System: The bias in reporting on China’s new gaming restrictions >Last week, a law took effect in China that heavily restricts minors’ ability to play video games. Chinese gamers under the age of 18 had already been limited to 90 minutes of playtime on weekdays and 3 hours on weekends since 2019, but the country’s new policy clamps down tighter. Now, minors are prohibited from gaming on weekdays entirely, and are only allowed one hour of play on weekends. >Shockingly, I am not a fan of this law. But as much as I wish such restrictions weren’t created, I couldn’t help but notice an overwhelming bias in the way and extent to which this new regulation was portrayed in English-language news media. >This bias quickly becomes apparent in comparison to reporting on similar legislation passed in South Korea > in 2011. Nicknamed the “shutdown” or “Cinderella” law, South Korea prevented children under the age of 16 from gaming between midnight and 6 AM — the country announced this week that the shutdown law would be retired by the end of this year. >The South Korean shutdown law is noticeably less harsh than the one recently passed in China, but there is a clear discrepancy between Western reporting on the two laws — one that cannot only be attributed to their severity. >For one thing, China’s video game restrictions made more appearances in major news outlets than South Korean gaming laws ever did. >China’s ban made major headlines, with a Google search turning up articles in CNN, Reuters, The New York Times and prestigious financial publications like Bloomberg and Fortune. >A similar search about South Korea’s law turns up a CNN piece, but most of the articles are from small publications specializing in Korean or technology news. >The tone with which the two issues were treated in the articles also differs. Coverage of China’s law relishes in vocabulary like “crackdown” and “strengthen[ing] control.” The CNN Business article on the legislation characterizes it as part of a “major clampdown on private enterprise,” even though it notes two sentences later that it will have a “minimal” effect on the bottom line of tech giants Tencent and NetEase. >News outlets also appealed to Chinese despotism by quoting a particularly inflammatory Xinhua article that called video games “spiritual opium.” >This article was taken down and re-uploaded with the reference to “opium” removed, but of all the articles I could find only CNBC explicitly noted this edit — CNN Business, Reuters and Fortune allowed less nuance. >Articles from about ten years ago during the rollout of South Korean gaming laws are much more sympathetic. NBC News’s coverage from early 2012 writes “gaming’s ills” in the headline, while CNN speaks solemnly about the “serious consequences” of addiction. >Newsweek’s coverage also contextualized Korean laws within sensational gaming-related horror stories from the country, such as deaths due to days-long play sessions without breaks for food and rest. >Plenty of such stories have come from China as well, but English-language coverage of Chinese gaming bans seems not to mention them. >To me, there is no mystery about where these discrepancies come from — American political figures and foreign policy have shown a consistent pattern of anti-Chinese sentiment for several years now. >The global pandemic has only worsened this existing trend, with thousands of instances of anti-Asian harassment occurring since the pandemic began. >Neither Trump nor Biden have improved US foreign policy on that front either, as the two rushed to call themselves “tough on China.” >Much of this international fear, consciously or subconsciously, seems to leak into mainstream journalism. The online United States Sinophobia Tracker has cataloged many instances of paranoid rhetoric in mainstream media, and its list is far from exhaustive. Is it really a far stretch to suggest that reporting on the new video game legislation may play into such paranoia? I don’t approve of many of the Chinese government’s actions, unfortunate gaming restrictions or not. >But that doesn’t mean I approve of unfair and sinophobic portrayals of the country either.
[Expand Post]https://archive.ph/LyQhl More SJW Chinese video game ban law damage control.
>>71746 >China considers (((Hollywood))) and (((LGBT))) propaganda bigger threat to them than US military. They're not wrong.
>>71746 >China considers (((Hollywood))) and (((LGBT))) propaganda bigger threat to them than US military. Hilarious and probably true, where exactly is this mentioned in the article?
>>71748 >where exactly is this mentioned in the article? It isn’t. But it fits in with what China has been doing this week. Banning LGBT accounts online along with banning soyboys on televisions and movies. Unlike Russia. It might be too late for China to reverse the damage of american wokeism.
>>71749 It's better to avoid inflammatory language like that without prefacing that it's your thoughts. God knows anons don't really read articles as much as they should these days.
>>71749 Oh, fair enough. How is it that shit has gotten so fucked a small part of me actually respects what China's trying to do in combating that shit. I think how they're going about it is wrong and them being China they're probably going for a different or worse end goal but still.
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>>71742 If you just want to shitpost instead of doing anything not entirely legal, there are free VPNs.
Fucking Fruedian slips are coming thick and fast these days. It's like they don't even care anymore.
>>71695 >I took him out in the county into a field and shot him because no vets are open to put him down. That's a heavy fucking trigger to pull. I had a cat get hit on the road a few years back. Didn't kill her, but she was beyond what a vet could repair even if one was open. I had to put her down with a .38, which was the only gun I had on hand at the time. I've had enough cats die that I can deal with it well enough, but it's a whole other ordeal to have to end their life yourself.
>>71754 Why the fuck would you give a shit about a VPN if not to simply do whatever the fuck you want?
>>71755 Jews, then anyone with Anglo blood, then niggers. In that order.
>>71759 That only works to things not aware of themselves. People outside burgerland keep useless horses as pets after they can't be used to ride anymore, and a sentient robot would be kept and decorated. Buck, we already keep so many useless things even if we replace them with new models.
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Some days ago, a Homo made it to the news in my country as a "victim of a hate crime", claiming that at least 8 hooded and masked covid-compliant :^) men assaulted him at the gates to the very own building where he lives. He was beaten, received cuts in his lips and got the word "faggot" carved on his asscheeck with a knife. So, police got involved, the entire left wing gpt involved, minister of justice takes it upon itself to put an end to these crimes as he is a faggot himself, tries to pin the crime on a right wing party, and some faggot orgs decide to call strikes around the country to denounce this. Well, fast forward to yesterday's evening, the popo questions the victimized faggot again and he confesses to making up everything to cover for him cucking his BF with other two sadistic homos on their own flat, and that he consented to everything, branding included. Why are faggots like this? I mean, if he was into all that shit, wouldnt the shame and humilliation of being presented as a degenerate in front of his BF feed his kink even more? Or was it just part of his master plan to be exposed in front of the whole country? Maybe hes jizzing his pants in excitement now, who knows. Anyway, the strikes are still appointed to this saturday and the minister hasn't resigned. so I think this is a good redpill since it shows how the progressives, liberals, faggots or whatever operate: create a non-problem, be really angry at it and rally up as much social unrest as you can.
>>71761 Reminds me of someone who faked a hate crime. Pretty sure it was a woman who carved "SLUT" or something similar into her face. The police were suspicious when the word could only be read correctly when you looked at it in a mirror....
>>71761 I'd expect that from a woman, so I guess I'm not really surprised.
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>>71762 I don't know if it's the same case or two different false-flaggers made the same mistake, but during Obama's election some woman scratched a "B" on her cheek (for "Barack") and said a group of Obama supporters had done it in retaliation for her supporting McCain. The B was backwards because she had done it in a mirror. There was also the census worker who wrote "FED" on his chest and hanged himself, making it look like he had been murdered by anti-government extremists and getting all sorts of media attention, in his case they had do some forensic work to figure out it was actually a suicide.
>>71761 Can you provide some articles showing this, please?
>>71761 Must suck being a spaniard.
>>71761 How many spaniards lurk here? it makes me feel not alone in our country's disgrace.
>>71767 > it makes me feel not alone in our country's disgrace. How do you think I feel? I'm Australian.
So you know that Bagram airbase that Biden left fully intact and stocked with weapons? The Chinese just decided to move in. Seems more like a weapons deal than a withdrawal if you ask me... >>71768 me too NSW anon here, hope you're not Victorian, they're the only poor bastards that have it worse than us.
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>>71770 Imagine being the parent of this thing.
>>71769 NSW anon too.
>>71745 Europe is extremely far to the left and is just as pozzed as the US. Are you completely blind?
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Like do any fellow leaf anons and Euro jank anons notice how retards here or there will shit all over the Americans for pozz or racism and etc. But completely ignore how fucked things are in their backyard and never address the issues that are fucking us, as it's easier to blame Americans?
>>71775 >as it's easier to blame Americans? Becauee it is. America is like the retard who constantly makes a fool of himself, while other countries are the other kids who laugh at him while trying to hide their own defects so pther kids don't laugh at them too.
>>71767 Theres atleast a guy from murcia and me, so we are atleast 3.
>>71777 I'm the guy from Murcia. If there is not another one.
>>71778 Well, there must be another fag then, i refuse to belive only you and me are sperging around this thai ceramics forum.
>>71775 The issue is more that burgers act like they're king of the world and somehow above it all. Always going "yeah just you try that in my town and you'd be lynched before you finished talking", and then when push comes to shove they surrender and take it just like everybody else despite being the best equipped to fight back out of any country in the entire world.
>>71779 faggot
>>71752 I remember having a cat many years ago, but the loss felt like shit so I've decided not to get another pet. If I ever get one, I'll get a long lived cat breed, like maybe a russian blue. Those live 20 years. I might get an immortal being like a parrot instead, though. >>71761 This is some el toro-shit, senor. I am not overly surprised, this is not the first time I hear of such fake attacks. I remember in Poland people pretending they were attacked and thrown on the ground by the police and claiming so, until the recordings have shown they just decided to lay on the street, and the best part is there was no police at all anywhere near.
>>71767 >>71777 Entonces eso quiere decir que mínimo somos 4, asi que id afilando las horcas y encendiendo las antorchas que se nos va de las manos-
>>71780 But the English, French and Germans also act the exact same way as the Americans do in regards to they think they are better then everyone else. They all are arrogant.
>>71765 Sorry, should have done it earlier but I was running late to my state-mandated siesta™ I compiled most of it in 4 links. https://archive.is/34UJB part 1/4 https://archive.is/XGsRO part 2/4 https://archive.is/dsRPQ part 3/4 https://archive.is/evwQx part 4/4 >>71767 Everyone Except for Mark, he is a Catalonian jew named "Marc" who LARPs as a burger
>>71784 >But the English, French and Germans also act the exact same way as the Americans do in regards to they think they are better then everyone else. No, they don't. The French "know" that they're "better" than everyone else, which is why they devote half of the year to vacations. The English have "learned" that they're "better", which is why they attach a license to everything. And, the Germans "believe" that they're "better", which is why they always attach themselves to the most extreme populist movement at the moment. Us Americans, however, know that everyone on the planet is as dumb as a bag of rocks, a rule that especially applies to us, and acknowledge that's what makes us "better" because who better to tell you to live your life than yourself? Also, why not bring up how the Chinese, the Japanese, the Indians, the Russia, Mudslimes, the Africans, the Argentinians, and every single culture not mentioned also believe that they're better than everyone else?
>>71785 Don't you mean Març?
>>411078 >This is how mentally defective you are. Yes. Because it’s Americans rioting against Covid 19 lockdowns and forming successful ring wing parties with openly anti-immigrant platforms. >>71773 > Are you completely blind? Not so long again so-called leftwing France had French citizens rioted against gay marriage. French generals are now threatening to rebel because American racial nonsense like BLM and Critical race theory lol reaching France. Even left learning macron said American woke culture the biggest threat to France. >After black pill spam Nu-/pol/ immediately showed up Funny how this always happens.
>>71788 > Americans rioting against Covid 19 lockdowns But, there are not lockdowns in the U.S., just stupid mask mandates that everyone is ignoring.
>>71785 Wait a second, if spainiards are the 5% of the spanish speaking people on the internet and we are like, let´s say, 10 confirmed... How many fucking lurkers are here? >>71787 Lo llamamos Març Maño, 33% aragonés, 33% catalán, 33% grasa corporal y 100% incompetente
Call of Duty: Vanguard Criticized For Changing WW2 Hero's Nationality >One of the four heroes based on famous fighters from the upcoming Call of Duty: Vanguard single-player campaign mode, has been turned into an Australian and New Zealanders aren't happy. Following the famous fighter's change in Call of Duty: Vanguard, many baffled New Zealanders have taken to social media to voice their opinions about Activision's decision to completely change a historical soldier's nationality. >Being Activision's biggest successful franchise, Call of Duty has received numerous sequels over the past two decades and is considered to be one of the world's most played multiplayer games. Call of Duty: Vanguard was officially announced and revealed to be set in World War 2. Though not being released yet, it has already gone through multiple controversies. >The upcoming World War 2 shooter is set to introduce four heroes to the game, though fictional, that are inspired by real famous fighters. These fighters include Russian sniper Polina Petrova, British paratrooper Arthur Kingsley, American pilot Wade Jackson, and Australian infantry Lucas Riggs. While three heroes are represented from the same nations as their real-life counterparts, Lucas Riggs, who is based on the New Zealander Charles Upham, has been changed into an Australian in Vanguard's reimagining. >Reporting the action as an insult to the nation, New Zealand site Newshub stated their anger about the situation saying “Charles Upham’s significance cannot be overstated. >No other combat soldier has ever been awarded two Victoria Crosses in all of history. >That incredible achievement belongs to our country alone, Aotearoa New Zealand.” In a response to many angered New Zealanders and media outlets, >Sledgehammer Games, responded by saying that they drew inspiration from Charles Upham, whose exploits embodied the spirit of all the Commonwealth forces serving in North Africa. >Call of Duty: Vanguard's single-player campaign mode is going to take place across four areas with four different heroes based on historical figures. >Each of its characters is intended to be as slight a deviation as possible from a historical figure from the war, but it is surprising to see the character based on Upham as the only one that was changed this drastically. >It is unclear if Sledgehammer Games can revert this change after the underwhelmingly negative criticism from New Zealanders. >Call of Duty: Vanguard is planned to be released in November and Activision was looking to please long-time fans with new features and fan-favorite mechanics. With interested players preparing to test the game out with the exclusive Vanguard beta on all platforms later this month, the studio will be hoping this controversy isn't overshadowed by complaints about the gameplay. https://archive.ph/O1KCc How Netflix's Cowboy Bebop Is Changing The Anime (And Why That's A Good Thing) >Netflix’s live-action adaptation of the beloved series Cowboy Bebop is changing the anime for the better. >Ever since this TV show’s release in the late 1990s, it has been considered one of the greatest anime series of all time, and one of the only instances where the English dubbed version is preferred to the Japanese. Cowboy Bebop follows a ragtag group of misfits aboard the “Bebop” who struggle to find work as bounty hunters. Cowboy Bebop has been praised for its complex yet likable characters, its mix of genres, its category-defying soundtrack, and its deep, thought-provoking themes. Netflix’s announced live-action Cowboy Bebop show received skepticism from some fans who worried the series would suffer the same fate as many other live-action anime adaptations, which have been critical and financial failures. However, Cowboy Bebop has the chance to break this trend. >It would have been a mistake to simply duplicate a series that many fans consider already perfect. >John Cho, the lead actor playing Spike Spiegel, said in an interview (via Vulture) that he only agreed to join the project after being reassured it would not be a shot-for-shot remake. >Cho explained it “was a recipe for encouraging unflattering comparisons.” Viewers would fixate only on comparing this Cowboy Bebop to the original, and the Netflix series would fail before it even began. Cho also admitted in the interview that he was initially insecure about his age difference. In the anime, Spike is 27 years old, while Cho is 49, one of many differences between Cowboy Bebop's adaptations. >Yet, Cho believes he can portray the character more successfully since he’s older. He can better convey Spike’s emotional depth which, considering the show’s themes about loneliness and confronting one’s past, is arguably more important than sticking with the original character’s age. >Some of Cowboy Bebop’s material has also been updated for modern times. Faye Valentine (Daniella Pineda) has a more practical outfit with clothes that actually enable Pineda to perform stunts while wearing them. >Although some fans expressed outrage over the change, it’s a necessary adjustment when translating character designs from animation to live-action. Another update concerns the minor character Grencia Mars Elijah Guo Eckener, nicknamed Gren. >In the original anime, Gren was a war veteran who took an experimental drug that increased their estrogen levels, causing them to grow breasts. >Set in the year 2071, Cowboy Bebop was revolutionary in many ways, but a lot of the vocabulary that exists today for the LGBTQ community did not at the time it first aired. For the Netflix show, Gren’s character has been reimagined as nonbinary and is portrayed by nonbinary actor, Mason Alexander Park. >Regardless of the reasoning behind a change, some fans will only care that it is no longer perfectly accurate, as proven by reactions to Faye’s outfit. Perhaps they can be sated with the knowledge that the anime’s original composer, Yoko Kanno, has returned, and the director, Shinichiro Watanabe, is a creative consultant for the series. >Their involvement with the live-action project shows that Netflix is committed to creating a series that is faithful thematically and artistically to the original, even if some elements have been updated. https://archive.ph/lpMTT
>>71789 >But, there are not lockdowns in the U.S., just stupid mask mandates that everyone is ignoring. I guess New York and California don’t exist.
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>>71791 >(And Why That's A Good Thing)
>>71791 Whats their problem with kiwis?
>>71792 If only.
>>71792 No, they don't. They're entirely separate countries. It's like declaring that Hong Kong and Macau are a part of mainland China.
>>71791 >>71793 >That's A Good Thing I can't read that phrase anymore without hearing Bernie's voice.
>>71162 Do these niggers ever heard of child soldiers in 3rd world countries?
Pictures show hundreds waiting in line to buy Pokémon cards despite COVID-19 restrictions <Long lines have formed in front of Japanese shops that sell a reprint of some coveted Pokémon cards. The continuing hype around these trading cards apparently let some fans forget the pandemic and the strict health regulations. >The hype around Pokémon trading cards (from US$24 on Amazon) is as strong as ever. In Japan, the country from which Nintendo's cute pocket monsters originate, long waiting lines have formed when shops started selling their stock of reprints of certain popular sets. According to Kotaku, the sets in question are "Eevee Heroes" and "Shiny Star V", which have been on sale in very limited quantities over the last weekend. >Booster packs and boxes of these desired Pokémon trading cards were reportedly sold for triple their original MSRP, which means their price was set at around 5,500 Yen (approximately US$50). Considering the fact that even a single rare Pokémon card is valued at much more than that, it is somehow understandable why Japanese fans decided to wait in line for this opportunity. >According to some estimates from people who witnessed the hype, about 550 people waited in line in front of a single store. When the world's largest Pokémon trading card shop opened this summer, approximately 700 Japanese waited to get their chance at buying Pokémon cards. >The strict COVID-19 restrictions that are currently in effect in Japan apparently did not deter these committed Pokémon fans, which makes it likely that there will be even more waiting lines in front of Japanese Pokémon card shops in the very near future. https://archive.ph/yWg1X
Edited last time by Mark on 09/09/2021 (Thu) 19:44:50.
>>71786 This is true.
>>71788 France imported the third world and other shits who went on several killing sprees and have made large areas of Paris and other cities into no go zones where the cops refuse to go and actual French can't enter. How is this an improvement in any possible way?
>>71799 So a new gaming crash might improve gaming? or at least kick out all the parasites who did it all because it's not fashionable anymore. How fucked is Nintendo if Tencent crashes? or are they the only ones who aren't buttfucked by the chinese?
>>71802 Nintendo is one of the few who didn't dip into Chink money I believe.
>>71803 >>71802 A Nintendo monopoly because everyone else imploded from accepting chink funny money scares me, because there won't be anything to stop them from going full EA. Remember turning their shitty online from free to paid with the Switch without even making it any better?
>>71801 Also France was the one who helped start the EU so they are to blame for a majority of the cancer killing Europe. >>71804 Switch going paid online is why I laugh at any one who hasn't switched to PC as online is free and better then any cucksole online rubbish.
>>71803 >>71804 At least it will kickstart new players into the game corporative game. Maybe not retarded sellouts this time.
>>71786 >Americans, however, know that everyone on the planet is as dumb as a bag of rocks, […] and acknowledge that _that_ is what makes us "better" because who’s better to tell you to live your life than yourself? I beg to differ as the entire American federal government as well as every media and corporate institution completely disagrees with you. The best person to tell you how to live your life is a black gay transsexual intersectional critical race theorizer atop a pile of broken buildings and statues at a Black Lives Matter rally. You might have a point but over 85% of Americans keep their heads down and comply with literal insane asylum patients because they don’t want to be offensive and have their legs cut off at the knees over it. The country is fully controlled by a giant cancerous mass that can only be removed with one simple trick that doctors really hate! If not in America then where? If not Americans than who? If not today then when? Gerona Birus kicked uniparty authoritarianism into full gear and the country is 2 steps away from full government control over every last aspect of life. “Everything is political” they cry. Well they’re getting what they want, what are you gonna do about it fucko?
>>71806 I want a semi crash just so AAA can eat humble pie. Seriously AAA dying would solve 40% of the issues in gaming.
>>71806 I think that's impossible until the generation of people stop being retarded ideological sellouts. Indies have seriously convinced me game devs in general are idiots.
>>71807 >keep their heads down and comply with literal insane This is everyone in the west Canada and Australia in particular really showcase this
>>71809 Well, it depends on the indies, at least the indies who are making actual games like Rimworld, Banished, Kenshi, 7 Days to Die and don't know which else.
>>71811 How many of these devs will keep true to what their roots were?
>>71812 Well, if they don't sell to Paradox like Prison Architect who knows. Thankfully they are somewhat unknown games with a pretty narrow nitche, but also they got a lot of money already.
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>Chinese state media calls George Soros and international terrorist https://twitter.com/Fxhedgers/status/1436058608467267599 https://archive.is/XZzdQ It'd be nice if they actually provided a source, though.
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>>71813 Imagine Noita Owned by paradox. time to buy the expanded potions and new bosses dlc :^)
>>71653 >Despite the distinct lack of good Star Trek vidya Bridge Commander and Klingon Academy are at least decent. Both worth a try despite their considerable age.
>>71814 If true, when will China be (((liberated)))?
>>71809 >game devs in general are idiots Too many modern devs are retards who know nothing about games because many of them aren't gamers or think just because they make something means they are entitled to make money off it.
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I had a Dreamcast themed thread already made since it's been 20 years after it got discontinued and was its US launch day today but also realized it's been 25 years since the first Crash game came out unless you wait until November for the Yuros. So which do you want? I don't think I have that many (labeled) crash bandicoot pictures on me right now, as an aside.
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>>71819 Crash please.
>>71814 >Chinese state media calls George Soros and international terrorist It’s hard to hate China and Russia at times.
PlayStation 5? More like "No Games 5", am I right? The best game in the Sony showcase for upcoming games was some gook hack and slash and a Japanese FPS about fighting ghosts. Every single game shown is coming to the PS4, Xbone, and/or PC.
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>>410922 >it's damn near impossible to convince anybody here to do anything without getting called a fed Make whatever plans you want; I certainly can't stop you. But if you're not a fed, laying them out in a space where feds have been known to lurk is just fucking retarded, and asking to be stopped. Which is why asking people if they have any plans like that, and what they might be, in detail, is what the fucking feds would do, so either you're a fed or you're doing the feds' work for them when you do that shit, in which case you might as well be a fucking glownigger.
>>71802 I want major companies like EA, Microsoft, Sony and Take 2 to bit the dust and drown all of the poison they made to vidya for a long time. But this is just wishful thinking on my part. >>71804 But who's going to compete with Nintendo?
The media left always try to set everything as good vs evil and something I'm starting to realice is that they are right, but not like they intended.
wow all the biden leaks were true
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>>71827 yea sure ill do it gimme a sec
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it's been done >>411705
>>71714 >>411691 Just ask: 1. If everything old is shit then why are most "new" things remakes, reboots or otherwise retreading old things? 2. How is making hiring far less concerned with competency affecting the end product nowadays compared to before diversity quotas? 3. Why is it that outsourced labor (example: made in china) creates so much flimsy, low-quality garbage that breaks quickly while before outsourcing many things had far higher quality and longevity? This extends to programming as well so just look at the commonality of day one patches and the decline of technical quality in video games. How can anyone not see a decline when considering these questions at a bare minimum? These questions don't even extend that far into the social-engineering, demography replacement or the destruction of values that drives the decline overall.
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>>71831 I can never get why retards keep posting WIP links. Archive.today doesn't take that long to archive links, just wait two or three minutes to see if it did the job properly and then use that.
>>71834 >.22 Can it even shoot through the entire potato?
>>71835 Well if they say it's "damn effective" then it most likely can. Probably a boiled one but it might also not be.
>>411773 east german AKs are nice yes
>>71775 >do any fellow leaf anons and Euro jank anons notice how retards here or there will shit all over the Americans for pozz or racism and etc. But completely ignore how fucked things are in their backyard Niggers such as yourself keep repeating the same discussion ad nauseum. You've had this answered a dozen times.
>>71807 >Well they’re getting what they want, what are you gonna do about it fucko? Nice try, FBI.
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>>71839 >IT'S MA'AM
NEW THREAD NEW THREAD NEW THREAD >>411705 >>411705 >>411705 >>411705 >>411705 >>411705 >>411705 NEW THREAD NEW THREAD NEW THREAD >>71842 Thread is over.
>>71843 The ride never ends.
>>71806 >corporate suits >Not retarded by the very nature of the environment
>>71809 Anyone that partakes into programming and codding is, by default, an idiot.
>>71825 The evil barks louder. Then, it get killed by the good, who are actually strong, smart and competent.

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