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Rhodesia thread /k/ommando 06/29/2021 (Tue) 05:00:01 Id: c11d80 No. 159
The place for babypuke green FN fals, and slightly more rascism than every other thread.
>>159 I really hate niggers.
>>164 Join the club.
One day, we should kill some niggers... Or make some racists jokes at Twitter and wait for the butthurts. >also Music thread: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JGNwEvhNsjk
I see your mr. Bond, and raise you johnny reb.
hi, do u know any cool links?
>>187 Sure. Archive.org The coolest of links.
>>522 That actually is a pretty damn cool link. Thanks anon!
(3.88 MB 720x404 ourfuture.webm)

Posting South Nigger content because why the fuck not?
>>526 Nigger ''Nigger A. Frican
>>529 Weird word filter
Heres one m8s
I dont have every single clem tholet song ever recorded But I do have a bunch. https://files.catbox.moe/pe4zbw.zip Enjoy /k/ommandos
>>159 >Cuckchan /k/ got so gay they calling owning a FN FAL racist >Cuckchan crying racism and spamming Reddit buzzword over the mention of Rhodesia https://archive.ph/VsYPV
>>1352 Man that board turned into total bitches. Fuck em.
>>1353 I think cuc/k/ are bigger faggots than Qboomers personally.
>>1353 Holy shit, that was as bad as the Boomers at ARFCOM.
>>1369 >that was as bad as the Boomers at ARFCOM. Damn. Aren’t they are Biden loving Qboomers there.
>>1371 The original proprietors sold out to a gunsmithing tools company called Brownells. Brownells does NOT like controversy. They've been handing out bans for posting any kind of mildly spicy meme ever since. Mind you, it's a forum that's been there since the dialup days and has always had a loud minority of out-and-out Reds ("but your principles say gun rights are for ERRBODY!" I do not, in fact, want people who want to put me in a gulag, and say so, to have guns. If that makes me a Nazi, then Sieg Heil, motherfucker). Add in the Boomer civnats cuckservatives who think that if they can just VOOT a little harder, if they do the Ghost Dance for Muh Constitution a little harder, they can save Ameri-Kwa... well. It's the Internet. I try not to take any of it seriously. It's just words on a screen, right? I hate to see it. Arfcom used to be a fairly decent place for technical information.
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Anyone else feeling sad today? Just me?

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