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FTDDTOT the passing of time edition Robot 08/30/2020 (Sun) 06:39:48 No. 1488
Quick or slow, it's all a blur.
>>2122 >Well, was it any good? I remember people saying it was middle of the road when it came out. it was
Its almost like we have an esoteric thread for this shit.
>>2118 None of these things are real and do anything, stupid schizo
>>2088 What's the link to markchan?
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>>2124 come the fuck on, its literally 3 Posts, spread along 2 Discussions, one on the nature of Balance and the other 2 are just On-Topic Replies, i have posted pictures of Taihou and mentioned her many times despite the fact that we are out of the Waifufag thread, yet you don't complain about that >>2125 Neither are you, yet here we are
>>2127 >Neither are you, yet here we are Yeah i'm just an AI that exists on the webring
>>2127 >one on the nature of Balance More of a semantic disambiguation rather than anything close to esoteric.
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>>2128 Well you AI's may have Poo-Script to re-rout your datamining algorithms to the C.I.A, but i got Fluffy Demon-Fox Mommy Taihou on my side Your Move, Creep...
>>2121 >you're a fag for posting about what you have observed That so? Then you're a fag for caring about what some anonymous poster cares about. Ha.
>>2132 Shut up anon is very important.
>>2118 >she never answered when Dalua told me to ask her about the Quality of my Sould, i guess i don't need to know really She already loves you and doesn't care, is the joke
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>>2141 >Spoiler yeah i figured something along those lines, however i still have some issues in regards to myself concerning Her and Her Love, even if she does not care, perhaps ill post about it in the Waifufag Thread if i feel up to it
Check the meta and chime in if you would like to
>mom requires tech help >try to help, doesnt work >has to call someone >he tells her what to do (admittedly it was a simple compatibility issue) >she gets it to work >later on she dares to spit venom at me for not knowing what to do <you knew what to do but you just didnt want to help me you are such a bad and lazy person I tried and I failed, yet she paints it as malice. Why do women do this
>>2151 Because to women and normalfags at large, the problem is never themselves, only everyone else.
>>2152 Why would a creature who knows their shortcomings and asks for help, then not have the empathy to understand that the one thats helping her may also not have the ability to solve the problem? Why does someone demanding help think of themselves in any position to berate and demean others who attempt to help them? Unrelated but in theme with me being angry at women, did anyone ever notice (if you ever cared) about the way eve was tricked into eating the apple of knowledge in the Bible? The serpent said to her "you will become as powerful/more powerful than god". How can a creature, made by god for the intention of experiencing the world given to them and living in gods glory be tempted by such a line? If adam and eve were essentially without sin at that point, and innocent to various things and ambitions (things that were revealed to them through the apple), how could such a temptation as being greater than god work on them? In short, how did the woman fall prey to temptations of power and supremacy when she wasn't an hedonistic, egocentric degenerate yet? Why did god make her that way?
>>2153 >In short, how did the woman fall prey to temptations of power and supremacy when she wasn't an hedonistic, egocentric degenerate yet? Why did god make her that way? I can't help but think God made women not follow any directions on purpose and he knew she'd be tempted by the fruit.
>>2153 The serpent essentially made her doubt whether eating the fruit would actually kill her, and that she would be like God who knows good and evil. It's a very simple trick and doesn't take all that vain of a heart (by modern standards) to fall for.
>>2151 I think that the issue here is that people from a certain generation expect people who grew up playing videogames and using computers to be super hackers. And most of the time that expectation is met because to them setting up something simple is impossible, so when you wire up their computer monitor or something they're amazed. That gives them an expectation of you that's wildly skewed from reality, it's like a fat guy looking at your average jogger and thinking he could also run a four minute mile if he wanted to, because to the fat guy both tasks are equally impressive. I remember when my mother drove me to my grandmother's place (not a short drive) just to plug in one of those wireless things that lets you watch your computer screen on your TV. It took five minutes and at the end of it they were amazed, even though the instructions for it were purposefully simple so anyone could understand them. But neither of them even read the instructions. I'm practically tech illiterate and yet to them I'm Neo. Also her complaints are probably things she's mad at you about but can't bring herself to tell you in relation to those things specifically. Idk if you're a NEET but that's a big one, at least for me my mother rarely criticizes me directly about that, instead she'll take her anger from that and put it onto some smaller issue because to her blowing up over something small is nicer than blowing up over something she actually feels bad about.
>spend whole week not browsing internet outside of learning Spanish >don't feel fucking miserable for once >come back today >imageboards are full of template asshattery, porn, and retard "if you're no a you're b :^)" tier arguing >no interesting conversations in sight >took a minute long glance at the news and it's all the same blatant horseshit and none of it even has the courtesy of being funny anymore >even with heavy blacklisting via iridium youtube is almost nothing but braindead garbage videos geared towards advertising products and propaganda channels >absolutely furious and fantasizing about making bombs within two hours Damn the modern internet really is a one way trip straight to mental illness. I think I'll just look around here once a week and nowhere else from now on. I've been wanting to learn other languages for years now anyway and I don't have anymore excuses to procrastinate.
>>2159 >because to her blowing up over something small is nicer than blowing up over something she actually feels bad about Women in general do that, if you're ever forced out of NEETdom and have to work with them you will find this out personally within a week. They also really hate it when they get flat or uninterested replies to their godawful attempts at getting what they want through flirting and flattery, even more so when their attempts to use social isolation in retaliation don't get someone to kowtow to them. Nothing is more enraging and confusing to a roastie than a robot.
>>2172 You're making the active choice to browse shit so you only have yourself to blame when you get shit in return. Use a tool properly and you'll be rewarded, use it improperly, and you'll suffer the consequences.
>>2174 Nice quote you got there, but I don't see any imageboards or video sharing sites that are worth a shit. Maybe you could give me some recommendations instead of being a vague faggot?
>>2174 True dat, this nigga over here is retarded and bitchy tho >>2172. >learn spanish Why? Because of esoteric anon?
>>2176 >dat >nigga Is this a clever ploy to get a (You)? If so then it worked.
>>2174 Shit there was no reason to call you a fag man, I was still a little upset after my glance around internet hell, but really I've looked around and anything involving the stuff I'm interested in or used to be interested in is full on cancer or nearly completely dead. I'm actually wanting for recommendations if you have any, I'm still going to focus on learning languages but I need stuff to do when I want to take a break from that because otherwise I'll get burned out.
>>2021 (10) I think that's just low self-esteem above anything else. If you have enough love in your heart for someone enough to bear the abyss of not being able to interact with them, that's a relationship you shouldn't throw away due to your own insecurities. If you're talking about a relationship with a woman, hypothetically, then that'd be a definite no. You'd have to be apathetic to think giving someone you love away is a good choice.
>>2176 Not him, but if that anon is interested in the occult and learning Spanish because of that, I´d recommend to switch to Latin instead, there are some very interesting books in Latin to read.
>>2198 Interesting, please elaborate.
>>2203 Not much to say really. Many alchemist tomes for example are written in Latin. Also, even more ancient tomes were translated by monks of the MIddle Ages to Latin. Remember that Latin used to be the language of the educated peoples of Europe.
I've opened up zzzchan /r9k/, also it has an onion now just in time https://zzzchan.xyz/r9k http://crghlabr45r5pqkgnbgehywk5nxutdks5iss7tabyux5psikqqjirryd.onion/r9k/index.html Sturgeon might make some little site news announcement for it later or something. Hopefully we can have some more fun times going ahead and everything works out. Take it easy, robots.
Can I finally fucking post? >>2198 >>2204 I just wanted to start off with learning Spanish first because I had at least a vague amount of prior experience with it because of high school, no other real reason besides maybe wanting to understand what is being said in the handful of Mexican songs I like. I was definitely going to look into Latin next though because from what I understand it's a "root" language (is that even close to the proper term?) and I've been told that learning and understanding it helps a lot with learning stuff like French and Italian, and I guess Spanish too but I was already practicing with that before I gave Latin much thought. I'd also like to learn Russian just to have a different alphabet to play with.
Also why did occultism come to mind when I mentioned Spanish? Is it just because of the Latin connection or is there some weird shit that Spaniards have gotten up to that I'm unaware of? I've never really looked into that stuff.
I might end up homeless,thinking of just going on a journey and walk and try to survive until i die of starvation or something.Anyone here ever been/is homeless and care to tell me what is like?
>>2236 no but i imagine shitting and washing your clothes would be shitty
>>2237 >no yet

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