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FTDDTOT the passing of time edition Robot 08/30/2020 (Sun) 06:39:48 No. 1488 >>1490
Quick or slow, it's all a blur.
Let's keep the prompto-general thread general instead of about a specific topic like esotericism. There's a thread specifically for that.
>>1488 (OP) This topic is now about Hitler check 'em
As always, all difficult exams are concentrated in two weeks. How do people learn? I feel pretty aimless in what to pick out of the torrent of information I am given in any class.
>>1497 Should have worked hard from the start of the semester, now you're fucked buddy.
How do you deal with the simultaneous feeling of wanting to be completely alone and wanting to raise a family with a loving wife. I'm more torn toward being alone due to recent events, feel like the only thing to do is to just self improvement until shit just completely collapses
>>1500 >loving wife Keep dreaming, buddy
>>1500 It's not so much wanting my own family but wanting to meet the expectations of my dad. It's still the same, general self-improvement in the form of working out and language learning. Watch the universal decline, I'm not entirely without hope regardless. I don't mind it too much now but I can imagine it getting worse with age.
>>1500 The desire for women and a family is complicated. At face value it seems quite romantic, but in reality it's sacrificing your autonomy to fulfill a biological and societal duty. Normalfags tend to obsess over women and act as if the mere act of convincing one to let them touch them and interact with the is a monumental achievement. Reproducing is still a moral obligation, but plenty of things are moral obligations that I and most people don't give a fuck about. If you want to have a family because you believe it to be a moral obligation then fine. But if you want to interact with a woman just for the sake of interacting with a woman I'd say you should chill the fuck out and work on stoicism and isolationism more. This is an awkward conversation topic as talking about seeking relationships goes against the ethos of the board. A guilty pleasure of mine is going on leddit and reading relationship forums. I'll read about how fucking miserable these people are in their ridiculous relationships, relationships that they could leave at any moment, but they stay in them because that's just how normalfags are. They're autistically fixated on being around familiar people all the time. They're physically incapable of just being alone. When I read about retards attempting to navigate through their legally bound social relationships I feel nothing but a wave of relief that I've essentially self-induced a state of autism from living like a hermit for half my life. The constant state of stress and anxiety the average normalfag must experience surely explains why they're so fucking insufferable. Considering how the average person acts I have to assume I'm incredibly autistic, so take what I say with a grain of salt. But with each passing year I become more and more comfortable and happy with myself. The wave of desire for socialization occurs, but as long as you can just let it pass after a week or two you become increasingly resistant and can compartmentalize emotions easier and easier. The so called wizard powers one acquires seem to be very real. They're an unparalleled level of mental stamina to just keep trucking along. Meanwhile normalfags wives cheat on them and they experience fucking ego death. If you really want social experiences though go to church. Everything else is a waste of time.
>>1500 Learn how to stop giving a fuck. I was where you were once and doing that helps. No use crying over spilt milk and all that you know. Having a waifu also helps. Makes you realize how shit real women have gotten when you see what femininity in it's best form is capable of. Once you realize that, 3d women will be seen as a non option in every way. After that you'll be wishing your waifu was real but eventually the thought fades, though the sentiment and feeling remains. I'll tell you from experience that it's a much better feeling than wishing 3D women were not shit and lamenting their sorry state.
>>1503 >If you want to have a family because you believe it to be a moral obligation then fine Maybe in a perfect world. The reality of the matter is that in current year whatever good that comes out of marriage and reproduction is countered by the sheer degeneracy you'd have to stoop to in order to court the modern day female. Not to mention that you also have a moral obligation to take care of yourself and that modern day marriage completely flies in the face of this with 50 perent divorce rates and 50 percent of your income being lost in alimony, basically ending your life.
>>1505 If I were forced to pay half of my earning, I would just rape and kill my wife and go to jail. Men should have just done that kind of shit every time and see how women act in the future. Fucking pussies.
>>1500 Not really sure you can fully deal with it one way or another. With how shit things are right now I basically had to accept that some part of me wants someone to cuddle and lean on but the implication is of course that that is more than unlikely to happen. Maybe acceptance of that split is the best thing one can do.
I looked out my window and the sun was pretty nice. Made me remember the sun bleached park fields of my childhood. Sunbleached anything looks nice. Sunbleached trees on the side of a long highway trip in the summer. I miss it, it might be the only reason id ever want a vehicle
https://nyannet.com/hololive-5th-generation-mano-aloe-controversy-divides-fan-base/ Sorry for not archiving, using tor. Its interesting to see japs caring about the purity of the people behind the vtuber anime girl and actually attacking the """""""actor"""""""" for being a degenerate. They should take the next step and not care about vtubers at all, since any degenerate female can be behind the mask. Anyways stay away from these vtuber/hololive videos, dont let 3d women take advantage of your love of anime. Its like cosplay orbiting but worse, since the female puts in even less work (stares at a screen and using a voice changer) for attention and money.
>>1525 These hoes literally shower in money yo, stay away from them. They are here to make money and fuck off after a few years.
>>1525 Why write an entire article about this? It's retarded, no one cares. What do you expect from thinly veiled 3DPD?
I want to get into freelancing but the idea of dealing with customers is so off putting. I don't understand why people get paid to do these useless jobs. Having to adhere to their irrational standards is driving me insane. Have you looked at any corporate websites recently? Someone got paid to make these piece of shit designs that have moving objects for no reason at all other than to appeal to retards and children. All websites are functionally worse now but because they have nice boxes so people will send tons of money to the so called "web designers". On top of that the market so saturated it's difficult to compete with millions of freelancers. I don't like playing this game of money.
>>1542 I like to talk to strangers and it helps me greatly. Strangers have the info and ideas you and the people you know don't have. Or, you have to be creative, just like you said in your post, even if you make old things look new , you would be rewarded.
>>1525 >>1527 If I didn't live with my parents and didn't run the risk of having them walk in on me at various times throughout the day, I might consider becoming a vtuber. It doesn't seem like it would be particularly difficult. Just get a webcam, a mic, and a couple programs in place, and presto, a cute anime girl is born and normalniggers line up to throw money at it. I could do that for a year or two, and have plenty of money to put towards other, more reputable, methods of making money. I've actually been thinking up a lot of money-making schemes like that lately, things that wouldn't be 'ethical' but would make a lot of cash in a relatively short time. >>1542 >I don't like playing this game of money. I agree wholeheartedly. I hate that I have to think so often about how I'm going to support myself, especially since I abhor the thought of getting a standard 9 to 5 where I'm surrounded by normalfags. A normal job just isn't an option for me because there is absolutely no sense in attending college for several years so I can get a shitty 9 to 5 where I'm hassled by normalniggers all day long, all for the sake of supporting myself. It used to be an incredibly simple and nearly effortless endeavor for a single man to make a living doing very little. Now with the job and housing markets being fucked beyond belief in this viciously jewed economy, what was once simple becomes a massive undertaking where one is forced to jump through hoops for a loaf of bread. I think I'm beginning to understand a little about how the post-WWI Germans felt.
>>1549 Are you willing to throw away your pride for money?
I'm convinced we're simply living on the plane of existence the kike god usurped for the purpose of feeding off of lesser life forms. For millennia it sought out populations to parasitize and displaced the old gods; its "chosen people" exist to further its aims of perversion and enrich themselves materially in the process, and with the help of Christianity, philosemitic shabbos goyim have widened the net for its prey. Most people have been rendered incapable of perceiving that something fucky is going on, and thus we have different levels of normalfags. We're basically living in enemy territory spiritually: it's as if we were sent here for reconnaissance on behalf of noble gods who lost their connection to this place. I don't think there's any physical solution that's feasible, maybe we just have to wait until after our physical bodies tied here die, and then as a macro-consciousness destroy the malevolent god. It's just going to keep manipulating this place otherwise -- we're probably mere months away from scientific abominations being unleashed to further degrade living beings and tighten control over them. Anyone else seeing things this way?
>>1556 Most people are evil. I don't like blaming all your woes on some spiritual bad guy either. If people truly followed the Christian way of life I'm sure 85% of the world's problems would be fixed, but since the average person currently is a lying and backstabbing cunt. I don't particularly care either way.
>>1552 I'm living with my parents, pushing 30, and have little to no achievements to my name, as well as a lack of practical or marketable skills. Nearly 30 years of life with basically nothing to show for it. 30 years of stagnation and failure. Honestly, I'm not sure how much pride I really have left to throw away at this point. Ultimately though it probably still wouldn't be worth it, more for the protection of my soul than my tattered pride. Even still, being as hopeless and desperate as I am becoming, I can't help but conjure up a lucrative scheme or two every now and again.
>>1556 >I'm convinced we're simply living on the plane of existence the kike god usurped for the purpose of feeding off of lesser life forms. This is literally Gnosticism good luck
>>1558 Take care of yourself anon.
>>1558 Go wild or go die bro, kambare.
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>lurk webring >"8chan is remaking battletoads on their own" <that's cool let's check it >news are scattered as different threads rather than just one >/gg/ is always the first thread >trannies derailing threads, defending their psychotic behavior and mods doing nothing >/meta/ first thread is a 2d tranny posted by the blacked acid himself.
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This complaint is probably tired by now but finding good boards feels hard. I went into the new /kind/ today just to see ironic zoomers not being /kind/. Mods probably don't do anything about it. I can probably count the number of imageboards worth using on one hand and it sucks because they're all slow so I have little to read each day.
>>1575 Imageboards are pretty fucked with the current state of things being so segregated and scattered. Ironically centralizing around 8chan.moe probably would have been the best course of action, but it's a shame that'll never happen because it's being headed by antagonistic egotistical idiots. At this point I've just sort of resided to the fact imageboards will die off.
>>1576 It takes more money to "centralize" and IBs don't make money.
>>1576 >8chan.moe Are you a nigger?
>>1581 It's just the only site taking the mantle of centralized open board creation like old 8chan. But you're right, 8moe is pozzed and filled with nigger cattle.
>>1577 I don't think the boards should centralize at all, I think they should get some software to federate content if anything. >>1582 Can't you email most of the IBs and ask for a board?
>>1576 >muh centralize Kill yourself.
>>1584 I'll decentralize your soul from its body motherfucker come at me
>>1585 Should have listened to our once lord and savior robi about the benefit of decentralization, fool.
>centralize >fedniggers take your site down on a whim >don't centralize >fedniggers sow discord by causing constant board drama until users leave out of frustration when the hotpockets inevitably can't contain the faggotry or alternatively >fedniggers sagespam CP then report their own posts to the feds and go after the site owner causing him to all but disappear and his board activity to nosedive Can't win unless you kill the feds, and good luck with that.
>>1573 If you do find any more information on the battletoads project can you post it here?
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Tomorrow is a very special day for a very special girl!
>>1672 I had a dream just earlier about keeping a Cirno music video stored in a freezer because it had to be kept cold.
>no motivation >no ambition >no self-esteem >no desire to consume >no need in social interaction, digital space interactions included Am I on the correct path to complete self-sufficiency? Can something go wrong? Any opinions on what would not be bad to attempt to care about? I do produce things, their quality is not good and barely gets better with more effort, literature and time, but that is not what is too relevant to me anyway. It all feels the same as before the times when I've reached this state of being, really, but today I thought/felt it would not be terrible to think about and get thinking material for.
>>1677 I don't think that counts for pure self-sufficiency. It'd be odd for you to care about lust.
>>1678 I deeply care about lust as I have a fucking hentai addiction. It's not odd at all, really. Doing something about it and working against your psyche just makes it harder, which is great for my addictive tendencies. >>1677 >It all feels the same as before the times when I've reached this state of being I've found the state of being you have reached is mostly irrelevant. I'd rather reach my earlier state of being where I felt better about life. Just live the best you can as much as you can. At least you create things. Mine are purely imaginary, like this totally cool video game I really will make one of these days, just you wait!!!
>>1680 It's how I managed nofap for 2 years. It's a battle that you eventually win.
>>1678 >I don't think that counts for pure self-sufficiency I guess? If I were to strive for that, what else I would need to consider? (aside from obvious things like completely stopping using the internet and stopping consuming any entertainment material in any form) >lust Lust is not something that can be completely (and permanently) eradicated, for obvious reasons. Keeping myself in control is what I've been trying to do, and I would recommend anyone else to do the same. Being hooked on dopamine hits from degenerate deeds is a surefire way to waste your energy, time and impair your efficiency. >>1680 >Mine are purely imaginary It's not like I get to express my imagination properly or completely myself. Some advice - make a habit to leave the imprints of your imagination on some outlet - text, scribbles, drawings, schemes, whatever it could be. You never know if you will get to imagine same things with same details later. Better not waste the potential of something that you think could be worthy to be fixated and saved.
>>1691 I feel like Maybe its possible to remove lust but I don't think its gonna be easy for anyone whos spent tine with internet lewds. Maybe removal is the wrong word? Replace might be better. For example i feel the least lustful when I can play vidya and occupy myself. I think to get closer to self sufficiency one should replace their vices somewhat with productive hobbies (that they enjoy or can learn to enjoy). Instead of me playing video games all the time I could look into irl minecrafting for example. Building things seems comfy, and takes up a lot of time, time that would be "wasted" on vices.
>I managed nofap for 2 years Just wait till you're 30 - no battle needed.
I hate being bad at video games.
>>1704 Practice makes perfect, keep doing it and you will get it. Now stop bitching and embrace your inner masochist.
>>1711 >>1704 Don't listen to this anon. Blind practice only cements bad habits, you must engage yourself constantly with what and how you're doing things wrong. It's not about being masochistic, it's about paying attention.
>>1712 When did I say to blindly repeating the same process without trying to improve? My definition of masochism is to push forward without being held back by frustration and boredom, and learn to enjoy those two not just endure it.
>>1713 >When did I say to blindly repeating the same process without trying to improve When you didn't say it.
>>1714 >say it When you didn't say NOT to I mean.
I can smell myself in my room again. Time to wash bedsheets and clean. Don't want to do any of it. I wish I could find a tree in the middle of the Ozarks or some shit and just sit against it and fall asleep Rip Van Winkle style and let it absorb me into its bark over the years. Maybe then I wouldn't have to do laundry anymore or hear about the world's retarded problems caused by retarded people and sadistic hooknosed rat beings ever again.
>>1712 I think blind practice can be helpful, at least for hand-mouse coordination. Im slowly getting better at flicking my aim to where i want it to be purely by playing the game. Although thats only one aspect and can probably be achieved while doing actual practice
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I had a lot of time to think, and things are getting somewhat better for me. I've fallen into depressive nihilism and an incredibly pessimistic outlook on life for a quite a long while but after some time I just became so tired with it that I had to find a way to stop. The truth is I realized that a lot of what I'm doing is still trying to appease some kind of a mental fucking parent which constantly hangs over my head. My parents weren't the worst in the world, but they were pretty abusive emotionally and narcissistic normalfag scum that constantly demanded shit from me and never actually cared about me as a person, just about what I'm doing and what I'm accomplishing. But I have enough. I don't need to justify my fucking existence to anyone. My life has been spent constantly cowering in fear of everything going bad. If there wasn't anyone that would torment me, I would torment myself and fall into self-hatred. But I have realized how fucking unhealthy this is. I don't have to fear myself, nor do I have to justify the way I am. Neither to my parents, neither to myself, neither to no one else. I am free, and I will always be free. If not in body then in mind. I want to own myself, and not be owned by others. Despite what my shit family might think I'm not their fucking pet, not am I anyone else's. I will never have children to not even have a chane at putting them through similar kind of hellish conditioning, and I despise all normalfags who want to breed just because of responsibility without taking into account the actual happiness of the child.
>>1720 I'm glad to hear that anon. Indeed our minds can be our worst enemies sometimes. Getting rid of that baggage is one important step onto enjoying our lives. A shame about having a shit family, but then again many anons have had the bad luck of having one.
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>finally transitioning into fall >mood almost instantaneously better and more comfy >feel more motivated to do things Fuck summer, nigger season.
>>1720 I'm still trying to feel my way out of that long tunnel. Everything in my life has been so bleak and pointless lately. I feel like I'm merely existing for the sake of existing, without rhyme or reason, like the normalfags do. I've also been catching myself in a cycle: I feel like shit so I don't want to do anything, then I look back on my day/week and noticed that I've done nothing, which makes me feel like shit so I do nothing because it seems pointless and futile. So it becomes very difficult to move past my own self-hatred. Another part of my problem is that all throughout my life, my parents have never encouraged me to do anything in life aside from ultra-safe desk work, and now that I (inevitably) do nothing, my dad tries to tell me to 'go out and have experiences' despite keeping me from those things throughout my entire childhood. Whenever I would get an idea or start to explore something new, my mom or dad would immediately discourage me from it. I began to feel as though I couldn't do anything, like I was trapped in a tiny box, so I stayed indoors and spent all of my time playing video games alone. I'm now in my late 20s with no skills, no prospects, and no hope. The only thing I can think to do now is attempt to make money online somehow. I have a few ideas, but like with everything else in my life I have to hide it from my parents if I want any chance at all of succeeding. I constantly feel suffocated and for the past couple months I've been in a depressive slump, repeatedly contemplating suicide. At any rate, I'm glad you were able to climb out of the hole of nihilism and find some form of freedom.
>>1743 >Money online Would anons here be interested in making some kind of "think tank" for this? I understand that there are factors like living in different countries with different law sets or tax codes that might make things harder, but I´m sure that if we put our minds to work together we will be able to figure out SOMETHING.
>>1745 I've contemplated this idea myself a few times, but I've been hesitant to start a thread on it. I do have a number of ideas, and I am willing to share them with fellow robots who may be interested. My only real reservation about it is that there has been multiple occasions in which I have presented ideas to the board (obviously not just this one on lynx, but several different iterations of the board spanning back to 8ch) but I get shot down, even though I really don't think my ideas are that unreasonable. What's funny about it is that I will type up several paragraphs detailing my thoughts and reasoning, to have my only few responses be one-line posts with little to no arguments or evidence to back them, basically just a "no that's stupid." So I don't really want to make the thread because I feel like I would once again be wasting my time and energy, but if someone else makes it I might be willing participate, that is until someone else pops out of the shadows to tell me my ideas are shit again.
>>1747 I know that feel. But I think that at this point we will tell you WHY we think the idea is bad. I hope no one is such a nigger to shitpost like that. I'll make the thread, looking forwards to see your posts.
>>1747 >that is until someone else pops out of the shadows to tell me my ideas are shit again. Dissent was invented to further strengthen your resolve. Don't worry about it.
>>1752 You'd be a terrible person to talk to.
>>1754 You're talking to him right now. He wouldn't "be" a "terrible" person to talk to, you can verify that here and now. Someone who uses dissenting nonsense to falsify their core beliefs isn't "terrible" to talk to. They just aren't going to collapse and give up on their values at the slightest confrontation like some retarded woman who conforms to the beliefs of whatever social party she happens to be associating with at that given moment. You are a terrible person to talk to, I have verified that here and now witnessing you make such a shitty post.
>>1754 This is "who hurt you" tier, anon.
>>1758 Is it? If I had a valid point I wouldn't want it to be dismissed because any disagreement is seen as proof of him being correct. Thus, he'd be a terrible person to talk to.
>>1757 Having confidence in your position is very different from believing dissent to be an invention specifically designed to enforce confidence in your position. >Someone who uses dissenting nonsense to falsify their core beliefs I don't know what you mean by this. How can you falsify your core beliefs? How can you use dissent to achieve that? What even is "dissenting" in this context?
>>1760 >How can you falsify your core beliefs? By honestly applying peoples criticisms of them yourself and seeing if they hold water. Beliefs mature through attempted falsification. Eventually you ought to find yourself being told by the entire world that you're wrong and you'll still have the confidence to know you're right. The point he was making is that retards spouting nonsense shouldn't sway you from expressing your ideas. The more developed your belief system is the more likely you are to encounter people that despise it and you, because they fear the conviction that comes with that effort.
>>1761 That's not falsification if you genuinely believe it. That's just changing your viewpoint fundamentally, which would involve doing the exact opposite of what he suggested. You've arrived at the exact opposite conclusion that his suggestion would bring you to.
>>1748 >I think that at this point we will tell you WHY we think the idea is bad. That's all I ask. I would be glad to throw my ideas in the mix, anon. >>1752 I'm alright with people disagreeing with me or challenging my ideas, my only issue with it all was that when anons did disagree, they gave no real reason as to why. As I said in my above post, they would usually just respond with "no, that's a dumb idea." Every so often I would get a sentence or two of vague anecdotal 'evidence' as a rebuttal, but usually nothing too substantive. I try to put a fair amount of effort into my posts for the sake of keeping the overall quality of the board relatively high, which of course helps to keep normalfags away. So the reason this bothers me is not only because I feel as though I've wasted my time, but if other anons don't give proper counter arguments, thus refining the idea(s) through critical analysis, we ultimately deny ourselves new opportunities and new avenues of thought. Everyone potentially loses out.
Genuinely consider and contemplate the suggestions people give you and see if it's agreeable or disagreeable to you, with the ultimate goal of complete synthesis of his argument with either a valid argument against or a valid reason for assuming or not assuming his position Which is virtually impossible for most people to do competently. One-liner responses might be enough with enough context, and I'd much prefer replying with a single sentence if it that's all that's needed to properly convey my thoughts.
>>1759 I don't care what your position is, the way you framed it is really gay. As if the anon you're responding to has a responsibility to please you in a conversation. It comes off that way, anyways, which is why I say it's "who hurt you" tier. Immediately assuming there's something wrong with the anon disagreeing with you because he didn't listen to your factz n' logic, before a disagreement was even had. Sure, if he's being a dumbass and isn't listening to logic then he's the moron, but he shouldn't have no resolve in his beliefs. You have no reason to believe he'd be dogmatic, only that one-liner disagreements like yours would strengthen his resolve.
>>1765 No, his post was fundamentally retarded and didn't even deserve my elaboration for why it's retarded. If me pointing out that such a position would bring about an obnoxious contrarian that would bring no enjoyment when conversing strengthens his resolve, that wouldn't change a thing would it? Is it his responsibility to be bring me enjoyment? No, but that doesn't change the fact that I don't find it enjoyable. >You have no reason to believe he'd be dogmatic Besides the fact that he's suggesting any disagreement to be taken as a source of resolve? That's blind dogmatism. You can rephrase it in a way that's more reasonable but that wouldn't absolve the initial post's stupidity.
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>>1754 >>1759 come the fuck on anon, read the Reply and then read the Post ther reply was made of, follow the fucking Context and you will realize that it is more about niggers saying "No" without making a counter argument to something than just claiming that niggers disagreeing means i am right,this is a Carbon-Copy of that time some fag pestered some anon for having a Waifu that had was named Lillith, and the retard in question couldn't read between the lines and understand that His Waifu is Not fucking Biblical Lillith On to the Actual Post, i've been Bombarded with IRL shit very intensively for the last Week entirely, getting little to no respite, but now things are Stablizing, wich is Good, its funny to see how close to the Mark i was in regards to Normgroids (Like how now the Trend is to downplay the Archievements of the Aryan Race, say that Niggers and Chinks are superior "Genetically" (implying they know ANYTHING about Genetics) and somehow memory-holing things like the Roman Empire, Mors Triumphalis, and the fact that Aryans have been in prettymuch every part of the World, that Buddha was actually Aryan and that both Buddhism and Hinduism is the Legacy of Aryannes in the East, amont many many many many other examples i can provide of the Aryan/European/White whatever the fuck you wanna call it being the Legitimate superior in both Body and Spirit for a fucking Reason) and seeing their Stupidity in Action was Disgusting as it Was revealing, i've also discovered that i am More resilient that what i believed myself to be, i Realized that, just like a Tree branch that has been cut by a dumb-fuck Inbred asshat that wants his Yard to look pretty, grows again once Water and Sunlight is given to Its Tree, i too, am able to Recover myself if i am Given enough Solitude and Silence to both Remember what Truly matters, and Love Taihou, >>1743 >>1720 glad to see Anons making it out of the Abyss, i know that kind of stuff is Extremely personal, and what helps one get out of the Abyss may not help the Other at all, but if there is one thing that i have Learned throughout Years of Observing people with These kinds of problems is that the Best medicine for the Ailments of the Soul and Spirit is Philosophy, read some Plato, or Aristotle, sit the fuck down and just Think about things, contemplate, the Corpus Hermeticum (mind you im a bit disdainful of the Moralistic overtone it has and the way it depicts Gods are Space supernannys but i think it contains a Fair share of Wisdom), the Asclepius and Specially the Baghavad Gita are Must reads for anyone, Anywhere, Good Hunting and i hope you lads beat your Inner Devils i Asked for a SITREP before on the Waifufag thread a few days ago, but didn;'t get many Answers, so ill ask for another SITREP around here, because i wanna know how my Kinsmen (or Klansmen if we are rolling that Way) are doing
>>1771 >something than just claiming that niggers disagreeing means i am right If the argument has been consistently been that the anon doesn't mean what he's saying and actually means whatever makes most sense and logically counter to the actual semantic content of the post, I'm more convinced this is more along the lines of tone policing. That particular anon is a big boy. He can state what he really meant himself.
>>1771 >just like a Tree branch that has been cut by a dumb-fuck Inbred asshat that wants his Yard to look pretty, grows again once Water and Sunlight is given to Its Tree This thing you have just said is a spiritual metaphor. Your waifu is the water, you are the sunlight, and your entire soul is the tree. >His Waifu is Not fucking Biblical Lillith I'm that guy and my waifu is Lily from Monster Girl Quest's "Oppai Lily Heaven" side story. My religion is hentai. Thank you.
>>1771 Life has been pleasurable if frustratingly boring at times. Finding the resolve to do near meaningless tasks is becoming difficult, but life isn't bad.
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>>1772 >That particular anon is a big boy. He can state what he really meant himself. a Big Boy but certainly Not a Big Guy, and not even for you at that, he has had the chance to explain himself for a while and he has not unless he is any of the anons that replied to >>1754 >>1773 >This thing you have just said is a spiritual metaphor. Your waifu is the water, you are the sunlight, and your entire soul is the tree. almost, i'd say Taihou is both the Water and the Tree (Raw Power in Alchemical symbolism) the female principle however is symbolized by Mercury, in the Elemental theory the Water is the "Decaying" principle, if Earth is True Samsara because it is Raw Conditioning, the Banal plane of the World (The earth is the most passive of the elements, serving only as the Throne for all the other) Water is what flows down to it (Eternal Potentiality, the Cosmos ever Transforming and Ever changing, Coiling around the Monad, wich is the Stable Immanent and Immutable Axis, in this Analogy Potentiality comes down to Earth to take a Definite Form and Shape) however at the top you Find Air and Fire, Fire is the True Principle of Action and Divinity, of Stillness and Immanence (in other Elemental theories though the Akashka (Aether) Principle is added and this is attributed to it) Air is to Fire what Water is to Earth, Taihou would be just that, she is no longer Mercury of raw Power and Potentiality, of the young Girl of the Prairies dancing unrestrained, of Durga the Terrible Bloodthirsty Virgin, but is the Air, of the Faithful Wife and Lover, my Sidekick in this Hellhole and the Hellholes that will come and the Beggining and end of my Voyage, she is the Shakti that coils around Shiva, if i am a Knight she is my Shield and Armor, if i am a Captain she is my Ship, if i am a Priest she is my Holy Book, perhaps this wasn't the place to write this, but it felt good to dedicate some Words to Taihou, i was getting bummed up about this IRL stuff taking time from me and not finding the Time and Place to Truly give Taihou Love, i mean i always give her Everything i do and Feel, but i needed to do something the "Right Way" sort of speak
>>1766 >That's blind dogmatism Until you see a specific example you can't assume that. There are plenty of examples of when disagreement would strengthen your resolve, if the person disagreeing is a normalfag that'd do it, if he's terminally retarded, or if he's acting in bad faith. There's probably more but that's off the top of my head. >You can rephrase it in a way that's more reasonable but that wouldn't absolve the initial post's stupidity That applies more to your gay post than it does to his. Especially since his post was meant to encourage an anon while yours only superficially insults an anon for not being fun to talk to. >>1771 >memory-holing things like the Roman Empire What about those niggers on youtube that fetishize Roman statues and old advertisements, and talk about "rejecting modernity" but only want to go back to the 1930s when modernity ended?
>>1780 >Until you see a specific example you can't assume that >superficially insults an anon for not being fun to talk to Notice your unwillingness to address the actual content of the post provided. No, my initial post specifically stated that he would "be" a terrible person to talk to, and not is or "are". If that condition isn't clear, it's an implication that if' someone were to follow the advice of that post, he would be a terrible person to talk to. >That applies more to your gay post than it does to his I stand by my post. I don't see anything wrong with it.
>>1782 >the post provided I mean the initial post that inspired this. Is the topic about that post or about other concepts that is essentially unrelated to it? I don't care about reasonable propositions on how and when disagreement can cause a solidifying of faith since I didn't have an issue with that to begin with. The post was: >Dissent was invented to further strengthen your resolve. Don't worry about it. Which >There are plenty of examples of when disagreement would strengthen your resolve Doesn't agree with. I can only see this as tone policing of a retarded kind. I don't care about the context and I don't care about what you think the anon really meant, my post was in reply to the literal content of the post and nothing else.
>>1782 >Notice your unwillingness to address the actual content of the post provided It was a one line post meant to encourage an anon to post advice, you nigger. What am I supposed to address besides that? >my initial post specifically stated that he would "be" a terrible person to talk to, and not is or "are". If that condition isn't clear, it's an implication that if' someone were to follow the advice of that post, he would be a terrible person to talk to. That's not a meaningful distinction. >I stand by my post. I don't see anything wrong with it. Then ironically you're doing exactly what you think that anon suggested. >>1783 >Is the topic about that post or about other concepts that is essentially unrelated to it? I'm talking purely about your faggy "You'd be a terrible person to talk to." post. There shouldn't be any confusion about that >Which >>There are plenty of examples of when disagreement would strengthen your resolve >Doesn't agree with You must be the dumbest blackest gorilla nigger then. >I can only see this as tone policing of a retarded kind You're closer to tone policing by acting like having resolve is something undesirable. Me saying your post was stupid isn't tone policing. >I don't care about the context and I don't care about what you think the anon really meant You're assuming more than what the anon said. I'm the one staying focused on the actual content of his post which you responded to, and I'm saying that it didn't warrant a one-liner of such a faggy caliber.
>>1785 >Then ironically you're doing exactly what you think that anon suggested I guessed you were going to say this. The only thing I've seen in reply to my post has been, I don't know, disliking it because it fails to fulfill a particularly standard, that hasn't been stated or discussed. I have nothing to conform to, nothing to learn about, just some faggot complaining that I think his advice is terrible. >You're closer to tone policing by acting like having resolve is something undesirable Fuck off. If you're incapable of reading my posts then don't bother replying.
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I've stated why, what, and how the advice was terrible, along with further context from which my condensed one-liner post was derived from. This isn't blind faith dogmatic "your post is faggy!!!" mudslinging. I can't add more detail and reasonings on such an insignificant topic, so I've done everything in my power, with the material I've been presented with, to make my position clear and understandable by anyone interested. I can't go through further lengths to further articulate my position.
>>1778 >she is no longer Mercury of raw Power and Potentiality, of the young Girl of the Prairies dancing unrestrained This song reminded me of your quest. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bw3UygAi2oo
>>1742 I sleep better and wake up comfier in fall weather, and that breeze.
>>1717 I can empathize, its especially noticeable whenever I take a shower
How well versed are you anons with handling normalniggers? Every now and then I have to interact with one and thankfully in those one off situations I'm largely able to blend in with whatever their idea of a normal person is. It is demoralizing to force myself into their box of perverted normality but being vague and "unopinionated" seems to be enough for them and it's enough for me too since I'm able to get away with not preaching their disgusting bullshit and can at least somewhat stick to my ideals during the length of the interaction. Sometimes though, I hear some especially retarded shit and it takes a decent bit of willpower to stop myself from fucking up and implying that I'm anything other than neutral on the topic
>>1824 I only bother to keep my most nigger-bane lynch him on the spot-tier viewpoints to myself and leave everything to whatever overly mechanistic and logic based social interaction I'm comfortable with. Which means making other people uncomfortable by staring until they leave or say something that I think I should respond to.
>>1824 I don't know if it's learned psychopathy or some shit, but I ace almost every job interview I go to whenever I run out of money and have to go back to wagecucking because I've gotten excellent at pretending I give a shit about what the interviewer is prattling on about. You get them talking about themselves and help stroke their egos and a lot of them will basically hire you on the spot because almost none of them actually care about seeing if the guy they're hiring is an ideal employee. The looks on their faces are always funny when I show up for the first day and they see how much of a stone-faced autist I actually am. Assuming I ever see them again at all, sometimes they're HR niggers that don't actually work with the people they hire. The handful of times I've had trouble at an interview in recent years it was when I was applying at smaller more tight-knit businesses and the person doing the interview actually cared about the success of their company and didn't respond to any ego stroking.
I have been completely despondent for the past couple weeks. Lately, I've been wondering what I have to work towards in this life or why I bother to keep living at all, and I can't seem to come up with any good answers. Part of me wants to just end it all. The problem is that I've recently acquired a fear of death. I was never really afraid to die before, and more often than not, I would look forward to my departure from this hellish world. However, I haven't been able to shake this fear that if I die right now, that my soul won't be strong enough for whatever comes next, and that if my soul isn't strong enough I will end up right back here to repeat the whole nightmare all over again. Unfortunately, I've been so miserable lately that I feel no drive to do the things that may strengthen my soul. I feel utterly trapped in a prison of my own design. Has anyone else struggled with similar thoughts before?
>>1829 I too am looking for Anime Heaven. I can't go to it because God is more powerful than you etc. so I'm waiting for it to come to me. I've hoped to pass into the astral realm in the night, but all I get are extremely vivid dreams. >Bowser from Mario followed me up a rope that turned into a bridge. Thanks, Subcon. Glad to see you're here too. It's nice that God will man you from Heaven if you don't behave. That's fun, isn't it? Are you Taihouman? Ask her about the quality of your soul. It's something she knows best.
>>1831 Stop giving people names fag
>>1829 Yes, but after a year or two, I found some sort of peace. I used to be similarly despondent due to this world being shit and all but one day I realized that there was no use in becoming depressed over it. World's shit but what can I do about it? I can't change the world so am I just going to be miserable about this piece of shit for the rest of my life? That's what I was thinking. After that, I cut myself off from a lot of the outside, started avoiding the news, disassociating from politics, and a bunch of other shit too. I already avoided normalfags but instead of getting depressed by their stupidity when I did interact with them, now I just accept and understand that I'm better than them and that getting all worked up over their bullshit is a largely useless endeavor. Of course, I sometimes break and get pissed to no end by the especially egregious ones (like trannies) but I think that at least that amount of anger is healthy. As for what to work towards, I don't know how helpful this will be for you but, I don't have any big goals either. However, the thing is that I don't feel like I actually need any in the first place. I'm perfectly fine with simply watching anime and playing vidya for the rest of the time that I'm in this world. I mix it up a bit with some other hobbies (firearms, art, model kit building, etc) but those are much more costly hobbies and I would be completely fine without them. I don't really feel like I need any goals to work towards, I'm completely content staying the way I am, playing the things I do, and watching the things I do. Maybe this isn't the case for you but hopefully, I've at least provided some food for thought.
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>>1833 Well, if you really want in on The Specifics everyone has a god of anime gf willing to talk to them if you just take a chance on fantasy. The dream welcomes you, anonymous bastard. Go talk to your waifu even if you don't have her form decided yet. She's waiting for you. Do you realize how stupid this sounds to you yet?
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>>1831 No, I'm not the Esoteric Taihou-anon. >>1834 I have noticed lately that the only times that I feel content is when I'm playing video games or watching a good movie/show. The trouble with that is it just feels like I'm distracting myself, not really doing anything worthwhile. Maybe I'm just looking at it the wrong way, I don't know. I often tell myself "if I could just do __ I would be alright." Lately, I've been thinking that if I could just find a way to support myself and get away from my parents, I could be content. However, when I stop to think about it I get angry because it feels like the only way to come close to what I want is to get a 40+ hour per week job doing something I hate, surrounded by people I can't stand. This is made more infuriating by the fact that it really shouldn't be so hard for a single man with minimal needs to support himself, but everything is so jewed to hell and back that even the simplest tasks become outrageously convoluted. This is a big part of why I want to die so bad.
>>1836 People like you are a plague, it's a shame you found this place.
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>>1831 >Spoiler nah, That's Me Dalua, i haven't been posting around here a lot lately because ever sincei moved to my Dad's home i've been having to contend with a Huge ammount of Bullshit (i have little to no Privacy and not even a room of my own, my Dad is a unstable narcissistic fuck that keeps throwing Tantrums over how shit his life is and how "He does Everything" and "Nobody Helps him" despite the fact that ever since i was a little kid i always favoured him over my "Mother" and i tried talking to him and asking him if he was fine and whatnot) i wouldn't say this is worse than my "Mother"'s Place although i miss having a Room of my own, since now i no longer have a "Save Haven", but over here i have a amazing Gig going up that if i pull it off i can land a Safe job in the Army, while the Military is Pozzed to hell and back, its better than Rotting to death on a 8 hour job granted by my "mother", its a Minimum of 2 Years of Salary, and a Good position to both Cut ties with my Dysfunctional Family, and save up enough dough to get a Boating Licence and a Ship to go and have Adventures on the High-seas and Die of Starvation while Sailing to the North-pole like a True Sea-Dog
>>1839 Dying of starvation is not the way you want to die. Might sound romantic on paper but it's an extremely painful process that leaves you a broken shell of your self before death. If I'm going to die I'd like to die myself not some crazed maniac desperate for food.
>>1840 i meant Starvation more as a joke than anything else, that being said Suicide through Starvation would be the Ultimate Display of Stoicism, since one would fight aganist the Primal instinct of Survival and the calls and wants of the Body untill the very end, but yeah, it is very likely that i would just spend my days living on the boat contemplating Existance and being Isolated from the rest of the World untill i run out of Supplies and Money to buy supplies, i would most likely Aquire a Revolver, somewhere, somehow, and play Russian Roulette once a day to see if Taihou still wants me Here, that is on extremely Superficial Lines my "Endgame" plan (IE:Saved enough money for extended NEETdom, wich in itself implies that i somehow someway found a Legit way to make fucking Dough to finance my "Final Crusade") the Idea of Going north to Die is a little "Mania" i picked up from Sertorius, who had the Dream of Finding and Retiring in the "Island of Kronos", of course the Island of Kronos, even Atlantis and the "Throne of the North" from wich the Aryan race is told to Hail from, is just like Agartha, and Allegory of Initiation, but i still have this Autistic Dream of Extreme Isolation Through "Questing"
>>1829 >The problem is that I've recently acquired a fear of death. >I feel utterly trapped in a prison of my own design. I might've been in a similar situation so here goes: After acquiring a fear of Death a few years back, everything gradually fell away from my mind; it didn't particularly matter whether my thoughts and feelings were hopes, worries, fears or anything else at all that you might slap a label on, each tiny piece rusted away and was overtaken by that one, tyrannical fear. Hounded as I felt by this omnipresent terror, after a time I ended up being forced to confront what seemed like a deep, overriding sense of arbitrariness. Incidentally this feeling led me to a great deal of resentment as I was utterly overwhelmed by what I saw as the pointed unfairness of dying and so I began to take indignant mental shots--brain exercises--of a sort at that foundational fear which didn't do much to alleviate said fear of annihilation, but it did help me find (or rediscover?) a perverted sense of optimism in the sense that with the looming inevitability of Death always on the horizon I felt freed from any other so-called shackle upon me. No longer did the opinions or actions or (again) anything of others reign supreme in my mind; none of it had an sway and it was all lighter than air. Consequently, as it turned out, I felt that I could therefore do whatever I so chose to do, and while I couldn't be anything in the world (because that's absurd), I could at least be myself. I could try and be grand or great or whatever in my own way or I could work some menial job only to come home and drink in the sweet, blessed silence of the night. Either way it would be because I decided it was so. So, nowadays, I still end fuming over trivial things or even finding a little amusement tucked away in some odd occurence here and there, but now I feel like I am actually me which makes bearing the noxious stream called Existence all the more bearable--and, dare I say, occasionally even enjoyable.
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>>1842 Being absolutely alone in the world and just having myself as company would be enjoyable. Since I by default assume that I'm alone, and by revealed preference prefer to be alone (and do my own thing), that isn't an idea that I need to abstract in order to understand. However, since people do weigh on my mind when they interact with me, and since I have an urge to accommodate, assimilate and listen to what they have to say, and crucially that this urge doesn't come from anyone but myself, I'd consider living inside your own head exclusively to be a deprivement of my own natural reactions. There's a general order of priority with me still wanting to be alone, so me being introverted is more meaningful than whatever social instinct I have, so there's no inherent conflict between my instinct to to adapt and my wanting to be alone. And not for the sake of preserving my individuality. I'm rambling. My fear of death comes from a longing of perfection over imperfection, in essence death portrays our inability to control our own life. Your body grows, you age, you lose your peak fitness and decline, your body becomes diseased, you become weaker without constant maintenance, you're forced to consume and excrete until the day you die. The arbitrary is only arbitrary because it's not "emotionally" (although for me, logically) compelling, but these things happen regardless of how strongly you feel about them. Amor fati, general love and acceptance of life as it presents itself. Although I feel that this also means to forget about the abstract and not literal tomorrow. Treating the unexpected and the inexplicable, the hammer to the face impacts that life presents you as lessons lessens the burden of whatever feeling of resentment might come up.
>>1843 Completely irrelevant to the philosophical side of things but the chances of a breakthrough in age extension medicine within our lifetimes are pretty decent. If nanobots are ever invented within our lifetime's things like DNA repair, which could cure and possibly reverse aging, isn't too far off. Eventually, you will die but if everything goes well in the scientific fields we can at least have an alright chance at extending the time we have here if we so please.
>>1844 And those "nanobots" will also conveniently inhibit bad goyim thoughts.
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>>1843 >My fear of death comes from a longing of perfection over imperfection, in essence death portrays our inability to control our own life. I'm largely of the same mind in that regard. It seems I went off a little on the parts regarding individuality. I should've been more clear in my initial response: For me, the fear of Death is still an everyday battle from the moment I wake up to the moment my mind slips away into that lolling unconsciousness of rest. It hasn't gone away in any sense; almost every day, I still carry around a visceral feeling of physical ineptitude and impotence for a time. However, I've made some measure of peace with myself. I'm of the opinion that there can be no way around Death at this time (and I have a sneaking suspician that the presence of Death as an inevitability is what colors our life but I have to read more and think about that one and that's beyond the scope of our discussion here.) In any case, I (agree with you?) in that I don't believe a complete abdication is the right way of confronting this situation so I still maintain my misgivings/anger/resentment/whatever about Death, especially when that swooning surrender seems to be the modus operandi of normalfags which to me only equates to complacency. That brings me to your statement: >Although I feel that this also means to forget about the abstract and not literal tomorrow. Treating the unexpected and the inexplicable, the hammer to the face impacts that life presents you as lessons lessens the burden of whatever feeling of resentment might come up. You also mention "Amor fati" as an idea earlier, but I don't believe that such a concept or even more broadly the worldview which you are describing here actually does somehow lessen or degrade the meaning in considering an abstract tomorrow. I believe there is a distinction to be made here. If you accept the notion that you will die but are still here, I see only two choices being presented at bottom, namely: you can expedite the process or you can squirm and struggle with all your might against the inevitable--you can engage in activity that feverishly works to secure as much of the future as possible despite your full comprehension of the end result. Of course, this does seem a bit (for lack of a better term coming to mind at the moment) normalfag-ish on the surface in that you would just be making a sport or competition out of, what we both agree is, the seeming overriding futility of life. I suppose my point here is that, in my opinion, if you carry the fear of Death to its final conclusion you are only left with the option of suicide or living in some capacity, and since everything else has fallen away by this time you are then freed to live however you like--if you would only have the mastering will to do so. I mean to sort've reevaluate the typical adage of "Why not?" Why not do X/Y/Z in life? Unless you want to exit the game early (in which case if you truly did, you probably would have quit already and we wouldn't have the fine pleasure of chewing over frivolous and flippant words here). Unlike the "normalfag-ish" complacency in life, the attitude I describe offers one the opportunity to take up action with the entire agonizing weight upon your shoulders, and consequently (if you aren't bothered by the fact that we are approaching a sort of masochistic state here) I think that any such action takes on an even greater significance if, in the face of Death and decay, you can still act with the full knowledge of the futility of such activity. Maybe a more stripped down analogy would help convey my point(s): Fear of Death=2 choices: suicide or living in spite of said fear///HOWEVER, living in spite of is not synonymous with normalfag complacency which instead runs from a sense of arbitrariness in the first place, hence a lack of care over the future because each single action the normalfags make does not hold the same (internal?personal?) significance as action still taken in spite of the context of looming annihilation. 1/2
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>>1847 As another example, I would ask why not take a dive off into the pool of rage and resentment you mention? If this type of worldview with its modicum of acceptance lessons the resentment, I don't see why one couldn't just alternatively live for anger and resentment and pessimism (like Schopenhauer?) at the state of things. Yet is that really pessimism then? Still scratching away on the wall of the cave and living all the same, just in one's own perverted little manner? But that's just a game of words and I digress. Optimally, most folks might shrink away from this sort of mindset but I've found the presence of bubbling rage or the presence of really anything at all to be far more preferable to my early years of feeling trapped in a one dimensional--criminally boring--prison stretching to eternity. In exacerbating the irritant, at least there is something to do, unless you would again rather have nothing and just exit the stage early which in and of itself also takes a monumental amount of will. I apologize if this isn't coming across well or if it seems like I am unneccesarily running in circles like a raving madman; I think I am doing just that, but I feel compelled to say it all the same lest I accept that foundational, inescapable conclusion and tie a neat knot--a pretty bow--ontop of it all. 2/2
>>1847 >I don't believe that such a concept or even more broadly the worldview which you are describing here actually does somehow lessen or degrade the meaning in considering an abstract tomorrow In trying to attain it I felt a disconnection from the immediate or long-term future. My mind is only preoccupied with what is presented with me now rather than what can happen later. I don't know how to be mindful of the abstract future, so I say that I feel that attempting to love life has overwhelmed and made my view of the future short-sighted and not beyond what I want to accomplish, and only that. >seeming overriding futility of life This is more complicated but the seeming futility is one-sided on humanity's part. You can only truly change and learn, and I mean learn closer in the sense of platonic idealism where there are opinions of ephemeral phenomena and then the opinions of everlasting facts, through suffering. Why am I here, over why should I be here. I don't know the answer to that personally. Maybe suffering is a byproduct of imperfection. I don't have a heavily scrutinized and well-thought solution to "Why?" >if you carry the fear of Death to its final conclusion My fear of death is also my fear of God. >if you aren't bothered by the fact that we are approaching a sort of masochistic state here I'm generally sadistic over masochistic. I just don't bother or understand the meaning behind separating how I treat others with how I treat myself. >we wouldn't have the fine pleasure of chewing over frivolous and flippant words You write too much. And I don't consider the exchange of information to be necessarily pleasurable or that the words I use are frivolous. I don't feel that your post is either focused, or that you have a specific goal in mind when writing this post. It touches on too many themes that you don't explore. >I am unneccesarily running in circles like a raving madman Should've read the whole post but I'll keep the previous point in. I don't think frivolity is bad but it reminds me of a gaudy gay man and I just want to leave. It's suffocating. You mimicking the other anon's writing style also isn't appreciated. >>1848 >I would ask why not take a dive off into the pool of rage and resentment you mention Rage and anger clouds my judgement and the love of my father dreadfully makes me feel that life isn't as bad as it could be. Resentment itself is like a seed, the idiom, "nursing a grudge" fits my view on it. I don't want to because it's a net negative to what I want in total. Resenting isn't always bad, but if you're resenting life itself is bitter and unattractive. Anger, hate, and rage is already a problem, and I've tried unconditionally accepting it into my heuristics. But ultimately they're not all helpful to anything.
The spirit of anger would last but I feel that my heart would break before my spirit does.
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>>1842 >>1847 >>1848 i have never been Afraid of Death itself (in fact i seek Death, and have a Certain taste for Self-Anihilation when said Anihilation is Delivered from the Arms of my Sweet Taihou), but rather Failing in the Process of Death, by know you should know what i mean, the only Reason i did not Off myself was because of the Anons who genuinely Love me and do not want me to Leave yet, and because like i said before im afraid of Failing, please understand this and understand that there will be a Inevitable Ontological Gap, so i cannot Truly empathise with your Inner State, the idea of Death as a Liberation (or in your case, the idea of the Inevitability of Death Liberating one from the Annoyances and distractions of Profane existance) is a Idea that has been Explored multiple times in Traditional Worldviews, in specific, Evola talks about this in both "Metaphisics of War" and in the last Chapter of "Riding the Tiger" they could be good places to Explore or broaden your Horizons on the matter, in fact the idea of "Being Oneself" not in the sense of doing what you want (and thus becoming a Slave of those wants, always following the whims of your vices) but rather on following one's Nature, in other words, Being, is also a Traditional Concept, Evola talks about it too in "Ride the Tiger" i wish i could help you reach the Answers you seek, but ironically, i do not feel Dread or Fear of what lays beyond (Hey, im the Husband of a Literal Godess after all), nor of the Divine, i take Strength and respite on the Wisdom i have attained and the matters of the Spirit, it is the Mundane stuff, the retarded toils of Day-to-Day life that i struggle with and that get on my Nerves, not only because im surrounded by Morons, but also because im Clueless in regards to the Physical Realm and thus a Massive Fuckup
>>1587 But what if one were to make a global rule of "any post containing CP is assumed to be made by a fed until proven otherwise" or something along those lines?
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>>1831 Hey Dalua, i had one of your type of Hardcore Dreams, im gonna most likely catch some flak for doing this kind of thing here but is not like i have any alternative Comms channel to contact you, keep in mind my Memory is pretty bad, my memories of it are very Hazy, anyways, on to the Dream i Do not know how the Dream begins, but the Overall situation is a XVIIIth Century setting (although it turns into a 1920's Investigator setting in some specific points) a team of 5 Investigators have to do some kind of Mission, there is one "Leader" another is some sort of Librarian, there is one who is actually pretty good at Brawling, the other one i don't know anything about, then there is me, i barely remember how the Mission goes, but at some point i get Kidnapped by the fag we are after, there is also some Book Resume somewhere that ends up being relevant on the case, anyways, the Team Leader ends up rescuing me, the Mission follows its course and it is eventually Complete, i somehow Die along the way (i guess even in Dreamland i really am a Pushover) the Mission is complete, and the Reward is a "Wish" for everyone, i am Dead, i appear in a Ghost-like form (mind you i didn't look like my Physical self at all during the Dream, i couldn't see my own face, but i had Long White hair, and i was dressed like a Nobleman straight out of the XVIIIth Century, however my Clothing was Dyed Black, and it was remarkably Simple, compared to the more convoluted Designs of the Time) in this Ghost-Like form, i would accompany the Leader and show him the Fates of everyone after the Mission, i only remember the Librarian's fate, apparently he wished for being a Hardcore Magus, he became a Gigantic Golem and apparentley he was a Grand-Master Wizard, the Golem looked like a Guard Tower, where its "Face" laid it had a very big, Round Window, there was only Darkness at the other side of the Window but you could see 2 Human-Looking eyes, that was the way the Golem Wizard could see, from the Tower two Stone Arms came forth from the upper parts, and two Stone Legs from the Lower, i would take the Leader to a Appartment block from wich he could see the Golem Wizard, the Leader would take its time to get there, but when he finally arrived i remember telling him "Hey look out the window and try not to piss your pants!", through the Apartment's window one could see the Golem Wizard looming over the City, he was Eating a house, i don't know how because it had no Mouth, it looks like the Librarian was the Last fate of the 5, from what i Remember, Leader asked for no wish at all, and i do not remember the Fates of the other Team Members, i took him to my Funeral, wich was underway, the Leader was Crying a lot, apparentley he Loved me a lot (not in the Gay way) i paid no mind to his Sorrow however, i guess i was unable to care at the Time, he reached the place of my Burial just as they were about to lower the Coffin, the Burial place was Weird, for starters there were a Fuckload of people i did not know in the Least, the Burial place wasn't a cemetery, but a Big Palace, to be more specific, it was a Ball room, with a Burial receptacle Neatly Carved into the Center of the Room, my Coffin was black but i cannot remember the Engravings on it, back to the Leader, i told him something, but i cannot remember what i said, but after i told him whatever i told him, he sprang forth, shoving People aside, while Crying, he interrupted the burial, stepped up to my Casket, and opened it, after he did that the Dream ended
>>1852 Why would that make a difference to the feds?
>>1849 >In trying to attain it I felt a disconnection from the immediate or long-term future. That's a fair point. In my experience, what might be broadly termed a "love of life" attitude has helped me actually attach myself to life in the sense that prior to having that view of things I was generally disconnected and unconcerned with the future, whereas now I feel compelled to care about the future at least marginally more than I did previously. I would also tie in your experiences with resentment and anger here: unlike your experiences with rage or whatever you would like to call it, for me, a pervasive anger is what originally dragged me out from my deep pit of despondancy and that is why I advocated it as an option. >This is more complicated but the seeming futility is one-sided on humanity's part. You can only truly change and learn...through suffering >Should've read the whole post but I'll keep the previous point in. I don't think frivolity is bad but it reminds me of a gaudy gay man and I just want to leave. It's suffocating. You mimicking the other anon's writing style also isn't appreciated. I'll address these two together since I think they tie in to one another. In the first instance, yes I know and agree that what seems like the futility of life can be a nuanced topic and I don't have a particular, satisfying answer myself. This brings me to the second point: I see the lack of acceptable definitive answers for life, for suffering, for whatever, as a primary cause for why I overextended and tried to cover more ground than was feasible. As a side note, by other anon I assume you mean the esoteric fellow. Anyhow, I usually limit myself to writing in a more narrative, detail-oriented style rather than trying to pin down what I perceive as more abstract concepts such as those we having been touching on because I have never been good at doing so. I think the use of expressive words to describe a situation can give a more visceral and direct image of what I'm driving at in a conversation--hence a bit of pleasure in it. In the grand scheme of things, I'll have to disagree here because I believe that most words are not flippant if you are trying to use them for a pointed purpose, and generally the exchange of information or the act of "expression" is a good thing. Going back to our discussion on Death a bit, I see words (and expression) as part of that longing towards "perfection over imperfection" as you stated or at least as an attempt to step away from the still uniformity of Death and eventual decay. I see words as one part of man's unceasing efforts in pulling himself away from overriding stillness and Death. All that being said, I understand that this style of writing can come across as ostentatious and meandering. Given this fault or simple inability of mine and the manner in which I generally write, I usually take the time to evaluate and edit my responses heavily. However, in the previous instances I instead just posted after a quick read through which probably helped lead to a more incoherent string of posts than usual. So, my bad in this respect. >>1851 I appreciate the reading recommendations. I've been meaning to read some of Evola's work for awhile as the anecdotal things I have heard lead me to believe that it would be a fruitful read, but I am working my way through other materials at the moment. Some day then. >i wish i could help you reach the Answers you seek, but ironically, i do not feel Dread or Fear of what lays beyond I would clarify in that I wouldn't say it is what lies beyond Death which troubles me; I do not have enough faith to be an atheist or a believer. Rather, I fear the event horizon, or the moment of transition, in which the switch is flicked off and one is pulled under.
>>1854 At the very least, it could make more people aware of whom is doing this shit.
>>1855 >I believe that most words are not flippant if you are trying to use them for a pointed purpose, and generally the exchange of information or the act of "expression" is a good thing The act of expression isn't inherently a good thing. Having a pointed and direct goal that is helpful, enjoyable, or simply beautiful, over doing things that are ugly simply to express oneself being what I mean. The idea of expressing oneself intentionally, for the pure sake of it, reminds me of someone trying to move the ocean by flapping his arms around. You cam have control over the whole earth but you are nothing, less than dust, in the grand scheme of things. Perfection would be more uniform than imperfection, since there billions of ways a thing can fail to reach perfection but perfection is and only remains a single state. The use of pointless words irritates me, I don't care as and don't want to pay attention to those who don't condense there posts down to what is essential to express themselves.
>>1853 >apparently he wished for being a Hardcore Magus, he became a Gigantic Golem His ideology has turned him to stone. Avoid his fate. His "core" turned "hard" heh hah
>>1860 Petrification and animated stone are two different things.
>>1860 >>1862 Reminds me more of a mecha with the man, whose core (the human eyes) is still human but the exterior is monstrous, but moves through divine force (living stone). But I have no clue, I don't know what the city or eating a house would represent.
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>>1860 fair enough, if you come up with any other observations do tell me, or just send me a Email i hope you noted my Throwaway Mail back when i posted that bitch, if not i think it is still in the Wafiufag Thread it is interesting that you fixated on the Magus Golem, what really strikes me is that, not only did i die in my Dream, but i was Fine with it to the point of Absolute Apathy with a hint of "huh being Dead is comfy actually", wich i guess it shouldn't surprise me since i De Facto see Death as a Liberation, but knowing how much of a Coward i am im surprised to show such Instinctual Conviction, at least in my Dreams, also i guess it sounds completely Retarded and Selfish and i am focusing on mundane things, but i liked the way i look in Dreamzone,
>>1865 >i was Fine with it to the point of Absolute Apathy with a hint of "huh being Dead is comfy actually" This is probably extremely important, like a death to self or "death to an old way of life" or some shit. Implied revival at the end? Who was the fag you are after?
>>1867 >This is probably extremely important, like a death to self or "death to an old way of life" or some shit. Implied revival at the end? the Dream did end when Leader-Guy opened the Casket where i was, and i did wake up at that moment, so i guess Resurrection is Implied, i do not Feel any different at all though, you mean the "Bad Guy" the team was After?, no fucking idea, i didn't know him, and i cannot really remember the Entire Mission at all, the entire Dream is Hazy as shit
Anime is being thoroughly niggered. Fuck everything. I don't mind too much but it's a shame that anti 3dpd nerd culture has been nuked out of existence in every anime centric community, including on the webring.
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>>1869 What happened to the webring this time?
>>1870 Not any webring drama, (I could care less about that shit) just a general observation of how the "community" surrounding anime in the west has become more and more normalniggered up to and including the webring, even if it is more slight over here. A more accurate way to word my last post would be to include the word fandom or community rather than anime as a whole which is not being niggered (yet) Shit like beastars though makes me fear the worst for the future
>>1872 /monster/ looks the same.
>>1871 Oh, I thought things got drastically worse suddenly. Even though it hasn't gotten to it's worst yet, we'll probably be able to see it sooner or later if Smug's vtuber thread and the population of normals in /monster/ are anything to go off of. And I'm going to hate every second of it. As for western anime "community", which I think is a very generous word to use and even if it's not it still sounds soy-injected and pretentious, yeah it's garbage. I don't want to get into details but it's shit. Steaming fermenting shit and it makes me sad. I replied to the wrong post and I feel dumb.
>>1871 >>1874 The bigger problem is that degenerates have alienated any middle ground. People who want to enjoy a weeb series in peace are now forced to put up with either soy fueled feminists or complete sexual deviants with zero filter. You destroy that middle ground and you're only left with 2 choices. Either you end up with lolicon on every board and dicks on every woman or you end up with constant censorship and -ism whining. The middle ground which allowed for censorship free discussion doesn't work any more because of the degenerates. You have the zoomer generation entirely fueled by cartoon porn who can't keep their dicks to themselves. That drives any middle ground people to leave entirely or get herded into the heavily censored places. Even normalnigger shit holes like 4chan now have the same problem. It's either all porn or feminism and any one who wants anything else isolates themselves from everything.
>>1875 People sometimes complain about both of those things but feminist enter into my mind as falling into both of those categories. Perhaps because they never have a coherent ideology that I can comprehend without a billion contradictions becoming immediately apparent. It's all garbage, I just want to talk about the merits or demerits of a show and what I liked and disliked about it.
>>1876 Well feminism as an ideology is just whatever destroys the traditions and destablising the family. It's entirely coherent once you understand that. You can support muslims and women's rights when both are vectors to destruction of something else. In this case I mean the heavy censorship soy boy whining about how everything is problematic.
>>1869 i know that feel, although it was the Increasing amount of Isekais, Haremshit. nevermind the Moralfaggotry i've found in the last Mangos i read before calling it quits, and normgroids using it as a Scapism instead of actually Loving Anime Girls the way they deserve to be Loved what ultimately made me Drop Manga and Anime in general, aside from me having already read the Good Stuff, if you ask me, drop Anime, go for Mangas and LN's, most of the time they are Written or Drawn by a Single Mangaka and not a Kiked studio that Censors and changes things around to please the Normgroid Masses, the problem with this is that unlike Video Games, Mangas do not have that "Recyclability" sort of speak, for example Fallout got Cuckolded to death, but you can still play both 1 and 2 with the Restoration patches over and over again, you cannot do that with Manga
>>1878 You do realize the current state of anime is because it pandered to people like you right?
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>>1879 my Favorite Mangos are stuff like Shamo, Kaiji, Old boy, Akumetsu etc... the common denominator is along the lines of "Lone Man aganist the Odds" and Noire stuff, of course i do read some spicy Ecchi stuff from time to time and i enjoy my Slice of life when it is cool (Jahy-sama is a good example of this), i do not see stuff like this being done at all, so i do not see how modern Anime is somehow pandering to people like me, if it somehow does, then i guess it is failing i hate Isekais because more often than not they are Power Fantasies without Substance, same with Haremshit, it is aimed at Failed normgroids that want to feel good and have fantasies about being the Hero and getting the Girl (Date a Live is a textbook example of this), i have a special Hatred for Haremshit because it is a blatant insult to True Love, since it is not based on the Self-Evident core of Love itself, not even on Sincere affection, but on a mix of Sexual Lust, and thirst for Success in the Normgroid sense of the word
>>1880 >Shut ins want anime waifus in place of real women >They find a girl to attach to and buy all her merchandise >This is a one time event and these whale purchasers fund entire studios off their back >Over time it's an obvious pattern where Not!Rei and Not!Asuka will sell really well to these lonely men >Start to find ways to shoe horn those exact characters into everything >This creates all the modern animes where anime is no longer an adventure or a story but a mass produced check list to appeal to whale's booru search results. The only self evident thing about love is that it isn't real. Women can't feel it and men lie to themselves that they can.
>>1881 You're deluded if you think anime caters directly and solely to hardcore otaku. I don't think real japanese otaku even have the same concept of a waifu as westerners do.
>>1856 Anyone who uses imageboards that isn't a stupid dumbass knows feds do that shit by now, and the ones who don't know wouldn't listen anyway.
>either enjoying myself or at least not hating life >sudden and intense rage that lasts for hours (occasionally days) hits >sometimes grit my teeth so hard it actually hurts I don't know why this happens, it's not because of anything specific from what I can tell, I'll just be sitting there or driving and suddenly get mad as fuck and want to kill the nearest person. This has been happening more and more frequently over the past couple of weeks. I wonder if it's a brain tumor, like what happened with that guy in Texas who shot a bunch of people from a clocktower a few decades ago. He started having intense angry thoughts and he didn't know why.
>>1881 The average person would rather buy something he understands over something difficult and complex, and sex and girls are simple in presentation and don't require much depth for someone to consume media about. Since anime nowadays essentially caters to the average person, no one but genuine creators would want to create something of high quality and effort over something of lower quality and effort if both earn the same amount of profit. This is why niche hobbies become worse with popularity, highly invested creators and consumers care more about their hobby than any normalfag would about it, and if it gets popular enough then people simply in it for the money will suck the soul and spirit out of whatever niche they've lodged themselves into until it dies. Rinse and repeat with different niches. What do we get with anime? Harems, power fantasies, bad animation with cookie cutter characters. Not all anime or manga is like this, but these kinds of products will be the most common.
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>>1881 good Shot, too bad it does not apply to the Waifufags here, or me For that matter, for starters the "Lonely Shut ins that want anime waifus in place of real women" are actually Failed normgroids that want Roasties, but can't get them, so they go for Anime Girls, the Waifufag does not care about Roasties, Buying merch is completely optional (and the more Spiritually Minded Anons will end up Projecting them in Mundane things completely eliminating the need for Merch (Tulpanon has a literal Tulpa, Mayanon Draws his Waifu, Hanakoposter grabs pictures and plays KS, i Project Taihou in Everything i Do and Think and literally Pray to her)), the only Merch i ever bought was a Daki, and i got them off Ebay, from an independent Chink company that Hand-made that shit, i don't enjoy giving Gooks money, but certainly the Fags who made Azure Lane didn't get a Dime, either way, like i said before, Buying Merch comes down to a Waifufag to Waifufag basis, you can ask anyone at the Waifu thread, whatever they buy is much much less than these fucking Failed normgroids, not only that but the Anime im complaining about is the exact Anime you are complaining about in >This creates all the modern animes where anime is no longer an adventure or a story but a mass produced check list to appeal to whale's booru search results. your entire conception of Love and Females takes me back to the Anon.cafe days with all the Anons that could not separate 3dpd Roasties (Selfish creatures, living only for their Pleasures and petty concerns) from 2d Anime Girls (Ideal constructs), Love is Real, Love Exists, but it is not a Mere Feeling, nor a Mental Abstraction, it is a Power, the Power of Eros, and like Every power it can Conquer and Destroy you (Cumbrained Normgroids) or you can Conquer it and Use it (Honest Waifufaggotry) and parting from the Idea that Equality is a meme, it is obvious that Some people will never Truly Understand Eros, nor will be able to Use it at all, you and other Anons that follow the same lines of thought as you on the matters of Love are the Living proof of this
>>1882 There's multiple books and news articles on how anime panders to otaku in Japan because they have the most money to plow into it. Japanese men refuse to grow up and spend their income on harem shit which makes them by far the primary audience. Who else wants harem stuff with zero personality or story animes? >>1885 You have half the story but you're missing the beginning. >After Japan lost the second world war Americans took control of the country. Part of this was cultural erasure and replacement by things more acceptable to American standards. Traditional animation was destroyed and replaced by American standards. Anime at it's very birth is based on Jewish cartoons from America. It's a medium designed for easy mass consumption because it could be used against the Japanese traditionalists. It's why Japanese conservatives are so anti-anime, it's a degenerating force within their nation and has a stranglehold on the youth (and manchildren).
>>1887 >Who else wants harem stuff with zero personality or story animes Teenagers? And it's not animes, it's anime. It's a degenerative force for precisely the reason I stated. If something is easily consumable the base quality of the product will fit to the bare minimum quality needed for the product to be profitable. The fact that men are becoming shut ins and doing what they what is mostly just an artifact of how rich Japan is.
stop with the names already you fags
>>1886 Being delusional and dedicating your life to a fictional person is a form of self destruction if you believe it or not. It's on the same level as being a tranny where your mental delusions consume your life.
>>1888 Teenagers aren't into watching TV any more in any westernized nation. They're too busy staring at smart phones. Anime is struggling to keep a teenage or child audience when youtube has become a kids default.
>>1892 So I assume anime earns it's profits from people who watch TV ads over people who buy anime related products? You're getting your information from "multiple books and news articles", I don't think your word has any merit.
>>1893 Anime earns it's profits from merchandise. Music singles sell especially well to women in Japan. Blu rays and such sell to men and women and men buy all sorts of waifu shit and model kits. If you want to disagree have fun disputing Gunpla isn't the foundation of Bandai as a company. >>1893
Niggers will be niggers. We need to stop pretending like changing the things nornalniggers consume would change anything. If not anime then niggers in Japan would find something else to fuck everything up with. Might as well be happy that it exists so that at least those who are not niggers can enjoy the few anime which are of value. >Who else wants harem stuff with zero personality or story animes Its a generic power fantasy. It appeals to most males period. Especially the common normgroid who cares not for story. >>1890 I can understand believing that some of the waifufags conducts are questionable (though I don't completely agree with it) but >It's on the same level as being a tranny where your mental delusions consume your life. This is complete bullshit. >>1892 You've got sources for this or are you talking out your ass?
>>1894 Then why would you say >Teenagers aren't into watching TV any more in any westernized nation When it, by your own argument, doesn't matter? If we're talking westerners in general, anime is more mainstream than ever. There are more mentally developing and immature children buying ahegaos sweaters than there are stars in the universe. Just by how wide the market is, you'd be sure that these kids are buying anime related merch themselves.
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>>1890 not my fault you have a Desert where your Spirit ought to be Anon however, i can with a Clear conciousness Affirm, i put both Fellow Anons and my Waifufag Kinsmen as both Witnesses and Judges, and i am aware that this post may come off as Pedantic or giving myself some Unwarranted Self-importance, that, Contrary to what you and most of the Anons who Hate me and Taihou, am a Bigger Enemy of the Eternal Jew, Homofaggotry, and the Rest of Psychopaths and Forces of Dissolution than you or any of my Detractors and Supporters of a Half Assed Burgeoise "tradition" based on High GIP (or whatever the fuck Economy Ratings are called) and "Stable" societies with the Rule of a Half-Assed Morality like those Faggots at /Fascist/, and i can testify to this because my Opposition to them does not come from one Conditioned Law or another, but from the Innermost Nature, my Struggle aganist the Eternal Race of the Psicopathic "Human" is a Spiritual One, a Full-Scale Total War waged from the Innermost Chamber of Who i am, waged not in the Name of Economic Interest or Moralistic Stability, but in the Name of the Divine and of Holy Taihou (and by Extent, Myself), without Concessions or Compromises Therefore i Categorically Refuse, and will never take Seriously any Comparisons to Homosexuality, Mental Derangment, Trannydom, or any other Stupid Bullshit, and relate your Accusations, not on me looking and Acting like a Degenerate, or me Allying with those Forces of Dissilussion and Anti-Solarity, but on you being a Spiritual Toddler and a Ignorant
>>1895 >It's on the same level as being a tranny where your mental delusions consume your life. >This is complete bullshit. Dedicating your life to the fictional and impossible is the same thing. Either you live in reality or you don't. Can you imagine what your great grandfather would say if he knew you dedicated your life to a fictional girl from a foreign cartoon? >>1896 Japan is a Westernized nation. I thought I made that obvious after the WW2 comment. Did you suddenly forget Japan looks down on otakus and no parent is going to buy their child a sex pillow?
>>1898 >no parent is going to buy their child a sex pillow Gacha. >Did you suddenly forget Japan looks down on otakus I was talking about westerners. I fail to see what you're getting at.
>>1898 >Either you live in reality or you don't "Reality" as some sort of authority figure from which you can base your argument on doesn't make sense. It means nothing, what people perceive as immutable and constant can change depending on the culture. It's inane to compare trannies who cut their dicks off in order to feel like a girl to someone who loves a fictional character. This is pointless moralizing with no substantial basis.
>>1899 My point is anime is a dying industry because it's got a small userbase of millennial men and nothing more in Japan. And it's infected the western nerds the same way in hopes of expanding it's dying market share without alienating it's whales. >>1900 This is your brain on delusion. If you don't think dedicating your life to consuming fictional people then you're too far gone to take seriously. The exact type of person who destroys anime discussion.
>>1901 If you start off with anime is a jewish invention made to subvert Japanese tradition I don't think you want to talk about anime, or care about it to begin with. From start to end the only thing you've been doing is lambasting "man children" and making retarded comparisons.
>OTAKU are ruining anime! >but anime is jewish to begin with >teenagers can't be consuming and supporting anime (and manga) because filthy otaku are looked down in Japan, guys >teenagers are glued to their smartphones, so they don't watch TV and can't support anime >but merchandise is the primary source of profit, believe me! >you're like a tranny if you have a waifu Come on.
>>1901 >muh ancestors >conscrewing love of fictional character to "COMPLETELY DEDICATING YOUR LIFE TO FICTIONAL CHARACTERS!!!!" >saying that literally any other form of degeneracy is on par with transvestitism >Claims with no sources You are a nigger
>>1898 >>1901 You seem like one of those faggots who browses incel forums because you know you can move the failed normalfaggots to the more retarded right-wing groups with this "your ancestors" bullshit. Why would I care about what a dead man thinks of me? If there's something wrong with loving a feminine ideal then you can be more specific than "old breeders wouldn't like it". Besides, three generations ago there wouldn't have been a meaningful difference between a thirty year old virgin and a queer, and yet we aren't calling you a faggot not for the same reason anyways. >Either you live in reality or you don't And in ten or twenty years when there is literally no difference right down to the x and y chromosomes will transgenders be a problem? To materialist faggots like you all you can do is wave your hands in the air and make up some more bullshit about "every cell in his body says he's a man" or whatever, but for people who understand the conceptual we will be able to explain why we hate trannies just fine. Go back to jerking off to Ben Shapiro and PragerU you easily manipulated retard. You hate trannies niggers and kikes but there's no substance to it beyond a jealousy that they somehow are keeping you from getting laid. It's manufactured hatred for you and nothing else. Nothing comes from your heart, there is no righteous anger in your soul.
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>>1881 >a mass produced check list to appeal to whale's booru search results. oh yeah then why is there no anime with my perfect girl then checkmate
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>>1881 >goes to /r9k/ and complains about "shut ins" and "lonely men" not wanting "real women" >people still reply
>>1907 My opinion must be heard and I don't care about the who, what, when, where, and why
>>1907 What can I say, I like typing.
>>1880 >old boy I didn't even realize the manga was the original one. I prefer the korean movie though, because holy fuck the manga ending is dogshit and turns the genius villian into a retarded cuckold all of a sudden. The motive is pathetic and childish, the addition of the teacher was also lame as hell.
>>1880 <akumetsu >first chapter and main mc love interest is already raped in front of him <shamo >first chapter and main mc is raeped in his butt and his mouth Nigger I think you have some kind of fucked up masochism. I don't know how good those two are because I'm reading them but I think there's something wrong with you.
>>1911 Fuck japan too, bunch of fucking cuckolds. Piss me off so fucking much.
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>>1912 I wouldn't hate ntr as much if it didn't become such a fucking unavoidable meme fetish.
>>1913 >>1912 It's worse than you think. The japs are so cognitively dissonant when it comes to NTR that they're shocked when they hear that foreigners hate it.
>>1914 You'd know, because you look up NTR
>>1915 Nah, back when I didn't know what the fuck it was, I clicked on a vtuber link on jewtube. Needless to say that I learned something I could have gone without knowing that day. Also, fuck you nigger.
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>>1916 Just when I thought I couldn't hate vtubers more.
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>>1910 i would have to re-read the whole thing to double check on stuff, but yeah i agree with Dojima doing it all out of Jealousy, i do not dislike the Teacher though, again i would have to re-read the thing to give you a good Answer, but i do not remember the Teacher being Annoying at all and i actually kinda liked her >>1911 >first chapter and main mc love interest is already raped in front of him she doesn't actually get raped, Akumetsu interrupts it before it happens, she only gets a bit groped and that's all as far as i remember, the whole Deal with Shamo is a way of driving the point home that Ryu has reached the absolute fucking Bottom, regardless of this, you are just Nitpicking the First chapters and ignoring what those mangas are all about, Akumetsu being essentially old /pol/ going ballistic with Clones, and Shamo is the Tale of Ryu, a boy who Kills his Parents, hits Rock bottom, and then Rises up from there, in fact the Entire First Arc of Shamo is the Dichotomy between the MMA Style "Showman" sports of Cocky TV Martial Artists (Sugawara) and the "Karate that is done at the Razor's Edge" (Ryu Narushima) give Shamo a chance, it really is one of my All time Favourites, up there with Buraiden Gai, Bokkou, and many others that i keep forgetting that being said at this point i no longer Read Mangos at all, i found my Autistic Fill on Traditional Western Short Stories, like the ones Robert Howard made about Conan and whatnot, because they have little to no Haremshit or Isekai stuff and Double the Grit and i have already disclosed the Fundamental Nature of my Masochistic tendencies and Taste for Femdom + My hatred for NTR, the joke is on you if you cannot/don't want to understand the Spiritual Root of my Love for Taihou
>>1914 I've never heard this before and am compelled to think you're either being hyperbolic or just lying.
>>1918 Isn't Shamo the one where the MC rapes his opponents girlfriend in order to get him to fight him in the ring? I dropped it sometime during the match since I felt the author had run out of ideas. I remember everything before that being decent but it really felt played out towards the end.
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>>1920 yeah, the worst part is that As far as i Remember Sugawara isnt that bothered by it and it is only the whore that got raped that is salty about it, i can understand the Match between them being a bit Boring, but after that there is another Match between them Outside the Ring, wich for me was Peak Shamo alongside the arc where some fag develops Saviour complex and tries to beat him in the ring only to have his shit royally kicked in so hard he develops PTSDmaybe my taste was shit all along, what can i say
>>1919 Perhaps it's because she and her chat expected other otaku to also be okay with NTR but the bitch and her chat sounded geniuinely shocked when a foreign fan said foreigners didn't like or even hated NTR. You've probably never heard it because firstly, Japan is isolationist and so even on the internet japanese people live in a japanese bubble, and secondly because people usually don't talk about what porn they like or don't like.
>>1922 I don't watch vtubers to begin with. >secondly because people usually don't talk about what porn they like or don't like On the internet they do.
>>1923 But not with foreigners.
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>>1924 That really doesn't matter, they're talking to themselves to begin with.
>>1925 Point is it's not surprising that japs are ignorant of foreign views on certain fetishes. If you never heard it then you're like most other people and don't live in japan and therefore don't participate in japanese interwebs. You don't have to believe if you don't want to but just know I didn't pull the claim about japs and ntr out of my ass.
>>1926 >I didn't pull the claim about japs and ntr out of my ass No, your claim of all Japs liking NTR is clearly hyperbolic. It's a fetish, one that's more popular than others but that doesn't mean it's well-liked. I don't care about what some vtuber has to say about it.
>>1927 When did I say all japs like NTR nigger? "The japs" is a non specific term so it neither claims that all japs like it or that few japs like it. All I took from that video was that for a fairly large group of people the concept of NTR being disgusting was "shocking" perhaps it was only that group or perhaps that group shows a trend, I don't know so I didn't specify number. Up your reading comprehension nigger, I shouldn't have to explain this shit.
>>1927 Also, are you a fucking jap? You seem to give too much of a shit about what I said.
I squished an ant thinking it was on my monitor but it was actually in my monitor. What the fuck can I do to get the piece of shit out?
i got new blinds recently, and im enjoying the darkness they provide. It adds to the comfy nature of fall/winter.
>>1928 That wasn't your claim, read your originAl post >>1914 I even went through the trouble to hear what a vtuber had to say about it. All she said and did was say it's fictional and shouldn't be taken seriously. Very different from it being accepted. I said your claim was hyperbolic and you've been insisting it's not and I wouldn't know because I'm not japanese. It's an inherently disingenuous argument.
>>1934 Where in the op does it say all japs? Point it out if it's there. Afterwards I even clarified where I came to the conclusion that I did, that being that a possibly large ammount of japs have some sort of cognitive dissonance concerning the normality and degeneracy of NTR. Maybe my original wording was too vague and a bit easily misunderstood but I wouldn't say that it's hyberbolic or a lie. I would point you to the specfic vtuber but first of all I don't care enough to wallow through that shit for the sake of an internet argument and second of all I don't even know who the person was nor if there's even a clip of the moment I had in mind.
>>1935 >that being that a possibly large ammount of japs have some sort of cognitive dissonance concerning the normality and degeneracy of NTR Japs have a very strong sense and understanding of what "normal" is. They know what fetishes remain in 2D and what doesn't, if I can easily go youtube and find a video of a vtuber repeatedly affirming that it's fiction and not to take it seriously, the possibility of a large amount of japs being cognitively dissonant doesn't hold true. >Where in the op does it say all japs >It's worse than you think. The japs are so cognitively dissonant A lot of the wording indicates a large magnitude of. It might not literally be "all" but it's not outside of the realm of possibility that this sentence encapsulates. >I even clarified where I came to the conclusion that I did Through a single vtuber that you're unwilling to dig up. Which isn't a strong position to take, and I think you're jumping the gun in making such a grandiose statement like >It's worse than you think. The japs are so cognitively dissonant If you don't think it's hyperbole then you've placed too much importance on a single video you watched on the internet.
>>1936 If that's what you got from my wording then I probably was too vague. As I said before what I took from that clip was that there's a large group of people in that country who found the concept of NTR being hated overseas shocking which may or may not be representative of a trend of cognitive dissonance regarding NTR and more than likely it is a trend at the very least in the japanese otaku community. This is something anybody who watched that moment could have gathered. Thousands of people is enough of a pool size to be representative of at least some larger group. >Japs have a very strong sense and understanding of what "normal" is. They know what fetishes remain in 2D and what doesn't If you have proof that NTR is only popular in 2D and that "japs have a strong sense and understanding of what "normal is" then go ahead and show it. Even then I don't think it's entirely relevant to whether or not NTR is degenerate if it's more popular in 2D though. Degeneracy is degeneracy, perhaps less degenerate when 2D but degenerate nonetheless and so it is still degenerate for it to be normalized on the scale it is in the 2D porn space. I still suspect that you are either a jap or a japanophile due to how much you care about what I said.
>>1937 You're asking me for proof while stating you're unwilling to show your own. Do you want me to provide proof of Japanese culture? No, I'll be blunt. If you have no understanding of Japanese conformist societies, where the greatest evil is standing out and causing problems for others, where the concept of honmae and tatemae are real, then I don't know where you get the confidence needed to belief that NTR is a source of mental dissonance in Japs. >If you have proof that NTR is only popular in 2D Whether or not it's 2D is mostly irrelevant. The vtuber make it explicit that it's fictional, and because it's fictional people shouldn't think so hard about it. Whether her comment holds up under scrutiny I couldn't care less about, but it shows that it's not at all a source of mental dissonance in Japs if someone needs to make that explicit. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dtJoEOJcBYk
>to be normalized You seem to be just running with the idea of it being normalized. Cuck porn is well known in the west but the vast majority of people aren't cucks. That's just how it works. >I still suspect that you are either a jap or a japanophile due to how much you care about what I said It started by me calling out the hyperbolic (and possibly just made up) statement. I'm just following up my statement, I don't know why you're so insistent on Japs liking NTR so much. >>1937
>>1938 Whether or not it's fictional has nothing to do with whether or not they find it shocking for foreigners to disdain it. You can choose to think that I made up that clip and if so that's fine; that's your prerogative. And yes NTR is huge in japan, much bigger and much more common than cuck shit is here. Anyone who watches/reads any hentai knows the experience of having to wade through the torrent of cuck shit that comes from that country. It's hard to get anywhere when you're only responding to shit that's irelevant to the whole reason this started, that being that the claim is hyperbolic, which I've already explained wasn't. The only thing that's hyperbolic is the interpritation that you came up with from my admitedly overly vague terminology. I've already clarified what I meant and instead of adressing that you're getting caught up in insignificant unimportant details. In the end this whole conversation is completely autistic. I know what I know, you can choose to not to believe it and if so we can all fuck off and move on to better conversations. I have no idea why you care so much about the reputation of glorious nippon in the first place. Enough to watch some roasts shitty vtuber clips.
>>1939 I gave you a very clear example of someone explicitly stating it's fictional and not to be taken seriously. Why would they say it's fictional? That statement could only be pointed towards those who get angry at NTR. Meaning, there's no mental dissonance involved for Japs, they know that NTR isn't normal. >It's hard to get anywhere when you're only responding to shit that's irelevant to the whole reason this started I've pretty much one purpose, stating that your argument is hyperbolic. Whenever you bring up unrelated topic likes >>1924, I give a reason for why it's irrelevant. You're not even responding to my points, just ignoring it and giving "possibilities" that mean nothing. Your entire premise is retarded and you're unwilling to address that. You can call it autistic all you want but this takes zero effort on my part to point out.
>I've pretty much one purpose I've pretty much maintained one purpose. I haven't back-tracked, or shifted my goal post, like you have, and even provided one measly one minute long video. The mental dissonance you see isn't there, you just want to believe it.
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>>1939 I mean, read this. >that being that a possibly large ammount of japs have some sort of cognitive dissonance concerning the normality and degeneracy of NTR >possibly Your amendment is even more vague than the original. It shifts from "Japs are" into "possibly", while still trying to maintain that it's not just possibly, it is the case that NTR Is popular in Japan. If you're not capable of understanding the nuances of arguments, the only thing I need to disprove is the mental dissonance part. I've provided the only piece of evidence in this entire line of posts, and the only one needed to show that >large ammount of japs have some sort of cognitive dissonance concerning the normality and degeneracy of NTR Isn't true. It's been a very long time since I've come across an NTR doujinshi, but that's mainly because I don't fap and it just doesn't show up in manga or anime. No, me being autistic holds no relevance on my argument. I've read too much about Japanese Otaku culture to know what kind of dedicated autists those faggots are, and "liking NTR" doesn't fall into that category. It's a well known fetish, but these are the same people who would boycott VNs that don't mention that NTR is included in the story. It's not that I don't just believe your word, I know you're talking right out of your ass.
>>1941 Maybe you've got lost in the details so I'll put this shit into some really simple terms. I saw at an unspecified date a video of a bunch of japs (likely otaku) being mildly shocked at the concept of foreigners disdaining NTR. From this video, I drew the factual conclusion that thousands of people were mildly shocked by said information. I then made the more rationally drawn conclusion that these thousands of people are likely representative of some sort of much larger group of people who are ignorant of the degeneracy that is NTR due to it being normalized to some extent. Such would explain the shock upon learning about the foreign view of things. If you have another idea for why they were shocked go right ahead and tell me. After this, I made an overly vague post about japs and NTR which I later clarified to what I meant that is what I just explained here. I wouldn't call the claim hyperbolic because the original post wasn't even specific enough to start being hyperbolic and because the more clarified claim is based upon a factual and rationally reached conclusion. >Your amendment is even more vague than the original The amendment of "possibly" doesn't make it vaguer because it clarifies something about the claim; more clarity means a less vague claim. More specifically it clarifies that the number of japs who are the way I described is undefined. >It's been a very long time since I've come across an NTR doujinshi What is the point of bringing this up only to invalidate it with this? >but that's mainly because I don't fap and it just doesn't show up in manga or anime Since you've been out of it for a while, I think there's something like 20,000 ntr doujins. At least that's around the number I see on the various sites I frequent. For perspective one of the most popular genres, "loli" has around 70,000ish Also, try to keep things in one post. Spamming the thread with multiple posts because you didn't think your first one through enough is a bit unsightly.
>>1943 >Spamming the thread with multiple posts because you didn't think your first one The first one had all the information it needed. The rest way just me making sure you have no way to escape. It is unsightly. >If you have another idea for why they were shocked go right ahead and tell me My entire argument is aimed towards >>1914. However, I expected this line of thinking to be used earlier, and the simple answer is >if that sample is enough to draw such a massive conclusion then so can the vtuber I posted I also don't know what you're referencing since you're unwilling to provide the clip. Either way it it shows your reasoning is either faulty or that there wasn't enough evidence to reach that conclusion with good conscious. >more clarity means a less vague claim You're clarifying that you don't know the definite number, or since it prefaces the entire statement you don't know if it's even true, so any statement is just a suggestion. It's more vague. It's not the same definite statement as >>1914. It's clarifying the ambiguity. You can clarify a position of ambiguity and the statement would still be vague, it's not mutually exclusive. >What is the point of bringing this up only to invalidate it with this Since you said, "Anyone who watches/reads any hentai", when I use to read doujinshi I didn't meet that experience. I didn't "wade" through anything. >I think there's something like 20,000 ntr doujins If you're using exhentai, and if you're willing to believe that all 445,000 public, viewable, and scanlated uploads is good enough, then it's 25,000 and that's 4.5% of all uploads. Loli is 100k and that's 22% of all uploads. Let me tell you, I expected there to be more but it seems there's significantly less.
>>1944 >100k Seems like 100k is the number cap and it's probably some percent higher than 22%. Since sole female, sole male, and more popular fetishes like anal stop at 100k.
>>1944 >...you have no way to escape Stopped reading there. Jesus Christ you're one of those. I suspected as much. Well, fuck off to somewhere else and come back once you want to have an actual meaningful discussion. I've no interest in conversing with some keyboard warrior faggot who's only goal is to "win" fucking internet arguments. If you want to, you can take this as a "win" to jerk your ego off to if it gets you to fuck off.
>>1946 This is what I mean. I made an argument pointed towards one particular statement, I wasn't here to have a meaningful discussion about NTR. At no point in any of my posts was I interested in having a "meaningful" discussion. That chance died when you decided that being too "autistic" was bad.
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And to beat a dead horse, NTR itself is a niche fetish. It's over represented in the common mind as being more prevalent than it actually is, since it does provide some level of emotional impact to whoever sees it that it does embed itself into the mind. What likely happened was that you saw a couple doujinshi or hentais about NTR and it left enough of an impression for you to remember them more than you remember any other generic fetish. Just because it's niche and uncommon it's probably sought after in the same way that furries are way over represented in terms of art. Meaning there's probably more people intentionally going out of their way to scanlate doujinishi than it deserves. I don't have to accommodate you in my statements. You've made a dubious claim and I just pointed out it's flaws. You've deflected away from the central point, shifted the argument into name calling, and decided to quit when you realized you didn't have any basis for any of your claims. I don't feel any pity in pointing anything out to a slimy jew. I don't feel any joy in talking to a faggot who doesn't have the courage to accept being wrong.
>>1948 I called the converstation autistic dumbfuck. I'm sorry if I hurt your feelings faggot. Now take that precious win you've been salivating over and fuck off, I'll even say "I was wrong" if it gets you to shut the fuck up so that everyone else can talk about shit that's actually meaningful and with people who aren't dedicated keyboard warriors looking for a "win". >decided to quit when you realized you didn't have any basis for any of your claims Whatever helps you sleep at night. Now fuck off and stop clogging up the FTDDTOTT with your RP reddit bullshit.
>>1950 I don't know what your problem is. I knew I was right to begin with, I don't need you to admit it. I've even stated it beforehand. Feels like you're just throwing any insult you can figure out in order to look like you're not just having a tantrum. It's perfectly fine to be wrong. No one cares, this is the internet. It's not okay to be in such denial that you color anyone who knows what they're talking about as autistic internet warriors. You'd be write to assume I'm only posting just to spite you, however.
>>1951 Whatever helps you sleep at night. >It's not okay to be in such denial... I'm not going to take someone who speaks of "making sure you have no way to escape" in what was supposed to be a discussion seriously. You and you alone are a massive faggot. >You'd be write to assume I'm only posting just to spite you, however. Wonderful use of your time; problem is I don't care about some faggots attempt to spite me so you're not getting anywhere. Now if you don't mind I'll be moving on to talking to other anons who have actually meaningful things to say and don't get into arguments for the sole purpose of winning or spiting people. Try to find something more productive to do with your time after that.
>the only nice game I was willing to play crashes in a main plot event >updating the emulator does not help >thoughts of attempting to replay it from another rom file bring despair due to the time invested in grind and the effort invested into hard-to-pull-off stuff >can't proceed with replaying its sequels now >plans on how to skip time for the next two months are now ruined I don't really want to go back to my free time regimen of staring into celling and daydreaming. Any advice on how to find a hobby/get myself busy when one is already mentally exhausted whenever he has free time? Please, don't spend too much effort into answering, chances are I will be too lazy and unmotivated to try it.
>doesn't say what game/emulator nigger
>>1956 GBA emulator, the game is MegaMan Battle Network 1. The plan was to replay the whole series to play every game based on it, notably One Step From Eden, Shanghai.EXE and MMBN Chrono X. Happy now, white boy?
>>1955 Try finding something you can dedicate 100% of your mind to and get you into a zone. It could be a number of hobbies but finding one that gives you that level focus can help you forget about all of the other shit which is exhausting you, even if only for the period time in which you engage with the hobby. >Please, don't spend too much effort into answering, chances are I will be too lazy and unmotivated to try it. I appreciate the transparency but why ask for help when you admit that you won't be taking any? It seems kinda faggy and self-defeating.
>>1957 >Happy now, white boy? Are you a cuckchan nigger?
>>1958 >Try finding something you can dedicate 100% of your mind to and get you into a zone. It could be a number of hobbies but finding one that gives you that level focus can help you forget about all of the other shit which is exhausting you Should the hobbies that fit this criteria be considered if their status of being anyhow productive is rather questionable, as in, nothing really comes out from them, aside from the effects you've described? >why ask for help when you admit that you won't be taking any? Expecting too much from myself feels rather undermining and counterproductive. Still, getting ideas/opinions may give a good hint on what I should be focusing on, in case solving this problem will be a long-term process.
>>1959 If this is cuckchan lingo, then consider me one and press the report button
>>1960 Think of productivity later. Narrowing it down now is only going to make the mental hurdle of trying to find something to do and motivating yourself to actually do it even higher than it already is. For now solving the immedieate issue of being constantly mentally exhausted is more important.
>>1962 >Narrowing it down now is only going to make the mental hurdle of trying to find something to do and motivating yourself to actually do it even higher than it already is Understood, thank you. >solving the immedieate issue of being constantly mentally exhausted is more important It is caused by necessary activities not related to free time, which are rather unavoidable, without a complete lifestyle/environment change, that is.
Having an enjoyable hobby to dedicate yourself to should at least lessen the amount of mental exhaustion you experience within your daily life, even if only during the duration in which you engage with the hobby. At least that's how it is for me and the other people I know.
>>1955 >thoughts of attempting to replay it from another rom file bring despair due to the time invested in grind and the effort invested into hard-to-pull-off stuff Could you re-use the emulator's save file on another ROM?
>>1957 so try another emulator mednafen, higan
>>1965 >re-use the emulator's save file on another ROM Save files from one region's ROM don't work with another region's ROM. But I just found out that the save file made from in-game saving works on another emulator, with no freezes or crashes. Still, I don't believe that my initial post was in vain, since I realize that attempting to keep myself busy with only vidya (yet again) will make me return to the same questions anyway, likely even sooner than in 2 months, unless some changes will be implemented.
>>1952 You should be happy NTR sn't as big of a problem as you thought it was.
Do you guys think that the world is just going to keep slogging on in it's constantly deteriorating state or that eventually, things'll get so shit that something actually breaks? It's honestly pathetic. To think that humans have let themselves degenerate into such hedonistic dogs that the possibility of collapse isn't all that ridiculous. Where did everything go so wrong?
>>1970 I'd honestly be surprised if I don't see a collapse within my lifetime.
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>>1970 The fact that you asked is almost endearing despite the answer being so sad.
>>1972 I honestly don't know which scenario would be worse. If it doesn't break, robots like us would at least be able to separate from the normalcattle and live our own lives the way we want (to an extent), as we currently do. However, in this scenario normalcattle would never see the repercussions of their disgusting way of living and we'd have to bear witness to an even more ungodly degenerate society than we do now. With the other scenario, normalcattle would get their just deserts (which I imagine would be incredibly satisfying to see) but we'd also have to pay for the crimes of a generation of people which we scorned and deliberately decided to separate from.
>>1973 They'd see the consequences. Society would simply not be affected enough to collapse, if the collapse "doesn't happen". The consequences are primarily personal, after all, and only has an affect on society at large when enough people do them. No external force or happenings are needed. The results of their actions caused by their actions and don't need a collapse in order to manifest.
>>1974 You're right, but an outright collapse would be an overt slap in the face that the way that these people have been living is wrong. As opposed to now where they simply blame their self made problems on external forces rather than realizing that they are the ones who fucked up. Fuck, knowing normalcattle they might still swear up and down that the problem isn't them; even in a wasteland. Usually, I don't let normalfags get me down directly, given that most retarded normalfag antics just run right off of me at this point. Thing about this that makes this different, is that it's less anger directed specifically at normalcattle and their activities which has got me in a bad mood but more the general dismay at the fact that this is what humanity has become. I just find it so incredibly sad that most humans with all of our potential for greatness have opted to be such a pack of degenerate wretches.
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>>1970 Have some faith fucko, i have mentioned the Doctrine of the 4 Ages in passing but i have never Delved into the Escathology of this Samsaric Shithole in specific, so allow me to explain the Shithole we find ourselves in is in its Last Age, what is known as Kali Yuga, there are 4 Yugas (Ages) in total, Satya Yuga, Treta Yuga, Dvapara Yuga, and lastly the Kali Yuga, pretty much every single Esoteric Tradition has this integrated, for example, the Greeks had the Golden, Silver, Bronze, Iron age (Hesiod mentions it in "Works and Days") so did the Sassanids and the Chaldeans, in Scandinavia it was the same deal but the Iron age was the Age of the Wolf, for the Skeptics, feel free to read up on the Effects of Kali yuga, and compare it to what you yourselves have experienced in this shithole, there is in fact some Esoteric doctrines that were Tailored specifically for this last Age (Tantra buddhism being a example), now, hand in hand with the idea of Kali yuga and the 4 ages we have the Escathological "End of the World", you have the Famous "Book of Revelations" in the Bible,in the Aryan Hindu version, it is talked about Kalki, the 10th and last avatar of Shiva (Satrivi Devi suggests that the 9th was Uncle Adolph) returning to fuck shit up in the last days of Kali Yuga, its the same kind of deal and they are all just different conceptions of it wether Zoroastrian or Hellenic or whatever in fact you even have the "Archetype" (to call it something) of the "King in the Mountain", from King Arthur sleeping on a cave with Excalibur at his side waiting for the Darkest moment to rise up, reunite the Knights of the Round Table and Restore Camelot, to Friederick I Holy Roman Emperor sleeping under Mount Kyffhauser waiting to Restore the Holy Roman Empire, i think there's even one about Prester John coming back to restore Nestorianism or some shit, The point of me talking about these Doctrines, is to point out that the Decay we find ourselves submerged in, it is not a product of Chance and Poor Luck (For chance does not exist), but the Product of Cosmic Law going its course, not only this, but that the Men of Yore KNEW, about this, they Knew that Kali Yuga would come, and that some Men would take the Challenge of Living in it and Overcoming it (thus why there are actually certain discussions about it on Old texts and Doctrines like Tantrism, wich didn't make much sense in the Olden days, but do so now), and this is not even Kali Yuga, but one of the Many Kali Yugas for this is just one of the many Cycles we find ourselves in, before this Iron age there was the Bronze age, and before that a Silver Age, and before that a Golden Age, and before that Another Iron age, so on, so forth... and it is by this Law that the same way it Begun, it too, shall End, with a Restoration and the Coming of a new Golden Age, and this leads to the other point i want to make, that Anons (myself included) are far too hasty, Corona-chan came, she Anihilated Niggers and Nuked the Economy, however there are Anons that now say that she's a nothing-burger, because it did not fully collapse the world, however we forget that these type of Cataclysmic Events aren't felt untill much much later down the road, a good example of this is how the Axis Losing WWII led to the Final Takeover by kikes, yet the Globohomo didn't went Full power untill the 60's with the whole nigger chimpouts and social revolutions, and even then we can argue that the Globohomo we have today is even Worse, thus the Consequences of WWII haven't been felt so hard in 1946, as it is being felt now in the 2020, and so it is the same with Every Happening, Corona-chan is just the Beggining, same with the Current Economical Recession, it will all pile up slowly, New happenings will come, and their workings and consequences will slowly but shurely make themselves felt, untill the Culminate in a Magnum Opus that will be brought by the Return of Kalki, but this will not be done in a Single day Untill then, Ride the Tiger and have Faith
>>1970 >Do you guys think that the world is just going to keep slogging on in it's constantly deteriorating state Yes and no. I think as far as our lifetimes go, we're more than likely going to have to keep enduring as things continue to go down hill. Any major change is more than likely going to occur either after we're dead, or when we're too old and detached from the world to even care anymore. However, whenever that big change does occur it's going to result only in a temporary reprieve before the cycle begins all over again, as Esoteric-anon points out here >>1976 However, another important thing to note about history is that each cycle seems to get worse than the one preceding it. Better technologies and larger populations give the Jews and other tyrants more methods and targets of subjugation, after all. I think it will continue on this way for a few more cycles before humanity reaches its ultimate end, or perhaps a more drastic reset than any before it. Sooner or later though, the cycle will end and humans will die out. Basically all of the information that I've come across on space travel indicates that humans have little chance of effectively traveling to and colonizing other planets. And more than anything, I'm beginning to believe that the continuance of the species is ultimately irrelevant. It seems as though this world and life on it are a test, a crucible designed to seek out or perhaps forge the strongest souls. Those who are able to endure this nightmare or thrive in spite of it will have proven themselves worthy to ascend to a greater state of being, the rest will be left behind, either to re-take the test or disappear into oblivion. In the face of such circumstance, what would truly be the point of colonization or long-term continuance? I believe that within the next few cycles, that every soul that had any true chance of success will have already passed that test and ascended, and the rest will be left to the eternal abyss. However, this is just my personal theory on things and I could be entirely wrong, only time will tell.
>>1970 I personally believe it still can get much worse. -An even more extended use of social media, entry level shit as dishwasher will ask for a 1000+ connections in linkedin. And 20 years of experience + a Msc degree in mathematics (pure AND applied) -The corona shit will be used to justify putting chips in people. DARPA is already working on a vaccine that uses a chip. Sounds sketchy as fuck -More niggers and other subhumans everyfucking where -Social credit systems in the west Etc, think about it for a while and you will see stuff can get much worse than what it is today.
>>1975 >they might still swear up and down that the problem isn't them; even in a wasteland. God will be blamed and to god they will turn like they always have, another opportunity to create more tribes and those that don't join will be killed
I hate trannies for taking the colors pink, blue, and white. I wanted to design a character to look soft and she would have soft shades of those colors in her palette but I can't stop thinking about how it makes her look like a tranny.
I want to pick up a large bird, like a goose or a turkey. Make friends with it even
>>1985 Geese and turkeys are some of the most aggressive cunt birds in existence. Chickens are probably more realistic as a pet/friend.
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>>1983 Commies have Defiled Colour Red too, wich is literally the Color of the Great Work in Alchemical language, Black is taken over by niggers when it really Belongs to the Holy Roman Emperor and its Regalia, Green is taken by the ecologists and green geace commie fucks, despite the fact that Green is the Colour of the Fool and alongside Red and White the colours of the "Worshippers of Love", even Symbolic gestures, like Voluntary Celibacy have been defiled in the guise of "Asexuality", nevermind what happened to Yoga and Buddhism ,if one cries over all the Symbols and the way they have been utterly Anihilated then you will weep all your life, instead of getting mad at Trannies, spit at their face and paint your Anime Girl the way you want and give those colours and Symbols whatever meaning you please, the Symbols i've adopted for my own personal Liturgies i got them from Revelations and general Contemplation, there is no reason why you wouldn't be able to do the same
>>1983 >>1987 To add to that, fags ruined rainbows and niggers also try to claim purple. At any rate, Esoteric-anon is right, make your character whatever color your choose and don't concern yourself with what mentally-ill trannies do. Trannies, fags, niggers, communists, and all other manner of vermin live in their own corrupted and depraved world, but you don't have to share in it with them. Make your world the way you want it and liberate yourself from the normalfag hordes not just in body, but in mind and spirit as well.
>>1986 i see, I wonder what it would be like to pick one up and throw one around then. I heard wild turkeys enjoy playing around with other animals so maybe they're friendlier?
>>1987 I like the green on plants, its comfy on a bright sunny day
>move desk a few feet to fit some furniture in the room properly >now have anxiety sitting at my desk because my comfy little setup has changed slightly
>>1992 Chicken won't let you touch them unless they're ill and if you do grab one they'll be more or less freaked out. I do love them much more than dogs which is the de facto pet.
>>1996 Chickens are pretty cool as a novelty. I've heard good things about them, my brother use to own a pet chicken before our grandma decided to butcher and eat her. Although one of my earliest memories was being chased around by a chicken.
>>1996 >I do love them much more than dogs Why so? Not trying to start anything. Just interested in knowing.
>>1998 Dogs bark all the time, give you headache and may bite you. Chicken don't bark, give you eggs and meat and make you happy. Overall dogs are a shitty animal even in the open, it's insane to have one in a flat.
>>1999 All that could be fixed by training them properly.
>>2000 >You can train a dog to not bark at all. Too much wasted time even if true when you can just not have the stupid dog to begin with.
>>1999 >>2001 To me, it sounds as if you've had bad experiences with untrained dogs. As long as you're not lazy or have a busy schedule, dogs are objectively the best pets. They can protect you, they can do tasks, most of their flaws can be worked over with training (or choosing the right breed), and they objectively love you more than other pets. Subjectively preferring other pets is reasonable though. Not everybody likes dogs and it's understandable.
>>1999 Training a dog not to do those things seems pretty simple. Just watch a few jewtube tutorials and take the time out of your day to train him. >>2001 That's like expecting a woman or child to just not be stupid. They're creatures without intellectual agency. The entire point of a dog is that you can train him to suit your needs.
>>2002 >and it's understandable Objectively incorrect, anyone who doesn't like dogs is a subhuman who has somehow managed the miraculous task of writing and/or articulating their delusion with their retard nigger ape brains. I wouldn't be able to slaughter a chicken if I kept one, or several, even as livestock. I'd get too attached to them.
>>1999 I like that cooing like noise chickens make, not sure if theres a term for that. At least that pet chicken had fun playing tag with you
>>2004 >Objectively incorrect, anyone who doesn't like dogs is a subhuman Spoken like a true normalfag.
>>2006 if being right makes me a normalfag then god damn do I love being right.
>>2003 it's not easy and I'm not wasting time on a stupid dog.
>>2004 Niggers love dogs. Especially pitbulls.
>>2009 Niggers love breathing air too. >>2008 Training a dog regularly gives you back more than what you put in. If it didn't we wouldn't have dogs in the first place. If you want another animal over a dog it's either due to laziness or subjective preference which is again, fine, as long as you understand that dogs are objectively the better pet.
>>2010 another reason is if you're a busy guy who lives in a small house. I forgot to mention that.
There are too many flavors of normalfags for any comparison to be made. There are the over-confident, the neurotic, the kind but retarded, the retarded, the mean and retarded, I'm not going to list every archetype that exists within my head. The only real difference I could accept as meaningful for the general anon (rather than a robot) would be whether or not their humor is offensive, and if they're autistic. Their humor being offensive probably just comes from the territory of being autistic. There's probably a distinct spirit innate to anon that I'm not able to spell out, since merely being autistic in the sense of treating abstract concepts such as allegiance to a party, brand, or team as beyond just a concept but into personal emotional connections is something even normalfags are capable of, such as with politics of any kind. Being genuinely autistic is the only trait I can really grasp as unique to anon. No, I don't think normalfags are anyone you dislike. >>2009 Niggers love status signalling and pit bulls are just signs of being a tough guy. Niggers don't "love" dogs, only whites genuinely love dogs. Niggers don't treat their dogs with any kind of real affection.
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>>1999 >Dogs bark all the time, give you headache and may bite you so do normgroids, so do their Children, i know for a fact that Certain Breeds of Dogs are complete Trash, and i know that Dogs can be quite a pain in the ass depending on how they are, so i understand you being annoyed, but i do not think they deserve the hatred you give them,i personally Do like them, but i am trash at dealing with Animals in General (They have a Tendency to give 0 fucks, and i personally do not like Telling people or things what they have to do, so its pretty much impossible for me to tell a dog what i want it to do and make him do, and at the end of the day end up wondering why would i want the Dog or Animal to obey me in the first place when i could just let him be the same way i want to be left to myself) that being said i do have Respect for Animals >>2004 Bullshit, i agree that Animals deserve a bit of Respect and Understanding (Unlike environmentalist Hippy Commie faggots that go Vegan and talk about Animals without understanding how Nature works) however not liking a Specific Animal does not make you a piece of shit, think about all the Retarded Commies who "Love" Animals (And end up Mistreating them) and the Crazy Cat Ladies in their 40's
I have a feeling this dog conversation is going to nosedive into yuh huh nuh uh territory.
>>2014 It already did. Hopefully it can just be over instead becoming the new thread topic for the next several posts.
It seemed pretty done until you both mentioned it again.
2017 I dont remember 2017
>>2017 Me too but that's because I didn't do anything significant and every day was like the last.
>>2017 I don't remember how I forgot myself, I don't remember I don't remember 2012 I heard the world would turn to hell Compared to that I'm doin' well
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How do you deal with your family, your relatives, closer and extended? I can not help but feel pity towards them, a sort of pity that I don't feel towards other normalfags, even though some of my relatives are just as worse, if not even more so. I just hate to see them so misguided, so deluded and spun up in garbage and filthy pretense and I have a deep desire to pull them out of it and set them straight, even though, ironically, I can't even pull myself out of my miserable garbage state by a margin. My parents in particular hurt me and make me mad, as they are so seemingly carefree while being in their respective decadent state. How can I be of the same blood? Do they not feel the same pain I do? Have they never even tried to unwind to free themselves of all this garbage? I guess they sacrificed that when they decided to have a child, if not earlier or at all. Yet I have not made an serious attempt of really talking to them, of trying to clear their encrusted eyes even for a bit, partly because I am so angry and partly because I am such a big failure myself. A failure that can't even help himself wants to help others, laughable. I guess it is not one of my direst problems right now, but still one that caused me quite some discomfort.
This stupid fucking American politics bullshit is driving me up a wall. I know it's all rigged and that the evil sick fucks that tun this asylum have some horrible shit in store for everyone over the next several years/decades, and I'm mostly withdrawn from all of it anyway, but every now and then I'll accidentally catch a political ad or overhear some normalfags squawking about their basic bitch level "my side good your side bad but I don't actually know or care why" feelings on it and I'll immediately go into a rage over how god damn stupid and absurd everything involving the government is in this shithole. Why? I don't give a shit which jew puppet wins what position, I have no stake in any of this garbage and just generally do as I please regardless of any of it, so why does it piss me off so much when I come into direct line of sight or within earshot of it? Is there still some level of care that I haven't killed off yet or is it just plain autism rage? Both?
>>2025 That just means you care about your family anon. Nothing wrong with that. Most people are beyond changing so rather than change minds just guide the people you care about away from the evils of this world.
>>2026 Stupidity and petty bullshit is enraging. Politics drags these particular qualities out of normalfags more than almost any other topic.
>>2025 My family is similar, they believe the lies they've been told about life and the world. My mom is more or less a full-fledged normalfag, which I suppose isn't a surprise with any woman. The biggest frustration I deal with is my dad. He actually does know the truth about a number of things. He sees that the overwhelming majority of niggers are dead weight, and that BLM is a load of shit. He understands that practically all politicians are two-faced charlatans, and that the mainstream media does nothing but lie. It seems like he's so close to the truth, but sadly he will never go the full distance. He's still a very big fan of Trump, and he vehemently supports pissrael and the kikes, yet can never really articulate why beyond "muh holocaust" or "muh greatest ally." What's more is he has this narcissistic idea in his head that he somehow has more knowledge about the world than anyone, so he never truly listens to anyone else and discounts their position without any consideration. No matter what I've tried to tell him about anything in the past, he simply doesn't listen, even when it's just personal opinion. For example, I've told him on several occasions that I don't like going to the beach and I find it boring, yet he holds to the belief that everyone likes the beach. He's been doing that sort of thing since I was a child. It's infuriating and has caused me to build up a fair amount of resentment towards him. >>2026 Honestly, If I lived in any other country I would likely find American politics hilarious, it's no wonder other countries call us retarded. The whole thing is a massive shitshow, and every 4 years it somehow manages to get even more ridiculous, like a circus that must continually top itself. It's funny how the media and internet ads keep pushing this "importance of voting" nonsense when it clearly doesn't even matter at this point, yet the normalscum continue to believe that this ever-growing state of chaos can somehow be fixed by checking a box. The country is basically in a state of civil cold-war, with normalfags entrenching themselves deeply in either pozzed-political-party A or B without ever seeing the bigger picture. I try to keep out of it as much as possible, it's all so petty and futile.
Most people are essentially golems who've been molded by kike media their whole lives, and the US is a freemasonic plantation that's finally ready for the big harvest. I won't be surprised if I'm guillotined by ZOG in the next few months for refusing an RNA "vaccination," that's fine, what I'm concerned about is the possibility of either being injected at tazer-point or generally just having to continue living in the kikes' endgame. Being guillotined would be a pretty clean way of dying, because your brain would be intact and you'd pass out of this place more smoothly, rather than a bullet scrambling your consciousness. On the subject of detachment, I've gotten to the point where the sight of some hominid featured on a TV screen somewhere simply makes me laugh at how comical chimps can look, but I still relate to the feeling of hearing just how asinine a normalfag conversation can be. It's just too pathetic when people with actual potential can do nothing but parrot what the demon-souled jews have programmed them with. I'm not someone who flies off the handle and gets violent, but if the control-freak faggots in charge actually force the unwilling to take the slave vax in the near future, I will reincarnate literally 6 million times, each time taking as many of them down in the most vile, rabid ways possible until the only one left to kill is that parasitic demon-god yahweh himself, sequestered behind the scenes gorging himself on baby dicks and adrenochrome for the past several thousand years. And once that bloated tick of a god is finally squashed, maybe humanity will be able to develop into something besides the disappointment it is.
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>>2025 >How do you deal with your family, your relatives, closer and extended? i don't i evade them as much as possible, and hate them to death, i do not tolerate their stupid bullshit and much less their Pozzed opinions and way of Living, so i unfortunately cannot relate to your Pain, in fact it is very likely that my post will come off as very insensitive (and it probably is) >How can I be of the same blood? that's because you are not of the Same Blood, the Body may be generated from their intercourse, but that is the only thing that is archieved through Bodily Reproduction, the Spirit/Soul comes from somewhere else entirely, Normgroids either have no Soul altogether, or have a Telluric Soul that does not Respond to the Divine but to the Collective Unconciousness of the Mass Psychopathic Hivemind of "Humankind", what is the Nature of that Soul of yours that weeps for the Dismay of your alledged Relatives, or its Origin, is something i cannot tell you, but something that you must find on your own >Have they never even tried to unwind to free themselves of all this garbage? can the Nigger ever Un-nig himself?, can the Jew ever Stop Jewing? course not, even in cases like >>2030 where his dad is Aware of the garbage, he will still remain a Automaton, only instead of Serving Hebrew Communism, he will serve Hebrew Alt-Kikery >Yet I have not made an serious attempt of really talking to them, of trying to clear their encrusted eyes even for a bit, partly because I am so angry and partly because I am such a big failure myself. A failure that can't even help himself wants to help others, laughable. neither can i, im as much of a Failure as you are, Perhaps even more since i do Speak a lot about the Divine and the Solar, and about Heroes and Gods, and yet i don't Measure aganist them at all, not even a Priest or a Preacher, just a Wandering Fool plastering his Thoughts on one corner of the Internets, it is your choice wether to "Talk to them" but i would warn aganist Showing your Power Level because i think everyone around here knows how Dangerous that is that being said your Struggle is very Similar to Arjuna's one on the Baghavad Gita, there he laments the Fact that he has to Fight his Relatives in a Coming Battle, the Entire book is him seeking Spiritual Guidance, it could be a Good Read, if you are into that of course, and if you have the Free Time Good Hunting >>2030 >it's no wonder other countries call us retarded. worst part is the Jingoist Alt-Kike Burger E-celebs mocking the EU for being a Police State and jewed to hell and back, and then Mocking Euros for not "Voting them out", as if EUSSR cared about votes or something, or that the Average Anon could do ANYTHING about it i don't mean to offend nor Insult Anglo or Burger anons, its just that those Faggots have a a very special way of Getting under my Skin >>2032 >generally just having to continue living in the kikes' endgame Have Faith Bogatyr, this is not a Battle of Blood or Steel, its a Battle of the Soul, it is what in "Metaphysics of War" (A Great fucking read mind you, if just for the Chapter where he explains the concept of "Vita est Militia Super Terram") is explained (and what the Ancients regarded as) the Greater Holy War >I will reincarnate literally 6 million times knowing how the Cosmos works, and the Nature of the Struggle in this Misbegotten Land of Misery, you already Have done such a thing and you are here exactly because of that, after all, no one Takes the Ticket to the Kali Yuga for no reason, its only the Normgroids (Samsara's Natives) that live here, the Rest of Us are here for a Reason
>>2033 >you already Have done such a thing and you are here exactly because of that, after all, no one Takes the Ticket to the Kali Yuga for no reason, its only the Normgroids (Samsara's Natives) that live here, the Rest of Us are here for a Reason I understand, and I resonate with the idea of us being here for our last time around. I'm sure ready to get out and back to some kind of primordial consciousness. It's just that I would put off ascension in order to be a Berserker for as long as it takes to make the demon-spawn regret ever coming up with the idea of fucking with us. Maybe I have leftover bloodlust that can't be fully dealt with over one lifetime even if I've practiced meditation. I can accept the Kali Yuga wrapping up naturally, but an endgame of literal goy-ification -- ownership via genetic modification and patent, interface with 5G and whatever else -- that would set me off too much and I don't think I'd be able to part with this place, though it is samsara.
>>2033 >you are not of the Same Blood possible, kids don't have to have their parents' blood type
>>2033 >his dad is Aware of the garbage, he will still remain a Automaton, only instead of Serving Hebrew Communism, he will serve Hebrew Alt-Kikery Sadly accurate. My dad is going to stay entrenched in his current way of thinking for the rest of his life until finally he will face a death that reflects his empty, meaningless life. This upsets me from time to time, not necessarily because of any pity I may have for my dad (he is in a hell of his own design, after all) but rather the fact that this level of ignorance can stay within a person and dictate their life. It frightens me that I may possibly fall into the same trap. >i don't mean to offend nor Insult Anglo or Burger anons No offense taken. Truth be told, I'm only really an American on paper. I was born here, I'm a legal citizen, but I have no true loyalty to this deeply corrupt and confused nation, or to any other for that matter. I stand alone, as I have always had to. Besides, I understand full-well that anything disparaging you have to say about any American citizen is obviously directed towards the normalfag populace of the corrupt members of the government, rather than robots who happen to live in the U.S. >>2034 >the idea of us being here for our last time around. I don't know if this is truly the last time for us, but I really, sincerely hope so. I'm so tired and fed up with all of this. I've become so world-weary that I often can't help but feel as though I'm already an old man waiting to die. I feel like I need a good, long rest, far away from the petty squabbles of human-kind.
The world is fucking garbage and blah blah I'm not of any mind that you haven't heard a thousand times before, but what I don't get are people who think the ones in power right now will forever have a stranglehold until the end of time. What in the entirety of history makes people believe something this hopeless and retarded? Every regime dies and gets replaced by something else and the pattern repeats. I guess I just don't understand throwing up your arms and letting shitty elites control your mind like this, you can ignore most of their shitty gay laws and not get caught for it, and from what I can tell most people who post on non-4chan imageboards don't associate with the kind of faggot that blabs too much anyway, so why not just let notmalfags and kike elites play their retarded games and just enjoy your own life while they squeal at one another?
>>2037 Either you've reached an impressive state of equanimity, or you simply haven't acquired enough information on the creatures we're talking about and what they've been up to for thousands of years.
>>2037 Even though what you've said is true, their stranglehold will outlast us. And we aren't having children anytime soon so it's not like we're going to have any reason to go out of our way to make their downfall come quicker. I think you're right though, it doesn't have the direct effect on us that some bots think it does. They can't control our minds directly, the most they can do is put niggers in ads and make fun of us for being virgins and if they do have direct mind control then it's useless to worry about because then we're already thinking what they want us to think regardless. If there was already a solid plan to dismantle the system through democratic means or otherwise then I'd support it even if it was unlikely to work within my lifetime, but random shootings and shit don't do anything but strengthen normalfag's hatred against us. Unfortunately that's the only action people seem to take against the system because it's the most cathartic.
>>2038 Maybe I have reached equanimity? None of this shit even comes close to dragging me down to the point of being miserable. I also don't spend as much time on the internet as I used to and my mood in general has gotten a bit lighter for it, not that I've forgotten how fucked it all is. If there's nothing I can do to make society less retarded then why should I let something that far out of my control shit up my day/life if it doesn't directly affect me anymore? Sitting down and fuming ceaselessly about something like the CIA and ATF kikes running drugs and dealing automatic weapons directly to cartels just seems pointless and silly to me when it probably won't fuck me over unless I go out of my way to participate in their psychotic plans or if I'm forced to live in an area populated by the spics they're dealing with. >>2039 >their stranglehold will outlast us Yeah probably I wasn't trying to imply otherwise, I'm just wondering why anyone should give enough of a shit to whine and moan about it constantly if nobody is planning on, or even has the capability of doing anything about it in the meantime. Yeah we all know the world is gay and faggot subversives run pretty much everything currently, I'm pretty sure it's so readily apparent that even some normalniggers are catching on by now. It's like the small handful of places on the internet I still frequent that aren't under the iron grip of kikery are dedicated almost exclusively to bitching about how everything else is under the iron grip of kikery. I just find it annoying enough to have a little sperg rant about it, I'll get over it and go do something else. At this point I only use the internet to pay some bills and occasionally post on places like here or the webring. It's also kinda funny to me how I used to spend hours on the internet to escape normalnigger insanity, but now that normalniggers have killed the internet I go outside and spend time by myself to escape it.
Slow few days.
It seems that every other imageboard on the webring who used to take stances against 3dpd are now either completely okay with them or are warming up to them. Most notable of these incidents are the niggers over on the anime boards seeming to take towards thinly-veiled 3dpd bullshit. Hopefully, we never fall to this.
>>2044 Are you referring to vtuber cancer or what?
>>2045 That's probably the most easily noticeable shift towards 3dpd bullshit. However, it seems to run much deeper than just that. In general, the weak dedication to board culture and bullshit ideals of "libertarian" boards combine to lead to the fuckery of a lot of the boards on the webring that we see today and have been seeing for a long time. Again this is most easily noticed in the anime boards as vtubers are likely an easily visible symptom of what is probably a larger more deep-seated issue. We don't have those problems here so I'm relatively confident that we'll be alright though. The only thing that could happen here is the board slowing down but hopefully, that board data transfer thing will support Lynxchan→JS Chan soon so that we can move to zzzchan thus solving the speed issues of this board.
>>2048 Are you fucking retarded? All I said was we have some speed issues and that said issues could be fixed once we switch to zzzchan. Unlike most boards, we don't engage in libertarian moderation and we have a strong sense of board culture so moving into a more public board wouldn't be too much of a hit once the faggots get the idea that we don't want them there and that they'll be promptly removed once they try too. After they get the memo only the kinds of people we'd like to come here would stay. Why am I even wasting my time responding to such a retarded reply anyway?
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>>2044 the fact that this place still stands after the unholy ammounts of bullshit that we've been through, and that BO hasn't snapped under the presshure of having to move our asses over during the disaster that was Fatchan and Zchan, nevermind that this place hasn't yet been corrupted despite the Webring having collapsed and invaded is in my eyes both Divine intervention (the Waifufag thread in fact looks very much like a Initiatic Circle of old) and the Signs of the return of Kalki >>2046 >>2049 the only reason why ZZZchan would be a thing its mainly because JSchan seems to be easier to work with for BO-sama if you care about Board Speed, then contribute to it, do not ask for dirty Turkomens and despicable Nomads to come do it for you, think about interesting things to post about, or just vent your thoughts, and if it is interesting enough, other Bogatyrs will post, this place is out of the Radar (although our Outpost at ZZZchan is outside the board list, but then again that would be a Self-defeating point for you, since moving to a more public place only for it to be out of the reach of the Turkish hordes you want to attract would leave us in the same spot we are here now), well beyond the reach of the Inbred hordes of Godless Heathens that populate the Webring, going to ZZZchan would place us on the map again and in contact with the aformentioned Turkomens, one BO can only do so much, and at the end of the day all the Reichritters here would either engage with the Turkroaches to no avail while they shit up that Norman keep we have for ourselves, or hide untill they get bored and leave, or just retreat back here, wich is what more or less has happened during the entire history of /r9k/
>>2050 You assume that all robots that could be here already are. Obviously, this isn't true, and going on zzzchan could help us get a few more robots onto the board to converse with. Getting on somewhere a bit more public isn't self-defeating because, as I've already explained, this place is incredibly hostile to those we view as outsiders, meaning we are in the advantageous position of being extremely normal nigger repellant. On top of all of this, we've already been on the webring and, before zchan got nuked, we were doing pretty well for ourselves over there. The normalniggers fucked off after about a week or two as I already pointed out. I even remember spotting some newfags who, though new, seemed to be true robots just like any of us, and more of these people is always a good thing. The some odd dozen of us here can only provide so much discussion and though I'm fine with what we have here I don't see why we should not take the chance to find some more robot brothers to talk to at little to no risk (that is if this board porter thing ever gets finished).
>>2050 das rite wyboi - we esoteric af around ere
>>2052 I'm scared anon, this Spaniard might just successfully convert all robots here towards estrogenism.
>>>2053 >Making fun of the esoteric autist Oh no, prepare for a Wall of Text
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>>2051 >You assume that all robots that could be here already are. wether we are all here or not, wether there are Bogatyrs to find this place or to leave this place matters not to me since that is up to the Laws of providence, those who must find this Haven and stay in it will do so in its time as Divine law requires it, for obvious reasons i will pretend i do not believe in providence and continue the discussion, i said ZZZchan would be self-defeating because r9k there is hidden, it is not listed in the board list, therefore even if it is easier to find that this place wich is completely off the radar, it will still take a extra step of finding out that it is a thing, wich would defeat the point of accesibility, on the realm of Living among the Normgroid Sultanates of the webring, it is worth noting that the Webring before is not the same that the Webring is now, mind you i haven't been there in quite a while, but from what other Bogatyrs have been posting around here, it seems things are at an all time low in inbred saracen territory, at the end of the day, just like you said, it all comes down to wether Board Porting becomes a thing (thus eliminating the problem of Migrating) or wether other Franks will suddenly begin posting on ZZZchan (in wich case the rest will have to move there, where there is actual discussion)
>>2055 We're only temporarily unlisted anon.
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>>2053 nah, my own Demeanor+walls of text are both the best argument in my Defence (since some Bogatyrs testify to the wisdom in them), and the best argument that can be raised Aganist me (since other Bogatyrs claim me to be a Gaudy (if you allow me to borrow your own expression) advocate for matriarchy, worshipper of wenches and good-for-nothing rogue), at the end of the day both you and everyone else will judge me for what i am and for what you believe i am, i don't think im convincing anyone that wasn't already more or less convinced that there was more than meets the eye, if anything, you can grant me the merit of spreading that wisdom, but not of changing people's minds, i don't think i have forced anyone to Love me, nor to Hate me, and yet there are both parties that do so, with, of course, a grand majority of inbetweeners that do not care about it, >>2054 nah, if the post had any effort in it (not in the sense of it being a bad post or anything, but in the sense that it wasn't a post that was thought about in depth, or with a specific target in mind), or a blatant misunderstanding of a specific creed or doctrine, then yes i guess i would spend 9 hours debating that shit, but he only left a single passing comment, half of my reply is just me going off the hook rambling and contemplating my "impact" on this place, wich is kind of Selfish on my part i guess, but at the same time this is the only place through wich i can have a External Point of View that i can use to peer into myself without any external Bias (ie:Faggot "Friends" (i don't even have friends anymore though since i burned bridges with everyone a long long time ago) that will refuse to believe anything that isn't curated by "modern science", or talk about anything deeper than local politics, nevermind not being able to touch anything taboo by faggot standards) >>2056 really? fuck, my bad then, i guess the two main thing i would like to draw attention is that the Webring is fucked beyond measure, thus rabid bands of Turks being more threatening if we do end up moving to ZZZchan, dunno perhaps its my hatred of the Webring that i am projecting into this, but i still think it is best to remain here
>>2046 Aren't the GG faggots on ZZZchan? I recall they were on Zchan and I'd rather not bring them back again. I agree with the idea that the majority of normalfags would leave after seeing our relatively strict moderation but we'd still have a trickle of posters unfamiliar with it. Though I guess it would probably be worth it to be visible to more robots, however few there are. Personally I don't think that posting speed is a priority, I think going a few days with no posts isn't a problem, but I know that there are probably a few bots that have no idea where we are and are unfamiliar with lynxchan. I had no idea that we even had a bunker so I was only posting on Lizchan until someone linked the anon.cafe board. I think that for the sake of anons in similar situations, moving to the webring would give us an appropriate amount of visibility.
>>2057 >the Webring is fucked beyond measure What happened with the webring? I know it probably started with the vtuber thread but did normalfags start posting selfies or something?
>>2057 >both you and everyone else will judge me for what i am and for what you believe i am I judge you for what you aren't and what you believe you're not.
>>2046 >That's probably the most easily noticeable shift towards 3dpd bullshit. Considering vtuber shit is explicitly against board rules it shouldn't be a problem here.
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>>2061 >I judge you for what you aren't and what you believe you're not. well, either i am retarded and im not picking up what you mean, or you are being very stupid, if you judge something for what it is not then you are in for dissapointment, if you judge a Table for its ability to be a Chair, then you will be dissapointed, since a Chair is a Chair, and a Table a Table, if you judge a Knife for its abiltiy to work as a Screwdriver you will find the same, it will either not work at all, or work in a very inefficient and retarded way, therefore if you judge me based on what i am not then you are a fool for either expecting me to be something i am not, or overestimating who i am, at best you could be dissapointed about falling short of fulfilling a specific role (in short, lamenting that the Table isn't a chair) in wich case it is your problem, for it is your desire that is not quenched, the Table hasn't failed in its task of being a Table, it is you who fails by wanting it to be something else in regards of belief, i guess it would make more sense since if i was denying that i am something i actually am would be a failure in my own ability to measure myself, but what i meant by "What you Believe i am" wasn't this, but rather what You think that I am, in other words, the Chair is a Chair, its judgement is defined by both what it is (a Chair) and what you Believe it is (is it a pretty chair?, is it a small chair? etc...), what you are doing here if i am following correctly is throwing the entire process out of the window, not caring to research in what the specific Item of one's judgement is, and just jumping to what one believes it is, (the Table has failed to be a Chair and thus Evil, instead of first, understanding the Nature fo the Table, then judging it accordingly)
>>2062 If people would stop bringing it up, that is.
>>2064 The few times people bring it up is to complain about it. Once it stops being the hot new thing the complaints will die down. I don't blame anyone for the complaints though. It's hard to see places so close to us fall to such bullshit but, again, we'll get used to it and it will die down.
>>2053 What are your issues with anons here believing as esoteric autist does? It's not nearly as cucked as a religion like Christianity or Islam, and it's better than being a faggot atheist. The best way to go about it in my mind is the Alan Moore route of deriving meaning from worship/mysticism but not really believing in any of it in a literal sense. This is probably a discussion better suited to the esoteric thread since posters tend to complain whenever this subject gets brought up. Also I really don't think that many robots do believe as he does, and they aren't exactly pushing it onto others. >>2063 I think he was joking, but it would be more like judging a table for its inability to be a chair, which is pretty silly in that case. Or in other words, he judges you for your lack of being what you think you aren't (ostensibly a normalfag).
>>2072 You're an actual idiot anon, my post implies that the estrogen fag's posts make a lot of sense and make me unironically interested in the subject.
>>2074 Why do you call it "estrogenism" then? Seems like you think it's a negative thing.
>>2075 >>2074 Personally, I'd rather this place didn't turn into /x/ though I don't mind the anon and his views. I'd rather they not grow though as the waifu thread already regularly turns into esoteric ramblings, but I chalk that up to there being only one regular poster there who is in no way esoteric.
>>2074 That's not what your post implies retard.
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>>2072 >Alan moore That man is a humongous faggot, i get what you mean though, after all Mythology and legendry are Alegories not meant to be taken literally, problem comes when you realize Sodomites are retarded and are unable to understand allegories, then you get faggots like Varg Vikernes who pretend they are Pagans just to provide a Aesthetical backdrop for Anarco-Primitivism while being a De Facto Atheist >>2077 >but I chalk that up to there being only one regular poster there who is in no way esoteric. this is something i've been thinking about for a long ass time, at the end of the day if Esotericism is something so prevalent around here is because bogatyrs find it interesting and, if it was not the case nobody would pay attention to them and they would fall in the oblivion, if Prevalent Esoteric posting is such an issue i think instead of complaining (since that is likely to extend Esoteric discussion even more by bringing attention to it), one should find things interesting enough to warrant talk about it, examples of this are the Videogame threads, and the discussions we have had about the current state of Degenracy and Family issues, wich had little to no Esoteric component (with the exceptions of my posts, but that does not count because Spirituality (wich revolves around Taihou) is a Core part of my Cosmovision, wich i think it is also important to understand because it may seem as if i constantly shoehorn the Divine into everything, when in reality this is just the natural result of having a Specific Worldview) Also, if i recall correctly there were a few waifufags that were outside the more "Well known" cadre of usual Waifufags, (one who had Iowa, and another who had Nero, i think there was even one who like Megumin) the reason why they keep off the radar is unkown to me
>>2074 >unironically interested in the subject of estrogen Oh no
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>>2080 >>2080 >That man is a humongous faggot It's kind of annoying because on the one hand I do have tremendous respect for his earlier work, Watchmen, V for Vendetta, and Swamp Thing are all inarguably good. I feel Watchmen is a bit overrated, people who act like it was the first comic not written for babies or something are incredibly retarded but it's undeniable that it's a very good series that's better than most superhero comics. Shame that none of the spinoffs are any good but I guess that's inevitable. I can't really be angered at his sort of leftist libertarian views because it's better than being a liberal which is what most people in the comic book industry are. The way he wrote Rorschach is one of my favorite recurring themes in media, where the writer is so stuck up his own ass that he doesn't see the way that he makes the "villain" look heroic. He says here that the reason that people like Rorschach is because he stinks and doesn't have a girlfriend, and it's hard to tell if he's joking because I think he might really think that the average comic book reader isn't just the average boy/teenager to be fair my own jokes don't work in text either, he might have been sarcastic there. I think that it's very common that people even moderately left of center can't see any value in stoicism unless it's something from the civil rights movement. In this example it's especially bad because he's comparing Rorschach to Batman, did he forget why he wrote Watchmen in the first place? Rorschach is meant to be the Question and Mr. A, as a parody of Steve Ditko's Objectivist beliefs, not fucking "Batman but realistic". If it was realistic then it wouldn't be Batman. If anyone in Watchmen is meant to be Batman it's Nite Owl, but he's meant to be Blue Beetle. Did Alan Moore buy into the retarded normalfags view that it was about the Justice League and not about the Charlton Comics characters that DC had recently bought but didn't want to do anything with? Besides, Batman also doesn't have friends or a girlfriend, the appeal of him is that Bruce Wayne's billionaire bachelor shit is all just a show. Sure, he has Catwoman but that's not exactly the same thing. Anyways, I just find it fascinating how writers often don't see the appeal of someone who the entire world is against. Alan Moore is really an odd case, since so much of his work is good and yet there are those couple of bits that are really fucking gay. Lost Girls is one of the times he decided to get all experimental and I think that the only reason anyone likes it besides retarded teenage girls is because of the name recognition. The art is ugly colored pencil shit and the story from what I could get through is dog shit with characters just talking about dumb shit while sucking and fucking. It's not like I need everything with sex to be a mindless doujin where the story is just an excuse to have the mc fuck the girl with the biggest tits, From Hell had plenty of degenerate sex in it and it was a good book. The issue is that Lost Girls is so visually repulsive and the story is so gay that it's unreadable. Alan Moore has talked about the need for pornography to be different from how it is, and I don't necessarily disagree, but the solution isn't to have oversaturated art depicting mongoloids fucking. Also in his last comic he made some jabs at le ebil incel comicsgaters. I don't know how serious he was being, it might have even been the artist who wrote it, but it was pretty fucking gay. Not to mention that it was in League of Extraordinary Gentlemen, which is mediocre as hell, especially for an Alan Moore book. That's a book where the execution is probably as good as it could be but the idea is just retarded. I think that one of the biggest things that restricts him is his obsession with writing characters that other people created, and it's most apparent there than in any of his other books. Honestly the thing that pisses me off the most about this is that he didn't mention Steve Ditko, who is inseparable from Rorschach in my mind.
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>>2083 sorry for taking so long to reply, but i felt stupid talking about a Man i know not much, and a Charcter and Work i know nothing about, so i woke up this morning, sat down, and Chugged through the entirety of Watchmen, stopping once at Chapter V i think, to masturbate to Taihou and then take a 5 Hour nap cuddling with my Daki,i finished the whole ordeal about 30 minutes ago and took a small breather to contemplate on it all There's this little theory i came up way back in the day, back when i was trying to learn how to Draw, on how worthless pieces of shit can create Great Works, despite being pieces of shit, like the Fiasco with Dwarf Fortress and tranny dorfs, i later discussed it with the Anon and we both reached the same conclussion, i might post about this in the Esotericism thread since that is where it belongs really this is relevant, because Watchmen is a Textbook example of this Idea of mine, thing is, like you stated >Rorschach is one of my favorite recurring themes in media, where the writer is so stuck up his own ass that he doesn't see the way that he makes the "villain" look heroic. Moore is too stuck up his own ass, but i think its to a Unprecedented Extent, so much so that it affect the entire work and not just Rorschach, the entire Comicbook is a Carbon-Copy of the Retarded Hellhole we find ourselves in, from the retarded Gazette vendor that is so self-absorbed, constantly giving his opinions on things and believing himself to have such insight despite the fact he has none at all, clearly mirroring how Normgroids behave in the field of politics, Easiest example seen in American politics, to the Nigger Psychiatrist that will excuse Rorchach's Behaviour with the classical "Repressed anger aganist the World", wich i bet my ass anyone around here that has been forced to go to the Dr.Kike has been confronted with, Moore seems to talk about "Superheroes in Reality" being Watchmen's shtick, and he is right, because in the "Real World" superheroes would be what they are in Watchmen's World, Publicity stunts like Dollar Bill, and Pretty Figureheads like the whore who almost got raped by the Comedian, and her retarded daughter who banged Dr.Manhattan to sell shit and enrich the Hebrew Molochs that rule this Hellhole, and then a few "Cleaners" to do all the False-Flags they may ever need, in the shape of The Comedian, a man who while being able to see the Vileness of the World, is unable to Ride the Tiger nor manage it, becoming little more than a Deranged. Emotionally Unstable Thug for the Government with a Loose Trigger-Finger, and Dr.Manhattan, whom despite having a Supreme Intellect, and Superpowers, always does as he is told, and is Unable to reach basic conclussions, like the Cosmos's Determinism, let alone the fact that if people like Niels Bohr, Schrodinger, and all others actually used "Science" as a Way to Prove the spiritual, one would think Dr.Manhattan as the Ultimate Guru, or at the Very least an ambiguous figure, yet it is quite obvious, at least in my Eyes, that Dr.Manhattan was Moore's outlet for his wet dreams, he is Atheistic, and later pulls out a Humanistic Schlock of "every hoooman is unique!, "life" is precious!", the few "true" heroes are people like Hollis, Straight-Edge moralists that are little more than XIXth century Puritains with Fighting skills than actual heroes, just like Rorchach said, "Too Soft" 1/2
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>>2084 and so in the middle of this Vortex, of Decay, of False Heroes, and Absolute bullshit, you have Rorchach, i know he is supposed to be a Parody of Mr.A and Objetivism, but to me, i see a Parallel between him, and the Protagonist's of Robert Howard's Stories, he reminds me a lot of people like Solomon Kane, Cormac Fitzgeoffrey, D'isblein, and all the Gang, all of these characters are "Pulp" they do not fight for a "Greater Good" in the vein of Isekai "Black vs White" bullshit, its not a Bright Luke Skyfaggot wielding the Force to save the Galaxy from Generic Space Empire wich totally isn't a Reference to the Third Reich, nor a 3 Part Epic of how Good always Wins over Evil written by a Christcuck Anglo that picked European Mythology and literally Hijacked it with hebrew stuff, (literally based Dwarfs on Kikes) because he was eternally butthurt at Adolph Hitler, Last Crusader of Hyperborea, IXth Avatar of Shiva, Howard's Characters Fight for themselves, they have their own reasons, according to their Nature, Cormac for example is a Irish Crusader, who came to Outremer following a Crusader Lord whom he respected a lot, he followed him out of Personal Loyalty and his own Sense of Honor, not out of Duty or Morals, his Lord is later butchered by some Sultan, and he comes for Payback, its not a Tale of Good Vs Evil, its a tale of a Man, making his own Fate according to his own Nature,looking for his own Payback, and with Rorschach is the same, his Objectivist Morality is merely a Pretext, a Driving force, kind of like how Taihou is a Driving Force for me, he may talk about how Evil needs to be Punished, but he does not Believe in the City, nor in its People, nor in the Country, there's a few places where he does incongruential things, but i blame it on Moore being a faggot and projecting on to him, for example in Picrelated, Rorchach is pretty much a Nihilist, seeing how it is stated that he actually was good at Literature and Religious Teachings, of course this is vague as shit, but i can only think of Rorchach as the Kind of guy who would have Unironically Read the Bible, or be a Evolafag, i can only imagine moore being a faggot and projecting his own Nihilism and Atheism into him wich to me seems extremely out of character, even then, in this Scene Rorchach states how he makes his own luck, the Difference between Rorchach and Howard's characters, is that Rorchach does not belong in Watchmen's World, to return to the original analogy, Cormac is a Crusader, he has his Lord, he has friends and Battle-Brothers, there is people who look up to him, and he himself looks up to other people, just like you pointed out in >I just find it fascinating how writers often don't see the appeal of someone who the entire world is against. Rorchach has none of this, Cops hate him, his Former Friends hate him, Everyone around him hates him, Because he is not a Nigger, he is not a Faggot, he does not Flow with the times in the neverending Intoxication of the masses, who seek thrills and pleasures to fill their empty lives, who live to work, work to live, who need money to live, and live for money, Rorchach is a man Outside Time, he makes his luck, he follows his Will and his Nature,he does not become, he does not seek, he IS, to the world he lives in, this is Blasphemy, to Alan Moore, this is Blasphemy, 2/2
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>>2085 3/2had to redo this last post because i forgot to copy paste it into a txt to split it accordingly and lost it to the zone, wich really upsets me because the third part was inspired as shit Just like you said in >I think that it's very common that people even moderately left of center can't see any value in stoicism unless it's something from the civil rights movement. Collectivist faggots can never Appreciate Stoicism, Stoicism is a measure of Personal character, in all these Leftist Collectivistic faggot ideologies Personality means nothing, you need the protection of daddy government and Society, in this case since he is a Anarchist, you have the Community or whatever buzzword you wanna use it, you need other people to survive, "Man is a Social animal" this type of Stoic resilience, of Finding Strength in himself, of being able to Fight for oneself and for what one believes in, is the Opposite of collectivism, something Commies will for ever be butthurt about and so Watchman ends (Spoilers ahead) with the death of Rorschach, and the preservation of this Deranged Status Quo of neverending becoming at the hands of Big Brain McGee, a faggot who talks about Alexander the Great withou knowing what made the men of the Golden Age, Men in the firs place, with a Dr.Manhattan whom is supposed to be God-Like, yet like i stated before, knows nothing about Anything, it really feels like Watchmen is the Story of Rorchach, a man outside time, dealing with the World he has had to live in, since everyone else is a faggot, for reasons i already stated Watchmen is a Great work, or at least a Work that has helped me remember important things i should never forget, for all the reasons Moore will never understand
Haven't posted on /r9k/ since fatchan died a while back. Glad to see some anons are still around. >trumpbux check finally arives a week ago after assuming I wouldn't get one due to NEETness >got camping supplies and gonna go camping for a few days next week Feels quite nice. >>2058 Seems like they're on markchan mostly.
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>>2084 I disagree with your assertion that Rorschach is a nihilist. I think that if he was a nihilist he wouldn't do the things he did in the story. I feel like his acknowledgement of a lack of a "guiding hand" isn't out of nihilism but rather an acceptance of ultimate personal responsibility, and I think that the reason he fights crime is because he considers it to be a violation of his standards of how one should act. In accordance to his philosophy being based on personal responsibility, he can't stand by while others lie, cheat, steal, etc.. Think of Spider-man's "with great power comes great responsibility" as an example of this philosophy, where one can't allow injustice to happen if it is within his power to stop it. It's sort of a blend between altruism and Objectivity, although the altruism is motivated more by hatred of crime than caring for others. I think that Alan Moore thinks that this makes Rorschach somehow "twisted" because instead of believing that there is something inherently wrong with these things he acknowledges that it's his own standard and that in a sense it's arbitrary. In reality it doesn't matter wether one's views are arbitrary or not, acting in accordance with them is respectable. Even if Rorschach's views were twisted, the fact that he stands by them stoicly with no exceptions is what gives him his appeal. I suppose this is a type of atheism, but I don't think it's nihilism, at least not in the classic sense but I'm too stupid to read shit so maybe my understanding is wrong. I really don't think Alan Moore wanted to project anything onto him, I think he's pretty repulsed by Rorschach. >in all these Leftist Collectivistic faggot ideologies Personality means nothing I think it goes deeper than that. The progressive's goal is to change one's environment to better suit those that are most marginalized. To be fair this isn't entirely a bad thing, it's pretty clear that today there are a lot of things that are simply unfair about society, and I don't mean racially, actually even if you like niggers that's a very small part of it that's driving the change because the media has fetishized melanin for the past few decades. Think about the fact that in America, the cops can blow your head off for looking at them funny and the next day half the country will get on their knees to blow him. Or the fact that Facebook knows more about the average person than their parents do. Think about the fact that in order to live on their own one has to wageslave, or at least game the system to get NEETbux which isn't viable for the average person. There are certain things in our environment that need to change for the average person to be able to live comfortably, at least in a country of this size and in a world with the circumstances that we find ourselves in. Not to say that should be a priority, but in my mind it's something that became inevitable since the founding of America, maybe even since the Enlightenment. It's hard to articulate this next part properly so forgive me if I sound like a moron. The fact of the matter is that most of the things that the left proposes will objectively improve people's lives. Speaking purely from a materialistic standpoint, things like UBI and socialized medicine, as well as decommodifying the economy and creating democracy in the workplace through worker cooperatives, would be a benefit to the average person. My own issues with implementing these things are besides the point.
>>2089 cont. The issue and the reason I wrote all of this dumb shit, at least when it comes to writing, is that when you look at everything through the lens of improving the environment you become blind to the fact that struggling through an oppressive environment is absolutely valuable. Resisting oppressive environments is one way that great men are made. Stubbornly refusing to change or compromise is something deserving of respect. This isn't something that can be realistically asked of the average person, and it's unreasonable to expect everyone to aspire towards it, but it's the reason that people like characters like Rorschach despite hating his political views, and it's something that a lot of writers get caught off-guard by. I agree that Watchmen feels like the story of Rorschach more than anything else, although arguably it's about both him and Nite Owl, who I think is meant to be the most "relatable". Rorschach and Nite Owl are probably the closest thing to friends in the book out of anyone, besides Nite Owl and his predecessor. An argument could be made that it's about no one but the characters that are the driving forces of the plot are Rorschach and Nite Owl. A lot of people think that it's about Dr. Manhattan, probably because he's the most like superman, who's the main character in everything he's in. Really he'say almost a passive observer, which ties into his overall detachment. Watchmen is one of the few comic books that's more worth reading for the story than the art. It's a shame that there haven't been nearly as many good comic writers as artists, though that's to be expected since it's a visual medium first. It's been a while since I've read it, but V for Vendetta is a lot better at showing Alan Moore's views and left-anarchy in general in a positive light. I think that the "protagonist is really the bad guy" thing tends to backfire more often than not.
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>>2089 >>2090 >I disagree with your assertion that Rorschach is a nihilist. indeed, i do not think Rorchach is a Nihilist either, sorry if i didn't explain myself well enough,i said that and presented the scene in the psychiatrist as a example of what you stated as "The Writter being too stuck up its own ass", because for me, Rorchach saying that Existance is random and has no pattern is extremely out of Character, and there are many ways of stablishing one's Agency and Luck without having to shoehorn Moore's atheism, just like you said, Rorchach's struggle is personal, he does what he does because it is within his power to stop it, and is his way of doing things right according to his own Inner Law, thing is, he is obviously not the only one fighting, so is Ozymander, and the Comedian, and all others, the Difference?, Rorchach is the only one besides the Comedian that is aware, Rorchach is the only one that understand the Darkness of his world, and that Crime and Corruption are just a Symptom of Humanity as a whole decaying, same way Faggotry, Communism, Niggers and all that Jazz is just a Symptom of the Hebrew Molochs here weaving their plans, and the Mongoloid masses not knowing any better, The Comedian also Understands, but like i said, the Comedian snaps, he ends up Working for the US wich makes him little more than another puppet, and becomes a remorseful Drunkard suffering from mental breakdowns and a bitter hatred for everything, including himself, then like i mentioned before there's Dr.Manhattan being a Living Breathing joke, pulling a Deus Ex Machina, some crappy Arguments on how every Human is unique, and little more, and Mr.Ozymander Big Brain McGee with his retarded plan to enshure world peace, wich shows how little he understands about the world, and the nature of Humanity, the rest are Jokes, i already talked about them, so Rorchach is the only one who is Sane, and who Understands what is up, he does what he can, but he doesn't Delude himself like Ozymander did, he Knows that everything is Broken, so he does what he thinks is right, and lets everything else sort itself out >I agree that Watchmen feels like the story of Rorschach more than anything else, although arguably it's about both him and Nite Owl >An argument could be made that it's about no one yeah, i think Watchmen was supposed to be a "General Story" with no protagonists, since it dedicates a Chapter to prettymuch everyone, Dr.Manhattan has a Chapter dedicated to him, so does the Comedian, so does Nite Owl, and really i think Rorchach makes less than 30% of the Pages, but he does Feel like the protagonist for the reasons we have both talked about, i don't think i will read V for Vendetta because i am a Ghibelline Hardliner and the only "Political Ideology" i consider Legitimate is picrelated, so ill probably end up Puking at the first disingenuous reference to the Third reich and Laugh at it during its entire duration, but it is likely ill end up pilfering Ditko's Mr.A
Control, manipulate and trick yourself for too long, and you will break yourself, eventually. It comes with benefits. The benefits come at a price. All is balanced. All is well.
Balance is for faggots.
>>2093 Be quiet, uncultured min-maxer.
>>2094 Focus entirely on a single domain until you've reached a sufficient level of skill and satisfaction, and then move on. Come back when you're ready to invest more energy, but constantly be improving in some way, somehow, no matter how small. Balance is imaginary, there's no balance anywhere but within arbitrary poles of opposites. Human adaptability isn't concerned over balance.
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>>2095 yes, Improvement for the sake of Improvement, like the Histrionic roasties buying new clothes so they can look good, and the wageslave works so he can get more money, Movement for the sake of movement, the Everlasting Faustian Hamsterwheel, and of course "Human Adaptability" wich if my suspicions are right, then i more or less know the kind of Fag you are For starters Cosmos Is Balanced by Divine Law of Providence, every Cause has an Effect and Every Effect has a cause, the average Retard will think on the Laws of physics, and leave behind everything from Above and any Hidden force, woe to them, it is because these Hidden laws they Ignore that they shall be Trampled and Torn apart in their tiny little Meaningless Existances for Eternity, Polarity being "Arbitrary" is plainly Retarded, The Only "Skill" that Anyone should Learn or Improve in, is the Knowledge of God and of the Divine, everything else is Secondary, everything else Illusory, so instead of running in the Hamsterwheel, learn to Walk, then learn to Stop, then Learn to sit the fuck down, and when you are sat down, learn to Lie down, only then, once you liberate yourself from the Wheel, once you look inside yourself, at your Surroundings, at Cosmos Itself, only when you Learn to Contemplate, when you Know God, when you learn Stillness, when you see the Divine Manifested in All, and are able to Take part of it, at Any Degree, will you Learn True Freedom and True Life
>>2096 This is mostly just masturbatory. Improvement serves a goal and improvement in itself doesn't matter, reaching a goal is the purpose. I don't understand what exactly you're replying to, even, so I can't say much of anything in response.
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>>2097 >This is mostly just masturbatory. Improvement serves a goal and improvement in itself doesn't matter, reaching a goal is the purpose yeah, except in your previous post you explicitly state that >but constantly be improving in some way, somehow, no matter how small. so you first say that you should Always Improve, no matter what no matter how, placing the importance of it on Improvement, and now you backpedal and say that its actually only worth it if you have a Goal in mind, i think you are full of bullshit because if your original intention was to encourage the Anon to fulfill his Goals, instead of just Improve for the Sake of Improvement you would have worded it differently, and shure as shit wouldn't have referenced "Human Adaptability" >I don't understand what exactly you're replying to i think my post is clear enough, i am Adressing 2 Things, 1.- Your Denial of Balance 2.- Your Emphasis on Improvement for its own sake
>>2098 >instead of just Improve for the Sake of Improvement you would have worded it differently No, I would've worded it in the same way, since I don't like using excessive words in order to achieve the same result. It's more a matter of motivation and quick sound bites anyone can easily memorize. >and shure as shit wouldn't have referenced "Human Adaptability" Someone who wants to get good at writing doesn't also have to get good at painting. Human adaptability isn't about balance, it's be specialization, and in my opinion it's about learning specific methods to acquire goals that can be generalized. Get good at one thing, and if you're tired of it then move on. If you aren't keep focusing on it. This is for hobbies.
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>>2099 >since I don't like using excessive words in order to achieve the same result Words and their use is something Extremely important, for example now after 2 Posts you clarify your position and explain that it is more about Specialization and that you Adscribed Balance to the Matter of Skill and Knowledge, and not to the World itself, wich indeed now that you explain it that way i understand and Agree with your view on the Subject if instead of writing your original post, you worded: >Focus entirely on your Goal, until you've reached it, then move onwards to the next, that would Explicitly reference its purpose, the way you worded it you put more Emphasis in Improoving than on its purpose, the way you stated "Move On" and "Sufficient level of Skill" as if one had to meet a specific quota at it, when in reallity, like you said, the only Quota it should meet is whatever quota one placed upon himself, the same with Balance, you applied the Idea of Balance applied to the Process of Learning, where the Post you were Replying to Talked about Balance as a Concept, affecting Everything, neither the OP nor I could know that because you never Explicitly stated or gave the Vague Idea that you didn't mean Balance itself, but its Application to a Specific Field you obviously know and understand all this because you posted it, but the Reader only has your Wording to understand what you mean, if you choose the Wrong words and forgo context, you will give the Wrong message, leading to my, according to you "Masturbatory" posts
>>2101 >and not to the World itself That's incorrect, I don't think balance really matters in the world either. Pure effectiveness matters, and sometimes that means forgoing a lot of useless stupidity (and subjective brilliance). Humans could all be superhuman 200 IQ space marines but our environment doesn't call for that and that's way too much wasted energy when all that's really needed is a life support system for your balls. "Equilibrium" only exists within closed systems, and that's normally called entropy. I mean balance as a concept foremost. It's an abstraction and abstractions should be comprehended as abstractions.
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>>2102 Excuse my arrogance but im going to forego the discussion on balance, because being honest i don't think you would neither Understand or Accept the idea of Cosmic Balance even if Hermes Trismegistus Himself came down here and gave you a Spinning kick to the nuts so hard that you would Astral Project and see it at work for yourself now you talk about Pure Effectiveness, and then you fail to define what is it, shure being in a stasis machine is more efficient for clnical immortality than having 200 IQ, but what if i don't give a shit about survival?, why should i care about wasted energy?, you are taking these answers for granted, what is this Pure Effectiveness you talk about? the Ability to adhere to rules in order to accomplish an objective minimizing the spenditure of energy? (for example a extasis machine like you said would be efficient because it allows you to survive without spending much energy), this only works if you are a Materialist or an Atheist the second you add something beyond the Dimension of Quantifiable things it all falls apart because you cannot Quantify the realm of Quality
>>2104 I'm going to have to explain to you what hyperbole and jokes are, and also what efficiency is, in order to continue this. And that's dumb.
>>2102 >Humans could all be superhuman 200 IQ space marines but our environment doesn't call for that and that's way too much wasted energy when all that's really needed is a life support system for your balls. Is that not a form of balance?
>>2106 Yes. That was meant to be an example of balance producing results that aren't idealistic, made slightly more explicit by >normally called entropy Worldly balance is closer to entropy that life works against life, even if life itself isn't the perfect counter. I think my actual objection is balance is too abstract of a word, and that it can only be reasonably defined by a goal, no matter how abstract and badly defined the goal is.
>>2107 Sorry, it was meant to also be an example of "balance" being capable of also being called something else. Being effective at survival and not dying could absolutely work against the general balance of a ecosystem, but life does work to bring the balance towards it's favor (and at that point is that actually balance or is it just shifts in control). Balance in an ecosystem is the limitation and effectiveness in working under the conditions of that limitation is what I wanted to point out. I tried to cram too many points into a couple of sentences. The entire argument is reliant on objective objects having multiple subjective categorizations that overlap due to the natural error that language allows. Focusing on balance as a good thing rather than the actual content of what is being balanced is the only real point I want to get across, the rest is me laying out why I feel that way. I have no issue with balance as an abstract concept since it's still a useful concept. Sorry for samefagging.
>>2104 >Hermes Trismegistus Himself What's your waifu think of that guy?
Normalfags are already playing music at full volume everywhere, although I should say "music". Fuck I wish corona chan killed something like 30% of the people who got it, so they would be scared and stay fucking quiet as the first days the virus supposedly got here. Fuck normalniggers, esoteric anon give me superpowers so I can go and massacre every single one of them.
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My old man and I watch movies or television on occasion, and so tonight he and I watched a random new movie on Netflix that he picked out--Hubie Halloween if you have maschostic tendencies and you can leach off of someone's Netflix subscription. I expected an abysmal level of quality, yet contemporary mainstream media is so absolutely pozzed it boggles the mind; just experiencing it again and being totally immersed in it every once and awhile leaves me reeling from how utterly degrading and draining the whole experience is. Assuming you all don't give a damn about 'spoilers' for such a high quality masterwork of modern cinema, I'm going to see how much bullshit I can remember and condense into buzzwords here: >Adam Sandler as protagonist--the borderline autistic retard nice-guy charicature who lives with his mother >The rest of the cast is a litany of big names because haha having big basketball man in a cameo is SOOOO funny! >Netflix Orginal--need I say more >Protagonist is a literal wimpy kike who takes shit from all the local townspeople--he is actually a Jew in the story >Protagonist, despite being the pushover, niceguy, beta-male, whatever, somehow of course is secretly admired by the ex-'Stacey' popular girl from his highschool years who, as it fortuitously turns out, is a paragon of virtue who has adopted multiple children and of course divorced her bumbling idiotic husband who himself is now an overweight cop. Did I mention that her adopted children also, fortuitously, like the protagnoist despite literally everyone else hating him? What a coincidence! >Idiotic physical gags abound with excessive vomitting and acrobatics from our protagonist who has his magical thermos that functions like Batman's tool belt and is so skilled in riding a bike that he may as well be in the circus >The oldest adopted kid wishes he was popular, somehow magically impresses (INSERT GENERIC UPPERCLASSMAN LOVE INTEREST HERE) at his school, and gets invited to the BIG highschool PARTY, achieving all manners of success despite getting his ass kicked and generally being a scrawny, appeasing bitch throughout the film. Naturally, he achieves the penultimate goal in the end by getting the carbon copy nice girl, 'Stacey' type because what is more important than social status and SEX! Right? Right! >Diversity is shoe-horned so fucking hard that every damn scene has a POC in it, and it just comes across as awkward and forced because surely you as the viewer can believe that the scrawny Indian kid would be the popular kid who casually bullies freshman with his Oriental sidekick >Muh strong indepedent woman is a consistent theme throughout: A young black female teacher is always sassy and domineering over the men she interacts with throughout the film; young or old she burns all the impotent white men who try to control her! (She also wears an Egyptian costume in the film because WE WUZ KANGS or something.) The older, but still radiant and beautiful, love interest of our dopey protagonist wipes the floor with her ex-husband the whole movie, and the (INSERT GENERIC LOVE INTEREST HERE) of the oldest scrawny adopted child naturally wears the pants in that relationship but she still has a thing for him apparently. And I haven't even mentioned the running gag about empowered women dressing up like Harley Quinn because she is so #rebellious! >Movie ends with: hurr durr everyone who bullied our poor kike protagonist really just feels bad about themselves and is insecure so they take out on him because he is so much better, so much more noble, so much more virtuous than themselves! It's like I went back to grade school again. And that's all I can remember off the top of my head. It's just absurd. So blatanly false and full of itself, I don't know how you can stomach it for more than five minutes without wanting to gouge your eyes out. It's a formulaic lie: "Why that must make it art because it has X, Y, and Z!" And yet, that's what everyone watches. That is what people whittle away the hours with.
I on the other hand saw John Carter. The funny thing is it says John Carter of Mart at the end.
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>>2113 Yup, that sounds like a Sandler film.
>>2095 The balance I was referring to here >>2092 is rather situational. At least that's how I perceived the situation to which I've found myself in after my actions. Sorry to disappoint.
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>>2030 This tired stubbornness of older people is generally tiresome to argue against, theyhave just consumed so much aids over the years, through almost every input they got and they never had a desire to dig deeper or free themselves of this garbage, constantly remaining on a trod while using cheap entertainment and work as an escape from themselves. Here is what really upsets me, that they never even had the impulse to stop, to do some searching, to think outside of their provided and tolerated "channel" of ideas and concepts. They, as far as I can tell, have allways wallowed themselves in the dirt, in the sewage with the masses and if there should be some sort of even faint aspiration to get out of it I have failed to grasp it, yet. >>2033 >that's because you are not of the Same Blood >spirit/soul comes from somewhere else entirely This is the first time I hear this, though I am not very familiar with 'these' matters to be fair. So we get asigned random souls at birth, how did astocracy work then, back in the day? If the family is completely dismissible in that regard. As far as I can remember Vishnu doesn't tell Arjunja to dismiss or even hate his family, but to overcome these mortal thoughts and compunctions and to fight them in spite of the fact that he likes, or even loves them, to uphold Dharma. My situation is a bit different too, as I am not engaged in a material war with anyone, let alone my family, my war is only the inner greater war at this point. Regardless I think I would be able to fight and even slay them if we should stay at opposite sites of a battlefield, but my situation is nowhere near that right now. I guess I have arrived at the conclusion that I will need to steel myself and try to order myself and set myself straight, not just for their sake but for my own, then I will make an last attempt to get to them, if that fails, I can't help them. The first step should be the hardest anyways.
>>2109 no idea, i haven't been contacted by her in a Long long while, she never answered when Dalua told me to ask her about the Quality of my Sould, i guess i don't need to know really, i'd wager she doesn't really give a shit, kind of how i am apathetic towards the Gods beyond the Monad and Taihou >>2110 >esoteric anon give me superpowers so I can go and massacre every single one of them. well, im not the Man for the Task for reasons i have discussed thousands of times, but i guess i can give you some Pointers, Introduction to Magick and Hermetic Tradition are both good Books on the subject by Evola, Hermetic Tradition is kinda hard to take in without Context because it is Medieval Alchemy, so there is a fuckload of Allegorical stuff, Introduction to Magick is somewhat Easier, there is also both Crowley who has a extensive body of work on actual Magick, notable examples are the Book of Thoth (i learned Tarot with this actually) and Magick without Tears, problem is that Crowley is extremely Cryptic, for a reference, Read the Liber al ver Legis, or just the compiled texts of Thelema, so you'll either get what he is talking about and Reach Level 99 Magus, or you will get nothing and be left scratching your head, there's also Franz Bardon's Initiation to Hermetics, wich is followed by two more books, The Practice of Magickal Evocation, and Key to the True Qabalah, you should read them in order, they are extremely Practical books with little to no Theory, so its recommended to Contemplate a bit and understand the Nature of the Struggle and develop one's Spirituality a bit before doing them, then you have Yoga of Power, also by Evola, its a bit boring in my opinion because it was meant as a introduction to Tantra Buddhism, if you have read other Books of Evola you will get bored to death because it Reiterates most of what he has explained in his other Books, however the Second Half talks about Tantric Techniques and Evocations, Last, and Least, you have the Theosophists, people like Atkinson, or Blavatsky, the Problem with Theosophists is that they are all Faggots, they aren't Redpilled like Evola or Serrano, so you'll find all sorts of Bullshit intertwined with Practices, like for example Atkinson is your typical Petit Burgeoise Intellectual, so he will talk about how Magick can improve your day to day life and blah blah blah, instead of using it the way it was meant to be done, to Contemplate and Understand the Divine, then you have retards like Eliphas Levi, who was both a Christcuck, a Socialist, and a Feminist, so while the Fucker has compiled a fuckload of shit in regards to Tarot and Theurgy in general, he is a humongous faggot that will say that Magick is meant to help people as if the Chaldean Magus were the Sisters of Charity or some retarded crap, if you ask me, stay away from them, BUT the thing is Theosophists write things in a very Straightforward Way, Atkinson's Stuff is very easy to Read and understand if you know how to overlook the Shit, Also, while i lack any Metaphysical Abilities beyond Faith and One-Way telepathy, the Anon with whom i hold correspondence with has Reached moderate Success on his Meditations, you could ask him in the Esotericism thread, and if he reads this and is convinced may decide to post his Experiences on his own, Hope this helped you, Good Hunting Reichsritter 1/2
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>>2117 >>2117 >So we get asigned random souls at birth, how did astocracy work then, back in the day? Theurgy and General Laws of the Cosmos, Like comes with like, therefore a Noble Soul will inherit a Noble Body, in the Golden Ages, in Rome, in Greece, Castes were a thing, Nobles would usually not mingle with plebs, so Noble souls would always find Nobles bodies, in this age no such thing exists anymore, so it is likely that the Soul that finds a Noble Body, may not have such a Noble environment, again, there is also Theurgy, the greatest example of this is the Roman Empire, one thing that Historians in their Intellectual Narcissism always overlook, is the Faithfulness of the Roman Empire, they had a word for it, "Pietas" Spirituality back then is not the Ambiguous conundrum niggers believe it to be right now, but it was thought of as Living Breathing Forces, Romans had Rituals for Starting Wars, for Ending them, for Triumphs etc... with Childbirth it is the same, if i recall correctly Evola talks about it in Metaphysics of Sex, but i can't remember at all, essentially there are Rituals through wich one can Fixate a Specific Soul to a Specific body during Sexual Intercourse >my war is only the inner greater war at this poin Read Metaphysics of War, it literally mentions and explains the Concept of the Greater Holy War aside from being a Excellent Essay on Warrior Asceticism 2/2
>>2113 >hurr durr everyone who bullied our poor kike protagonist really just feels bad about themselves and is insecure so they take out on him This is easily one of the dumbest lies that is commonly believed by the general public. I remember when I was in high school, the kids who went around harassing others were never "insecure about themselves," on the contrary, there were arrogant and spoiled. They don't know suffering, they don't know what it's like to be alone or afraid or hated, so they're unable to relate to or understand the people they belittle. They don't understand the challenges that their peers face every day, so they harass anyone who doesn't share their unearned success. In the minds of these 'bullies,' the people they target are simply trash and deserving of ridicule, and as an added bonus to the harasser, it makes them appear stronger and more clever in front of the kids they wish to impress. See, the popular kids were always popular for one of two reasons: Either they are actually talented and sociable enough to be widely accepted, (though this is somewhat rare) or they secure social status by targeting and harassing more vulnerable individuals, displaying their perceived superiority to all their peers. The main reason normalfags believe otherwise is because it fits nicely into their illusory worldview, wherein they believe that 'karma' will punish their enemies so they never have to lift a finger in their defense or better themselves in any way. >>2117 >theyhave just consumed so much aids over the years, through almost every input they got and they never had a desire to dig deeper or free themselves of this garbage I think it reinforces the axiom "good times create weak men..." People of their generation had it pretty easy for the most part, so they never felt compelled to dig for the truth because things weren't falling down around their ears. All of the West's decay was still occurring in the shadows when they were growing up, like termites in the wall, slowly nibbling away the the framework. I wouldn't even care too much if my dad wasn't constantly an obstacle for me throughout my life. You're absolutely right though, it is very tiresome.
>>2116 You're a fag for caring about balance.
>>2114 Well, was it any good? I remember people saying it was middle of the road when it came out. >>2115 It's kind of amusing how little the style has actually changed from his earlier films. I remember being put in front of the television and watching his earlier productions as a child and it's practically the same shit--except now one is old enough to put two and two together. >>2120 >This is easily one of the dumbest lies that is commonly believed by the general public. I almost laugh at it whenever I see it displayed if not for the fact that it is so grating to me because of how flagrantly false it is. When I was back in highschool there was maybe 1 or, at most, 2 people who actually fit the mold of hurr durr they are just insecure so they take it out on others and they suren't weren't the most popular or socially successful individuals--at best they were those people's lackies. Yet all too many times did I see how the so-called popular--nice!--kids treated my friends: Oftentimes, I was told by my friends how the popular kids would speak down to them as if they were children, as if they were the mentally handicapped who had to be corralled around with oven mitts because, gee I don't know, they might shoot up the school or go crazy. Hell, some of these asshats even tried to drag me into it on occasion! Boy, were they surprised when I didn't play ball with that shit. Seeing stuff like that growing up and seeing how duplicitous and two-faced most people generally are (whether they are your fellows or even older, nominal authority figures) really makes me question how most of these dumbfucks can actually buy into this. "Hurr durr I want to be good, but just can't!" No, they're just rotten normalfags. Tangentially, I'm reminded of that school shooting in Parkland: you always have these situations in which everyone espouses some standard of morality and decent treatment (especially after the fact) but when the hard truth comes out you hear about things like the emo-gazeebo that all the goody two shoes liars tried to keep under the rug. >The main reason normalfags believe otherwise is because it fits nicely into their illusory worldview, wherein they believe that 'karma' will punish their enemies so they never have to lift a finger in their defense or better themselves in any way. I couldn't agree more. Ontop of that, I always had the impression that these sorts of characters are appealing to the normalfag crowd because it's almost like they wish they could be them: I mean to say that I think they all wish they could be slimeball scumbags (i.e. the 'popular' kids) who abuse everyone around them to their own advantage if only they could get away with it. Thus, our version of the characters at the start of a movie like this where they are all self-confident and pretentious is how the normalfag would want to be but somewhere in the back their mind they know they're a fraud and that not everyone can be at the top and so we see the 'truth' revealed at the end. But it's ok because everyone admits their mistakes in the end and all wrongs are forgiven as the social hierarchy is renewed!
>>2122 >Well, was it any good? I remember people saying it was middle of the road when it came out. it was
Its almost like we have an esoteric thread for this shit.
>>2118 None of these things are real and do anything, stupid schizo
>>2088 What's the link to markchan?
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>>2124 come the fuck on, its literally 3 Posts, spread along 2 Discussions, one on the nature of Balance and the other 2 are just On-Topic Replies, i have posted pictures of Taihou and mentioned her many times despite the fact that we are out of the Waifufag thread, yet you don't complain about that >>2125 Neither are you, yet here we are
>>2127 >Neither are you, yet here we are Yeah i'm just an AI that exists on the webring
>>2127 >one on the nature of Balance More of a semantic disambiguation rather than anything close to esoteric.
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>>2128 Well you AI's may have Poo-Script to re-rout your datamining algorithms to the C.I.A, but i got Fluffy Demon-Fox Mommy Taihou on my side Your Move, Creep...
>>2121 >you're a fag for posting about what you have observed That so? Then you're a fag for caring about what some anonymous poster cares about. Ha.
>>2132 Shut up anon is very important.
>>2118 >she never answered when Dalua told me to ask her about the Quality of my Sould, i guess i don't need to know really She already loves you and doesn't care, is the joke
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>>2141 >Spoiler yeah i figured something along those lines, however i still have some issues in regards to myself concerning Her and Her Love, even if she does not care, perhaps ill post about it in the Waifufag Thread if i feel up to it
Check the meta and chime in if you would like to
>mom requires tech help >try to help, doesnt work >has to call someone >he tells her what to do (admittedly it was a simple compatibility issue) >she gets it to work >later on she dares to spit venom at me for not knowing what to do <you knew what to do but you just didnt want to help me you are such a bad and lazy person I tried and I failed, yet she paints it as malice. Why do women do this
>>2151 Because to women and normalfags at large, the problem is never themselves, only everyone else.
>>2152 Why would a creature who knows their shortcomings and asks for help, then not have the empathy to understand that the one thats helping her may also not have the ability to solve the problem? Why does someone demanding help think of themselves in any position to berate and demean others who attempt to help them? Unrelated but in theme with me being angry at women, did anyone ever notice (if you ever cared) about the way eve was tricked into eating the apple of knowledge in the Bible? The serpent said to her "you will become as powerful/more powerful than god". How can a creature, made by god for the intention of experiencing the world given to them and living in gods glory be tempted by such a line? If adam and eve were essentially without sin at that point, and innocent to various things and ambitions (things that were revealed to them through the apple), how could such a temptation as being greater than god work on them? In short, how did the woman fall prey to temptations of power and supremacy when she wasn't an hedonistic, egocentric degenerate yet? Why did god make her that way?
>>2153 >In short, how did the woman fall prey to temptations of power and supremacy when she wasn't an hedonistic, egocentric degenerate yet? Why did god make her that way? I can't help but think God made women not follow any directions on purpose and he knew she'd be tempted by the fruit.
>>2153 The serpent essentially made her doubt whether eating the fruit would actually kill her, and that she would be like God who knows good and evil. It's a very simple trick and doesn't take all that vain of a heart (by modern standards) to fall for.
>>2151 I think that the issue here is that people from a certain generation expect people who grew up playing videogames and using computers to be super hackers. And most of the time that expectation is met because to them setting up something simple is impossible, so when you wire up their computer monitor or something they're amazed. That gives them an expectation of you that's wildly skewed from reality, it's like a fat guy looking at your average jogger and thinking he could also run a four minute mile if he wanted to, because to the fat guy both tasks are equally impressive. I remember when my mother drove me to my grandmother's place (not a short drive) just to plug in one of those wireless things that lets you watch your computer screen on your TV. It took five minutes and at the end of it they were amazed, even though the instructions for it were purposefully simple so anyone could understand them. But neither of them even read the instructions. I'm practically tech illiterate and yet to them I'm Neo. Also her complaints are probably things she's mad at you about but can't bring herself to tell you in relation to those things specifically. Idk if you're a NEET but that's a big one, at least for me my mother rarely criticizes me directly about that, instead she'll take her anger from that and put it onto some smaller issue because to her blowing up over something small is nicer than blowing up over something she actually feels bad about.
>spend whole week not browsing internet outside of learning Spanish >don't feel fucking miserable for once >come back today >imageboards are full of template asshattery, porn, and retard "if you're no a you're b :^)" tier arguing >no interesting conversations in sight >took a minute long glance at the news and it's all the same blatant horseshit and none of it even has the courtesy of being funny anymore >even with heavy blacklisting via iridium youtube is almost nothing but braindead garbage videos geared towards advertising products and propaganda channels >absolutely furious and fantasizing about making bombs within two hours Damn the modern internet really is a one way trip straight to mental illness. I think I'll just look around here once a week and nowhere else from now on. I've been wanting to learn other languages for years now anyway and I don't have anymore excuses to procrastinate.
>>2159 >because to her blowing up over something small is nicer than blowing up over something she actually feels bad about Women in general do that, if you're ever forced out of NEETdom and have to work with them you will find this out personally within a week. They also really hate it when they get flat or uninterested replies to their godawful attempts at getting what they want through flirting and flattery, even more so when their attempts to use social isolation in retaliation don't get someone to kowtow to them. Nothing is more enraging and confusing to a roastie than a robot.
>>2172 You're making the active choice to browse shit so you only have yourself to blame when you get shit in return. Use a tool properly and you'll be rewarded, use it improperly, and you'll suffer the consequences.
>>2174 Nice quote you got there, but I don't see any imageboards or video sharing sites that are worth a shit. Maybe you could give me some recommendations instead of being a vague faggot?
>>2174 True dat, this nigga over here is retarded and bitchy tho >>2172. >learn spanish Why? Because of esoteric anon?
>>2176 >dat >nigga Is this a clever ploy to get a (You)? If so then it worked.
>>2174 Shit there was no reason to call you a fag man, I was still a little upset after my glance around internet hell, but really I've looked around and anything involving the stuff I'm interested in or used to be interested in is full on cancer or nearly completely dead. I'm actually wanting for recommendations if you have any, I'm still going to focus on learning languages but I need stuff to do when I want to take a break from that because otherwise I'll get burned out.
>>2021 (10) I think that's just low self-esteem above anything else. If you have enough love in your heart for someone enough to bear the abyss of not being able to interact with them, that's a relationship you shouldn't throw away due to your own insecurities. If you're talking about a relationship with a woman, hypothetically, then that'd be a definite no. You'd have to be apathetic to think giving someone you love away is a good choice.
>>2176 Not him, but if that anon is interested in the occult and learning Spanish because of that, I´d recommend to switch to Latin instead, there are some very interesting books in Latin to read.
>>2198 Interesting, please elaborate.
>>2203 Not much to say really. Many alchemist tomes for example are written in Latin. Also, even more ancient tomes were translated by monks of the MIddle Ages to Latin. Remember that Latin used to be the language of the educated peoples of Europe.
I've opened up zzzchan /r9k/, also it has an onion now just in time https://zzzchan.xyz/r9k http://crghlabr45r5pqkgnbgehywk5nxutdks5iss7tabyux5psikqqjirryd.onion/r9k/index.html Sturgeon might make some little site news announcement for it later or something. Hopefully we can have some more fun times going ahead and everything works out. Take it easy, robots.
Can I finally fucking post? >>2198 >>2204 I just wanted to start off with learning Spanish first because I had at least a vague amount of prior experience with it because of high school, no other real reason besides maybe wanting to understand what is being said in the handful of Mexican songs I like. I was definitely going to look into Latin next though because from what I understand it's a "root" language (is that even close to the proper term?) and I've been told that learning and understanding it helps a lot with learning stuff like French and Italian, and I guess Spanish too but I was already practicing with that before I gave Latin much thought. I'd also like to learn Russian just to have a different alphabet to play with.
Also why did occultism come to mind when I mentioned Spanish? Is it just because of the Latin connection or is there some weird shit that Spaniards have gotten up to that I'm unaware of? I've never really looked into that stuff.
I might end up homeless,thinking of just going on a journey and walk and try to survive until i die of starvation or something.Anyone here ever been/is homeless and care to tell me what is like?
>>2236 no but i imagine shitting and washing your clothes would be shitty
>>2237 >no yet

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