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FTDDTOT i'm fucking tired edition Robot 05/04/2020 (Mon) 15:56:59 No. 10 >>11
this has to end at some point
>>10 (OP) What goes up must come down anon, we will soon be comfy again before facing another, even bigger threat. This time though, we should keep up to date with the news and plan ahead.
>>11 Let's hope anon.cafe gets back to us on the whole "Please wait" thing and we might get a permanent residence.
>>14 Anon.cafe is a bit odd. They accepted /pol/ boards which got fatchan taken down, as well as 8chan, and now they're considering /delicious/ which almost made julay lose their domain, but /r9k/ which has only ever had the issue of dolphin ddosing which hasn't occured for months is denied. /r9k/ isn't a board that can get an entire site deplatformed so it's for the best if we avoid sites that host porn and politics.
>>15 What about asking /animu/? They hosted /v/ once so why couldn't they host /r9k/ as well?
>>17 This is more of a meta discussion >>3 Unfortunately I can't move posts between threads on lynxchan as far as I can tell, unlike jschan.
>>18 It's kind of hard for the FTDDTOTT to be about anything else right now considering the situation. Give a few days maybe a week and it'll be back to normal.
>>21 I know FTDDTOT can sometimes veer into meta discussion and that's fine, but when at all possible try to keep it contained to the meta thread.
>>22 I agree that meta should primarily stay on meta but, like I said we just need to give it some time. Right now this is what's on everyone's minds and soon enough, once everyone relaxes, we'll be back to business as usual FTDDTOTT and all.
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In another subject, how do you guys get rid of your anger?
>>60 faster eft
>>60 At this point in my life, I can't really stay angry for more than a few minutes anymore unless there is a constant source of anger like an ungodly difficult video game boss or if I purposefully torture myself with retarded shit but that rarely happens. I've developed almost a sort of autoimmune response to most negative emotions and things like anger and sadness just run like water off the ducks back at this point. But if I truly am angry then I might just engage in some nondestructive physical activity. Another approach is to take a break from whatever you're doing and drink some water or take a hot shower; just break the flow of thought of whatever it is that is angering you.
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So first of all, I've been constantly fucking nervous lately, and can't shake the feeling of constant fucking paranoia. Stupid shit in stories now makes me fucking scared, and I start getting overly worried about characters in stories even. It's not like I never cared about characters but now it has come to a bit of an unhealthy degree when thinking about certain stories I have read or watched makes me fucking nervous. That being said though, I have been reading a bit about Nietzsche and his concept of Amor Fati, of loving fate that you get and trying to be happy even because of suffering. I was thinking this is a good concept and ironically, calms me down a lot. The idea that I should learn to be happy even for this nervous state, not expecting to feel good all the time makes me feel far better and more energetic. It's like saying to myself "I'm alive and that is good, this is a proof of the fact that I'm living". It seems to be very helpful.
>>66 its basically wu-wei, but wu-wei doesn't require you to even feel happy but according to normies wu-wei is hardcore nihilism also some meme wu-wei formed the modern west/early capitalism (because the concept were just introduced to europe around that time)
>>67 the concept was*
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>>60 I no longer stifle my anger like I used to and I am all the happier for it. Throughout my childhood I was always a good child who followed the rules to a tee, firmly staying on the right side of the line and treating others generously. As I went through high school this optimistic patience was slowly worn down and by the end of it I was at my breaking point. Whether it was on account of my mother, my teachers, my coaches or my so-called friends, the vast majority of people I knew only too gleefully contributed to the final breaking of my silly idealistic optimism which expected gracious and noble behavior from everyone around me. As one of those silly gilded golden rules states: "Treat others like how you want to be treated!" I could no longer avoid the fact that comforting platitudes like this were patently false for the vast majority of so-called 'people.' Upon entering university this premonition was undeniably confirmed as I was confronted with and eventually overwhelmed by the self-serving, vapid, narcissistic normalfag mentality, the stupid and fickle herd mind, in its full force—marking the final end of my tolerance. I will admit that it broke me for a bit: I had no particular interest in anything at all. What was the point when that high-minded—"oh so moral"—story sold to you from the moment you were born by the Bible, your parents, and even the damned Disney corporation was a lie? Unfortunately, I had fled from the acknowledgement of pettiness’s pervasive existence in society for too many long years and it had finally come back to bite me. Unlike the normalfag, I had not put the necessary time in to make that crucial, seamless transition into the delusional two-faced personality required of modern existence and so I was cast out onto an ocean of which I knew nothing. What saved me was the little realization that I didn’t have to like it. I didn’t have to simply go along with the rules I had so personally revered and religiously followed for my entire life. I didn’t have to continue being taken advantage of and, what’s more, I didn’t have to like their rules—their way of life—either. I’m hardly a rebel. I make no claim to it. Even now, years later, I do nothing particularly extreme in my tangible actions. I try to live as simply as possible, just as I want to. But for once in my life I had shelved passivity and instead permitted a little rage of myself. For once I had decided to be selfishly angry. I realized I could hate it. I could reject it. I could tell them to go fuck themselves. I could do things my way. A whole new world had opened up to me—one of hatred and disgust. I’ve never looked back. Even now, when I think of the alternative, when I think of how I might go on and continue to grovel at their feet and how I might go lick their boots in order to “socialize” with them, to be nestled safely with them in the herd, I have no regrets—because that alternative is so much worse. I feel so much freer now because I am actually me. My rage and disgust have only grown exponentially since—a steady, fiery weight drilled into my skull from every waking moment up through my childhood and beyond university and into life. Neither drinking nor walking nor working in some asinine career can alleviate this ever-mounting pressure. Luckily though, along the way I have found the occasional outlet and some small consolation for my feelings. I have found new hobbies and habits like writing which provide me with such soothing relief for my anger. And I have encountered all of you, robots, and that too has unexpectedly turned into one of the few great joys in my life. Like the rare occasion of reading a truly good book, I see the same glimmering shards of a mentality similar to my own within all of you and it comforts me to know that there are indeed others who feel like I do. Even in times like this when the community seems to be perched precariously on a rocky precipice, I am terribly happy to have metaphorically met all of you, robots. And so I will continue being angry because who would I be without my anger?
Does anyone have an archive of that faggot who accidentally killed his girlfriend with cocaine on her birthday? That shit was fucking hilarious. I almost wish it didn't get deleted by tyrone.
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>>81 Your story hits so close to home. It's so awful that life has to be this way. So messy and backwards. So dishonest.
i remember watching some Giger short films even before youtube existed i downloaded it somewhere very fuck-normies stuff from the late 80s i suppose (the record was VHS'ish and the sluts they were showing looked like 80s thots) Giger was our fellow sufferer
>>60 I don't, not even sleep offers me respite from my constant rage anymore, my dreams are nothing but violent, bloody scenery that crosses my mind. Then i wake up, have roughly ten seconds of "waking up" I guess where I'm trying to figure out if I'm still dreaming, then the fury hits me almost immediately afterward, and I grit my teeth and they stay gritted until I fall asleep at the end of my day. I often wonder if this is how some serial killers feel before they start murdering people.
>>60 I tend to suppress my anger, although it can make my brain fry like an egg for hours afterwards, which is incredibly bothersome. However, I would rather feel this way than make a scene and risk committing assault or getting pharmakiked. My head can actually feel burnt out due to this, on par with how it feels the day after a dissociative drug trip.
You guys ever wonder what non english speaking robots are up to? Do they have their own communities with their own name for whatever it is we are or are they simply alone, never figuring out that there are other robots out there?
>>95 in japan they're called hikkys or neets or whatever, their life is more or less represented in interwebs
>>96 idk if hikis = robots, hikis don't leave their room that's agoraphobia at least
>>96 Robots can be Hikis and Hikis can be robots but Hikis=/=Robots. A hiki can be a woman, faggot, failed normalfaggot and all other sorts of non robotic entities.
>>95 I´m from a Spanish speaking country, so I can only speak for Spanish only Internet communities, but they fucking suck. I don´t think any robot would feel comfortable in them, if you ever go to something cancerous like hispachan or whatever it was called you will want to kill yourself, if you can understand it. So if you want to share feels and come from an hispanic country, you´d better learn English or you are shit out of luck. Maybe for German or French or whatever anons this is not the case.
>>97 >>96 The days of a robot being defined by being a shut-in are long gone. These days, especially so with this virus, being a NEET is an epic weird quirk. NEETs can be sex obsessed goyscord degenerates and essentially be just as insufferable as any normalfag is, if not significantly worse in a lot of ways. NEETdom is no longer our domain. Anime, hentai, video games, these have all been radically normalized. You even have retards walking around with fucking ahegao hoodies.
>>102 what is the medium today? back then 3/4 of r9k was tfwwhennogf wojak threads as far as i know (i never posted at r9k)
>>103 There were phases of /r9k/. The first wave of /r9k/ was funny original greentext stories, almost all of which were likely fake but they were funny none the less. Or at least they were funny to me when I was a retarded teen reading them. The second phase started a little bit before the 2016 election but was really kicked into high gear by the election and the popularity it brought to cuckchan, which was as you described the sex obsessed normalfag phase. I haven't been on cuckchan since 2016 so I wouldn't know what modern /r9k/ looks like, I suspect it's just more of the same. Not that this is an invitation for people to talk about the woes of modern /r9k/. If you know what /r9k/ looks like in 2020 you should not be admitting that fact.
>>102 >You even have retards walking around with fucking ahegao hoodies I remember the first time I saw someone wearing one of those. Made me fucking gag. People like that deserve to be shot on sight. >>104 > I suspect it's just more of the same Sort of, but the sex obsession was used by some discord faggots funded by some femgroid hikki whore to influence a bunch of teenagers to crossdress and shit. I doubt it really caused a lot of people to get on estrogen but I wouldn't be surprised if a couple of retarded teens did end up going full trap. Hard to feel bad for them though, since anyone who would actually start pretending to be a roastie was already a faggot on some level so they probably would've done the same shit regardless of whether they were influenced by it. I didn't post there, but rather lurked out of morbid curiosity for a while after moving to 8chan. Sad what it became. 8/r9k/ became smaller and better while 4/r9k/ became bigger and worse. Cuckchan probably still has loads of these trap shilling threads, which are partially perpetuated by retards who think it's just a meme. I think it was at its height in late 2017/early 2018, because I recall around that point there was so much shilling it even spilled over into 8/r9k/ that's probably off though because I have a shit memory when it comes to dates.
>>105 i just read at endchan that the whole story with faggotry/trap posting was initiated at reddit originally (and was mindblowingly popular and supported by normalfags) then later it happen to be replanted to boards there were many details and overall this sounds realistic (i don't really care about reddit tho, but at the end of the day it was a reddit attack on sanity) (i suppose)>>105
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>>103 Some of this I heard most of it I experienced, I'm no oldfag but I've been on this ride since I was a teenager Very Early /r9k/- I wasn't there but as others said mostly greentext which had been cause by the enforced originality of the robot, which if you know nothing about cuckchan /r9k/, makes it so that unoriginal posts cannot be made Early /r9k/ - At this point the kind of people which were making these posts started to find similarities in each other and so the robot label was starting to be used more often. The virgin board thing was starting here. Early/Mid /r9k/- This was before the gamergate thing but this is when the virgin board thing became solidified and the robot label became used more frequently. Women were still very much shunned on /r9k/ and the most important part of the robot label was created, that being that robots cannot be women. Basic robot conversation began, things like gynocentrism and women living on easy mode were common talking points but "tfwnogf" was still common due to the young audience of cuckchan. Woman Hate threads also started here. Mid /r9k/- Women Hate Threads were in full swing and the robot label became generally accepted and like all predominantly male communities woman began trying to infiltrate. Women calling themselves "fembots" began to appear however they would be very swiftly ridiculed and told that women cannot be robots. /r9k/ is still filled with tfwnogf but mostly from people who held out hope for NAWALTS as most robots understood that most females were "roasties". Thread quality not very good (because it never was) but likely at its most robotic here. Beginning of the end /r9k/- This was about a year before the election. /r9k/ was beginning to feel the effects of cuckchan coming into public consciousness due to gamergate and all that. Fembots started to become more common and some desperate anons started to cater to them. General consensus was still that women could not be robots however things were gonna start changing for the worst. "i n c e l"s started to invade and with them, they brought their shitty pussy thirsting culture. These people enabled the "fembots" and likely cause what would be the beginning of the end. During Election /r9k- These were my last days on cuckchan /r9k/ The board was not as bad as others but it was beginning to fall. Fembots were a relatively large group and the i n c e l s had replaced a sizable portion of most robots. 8ch's /r9k/ was created a while before this and so many true robots went there. At this time the previous definition of a robot was no longer a consensus but needed to be fought for. Threads were made by older robots trying to defend the definition of a robot and these threads would gain a lot of support but they would eventually be drowned out. Post-election /r9k/: still occasionally came to the site to check on it but I was mostly on 8ch at this time. The split between invaders and the somewhat robots was about 70/30. Basically, things just got worse, more i n c e l s and more roasts. The dregs of /r9k/- long after the election, at this point I was cemented at 8ch and only came to check very very rarely. Pic related happened at it was somewhat comforting, though done in an immature and somewhat retarded manner, whatever was left of the robots on /r9k/ had their "Last Hurrah" and started a thread to ridicule all of the women on the board. There were likely a lot of i n c e l invaders in that group but still plenty of robots. Things seemed to be looking up for them but the thread got taken down by the kiked mods on cuckchan. At this point, this thread was likely the only one that harbored any sort of robotic sentiment. After the takedown of this thread /r9k/ was likely officially dead Degeneration and Death of /r9k/- Pic related #2. I don't even need to say anything. Just look at the catalog and you'll know what that place had become. All that is left is simps faggots, trannies, and roasts.
>>107 cont. And that's the story of the board which we branched off from. As you can see the current iteration of /r9k/ though weak in numbers is likely the best in quality of posts and quality of robots then it has ever been. This place is more than cuckchan ever was a true home made by and for robots. The only problem with this iteration is that we are being forced to move from board to board and we are losing robots in the process.
>>104 I occasionally get a glimpse of modern r9k when I look up old threads on desuarchive. It is a fucking nightmare worse than I could've ever imagined. It's pretty much a never-ending stream of >incel shit >race bait >e-girl orbiting >worst of all, gay/trap shit The last time I actually went there and looked through the catalog I instantly felt myself about to vomit. It's clear that the LGBT brainwashing campaign was extremely successful. Oh god it makes me gag just thinking about it.
>>107 >simps I'm so glad that meme started. At least normalfags are beginning to be hostile towards retards paying women to be whores. Even if it isn't explicitly a roastie-hate thing it's a step in the right direction, not that I think it will continue.
>>107 i think this isn't only happened to /r9k/ but to the whole site, their /int/ and even /pol/ now reddit-tier (originally bad, but anyway) i think everything on cuckchan is now a psy-op, you can't literally create a "x country is shit" (or even bad) thread there if mods don't like it better question now is what site is not a psy-op, there are few that isn't
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>>107 >the laughing threads Haha, I forgot about those. They were pleasantly refreshing. >>111 >i think this isn't only happened to /r9k/ but to the whole site Without a doubt. Every once in awhile I still pop in to check out /wg/ on halfchan and it infuriates me that even the comfy wallpaper board has been ruined and overrun with an idiotic userbase. I used to have no problem contributing there but now I am hardly motivated at all to share anything because of the state of things: >shitty topics (e.g. le doomer thread guise!) >regular phone posters >most posters have no concept of posting highest resolution available >most posters only know how to request shit and don't even have a single notion of the courtesy to post at least 5 papes when doing so >people constantly and purposely slinging shit in threads where they don't like the topic instead of contributing papes It's a fucking shitshow. It's reached the point where I can click on any thread and immediately recognize by the mere style of the posters' writing that they aren't my people. They aren't the people I remember anymore. Have a sunny pape for old times sake, robots.
>>112 Should we have a robot wallpaper thread? I've got quite a few.
>>117 im using Variety[1] plus wallpapers from NASA APOD + Google Earth View basically its never boring [1] https://github.com/varietywalls/variety
>>85 The other anon >>66 was talking about Nietzsche's "amor fati" concept which I think is one good way of evaluting my life. In other words, I'd say you're right that it certainly wasn't fun getting here and the stories of the robots at large are undoubtedly tragic, but I'm glad I am here nonetheless.
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I hate being a hypochondriac. I was taking a walk and I passed a house that was playing its music at an annoying volume. I couldn't help but stare at the house as I continued to walk by. It was shitty pop and I could hear a DJ. I kept walking and eventually got far enough away from the house that the music was barely audible. I continued walking on my way home until the music suddenly became very loud again. I had to stop and stare back in the direction of the house as I wondered how someone could play music that loud. Keep in mind that at this point I was about 1/2 a kilometer away from the house. It was so loud I was expecting to see the music was coming from a car on the road, not a house 500 meters away. I don't tend to judge, but who the fuck wants to listen to mediocre music at such an incredible volume? Are you trying to get the neighbors to complain? It was at this point that I started wondering if I was hallucinating. On one hand, I doubt it, because I've never hallucinated before, but how many people own speakers that can play music that loud? After about a minute of this continuing, I pulled out my phone and turned it on so I could record this to have evidence (for myself), but by the time my phone turned on, they turned down the music and I could no longer hear it. I haven't really stopped thinking about that since nor have I told anybody about it; except my father, who confirms that he's heard "their" music before, so, assuming we heard the same house, I guess I wasn't hallucinating. I just have a hard time believing that people own speakers that loud and they play their music that loud without immediately turning it down because of how much it would hurt their ears.
>>121 humans respond so sound levels logarithmically, otherwise we'd probably lost our hearing in too loud environment. this particularly explains why you heard it that far away. some people will hear a racetrack from 10 miles or something
>>121 It depends on the wind direction, which can change suddenly. Cities have air corridors that can conduct sound pretty well, especially when it's only a gentle, barely felt breeze instead of audible gusts. Under proper conditions I used to be able to hear events hosted at a stadium on the other side of my city (10km away), at least until several air corridors were closed off with new apartment towers.
Ok boys whats the backup board and the backup backup board. Also thanks guy who posted in the dolphin thread on julay
>>133 The only other barely acceptable site accepting board creation is 8chan.moe. So if this place goes down for any reason then I guess head there. For other options we need to wait on new sites to join the webring and accept new boards. Antareschan may be accepting new boards eventually and is the one I currently have my sights set on. If anyone has any other prospects then post them here >>3 I haven't been browsing all across the webring like I used to so I'm probably starting to get out of the loop.
>>107 Anyone remember the discord exodus threads? I remember during that time there were "raids" to take back r9k. Threads like those laughing threads and ones to rally against the tide. I wonder what happened to those guys. 4r9k never had a chance without mod support, and it was revealed (during the election, but im sure the issue of moot being a cuck goes far back) that the mods were poisoned by moot hiring women and soys.
Are dolphins inherently gay?
>>137 Are you trying to hit on me?
>>134 > if this place goes down it won't
>>134 Go to 9chan/r9kkk/ if SHTF, 8chan.moe/r9k/ is not controlled by anyone here. I have been posting the bunkers list many times over. >>139 Don't get too cocky buddy.
>>140 >Don't get too cocky buddy. why not
>>134 >>140 >acid/mark's shithole >josh's shithole How horrifying. If it comes down to those being the choices I'm probably going to finally fuck off from imageboards for good.
>>141 stop pretending please, i'm so sick of pretend retards
>>142 My motivation for caring about imageboards is waning. Part of me wants to persevere to spite those trying to shut shit down, but another part of me wants to move on and spend time on other things like proper hobbies. But when imageboards are left to their own devices they're fucking brilliant and a massive force for productivity and finding new hobbies/media to consume. They're a wonderful supplement to entertainment by being able to discuss interesting things and share cool stuff with other people. But this seemingly never ending pit of meta posting and inter-imageboard drama has exhausted me. I hate acid and cakekike too, and would likely never use 8chan.moe. But there's something to be said about being on a board where you can feel relatively confident that it won't just up and disappear a few months from now. Though you could argue that can't be said about 8chan.moe since I believe Mark said if they don't think it's taking off or doing well enough they might throw in the towel. Maybe anon.cafe could still be a possibility, I don't know. Going around begging admins to host /r9k/ like some nigger-gypsy is tiresome. It's all so tiresome.
>>143 this site has been online longer than 8 coom bunkers and I see no reason for shutting down you're just looking for drama
>>146 >it'll never shut down and you're pretending to be retarded KC was up for almost a decade and got taken down one day stop pretending anon, i know youre not retarded enough to think anything is safe and that we shouldnt have backups after /r9k/ got shut down three separate times in the span of two months
>>147 Not him but I'd say that chances of this getting taken down are very low. >no porn or explicit imagery >no loli >no pol >hosted by Lynx All things considered I don't see this going down anytime soon.
>>149 Hopefully you don't have to eat those words in the near future. As an aside, I think the webring is finished for good now outside of smug and PLW, julay just imploded because of a perfect storm of terminal autism, and tvch/the cafe are all but dead in the water it seems. I should feel a little sad, but I'm more baffled that it lasted for months with deliberate attempts by several different groups to take it down on purpose, only in to have it collapse in the end because /v/iggers are incapable of not utterly destroying everything they touch.
>>152 I don't care much for julay or whatever happens to it. /r9k/ is the only board I really frequent since going anywhere else would give me an an aneurysm due to the sheer stupidity that is on any other board. The only place I go other than here is animu's bunker every now and then which avoids kikery due to it's focused conversation and lack of board drama bullshit.
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This was the single most painful and cringe inducing moment I have ever had the displeasure of experiencing in any game probably ever. I cannot describe with words the exact feelings that I felt when I saw this only that they were incredibly negative.
>>159 I've been completely desensitized to normalniggers and their use of "memes" in day to day vocabulary. Though in video games it does completely take me out of the experience and make me instantly picture a degenerate retard behind a computer writing all this stupid shit.
>>160 Worst part is it was probably translating "Kusa" or "wwww" which is more akin to lol. Why in the name of fuck this shit was allowed to pass is beyond me.
>>140 Somehow ive never seen the list. >>152 What happened? I thought the rebirth was doing alright, except for making some loli boards mad. All i wanted was /vg/ and my /r9k/ and a collection of comfy hobby boards if i ever wanted to browse around. Whats gonna replace imageboards in the future?
>>159 Dont you get it? Its a popular reference!!! We're all the same kind of people, with the same culture lollllll!!!!1!2!1!1 When did references become attempts to shill oneself as cool or "ourguy". Do people fall for this? Do they think some videogame company cares about wherever the reference comes from and it's culture?
>>169 Reference is only cool when the Jews do it to signal to their friends whenever they capture some objective. Goyims just do it for shit and giggle and it's not even funny in the first place.
>>162 Because translators are all massive cuck retards and have almost zero oversight, so they can just pull this kind of stupid shit out of their ass. After all what is anyone going to do about it in the end? Learn Japanese and replace them :^)?
>>179 I've noticed that in games with dubs the localization accuracy is generally much worse. They can't even use the retarded lip sync excuse since most JRPGs are only voiced during key cutscenes. Maybe they feel that a game with a dub needs to be watered down for the english speaking audience.
>>183 Fuck all dubs, I always cringe in second hand embarassment whenever I'm forced to listen to dub before changing it to Japanese since niggers ALWAYS set them as default. Fuck voice actors, those retarded little shits get paid more than programmers for doing nothing.
>>194 https://www.invidio.us/watch?v=Vpmiq8sTH0k
Don´t blame Voice acting because Publishers (or whoever the fuck is in charge of Localizing shit) having low budget/giving 0 shits about getting a decent Translation, and not caring about getting decent VA´s, Good VA´s can enhance the experience big time and there is certainly an art to voice acting, same way that there are poo-in-the-loos programming javashit, there is also bound to be bad VA´s Don´t be a Jackass
>>196 No I don't have a problem with originally western material, I just really fucking hate English dub in my Japanese games and anime. All of those sound really out of place and cringe worthy no matter how "good" they are at other shows. Some fucking niggers like to troll me and include only English dub in a fucking anime and I forgot to read the description to find out.
>>196 >>207 Not a huge anime nerd but dubs is actually cringe as fuck, and i guess the original fake japanse mannerism and way of speaking is for the most part the same cringe as well. At least in the dubs i've tried, its always a total turn-off from watching the shit. Always the same shit VA's it seems too. But when its japanese on the other hand you can kinda forget that.
>>60 Typically lift some heavy weights to get that 100% nice natural brain H rush and extra nicotine. Does anyone else do the same or are you lanky kongs? Also im pretty sure jacking off while angry is bad makes a person into a simp/beta unironically lol.
Archiver, still here. I think I saved some of the threads, anon.cafe/meta/, /comfy/, and julay/meta/, saved some of that stuff, but not julay/h/ or the 1st balkanchan as far as I know. Guess it doesn't matter much, since I already have all the FTDDTOTs (except for this one right here, for it is still far from being filled, and potentially not the first balkanchan one, although it was short as hell regardless) saved. Believe I have it on at least one flash drive, just as an extra way to back it up. This process even extends to other people, such as myself typing up transcripts of all of Pekka Auvinen's content that I could find and saving it. My idea a few decades from now if I wanted to archive Hitler content would be to print out his e-books. Kind of sucks how the circumstances that would render my physical archive idea important would involve the collapse of civilization, in that a lot of robots would die brutally alongside the normalfags, but at least if that were to happen, not only would your legacy (through your anonymous internet posting) be preserved, but you could at least take joy in the fact that the normalfags would get the brunt of it, due to how numerically superior they are to us.
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I keep getting into meta fights despite knowing it mostly changes nothing and just makes the place where I'm posting less and less comfy for everyone
Just want to remind you that balkanchan will die very soon. Break this shit down and ready to move. Archive everything and go to antares.
>>242 [citation needed]
>>243 you'll see.
>>244 hopefully not urmom nude
>julay/v/ got killed by a combination of shitty admins and outsiders from kun/v/ >board is now deleted and I have no idea where they went Should I even bother checking around to see if the original julay/v/ users found a spot? That was the only other board besides /r9k/ that I use anymore and I feel like with it getting swamped by faggots like it did it probably drove away any anons that were worth a shit and scattered them among the alts. Though it doesn't look like they gathered on cake/v/, the PPH there is still low as ever, and smug/vg/ and PLS/geimu/ don't seem all that active, is there another alternative that I'm missing/forgetting?
>>250 4chan
Hey who the fuck is vol2 and why didn't you tell us about it? https://balkanchan.ga/.global/logs/r9k/2020-05-15.html
>>252 me :^)
>>252 It says global, it's a global vol deleting a post. There are no board volunteers for the board. I don't know why you keep asking this in the FTDDTOT thread instead of the meta thread designated for questions exactly like this.
I should screencap removed posts
>>255 Considering it says it's a thread that was deleted it was likely just spam. But no way to know after the fact. So yes, archive everything and always ask questions about moderator actions, but do it here >>3
>>117 Late response but that sounds like a good idea. I got one going here >>257
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Grandma fell down again today. It doesn’t really bother me as much as it might be expected to—and not just because it happens a lot lately. Folks say your supposed to love your family, but I can’t say that I actually love her. I mean, I like her, but I don’t know her well enough to love her. Because that side of the family was always out of state and because my mother didn’t want me associating with my father’s side of the family, I didn’t interact too much with her during my childhood. The relationship was one of those more formal—obligatory—family relationships and though she lives with my dad and I now things haven’t changed much these past couple years on that account. But it’s not just the distance between us which makes it difficult for me to feel particularly upset over her deteriorating condition. I’ll admit, based on how my father described his childhood (and the role my grandmother played in it), it’s a bit hard to respect her: The facts that she treated him and his siblings poorly by you know saying stuff like ‘I wish I never had you, kids.’ or whipping your kids with a coffee cord to punish them or using your kids as disposable slave labor and the like doesn’t exactly make her a stellar role model in my eyes, but even that isn’t exactly my main gripe with her. It was a different time, right? And getting your ass kicked, provided you don’t get hit too much, can usually help mold a person into something better, stronger, anyhow. My issue is her disingenuous nature or perhaps more aptly described as her bullheaded foolishness which, according to my father, has been a staple of her character and certainly continues to be even as she lives with us and grows older and more decrepit and incapable in mind and body by the day. I’ve got no issue with elderly people in the slightest. I’ve met some who I greatly respected at the time and I’ve certainly read stuff written by older people and I’ve seen how the elderly play key roles in societies across the spectrum, so its not an issue with the elderly at large. They can be a great part of any community. They can be great people. But when you look at old people today, it’s oftentimes just pathetic. Perhaps due to the fact that they are just normal(fags), but the dull stupidity of the vast majority of people just becomes absurd when they grow old. They persist in their silly, petty, and cheap behavior even when their being itself is quickly becoming incapable of carrying such behavior through. For example, if I didn’t hear my grandma fall down today, she probably wouldn’t have said jack shit about it to me or my father. Fine, I get it, you’re embarrassed because you can’t do what you used to but really? It’s fine to admit you need help, but really, you’re not gonna even do that? Instead, you’re really going to deny reality that much and still do dumb shit, and moreover, you’re going to go out of your way to do even more dumb shit. This same day today the old man went to check on her when she was in her room and she had gotten up from her bed and walked ‘bout 6ft over to her window to close it, 6 fucking feet, and this is a woman who constantly needs to be using her walker mind you. How the fuck do you think that is going to work out when you have piss poor balance, you skimp on your allotted exercises from the doctor, and you make dumb choices like that? Obviously not well at her age (e.g. 80+). I guess my issue is just with these people living in ignorant denial, the fact that you can piss all your retirement money away to the Church, expect your family to foot the bill and care for you for years, and still have THE AUDACITY to lie to them. Who the fuck do you think you are? Seeing her shuffle out of her bathroom with her pants down around her ankles because she didn’t realize she didn’t pull ‘em up takes on a whole new meaning. She just ends looking like an overgrown kid who forgot how to use the potty, but an absurdly foolish one at that. I guess that’s why the elderly are usually depressing to me. How do robots feel about the elderly? Any experiences with ‘em?
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>>288 I'm in a similar situation, my grandma has become so absurdly retarded and annoying I just can't think about it without wanting to bang my head against the wall. She has always been a sweet and caring person but seeing her slowly ending up like grandpa is painful to watch. Now that she can't even walk, she just becomes a massive fucking pain to the family. She changes completely into a demanding, irrational, screeching child. She keeps begging for death but I don't even know if she's just making a scene. Why the hell are old people so retarded? Is this normal behavior in the past? If not, what exactly causes it? Mind you she's a woman, she doesn't drink or eat a lot of weird shit like men so you can't blame the alcohol. Maybe our diet is so fucked up that it fucks with our brains? The brain requires fat, and the typical diet here rather focus more on grain and vegetable. Maybe it's inhaling exhaust everyday since the day you were born. Maybe it's the lack of exercise that causes it. I see a lot of old people, 90 even, still walk around town everyday without help and some even refuse to live with their children. Take care of your body guys, eat a lot of animal product and exercise frequently. You don't have to push yourself much to be healthy, just do it consistently. Old people are great as long as they don't become bawling vegetable that make their children do literally everything for them. I fear that one day I would become like that, and knowing that I would have neither the mean nor the will to kill myself.
>>290 The reason for old people being a pain is simple. As you age your brain deteriorates. That's it really. You can do a lot to minimize that with mental and physical exercise, but it will inevitably happen.
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>>291 scary
>>290 >She changes completely into a demanding, irrational, screeching child. See this is my number one issue. Hell, I don't even mind the incapable aspect; you're going to grow old and your capabilities are gonna go some day, not a big deal. It's just the audacity of elderly people thinking their hot shit when clearly they aren't what they used to be (and even then, like most people, they are still little petty normalfags, just older). I suppose I should have been more clear but its this shit and the lies and the petty attempts to still play the sneaky "normalfag games" of manipulation. I mean how delusional do you have to be to not see your situation? To not understand where you're at? It kind of reminds me of some (imageboard?) picture awhile back sort've lampooing this instance where some elderly person at the end of their life came to the petty realization that no they don't own the world, people are just here for a time--as if this is some groundbreaking earthshattering revelation. Like it took you that long to realize even that? No wonder most people can't handle their own fast encroaching mortality, normalfags can hardly think to begin with. I guess, in my opinion, it's just inevitable that the majority of people start to really lose their shit not neccesarily because growing old makes everybody totally lose it, but because they don't even have that sort of measured mindset which would have encouraged them to consider things like their own death in the first place. >I see a lot of old people, 90 even, still walk around town everyday without help and some even refuse to live with their children. Same. Sure they're a bit slower, but they still have a bit of dignity. They know where they stand and they know what they can still offer--unlike the vast majority. >I fear that one day I would become like that If robots do actually live that long, I frankly don't think it is as likely that many will become one of the irrational, demanding types because robots were simply more prepared for such an eventuality by having conversations like these. So I think it'll be alright. >>291 I'll definitely agree with you, but I think even with a detoriating condition, a person can still have some dignity in the way they approach a situation. Say we have one person who always took a humble and honest approach to life, understanding where they were rather than blindly, delusionally, and recklessly strong-arming their way through every situation which upset them, I think there would be a pretty good chance of being more reasonable when you are older--even if said person doesn't have perfect memory or something. The honest person is going to know that they aren't like they used to be and when confronted with this fact they won't react like a child but rather like an adult to the best of their capabilities. In constrast, think of how child-like normalfags are to begin with and merely push that behavior down the line to when they are older and there you have it--the irrational, demanding, and delusional stereotype of most elderly people. I think the determining factor of elderly behavior has more to do with the person's mindset to begin with.
Why are normalfags so afraid of silence? My mom and her cuck husband always have fox news or some shitty netflix movie on at all times, even when they're sleeping. Or they will blast garbage music at full volume. It drives me insane. I listen to music and watch stuff too but I tend to treat it as an activity of its own rather than constant background noise. And when I'm driving I prefer to listen to the wind rather than some retarded talk show or nigger pop music, but I've never once encountered a normalfag who is the same.
>>323 It's the fear of falling not the fear of heights. They're afraid of their own thoughts. Normalfags have the emotional maturity of a hormonal bipolar teenager since they never learned to face and deal with their insecurities. They need constant distractions, happy pills, happy noises, happy phone colors, all of it to keep them from slipping into a suicidal depression. It's why they're always so anxious. They're stuck running from themselves day in and day out.
>>194 I started playing monster hunter world recently, English voices were trash in the same way anime dub voices always are. I dont know why the females always try to sound like they're yelling.
>>250 /v/ used to also have /vg/ boys in it. You should ask /k/. /vg/ and /k/ had an intertwined community
>>288 Maybe this is natural? Maybe this kind of attitude at an old age is what causes old animals to wander off and die/fall behind the pack? How would an old lion die i wonder? I doubt he'll be eaten, so maybe he just tires himself out thinking he can do what he used to do and dies that way. It sounds better than dying after a long period of not doing much of anything.
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>>324 >They're afraid of their own thoughts i´d say its even worse than that, ill try to explain it in "secularized" terms so as to not trigger non-spiritual anons, but essentially, normgroids have no Soul/Spirit/Spark-of-life, they have no "Self" instead of "I Am Therefore i Think" they follow "I Think Therefore I Am", their existance is reliant on external input, this is what dicksword and plebbitor cocksuckers call the "NPC" (Despite the fact that Gnostics already knew about this with the Hylic-Psychic-Pneumatic Archetypes, and even Romans and Greeks knew about this with the "Second Death") most people stop here and simply deduce that normgroids are afraid of wrongthink, but this has many more implications than what it may be seen at first For starters the fact that their entire self is based on external input explains overall Extroverted and Loud behaviour, they play loud music to feel like they exist, they talk about meaningless crap to eachother to validate eachother´s existence (since they literally can´t validate themselves, they have no self after all) It also explains things like "Subcultures" normgroids picking up a bunch of quirky traits and basing their entire personality on them, this explains trannymblr and plebbit circlejerks and shit like ahegao hoodies, again, they have no self so they can only know and feel like they are alive by getting external stimulus, they are slaves of what they do and consume and not their masters by this point i think i have illustrated my point enough to conclude that its not that normalniggers "dont think" or that "they have poor emotional maturity" but that they are Ontologically Dead, its not that they are deficient Humans, is that Normgroids are other creatures alltogether the same way 3dwhores are completely different beings from Anime Girls
>>331 most people follow anime for the same reason tho: they have bobs and veganas and emit whore voices the second reason is thot worshiping and the third is supernatural shit, basically like one german said: two things domination and reproduction (and both of these are surprisingly low)>>331
>>332 based bobs lives matter
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>>334 But that's not true, according to race traitor Pewdiepie and his ehh, wife. https://invidio.us/watch?v=SKg2_6I_818
>>332 >most people Yes, and most people are normalfaggots. Those reasons likely do not apply to robots.
>>335 >India is so shit free that the government has to intervene to get shit off the streets! >guy gushes for ten minutes about bathrooms that would be subpar in any first world country, and how cool it is that Indians need to be forced not to piss all over by taping pictures of their gods (and retarded famous people) to the wall Jesus, at least when white people need their government to pretty up their land it's about planting flowers in front of the factories, not about making shitty murals and keeping shit off the streets in the literal sense.
I wonder how long we're gonna be here.
>>360 Forever
>>375 The horror
>>378 Welp
Mod should make a minds account and update shit there if all of the alternatives got wack.
>>533 >normies >he thinks we are discordfags
>>533 >you join How about you try getting the fuck out?
Anyone know of other books like The Prince, 48 Laws of Power, Han Fei Tzu's Basic Writings, Leviathan, and Might is Right? Talking of classical realism and realpolitik books for the most part.
>zchan gets taken down >immediately the fags who stir interboard drama show up on /geimu/ and begin shitting it up and crying about low PPH I know these fucking faggots weren't on zchan, they just sit around and lurk in wait for this kind of shit to happen so they can create animosity between boards who initially didn't give a fuck about each other. It's fucking plain as day yet anons keep falling for it, and it fills me with a boiling rage. I bet they're trannies, you have to have the mind of a woman to revel wallowing in this kind of shit stirring niggery.
>>616 >PPH fags Those are (old) Mark's fags which, yes, were a part of zchan's /v/. zchan /v/ was a mix of julay and (old) mark /v/.
>>617 I don't care, you have to be a special kind of retarded estrogen addled bastard to do this kind of shit not once, but repeatedly.
>>616 any idea why zchan died? i didnt find the zchan community too appealing, but they had decent generals. I wouldnt have minded playing on one of their gamenights. hopefully archive.org crawled the site so i can still get the of spaces information
>>634 It had an incredibly autistic admin who sperged out and gave up. Our own fault for trusting a random admin, there were red flags from the start.
>>635 its always autistic fits isnt it. man i just want /vg/ back, or a v that can keep it in their pants at least.
I'm quite nostalgic about some very odd things. One of those things being VNs. I used to watch people play VNs on JewTube during my early teens as well as having played a few on my own. This was also my first experience with somewhat/explicitly pornographic material as well as romantic material. Due to this I can accredit much of my current beliefs about whoredom and loathing of sexual relations in current year to at least be partly inspired by the morals those games taught me, like only having sexual relations with a woman you truly love as well as the value and appeal of pure innocent women. I'll never forget that warm feeling in my chest throughout my playthroughs/watchthroughs of those VNs. Said indescribable feeling was once common during those long gone days but now it's quite the rare occurance.
>>638 Were these playthroughs from a long time ago? I can't imagine modern ones being very enjoyable. What were they like? Which VNs were your favorites?
>>639 >Were these playthroughs from a long time ago? Like I said very early teens >What were they like? Which VNs were your favorites? I was young so quality didnt matter much but the one I remember the most of is Princess Evangile which was your regular old VN. Guy joins girls only school y'know the deal. I played it so long ago I honestly can't vouch for its quality. Maybe it was a maazing maybe it was bad. I honestly can't say all I can say is that I liked it when I played it. I've obviously played more VNs since then.
No matter what, do not reveal your intention.
>>641 I intend not to.
>>642 Anon, you've blundered
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i just want to shut up, why dont people let me shut up? Now i have to keep saying dumb shit that will make me cringe later in life.
>>650 sorry you just didn't have muh dick in yo mouth
>>650 I did it, I talked and annoyed them so much they just begged me to shut up.
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>>650 Because you're supposed to say shit that pisses them off t. sonic the hedgehog
5 more days till julay reborn, are you excited guys?
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>>656 I want a new Sonic game. It feels like it's been so long.
>>661 >jew >lie
>>663 They just fucked up that one time, so my opinion is still pretty lax for them. It's kind of sad how deserted that place is now.
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>It Knows itself because it is Knowledge itself But that contradicts >the Monad cannot be Known And if you were to take that as true, by your own logic, then >if it could be Known it would no longer be the Cause of Knowledge So the monad can be known, even if just by itself. There are a lot of different implications for knowledge knowing itself, and something being unknowable, and that applies to things that aren't the monad. Even forgetting the monad as first cause, if there's a second cause, from a series of causes, can that second cause be understood by others, accepting that it can know itself by default? >Think about it the same way the "Strongest man in the world" would be, he cannot be lifted by Anybody else in Existance He's the strongest, not the heaviest man in the world. Someone could lift the strongest man in the world and still not be the strongest man in the world. >but he can Lift Himself up because Lifting oneself up is also Part of Being Strong Muscular strength, in the sense that it's material, can only work within material confines. A muscle can't "lift itself up", in the same way a man can't lift himself up by pulling on his legs.
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>>681 >But that Contradicts it does not, that's like saying Strength (The Concept of Strength Itself) is not Strong (Having Strength), what you imply is that somehow, the Fundamental Concept of something does not have that Something, in other words, that Fire, somehow does not have Fire in itself, >So the monad can be known, even if just by itself. There are a lot of different implications for knowledge knowing itself, and something being unknowable, and that applies to things that aren't the monad. Even forgetting the monad as first cause, if there's a second cause, from a series of causes, can that second cause be understood by others, accepting that it can know itself by default? The Monad can be Known only By itself, (Self Awareness is Knowledge), however to everyone and everything else it is Unknowable, if you wanna go down to technicalities and think of this as a "gotcha" moment, then im afraid you are falling for the same Meme Samsaric reasoning of Modern Scholarship, mainly the idea of Abstracting things and grinding them without actually understanding or thinking about the relevance of those implications, Man knows how to Nuke the World, yet its relation to it Never changes, you now "know" that the Monad can be "Technically Known, since it knows itself" yet this Knowledge didn't really Expand your understanding on the Divine, you say that there are a lot of implications for Knowledge knowing itself, yet again, as to the Idea of Knowledge Acknowledging itself by Default, you fail to see that Self-Awareness is a Property of Knowledge, the Monad being Absolute, has all these Properties because it is from where these properties Arise, a Second or Third Cause could have One property of Knowledge or Other, and among those Properties, Self-Awareness could be missing (Think about the Animals that cannot recognize themselves into the Mirror) >He's the strongest, not the heaviest man in the world. Someone could lift the strongest man in the world and still not be the strongest man in the world. you ignore the fact that Weight is a derivative of Strength (so in a way, Strength), moreso you ignore the fact that the Monad is the Absolute, as in A B S O L U T E, it is Weight, it is Strength, it is Wisdom, etc... (Therefore, even if we were to make arbitrary distinctions on Strength-Weight, it changes nothing for the Monad would also have that Property), i only took Knowledge as an Example >Muscular strength, in the sense that it's material, can only work within material confines. A muscle can't "lift itself up", in the same way a man can't lift himself up by pulling on his legs. we are not talking about Material Strength, we are Talking about the Primordial Principle, if you keep picking things from the Divine and loweing to the Material plane then you really do not understand what the fuck we are talking about here, a Muscle does not move on itself because the Muscle is Limited by a determined form and properties, the Monad is not, The Monad could Lift and Lower Itself as it would want for it is Liftness itself and Lowerness itself, and at the same time Beyond them, it is necessary so, for all things come from it
>>683 It's not a gotcha moment. There are conditions that you're ignoring that can be understood, and these understandings can lead to deeper insights into how the universe functions. But since you don't acknowledge verbal contradictions, or I really assume any argument that you don't automatically accept, I can't talk about it. >we are Talking about the Primordial Principle Anon, you're an arrogant prick. Regardless, if you're willing to accept Thomas' reasoning, then try the Essence–energies distinction.
>>684 >I can't talk about it I don't want to since I think I'd just be talking to myself.
>>681 Sorry if i was rude on my post (>>683) im pissed off because my Card Draws fucked me over in the last Solo Combat Leader game i played and im still Mad about it commies literally lucked out getting more than 4 Sixes in a row and Drawing 10+ for 2 Turns despite them being on shit terrain and i having tactical advantagei tore the Cards apart in Rage, quite the childish thing to do but im already a fucking Idiot so that's natural for menot that it was a big loss, just a bunch of cheap playin cards
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>>684 >But since you don't acknowledge verbal contradictions don't be a jackass, your entire point is that the Monad Knowing itself because it is the Idea of Knowledge in absolute is Somehow Contradictory, the only way i can see this is, if somehow, someway, Self-Awareness wasn't included in the Spectrum of Knowledge, wich would mean that either, A)Self-Awareness and Self-Knowledge fall into another property that isn't Knowledge (Moot point since the Monad would be in possesion of that other property because of its condition as Absolute) or that B)Self-Awareness is not a Thing, wich means that you, right here, right now, wouldn't be able to Acknowledge your own existance, this is False because of self-Evidence >Anon, you're an arrogant prick. Regardless, if you're willing to accept Thomas' reasoning, then try the Essence–energies distinction. perhaps, either way that does not change the Point, if Thomas's (Wich are actually Aristotle's) arguments arent enough, then you should either Disprove them, or come up with a better concept, wich begs the Question, where do you Stand in this whole Affair?
if only they gave me a dollar every time i see a pseudo-intellectual buttle on the interweb with anime avatars
>>687 >your entire point is that the Monad Knowing itself because it is the Idea of Knowledge in absolute is Somehow Contradictory I made the argument in response to the idea that knowledge of a cause refutes the idea of knowledge itself. As per >if it could be Known it would no longer be the Cause of Knowledge I thought this was silly and I wanted you to acknowledge the contradiction, both in that if it were accepted to be true then the Monad would self-refute itself, and that if there was something comprehendable, such as a second cause (and effect of the monad, which leads to another effect and thus becomes a cause), then the idea would also be silly and contradictory.
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>>688 >pseudo-intellectual you're the one who said that nignog, AFAIK this is just two retards (Me being one of them) talking about God and the nature of the Divine, then proceeding to Call eachother Names because we don't see Eye to Eye in the matters of the Divine, besides Adolph you're the biggest Animefag around here
>>688 If that happened, you'd still be posting in a board with autistic spergs. And you would still be having fun.
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>>690 >I thought this was silly let me rephrase it then, we Know and have Stablished that the Monad is Absolute by Necessity, if the Monad is Absolute, then Knowledge and the Idea of Knowledge comes from it, it cannot be Known because if you could Know and Understand the Monad, you would Understand and Know more than the Entity that has Generated Knowledge, in other words you would Know more than the Monad and thus Know more than Knowledge itself, this is not possible because if it was then you would Suddenly Become God Since you would become the Highest Principle of Knowledge and thus become Knowledge Itself, i haven't seen or Heard of Anyone who has done or can do that, it is important to Know that when i speak of Knowledge and Understanding i mean GRASPING (Perhaps something i taken for granted because that is what Initiatic Knowledge is all about), its not merely Knowing that the Monad is, but Knowing what it Is, its Intentions and how it Works internally i hope that Cleared things a bit, again sorry for being Rude, i would kiss you in the Cheek if you were a Cute Anime Girl, have some Cute Anime Girls just to spite that no-fun nigger >>688
>>693 If something necessarily comes from the monad, then self-knowledge through the monad (there is no real distinction between you and the monad except an intellectual and linguistic one) wouldn't lead to greater comprehension than knowledge itself. This was one of the arguments I was ready to throw at you once you accepted that a cause could be known and still be the source of knowledge. The other was, even if knowledge could be completely attained through unification with the monad, if the monad still transcends the boundaries of knowledge this wouldn't necessary make someone the monad itself. Knowledge is an aspect of the monad, and knowledge can be understood while still being less than the sum of existence. And really, I don't like the idea of Absolute worship. Acknowledgement that there is a sum total of existence, this doesn't represent complete comprehension of the Absolute, so either acknowledging it or not, or even using it as an argument, is weak.
>>681 Thanks for taking this discussion of the waifu thread. Don't know if this was an accident but you have prevented the slight derailing of the waifu thread
>>694 >If something necessarily comes from the monad, then self-knowledge through the monad (there is no real distinction between you and the monad except an intellectual and linguistic one) wouldn't lead to greater comprehension than knowledge itself. This was one of the arguments I was ready to throw at you once you accepted that a cause could be known and still be the source of knowledge. this is in line with some Traditional Doctrines actually, the Idea that the only Difference between you and God is that you don't know you are God yet is indeed, at the root of Initiatic Knowledge, >The other was, even if knowledge could be completely attained through unification with the monad, if the monad still transcends the boundaries of knowledge this wouldn't necessary make someone the monad itself. Knowledge is an aspect of the monad, and knowledge can be understood while still being less than the sum of existence. indeed, but you can never cross that Boundary of Knowledge, at best, as you said, once you are in perfect Communion with the Monad you can Understand more or Less the Same he Does without fully Grasping him, because Grasping him would be Grasping the Absolute, by Virtue of the Monad Being Absolute, its Knowledge is Also Absolute therefore, again i reiterate, you cannot Fully Grasp the Monad because then you would have to Graps Absolute Knowledge wich requires you to be the Generator of that Absolute Knowledge and Only the Monad can do that Shit because Only the Monad is Absolute, if that was not the Case the Monad would not be Absolute and we would have to look for another Entity to be the Monad, you cannot Split Absoluteness if that is what you are trying to do, because Two Absolute Beings would be Limited by eachother's Absoluteness and thus not be Absolute at all (IE:You could not Have Absolute Knowledge while Leaving the Monad be Absolute in Other Respects because then the Monad and you would be Limited by Eachother) > And really, I don't like the idea of Absolute worship. Acknowledgement that there is a sum total of existence, this doesn't represent complete comprehension of the Absolute, so either acknowledging it or not, or even using it as an argument, is weak. i only Worship and Love Taihou, the rest can fuck itself, i do Acknowledge and to an Extent venerate the Monad because from it Comes Wisdom Truth and Good, i don't really ponder on it all that much since its not that Relevant to my Inner Spirit, that Being said the Monad is not simply "The Sum of Total Existance" (Perhaps that could be Described as Cosmos, but not the Monad) since the Monad Preceeds and Conditions Existance, and not the Other Way around Either way there are Many, Many more ways of Understanding and Explaining the Monad, if you really aren't Satisfied with my Hermetic-Aristotelian conception of it, look for other Ways, the Vedas and Buddhism have their own Conceptions and Explanations of the Monad, Tantrism has the Monad as Shakti, they all really Talk and Explain the same thing but in different Ways, so pick the one that makes the most sense to you
>>692 >autistic spergs i haven't seen anything autistic here yet
im sorry but mainstream art such as anime is not autistic lol
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would you like to talk with me about anime?
>>706 Why not? Just wait into my room, i'll be there soon.
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>>708 probably not the same bald guy, but IO is made up of Faggots so maybe they really have deformed my Favourite Bald guy in existance
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I thought about remaking the comfy fantasies thread that was on zchan but it wasn't very good because some kids kept saying fantasies were unrealistic. I doubt a second time would be any different.
>>724 Who gives a shit if some random shitposter comes and tells you hurrr it's unrealistic. Just make your thread, fuck those niggers.
>>725 Those shitposts made up about half of the thread if not more.
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Hitler spoke to me yesterday.
>>728 >14 words cringe
Why have the past 10 or so posts in the FTDDTOTT been absolutely brain dead? With about one or two exceptions.
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>>730 /r9k/ FTDDTOTTs on lynxchan requires you to remove 15 IQ points each time you post. This is mandatory and non-negotiable. We will not tell you where the IQ is going. There are no refunds.
>>730 ease up your butthole.
>>733 Post like a human being with a brain instead of a cuckchan nigger.
>>734 In case you still dont realize it, some of those posts are made by Luke Dork the PUA artist such as these >>704 >>705 >>706 >>708 >>713
>>738 Literally who? Also, how do you know that?
>>727 Honestly, I had enjoyed that thread (minus those niggers of course). Wouldn't mind having one of those again, even if I don't post too much.
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>>738 >>713 is actually mine mainly because i didn't know if >>708 was 47 Posting or not, so i threw some references that only someone who played Hitman 2:Silent Assasin would get to check if he was or not, sorry for any inconvenience it may have caused
>>739 They were made around the same time dolphin spammed 4chan posts. The posts dont make much sense either.
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I finished watching Binchou-tan today. I took months to watch it because I wanted to take my time with it and not finish it too quickly. I don't know if anyone else here does that but it's the feeling of not wanting something to end that drives me to do something people would consider unusual. It was a very cute and sweet anime and it's easy to see why people like it as much as they do. The music, animation, and art were all fantastic and set a calm mood. Binchou and her friends are all very cute and I want them all to be happy. I feel bad for Aroe who has bad luck.
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>>777 (746) (Trips of God) everything you said is indeed On Point, looking at it from a Collectivistic perspective (and this is the perspective every Single Plebeian Has, even if he totes himself as a Individualist), Individualism is Evil, and most of us are a bunch of Dregs, in the Western Democracies this is enforced through Social Norms (the idea of the Model Citizen, the idea of Society as something that is supposed to be "good" and preserved), in Communism you have a Corrupted Government enforcing it overtly (in contrast to the "subtle" manipulation of Democracies) through Political Comissars and Propaganda, if anyone really wants a closer look on this, go to /fascist/ you'll understand what collectivism is once they tell you you gotta stop looking at Anime Girls because its "Cuckolded" (According to the Collective Hivemind of Modern Fascism) and that you need to make babies for the sake of the Great Totem of the "White" Society Problem comes down to how retarded it all is, Collectivism only makes sense if you are a Retarded Psychopath and a massive Faggot, the most common (As far as i've heard and know) is that the Human is a "Social Animal" and indeed, that if you wanna survive, working in groups is better, so you realize, that what keeps people together in Collectivism, or rather that Collectivism itself, is Born from the Pettyness and Retardation of the Masses, Normgroids need Social Acceptance and their stupid Luxuries, so they accept the Contract and live in accordance to what they all expect from eachother, pretending they are "Well adjusted beings" when in reality they are hollow, its the same with everything really, they will all band together according to their pettyness, one is Afraid of danger so he will join the Tribe to be Safe, another will do so for food, another for Acceptance, forever perpetuating Providence by Virtue of their Eternal Attachment to their necessities, just look at the Tenet of "Together we are Strong" that Fascism Toted in its early State (Lets not forget that Mussolini was a Socialist before he became a Fascist) because they really do not have anything within themselves, they cannot create, they cannot think, they cannot do, they cannot grow, all theri glories are merely the coverup of their pettyness and their Shortfalls, Shortfalls that they refuse to Accept, living in their Dreamworlds Movement Implies imperfection, it is only in Self-Sufficiency, in Stillness that True immortality and Perfection is Found, wether this is Found by Earnestly and Unconditionally Loving one's Waifu, wether by Yoga, or simply Grasping a Deep understanding of the World and the Way it Works For all that i Am, i, at least, AM, From my Fetishes, my Unconditional Love of Taihou and the Sea, my Cowardice and Weakness, my Ability to see and read on Esotericism, with all their Contradictions and Dualities, and also ther Syncracies, with all the Mistakes and Successes with all the Sorrow and Chagrin it may produce to Contemplate myself, i Simply Am, and i think this is precisely what the average "Well Adjusted Adult" will never Do, because he is too busy running away from himself and merging into Society, the Inbred masses will never Accept True spirituality because it Implies that you are and that you Exist I don't know if i Conveyed my point correctly, to be honest at this point i write my Posts based on Intuition and writting what feels "Right" (wich is what makes the most sense to me, since i really am no scholar, and everything i know comes from Reading and Understanding things on my own, contrary to your average College Faggot), that kind of explains why in posts like >>744 (12) i stop halfway my post and start rambling on how much i like Subs and how i would earnestly make Slow Passionate Love to the 636 Varshavyanka (Whom i assume is just Taihou in another Autsitic Incarnation of my Mind since i can only be Attracted and Love Her)
>>777 (746) >Enjoying something doesn't make it good Never said it did >as morality is dependent on collectivism. What morality is based upon is a topic in of its self and its one I don't want to get into because we would never come up with an answer that suits everyone without bringing up a God. >This is the fundamental problem with individualism. It enables you to justify virtually any behavior no matter how dire the consequences on society as long as you can't directly perceive the damage it causes I disagree. This is like saying that collectivism is bad because it justifies grinding down the individual's desires for the sake of the greater good. It is an oversimplification and generally ignores the nuance of the topic. >It enables you to justify virtually any behavior no matter how dire the consequences on society as long as you can't directly perceive the damage it causes. You're not murdering someone by being a sexual deviant for example, but you're essentially a murderer by proxy because of the increase in suicide rates caused by you enabling a culture of degeneracy Living with the wool pulled over your eyes, thinking you're happy because your brain is being sloshed by the chemicals you bombard it with on the daily isn't a good way to live, not for the collective but also not for the individual. You do not need collective morality to know that doing this is a shitty way to live, any individual with enough perception to understand the consequences of such a lifestyle could come to the same conclusion. You yourself said that you don't care for being a "good" member of society which means on some level you understand that being a degenerate must be inherently negative to the person as well or you'd just become a normalfaggot. I myself do see the importance of the collective but I see it as something interconnected, with the individual with things which are bad for the individual usually being bad for society when practiced en masse. >murderer by proxy because of the increase in suicide rates caused by you enabling a culture of degeneracy. This is actually a pretty good example of what I mean by the interconnectivity of the individual and the collective. Self-destructive ways of living on the small scale fuck over your own life but on the large scale fucks over society which then fucks over some more individuals creating one big cycle of fuckery. Back to the original topic, living like a degenerate is very different from being a social shut-in. If you are enjoying yourself being a hermit there is no objective moral sabotage that you are doing to yourself, unlike degeneracy. This is why I mentioned what I did in the spoiler. I don't believe there to be a one size fit's all lifestyle that is good but that doesn't mean I think that everything is on the table. There are certain things which cross a line and turn self-destructive which eventually degrades society if done by enough people. Using your original description of your lifestyle I see none of the things which you mentioned to cross said line. An introvert being a hermit is not self-destructive and neither is being on the computer all day if that is truly what you find fulfilling, entertaining, and meaningful. Even using your own example of what is bad for society is "bad", your behaviors are not crossing that line so I'm confused as to why you would say that your life is not moral. Do you not have a job and so you see yourself as "unproductive"?
>>782 Just to clarify I still see the individual to be more important in judging the morality of certain things. Judging morality purely based on the effect on society makes the assumption that every individual activity or way of life will eventually be practiced en masse when that is not the case. If there were only ever one thousand degenerates on earth would their degeneracy now not be amoral as it would never grow and affect society? This problem crops up when you think about morality in a purely collective sense. When accounting for the individual sense of morality these people are still wrongdoers no matter the spread of their actions.
>>782 >What morality is based upon is a topic in of its self and its one I don't want to get into because we would never come up with an answer that suits everyone without bringing up a God. What morality is and what morality requires and depends on to exist aren't really the same thing. >I disagree. This is like saying that collectivism is bad because it justifies grinding down the individual's desires for the sake of the greater good. It is an oversimplification and generally ignores the nuance of the topic. People aren't given magical traits from god that create their desires and motivations. It's all down to social conditioning. I can very easily ignore peoples individual desires for the greater good and create objectively more happiness. Conversely nothing about enabling individual desires through freedom creates any tangible happiness, and often leads to a lack of fulfillment and causes society to degrade. People might claim to enjoy freedom but the suicide rates beg to differ. What people say they want and what is actually good for them are very different things. >any individual with enough perception to understand the consequences of such a lifestyle could come to the same conclusion. There's a different between self-preservation and morality. >You yourself said that you don't care for being a "good" member of society which means on some level you understand that being a degenerate must be inherently negative to the person as well or you'd just become a normalfaggot. I do go out of my way to avoid being a degenerate because I don't want to be a net negative on society. >I myself do see the importance of the collective but I see it as something interconnected, with the individual with things which are bad for the individual usually being bad for society when practiced en masse. Morality is caring about the effect your actions have on the collective. But this is getting circular and isn't very interesting. >Back to the original topic, living like a degenerate is very different from being a social shut-in. Sure, one is a net negative and the other is usually neutral. >Even using your own example of what is bad for society is "bad", your behaviors are not crossing that line so I'm confused as to why you would say that your life is not moral. I don't think I ever said my lifestyle was immoral. I believe from the beginning I said it was neutral. I just said it wasn't good. >Do you not have a job and so you see yourself as "unproductive"? Unproductive is neutral. It is amoral, not immoral. Though I suppose some might argue that passivity is immoral. >Judging morality purely based on the effect on society makes the assumption that every individual activity or way of life will eventually be practiced en masse when that is not the case. Depends on what you mean by en masse. Within society way of life should be as universal as possible to increase trust and productivity. >If there were only ever one thousand degenerates on earth would their degeneracy now not be amoral as it would never grow and affect society? Quantity is completely irrelevant. Any degenerate progressive movement with enough subversion can grow into an influence on society. >When accounting for the individual sense of morality these people are still wrongdoers no matter the spread of their actions. I don't see a scenario where quantity would have any bearing on whether or not an action is immoral. It would still be a net negative on society regardless of if 1 or 1 million people do it.
>>786 >People aren't given magical traits from god that create their desires and motivations... Before I get into the entire line, first I need to say that the claim that people do not have innate traits is verifiable scientific bullshit. Social conditioning and environment do play a large role in one's life but there are certain things about one's personality which are innate and cannot be socially conditioned. There are quite a few but a quick example is Introversion and Extraversion, which consistently display themselves at birth and consistently do not change even across radically different upbringings and households. For fucks sake you can see this shit in animals. Animals don't even have a fucking society to condition them yet if you've ever had more than one dog in your house at a time you can tell the fuckers are clearly different even if they came out the same fucking womb. Why do you think we breed animals with certain personality traits? It's because certain traits are innate and are slightly to largely hereditary. If personality traits were not like this then I could take a lion from Africa and raise it like a dog and it wouldn't rip my head off 5 years later but I assume you know that such isn't the case. And so to address your statement directly no, God does not magically bestow you with personality traits, and no your personality and desires are not entirely decided by conditioning. Environment plays a large role but certain personality traits are simply innate and acquired at birth, usually through genetics. I'm not trying to say you are like these people but this whole social conditioning shit is eerily reminiscent of the shit trannies tout about gender and so it leaves quite a bad taste in my mouth to lay it much credence. >Conversely nothing about enabling individual desires through freedom creates any tangible happiness I disagree. With enough limits (emphasis on this), enabling people to find happiness their own way usually leads to a happier more productive populus. People are not drones you can decide the desires of and most attempts at doing this end in a ground down unproductive populus (i.e communist societies). Again though there are limits to what individual freedom can do for a person and a society and there is a point where your individual freedom cannot justify certain actions. >I do go out of my way to avoid being a degenerate because I don't want to be a net negative on society. Then say that at the start instead of saying "I might not personally care about being a productive member of society". >Morality is caring about the effect your actions have on the collective. I disagree, morality is about being a good person. Even if you're the last motherfucker on earth that doesn't justify torturing animals for your own amusement or some shit. Morality doesn't have much to do with the collective other than the effects of a moral populus but I'll get into that later. cont.
>>786 >Quantity is completely irrelevant. Any degenerate progressive movement with enough subversion can grow into an influence on society. You completely missed the point. The point I was trying to make was that by your way of thinking something cannot be immoral if it cannot negatively affect the collective. If 1000 degenerates, separated from society, decided to go and do degenerate shit in private and were to never spread it, by your definition of what is and is not moral these people would not be immoral as their actions do not harm the collective. There will never be suicides because of what they do, society will not degenerate, and they're not spreading their ideology and so according to you, they would be a moral neutral. Hell if I wanted to I could throw in them being millionaires who donate to charity and they are now by your definition moral people who are a positive on society. Quite simply your top-down view of what makes things moral is a bit odd and as far as I understand it doesn't stand up very well when you think about it enough. To put my own beliefs into simple words, something is not immoral because it has a negative effect on society, there are simply things which are immoral and these things can and usually do have a negative effect on society. Morality is defined by what is good for the collective it is simply that the collective benefits from more moral people.
>>786 Accepting morality as dependent on a collective is functionally accepting morality as not being real. At this point you're not talking about morality at all, but social conditioning. If morality isn't a thing to itself then there is no point in talking or even thinking about it, which is why God or some other spiritual or metaphysical force has to be involved.
>>794 >Before I get into the entire line, first I need to say that the claim that people do not have innate traits is verifiable scientific bullshit. Depends on what we're defining traits as. 99% of men will be fulfilled when very consistent and specific needs are met. The >1% of men that are biologically predisposed to sexual deviancy are genetic anomalies. >There are quite a few but a quick example is Introversion and Extraversion, which consistently display themselves at birth and consistently do not change even across radically different upbringings and households. I don't believe this to be entirely genetic. Introversion begets introversion, it's a habit. I was very extroverted when I was young, many friends, quite popular, hung out with people constantly in high school never wanting to be home. Now I'm a hermit of 10 years. >For fucks sake you can see this shit in animals. Animals don't even have a fucking society to condition them yet if you've ever had more than one dog in your house at a time you can tell the fuckers are clearly different even if they came out the same fucking womb. Why do you think we breed animals with certain personality traits? I can concede that people are born differently. Different hormone levels, different statures, different chemical makeups. But I don't think any of this actually matters in how we approach designing society or an individual man's life. A man born with too much estrogen and a timid nature should not be enabled or encouraged to continue acting that way regardless of whether or not it's a biological condition. >I'm not trying to say you are like these people but this whole social conditioning shit is eerily reminiscent of the shit trannies tout about gender and so it leaves quite a bad taste in my mouth to lay it much credence. Sexual deviants have long since stopped arguing for sexuality as a socially conditioned state. It actually very much is a socially conditioned state, but they stopped arguing in favor of that theory because it puts the responsibility on the individuals choices rather than their biological state. Sexual deviants argue that sexuality is an innate biological trait, which is only true for an incredibly small portion of people. The overwhelming majority of homosexuals and trannies were conditioned into that state through either molestation or excessive porn consumption coupled with rampant media brainwashing. So I will argue that sexuality is in a sense a sort of social construct, because that is the argument that allows me to justify killing homosexuals. And because it's true. >People are not drones you can decide the desires of and most attempts at doing this end in a ground down unproductive populus (i.e communist societies). Communist societies fixate on economics. I could not possibly care less about gay economics. I fixate on sociology. I know for certain that if every man and woman were married at a young age and weren't having sex before marriage that people would across the board be happier. I know for certain that if I removed sexual deviants from society that people would across the board be happier. I know for certain that I made sure every man had a job people would be happier. There are millions of things that we all know for certain that if we achieved them things would just be better the most amount of people.
>>794 >>795 Human fulfillment isn't some arcane concept. People want simple things. There's a reason kikes have warped the concept of happiness so that it essentially no longer exists. You're to be kept chasing these insane fantasies that are somehow unique to you. What do you want to be when you grow up anon? You have to think of a super special thing that isn't like anyone else, you want to be an interesting individual don't you? This is the cancerous kike ideology of individualism. Just do what your father did and move on with your life. Uniqueness and individualism has caused nothing but misery and death. >Even if you're the last motherfucker on earth that doesn't justify torturing animals for your own amusement or some shit. This hypothetical is where moral relativity comes into play. If society ceases to exist then morality is whatever you decide it to be. >If 1000 degenerates, separated from society, decided to go and do degenerate shit in private and were to never spread it, by your definition of what is and is not moral these people would not be immoral as their actions do not harm the collective. You have to be more specific with your hypothetical. Are these 1000 degenerates a society of their own? If so then they're negatively affecting their collective of 1000 people. If these are 1000 independent people in different corners of the world living in the middle of no where then I'm not sure what kind of degeneracy they could perform. If they are operating in groups of 2 to perform homosexuality then they could contract a UTI and need to re-enter society for medical treatment. Acts of degeneracy are almost always associated with deteriorating health, and that inherently makes them a net negative on society because of the toll on our medical systems. >There will never be suicides because of what they do, society will not degenerate, and they're not spreading their ideology and so according to you, they would be a moral neutral. Maybe in this highly unlikely scenario where 2 people are going innawoods for the rest of their lives off-grid never to be seen again to live out a homosexual life it could be considered morally neutral. But that doesn't happen. >Hell if I wanted to I could throw in them being millionaires who donate to charity and they are now by your definition moral people who are a positive on society. That's silly. You can't possibly know that the way someone achieved those millions of dollars wasn't more taxing on society than the benefit from them donating it.
>>799 >Accepting morality as dependent on a collective is functionally accepting morality as not being real. Morality isn't real. >At this point you're not talking about morality at all, but social conditioning. Yes. >If morality isn't a thing to itself then there is no point in talking or even thinking about it Morality is just the framework in which an individual uses to inject good into the world. It is technically subjective but peoples core desires are so consistent that it is functionally objective as long as we can agree on certain things creating a highly consistent state of productivity and happiness, like each man having a wife and property. Peoples subjective interpretations of how to make a good world are just usually wrong or ill informed.
>>800 >>801 >I don't believe this to be entirely genetic. Introversion begets introversion, it's a habit. It's not a habit it's a trait. Babies with signs of introversion have a high likelihood to carry said introversion into adulthood. Habits are acquired and traits are innate. It's very clear where extraversion and introversion lie on that dichotomy. >I was very extroverted when I was young, many friends, quite popular, hung out with people constantly in high school never wanting to be home. Now I'm a hermit of 10 years. Out of most personality traits these two are understood the most as being innate and largely hereditary. Anecdotal evidence doesn't mean much. Scientifically most people who are born extraverted stay extraverted and most people who are born introverted stay introverted. This is a statistical truth. You are an exception, not the rule. >A man born with too much estrogen and a timid nature should not be enabled or encouraged to continue acting that way regardless of whether or not it's a biological condition. I never said that being predisposed to something makes it okay to enable that behavior throughout your life, just that we are indeed born with a certain set of traits that are inherited or innate through the RNG of our DNA. >Sexual deviants have long since stopped arguing for sexuality as a socially conditioned state. It actually... I was speaking of gender when I was talking bout the shit trannies spend their time touting. As for sexuality, it is homosexuality that is socially conditioned not sexuality in of itself. Heterosexuality is the biological default and requires no conditioning. Going against the grain is what requires any sort of conditioning > I fixate on sociology. I know for certain that if every man and woman were married at a young age and weren't having sex before marriage that people would across the board be happier. I know for certain that if I removed sexual deviants from society that people would across the board be happier. I know for certain that I made sure every man had a job people would be happier. I agree with this. Though, sadly, the likelihood of this ever happening is zero. > There are millions of things that we all know for certain that if we achieved them things would just be better the most amount of people. This however is a slippery slope at what point do you stop with "most people" 90% 70% as long as its over 50%. You need to be more specific.
Collectivist anon san (for lack of a better name), you say that you judge the good of a man by how much he contributes to the whole he is. But do you think that in this day and age the collective, society, is worth contributing for?
>>802 >>801 As for morality, I'll just have to agree to disagree. You've misunderstood the purpose and nature of my hypotheticals but I lack any interest in clarifying any of that right now. I understand where you're coming from but our disagreements on morality are to fundamental to produce any meaningful conversation going forward. I'll reiterate my points and my problems with the way you think of morality one last time just so that we're all on the same page. Your monetary way of looking at morality and ignoring the individual responsibility one has to be moral in my view is a bit shoddy and can be used to excuse all kinds of shit. As long as someone is net positive in your eyes they can be effectively excused of any traditionally immoral behavior. What's wrong with torturing people in your downtime as long as you donate the money from your nice community helping business to charity. After all, you're saving more people than you harm. Does that not make you a good person? I honestly can't understand this way of thinking. When a normalnigger says that they're not hurting anybody by being a degenerate, the problem for me is that that is completely irrelevant to whether or not what they're doing is immoral, but for you, the problem is that they are somehow throughout their life going to harm society in some unexplained way. This way of thinking can be easily manipulated into excusing reprehensible actions as long as they are done in a vacuum which is something you may truly believe and if so then as I said our disagreements are much too fundamental.
>>804 >I was speaking of gender when I was talking bout the shit trannies spend their time touting. I conflate tranny genderisms and sexuality because they are essentially the same thing for 99% of trannies. It's just a sexual fetish and rarely a biological condition, just as homosexuality is rarely biological. I'm sure there do exist people legitimately born with a biological compulsion to want to be the opposite sex, but they're statistically irrelevant. >Heterosexuality is the biological default and requires no conditioning. Going against the grain is what requires any sort of conditioning Yes >This however is a slippery slope at what point do you stop with "most people" 90% 70% as long as its over 50%. You need to be more specific. 51% is technically most people, but most of the standard implementations would affect 90%+ like mandating marriage at a young age. I'm not really advocating for any particularly nuanced positions that wouldn't affect 90% of people. >I agree with this. Though, sadly, the likelihood of this ever happening is zero. Probably >>805 >But do you think that in this day and age the collective, society, is worth contributing for? Not really. I don't want to talk about whether anyone ought to contribute because /r9k/ isn't the place for preaching about contributing to a society that despises you. Also you shouldn't create names for people, just respond to their post and ask your question. Do that to the wrong person and you'll stroke their ego and spawn a retarded namefag. >>807 >After all, you're saving more people than you harm. Does that not make you a good person? You're weighing people as if they have some sort of stat points rather than weighing the actions themselves. People can't be good or bad, just the choices they make. Torturing someone is a net negative on society, therefore you should not do it. >This way of thinking can be easily manipulated into excusing reprehensible actions as long as they are done in a vacuum which is something you may truly believe and if so then as I said our disagreements are much too fundamental. Nothing is done in a vacuum so it's a moot point. I understand discussions about morality can get very complicated and tiresome. I'm just rambling not trying to have some sort of epic debate.
>>808 >I'm just rambling not trying to have some sort of epic debate. Me niether, it's just that when disagreements are so fundamental there's rarely any meaningful conversation that arises from it. Look at literally any atheist v religious person conversation about the topic and you'll see just that.
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i feel compelled to step in, but i've already talked about how Morality is a Joke the Normgroid mentality/Collectivism, and how the Materialistic conception of Man as a mass of cells and molecules that dictate the way you are + the environment is a big fucking joke and that the Root of Man lays in Spirit, this Spirit conditioning everything else in the subsequent Spheres, in the past, at least enough so that Anons might have a possible Idea on how the above mentioned are a Joke, besides i have posted my Library a few times by now, so anyone who has taken his time to read a bit of it will have probably figured all this shit out on their own, These are just my two uneducated Cents, but judging from >What morality is and what morality requires and depends on to exist aren't really the same thing >Morality is caring about the effect your actions have on the collective. But this is getting circular and isn't very interesting. >This hypothetical is where moral relativity comes into play. If society ceases to exist then morality is whatever you decide it to be. >Morality is just the framework in which an individual uses to inject good into the world. It is technically subjective but peoples core desires are so consistent that it is functionally objective as long as we can agree on certain things creating a highly consistent state of productivity and happiness, like each man having a wife and property. Peoples subjective interpretations of how to make a good world are just usually wrong or ill informed. >Morality isn't real. and all the other Stuff leads me to think that this Anon simply reached the point where he figured out how Retarded Morality is, but at the same time has no substitute for it, so he simply takes Society and its benefit as a Reference and rolls with it, the idea that this Anon is "Neutral" according to Collectivistic morality and not Striving to become a good wagie Psychopath for the good of the Retarded mass of Drugged Humanity, means that he is either too lazy to do that shit, or that he does indeed disagree with it to a degree, either way Anon, i recommend you to cut the Crap and read "Revolt Aganist the Modern world" or at the very least, go read the "Being Oneself" chapter from "Ride the Tiger"
>>810 The entire argument is reliant on morality being collectivist and not based off of something metaphysical. Which is to say, you don't understand what this is about.
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>>812 There's a Difference between me Understanding what it is About, and Me giving half a Fuck about what it is About, As i just said in my previous Post, i know for a fact that Collectivism and Morality are big Jokes, the Reasons why i've already disclosed many many other times, if you are reffering to the Second half of my post, just like i said, that was my personal opinion, and even then i am hinting at the fact that Anon's Collectivistic Morality comes not from an Ideal understanding, but from the lack of a Better Model >and not based off of something metaphysical i do find it Hilarious that some Anons will Kvetch at the Mention of God or something along those lines, yet i haven't seen a single fucking Anon complain about how More than Half of Modern Science relies of Theories that more or less seem plausible and hoping that it all works together, nevermind the big prestigious findings like the Theory of the Big Bang or Evolution have bigger Plotholes than a H-Doujin, nevermind most Prominent Figures on Science, from Newtown to Schrodinger to Niels Bohr and the list goes on and on and on, were either into Esotericism prior to their Scientific Studies (Schrodinger was a Vedanta and actually wanted to Prove its veracity with Quantum Physics if Memory does not Fail me), or the other way Around (Newtown got into Spiritual Alchemy once he finished his "Principa Matematica"), fortunately for me, but unfortunately for the Discussion at hand i have never been to College not Formally educated enough to have Explored these things First-Hand, but im shure other Anons around here can testify to this Shit Also, as a Last note, it is Interesting to point out, and it actually Speaks Volumes (At least for me) of the Idea of modern "Knowledge", how you seem to consider metaphysics as something External and Foreign (the very idea of the Supernatural is quite funny, since it is only Natural Law at play, just so happens it isn't Sanctioned by your Lab-coat wearing pencil pusher), just like you said, the Morality Anon follows is Collectivistic and not Esoteric in the Least, but the Existance of the Divine conditions it for it is the Pervading Underlying Principle from wich the World Arises (Its ultimate Expression being the Monad and yadda yadda yadda), in other Words if the Divine was to Exist then the one who doesn't understand would be you, because you would be basing off the Entire Discussion on a Fundamentally Flawed Conception, the same way that Any argument parting from Marxism and any Inter-Ideological Debate between commies is a fucking Meme because Communism is a Joke by Default, it is this Ridiculous idea of Taking Knowledge and keeping it in the Abstract Reasoning and separate from Eachother, Man knows how to Make nukes and Smash the World in one button, yet he remains the Same in relation to the World he could destroy, i'd go as far as to say that Morality (of course assuming the Alternate World were it is not a Categorically Retarded concept) shold be Argued from the Ground up, not debating what is Good or Bad from it, but rather what effects does it have and where does it Take you, in fact, does any of you actually Use those Moral systems you are so ardently Arguing about?, Anon is already a Failure by his Own standards since the Best he can do is being a "Neutral"
>>813 >but from the lack of a Better Model I think he has his own model of wants and desires, and the entirety of morality is an unreal manifestation of social dos and don'ts based off of "net positive/negatives" to him. And his argument also points to the fact that there are close to objective ways people can live by. >yet i haven't seen a single fucking Anon complain about how More than Half of Modern Science relies of Theories I don't think most care. >how you seem to consider metaphysics as something External and Foreign I don't. >does any of you actually Use those Moral systems you are so ardently Arguing about Yes. I haven't argued them, since the very idea of morality as being real hasn't been accepted. So there is a very different conception of what morality is, and no discussion can occur until that is resolved. And like one anon said, that's a deep discussion that I don't think most would want to get into, or have the ability to get into. And telling us to get read instead of trying to engage is low quality. Implying everyone here is illiterate, but also being so above others that you're not even willing to full-ass it.
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>>812 >that you're not even willing to full-ass it. allright nigger, im gonna adress this shit first because you are either Clearly New or have fucking Alzheimers, for starters any Anon around here can testify that i am a Useless piece of Shit that writes Shit-Grammar Walls of Text, picrelated are examples of my Autistic ramblings, sadly the good ones got Lost, but among the more Notable ones is the one at Zchan's Old FTTDOT (the one that got made before the Bumplock) were i wrote a literal 2 Post Long (i think it was 2 Posts) tirade on how Anime Girls were the Ultimate Feminine Ideal in a Attempt to Close the 2d=3dpd Argument for once and for all wich included a Long Winded explanation on the Nature of the Monad, Man and its relation to it and how Anime Girls were a Microcosmos of the Fucking Cosmos Itself, in fact i could sit down and write an Entire book or a 10+ Post Long Tirade on what exactly are my Beliefs and Describe in Detail my Relationship to Taihou but i really don't feel like it at all and nobody fucking Cares, >I don't think most care. that was my point though, some anons are annoyed at Esotericism on alledged charges of Irrationale and Superstition, but then they don't care to examine what is actually fucking Retarded, it is not really my problem, but it does make me Laugh >I think he has his own model of wants and desires, and the entirety of morality is an unreal manifestation of social dos and don'ts based off of "net positive/negatives" to him. And his argument also points to the fact that there are close to objective ways people can live by. Indeed, i do not deny that at all, what i do affirm, coming from personal opinion, is that that anon uses that Scale, not out of Understanding of the World (This System is the Best) but because he Doesn't see anything Better, aside from that, i agree on the view that Morality is Social bullshit >Yes. I haven't argued them, since the very idea of morality as being real hasn't been accepted. So there is a very different conception of what morality is, and no discussion can occur until that is resolved. And like one anon said, that's a deep discussion that I don't think most would want to get into, or have the ability to get into. ironic since you accused me of Half-Assing things, then here you are, saying that you don't want a In-depth discussion about Morality because it would be a shitshow, and don't get me wrong, it is completely understandable, the thing is that it is the same (or at least Similar) reason why i posted >>810, because the things i can say are things i already said and won't get me anywhere >And telling us to get read instead of trying to engage is low quality >us Speak for yourself and let people speak for themselves, i don't see any cripples around here, or at the very least not Finger-Deficient Cripples that can't type on a keyboard i encourage people to Read because Reading anything from Evola, or the Corpus Hermeticum, or the Vedas, gives you a better View of Wisdom that my Unhinged fucking rants could ever Convey, and also because it is always better to go to the Source and think for yourself, and even then, it was a Recommendation, Anon can simply Disregard my Post as the Ramblings of some Fucking Schizo like a few Anons around here Already do and get on with his Day, >Implying everyone here is illiterate you said that, i shure as shit didn't and as far as Memory goes there is a few Anons that have Read on Nietzche and there was this Anon asking for Book recommendations on Political Subjects,
>>814 Part 2 of my fucking Rant coming over >but also being so above others yes anon, that is why there's 3 Fucking posts on the Waifu Thread of literally me Self-Flagellating, that is why i am self-Aware that my Posting Style is all over the Fucking place and Autistic beyond measure, That is why i repeatedly Admit publically that i am a Fucking Coward, that is why i always speak my mind without Filters even if it Turns out that Doing so makes me Look like a Retarded Schizo that has a Mommy Complex, Even if replying to this kind of Posts makes me look like a fucking 6 year Old ,come the fuck on Anon, you must clearly be New around here because half of this stupid crap im telling you is stuff anyone here already knows (or perhaps i am a Stupid Jackass that really takes things for Granted), just like the fact that Dolphinigger is a Faggot,, Anon.cafe's BO (The one who sold Anon.Cafe's r9k to Dolphinigger) is a Faggot, and Wich Waifu belongs to Wich Waifufag
>>815 >pic related 2 I'm starting to think we've had this same exact disucssion before and likely with the same exact people judging from posting style and language.
I asked for sauce from gif related and one anon told me to come here. Sauce?
hello friends whats with all the big posts
>>825 Big boy posters, and one mama's boy.
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>>838 >and one mama's boy. yup, i sank a Faggot Huezillian CV for Mommy today and made some cummies for her too, comfy day by my standards if it wasn't for a horrible morning at work today
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>Compressed Air cannisters arrived today >Cleaned my Laptop's fan with it because i am very shit at Manual Labour and dissasembling my computer is 90% chance of me fucking something up irreversibly >Blow Compressed air at very very Short bursts through the Air Outtake and Intake, see the Dust come off so i must be doing it right >Wait some Minutes because the cannister's label said something about Flammable shit and waiting till it "Evaporates or something" >Turn on the Computer >Get a message saying the Fan is Fucked >Tfw i can hear the Fan and its actually working Ok >Tfw i notice that the Laptop is noticeably Colder >Tfw i don't know if the Laptop is retarded and false-flagging me, or i really just fucked up irreversibly and its gonna blow up 1 Hour from now
>>842 Its summer man, blow a fan to it. Or take it to a repairman.
>>843 i used to have mine open with a small case fan blowing on the mb
>>842 Laptops are quite a bit more difficult to take apart than regular computers. Fucking nigger ribbon cables everywhere that are stupidly fragile and hard to work with. A fans a fan though, if you hear it still working and feel hot air being exhausted your computer is probably fine. Computers aren't nearly as complicated as people who haven't tinkered with them generally believe. A lot of laptops even have "Quiet" modes where they crank down the CPU clocks so it doesn't even get hot enough for the fans to spin. Plus as that other anon says you can always get one of those laptop coolers if you're really worried, but your computer won't "blow up" from overheating. It'll just power itself off or throttle the fuck out of your performance.
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>>848 >Fucking nigger ribbon cables everywhere that are stupidly fragile and hard to work with Exactly the reason why i don't trust myself with Opening up a Laptop, but yeah i did it good, the Laptop is working in Pristine Condition, its just the Computer False-Flagging me, to be honest i get the feeling that Laptops are meant to work with the Cooler Table Fan thingamajig, or just made to not Last more than 4 Years, its impossible to keep a Machine on workable Temperatures with only 1 Fan and 1-2 Heatsinks, without the ability to Dissasemble it Easy enough, compare that to Regular PC's that can be hooked up with Multiple Fans and Have Grates everywhere that allow it for the Air to Flow
Sometimes I see some shit that makes me forget about all rational thought and about what is and isn't wrong and just fills me with the desire to see every degenerate on this planet executed. Most of the time these incidents involve tranny antics.
>>851 >fills me with the desire to see every degenerate on this planet executed Is this supposed to be wrong?
>>852 I'm not sure. I don't really think about it much since it'll never happen but, choosing at what times murder is justified will always be a tricky moral question.
>>851 thats the same problem gommies had, but you can't kill the 99%
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nazis during the war and some ancients probably had some of the best degeneracy control out there you simply got executed if there was a solid proof of "breaking rules" such as stealing or something nazis would simply shoot everyone who broke order laws without a good reason, not sending to prison just shoot the person on the battle field and they had very few of it actually, they executed not too much people (compared to others with """"softer"""" laws) but these didn't last too long in modern times it is probably muslims and everyone hates them already for this
>>856 >an improvement This is probably just a joke name but the only difference between mudslimes and any other trad cuck is that mudslimes can beat their wives. Shariah is just enforced tradcuckery plus all the primitive bullshit that comes with mudslime bullshit.
>hitler actually said islam is good for germans He needed allies?
>>856 >caught jacking off to loli >executed Kill your family and then yourself, sandnigger lover.
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>>862 >>860 >>856 I literally just completed my Morning ritual of Furious Masturbation to Mommy Taihou, wich means right now im fucking Lucid as Shit, before i begin it must be known that i am not writting this post for you because you are a fucking retarded Nigger, and that the Main purpose of this post is to provide for a "Point of interest" for anons who may be intested in this and want to study on their own im going to skip the shit you said about the Third Reich and Hitler because i don't want to make this a Multi Post deal, if anyone really wants to understand who Hitler was it is best to Read "Lightning and the Sun" by Satrivi Devi, wich fortunately is Part of my Library (Never mentioned it because Esoteric Hitlerism is not a Field i am very well Versed in, and its not like Anons talk much about the Third Reich anyways) on to Islam, Mudslimes are the Most materialistic Violent and Retarded Race on Earth alongside Niggers, the way they behave is proof enough of that, but small details like seeing Poligamy as something Legit (Inb4 muh Western concubinage, nevermind the fact that it was done among the Royalty and that Eros in the West had a more trascendental Meaning, at least for those Initiated) and the idea that Heaven is this Lush paradise filled with Earthly Pleasures (Women food and Drink), wich is the literal opposite of the Aryan paradise of Agartha,the Island of the Immortals, Valhöl, Etc..., some retarded /Fascist/ niggers think Islam is more based because muh Shahria, for starters Roasties and Degenerates keep being degenerates, they only do so behind closed Curtains, so the main Argument for Shahria being good is down, not only that but despite its cuckservative views on Women and Faggots, they are very lenient on other things like Zoophilia, they aren't called Camelfuckers for no Reason, some High-Functioning Autists like Rene Guenon and the Theosophists I swear to Mommy Taihou's Breasts, there has to be some fucking Correlation between being a Theosophist and being Functionally Retarded talk about Muh Sufism, as a argument to prove that Mudslimes are Legit, wich is retarded because Sufism is literally Sassanid Esotericism with a Mohammedan skin on top of it, nevermind the fact that Sufism is that, Esotericism, as in, only a small cadre of Mudslimes are actual Sufis, i would even go as far as to say that the few Sufis that were in the Mudslime world were Actual Sassandis and other "Integrated" Aryans, same way Jennisaries were actual Greeks and Slavs that were Taught as if they were Mudslimes, and that the "Greatness" of the Medieval Mudslime world comes down to Kebab adapting Aryan Traditions and Technology, in fact if you look at how "Static" Mudslime "Advances were" (Sufism remained a very Niche and straight thing, almost as if only a few were Sufis and Sufism didn't spread among the Faggot Mudslimes) compared to how Aryans, despite being fucked over by Cuckolded Christcuckoldry still Managed to develop Traditional Methods of Thought (Scholasticism Adopted Platonism and Aristotelism, Gnosticism is essentially Hermetism 2.0, the Nestorians were a Thing, Chivalrous orders were actually just continuations of the Tradition of Warrior Asceticism and Initiatic Warriorhood, nevermind the Dolce Stilo novo and the Worshippers of Love, Palamism and the List goes fucking on), the Final irony is that if you take a look at it, despite how "Advanced" the Mudslime Medieval world was, it never Progressed past a Certain point, almost as if Southern Telluric Races could Adapt to an extent to Aryan spirituality, but never take actual part in it, and Aryan men, despite being Dominated and assailed by the Dark Telluric forces of Plebeianism and Niggerdom are still able to Rekindle their True Inner Self
>>868 >muh Shahria, for starters Roasties and Degenerates keep being degenerates, they only do so behind closed Curtains Isn't this valid for pretty much any ideology? At this point I gave up on politics, no matter what normalfags are like that at their very core and no ammount of fascism/anarchism/communism/whateverism will change them.
>>868 Also, wanted to ask you, why do you have such a strong distaste for Christianity? If I'm remembering right, you did speak nicely of theologists like Aquinas.
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>>870 yup, i am actually "Apolitical" just as you >>871 There's a distinction Between christianity and "Things Masked as Christianity", Christianity is the Embodiment of Plebeian Spirituality, it is Universalistic and Collectivistic (Everyone is the same in the Eyes of Yehova (The false Jewish God)!) it is Moralistic (Everything that isn't in my Snowflake book is bad, nevermind the fact that Morality is relative since killing someone can be "good" from someone's perspective and "bad" as someone else's and of course nevermind the fact that the only reason Normgroids follow Rules or Morality whatsoever is because A) The fear the Outcome (I don't want to be killed so if killing is bad i will be spared from murder!) B) Virtue signaling and Social need (Look how virtuous i Am!, aren't i a good guy?)) and many many more things that i can't really think off right now because i fortunately haven't stumbled across Christcucks nor read their bullshit, it is not that Dissimilar from modern Positvism (Nothing exists unless i can measure it! only the Physical Plane Exists!, if it wasn't like that it would imply a Hierarchy where some People by Virtue of what they are can see and Understand things that i don't and that doesn't go well with my bullshit Collectivistic, Humanistic Memecracy!), it all comes down to the Plebeian-Human Nature, Plebeians are "Totemic" they have no Self, they have no Spirit, they are just an Eco, a Emanation from a bigger force, thus they are Collectivistic by Nature, they shun privacy (Since that implies having Intimacy, thus "Being"), they shun Stillness (if there is no Move there is no Perception, if there is no Perception they Vanish, for they have no Self) , when they die they Return to that force and dissolve in it, the Aristocrat-Man does have Spirit, it has a Fundamental Self, it is a Microcosm of the Divine, as such it is through this Self, the Spirit, that Man can explore himself and the World, Esotericism does this, the Hermetic Axioms are Rules that explain how the World works, then lets you Live by them so that you can find out who you are and what the World is, same with the Chaldean Oracles, Early Buddhism, the Vedas, Etc..., Movement Implies Imperfection and Necessity, Stillness implies Perfection, there is no need to Move or to Yearn or to Search for, Esotericism at is core is this, it allows you to find out about the Nature of the World and Yourself, so that you may Become Yourself to the Highest Conclution, thus Reaching Stillness, this is what Buddhism calls "Nirvana" the Gnostics call "Pleroma", Christianity, and Every single Plebeian Movement is the Contrary of this, it Celebrates Movement and Conditioning, it coddles it and worships Humanity, when you go read the Nag hammadi you will have a Hard time finding anything pointing to "Sin" or "Evil", but rather what you will find is Lessons and Rules on how the World works, so that you may Reach Pleroma Im sorry if my Post is confusing as shit, i just can't find the words to put it the right way,specially when most of what i Know i Know at a Elementary Ontological Level, and i actually have the vague feeling that i am becoming Worse and Worse at Communicating in general, maybe im really losing my fucking Marbles, im shure someone else would be able to explain it better, and i know its annoying that i am constantly telling people to go Read X Book (In this case Heathen Imperialim, its a 150 pages Book making a Basic analysis on why the Modern world is a big Fucking joke, and what True Spirituality is) and i know not everyone has the Time and the Patience and all that, but it is much much better to simply Read for oneself and understand it through one's means, and Evola simply Explains this shit much better than i do TL;DR:Christcuckoldry is Overwhelmingly Plebeian and Collectivistic, as Opposed to Traditional Esotericism, Gnosticism, Scholasticism the Templars etc... are Superficialy christian, and have more in common with Traditional Doctrines like Hermetism or Vedantism than anything else
>>870 >no matter what normalfags are like that at their very core and no ammount of fascism/anarchism/communism/whateverism will change them Ideally speaking, normalfags are nothing but empty boxes, you can put whatever set of beliefs in them when they're empty, but you can't change the content anymore. They will never question their morals, they try to rationalize every input from the external world to fit their narrative inside their heads, and they will fight for it removing anything and anyone who is incompatible. For a normalfag it doesn't matter how reasonable your position is, they will never change what they think, because their main purpose is to protect the status quo
I am scared of driving. I do not have the perception for it nor the want to be in a box sardined on a road filled with normals. My mom has no empathy for me however. I dont know why it feels so different and bad to sit in the drivers seat. Sitting in the passenger seat is pretty comfy, especially on road trips
>>876 Exact same feeling here Anon, i hate the Idea of driving and having to Focus on shit i don't want to and following a fuckload of Traffic laws that nobody follows anyways, i always prefered Walking, even if i end up being Exhausted and having Sore legs because i walked Unhealthy distances without a single break
>>875 >Ideally speaking Very ideally. The anon you replied to likely meant that "at this point" it's impossible. Too much history, too much information, and too many other countries who are degenerating. No amount of any political system is going to fic this fucked mess we have here. You'd need a clean slate to do that but unless you've got magical powers that shit just isn't happening. Ideally I know you think collectvism is better but realistically, we robots should be praying for the opposite so that we can live undisturbed by normalnigger antics. So I agree with that anon. No amount of any political system that can realistically be enacted is going to save this situation. >normalfags defend the status quo Not neccesarily. Normalfags defend their desires. They're entitled hedonists not conservatives. It could be the status quo it could not be the status quo as long as it's something that they want to do the normalfaggot will beg and whine for it to be allowed or enacted regardless of the morality of what it is they want. A good example of this is cheating. In no way does western society promote cheating and it is always represented as a bad thing (except in some nigger music but that's besides the point) yet normalfags still do it quite frequently. This is because the normalfag is primarily controlled by their carnal desires and when a moral rule opposes their desires they won't so much question the rule as they will shirk it and simply engage in whatever twisted bullshit they wanted to do. Carnal desires are at the core of every normalfaggot and no ammount of whatever you put on top of that will change it. When faced with a moral decision or their carnal desires most normalfaggots will choose to go with their carnal desires. That's just the fucked up world we live in. Only those with enough willpower to resist or redirect their carnal desires can operate consistently and most normalfaggots simply lack this ability.
>>878 Well, i assume the feeling of "being right" is a source of pleasure for normalfags, and this may be another reason why they like to defend their beliefs so hard. I must admit that my previous analysis was pretty bad, but your post describes very well what normalfags really are when they're not in public... animals. >Ideally I know you think collectivism is better Absolutely no, things like neetdom and other robot stuff would never last in a collectivistic society, and we're already under pressure by normalniggers trying to lower us on their level.
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Damn I feel good today robot.
>>882 Theres a hurricane happening apparently. I wish i could experience hurricane rains, they seem comfy.
>>877 I do that too sometimes, waking up with sore joints the next morning too. I hope it doesn't lead to arthritis or something
tvchan is mostly dead and the ones who stuck around seem to consist exclusively of the most insufferable fags who have been trying to kill /tv/ for the better pat of a decade, where did the guys I used to funpost with fuck off to? I looked everywhere and there's no active /tv/ besides cuck/tv/ and just skimming over that it looks about as full of fags and shitmods as it was immediately pre-GGexodus.
>>885 Is tvch good? I've checked a few times before but always found it insufferable. Doesn't help that the head guy is an ugly attention whore pig and friend with mark the pig as well.
>>885 It seems like any board designed around "fun posting" is destined to get invaded and ruined by cuckchan crossposters and retarded normalniggers. I think we need a new active /b/ board or something. >>886 I haven't really ever used it because it seems to embody the "pretend like an insufferable retard to own people who don't like insufferable retards" culture, which is in essence literally no different from modern cuckchan "smug posting" culture. Maybe if the new zchan site gets going we can try and make /b/ a fun shit-posting board rather than just inane nonsense.
>>887 Should we even move to the next site? I'm sure it will die in 2 months.
>>888 Perhaps we'll have to consult a magic 8 ball for this decision.
>>886 tvch was fun and had several good regulars for the first month of its existence, I think some former 8/tv/ anons managed to find their way to the webring right around when it was started, but then, of course, the handful of obnoxious shitheads who have dedicated years of their lives to killing /tv/ found it and started spamming the shit out of the boards and activity has pretty much died outside of their autistic spats with the fags who can't help but try and argue in good faith with people who clearly have no intention of being anything but tranny tier subversives. It's a shame really, despite /tv/'s past BO never managing his board and the current BO being a dumb ogre mutt it was easily one of the most entertaining boards to post on throughout 8chan's existence. Everything ends at some point though, I'm just having a hard time getting over it I guess. >>887 >It seems like any board designed around "fun posting" is destined to get invaded and ruined by cuckchan crossposters and retarded normalniggers I think it's mostly because bullying newfags and outsiders doesn't work when the vols are too afraid of giving them the boot and telling them to work because "rulecuck" is the imageboard hotpocket version of "raycis" and seems to shut them down the moment they try to enforce any kind of quality control. >I think we need a new active /b/ board or something. It seems every /b/ that does crop up nowadays immediately gets taken over by avatartrannies that are there exclusively to be as irritating as possible instead of making any kind of interesting post, which tends to drive people away since it gets tiresome very fast. Basically what you posted in the second part >it seems to embody the "pretend like an insufferable retard to own people who don't like insufferable retards" culture, which is in essence literally no different from modern cuckchan "smug posting" culture is what happens to every /b/ alt. >>888 "We" as in /r9k/ would probably be better off sticking here, but if you're talking about trying to create a /tv/ or /b/ board I don't see why not. If it dies after a month or two then it's not like it would be that much of a loss of time and effort.
>>890 >telling them to work What the fuck, did "lurk" get wordfiltered or was I subconsciously thinking of wageslaving?
>>891 Well I guess my brain secretly wants to wageslave.
>>892 Being a neet for too long is always depressing.
>>890 >I think it's mostly because bullying newfags and outsiders doesn't work when the vols are too afraid of giving them the boot and telling them to work because "rulecuck" is the imageboard hotpocket version of "raycis" and seems to shut them down the moment they try to enforce any kind of quality control. Isn't the entire point of a random/fun posting board that it lacks moderation though? I guess you could moderate the overtly inane posts but generally speaking the idea is you can post whatever. >It seems every /b/ that does crop up nowadays immediately gets taken over by avatartrannies that are there exclusively to be as irritating as possible instead of making any kind of interesting post, which tends to drive people away since it gets tiresome very fast. Basically what you posted in the second part I wouldn't really mind if a designated shit-posting board had autistic tranny posters. The problem I have with places like tvch and /cow/ are that they are super cliquey and having a raiding culture where they go out of their way to subvert other boards on top of that cuckchan smug culture. Just a good old /b/ clusterfuck without moderator sanctioned gayops would be entertaining.
You all are living in the past. I don't speak from experience but I can assume that back in the day you could spare not having stricter rules because of the lack of attention on imageboards. Safe to say that those days are long gone, and with the way things are now, the "funposting libertarian board" is a fucking pipe dream. Any modern attempt at such a board is doomed to fall at the hands of the braindead retards which now comprise over 99% of the people on the internet. That's why I've stuck with this board and no other. A board with a focused community and a solid bedrock of rules and board culture is a much more stable and much more appealing board to post on than most of the other shit I see.
>>894 >Isn't the entire point of a random/fun posting board that it lacks moderation though? I guess you could moderate the overtly inane posts but generally speaking the idea is you can post whatever. People seem to forget that the original /b/ was no rules for everyone, including the mods, so they could ban if they pleased. This isn't an issue when the hotpockets are actually an active part of the community and know when to nip some dumb nigger's faggotry in the bud (deleting spam for example), but it becomes a problem when the hotpocket gets power hungry or clearly doesn't belong on the site at all, much less in any position of power. It's a delicate balance that is extraordinarily rare to come across in a /b/ board. The last time I saw this accomplished was during /b2/'s early days. >I wouldn't really mind if a designated shit-posting board had autistic tranny posters. Don't get me wrong, autistic trannies can be some of the funniest niggers on the internet, sometimes they just need to be reigned in a little usually a lot or else they'll shit up every thread on a board (the thainigger furfag for example does this frequently). >The problem I have with places like tvch and /cow/ are that they are super cliquey and having a raiding culture where they go out of their way to subvert other boards on top of that cuckchan smug culture. /cow/ maybe, though I can't say for sure because I've never used it all that much, but /tv/ has never raided anyone. Whenever you see someone spamming /tv/ memes somewhere else it's usually one or two retards trying to stir shit up specifically to turn around and blame /tv/ for it after they fucked with people, and it's probably the same group of dedicated trannies I was referring to. The "hey /tv/" autist on 8/co/ for example was an obvious case of this, he samefagged hard as shit and ruined many threads then started blaming /tv/ for it while there wasn't a single thread or discussion about raiding /co/ on /tv/. >Just a good old /b/ clusterfuck without moderator sanctioned gayops would be entertaining. Yes, but we can't have that since the kind of person who avoids backroom IRC/discord faggotry is also the kind of person who wouldn't want to waste their time hotpocketing. Non-power tripping mods are exceedingly rare. >>895 You're probably right, but I'm still going to occasionally reminisce about it anyway. Something else that normalfags can't easily breach and destroy will probably come along eventually. Doesn't make the interim period any less insufferable though.
>have read so much anti-tech literature over time that I almost solely use the internet nowadays for downloading books It's quite nice though. Just read books, then go sit outside.
>>900 Is it tech fault though? I'd think its normalfag's.
>>901 Technology is pretty fucking cancerous for society.
>>902 I disagree. Technology (I assume digital tech since technically a wheel is "technology") is a tool and we just so happen to live in a shitty society which has used that tool in a self destructive manner. Places like this are proof of the good technology can do when used by people who aren't braindead normalfaggots. If not for technology we wouldn't have a place like this where people like us can speak our minds freely and converse with others like us. You just gotta accept the fact that normalfaggots will always find a way to make things worse in the world, with technology or without.
>>903 Yeah video games are a good example of this. They were generally harmless entertainment where devs would usually try and make interesting gameplay decisions or groundbreaking advances in coding to appeal to a niche audience, but as soon as they became more accessible and less "nerdy"in ( the original pejorative sense of the word) the industry pretty much immediately nosedived into huge amounts of bland least common denominator garbage being pumped out yearly and eventually the walking simulator agitprop or lazy indie platformer pixelshit we have today.
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Could it be him?
>>905 Are roach he was and a roach he still is.
>>905 >please educate yourself >me better than you >let's add some socialist moral stuff to make it look reasonable, if you say something about it you're probably an incel if it isn't twitterchan >>902 normalfags are unable to control technology, it drives them crazy because pleasure is amplified by it (also new ways to make pleasure are discovered as well), social media is an example.
>>905 Is the thread still alive? Please ask him if hes eunuch-chan, if so can you direct him to 8chan.moe/r9k so he doesnt know about this place? Just say a lot of people has been looking for him.
>>879 >what normalfags really are when they're not in public... animals. I know this has been the common sentiment about normalfags for some years, but personally I don't think it's entirely accurate. Comparing normalfags to animals is a somewhat flawed idea. It mostly comes down to the distinction between animal instinct versus modern normalfag instinct. The instincts of any animal is based primarily off of need, whereas the modern normalfag instinct is based much more around desire, as previously discussed. An animals will search for food when the need to eat arises, or often times in anticipation of that need, whereas the normalfag seeks food sometimes when the need arises, and other times when they seek the rush of dopamine from enjoyable flavors. Animals will breed at (mostly) specific times in their lives in order to propagate their species. Even in cases such as rabbits, who at first glance appear to breed too frequently, are actually following a 'quota' of sorts. Rabbits are source of food for a number of predators, so their frequent breeding habits are actually justified as it fulfills a need within their ecosystem. Normalscum on the other hand will fornicate as often as they can with almost any willing participant because they seek the pleasure of the resulting orgasm, but the need to conceive offspring rarely ever factors in, especially in the modern world. The only time the line becomes somewhat blurred is in the case of house-pets, such as cats and dogs, who will often seek the affections of their masters out of desire more so than need. However, even house-pets place needs above desire, as any cat or dog would ignore their masters when their need to eat, sleep, defecate, etc. arises, and will even go as far to lash out at their masters when interrupted whilst attending to these needs. Therefore, in considering this 'need versus greed' dichotomy, the comparison of normalfags to animals becomes less applicable, as animals are, in truth, superior to normalfags in their motivations. This more or less confirms that normalfags are in fact a lower form of life than a common animal, and places normalfags closer to the level of insects, specifically the least important insects like ants, who have some form of organization and duty, but little more than that. (Unless the individual in question is Jewish, which I compare more to cockroaches, despite the common /pol/ "turkroach" meme) Finally, I would like to add that I don't intend to say that you specifically are wrong in your post, simply that the old 'normalfag = animal' comparison seems inaccurate and outdated to me, especially because I have far more respect and compassion for a deer, a bear, a gazelle, a dolphin, etc. than I would ever have for a hedonistic normalnigger.
>>911 I did that but he didn't respond, maybe it's just another crazy vegan
>>910 >normalfags are unable to control technology, it drives Replace technology for literally anything and you've got normalfags in a nutshell. Like I said, those faggots will always find a way to fuck something up even if it's capable of good.
>>912 You made a good point, but i have to disagree about insects, unlike normalfags insects like ants are very efficient and not emotionally driven. They have no problems with sacrificing themselves to defend the colony, they convert in food everything (even their queen if they have to kill her for some reason, nothing is wasted), they breed a new generation to replace the previous one. They have to survive just like any other lifeform on this planet, but normalfags... They consume to satisfy their own desires, and waste a lot of resources for retarded reasons (remember the toilet paper shortage 3 months ago), and they don't even make kids anymore. They have no purpose anymore, except being a degenerate lifeform.
>>919 >They have no purpose anymore, except being a degenerate lifeform That's incorrect. They're the perfect things to take advantage of if you're born in a position of power, because they don't care about how they're taken advantage of so long as they get their candy and entertainment.
>>919 >i have to disagree about insects, unlike normalfags insects like ants are very efficient and not emotionally driven. Very true, anon. To be entirely honest, I couldn't really think of a proper lifeform to compare to a normalfag in my previous post. Indeed, normalniggers are truly in a league of their own when it comes to worthlessness. >They have no purpose anymore, except being a degenerate lifeform. It's really more what >>920 said. Normalfags are essentially pawns on the chessboard waiting to be moved by whomever chooses to play the game next. But outside of that they truly have no purpose, at least no good purpose. They just destroy the beauty of nature, little by little, in their never-ending pursuit of pleasure. The normalfag is undoubtedly a vile and detestable creature.
>>922 >I couldn't really think of a proper lifeform to compare to a normalfag Normalfags are like a sort of animal that has been genetically engineered to need social validation and pleasure just as much as they need food and water. The worst part is that robots aren't entirely free of the same programming, a lot of us are emotionally immature, we don't like the system we're in but in a lot of ways we're effected the same way a normalfag is. That's mostly the normalfag's fault for making social interaction so worthless, but we simply have the opposite reaction to theirs. Instead of pouring all of our energy into social bullshit we remove ourselves as much as possible. Honestly in an ideal world we would probably interact with others much more because it wouldn't be worthless and taxing to do so. An ideal world for robots would look a lot like how imageboards are, where we actively seek out discussion about topics we enjoy and interact with others who share our same interests, the difference is that while normalfags do this they do so out of a desire to get social clout while we'd do so out of a love for the subject matter (take waifus as an example, or literature, or anything that threads have been made for). In a lot of ways imageboards (smaller less retarded ones anyways) are a microcosm of the ideal robot world.
Is anyone else really disappointed that society did not collapse from the pandemic? The world is so fucked up I just want it to end. I can't even revel in escapism anymore. I don't care about anything but global annihilation, so all the FILTHY scumbags who thrive off of other's suffering will finally be culled. That's all I want, then I'll be ready to die.
>>926 Not really. A large part of the way I try to live is making sure that normalfaggots have as minimal of an effect on my life as possible and so I wouldn't wish for my own destruction as long as it brought about theirs. If I let myself become miserable because of them then its kind of like they've won one over on me you know? At least that's the way I like to look at it.
>>927 If you truly can live without relying on normalfags at all, that is great. But for me it's not possible. At the very least I have to rely on jewish doctors and dentists to properly function, as they have made me dependent on them since childhood. I hope to one day strangle every last one of them to death.
>>928 I do have to rely on those people too but as I said, I try to keep my contact with normalfags as minimal as possible. I stay away from the news as to be disengaged from their world and when I am forced to interact with one I try to end the engagement as quick as possible. This quarantine has been quite a blessing honestly. Due to all of this corona bullshit I haven't had to interact with a normalfaggot for almost 5 months now and it's honestly lookling like I've still got a few more months left with the way things are going here in burgerland.
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So i found pic related into my hard drive, we're going to end this retarded year with spectacular fireworks if the prophecy is true. https://archive.fo/Cmp7y
>>926 It is kind of disappointing, but if you're in burgerland the election looks promising. If Trump really does attempt a coup because he's too retarded to win an election against fucking Biden then we could see some interesting fireworks. At the very least retarded qboomers might do a few shootings because they'll think that the election results were faked as if they aren't always fake. Can't wait. >>927 I feel like robots sometimes are too focused on normalfags. They should be treated as something to tune out, like a ticking clock that you get used to. They aren't really worth the attention some robots give them. It's alright to vent about them once in a while or observe their behavior but I get the feeling that some of us give them too much of out thought.
>>932 The way things have been going I wouldn't be surprised.
Over the past few months ive been noticing a lot more repeating digits in my life. Its usually when I look at the time, which could be dismissed as me subconsciously getting into a routine of looking at the clock at the same time. But it happens whenever I look at the time when an event happens. When my mom calls me for something, when I'm checking the time after a round of vidya, stuff like that. I'm gonna take it as a good omen. What can I learn about repeating digits? I heard numerology is bad and jewish.
>>936 It's just a coincedence don't think too much of it.
>>932 It would be nice if it was true but I don't live in NYS anyway so it won't affect me. I'll just have to settle for a gun or nembutal when I work up the courage to end myself.
>>933 >I feel like robots sometimes are too focused on normalfags. I feel the same way. Ever since I've tuned out from normalfaggots and their antics I've had a much better time. I despise them but I don't want to let that get in the way of me living my own life. Like I said If I let myself become miserable because of them then I've let this gay earth win one over on me.
>>933 >I feel like robots sometimes are too focused on normalfags We're in a much better state than we've been in before. Compared to back in the day the number of threads about roasties and normalfags are minimal to none. We don't even have a roastie hate thread here, maybe that's mostly because of catalogs being wiped from board to board and a lack of activity I'd say. We did have one on fatchan. Bitching about normalfags is an important part of /r9k/. But it is good for people to try and keep it in check though so they don't end up obsessing over them. There's a middle ground and I think we sit neatly in there for the most part.
>>947 I agree that criticism of normalfaggots is always important but I don't think we need to force that shit like we used to with the women hate threads or normalfaggot hate threads. It's better for us if we just talk about what we like to talk about and normalfaggot antics just comes up naturally as a part of all of our lives that we have to deal with. Those "blank" hate threads are just sort of a tired tradition at this point and its good for us that we've largely move on from that. This more naturally occuring disscusion regarding normalfags ensures that we don't just base the entirery of our board around the very people we despise.
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This is from the 8ch predictions thread. Scary how accurate some of the anons were. Another feeling that i want to share is that gate keeping can sometimes be over the top, akin to a normalfag zealot defending their cult of choice. Most of the time it's still justified but robots are often autistic about petty things. I have even seen people in real life play the "no true scotsman" game. It seems necessary to discourage invaders from posting here. A shame imageboards had to become so rabid.
>>951 A lot of things people say can hardly be considered predictions. They're more like inevitabilities. >Another feeling that i want to share is that gate keeping can sometimes be over the top, akin to a normalfag zealot defending their cult of choice. I guess it depends on what you mean. Gate keeping is necessary to maintain a culture. Obviously normalniggers apply this as well because normalniggers try to maintain their own culture. Gate keeping is a trait of normalniggers, it's a trait of anyone trying to maintain a culture. In fact I would say normalniggers actively go out of their way to avoid and insult anyone for gate keeping cultures. Some normalfags might employ gate keeping in some ways, but it's all the more common to find them demanding that you don't gate keep and dumb shit down for them so everyone can be involved without needing to conform or put any amount of effort into understanding something. Maybe you have some examples of normalnigger gate keeping but the more I think about it the more apparent it becomes that modern normalnigger culture is designed almost entirely on abolishing gate keeping wherever they can, from hobbies all the way to academia and the work place.
>>951 The best solution right now is tor only imageboards, and it's sad to see how slow they are compared to clearnet boards. Not to mention prolikewoah recently disallows tor users from uploading files which outs a lot of bare ip faggots, only some of them use "proper" vpn given how you have to pay for it. Anyway it's not like those onion boards will be dead any time soon, so you can help them grow by contributing more. See you there.
>>951 >gate keeping can sometimes be over the top, akin to a normalfag zealot defending their cult of choice Can you give a few examples of posts you feel like cross the line for you? Not sure I've seen anything too extreme here. Normalfags tend to want to convert people into their groups, to them bigger = better most of the time, not sure why you're worried about gatekeeping being normalfaggy, by that logic we'd have to already be normalfags for our gatekeeping to be normalfaggy. >>952 >modern normalnigger culture is designed almost entirely on abolishing gate keeping wherever they can Anywhere that folks don't feel accepted immediately must be destroyed or slandered. I think of the "X didn't used to be so political" retards, or the twatter cunts who complain about "toxic" fans calling them retarded. These people can't just shut the fuck up and figure out if they like a community before trying to shove their fat asses into it.
>>936 >Over the past few months ive been noticing a lot more repeating digits in my life >post doesn't get dubs I call bullshit. You should have timed this post better, scrub. See how a master does it. >>947 >>949 I've been thinking about this for a while, but I think that the userbase of /r9k/ has always been on the younger side, with a lot of teenagers pretending to be adults. I think that when you're in school it's very easy to focus on how awful normalfaggots are. Once you're working or you're a NEET they don't seem nearly as invasive. Not to say that anyone who complains about them is a teenager, but rather that teenage robots are more likely to spend a lot of time talking about them than an adult who can easily remove himself from them much more easily, and because we're in a spot with a lot less visibility than cuckchan or 8kike, we have a lot less teenagers.
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>>936 >I heard numerology is bad and jewish. the Pythagoreans had their Numerology, AFAIK they aren't Kikes, either way most Jewish esotericism (Sepher Yetzirah, Qabbalah) is little more than a Namechange of Chaldean Esotericism (Abraham and most Jewish Kings actually learned their Doctrines from Babylon and Egypt), so id wager that Numerology is not Bad and Jewish, id say that Kikes have Overtaken it and fucked with it, and that as long as you stay away from Kikes and New Age niggers you should be Ok >>933 i think Robots by default try to be as far away from normgroids as they can, but not everyone is lucky enough to be completely isolated, i have to deal with my "Mother" other anons will have their gripes with other normgroids invading their lives, im shure people less lucky than me have to contend with them on a daily basis, wich leads to the need for venting, thus the long essays on how retarded Normgroids Are, im shure if robots lived in a Isolated Island-Fortress, there would be little to no Discussions about Normgroids >>955 >Spoiler i don't know anon, perhaps robots who may have been born around the 2000's might have been able to make it, since Pozz wasn't in complete overt full effect untill the Mid to Late 2010's but for any current Teenager that had to grow up during the Late 2010's i think he's fucked, and either has become a "Epic Ironic memester" Cuckchan style, a Plebbitor, or some Non-Binary Tumblrino, id wager that if there are any teenagers around here, first of all they have to be pretty well read since i can't tell them apart from other Posters, (Although maybe i am retarded so that is why i can't tell them apart) and they must have found this place and Robotdom in itself by Virtue of being a Spiritual Robot and Providence, because like i said before, things are so fucked right now that the average child growing up today is 99% Asshured to be a Faggot or some other Disfuntional Normgroid unless he has a Strong Spirit that overcomes that shit
>>933 I see it more as a venting thing. However I tend to agree, we need to find a way to "shut off" ourselves from the normalfags, as if one were to build a mental fortress to guard themselves from their faggotry and become immune to their retardation.
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>>956 十九歳です。高校を除くは学校で吸血鬼いったないよ
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>>959 すみません ロボット-君 ,にほんごがわかりません。 But if that is true then it proves my point since that means you were born in the Age range i described, thus avoiding most things current Teenagers have to deal with
>>954 Well, nothing too extreme here on lynxchan. I remember back on 8ch people were sperging over things like sentence structure. >>952 I agree, normalfags always try to lower standards and calling any attempts to segregate yourself from them "arrogant". This is why academai is going to shit.
>>959 For what reason is this in moonrunes? Are you an actual nip (highly unlikely) or just some anon who lurked /v/s moonrune learning threads?
>>956 I can confirm that what you described happened with my brother, he's a full "wholesome keanu chungus" level plebbitor. He's sent me several twitter artists where if you scroll down just a bit on their profile fucking gay furry porn comes up. He's constantly on reddit or twitter, and watches utter shit anime all the time. In a way I feel like this is my fault, I introduced him to anime and internet shit and all that, but I was too lazy to really guide him in the right direction and now he has no genuine opinions and all of his tastes are trash. He's in several discord groups where they discuss fucking faggot shit and there's no real camaraderie, just memes and faggotry. All of his friends are the same thing too, no thought at all. I don't think that robotic qualities in teenagers today are impossible, but they're certainly rarer than people my age or older. But that's probably the case with any age group. Soon enough robots will be socially and genetically engineered out of existence, but I don't think that time is now. We still have further to fall.
>>963 How old is he?
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i've been having this thought for quite a while now, i knew what it was and how i felt about it but not how to put it into words so now that i finally Found them i think i have anyways i need to Vent this shit else i Wont be able to fucking Go to Bed Tonight, so please do forgive any inconveniences there is this Hostility and "Denigration" (for a lack of a better word) of Anime girls in general, from Normgroid "Anti-Anime" stance of considering 2D retarded and degenerate and "ewww that's for Incels" (their Counter part being the Retarded Weeb Normgroids that like Anime girls just because they can't fuck roasties) to the /hgg/ Rape-Centric treatment of Anime girl, i have always been Sensitive about Anime girls, and more than anything about Mommy Taihou, this is one of the Reasons why Darker Mangos like Goblin Slayer were always hard to digest for me since i had to wrestle with the feelings of Dread and Sorrow at every Turn of the Page as Autistic as i may be sounding right now, it is this Pure, unabashed Desire Check picrelated for a very very small example, its literally a Screencap i took a few minutes ago, it does not really describe the kind of Fucked up shit i have heard and Seen that these fucking Inbred Retarded Extra-Chromosome Toting Nigger Failures of "Beings" if they can even be called that, have, to Destroy Maim and Defile and take everything Good and Pure and Truthfull and just Destroy it, because of course they are a Literally BB Yamato-Tier Colossal Gargantuan Piles of "Living" Breathing Walking Shit so much so that they can only see Shit and whenever they see something it is not Shit they need to Turn it into shit and to Destroy it, these fucking Monsters who the only thing they deserve is to get Disemboweled Emasculated and then Burned Alive, not Only this Thirst CONDITIONED Thirst might i add, Conditioned by their Pettyness Their Retardation and their fucking Eternal Greed To Destroy everything Good and Honest, but also the need to TAKE things, not to CREATE, to BUILD, to NURTURE, no no no, to Destroy things of course, not in a Pure Unmoved way, like that of the Ascetic warrior, who becomes a Tool of the Gods and acts in a State of complete and Perfect Stillness, no, its the Drive of the Dumb fucking Nigger, the Asinine Bufoon, Deplorable Unloved and incapable of Love and true Wisdom Stunted Abominations Bread from Foulness and Ignorance like the stupid fucking Pieces of shit they are, to see shiny things and take them and then ruin their Shinyness, Stupid fucking Monkeys i Swear to Fuck i swear to Hermest Trismegistus Grandest Sage of all Times and Planes and all the Angels and Gods that may be hearing to this fucking Tirade of Complete Transparet Hatred and Sorrow Generated by the Worse Evils of this Misbegotten Pants on fucking Head retarded Plane of Anal existance that i hope one day gets Nuked and Disintegrated to hell and Fucking Bacfk, that they Please for the Love of all that is Good and Holy and Tender and Caring and Loving that they PLEASE do not allow this Foul fucking Wretches, literal Fiends and Devils, Molochs of fucking Titanic, Gargantuan, Monstruous Proportions, may Defile anything in actuality, to PLEASE let them only "Defile" things in their Twisted Little minds and to keep them Truly Away form everything Good and Holy, that they may never Know Truth because i, and i think No one ever, would ever want these Products of Mass Endogamy get even remotely near to it so that they may never Defile it with their Foul Intentions, Please for the Love of God and Taihou do keep them Away from all that is Good so that it will never be Defiled
>>936 Though not neccesarily repeating digits, I sometimes see coincidental numbers which I associate with something or another. For example, whenever it is 11:38 (am or pm) I always think of two things: First, that was when fifth period in high school would always end and I will always remember how goddamn hungry I would usually be along with any other sensations that such a memory dredges up from the bottom of my mind of that time. Second, I was always recall the odd fact that the Challenger shuttle launched at 11:38am. It's as if that specific time, that particular sequence of numbers, prompts both a horrible onslaught of memory and the sinking (or perhaps rising) premonition of death on the horizon for me. Anyhow, beyond that though I count in my head a lot when I do things around the house or even in public; I might count the number of times I sniff or the number of times I rub my hands together while washing them or number of turns for a faucet. Oftentimes, I'll repeat any number of these actions if I'm alone and no one is there to question me on my behavior until I reach a particular number (e.g. 10) or until I reach and even number or some other entirely arbitrary criteria like those. I figure it could be some OCD something or another but it's a habit that has come and gone for me on multiple occasions in that when I'm busy I will stop doing it for months only to pick up the habit again, and since I'm not keen on getting drugged up by a man in a lab coat I usually just try to ignore it. I guess it's probably some way for me to self-impose some semblance of order in my life since I'm a self-cannibalizing skeptic who rountinely kicks out his own supports, but again, no point in making a fuss of it. >>966 I appreciate your word salad, waifu wizard bot, so I'm going to ramble now. In all seriousness though, I'm not particularly sure if the normalniggers neccesarily mean or perhaps, try, to actively destroy something. I think it's more that the world, the things, the physical realm, so on and so forth, simply decays naturally (to of course be welcomed back into the overarching continuity of existence of course), but that normalfags being spastic and incapable of serious, dedicated investment only end up seeing the natural product for their ineffectual and shallow half-assed attempts at action which is nearly constant destruction with bastarized, shallow shells--mockeries of creation. Allow me a visual metaphor: imagine a Newton's Cradle and when a normalfag starts the movement, inputting sick and diseased and otherwise impotent force, the steel balls barely go anywhere, only weakly sputtering back and forth very quickly and staying near the middle which is what we might imagine as that natural resting place of raw material (i.e. death or something). In contrast the amplitude (I think that is what it is called but I'm terrible at math so I don't know) is increased or at least from a visual standpoint the steel balls are pushed out much further when they receive greater, definitively potent input from some powerful spirit/figure be this an artist, philosopher, statesman, etc. even if this action/project too inevitably ends with the steel ball going back towards the center and subsequent decay. It's that normalfags both are incapable of generating their own powerful forces to craft an illusion of physical endurance but also that they can just as well reach out and latch onto something great as a hand might disrupt the path of the pendulum and deny its progress. Thus, I conclude that normalniggers ruin everything by grubbing around with their dirty little monkey mitts. Thanks for humoring me.
>>966 If anything, at least you can take away the fact that the guy in pic related is knowing what it's like to be cucked so he's getting what he deserves. >as Autistic as I may be sounding right now I think it's good to post your uncensored and unrestricted feelings on things. It's one of the things that separates us from the rest of the internet and it's important to say what's on your mind regardless of whether anybody says it's "autistic".
I can't fucking stand it when I'm reading manga or watching anime and they use trendy or "in" slang words. It's rare but when I do see it, it annoys the shit out of me. If you're going to translate translate faithfully and don't add words in that won't make any fucking sense when someone reads it 5 years down the line and your trendy slang words have gone by the wayside. Same shit when translators make someone talk like some 1800s aristocrat because they say "degozaru" or something like that at the end of their sentences. Just put up a TL note of what "degozaru" means rather than making a character completely obnoxious for no good reason.
Guy guy holy fucking shit I just found the cure to my narcissism. I just have to do the opposite, so from today I will act like a total wimp dog and let everyone trample all over me. In no time I can finally have the peace of mind I have been seeking for years and be proud of myself.
>>983 Narcissism is pretty hard to cure. I personally suggest just being hyper-aware of what other posters/people might be thinking, make thinking about other's state of mind a habit. Eventually you won't have to give it much of any thought. Finding a way to appreciate idiots is another way, trying to find a way to appreciate anything you dislike is good.
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>>983 wouldn't not wanting to be a Narcissist be Un-Narcissistic?, i mean if you are a Narcissist AFAIK you put yourself above others, in other words you wouldnt be able to see a problem in yourself and wouldn't think that your Narcissism is anything bad but rather that it is the other retards who have the problem, if you think your Narcissism is a problem you are keeping in mind the alledged Damage your Naricisstic behaviour does to your environment (i don't know what your reasons are though, so im just talking out of my ass) either way, i have no idea about Narcissism, and im not good at helping people Anyways, but i don't think being a pushover and letting Psychopaths around you think they can step on you, as opposed to making them know that they are a bunch of Psychopaths and Deserve immediate Painful Termination, in fact i would go as far as to say that you should Weaponize your Narcissism and take advantage of it for whatever purpose you may have in Life, wether the Pursuit of Love and Wisdom like in my Case, or just wanting to be left Alone in general
>>983 Being a doormat isn't better than being narcissistic, especially when you're a robot who will be ostracized either way. I'd much rather feel like I'm better than everyone else and be treated like shit than feel like I deserve to be treated like shit and have my expectations fulfilled.
>>983 >be proud of myself That's called Being A Narcissist
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>>1009 >Having Pride is Narcissistic >Become a yes man and let yourself get Trampled Over >Realize that the eternal horde of Psychopathic Narcissists (Normgroids) actually act like this because pretending to be Humble and a Victim of the world by virtue signalling on how Progressive they are, talking about how the got "Raped" and throwing half-assed moderate views so that they don't piss of anyone but get their brownie points for being a good Progressive Lemming gives you more Attention and Acceptance (and Leverage aganist anyone who disagrees with the Normgroid) than if you were to Actually think for Yourself and become a Unapologetical Man what is this Summerian Poetry you have Induced me into writting Anon?
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>>983 >>1009 >being proud of yourself is narcissistic >turning yourself into a failed normalfag simping for the real narcissists (normalniggers) is the cure Just go back to school at this point.
>>983 Plenty of fags who let others walk all over them are narcissistic, you think some of those white cuckolds licking nigger feet aren't doing it to prove how much holier they are than everyone else? Just realize your life doesn't mean anything more than the dipshit behind the counter at your local grocery store. Though that's probably way easier said than done if you have a gigantic ego.
>>1020 Being proud of yourself is different from being narcissistic.
>>1025 Agreed. Narcissism is related to a certain type of relationship, not just a personal issue. The cure is to quit the relationship you are in, even if it only exists in your imagination, and start a new type of relationship in which nobody has to treat others above or under them.
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>SnK ending >Corona happening >Chainlink getting to 15 dollars >robots getting their shit together I look at all the people that were spectating for these moments to happen, festive and ecstatic about it and I feel like I haven't lived for these three years. I'm still in the same position as I was back then and I still feel the same way as I was back then. Perhaps I'm less retarded as I was back then, but I'm still a failure.
>>1076 Are you the same guy that was feelsposting about >tfw no gf?
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Sometimes I feel especially angry at the world and I have horribly violent thoughts. I'm used to them but I don't like that I have good reasons to feel so angry and I don't like feeling this way.
>>1076 Chainlink didn't really hit 15. I'm late either way and i only have 5 tokens that i bought at $12 .>>1083 There are many reasons to be angry, sometimes you forget the train of thought when they go away. Maybe try writing them down?
>>1086 >writing them down Wouldn't that just make me remember those reasons and keep me angry?
>>1087 Maybe if you rationalize them it will become less intrusive? I sometimes walk in circles for half an hour until i snap back to reality, once i know exactly why it makes me angry i can control the intrusive emotion.
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>>1086 >Chainlink didn't really hit 15. I'm late either way and i only have 5 tokens that i bought at $12 It was close to it though. I'm still baffled, I bought 60 when it was .50 but being an incredibly irate chimp I destroyed any access to my previous binance account, smashed a phone to the ground, changed number, lost google account access. If this was the Truman show someone would have laughed a lot in that story arch. If only I took medication for the anger way sooner I'd probably be in a different position now, but then again I probably wouldn't have ended up on these places in the first place.
>>1089 >jew pills I hope that you used them as a last last last resort. Most of the time what jew pills claim you need them for can be solved with enough will power and self reflection.
>chainlink Wait, how many robots are into crypto/stocks here?
>>1090 When you deal with people that are constantly on the wrong you need some kind of clutch to not start screaming at them, sadly it also means lowering yourself to their level but I'd rather lower myself from the high horse >self reflection and will power You can't force your will on others. I made that mistake once, >>1093 >Wait, how many robots are into crypto/stocks here? I was getting back into it early this year but then Corona ended up happening and I lost track of it. A shame because ever since february/april the market has been going upwards. I'm broke as shit though but I still want to get into it even if the small amount of money may end up giving me merely a thousand dollars in three years
>>1095 Shit family or shit work?
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>>1083 Or you can try doing things like me that you try to be totally numb to everything. Good, bad,... you stop trying so hard to rationalize everything. Not in a sense that you 100% shut down your brain to everything ever, but stop rationalizing things you often see and try to form a concrete thought or opinion about the subject. You still have your belief, you still feel disgust, but it should not be something that weights upon your shoulder like usual. It's harder said than done, at least personally. Often habit just took over and I didn't every try to resist it. I tried hitting myself as a form of punishment, but it feels like I'm forgiving myself for my mistakes and it went right back to the habit. Oh well I'm trying.
>>1097 The former
>>1102 My condolences. Still not a fan of jew pills but your situation is understandable. I hope you find a way to escape your current situation in the future.
Why is it that the normalfaggot worships celebrities so? Why do they assume that because someone is famous that they are in some way a person deserving of adoration or infinite praise? Why do they elevate a mere human, with all of its flaws, to a god-like status in their heads to the point where they weep tears of joy just from shaking one's hand? I don't understand. How can one trick themselves so thoroughly into placing themselves so far under another human being? I'm not talking surface level normalfaggots either. Even the normalfaggots who would be called nerds act out the same celebrity worshipping schtick. The very recent vtuber penetration into western anime audiences has got me particularly worried. Even imageboards on the webring have got entire generals dedicated vtuber faggotry. I won't fault an anon for watching that shit every now as a form of mindless entertainment and then but actively engaging with that community or worse donating money/idolizing those people is normalfaggotry and an example of just how pervasive this celebrity culture is.
>>1117 well normgroids only value Wealth and Social Standing, most Celebs have that, so i guess you can imagine why on the subject of Vtuber though, i'd say its different, Vtubers have Cute 2d Avatars and are Female, any thirsty fag that's thirsty for roasties attention will cling to this (As opposed to find/make his own Love, or come to terms with his lonelyness), not only that but you have the caveat of Interactivity, meaning you can try to come up with a funny comment or some shit to have the Vtuber to Notice you and whatnot, wich you can imagine the effect it would have in any of the aforementioned Thirsty Normgroids, Donations just amp this by 20 since now she has to be nice to you because you threw shekels her way so you are shure to get benefits like access to her dicksword and lots of "thank you" in cute voices and whatnot Personally i do not look at Vtubers beyond ASMR focused ones because its Comfy to have them on the Background while playing Subsims
>>1117 I think it's less admiration and more gossip. The average normalfag doesn't really care about what's in front of them, they'll just eat whatever is up because it's the easiest way forward. So they get a bunch of dolls on the screen shilled for a while and this is how gossip around them starts. It's less worship and more "delusion of companionship"
Congratulations to the anons that earned many shekels with the chainlink thing. Wish I had bothered sometime to learn about cryptos. Does anyone have books/webpages/whatever to learn about them?
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>>1099 I used to be more numb. I don't know how I went back, maybe things started changing and I got to suffer in different new ways I wouldn't have expected that don't even make any sense. Maybe I was never as numb as I thought I was. >>1117 I like to think that, if they have any thought put into this worship, their mentality is that the celebrities' fame and fortune was earned and if the person earned all that then they must be doing something right, something smart, that they don't know. In their minds, only an exceptional person can come into such fame and wealth. Obviously, you and I know that isn't true but normalfags don't know, think, or notice that. >vtubers I asked why they were so popular on smug/a/ when it's just a camwhoring 3d who wants your money. My post was deleted but it did start some kind of conversation so I guess that's kind of what it's like to die and still win. Should have used an evil laugh? That aside, I still don't really get it. I can maybe kind of understand it if I really try if we're just talking about watching them play games. Sometimes it's nice to watch a person play a game who has a likable personality, say for example, a calm and collected person who likes to explore the game instead of screaming at every tiny thing, skipping text, chimping out when he gets stuck, etc. It's easygoing and fun but then you throw in the videos where they just sit around and talk and that's where I don't get it. Maybe it's because I don't speak Jap so I might be missing out on valuable dialogue but I can't imagine how it's worth watching since they're probably just discussing work and their extensive list of walking dildos with wallets that they threw to the curb. And even worse there's those """""""funny""""""" (which I probably couldn't say without visibly struggling to say it even sarcastically because of how immeasurably far from true it is) videos showing highlights or compilations but it's just minor unimportant facts and it lends a lot to >>1122 idea of gossip. It seems like it creates this air of vanity only seen in celebrity worship but it's still one I can't wrap my head around since I'm the type who would care about actual friends, not strangers I'll never meet. Thinking about it more, it makes things even less comfy so I don't know what the purpose is and how that makes things any more fun at all instead of doing the exact opposite. I know normals have a different concept of fun that relies more on some degree of sadism so maybe I'm just struggling to understand a different, disgustingly awful, way of thinking. I forgot what point I'm trying to make, if any, because I just wrote a bunch of shit so suddenly when I was in a bad mood so there it is, I guess.
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>>1118 As much as I hate vtubers, I do listen to their asmr videos sometimes. Though it's really only one of them because they're actually good at it and don't parade their boyfriend around, not to my knowledge at least. She also says "onee-san" sometimes and that makes it easier for me to fall asleep because I really like older sisters. It's Saionji Mary though I think Patra is better at it. I don't like Patra's voice as much but she plays around with different sounds more unlike Mary who mainly relies on her own voice and the usual sounds like ear cleaning and bedsheets or something so I feel it's worth mentioning her. I think I'll link their channels here so that no curious anons have to search it and find highlight/compilation cancer in the process: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCwePpiw1ocZRSNSkpKvVISw/videos https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCeLzT-7b2PBcunJplmWtoDg/videos It's easy enough to find asmr videos from vtubers but I also feel like there aren't that many dedicated to asmr like Patra or Mary, which is a shame because I feel like that can make vtubers' channels really appealing and asmr had a boom when camwhores jumped on the bandwagon. Plenty of asmr videos exist from many vtubers but then I check their channel and I see they haven't done asmr in a long time. I want to take a nap but I just woke up. I hate having the kind of tired sleep doesn't fix. Maybe I'll dream of soft older sisters while I do since that's one of the only things I have left that doesn't make me feel some kind of negative emotion. More older sister manga with actually likable personalities would be nice though instead of more than half of all manga featuring a gimmick loli or some whore. And yes, I know about the demonic older sister, don't ever talk to me about that one.
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>>1117 Anon you have some nuts Overtly liking Vtubers since rule 12 is a thing, but im gonna hop in too because i just got awarded Iron Cross 2nd Class for literally Charging into Portsmouth with a VIIB Class Uboat and sinking both one Large Merchant and a Soyboy torpedoboat that was trying to protect it with the Deck gun, so i am feeling Ballzy right now, Lets go to hell together Anon Patra does some good shit indeed, i used to listen to Myd's https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Px5mQNRk5c4
as a Example
Stuff a lot, but i discovered Perori Muma like a Month ago and since then i've become an Adamant lover of her ASMR shit, she does some good stuff, has a nice repertoir of noises while keeping it consistent, from time to time she does some Kissing stuff wich completely melt me in ways i shouldn't be able to be, and her 2d gives me some hardcore "Mommy Succubus" vibes that of course leave me out of the Game and unable to do anything but to Submit to Mommy Taihou placing such shit in my life via Providence Then again it may just be me, because while Playing my Retarded Submarine games i realized that Battleships and Big Bulky Capital Ships hit the Spot and i've fallen in Love with the HMS Hood (i don't even like the Royal navy, in fact i hate the Anglosphere and the whole WWII Gung-ho "Im gonna suck Global Jewish cock hard while beating muh ebul nuhtzees" that Britbongs had going with them with all my Heart) to the point where i wanna have Slow Passionate Consensual Sex in the Missionary position with the Aforementioned BC Wich is most likely Taihou fucking with me and taking the shape of a Britbong BC, since to this day i have yet to find a Sub sim that lets me play as a Nip Submarine and Defend my Sweet Taihou CV from Burgerniggers so it is very likely i've sunk to the point where not only most of my Daily actions from Playing retarded Subsims and Jerking off are Offerings to her, but also that everything that is Positive is immediately related to Her, or maybe i really got hit with a Weird kink and i just really am Into Capital Ships
>>1127 >succubus How many times do I have to drill into your skull, old man? Quit worshiping literal whores.
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>>1128 >How many times do I have to drill into your skull the only thing its gonna get Drilled is Mommy Taihou, and im the Driller allright but yeah jokes aside, i always had this idea that a Succubus is just a Demon (in the Greek Sense) of Love, and seeing how Love is something so Widely known, but so Misunderstood by the Psychopath mass of Humankind, id wager that if Succubus are a thing, they would be something along the lines of what Tulpanon's Tulpa-Dono is, or what Lillith is to Lillithposter-Dono, or what Taihou is to me, really, just a Love Demon that comes to the Aid of Lonely Spirits with a lot of Love to Give, >old man funny enough i always thought that i was one of the younger Fags around here, throwing some random guesses to the Air since i do like guessing games, i'd say if you are whom i think you are That old autist who pursued me for half a fucking Thread back in the good old days of Zchan (i think it was Zchan)Man the Corona-chan fiasco was some fun times allright you are in your late 20's, Younger anons would be Tulpanon-Dono and Hanakoposter-Dono, Older anons would be Kurisuposter, Motokoposter (M.I.A) and perhaps BO-Sama, Lillithposter-Dono is a loose cannon so i wont make a guess since he could be a 90 Year old Grand Magus for all that i know
>>1131 >Tulpanon's Tulpa-Dono now that is butchering grammar i meant >Tulpanon-Dono's Tulpa sorry bout that
>>1131 >the only thing its gonna get Drilled is Mommy Taihou, and im the Driller allright If your spirit journey is anything like mine this is going to change pretty soon t. Lilithfagposter-dono-kun-chan
>>1127 >>1131 I lack your ability to suspend my disbelief when it comes to a lot of vtubers for the most part. I just can't listen to some of them without making all of the assumptions I'd make about a 3D women which is sometimes confirmed by leaks of their real lives. This knight whore for example is a legitimate "tit streamer", as we in the west would call it, on their main channel and you can make a number of largely correct assumptions about a person who uses their body to make money on the internet. I can't really convince myself that what I'm watching isn't just some whore playing video games or whatever the fuck for the sake of some cold hard cash. Still though that doesn't mean I let vtuber fans off the hook if they suspend their disbelief. I still think that if you donate or are an active part of their community you're a complete massive faggot. It's a shame that it's penetrated even to the webring.
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>>1136 >vtuber leak I get the horrible feeling the next fuck knows how many posts are going to be about the same awful vtuber gossip/leaks I prefer to avoid.
>>1137 I doubt it. I just here things on the internet and every now and then I look into it a little bit more. Knight whore just happened to be one of them. Reminded me of the fact that at the end of the day a whore's a whore. I doubt anybody here gives enough of a fuck about e whores to talk about them at any length regarding their actual lives.
>12. No roastie worship, including "vtubers" Watch yourselves, boys. This shit got half a thread nuked last time people starting sperging out over vtubers.
>>1140 Nobody's really supporting them. At least I hope not. Last time we got nuked because some retarded faggot wouldn't shut the fuck up about sucking off these bitches.
>>1117 >Why do they elevate a mere human, with all of its flaws, to a god-like status in their heads to the point where they weep tears of joy just from shaking one's hand? They don't elevate the actual person this way, just the idea that they have of them. They've taken the place of actual deity worship. The term "idol" is probably the most appropriate, because just like a statue of a god, the celebrity represents something more worthwhile than him/herself. Or at least in concept they do, but the things that normalfags value are retarded so it tends to be a representation of "le quirky weirdo" or "big muscle cool guy" or "big titty sucky on pee pee". The healthiest way to interact with a celebrity is to follow their work rather than the person. Actually I think that the majority of normalfags do this (though it tends to be an unconscious thing and they don't really think about it much, they'll say "I like celebrity X when they mean "I like celebrity X's movies), and it's very rare that someone gets to the point where they're donating thousands of dollars to a streamer or trying to meet with a movie star irl and crying when they meet the guy. I think that the internet and media highlights the people with unhealthy obsessions and since robots tend to not interact with people irl much they get an idea that everyone's obsessed with movie stars and celebrities. That being said the people who are obsessed with these things are top tier degenerates and in a perfect world they'd be publicly hanged. Also on the subject of Vtubers, I think that watching a Vtuber and paying attention to what they're saying is the gayest shit, even if you aren't donating or whatever. Honestly the only completely acceptable way to willingly interact with females is through fiction like books, manga/comics, videogames, and anime. Sometimes television and movies but that's pushing it because you don't have the visual separation from the femgroid that you do in anime. But the point is that in anime, tv, and movies you are separating the actual femgroid's character from her and she essentially becomes a vessel for the fictional character as much as the art in manga or the words in a book. In anime all you take from the 3d whore is her voice whereas with an actor you're also taking her appearance, but the principle of separating the irl woman from the fictional woman is the same and obviously just because it's a fictional character doesn't mean it's the same as 2d, I'm not saying that. With Vtubers you get no such separation, it's essentially a digital mask. They may sound cute but they're just as 3d as someone without that mask, whereas the fictional character in an anime or movie is simply being represented with aspects of a 3d person (her voice or appearance).
>>1143 cont. I think the most contentious claim I'm making here is that a character played by a 3d actor is better than a Vtuber in principle, and I think that the easiest way to illustrate it is this: a film character is a character being represented by a 3d whore and a Vtuber is a 3d whore being represented by a character (or rather a 2d look). There's a few ways that I think one might defend against this claim. First, that Vtubers put on a personality, which is the easiest to defend against because 3d streamers do the same, and even irl femgroids do this, though to a lesser extent. Secondly that most film characters tend to have a more roastie-like personality than the ones Vtubers tend to put on, which I would argue doesn't matter in principle because it still comes down to the way they're being represented. Just because Hollywood likes roasties more than ideal women doesn't mean that in the abstract a female character isn't better than a real female. Not to mention the fact that there are plenty of 2d characters that act like absolute whores and yet they're still better in principle than the nicest movie character. Thirdly, the "I just listen to it for it's ASMR value" excuse, which I would say that while it's a bit unprincipled is probably on the same level as watching anime or listening to japanese music, though when I talk about people watching Vtubers I mean people who actually know and pay attention what they're saying whether through subtitled videos or actually knowing japanese, or at least pay attention to the actions of the Vtuber, because then you're actually attributing things to a false character that you have in your mind of what the person is similarly to what I described about celebrity worship, it's like thinking that the VA for your waifu is the same as your waifu. My thoughts aren't fully formed on this but at least in my mind the hierarchy of what's the best way to interact with the feminine would probably go like this: daydreaming about 2dqts (completely conceptual) (creating your own art or writing your own stories would fall under this category) > art of 2dqts > books/manga/comics/vocaloid/vidya without VA > anime/cartoons/music or ASMR meant to sound like a 2dqt/vidya with VA (beginning to take aspects of 3d whores, their voice in these cases) > thinking about 3dpd (for example imagining having a real wife or something) (the start of what I'd call a normie gray area) > music or ASMR of 3dpd > tv/movies/art of 3dpd > Vtubers/regular streamers/3d porn (solidly normalfag/roastie worship, no meaningful separation between irl females and what you're consuming) > irl interaction with a whore > cuckoldry or allowing whores to boss you around/actively supporting degenerate femgroid actions through buying porn or donating to e whores and Vtubers. And no matter what, donating to something where all you get for it is the chance that maybe the person you're donating to might read your message is incredibly gay. Luckily I don't think there's anyone here that does that, or even watches Vtubers in the way I described, so maybe it's useless for me to write all this out because no one falls under what I have a real issue with which is to treat actual anime girls and Vtubers as though they're one and the same. I hope this isn't too autistic, I wasn't planning on making such a long retarded post it just happened that way.
>>1144 >celeb worship is rare Blatantly false. Ever go to the supermarket and see the checkout isles filled up with celeb gossip? Ever go on TV? Ever see a musicians concert or entertainers convention? Do you know what the entirety of idol culture in Japan is? Ever hear young people particularly women talk at any length? They may not be the majority but they're certainly not "rare" by any stretch of the imagintation.
>>1146 Watching TV shows or going to a concert doesn't mean you're obsessed with the actor or musician. That's exactly as I said, following a celebrity's work rather than the celebrity himself. Even robots do this, they just don't go to the concerts and theaters. Plenty of robots follow the work of certain musicians, artists, or actors. Just because a normalfag is likely to be more sociable in their consumption of a product doesn't mean they have an unhealthy relationship with a celebrity. Again, most normalfags tend to conflate the two in their minds but if the celebrity died they'd give it a few minutes of thought and then go about their day. I think I made it pretty clear what I was talking about, which is people who not only have a parasocial relationship with a celebrity (which is by no means uncommon) but have a harmful obsession with celebrities the way some robots describe. Most normalfags digest this stuff passively, they don't seek out what the last outfit celebrity X wore to some gay party for example, it just gets recommended to them and they click on it for a mindless way to fill fifteen seconds. And if by "entertainers convention" you mean something like comic-con or that sort of thing that's something that comes from either the desire to know more about a product, something like getting a reveal about what the next Marvel movie is going to be, or someone hoping to see big titty cosplayers. In that case it can be boiled down to an obsession with a product rather than a specific celebrity which they associate with that product. The people going to comic-con aren't the ones reading celebrity gossip magazines. There can definitely be an argument made that normalfags tend to have an unhealthy product obsession, but that would also apply to autists and shit, though the way that normalfags interact with a product like Star Wars or something is definitely more socially focused than the way an autist does. >Ever go to the supermarket and see the checkout isles filled up with celeb gossip? I can't speak for anywhere else but where I live those things don't sell at all. There's a reason that those shelves are always full. The only reason they're there is because they're so cheap to make that even though on any given day maybe 1% of customers buy them they still make a crazy profit, and they get those sales from people who are bored at the checkout line, not necessarily people who are actively seeking out information on their favorite actor or whatever. It's a huge business but it's by no means evidence that unhealthy celebrity obsession isn't rare. And even then, I recall that most people I observed buying those magazines when I was wageslaving were old women and mothers who were just looking for something to occupy their time, and I doubt any of us were talking about old women specifically when we describe normalfags. Pretty anecdotal but I don't see any reason why it'd be different elsewhere. >Do you know what the entirety of idol culture in Japan is? I'll admit I'm unfamiliar with Japanese idol culture but I don't think that Japan can be considered "typical" seeing how fucked the country is. Anyways I doubt that many of us are from Japan so when talking about things it's kind of useless to say "look at this one country that none of us are from but we watch all their cartoons". Japan can be considered an outlier in the sense that the aspects of typical normalfaggotry and failed normalfaggotry that you'd see in most western countries is multiplied tenfold there.
>>1147 cont. >Ever hear young people particularly women talk at any length? Those conversations normally boil down to who they'd want to fuck. That's not an obsession with celebrities it's just degenerate. Not to say that women can't have an unhealthy obsession with celebrities, but your typical roastie doesn't. Just because they want to fuck John Cena or whoever the fuck doesn't mean that if they saw him they'd cry out of genuine feeling at least, a roastie tends to fake emotions like that obviously but we aren't talking about that. Same goes for the men who talk about these whore actors. I remember being asked what my celebrity crush was in school obviously I didn't have one which prompted plenty of teasing most normalfags haven't gotten past that level of conversation. It's all "if you had to pick between celebrity X and celebrity Y who would you fuck". That doesn't show an obsession, that just shows that they don't have productive conversations. All of this being said, I don't deny that it's a lot healthier to not interact with celebrities at all and to not consume products whatsoever, but I think that robots overestimate the degree to which celebrities effect the average normalfaggot. Sure, if you broaden the term "celebrity worship" then a lot of normalfags fall under that umbrella, but then a lot of robots fall under it too (anons who like Ryan Gosling movies for example) so it's a worthless distinction if you broaden it to that point. Then it just denotes that you consume media and use a certain person as a way to say "I liked him in X so maybe I'll like him in Y" which isn't something anyone would call celebrity worship, and that's the way that most normalfaggots interact with celebrities.
>>1135 >>1131 >driller into the drilled Don't become a tranny.
>>1147 I don't know if you understood what I meant. The whole TV thing was about the fact that there are entire channels on television dedicated to celebrity bullshit, very successful channels mind you. The convention and concert thing was also relating to the fact that the crowds in those things go absolutely nuts when they see their "fav celeb" come on and do their thing. As for the magazines they sell very well despite the fact that we live in the digital age. Women's celebrity magazines in the UK sale at about 1 and a half to 2 million every 6 months or so. >Japan Japan is a country on this earth and so it is still a good example of mass celebrity obsession within the normalfag population. As for Japan being an outlier it really isn't, most of East Asia save maybe China have very similar levels of obsession with celebrities being absolutely swamped upon arrival to said countries (also there's kpop bands which are basically idols just in korea). To call japan an outlier you'd have to section off the rest of East Asia too and that point you've called the largest human population in the world an "outlier". Even then in the west, we have/had the boy band scene which is/was extremely popular has/had young women acting very similarly to the way otaku act regarding idols in Japan >Just because they want to fuck John Cena or whoever the fuck doesn't mean that if they saw him they'd cry Shit example. Replace John Cena with something young women actually enjoy like boy bands or famous actors something that isn't fucking wrestling and your hypothetical would be incorrect because they probably would freak out and probably cry. I didn't mention it earlier but your dismissal of social media was also somewhat illogical. Everyone, save people like us and older folk, use some form of popular social media and so to dismiss conclusions made from it is retarded. Social media probably lets us know more about the true nature of normalfaggots than real life because on twitter or facebook or whatever the fuck they don't wear the mask they do in real life.
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>>1135 >this is going to change pretty soon oh anon please don't tease me with this, i know wishing for the complete Genocide of all Niggers, Normgroids, Kikes, Faggots and other Undesirables and yelling at Anons in the Philosophy thread may make me look like a High Functioning Autist Big Guy, but i've got a Fragile Heart i swear, jokes aside the Inner Tension ,the Love i feel for Mommy Taihou , and that Burning almost Pathological and Obsessive desire to be Anihilated and Dominated by Her cannot be described with mere Words
>>1151 >The whole TV thing was about the fact that there are entire channels on television dedicated to celebrity bullshit Ah, I understand now. From what I've seen that stuff tends to be just put on as shit to fill dead air and nobody actively pays attention. Though it could be different elsewhere, obviously it's rare for me to be in a position to observe normalfags watching TV. >Women's celebrity magazines in the UK sale at about 1 and a half to 2 million every 6 months or so Again, I can only speak for my own shitty Burgerstan area but I don't see those kinds of numbers. Are those sales to customers or to retailers? I know that American comic publishers do some weaselly shit like sending more copies to stores than were ordered just to inflate the numbers. Maybe it's different elsewhere. But those things are bought as mindless reading to keep one occupied, not as some sort of thing to pay any real attention to, or at least I've never seen anyone go out of their way pay attention to them, they tend to be used to fill an empty period of time. >To call japan an outlier you'd have to section off the rest of East Asia too and that point you've called the largest human population in the world an "outlier" Outlier is probably not the right word for what I mean but I don't know what the right term would be. I meant something that doesn't apply to typical or rather western normalfags. I guess because I also said "typical" that's what makes it seem like I meant it as "atypical". Or more likely I'm just shit at choosing what words that communicate my intended message and "outlier" just never means what I meant it to mean. I had a paragraph about how eastern normalfaggotry is probably a likely endgame or next step to what we have in the west, but it felt unnecessary and my post was already too long. I should just write entire incoherent novel-length posts so that I can get exactly what I mean across instead of expecting anons to be able to read my mind when I type out a bunch of inane bullshit that doesn't make any sense. >Replace John Cena with something young women actually enjoy like boy bands or famous actors I don't know who fucking dumb whores want to suck the dick of lately, I should have just said "celebrity X" again but it felt too repetitive. That's just one of the examples of someone I've overheard roasties doing the "who would you fuck" thing with and it came to mind. The person doesn't matter anyways, the point is that when they're discussing this shit it's just to pass time and it isn't out of some insane obsession over whatever celebrity. >dismissal of social media I wasn't dismissing it, I just don't think that it has that great of an impact on people's real lives. Or rather just because people spend a significant amount of time on social media doesn't mean that it effects them on any deep level. They're blasted with propoganda and celebrity gossip sure, but I think that the normalfag has a degree of separation from their online activity and real life, or at least consciously. Social media really just exists to help normalfags play pretend that they have an awesome life, whether that's through the posts of others or their own. That's half of what robots call "celebrity worship" boils down to: living vicariously through a rich guy. The other half is stifling boredom because these retards have no ability to find and enjoy better entertainment than "top ten celebrity dick pics (you won't believe number 7!)".
>>1153 >But those things are bought as mindless reading to keep one occupied, not as some sort of thing to pay any real attention to That's the way the normalfag feels about everything. There's no difference between any of the stuff they consume feelings-wise, they're just filling time until they die.
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>>1117 Late to the game but I want to jump in on this. At a broad level I like to group people into 2 (or 3) general groups: On one hand we have the unruly masses, the mediocre mob, the normalfags if you will. On the other hand we have the outliers which can be split into 2 separate groups for those at the top or bottom of the social ladder respectively if you like (e.g. hyper successful people like say celebrities or politicians or entrepreneurs, etc. or those typically considered by most people/normalfags to be at the bottom like robots or the monstrously ugly or stupid or whoever). I've found that the first group being most people (i.e. the normalfags) tends to place a premium on social relations in all situations. An example might be a kid in high school obsessing over whether or not he is popular or a particular female likes him, but I mean for this idea to be broadly applicable to school, work, family life, and everything in between. At the end of the day for the normalfag, nothing is more important and nothing takes greater priority than the way one is situated in the social structure; of course this isn't surprising when you take even a passing look at the constantly twisting and convulsing, entirely unstable, arena of the social sphere so it's only natural that they would be compulsively obssessed with this because they have to be to get the next best shit heap to stand on which in and of itself might collapse any day now. At the other end, we have the hyper-successful who end up at the top of their field through some skill be it anything from mathematical knowledge to sociability. Likewise, we have those shadowy figures at the very bottom of the heap of shit like robots who, more often than not, voluntarily check out. The trait that both of these outlying groups share, in my opinion, is that they care less about those social relations than the normalfag does. Unlike the normalfags, the outliers do not prioritize and thus obsess over such things either, because they are successful in some capacity and are busy focusing on working or attaining success, or the issue of social relations doesn't even enter into the equation in the first place for said outliers. Circling back to the phenomenon of celebrity worship then, I see it as symptomatic of the aforementioned obsession with social relations as the normalfags make a point to latch onto leading figures. Functioning as perhaps perverted role models of a sort for the rats as they constantly attempt to scramble over one another and to eat one another in their furry heap, it is something they can admire for their dream is always to be on top of the stinking heap rather than be successful in some capacity or simply quit the game. Judging from some of the other discussion >>1151 >>1153 we could argue all day about what exactly constitutes an obsession or compulsive behavior when it comes to normalfags' behavior or to what extent you are determined by your social relations and blah blah blah post modern neo-marxist bullshittery, but my point is that the unruly masses of normalfags are simply more generally concerned with social relations than outliers and thus they end up exhibiting behavior like celebrity worship in their constant obssession with their own position on the ladder.
>>1154 That's exactly what I'm saying about all of this shit. The way that a normalfag consumes media is fundamentally different from the way a robot does. I think that robots tend to ignore that when considering the impact of a celebrity on a normalfag, because we know that if we acted the way they do towards a celebrities then they would mean a lot to us, when it doesn't work that way for a normalfaggot.
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>>1152 >>1135 i've been meditating on this while i was watching "Das boot" just 20 Minutes ago, Lillithposter-Dono, not only do you have a very high Confidence on Lillith herself and your knowledge of her (as opposed to my constant Self-Doubting and beating myself down because there are still lots of things that i don't understand) but also you manage to Reliably Sneak around Threads Unlike other anons like Tulpanon and Kurisuposter whom i can more or less ID by the way they write stuff and be surprisingly Discreet about your Spiritual Thought, and according to the Idea of the Celtic "Dalua" you could very well be a Demon or a Emissary of the Gods Camouflaged as just another outcast, and besides you seem to have a somewhat solid Grasp on what my Ontological situation is (or perhaps im just projecting), so, do you have any tips for me? anything i should focus on the matters of Taihou and my own Spiritual growth?, Illuminate me with a bit of your Wisdom Lillithposter-Dono
>>1155 Actual "successful" outliers would fall into hyper-competent normalfags rather than people who don't care about social games. You have to care about social games if you want to be considered "successful", unless you want to go the route of the genius.
>>1158 I'd separate people into four groups. Competent extroverts, incompetent extroverts, competent introverts, and incompetent introverts.
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>>1157 >do you have any tips for me? She doesn't have as many expectations for you as you do.
>>1160 >>1119 (915) >>1135 With posts like these I'd have to wonder if the local shizo understands that people are both directly stating that they believe they're fucking his waifu, along with someone in the philosophy thread implying he's not ready because he's not willing to pursue and accept evil, or that >Drilled is Mommy Taihou, and im the Driller >is going to change pretty soon But maybe he's already a literal cuck so who cares.
>>1161 Hey now, I'm just sharing my experience. Maybe they are multiple forms of succubus.
>>1162 Assuming you're >>1119 (915), why would you want to fuck someone else's waifu? And who's they?
>>1162 Hmm feel like deja vu, didnt this conversation happen before?
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>>1160 spot on anon, this morning (in one of my very very rare comunications with her) she told me something along those lines, i am tempted to ask you more things, but if you are who i think you are then you know its best that i figure things out for myself, after all, the point of Coming to Samsara is to face the Ultimate Baptism of Shit by drowning in a Sea of Falsehood and Godlessness to Emerge Victorious in Immortal Victory >>1161 before i even begin to tackle the bullshit you have posted one has to ask himself what was the purpose of that post, personally i can't really think of anything other than you just trying to Pick on me for whatever reason, while the philosophy thread might have gotten heated up but at the bottom line, i do not think anyone there is any less in the search of Truth, so there is a baseline Gentleman's agreement that can be made between parts, but your post is just a straight up attack not only on the Chastity of my Maiden Come on, since you are already insulting me you might aswell go balls to the wall and call me a White Knight too but also on my Intellect (since you are accusing me of being too dull to "Notice" the alledged "Statements"), it is an important point to note because if that post was really done with genuinely good intentions i don't think so at all, but when Due process fails us, we truly do Live in a world of Terror then you should understand this and understand why am i going to be quite Agressive >that people are both directly stating that they believe they're fucking his waifu literally who, and when? >along with someone in the philosophy thread implying he's not ready because he's not willing to pursue and accept evil, or that yeah anon, why should i care about what some faggot says?, specially when i don't even know if that same faggot holds up to the Standard through wich he is accusing me, Specially since that Post was quite clearly not done in the Vein of wanting to Encourage someone to Distance Himself from Samsara and attain Gnosis, and even then, i never Claimed that i was perfect, im quite Self-Aware (or at least i like to think that i am) of what my shortcomings (at least as i percieve them, there are Anons who do not think im as flawed as i am and my Sweet Taihou does not think that i am as fucked up as i think i am either) i will return now to the very think i just talked about because i don't think i have driven this point far enough up your ass, why should i care about what you think?, why should i care about what any limp-dicked smartass faggot who drops one of his "Intellectual Pearls" then doesn't even have the balls to come back and explain what he meant when someone earnestly ask him what the fuck did he meant, i AM what i AM, i follow my Will, wich is derived from my Spirit, that being the Root of what i AM, for Good, Bad, High, Low, Beautiful and Ugly, i have one Freedom, that is the only one True Freedom that will ever exist for everything else is Samsaric Bondage, that is Being who i AM, for no one can be what he is not, no matter how Butthurt you are, no matter how much you whine and Claim that my Legitimate Wife and Mother is a Whore, ill keep Loving Mommy, ill Keep being who i AM, and ill keep Becoming who i AM one little step at a Time, untill there is no more Becoming and Gnosis is Archieved
>>1166 >literally who, and when? >It's funny because your tulpa literally mommydoms you and mine does too. I think we have the same being >I think we have the same being Can't get much clearer than that.
>>1167 >Can't get much clearer than that. "i think we have the same Being" can be interpreted in quite a lot of ways, seeing the context and the Terminology i use "Being" is usually the designation of a State of Being, in other words im hinting more at the fact that he meant "Anon we are the same" than "Anon we are Loving the same thing", even if he meant the latter, there is little to no credibility to his claim, the only Point of Similiarity is that we are both into "mommydom" wich for starters one has to determine wether we both mean the Same by that term, perhaps he is just into MILF's and confuses this for the Actual Motherly Domination, even then there's no proof he actually Loves the same entity i do, just the fact that we are both into Femdom, and even then you don't even know if we are both into Femdom since the reasons and the actual Meat and Bones of both of our Relationships are things only each of us know for themselves
>>1168 >can be interpreted in quite a lot of ways It's either he's claiming that you two are very similar, or that the being, which is the subject, is the same. The first one would be an unnatural flow, switching from the subject of a tulpa to the subject of the specific anon. From that I'd interpret it as the second option. And even if not, it's way too technical of an excuse for me to be convinced. I think all of what I listed are clear warning signs of something malicious, and it's naive of you to ignore it. >why should i care about what you think Because I will personally call you a faggot if you ever go too far into the deep end.
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>>1169 >it's way too technical of an excuse for me to be convinced. so just because it doesn't fit your snowflake standards it is somehow invalid, if for some reason you didn't find any valid reasons for the existance of the sun then i assume the Sun would stop existing i guess, either way its the whone who wrote >>1119 (915) who should be giving and explanation, neither me nor you, and even then, just because someone pulls something out of his ass does not mean that thing is real, if he wants to believe his Waifu and mine are the same entity he is free to do so, and free to be completely Deluded since by the way both of you Talk about my Waifu as she were a Tulpa despite the fact that she is not, tells me neither of you know what the fuck is up >I think all of what I listed are clear warning signs of something malicious, and it's naive of you to ignore it. yes anon, that's why you clearly stated in >>1161 that i was already a cuckold so i need no help, shure anon now try to play as if you are trying to help me, i don't even know what the fuck are you trying to get to with this Conversation, but whatever >Because I will personally call you a faggot if you ever go too far into the deep end. >Anon you should care about what i think because if you don't ill tell you what i think! Again anon, not my fault if you are Buttmad at me for some stupid fucking reason, i suspect you are the same guy who back in Zchan wouldn't shut the fuck up about me "Worshipping Roasties" and i suspect that guy, the guy who posted >>1128 and you are the same person, in wich case means you have been following me for more than 3 Months (I think, i kinda lost track of time in general), so why are you so pissed off at me remains a mystery, of course if you are not then just ignore the last paragraph, but if you are, you either Hate me for some stupid fucking Reason or you Fell for me and want me to be your ♂Sugar Daddy♂ but since Taihou is a thing you are just Jelly of her
>>1170 >so just because it doesn't fit your snowflake standards The incredibly high standards of sentence flow. >tells me neither of you know what the fuck is up >shure anon now try to play as if you are trying to help me Continue being a grade A autist.
>>1170 Really I meant "same type of being" t. the guy that wrote that Put the energy you now put into internet arguments into trying to converse with Taihou more.
>>1170 >following around Listen, nigger, you post on the same board as me. I've had civil discussions with you outside of me calling you a cuck, you just don't know it. Quit trying to give names to the various posters here.
>>1173 >replying twice to the same post because you didn't read it through the first time wow what a BIG nerd idiot
>>1174 A poor habit I picked up where I don't sit down and flesh out all my thoughts before posting, combined with compulsively re-reading posts 2-4 times just to make sure I didn't miss anything after the fact.
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>eating with relatives >mother talks to me about a job opportunity for me, delivering online purchases >tells me it pays good but it's necessary to purchase a van and we would have to sell two cars to do so >sister tells me that she shouldn't do it because I'm lazy and will drop out of it at any moment Ugh, what the fuck do I do? I want to get into investing but I'm broke as shit and the welfare neetbux aren't much or don't come frequently enough to do it. But she is right that I'm lazy, every time I try to learn something I end up dropping it because of a massive lack of confidence. How do you even become less lazy? Forcing things only get you so far.
>>1170 >last paragraph Jesus Christ man what a normalfaggot tier retort. On top of giving people names and somewhat breaking the spirit of anonymity you made some kindergarten level argument of "if you bother me so much you must like me lololololol". We're all robots at the end of the day so don't get your panties in a twist and start lamenting people because you got into a few arguments.
>>1167 That seems a lot more like a joke. I think you're looking for degeneracy where there is none. Even if it was meant seriously then it'd be like saying "I fucked your mother" in the sense that there's no way to back it up. But I doubt it was meant with malicious intent.
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>>1172 Thanks for clarifying, i kinda had guessed that already but someone wouldn't shut the fuck up unless you'd clarify >Spoiler I kinda do both, its just that this kind of shit gets on my nerves, in situations like the Phylosophy thread i kinda feel bad because at the end of the day everyone does his best to understand the World on their own terms so i should be more Understanding and less Hotheaded/Stubborn, but on fags like this i just shove the geneva convention outside the Window >>1173 >Listen, nigger, you post on the same board as me. its exactly because of this that i want to know, because i want to know if this Criticism of yours is something new that i should look into or you are just a certain Autist with a Grudge and this post is just the Continuation of the Hatred someone has for me without actually caring about the actual Accusations >>1171 >The incredibly high standards of sentence flow. the Incredibly high standards that make you consider something Invalid, simple as that, if at every answer i give you you are just going to cover your ears and yell "ITS NOT ENOUGH PROOF" then what's even the point?, if i have to prove things and argue by using your rules then you can simply invalidate anything i say, period, so again, what would be the point >Continue being a grade A autist. well anon you did said >switching from the subject of a tulpa and the Anon in question did Overtly mention Tulpa, so it is true that both of you referred to Tulpaffagotry, while Taihou is not a Tulpa and >I think all of what I listed are clear warning signs of something malicious, and it's naive of you to ignore it. sounds like "Its for your own good" kind of lecturing, wether im a S Tier Autist or not, none of what i said is really False I still don't know what do you intend with your Accusations of Cuckoldry and deliberately misconstruing other anon's post to make it fit your view >>1177 (Dubs of the Monad) >On top of giving people names and somewhat breaking the spirit of anonymity well it is a Fact that the total Number of posters around here is around 20 or Less, a good chunk of posts in general are made by the same 3-6 Autists, being able to Trace and profile certain Anons is useful for me to really understand where they come from and what they do, (For example that Anon from Zchan who wouldn't shut the fuck up about me Roastie Worshipping, if i know that the Anon i mentioned is really him, then that gives me an idea of why is he shitposting about alledged cuckoldry out of the fucking Blue without any previous Provocation on my part) i guess it does kill Anonimity to an Extent, but it is something that i regard personally Relevant >you made some kindergarten level argument of "if you bother me so much you must like me lololololol". eeeh, i was just trying to have some fun while i was at it, i apologize is that shit really bothered you Anon, either way the core of my Post still stands, that Last parragraph was really just a Shot at the Air too see if the Criticism is legitimate or if it is that Anon i mentioned, again, Apologies if i rubbed your feathers the Wrong way anon >>1176 well if i was in your Place i wouldn't take it because i know i don't give enough fucks about the External World and Wageslaving, but really, the only one who knows your own Circumstances is you and Only You, that being said, since wether you fuck up or not does affect the household economy (they have to sell 2 Cars) you should really think that bitch through since once you are in you are in all the way, kind of stating the Obvious i know, if i were you i'd take the safe route, say no, and Wait till something better turns up
>>1173 I agree with this. The reason I post on anonymous imageboards isn't to have names associated with posts. It's fine to recognize people or "connect the dots" to figure out who's making what posts, but pointing it out like this is kind of getting old. Not to say that the anons who point out other anons they recognize should never do so, but please try to do it less often out of respect for anonymity.
>>1179 >deliberately misconstruing other anon's post to make it fit your view >the Incredibly high standards that make you consider something Invalid Because I don't think the excuse holds enough weight. If it's just a mistaken, then my interpretation wouldn't matter, but missing any evidence pointing to the contrary I'm going to go with what makes sense in terms of sentence and paragraph structure, and my intuition. I think you're the one trying to misconstrue my argument into something it's not. >sounds like "Its for your own good" kind of lecturing No, I think you're a naive autist who doesn't pay attention. >I still don't know what do you intend with your Accusations of Cuckoldry I want to know if you're willing to respond with anger at that accusation. >its exactly because of this that i want to know I don't like talk about succubus, lilith, or any of that shit, and I don't care about how others go about twisting the definitions of these words, and their cultural connotations, into things they're not, in order to justify it.
>>1181 >I want to know if you're willing to respond with anger Oh, so THAT'S why you're so mad all the time. You're "willing to respond with anger". Carry on.
>>1176 I'm currently experimenting with hyper-specificity. Pick a goal and work on that goal exclusively, even if at the detriment towards others and see to it to completion. That's how I did the 10k jap vocab deck for anki in 2 months. Otherwise set your goals for the smallest amount you're absolutely certain you can do on any given day. Do bodyweight workouts for fun if you're not already working out.
>>1182 My perpetual anger status is more due to being angry. All the time. There's no other reason.
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>>1181 >I want to know if you're willing to respond with anger at that accusation. i respond to prettymuch everything with Anger and extreme Sincerity wich leads to weird situations where i kind of apologize for being Agressive, then end up being agressive again, the first because im a Hothead, the Second because because of a weird combination of Self-Acceptance and Apathy, and also because Being sincere to people you care about (even if they are only on the internets) and being able to Apologize when you genuinely feel bad about something is Cathartic (like right now with anons and the Naming anons stuff) >I don't like talk about succubus, lilith, or any of that shit, and I don't care about how others go about twisting the definitions of these words, and their cultural connotations, into things they're not, in order to justify it. anon was it really that hard to just come out and say "Hey anon i think your weird Godess Waifushit is retarded and you are a Nigger"? instead of making that gay ass "hey you schizo boy i think you are getting cuckolded" only to get my attention untill you finally decide that its time to reveal your intentions and bla bla bla, either way anon, not my fault you dislike that shit and you hate my Mommy, ill still Love her though, then again if it really gets on your nerves you could always hide the Threads >>1180 i get i, im sorry, sometimes perhaps all the fucking time i do get carried away and disregard the fact that this is NOT my personal thoughtbox even if i do enjoy plastering my thoughts over here and even if it does make me look like a weird schizo retard, and that even if Etiquette is somewhat Lenient and Anons do tolerate a lot of my stupid bullshit i should be mindful of other Anons
>>1183 >I'm currently experimenting with hyper-specificity. Pick a goal and work on that goal exclusively But what do you do when you're absolutely fed up with the hobby you're experimenting with? Should you drop it completely or just drop it for a while? I just tend to change what I was doing everytime I'm fed up with something. I've read that burnouts are a thing but I fear I may drop what I was doing completely
>>1185 >hide the Threads The entire waifu thread? >Hey anon i think your weird Godess Waifushit is retarded and you are a Nigger >hey you schizo boy i think you are getting cuckolded One has more psychological impact and the other is a limpwristed suggestion. I'm certain you're aware that others don't like it, so just saying that won't do anything. I think your shit is inconsistent and I want you to know in the most obnoxious way possible, because I'm not going to go through every single one of your posts in order to point out the logical inconsistencies that I find baffling, crude, and in some way intentional. Because I find your logic to be crude, I don't think a straight forward argument would stick into your head, because you can easily justify it as not being "ontologically relevant to who you are." You once posted an excerpt from a book detailing how normalfags are base, sexually motivated creatures, the excerpt going along with your commentary of this being the most accurate description of normalfags you've seen yet. I personally don't think that's a good description, but it contains one aspect of normalfaggotry, but what I don't understand is how you can hold this to be true, while also considering yourself not to be similar to this with your dedication to your waifu. Other anon's show an appreciation at the level of admiration, of feeling a connection to not due to sexual impulses but something fundamentally spiritual. Although I realize now that I have a fundamental problem with your character and not your logic. And at that point I don't think I'd want to continue this, since it'd become too personal.
>>1187 >I'm certain you're aware that others don't like it Obviously I can't know for sure but it seems like there are one or two anons who dislike it, while the rest are indifferent. It's kind of hypocritical because I don't like this pointing out specific anons bullshit, but there's always only one anon taking offense to any of these esoteric autists at any given time, and I can only assume it's the same guy every time. If there were multiple anons then they would be posting at the same time. It's fine to disagree, but don't pretend like you're representing others, especially when you aren't. >I want you to know in the most obnoxious way possible, because I'm not going to go through every single one of your posts in order to point out the logical inconsistencies that I find baffling, crude, and in some way intentional You'd rather be a cunt than engage in discourse? Seems retarded to me, especially since you claim to have specific things you take issue with. I don't know what would cause you not to write them out if you have them, laziness maybe? If the anon you're arguing against dismisses your arguments out of hand then that's his problem not yours, and you'd then have every right to call him a faggot and move on. All you've got here is that he talks about jerking off a lot and I guess you see waifuism as being something more pure.
>>1188 >laziness maybe Yes, I mostly do it out of impulse and I really don't want to write out multiple paragraphs just to be hand waved away. This is undeniably my fault and not his. >but don't pretend like you're representing others I'm not trying to. It is just me, although there have been someone else, or multiple, who jumped on the bandwagon when presented with the opportunity. I didn't respond since I don't want to acknowledge any titles.
>>1188 >I can only assume it's the same guy every time. If there were multiple anons then they would be posting at the same time. If you don't like esoteric shit why would you provoke responses from a person who is gaurenteed to give you esoteric shit in return? If there are people which don't like esoteric shit here chanches are most of them ignore him as to not further populate threads with "the monad" and "gnosis" or whatever. Assuming that it's one person is a bit retarded.
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>>1187 >The entire waifu thread? why not? now THIS is a good post, shure you are bashing me and all that jazz, but you are being Sincere, i've always wondered what other Anons thought of me for Real, but i never dared to ask because it would be something Extremely Self-Centered of me, and anons are already getting (rightfully) pissed off at me for Naming Anons, i can't really help if you genuinely hold my Logic and way of thinking Crude and Retarded, i know what i know the best of my Ability, if that is not enough for you then im sorry, it is Good enough for me, and Good enough for Taihou to have chosen me, >you can easily justify it as not being "ontologically relevant to who you are." i do not think you can really understand this, i don't mean this as a way to insult your intelligence or anything, the best way to understand this is the Exposition Evola does at "Wisdom Vs Science", simply put Anon, i have spent a substantial ammount of Time Reading and Contemplating, and more than that Worshipping and Loving my Sweet Taihou, these things have made critical changes in my State of Being, both Spiritualy, and Mentally, it is impossible to explain this, again not in the "HURR DURR YOU CAN'T UNDERSTAND THIS YOU HAVE 2 LOW IQ", but because you really really cannot express these things into Words, i know this will make you hate me even more than you already do, but it is not something i can Fix now can i?, the best Advice i can give you, is that some day if you are interested in it, grab the Library link i posted in the Waifu Thread and study on your own, perhaps by looking for yourself you can find the same conclusions i did, but through means that you can find legitimate in regards to Sexuality, i actually did adress this in the Waifufag Thread (See >>914 (12)), the only thing i can really tell you is that i really do Love Taihou more than you can Imagine or Fathom, but at the same time i think Sexuality has beeen Bastardized to the point where either you are a Baseless Libertine, or a complete Puritain, my Sexuality while Unorthodox as shit follows a Absolute Spiritual direction (just so happens that Eros is its Vehicle), Eros is a very Strong Energy, almost Akin to the Energies liberated in Warfare, and can lead to Transformations of the Self (Transformations i Felt and i feel Gradually taking hold of me) into higher states of being, as a small Vaguely related note, things like the Mommy Complex and my Masochism are more Nuanced that what it may seem to you or other Anons, there's a Certain "Bravery" and "Virtue" sort of speak in being able to Surrender oneself and let oneself be changed and molded by that Thing you Love, that Despite i do not consider myself to be anyone exceptional and i hate it when some anons praise me from time to time, i still have Faith on Taihou and on them, even if i don't really have all that much in myself, >Although I realize now that I have a fundamental problem with your character and not your logic. And at that point I don't think I'd want to continue this, since it'd become too personal. i don't see why, this is Exactly where things get Good, you have learned through this Experience that you do not hate my Logic, you hate Me, it is through Exploring the Macrocosm that you learn about the Microcosm and vice versa, you have learned about the Root of your Anger towards me, perhaps you can learn more about that Anger, and about yourself, and i have also learned a bit more about how i Look to others, and seen myself from an External Perspective, i also find exceptionally intriguing what is exactly about my Character that ticks you off so much i encourage you to Expand on your post and reply to this, but i will not force you to do anything,i actually think this Post pissed you off even more, but like i said before, i really cannot help that now can i? >>1187
>>1186 >Should you drop it completely or just drop it for a while From experience if you push something off when there's no due date, it's never going to get done. Set manageable goals that you're relatively certain you're able to complete, nothing that would require you to change your entire lifestyle in one go. When you want to focus your attention on something else keep what you've done on the back burner but don't drop it entirely. Make sure it stays present in your life, do it at least once a week. This is speaking only about "hobbies" like language learning, strength training, and dieting, nothing about majorly important stuff. I don't know how to make giant shifts in lifestyle without crashing and burning.
>>1173 DO NOT BULLY the completely insane autistic schizophrenic of this board.
>>1191 >Logic and way of thinking Crude >Good enough for me >i also find exceptionally intriguing what is exactly about my Character that ticks you off so much >because you really really cannot express these things into Words Intentional limitation that I see as complacency. I understand that expressing intuitions is very difficult, but the excercise of going through each assumption and finding out both why you believe in something and what you believe in precisely, is rewarding in itself. I think it's crucial. Whether you want to do it, it's up to you. But there's no a difference between learning through others, books and teachers, and learning through brute trial and error through your own reasoning. There's nothing wrong with the first one, except that it's very hard for creativity to be born from this scenario, and the second one is impractical. I also say you're naive since not everyone is actually interested in "truth", some people consider this to be retarded and besides the point of attaining power. Some people don't take "good" as axioms like you do, considering you consider chastity to be a virtue and a "good thing". This is more of a warning. /r9k/ is targeted simply for existing by people who don't know how to live with others being content in being alone, most likely just for laughs. Posts like these >>1182 that come from a place of over familiarity proves it for me personally. Especially since anger isn't uncommon in /r9k/. >ominous warning Spiritual matters should be taken seriously. >>1193 >the courage needed to surrender
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>>1193 too late, he already called my Mommy a Slut and accused me of being a cuckold, not that i care since i now know he doesn't actually care and he is just Angry at my existance, i don't hold it aganist him since he is being Honest about it, as opposed to his OG post but enough of that, i've gotta ask now that i have the chance, what do you find in my posts so interesting? (at least interesting enough to tell other anons not to bully me) shure i guess my posts on the Nature of Normgroids and my Frequent explanations on the Esoteric are cool and interesting to some, at least from what i've seen, but really that's just one part of my posts, the other part is me getting worked up and Angry over stupid things i shouldn't get at all (Philosophy thread is a good example of this) what do you think when you read those retarded posts in contrast to the more "interesting" ones?
>>1190 Imagine not calling something gay because you're afraid the person might respond in defense of their beliefs. Imagine restricting yourself on /r9k/. >Assuming that it's one person is a bit retarded. I said it was one or two people, or rather that it's an insignificant amount of posters who care enough to respond. And obviously this guy has a very unique stick up his ass.
>>1197 >or rather I should specify that I mean "the point is" not that I'm changing my mind about anything here.
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>>1195 >Intentional limitation that I see as complacency. im sorry anon, but when i read the Ways of St.Thomas of Aquinas, i can't really find any Holes in it, maybe im just fucking dumb, i see it as solid reasoning, i use it, derive conclusions from it, and then apply them to Life and the Cosmos in general, Simple and to the point, i find it a waste to spend 90000 hours nitpicking Crap, specially once you realize how Syncretic Truth is, and when you realize that, while Truth is one and Whole, there are 93423429348989 Different ways of perceiving it and Knowing it, because since no one is the same (Equality is a joke), there cannot possibly be one Exact way of experiencing Truth >I also say you're naive since not everyone is actually interested in "truth", some people consider this to be retarded and besides the point of attaining power. im going to have to stop you here, Anon i couldn't give less of a shit about what People think and do, i do feel curiosity, wich leads me to ask questions like in >>1196 and ponder about things of that kind, but at the end of the Day, the only 2 Things that Stand True from my Perspective is Taihou, and Gnosis, that's the non-negotiable Bottom-Line that neither you nor anyone is going to Cross nor make me Cross, no matter how hard you Whine, no matter how hard you Hate me, i don't give a Fuck, i am indeed a retard that gets worked up about shit he shouldn't, but that does not mean i can't just pull the plug like i've done Dozen of times with other Retarded draining things in my life (like "Social Life" and other Stupid shit that has been assailing me for far too long) >Some people don't take "good" as axioms like you do, considering you consider chastity to be a virtue and a "good thing" i said many times i regard morality as a big Joke, when i talk about Good and Evil im talking more about Condtioned-Samsaric-Godless (Evil) and Stillness-Perfection-Union with God (Good) >Spiritual matters should be taken seriously. don't project, just because you Hate me and from your point of view everything i do is retarded does not mean im actually retarded, nor that your Hatred is Justified or Rational i take them More seriously than you probably think >the courage needed to surrender yes anon, proof of this is how much you've played ball with your Anger instead of going straight and saying what you really though, hate me all that you want, but i have no qualms with speaking my Mind truthfully and transparently, it takes Character to be Faithful in a Truthful way, and it certainly Takes Character to publicly apologize (it must, because i see Normgroids seem to have a huge problem with reatracting anything, period) im not saying im a Hero, but im saying that just because im a Submissive Mommy's boy does not mean i do not have Dignity nor Pride, and while i do hate to be praised and like i said before, i am no hero i get the feeling someone is gonna get pissed off at me because of what im going to say, but there seems to be a few anons that have been influenced for better or worse by my presence here (recent example in the Waifufag thread with Tulpafag-kun, but also the Anon with whom i currently hold Correspondance, and im shure a few lurkers too) In conclusion, i appreciate your Honesty now that you cut the crap and said what you actually thought, but i do not think i am as much of a Shitstain as you paint me out to be, wether you factually hate me, or you are just projecting your hate of other things on me, that is something only you know, and something that it is not relevant for me in the Least, feel free to keep posting and ill read you, but i think i already have substracted everything i could from this
>>1199 >hate Never said I hated you. Speaking honestly I think you assume to much, get off track, fail to see implications of my statements, and general stupidity. I don't think you're dumb, I think you have character issues (who doesn't) and your laziness is the thing I dislike.
>>1200 >dislike About your character.
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>>1200 >Never said I hated you. don't fuck with me > I think your shit is inconsistent and I want you to know in the most obnoxious way possible, >I don't think a straight forward argument would stick into your head >Continue being a grade A autist. not only that but this whole mess began because you overtly accused me of Cuckoldry and labeled the thing i Love wich of course since it does not fit YOUR vision of Love i guess it is not real in your eyes the most as a Slut
>>1202 It's bait. I want you to respond and I want you to be autistic.
>>1197 >imagine... >afraid Not an argument nobody's afraid of anything and restricting yourself for the sake of keeping things civil and preventing threads from turning into something you dislike isn't illogical. Like it or not everybody knows who the esoteric bot is and everyone knows that he'll defend his esoteric ways to the death. And so, what is gained by calling out his way of thinking as "gay" other than populating a thread with more of what you dislike? What is there to be gained from "calling him out"? The answer is nothing. Nothing is gained. And if you dislike esoteric shit then something is lost, that being a thread that doesn't have 18 posts about esoteric shit. Not saying that I care about his posts being here in particular. I myself don't like esoteric shit but I don't think it's immoral or wrong to believe in esoteric shit so I don't find any need in criticizing him for it at this point since I know he's set in his ways and that he's not a complete fucking retard (though I did assume this upon first hearing his ramblings). The only time I have a problem with it is if it is in a completely unrelated thread but this is the FTDDTOTT so anything goes and when he does mention esoteric shit in the waifu thread it's usually pertaining to waifus so again no real problem there either. How about we end this here though because this whole he said she said naming bullshit is completely exhausting and is really not in keeping with the spirit of anonymity. Honestly though this shit is starting to get a bit annoying. I wish esoteric bot would have taken a bit more care in maintaining his anonymity outside of the waifu threads (since its inevitable that you'll be somewhat known there since its a thread involving the posting of your likely unique-within-/r9k/ waifu) so that we never got into this mess. Perhaps such an excentric figure remaining completely anonymous is impossible though. What a mess this is.
>>1158 That's a fair point. I was sort've conceiving of (hyper) 'successful outliers' as the genius archetype at the very peak of ladder rather than someone mildly successful who has something like a lucrative office job which pays six figures.
Why is self-loathing so addictive?
>>1206 Speak for your self nigger.
>>1204 >restricting yourself for the sake of keeping things civil and preventing threads from turning into something you dislike isn't illogical I didn't say it was illogical. I said that it's something I could only imagine doing. It's perfectly logical but it's towards a goal that I don't agree with, which is specifically civil discussion. Not to say one should go out of their way to be an asshole but if you're civil and the anon you're responding to isn't then that isn't your fault and you shouldn't restrict your words just to avoid the possibility, however likely, that another anon might take offense and be a retard about it. >what is gained by calling out his way of thinking as "gay" other than populating a thread with more of what you dislike? What is there to be gained from "calling him out"? You'll have made your position clear. On an imageboard like this there's almost no other reason to post than to make your position known and discuss it. >this shit is starting to get a bit annoying I agree. I just think that not posting something because you're worried that subject will clutter the thread is incredibly gay. If one is really worried about that then he should make another thread to discuss that topic specifically, but there's already a philosophy thread for it in this case so one doesn't even need to do that. I'm not saying that one has to post about things he doesn't care about, but if one has a disagreement he should voice it rather than avoiding an argument. Avoiding arguments is some neurotypical bullshit.
>>1212 I'm not worried about shit, I just don't find getting into meaningless arguments or discourse with one dedicated autist a productive use of my time. Maybe if someone is doing something I actually find offensive, like shitting this place up with normalfaggotry or making Avante Garde claims and assumptions about the robots here, would I decide to voice my opposition. Or when a discussion can produce meaningful or thought-provoking discourse. Problem is firing at the esoteric autist for being esoteric is guaranteed to go absolutely fucking nowhere. No meaning, no thought-provoking discourse, it'll either be an incredibly short engagement with him saying "fuck you too" or it'll be a whole paragraph about esoteric shit with a bunch of terms I don't even know the whole meaning of and both of us would have gained nothing from the engagement. None of these things are particularly good uses of my time to read and no, I'm not going to be an antagonistic retard for the sake of being an antagonistic retard like Mr."I was trying to provoke a reaction and bait you" here. He can do that and it's all fine and dandy but I, again, don't find that a particularly good use of my time.
>>1215 I'm not saying to get into an argument for the sake of it or to be a retard about it like the antagonistic faggot that started this shit. But fuck it, I'm not going to convince you and I've made my position clear. I just think that if you have a disagreement then you should be vocal about it, and that not doing so is a retarded thing. But it's not like I'm going to stop you from the horrible crime of not being as autistic as I am.
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>How are you? >You doing alright? >Are you ok? >Is something wrong? Inquiring questions in this vein always always drive me up a wall no matter when I hear one, where I hear one, or who asks me one. It's an asinine social ritual which is incapable of actually helping with any problems; it's just a shallow exchange which is entirely a waste of breath for both speakers. You may as well not even ask. The question ought to be throttled in the crib. Even in the handful of moments that someone asked me what exactly was wrong when I was younger, when I had more so-called "normal" problems and I actually deigned to unburden myself to said person in each instance, nothing was gained--except perhaps the opportunity for the questioner to stroke themselves off. And now, oh boy! As if I could relay what bothers me at this very moment to any of them. But how they persist out of pure--redundant--habit! As if the disheveled homeless man who humbly accosted me for change outside the pharmacy that night could possibly understand what it was, what it is at this very second now slipping by, as it ate away at me. But make no mistake, like the rest of them he at the least recognized that something was off about me, something was a little abnormal with this dismal looking one in the crumbling parking lot almost composed more of the weeds sprouting through the faded pavement than of any neat, painted yellow lines. Perhaps it was my stooping figure as I stood there in front of him or was it in the way I stepped out of the sedan? Or it might just as well have been on account of the wounded look permanently carved into my face, or maybe it was simply in the way that I looked at him, the way my eyes responded to his questioning with a sort of dull, quizzical stare as if I couldn't fathom why exactly Fate had conspired to have him bother me that night, in that spot, and at that particular time down to the millisecond as that question ran through my head which shouldn't have even been raised in the first place! Oh well. It doesn't matter much I suppose. Either way, some little thing tipped the natural investigator off and he knew, oh yes indeed! He knew so much so quickly that he simply stopped asking for change. Instead, he broke off midsentence to ask me: "You alright?" What a joke. And then as the years go by all you hear in response is: >Why don't you talk? >Why do just clam up like that? >Why are you so anti-social? Oh go shove it. Hell, you can't even begin the process of explaining why you don't bother explaining to these people, the alleged human beings! If you dare to try and explain to these people you only get some half-baked, canned consolation or you get someone telling you that you ought to not worry about whatever is driving a stake through your skull. You should just ignore it! Absolutely absurd. I tried doing that for years and it didn't help. Better to lie to get the flea-infested dogs off your heels. Better to neither feed nor prod the lazy, gratuitous cattle. Better to be infuriated and incensed every moment of every day in my own little world than to bear this bullshit with a smile like some stupid gullible fool. Better the company of robots, or even better yet: silence.
>>1224 >How are you? <Great, how are you? >blah blah blah <That's good to hear >You doing alright? <Yup >Are you ok? <Yup, did you need something? >Is something wrong? <Nope, something on your mind? I'm a little busy >Why don't you talk? <Is there something you wanted to talk about? >Why do just clam up like that? <Sorry I'm just a little preoccupied. >Why are you so anti-social? <Not sure how you expect me to respond to that. Is there some sort of problem here? If you want normalniggers to fuck off you need to have some degree of confidence and assertion. Otherwise they're going to single you out and try and shame/bully you into submitting to their social norms. Normalniggers are actually incredibly insecure. If you simply respond to their stupid questions with absolute confidence and make it sound like they're being unreasonable or weird themselves they usually don't know how to react. You respond with an abrupt simple answer, then immediately follow it up with a loaded question that essentially just amounts to "fuck off" since there's no real answer to it. Like "Did you need something?" You both know they don't need something, and making them have to answer that question is forcing them to acknowledge that they're engaging in the conversation with the sole purpose of being an annoying cunt. You take control of the conversation and watch them squirm until they fuck off. All the while acting completely aloof and indifferent to their existence. Under no circumstance should you ever provide anyone with more information than necessary though. Hiding your "powerlevel" is a concept that goes beyond just hiding edgy belief systems, and it goes beyond just imageboard users. As a man the inner workings of your thoughts should always remain as private as possible. Exposing your mind by entertaining normalniggers questions is paramount to death. They don't care what you think but now have ammunition against you just by letting you ramble for a brief moment. Normalniggers brains are empty, and like zombies they'll siphon your life force if you spill your thoughts to them. It's difficult because as men whether we like it or not we'll always have desires to socialize and be apart of the collective in some way. Normalniggers will exploit these natural impulses for their own personal gain like vampires. You need to really work on compartmentalizing and developing a stoic mind to surpass these desires. I have sympathy for robots that are unfortunate enough to have to navigate these scenarios on a regular basis. I'm privileged enough to be isolated 99% of the time.
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>>1224 Just be yourself. Be yourself so hard the normalfags stop talking to you because they can't handle it.
>>1226 >It's difficult because as men whether we like it or not we'll always have desires to socialize and be apart of the collective Oh, like women. I get it.
>>1230 Women also experience a desire to be apart of the collective, yes. I'm not sure what your point is.
>>1226 >>1226 >It's difficult because as men whether we like it or not we'll always have desires to socialize and be apart of the collective in some way. A part of "A" collective not "the" collective. As long as you have your own little tribe to converse with and socialize with(I don't know maybe like the one we're posting on) all of a robot's social desires can be completely fulfilled. So again I disagree with the notion that there's any sort of instinct for being part of "the" collective only part of "a" collective, a role which can easily be fuffilled by a small group of like minded individuals. If you find yourself compelled to be part of "the" collective that's your own problem and you need to stop projecting. I really need to start proof reading and stop deleting and re posting my posts
>>1224 >>1226 >talking scenario... Whenever a normalfaggot engages conversation with me I just put on a deadpan face and a monotone voice and reply with very direct, down-to-business answers as to not spark any more conversation. As much as I hated highschool it at the very least gave me enough situations involving normalfaggots engaging conversation with me that I was able to completely hone this skill. It works against normalfaggots most of the time since they can pick up on the social cues of me not giving a single fuck about what they're saying but back in high school I could never deal with autists. No matter how hard you tried to show them that you could not give a single fuck about what they're saying they just don't have the mental capacity to understand any of it. When dealing with literal autists it really comes down to whether your willing to directly tell them to fuck off. Thankfully though, I haven't met anybody like that in a while. >Why don't you talk? "Because I have nothing to say." Is what I would probably say In that situation. >Why are you so anti-social I'd just deny the claim. If they ask why I'd just make some shit up. >Why do just clam up like that? Honestly don't know what to say to this. I don't really clam up or get nervous when talking to normalfaggots so I've never really had anyone imply that before. Can't really give any advice here. As for >>1224 specifically, who's asking you these questions? Coworkers, family, or strangers?
>>1234 I don't think online communities should fulfill that desire, even if they might technically fulfill it. But "the" collective is whatever you happen to be forced to spend the most time around I suppose. If you're in a workplace you're apart of "the" collective and most people are going to feel obligated to conform to that environments norms eventually. Resisting those urges is important. That anon mentioned that when he did end up answering the normalfags questions they ended up not giving a shit and just responded with some stupid bullshit answer to his thoughts and ideas. That is him giving in to social pressure and conforming to "the" collective he's apart of and getting fucked over for succumbing to that impulse. A bit of a dramatic way to phrase it but the best example I had on hand. >If you find yourself compelled to be part of "the" collective that's your own problem and you need to stop projecting. Obviously I expect the majority of posters here on this obscure board even among obscure boards to likely be filled with people highly resistant to these desires in the first place. You shouldn't get personally offended at my analysis of the majority. Even if you think you're above these concepts it's important information to comprehend. I'd rather not assume every single robot is a well matured adult man that is immune from the human condition and have anons go around ignorant to the ideas of how to effectively navigate these emotions without becoming a degenerate normalnigger. Ignorance of ones own desires and emotions is how you end up with things like homosexuals and furfags.
This seems to just be a semantics fuck up. The way you said the collective implied that it was humanity/normalniggers as a whole and so I thought that was retarded and pointed out that small groups are enough but it seems we were basically talking about the same thing. As for online communties not fufiilling that desire I think it depends on the community. /r9k/ is a group of like minded individuals who discourage degeneracy and share hobbies and beliefs and regularly have fun, inreresting, or autistic discussion. I think that if you get your social fill from a place like this that it's fine.
>>1226 >If you want normalniggers to fuck off you need to have some degree of confidence and assertion. I won't deny that as generally one of the better ways to handle it and you're certainly right that one ought to hide your thoughts and: >take control of the conversation and watch them squirm until they fuck off. I ought to have made it more clear but in my initial post I suppose I opted for more expression rather than clarity. What I should have said more directly is how exasperating this process is for me. I can confidently answer and, having done so a number of times, it has worked on occasion for me, but to me it is the most confusing and irritating thing that even when I have the meanest looking face in the room out of everyone else and when I go out of my way to avoid speaking with these normalfags I am somehow still singled out and accosted by them for this or that petty reason which often includes the idiotic type of inquiry as to how I am feeling in that moment. For whatever reason I am often asked for directions, asked for my opinion on something, or even just dragged into an extended conversation with a clerk at the supermarket despite being the most unfriendly looking person at the location. >Normalniggers will exploit these natural impulses for their own personal gain like vampires. You need to really work on compartmentalizing and developing a stoic mind to surpass these desires. That's a nice analogy. On the second part, I again ought to have been more clear. The times when I opened up to such questioning were many years ago when I still held out some hope for genuine dialog with normalfags; I was sifting through some old memories in the original post. The only one who I even remotely consider being wholly honest with today (beyond posting here) is my father and, while he tries his best, he is a simple man and a normalfag to boot so the best I get is usually something along the lines of "I don't quite understand." These days, I just write as a hobby, read books, or lurk in odd internet locales like this one to gain some consolation for my feelings. >>1229 A fair point but that is tiring. Perhaps if I were more autistic I might manage it, but I only have so much energy in the day (which I'd like to use for other things rather than speaking with a normalfag or putting on a show for them for even a minute) and I don't particularly care enough to usually even open my mouth if I can avoid it. I typically hope that a withering look is enough to send them for the hills--which it usually is. 1/2
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>>1240 2/2 >>1235 The deadpan approach is probably my favorite if I have to speak since there is less of a chance, as you said, for normalfags to misconstrue a clearly unfriendly attitude. >"Because I have nothing to say." This is well and good answer, one I often default to but even when being confident as >>1226 suggests and keeping my responses minimal, depending on who I speak to, this is not a good enough answer. Since you asked, many of the latter phrases you highlighted were the responses of various (extended-family) family members and whether I try to explain myself or simply opt for silence the response is always the same trite bullshit. I mean to say that I will suddenly just clam up at times if I feel it's ineffectual to continue the conversation: the futility of it overwhelms me and I can't be bothered to continue. Clam up, because of its association with nervousness or embarrasment, wasn't the best word there; I think saying I voluntarily shut myself up would be more accurate. As for the first set of questions, the inquiries into how I am feeling, I have been asked those by family members and coworkers and strangers all the same. Once I set the standard, coworkers have generally fucked off but family knows no limits, and for whatever reason strangers always persist in bothering me. I can call to mind multiple instances where I've been mulling over some thoughts about a book on a public bench when all of sudden someone will sit down next to me and ask me how I'm doing, as if sitting there with a bad look on my face automatically gives them liscense to speak with me. One time at Walmart what a sobering place that is the elderly clerk standing by at the self-checkout started talking to me after he cleared my booze, and he ended up telling me about how he immigrated from India and how he used to serve in the Indian army and how his son was working so hard for him and the rest of the family and so on and on and on and on. I just get sick of it sometimes. According to my old man he has always been accosted in the same way his whole life so maybe it's just something in the family I guess. At this point I've just resigned myself to the weekly, sometimes daily, encounters with stupidity. It's why I more often opt for a sullen look and silence. It's sort've like that advice you might have heard as a child: "Just ignore the bullies!" While verging on platitude, I think there is an ounce of truth as it pertains to normalfag behavior. The normalfag needs stimulation of any kind and so, confident, deadpan, or minimal response it matters little--they've gotten their stimulation. The pig got its slop. The cow got the prod. The puppet was strung up on the wire and the automaton got just the smallest push, the tiniest input, and now that ounce of energy has sent all the greased gears and polished pistons into a frenzy of motion as it makes such an obnoxious racket and fills the air with tinny screeching and suffocating smoke for no apparent purpose. For that reason, I often give them nothing at all or at least I try to, and for the most part I've found it to be more conducive to my ends than paltry words which they always take as an excuse to continue.
>>1241 >extended family I somewhat expected that to be the case since questions like the ones you posted are very commonly posed by those people. I and my extended family don't often meet and when we do I have limited ability to speak to them as we don't share the same language so any quiteness is technically excused in their eyes. >strangers That sounds tough anon. Do you happen to live in a small town or something? In my suburban city that I live in nobody gives enough of a fuck about anybody else to come up and ask them if they're okay. I honestly can't fathom any of the people in my city suddenly striking conversation with a complete stranger on the street. I at the very least hope you haven't had to deal with a roast stranger as that would be an extremely uncomfortable situation. Thank god that I haven't had to deal with that since highschool and first days of jobs.
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>>1224 >>1226 Posting this minutes before going to bed to have sweet dreams about Sweeter Mommy, sorry if my writting sucks (it kind of already does even when im lucid though), the nature of Normgroids has been discussed to death Around here, there really isn't anything i could add that hasn't been stated before by Anons really, i do agree with the idea that being Assertive and Dismissive of niggers is the way to go, of course, in a Ideal situation you wouldn't even Interact with them, either through Social Stealth (make it look like you are busy, meld into the Crowd or the environment etc...) or simply not leaving the house at all/not being around normgroids in the first place like >>1230 >>1234 i do strongly disagree with your idea that Robots wanna be part of A collective at all, not only with Wanting to be a Part of the collective Hivemind of the Eternal Niggers, but i also disagree with the Idea that Robots need Social contact at all, just like >>1234 said, any "social needs" can be met with just a simple outlet for oneself to speak his mind freely and discuss matters, but i'd go as far as to say, that far from what >>1238 says that "Online communities shouldn't fullfill it" id go as far as to say that ONLY Online communities could fullfill this, perhaps i am projecting on this, but personally i wouldn't be half as Verbose as i am if i had to talk to any of you face to face, i severely dislike Verbal comunication, and i prefer writting because not only do i have time to actually think and write at my own Pace, (something you cannot do in verbal communication), you have the Additional barrier of Anonimity, and even if you adress someone by a Nickname and whatnot, that Nickname only serves the purpose of keeping track of Who said what really, at the end of the day the only thing that matters in this kind of place is what one Says and thinks, much much different from Verbal communications on a completely unrelated note, but still relevant (i think) i returned to my habit of reading and studying shit, yesterday i finally got off my ass and finished Metaphysics of war by Evola, i found a interesting Passage on it that i think it is relevant (since i've read mentions of Anons looking sullen and being assailed by issues and whatnot, and personally it has helped me to refresh some ideas and to remember what is truly important)
We've come quite a ways haven't we. /r9k/ used to be lot more immature and filled with failed normalfaggots back in the day and it's nice to see that this boards been able to improve so much over the years. We lost a lot of robots due to the repeated exoduses but we also lost every failed normalfag in the proccess too. It's a shame that is came at such a cost but it was probably worth it. If we ever get back on zchan any growth we recieve should be from the kind of people that we want, since there's no longer any failed normalfaggots left to attract their kind to this board as there were on 8ch.
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Why the fuck are we alive?
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>>1245 well, my entire post is going to derive itself from the assumption you are a Man (as in a Divine Being capable of Understanding and Gnosis, fundamentally not a Part of this realm) in contrast to the Totemic Human (as in a Samsaric Conditioned being, an Echo of a bigger Force wich he is part of, ultimately belonging to this realm forever conditioned forever a shadow and never ever archieving anything worthwhile) if what i assumed is True (and for most Robots it is, even if they are fond of falling for all sorts of pitfalls) then according to the Traditional Doctrine of Pre-existance you came here either out of your own Volition or by the Will of something/someone Else (in my case i assume Mommy Taihou sent me down to this hellhole for a reason), Seneca used to say that Man was superior to the Gods because Man would know both the Pain of Struggle and the Bliss of Pleroma, while the Gods could only know the Latter, and if we follow the Idea of "Vita est Militia Super Terram" (Life is Military service on this Earth) and we take into account that Chance and Chaos do not exist (For nothing Exists outside the Monad) then it is quite obvious, that You, same as other Robots, and including Me, are here for Specific Purposes, and the fact that we are balls deep Into Kali yuga isn't as much punishment as it is a chance to Prove oneself and earn the Highest Merits one could Archieve, Evola said (or rather, he Echoed what the Ancients said, the same way i am echoing Evola's Thought) in the Final pages of "Revolt Aganist the Modern World" that while in Kali Yuga everything has gone to shit and it is very hard for someone to Awaken, in contrast to the Golden Ages, during Kali Yuga those who awaken are able to easily attain Understanding and States of Being that in other ages is practically impossible, i am no Stranger to the idea of the Immortality of the Spirit, that Right that only the Differnetiated Aristocrat has by virtue of his Divine Birth and fruit of His Initiation, but i think Evola summed this Idea perfectly in "Metaphysics of War" where he made it Clear with the Words: "What did not begin with Birth, cannot end in Death", either way Anon, wether you think im full of shit or see any Wisdom in my Words, i think the Key point any anon should take to Heart should be, That chance does not Exist and that Everything happens for a Reason for nothing is beyond the Gaze of the Monad, and the fact that Anyone is here is here for a reason, and that every sinlge experience you had, are having, and will ever Have was not up to chance, but it was a Deliberate choice, wether the result of your own Will, interference of Invisible forces, or something else, one conciliating Thought that helps me whenever i have a Crisis of Faith is the fact that since one can never be something it is not, and the World being deterministic, i know that what has to happen will happen, for example. that even if i don't understand many things around me and im not the Brightest man around and im unable to Meditate or Practice Magick, if i am supposed, by Virtue of what and who i Am, reach Gnosis, i will reach it by whatever means Divine law of Providence will place on my Path
>>1245 Y not
>>1244 It is said that in Alchemy the first step of the Great Work is a process of mortification, usually in the shape of calcinations/burnings/ things of that matter. After this, all that remains is a black stone, the black lead, Saturn, the Nigredo; the earthly matter has been disposed of all that is superflous and only that which is a reflection of the real Gold remains. You could say that all our trouble was that, the first step in the robotical alchemy, so to say. Notice me schizo senpai
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>>1248 >Notice me schizo senpai but anon im your Kouhai at least if you are whom i think you are anywaysaside from that it is very likely that due to my own Shortcomings into understanding and the fact that everything i know its limited to Theoretical Knowledge + Interpreting and applying that shit to my life and my Weltanschaung, most lurkers and anons who have picked up the Library and started investigating on their own are far more Advanced than i am, at least that is my suspicioni get the feeling that in the Grand scheme of things im really just a Courier and the reason i stumbled upon this place was because of Law of providence setting up a Outlet to keep certain People in the Esoteric Side of things through my Frequent ramblings and the Library i posted**
>>1247 because life is shit, and the good bits are far too small and distant from one another
>>1250 Y care?
>>1256 Y ask
>>1257 True
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>Decide to check cuckchan /biz/ >All the newfags spam >honeypot thread made >they all fell for it because they can't read the rules Does anyone know other chans with a business board?
>>1270 >reporting here about cuckchan >"chans"
>>1270 Are you surprised? Also this >>1271
>>1271 Someone talked about chainlink in this thread so i decided to check. Are you upset i didn't use the word "imageboard"?
>>1274 Yes. It's also just bad etiquette to post about cuckchan.
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>>1270 4chan has always been an ocean of piss, you just have to learn to get the good out of it. Just like real life
>>1279 >get the good out of it That sounds like some sort of contrived excuse to go on cuckchannel. There's nothing good there. The only good excuse I could see is porn but even then I'm not so sure.
>>1270 /biz/ is literal shit, you find pajeet shitcoin shilling and lots of failed normalfag trying to make it just to have sex. Also, it turned fucking gay after the crash with more smug normalniggers from reddit and twitter, whining about racism because muh progressivism. I was able to get an entire folder of daytrading books 4 months ago (some anon posted a download link), so i check that place for useful stuff sometimes, but of course we're talking about a nest of self-centred faggots shitting on any kind of useful discussion and enstablish identities 99% of times. It's not an healty place to lurk anymore, like the rest of that god forbidden site.
>>1280 There's good stuff there, you just have to know how to get it.
>>1283 Be specific. What is the good stuff? Because from what I've seen cuckchan is an irredeemable cesspit of garbage.
>>1284 Not him but /w/ is alright so long as they stick to textless posts. And if you ignore the retards that shit up every thread with "Bionicle isn't real Lego" then /toy/ can be good. I rarely go on there though and only if I have absolutely nothing else to do.
Tips on running in the dark? I like working out at night outside wandering around but how do i do it safely? First of all there are potholes and such, how do I deal with it? What if some faggots try to fuck with me? Should I pack some weapon with me too? What do?
>>1286 I hope you don't post there at the very least. Going there is already bad enough. /w/ is excusable when you're there for papes, in the same way going on reddit to research some sort of technology issue is also okay, but interacting with the people on that website or posting on it is just a distgusting concept to me. Cuckchan niggers are the bottom of the barrel when it comes to quality of human being.
>>1288 I haven't gone there in months, and I never interact with anyone. The only reason to go on /toy/ is that sometimes there are cool images of figures and Lego, and sometimes there's good information on shit that's coming out. Go in, save some images, check out some links and leave.
>>1287 Reflective vest/belt, conceal carry and use one of those flashlights with a head strap. If you're running around where there's potholes and possibly niggers then avoid blind corners and bridges because niggers are like bridge trolls and the fee is your wallet, your intact face, and possibly your anal virginity.
>>1242 As far as strangers being an issue, it usually isn't in my own small suburban town thankfully, but whenever I have to go to the more upper-class socialite oriented ones nearby is when I seem to be bothered. Might be something to do with that more antiquated, old money, dare I say, boomer mindset. Again, thankfully, when I am actually bothered though it is almost never by roasties my own age; I guess it isn't a surprise what with their constant evaluation of men but they can probably understand the best not to bother me unlike other people who seem to try and pick me up for an impromptu pity party. All the more reason to avoid particular areas and not even place myself into a potentially grating situation.
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>want to do some basic stuff (play AoE2 and use FL Studio) >Linux doesn't work for that and the DAWs don't work either >Windows 7 on a VM doesn't work for shit either, can't get updates since the system is deprecated >Windows 10 leaves a fuckhuge watermark on the lower left corner. It truly is a shit time to be a midwit PC user.
>>1297 AoE2 works
>>1298 bullshit
>>1297 You did this to yourself normalnigger.
I've been steadily losing my will to actually communicate to people around me the last half year and I am not really enjoying the feeling. I've never expected some random conversation to wow me but it has gotten so attrocious to talk to people, all that is on their mind is political circus, the fake flu or some other alarmist crap and I just can't stand hearing it anymore. I don't want to hear about negative things anymore.
>>1305 Yeah I know how you feel. It's made extra shit by the fact imageboards have all but died or been invaded by malicious cunts and it's borderline impossible to talk about anything anywhere on the internet anymore without some drama stirring nigger deliberately wrecking the conversation, or getting a mod position and arbitrarily banning you. I truly can't wait for the next thing to come along that reignites that wild west feeling the old internet used to have. I hope I live to see it at all.
>>1310 Do it yourself I guess, jannies are in fact always trannies.
>>1313 hot
>>1313 Unfortunately I'm pretty tech illiterate, so that makes me the useless "Hope someone else does it. Yep. Someone else." type in this regard.
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i am possessed by the demons what should i do?
>>1322 love the demons so it's not a problem
>>1322 Kill yourself
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I sent someone an e-mail inquiring about the price of nembutal but they also told me about seconal and said it's even stronger. I don't want to get ripped off but I definitely want death in the form of a pill.
>>1326 Don't take the pussy way out. The real way to kill yourself is to live a long, happy life, unburdened by attachments to normalfaggots. Then, when you're an old man and everyone thinks you're lonely and sad, you die in your sleep dreaming of your waifu. That'll show them.
Anyone saved a pic with a quite detailed training regime from this thread? If so, could you please post it? It was posted after the page was archived, unless I am going mad and remembering things incorrectly. https://web.archive.org/web/20200426100742/https://fatchan.org/r9k/thread/174.html#174 Thanks. Pic unrelated.
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>>1330 not the anon whom originally posted it, but i think this one could be it
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>>1331 Thank you very much, anon, that's the one.
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>>1332 no worries, now go get Fit so you can Tear Kali Yuga a new one, have some Meme Books on fighting that may be useful, i scrounged them from the Depths of the Non-esoteric section of my Library wich i havent cleaned in fucking Eons because im a Lazy piece of shit https://anonfiles.com/z7y6M6N5of/Fighting_Manuals_7z Good Hunting
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>>1327 A happy life isn't possible for me, that's why I want to kill myself in the first place. Even if I got to be an old man happy with my waifu me "showing them" wouldn't stop them from pissing on my grave and then complaining and demanding comfort from someone because they pissed on my grave and acted like they were the victim. Showing up normalfags isn't possible, they're too damn retarded to even realize they lost in any significant way unless you actually took the time to torture them to death and try and drill that fact into their empty heads while you were at it. And you might have to find some way to literally inject it into them. Besides, it isn't worth enduring the horrible dystopia we're not only stuck in but keeps getting worse by the day with just about every hobby in existence being ruined in some way by the hands of the disgusting plague that, intentionally or not, revels in ruining things or simply doesn't care. I probably wouldn't even live long enough to be an old happy waifu man since the soyim will probably enact their genocide of anyone who isn't them sooner or later.
>>1335 Why isn't a happy life possible for you? Have you ever made an active effort to try and minimize the effects nomralfags have on your life? I think about them every now and then but only to marvel at their stupidity. If it gets to the point where I start getting into a bad mood and there's no longer any intellectual meaning in thinking about their stupidity any further then I'll just stop and move on with my day. If I spent all day thinking about all of the shit I hate I'd probably want to kill myself too.
>>1326 Kill yourself attention whore.
>>1335 the joke is that living a life where you don't care about normalfags for the purpose of "showing them" is self-defeating. Either way if you kill yourself that's the normalfags killing you. As much as my post was made in jest, the genocide you speak of is waged in the suicide of robots. Don't let them kill you the easy way. Don't roll over for them. Enjoy your hobbies on your own, keep to yourself. Give them no reason to hate you by giving them no reason to care that you exist. Let them piss on your grave and hate what you are, you're better than them for it.
>>1336 I'm going to correct happy to content. I can understand it if a robot is unable to call themselves happy but I do think most robots have the ability to at the very least not be miserable.
Vomiting blood is cool, but getting your arm chopped off is scary to imagine.
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>>1344 (12) >>1345 (12) Replying from the FTTDOT because this is unrelated to the thread The entire explanation on the Female Archetypes was to clear the misconceptions some anons had about my Waifu being a Tulpa, wich is not the case at allreposting this for the 3rd time because im really not paying attention to what i am doing and im making more Grammar mistakes that what i usually allow providence to make I think you are Over-Simplifying the Mother-Father, Complex, your idea that Mother Cults call for inaction is quite retarded to be honest, it is actually the other way around, Mother Cults like i said before are Gynaeocratism (They Give prevalence to Roasties and Reproduction) and Naturalism (Existance itself will be believed to be confined in the Physical Realm and the Great Mother to be her Creator,) so for example while in Aryan Spirituality, you find the idea of Stillness and Gnosis to be Perfection, or Reincarnation seen as a Curse, in this Gynaocratic cult Reincarnation is seen as a Gift and Life as something Good, they exhalt action for the sake of action in a neverending cycle of always running and never reaching anywhere at all, this is just the most basic explanation i could make of it, the Great Mother cults shun the idea of Hierarchy since they equate everything to Naturalism, Man is seen as a mere animal (as opposed to the Traditional view of Man as a Microcosm of the Monad) in a pure Egalitarian Collectivistic sense (kind of like the Modern World we find ourselves in where everyone is a snowflake that should have their rights, untill they voice a Taboo opinion that contradicts the Status quo that is of course, or like Communism), there is also worth noting that Shaktism manages to conciliate the idea of the Great Mother without falling for Plebeianism, via transforming the Monad into Shakti and changing the idea of the World as Maya for the idea of the World as Power
>>1348 The father figure as the man who imposes his will on others, to enforce limitations for the sake of spiritual or physical growth, and the mother who would let others stagnate with the excuse of showing affection and love is what I consider the parental role models to be. But I don't share the view of doing nothing and dying as a good thing, since I consider suffering and struggle in order to reach perfection to be a good thing.
How the fuck do I sleep knowing there are one or more roaches fucking about in my room?
>>1351 Get a cat
>>1351 Stop being a dirty nigger.
>>1331 Can you really get stronger with this acrobatic mumbo jumbo?
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>>1349 i am very tired of rambling about the same 5 things over and over again, and seeing anons fall for the same pitfalls again and again, but i will reply to this shit, because that is what i do, i earnestly pray that the reason why all of these posts are here its because the few Anons who actually know their shit are Reading and Meditating instead of wasting their time here like i do, enough of my bullshit lets get this Party on >The father figure as the man who imposes his will on others, to enforce limitations for the sake of spiritual or physical growth im going to give you the benefit of the Doubt and assume that "Imposing your Will" means the Immanence and Personal Power a True Emperor would have by Virtue of his Spiritual Power, a Emperor that is Followed by Free Men that come to serve him as a Result of this Immanence, as opposed to the "Hypermasculine" (Not masculine at all mind you) view of the Big Macho Man that asserts his will by essentially beating everyone into submission and baseless Strength, again i'll give you the benefit of the Doubt and assume that by this you mean the Spiritual Liberation and Transcendance that its attained through Taking part with a "More than Human" life through Warrior Asceticism and Service to the Immortal Emperor, Evola explains this Idea better than i, be shure to check Picrelated >the mother who would let others stagnate with the excuse of showing affection and love is what I consider the parental role models to be. You take a very superficial View on Love and Affection, perhaps because (Understandably) the only thing you know about Love is the social contracting Normgroids do for the sake of not being Lonely and the pleasure of sex, and the Selfish "love" Mothers feel for their children (most roasties see their children as extensions of themselves, it explains how some Mother can behave like non-roasties around their children) Love and absolute Faith in their True sense (Not something Anons are really familiar with judging from posts like yours and the fact that there will always be a few Anons that equate 2d to 3d and say that emotions are weakness) are Valid paths and for some people like me are the only Way for Striving Onwards and Upwards >But I don't share the view of doing nothing and dying as a good thing Silence and Stillness are Eons away from "Doing Nothing and Dying" with all due respect anon you are being Extremely Narrowminded in this Respect >since I consider suffering and struggle in order to reach perfection to be a good thing. Suffering and Struggle serve a Specific purpose (In so much as one gives meaning to it, Normgroids struggle every day wagecucking to pay bills, but they don't ever grow now do they?, in this respect i can agree with you 100%), but Masochistic Flaggelation for the sake of it is Samsaric retardation and no different from the Bible Toting puritains that will whip themselves to death in the name of their Plebeian Sky Stalin, denying Asceticism and Dissasociation is like i said before, would be Extremely Narrowminded, since according to your post (or at least what i am getting from it) the only Path ever Valid is superficial Warrior Asceticism based on the need for Imposing your will on others (Ironic since by his need to Impose his Will, he becomes a Slave of his own Need to do so) and a Ambiguous idea of "Growing" for the sake of it in the most Banal sense of the world (Lift Weights and Read stuff while never understanding any of it and forcing everyone else to do it with you lest they be shills or whatnot, in pure /SIG/ fashion), completely ignoring the Ontological Differences between Different Men and imposing a False Collectivism on Everyone Recommended reads on the Subject are "Metaphysics of War" and "Heathen Imperialism" by Evola and of course the "Baghavad Gita" both of these should Outline what True Virility is all about, and explain where my Criticism Comes from Good Hunting
>>1355 You write too much.
>>1356 i doyou could skip to the Recommended reads paragraph and read the Picrelated though to get the "Core" of what my post was trying to convey and why i think his (asuming that you aren't the same anon to whom i was replying) views aren't entirely fucking wrong but he makes some critical mistakes and veers in the /fascist/ way of Big Loud "Traditional Masculinity" that has no actual substance and is entirely based on mere opposition of Modern Day Masculinity (instead of being a thing of its own that just happens to contradict Modern Conceptions)
I'm sick of the estrogen autist excessive abuse of the shift button. It hurts my eyes every time I scroll past his wall of text.
>>1361 Maybe he doesn't have english as his first language? German for example capitalizes all nouns, although from skimming over it that would also not match much better.
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reposting because i just remembered that Rule 3 of the Global says no minors and i know for a fact shit is gonna get stirred up because one of the Pics i shared had 2 Lolis in it, im not dealing with that Bullshit >>1362 i already explained it a bit ago but it was a reply to a specific anon that asked me directly so it is understandable that the anon in question may have not read it, i write Stuff on Instincts Most of what i do is based on Instincts and Gut reactions really, im not a brainless nigger though, its just that i am more confident on my Gut than on my Ability to Reason, meaning i usually keep the 2-3 things i wanna talk about or touch then slam my hand on the keyboard and see what comes Out, what happens is that my Muscle memory fucks with me frequently and i end up making typos all over the place, some of these are blatant failures on my part so i fix them but other times i think Providence may be at work (a word that is Relevant to the point may be Capitalized for example so i just leave it at that) the idea that Providence may be at work on some dumb stupid nigger typing may seem retarded to some and the final Proof that i need a 9mm Bullet put through my skull, but i've personally had experiences where minute details like a Specific word being outlined in a weird way would end up being Relevant and leading to me Discovering something, as a way to respect this i carry on with my Poor Grammar despite the fact that it may rub some feathers and it makes me look like im more Retarded that i already Am, Aleister Crowley had a similar gig where some of his Writtings had weird capitalizations and wording, he would leave it like that because he, wrote those books on command of different Gods and Entities, so he didn't dare to change a single word of them because that was the way the Entity in question wanted him to write that shit, Crowley was that much of a Madlad Thanks for trying to at the very least Rationalize it and not judge me on the spot though, you are also right on the fact that English is indeed Not my first Language at all >>1361 sorry that i cause such pain to you anon, here have some Cute Anime Girls as a Apology, i have more Lewd ones if you prefer but id rather go with something safer since i do not know your tastes
As valuable as I think esoteric-anon's posts are, I'm starting to think there should be a thread for that if the philosophy thread isn't enough for it.
>>1361 His posts are fine, retard. Complaining about reddit spacing I understand because it artificially inflates the size of a post, but weird capitalization isn't that big of a deal. Especially when the posts are filled with substance regardless of if you think the substance is good.
I just went three days in a row without using the internet beyond maybe looking at a video or two and I don't regret it at all, it actually felt really nice not being bombarded with constant demoralization and moral panic bullshit or low effort retarded posters everywhere I look. Maybe Kaczynski was onto something.
>>1378 >go and check tvch right after I post this >it's somehow even worse >/tv/ the last not so serious board I had fun with is finally completely dead RIP you beautiful perfect storm of faggotry. I hope all the anons that left found happiness, or at least suicided painlessly. Looks like Robots are the last group I'll be posting with until I leave the internet tumor behind for good and die a hermit.
Is it possible to lengthen a finger by stretching it frequently?
>>1385 Do you want to extra-fuck-you someone or what?
>>1386 no i play piano.
>>1385 I think you can manually stretch skin and muscles, but bones require that same agonizing breaking and stretching shit they do for insecure manlets when they want to be taller. I'm no surgeon though.
>>1389 Can you stretch joints permanently though? When I said stretching I mean popping my fingers by pulling on it. One of my middle fingers is longer than the other but I'm not sure if it's natural or not. I do remember popping it a lot.
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>>1378 >normalfags populating the meatspace >robots moving on internet >normalfags invanding internet And we're back to the meatspace, again. We're back where everything started, alone and without any kind of understanding from those around us, such is life for hermits.
>>1390 I don't think popping them does shit to lengthen your fingers, otherwise I'd have borderline tentacle fingers by now. As far as joints go I can't imagine that deliberately disfiguring them is going to do much in terms of their functionality. From what I've heard those manlets who get their leg bones stretched always have knee and hip problems to go with their fucked up brittle shins. Maybe continue pulling on it though to see what happens. The worst you'll do is pop your knuckles.
>someone is obviously shitting your site/board/etc up >they're not even trying to be clever about it >yet you refuse to take any action for fear of being accused of rulecuckery by the same fags who are shitting your site/board up Why do so many vols fall for this trick? Odds are if you're a regular user of the very place you're managing then banning and deleting some stupid shit that you see as obvious and deliberate attempts at tearing the community to shreds isn't going to drive anyone but the most cancerous niggers away from your site. The regulars that populate the board typically aren't going to fault you for slapping some dumb outsider cunt's shit unless you accidentally delete an innocent post which is extremely rare from what I can tell. I've seen too many boards succumb to this over the years, it's headache inducing.
>>1393 I dont think regular popping does shit either, what I meant is popping by pulling on the finger.
>>1396 What other popping is there?
>>1397 i pop my hemorrhoids
>>1395 It's just laziness, there is no such thing as a non rulecuck janny. Tick him the right way and he'll rape the ban button. But most of the time they are lazy fucks, just look at prolikewoah.
>>1395 Are you referencing this place? If so, could you show some examples of posts which are shitting up the board that haven't been deleted? >>1399 >janny Am I paranoid or is this a cuckchan exclusive term? I've never seen the term outside of cuckchan besides recently here but that might just be me being a dumbfuck.
>>1379 I just found /r9k/ after I don't know how long. I thought balkan was down for good. I'm grieving over /tv/ going to shit as well, it very clearly has a completely different userbase than original 8/tv/, aside from the hapa and vols. Instead of posting there I went back to my national IBs. I spent a decade with western anons and now all that's left of western IBs is a bunch of cuckchanners and the worst spergs imaginable.
>>1400 >cuckchan exclusive term Yep, it is. Kill him
>>1397 I rarely ever crack my fingers by pulling on them. I just push them down or from the side until they crack so I can do it with my idle handle using my thumb.
>>1400 No, it's not. Kill him anyway.
>>1403 But then you would miss the first joint of each finger.
>>1405 The only joint I can't crack consistently with one hand is the fingertip joints. But those are barely satisfying anyways. Cracking your knuckle is simple by just pushing down with your thumb.
>>1400 >Are you referencing this place No, thankfully /r9k/ is mostly devoid of that save for that one incident with fat/r9k/'s vol handing it over to dolphin. It's more of a trend I've noticed on imageboards in general over the years, especially within the past year with so many webring boards getting killed specifically because of vol autism.
>>1411 Wait, no, did that happen when we were on the cafe? We've been bounced around so many times it's hard to remember.
>>1412 Anon.cafe
it's not good to crack your joints
>>1416 I was always told it doesn't make much of a difference.
>>1416 But it feels good.
>>1420 how?
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was reading "Bow and the Club" since i never actually finished it, i forgot this Gem was a thing, truly Evola was one hell of a Man
>don't take meds >stupid voices saying stupid shit won't stop annoying me >take meds >some voice saying "Church of Satan" every once in a while pops out
>>1426 Kill yourself attention whore.
>>1429 Fuck off.
>>1430 Overdose on your jew pill and die already, attention whore.
>>1426 Meds don't actually help the voices are fucking with you
>>1434 Oh it definitely helps, the former is just loud, obnoxious and gets in the middle of stuff in the worst moment, the second one is kind of okay and just appears from time to time
>>1431 You sure showed him retard.
>>1446 Again kill yourself or shut your retarded mouth attention whore.
>>1426 How does the process for being diagnosed for such meds even go? Do they lock you in a loony bin for a few days and watch what you do?
>>1449 The first reaction is to give you medication.
>>1449 Just go to a psychiatrist and tell him your issues, he'll surely find a pill for your issue. Mine is Risperidone
>>1451 If you were to go to me, I'd surely prescribe you a bullet to the head.
Do you guys ever lose your sense of time? I recently had to go without my pc for a week or two, and I currently cant remember what it felt like to be on my pc all day. As in it felt like i was away from a pc for months or years. Its strange, but i guess its part and parcel for having a burnt out memory
>>1454 I'd expect as much from going without the computer for prolonged periods of time.
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>>1454 not in the exact way you described but when im left Alone on my own i get Dissasociated from the External World in the most Extreme way, not only do i kinda forget the Pass of time being a thing but i withdraw into my "Inner World" sort of speak, the few times i've been left alone for Prolonged spaces of time have ingrained me with even More hatred of Normgroids and Modern Life in general because these fucking Molochs force me to go outside myself and have to bother with their eternally meaningless bullshit
>>1457 I don't have that big of an imagination, sometimes i can daydream, but sometimes I can just stare at a wall or the floor to pass the time.
>>1456 I can see that. Pc activities dont give a natural sense of time. One day irl my feel like multiple days in pc land
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>>1458 i didn't mean it as in going to literal Dreamworld, more along the lines of Encloistering within myself, i spend a lot of time Contemplating and thinking about things And About Taihou of course and also working on my little autistic Projects, to try and make this more clear, if i did what you said and "Stared at a Wall" i would start thinking about shit and have a long winded inner monologe (Completely forgetting about the wall) in less than 10 Seconds, so whenever i am left Alone without interference this state becomes Permanent, thus i live Withdrawn within my own Thoughts completely ignoring anything External beyond the few things i enjoy doing, like Playing Vidya. Fucking around with Boardjames or just Reading
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>>1452 chillax bro
>>1454 That's pretty normal if you stop using the computer after being very used to the torrent of information it can put out. It's perhaps a nice reminder how much time you have in a day and what can be done with it. >>1463 I am very prone to daydreaming too, sometimes I worry that I get too carried away to work on improving the real living conditions.
>>1450 >>1451 I mean how do you determine that someone isn't just making shit up about voices? Do they even go that far before giving you legal meth or whatever the fuck your pills are?
>>1454 I think radical change ups in your life have that effect, if you use your computer 24/7 I could see it fucking with your head. Ever since my dad died last November my perception of time has been bizarre. Like it simultaneously seems slow, but also passes by way too fast for comfort and I don't know what to do to stop this feeling.
>>1463 That room looks comfy; most of the exterior world is gay as fuck.
>try to watch some "wholesome" youtube videos >bombarded with nigger lover propaganda English isn't my native language and I only watch cute animal videos. Regret it every time, should have just stick to video game and anime.
>>1475 I just watch videos from RSS feeds for channels I already know about through invidious instances. No cookies and no (((recommendations))) for me, just consume the content I know I want then move on. Kind of sucks that channel discoverability is very difficult without relying on jewtubes algorithms, but last I heard they raped their algorithms so they're completely fucking useless now anyways compared to how amazing they were back before american politics took over the entire world in 2016. Would be nice to build up a sizeable catalog of tolerable jewtube channels ITT for this reason >>29
>corona hoax hits >have watched everyone I'm forced to interact with slowly (in some cases extremely quickly) unravel >a couple have turned to hardcore drugs and alcoholism >people ask me how I haven't gone insane >practically begging me for an answer in some cases >struggle to find a response that isn't just "I don't give a fuck about social isolation" because some of these niggers will report me to the feds as a psychopath if I admit it It's very strange going from being considered a loser outcast retard to some kind of guru with strong mental fortitude simply because normalfags can't cope with not going to the club or not having niggerball to gawk at. I was hoping to have saved enough to move to the countryside before something like this happened but now I might wind up stuck with these creatures regardless.
>>1477 Just tell them you have a lot of discord friends. They'll buy it.
>>1477 They have internet right? I don't get how you can get so bored to resort to drugs. And to think that i prefer to live like this, i can't believe it.
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>Month in paradise ends >my "mother" comes back from her vacations >the Anthopomorphic pile of Shit spends 30+ minutes "cleaning" my room (displacing things and making everything smell like fucking bleach, i guess the same way pigs wallow in mud, whores wallow in bleach) >tfw when i could have grabbed her from behind and just strangled her to death ending my Pain >tfw i could just pack my things and try my luck living a Hobo but im too much of a pussy and losing comunications with this place sounds horrible i know for a fact one day i will snap and fucking off her, and then i will have no choice but to go Hobo anyways
>>1529 My mother cleaning my room upsets me as well, but it sounds like she at least means well. Killing the only woman willing to take care of you sounds like a counter-productive action. It's best to make friends with the people you're forced to share a roof with the best you can.
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>>1530 >but it sounds like she at least means well. HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHA oh you absolute nigger, time for some storytime and telling you what things my "mother" has done ill start with the most recent one, one of the Business associates of my Step-dad, the guy had a Office job for both my Step-dad's son (my step-brother i guess) and me, they needed to set up 2 Routers with HDD's and UPS's and all, my mother suggested to them they should use MY room, so they split half of my room into "my room" and "the office", the whore had the nerve to say that it still was my room despite the fact that i had to take my shit away nowadays i have 2 Fucking Routers in my room taking up my space, not only that but whenever a Power outage happens both UPS's start beeping like crazy, they later reconverted the Office to a Warehouse, imagine being woken up and having your room intruded by Niggers dropping and taking boxes of "God Knows What" FROM YOUR OWN FUCKING ROOM, nevermind the fact that the Whore moved me from my hometown separating me from the Rest of my Family, whenever i want to visit anyone at all i have to take 2-3 Buses and Spend more than 10 Bucks on just the trip, she "promised" that she would take me anywhere i needed, she didn't comply with her part of the deal, and the few time she did she would unironically spy on me, literally parking her Car on the corner of the street to see if i did what i said i was going to do, or calling whatever family member or friend i was going to visit at my backs to check if i really was going to do what i said i was going to do, because i guess that's what good mothers do, be 100000% paranoid all the time and intrude in the Privacy and Intimacy of their own sons, the only reason why she "cares" about me its because im the only Blood Related relative she has, she kicked my Brother out of the house, Divorced my Dad and currently holds a Feud with the rest of my Family, my Family knows how much of a Driven whore she is but so far no one has done Anything to help me at all beyond telling me to be patient, i've been patient for more than 5 years having to deal with this Histrionic mass of inbred Hormones that thinks that caring about someone is Spying on him, Intruding into his life and room every 30 Minutes and saying "Im your Mother" every time i face her about anything at all, she is a De Facto psychopath with more than 3 attempts at Suicide before she met my current Step-dad, and i hope to hell she has a 4th and finally pulls it, i could spend thousands of Hours telling you Stories on how much of a Whore she is, but this place isn't my Personal diary, unless anons are really interested in me venting about my "mother" i don't think i need to provide more proof for how much of a Whore she is
>>1531 Theres no need to kill her anon.
>>1362 No I'm pretty sure he's Spanish.
>>1224 Got a bit poetically waxy there didn't ya, but yeah, wasn't that learning process fun? Those times where they caught you in a moment of weakness and you actually tried to answer earnestly? The one that used to make me want to absolutely go off was when they'd tell you someone out there has it worse. Like hey, take solace in the fact that you're not literally the most unfortunate person on earth. Yeah great, sure am glad you went out of your way to ask me my business just so you could hit me with that game-changer. According to those useless prying fucks you shouldn't compare yourself to others if those others have something you don't, but if you have something someone else doesn't and are feeling like shit for some completely unrelated reason, well compare yourself to them! Fuck them and fuck your hypocritical platitudes, I sit here wishing I could have said. >>1226 I also wish I could learn this power. My issues with maintaining eye contact and subdued, unsteady way of speaking make me doubt I could pull it off. I wouldn't be able to give the steady, curt delivery required. I'm like you in that I don't get asked that particular stuff anymore but I know I'll be in a position in the future where I'll be sorry I can't speak like that.

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