/site/ - Site Meta

Official 8chan Site Meta. (Bring bug reports, complaints, and requests here)

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Max message length: 12000


Max file size: 32.00 MB

Total max file size: 50.00 MB

Max files: 5

Supported file types: GIF, JPG, PNG, WebM, OGG, and more


(used to delete files and posts)


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Test board creation post-improvements Acidadmin Board owner 04/24/2020 (Fri) 06:44:50 No. 1
(12.05 MB Fry the Brain.pdf)

image test
the global rules and other links that are supposed to be under the logo on the home page are not visible on mobile
>>4 Its in the list. A fairly minor bug, but we'll get to it too.
>>5 Can we get a dice roller? I would add one for /quest/ myself but I'm retarded.
Up the file size limit on /b/ please
>>12 Added to the list. Thank you. >>13 >>15 What size do you want? 16mb is quite a lot as it is.
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Personally, I never saw the point of a maximum file amount limit, given that any number of files can fit within 16MB. For large amounts of files, I was thinking that there be some sort of clickable bit, like the post option arrow on 8chan of yore, that expands to show more files.
>>16 at least 25 mb dude, i dont think thats too much to ask
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>>17 >some sort of clickable bit *on the posts themselves that expands to show more files. Should have added that beforehand. I've noticed that I can add more than 5 files to the quick reply box, even if I can only post the first 5.
>>13 bump
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Wasn't sure exactly where to post this, as /site/ doesn't appear to have a QTDDTOT. Anyway, if I were to try to create a new board: >Would a disposable email work? Or does it have to be a persistent email? >What are the responsibilities if any of the board owner, esp. with regards to things like moderation, etc.? >Is a board owner expected to keep in regular contact with site admins and/or other BOs?
>>1831 >as /site/ doesn't appear to have a QTDDTOT. >>1650 For BO support you can also use >>1651 >Would a disposable email work? Yes, it just has to be validated. We prefer not to reset passwords, and we don't have a shared secret system, so if you lose access and your only contact is a burner address then it might cause a problem. Not recommended, but it's valid for board creation. >What are the responsibilities? You're only obligated to enforce global rules, which basically consists of "nothing illegal" and "don't deliberately cause harm to the site". If you don't catch illegal content or automated spam then globals will usually step in once it's reported. Beyond that, your duties are pretty much voluntary. You can add rules as you see fit, but only you and your volunteers will enforce board rules. You need to log in once a month to prevent the board from going to claims. >Is a board owner expected to keep in regular contact with site admins No. Only a handful do. We have a few different options to reach us if you need support, but you don't have to stay in touch or reply ever.
>>1835 >Those links Ah, my bad. I must have missed those somehow. >Not recommended, but it's valid for board creation. Thanks for letting me know. I might just set up a cock.li or something as a compromise, then. >You're only obligated to enforce global rules, which basically consists of "nothing illegal" and "don't deliberately cause harm to the site". Sounds good. I assume moderation essentially comes down to logging in as BO, and deleting posts which break global rules, spam unnecessarily, etc.? >If you don't catch illegal content or automated spam then globals will usually step in once it's reported. This is handy, though I'll try to make sure you don't have to. >You can add rules as you see fit, but only you and your volunteers will enforce board rules. Makes sense. >You need to log in once a month to prevent the board from going to claims. Again, that seems fair. Does that apply to volunteers, as well? Speaking of which, how does one enlist such assistance from interested anons? >No. Only a handful do. We have a few different options to reach us if you need support, but you don't have to stay in touch or reply ever. That's good to know, thanks. I admit, it'd kinda kill the appeal if running a board started to feel like a job.
>>1836 >This is handy, though I'll try to make sure you don't have to. That's greatly appreciated. >how does one enlist such assistance from interested anons? You generally just ask users on your board to submit some kind of application or statement of interest, and then use whatever criteria you see fit. Ideally someone who can fill gaps in the schedule and won't nuke the board. If your board is big enough to warrant a volunteer then it should have enough regulars to get a volunteer. Your bigger concern will be reaching that level of activity. The webring is pretty small and people are settled, so starting new boards is difficult. If you can get it to a decent size, finding volunteers shouldn't be too hard. Meanwhile, don't sweat it. We know you can't personally manage the board 24/7 and we try to monitor the site in the early hours because it's the perfect time to slip illegal content in. >I admit, it'd kinda kill the appeal if running a board started to feel like a job. Yeah, that can kill interest pretty fast. Just keep things fun, bring on help if you start to get overwhelmed. If you need help, feel the mod tools are lacking, or have any other issues, you're always welcome to reach out to the admin/global team for assistance. We're happy to help.
>>1839 >You generally just ask users on your board to submit some kind of application or statement of interest, and then use whatever criteria you see fit. Sounds like a plan. >Meanwhile, don't sweat it. We know you can't personally manage the board 24/7 and we try to monitor the site in the early hours because it's the perfect time to slip illegal content in. That's good to know. Again, my main deliberation at this point is figuring out if I have enough time per day to devote to moderating the hypothetical board; I might wait until I can have a more consistent schedule, just in case. >Just keep things fun, bring on help if you start to get overwhelmed. >you're always welcome to reach out to the admin/global team for assistance. We're happy to help. Will do; thanks again.
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Hello, I am currently making a neutral wiki article on this site. Can you guys tell me a bit about this chan's creation, history, and controversies?
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>>8841 Jesus fucking christ delete this image
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