/sm/ - Shotacon

Shota is love, shota is life

Index Catalog Archive Bottom Refresh

Max message length: 0/12000


Max file size: 32.00 MB

Total max file size: 50.00 MB

Max files: 5

Supported file types: GIF, JPG, PNG, WebM, OGG, and more


(used to delete files and posts)


Remember to follow the Rules

The backup domains are located at 8chan.se and 8chan.cc. TOR access can be found here, or you can access the TOR portal from the clearnet at Redchannit 3.0.

RIP David Lynch

/vhs/ David Lynch Marathon

8chan.moe is a hobby project with no affiliation whatsoever to the administration of any other "8chan" site, past or present.

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Welcome to /sm/ - Shotacon! kot Board owner 05/22/2020 (Fri) 21:48:34 No. 1 >>1124 >>2472 >>7357 >>7401
This is a board dedicated to the shotacon genre and its sub-genres (like straight shota). Please read the rules before posting and be nice with each other. Some suggestions: - Please include at least five images when starting a thread - Check the catalog before starting a thread to avoid duplicated topics - Keep requests (sauce, moar of this, etc) in a single thread This thread will also serve as a meta-thread where you can discuss, complain or send feedback about the board.
Edited last time by shotakot on 11/17/2020 (Tue) 03:23:04.
Thanks for making this shota board. As someone who likes lolis and yaoi shota as well as ss, I always feel half welcome in straight-only spaces, and so this is a nice alternative.
Can we have an Cartoon Screencap Edit thread.
>>13 I'm glad you liked this board. I created it as a bunker for former 8kun, julay and 7chan anons who lost their original shota boards. >>89 Sure! All kinds of unrealistic shota are allowed. If there's something else you need or want to see feel free to ask it here.
how to delete image?
>>389 I disabled post deletion when I created the board because I feared it would be abused by bad people (for example, post nasty stuff and delete it before a mod or staff member notices it), but considering how slow and peaceful /sm/ currently is I don't think that'll be a problem for now. I'll enable post deletion again. You now are able to delete your own posts by clicking on the arrow on the left of your post, but if for any reason you can't delete any post that was made before the change please link it here so I can remove it.
>>392 Thank you sir
>>896 (113) can you please delete these, someone a troll person upload these kind of pics
>>974 Straight shota is allowed on this board. Is up to the OP of each thread to specify what they want to be posted, and since the OP of that thread only said adults the pictures linked by you are considered on topic. What you can do is to press the Hide ⃠ symbol at the top of the post to hide it and maybe convince that poster to make a separate shota x female adult thread.
With 9chan.tw closing, this is the only shota-board left that I'm aware of. Any backup plans in case this one goes the way of the dodo?
>>994 >Straight shota is allowed on this board. That's good to know.
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>>1 (OP) >Now accepting banners!
>>1124 This would be perfect if Fujiwara was a shota (or if a shota was with her).
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To anyone that deletes files using the Unlink files button: that button only removes the files while leaving the post up, which ends up being an ugly empty box if it had no text when it was posted. Use the Delete Post button to get rid of the entire post, files included. Note: I only removed the empty post >>1155 (24). >>1160 (24) is still up and only was used to show the delete buttons. If anyone finds more empty posts please link them here so I can remove them. Thank you. >>1162 I'll save it in case a /ss/ board is made.
>>1302 Thanks
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Just a heads up: Since the site has been going offline for random periods of time, and because not everyone wants (or knows how) to use the onion address on Tor, Acid has deployed a Tor2web proxy that allows anyone to access the onion link through their regular browsers without the need of additional software. The proxy is located at https://redchannit.net/, and from there you can access to and post on /sm/ or any other board without problem. Proof in case you don't believe me: >>>/site/532
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Does anyone know where Po~ju posts his stuff now?
>>1496 Twitter account (seems to be a personal account rather than one for art): https://nitter.net/poju2h/ Pixiv account: https://www.pixiv.net/en/users/19291 Blog: https://web2h.blog102.fc2.com/ Older website (full of old shota art): https://www.big.or.jp/~po-ju/Untitle.shtml None of the sites seem to be very active, though, so boorus and hentai sites still are the main source for his works.
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why this thread https://8chan.moe/sm/res/24.html# doesn't bump anymore?
>>1569 maybe that's the bump limit although considering how this board only has 4 pages and is slow as fuck I doubt it'll die soon
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8chan.moe just received a major upgrade that includes new and upgraded themes, new text options, a redesigned UI, and lots of bugfixes. For a more complete list of changes see >>>/site/628 Some things still are a WiP, like some themes that need a couple of fixes. If you find a bug please report it on >>>/site/. On an unrelated note, I increased the bump limit from 300 posts to 500 posts.
>>1600 Shouldn't this board be like, de-listed as well? I don't like how /loli/, /delicious/, and /tot/ are unlisted personally but they are set as unlisted. I'd be fine otherwise but I just don't see why
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Did you accidentally misclick something? /sm/'s visible now.
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>>1681 >>1682 I made the board visible yesterday as a way to spread awareness about it and attract more users (and because I wanted to compare its number of total posts against the numbers of other boards). If there's a problem with /sm/ being visible I'll hide it again.
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>>1686 I think it's gotten enough attention now. Hiding it would be best to keep certain pearl clutchers from raising a fuss over it.
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>>1715 I guess I should, at least for now. Even the admin of the site is starting to question my decision. I'm gonna miss seeing /sm/ be the fifth largest public board on the site. /sm/ is a hidden board again, at least until the admin deems things safe for everyone. Sorry for the inconvenience
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Is this an imageposting-only board, or can we make discussion threads to post fantasies, talk about why we like shota, drawthreads, etc? I don't really have anyone to talk about shota with, so I guess it'd be nice to do so here.
>>1909 Of course discussion is allowed an encouraged! Feel free to talk about anything shota-related.
Hey, is western shota allowed on here? I tried to post it on delicious but one of them got deleted. I hope if that's OK to post 'em here?
>>2063 Sure! You can make a thread for specific western shota characters, a general western shota thread, or contribute to existing threads. There's plenty of space here for all kinds of shotas.
>>2073 Thank you so much! I'll make a thread whenever I get a chance. :3
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WARNING! RUSSIA IS THREATENING SHUTDOWNS OVER LOLI ON THIS SITE! This is especially worrying because we never know if they'll decide shota is a problem too. Be aware.
what the password for deleting post because, i made mistake for uploading this >>2402 (78)
>>2403 The password is something you add when you make a post so you can delete it under any IP. If you changed your IP (or the IP used by the redchannit/cloudflare combo changed) and you didn't attach a password to your post you won't be able to delete it. Anyways, I don't think a single erroneously single image is a problem.
>>1 (OP) >>1600 >>1686 >>1741 I have nothing to add but just wanted to say this boy is cute~
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>>2472 He's Hanako from Jibaku Shounen Hanako-kun, a cute manga about a girl who befriends a shota ghost and an exorcist in training who together have to protect their school from other supernatural beings. The manga is a mix of soap opera with comedy, with lots of funny moments sprinkled on top of otherwise sad stories. Very recommended.
My apologies for being temporarily offline on Redchannit. According to Acid the domains redchannit.net and redchannit.org have experienced connection errors due to a problem with Cloudflare's DNS. At the time of writing this post redchannit.net is working without any problems, but if any of you have difficulties I recommend to submit them at >>>/site/1138 Thanks.
Welcome back to the clearnet! >>>/delicious/ >>>/loli/ >>>/sm/ >>>/tot/ Note that linking the boards or their images is blocked from everywhere except 8chan itself and redchannit. If you guys would like to list your board now feel free, and we'll keep you updated.
>>2756 Understood. The board is now visible in the board list for easy access. Thank you for your continued efforts in keeping this type of content available, and let's hope the other boards decide to become visible as well.
>>2762 So, would it be fine if there was one thread of furry shota? And can it be exclusive to one game?
Keep getting an invalid file error when I try posting in the shota x shota thread.
>>2825 What is the filetype? Could you upload the file elsewhere (such as catbox or anonfile)?
>>2826 Just PNGs & JPGs. Catbox doesn't seem to wanna work.
>>2825 >>2826 >>2827 Sorry for that. I messed with the board's settings and accidentally borked file uploads. It should be fixed by now.
Are >>2714 (78) and >>2852 (78) bots?
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So what can we do to get more anons here? I assume there are plenty of refugees from 7chan here since their /sm/ is gone. Julay had a shota board temporarily but that went under after a site revision. I guess what I'm getting at is two things: >Do enough /sm/ anons know about this place? >How can this board breed more life without receiving unwanted attention? It'll be hard to speculate on these things since imageboards and imageboard-culture itself has been under attack (I wouldn't be surprised if a number of anons just gave up). For the record, I don't mind the 'slowness' of this board and think it can be very useful to generate quality discussion and threads. I'd just like everyone's input on the current state of affairs.
>>2874 Well there's always cuckchan since they have an active shota community on /cm/.
>>2876 I occasionally visit their shota threads. I'm a bit hesitant since it's - well, cuckchan. I could try recruiting some of them, although I wouldn't know how many would be willing to stay here.
>>2877 I don't know. They're pretty stubborn over there. Bigger file sizes & multiple image posting are the best marketing strategies.
>>2876 >>2877 >>2878 We should instead focus on cuckchan /b/
>>2879 No greentexts or 3dcg obviously
>>2879 Bad idea. That's inviting too much chaos in.
>>2876 >>2877 /cm/ is a good board (or at least is much better than the big boards), I lurk their shota general and a couple of other shota-centric threads. Sometimes an autist drops their spaghetti over something ridiculous (like the fact women browse that board or the obligatory "you're pedos" sperg), but on average things are quiet. The problem, however, is that mods are heavily against any forms of advertising, specially when is for other imageboards (the word 8chan has been marked as spam since the exodus to done 5 years ago). Direct advertising won't work there, so your best chance is to casually mention the site during a random conversation. Another board with shota threads I browse from time to time is /vp/. They have threads and generals for pokeboys (with Allister being a popular one) and a sizeable part of the users are into lolis, so the rejection for a board like this one or /loli/ may be less harsh. Of course, since its a bigger board with more normalfags, trolls and moralfags there's a higher chance bad users crawl here and shit up /v/ since its the biggest board. Also mods still can ban you for advertising 8chan, although they usually don't lurk waifu/husbando threads and only respond to reports. /v/ and /co/ have shota threads and general husbando threads from time to time, but the amount of cancer users there may be too high to promote the board (and as a consequence the site) without causing a bad effect. >>2879 My biggest gripe with /b/ is that is full of legit newfags, normalfags and pedos. It has active threads every day, but the quality of the posts is godawful. Pics reposted again and again, low quality files clearly saved (or worse, screenshots) from Facebook and Pinterest, ugly uncanny 3D models, spam of all kinds, and the worst of all, retards talking about real children and using the words loli and shota to describe them. It would be easy to advertise /sm/ there since ad posts rarely are reported, but I don't think it's worth pandering to them. They're called the shithole of internet for a reason. Outside of 4chan the biggest sites are ATF and baraag, but both require accounts to post. They could be good places to promote /sm/ (and the loli boards), but I'm not sure how this could be done.
>>2885 Could always advertise on /cm/ through the filenames on images.
>>2886 That could work. Putting a faux filename like tumblr's would be subtle enough. Something like 8ch.moe_sm-random-characters.jpg
>>2890 Exactly!
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I implemented a new custom CSS inspired by 64chan's purple theme and based on Yotsuba blue. It's the first time I mess with CSS, so I hope you like it. If you find a problem (like illegible text under certain circumstances) or have a suggestion please tell me so I can fix/implement it. Additionally, here's the custom CSS in case you want to use this theme on other boards: https://files.catbox.moe/pwe1az.css Just copy the content of the file and paste it on the CSS section of the settings panel (the gear icon in the top bar).
Kinda weird question, but does anyone here have a discord and would like to talk about shota and stuff? I really like girly boys like Len.
>>2983 Discord deletes shota/loli servers since their admins have an anti-anime bias. Having an encrypted service similar to Discord would be better.
>>2987 I mean like, just in DMs
>>2989 You can add me coconutmilk#0748
>>2983 >>2989 >>2991 Why not talk about shotas here? Discussion is allowed without problem.
>>2993 Yeah, I just wanna make friends with other shotacons cuz I don't really know anyone who likes shotas
>>2967 The old design was better
>>3041 Anything in specific you don't like?
>>3068 It looks too plain
>>3069 And it makes the text harder to read
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>>3069 >>3070 I made the posts' backgrounds a bit lighter to make the text more legible, changed the colors of the quick reply window to something less plain and restored some font sizes because they were too small in small screens. Things should be more legible now.
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>>3072 Now it looks much better although I still have two suggestions: * Change posts background to #b2abe2 * Make board header darker (like #090910 in second pic)
>>3075 >change posts background to #b2abe2 Like first pic (after)
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>>3075 >>3076 I'll change the posts background color to #b2abe2 as suggested since it looks way better than my previous choice, but I'll keep the purple on the board name (although it'll be a bit darker, and thread subject will use #090910. Another thing I'm experimenting with is the font used. I found a font named Inter (https://rsms.me/inter/) that to my opinion is clearer than the default. I'm not sure if importing remote fonts can work with the current server configuration, so check pics related to see the difference between the fonts.
Edited last time by shotakot on 11/16/2020 (Mon) 22:03:58.
>>3078 Thank you very much for implementing them. I think the current font is already fine, Inter is too spaced; other anons may disagree though.
>>3079 *Inter is too wide and reminds me of comic sans/plebbit.
>>3079 >>3080 Don't worry, I restored the default font (Arial) because I wasn't able to make remote fonts work correctly on some browsers. I also added a cute border on the thumbnails because the round corners alone were pretty bland.
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Does anyone here have an interest in shota erp?
>>3083 That depends: straight shota or yaoi?
>>3088 Yaoi
I'm just going from board to board with this announcement: as Superior_Dragon, board owner of /delicious/, we have a new and exciting venture called Kodojinshi Party. Temporary meeting link here: https://join.skype.com/sy9nZgo8k4tQ Kodojinshi Party is a loli/shota mangazine open to everyone to submit their own original projects. Right now, we have a category for straight shota but we plan to include gay shota in the foreseeable future.
Hi board owner. Can I post picture of girl on girl for comparison purpose? I plan to post it in >>305 Also https://8chan.moe/sm/rules.html is 404
>>3098 >using Skype to share loli/shota content Bad idea. >>3166 I guess it's ok if it's part of a shota-centric set or provides context for another pic. Additionally, I think there are yuri threads on /loli/ and /h/, in case you want to post more of it. >>3166 >Also https://8chan.moe/sm/rules.html is 404 It works fine on my end. Semi-hidden boards like /sm/ and their links depend on head referrers to allow users to access them, so if you have an add-on that changes or removes headers it may interfere with the site.
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Our Supreme Leader Acid just implemented an experimental extension for the captcha that supposedly will make things harder for spammers. Now, when you are required to solve the mandatory verification captcha, your browser will be commanded to solve a math problem that will generate a cookie (how long it takes depends on your browser and device, but the average seems to be 2-3 minutes), which in turn will let you post more for longer periods of time while slowing down spammers who hop between multiple IP to attack. For more information see >>>/v/186954 (https://archive.is/caFO6) Update: The tool was disabled (>>>/v/187592). Check >>>/site/ for future updates.
Edited last time by shotakot on 12/22/2020 (Tue) 23:28:42.
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I changed the default theme with a more "festive" one. I hope you like it.
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>>3506 It's comfy.
>>3506 Cozy
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MERRY CHRISTMAS FROM /co/!! >>>/co/7744
There's a specific doujin I remember seeing years ago and want to request in case anyone else has it, but not gonna bother posting a thread about it unless I have to. It was two boys on a beach, started off with them talking about some assignment one of them hadn't done or how he hadn't studied for a test or something like that. I think their names were Naoto and Makoto or something similar. As they're walking down the beach they find a porn magazine, flip through it, and start experimenting by copying its pictures. Shit was so cash when I first saw it years and years ago but I don't have it saved. Anyone else ever see or remember this one? I just remembered it a couple days ago for the first time in years and I'd kill to see it again and whether it holds up.
Is there a way to hide threads I don't want to see?
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>>3904 There are two ways. One is by clicking on the Hide button located at the top-left corner of every OP (and post in general) and select Hide thread. There are additional options for hiding only particular parts of a thread (like the OP or a single post with its replies). The second method is to click on the gear icon at the top of the page and add different words to hide any post containing them. This is particularly useful for filtering multiple posts at the same time, specially if regular expressions orregex (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Regular_expression) are used.
>>3907 Thank you! That helps a lot.
Again, sorry you had to see cp on /sm/. I'll try and be more active as a volunteer on /sm/, /tot/ and /loli/ as well as /delicious/. Again, CP is strictly forbidden.... no ifs or buts.
Edited last time by speedy05 on 02/02/2021 (Tue) 21:50:55.
I just opened up an account on baraag. Any artists on there or pawoo I should follow?
>>4084 Look for #shota tag and the equivalent in japanese and get some artists from there, a lot of them share other artist's work too
I didn't ask to be a volunteer for /sm/, can you please remove my position?
>>4261 Sorry. There is an agreement between speedy, Superior Dragon, Inaba (/loli/ and /tot/'s BO) and myself where we would assign each other volunteer roles on each other's boards to increase the number of people available in case something happens on one of the boards (CP, spam, blatant trolling, etc), and a couple of days ago I decided to add you and SD after realizing that only speedy was registered as a /delicious/ volunteer on /sm/. I am sorry you were not aware of the agreement, I have just removed your role as a volunteer.
>try to visit this place by typing in the URL >404 not found >try to visit by clicking from the homepage >it actually works What sorcery is this, and why is it this way? It's a little inconvenient.
>>4308 Is called "disabling hotlinks", and the admin did it to the loli/shota boards, some non-loli/shota boards, and media links on all the site (try opening an image from any board on a private window) to protect it from people who save links to mass report the site for "hosting CP and other bad stuff". Is annoying, but it has seemed to work since it got implemented. If you want to have the board bookmarked save https://redchannit.com/sm, it is the Tor2web portal of the site and doesn't have these blocks because since it simply is a proxy that forwards requests to 8chan's Tor version and doesn't host anything on its own. Just remember to disable the "live updates" WebSocket in the site's settings because it doesn't work on Tor or Redchannit (the normal updater timer works).
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Just saw this on baraag. Something weird is going on, I wouldn't know if something like this is coming from Twitter or Foxdickfarms. Be careful.
The list of fallback links and contact info was moved from a closed pinned thread on /sm/ to an open thread on >>>/res/55 linked on the board message section. This was done with the purpose of freeing space on the front page, and to let more people link it on their own boards (the content of the post was modified to provide a more general description) with more ease. Another advantage of the move is that anyone will be able to post updated links there. The list of shota-friendly sites and hubs is available here as a .txt file with everything formatted for its use on 8chan, and anyone is free to create a separate thread for it.
>>4412 I think buhitter.com could be added to list of shota-friendly sites. It's an alternative Twitter frontend like nitter that only displays the media-posts from any profile. Tag search also works.
>>4440 Added to >>4523, which is now pinned for visibility.
This sort of looks traced or rotoscoped. >>3913 (300)
>>4720 You could be right. There's an "ImgPlay" (an app that turns videos into gifs and can add them filters) watermark in a corner, which means that the gif came from a real video from either a kid or an adult with a small dick. I deleted just to be sure.
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The new update to hide images in each post is nice, but the icon to hide entire threads or entire posts seems to have gone missing. I've checked other boards and they still have the "Hide" function on each post so it might just be an issue with this board?
>>4764 That seems to be a site-wide bug. There are various reports on >>>/site/ of people not being able to hide threads and posts anymore under specific circumstances.
>>4764 It should be fixed by now. If the problem persists report it on >>>/site/2229 or >>>/site/2230
>>4767 >>4789 Yeah it's all fixed. Thanks.
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Apparently a new shota board was created at >>>/ss/ with a focus on straight shota content, so I decided to add it to the links on the board message to increase its visibility (sorry /fur/ and /h/ for removing you, there just weren't enough characters for all boards). Please give it your support just like you have supported this board. This does not mean that straight shota porn is no longer welcome in /sm/. Existing /ss/ threads will continue as they are now, and anyone is free to create more at any time.
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Yay or nay?
>>5017 Personally I like how it is right now since it follows the color scheme of the other 2 Yotsuba themes (dark header cells and light buttons), but I admit that the buttons stand out more in your mock up thanks to the dark purple. I'd like to see other people's opinion on this idea here and on /site/ before making a choice.
>>5017 >>5018 Update: I'm willing to swap the colors of these two sections, but I need some help to do that. Currently, the custom theme uses the following code to give these colors to the posting forms: :root { --contrast-color: #c9c4ea; --background-highlight-color: #a590ce; }The problem is that --contrast-color is also used in replies and the side catalog, and changing it affects them as well. If anyone with more knowledge in CSS knows how to change the color of the posting forms and settings panel without changing the rest I will update the board's theme.
Edited last time by shotakot on 04/29/2021 (Thu) 05:43:57.
>>4722 Someone uploaded it again >>5237 (300)
is there a place with an active shota drawthread
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I added a background image (background at >>>/res/167, original pic attached to this post) to the custom theme, and I'd like to hear your opinions on it and the theme in overall.
Edited last time by shotakot on 07/13/2021 (Tue) 03:50:39.
>>6149 I decided to revert the CSS to a previous version. The background while attractive, made the text in OPs harder to read. If anyone wants to use the shota background, you can enable it by pasting the following code into the Custom CSS section of your settings panel: body { background-image: url('/.media/80e11fffcbe97ecc6297113b3cafb6449491739b110a2e63ff83a889cae6bfde.png'); background-repeat: repeat; background-blend-mode: overlay; }
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>>6186 Couldn't you give the OP a custom background like how the Windows 95 theme does?
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>>6187 After toying with the base theme (Yotsuba P) and checking how other themes add backgrounds to OPs, I managed to give a similar effect to /sm/'s theme. Additionally, I made the background shotas bigger, gave the backgrounds of the posts and the post top form a bit of transparency so the shotas can be seen through them without making the text illegible, and gave posts a small border for contrast. The result in my opinion should a nice compromise between design and function. The CSS file can be found at https://8chan.moe/sm/custom.css (you can replace sm with the URI of any other board with custom CSS), in case somebody wants to use it outside of this board. I'm no expert at HTML/CSS or color theory, so any suggestion is welcome.
8chan was just updated, and as a consequence of it pages look broken (specially custom themes) and some features don't work. This is because the caches of the site need to be refreshed across the various servers and proxies, but things should return to normal once they clear out everything. If there's something broken even after the caches were refreshed, contact Acid or codexx on >>>/site/, or inform me if the problem involves the custom CSS of the board.
Can you add >>>/trapshota/ to the similar lewd boards header?
>>6679 Added.
Can I make a dedicated thread to "vintage shota" content you would find in old magazines, prints, advertising, and books? I wouldn't want this to potentially violate any of the rules - so most of the content I'm saving right now is stylized (art deco style, various different comic book styles, etc)
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>>6965 Sure! Everything related to shotas is welcome here. You can also check the rules (https://8chan.moe/sm/rules.html) or make further questions if you still have doubts.
>>6971 At first I read this as "if you still have doubles"
>>1 (OP) I was wondering if you could make a private shotacon discord only for 8chan members, if not that's okay too
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>>1 (OP) Any reason not to include in this OP links to 'rules-- both clearweb as well as .onion http://4usoivrpy52lmc4mgn2h34cmfiltslesthr56yttv2pxudd3dapqciyd.onion/sm/rules.html
>>7403 (4965) >>7404 (4965) No Reply option or other way to contribute shown. Duplicate OPs for new thread created inadvertantly, apparently a result of connection lag.
>>7357 I believe in being transparent with the users, and creating a private server separate from the site and with an entry barrier (a Discord account that may need additional data) goes against this ideal. Not to mention that pretty much everything that can be done on Discord can be done here too and that loli/shota pornography is against Discord's ToS. >>7401 I assumed that the link under the post form was enough. Added them to the board message. >>7470 >No Reply option or other way to contribute shown. Can you elaborate on this? The reply window and buttons appear just fine on my end. >Duplicate OPs for new thread created inadvertantly, apparently a result of connection lag. I'm not sure what you mean with this. These are replies in an existing thread. If you want to create a new thread you need to be in the index or catalog pages. I removed the duplicate reply (>>7404 (4965)) in that thread.
Not sure where else to ask this but does someone have a link for this site I can use? I was able to access 8chan.moe on my computer but something happened and I can't get on it anymore. Any URL I use doesn't seem to pull up the site and it's probably a matter of time before I can't access it on my phone. I would greatly appreciate the help
>>7642 8chan has multiple domains for cases where one of them becomes inaccessible: https://8chan.moe - Main domain https://8chan.se - Secondary domain https://8ch.moe - Tertiary domain, currently redirects to 8chan.moe https://8chan.cc - Extra domain, currently not in use https://redchannit.com - Tor2web portal for 8chan, allows you to use the onion address with a regular browser https://redchannit.net - Secondary Tor2web portal, currently not in use http://4usoivrpy52lmc4mgn2h34cmfiltslesthr56yttv2pxudd3dapqciyd.onion/ - Onion address, for use with Tor Browser in case any other option fails Additional fallback measures are described at >>>/site/3004 (there's a link to that thread on this board's message). Regardless of your problem with accessing 8chan, does it happen only in certain parts of the site (like the loli/shota boards, /b/, the overboard or the board list), or is even the front page affected by it? This site has a special setting that returns fake 404 messages on certain parts of the site (the ones mentioned earlier) if your requests don't have a special referral added when you visit them from another part of the site. In other words, typing 8chan.moe/sm in your browser will return an error, but typing 8chan.moe and going to /sm/ from there will work. It's worth mentioning that the Tor version of the site and the Redchannit portal (which essentially is a wrapper for the Tor version) are exempt from this block.
Okay BO, how much for you to delete the current cub thread? I'll replace it with a new one that has actual cute boys images and everything.
Okay BO, How about you deal with the jerks in the shotacon cub section and their BS comments?
Alright, here's the rundown: Originally, that thread was made by an anonymous poster as a "furry" alternative to the current draw threads of other boards, not as a general "cub" thread, but it seems that the lack of details in the OP made some people believe that it was a general "cub" thread. Since it was inactive for months until a very recent fight over a particular piece of art started, I decided that it would be better to trash it and let people make separate threads with better OPs for furry content and furry requests. Unfortunately, Lynxchan doesn't have the option to move individual posts from one thread to another, so all requests made in the trashed thread must be made again in a new one. Nobody in that thread was banned either. Regarding content quality, while it's not explicitly mentioned in the rules (I didn't expect it to be something that should be clarified, but I guess I should have been more specific in that regard), the content of this board is expected to be at least of a decent quality. Please avoid uploading thumbnails, images with lots of compression and very poorly made drawings (unless it's on a thread that focuses on artwork critique and improvement, like on >>>/loomis/). The same goes for video/animations and 3DCG content. Content considered of extremely low quality. >>7733 Feel free to create a cub thread or contribute to the kemono thread at >>2935. I think there was a cub thread on /fur/ as well, so you have multiple places to post. >>7758 They are gone with the thread. People are expected to behave nicely here, but even with that in mind is almost a certainty that due to the nature of imageboards users will throw slurs at each other from time to time. Saying "nigger, faggot, kill yourself" to express disgust at something or someone isn't against the rules; is when somebody is repeatedly attacking an user, artist or content to the point of disturbing the whole thread (aka being an obnoxious faggot) when warnings and bans are given. As a side commentary, I noticed previous posts made by you and figured that you don't seem to be a regular imageboard user, so please familiarize yourself with the way things work here by reading the post markdown, the global rules and the board rules: https://8chan.moe/.static/pages/posting.html https://8chan.moe/.static/pages/globalRules.html https://8chan.moe/sm/rules.html
>>7765 >Don't post images like this please Did you not notice that was the first image posted on the thread? It was there for quite a while.
**They are gone with the thread. People are expected to behave nicely here, but even with that in mind is almost a certainty that due to the nature of imageboards users will throw slurs at each other from time to time. Saying "nigger, faggot, kill yourself" to express disgust at something or someone isn't against the rules; is when somebody is repeatedly attacking an user, artist or content to the point of disturbing the whole thread (aka being an obnoxious faggot) when warnings and bans are given.* How about you atually back up your words with actual action against the "pricks" on this board who can't make any positive suggestions in response to people's artwork?
Is there female x male or is this mxm only or?
>>8542 All forms of shota are allowed, including female x male, so don't be afraid of making /ss/ threads. Here are two "general purpose" straight shota threads, but more can be made for specific topics: >>644 >>1069
Hey, I'm having an issue downloading videos from this board. I can load and play the videos just fine, but every time I try to download them it fails immediately. I can download pics and gifs fine, but not videos. I even tried clicking on the video filename, and it still doesn't work. Also, I've tried with two different browsers and I get the same issue.
>>8674 Strange. Can you detail the process you follow to download them (with screenshots) and post details of your system (OS, codecs, browser and configuration, add-ons that may affect its behavior, etc)? Does it happen with videos of any format (webm and mp4 are the most common ones, but I think 8moe supports more)? What about things like gifs and animated png? This is the first time I see somebody on the entire site experience this problem.
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I made some banners. Don't know which is the best take.
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>>9053 I went with the first design. Thank you!
>>9059 Thanks a bunch. Yeah I kind of liked that one too.
>>9053 >>9059 Nice work.
>>8702 I use an LG android, software version 7.1.2. I primarily use Naked Browser, version 1.0 build 135, but I also have Firefox, version 82.1.3. I just "right click" the link and click download. It says it finishes, but it always fails. Doesn't work in Firefox either. I've even tried opening the video with VLC, and that doesn't work. I can watch the video in my browser fine, but I can't download it. I can download gifs and still images fine though.
>>9081 >I just "right click" the link and click download. It says it finishes, but it always fails Just tested this with Mull (fork of Firefox for Android) on /sm/, /ss/ and /v/, and I got the same results (Download Failed). However, a single tap/click on the filename opens a regular download prompt that saves the file correctly. There seems to be a bug in Lynxchan with some mobile browsers that breaks the "save link" function on the site, but luckily you still can download the files by tapping their filename and pressing "save file" (although with the internal MD5 filename and not their original one). Try this and post your results.
What happened to the CSS?
(1.43 MB 1674x1768 84727145_p5.png)

>>9116 I wasn't sure if the custom theme was legible enough with the busy background and the pseudo-transparency, so I swapped it with Yotsuba P. I can put the theme back or change it with something else if there's interest. I want to make sure this board is accessible to everyone.
>>9160 >I wasn't sure if the custom theme was legible enough with the busy background and the pseudo-transparency, so I swapped it with Yotsuba P. I always thought it was nice and I can't speak for anyone else but I personally had legibility issues.
>>9164 >>9164 >but I personally had legibility issues. but i personally NEVER had legibility issues.
(1.62 MB 1280x2614 sm old.png)

(1.59 MB 1280x2614 sm new.png)

Alright, I brought back the custom theme and made a couple of small tweaks, including: – reduced the faux transparency on posts to increase the contrast between the text and the background (still don't know how to make posts that are being hovered fully opaque) – replies now have a lighter tint of purple – fixed a small issue with highlighted posts having a different amount of padding – the catalog now has rounded corners that resemble the index Hopefully this will make things easier on the eyes and less distracting without having to get rid of the background.
>>9168 Thanks a bunch.
Can I make a random (shota) dump thread? No /ss/
>>9561 sure
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(1.60 KB 32x32 Male Shotacon.png)

(1.88 KB 32x32 Female Shotacon.png)

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I added a few flags/emoji to the board. You can select them by pressing "More" in the answer window/panel. These flags have no specific purpose, they are small details that you can optionally add to your posts. The flags are based on these emoji: https://emojipedia.org/docomo/ https://emojipedia.org/au-kddi/ And you can suggest new designs and contribute your own. The only requirements are that the flags must have a height of 32px, weigh no more than 32kb and have a white outline to ensure they are visible with any theme.
Edited last time by shotakot on 05/14/2022 (Sat) 03:54:18.
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(2.88 KB 64x32 Straight Shota.png)

(1.91 KB 64x32 Shota x Loli.png)

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Here are the rest of the flags currently available, and instructions on how to select them.
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yo can we get some omorashi in here also heres a free cute pic
Yes, but media containing diapers and feces needs to be spoilered. Also try remaking the thread with images actually related to the topic. I'll move this one to the meta thread.
(568.17 KB 1518x2150 96713595_p0.jpg)

I rewrote the message on the board. The links to the contingency plan, its external archive and all /sm/ related boards are still there, but now they have a clearer appearance.
The custom theme has been temporarily disabled due to incompatibilities with the holiday theme implemented globally.
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>>11561 I don't think it was all that bad.
Custom theme restored. >>11599 Thanks doc.
What's the page limit before pruning? 10? 15? 20?
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>>11991 I actually don't know. I never changed the value of Thread Limit (Total), so I don't know what's the default limit of threads that can be made before the oldest ones begin to be purged from the board. Also, because I don't know what's the limit, I don't want to edit the value of Thread Limit (Total) since there's the risk of imputing a wrong value and nuking part of the catalog after accidentally reducing the number of available threads. This is something that has happened to other boards in that past and can't be undone without the help of admins. I think it's better to ask on >>>/site/1651 first.
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Custom CSS temporarily disabled due to conflicts caused by the global custom theme. The Custom CSS has been restored. Also happy birthday to 8chan!
Edited last time by shotakot on 10/26/2022 (Wed) 21:51:56.
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Pixiv may be removing all art soon with: shotacon, incest, rape, lolicon, bestiality https://www.pixiv.net/info.php?id=8788 If you see an obscure artist's gallery with this material not backed up on exhentai, upload as soon as you can. Carefully search their pixiv ID number and nickname on exhentai to find out if they're on there. They're currently claiming it's just for transactions and paywall stuff but I wouldn't put it past them to cave further to the credit card companies (they have all the leverage) and ban it entirely.
>>12512 Is this a joke? I didn't see the words "shota" or "loli" on that page...
>>12530 Good grief, your comment is idiotic. Loli and Shota are covered by the rule against "Sexual exploitation of a minor" The joke here is your inability to read or comprehend
Anyone know what's going on with baraag? It seems that they force lurkers to sign in but I can't create an account. I'm getting redirected to joinmastodon.org which is kinda pointless since virtually any instance blocks baraag.
>>12542 Let us take a moment uf silence for all those sexually exploited cartoon characters.
>>12546 It's even more ridiculous, though. The new Booth, Fanbox, commissions, etc. (all paid content or services) rules exclude all of the actually interesting, actually arousing content. Quote - Content that is patently offensive, unethical, or promote criminal activity; such as, by way of example and not limitation: ・Sexual exploitation of a minor ・Incest ・Bestiality ・Rape (or any other non-consensual sexual behavior) ・Non-consensual mutilation of a person or body part - End quote They may as well as ban all pornographic content. These new rules are now in line with the same rules as DeviantArt, Patreon, and OnlyFans. If the rules are against any content that is "offensive", Pixiv should just kill itself and shutdown. Any service that has these draconian rules deserves to die a thousand deaths. Fuck 'em. With the UN, US & UK all applying pressure on Japan to draft legalisation defing toon porn as "posting on /leftypol/ abuse content", conflating lolicon and Shōtacon to be exactly the same thing as CP, it's only a matter of time before the LDP (Japan's single ruling party) caves and outright bans toon porn - like a bunch of fucking authoritarian goons they are.
>>12545 Looks like they went private due to the huge influx of users leaving Twitter for Mastodon. Even "big" instances were temporarily blocking registration because the amount of users were stressing their servers. I'm sure Baraag will open its doors soon™.
>>12551 I get wanting to ban loli and shota Even though they aren't illegal in the US or japan only certain websites ban it, because retards get mad What's weird is incest, bestiality and rape are banned too Those are insanely popular fetishes that a lot of mainstream sites don't ban
>>12563 All of the major websites ban all of the content you just mentioned. Patreon, DeviantArt, OnlyFans, Pornhub, Twitter (which artists have used to share R18 content) and all the other big players. A blanket ban on noncon, bestiality and incest is actually the standard here in the West. I'm not sure of SubscribeStar's policies, if the have changed due to pressure from Visa, MasterCard and PayPal pressure. Subscribestar may be an exception, but calling it a major player is too generous. Anyway, now that Pixiv is banning all transactions related to such content, that would leave Subacribestar.adult as the last remaining option. Or artists could stop being greedy Jews. That's an option, too. Or we are facing the definitive end of the Lolikon & Shōtakon genres. Also a possible outcome here. For Loli & Shōta content, the options to find such content are dwindling. For Shōtakon, which is in an even worse position, the resources are so few I could count them on both hands. Actually, on one hand. There's here, 8ch.moe's /sm/ board, there's allthefallen.moe, there's shotaworld.com, there's Pixiv, there's Hitomi.la, yeah that's five - one hand, like I said.
>>12564 I would add cuckchan, Twitter, IMHentai (and the like), HicceArs, Kemono Party and Gelbooru/Non-jewed boorus.
>>12565 And the unreliable Google and Yandex
>>12564 >Or we are facing the definitive end of the Lolikon & Shōtakon genres. Also a possible outcome here. Those genres will simply go underground. Loli and shota existed before the creation of those sites and they will still exist when they're all out of business.
>>12567 The problem with this scenario is that it would create a virtual Dark Age indefinitely (possibly without end). The only reason I discovered Shōtakon, and therefore my sexuality and most important desires, were thanks to my access to dial-up internet back in the 1990ies. With artist sites like Liquid Berry Revolution, Devil's Blade and more. With huge repositories and archives like YaoiHell. If the only Lolikon or Yaoi-Shōta material that exists is going to be printed physical material at Japanese black market stalls, then it's really like these genres don't exist at all for the Western hemisphere. It will just be forgotten as the people who knew anything about these distinctly Japonic genres naturally die off. Yes, the Rus gifted us with that distinctly unique "Loli" terminology, but Lolikon as a genre was born in Japan. Since we are not talking about Western genres, it would just revert back to a pre-Internet Age where the only people creating such content or with knowledge of said content would be in Communist China [PRC], South Korea and Japan.
>>12564 >Patreon, DeviantArt, OnlyFans, Pornhub, Twitter Are we talking about live action or hentai? Because onlyfans and pornhub are primarily live action Deviantart isn't a porn site Twitter doesn't ban you for rape and bestiality hentai from what i've seen Pornhub still allows girls getting fucked by horsecocks and monsters plus there is still rape hentai on it I was talking about sites like R34 and hentaifoundry which allow everything except loli and shota
>>12564 >now that Pixiv is banning all transactions related to such content, that would leave Subacribestar.adult as the last remaining option. Or artists could stop being greedy Jews. They should start encouraging payments in Bitcoin and Monero from their customers. I should get around to making a Bitcoin infographic specifically for this for dummies.
>>12555 Better make or link to a BIG shota blog- and FAST!!!
>>12574 Pornhub has hentai. It has gameplay from H games like Future Fragments. Animations from that retired ZONE fella and more. Also, H noncon is explicitly banned by Pornhub. Noncon is also banned on Twitter. Not that it matters, since Twitter was shit long before conman Elon took over. In any case, NONE of these platforms allow Lolikon or Shotakon. They are dead platforms for our purposes and they have never respected freed of speech, given that art is literally created speech.
>>12579 There's no such thing as a big Shōta blog anymore. The closest thing would be onlyhot.vip which hasn't been updated in over a year. Add to that, everything is behind a paywall and it's run by Russian organized crime. If you try to pay for downloading the .Zip files, they steal your info and try to make a huge purchase at a place like Nordstrom. All these sites like onlyhot.vip are operated by Russian mobsters based in Russia itself or in Cyprus (the Russian Mafia equivalent to pre-Castro Cuba).
>>12590 I meant one which is all of those on fc2.com combined! If that doesn't exist or if you can't, call in the big guns!!! The apocalypse is coming!!!
Get on your knees and deepthroat your new machine demigods.
>>12579 Thinking about starting a blog. I have first-hand experience administrating web servers and blogging platforms. Any hosting recommendations?
>>12603 For 1 thing, use a host that'll most likely be archived.
>>12604 You mean as in Backup? I think that's something that should be done by the admin. I'm more interested in hosting companies that don't drop your site because some rando on Twitter tries to cancel you because they're offended by loli/shota content. What do you guys think of nearlyfreespeech.net?
>>12607 Does anyone of you know where baraag is hosted?
>>12606 I find it interesting that most persons she interviewed negated a possible link between loli and child abuse but she still thinks that it should be banned for moral values and because she is personally disgusted by it. It would be funny actually if her work didn't have such a negative impact for lolicon fans. It gives you an accurate insight into the mindset of antis.
>>12607 Dot-nets are fine, as long as downloads are within the website and not through, say, Mediafire like the good ol' days...
>>12615 Besides, do you know anyone who's migrating?
>>12607 How's "nearlyfreespeech.net" doing?
New Christmas background. Thanks to >>>/v/746958 for making it.
>>12512 10 days left! Better make or look for a new Pixiv!
>>12615 When you 1st mentioned "nearlyfreespeech.net," I thought you were referring to a shota blog name, but no, it's a website builder name. Anyway, what name did you have in mind?
>>12723 nearlyfreespeech.net is an internet hosting company that, by their own admission, will host anything that is legal under US federal and the laws of the states where their servers are located. The reason I'm asking here is because I don't know their stance on loli/shota content and because they are rarely mentioned in the usual "bulletproof" hosting discussions.
>>12731 >>12703 Ok... Anyway, I'm going to take a break from 8chan until December 11. I hope everything on Pixiv gets archived within a day and a week!
>>12738 I'm back! So... did you get EVERYTHING? There's 4 days left!
>>12780 I'm going to use gallery-dl to compile a list of every artist with a fanbox account who posted shotacon art on pixiv since fanbox opened. It will take some time though since I won't have spare time until tonight.
>>12781 Better hurry! There's only 1 1/2 days left! Also get some contributors! We don't want this to be the next animebathscenewiki.com and/or coppermine gallery!
>>12790 Did you make it? What's the new website called? It's almost the next 12/21/12!
>>12808 Ok, so I'm wrong. Nothing bad happened. Anyway, are the baraag & shota hentai servers back to normal or not?
(35.56 KB 300x100 juuzoh tanned banner.png)

I'm not sure where to take this from here.
>>12603 How's your blog doing?
(32.53 KB 300x100 juuzoh_tanned_banner.png)

>>13030 I think adding the URI is enough.
>>13059 I agree. I don't think there's any smooth way to integrate the other boy into the banner like what I had first thought.
>>13060 Give me the original pic(s). I'll see what I can do.
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>>13079 I'll just post the comic here. If there's a more appropriate thread BO can move it.
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(602.65 KB 1222x1753 8.jpg)

This is probably my favorite lolisho doujin of all time.
(55.25 KB 300x100 juuzoh_alt.jpg)

>>13087 Here's my attempt that includes both boys. >If there's a more appropriate thread BO can move it. Posts can't be moved between threads, but you can repost the comic at >>644 >>13088 I don't remember its name, but mine is one where a boy and a girl get late to school and have to watch a sex ed video alone, which makes them curious about each other's bodies and do all kinds of lewds things, all in a completely innocent way.
>>13090 Oh that's pretty good.
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I did another banner. I think number one is probably the best followed by number three.
>>13059 >>13090 Added both of these. >>13103 And the first of these. Thank you.
>>13041 Hold on- is it going to be like OZT's blog?
Can we make it a rule not to post Ai-generated Art outside of the AI thread?
>>13108 >>14965 Any shota-related news anyone want to share? I'm bored...
>>16052 Is there something wrong with this guy's keyboard?
>>14972 Hey, how come this board's not dressed up for the holidays completely?
>>16080 I want sure if it was still on the site but it looks like the Christmas BGs for /sm/ is till around. >>>/res/516
>>16096 Yeah, but why aren't they used right now?
>>16106 Dunno.
>>16131 Uh... merry Christmas, /sm/?
>>16194 >>16052 I have no idea who those 2 guys are.
Does anyone have Xienoan's stuff. He's one of those artist that has his pics scattered across multiple different accounts and sites and it's almost impossible to collect them all.
(3.52 MB 5368x1144 preview3.png)

/sm/ a reference sheet for 8chan.moe is in the works. It will be composed of tans, characters, and symbols from other boards. If /sm/ has any to offer, I'll gladly add them to the sheet. Here is a preview of /v/ (work in progress).
Speaking of >>16320 why doesn't /sm/ have a a mascot?
>>16340 No drawfrens.
>>16384 >No drawfrens. Being shotanon is suffering.
What happened to shotakot?
>>16465 Hey! How come this board quickly got abandoned?!
Can someone make joel jurion/jjfrenchie thread?
>>16513 What ever happened to BO anyway?
>>16757 I finally managed to look it up... He abandoned the board after the Tor incident.
>>16759 Ah that's sad but unfortunately understandable. I almost abandoned my board then too.
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>>16761 Speaking of which... Ok, BO; you can come out now; Tor posting's back up!
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>>16912 You have been visited by the moot of Dead Boards If you are reading this message brave board traveler, then heed the following instruction; Good luck and prosperity will come to you, but only if you repost this thread to 1 or more other dead board(s)
>>17435 Huh?
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>tfw no BO to upload banners
>>17863 Luckily, I found out where he is right now... ATF!
>>17917 I hope he comes back.
>>17917 Have you tried to contact him and see if he'll return?
>>17917 I wonder now if he might return now due to what happened to ATF.
>>18898 Oh, I'm pretty sure he'll return... >:)
>>18900 Please ask him to come back.
Someone else into >bara also?

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