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3D Anonymous 05/01/2021 (Sat) 00:16:45 No. 147 >>149 >>2039 >>4621
Since it's allowed now
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>>147 (OP) I'm glad we're finally moving passed the days of having to use those ugly ass kieran and starchild models or at least hiding their faces
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>>183 >People bitch about it being too realistic They aren't the same people though. If anything there's too many people demanding "realism" or western gobbo shit.
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(2.52 MB 1920x1080 Jessie Rasberry.mp4)

(5.25 MB 1920x1080 Lady Dimitrescu - Bleur.mp4)

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All of this stuff is public available on one booru or another. We need a based patreon anon to post rastas other animations he so diligently purges off the internet.
>>606 I'm pretty sure rasta post all his shit on pixiv and his r34 booru Shit on his patreon is just 4K, i think
>>614 I was under the impression there were additional angles for animations behind a paywall.
>>616 Oh its actually possible
>most /ss/ animation are loops >no money shoot end of a face or a creampie sadge
(11.31 MB 1280x720 blackcat.webm)

(18.33 MB 1280x720 ada.webm)

(6.91 MB 960x402 zelda.webm)

>>614 >>616 I have access to all of Rasta's paid content. Most of it is just the same animations you've already seen in 4k with no watermarks. There are SOME alt angles/alt outfits but not for every animation like he claims. There is some WIP stuff too. I can't upload it here because they're all 50mb+
Made these about an hour ago.
>>661 Is this honey select 2? Girl is too buff for my liking but overall not bad
>>666 Yes, Satan, it's Honey Select 2. I made this character recently as an example of a muscular character, for some people in a Discord server who wanted some help with making buff chicks.
>>657 Ill take a limited time mega
>>679 >Discord with people into ss and muscle women. Where??
>>243 >>244 Who is the artist for these? Reverse image search doesn't help. Halp plz.
>>694 It's not a server for people into /ss/, though, it's just a side server for people who have Honey Select and such. I do run my own server if you'd like to chat about making /ss/ with it, however.
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>>703 matter of fact a newer artist started making /ss/ stuff like URQq URQq recently. Having the really cartoony looking stuff is a nice change and she makes some good stuff. Would be surprised if she doesn't browse her https://www.pixiv.net/en/users/56085162
>>710 That looks terrible. The last thing this board needs is "cartoony".
>>710 Genuinely awful. Like a prototype Pixar animation with uncomfortable uncanny features.
>>710 >>711 >>712 I think it just bad lighting, its not like models are great but that flat lighting make it look worse
>>713 You can't look at these and say it's just "bad lighting". It's obvious the characters in the first image were pasted on top, All the models have oversized heads, the expressions look terrible, and the faces have this weird mix of """realistic""" and "I wanna be Pixar" going on. It's also clear that the artist's tastes in /ss/ are based on western kidd" stuff, which just makes everything worse.
>>716 I guess you right, just trying to say i seen much worse also >based on western kidd" stuff What do you mean by this?
>>717 By western kiddy stuff I mean stuff that feels more like the intended appeal is an infantalized environment or character rather than the typical "Bit too early to experience this, but it's okay" scenario with Japanese or Japanese-inspired /ss/. I love older female age difference and ageplay, but most of the "kiddy" stuff lacks any real character chemistry, as though the shota's defined only by plastic toys and colorful rooms rather than having any personality of his own.
>>699 do you make more ss content with honey select?
>>657 Come on man, dont hold out on us. Shove all that shit into a mega.
>>731 MEGA deletes shota content
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>>754 That's why you don't leave it up for very long.
>>786 as soon as you take it down you have people begging for re-up. I'd rather not bother
>>706 First one is really good
(7.66 MB 960x540 1.webm)

That's an interesting angle
>>793 I think he's getting lazy with those animations now
>>795 That kid looks horrified.
>>796 I imagine the post-nut clarity is 100x worse when you nutted in your mom in public
>>797 Yep that's the look he has. Nailed it. Like he nailed his mom.
>>791 >>731 It's called anonfiles.com/
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So whats your option on Aneesha, i think i like him more than Rasta even though he not making animation
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>>803 Too bad half of his stuff are paywalled
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>>804 Don't get me wrong i have nothing against fanbox but people usually use it for one of those 1.Early access 2.Uncensored stuff 3.Some exclusive content And he use it for all 3 of those, but oh well
>>803 neither of them really branch out in what they are doing but I definitely prefer aneesha to rasta. Something about 95% of what rasta does is boring to me but I can enjoy the same blowjob pose aneesa has been doing. They both need to mix it up a bit though, I liked the Lady D thing rasta did not too long ago
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>>756 I really thought we would get a lot of new mass effect stuff with the legendary edition releasing but there's not much
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Jill Valentine shota fuck white boy https://uploadir.com/u/myn7beg8 black boy https://uploadir.com/u/0pnc2m0o
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>>934 "your brothers dead so lets bang"
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Don't remember where I found these.
>>967 5 wub
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>>1040 Sauce? and MOAR?
>>1041 artist is yellowbea
>>805 surely there has to be some ryanreos battle bunny irelia x shota right???
Anyone got 4nik's latest animations?
can some get the prego alt?
>>1092 shitty compression... original was 200mb
where can i obtain a shota model for blender?
>>1100 I think seen someone post it on ATF forums some time ago
(29.71 MB 1280x720 rapd05.mp4)

by yellowbea

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>>1108 more big mommy
does anyone know where can I get this 9s model?
i'm just looking to find the sauce of these animations
>>1133 wanna be more specific?
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hugo sucks there, I said it
>>1220 He's better than starchild and that other ugly kid but because of that he's the only one getting used and its getting real oversaturated It doesn't help that people basically just make the same situation over and over. Too much of rastas things look the same to me idk
(24.44 MB 1920x1080 fe199d98bac32150.mp4)

can you NOT post shit with babies
>>1229 I do what I want
>>1224 What was this one? >>1228 >>1227 more of these!
>>1232 it was considered too photorealistic
>>1230 I tried searching Anaru, but cant find him. Does he have a patreon or something?
>>857 Sauce?
>>1244 zipling should be on rule34hentai
(9.07 MB 1280x720 Boy X Ashe-1.mp4)

I find the lack of creampies disturbing
>>1272 you try animating liquids or even modelling it
>>819 We need more hairy armpit licking, this fetish doesn't get nearly enough material.
>>1217 that jav cover lookalike, anyone knows the artist? is it just a cover mockup or is there any actual 3d video of it?
>>1299 Nah, it's just an artistcg
>>1301 man bleur makes some good stuff, wish some of the old videos he had that got taken down were available anywhere but oh well he makes some quality
>>1327 which videos are you looking for? I might have them
>>1335 the 2 I remember were one with Dva and another with Tracer. I can't find them anywhere, hope you got them
Is there a place to find more of YellowBea's work and is the "big mommy" stuff somewhere all together?
>>1338 try rule34hentai
>>1300 dang, what a shame
>>1334 this is literally my fetish, i'm diamonds rn
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gay girls are MADE for /ss/
>>1334 Sauce?
>>1347 it says YellowBea right there
>>1346 Got anymore?
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>>1338 go to kemono.party Click "artists" and search for yellowbea
(21.26 MB 1280x720 000ElizAnal.mp4)

talk about mommy issues, lol
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>>1349 from the artist? yes here of the pair? no which sucks of gay girl /ss/? I could find more
>>1356 Darn
>>1357 yeah rasta made something with her and its good but if you know rasta you know all his stuff is kind of samey. He needs a new model just get away from Hugo for a bit
>>1351 should've used that luscious lips
>>1368 why does she even have a ladder in her room
(6.59 MB 1280x720 Boy X Ashe 2.mp4)

(5.93 MB 1280x720 Boy X Ashe 3.mp4)

>>1368 How do you replace a lightbulb?
>>1110 One more for my collection >Also I give you this
>>1372 based rimjob poster >>1374 based 2b x 9s poster
>>1374 More
>>1346 >>1359 Wish it was possible to get models of these 2 I just got blender and wanted to mess around with it but man it feels like Hugo is used 99% of the time now which I understand cause kieren and starchild were trash and used for longer but still Also does anybody here mess around with blender/sfm could be cool to here some tips or see some stuff
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>>635 Does anyone have the one with elizabeth giving a blowjob and when the boy cums she gets really excited and starts sucking again kind of like the one with link and zelda?
>>1413 Pretty sure the gif attached is what you're looking for, unless you mean some other canon's elizabeth. A couple other animations I found as well.
>>1414 Yes thank you so much
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>>1414 higher quality
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>>1493 For fucks sake, why do -all- 3D modellers make their models fuck so goddamned fast?
Why do -all- 3D artists make their models fuck so goddamn fast?
>>1493 need audio source tho lmao
does anyone have an archive or pack of this /ss/ creator? https://ninfanocturna.fanbox.cc/
anyone have mizusx paywalled content? preferably his Max /ss/ animations
>>1501 >>1515 Did anyone else notice Pixiv started cracking down on loli and shota right around the same time they started ramping up Fanbox? I've notice other websites doing much the same when paywalls were starting to become popular.
>>1501 >>1515 both are on kemono.party
>>1516 not that I've seen. Only time I see stuff getting taken down is because they don't censor
>>1515 >>1519 Is it censored on Fanbox?
>>1518 Damn they finally upload ninfa to Kemono, used to search there many months ago but nothing came up, that's why i asked here. Thanks lad
>>1524 Test FAILED son. That's whats real. That's what's really real son.
>>1525 wut
>>1526 What what? What ain't no country I ever heard of. They speak english in what?
damn I think Anaru quit lol, their last animation was posted on january. they used to post updates/wip every month. wonder what happened
>>1530 last comment they posted on baraag was the start of this month they are always really quiet
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shotas in charge >>>>> femdom
>>1546 objectively wrong
>>1548 oh yeah well post some things and prove me wrong
https://oreno3d.com/movies/91461 https://oreno3d.com/movies/91468 Can anyone access these videos (here or on another site)?
Is there a way to download from secrethentai.club for free? or another site like that
Anyone have an uncensored version of this?
>>1546 Objectively based and correct Dominant shotas are best
>>1711 Correct
>>1047 all of the links that are on kemono are dead, do you know where i can get their stuff?
>>1761 sankakucomplex or rule34hentai I think you need register to see shota/loli stuff
finally anaru is doing Tifa /ss/
can anybody rip ninfanocturna's content? her sit is god tier but the paywall is shit. Kemono(dot)party ain't helpin too, it only rips the site but not he download link
>>1351 Source on the voice actress?
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Panam and Hugo
>>1405 Was gonna ask but forgot I already had asked lol https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j1IU5UHdyxE
Gotta a few models from around so one of these days I'm going to try to sit down and make some pics. Don't even want to do animations just some quick stuff to jerk off to
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>>1802 here's more
https://rule34hentai.net/post/list Is there any actual way to sort by shota here without having to pay for premium?
>>1848 just need an account to see it. It's free
>>1848 I hate the way that website works There is not actual tag for shota just the characters names So if an artist uses an original character or model Then you can never find it
>>1851 yeah it doesn't use the booru tagging system and uses the one that paheal uses. Only really useful for finding artists since even looking up characters doesn't put stuff in order
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>>1848 search rating:e when you are logged in thats the tag for shota/loli/beast stuff all together. The admin is terrible but its still the best site for it. Better than sankaku anyway.
>>1855 Why not use gelbooru?
Why not booru.allthefallen.moe ?
>>1962 I really like jayart2400's stuff. I have blender downloaded so if I ever start making stuff it would basically be more of the stuff he is doing
always a big fan of the before and after pics like this >>1968 bluer's real good at what he does
>>1974 you need to cool it with the autism
i wish zz2tommy still did works just because i bet he'd love allister and bea the fact that allister wears a mask with magical eyes and shit means most people wouldn't care about the semi realistic style i'd love to see that ship in a style like his or icedev and squarepeg3d
>tfw you need healing but the supports are too busy >tfw tank in the backline and wont get to the front and tank
They might compete over peter, but I'm sure these two can bond over something else and idk how I feel about yellowbea's stuff. Not the best, not the worst
>>147 (OP) bumping this thread :3
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Triss & Hugo by Belethor
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>>2050 dont post loli trash
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love tough girl heroines getting used a fleshlights by horny shota.
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Dumping Pixiv posts from AkaiYukki
I wish rastas website wasn't a heaping pile of shit. I hate cloudflare so much its unreal.
Heres some partemis. Really good stuff >>2142 The worst part is that it's literally the best site to find the new stuff. Pixiv works but now with the fanbox changes harder to get stuff from people off kemono
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by Aneesha
>>2099 A shame Bleur's account seems to be suspended, dude's material is second best to Drills3D when he did shota/loli content
anyone have Anaru's latest work?
>>795 sauce? Ik its Mx66 but his shota shit is hard to find
>>2165 yeah sucks that happened didn't even realize until I saw this post Rapetacular does good stuff too but it's different
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>>2202 https://mega.nz/folder/ZoRjFAiK#b1QWPbgaj1ps7dU2P6zgtQ previous months > private beach link will be dead at the end of february, he makes a new mega every month
Does anyone have trialetide's latest animations? It's all been locked off since they had to switch accounts a few months ago
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There was a third one to this set with Vanny in particular but it was deleted of E6. Anyone happen to have it?
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What do you guys think of Partemis?
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>>2230 >230 (6.05 MB 1920x1080 vanny.webm) Gotcha right here
>>2234 Holy shit, thanks. And good timing too since the artist revealed himself with another hot animation. Its not /ss/ but still features gregory getting sucked off.
>>2022 Sauce for Mercy webm?
Anyone have any shota models for blender or know where to find them?
>>2243 Pretty sure you can find it on ATF
>>2235 link?
(1.55 MB 810x1080 She-Hulk-Sexercise.mp4)

I want something like this but a shota
I want long Ss animations. With fucking creampies godammit
>>2276 be the change you want to be, anon.
>>1100 i'd like to know this because i want a basic nude shota model to use as a base one that is also stylized like this, that i can pose around in blender
>>1100 >>2284 https://rule34hentai.net/post/view/414025#search=Hugo_de_Rune Hugo is the go to at this point for blender at least. Even if it doesn't look like him he's the base. Big dick? probably still hugo? Black? just hugo painted etc. There's also a 9s model on smutbase
partemis is realllly good, might get that fanbox money from me. Also said that Aerith is coming eventually to round out the FF7 girls. Besides Yufie I guess but get there when we get there
>>2284 9s is finally live on smutbase Get it before janny removes it
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>>2291 >>2296 for some reason, my luck is there with xps models (converted to blender through the xnalaramesh addon) because a lot of blender models i downloaded had weird rigging or bones that made it hard or impossible to move whole limbs something to do with fk vs ik maybe it's because xps models have a simpler rig system, but i'm also a newfag at blender https://smutba.se/project/32951/ this is the 9s model i want to try and have some difficulty with posing him and then there's this 2b, whose limbs i can actually move if i select the right parts https://smutba.se/project/35362/
>>2298 also, here's the 9s model (along with 2 extra models of young link and allister) just in case someone takes down the 9s model from smutbase https://gofile.io/d/rACfSr
>>2298 >>2299 false alarm: just had to active one or two addons from https://diffeomorphic.blogspot.com/p/daz-importer-version-16.html managed to switch the legs and arms to fk either way, i'm not sure if i'll do 3d stuff when my intention was to use these models for 2d art reference shit
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not much content lately
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by Yorchmeinz
(258.58 KB 430x766 thick allister test.PNG)

not sure how any of you feel about "thick" shotas but remember that tanjiro model that blackwhiplash was involved on? https://smutba.se/project/33133/ i once made this headless version of him https://gofile.io/d/l1stG2 just so anyone can put in the head of a different character and i felt like making a version with allister's head https://gofile.io/d/AUCIRj the files in here are >the model edit in question >tanjiro's nude body: i tried setting the bones to fk, remove clothes and make the body nude >allister's xps model, since i took it from deviantart and there is a blender model of allister that i somehow didn't get the textures to work because i'm a newfag >the xnalara addon just in case you need to import the xps allister the mask is stuck becaues it seems i joined all of allister's face assets, so if you can somehow remove this head and export the xps allister to redo his head, then maybe there's hope to get him faceless to merge the face and body, i think i did this >may have had to set the origin of allister's head to geometry >select both body and face related models and join then >then do that to the rigs the order i wrote might be wrong anyway, shout outs to blackwhiplash and any artist that gave allister and other shotas huge asses PLEASE TELL ME IF THE MODEL OR OTHER FILES WORK also, i know this is the /ss/ board so... try pairing this allister with some female character if you want
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where do you get your videos from?
Somebody knows what happened to Okada? His pixiv account was deleted and i don't remember someone ever posted his works anywhere Would be a shame if all his shit is gone forever
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Looks like Bleur has returned, posted recently on Pixiv
(24.35 MB 1920x1080 Tifa asleep.webm)

When onee-chan is a heavy sleeper. https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/108217751
>>2273 More overwatch stuff?
>>2441 Just noticed I gave link to the artist's profile instead of the post. https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/108499183
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I've noticed these anime looking 3D videos are always worse than other 3D shota videos. I don't know if it's the overly bright colors or the generic no detail moe faces that all look the same on all the characters but they are alway shit compared to the non-anime videos. The only anime vids that gets it right are the ones made by flim13 because the actual animations are great and they have a good understanding of expressing the impact of hard fucking from a visual standpoint. Most other 3D anime /ss/ are boring as shit and the voices are annoying squealing sounding horseshit.
>>2460 >>2459 Pls where did you find those trialtide anims? All his stuff is behind a paywall Pls post more if you got, his shit is fire
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>>2461 .k pe am ro tn yo
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>Slime x shota. It's like somebody heard my prayers. https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/108348773 Cute. https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/105630289
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looking for ss stuff for Virt-A-Mate.
anaru just posted his /ss/ WIPs that he never bothered to finish. anyone have them?
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(9.01 MB 1920x1080 2023-04-21T16-59-25.webm)

Feel like when blender 4.0 gets released we are going to have a rebirth of 3d animated porn upon us. Realistic pp vaginal penetrations + actual realistic simulated booba should be possible with some of the physics nodes.
(14.74 MB 1280x720 R6.mp4)

>>2522 There are barely any platforms left for pro animators to earn money on. You're going to see a lot of low quality stuff made by amateurs and japanese koikatsu shit
(4.91 MB 1920x1080 19.webm)

(3.91 MB 1920x1080 20.webm)

(1.13 MB 1300x722 21.mp4)

(3.97 MB 1920x1080 22.webm)

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post/show/d95e56b2c498d8ea1c6feff22ce7a30f >Boy dreams of being an adventurer. >Spends all his allowance only to buy the cheapest sword. >Doesn't know how to hold a sword, swing it or anything. >Still feels like a top-notch adventurer. >Ends up a snack for succubus instead. >From now on, he will be on the bed everyday until the succubus is satisfied. https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/66029483 https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/68808918 https://twitter.com/workwork7384/status/1395760865853378560 >Exploring abandoned school. >Separated from friend. >5 hours later you are found in this state. https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/102085541
(1.18 MB 410x414 27.mp4)

>Got lost in the woods. >Alice-san let me stay the night. >In exchange she squeezes me till the morning. >I couldn't move the next morning because Alice-san squeezed me so much. >Alice-san lets me stay another night. >But she squeezes me till the morning again. >Sleepovers will continue until Alice-san gets bored. https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/77602807
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(29.24 MB 1920x1080 kikyohaoranrape_nom_s_pt2.webm)

>>2640 >Pathetic Don't be mean to shotas please.
(4.96 MB 1920x1080 fochfera_m_s.webm)

(601.00 KB 600x338 110031534.mp4)

Anybody know any good straight shota discord servers?
(3.62 MB 1244x700 102393275.mp4)

>>2745 You may wanna check this server. discord.gg/qrEDPCa It's a server for an /ss/ game. https://aethy.com/@cyberhexxx@baraag.net
>>2797 The one thing that puts Mizusx above most /ss/ creators is the fact he knows how to end a video. Most creators including ones i Like such as Yellowbea and Rastafarian will do an animation but it will just be a short loop of the same animation or will end with no conclusion. Mizu on the other hand will end it with a creampie or cumming in the girls mouth or some kind of ending usually. I'd rather these artists take time to give me a great video that delivers on all accounts than these lazy and formulaic vids that don't do much but are pumped out more frequently. Another thing that makes Mizu great is the voice acting and by that I mean girls talking dirty to the shota which is overwhelmingly unrepresented in /ss/ porn. A girl talking dirty can take a 6/10 video to a 8/10. I just want good content but most people who make this stuff under-deliver or just don't have the talent to create quality to the levels of someone like Redmoa when it comes to R34 porn vids. Anaru is probaby the pinnacle of it when it comes to /ss/ specifically but he's so slow and doesn't always put out the best product such as his most recent Black Widow vid and even his young Cloud/Tifa vid which fall under the "too short and looped animation" category. I see so much non /ss/ animations on these sites with such good quality and it makes me both annoyed and jealous whenever garbage like dog/horse porn and lolicon get way better vids than what we get. Most of the shota content is either super crusty looking models with shitty animations that look like they were made in 2012 or just the ugliest bland 3D anime shit that's censored. I'm just ranting now but I hope the quality and the ambitiousness of these videos improve in the future.
>>2820 One user who has potential but often falls flat is trialetide or whatever his name is. He makes good porn sometimes such as his original Samus video but the animations often lack impact. The sense of hard fucking is not conveyed well which a lot of these artists suck at. One person that does impact well is Zipling but he also suffers from crusty models and always gives the shota giant 3ft long dicks which looks retarded but that's a rant for another time.
>>2820 >an animation but it will just be a short loop of the same animation /ss/ is probably not very profitable so they don't want to spend too much on it. Mizusx probably enjoys working on it. Let's hope he doesn't get burnt out. >voice acting and by that I mean girls talking dirty to the shota Just a sentence or two would improve a 30 second video so much. I just want them to say something. I guess we should've picked the tech industry like furries so we could blow a ton of money on /ss/ commissions.
(28.84 MB 2560x1440 hih5wf1.webm)

(4.66 MB 1560x1440 lenjdq.webm)

(9.84 MB 1560x1440 kwfsi4.webm)

>>2828 can you send that invite again its expired
>>2748 first artist? link doesnt work
>>2886 Looks like they got banned or deleted their account. https://www.pixiv.net/en/users/43037700 https://shme.fanbox.cc/
>>2887 fanbox has changed the TOS banning all loli shota
is anaru dead. they haven't posted in 2 months
Many creators have disappeared from the start of the year. TOS changes or a crackdown, this style of hentai is not allowed in many places and growing.
>>2910 He post like once every few months
(21.84 MB 1080x1920 n7mj2k.mp4)

>>2910 Don't care, don't know Bleur has come back with more, now under the name of Benek. Unfortunately his stuff is now behind subscribestar, however I know a guy who got me this. https://catbox.moe/c/oixiev
>>2920 do you have the Tifa pov video? it's not on the archives
>>2928 Check Sankaku, it might be there
(4.80 MB 1920x1080 151.webm)

(21.94 MB 2560x1440 epzo5f.webm)

(3.05 MB 1920x1080 111104886.mp4)

>>2828 can i get an invite pls
>>2971 Thup7Wrg
(14.65 MB 1920x1080 w860t2.webm)

anybody got zipling's archive? their content is pretty hard to find ngl
(17.80 MB 1920x1080 u90183.webm)

>>2975 >Thup7Wrg thanks homie
You guys gotta keep postin stuff from sankaku, no way im payin money to see /ss/.
>>3020 Just make a throwaway account, you don't need money for that.
>>2828 Can I get an invite?
>>3031 9e74JU7Wx
(1.28 MB 1920x1080 2klxzr.webm)

(3.05 MB 2560x1440 8exna1.webm)

(1.09 MB 1920x1080 sd2dvr.webm)

(1.85 MB 1920x1080 u8adej.webm)

>>3014 You give link to the wrong artist i think https://www.pixiv.net/en/users/23361796
(9.85 MB 1920x1080 afmfsa.webm)

New Bleur animation dropped, too big to upload here https://files.catbox.moe/cn9jha.mp4
>>3205 Try compressing it, I can’t download it from this link
>>2828 >>2828 Can i join
>>3205 That was nice thanks. >>3207 9e74JU7Wx
(12.87 MB 1080x1080 cn9jha.mp4)

>>3206 Here it is
>>1217 >>1299 >>1300 wow, imagine jav like that...lil dicks about to get ruthlessly drained by her greedy mouth
(19.77 MB 1920x1080 Power_Girl.webm)

saw discord mentioned... im actually in the process of creating a fresh /ss/ server for any and all to post, share, chat about shota, hentai and possibly irl xxx stuff. i guess im looking to see if anyone would be interested. if so, when i have something solid ill drop an invite.
>>3278 >possibly irl xxx stuff Hello FBI
>>3279 irl xxx = 18+ i guess i should of been clearer considering.
>>2828 Could I get an invite? The link expired
(28.92 MB 1920x1080 Y_Link_.webm)

(3.45 MB 1700x1615 2eum0a.png)

(3.43 MB 1720x1615 5o6la4.png)

(3.69 MB 1780x1610 qurnjv.png)

(3.29 MB 1820x1520 ppejfy.png)

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(10.82 MB 1920x1080 efll.webm)

Can anyone help me find more of this set? I think the artist was called box slayer or something similar
Seems Okhada or whats his name has been deleted or freaked out, again. What a shame. He delivered the best short stuff ss
>>3362 fuck, these are so hot, the size is perfect
>>3372 Again? Damn i think it might be freak out this time. Its not just his Pixiv page all his catbox upload was deleted, that never happened before. I think its over for real this time, hope at least some of you manage to save his stuff
>>3376 what happened last time?
>>3379 Last time he was banned, reason was explicit lolis on thumbnails i think. But catbox links still worked This time all his shit 404, i think something irl might happened
>>3374 Yeah I can't find more was hoping maybe someone here could help
>>3387 >>3376 It seems multiple ss artists got shadowbanned over the past few days, even if they don't have a fanbox or whatever. Bleur/Benek was just banned too, again.
>>3393 There is some weird shit happening. Lots of loli and shota artist have their account under review or some shit it's not banned but they can't post and you can't see them they still in your follower list just invisible. Some of them even have working fanbox just fine. It make sense to ban someone like Bleur his pixiv shit was so censored you cant even see characters Hopefully it is some review process and most of them will come back because if no it's pretty much over for 3D since pixiv is the only popular place where you can post ss
You got Sebaxnsfm's Samus gangbang? I'll trade ya, though most of the stuff i got is old and probably uploaded since i haven't paid any artists in a year for their shit.
>>3394 I don't see why that of all things make it obvious to ban him, when there's hundreds of others who don't even pretend it's a midget/tiny man/whatever in the descriptions.
>>3395 Oh, i do have some of trialxtide's new stuff, if you guys would like that in trade.
>>3396 My bad i wanted to say it It make NO sense to ban someone like Bleur
>>3389 PopeDope makes the Best SS in the game. Any chance you can post the d.va in the car one
>>3416 I couldn't find it unfortunately. The one I posted was public.
you guys gotta start posting cafe-anteiku/smolsocietys stuff.
>>3479 The what?
Best thread on the board and >>3490 best post of the thread. Could you please post other works by this artist? Everything about it is perfect
>>3494 I don't have them. You can get most of them from s or k a e n m k o a n k o u
(16.41 MB 1138x640 2023-10-18T16-30-30 (2).mp4)

New anna-anon upload
>>3514 God damn. The butt jiggle, their faces, the way he pushes in between 0:13-0:20 all perfect.
(31.36 MB 1280x720 Hugo x Helena club 2.webm)

(31.38 MB 1280x720 Hugo x Helena club 3.webm)

(31.36 MB 1280x720 Hugo x Helena club 4.webm)

Bleur / Benek. Is he banned again?
>>3514 With audio.
>>3532 Pixiv has been retarded for the past few months, it seems. He still has Substar, not sure if he's ever going to change platform >>3534 tyvm
>>3536 Loli everywhere but for some reason pixiv goes after /ss/.
>>3541 Maybe it was after Voxmel happened
>>3541 To be honest they banned bunch of loli artists recently too. Shame really pixiv was the best place for degen artists, too bad there is no alternative so 3D guys have nowhere to go. Seems like the only was to stay is to crop or censor your thumbnail.
Don't think Pixiv is going after it for being /ss/ or loli, but because those artists tries to monetize it, something the card companies refuse to be associated with. All the ones banned that i used to follow either deleted their shit themselves, or had a fanbox/subscribestar they linked and then got banned. Otherwise Pixiv could just blanket ban everyone who had tags like oneshote
>>3562 That's why they ban fanbox but why ban pixiv account, lots of people who don't monetize get banned too. It just new retarded rule against 3D artists 2D guys are fine for now at least.
>>3562 That ohkada guy got banned like 2 times and he never monetize his stuff Popedope got his pixiv banned but his fanbox is fine so shit is not even make sense
>>3560 Who even was Voxmel?
There are a lot of troublemakers hassling sites including erotica. Some people just feel they have that right.
(7.87 MB 1920x1080 2hvbpz.webm)

Purity Ring(banned?)
>>3607 I think he was banned long time ago
Looks like KDE is calling it quits on shota/loli content. Its joever. https:// files.catbox.moe/ngdvgb.txt Here's a gofile archive of all his work. https://gofile.io/d/RGQjx5
>>3609 >>3610 Somebody save us.
(31.25 MB 1920x1080 w8ex5e.webm)

(4.89 MB 1280x720 wqpwoj.webm)

>>3610 You know, i hate that KDE is stopping, but i get it. Not being able to talk to literally anyone about what people like us are interested in just kills you over time. Even therapists arent always safe to confide in. Hes right about Subscribe Star eventually taking the same route that Patreon and so many others have. Eventually, all the good 3d artists are going to get pushed to using crypto as payment, which simply isnt popular enough, or having to create an account under a different name on a payment processor to actually get funds. Good luck to anyone who creates this art for us.
>>3626 I disagree there is plenty of places where you can talk about SS discord servers, baraag even pixiv and of course this whole board Personally i can talk about ss with my friends but i know this is pretty rare for other people
Anyone have stuff from Samysecret?
anybody ever downloaded from secret-hentai(dot)co? tried many debrid website, once got thru the paywall and downloaded the files, but it's always corrupted
>>3713 Never used any of those kind of sites because shit is always paywalled, and honestly most of those looks pretty sketchy
>>2230 >>2230 >>2267 anyone know who animated these?
(7.70 MB 1920x1080 x8jm4r.webm)

>>2828 Can I get an invite pls?
>>2435 sauce?
(12.75 MB 1920x1080 Hugo x Jill.webm)

(3.13 MB 740x408 785fe45226457182.mp4)

Anyone have the full vid? It's by anaru
>>3798 I think its still work in progress
Does anyone have that one with Ciri and Yennefer? I can't find it anywhere. I think the kid from Dragon Age DLC was in it.
>>3788 Can you read?
>>3801 I assume you talking about this one https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/91697527 Can't upload it since file is too big
>>341 god..the second one is soooo goddamn intense, what a deranged bitch eating him like that
>>3803 It's the one with two boys swapping between Ciri and Yennefer. It used to be on a few sites but now It's near impossible to find.
https://www.patreon.com/esk0 anyone have more stuff from esk0?
>>3806 Kemono is your friend
>>3806 esk0 making /ss/ now?
>>3610 >KDE all of the VNs are loli, fair warning
(13.21 MB 1280x720 2023-11-21T15-35-59_1.mp4)

Another gem by anna-anon, expect a sequel soon https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/113610180
>>3534 >>3816 This made in Koikatsu right, was there like new game or this dude is just this good? Because i seen lot's of Koikatsu porn none of them as good as this
>>3821 It is, arguably the best koikatsu animator out there, its amazing
(26.43 MB 4096x2048 1.webm)

New Anaru kino just dropped
>>3823 Dialogue and voice acting's ass but the animation is top notch 8/10 when muted
>>3823 looking forward to his next animation in 2025
>>3823 That woman should stop watching and grab one of the kids.
>>3823 more overwatch stuff? does anyone have Lewd4D
>>3816 whoever does these 3D anime ones always makes the dick on the shota way too long. It's a shota, not a pornstar. Give him a small dick.
(9.69 MB 1280x720 11.webm)

(8.60 MB 1280x720 22.mp4)

>>3836 >more overwatch stuff? Here
(9.12 MB 1920x1080 7.webm)

(3.30 MB 1920x1080 1.webm)

(8.89 MB 1920x1080 2.webm)

(7.60 MB 1920x1080 3.webm)

(12.05 MB 1920x1080 6.webm)

(10.96 MB 1920x1080 4.webm)

(3.38 MB 1920x1080 5.webm)

>>3616 where is the uncensored version?
>>3844 Cool story bro
>>2205 anyone have a new mx66 link?
The woman in the second pic looks like Jessica Biel, same peachy ass too
Saw the discord mentioned but the links expired. Does anyone still have it?
(6.69 MB 1080x1920 0o8pib.mp4)

anybody got the full version?
(24.58 MB 1920x1080 2hv63s.webm)

(5.85 MB 2400x1733 111024583_p0.png)

somebody have this comic o other like this? plz
>>3869 xth for this
Anybody have the Nicki Minaj video by trialexide?
>>3948 No. If you care about it so much just sub to his patreon. https://www.patreon.com/trialexide
(14.53 MB 1920x1080 1.webm)

(5.69 MB 1920x1080 2.webm)

(7.02 MB 1920x1080 3.webm)

(8.76 MB 1920x1080 4.webm)

Damn looks like pixiv go nuts Start banning people left and right, i guess this is officialy over
>>3948 >>3949 Anyone have that uncesored video from trialexide where Samus Aran is sucking two shotas and riding the third one?
(4.07 MB 1920x1080 1757211750573004220.webm)

>>3954 honestly, just start posting all the trial videos you have. That's what the thread is for
Anyone have the toriel animation by animacon?
can someone give the subject's discord link? thanks in advance
Can i getaworking invite?
Are there any vids with Milftoon like stories. That would be amazing...
>>3975 Do you have any examples?
(3.72 MB 1920x1080 114684761.mp4)

(1.51 MB 1280x720 114846192.mp4)

(1.30 MB 1280x720 114872880.mp4)

Zaviel did something similar to milftoon with gumball. An introduction with a mom but its short. see it at Gelbooru, no account needed. Haven't seen shota videos like Milftoon yet. We will get there...
>>3951 >>3954 >>3960 you are a hero
>>3984 holy shit wow, post more from that artist >>3984
(27.90 MB 1920x1080 FF luna shot 3s trials.mp4)

Guess i should contribute too
Does anyone have work by impulse_tracker?
>>710 I remember that guy I loved his work do you have a back-up?
Rastafarian (Is he banned?)
>>4009 On Pixiv yes but he still post on his rule34 site and baarag
any harlequin ss?
>>4017 Love the look on his little face
(21.08 MB 1920x1080 c3ml2u.webm)

(3.99 MB 1920x1080 az2odg.webm)

(12.39 MB 1920x1080 nfwp5d.webm)

Any good kemonoparty alternatives?
Anybody know who made this?
>>4046 >that ending wew
>>4046 chalk/chalk is bored
>>4046 god have mercy
Sad, that Belethor Smut after ban on pixiv doesn't make any ss content
>>4046 >>4049 Here's an archive I found on his gumroad https://gofile.io/d/bksK2s
>>4052 https://baraag.net/@Chalk/111668585542682631 And the source of that video, its gory unless you're into that
God damn. I didn't know it was gory.
>>4046 Does this guy only make guro? this is a really cool animation, but I'm not into gore.
>>4055 Seems so, i checked every vid in to see if there was any that was at least worth cropping. >>4052 And i counted 2 vids (neither /ss/) that didn't end in gore, and one meme vid that was gore but ended up as a joke. Shame, he's really good at animating but his stuff is way too deranged.
>>4057 Sad. Lots of talent wasted on some guro.
Does anyone have an invite to that SS discord?
>>4068 With one i think there is few discords
>>4069 Any send them pleass
>>4070 I don't have any invites sorry, just wondering with discord you talked about
a few more
Hi. Does anyone have pewposterous's ss videos about Witcher universe? I see only frames and arts
I didn't know they did ss
>>4068 Unfortunately THAT discord where all ss artits hanging out are pretty much dead now
>>4104 You mean Voxmel's? What happened?
I don't particularly like anal but I love this video, perhaps I just love Helena
>>4105 Vox is gone presumable banned since he is not repointing and his mods are disappeared So bunch of bots joined server and spam links and nobody can ban them It's sucks since he manage to collect so many artists there
Anyone have Anaru Tracer Magic they could re post. The one that was posted on Nov24, 2023 the video isnt there, just the sound.
>>4108 This one? baraag.net/@anaru/111519593690428448
(13.39 MB 1920x1080 cvyd16.mp4)

Preview from Anna-anon
>>4111 Yes ty!
(30.31 MB 1920x1080 Okayu.webm)

(14.61 MB 1920x1080 86cryk.webm)

(9.86 MB 1080x1920 shahrs.webm)

Anna-anon's xitter account got suspended, however he made a new one. https://twitter.com/TheSafeAnnaAnon Still active on Pixiv, at least for now. Gumroad too. https://www.pixiv.net/en/users/37736420 https://annaanon.gumroad.com/
>>4137 He going to be fine on pixiv, those retards only start banning """realistic""" 3d
>>4139 A bunch of non-3D artists got banned recently, pixiv has been very unpredictable for anyone who draws shota or loli
>>4142 >A bunch of non-3D artists got banned recently Any examples? I know lots of 3d artists got banned including one who make monster porn or even vanilla shit. So its not even about shota/loli anymore
>>3823 surprised by this take, anon. I actually love the voice acting in this one even though it's kind of funny
(15.18 MB 1920x1080 Okada 1.mp4)

(22.13 MB 1920x1080 Okada 2.mp4)

(7.25 MB 1920x1080 subject06855.mp4)

(11.51 MB 1920x1920 xgvpgt.mp4)

preview of new 1 minute animation by Bleur / Benek anybody got the full version?
(12.75 MB 1080x1080 jf4uix.mp4)

>>4149 first one looks so intense, her mouth owns him
>>4159 Where did you find it?
i saw someone by the name of "baadfoxxy" on sankaku complex and i think it's another reincarnation of rennafoxxy or shotafoxxy. anybody know where to get their content?
>>4167 In fact its the complete opposite of loli and in two separate ways.
Hi. Does anyone know, yorchmeinz returned to his works after banning or not?
>>4159 Could you upload his other animations from the last couple of months? Don't think they're available anywhere.
(1.03 MB 1280x720 sbms7HJrAgFtw6a6.mp4)

anyone know what boxslayer's been upto? any new animations?
>>4175 not helpful
(1.69 MB 1080x1920 6fd1c30256e90562.mp4)

>>4172 Sauce?
>>4194 anon...
>>4209 Oh fugg. Couldn't see the name because of the player controls.
https://rule34video.com/video/3076097/lulu-vicious-fantasy-part-1-dezmall/ https://rule34video.com/video/3076098/lulu-vicious-fantasy-part-2-dezmall/ both are 15 minute videos of lulu from ffx with a pov Shota if anyone is able to turn these into webms pls idk how to do it right
>>559 sauce?
(8.06 MB 960x1706 0qd8ev(1).mp4)

(4.04 MB 720x1280 5kbq17(1).mp4)

(2.82 MB 854x480 7002gl(1).mp4)

(3.29 MB 1080x1080 a73sio(1).mp4)

(6.09 MB 1080x1080 b8k949(1).mp4)

>>4159 >>4162 >>4171 Will post gofile with the originals if anyone's interested
(1.82 MB 720x1280 1er31p(1).mp4)

(2.88 MB 720x720 uurs51(1).mp4)

(4.82 MB 720x720 n6kkrq(1).mp4)

(2.06 MB 1080x1080 fq0liq(1).mp4)

(1.99 MB 1080x1080 khruta(1).mp4)

Always important to add in socials too, for those who aren't in the know https://baraag.net/@Benek
>>4233 Thanks for the great content. Could you share the full versions? I love the Ada vid and the Panam vid
>>4236 https://gofile.io/d/d03jJt Done, those are the full versions btw
>>4246 says "this folder is not public"
>>4247 Now try again, forgot about that
does anyone have purityring's archives? I've been looking for months and can't find anything except for secrethentai which is paywalled and kinda sketchy site... it seems like his contents are now lost media?
Where can I find shota rule34 with claire redfield, aerith or ciri?
does someone have sadie adler shota?
>>4250 rule34hentai.net log in.
>>4249 I think he has patreon now but with different name, I remember he talked about it back when Vox discord was alive
(22.77 MB 1920x1080 21.1.webm)

>"小马拉大车" is a Chinese idiom that roughly translates to "a small horse can pull a big cart." It means that even something small or seemingly insignificant can achieve great things with determination, effort, and perseverance. It is often used to encourage someone to take on a challenge despite their limitations. So that is why when you google it you get a lot of /ss/ results.
>>4253 >53 do you know what name he goes by now?
>>4266 Parklife
>>4246 Added the rest from his subscribestar and the catbox archive. If I find anything new in sankaku or any other booru, I'll upload when I can. https://catbox.moe/c/oixiev
does anyone have yorchmeinz entire archives? I was too late to realize that he got nuked. he doesn't post anything on twitter but still active. it seems like he quit.
>>4269 Not quit, he plans to open Baraag soon
>>4270 thanks. it seems like baraag and subscribestar are the only home for ss artists
>>4271 Baraag yes but not sure about subscribestar, it seems like almost fucking impossible to get approved right now
Somone have the aramusha's animations? The mega links are down
>>4246 Hey thanks dude! I thought he'd gone away after his fanbox got shut down. Glad to see the dude is still active!
>>4256 We can say a lot about chinks, but at least their wisdom is good
What was that huge catalog website where you had a lot of artists works archived and could search by artist to see if there are any of his works shared.
>>4297 kemono su?
Anybody have Purity Ring latest animations, can't get them with kemono
Is there an archive of bleurs videos? I can't access them through kemono. Also, I remember seeing a vid of i think Kara from DBH getting fucked by a group of shotas, does anyone have that video by chance?
(7.35 MB 854x480 zsk5c1.mp4)

https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/117883819 https://files.catbox.moe/zsk5c1.mp4 >>4246 >>4311 Use inspect element next time, it might just spare your hassle. Substar has long changed their code or whatever, so don't bother with kemono. You can find the rest of his content on sankaku, if you have the time to make a dummy account.
Can somebody post Sadie Adler Shota?
>>4313 Sadly, handjobs are garbage. Handjobs are merely a promissory note that something sexually interesting will happen.
>>4315 Thank you, Captain Obvious
>>4317 But he's right. Totally right.
shotas so cute
>>4330 Shotas fucked by big tiddies milfs are even cuter
>>4336 Not nit-picking, but (in the first video) if anyone's gonna screw Ann... it needs to be Jose. Let him have his "pretty lady".
>>4360 jose is ugly imo
new anaru kino where?
>>4376 Rapetacular
>>4374 Who would even pay for an artist that releases like 1 clip a year?
(21.68 MB 1920x1920 72fk40.mp4)

anybody got the 1:27 min version?
there was a file with voice acting that said "Your puny dick is fucking amazing" that was on here but I cant find it can anyone point me to it?
>>4429 There was a 2D animation with AI voiceover posted in this 3D thread recently, but I think it got deleted for not being 3D. I can't find the version with the voiceover but I think the animation was this one >>4430 (807) I'm not certain, but it at least looks similar. If the original poster or anyone has/can find it please post it in the 2D thread.
>>4411 any luck? im looking for it too
>>4432 Damn he really went to shit when he started doing the weird pred voices. Such wasted talent
>>4432 Could someone upload the video here? I cant download it on mobile.
>>4439 compressed 1080p versions with and without audio
Ninfa Nocturna fucking sucks
>>4443 Who?
>>4183 sauce?
>>4313 >>4458 Ribize
>>4484 Great animation
Do you guys have anything with kissing and hugging
>>4495 I second this request!
(16.79 MB 1080x1690 giyizl.mp4)

I'm trying to figure out who made this I keep getting nothing
>>4498 Purity Ring
Is there any animation that has a plot?, something like hentai anime, and I want to know if there is something like that in 3D
(11.03 MB 1280x720 a931cv.mp4)

>>4531 And for those who aren't into ghouls
>>4531 >>4532 The animation this dude doing is insane.
Anyone got some shota x league of legends girls?
I keep seeing other artists using that one animation by anna anon, did he release the scene data or something?
>>4499 Where can I find more of their animations?
>>4620 that's pretty good, have they made anything /SS/ with nuns yet?
(8.14 MB 854x480 u2laxu.mp4)

Anyone got a clue who made this? It doesn't seem to lead me anywhere
>>4763 that looks amazing, holy shit
anyone got boxslayer's latest long Ada video?
>>4498 this is purity ring. where you found this? is he back? cuz this is not the last animation he made before he got nuked
>>4796 On 4ch /b/, some guy there posts webm files with catbox links. No idea if Purity Ring came back, I don't follow them
(3.21 MB 1920x940 5.webm)

>>4796 Purity Ring post his stuff on discord i bealive, he has patreon called Parklife
>>4802 oh, shit im so outdated, glad he's back though. the pink and black banner Parklife? is that him?
>>4807 Yes, the one that pretend to write romantic stories
>>710 Don't care what anyone says MissShotaPixas stuff was really good anyone have an archive of their stuff.
anyone know what happened to mizusx? he just kinda stopped, did he get pinched or something
>>4830 think he just went out into the sunset, kinda like KDE did
Does anyone have access to Aneesha's stuff?
can anyone post everything they have from drist7x? is she still producing?
Aneesha is best when it comes to tiny pps and shota blowjobs
(4.20 MB 852x480 BoxADA.mp4)

anyone have the full version?
We need everything NinfaNocturna related, guy really cooks with his 3d animations
>>4857 Samus is one of those characters which is just perfect for /ss/
>>4876 You could compress these, you know
>>4876 >>4877 Or just post them directly as-is, 8moe accepts mp4 and the size limit is 50MB total.
>>4241 That Google Drive link is literally the hottest shit ever. Does anyone have the name of the artist?
>>4897 Flim13
>>4907 Thank you, doesn't seem to have a lot of 3D ss but the ones he does have are awesome
>>4945 Any timeline on the subbed version?
>>4763 skared/whattheh37 but that's the full version and his only ss video
>>4950 Looks like it's already available. For some reason I can't convert it though. https://drive.google.com/file/d/15cT6iBe4PVuvMA0Q9iZ9TpNIKJJ2iWof/view?usp=sharing
https://mega.nz/folder/lfJhQaBQ#hCZskJkwgrPawlcsruL5yw Soma1767, 95% ss. Would appreciate it if someone could compress the latest dragon's dogma and bleach videos since the archive's probably gonna be deleted within a month
>>2022 Is the first image also santalol or a different artist?
>>4987 Moar
Damn, looks like my card is banned from subscribestar. Otherwise i'd dump some new trialxtide and bleur stuff
>>4990 whats Bleur @ on subscribestar? i cant find it
>>4992 Goes by benek or how it's spelled now, he releases teasers on baraag.
>>4973 Link expired
>>5009 Yeah sadly. The guy said he'll only post one new animation this month so I might wait till september or october to sub again. However there's a fair share of his stuff on sanka posted by him as thatoneguy26 already at least.
when is anaru fucking returning bruh
>>5011 Fuck that poser. I don't get the adoration for someone who drops a 15 sec clip a year and then get hailed as a hero of the works when lots of people put out amazing stuff almost weekly. I can only surmise it's due their very active social media presence in the porn sphere and sheeps gotta graze where the bell calls.
Anyone have box slayer's gofile?
>>4957 I uploaded it on rule34video to get it to convert properly. Here it is. Hopefully, you guys can see it https://rule34video.com/video/3490305/flim13-gyaru-mom-date-english-subtitles/
>>5016 Same anon here, here's a mega file. seems reliable, I've never sat down and used it before. Enjoy! https://mega.nz/file/nPZAlDqA#XHcUgWudm4cqpo5fDg2Sot7RW51D7VW20mVWo60RpXM
Anyone got any working invites for a SS discord?
>>5019 discord. com/ invite/RuTJzAS9sN
>>5011 next year lmao. that's the reason why i don't spend money to his shits. he only drops 1 video a year, he's more chronically online on his discord rather than dropping 1 video per month.
>>5020 Link is invalid, did it expire or the server brought down?
>>5062 Link works fine Remove two spaces
>>5030 This guy's "camera work" is so fucking shit it actually makes me mad
>>5066 he has been using the exact same slap sound effect in every video for like 10 years
(18.74 MB 1920x1920 jfzy35.mp4)

anybody got ssxuishy new stuff? the preview is free but the download doesnt work, also his link to buy the vid doesnt work
Could someone post Bleur's recent full videos (especially the ones with Meredith and Panam)? He's called Benek on Substar. My card doesn't get accepted anymore for some reason.
>>5132 Subscribestar shadowbans users and their cards if it detect cookies from upload sites like kemono or sankakucomplex. Ironic too since due to that several artists have lost my money too.
>>5133 Wait for real? Lmao that pretty insane, I guess you can always use different browser for that.
>>5133 Odd. I've been using both and haven't had that issue, pray tell it never does
(10.21 MB 1280x720 300k.mp4)

>>5096 Why did this guy start stretching out the shota model for his animations? It looks so odd especially with the Hugo de Rune model.
>>5136 >[website] [bans] users... if it detect cookies from [other website] Why the absolute everloving fuck is this even LEGAL? How is this POSSIBLE? What fucking right does ANY website have to know about the mere EXISTENCE of cookies for ANY OTHER WEBSITE? How the fuck do browsers not block this?
>>5133 Oh boy, I sure do love clicking on a quote link and having it quote a completely different post instead! Eat shit, 8chan.
(14.19 MB 1080x1920 a1v3tst_audio_edit_logo.mp4)

Any akali or irelia animations?
>>5153 Well, if you click accept to their terms then there's not a lot to be done about it
>>5096 >>5151 Source? What's the artist name?
>>5020 >20 can i get another invite link?
>>5182 discord.com/invite/RuTJzAS9sN Server is pretty dead unfortunately
anyone know a SS Element app group session or Telegrm?
what happened to Zack123's pixiv? He had such a great collection. Anyone have any archives?
(29.25 MB 2560x1440 d3e393cc69b9bbf0.mp4)

>>5223 his account was deleted like most pixiv 3D shota animators
>>5237 Already posted >>5140
does anybody know the source?
>>5317 Its a HyliamSFM animation from 2022 https://www.patreon.com/user?u=22863567
>>5197 It got nuked anyway now
Anyone have the very latest stuff from Aneesha uncensored?
>>5412 AnnaAnnon my beloved...
Anyone have any stronng vids?
Anyone can update latest stuff from Anesha
>Randra's been getting more and more used to taking care of orders from these needy little shotas, but this time the demand was near instant on him coming home. He brought her straight up to his bedroom so he could let out a warm load deep inside. https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/123624097

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