Hate to contribute to the shitstorm in this thread, but:
That's not what false equivalence means and the equivalence is not false at all.
In ye olde times, being left-handed was considered sinful/shameful/weird/wrong. So people hid it. Left-handed people forced themselves to learn to use their right hand, would not admit to being left-handed in governmental surveys, etc.
This made left-handedness seem even smaller than it actually was. When the stigma started going away, numbers started rising as more people stopped forcing themselves to pretend they were right-handed, until it reached that 12% plateau.
AKA: Mankind ALWAYS had a 12% rate of left-handed people. But the reported number in 1880 was 6 due to cultural factors.
The same is true for all examples
>>23919 mentioned. Those are a bit more muddy because Eating Disorders, Depression and Anxiety do have factors actively contributing to their "true" rise as well (economy being fucked, current generation working more and earning less than previous ones, etc), but the same is also true for them: We don't have more depressive people worldwide nowdays; what we actually do is less people hiding their depression, and better ways to diagnose it.
Being trans is closer to being left-handed than it is to eating disorders - Environmental factors don't "cause" gender dysphoria. It is, as far as studies know, mostly determined by genetical, embryonary and neurodevelopmental factors (there's a good study I enjoy a lot showing the anatomy of a trans person's brain tend to be closer to the anatomy of the brains of people of their identified gender than that of their assigned sex. Or, translating: MtF trans people literally have brains that are more anatomically similar to biological female brains than biological male ones, and vice-verda for FtM).
So: You're not seing a rise in transgender cases. It's just that the number that has always been there is now getting the chance to be noticed, and things that in the past would have been dismissed as demonic possession, "it's just a phase", or as other sorts of queerism, are now being understood for what they always were: gender dysphoria, and receiving the adequate treatment.
Returning to the left-handedness chart, we're in the 1920-1960 period in which things are being learned and accepted but hasn't reached the peak yet. Eventually it will, and it will plateau.