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The One That Got Away Anonymous 12/11/2023 (Mon) 22:24:31 Id: 42015b No. 58518 >>58522 >>68943
>shows up for a one off video >wins over your heart >and your dick >leaves >You're never going to see her again. What's her name, anon? And no, I'm not asking for source, I'm asking if you've had the same experience of spending some time hopelessly obsessed over a model that did one or a few videos only to never show up again anywhere. Picrelated is Izumi, who's apparently a tattoo model and did a couple of videos for TickleAbuse way back when, and I can't even really give you a good reason why, but I keep coming (heh) back to them. It's the cute punk look, the way all that ink looks on her, her adorable laugh, the fact her armpits fucking wreck her and the way she screams "You're driving me crazy!" towards the end looking like a hot mess. I'm sure the fact they paired her up with Mia doesn't hurt either. There's probably hotter and better out there, but this one's special, to me. Essential viewing: https://pornzog.com/video/9484025/tattoo-model-toetied/ https://pornzog.com/video/11321022/ticklish-tattoo-model/
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Gabby, also from Tickle Abuse. Did three videos, but she was only the lee in one of them.
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>>58518 (OP) Coming in with another obscure TA pic, "Nervous Leslie" from one video (she did a second as a ler with the same girls). Cute, mousy little girl, like some straight up vanilla who was talked into it not really understanding what it was and was overwhelmed when she was actually locked in and it was on.
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Probably Cat Trentham. She did 2 video for UK Tickling but decided she couldn't take it and was way too ticklish.
Meshel Lynn. Fake reactions or not I found her hot and adorable. There is only one video with her that I know of.
Vivian from Tickle Intensive. Redhead? Check. Tall? Check. Size 12 feet that don't look jacked up and calloused? Fuckin Check.
>>58537 I remember seeing one video with her on spankbang, but can't really find it. Would you be willing to share?
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>Appears for 3 videos >Feet are absolutely perfect with the right amount of wrinkles >Ticklish with a cute laugh >Never seen or heard from again I will never forgive the Czechs for letting Laura Lee go
>letting a tattoo'd hambeast "win over your heart" lol
>>58572 >hambeast faggot
>>58572 dudes never seen a naked woman outside of porn
Terra from Tickle Intensive. Perfect feet and an absolutely nut draining frantic hysterical laugh. Only did like 2-3 videos from what I’ve been able to find. https://pornzog.com/video/9103844/texas-tera-non-stop-wrapped-tickle/
>>58572 >thats a 'hambeast' to you Are you the type who looks at pic related and just gets fucking rock hard?
>>58522 I like the ones where they seem like they had no idea what they were talked into doing until they’re strapped in and tickled. Anyone have the Leslie vid?
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Honestly these two come to mind frequently. Rikki is by far one of the most ticklish girls they ever had and her feet were exceptionally weak to tickling. she goes nuts. Charlotte was adorable and the girl that got me into it so its a shame there only 2 vids that ever included her.
>>58686 TA had a lot of girls like that in the early days. Don't have any proof, but I'm pretty sure Tommy was outright lying to at least some of them to recruit them and jumped ship when it stopped working.
Another TickleAbuse model; Charity. Amazing tits, sexy feet and an adorably hot reaction to tickling; lots of begging. Only did maybe 4 vids with TA. https://pornzog.com/video/13115908/naked-charity-tickled/
Eve. She only did two videos. Not really a fan of the second one because it seems like she isn't enjoying it as much but my god, the first one with just her and Tasha on the couch can resurrect my dick from certain death. The way she twitches and giggles is just... Woof. Another good one is Vader. I swear to god she disappeared off the face of the earth and her name makes it impossible to research if she's still doing anything though https://pornzog.com/video/10052485/cutie-gets-teased-and-tickled/ https://www.clips4sale.com/studio/15590/4957271/light-tickles-hd https://pornzog.com/video/8087582/tickle-goth-girl/ https://www.clips4sale.com/studio/15590/5729955/goth-girl-tease-hd
Tracy from Silvercherry's Relentless. Deliciously curvy and extremely ticklish, and yet based on those deep borderline moaning laughs she would let someone tickle her for hours because she's definitely getting off on it. And to a lesser extent Beth, who was apparently the dude's wife and separated from the tickle business and/or him somewhere along the line. He deleted all but this and one other video with her. Something about the very normal, arguably frumpy looking housewife being a sadistic tickler is fucking hot. Especially in this clip when she's methodically working the hot spots on Tracy's feet with those nails. Amazingly this clip is still on youtube after years under the title "Tickle Table"
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Brittany. Too bad there are only two videos with her. She's probably one of the sexiest TickleAbuse girls
>>58725 Brittany is one of the absolute best ever Feline Vengeance from Stryker is soooo good. I really wish she did a traditional Stryker video with the interview and everything https://vk.com/video-68521326_168485106
dunno who she is, as this is the only clip of her I found, but it's absolutely hot! https://spankbang.com/32wv7/video/tickling
>>58744 feline vengeance is one of my favorite vids of all time. i lost it for a couple years before finding it again, thank god drains me everytime
>>58725 This, I miss her every day
>>58747 This is my favorite video of all time. I have heard legends of a video with her in stocks and would do anything to get it at this point.
>>58744 I believe the lee's name was Petra. That video is arguably among the very best I've ever seen. One of the few Lee's who has everything perfect. She has gorgeous feet, she's ticklish but able to resist it just enough for that great bit of struggling, is very pretty, and has an adorable laugh. Wish there was more of her, but form my knowledge she really only did this video and a revenge one on the cat girl.
>>58801 Just looked it up and yes the name is correct. Her full name is: Petra Kaus. https://www.strykerentertainment.com/index.php/shopping/?keywords=feline Such a shame there's only 2 videos of her. Also can't seem to find any other content with her online from other clips stores, or even regular pictures. Maybe someone else wants to try and find some, if any is available??
Haley DeWitt
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there are so many great one-off models imo octopus tickling in particular has some great girls who are hella ticklish. here are my 3 favs karmapollo >tattooed alt vibe, my fav of these girls >super ticklish >great expressions honey >nice foot shape >pretty face >seemingly real/amateur: her videos are wiped from the store and the tickler never goes that hard with her niki >best-looking face imo >deep belly laughing/raspy laugh >small feet that look big/long >only downside: "regular" ticklish instead of excrutiatingly ticklish genesis from the tickle room >rocker/musician >no socks in her boots >aloof expression breaks down during tickling finally, chelsea from tickle abuse is probably my fav tickle abuse model >the most ticklish imo, looks like torture >big size 9 feet >panics when the brush hits her feet >thrashes and babbles while being tickled >ends up a sweaty mess
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I present 4 to you: First Frieda and Katie. Both did 2 videos for TI and TA respectively. Both absolutely incredible Then Chanel Yeoung, a fine model in her own right, but the few tickling videos she did were incredible. And finally, the rarest of them all, camgirl Lissa Bunny, who did one amazing tickle video and never did anything like it again
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Young Darla did two videos and then disappeared off the face of the earth. Sweet and gorgeous from head to ticklish toes.
These chicks. Never been able to find anything more with them other than this clip and another where they switch (which I haven't seen since the PH purge and fucking hell I hate myself for never saving a copy). https://pornzog.com/video/8988389/tab-fluffy-s-chairbound-tickle/
>>59007 Or not lmao. VK realized I was uploading porn and purged my account. I'll find it in the archives and share it with you.
Shame that Sexy Sarah from TickleAbuse did only one video, but damn do she and the video live up to the name.
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Rene from TickleAbuse only did two videos, though I really only care for the second one where she's in the rack and Kelli is tickling her. My favorite part is when she starts to use only her index fingers to tickle her armpits, I wish she did that more often, I also wish Rene came back for more videos, would be great to see her having to deal with multiple lers.
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Tracy was a friend of someone else who was interested in filming and she needed cash so I guess it’s a one time thing for her but that vid is one of my alltime favs by TA. Good looking, pretty feet, black nail polish and she’s ticklish. Wish there was more of her https://pornzog.com/video/8775421/truly-vanilla/
>>58518 (OP) There's a few, but probably at the top of the list is Lea Luv. Did mostly Tickle Horror, and just one Tickle Abuse clip before disappearing. A shame she didn't stick around to make more shit for better studios. But at least there's a bunch of clips of her still floating around, even tho most of them have really mid ticklers, bondage, and picture quality https://pornzog.com/video/13098387/lea-luv-tickle/
Foxie Sanie did this one video that i ever came across and her desperate screams pretty much tell why
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https://www.ticklingforum.com/threads/ctf-oiled-feet-are-tickled-elisa-bare-gagged-oiled-comb-f-f.250333/ Saw this once when I was like 15, never again after the PH purge. Cant even buy it which sucks
A sleeper favorite of mine. Never seen the model in any other video, but she is clearly into it. Her getting visibly turned on by being tickled is permanently burned into my brain. https://pornzog.com/video/9299984/yeah-right-there/
>>65758 who's the left one?
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>>65758 >>70323 https://txxx.com/videos/8388403/wrapped-feet-and-belly-tickled/ https://tickling-videos.net/russianfetish-anushs-curative-recipe-long-tickling-in-black-tape-by-doc-alina/ This is a video I would have put up for the favorites thread or Moneyshot, but I might as well gush about it here. Off the bat; mummified bondage, blindfold and gag. Points across the board for that. But the real meat of the video is the ticklee Anush. A pretty face with a pair of cute feet and lovely laugh from behind a gag. It's the kind of laugh that sounds mostly cheery but then at times sounds like moaning from sex. The way she wriggles while strapped to the gurney is jerky which is nice, throwing her head back and all over. Plus it helps that she still look pretty in a ballgag. Maybe this is just 'me' thing but not every pretty face look great with a ballgag in their mouths. The tickler Alina is wonderfully snide in the comments and nonchalant in administering tickling. Perfectly complimenting the loopy hysteria she is causing her patient. The first 2/3rds of the video are prime material for me but I can point to one moneyshot I've clipped in pic related: 13:31 Alina is causally scrubs the Anush's feet with the toothbrush and bluntly brings up that she is still going to tickle her for at least 15 more minutes. Anush reacts by squealing and squirming helplessly which is so satisfying, shaking her head from side to side, rearing her blindfolded and gagged face up in minimal protest before plopping back down defeated. Followed by another cheeky tease from Alina before at camera angle change. And this might be like a cinematic language trick but swapping to this full side profile angle does indicate whatever is happening on screen will continue to endure, much to the lee's chagrin. The only other videos of her are the one's with the RF dude from her short stint at the studio in early 2018. So yeah, got away she did.
Less of a person and more of a concept since all three of these girls were in a bunch of other stuff but >Be Tickle Abuse >Make "The Licklers" >It's one of the hottest videos they've ever made >have at least 20 models on the roster who everybody would love to see this done to >make one more with Brooke and then never do it again >refuse to elaborate Is he stupid?
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Brittney from ClickChix, dude >appears in 2 videos >"NO SHE IS NOT A MODEL, SHE IS MY ACTUAL REAL LIFE FRIEND SO SHE IS NOT AVAILABLE ON ANY OTHER STORES AND ONLY AVAILABLE FOR MINE ON A LIMITED BASIS" >the most beautiful girl you've seen >beautiful feet, great personality >never comes back

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