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Stop complaining about loli you fags NO MORE REAL ANIMALS OR IRL THREADS. NO GOLDFISH. Ai art IS allowed and here to stay. Quit whining about it

Artists or characters you hate #2 Anonymous 11/11/2023 (Sat) 22:00:36 No. 37875
once again, in this thread you can rant about any vore artist or character that you feel a strong hatred towards
First for Tanookicatoon. I see you following me and commenting on my posts you little cancel culture creep, every time I see your icon I'm tempted to block and banish you from interacting with my content.
Metalforever It's not really hate per se. But their art hasn't changed at all in like a decade. It's the same faces with the same poses and same belly shapes with alternates. Why do people still support such bullshit? Artists like Lewdlemage/Dr. Worm have moved on to detailed comics and animation a long time ago. Metalforever hasn't changed a damn thing.
Kronguss for creating muted melody. You know what, any artists who decide to make depressing vore stories. Vore is supposed to be hot not sad dammit. As for characters: Leyle from Coffin Incest game. Would love to see her as a prey, not Pred.
DarkArtist. Something about the way they draw the faces of their characters is repulsive.
They're not an artist but AXELA1987 is always the worst person to see in comments because they almost always only put "vorality" like a goddamn bot.
>>37914 I can't even tell how many times I've viewed a comment section and seen them there. Like, just shut the hell up - adding vorality to every single picture adds nothing of value
>>37895 he does it because he fears the risk of losing his supporters on patreon, he practically confirmed it on his furaffinity page, saying that he wouldn't draw experimental stuff anymore because it's too "niche" for his supporters that's why he barely draws his own characters and always draws the same scenarios with the same popular mainstream characters he's a sellout, he earns around 4500$ monthly with patreon
>>37898 Muted melody was a masterpiece.
>>37924 no, it was a complete waste of time the pred ate her at the end and the belly was barely noticeable,there wasn't even a digestion sequence or a weight gain aftermath the girl just got eaten and then shitted out
I think it's a bit silly to complain about artists for just drawing shit I don't like, but I will say I really don't like artists that are in a perpetual state of a mental breakdown. Kernac comes to mind obviously, (Doesn't he just commission art not draw? can't remember, I avoid that lolcow's page and I don't feel like checking) and there are a few artists that always whine in their post descriptions or blogs on eka's. Also don't get me started on artists who seem to be in a perpetual state of a financial emergency and e-beg. The weirdos on ekas/twitter make me really appreciate the handful of artists who seem genuinely normal and chill, or as normal as someone who draws vore art can be.
>>37934 Well said. Nothing is more annoying than an artist or loud retard who complains constantly or is consistently some alarmist screaming about current politcal THING. Especially bad when it's an artist who's influenced by the loud talking heads on twitter.
Emmydook. Easily one of the most annoying dickheads in the 'community'. Nothing new, just hate seeing them around with how high-and-mighty they are.
>>37936 don't "them" him, that tranny retard does not deserve any respect
>>37936 I can never decide on what's worse: Dook himself or his hivemind followers that constantly kiss his ass. They're fucking everywhere and they're all obnoxious little shits.
>>37926 Agreed, there was no internal or nudity. Just a quick gulp and that's it. Not to mention the lazy addition of character development just to kill the prey off.
>>37936 Agreed, hate seeing Emmy everywhere when they have no redeeming qualities or skills like at all, but hey at least they stream their ugly vtuber model on Twitch and somehow managed to get partnered despite the fact this shit is super NSFW! All they do is just post the copious amounts of porn they've commissioned, flaunt their money they get from their dumb fucking simps, all the while having absolutely no reason to be as popular as they are!
Paogordo, natch All they do is constanly post comics of Gabi depopulating a country or something because of her shit-ass sister, and then an "everybody laughs" ending
Shyguy9 Granted the man is a talented artist and has drawn some stuff that I liked, but alot of his shit just kinda takes me out of enjoying it It was his lugia comic that cemented that feeling, feels more like torture porn than vore and he does that shit constantly It doesn't help that he's popular and I gotta see his art when I try to search for some good shit I just wanna see people get eaten, not a vaguely disguised torture fetish under the veil of vore
>>37936 Dooks a twat man, i was on a minecraft server with them made for a small friend group, the fucker used x rays and clients, who the fuck does that on a friend server? Once they were banned they fucking vagued about it on twitter too lmao
>>37952 WAIT FOR REAL LMFAO? Where's the vague post was it recent?
>>37953 I’ll have to search through their twitter (god forbid) to find the exact one, give me a sec
>>37954 It could have been this one? Its been an absolute while and the server was around from may to june, i cant scroll down further than may 20th and this fits the bill, the server was mainly for artists, there were like 5 people tho so it didnt last at all lmao
>>37955 Sounds about right though, I mean good on them for not naming and shaming like they did in the past given their rabid retard fans love to brigade anyone who's ever said anything to her in a remotely negative fashion Still, truly amazing that you'd have to x-ray on Minecraft in a friend group no less
>>37938 I don't use 'them' for respect. I use it to vaguely refer to someone. >>37940 Dook. Easily Dook. Their fans are creepy little freaks, but Dook is the one that keeps it up. He's the one that streams his fetish content on TWITCH of all places. He's the one commissioning art of himself as some perfect creature. He's the one turning tail and acting like a victim every time he's slighted. >>37943 LMAO TRUE. The fact that they haven't been banned off of Twitch is so fucking weird to me. It's fetish content. Take that shit elsewhere, it does nOT need to be on a site where Little Timothy can find it. That said, knowing Emmy more than I'd like, they probably would like it if Little Tim Tim found that shit lmfao >>37952 LMAO YEAH I REMEMBER THAT. I don't remember who it was, but one of the other artists there was gathering supplies really fucking fast so that they could have an easier time with building. Didn't Emmy take that as a challenge for some reason?? Like, I remember them trying to rush past that other artist so that they could keep dominance or some shit. That might be a biased, or otherwise wrong memory though, so stop me if I'm spouting bullshit. Regardless of that though, I maintain to this day that it was hilarious that Emmy still barely kept up with someone playing normally despite being confirmed to be X-Raying. >>37956 I actually remember this too omfg! The only reason she didn't shame /name the people there is because there was evidence of her being in the wrong LOL. They don't touch situations where they don't have all the cards in their corner.
>>37936 Emmy is also a babyfur. Though they desperately want that hidden. There's a few private commissions around.
>>37958 Mhm, in the discord they posted full diamond armour to show off, frankly i was busy building my base, and mining for netherite in a legit way (seriously the amount of striaght down holes around their portal that presumably lead to netherite was nuts) it was certainly fun while it lasted. My first experience with them was them mining a tree near my base with what was obviously a client with how janky they moved, and they said it was lag, what a load of piss lmao, thats all i got to say about them, my only interaction with them was them being a bitch, which would mean something if that wasnt how literally every other interraction with them was also.
And while im here fuck it, i can finally talk shit, shoutouts to brandon14 for being the only person on ekas to make me physically gag, disgusting, ugly art along with some god awful kinks, eugh
>>37961 there should be a way to blacklist artists, or atleast a better tag system
See my "blocked" list for yourself. brandon14 DoloresHayes FuturisticMan GoodNaughtyGoddess immortalsane mikegt6 MitziPrey PickleLord Vambre
>>37967 good block list tbh. >>37959 Fucking knew it lmaoo Y'know how Emmy makes me feel? Same feeling as the Bearded Vore Hobo. Seeing them in something just ruins any mood. But instead of JUST being a turn off, they just make me uncomfortable.
>>37959 She commissioned FoF for art once, and I told her it might not be a good idea due to the fact he draws loli shit (more as a general rule than anything, I just feel like it's irksome to draw underage characters for the fetish, but that's just me) She asked if I could show proof, I did, and then nothing She still gets art from FoF, I think
>>37975 He* He's also into loli.
>>37898 >Had an entire dream of me getting devoured by my friend as a method of planned suicide yeah anon.. y-yeah.
>>37961 Oh my god
>>37989 I never said that. Perhaps you meant to reply to someone else.
>>37914 THIS Also that other brainless dude begging for pics of him and Acerola. Fuck you man, get a life and don't get near any school please
>>37952 Did they ever finish their degree? What and where was she studying anyways, like what fallback does dook have if this whole vore streaming thing, inherently niche and not very marketable, doesn't work out at all
>>38003 They've got Fansly, could always be an Egirl I guess lol
>>37895 Their OC Cinder was basically ruined because of this. Went from an athletic pred that was barely utilized to basically a blatant simp for her cousin and had her metabolism erased just so she can be like old Ember to make up for Ember permanently a butterball now. Except when Ember isn't and just has a regular vore belly, making Cinder's reduction pointless. Not that she really makes a presence anyway, since most of her appearances she's either a chicken scratch hiding behind Ember or just a head in the background. When she does have her own she's literally just "WOW I'M TOTALLY LIKE EMBER I'M SO FAT TOO" as if Metal ever did much her before regressing her into mini Ember.
>>37943 >when they have no redeeming qualities or skills like at all, but hey at least they stream their ugly vtuber model on Twitch This is what I mean here. This is Emmy's whole personality. Voretuber pronouns - vore/vore If dumb fucking people didn't simp for their character so much they'd have nothing going on. The only reason they're popular is because some popular people like them for some reason and they also have a ton of money to spend on art so they became popular by proxy. How much you wanna bet they put the "!" before the rest of the name just so they're first or at the very least higher priority in the discord member lists? This wannabe requires so much attention it's insane.
Voraisha The fact that she is also a voretuber pisses me off But it is not just that, she quite literally wants to be worshipped as a goddess, which feels insanely narcissistic, I don't even have the words on what I feel about this She streams FETISH content on twitch, wants her followers to basically worship her, I am praying for the day she will be banned from the fucking platform It's actually infuriating
>>38016 >How much you wanna bet they put the "!" before the rest of the name just so they're first or at the very least higher priority in the discord member lists? That is absolutely the case with him. What a fucking loser.
>>37958 I want to anonymously commission art of dook being humiliated (in a non vore sense, somebody ridiculing them for having a fursona) what do you think would happen if I did?
>>38029 Depends Anon, you got any specifics for any artists reading the thread?
>>37898 I mean I could see someone not liking muted melody but to say that it makes you hate the artist is pretty damn fragile
Paramouth Pictures. The models are very attractive, The voice acting for animations is very flat and doesn't any of the characters they play as, and when they use internal shits for rl vids it always from that male asshole Leucan. I hate that a few of of the artists that I like and/or mutuals with work with them. It's such a waste of time and effort
>>38034 *Aren't very attractive
>>37936 The most annoying thing about them is how they have a presence in vore shit and have a ‘say’ in what’s good and bad. Any unbearable cunt with that ‘authority’ deserves the rope. >>38016 Yeah. Having no redeeming qualities other than “look my avatar is in vore shit and I make lewd comments about vore on my streams! Vore!!!!” is embarrassing. Honestly preferred their old furry avatar than the shitty one now. I’m not a fan of how she’s all buddy buddy with some big name artists now either simply because she gets drawn eating others/being eaten Aside from all that, would have to say the most insufferable prick I’ve had the displeasure of being introduced to is HMDvore. He is a Nice person, there is absolutely no question about that, anyone who hyperfocuses THAT much on childprey definitely has a few terabytes lying around. There was one horse vid he made an edit of that used actual child screams in it and the level of discomfort that gave me is insane I find it funny that for once people are explaining why they hate fuckers in the community and not just because “they’re opinionated!!”
>>38033 I guess if you put it that way. Kronguss makes good art but I just didn't like Muted Melody. Way to depressing for no reason.
>>38040 Agreed with the furry avatar thing. I dunno, it just looked more appealing than the current maid one. Also I have a bit of beef with Emmy because she got Hungry Brook ran off the internet
>>38042 >depressing for no reason I disagree. I didn't find it depressing. The opening scenes helped to build the prey's character as we got a glimpse into her world. The brutal depiction of the prey's wants and desires meaning absolutely nothing to her predator was one of the most arousing parts of the animation. >>37926 >the pred ate her at the end and the belly was barely noticeable,there wasn't even a digestion sequence or a weight gain aftermath Fair criticisms. It isn't perfect by any means. However I think it did constitute a leap forward as far as animation quality for the "casual f/f with disposal"- niche is concerned. Tasley9's Croptop would later improve on Muted Melody's flaws with detailed digestion scenes.
>>38047 This is a lot of my own frustration with Emmy. Brook literally did nothing to get harassed by Emmy's retarded little lobotomites. All Brook said was "I don't think this is a good idea" regarding the perma-contract Emmy did. Emmy threw a shit fit and publicized drama, Emmy's little Wizard of Oz monkeys decided to go attack Brook because Emmy cried like a bitch over it. Emmy is just Dream but with vore instead of minecraft. >>38040 This is literally all Emmy has. She's a parasite who thrives off of attention. >>38040 >>38047 Also yeah the furry avatar was so much better. >>37958 Also yeah I guess my comparison to Emmy just being Vore Dream is more accurate than I thought, literally a cheater and a serial narcissist.
>>38057 I don't even think her recent donation drive for her animation actually got the money I still think she faked the donations
>>38066 Probably trying to overhype it and make it seem like she has this form of exclusivity all the while manipulating some people into donating large sums of money because they want to be better than the previous donations
>>38069 I know, right? Like, she shared the OG post so many times, and the bar was always empty. And then suddenly BAM, we're what, 500 away from the goal? Kinda sus, ngl
>>38042 I like vore that both is and isn’t depressing. When it isn’t its fap material and when it is it’s a story. Stuff like sap in the grass is something that I know people here will probably despise but but honestly take out the vore and it’s a pretty decent thriller novel.
>>38047 What happened that made him distance himself from the furfags? >>38057 Perma-contract? Explain.
>>38087 Emmy had this whole contract system you filled out to toss your character into the void basically saying it was no longer your character because she would perma-vore them. She got called out, she backpedaled and said it was simply an RP thing, would block anyone who backed out and all that, I dunno but it's stupid IMHO, I don't get the appeal of Perma on old characters, if I ever did something like that it would be a character designed to be tossed.
>>38016 Shouldn't a few reports be enough to get someone on the twitch staff to see that it's obscene fetish content that really shouldn't be on the site.
>>38087 Probably the whole drama involving Brook and her girlfriend? I really don't know, I got too angry to follow.
Rokka. Gotta be him. Literal thief who does not cite anyone he commissions. Hasn’t drawn shit a day in his life but treats all art he posts as his own, rather than the work of many others. Lots of rumours out there that he mistreats the people he comms too. Genuinely sounds like the worst type of paying customer.
I forgot about Zapor and his downright psychotic hatred of Karbo for some reason or another. Dude is literally brain-dead enough to go around commissioning art of his own character eating Crisis. Also his constant underage shit, that'a nasty.
>>38092 I think some of that was the reason, yeah. She just said furries made her feel bad or something, so what I'm assuming is furries didn't forgive her nearly as much given that specific situation. Or in general furries have more standards than her current fans at least lol.
>>38107 Which is pretty wild considering we're talking FURRIES here
>>38011 i don't know what you mean by "this", but i agree. Cinder was a very interesting character on her own, she didn't need to change so radically
stop refering to emmydook as "she" or "they", he is a TRANNY he used to have the cyan, pink and white flag on his bio, but probably removed it to attract gullible idiots also, he sounds like a man
go commit suicide by copium overdose in some other board retard
>>38115 Kill yourself
>>38110 Insane to think despite how coombrained furries can be. Y'know with letting dogfuckers roam in the community because "they have cute characters and suits :3" Despite that I do think furries most of the time do hate that they get this type of association, unfortunately we just have retards around.
>>38121 Probably cause the hyper-problematic ones paint the entire fandom as hyper-problematic Like yeah, being a furry comes with baggage, but it shouldn't need to come with THAT much baggage.
>>38122 Definitely agree, it's the ones talking about how much the furry community has changed and how it's not as welcoming as it used to be but it's always been a real dumpster fire. I mean yeah we have the puritans and all that but we've always had them.
>>38123 Granted, we can't shit-talk them THAT much. We are voraphiliacs, dammit.
>>37934 >Kernac Oh my fucking god, this dude genuinely needs to get some serious mental help the venting in journals is not worth the one or two pieces I might like come out of him every so often, and it's even worse in some discord vent channels. I see this mf spam "I want to die, I want to kill myself" every god damn time I see him vent now.
>>38120 you will never be a woman
>>38154 That's a good one! Think of that one all by yourself little fella? The big scawy twannies making ya cower in fear?
>>38155 get out
you first faggot
>>38117 what the fuck are you talking about?!?!? copium? i'm just telling the truth!
>>38054 To each their own. I didn't quite find it arousing because I mostly like naked prey and internals which were not shown.
"niggas can be women if they want to but they should stfu and not try to self insert themself everywhere" - Platon
>>38105 Tbh Zapor's style itself should tell you all you need to know. Its nasty, messy and unattractive. Karbo's art is at least pleasant to look at.
>>38169 Up there with Faggot in terms of uglyness It all looks so goddamn slimy and gross
What the fuck, why did it auto correct Big's name to that?
Keep seething and malding about trannies it's funny. You're the one pissing your diaper over them, Spaghetti
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>>37920 >he's a sellout, he earns around 4500$ monthly with patreon Cannot really blame the guy if he's making that much money. Just hope he's hoarding that money for better purposes rather than wasting it like the retards employed in Silicon Valley. >>37934 >Doesn't he just commission art not draw? It's these types of accounts that I get annoyed constantly seeing, where the entire gallery is nothing but works someone else made. >>37958 >I don't use 'them' for respect. I use it to vaguely refer to someone. <Rule 29. On the internet, all girls are men, and all kids are undercover FBI agents or Justice Decoys. <Rule 30. There are NO girls on the internet. >He's the one that streams his fetish content on TWITCH of all places. Anon, a LOT of fetish content is streamed across Twatch, Jewtube, Kikebook, etc. Hell, you have unironic Nice persons that upload literal cheeze pizza to those sites. >He's the one turning tail and acting like a victim every time he's slighted. Sounds like typically e-celeb behavior. >Regardless of that though, I maintain to this day that it was hilarious that Emmy still barely kept up with someone playing normally despite being confirmed to be X-Raying. So, Emmy is DSP levels of stupid? >>37959 >Emmy is also a babyfur <First pic related >>37964 >there should be a way to blacklist artists Ditto on this. >>37975 >he draws loli shit So does the Japanese, and the French, and the >>>/loli/ board. If loli is a turn off for you, okay, but that the least damning thing I've heard about him thus far. >>38145 >Granted, we can't shit-talk them THAT much. No, you can. Furfags have earned their reputation for a reason: https://odysee.com/@TrollHuntingSpy:f/Furries-_-Down-the-Rabbit-Hole-8aF2GxWi7Ag:c
>>38220 >3rd pic >room had fursuits left behind Yeah I knew that story was gonna be full of shit. Those fursuits are not disposable and cost thousands of dollars, my furryphobic friend.
>>38237 >Those fursuits are not disposable and cost thousands of dollars <Ignores the fact that those parties were paid for by trust-fund shits >my furryphobic friend <Pic related
>>38238 The whole thing reeks of fake made up by a weeb who's probably coping hard because he's into monstergirls and the other weebs call him a furfag. Anyhow you're just as cringe with this shit anyway, human vore blows turds in quality compared to furry stuff, cry about it.
>>38242 It'd be just as Joewari Da for us if people found out we're into vore.
>>37920 >he's a sellout, he earns around 4500$ monthly with patreon I'm sorry he what
>>38188 are you seriously still crying over this nigga drawing your favorite character getting eaten
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>>38220 Eh, furries are fine as long as they make sure to keep it out of the public eye. Only when fetishes are exposed to the outside world do they become cringe. Everyone, regardless of fetish, should remember that. Pic related, lest we forget. >>38188 Transgroomers aren't welcome here. Get out.
>>38248 >Only when fetishes are exposed to the outside world do they become cringe. Everyone, regardless of fetish, should remember that. There's a clear difference between someone being such an autist that he cannot understand why people keep their fetishes hidden, and people who manage to make fetish fuel that flies over everyone's head. Totally Spies is a common go-to example of the latter.
>>38260 decade later and this autistic topic still lives on? You need to be severely mentally ill to believe, that there's someone in the world having a "spiky hair" or "slowed down" fetish
>>38248 I simply do not believe this story to be true.
>>38105 Huh, I've never heard of that- so you have the pics?
>>38331 He's probably making up shit in his head to fill a narrative he has. I've never seen or heard anything about Zapor hating Karbo and one or two image doesn't mean shit especially since there are images that make him seem more like a fan of Karbo. Here are the images I could find involving crisis, one of them was a commission he got.
>>38364 Thanks for clearing that up m8
>>38288 >"spiky hair" Sonic the hedgehog...
>>38364 I got in touch with Karbo once, asking about that particular Nope drawing And Karbo made clear not only he didn't give permission for it, he explained Zapor just constantly tries to start beef with him I think back in 4chan someone said it was over the fact Zapor has less fans, so his turbo-envy goes ever turboer
>>38364 NTA but in fairness, if you look at Zapor's animations, there's no way the man is sane and normal even by voreaphiliac standards. No person of sound mind would animate facial expressions like those and think "ah yes, that is a face a person could and would make"
>>38473 I've spoken to Zapor in the past. No, they are not sound of mind.
>>38473 Dude does shit as disgusting as Big's own in terms of expression His brain is mold and rot, I guarantee you
“Hate” is definitely too strong a word but I am legitimately curious to see who actually likes mirrormind’s art
>>38364 Jesus fuck that first picture is vomit inducing.
preds with glasses in general
>>38554 Kinda looks like something cyriak would make
I've got a couple of people that piss me off. Dleagueman's popularity genuinely baffles me. He hasn't grown. He hasn't improved. And he's had 12 years to get better. The only thing that's really changed with his """""art""""" is that the character's proportions went from chibi to horrifying slenderman noodle-bodies. And always with that same goddamn generic "learn 2 manga" moe face. And yet, people apparently think these shitty scribbles are worth money. He even has regular customers. And he draws traps (yucky >:( ) Blazekiller19 has effectively destroyed the Acerola tag on G4 with his constant commwhoring. I'd like my ghost loli without TASE's son, good sir. Though I've noticed he doesn't seem to have the presence he used to. Maybe he ran out of money lol. TheSilentor359 for his cult-like worship of Monika and irrational hatred of Natsuki. I mean, I'd hardly consider him an artist seeing as he uses kiskae and fucking kphoria spritesheets, but it got tiring seeing Monika in blue and black clothing. And not to mention his self-insert would always be there too. His journals really show just how unstable he was, as he would pester artists and get blocked, and then bitch about how he's the victim and how he's going to kill himself because he begged for art and got rightfully blocked, trying to paint the artist as literally hitler. One of the artists was 16, and Silentor was probably around 21, asking her to draw his inane shit (mind you a 16 year old shouldn't be drawing vore porn whether it is viewed as sexual or "ToTaLlY nOt Pr0NzZz!!!!!11!!!!!!!"). He's migrated to another account now, where he traces kiskae renders and calls it "art", but he doesn't say anything or do anything funny no more. Migrated or not, his antics will always be fresh in my mind. In a way, he's like a personal lolcow.
>>38674 TWELVE YEARS???
>>38737 Yep.
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>>37920 >$4500 per month If I was making that kind of money fuck changing bro I’m staying with that shit
>>38326 its fake
>>38737 Yeah that's true, the same shit goes to gvb/vtoons, have been 10 years and the only "improvisation" it had is that the lineart got rounder and it added a shitty looking shading on it's junk. This just make me sad.
>>38155 You have no eggs or ovaries, you are a man, and you must leave
The only thing troons do is making everything about themselves and ruin any good media with their narcissism and politics
I don't usually spread negativity, but I've got an artist that comes to mind. Speaking of someone that's been around for a long time and never improved. Someone that's been around *AT LEAST* 16 years and never improved! Slimeman64 I keep seeing his art because the stuff he does overlaps a lot with my interests. But the art is all just the same super cartoony amateur looking crap with ridiculously proportioned unsexy women, and his style has NEVER CHANGED OR IMPROVED since I first saw him come on to the scene. I mean, whatever, Slimeman64, you do you, you obviously like what you make because you've been at it for so long. But I just don't want to see it anymore!
kphoria's deviantart has fallen. I would normally be celebrating, but he's apparently on pisscord now, presumably lying in wait, for another generation of children to fall into his trap, and afflict them with this stupid fetish, much like he has done to me, and so many others before. Why won't this goblin of a man just stay down? Hasn't he caused enough generational trauma?
>>38775 I see what you mean but I personally see it as he found his art style that works for him. That said, he has GOT to stop dumping 20-some pictures at a time, especially since they all sorta just meld together instead of him doing anything different, like a comic or something.
>>38789 The main reason for the mega dumps is that he has to get as many as possible in the little time he has access to one, but hopefully if they can get one it'll open that up as a possibility
>>38785 honestly i do not know how to feel about this it is really conflicting in my head right now on one hand, he introduced me to vore that i enjoy a lot on the other hand, a grown ass man introduced an 8 year old to a fucking fetish that he thought is haha look amy ate cream the rabbit!, unaware that he will have depression over a fetish that he thinks isnt normal at 13 years Motherfucker messed me up so bad Im not the only one who has this experience either, every single person who got introduced to vore got introduced by Kphoria. Mf has thousands, if not tenthousands of children as victims
>>39163 I'd say Kphoria influenced a lot but for me and no doubt a lot of other people, it was MIB2
>>39218 Depends on the age range I just. Kphoria for most zoomers discovering the internet for the first time and MIB2 for millenials and older.
>>39218 I had time to reflect on this a bit and Honestly idk? I think this isnt Kphoria's fault for children having unrestricted internet. I would hate my parents more for allowing this type of shit because i even showed his videos to my relatives openly and was laughing my ass off, not understanding that its some weird ass kink. Everyone just brushed me off as haha wow, cool buddy I think its not his fault
>>38758 >>38737 Svartinge falls into the same category, been drawing on eka's for even longer and the only improvement ive ever seen was in their usage of colors. Sad because i love their deer and shark OC
>>37875 god there is one guy, his name is like vtoons or some shit. FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK I HATE THAT GUY!!! his "art" (if you can even call it that) is all the fucking same, all in the same fucking MSpaint style. "ohhhh but its probably just some autist kid" nah, he's been doing it for 10 years. he still looks the fucking same. its retarded and i hope he fucks off i don't necessarily hate this guy but Patrycja has chronic "same face syndrome" and it really frustrates me
>>39331 I give Patrycja a pass due to being one of the only artists willing to make their preds as passively uncaring as I wish some people would The blonde lady from the recent comics is fucking great
>>39237 Zoomer, still got hit by MIB2. As well though it was Finding Neemo and The Ant Bully. Was like 7 and didn't even realize that shit was making my dick hard. MIB2 was the final nail in the coffin, I Googled that shit and found it was called "vore".
>>38750 Nane of song?
>>39386 Wanna Be Crazy, Guilty Gear
Seeing yet anothef fucking Leo comic drawn by Varu, god fucking dammit I hate those characters so goddamn much It's the most shameless kind of self-insert, the kind that has a girlfriend who caters to all his fetishes, said self-insert is beyond perfect and special, and of course, they're never allowed to fucking lose. Imagine having a spine that weak.
>>38248 Haha, That shit was written by Charem.
Von-de-Rush. You need only to read his bio introduction on either his eka and maybe his DA page and you will understand. If you want to go further down an annoying and nonsensical rabbit hole read up on his comments made sections on either site. He'll go about to every vore artist to say they should cater to his interest and having personal preferences in themes is wrong, selfish and somehow sexist.
Here comes another shit pictures poster on Eka... tell these stupid asses to turn around and go. https://aryion.com/g4/user/NutJob
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>>39815 Sweet Jesus. I did not edit the filenames btw
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>>39822 Made my own versions
>>39869 DAAAAMN ! Thanks for that
Really petty rant and not even directed at vore people in general but I find it really stupid seeing all these artists jump on the adopt bandwagon and shit out a million generic adopts and all that and I will admit I'm guilty of buying adopts and like it's all well and good if you buy adopts but I find it really funny seeing these people go into a financial crisis over it and practically beg people to buy their $200 white dog adopts.
>>39960 Phrasing's a little weird, sorry I'm a little retarded and drunk but if you spend $200 on an adopt and the adopt doesn't even come with any bonuses like a nude alt or extra clothing or more art then you're retarded and you deserve to get laughed at when you try to sell the adopt a week later.
Alright, i guess im gonna add doweljump to my list of hated artists. imagine having artistic talent yet producing Pic rel
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>>39987 Yeah, his human art sucks ass. His furry stuff is alright
>>39987 Why do modern artists insist on drawing black people in the most vile way possible.
>>39987 Vro what the fuck lmao
>>39991 Looking at his art, yeah it seems to be all his humans look fucking vile but god damn
>>39987 Dear god
>>39987 What the fuck. Was or is this guy one of those caricature artists?
>>40084 If there's truly no hope, then time to kill yourself? What's the point of pretending of having a psychosis in a discord channel? What a weird critter.
>>40112 As someone who used to act like this a lot, it's definitely for attention. I get how it feels to want attention, to want people to like you, but at the end of the day this behavior only makes people hate you more lol
>fucking PD back on eka's Nothing personal against the dude, but can't stand the retarded ugly alien/monster/frog shit. Wouldn't be so bad if he hadn't inspired so many others to tackle the exact same subject with the same setups and goofy-ass cartoon monster trash. Already ignore non-female humanoid pred stuff anyhow, but seeing those fuckin aliens in my feed just pisses me off every time.
>>40162 Back? Didn't he die?
>>40244 Yeah PD's Dead, but a couple artists were in contact with him before he died, showed proof of it, and showed proof they had permission to remaster and finish some of PD's unfinished stuff. They've been slowly doing it, as they wanted to make sure it's good, because PD was one of the original vore creators, and anything less than almost perfectly matching his style would be a discredit to the guy.
>>40250 Wait, who's PD? How'd he die?
PD= Phantom Duamutef. He was one of the OG creators on Eka's. I don't think we have a definitive answer but some have said he died in an accident.
>>40250 Im gonna be honest, i dont really care if you like it or not but.. link? im curious about the works
>>40263 So, the Exhentai link is to PD's OG comic from the like, 90's when he posted them to his own site, Carnivore Cafe, and the Eka's link is to one of the group of people remastering the old stuff. Just look at the quality difference. Similar style, but oh so much improved. https://exhentai.org/s/c9fc7698a7/1945316-1 https://aryion.com/g4/view/800648
>>37894 well it's a good thing he got banned from twitter recently lol
>>40366 No shit? What got him banned? The stalking?
>>40367 Not sure to be honest just saw people mentioning he was gone because they know how I much I loathe him.
>>40383 And why was he stalking you?
>>40387 He's just another one of those people who incessantly cry on twitter. He especially tard rages when people call vore a fetish because he's asexual or something, and gets angry when you call his art work for what it is. Even if he's not sexually attracted to vore, he's drawing it with enough detail that it's definitely fetishistic. He can lie all he wants about it but his comments on Eka's says otherwise, especially when they're in relation to skimpily dressed characters being swallowed down. Frankly I don't give a fuck what he draws, what type of content he makes like some of the tards crying over shit they don't actually care about but I do think him having a meltdown over the week over people calling vore a fetish is fucking hilarious.
>>40390 I will never understand the whole "calling an obvious fetish not a fetish" thing. My prevailing theory is that it's some kind of grooming technique, to lure unsuspecting social rejects into unknowingly acquire the fetish. That's just my guess though. Also, are you Spaghetticultists by any chance? I miss you :')
>>40392 It's because he wants to distance himself from the "sexual implications of it" because he's an asexual but then makes all these stupid comments like this, and especially on a loli picture of all things, I don't give a FUCK what you draw or what you're into so long as it's legal, even loli but you CANNOT make these fucking comments and say it's not a fetish lmao
>>40395 "asexual" means you can reproduce without a sexual partner. Is he a planaria?
>>40250 Thank God, his death was a final vore shitpost.
>>40258 So he was an alias of duamutef as well? I thought they were different people.
>>37875 AgroAlba and his husband, Segremores. It's a real fucking shame, they were some of my early introductions to cockvore and unbirthing over a decade ago. Then they got indoctrinated into the gender cult, and now they both post some creepy, borderline groomer crap on twatter, now. Seg used to be a fat, sexy brown maleherm dragon, then a sexy fat maleherm albino gator, then he got brainwashed and came out as a 'trans nonbinary' faggot (which doesn't even make sense) and wants to chop his dick off; now his sona is some shitty gator-bull cuntboy that he insists is a tranny. Agro went from being a big-balled raptor maleherm, to being a fucking disgusting 'barn owl' 'nonbinary' maleherm that's so fuckugly, I can't even bear to post a pic here. Agro still draws well and has improved a lot over the years, but his subject matter has gotten MUCH worse. Anytime someone comes out as a transfaggot or 'nonbinary' is immediate grounds for revocation of his/her pred card. Then, there's Ruthredmane, or Retardredmange as he's better known as. Fucking disgusting uglyass faggot tranny hillbilly from Alabama. His shitsona design is fucking awful. His entire design is to hyperize everything and slap on a bunch of piercings everywhere, and all on a bad color palettte of his character, and it's all so much shitty visual clutter, plus the guy is a complete asshole to everyone and an entitled cuntrag in real life. Transfaggots have no understanding of visual aethetics, even with the standards in the community being this low. Aside from that, I don't hate the guy, but shyguy9 is overrated and hasn't improved much in his art at all in his time in the vore community, and frankly, Sophie is a shit pred. I like some of his early work though, pic related. >>40258 The way I heard it, he died of cancer. >>40250 >permission I'm pretty sure if you die without a successor, and your art isn't owned by any company you work for, that the work itself becomes public domain. >>40392 >I will never understand the whole "calling an obvious fetish not a fetish" thing Because of the social stigma. Fetishes are 'degenerate', and liking them makes you a 'degenerate' by extension. but if what you love isn't a fetish, then you're not a degenerate! Mostly, it's about what is considered socially acceptable or not. There's a name for breast fetishism actually, it's called "mazophilia." But people don't consider those who love breasts to be 'fetishists', because it's considered to be normal, apparently. Vore on the other hand isn't considered normal by any stretch of the imagination. >>40396 He's using the other meaning of asexual, people who don't have a sexual attraction towards other people. While asexuality actually does exist and has been documented and studied, it's mostly used as a " Look at me I'm so special! xD " identity, same as the transfags and nonbinary retards on twatter. What the snowflakes fail to realize is that in order to actually be asexual, you have to have a complete lack of sex drive at all. If you find things like vore or fatness sexually stimulating, then you're not asexual.
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Trowelhands, where do I even start with this motherfucker? I'll let his art speak for itself.
>>40430 >There have been studies and it's been recorded still mental illness, not real.
I love how you retards act like you have any say about trannies and faggots like you actually have sex lol
>>40430 >While asexuality actually does exist and has been documented and studied You mean erectile dysfunction?
>>40502 >still mental illness, not real Wait, how can something be both a mental illness and also not exist? Doesn't it have to exist in the first place to be a mental illness? Depression is a mental illness, and it's still considered "real." Furthermore, asexuality isn't considered to be a mental illness because in order for something to be a mental illness, it has to regularly interefere with daily functioning of life. If someone isn't interested in sex and it doesn't affect their daily living, it's not considered a mental illness. Besides, we all like vore, and even though it's not considered normal, none of us would consider it a mental illness that intereferes with our daily way of life. >>40505 >you can't criticize ugly groomers because ur virginz!!11!!!1 Every thread this stupid transfag shows up. YWNBAW and nobody here is going to accept you. Deal with it. >>40507 >implying asexuality is exclusive to males Look, I understand, twatterfags are annoying and treating it as a fad, I got it. However, when we consider the fact that there are fetishes for things like vore, or scat-eating, or imagining yourself as the opposite gender while you jack off, is it really too inconcievable to think that maybe having a lack of sexual attraction is a possibility?
>>40510 Who says I'm even a woman you dumb retard, I sure didn't, I'm just saying you're an annoying cunt who keeps crying about stupid shit. You're gonna die before you're die before your forty if you let your blood pressure spike over this shit lmao.
>>40512 >You're gonna die before you're die Not sure what the hell happened there but alright
>>40512 maybe try stop bitching and stop being a faggot and people won't think you're a woman then you stupid fuck
>>40518 So much for YWNBAW smh
>>39960 Man now I'm looking at all the artists who stopped doing normal art and only went to adopt whoring.guess they're making bank on not drawing porn though
>>40510 tl;dr
>>39987 This turns me off vore, the man just might be curing me
One of the worst things an artist can do is put a poll behind a paywall because, at that point, you are paying to have a chance to see what you want to see. The worst part is when one of the characters is popular because of memes or some site like Twitter because you know they will win, making a poll pointless.
How long does Tsavo have before he troons out?
>>40840 He's definiely heading in that direction but I can't say I care that much. His art style is almost as grotesque as Faggot's now, but with like 1/4 of the technical skill
>>40843 Some of his stuff now is alright but his faces have suffered the most over time. His belching faces are also incredibly retarded looking.
>>40833 That depends. If the poll is paywalled but the art isn't, that's something we should respect - the artist wants to make money but doesn't want to restrict access to his art, and there aren't many possible compromises for that. If we consider taking commissions as an alternative, that's still a matter of the decisions behind the art being 'paywalled'. But yeah from a supporter perspective, paying to access a poll isn't very satisfying.
Anybody knows why Green Glutton arts slowly becomes worst and uncanny ? I mean, his old arts never were the most incredible ones out there to begin with, but they were making way more sense than his current works
>>40936 Being a patreon slave will do that to ya
Not really posting to hate on an artist, just silly gossip: Who do you think draws shit that would get them cancelled but never posts it? Bonus points if they're also some moralfag.
>>40936 Why waste days doing something actually good and improve on your drawing skills if any garbage he throws to his stupid followers still make them venerate it and waste more of their money to any shit he draws. Sadly this also count to other artists, not only for GreenGlutton...
>>41000 >Who do you think draws shit that would get them cancelled but never posts it? ANYONE who moralfags. It's called "The iron law of woke projection".
>>41046 Batty Durg SpottedSqueak Grinda Unsurprising, but obvious pattern here,
>>41064 >Batty >SpottedSqueak Wait, really? I liked a lot of their works. Could you post proofs?
>>41066 IDK about the furfag, but Batty deleted a lot of his loli art, like that Nagatoro pic you see every now and then
>>41000 Maybe Big-Big, since he's drawn loli and kids as preds and highschoolers eating each other before
>>41074 PigPig drew loli? When???
>>41075 He's drawn a fair bit of shota prey too. I remember he went back and just threw a really shitty beard on one when some retards started bitching about one of his comics. It was pretty funny. >>41066 >>41068 Here's some ancient ones. A lot of this stuff would take place in high schools, involve teen characters. He also had several doodles featuring his self-insert eating baby rabbits, or young rabbit pred.
>>37911 TRUEEEE
So I just found out through another artist's post that kattu will never make Emily into a pred Which is honestly both pathetic and hilarious at the same time Gabby is such a shit-tier character/pred compared to her sister, I'd much rather have Em be the pred than her crybaby city depopulator of a sister
>>41182 Paogordo's content is up there with Faggot as borderline worthless on almost every level. Once in a blue moon they might do something unique to them, but day to day is just the same slop.
>>41511 Biiggybiiggy is filtered to "Faggot" TIL
>>41512 Faggot
>>41515 Huh you’re right
>>41078 What about veryfaggy? I haven’t seen their loli stuff
>>41517 He nuked it all
>>41511 GibGib at least tries to use other characters, even if the art ends up slimmy as shit most of the time Meanwhile Paogordo just wants to jack off to yet another piece of Gabby eating an entire preschool or something before bitching and whining about all of it I was legitimately shocked when the gym comic had the PT actually survive
Any artist that makes you feel bad for the prey. Vore is supposed to be hot, not depressing.
>>41531 I don't get Kattu/Paogordo. All of the Gabby shit is exactly the same. How can you spend ~10 years of your life doing the shitty stories and same shitty drawings? Are they both stuck in a time loop?
DowelJump This asshole. Just look at this, this Is supossed to be Nami from One Piece. The most annoying thing Is that it's Really well drawn it's just extremely ugly
>>41585 I won’t argue that it’s vile, but it’s supposed to be “Fake Nami” aka Chocolat from One Piece, which makes more sense.
>>41576 Either it makes him a shit-ton of money, or he jerks off to it furiously
>>41585 I don't believe ANYONE can get off to something so horrendous. ALL his humans look like that too. No idea why. >>41590 It's probably both
>>41531 >>41576 >>41182 The PT was made by nKAIRO or whatever the name is and could've been written by him too, probably why the trainer lived but I was so pleasantly suprised he did. No clue why Paogordo refuses to switch stuff up when it's a bresh of fresh air. I always figured he was building up to Emily being a pred after literal years of more world building with the stuff of eating watermelons or whatever whole and getting a gf that could make her less a psycho so that's disappointing to hear nothing will ever change. Still, what I dislike most about their stuff is the how the weight gain only goes to their boobs or butts. The mass vore is cool but after digestion their tits are so gigantic they look comically bad but still somehow unironic. When the girls do actually get shown with having a big belly mid digestion or a soupy belly they actually look normal and really good. Their stuff is so frustrating, it's like they've either never gotten feedback from anyone before or just never looked at it. Their new stuff is 95% Inchuba(that's spelt wrong)'s art anyways
Oh yeah, there's also that, too All of Paogordo's art looks like Newgrounds-level style, it looks so fucking wrong...
>>41576 It's crazy how long some artists have been posting this stuff, like JTvorecomics/sexylexi have been posting for 10 years too, and everytime I think he innovate's in some way in a new comic there's something else that it lacks in or just looks low effort or quality. If DiskData made comics he'd be the clear #1 3D vore artist, though I suppose JT has a family and real job to care about first.
>>41761 Nah, DiskData's has already gotten stale (for me at least)
>>41798 What's stale about him for you? Tbh my only problem's are his stuff is getting kinda repetitive but that's bound to happen, but mostly that I wish he'd make longer posts or more comics instead of so many little 1 or 2 scenes so quickly
The moment he stopped doing detailed bulges and just settled for generic textured spheres with a few elevations is when I knew he got stale
>>41588 I get the fact that is Fake Nami but you know. WHY!? why would anyone find that arousing plus the caption HOLY FUCK THAT'S VILE
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I hate the scenario when an attractive girl gets eaten by a bland faceless male. Annoys me to no end
>>41869 I share the same thought my dude. The least they could do is making the dude atractive, i love the concept of really atractive person being treated like nothing More than a piesce of mest but come on making a generic faceless dude it's just lazyness
>>41869 Men should always be subs for this kind of fetish. Men are utility. Women are beauty. Beauty should never die by utility.
>>41869 >>41873 >>41875 Women belong squirming in a man's gut. It's their place, bros.
>>41877 No, that’s disgusting. What are you, fucking GAY?!
>>41075 He drew it in that first paid mini comic series. Kanna Kamui is depicted there, and even eats people and goes through weight gain with him emphasizing her now big milkers full of milk. Of course in the second one Kanna is nowhere to be found. I wonder what got him to start giving a shit about that
>>41912 Ye. >>41890 Silence you stupid dragon
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>>41890 sounds like a dude with a voice changer or something
>>41761 >>41832 >>41798 Yderov/Voredy will always be the no.1 3d artist. They just don't post much any more but that sister AV comic was huge.
>>41869 Male pred artists always say "Female pred art is all the same." yet 99.99% of the time their "art" is always the same two "1 guys eats (whatever stupidly high amount) of girls" or "faceless dude ate your waifu" scenarios repeated ad nauseam.
>>42276 I think Voredy would've been number 1 if he kept posting elsewhere other than pateron/didn't vanish off DA. His stuff was insanely good when he came back for that month or two. IK he still posts on pateron but seems mainly AV and that's just not my preference. So until his stuff starts getting super rushed or visibly low quality Diskdata will be #1 for me/
>>42294 Not defending them by any means but I guess I kinda see where they're coming from given there is a lot more F/M content than M/F but at the same time it's no different. Vore kinda is just the same shit over and over again, as is anything really, so they need to get off their highhorse, they're not special just because they're catering to a minority of the vore community.
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>>42299 Malefags are more annoying though. No idea why. Maybe it's because they're fags that like men instead of women. That can't be healthy.
Generally, anyone who tries to moral fag for social rights while drawing the most taboo degenerate porn. I've had one get pissed at me before old loli commissions I used to drew for money. Meanwhile, they are drawing my little ponies getting decapitated and fucked in the neck hole, for themselves. You know, among several other completely taboo fetishes. They tried to get me banned off ekaportal. And when it didn't work, deleted their eka account in made a twit longer about supporting Nice personphilia. Drawing Loli = evil Satan Drawing snuff = uwu daddy I would give you names but I've blocked these artists mentally from my mind. Pretty easy when they spiral out and delete their art 90% of the time, so I never end up seeing there art again. Going crazy from trying the convince their followers to support the insane politics of a mentally ill coomer. Derg is the only one I remember since he works with my art buddy. I remember unfollowing him because he posted more BLM and Woke politics than he did art on his galleries. Artist who treat their taboo fetishes like it's normal ass shit. Like they want vore added to the faggot alphabet next LGBTQIAV
>>42322 Maybe try not being a p3d0
>>42325 >Calls me Nice person >Illegal CP thread pops up immediately after Feds baiting on this site?
>>42322 Sensationalism, and holier than thou attitude. It comes with the territory of being into all that political garbage. Whatever let's them knock down other people to feel cool
>>42328 I'm glad I wasn't on when the scum posted that shit. But I feel sorry for the mod since he had to deal with that nasty shit.
>>42400 It happens more often than you'd think.
>>42300 >Maybe it's because they're fags that like men instead of women. That can't be healthy. m/f fans that self insert as the pred are not gay
>>42417 Men are still subs
>>42417 You're still jerking off to a hairy fat dude, faggot! You are braindead if you think that's straight.
>>42426 I was gonna ask why you say gay like it's a bad thing, bit then I remembered that I'm dealing with a chan board... stay classy, anon
>>42428 He still makes a point. Why would you jerk off to Kingassripper vore if you're straight? ( ͠° ͟ʖ ͡°)
Voraciousartistry/darkflame8 Troon who forces the ideas a large portion of their female characters are trans because they insist upon imposing their delusions on everyone. Like I know it's just a render/drawing, but knowing the artist intended for them to be a troon is a major boner killer.
>>42296 ??? They post everything on ekas afaik
>>41960 Self portrait? It's very well done.
>>41983 The days of the internet only being used by men are over, (tr)anon. But that doesn't matter to you since you'll headcanon everything to be homosexual/trans/Nice personphilic in nature. You already think liking attractive girls makes you want to vote Dems.
>>41960 Nice personphilia autocorrects to Nice personphilia vote Dems autocorrects to vote dems No wonder this board has gone to shit
Sry, s3xxinG childr 3n to vote dem And p3d0p1l1aa to Nice Person love. Why are the mods like this? You're like reddit/4chan mods. You run this shithole like a communist utopia
>>42548 >vote Dems autocorrects to vote dems That's a sitewide filter. There's also one that auto-changes to "A gang of niggers".
>>42546 >>42547 >>42548 >>42549 Fella, did you really need to make four posts to respond to that, holy fuck you are malding lmfao
>>37952 I swear to God your one of sinfulapis discord friend group. Whatever happened to the vent channel that you guys hid, then remade then hid again. then remade a third time before hiding it. My discord is fucked up because of you
>>42561 >Projecting
>>42563 I'm not the one who had to respond to the same post four different times you fucking schizoid lmao
>>42564 >Schizoid
>>42474 thats my bad, I wasn't aware they posted there still, just cause it's been a year since they posted on DA and never finished the current comic they were posting on there. Their new stuff is mainly Anal vore and unbirth and isn't for me, but that's nice they still post there for fans of that stuff. Wish they still did oral vore as often as they used to though on DA
>>42581 Oh hey, that's me. Last couple of things I've posted on ekas are oral vore. I'd agree though, I jump from one type of vore to the next quite often lol. DA's rules became stricter as time went on, and conflicted with what I wanted to make. I mostly abandoned it, however I'd consider posting the "softer" side of oral vore there if there was still an interest.
>>41869 >If the man has a face, it's ok!!!! You unironically beat off to NTR and vore where girls are violently and torturously killed by monster/feral/male pred you gigafaggot child enjoyer. >>41873 "The man should be attractive (read: look like a girl) You are the gigafaggot loser who grooms artists into drawing your femboy oc self insert transgender whatever Internet meme buzzword you hear and try shoehorning into vore like the NPC you are lmfao. You're no different to Thunderbongus/HipAttack, that nigger faggot vore erping on X like a fucking sperg between posting a drawing and complaining, or that lgbt child feet enjoyer Mhyboi You're the reason we have disgusting femboys pushed in anime, like felix argyle, astolfo and venti >>41877 Spoken like Jeffrey Dahmer >>41960 Trannies/Gays/Crossdressers/"real life loli uWu" enjoyers are all NPCs, holy fuck lmao. Get into a car crash after smoking pot or OD on your fent, Renael. >>41983 >He doesn't know md002 hired a MtF tranny to voice Chel in his vore anim https://aryion.com/g4/view/960758 >>42299 "Let me make a false equivalence" kys you fudge packing child rapist. You are defending child fans like Four O Faggot, Tsavo, EmmyDook (transgender Mexican abdl freak) and moralfags like SinfulLapis >>42322 Killboo... Doomfister.... Coolwoman.... Renrenrew... Darkflame8/VoraciousArtistry... (mY FaMiLy DiEd In tHe hOlOcAuSt!!!!!!!) VincentShadowScale... DodongoQueen3... brandon14... FoolyFox.... Monsterzone5... genly... Halcyon.... Draconatedz... ItsSongXing... Renael... DeadStrategicCactus.... DoubleOSnake... heymanand/Hey Manand.... rokka... >>42417 Most sane sphincter tearer >>42428 Can't take the heat, get out of the kitchen, future child molestoer. The worst part of you faggots entering our community is the fact that no artist has the balls to tell you no so you fuck off and make a site for your gay male pred trans pred zoophilia diapers nonbinary abdl "vore" and any artist that does gets banned like spaghetticultists did, while actual terrible people like tanookication and kinkyvorechick/KVCArts and forgottenhatter and pickyfanboy stay.
>>42601 Dude do you need like a lie down or something? Really bringing down the mood here.
>>41520 Can… Can I see it?
>>42604 Lil' Fella's gonna tucker himself out eventually.
>>42601 now say all that but while on meds please
>>42601 >Spagetfag still mad he managed to get banned on ekas
>>42618 >Be spaghetti >Breaks rules on site by posting unflattering art of another member of the site who admittedly deserves to get called out for shitty behavior. >Gets banned for shitty behavior >Itsthedamntranniesandfaggotsfault.jpg
>>42618 >>42619 "rent free"
>>42601 and this is why the internet hates chan boards... can we please go 5 FUCKING MINUTES without sperging out?!
>>42631 >Everyone shares my opinions Picrel
Btw lapis, they'll bury you with your birth name.
>>42619 >Itsthedamntranniesandfaggotsfault.jpg
>>42619 What was my shitty behaviour, fag?
>>42619 >"Breaks rules on site by posting unflattering art of another member of the site" Get the fuck out of here, tourist! He got banned for calling Reanal a troon admin on twitter and Eka got pissy over it. Not everything is about you, Picky! If you knew better than you would've stopped being ass mad at him for a year straight after he stopped trolling you. You're a faggot that keeps chugging bait and no one wants you or your butt buddies ruining our culture! You're not cool. Get out. >>42653 Also hi LARPer-kun. :) >>42618 Someone's still fuming over it. Move on. Eka's is a shit hole that has less worth than DA in art quality and is littered with cultists of the current zeitgeist that will body you if you don't abide to it's erroneous whim.
>>42660 >Spagfag still can't spell >Spagfag "not mad" but regularly shits up this board about it Please never change, you're such a funny fucking autistic case study
>>42601 >faggots entering our community Gay stuff in vore has been around for a very long time now. A majority of these artists weren't even around yet and there was plenty of gay stuff >>42660 So Spaget is fine with openly giving shit to troons, but won't draw "underaged" characters anymore? Who is he pleasing?
>>42696 Drawing porn of adult troons > drawing children At least be a degenerate with standards.
EmmyDook has been proving how fucking weak her ego is nowadays Nothing but art and more art of her eating characters/VTubers who are more successful than her It's honestly kind of pathetic
>>42710 I honestly don't see the appeal of voretubers, Vtubers are one thing but fuck, man, voretubers are the worst
>>42696 It never should have been tolerated in the first place. it's the reason we have garbage spammed on aryion.com to begin with, without talking about all the real degenerates who shoehorn their mental illness and desire for children into vore that have flocked to aryion because of the floodgates being opened by letting faggot homosexuals in. You aren't getting anywhere by saying <Gay stuff in vore has been around for a very long time You're the kind of person who turns a blind eye to all of the suneater's, brandon14's, nnn4464's and TheAllSeeingEye's because you have sensible Asian artists still willing to draw cute girls eating people-considering there's now a pipeline for western artists who start drawing vore or any fetish or normal porn to be groomed into drawing male pred feral/furshit/horses bestiality abdl diapers scat-eating femboys feet musk nonbinary/trans pred self-insert pc garbage (insert whatever current fetish is making the rounds for the mentally disabled) that all of you "westerners" (and I say this very loosely) refuse to address because you'll step on the toes of the washed up "artists" you follow and will be denied your porn-only for you to then start generating vore porn using stable diffusion. Which we all know you are the hypocrites complaining about us AI generating the porn we want to see, until you favourite artist bans you or stops making good content. Keep telling us that the "Gays" and "Trannies" and "Femboys" aren't the problem. Keep helping us redpill artists to ignore every single one of you mentally ill cock gargling, scat-eating tiny human enjoying freaks because you will destroy them physically and mentally while destroying their business. We've already had a few artists show up itt, keep it up faggots. I look forward to the bright future vore has ahead of it, without you to complain and groom and bully us for being normal. For fucks sake, StickyGlobule was destroyed mentally by Fof/404 and now barely fucking posts, and this isn't bringing up the mentally ill people he found himself surrounded by like impy and hipattack/thunderbongus. Even fof/404 was groomed, look at his discord and subscribestar, he used to draw cute girls eating people and had a great style and ideas and now he talks about his garbage male pred ideas about a Loli uwu shota voring his sister or fate girls being vored by little boys. (What, nobody is going to call out fof/404 for voting dem?)
>>42740 Who's suneater, dare I ask? I'm familiar with the other fags you mentioned, but I don't think I've ever heard of a suneater.
>>42740 Shut up A0 you sperg, you don't know these people at all
The trend of artists developing more extreme and depraved fetishes isn't a conspiracy, it's a natural consequence of over-exposure to vore. Just like any other addiction, you develop a tolerance over time and need more extreme things to get off. Anyone who is deeply involved in a fetish community is at risk of this, whether or not they are being "groomed". Child characters in vore isn't new either, a lot of female pred same-size vore fans first exposure to vore was through kphoria and brain3times3, both of whom were most prolific well over a decade ago. I will concede that the more highly sexualized loli/shota type characters are a more recent development that comes from the increasing popularity of anime/manga tropes in the vore community.
>>42738 The problem with it is that they make it their entire fucking character, whereas normal fucking VTubers have a lot more to work with Also, how many fucking redos has Emmy done to her avatar? Can't even pick a consistent theme, I mean ffs...
>>42744 It isn't natural, but it happens because you don't have self control to reign yourself in or give yourself time to think about your fetishes. Idiots come in here thinking that everyone else is "just like me fr fr" in collecting more absurd, disturbing and extreme tastes/fetishes to add to vore, meanwhile everyone else is fine with only female pred and just playing with scenarios or clothes, body types or demihumans/mongirls and furries. Nobody, nobody is lusting after child characters, or as you call them (incorrectly) loli or shota characters, the only people doing this are gay/trans weirdos like rokka, mhyboi, suneater/ who are completely glossed over by moralfags like sinfullapis and her discord clique that instead turn their pitchforks on normal people drawing cute anime girls as preds; who don't have a rabid fanbase (pigpig/nignig/bigjew) that will defend them or enough fans (metalforever) who see through their autism and bully them. The people who do want "child pred" (ffs, none of this autism existed years ago, it was just normal people drawing cute girls eating people, you fucking speeds) are relatively unknown and small, but you can always find them by following the homosexual/trans/nonbinary/whatever sexuality crowd on Eka's, the tards with pronouns in bio and lgbt rights or 'if you're racist or whatever DNI' talk about fighting these people, but never aim at them, but normal people drawing normal art. It'll be a cold day in hell when these people like jackspades and chameleonette and mysticsummoner start harassing people who deserve to be harassed like dodongoqueen3 and brandon14 and rokka and Roco for the awful shit they make.
>>42743 >(S)he's A0(IISA???) and who might you be, fellow sperg that knows me? >>42741 Adventure time vore, Finn and Jake vore, Shit, scat-eating, diapers, Steven universe vore. All of the stuff pickyfanboy (peace be upon him) should've gone to his therapist about and not "NUE IS BEING VORED IN A DRAWING ON THE INTERNET!!!!!! I NEED TO SPEND HUNDREDS OF DOLLARS ON A COMMISSION RIGHT NOW!!!!!!!!" Fucking hell, there's even someone uploading ACAB BLM type political vore where some Steven universe gemsona girl has a dick and is cockvoring police with a hazbin hotel girl doing the same. Damn I really wish I had that nue on the cross picture right now.
>>42744 For me, instead of going down the depravity rabbit hole, I simply take a break from vore porn until I can get off to it again.
>>42746 >>42748 I said it was natural, but that doesn't mean I think it's good or even acceptable. Enjoying vore in moderation and keeping your interests tame and reasonable is much more healthy than going into a depravity spiral. But we're talking about terminally online people who spend a significant amount of time drawing, writing, or thinking about vore. They aren't they most mentally healthy to begin with. >Nobody, nobody is lusting after child characters Maybe not in a non-vore context, but again, up until recently portraying children as prey (and teenagers as preds) was extremely normalized on Eka's portal. Some of the oldest female pred artists on the site, like brain3times3 and aesir draw lots of child prey artwork. Scenarios like babysitters eating kids, or women eating girl scouts going door to door to sell cookies are practically cliche, not to mention to amount of vore that takes place in a high school setting. Is this different than how some people sexualize child preds by making characters that fit the loli/shota archetypes? In my opinion it is, but it's a fine line
>>42747 >>42740 If this is the real A0IISA post proof of being this based. Put the words "Pickled Peppers" in your next blog or twitter post..
>>42746 Whose suneater? Who’s rokka? Pls explain
>>42752 Your way of thinking, the acceptance and application of real world descriptors for age (child, teenager) to fictional characters in a sexual context is the issue here, if you were doing the same in a narrative sense, things would be fine. But trying to project age, something only applicable to people, not characters, is the problem here. This is the exact flaw in thinking that has contributed to the degradation of vore and every site that catered to it thus far, and that has led to the persecution of countless innocent artists.
>>42752 <Natural <Adopting increasingly dysgenic and absurd fetishes is natural No, it isn't. You are part of the problem for thinking this way. You can go back to being normal and finding women attractive and coming up with neat scenarios like a pred eating a restaurant cashier or something. Being anything but heterosexual is a choice, a choice to be worse, unhealthy, unhappy and insufferable.
Interestingly, we have new life entering the community thanks to the degeneracy reaching a fever pitch and it now being normalized to be slightly more vocal about your disdain for it. Only slightly, you can't say "this is garbage" because there are still idiots who will defend ms paint tier/brandon-14 quality art because it is or has some quality that appeals to them sexually, but the times are changing. Before you know it we'll be back to calling faggots and trannies names and banning and harassing them off our site and the mods and admins will be complicit in trolling them. Good Times are ahead.
>>42776 even fictional characters have a definite age in the context of a specific work there are many characters that are commonly portrayed as a wide range of ages, but my post wasn't referring to people drawing fanart of underage characters as adults, that's an even more ridiculous thing to take issue with than children as prey >>42777 can you not see how the same logic applies to liking vore itself? it's a bizarre, unnatural fetish that glorifies death and sexual violence; clearly if you enjoy it it's only because you chose to turn away from consensual heterosexual intercourse for the purpose of procreation
Remember when Vale-City did vore art? Why does this fucker still post on Eka's????
>>42798 Valecity realized he couldn't make money from appealing to pregnancy or stuffing fetishists as much as he could vore fetishists, and didn't want to put in the effort to develop the skills and mindset required, or to cultivate an audience for those things. 99% of vore artists (and artists or fetish artists or porn artists) have no idea how to run their businesses. If he just ignored the faggots spamming garbage on aryion and distanced himself from the toxic commissioners and artists he would've been fine, but he quit instead, probably nuked his gallery and burned his fans, only to come crawling back when drawing vore analogues that weren't actually vore, and weren't making them money weren't doing it for them. Vale, please come back. The community misses the great vore art you drew and your characters and designs. The brown centaur sheriff comic you made was one of my favorites. It featured awesome BV, OV and AV and the red hair, tan/dark skin sheriff was hot. We miss you man, really. Come back and start putting out good vore art again, ignore the weirdos telling you to draw male pred or plant pred or monster pred, they're just trying to groom you and will only stop you from making money and destroy you physically and mentally like they did sticky globule, big big, f0f/404/fof and many other greats we used to have. I suppose this became an open letter to all the great former artists we had.. It's never too late to change things. It's never too late.
I also wanted to say that the Midna comic ain't bad, I like it. Keep it up, Vale.
>>42740 >>42802 I'm out of the loop. What happened between fof and Stickyglobule?
>>42818 Bumping so I can know as well. And who the hell are suneater and rokka? No one will tell me
You have names, search for them on Eka's. If you won't try to learn, why should anyone try to teach you?
>>42823 I don’t want to see the garbage art associated with those names, just give me the drama
Sticky's still drawin some good ass shit on twitter, you're acting like he's been institutionalized or something. Don't even disagree about people getting surrounded by these gross sycophants and groomed into weirder shit, but if you wanna accuse someone of 'mentally destroying' another you might have to back it up.
Also dunno how people know so much about how fucked fof is and are in his private server when I've never seen some much as a single cropped message. I mean I'd believe it, some of his stuff speaks for itself, but either these guys are oddly close to the dude or bullshitting.
>>42828 It's likely the information was lost when 8kun died, and no one bothered to archive it.
>>42828 Because they don't exist. Does >>42740 seem like stable minded individual? It's just that one schizo dude that goes from site to site and board to board raging about everyone and everything that he hates. I can't imagine spending this much time seething about things you don't enjoy when there's an entire fucking world of other shit to enjoy. Bro isn't normal, he needs meds.
Don't know if this fits the thread's criteria or not but whatever. Why do people dislike/hate EmmyDook? Not a fan of them myself but i'm asking to see why others don't like her I know there was a whole perma-OC digestion thing and they only got popular because of their vore-ness throught streams (hate this), but still I don't want to hear "she's a trannyyyyy!!!" as a complaint, that's a pathetic argument and I'm not a tranny sympathiser, I want to know why they're such a cunt
>>42852 >troon And there goes my boner
>>42852 Someone make a masterpost of all the shit theyve done so we can put this question to bed
>>42852 <I don't want to hear "she's a trannyyyyy!!!" as a complaint, >Tranny >Not being argument enough for despising them. Did you forget that how all trannies are narcissistic scum? They're part of the reason you faggots have problems in your community.
>>42863 >>42873 I could not care less of someone dressing up like a girl having a cock. That's not even an argument and is just nitpicking >>42864 Please. I've heard gossip and rumours around their behaviour but I don't have a proper idea on why they're so shitty. I will say that they're a shit streamer who depends on their whole vorey shit to have fans, shit model too
>>42878 <I could not care less of someone dressing up like a girl <I could not care less of someone <could not care less of I know you english speakers are having your culture annihilated and being demographically replaced by foreigners, but at least know how to speak your own fucking language. This is just embarrassing.
>>42880 I mean, half the boards here don’t even speak English
>>42864 >>42878 >>42852 If the schizo with this much vitriol hasn't been posting proof, doesn't exist. All this effort they put into the hate train with no fuel. Emmy is just kinda boring with no charisma, only claim to fame is vore. It is an person I forget exists because lack of interest. >>42873 Since you're taking the same lines as spaghetti-o and don't deny earlier accusations, going to assume you're him. Mentally ill people like you are the problem, only a matter of time before you go full nazi like you claimed and start shooting.
CompleteAlienation Their work is generally expensive and like that's fine and all, art is a luxury but then you pay for gifs like the one here and it looks so bad. That character does not look like they're moving naturally at all. Not only that but their adopts are absolute fucking eyesores and I'd be embarrassed to own a character like the two featured in adopt picture. $50 for a character that's virtually unusable. No artist would bother working with a character like this unless they had severely watered down reference sheets and even then I doubt so.
i hate all of you, i wish i never had this fetish
>>42906 Personally, my only issue with Emmy is more or less that she's talentless and yet people follow her content. Then again, I think all voretubers are pretty fucking talentless, but hey at least the coomers are happy I guess. I hate most Vtubers as well though for those exact reasons. I wish people didn't capitalize off of turning it into content farm. I don't care that people sell their bodies or even do "sex work", but it's the fact Vtubing is essentially only known for this shit now. I miss when more wholesome Vtubers were common. Emmy absolutely deserves none of the recognition she gets but she does because she has money and money essentially means fans. She has nothing to offer, has constantly started drama with others, acts like she's original and the "first voretuber", and yet because she's got the money to buy copious amounts of porn people love her.
>>42912 Also her ego seems paper-thin, considering how much art she gets of her avatar eating characters more popular than her. Like, wow, how fucking insecure you gotta be to do that shit constantly?
>>42909 That walk cycle is rough. Way too much downward motion in the shoulders at full stride, like she be stomping every step. I get that she's supposed to have a heavy belly but you can attribute breast bounce to the belly. The hand is also problematic, you have a lot more flexibility on the pinky side than on the side with the thumb. If you try walking the hand doesn't move much, so become unnecessary motion. Those adopts are garish. Redrawing the white one wouldn't be so bad if you talked the commissioner into diamond type scales, implying reflectivity with some limited light shine sparkle effects. The dark girl is unsalvageable with a poorly defined body due to overuse of that effect contrasted with pure dark everywhere else. Having references to go off of may have helped improve these significantly. Things aren't lining up right.
>>42909 This is great, better than all other garbage on ekas
>>42906 >>42912 Figured both of these were the case. I’m not a fan of people who are all buddy-buddy with big artists simply because they comm a fuck ton of art. Her models/designs are shit, yeah, but that’s a more personal take. But I’m glad we can all agree she DEFINITELY should not be as popular as she currently is. I remember hearing there was a whole perma-vore drama? And also that they backpedal on stuff a lot. Also personally not into the fact they’re all secretive about being into diapers when it’s clear as fucking DAY it’s their sona. Again: Boy, girl, NB, fridge, Xerfilini, couldn’t care less what they identify as, I just want to know why she seems like a cunt and why my thoughts are justified lol
>>42931 >>38089 Here's a quick summary of the perma affair It also caused HungryBrook to dip from the internet, which is a fucking crime to me, because Brook used to commission a lot of art from RoboMaximillion, or at least had a ton of it gifted to her, all of it bueno
seekgr, It's not that I don't like them but I am so annoyed that they went from posting actual artwork and comics to doing nothing but super long stories with barely any images, I just feel like their skills are going to waste they really should go back to making more art
>>42984 Literally this fucking shit, they went from super based to basically becoming a sellout.
>>42878 >I could not care less of someone dressing up like a girl having a cock. That's not even an argument and is just nitpicking If you don't understand why it's a issue, kill yourself.
>ctrl+f secretstashstudios/ryanc/serapisdeath >no results him. dude ran some kickstarter to make a vore game that he feature-creeped into oblivion, either by stupidity or by design as a scam. now he's claiming to want to make an animation and is begging for money to make a fucking trailer for it, then he might make it if he gets enough patrons. he's the star citizen tier scammer of vore. i have no idea why the people who paid him don't make a bigger stink about it. sunk cost i guess.
>>43007 Some of us did, didn't really do any good though.
>>42937 Thanks for clearing it up, they genuinely seem like a retard who’s riding off of their 15 minutes of fame. Vtubers with their gimmick only being “I’m gonna eat you~” is embarrassing and the fact she gets money just for sitting idle on her stream is a complete joke. It’s even worse because it’s a perpetual cycle of her needing money to comm things but she GETS money because of the things she commed, it’s atrocious >>42999 Seethe harder, it’s funny lol
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Certified troon moment
>>43019 To this day, I still think her latest community donation animation was completely faked She suddenly jumped from 0 donation money to almost finished in the span of barely two posts Like, what the fuck was that growth? Also it used her ugly-as-shit maid sona, which just looks bad, honestly.
>>43039 It happened so suddenly, either she has rabid fans or she just faked it, personally I could believe either. Her fans are genuinely retarded little coomulons.
>>43030 >fictional character's canon age is 17 years and 364 days >if you portray anything even remotely sexual with this character you are literally Nice person scum and deserve to be maimed and killed >fictional character ages (lmao) one (1) day (24 hours) and becomes 18 years and 0 days old >you want to draw your sona melting this character in stomach acid and shitting out their remains and parading their skull around as a trophy? knock yourself out dude, we're all consenting adults here! really gets the noggin' joggin'
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>>43045 Defending sexual attraction to minors isn't the win you think it is.
>>43043 Leaning towards faked Probably just wants to make it look like she got lots of cred
>>43019 I can see the steam coming out of your ears you fucking loser lmao
>>43046 Being unable to tell the difference between fiction and reality is often a sign of being a retarded troon. >>43030 what was the image?
>>43050 Dunno. Just saw the tweet that she nuked whatever it was.
>>42852 They give me absolutely NOXIOUS vibes. Everything they do makes me feel like they've got something fucked going on behind closed doors. With a stream focused on a fetish being streamed on Twitch, the door is open for Underages to find her shit with ease. I can't help but doubt they're unaware of this though, keeping in mind their repeated interest in characters that aren't exactly of age. They've got an ego the size of a damn skyscraper, bitching and whining when called out for anything, before then siccing her rabid coomer fans on their 'assailant'. I still haven't forgotten her cheating in private gaming hangouts because the idea of someone being better than her was infuriating. Really, they should be called out more, considering they are a fetish obsessed coomer themselves spreading their slop everywhere it doesn't belong. Additionally, while this is admittedly more of a personal gripe, her constantly commissioning popular characters being eaten by her awfully designed persona just reminds me of her colossal ego. There's a lot of people in the vore scene that don't deserve their popularity, and Emmy isn't even at the top of that shitpile. But I can't tell you how much I hope someone digs out the skeletons in their closet.
>>43039 Honestly as schizo-ey as that sounds, I do agree. Seems like some shit she’d pull and then feign ignorance when clearly caught out for it. >>43030 It’s annoying as fuck seeing her age-gate so hard when she literally got a comm of her sona eating Miku, a 16 year old. And I know for absolute sure she’d play off the “oh miku’s a robot it doesnt really count!” argument. Actual waste of life. >>43049 Oh, brother actually thinks him calling me a troon got ot me… bit sad >>43128 Yeah that’s one big thing, comm’ing yourself constantly is a bit odd but eating popular characters? You’re shoving your ego down people’s throats. Again, she’s riding off of her 15 minutes of fame and thinks she’s genuinely worth something as a ‘popular’ person. My personal personal gripe is still them comm’ing diaper and it obviously being their oc that looks like it was designed by a 14 year old and not talking about it, you’d think a coomer wouldn’t have shame lol
>>43128 >>43134 >With a stream focused on a fetish being streamed on Twitch, the door is open for Underages to find her shit with ease. I can't help but doubt they're unaware of this though, keeping in mind their repeated interest in characters that aren't exactly of age. I don't think she's doing it to groom minors specifically but it does open the doors to doing so. I think she is well aware of what she's doing though. I think her intent is to not lock herself behind an age filter because she'd lose out on viewers because iirc you wouldn't be visible by greater Twitch if you had that active. >They've got an ego the size of a damn skyscraper, bitching and whining when called out for anything, before then siccing her rabid coomer fans on their 'assailant'. I still haven't forgotten her cheating in private gaming hangouts because the idea of someone being better than her was infuriating. Really, they should be called out more, considering they are a fetish obsessed coomer themselves spreading their slop everywhere it doesn't belong. Absolutely, the fact she can't even stand being "second best" and has to cheat in order to feel better about herself speaks volumes. >Additionally, while this is admittedly more of a personal gripe, her constantly commissioning popular characters being eaten by her awfully designed persona just reminds me of her colossal ego. It wouldn't even bother me if it was just done for self indulgent art, some people like getting stuff because it's hot to them, but I think she's absolutely devoid of feeling unless it makes her specifically out to be better than others. >There's a lot of people in the vore scene that don't deserve their popularity, and Emmy isn't even at the top of that shitpile. But I can't tell you how much I hope someone digs out the skeletons in their closet. I do agree, it's not just her, there's plenty of people who don't deserve their popularity, especially those who do nothing but comm art nonstop, actually infuriates me seeing people with more money just become popular when they do nothing to earn shit. They don't have any skills or talents, especially the ones who don't even earn the money to commission people. Like they don't even work a normal job. I'm sure Emmy especially was just born into a rich family or some shit or she grifted off of people who felt pity for her and now she just makes money from brainless coomers willing to stick their dick into anything and everything.
>>43134 To be fair, Miku has been "16" for 16 fucking years. (She was created in December 2007)
I just wanna say a lot of you guys make me proud, theres a lot of fucking slop artists I need to share a platform with and it feels like fucking -everyone- is fine with their mediocre to bat-shit-wretched kinks, its good to know people share the same sentiment and anger.
>>43128 You got proof of the cheating?
>>43147 No luck, sorry mate. I only know about it from a friend of mine venting about them cheating to me. I just know they ended up getting banned for it, as there was clear evidence of their cheating.
>>43144 A lot of everything posted feels very uninspired lately
>>43144 >>43153 it do, we should bring back the artists/characters we like thread, though it'll probably be dead in a few days
>>43134 >I'm so not mad guys, I feel the need to respond but let me tell you I'm not mad I'm making this post to tell you I'm so not mad lmao, dude just take the L.
Yeah, positivity rocks, sperging over favorite artists and characters both feels good and lets off thst good ‘ol screaming into the void need, it would be a good idea to bring it back
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I really fucking hate mhyboi. He might actually be one of the biggest faggots in this godawful community. How can an artist serious draw nothing but fucking traps? I don't believe he's ever drawn an actual woman, just traps. Seriously, does being a massive man-loving faggot not get old? I'm sure as hell sick of this homo's dogshit trap groomer vore faggotry whatever the fuck. Undeniable evidence aryion needs a fucking blacklist for the various dogshit artists, though that entire site is so fucking archaic you might as well just make a new site.
>>43190 >Undeniable evidence aryion needs a fucking blacklist for the various dogshit artists While I do agree that there needs to be a blacklist specifically for artists and not just tags, his shit is tagged with femboy FYI.
>>43193 Ok, so the site DOES have at least one convenient feature. I still think it needs a lot of work done in order to be usable. How has it remained unchanged for the, what, almost 20 years it’s been around. It still looks like something off of fucking Geocities.
>>43197 Definitely agree with ya there, the blacklist feature is still dogshit but at least it does exist unlike furfagaffinity lmao. Eka's is hella ancient and just refuses to change. I think the last big change we had was that journals/blogs got a slight overhaul and that was like 2-3 years ago?
>>43190 Does fapping to women never get old? I don't think it does. Why would they with men? The real problem is that they're slowly getting better, and you seeing all these pretty things with big, soft bellies getting you all hot and bothered, that must really rustle your jimmies. Maybe you types call them groomers, because they're turning (man)children like you gay? Again reminding that >>38236 exists so you can salvage your fragile heterosexuality until another rebellious erection occurs.
>>43190 I don’t like em because they betrayed my trust as a friend after they revealed to a group chat we were in with em that they liked shota, after we gave him the boot he started posting more underage content on his main until it was all deleted un-fucking-surprisingly. Now his “new artstyle” since has smaller proportions like that of teens when his old one was so much better. I can’t see him the same way frankly.
>>43223 it sounds more like you betrayed his trust, not the other way around
>>43228 In an alternate universe they instead politely told him that they really weren't comfortable with that kind of content and would appreciate it not being shared ever again. Then instead of drawing more of the same because he had nothing to lose, he'd keep drawing the things they liked. People underestimate the influence we have over others, and get surprised by the result.
Honestly fair, i could have handeled it better, it was a while ago. He did leave on his own volition after it was made clear none of us were tolerating it. Honestly it was a clean break, but still a shame. I was on full burn bridges policy back then, unsure how he is now
>>43220 Quit projecting, faggot
>>43220 >Y-You hate fags s-so y-you must b-be one! Sounds like something a fag would say.
>>43247 >>43246 Ohno, not a pair of NoU.
>>43255 Cry harder
>>43259 I tried but I just can't shed a tear!
>>43264 Cut an onion or something
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>>42631 >can we please go 5 FUCKING MINUTES without sperging out?!
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>>42744 >The trend of artists developing more extreme and depraved fetishes isn't a conspiracy, it's a natural consequence of over-exposure to vore. Just like any other addiction, you develop a tolerance over time and need more extreme things to get off. Except there's been study after study showing that isn't what happens. >>42837 >I can't imagine spending this much time seething about things you don't enjoy when there's an entire fucking world of other shit to enjoy. OH, do we have such sites to show you! Just as a starter, have you ever heard of Kiwifarms or SomethingAwful? >>42852 >I don't want to hear "she's a trannyyyyy!!!" as a complaint, that's a pathetic argument and I'm not a tranny sympathiser, I want to know why they're such a cunt Because he's a tranny. The overwhleming majority of time, people hate those nuts specifically because their entire identity is around being a tranny and absolutely nothing else. People hated furfags for the exact same reason as they made everything about how they were a furry. Trannies are worse, however, because it's an actual Gnostic-Hermetic religion. >>43045 >>if you portray anything even remotely sexual with this character you are literally Nice person scum and deserve to be maimed and killed Anon, you have some people that are so mentally deranged that the sorceress from Dragon's Crown is a "ceritified loli" according to them. >>43190 >How can an artist serious draw nothing but fucking traps? Because said artist is a woman, and women think about nothing except dicks all day.
>>43273 >Except there's been study after study showing that isn't what happens. Link some of them then
>>43274 How about the study people like to use as for the claim that, "you develop a tolerance over time and need more extreme things to get off": https://archive.is/0gsCv Because if you actually read the damn paper, you notice that the ACTUAL result of those studies only show that deviants watch deviant porn and vanilla viewers watch vanilla porn. With practically zero indication or evidence of people ever going beyond or "progressing" into more depraved fetishes.
>>43274 you are the one making the claim that "people need more extreme things to get off" though. How about you substantiate that first?
>>43030 Emmydook has staff? How the fuck?
>>43290 Probably means her simps
>>43046 Defending sexual attraction to fictional characters isn't the win you think it is.
>>43135 Imagine raising a kid only for it to troon out and ego trip on the internet by having their oc/sona eating other characters.
>Randomly browsing someone's feed on Twitter >Get hit with even more ego-propping Emmy art >It ain't even of a popular character this time, it's her suggesting she ate grindavikur How fucking pathetic do you have to be to do something like this? Grinda is literally ten times the content creator you'll ever be, you damn attention whore
>>43617 But grinda drew it...
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How the fuck this nigger of a content creator have 15,475 members on patreon???
>>43915 Probably most of these are teenagers that got introduced to vore by their content, there is no other way.
>>43919 Yeah probably but still look at those numbers meson, it's make no sense. Plus the smallest money to give so you can become a member is $3, therefore his Lowest POssible MONTHLY PayDay from patreon is $46,425. But on patreon shows the popular option is $5, therefore his MONTHLY PayDay from patreo probably around $77000. I'm seething like a fucking monkey.
>>43921 Its because his entire model is trying to introduce vore to the nonvorefag crowd. He somehow still has a youtube channel, and for some reason, it's loved by the algorithm. He censors all of his content quite heavily (probably so he doesn't get banned) and it gives enough of an incentive for normies enticed by it to pay for the full thing. Its Kphoria all over again. Except this guy knows how to make money off of preaching this shit
>>43927 Actually not "he". They made face reveal for 100k sub special and it turned out that this chanel is owned by two girls. To make it funnier one of them is muslim.
According to several artists I frequent, EmmyDook has a massive fan, that does nothing but commission art of Muzu in diapers eating other characters and disposing of them. Not sure if there is someone that depraved and starved for attention, or it’s just Emmy, but it’s weird that someone hyperfixates on you like a Yandere
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my fucking god Vanillaz is such a retard. "The creator of these furry models I've been using to make murder porn is a FURRY???" Please get real problems you absolute fucking morons
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>>44141 Here's the "evidence" they posted alongside it
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I've never seen a character have so much art that's just the same scenario repeated over and over and over again Don't people get bored of this shit
>>44141 >>44142 What a FAG
>Be Vale-City >posts comm sheet on Eka's >No vore Why even post on that site then, retard?
>>44145 Cope and seethe C*llie fan
>>44145 I rly like Marie, but I genuinely agree with you.
>>44145 I agree so wholeheartedly, this can also be applied to so many other scenarios as well, particularly Cirno/Sanae pred/Reimu prey and Juri Pred/Chun-Li prey. >>44159 Why do M*rie fans have egos the size of Mars?
>>44157 Hold up, why he doesn't draw vore now? He got bored of it or something?
>>44215 Checked their page and they haven't drawn it for like 4 years already, there's mention of them quitting vore in their last blog. They were going to abandon Ekas but too many people love huge bellies for variety of reasons. >>44141 >>44142 Who are these people earning participation awards for trying to make society a better place?
>See Yamato vore animation >tagged with male tags instead of female ones as it should be THAT'S LITERALLY A WOMAN YOU RETARDED BRAINDEAD APE. SHE HAS MASSIVE FUCKING TITS STOP WITH THIS STUPID LIE ALREADY
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>>44157 I was waiting for someone to complain about valecity lol. He drew some solid vore stuff in the past but all he does now is gum up the tags with non vore shit. I go to ekas to look at vore, simple as, I don't want artists like him making it harder to find decent stuff by clogging up results.
>>44228 Cope and seethe You just wanna avoid being gay I don't give a shit, if Yamato wants to be a man, then my brother in Christ, I'm the gayest man alive Doesn't change the fact he has nice fucking tits
>>44246 I ain't bout to get heated like him, good lord touch grass bro if you read this, but I get the frustration. Yamato is biologically female, he only refers to himself as a "man" because of personal character reasons. So I do think male tags, or even transgender tags, just don't fit for a biological woman (but that one is more up for debate tbh, not my place to speak on that one).
>>44250 Nahm you're right. Anyone who defends Yamato is a man is a retard. >>44246 she*
>>44250 >>44246 Trannies relating to Yamato because her character is roleplaying as a man 24/7. Rather than the actual badass tranny Izou in wano. Oda says she is a girl. The Japanese manga says she is a girl. Then the official English translation throws propaganda into it to appease the suicide cult. "Look soy boys! Kaido is calling his daughter his preferred pronouns. Isn't that so cute?!" Her character is a joke of fangirls in the same vein as bartolomeo being a fanboy. Y'all niggas get stupider by the day.
>>44250 Consider the insistence from the non-binary crowd that Yamoto MUST be male and male alone, disregarding a character's personal situation that put them in a unique situation that puts them in a yet undefined grey area. It becomes an agenda rather seeking true understanding of the individual. Which should be everything they are against.
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>>39822 What in the meth head fuck am I looking at?
>>44246 t. faggot >>44250 *she
>>44269 Art in its purest form
>>44246 Dud, Yamato, the Oni Princess is a girl who admires the legendary samurai Kozuki Oden, so much in fact that she proclaims his identity because of her respect, and admiration for him. She is a girl who wants to be like him because in Japan they have a different culture from us which sees this as a sign of admiration, not her trying to be a guy. The fact she claims to be the legendary samurai and not just a guy should be enough to connect the dots and realise she's doing this as a sign of respect and that claiming she is a guy is disrespectful to a culture different from the West and is just a bad assumption based on modern western values and has been proven wrong multiple times. Next, you are going to say Lucina is trans because she pretended to be Marth to hide her identity.
Here's some vore artists worth hating. Many of these people are on Derpcord and Twitter, and obviously gonna be found on Furaffinity. It seems like the worst people are on all 3 of these places, it doesn't help these guys have done Nice personphilia and want people to love their "new and improved* (it hasn't even improved, just gotten worse)"attitudes and crap. Don't commission any of these dicks, and yes they're all guys trying to make themselves thousands of dollars. #1) Spottedsqueak, like his attitude and paywall is obscenely awful and they love rubbing it in. But it gets better, he posted Nice personphilia and then now has tried sweeping it under the rug. #2) Lunlunfox, his art is pretty good but their attitude in Discord and Twitter is just shitty. #3) Feedfancier, his attitude and the shit he posts isn't getting better, it's the same lame crap as usual, same thing can also be said as Faggot as they share the same female pred animations with lackluster interiors and details but want you to pay lots of money for the shit. 4) ScottCalico and KitsuneZero (KitsuneZero is also known as TitsuneKitsune), man these guys are dumb as bricks and while they share some pretty nice stuff, they don't know their head from their ass and are really toxic when asking for a commission or getting something for them. They're desperate trying to get people to chat with them on Twitter but they are so damn selective and creepy Nice persons! 5) Karbo, I get people love female preds but geez, I never knew he'd have a 20 page contract when it comes to buying his art or asking for a commission. 6) WestlyMelon, what a shitty Filipino guy who thinks they're all that and a bag of crisps. They white knight and butt their heads in shir but they have awful art, an even worse character and even worse attitude. They claim their character tastes like watermelon, yeah it tastes like a rotten ass watermelon and that's precisely what they are.
*I meant Spottedsqueak posted Nice personphilia in the past, sorry I typed this in rage
Cuten. Only reason being she's an actual biological female who is into vore, draws vore and yet isn't riding my cock and/or swallowing me whole.
>>44380 spottedsqueak aka forestwolf is a nasty fake friend. Because he through the friends he keeps manipulate him, He's gone full tribadist. He is so simple minded that if one of their friends does not like you, you're instantly hated. Especially after some psych shit and his mom dying. Thats what i read from his thread that was on here.
>>44389 Tbh the only dislike I have for her is she does the "teehee felt cute, might delete this later :3" with pics of her gut that last all of like 5 minutes on her twitter
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>>44405 True, that shit is pretty annoying. It's attention seeking but then hiding it afterwards. On the off chance I'm browsing twatter at the same time as she posts, I'll save. I just hope she isn't faking it like JALV.
>>44405 I swear I had one of her best tweets bookmarked and it turned me on so much but she deleted the post and now it's lost forever. Fucking damn it We need an archive of her pics fr
>>43915 Fucking what? All he does it steal, overcensor shit, clickbait and STEAL art conveniently NEVER giving credit to the artist and KEEPS DOING IT despite being called out multiple times also NEVER mentions the name of the game he's playing so nobody can find them by themselves unless they already know. Fuck that guy.
>>43915 Now just what the fuck? Thats more members than even the best vore artist on patreon.. huh. Never even heard of the guy.
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>>44389 does anyone has her belly pics / videos she upload? i just manage to save 1 video
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>>44438 All I managed to snag was these 2 outside of the one you posted.
>>44445 Religious schizoid moment
>>44445 Praise the lord, another schizo outside of vore. May he join westboro.
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>>44445 >I'm a worthless human being >sex, sin, porn, evil, disgusting >VORE is the reason why I can't fathom needing to cling to something so hard to live a worthwhile life, quitting vore ain't going to fix it. None of that was about doing better, just not doing worse. That's no way to live and grow. He'll be back.
Apathy cause they can't draw faces without them being disgusting (similar to DarkArtist to be fair) ZeldaNoVorsu because NOBODY FUCKING CARES ABOUT YOUR STUPID OC LORE zearo8 probably has down syndrome PlanetSaturn12 also probably has downs and ReignTheWeremunk because he just has shit taste
>>44601 So many of Apathy's characters look like heroin addicts because of those faces
>>43958 If I'm being 100 with you anon, I don't believe that for shit. I watched the 'face reveal' and I am still wholly convinced that Kusemek is some lonely gooner that sees a market in advertising this fetish shit to normies. I feel like it's literally just channel marketing that he, she, or they conveniently uploaded a face reveal of a conventionally attractive woman that sounds like they are reading off of scripts for a fiver gig. The description of the video literally says "I'm also single". I've seen fed honeypots that are infinitely more convincing than that shit. It makes more sense when you realize that their entire schtick is trying to mass produce "sanitized" vore content that can reach the mainstream without being fucking removed immediately. It's all marketing, and we're either eating that slop up, or too lazy to do anything about it. I mean, here's how they describe their 'content' in the description of that video: "This channel captures the latest indie releases gameplay done in a high skill ceiling. However, creating such content takes time and great effort. It is true that I choose what content to upload, but with your support I'll be able to maintain a stream of flawless gameplay on regular basis. Like my content? want to see more flawless gameplay of the latest releases? Support me on patreon:" I don't want to waste anymore time talking about someone who's probably some 20y/o gooner thats literally begging to be put in mainstream content creators' cringe comps.
Is it really that grand? Don't get me wrong I liked Babyfat but this seems more like an attempt to garner clout lmao
This dumb fucking "voretuber" that kronguss keep drawing. He's yet another tranny that sits there with their avatar doing fuck all other than mindlessly gaming or watching YouTube videos and expects you to give them money for it and might talk about how "UwU I'm hungry get in my belly XD" I'm What riveting content. I'd rather watch paint dry. Kronguss is wasting their talent on them.
>>44656 Ill be honest these voretubers are starting to annoy me. I've been seeing voraisha in multiple discords. It always starts the same way. Little voraisha tries to fit in and then when people are accustomed to them they then SPAM ads about their channel, in fact its all that they do. Its fucking annoying
Not really hatred per se, more disappointment than anything But Roboy-Thor doing a bait-and-switch with that voting tournament of his Felt like the ending made all the results useless
>>44656 Tbh Valaria is better compared to the other two. Voraisha is just an attention-hungry shitty voretuber and EmmyDook has absolutely no talent or reason to be Vtubing. The sheer amount of artists that mingle and interact with EmmyDook is gross too, have people not finally realised they aren’t a good person whatsoever
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Fucking Voraisha
>>44667 At least she has a voice thats not fucking grating. Dont know how anyone listens to Emmy or Voraisha when one sounds like a semitruck horn and the other sounds like down syndrome personified >>44656 Thats just the twitch grift brother
>>44380 >>5) Karbo, I get people love female preds but geez, I never knew he'd have a 20 page contract when it comes to buying his art or asking for a commission. bro really snuck that in as if this is real reason to hate an artist XD
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>>44250 >touch grass >>44380 >toxic
also fuck joshfang14
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This isn't really related to this thread, but there is no place to rant about this. People need to start using tags properly because Jesus fucking Christ, I'm using the remove tags from the search feature to remove furry and anthro content, but I'm still seeing this shit. I just want to see new shit I will like and I can't because half the furry artists are too lazy to tag their shit properly. It's not even a furry site, they just all moved there, and now it's covered in furry shit.
>>44823 What site is that?
>>44684 They are both trannies so who gives a fuck
>>44631 My bad, found some info and it turns out it is a guy so I assume that "face reveal" was just an coomer bait. Also he also had older chanell called "horheristo" that mostly contained speedrunds of random games, though he is the most known in Hollow Knight community as narcissist soyboy who sethed on every fail he did during the speedruns.
>>44667 Some artist only draw his avatar because he gives them money, and those artists charge him a lot. >>44684 >she
>>44824 Itaku
>>44656 yeah I get that the avatar is a good character design but kronguss drawing her so much just comes across as weird to me; lost a bit of respect for him because of it
i believe there's some kind of conspiracy, i don't know why but many artists are becoming faggots, male artists are becoming trannies, while female artists are becoming "non-binary". you might say something along the lines of "oh, you are just a paranoid bigot. it's their choice to do what they want with their life" but i think they aren't actually in control, i think they are being manipulated by someone or something also it's been happening too often to be just a coincidence
>>46417 You aren't gonna like this answer anon, but degeneracy is a rabbit hole. When you start making content like this, it gets stale kinda quickly. After long enough, it just doesn't hit the same. You experiment around and end up in the 'strange' side of this already really strange fetish; male, tranny, futa, etc. and it gets you that initial feeling. You go further down the rabbit hole and end up as one of 'those' in due time. Its basic biology at work. We don't feel it because we only consume it occasionally, whereas creators spend days if not weeks making something that they hope invokes the same urge every time. Its bound to get unorthodox eventually. Not everyone experience this shit the same way, but I think that's a better explanation than "OH EVERYONE ON EKAS IS PART OF A JEWISH TRANNY CABAL!"
>>46419 i understand what you're trying to say, and i completely agree, but i'm not only talking about vore artists, anon. i'm talking in general, a non-vore example would be john tray, a music remixer, turned into a "genderfluid" fag a couple of months ago.
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>>44141 >>44142 some more updates on the vaniliaz stuff. the other day they were bragging on twitter about blocking people over pregnancy art. It's completely retarded but that's in character so I wasn't gonna post anything in here about it. Today, however, I log on and find that apparently one of the people who ran the account died of a fucking drug overdose. Rip Bozo Maybe if you didn't moral grandstand about murder porn on the internet and took care of yourself you wouldn't be six feet under. Hope the other one uses this as a wakeup call to straighten out.
>>46477 Funny how they post fetish content, mentioning how much they hate sexualized minors, while also being advertised as safe for 16+, two years before being an adult. Hmmmmmmmm... Projection much?
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>>46417 >>46419 >>46422 As my dad always says, it isn't a conspiracy if more than two people know about it. First, you're not crazy. Second, it has nothing to do with degeneracy. To give the punchline away, what you're seeing is the biggest cult initiation that has ever existed in history. If you're talking about subjects like "biology" and "reality", you're ALREADY behind the eight ball and don't know the first thing about what's going on. Summing it all up, the leaders you see pushing these ideas believe that they are God or have seen the mind of God (This is with zero exaggeration or hyperbole). After having this revelation, they see ever aspect of the world as a "prison" that needs to be destroyed and rebuilt according to their "desire" because doing so will "free" God. In CRT, this is destroying anything deemed as "Whiteness" (Which is why you can suffer from "Internalized Racism"). In Feminism, this is destroying anything deemed as "The Patriarchy". In Queer Theory, this means destroying your own body as it represents "Normalcy". This also extends to the "words" that you use. In the instance of Queer Theory, you using "gendered" language reinforces the systems in place that's keeping "God" chained. So if you start using different words, or even change the definition of the words, then you're "breaking" the systemic oppression taking place in the world. On top of that, it's a "Never-ending Revolution". The goal is to destroy the very fabric of reality, and that cannot happen if people become complacent and accept the "New Normal" as all that does is help the demon reinforce the Earthly prison that keeps "God" chained. So, it's not enough that you're gay yesterday, you have to be transgender today. It's not enough that you're transgender today, you have to be non-binary tomorrow. And the cycle endlessly continues on until the end of history is achieved and we have destroyed reality and returned God to being the being beyond contradictions and criticism. But none of that can happen unless we all get on board and support these people attempting to defy reality. No, I'm not bullshitting you. That is exactly and literally what you're seeing taking place. There's even a name for it. Two actually as this is the unholy fusion of two religions predating Greek philosophy. Half of it is Gnosticism, the other half if Hermeticism. If you want, I can link videos explaining the entire game.
>>46503 As someone who's spoken to an actual trans person once, I can tell that you need therapy anon
>>46503 Or, you know, its just the jews. You don't have to invent an imaginary doomsday cult that hates white people, pushes genderdysphoria, and views its self as a chosen of God when jews exist.
>>46503 you are either one of the most retarded people on this planet, or that's some good high effort bait
Gonna be honest here guys, I think trans people just became more common because it became more acceptable for self expression at least in some countries. It's really not so deep. I dunno that might be a conspiracy though guys.
>>46545 Pretty much yeah. But people love being fucking schizos and point fingers at people for not being like them. Even normies and especially conservatives and their victimization fetish.
>>46553 >But people love being fucking schizos and point fingers at people for not being like them. That has nothing to do with it. If you're dismissing it as that shallow of a reason, that says more about your world view than it does about current events.
[C U R R E N T Y E A R]
>>46545 >>46553 There are multiple studies showing heavier use of plastics in just about anything have quite possibly been causing hormonal imbalances. Coupled with modern internet circles and tribalism from twitter trannies you get people who believe it's noble or okay to alter your body when in reality you're just mentally unwell. Supporting these people only cultivates and reduces the culture further while increasing the amount of mentally unwell who are incapable of handling the world outside their little internet bubble.
>>46576 >incapable of handling the world outside their little internet bubble. You're on 8chan for Christ's sake, I don't think you have any right to comment on "handling the world outside of a little internet bubble". Isn't the whole point of 8chan to be able to say shit you can't say literally anywhere else because you'd get a brick to the skull for saying certain stuff literally anywhere else? I'm just sayin'.
>>46589 Reductive, however you're not disproving his point. Speak for yourself, im not scared of them but I'm here because the faggots and trannies aren't
>>46627 >I'm here because the faggots and trannies aren't I take it that you haven't visited >>>/v/ Or >>>/sm/ Or >>>/cb/ Or >>>/fur Or practically anywhere else on this site. More than anything else, people rage the most about the gay shit on this site primarily because they ENJOY gay shit and tired of people using the gay shit they enjoy for the purposes of societal destabilization.
>>37936 is this emmydook's reddit account lol also I think they go by muzunomi now https://www.reddit.com/r/Vore/comments/ww0gcu/discussioncame_across_this_stream_where_this_one/
>>46829 If that is that's so fucking pathetic that she tried to advertise herself as a viewer finding her content.
>>46842 Literally going the GameDude route Wonder if this will culminate with her running away to Hong Kong like he did to avoid a court case
Every time I see GGJ2's profile on Eka's it always shows him as having been logged in recently, and I see comments accusing him of taking money and never actually completing most of his commissions while being met with radio silence. Both there and his DA. Did he genuinely take several up-front commissions and ghost everyone?
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People who moralfag about loli/shots shit. Both here and over on Eka’s/furaffinity/deviantart/etc. Fiction is fiction and reality is reality and they are very different things. Those who can’t distinguish fiction from reality need to fuck off and never come back. But I absolutely do not trust people who are that fucking vocal complaining about loli shit. Because EVERY TIME someone does it then it eventually comes out that the moralfag complaining about loli and accusing Nice persons of being p3d0s is themselves an actual p3d0 who faps to IRL children or has actually SA’d a kid IRL in some form or another. EVERY TIME! Like fucking clockwork! So any artist in the “vore community” who is vehemently opposed to loli in a fetish like vore that isn’t an overtly sexual one (because the character is being literally devoured by another character) makes me immediately suspicious of them as a person. Because this shit (vore) is definitely present in mainstream kids media all the time like cartoons and fairy tales and shit where an kid character gets eaten and NO ONE questions it or raises an objection when it shows up there. It’s a goddamn double standard!
>>47033 L0lic0ns. Fucking filter censorship bullshit.
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>>47033 Art-person here, you are 100% correct. I've seen this occur dozens of times both publicly *and* privately. I've begun to think the same way my self.
>>47033 >>47039 Anyone who makes it their job to say something as "brave and stunning" as hating pdf-files and zoos are usually projecting their own feelings whether they are into the art shit or the real shit. It's just an endless circle jerk so they can feel better about themselves and/or chase the clout they desire by saying [morally correct thing].
>>47033 >>47034 >Proposal to ban "prOObleMootic cOOMtent" >Massive agreement >Opposition gets mocked *5 years later* >Slowly banning "reasonable and normal things" >Why did this happen?
>>47033 >>47039 Normal people generally don't give a fuck about drawings on the internet. Ofc decent human beings hate actual child material, and many are likely somewhat uncomfortable with drawn CP, but thats probably not something they think about on their own time, and certainly not something they'd care enough about to tweet/post If an artist/viewer/whoever the fuck is taking time out of their day to rant about the evils of drawn children without being prompted, you need to consider the possibility that they're thinking about that shit on their own time. That should say a lot.
>>47074 while you're generally right, I think it's worth noting that the vore community is a little different than other fetishes when it comes to underage content as anon says, there's a lot of non-fetish media that involves kids being eaten, or the implication / threat of such and it bleeds over into actual vore fetish material very easily the point is that underage prey is common enough in vore that people will be exposed to it even if they aren't looking for it, which leads to a lot more moralfagging than other fetishes get
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>>47099 >image post lazy nigger
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>>47099 >Soyjack
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>>47106 >>47101 Cry harder
>>47120 How long until we reach levels of saying that desiring flat-chested women and Sarah Jessica Parker is "illegal" because they have the "physique" of a child or an animal? I know the former already happens in Australia.
A flat chested adult woman doesn't look like or have the physique of a child you dumbass
>>47120 >>47099 Shut up censortard I bet you have got off to canonically underage characters content before
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>Another pdf-file debate with the same talking points
>>47125 Censorship is when thing I don't like
>>47120 still a lazy nigger
>>39987 That's fucking hilarious
>>47033 its just virtual signaling, these people will treat you like the devil for drawing a character that's 17 and 364 days old but never mind the fact that most vore content involves canonical underage characters in some way and seem to be fine with it (and often times will create or consume that content themselves)
Taylornadeclips site is just atrocious in my opinion can't find anything go on their vidown it's horrible
>>47182 >>47170 Kill yourself Nice person freak
>>47272 You first newfrag
This about an artist I hate more like wondering on wait times. So for mrrattlebones what is an average wait time and what is to be expected from the artist
>>47597 Not sure about him personally but any artist that takes longer than 5 months is absolutely not to be trusted if you don't get updates at all, letalone a trello. Never comm an artist without a public trello.
When people say things like >>41875
This isn't about anyone in particular, but I hate when people hate a certain character as prey to the point to where they try to gatekeep others into not drawing that. Just ignore them and draw what you want, grow up, you're acting like a child...
>>47741 Heh, that reminds me of that one dude on Eka’s who signed up using the name “Toothless” solely to try and prevent anyone from making vore stuff related to Toothless from “How to Train Your Dragon” and just got absolutely destroyed in the replies in that thread for being such an absolute idiot for doing it.
>>47741 That one JacktheDragon fella when he started malding over people having dragons as prey.
>>37926 retard discovers casual vore
>>47033 It really depends, doesn't it? If it's just vore is one thing, but say the kid is drawn naked, or the vore is sexual in its execution, Nice personphilia immediately comes into play, literally just based off of its definition and not any stigma around it. Essentially, vore is one thing but many artists don't just draw "vore with children", they draw vore that sexualizes children in some way. In my eyes, totally fine if that isn't the case
>>47775 That was fucking hilarious. He kept going on about how a dragon was too big or powerful to ever be prey for pages and page in the forum.
Fuck voraisha and her scamming shit
>>47597 On the topic of artist wait times, I've been waiting up to 2 years on some commissions from an artist but they semi-frequently show me some really good shit they complete/work on that they don't post publicly so I feel really conflicted about the whole situation.
>>47855 I don't really think that excuses the wait time tbh, like it's cool they're showing you exclusive content but the fact that's their only method of "making it up to you" is dogshit
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>>44441 another upload from cuten and deleted 5 minutes after, good thing i manage to save it on time
>>47880 Alastor NFTS
>>47914 Holy FUCK LMAO
>>47913 Bro why the fuck did she even delete that
>>37875 SeekGr. His lineart is great but his shading and coloring make me want to puke.
>>49112 Honestly I have a bone to pick with him too, remember when he did actual art instead of pump and dump comics?
>>47785 As far as sexual acts involved I absolutely agree, that shit is a definite no go. However I disagree with your point about nudity in relation to vore to an extent. I have always been of the mindset that clothing would mute or ruin the flavor of the meat as it would be like wrapping a steak in cloth and trying to eat it. You’d only taste the cloth wrapped around the stake at that point. To this end nudity would be a purely utilitarian thing as the predator character involved is not seeking sexual stimulation from stripping their prey down but rather ensuring that when they devour their prey they don’t taste like a wet rag as they go down. With all of that being said if the artist shows some kind of close up detailed shot of the loli/shota prey’s vagina/cock then yeah that’s going too far. But tasteful nudity where the front bits are covered by lettuce leaves or whipped cream or some other food item to enhance the flavor of the prey I feel is appropriate. Though to be completely fair I’m more into the Foodplay/food preparation/cooking aspect of vore that involves the prey being prepared as/added to food items like sandwiches, burgers, pies, etc. or cooked as the main dish via oven roast, spit roast, grilling, stewing, etc. Think old Tom & Jerry or Loony Tunes cartoons and certain fairy tales like Hansel and Gretel or the robber bridegroom. In other words an intelligent predator preparing their prey as a proper meal. Though I can totally see some animalistic or monstrous predator just not caring and doing a grab and gulp with their prey fully clothed, I just don’t see it happening with predators that have human level intelligence or higher.
All vore is sexual. Voreaphilia is a sexual fetish. There is no such thing as "unsexual vore". Ergo, anything involved in vore must be sexual. I, for one, doubt that pure asexuality exists, but even if we assume that it does, then other forms of pleasure and satisfaction then take the place of the sexual pleasure. No one is going to repeatedly look at multiple pictures of CP just to look at them; they do it to get some sort of enjoyment, whatever kind it may be. As you drift towards the harder forms of vore, the following becomes blurrier, but towards the softer side, the sharp difference between drawn vore and drawn CP is that one isn't possible to do in real life and the other is far too horrifyingly possible.
I utterly despise the people who can neither draw, write, or just create anything in general that go after artists for having a sense of humor or differing opinions. The lengths that these types of people go to ostracize others just for not sharing their bullshit "morals" and making them feel "uncomfortable" is fucking psychotic. The only type of person that's worse are artists who either coddle, tolerate, or defend this retarded behavior instead of telling these freaks to screw off.
Out of curiosity who would consider a good artist? Also do you guys have anything against okioppai?
>>50443 I've always been a fan of Willudie. His one downside is his spotty uploads, but I'm not going to pry into his personal life to figure out why. Although I preferred his pre-2020s artstyle, it's still great. He's one of the few people who draws same-size vore that isn't overexaggerated (Bigx2), super anime in style, or both. I like putting vore artists in terms of chain restaurants - e.g. Ecchipanda is the Wendy's of vore artists. In those terms, Okioppai is the Domino's; everything is mushy, round, oddly shiny, and tastes the same, but it's filling in a pinch.
>>49252 >the sharp difference between drawn vore and drawn CP is that one isn't possible to do in real life and the other is far too horrifyingly possible. You heard it here, folks, regular-ass cannibalism is "unrealistic" and "impossible" to accomplish in real life.
>>50593 I would like to believe you deliberately ignored the fact that I noted in the same sentence that scenarios pictured in hard vore are more likely to be feasible: "As you drift towards the harder forms of vore, the following becomes blurrier[...]". Because I'd rather believe in malginance than ignorance. Or, I could take the blame for not making that part of the statement more clear. The harder the vore, the more realistic; the softer the vore, the less realistic. Is that better?
>>50612 >Or, I could take the blame for not making that part of the statement more clear. The harder the vore, the more realistic; the softer the vore, the less realistic. Is that better? No because it still misses the point that it's ALL FICTIONAL. None of it is real. You bring up that there's a "sharp difference" between drawing vore and drawing Nice person/shotacon content. <What about these images that depict lolis stuffing objects the size of their torso up their cunt? Are you seriously going to tell me that these images are the equivalent of someone filming a child being molested on a movie set? If you don't care for Nice person style characters, I can understand that as your preference. However, to compare Nice person/shotacon content to cheeze pizza means that any and all vore content qualifies as a snuff film for all intents and purposes following the same line of logic. Doesn't matter how "unrealistic" it is, the purpose of such content is to receive sexual pleasure from directly causing the literal death of a character. With the live-action thread actually being the most damning part of this board because these are real people, not drawings: >>>/vore1/46629
Gotta say, I'm growing weary of Godvores bullshit. At this point I think there might be more people he hasn't drawn commissions for than people he has. It's a shame, because he's a stellar artist. Top 3 for me for sure. But stealing from your own customers (who only love vore as much as you do and want to share that) doesn't paint a good picture. Breaks my heart to see someone with such potential just...be like that. It's even worse that he is still to this very moment advertising and personally asking people to buy more commissions. I talked to him about his problems. He sent me pictures of his family (fake..?) I thought we were friends. He has ghosted me dozens of times, even just a few days ago, promising to finish my commissions. The commissions I paid him for before COVID. Talk about losing faith.
>>42984 >>42984 It makes sense from a marketing standpoint but they literally oversaturate their own feed by posting an out of context image from a story almost every day and then expect you to pony up to see the rest. It's actually mad how talented they are, especially with those animations which we will likely neber see again, but the whole snakethroat thing is literally shoved down own throats(lol) and it's exhausting and boring now.
>>52904 Look at this shit... Nuke this dude
>>51577 Bro really sold out, it sucks so much to see him lose his way. I'm not saying you shouldn't try to make money off of comics or private art but like he really did just start daily slop-posting
>>52904 Amen, to this day the only “artist” who’s made me physically gag, I hate sharing a platform with him
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>>37875 honestly I appreciate the website but I dislike Eka himself, mega autist with minimal people skills talking to them gives the impression of a 50 y/o obese loner - and you have to be fucked in the head to make and run this site for 20 years, so really i shouldnt be surprised
>>42984 >>42989 >>51577 All this guy does is shit out his paid content promo sale shit in servers nowadays, he really is cooked.
x1WingedAngel56's Sefirot has really outstayed her welcome as an OC. >Other characters, including other preds, trying to do anything. >Enter Sefirot, who probably ruins it for them >Instantly wins >Absorb their powers >Own innate power is an anti everything tattoo >move on to win harder
>>42984 >>42989 >>51577 >>53758 I think you guy forgot " Brazzel " the guy that start it all with novel marketing thing. He is the writer of those novel. And making seekgr draw the art. If I remember right, back then Seek were in military and when seek discharge he plan to go flying to US so a lot of money is needed, having partnership with Brazzel in novella passive income is the solution. In my opinion can't blame the guy, but it suck that it meaning seek original art is less.
So it turns out Raven Roberts/fluffylizardfuntime is also a tranny. I'm honestly shocked as they genuinely appeared like a woman in both their online presence and in their artwork/commissions. This deception will not go unpunished. I guess it really is true that every "woman" in the vore space is a man and that no truly dominant women exist.
>>54297 The worst part about this is that I've seen how they act a bit and they appear to be a pretty nice person, but their OC is a textbook generic I eat everything lamia that is unstoppable and they just get so much stuff that seeing them just becomes kind of annoying at some point
Shoelace. > I'm a system, made of the parts Shoe and Lacey Acts like a fucking loon, and will very much make you deal with "Lacey" if you don't hugbox "Shoe" when talking to them.
Lampton's art is hot but he keeps using Ellie because she can respawn and it's really trekking into Emesis Blue territory. "It's eternity in here".
>>54327 >I'm honestly shocked as HE genuinely appeared like a woman in both HIS online presence and in HIS artwork/commissions. Stop with the fucking pronoun bullshit! "They" and "Their" only applies if there's a mouse in his pocket because it refers to a plurality, a group.
>>54445 They/them/their have been used in singular contexts centuries before people started putting pronouns in bio, retard.
>>54468 Fr, even if you don't like trans people (like a loser) it's just objectively false to say that they and their aren't used to refer to individual people
>>54468 >They/them/their have been used in singular contexts centuries >centuries And you're going to stand by that? Okay, PROVE IT! <Here are random five works from the 17th and 18th centuries that I already have saved to my hard drive. One is a history book, two are fiction, one is a philosophy book, and the last is an economics report. Please point to me on what page(s) in these texts do they use plural pronouns in the context of referring to a singular entity. This is also beside that point that, even IF you're going to run with that argument, you're still ignoring that fact that using plural pronouns for referencing someone in the singular is a major grammatical error in English due to it being a Romantic/Latin Language. And like every other Romantic/Latin language, every single object has a defined sex. For example, the word "person" requires the usage of feminine version of words like "the" and "a" in the European languages of French and Spanish. Therefore it would be logistically correct to refer to an unknown person as a "she" or "her" in various contexts. However English does have some exceptions due to it being of Germanic origins, which is why phrases such as "you guys" is not grammatically incorrect of a term to use so long as there is at least one man in the group that you are referring to. So the "traditional" tactic would be to refer to someone as female until proven otherwise, but the "language appropriate" tactic would be to refer to someone as male until proven otherwise. However, despite all of that being said, you're forgetting the most important rule that supersedes that history and lexicon. I am of course referring to rules 29 (On the internet, all girls are men, and all kids are undercover FBI agents or Perverted Justice Decoys) and 30 (There are NO girls on the internet., that are only given the exception in the case of rule 31 (TITS or GTFO - the choice is yours. ). You know THE RULES OF THE FUCKING INTERNET.
>>54327 Bro what's the problem with her being trans? I'll never understand what you fuckers have against trans people. So it turns out she wasn't born female, so fucking what? Does that suddenly make her art not make your cock hard or your pussy wet? Gonna un-beat your meat/unfinger your coochie because you found out an artist wasn't something you expected? The brain rot you pieces of shit have for anyone not cisgendered is astounding. Touch some grass and be fucking mature, ffs
>>54475 >I'll never understand what you fuckers have against trans people. Do you want an actual answer, or do you just want to accuse people of being evil bigots so that you feel better about yourself?
>>54476 Let me guess, something about you not wanting to "play pretend", wanting to miss gender them on purpose cuz you're SO GIGABASED, MASCULINE, ANTI-WOKE and yada yada yada Or something about grooming children with made up numbers as if cis people didn't do shit or acting like degeneracy is linked to identity Or something like "I hate being tricked" if you're that kind of retard. Seriously man, trans people are on these retards minds that is is most likely a repressed fetish y'all can't accept is part of you lmao Fr just fuck off and kill yourself if you're so fucking pathetic that your sorry excuse of an ego feels threaten when someone is just living their fucking life and get angry if a retard is purposefully throwing shit at them, what do you expect? To just eat it and not call the cops? Try to learn to not give a shit and don't be a mean bastard for no fucking reason
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>>54494 >Let me guess, something about >Or something about >Or something like Parts of those, yes, but those are not main beef. The reason your average person hates trannies is actually for the very simple, mundane, and normal fact that they absolutely refuse to shut the fuck up. Yes, I know, how unoriginal or anti-climatic of a reason, but it's the little things that get people riled up and frustrated. Just ask the Boston Tea Party. You want to be gay, go be gay. You want to cut off your dick, who am I to stop you? But stop trying to force everyone else into, not only accepting the fact that you're a sexual degenerate but, FUCKING DEMANDING that we even celebrate it. You want to know how ridiculous this sounds? Let me put it into perspective. As a personal opinion, I consider the Anderson Resident Evil films to actually be a bunch of fun and decent action flicks. Any NORMAL person would look at such a claim and just come to the conclusion that I suffer from an incurable disease known as "Shit Taste". But if I were to act like a fucking Queer, I would spend every waking moment of my life forcing society to celebrate that those six films as the modern day equivalent to Shakespeare that surpasses the quality of legacy of films like Citizen Kane and Gone With the Wind. And THAT'S the problem people have. And don't think that you're so special you're the "only" group that does this. People hate the furries for the exact same reason. People hate the nerds for the exact same reason. And people hate the Communist for the exact same reason. Because you people cannot keep your fucking mouths shut and leave people alone. But if I also know anything, you're not going to take this brutally honest post at face value . You're going to psychoanalyze EVERY SINGLE FUCKING WORD for some hidden "double meaning" and "coded language" because you refuse to accept the fact that people who have GROWN to hate you, because of how YOU keep antagonizing them again and again and AGAIN, for a very dull reason. So you've bought into some unironic conspiracy theory that people only "hate" you because of systemic powers in play that are "preventing" you from acting upon your Queer lifestyle, and that the "only" way to "fix" this is by changing every single facet of society (From the entertainment we consume down to our very language) so that you can "finally" be "accepted". When the reality was that you likely already WERE accepted, liked, and even loved, but you were just to autistic to realize it and turned everyone into your enemy.
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>>54513 >I just want to be left alone <Lock this person up, he's clearly suffering from a mental issue
>>54496 Normally admin here is cringe as fuck but this is a very good summary of how pervasive the issue is. I don't need to know about trans rights. I see a tranny in public, I might double take but otherwise leave them alone like any other person. I'll speak to them like any other person if they are working a public facing role. 99% of people do the same. Imagine this - all the "ugly" people in the world who were bullied when they were younger by that remaining 1% who are just assholes started a movement for ugly rights. It'd be ridiculous. But over time it permeated media like a wave with flags and other ridiculous slogans, rallies, etc. All because someone's feelings were hurt. EVERYONES FEELINGS GET HURT, WE DONT GO SCREAMING TO THE HEAVENS GOING PLEASE ACCEPT ME. The oversaturation of "ugly" voices would lead to demonizing "ugly" people more. The reality is that the 1% of assholes will always be a fact of society. The reality is that there will ALWAYS be those who do not accept ugly. Who do not accept trans. We don't need to adjust anything, it's the trans activists who need to accept the truth.Its a minority vs a minority, not a majority. So why do the majority have to suffer for it? I do not care what's between your legs. I do not care about your sexual preferences. I do not need to know. So why is it shoved down my throat when I have nothing to learn? I stand by that people who are trans are simply mentally ill, autistic, etc who cannot process their emotions correctly and need professional help. Transitioning does not help them, even if at the time they think it's the right choice. And that's not a dig at them specifically, there are millions of mentally ill people out there who all need help and have unhealthy coping mechanisms.
It seems like the people who don't shut the fuck up are the anti-trans crowd in my experience, but I also live in the country where trans people are pretty rare, so what do I know? The culture war is a wash. We've got people out here unable to fucking eat three square meals due to rising costs. Every problem is the "biggest problem", sure, but maybe fucking focus on survival on the level of "eating" first as a political issue, kids.
>>54519 Says the guy schizoposting an entire Bible to a vore thread about how trans people don't shut the fuck up Pot and kettle and all that shit
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>>54521 >but I also live in the country where trans people are pretty rare, so what do I know? I'm guessing South America, Africa, or somerwhere in Asia, places where the discrimination IS legitmate? Yeah, you're not going to be receiving any help from Western progressives on that front. The Chinese, the Muslims, and the Socialists get to discriminate all they want because they're higher on the opression totem pole than trannies. <In fact, there was this was case in an SEA country where the artist of this image, PearlTeaRizzy/Rizkitsuneki, who is a closest homosexual in real life because he lives in a Muslim majority country, attempted suicide to save his family's "honor" (Because some places still believe in that shit). What happened is that he dared to create a comic showing only a snip-it of what it's like to live under a Muslim regime, and Western progressive response was to report him to his local police for "daring" to be "intolerant" towards his "opressed" superiors, so he drank a gallon of bleach before they raided his house in an attempt to arrest him for violating Shariah Law. Last I heard, he survived, and it looks like the guy is still active on his social media, but it also looks like much of his art took a nosedive in quality and is "safer" (Politically) than it used to be. >but maybe fucking focus on survival on the level of "eating" first as a political issue, kids. I agree. Are you going to tell that to the Progressives that are going on and on about how we need to bring an end to fossil fuels and oil extraction when: <The most potent fertilizers are either a byproduct of oil production (Which is why everything skyrocketed when Russia invaded Ukraine) or coal mining (Humate) <The chemicals used for refrigeration, carbonation, and food preservation COME from oil because their primary ingrediant is CO2 <Less developed nations suffer from food crisises because of their lack of access to quality fertilizer, their lack of access to energy that will allow them to efficently grow/harvest/store/transport their own food, and ALL of the oil that's native to the region being exported to first world nations (Who are sitting on top of their own oil wells that could supply them domestically for the next several centuries if they were only allowed to drill)
>>54475 >>54494 >>54521 >>54525 Lol it's this spaz who's assigned himself as defender of the vore troons. Nobody likes you and you're way too easy to tilt.
Should trans people know they can like, just not reply? Like I'm pretty sure the transphobic posts are 100% rage bait.
>>54537 > thinks he's smart > groups together anyone who says something remotely against him I'm sure your dick isn't tiny and you're not maladjusted at all. Don't group me in with the REEEEEEEEE.
>>54527 > I'm guessing South America, Africa, or somerwhere in Asia, places where the discrimination IS legitmate? "in the country" can also mean "in a rural area". Rural USA. It's all the crazy kind of MAGAs and the kind of Democrats who think inadvertently outing queers is "being an ally" because "but I went to the event and supported you and posted a few pictures!" Oh, we can talk honestly about how other countries have it worse, and that's true; but the fact it's worse elsewhere doesn't mean I don't have to want my life to be better. > durhurhur move With what money asshole? Bringing me back to my previous post: We've got issues like people working the max number of hours two jobs can give them here not being able to eat and still put gas in the tank to make it to work to keep eating, literally one disaster away from starving and/or not paying their goddamn rent on time. People are in fucking survival mode right now. The culture war is not helping people make it from paycheck to paycheck. > ranting about progressives No, I'm going to tell you that if you had a policy beyond "let's own the progs and the libs", you should be saying it in your party platforms and then I'd actually strongly consider voting for you. Democrats might be shit, but they have more of a platform than "dur hur Kamala small brain dur hur".
>>54562 >The culture war is not helping people make it from paycheck to paycheck. It's not suppose to. The Culture War exists to make everything worse to the point that the West goes through a Cultural Revolution, like what happened in Russia and China. >you should be saying it in your party platforms and then I'd actually strongly consider voting for you Well, here's the two candidates running for office. Here's the list of Trump's platform and policies: https://archive.md/EjMI5 And, here's the list of Harris' platform and policies: https://archive.md/4lNoF Excuse me, Harris doesn't have any platform or policies to promote: https://archive.md/BiSPD Any claims otherwise are just the media spitballing based on speeches she's made: https://archive.md/z7L8Z With the funny thing being that all she's doing is just copying whatever Trump says: https://archive.md/lVyso
>>54562 >>54566 Before we take this any further, may I suggest that we take this discussion to /pol/? Specifically the dedicated election thread: >>>/pol/20539 The board is rather dead, so you don't have to worry about innumerable people piling onto you for having an opinon they disagree with. And we can have a nice relaxed discussion that doesn't drive this particular thread further offtopic.
>>54567 My dude, I'm not interested. Mostly because you clearly listen to media sources that are part of the problem. Have one that's equally problematic in response: https://www.cnn.com/interactive/2024/08/politics/kamala-harris-key-issues-dg/ Every time I talk to you people, it's just worshipping your glorious leader and playing every shitty version possible of own the libs and own the progs. > With the funny thing being that all she's doing is just copying whatever Trump says If an idea is good enough and popular enough, we should see it in both platforms, regardless of who says or comes up with it first. This point is largely null. You should want sufficiently good ideas to be both of both party's plans and platforms, because you should want sufficiently good ideas to not rely on which party is in power or who you vote for. But let's just disregard the republicans voting against border stuff because Trump needs a W to flaunt later. > Here's the list of Trump's platform and policies You linked the wrong thing. Here, let me help you. https://www.project2025.org/ It's painfully obvious he knows the people behind it and is slowly growing warmer towards it. If the man didn't court extremists, and if we discounted COVID-19 somewhat, I'd be willing to seriously consider him.
>>54603 >My dude, I'm not interested. I'd highly advise it, unless the vols here in this board don't mind offtopic heated political discussion. >you clearly listen to media sources that are part of the problem Which media sources? And what makes them problematic? In addition, who should I be listening to instead, and why? And, "You know who and you know why" is not an answer. It's a deflection. >Every time I talk to you people Which "people"? >it's just worshipping your glorious leader You think those "God-Emperor" memes are people being legit? People post those for the same reason they post Hitler memes, because it's funny. >and playing every shitty version possible of own the libs and own the progs. Could you explain what that slurry of slang means in Queen's English? >If an idea is good enough and popular enough, we should see it in both platforms, regardless of who says or comes up with it first. This point is largely null. I disagree because it then shows that the candidate is chasing trends in order to remain popular. Not to mention that all it really shows is the candidate filling out a check box instead of considering the issue to be an important matter. Now if the person was ALREADY in office and following suit (For example, why doesn't Brandon/Khan push for such legislation right now instead of waiting two and a half months?), that would be different situation because the person is already there and following through on their duties. >You should want sufficiently good ideas to be both of both party's plans and platforms, because you should want sufficiently good ideas to not rely on which party is in power or who you vote for. Yes, it SHOULD be like that. The reality is that it is not, and not all issues are of equal importance. For example, do you think people give a single flying-fuck about Israel/Palestine or abortions when gas prices are through the roof? >But let's just disregard the republicans voting against border stuff because Trump needs a W to flaunt later Show me where this is happening, who specifically is doing it, and the reason the politicians is proveded for their action (Or I guess "in-action" in this case). >You linked the wrong thing. Here, let me help you. <Project 2025 The psy-op being pushed by the Christian Nationalists at the Heritage Foundation, that Trump has declared numerous times as him having nothing to do with? >It's painfully obvious he knows the people behind it Where's your proof? >and is slowly growing warmer towards it Where? >If the man didn't court extremists Have you ever been on /pol/? Since the guy first annoucned his campaign, you've had unironic White Supremacists refering to him as "Zog Don" because of Trump defending the Kikes whenever possible. That's not to mention that Trump was a die-hard Democrat for years. Even endoresed Hillary back when she was running in '08: https://archive.md/C9gQQ So what are you talking about?
>>54613 Perhaps I stuttered when I moved to shut this down. I'm not interested.
>>54615 >I'm not interested. Let me guess, it's because I have the wrong political opinion. Where have I heard this before? <"Not to have a correct political point of view is like having no soul…" <Quotations from Chairman Mao Tse-tung, Chapter 12: Political Work
>>54620 No, it's because you're JAQing off and being a prick.
>>54622 How?
>>54623 Well, by playing at being willfully ignorant of quite a number of things, by saying obnoxious things in your spoilers, and by labelling me as apparently a fan of Chairman Mao just because I don't want to put up with your bullshit. This is the last question I'm answering. Go JAQ off on someone else's time.
>>54624 >by playing at being willfully ignorant of quite a number of things How can I know what the Hell you are talking about if you don't show me what the Hell you are talking about? >by saying obnoxious things in your spoilers Which one(s)? >and by labelling me as apparently a fan of Chairman Mao just because I don't want to put up with your bullshit No, I didn't. I just pulled up the quote because it seemed to be rather similar to literally every single discussionsthat I have with people of a certain Left-leaning persuasion. That everything I say is automatically "wrong", and everything that they say is automatically "correct". And if I dare to ask any questions, I'm "stupid" because I should "already know" the answers to the questions when I quite obvious don't. Which is why I'm asking in the first place because how am I suppose to understand YOUR arguments if you refuse to say.
>>54627 >Sealioning (also spelled sea-lioning and sea lioning) is a type of trolling or harassment which consists of pursuing others with persistent requests, shit tests, or repeated questions, all while maintaining a pretense of civility. It often takes the form of incessant bad-faith invitations to engage in debate. So it's a convenient excuse to pull out of your ass to never explain anything in you ever say because your believe that your opponent is "always" arguing in bad faith. In other words, your entire tactic for discussion is to drop the equivalent of a bomb, and then run off before anyone ever has the chance to call you on your bullshit.
>>54628 < I'm being reasonable and you're not
>>54629 You said it, not me.
>>54560 You are known. If only you had not sperged out so much you would not be recognizable, but the past is the past and it's time for you to accept reality.
>>54496 If someone talking about themselves upsets you that much just kys No need to be a whiny bitch
>>54632 >If someone talking about themselves upsets you that much just kys You're telling people to commit sudoku because they're tired of egotists making everything about themselves?
>>54631 Feel free to message me in the usual places. I never went anywhere.
good lord what is happening in this thread
>>54639 ITT: A total self-important edgelord realizes I'm the peepeepoopoo man.
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>>54639 A person strongly expresses their displeasure about something in the dedicated "Hate" thread: >>54445 And the almost immediate reponse is to assume that the person making the complaint is a "mean bad man without a mommy": >>54475 And when the reason is provided for why they express displeasure: >>54496 The immediate response is to perform DARVO: >>54521 Or assume that the person is gaslighting the situation because "No one could possible be this naturally stupid, it all must be an ploy": >>54627
>>54297 Last time I checked, they barely make their own art. It's all commissioned. Not to mention they are outright buying OC's to power up their own OC as explained with the mermaid prey.
Hi. Still reminding you Brandon 14 exists and i'd loooove for him to have a terminal problem with his account. HE'S ALWAYS IN MY TAG LIST EVEN THOUGH I BLOCKED HIM
>>54647 So apparently the mermaid was an adoptable Imagine losing an auction to a vore artist who then proceeds to permavore delete the OC
>>54646 This based TRVKE will be seethed over by the usual suspects
>>54662 He is also plaguing my tag list, I wish we could properly block artists, I think the only site that actually functions on a modern level is fucking InkBunny because actually blocking an artist means I don't have to see their shit.
>>54627 How ironic it is on the anniversery of gamergate that somebody brings back that tortured neologism. You've got to be an honest 30-something hon kek
i hate valera pythera taking up space in all of kronguss ychs. no, i don't want a ych with that trannys oc, i want to actually choose a good pred. jesus fuckin christ
>>54879 Kronguss needs to get off that troon's dick PERIOD. I swear all these voretubers need to fucking go
Eka's Portal just fuckin banned me for posting my DeviantArt work on the forums because they wouldn't give me a gallery When I asked why, they said I wasn't owed an explanation Fuck then and their authoritarian rule over that site
>>55318 The portal has been run by Eka for decades, and its always been like this. I'm just happy the site hasn't been fucking downed yet. It's the only reason why half of the decent artists in this fetish post
>>39163 lol you're a delusional faggot. I've had this fetish since I was 3 and a half years old. You dont get turned into a voraphile via seeing art, the art awakens what's already inside you.
>>55322 No website offer the same stuff as eka's when it comes to posting art and thats what is keeping the website alive, the UI is from the mesozoic and everything is janky as fuck, the entire video section of it got fucked because they used flash. All it need is one competitor to fold.
>>55339 Make one then, anon. You'll see my point
>>55318 You likely applied for a gallery, were denied, likely for quality standards. Then you tried to circumvent the decision by posting in the forums. You are an idiot.
>>55352 do you have to apply to have a gallery on ekas? is this a new (or newish) site rule or feature? I've seen art literally drawn with crayons there, so your art has gotta be bad if you get denied for quality reasons.
>>55318 I'm calling bullshit. They let ANYONE post on the fucking portal. Seriousdoomguy has been posting for years on it and their art is the bottom of the barrel-tier. Unless your art is Kphoria puppet maker crap, I can't see why anyone's shit would get rejected. Granted if this story is true, you should've just told them to go fuck themselves and move on from the website.
>>55318 Your art must be truly dogshit if that's the case, or not art at all. 3D (only if you own the models used or some shit) and AI slop is the only things banned. Since you mentioned DA, it's probably the latter. Unless you use some dollmaker / gacha life which is somehow even worse.
Here are the messages they sent me. They even have grammar and spelling errors. But the thing about quality is that I've seen low quality art get allowed there. Not to mention ToasterKing, Heymanand and Hagisher all use 3D Models they don't own the copyright to. Which is weird because that's what I do. If you wanna see my art, search for Jackfishproductions
The reddit thing is just something that reminded me of. I made a comparison.
It's really disappointing this happened because I really wanted to interact with the larger vore community besides the ones on DeviantArt.
>>55476 Get fucked incel
>>55476 Yeah makes sense. SFM renders are not permitted for galleries. The fact you're having a massive whine about it means you probably shit talked more than you let on and are trying to hide it to make yourself look good. Coming here of all places isn't gonna help your case.
>>55476 >That is not all you did Hahahah you absolutely were an obnoxious cunt and got slapped for it, dishonest anon, dishonest.
>>55476 Assuming you're not sealioning here, yeah, that's about the level of cunt people say Eka is if you ever interact with her more than in passing. Then again, not actually fixing problems and instead forcing people to press nuclear buttons is Eka's MO. Hence the "lolipocalypse" when Nice persons overran the portal and Eka tried to play the "virtuous libertarian" card about it. So it's w/e. If I had to guess, everyone's an asshole in this situation. Eka just makes a habit of it.
>>55565 Do I even want to know why 8chan has replaced a term for a chomo with "nice person"? INB4 I get played again.
>>55566 Probably because people kept slinging the word around for the art too when there's a huge difference between the real shit and loli shit
What is with artists drawing the most bland and uninspired adoptables in existence and selling their souls out for quick cashgrabs. Tired of good artists becoming adoptable factories.
Can someone please stop the Tally Hall autist?
>>58782 Tally Hall autist?
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https://archive.ph/uxyEl >NOTE: Please do not suggest the additions of "herm" or "futa" tags. I will not have terms trans and intersex people find disrespectful, distasteful, or harmful attached to art with me in it. Well, fuck you, too!
literally any "voretuber" on twitch. they're all troons, obnoxious, have terrible voices, or all the above. never really vibes with putting fetish content where the average joe or some kid could find it
That nigga is either a turbo Chris chan tier autist or a very committed but equally autistic troll
>>55445 >>55318 >>55352 I remember this guy. Got mad because the pixel art he shared wasn't up to snuff, then tried again with what looked like a snowman with a round belly as personal art.
>>60898 Forgot. Edited pixel art. Not even his own, just used the circle tool to character sprites bellies
>>54734 Why do so many of ya'll get triggered by seeing another artist just because you don't like them? I remember when blocking everywhere was like Furaffinity. I swear, some of ya'll wouldn't survive living without a restraining order on everyone in public. I remember one time I was on Second Life, and had someone bitching that they had me blocked on Twitter, and they were mad that blocking me in Second Life only made by avatar invisible, and they were pissed that I had eaten everyone in the Second Life Vore Club. 😂
>>60900 >y'all kill yourself tranny
>>60900 I personally just don't like that his shit can't be blocked. It's the fact that because I have content I enjoy being intertwined with his horrible shit without being able to just block his content. I don't care that he exists, I care that his shit is flooding me, his horrible easily made slop which he uploads by the multi-dozens at any given moment.
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>>60900 >ya'll Consider suicide >Why do so many of ya'll get triggered by seeing another artist just because you don't like them? Because I don't want to give attention to artists who produce content I don't like? >I swear, some of ya'll wouldn't survive living without a restraining order on everyone in public. <I have a very special song for you.
I really want to enjoy Kronguss art because he has a good art style but he draws so much scat. It's disgusting.
>>60978 Holy shit you're such a whiny bitch. lol "I don't want to give attention to an artist who makes things I don't like" *continues to uses a chan board meant for loli shota content* 😂
>>61103 Food turns into shit. If you don't like it, then maybe stop fucking eating.
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>>61328 >a chan board Whine more newfag, and continue showing the world that you don't belong here. >meant for loli shota content Why would I be offended over fictional Mongolian finger paintings?
I really want to enjoy Kronguss art because draws so much scat but his girls often have penises. It's disgusting.
>>61329 Pussies eventually start spewing vaginal discharge and chunky period fluid (monthly!) if you don't like it then maybe you're not into pussy? Lol faggot.
>>61329 Sometimes a guy just wants to look at girls cramped up tight in a fleshy prison without the aftermath. Is that too much to ask?
>>37894 I always laugh when I see this, every time I open this thread. Because people celebrated when they got suspended, and then they came back three months later.
>>61332 And yet You still bitch.
>>55476 This is so funny to see this dumbass complaining about Hey’s art when their art is considerably worse.
>>54662 Genuinely there are so many tags that are just unsearchable because of how bad his art is. I physically cannot go into the rosalina tag on eka’s because of how much horrible art he’s uploaded. And he tags so many things. If I ever had an insane money I’d buy out Eka’s just to purge his gallery.
Eka. That admin is just insufferable. I get that managing a site and having to deal with idiots on it must be stressing, but holy fuck, he’s such a prick to everyone.
>>62057 "I mean, he is old as hell by now. I think he's tired of running the site anyway. The vore artist that I hate is Voraisha fucking scamming whore
>>62060 I've been into vore since the early 2000's. I was around when aryion.com was created. Eka has always been a prick, old or not.
>>62057 Still remember time on the forums some fucking weirdo came in with a picture of his damn dog asking for people to make a vore edit. People rightfully went "what the fuck", and then Eka comes in like the fucking dumbass he is and locks the thread because too many people were "concern trolling".
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Eka is a legend in the community. He has invested a huge amount of time, effort and money into creating a space for this community to exist in. In terms of contribution to this community, he stands above everyone. Put some respect on his name.
>>62090 I'll do that when he doesn't defend people that probably fuck their pets.
>>62098 Vore would literally not have a place in society if it weren't for them, I shit you not. The original form of Eka's portal existed before Furaffinity and many other "fetish" adjacent websites. You sound like some twitter shit head who only got into this because you had nothing better to do during 2020, so now you're doing your little "ethnic cleansing" Twitter mongrels think they need to do for everything they jack off to. You believing a guy that just wanted their dog to be photoshopped is fucking the animal is your own doing. No where in that post did they say they wanted to fuck the dog. They wanted to be eaten by the dog. You adding "probably anything else" is entirely your own doing. You're over here pointing fingers at literally nothing, but someone who defended someone else for wanting a silly picture.
Not so much "hate" as it is "disappointment", but I went over Gorgonlurker's stories in Kemono, and realized that they probably use AI to shit out stories now. Their orca pred story had the same (EXACT same) passage 3-4 times across it
>>62111 Okay, and not the same anon, but real quick, Eka is high-key a cunt.
>>62111 Bro you couldn't even quote me right with the quoted text literally right there, do you expect me to believe you have enough brain cells for critical thinking? I can explain why I'm into the weird shit I am with it coming down to power dynamics. Get back to me when you can come up with a reason someone would be into getting eaten by their real-life pet dog without it boiling down to being sexually attracted to animals like some sick freak.
>>62111 vore is a sexual fetish
don't hate per say but Paogordo/Kattu's stuff has fallen off for me personally, don't check it a whole lot anymore and used to lots
>>62157 Paogordo never had a good era for me Bro created the most mid/Mary Sue pred characters out there, to the point I have negative reasons to be invested in his art
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>>62157 >>62162 Kattu's content is just the same thing over and over again. Don't know if he cried to eka personally or eka intervene on her own. imagine being so upset over being called out for being repetitive, if he reported this comment to eka. then again who expects good writing from a gabi comic? should just look somewhere else is that is what he is after.
i'm starting to hate DowelJump. at first i liked his stuff for how original it was, but now it feels like he makes things only for shock-value
>>62090 I could give a fuck if he’s provided me a platform to post my work, he’s a retarded old faggot and the thought of someone above 30 still jacking it to vore is entirely and inherently pathetic. I hope his family knows about it and hates him
>>63108 Eka's is a she you pathetic self hating zoomer.
>>63111 >She Yeah, right
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I'm glad I don't see this dude commissioning stuff anymore. His ugly pajeet oc was unavoidable a year ago.
>>54662 >brandon14 just came here to bitch about this talentless faggot shitting up my tags with his zero-effort MSpaint garbage
>>63623 finally someone who speaks up this shit
>Check up on StarstrikeX since I've admired his work for a long time >He's got a new oc that's apparently "non binary" >It's literally just a flat chested woman >Even drew her getting eaten out >"Corrected" a commenter for calling her a her >His G4 page still says he only draw females Is there anyone who hasn't given in to troon-adjacent degeneracy?
Pervside380. That dickhead must single-handedly fund Varu's lifestyle with all his fucking scat and diaper commissions. I'm sick of seeing a good short vore comic, only to realize it's him who commissioned it since I know it'll end with literal shit or diapers and ruin everything.
>>66631 I guess I should be glad I haven't heard of him
>>66629 Conversely, vore artists who definitely have a bestiality and/or trans thing they'd like to unleash, who then say phrases like "troons ruined everything". Artca9 is a prime fucking example, but not the first and sadly won't be the last.
>>66633 I'll never understand the hypocrisy of it frankly
>>66634 It's the oldest trend in basically any vaguely political or moral position. If someone makes a performance of denouncing something at every possible turn they're almost definitely projecting.
>>66644 I guess I should note that StarstrikeX said he had nothing against faggots and troons and simply didn't want to draw them. Wonder why he decided to start.
>>66631 Perv at least makes Varu do work Tempest is massively cringe, however Bro will never allow his shitty-ass SI and his OC girlfriend to lose
>>66633 Plot twist: They are the troons who ruin everything
>>66633 >Conversely, vore artists who definitely have a bestiality and/or trans thing they'd like to unleash, who then say phrases like "troons ruined everything". Can someone translate this for me? >>66645 >Wonder why he decided to start. Could be because if he didn't, he would risk being ostracized from his "friends". That's the biggest problem with anyone who ever pushes so-called "Progressive" causes, they constantly have to put on a performance getting more and more "extreme" to show how "Progressive" they think are. Think of it like the Puritans of old and their infamous confessions, except where you constantly have to outdo the "Progress" you made yesterday because being "stagnant" is the greatest sin one can commit.
>>66717 I also theorized that porn rotted his brain to the point that he'd fap to anything vaguely female-looking, why he couldn't have just made the character a flat chested girl is beyond me
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Anyone that posts this stupid nigger is subhuman in my book
>>66781 The soyjack? Of course it is. It's a blatant indication of someone suffering irreversible brain rot.
>>66785 You know damn well I'm not talking about the soy boy woah jack
>>54472 You're not welcome here faggot
>>66781 calm down caligator no one cares you were molested by trannies shut the fuck up about it already
>>66819 Oh boy so Caligator is hated here too?
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>>66786 Then what are you talking about? Bridget? If you are, then it depends on if they post how he looks before or since Strive Bridget because there is a difference. Pre-Strive Bridget was a staple of imageboards (And of traps in general) with actual goals and ambitions. Strive Bridget however is a mess of a character turned that was turned into a tranny because the director of the game is a massive Westaboo, and has managed to almost single-handedly tank the company in Japan even before included him in the game.
>>66819 What?
>>66821 Yes, it's Bridget himself that pisses me off. I'm so fucking sick of seeing him around, especially when artists who claim to do female-only draw him
>>66821 >>66834 What's even more bizzare to me is when leftoids draw him and give him massive tits. He doesn't even look like the same character at that point. Also very telling of trannies that they literally did not care about him until 2 years ago. Suddenly he was an important character because people wanted to fuck him.
>>66834 >>66849 >Suddenly he was an important character because people wanted to fuck him. It's not that they want to "Fuck him", Bridget's character as of Strive pushes their political agenda and THAT is why they're obsessing over him. Or it could be because Strive is "popular" at the moment (Only in the West, it's dead in Japan), and so they're focussing more upon riding off the popularity of the game to raise their profile. Just look at all the people still make content for Helluva Boss/Hazbin Hotel despite the series being shit and the creator being an absolute bitch. Similar thing with Overwatch, until Marvel Rivals released. And it's not even the first GG character this was done to as ASW also butchered Testament's character by turning him into a tranny as well.
>>66820 who doesnt at this point
>>66859 He's called red-star-alchemy on deviantart, right? What did he do?
>>66851 But I never see Testament, it's always Bridget
I am so tired of seeing brandon14 and darkartist's shit Eka's needs a proper blacklist system just to get them out of my goddamn tag searches
This may be a controversial one, but I think BillowedChristi's shit is just nasty. Nice personphilia, incest, scat, and one of the "stories" involves the father character knocking up one of his young daughters, and after the daughter gives birth she proceeds to unbirth and "unmake" the baby. It's just a really weird and shitty mix of fetishes and I don't get how you can get off it any of it. But that's probably just me. I also fucking hate Vorejira1954 and his obsession with that shitty Fire Emblem villain that had 5 seconds of screentime. It's literally all he commissions. I guess that makes him similar to other autistic commfags like silentor and the vore hobo, but it's the choice in character that pisses me off. Get a better waifu, scrub.
>>67090 It sucks since BillowedChristi's style is genuinely really good but she essentially exclusively uses it for father prey incest over and over (I could probably be considered a hypocrite since it'd be my jam if it was mother prey instead but father prey specifically just shrivels my dick.)
>>67093 I think the father's dead now though
>>67093 Nevermind he just got ressurrected and shoved up a girl's ass
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>>37875 Politics and other culture war shit (99.9% of the time American shit) injected into politics ruins any piece or artist. Nobody fucking asked or cares about your virtue signaling or your political opinions. I follow you for porn.
>>67626 My experience has been that people whinging about event-based content, regardless of country, are generally much louder and whinier than the people actually making the content to begin with. We get it, you hate to hear that people care about black people. Install WHTB's block script into your browser and move the fuck on. --> https://github.com/157Studios/AryionDisinterestFilterUltimate You're here for the porn? Great. Enjoy the porn and shut the fuck up and move on if you don't enjoy it. Let other people enjoy things the same way they let you enjoy things they don't like. Pic related, don't ask how I got a photo of you.
>>67645 Yet again the left can't meme.
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>>67647 The only "memes" the Left can produce are projections of themselves. Meanwhile the Right acknowledges how silly and stupid the world, the opposition, and (especially) themselves are.
Give me more shit to add to my blacklist ?/F animal pred asexual vore-lovers asexuality astolfo Bestiality Bridget (Guilty Gear) Bridget II cock transformation Cock Vore Cooking Cooking/Prep dickgirl Dickgirl Pred Felix Argyle Femboy Food preparation Futa Prey Futa/F Futa/M Futanari Futanari Pred Gay gay couple Genderless Genderless pred Implied Disposal Inanimate transformation Lesbian M/F M/M Male Pred Moga Monster Pred nb pred nb/? nb/f NB/m Nb/multiple nonbinary character nonbinary pred nonbinary/f Poison (Final Fight) Scat tf/tg tftg trans female
[Expand Post]Trans Female Pred trans girl trans male Trans male character trans male pred trans male pregnancy trans man Trans Masc trans pred trans prey trans woman Transfem pred transfem prey Transfemale transfemale pred transfeminine transfeminine pred transfemme transgender transgender character transgender female transgender pred transgender transformation transgender woman Vivian (Paper Mario) Yaoi Yuri
>>67648 As a centrist, I'll be honest, lots of good and bad memers from moderate right to moderate left. Radicals...not too great. Superwoke and antiwoke "memes" are defo cringe.
>>66956 i 100% agree with you, i legit hope they both fuck off because holy shit i will say though i feel kind of bad for the brandon guy because hes been on the website sense he was like 11 or 12 and im certain some furries groomed the FUCK out of him
general peeves >nuking something without prior notice >never releasing paid content despite saying so >only posting on twitter >not having links to other pages >not posting everything in a single place >creating a good vore piece but barely drawing vore
>>39163 i don't know this kphoria faggot but i got introduced to my fetishes via MiB2 and MvA
>>54474 thanks for the free books anon didn't expect to get some free stuff while browsing this thread
>>68146 All those books are in the public domain. You can find scans of almost any work on Archive.org or Project Gutenburg.

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