/vore1/ - Vore

Giantess, same size, female, loli etc

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Stop complaining about loli you fags NO MORE REAL ANIMALS OR IRL THREADS. NO GOLDFISH. Ai art IS allowed and here to stay. Quit whining about it

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Video Sharing 6 (2025) Anonymous 01/01/2025 (Wed) 16:33:04 No. 65049
As we reflect on 2024, we are filled with joy and gratitude for the incredible progress our community has made. It has been a year full of growth, collaboration, and achievements that have brought us closer together. Looking ahead, we are filled with even greater expectations for 2025. Together, we will continue to evolve, innovate, and strengthen our bonds, making the coming year even more remarkable. Here's to the bright future that awaits us! 2024 was a magical year for all of us, marked by a shift in how content creators and studios viewed our needs. There was a more attentive and personalized approach, with a deeper understanding of our desires and demands. However, with the arrival of new technologies and innovations, an even greater challenge now lies ahead for these creators. They will need to constantly reinvent themselves, exploring new ways to captivate and enchant us, as otherwise, they risk losing their place in our hearts. The competition is intensifying, and innovation will be the key to continuing to win our admiration. Old threads: https://8chan.moe/vore1/res/23995.html https://8chan.moe/vore1/res/15761.html https://8chan.moe/vore1/res/32389.html https://8chan.moe/vore1/res/46629.html ----- Mod edit NO BEGGING. NO TRADING.
Edited last time by Joemama4621 on 01/01/2025 (Wed) 22:47:27.
This thread ain't been here one day in the new year and you motherfuckers are already arguing . Nope. Not happening. Share porn. Jack off. Then leave. And for anyone coming later I'll edit the op do not beg for shit. Post what you have
>>65070 And no trading. There are other threads for this USE THEM
>>65050 >half of these are mid effort pregnancy/belly inflation Can't even contribute free shit correctly Observe Reiina: YUhSMGNITTZMeTl0WldkaExtNTZMMlp2YkdSbGNpOUlORnBwYVVSaFNpTklORVpDYUZGVGRtZFVkRk14UjNZMmFITkxZVFZu Ludella: YUhSMGNITTZMeTl0WldkaExtNTZMMlp2YkdSbGNpOXRaMWxCWjB4NlNTTTJjbk01VWtkVk1VcDVOR3RyWkVOa05UUlNWRGhu Alena: YUhSMGNITTZMeTl0WldkaExtNTZMMlp2YkdSbGNpOWxOVzlEYUV4RFV5TXpNRk16Ym0xNmRsOVNWamR5VGxReFpIaFhjbFpu
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Holy FUCK the step sister one is still undoubtedly my favorite out of all of them. Her actively making his digestion more painful pushes all the buttons and I wish there were more vore videos like it
>>65094 Thanks for posting those links, how do I decode them?
>>65112 >Step sister Cringe. Why are they always so fucking pussy about actual sibling vore?
>>65127 Base64
>>65129 Thanks, I did but it gives a string as output. Are there specific settings I should use
>>65135 Copy the result and decode again
>>65128 The fetish clip stores don’t like it when it’s family relationships, fucking cucks
https://mega.nz/fm/iAYQzBBD try it with occulus
>>65154 these are file manager links, we can't access them. send the share link.
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>MFW watching 15 minutes of a single camera angle with no SFX and uninteresting dialogue about how I'm going to be so yummy and delicious and she can't wait to finally swallow me
>>65189 It gets old pretty fast, doesnt it? I wanna see full maw shots, swallowing larger preys, like the Eel Girl short (the best same size vore ever created)
>>65189 It's even worse when they add an endoscope clip which is very obviously not theirs and most likely from a dude. Too many videos on clips4sale are like that and it pisses me off
>>65189 Hey, at least Ama is hot as fuck.
>>65094 I know most of Ludella’s video’s are old but the editing, wardrobe work, and scripting sucks. I know I’m not supposed to expect the vore equivalent of shawshank redemption when it comes to quality, but she very clearly has access to decent quality tools and outfits. As an editor her videos make me more mad then horny.
https://thisvid.com/videos/scientist-vore3/ anyone got this video on thisvid? guy i think used to have a different account that would just upload other peoples videos and then unfriend you soon after getting your vid
>>65094 this is a repost of the mega folder from the last thread right? aHR0cHM6Ly9tZWdhLm56L2ZvbGRlci81N2RHQ0l6VCN3ZVBmYW93b0NxdzcteXdrRGtzZ3FRL2ZvbGRlci9BbnNFbEtSWQ==
Would you people stop posting that same god damn folder in every thread. I'm so tired of seeing a link, oh it might be new! >Audio logs, comics, vore vids, Like Jesus. At least add something new to it. You post it every thread and it's the same old ass videos every time
>>65270 it's because none of these faggots actually buy anything new and the few that do buy giantess/shrinking/disposal garbage (our comments will be deleted by joemama because he is also a poorfag thirdworlder who doesn't buy anything)
i just bought 2 new videos from clips for sale one was 27 bucks and was total shit it was a vore endo one and you couldn't even see anything on it the one one was a stomach vore one but nothing happened both videos cost me like 60 bucks totally waste of money
>>65342 The endo shots were probably inside of a dude lmfao
nah they were in a woman but the woman didnt know how to use it lol
>>65268 Nope. The ones posted here: >>65094 aren't from that MEGA from last thread. Found quite a few new ones in em so thanks anon
>>65349 I hoard. If it wasn't mostly giantess and foot shit I'd post the roughly 2tb of content I have from a server that won't add me back to their mega for not buying slop from c4s every few months out of spite.
>>65362 post it anyway
(549.57 KB 500x750 20191104_095422.png)

>>65364 Super duper encoding it but here you go you filthy ingrates. If anyone would be kind enough to post Delilah Dee, Daphney Sugar Rose, and/or (GOOD) reiinapop it would be much appreciated. VjFaV2IxVXdNVWhVYTJ4VlZrWndUbHBXVW5OTlJtUnpXa2QwYUZKWWFEQlViRkpoVkZVeGMyTkVTbHBoTWxKVVdXdGtUMk5GT1ZkaFJUbFRWak5vTkZaVVFsZGtNVXBYWWtoQ1ZXRXhTbGRhVnpGT1RWWmFWMkZGT1ZSU2EzQjRWbGQ0VDFack1WWmlNMlJWVW14S1RGWnJWWGRsUjBZMlUyczVWMUpzY0VRPQ==
>>65369 >Ooh a new link I hope it's good >Giantess Giantess Giantess Giantess Giantess Giantess Giantess Giantess Giantess Giantess Giantess Giantess Giantess Giantess Giantess
>>65370 he literally said thats what was in the link
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>>65370 My hoard of 2 terabytes of free porn Illiterate anon:
>>65369 I'm a little stupid. Am i supposed to download the whole folder and 7zip it? everything is "Undecrypted file" and it's not letting me do anything with them.
>>65369 King. This is the largest collection I've seen yet. What a trove
>>65370 Go jerk off to fat people and get out of here
>>65373 Alright its displaying correctly now nevermind.
>>65362 Not even into giantess stuff. Just wanted to say you’re a king for that and that’s hilarious. Regardless of my preferences, you’re a chiller for sharing.
>>65369 YUhSMGNITTZMeTl0WldkaExtNTZMMlp2YkdSbGNpOWpPV05uVVVSM1NTTmhXamhEVmtka05YRTVNVW93YmxOME1GZDBOM1Iz Not into giantess but here's some daphney rose for the haul you gave us. It's from the last thread but just wanted to make sure people could still get it.
>>65369 My bad fucked up, this is the daphney rose one YUhSMGNITTZMeTl0WldkaExtNTZMMlp2YkdSbGNpOTNjbFZvTUV0U1VTTjRTbHBMYXpKNVYzRm9WREJYYTBaZk4yaERZMVZu
What vid is the thumbnail from
Looks like Jessy Adams just nuked their entire library, I'll up what have later but I'm missing their schoolgirl vore stuff if anyone is keen on sharing
Does anyone have any Marceline Fetish videos? There could be one or two in that terabyte folder but I haven't scoured through all of it yet.
>>65422 And nothing of value was lost.
>>65436 you make same size with 2 woman then pussy
>>65369 Hey thanks! I was actually looking for several of these!
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>>65372 Dont listen to this shit stain of a human. Thanks a lot for sharing! <3
>>65044 (46629) Just placing this here since the thread changed pretty much immediately afterwards.
Can someone reupload the last one it got taken down :(
https://thisvid.com/videos/girl-swallow-marbles-endoscope/ Anyone mind ripping this video for me? Cunt won't accept my request for trade.
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I will leave the links available for the next 24 hours. If we have new videos being made available, I will share 10 more videos. aHR0cHM6Ly9tZWdhLm56L2ZpbGUvVkVvZzJKcEwjdkhhXzVhSHFtV0kteHhxWGg3YnVfTDlNT1VURUFrTnR5QWVSX0VLUFFNZw== aHR0cHM6Ly9tZWdhLm56L2ZpbGUvUkJvRDJUNkEjTnByYTV2MzF1RFBRcjBha1pLd3JEUXR6WG9vblhkcjBLSzluNWNYckFmTQ== aHR0cHM6Ly9tZWdhLm56L2ZpbGUvVkpCQ2hJWUIjSkhLaGd0SlFuMGJ0RVRSTUMxcmNQY2xLSmI5TWZOOUYwcU9mLVN0VzNBSQ== aHR0cHM6Ly9tZWdhLm56L2ZpbGUvRklnaG1ad0kjb1hmYmF1QldORFRHYkUxb0p3YTd1TmhsQlBDaURQVDhXMmxXOXVuYzExRQ== aHR0cHM6Ly9tZWdhLm56L2ZpbGUveEFvakFJU1QjMWRUdldWeHZaZHJrUW9HVHE2d254NU5kZ195ZDQ5N3B4SEF5UHdvdFVNbw== aHR0cHM6Ly9tZWdhLm56L2ZpbGUvNEVZVkZCeFkjdmFVTUhPWHB4enhjbUtQajFqVlNPWHE2REN5N1ZGUWJHUmNWQ0J4V2hBdw== aHR0cHM6Ly9tZWdhLm56L2ZpbGUvOElwanhSeFkjVWw0cFowdTdBclprNkZWREZDNXFlNWpYYVdnZ05fSXplTGd3RHZYNkVCZw== aHR0cHM6Ly9tZWdhLm56L2ZpbGUvNE53MkZSQ0sjbF8xVHRsdUdnSlJ3S1pLTGVvdklXTDZlUEx0b09rXzVxbVFBWlNPREo1dw== aHR0cHM6Ly9tZWdhLm56L2ZpbGUvWU5Jd3lDcWEjT1oxM0pjc1QwZW5teUYzZ3o1SktDT0JLcmt3RXpQNGhBemdiLUxxM1Qwbw== aHR0cHM6Ly9tZWdhLm56L2ZpbGUveFY1bmlRWkkjblJacmlHS2hLUmZ5a09pMFJ3ZlJoaF9VTm4zRXNZTlA1aF91OGxFMTNzTQ==
>>66088 it's either gone already, or your links are broken
>>66092 Same here
aHR0cHM6Ly9tZWdhLm56L2ZpbGUvTVJvdzBab0ojbF8xVHRsdUdnSlJ3S1pLTGVvdklXTDZlUEx0 b09rXzVxbVFBWlNPREo1dwpodHRwczovL21lZ2EubnovZmlsZS9SZEFUbVQ1UiNPWjEzSmNzVDBl bm15RjNnejVKS0NPQktya3dFelA0aEF6Z2ItTHEzVDBvCmh0dHBzOi8vbWVnYS5uei9maWxlL3BK b1JDRHBDI25SWnJpR0toS1JmeWtPaTBSd2ZSaGhfVU5uM0VzWU5QNWhfdThsRTEzc00KaHR0cHM6 Ly9tZWdhLm56L2ZpbGUvb1FvbGpKSWEjdmFVTUhPWHB4enhjbUtQajFqVlNPWHE2REN5N1ZGUWJH UmNWQ0J4V2hBdwpodHRwczovL21lZ2EubnovZmlsZS9jZEFBUUxxYiMxZFR2V1Z4dlpkcmtRb0dU cTZ3bng1TmRnX3lkNDk3cHhIQXlQd290VU1vCmh0dHBzOi8vbWVnYS5uei9maWxlL1ZBNENWYjdU I29YZmJhdUJXTkRUR2JFMW9Kd2E3dU5obEJQQ2lEUFQ4VzJsVzl1bmMxMUUKaHR0cHM6Ly9tZWdh Lm56L2ZpbGUvdFpZMkVCalkjSkhLaGd0SlFuMGJ0RVRSTUMxcmNQY2xLSmI5TWZOOUYwcU9mLVN0 VzNBSQpodHRwczovL21lZ2EubnovZmlsZS9BRlIxVFFMTCNVbDRwWjB1N0FyWms2RlZERkM1cWU1 alhhV2dnTl9JemVMZ3dEdlg2RUJnCmh0dHBzOi8vbWVnYS5uei9maWxlL1VkZ2tBSTZUI05wcmE1 djMxdURQUXIwYWtaS3dyRFF0elhvb25YZHIwS0s5bjVjWHJBZk0KaHR0cHM6Ly9tZWdhLm56L2Zp bGUvOVJCQkhRYVIjdkhhXzVhSHFtV0kteHhxWGg3YnVfTDlNT1VURUFrTnR5QWVSX0VLUFFNZw==
>>66097 Why did you split the videos into parts like a dumbass
>>66088 Fix yer shit
Just copy everything and decode and the links will appear separately. You will make it. I imagine you are literate.
>>66097 Some of them are out of order but still thanks for the upload! :D
Bumping for that marble endoscope vid.
>>66120 Man, where were these cameras back when chicks were swallowing live animals?
>>66189 anyone?
>>66530 Move your ass to the requests thread instead of bumping this one and making people think someone shared something for once. You fucking beggars are all the same, it hasn't even been a week since you asked. Get off your ass and get the content yourself. Deadass wonder why I still bother coming here. You share content, and when you ask other people to step up to contribute, nobody steps up to bat. I hate the giantess shit, but at least they're sharing stuff. Fuck off and get a job.
>>66564 No you
>>66564 I shared lots on this and other threads here, and on Eka's. Try and think before writing this garbage, get your facts right so you don't look like a clown
thisvid seems to be down. We might be cooked fam.
>>66599 Looks alright now
I'm surprised no one's shared this yet, but here y'all go. 3 days times limit on it so nab it while you can and throw it onto mega or something https://mab.to/t/Kq4urau5ooS/us2
>>66189 Bump
>>66667 tyvm anon
>>66667 >66816 What video was this?
>>66950 Swallowing your fertile girlfriend. Disco Kitten.
>>66976 Ooh, that sounds like pred pov! I'd love to see more of that, did anyone save it?
>>67012 tbh it was shitty and cringy like her other clips..
>>67030 could you share it any way for collections sake ..
66667 here again, I foudn mediafire lol YUhSMGNITTZMeTkzZDNjdWJXVmthV0ZtYVhKbExtTnZiUzltYVd4bEx6bHNkSFk0ZW5OeVluUjZhbmxrZVM5R1pYSjBhV3hsUjBaV2IzSmxMbTF3TkM5bWFXeGw=
>>67012 Wish it was.
Does anyone know of any or has any vore video where the prey jerks off in the the preds stomach? Even better if either it's like a joi or the pred actually doesn't want them jacking off but can feel it, thanks
>>67349 There's a pregnantprincess video that entails her prey jerking off.
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anyone know who or what video this is also this one
>>67421 discokitten
Someone willing to share vore vixens vr-360 onyx kim ? I will share mine , ama rio and dalvina
https://mega.nz/file/DXAgVIZA# Key:0yuj7D10v7bEZy3ILtdDjSf_LtkSSpx3XrRz4_ayX6s
>>67363 any chance u have this?
>>67725 Nope I've just seen that one fag trader have it who owns like literally every fucking vore video under the sun but keeps his shit tight.
Anyone perhaps got the JemGemini aunt vore?
i hate asking but i cant seem to find any KokuhoRose videos if someone can upload them i will upload a marble endo cam video
Does anyone have any jessy adams vids now that they are gone from clips?
>>68149 she's hot but the video is potato quality
i know ill will try to find a better one
>>68021 I have to second this and request any of her other stuff

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