I got a 4K Mermaid video here, it was really cheap. Originally I was going to get Nikki Brooks Fembot vore but the preview of that looked terrible so I got this mermaid video instead, but it wasn't much better. I was at least interested they used a prop tail for the actress which was more effort than some of the shitty videos for sale. I figured it was going to be some bulky silicon tail like they use in movies but this one looked more like it was made out of fabric. As for the video there's a bit of teasing until the actual vore but it doesn't cover the entire damn video like some do.
She begins teasing her maw at around two minutes and does it a few more times on average each minute until eating the viewer at just under seven minutes. There's an internal camera of a stomach at just under eight minutes before it cuts back to the external view.
It might have been cooler if she talked about her cloaca when mentioning her fish half, there's also a part where she alludes to having sharp teeth but they didn't give the actress anything for that unfortunately even if it's a neat detail. Another super neat detail is at the end the mermaid burps though usually being underwater she isn't used to the noise and muses over what the word for that might be. Unfortunately, they didn't use a prop belly or anything of that sort but I do think the actress is attractive enough without it. This is the first video I've bought of this nature but if I do buy another I'll probably be back here with "Malfunction Feast! Ft Riot Starter".
I have premium Mega at the moment so hopefully this isn't shit, though I did get the 4K Version of the video without realizing how huge it was. I can probably downscale the video if necessary.