I’ve been in the AB/DL scene for 35ish years. The most common reason I’ve heard about why people became AB’s or DL’s, is they were put back in diapers for bed/pants wetting by understanding/not so understanding parents.
That said me and two of my siblings were diaper/baby punished for bed/pants wetting as kids. Of the three of us two, me and my youngest bio brother are both AB’s. The third brother (the middle kid) died in an accident at 19. But in comments from him and his girlfriend, I think he was possibly an AB or at least a DL. So yeah it has happened before for what it's worth.
I have 3 other siblings, a sister, and two brothers. One, the youngest, was adopted, he's technically my cousin, six of us in total. (freaking Mormon!) Anyway none of them are into the AB/DL thing that I’m aware of. But none of them got diaper/baby punished as kids.
I call bullshit on your bullshit! My wife wasn't into the AB scene until she met me. She babies me and she enjoys it. She's been doing it for 19 years of our marriage. We have many age players in our circle of friends that have spouses that baby them. So yeah it totally happens, sorry you've not met the right person yet.