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Any diaper sightings in public? Diaper sightings in public 07/06/2022 (Wed) 21:20:57 No. 13981
I know some people hate threads like this, but for me seeing a padded but out of the blue in a public place is a huge turn-on. Unfortunately it happened to me only once (besides a few suspicions) : a few months ago, the lady in front of me in a queue was undoubtedly diapered under her jeans. Any experiences like this?
>>13981 my freakin grandma.
>>13993 hot. story?
Years ago I saw a pair of boys probably walking in the mall. One was dressed normal and holding the other boy by the hand practically dragging him along. The other was dressed in a white tank top, a pair of blue jean shorts, and a red cowboy hat like a porno cowboy. Under the shorts are a very obvious diaper that showed over the waist band. I was about 19 at the time and they were adorable little short twinks or about my same age. I should have chased after them but they were running fast and I was too stunned to move. It would have been nice to have teased the cute little cow poke about his baby britches.

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>>14018 Unless there was a pride parade.. Of all the shit that never happend; this never happened the most.
>>14019 that's what you think is the least likely? twinks doing fringe exhibitionism? I've read much less likely things than that
>>13981 Not excatly diaper sighting but I guess this passes: Saw a few years ago older man at bus stop with rubber boots, rainwear mittens and plushie + baby bottle attached to backpack. The rainwear mittens were same model kindergarten kids use, but adult sized, very cute. Probably farmer rain brand? His bus came very soon, otherwise I would have asked him about the mittens
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Not a padded someone, but possible evidence of abdls in my town. Was riding my bike and saw a trail of Tena Ultras along the grass beside the side walk. The trail turned into some bushes by a parking lot where another 3 or 4 diapers were tossed out. Tena ultras aren't really sold in any shops near me that I know, so my best guess is that some abdl was purging. It was a trail of like 7 diapers, all clean. It rained that day so they were all swollen, but was still a weird discovery. No, before anyone asks, none of them went home with me.
>>14019 No it really did happen. I would lie to you cute little babies. I love you guys. šŸ˜
I was once saw a woman who was on her late 20s wearing some skintight pants, she was talking with a friend of hers. I saw the unmistakable outline of a diaper. I could even tell it was sagging. I said nothing
Some homeless dude. Diaper sagged like. Mf, he didn't give a shit and went wandering through the store. Diaper crinkling and pulling it up every once in a while along with his sweat pants. Very disgusting and it's the only time I can say I've seen someone wearing a diaper in public for certain
Not a visual contact, but: I'm a pharmacist and until today i have never met someone that was wearing diapers (yeah there's tons of old folks that probably wear but an elderly person in diapers is more a massive turnoff to me than anything else). So today i had a customer, 24 years old and quite overweight. Picked up tablets that help against incontinence. And she had this smell of pee on her. Not the gross type of piss smell you'd expect from some hobos, but rather a sanitary type of pee smell. The smell of a diaper that has been wet not all too long ago. On her way out i tried to identify, looked like she wore a thick one underneath, but wore black baggy clothes so i wasnt Sure. I felt like a sick pervert for a moment, but then realized: i am just that, but i've known that before.
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Not exactly a sighting but I saw one of these used and in the trash at my college. Have some respect and bag your diapers it stank up the restroom like mad
My freshman year of HS (2003) some mad lad went full baby mode for their Halloween costume. I am talking drop seated sleeper, paci, and a depends diaper. My English teacher thought it was "Kind of cute..." and she was usually a Drag.... Went to a Dead and Co. show at Wrigley a few years with the brother in law and my dad. We had seats and where we were at had the cat walk for access to the sky-boxes. I am pretty sure I saw some chick wearing a big ol' pink diaper that was clearly ABDL, could be wrong though as I was decently stoned.....
>>14046 only rain in them? damn anon you really missed out on a free score
>>17865 i don't know about others here but I for one am certain that I regret the kinds of things I did while in college. I wonder if anyone else knew...
>>25978 Same. Went to a Christian highschool that mingled with middle school. A cute girl in middle school dressed up as Tommy Pickles for Halloween. She wore a skin colored hair cap, her light blue shirt, beige long pants, with a all white Goodnite over the pants. I couldn't believe it. I was already jerking off in Goodnites by this time my freshman year. The kids seemed to love her costume. I guess girls can get away with it because if I wore that outfit i would've had to change schools.
Mardi Gras in New Orleans in the French Quarter last year. There was a couple dressed as king cake and baby. If y'all aren't familiar with the tradition, king cakes tend to have little plastic babies in them as a Mardi Gras tradition. The couple was dressed with the guy as the king cake, and the girl as the baby. She was wearing nothing but a skintight suit and one of those Halloween costume diapers. Hot as fuck.
Closest I can come to was in high school, I was following this girl up some stairs who was wearing a polka dot skirt and see through black stockings, well I saw up her skirt and I saw (what was probably a period pad) padding under her underwear. She always used ā€œlittleoneā€ in her social media pages so although itā€™s possible, not probable. Other time was on tinder and this super ugly fat girl mentioned she was abdl and used diapers. Didnā€™t show her face or anything though. Oh ig there was another time freshman year of high school, we were putting on harnesses for rock climbing in pe, and the hottest girl in class said ā€œhaha it feels like wearing a diaper!!ā€ Doesnā€™t count but thought Iā€™d mention it
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>>17712 This... could easily have been me, actually. Right age range, baggy black clothes, diaper issues. Fucked up, honestly. I sort of gave up on hiding diapers very well. Nobody seems to be looking anyway.
>>33020 what state
>>33090 Florida
not diaper but I was walking around downtown/cbd of my town and I saw a girl wearing some shortalls which for some reason seem to call my attention then I realized that underneath her dungaree her "t-shirt" look a bit tight, kind of what you might expect from an onesie... of course, with the dungaree on it was impossible to know for sure but in my opinion it was 100% an onesie, owning around 10 onesies myself the design, fabric and folds at the cuff are quite distinctive. I did not engage at all with the girl though, it would have been SUPER weird, may be she was just trying to play it off as a casual thing.
>>33020 I feel like ABDL is clustered around the rustbelt for whatever in the us I need to quit being a little bitch and start going to all the options I have available living between Chicago and Indianapolis....
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here's a (sad) story of how I met an ABDL girl in the wild >decide to take a language class >a few months in a cute new girl shows up, she's wearing full overalls >she looks a bit like littlestkittenx but cuter >had me wondering if she was ABDL but figured I shouldn't think too much of it >in a peer practice excercise she immediately comes over to me and introduces herself >(does she like me?) >see her again next class >not wearing overalls but notice her shirt is fully tucked in >has me wondering again but couldn't tell for sure if she was padded or not >she looks over at me sometimes, makes eye contact >talk to her after class, find out she works in the same field as me >one week, I arrive to class and I'm walking in behind her >glance at at her butt as she walks and see what clearly appears to be the sublty protruding bulk of a diaper >oh shit, she must really be ABDL >I try to chat with her after class and I get her number >at this point she's fairly responsive and seems to like me >invite her to some event for people in my work field so I can get to know her (very dumb idea in hindsight) >the next week she enters class late and comes up near my table and sort of stands there, really awkwardly and somewhat expressionless >then she suddenly smiles and waves and says "hi" in a weird way >from the way this went I think it's not far fetched to suspect she was secretly peeing herself during this >she walks back to her table >in the coming weeks I notice sometimes she dressed more like a little (subtly) with her shirt firmly tucked in >other times shes dressed more adult like >her behaviour/vibe would be different also >one recurring thing she wore was a tshirt with a cute little bear on it >if she wore it I figured she was diapered up >she ends up coming to the event I invited her to, dressed in adult mode of course >didn't want to mess things up so I tried to not show too much interest and play things cool
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>I'm somewhat socially inept so I ended up being kind of cold / standoffish >she has to leave before it's over to go to a friends thing >keep seeing her in class, can't always talk to her afterwards >she plays hot and cold from now on >think she became confused about my intentions or whether I was even interested or not >starts taking forever to reply to texts >about to have summer break >invite her to join my study group >"sure, hopefully I see you at one of the study sessions!" >tell her about each one in advance >she never shows up, becomes a ghost for the next 4 weeks >suddenly texts me out of the blue saying sorry and thanked me for inviting her but she wasn't able to come >class starts again after a long break >after class she waits outside for me and wants to talk with me >she seems like shes in little mode >she tells me about how some bad things happened over the break and how she is worried about losing her job
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>after all this I'm a bit of a "I don't give a fuck" vibe >didn't want to be hurt, just wanted her to make up her mind already and not play games >we chat a bit and I try to be supportive >I talk about how I went to a con in Vegas >she mentions something about a con in Chicago that she went to >shes vague about it and I wondered if she was referring to CAPCON in case I happened to be aware of it >I was too much of a pussy just ask her on the spot if she was ABDL >she seems upset at the end and says "I guess I'll see you around.." >next week she was in full adult mode >doesn't want to talk to me >the week after she disappears from class >nobody knows why >it's been 6 months since I saw her >never ended up asking her if she was ABDL >still have her phone number and could text her and ask and maybe that would change something >feel like I'll just seem like a retard for texting her 6 months later >because of all this I learned how to not be such a fuckup with girls >have a non-ABDL gf now who has some little characteristics (loves stuffies, watched bluey, etc.) >hoping I can convert my current gf but still feel pain about what happened with the other girl
>>35556 It doesn't seem like you have anything to loose just texting and asking her out of the blue. At least you'll have an answer ^^ "Hey, it's been a while ! I just thought about it and... i never got to ask you : do you know what ABDL is ? I felt like you did !"
>>35560 I really badly want closure so I figure at some point I'm gonna crack and do it But my hesitance is because the last couple texts I sent her were left on read (from around the time she disappeared) And like it's just the fact that there is a 10% chance I'm wrong and she googles ABDL and thinks I'm a retard and shames me to her friends or something But if she is actually ABDL I figure she will actually reply I was thinking of encoding it like ABDšŸ˜ or Are you AB/D_? but then she might not get it
>>35569 you don't care about what she thinks : she already ghosted you so anyway she has 90% chance of not responding even if she really was an ABDL. text her, say that you had this thought the very moment you saw her and never dared mentionning it even tho you would have been pretty chill about it
>>35569 >>35604 Is right. And the fact you heard about ABDL doesn't mean you are (lucky me cause i know what scat' is XD). Whatsmore you said "her friends", as long as they are not yours, not sure you should care !
Today my diaper was spotted for sure. I was taking a flight from Vienna to Sevilla, had a Little Kings with stuffer and on top of that one of the Rearz training pants on under a short. Since i wore a shirt over it i though it wasn't too noticable but still quite thick and bulgy. As i went trough the security check, a security women was talking to someone else. She looked at my croch area and instantly stopped talking mid-sentence. You could see here processing the information and tbinking what could it be. A second later her eyes widened and her face became i bit red as i looked her in the eyes. She definatley knew.
>>25978 Coincidentally enough, my only true sighting(s) in the wild was at a Dead & Co show as well, twice I shit you not (pun intended). I'm quite certain it was the same individual both times, and they were on different tours as well.
>>13981 >>13981 >Wed wow just wow look at that traced bloo lmao

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