/abdl/ - Adult Baby - Diaper Lover

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Baby 07/15/2023 (Sat) 22:14:56 No. 27686
Pampachu thread
Nah, we're good.
ewwww, no. fuck that guy.
>>27686 I always thought he looked like a younger Mark Zuckerberg
Isn’t this the idiot who microwaves used diapers?
>>27694 Yep and is a zooaphile and pedofile now
Don't promote or mock crazy, leave them be
is he even still alive? i heard a rumor he got cancer from the microwave and died.
>>27704 Yeah he's fine. I met him about a year ago through a fetlife event that I just happened to attend the same one as he did. He's not as crazy as people make him out to be. Just has some outlandish kinks. Ironic that people make him out to be this giant weirdo when all of us wear diapers. The hypocrisy is real. I asked him about the microwave stuff, and he claimed he doesn't do it anymore. He actually has a son of his own and is living the family life these days and is, from my own view of the little bit of interaction I had with him, seemed to be happy and enjoy his life. People here however seem really bitter and angry. Weird eh?
>>27705 >Ironic that people make him out to be this giant weirdo when all of us wear diapers. That's not the part people said was weird >People here however seem really bitter and angry. He had a strong impact on being accepted as a sane kink
>>27705 That's more or less what I imagined. The people who obsess over this sort of thing seem much more mentally unbalanced and dangerous than the unfortunates they stalk and harass. And I think the blame for any "reputational damage" this kink has suffered (which is frankly a ridiculous concept to begin with) rests squarely on the stalkers - not their victims who generally try to keep out of the spotlight.
>>27705 Kiwifarms got exclusive interview with him via telegrtand he confessed his beastality and pedofilia like it was normal when you listen to official audio
>>27705 It wouldn't surprise me if he grew up a bit and calmed down now, but a lot of people resent him for the bad publicity he gave the kink. And he has a kid? Wasn't he living in like a gay pseudo-family kind of thing before? Did he have a kid with a woman? What the hell?
>>27711 And? Unless you're a devout vegan then bestiality is clearly a non-issue, and pedophilia is also fine as long as he doesn't act on it in real life. If you had evidence that he broke the law, you'd be going to the police rather than making terrible threads here. If you want to drum up moral outrage, you might have more luck somewhere like reddit or twitter. Or are you just pointing out that it's all Kiwifarms' fault?
>>27716 I think people are calling that out for being gross and fucked up but doesn't mean they're calling for legal intervention. The fact that you jump to that seems overly defensive.
>>27705 it isn't the diapers that people found fucked up and weird, it was the collecting used shit-filled diapers, microwaving them to "kill the bacteria" or something, then wearing them. yea, we're all fucking weird for the diaper kink, but he was way beyond that.
>>27715 I too would like to know more about this kid thing. I assumed he was a fag - he only ever had “daddies” and hung out with exclusively gay Abdl men.
>>27716 No just pointing out what people who decidee to research him outside of microwave diapers From vice confession that he babysits a little girl which he has made attempts with girl or mother noticing or how fucked a dead rabbit Like how he owns a inflatable timberwolf or one his friends (diaper fonz) found 5 rare abdl pornos from 1950s and rhe dumbest thing he could of done with these rare items is Buy the copyright to these now public domains then ask you pay $25 per kofi donation for digital copy of one of the films instead of releasing the digital copys to world These are facts i decided to find out out of curiosity while youtubers who "research" do the most basic of basic like that guy with missing hand
>>27728 aduios kiwi provided was he babysit a little girl which he sexually fantasize
>>27726 Tbh someone here or from 8kun must of been s diaper diver knowing what this site is like
>>27765 At least they don't go public about it
A word on Pamperchu. First off yes I'm an old like Gen X made in the 70's old. But that also means I've spent a ton of time in the AB/DL scene. It also means I've know or do currently know many of the OGs from back in the day. Yes I know Pamperchu, I use to send him old obsolete technology. Like 386, 486 Mobos and stuff, he was really into old tech. So yes Pamperchu did have a thing for wearing used diapers. But honestly take a look around this site! How many threads, stories, drawings, etc are there about that. It's not like it's an uncommon desire. Yes he did microwave them to kill off bacteria, kind of gross but I get not wanting a UTI. No he didn't get cancer from doing that. He got thyroid cancer. It's usually genetic, but can be environmental. You can also get it from low iodine levels and being exposed to radiation. It's one of the most common and easily curable cancers you can get. It's one that just happens. The pedo thing, okay this one is complex and VERY misunderstood, especially by you younger folks who just grew up with the internet, and a fully developed kink (AB/DL) scene. Before the internet, meeting fellow kinksters was VERY difficult. You young folks don't realize how easy you have it. You can literally get pics, vids, stories of people of any age, size, color etc, chat and easily meet others, in just an hour or two on your phone. Back in the day, and even in the early days of the internet really the ONLY wide available pictures of diapers was, well kids/tots. If you got REALLY lucky you might find a jewish or teen in a diaper, so you made do with what you had. In my younger days, when I was 15-16 yo. I had about 20 Diskettes with teens (my age) jewishs, even a few toddlers on them. I know that sounds bad and like a lot. But a diskette only holds 1.44 megabits. So 20 was only about 29 megabits, yeah not a lot. I think you could fit many 30ish low res images on one. Anyway the point is I wasn't fantasizing about having sex with the kids in the pictures. I was fantasizing about BEING the kids in the pictures. Like Harry Potter fans that collect merch. 99.9% don't want to have sex with him. They want to be him, to be a wizard or witch, to attend Hogwarts. It's why sites like Deekers were popular. As a 15 yo I wanted to be the 12,13,14 yo in the stories being diaper punished. I didn't want to have sex with the characters in the stories. Anyway as I grew and the internet grew, and diaper kink stuff became widely available. All the cringey stuff was deleted out of my fap banks. The point being back in the day there wasn't a lot out there so we made do the best we could. In retrospect did that make us pedophiles? No, maybe curators of cringe, but most of us were just desperate for fap stuff, and you take what you can get. So was Pamperchu a pedo? No more than most of us earlier to the scene were. Again most of us did that best we could with what was out there. No Pamperchu is not gay, maybe bi but not gay. Again back in the early days of the internet it was hard to meet fellow kinksters. Like today dudes in this scene are a dime a dozen. So for a lot of us earlier AB/DLs our first "Caregivers" were guys, usually gay ones. My first two caregivers were guys, one gay. Just like all the above stuff, we made do with what was available. Most people like my younger self just wanted someone to bath, diaper and dress us. Give us a bottle and cuddly with us on the couch and watch The Lion King. I knew one of my daddies was just getting off rubbing lotion and baby powder into my 17yo crotch. FUCK it I was being diaper and babied! We both were getting something out of it, and both were consenting to it. Was it cringe as fuck, hell yes, but again we made the best of what we had. So yeah lots of early AB guys had daddies before mommies, yes this included Pamperchu. As I grew and most of my horny AB kink wants and desires tapered off. I stop all my cringe, attention seeking, somewhat questionable and dangerous behaviors. I got an education, a job, bought a house, got married and became a family man. Like most people I grew out of my stupid teenage years and became a stupid adult. And yes so did Pamperchu, as did a lot of the OG AB/DLs out there. Most of the young folk here will one-day do the same. So yeah Pamperchu bought a house, got married and started a family, and is for the most part adulting, it happens to most of us. I apologize if this was TMI, but figured context was needed.
>>27773 For some reason the site turned middle aged to Jewish WTF!
>>27773 whatever, hes still high king of the fucking weirdos.
>>27773 Kill yourself pedo fuck. Even back then nobody wanted to be near that creep. Jacking it to children is just fucking yikes, in the 90s as much as in the 2020s.
>>27780 Stay mad underage faggot
>>27773 This still seems really dismissive of all of the other weird shit. Also, the microwaving diapers thing. I don't think it works that way.

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this thread needs more Pamperchus big ups to anybody who has his dirty diaper change pic
>>27773 Used diapers are incredible! I did start that tread for a reason.
he also had a pack of hi-res diaper tape / landing zone scans at one point, great resource
>>27705 >>27709 >>27716 >>27763 >>27773 >>27800 >>27801 + that image dump that he just did Hi pamperchu! You should SINCERELY fucking considering killing yourself you ugly, disgusting, fucking faggot, you're a blight on this world and bring nothing of value outside of dying from aids/remission in a few years so hurry up and speed up the process
>>27803 Before he dies I want that inflatable timberwolf and i wish his soggy diaper ass wasn't on it Also diaper fonz RELEASE THE FUCKING LOST ABDL PORNOS ASSHOLE!
>>27792 >>27793 He don't deserve to own any of them inflatables and the inflatable community is already bad as it is
>>27783 yea, the microwaving shitty diapers is something i cant wrap my head around.
>>27789 Jeeze, how do I get invited to this stuff, looks like fun
>>27803 i think it's funny that if he did all the bullshit he's done, but he was a biological female, he'd be beloved in this "community"
>>27911 Not if they were going public
This motherfucker ripped me off at a party. Granted I had a few drinks in me, and I was showing off my pokemon cards and swag. (this was 2008). Full sets, promos, rare shit. Fucking took it all and threw me $25 then fucked off. Tried to get back in touch to get it back, but he never responded. Also his "Daddy Mike" was sketch af too. To enter his house you had to surrender your cell phone."cause babies don't have phones". Fuck that noise. pamperchu deserved his leukemia. (Apologies to others who have suffered though cancer).
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>>27773 >No he didn't get cancer from doing that. He got thyroid cancer. It's usually genetic, but can be environmental. NO HE DIDN'T YOU FUCKING LIAR! He had/has Hodgkin's Lymphoma, he even says so in his cancer video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1ZHfmV5mIi0 It is a cancer of the immune system that can be clearly attributed in adults to repetitive infections of the body. So no, claiming his use of used diapers didn't attribute to his cancer is disingenuous and you should kill yourself you pamperchu apologist.
>>27907 Just be gay.
>>27911 Lol yeah probably. Everytime a truly insane ABDL girl comes along as long as they're hot I am all about it. It's something really amazing about knowing that there's an attractive woman out there who's even more degenerate than I am. Mindlessly Diapered comes to mind. Or Dream Dolly and her shit painting. However, even though I admit that I will give attractive women a pass for degeneracy that I wouldn't for men I still wouldn't be cool with underage shit. I still wouldn't be cool with zoophilia, I still wouldn't be cool with them screwing over other members of the community and I still would not be capable of understanding the microwaving diapers thing.
>>27925 Already tried that. I think I need to know about forums or something
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on the note of pamperchu anyone have a copy of this video and/or know who this guy is? It was shown in the deadwingdork video, he's pretty cute, nice legs
>>27926 >Mindlessly Diapered >attractive she legit looks like she got her fucking face bashed in with a shovel nevermind all the self harm scars/clear drug addiction that's going on with her get some fucking standards my man
>>27933 Didn't think it would be important to clarify that "socialising to meet people" was an important step
>>27933 >>27947 fucking lmao
>>27947 To be fair, most sane people aren't going to talk about kinks face-to-face when you meet them
>>28073 "Sooo you like cocks? I'm more a vagina enjoyer myself"
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I have no words
>>28577 wow, finally got around to listening to that. I legit feel bad for the guy, he was fucked from day 1 due to shitty parenting. I think I'm a few years younger than him (he was around in the dB.biz days), and I am a parent of 2 kids and the stuff he was groomed to believing ok is just fucked. Give him credit for not hiding or letting others views of him bother him. Also kind of confirms he does not have kids or settled down like someone in the thread has mentioned.
I didnt get michael jackson defenders until I became a fan of pamperchu (and talked to him eons ago) he's such a free spirit; easy to talk to, smart (but not pretentious), down to earth, and of course willing to shoot the shit about any taboo fetish without treading water. If I ever have any reason to go down to oregon or wherever the fuck he resides now, i'll probably email him or call him since his number's public, and ask him if I can come over. I remember when we used to talk, he said people are always welcome to come hang out with him.
>>28577 >>28628 whats the QRD?
>>28628 Can i ask but is the abdl just your side or your wife/husband also involved?
>>29857 DL side is just me, wife doesn't participate but is fine with it. Adding kids into the mix changed it and I only get that time after they go to bed. She has known for over 10 years now and has shown no interest in trying (ever after birth). It's fine by me, it would be awesome but I won't leave a great relationship over it.
>>29868 Hi CSfox
>>29870 Who the fuck is that? I'm Canadian if that matters lol

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