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ABDL's Wildest Dreams 4: I Wish That I Could Turn Back Time Baby 07/22/2023 (Sat) 23:46:56 No. 27930
There's a comic by RuuGiaRuu that I've seen a couple of pages of on a certain website that shall not be named. Unfortunately, ruu updated their Patreon so that you can no longer just view the pages on their Patreon, instead you have to go through their own website and link your Patreon account to get access to pages on their website. This made it so I can no longer view new pages of this comic as well as their other comics. I'm not exactly asking for it, but.. if someone so happened to be a high tier Patreon to Ruu and also enjoy the comic, it'll be appreciated if it would be posted and updated here. Just saying.. I'll post the pages I do have and leave it up to others to update it.. if there is anyone who is willing to do that, that is...
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Spoiler because of soiled clothing
Bumping, hoping someone may accept the suggestion.
Does anyone else already have a subscription? because if not I can buy one and upload this along with the other comics.
>>28065 You'd be my hero. I was sad he got wise to kemono. The longest ongoing story just got the lion hypno crossdressing and made my dick diamonds.
>>28065 You're very kind to offer that. If you do decide to upload the other comics, please make separate threads for each comic. I've been posting the comics on U18chan in the g0re section and have been updating those threads until the recent changes Ruu made to his Patreon. I could send the links and you can continue where I've left off.
Here you go. Couldn't figure out how to download pages from the website, so I screenshotted the pages. Pardon any lost resolution. I'll keep this thread updated for the forseeable future.
>>28182 Thank you so very much! It does look like the images have uploaded out of order though.. regardless, I'm very happy to see the new pages of the comic!
how much does his patreon cost? I am tempted, this is good quality art.
>>28418 Well, to get access to this comic, I believe it's about 15-20$ USD. Maybe even 30, though, I can't be sure until I look again.
Would someone be so kind as to check Ruu's website with their Patreon linked with it and get the pages for this comic.. please? Just pages that haven't been posted yet. It would be greatly appreciated.
>>28065 absolute hero here, If I wasn't so damn broke I'd be buying that subscription myself.
This is top "I'm not a furry, but" material. I'll be monitoring this thread.
Bumping this once again to see if anyone is able to post the new pages.
Are there new pages for this?
>>29637 At least 3 new pages, they just haven't been posted here yet..
There are 15 pages published out on his Patreon which means that there are 8 pages that haven't been posted here yet. https://kemono.party/patreon/user/905569
Bumping this once to see if anyone is able to post the new pages.
Bumb* Bumb*
>>28182 There are a few ways you can be blocked from saving an image. One is by disabling right click. There are browser extensions which will let you forcibly re-enable it. Another is by covering the image with an invisible element. This can generally be fixed by right clicking, going to "inspect element", finding the offending element, and deleting it from the tree. You can also just use the network tab in your browser tools to find the request where the image is downloaded, then right click it and open in new tab.
>>31396 This may be helpful information to others. This is very much appreciated.
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>>28182 8-10
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26-29 That is all for now
It has nearly been half a year since the discord on kemono has been updated. Ruu is probably already on a new comic at this point.
>>37384 Yea, most likely. I ain't got the money though for the 15$ tier needed to read that comic.
>>37384 I was subscribed last month, he is still working on pages for that comic. It really hasn't progressed much.
>>37406 Well, at least it's still being worked on and is not being abandoned completely.
>>37406 He's finished this comic and has moved into the next 'Wildest Dreams'. Unlike the other two comics this one is a different story for each 'chapter'.
>>37666 oh okay

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