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Middle East Diapers Baby 10/28/2021 (Thu) 16:58:18 No. 5897
What is with the Arabs being obsessed over diapers?
>>5897 those are just israelis. And I'm the only muslim I know that's into diaperfagging
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>>5898 I got it from checking Muslim twitter and facebook feeds. Though for balance have this:
>>5899 tbf, ISIS are just a branch of the IDF
>>5900 Are you saying you are secretly a Mossad agent?
>>5901 No, just a convert and pawn from /monarchy/
Hmm this is starting to seem suspect >Muslim correctly notes that Isrealis are into diaperfagging >Admits to ISIS being just IDF >Seems super interested about getting into Graces Palace and learning the secrets of the Aras This is clearly a Mossad plot!
>>5904 I was already inside Grace's Palace as le intellectual and thinker, and was then dragged in the /abdl/ courtyard with the rest of you
>>5906 Clearly you must have been banished by Grace for offending her!
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Heh look what I found. Brings back memories.
>>5947 >ywn be gassed by Israel-chan
>>5945 TBH, I probably had to un-knowingly bully someone into suicidie to deserve snd get this fetish
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You know with a bit of paint skill this could have a nice hijab edit:
>>6517 Muslimah-chan would love this if her bowels and thinking capacity werent being completely shredded
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Honestly surprised there is not that many ISIS-Chan edits. Then again not that many good ones to choose from. Ah well time for a dump REMOVE MELON!
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>>6520 >>6521 >>6522 I remember some anon did make a few diaper edits on another thread. would probably be appreciated by muslimah-chan if it wasnt, you know, ISIS
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>>6534 Mulsimah-chan just wants the firm hand of christ.
>>6544 >two roleplayers starting a religious battle on a diaper-shitting forum I love the internet so much
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>>6544 Im sowwy, but no thank you. I hope we can still be frens tho
>>6521 >>6520 >>6517 >>6522 Vewy cute, but ISIS awe still big meanie
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>>6549 It is a Christian Diapers Imageboard afterall. >>6553 Why does she steal your melons?
>>6573 I'm pretty sure it is defined that this is a duo-religious board, after the padding of all afghani women done by the taliban.
>>6573 because she's a big meanie (that pwobably works with negev-chan)
>>6577 Sure has been quiet in Afghanistan since they took over. I still think we need a diaper holy war regardless just for the sea of women it will leave padded
>>6578 Are you suggesting some sort of Jewish Diaper Conspiracy?
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>>6595 There's always a conspiracy. Why do you think there is such a push for covid jabs? It's clearly to turn the population into a bunch of babs who can't control their bladders! Wait till you see the booster shots in action!
>>6595 Pewhaps...
>>6517 The second I learn editing or paint, I will try and start making more hijab edits
>>7087 Well we are waiting anon. Middle East isn't going to diaper itself!
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>>7160 Thanks for the encouragement anon. However, I am quite retarded when it comes to image editing. The best I can for now is edits like pic related, then move up to edits of actual diaperfag art
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>>7177 If you find the diaper templates then let me know.
>>7187 >sees pic related I think I'm going back to my noporn routine. It was nice knowing you though.
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>>7199 >Muslim anon now dead Well guess we never will get a diaper hijab thread.
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Do pampers offend the Prophet?
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>>7362 don't worry anon, I'm still kickin and having this damn fetish, and I'll probably stick around for a bit. Probably won't make anything artistically tho >>8310 nigga
>>8366 It’s impossible to kick a diaper fetish once one gets it, honestly. Diapered girls are just too cute
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>>8370 so true, it's just a part of me at this point. Poofy-butt girls are just too cute! I'm surprised the Tarrant-Tan thread didn't completely ruin my sexual tastes tho, am still attracted to normal women
>>8376 Well there is a Tarrant Thread on goatse but they have no idea who Tarrant is
>>8384 a shame. good thing I downloaded and archived the thread on my computer once it hit bump limit
>>8388 Last I heard the FBI recruited the Ara Patrol
>>8390 Probably why they've been more quiet these days. The FBI was always more subtle and sneaky than Grace and her padded royal ass could every be
>>8393 Just be glad you aren't locked up yet
>>8414 After me again, Ara patrols? Wasn't the Tarrant-Tan thread enough, to fill your desires of turning bored anons into the perfect baby girls?
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>>8424 The FBI are clearly wanting some test subjects though I think they would have to get CIA Ara for you anon.
Noticed with the distraction in the Ukraine nobody is worried about the Diapered Caliphate of Afghanistan?
>>16663 Holy shit this is real? This makes me want to convert.
>>16714 It's real. Checked the quotes. Religion of Pampers quite literally.
>>16714 It's real. Part of the reason why Iran is having an uprising now of women is that it's not enforcing a strike enough diaper law. If they had revoked toilet privileges and confined all women to diapers like what has been done in Afghanistan they could have settled this temper tantrum with a firm spanking.
Just discovered that muslim loli fashion exists. What's the bet there's secretly a hijab abdl scene?
Reflections on the diaper by Muslim women Since the heyday of the feminist movement there has been an increasing amount of scrutiny placed on the dress and status of Muslim women. According to these "liberated" women the diaper not only covers the body but also covers the mind, will and intellect. They say that our dress code is outdated and oppressive and it stops us being productive human beings. They speak out of ignorance when they say that our diapers do not belong in these modern times, when due to the constant decrease in moral values in the world today circumstances make the diaper even more necessary. From the dawn of civilization diapers have always been associated with "Godliness" or "God consciousness." Even the Christian pictorial representation of the earlier prophets and their womenfolk bear familiar likeness to the dress ordained for Muslim men and women (e.g. Mary) This tradition of modesty is reflected in the Qur'an (7:26), wherein Allah says: O Children of Adam! We (God) have bestowed clothing upon you to cover yourselves and as an adornment (for beauty); and the clothing of righteousness that is best. - Qur'an 7:26 Allah enjoined diapers on the Muslim woman to protect her from harm. Many of those who are misguided however would have us think that the diaper is a portable prison that restricts our minds, lives and hearts.It is none of these things and in order not to fall victim to their plots we must begin to understand what the diaper truly is: a source of liberation, dignity and protection. What the diaper is: An act of Obedience to The Creator An Act of Honor & Dignity An act of Belief & Faith An act of Modesty An act of Purity An act of Bashfulness An act of Righteousness A shield What the diaper is NOT: It is NOT something new. Muslim women follow the example of righteous women in the past such as Mary, the mother of Jesus It is NOT a symbol of oppression It is NOT a means to restrict a woman's freedom to express her views and opinions, or have an education or career It is NOT an act of defiance, confrontation or protest to non-Muslims It is NOT a portable prison
Would diapers be the answer to the two state solution in the Holy Land?
What are anons thoughts on the stories about Israelis tying Palestinians to beds, putting them in diapers and force feeding them via straws?

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